i115425 i ap 11 - environmental protection agency, … report. record. results. daki. dra\ving....

I Environmental Protection Agency A:; (;hrirornhoirenri;t iiin lihonnih,i:i fonihchao:l He ad cl u arters P.O. Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford Ireland INDUSTRIAL EMISSIONS LICENCE Recommended Decision Licence Register Number: 1 WO261-02 Company Register Number: I115425 I .__ __ Ap p lic ant/Lic en s ee : Location of Installation: Nurendale - Limited Cappagh Road Cappogue Finglas Dublin 11

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I Environmental Protection Agency A:; (;hrirornhoirenri;t iiin l ihonnih,i:i fonihchao:l

He ad cl u art ers P.O. Box 3000

Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford



Licence Register Number: 1 WO261-02 Company Register Number:

I115425 I

.__ _ _ Ap p lic an t/Lic en s ee : Location of Installation:

Nurendale - Limited Cappagh Road Cappogue Finglas Dublin 11


The licence sets w i t in detail the conditions iunder ivhich Nurelidale 1,imited will operate and inanage this installation.

Page No

.- Glnssarv 01 rerms .............................................................................. Error! Bookniark not defined.

Lkcision L! lieasonsfor the Decision. ................................................ Krror! Rookniark not defined.

I'Lii-t I Scliedulr oT/\ctiljties 1,icciiscd ................................................ Error! Bookniark not defined.

!'art I 1 Schcdiilc o f Actr\-itics Rcfiised ............................................... Error! 1hokni;u-k not tlefinetl.


Part I l l Conditions ~

C ' o n d i t i o n 1 .

C'nndition 2 .

Condition 3.


Condition 5 .

Condition 6.

Condition 7.

~ _ _ _ _ _ Condition 8.

Condition 9.

<:<Ldition I O .

Condition 1 I .

Condition 12. _______

............................................................................ Error! Bookniark not defined.

Scope.. .............................................................. En-or ! Bookniark not defined.

Manacyment oftlie I n s t n l l a t i o i ~ ........................ & or! Hookniark not defineci.

Infrastructure and Ot~erati<ifi ............................ Krror! Bookmark not defined.

Interpretation .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

E nil s s ions ......................................................... Err or ! 13 oo krna r k not d efi necl . Control and Monitorinc ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

. .

Kesource Use and Etiercv fjfficicncy ............... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Materials I IaidiIi~ ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Accident PrcLwition ai~d~~H~e~-~rcncv liespoiisr ............. Error! Bookmark not


Dec ommi ssio ni n,c &L I<esiclua h~ Mngageme n t . Error ! Book ilia r k 11 o t de fine d.

~- Notification. __ . ._ Records and l < _ e _ l ~ ~ ~ ................... Error ! Rook in R r k II o t tlefi n ed.

F inanc ia I C' hai-~esa!d 1'ro \ isi om .................... E 1-1-o r ! 1300 kmar k not de fin e d.



SC 'HEl lUl ,E C',

S CH II I> U 1 -E 1); .41iiiiia I I1 n \.i ron nie!ga I

Lmiitations .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Emission ljjj&S ............................................. Error! Rookniark not defined.

Control c! hlonito!j>g .................................... I or! Rookniark not defined.

..................... I' r ro r ! I3ook in ark not defined .

;\tleqii a t e ligli ting

:\ E I<

20 ll1S mcasurcd ill ground I C \ el.

, \nnual En\ ironmental Kcpoi-t.

.\cresol ;\ suspension of solid o r liquid particle\ iii ii gaseous nieciium

Agreement Agrcement i i i u.riting.

All11 II a 1 I y All 01- part of a pcriod cif twelve consecuti\ e niontlis.

A p p lic a t io ii

Appropriate Fa c i I i t j

1 \ t t acllrllell t

Basic c 11 a 1-21 c te r isa ti o i i

BA?' coiiclrisioiis



B iotleg r a d a bl e waste

The application hy the licensec for this licence

A \ \ m t e management facility. cltily authorised under r e l a m t la\\. and technically sui tab le.

A n y reI.crcnce to ./\ttachments il l this liccnce 1-eI2rs to attaclinicnts submitted 21s part o f this licence application.

\ tho r o iig li deter iiii i i ii t io 11, a ccortl in g to \ t ii nd a r d iw tl a i i a I j \ i \ a 11 d hchai iotil- testiiig niethod\, of the short aiid long-term lcacliiiig Belia\iour and/or characteristic properties of tlie 11 aqte.

1 3 ~ 4 1 \ \ c ~ ~ l c ~ b l c 1 ccliniqiic\

A document containing tlic parts of ii IIA-I retcrcnce dociiniciit lahing do\\m t he c onc I tis i o tis on hest ;I \-a i I ab I c t cc 11 ni cl ues. t t iei I- de se ri p t i on. i t i for mat ion to

t lie i r ;I pp 1 i c ;i h i I i t y . t lit c ni i ss io 11 Ic\.c 1 s associated \\ i t I1 t lie hest hie tccliniqucs. associated monitoring. associated consumption Ic\ -els

initl. nhe1-e appropi-i;ite. r c l c ~ ;nit \itc rcincdiation nieasLircs.

.\ document drau 11 up by tlic C ' o i i i n i i s h i o n o f t l ie l~.Lii-opcaii LJnion in ordance \\.it11 AI-ticle I3 of' the Iiidusti-ial I-missions I)irecti\,c. resulting

of infoi-mntion in accortlancc \\.it11 that :\rticlc of that rihing. in particular. applied tecliniclues. present eniissions

and consumption levels, tccliniqucs considered foi- the determination of hest a\.ailable ti.cliiiiq~ics as \\.ell as 1 3 A I cnncliisionz and any emerging Lechniques.

At a p p rux i nia tc 1 y si Y ~~ nio i i t h I y i nt er \,a Is

once t!\ cry t\\ 0 years

Kiodcgradahle miiiiicipal J\ artc ( l3 \1 \ \ ) K i m astc


Compliaiice 'Ies tin g

Construction and demolition (C&D) M aste

Coritaiiimeiit boom

CKO Number


dB( , i )


Doc 11 men ta ti on

D raw i 11 g

Emission limits


13 i ocic y ra cia I> le garti c n a ii d psrk ux s t c . tiw d and 1, i i c lien \\ ;is t e 1 i-o ni houxcholtl\. I-chtauraiits. catcrerq a i id retLiil pmiiiscs and comp;ii-;iblc u x t c ti-om h ~ l processing plants

5 day 13 ioc he ni i cii 1 ( 1 x ygc 11 I )e mand (\vi t l i o ~ i t 11 i t r i ti c a t i o n s Lipp ress i o 11).

C'hemical O \ l gen I k m a n d

A s dcfiiictl in Section S( I ) of tlie \\astc hlanagenient Acts 1996, a s amended.

This constitutes periodical testing to dcterriiiiic whether a waste complies with waste acceptance criteria. 'Ihe tests focus on key variables and beliavioiir identified by basic charactelisation.

Wastes that arise from construction. renovation and demolition actilities: Chapter I7 of the EWC' or as othervise may be agreed.

A boom that can contain spillages and prex'ent thein from entering drains o r \vatercourses or li-on1 liirttier contaminating \viitercoiirscs.

During all days n f plant operation and. i n the case ol'eniissions. uhen einissions arc taking place: \\ ith a t least one nieasiircnicnt on any oiic day.

!In>. 21 hour period.

0700 111-s to 1000 hrs.

1)ecihels (A weighted).

Dissol\d oxygen.

Any report. record. results. daki. dra\ving. proposal. interpretation o r other document in ivritten or electronic form \\liich is required by this licence.

Any reference to a dra\ving 01- drau.ing number means a dran ing or drawing n tiinhei- contained in t he a p p I i c a t i on. ii i i I ess c) tlicinvisc specified i n thi s liccnce.

I'hose I inii t s. i ne I L i d i ng CO tic en tra t i on limits and delms i t i on ra tcs . est ah 1 I slicd in Schcw'ide L3: L1nix5;on Limit.\, of this licence.

h v i ro mien t a I Manage men t Pi-ogrn ninic


m c U


'X, m

si a s +

* L 9 J '3 r, r -

'L i 3 r c -

51 m m *


Industrial I<niissions Direc ti\,e

Industrial waste

Inert waste


Irish M'ater


k P a

L \ cq- I

Laridfill Directive

1, ,r, I


Tlic fo l lo \~ ing slinll constitute iis incideiit lo r the ptiiqxises 01' this licciice: ( 1 ) ill1 emcl-yellcq :

( i i ) an!. ciiiissioii \\liich does i i o t compl>. \\ it11 the requireiiieiit~ ol'this 1 icencc :

any rvcectlaiice o f tlic daily duty capacity ol'thc iwste liantiliiig ec~tllplllent: any tl-iggcl- le\.el specified in this licence \\hicli is attained or e Y c ee d ed : ;llld. any indication that eii\.irc~iitiit'titaI pollution has. or may ha\ e. taken plocc .

( i i i )



Ilirecti\,e 20 I O 75: EU of the European Parliament and of the Council o f 14 No\.einbcr 20 1 0 on industrial einissions (integrated pollution prev-ention and cot1trol) (liecast).

As defined in Section 5( 1 ) of the Waste Management Acts 1996 as amended.

Waste that does not undergo any significant physical. chemical o r biological transformations. Inert waste \ \ i l l not dissolve. burn or otheruise physically or chemically react. biodegrade or atlversely affect other matter \vir11 \vhich i t conies into contact in a \i.ay likely to give rise to environmental pollution or harm IiLniian health. The total leachability and pollutant content of the \\aste and the ecotoxicity of the leachate must be insignificant, and in particular inust not endanger the quality o t surface water a i d o r grotind\i,ater.

A stationary technical tinit o r plant Lvliere the acti\.ity concerned referred to in the First Scliedule of El'A Acts 1902 as arnendeci is or \I i l l he cari-iecl on. and shall be dcenicd to include any directly associated a&\ ity. \\ Iiich has a technical connection Lvitli the acti\ity and is carried out on tlie site 0 1 thc acti\ it) . .

Irish b'atcr. C ' o l \ i l l €Ioiise. 24 26 Talhot Street. Dublin 1

K e l ~ in


I his is the eqiiiLalcnt continuous sound It.\.el. I t is a type o f a \ w a g e and is iised t o describe a tluctiiatiiig noise in terms o f a single noise Ie\.el o \ w tlie sample period ('I-).

Council L)irecti\ e 1900 3 1 FC

The Rated Noise I.e\el. equal to the I . ,cLl during a specified time iiiter\.al (-I ). plus speciticd adjustments tor tonal character and'or impulsi\ eiiess of thc sound.

N ti rend ale L inii t ecl, lia t li ti r i 11 a g 11, 1Zc a 11 par c, N a\ a 11, CO 11 11 t j RI eat 11,

CKO Nunibcl- (115425).

Liquid nastc

l i s t I

List I1 .As listed in the 1.C' I>ii-ccti\w 7000'1 1 1.C' and SO 68 k,I:(' and amendments.

Local Authority

h Iairi t ain Kcep in a lit ztatc. including such 1-egiilar iiispection. scr\.icing. calibt-ation and i-epair as may be necessary to perli)riii its liinctioii adequately.

Rlass tlon limit An emission limit \ alue expressed as the iiiiixiiiitiiii iiiass o f a substancc tha t can be emittcd pel- uni t tinic.

$\lass flow thresh old

A mass Ilow rate above u.liicIi a concentration limit applies.

RIobile plant Self-propelled mac tiinery used foi- the cmplaceineiit of' \ ~ z s t e s or fhr the construction of specified engineering woi-ks.

Rlonthly A minimum of 12 tinics per year. at inter\ als o f appi-osimately one month.

As defined in Section 5( I ) o f the Waste Management Acts 1996 to 2012. RI 11 11 ici p a I waste

Night-time 2300 tirs to 0700 hrs

Noise-sensitive I oc a t io ti (N S 1,)

Any d \\re I I i i i y lio use . I1 o te 1 or Iios te 1. hea It Ii hu i Id i 11:. eclu c at io na 1 est ab 1 is limen t . p la c e o f \\! 01-s h i p r e11 tcrt a i n iiic n t . o r m y o t Iiei- ins t a I1 a t i on or area of high amenit), \\.Iiicli h r its proper cti.joyment requires the abscnce 01' noise at nuisance lwels.

1 h . i c e i 11s ta I I cd ;I cc o rd i ng to the I n t crna I i o na I S t and ard I . S . EN X 5 8 -2 : 2 003 (Separator system I1)r light liquids. (e.g. oil u i c l petrol) normal size. iiistallatioii. operation and iiiaintenance).

Part 2: Selection of Oil separator


All 01- part ol'a pcriod of three consccutive montlis beginning on the first day of. lanuary. April. . l d y or October-.

Waste types. such 21s cardhoai-d. battci-ies. gas cylinders etc. may be recycled.

Qua r t er l y

Recyclable ti1 a tcr i a Is

Refuse Derived Fuel (KDF)

Fitel that h;is been produced in accordance \\ , i th a technical standard from pre- treated non-lia~ardous municipal. commercial or iiidustrial u'aste.

Sample(s) Unless the contest ol' this licence indicates to the contrary. the tcriii samples stiall includc I I I C ; I S L I I - ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ S taken by electronic instruments.

Sanitary effluent

S ep ii L' i l t c C'ollcctioii


Solid recovcretl fuel (SRI;)


Specified e ni i s s i o 11 s

Specified E iigi 11 eer ing \\'or ks Standard method

Storm \\ater

'I'enlporar~ storage

The Agency


Trade effluent

Treatniciit/Pre- trea tnieiit:

Trigger level

1 lie collectioii ot' hlc)-\\.astc separately froin other kinds o f \I astc in such a \ \ ay as t o ; I \ oiil tlic dil't'ci-cut \vahtc ti-actiolis 01- U aste c<)niporicnth ti-om 11 axte hci ng m ised. C O 111 h incd 01. colit aiiii ii;i t ctl \\ i t 11 o t Iici- potcn t ia I I y pc) I1 ii t in: \\astcs. [~rodl lc lx or matel-lals.

I he top layci- o f the I-.ai-th's crust situated bet\\ sur lac e . Tlie so i 1 is c o nipiiscd of. 111 i iic 1-21 I pa rt i c I cs. organ I c ilia tt ci-. \\.at c I - . it i 1- and li\iiig organisins.

I ' L I ~ I that has been produced in accordance \4 i t h ii ttxliniciil standard from prc- trca ted non- hazardous miinic i pal. coiiii~icrc ia 1 01- industrial \\.as te.

11 tllc bedrock :1nd the

s 1 and'lrtl 0 pcra t I ng p roc edurc

Waste \vliicli is separated a t source: iiieaning that thc \Iaste is sorted at tlic point of generation into a recyclable fraction(s) for separate collection (e.g.. paper. metal. glass. plastic. bulk dry recyclables. biodegradablcs. etc..) rind a residual fraction. The expression 'separate at soiircc' shall bc construed accordingly.

-1'Iiose emissions listed in S c ~ h d i i l c R. Eu/i.\,\ion f h i f s , olthis licence.

Engineering \vorks listed in Schedule D: Specified Engineering Works o f this licence.

A National. European or internationally recognised procedure (e.g. I.S. €.N. ISO. C'L:N. BS or equi\.alent): 01- an in-house documented procedure based on the a bo \e ire fcrencc "Standard Methods foi- the Esaininatioii of Water and \.\:aste\wter" (prepared ant1 published jointly by .A.P.f I . . \ . . .A.W.LV..A. K: LV.l~,k~.). American Public llcalth Association. 10 15 ~~if'tcentli Street. N.W.. L\'ashington I X 2 0 0 0 5 . LJSA: o r a i l alternati\.e method as may be agrted by the Agency.

I procedure as detailed in the current cdition of

I n relation to ivastc is it pcricd o f less than q iy months as dcfined in the M'astc Management Acts 1096. as aiiiendcd.

I otal organic carbon.

frade eflluent has the meaning givcn in tlic Ll.'nter Seinices A c t . 2007.

I n relation to lvaste. any manual. thermal. physical. chemical or biological processes that change the characteristics of waste in order to I-educc its \.ol~iiiic o r hazardous nature or facilitate its haiidling. disposal or reco\wy, in cl riding b aliiig a l id n.r a p p in g o f waste.

A parameter value. the acliie\wiciit or csccedance of which requii-cs certain actions to be tal;en by tlic licensee.

A n y substance 01- ob-jcct \I Iiich thc Iioldcr discards or intends 01- is recpircd to discai-d.


\\' t<: E: E As dcliiicd in S.I. No. 330 o t ' 2 0 0 5 .


Decision & Reasons -for the Decision

1 he hn\ ironmental f'i-otcction Agcncy is satisticd. on the basis o f the information a\ ailable. tliat subject to compliance ivitli the coiiditions o f t h i s liccncc. a n y cniissions fi-oiii the acti\ ity \ \ . i l l complq \\.it11 and nil1 not contravene any 0 1 the requirements 01' Section 8 3 ( 5 ) of the Fii\ ironiiiental Protection Agency Acts 1902 as amended.

Re c o ni men ded Deter ni i n at ion

111 reaching tliir decirioii the Lii\iroiiiiieiit;il I'rotcction \gent> l iar conritlerecl the tlocuriieiitatiori relating to the ciirreiit licelice, Kegirter Nuniber: \\ 0261-0 1 , and the re\ ieir application Register N II in ber : \I 0 2 6 1 -0 2. Tliis iiicl 11 (le s r up p or t in g doc i i nien t a t ion r cc ei\ ec1 f r o ti1

the applicant, tlie report of the I,iceiisiiig Inspector ;tiid the Ei i r iroiinieiit;il Impact A\rersnieiit (KIA) report contained therein.

It is considered that the Eiiviroiinieiital Inipact Assessment Repor t (;is iriclrided in the Inspectors Repor t dated 20'" November 2014) contains a fair and reasonable assessment of the likelj- significant effects of the licensed activity on the enviroiinient. The assessment as reported is adopted as the assessiiieiit of the Agency. l laving regard to this assessment, it is considered that the proposed activity, if managed, operated and controlled in accordance with the licelice will not result i n the contravelition of any relevant environmental quality s tandards or cause en vi ro 11 riieii t al poll 11 t ion.

A screening for Appropriate Assessment \\'as tiiidcrtaken to assess. in \ ien, of best scientific knowledge aiid the conservation objectives of the site. i f the proposed act]\ ity. indi\ idtiall>. or in combinatioii ivitli other plans or projects is likely to h a ~ e a significant effect on a European Site(s). In this contest. particular attention \\.as paid to tlie fc>llo\ving European sites:

South Dublin Kay SAC' (000210); North Dublin Ray SAC' (000206); Xorth Kul l Islalid SI"-\ (004006): Soiitli Dublin Ba) ant i River 'l'olka Estuary SI':\ (004024); Kaldoyle Ray SPA (004016): I3altloyle Ray SAC (000199).

Ilie (Agency consiclercd. for the rcasons set out hclo\\.. that the proposed actix ity is not directlq cnnnected \\.it11 01- necchsary to tlic iiianageincnt o f tliosc sitcs as Iluropeaii Sites and that i t can be e w 1 uded . oii the has i h o I' 013; ec t i1.e in format i (1 11. that t lic p I-oposcd ;ic t i \ i t >-. i nd i\.i d ua I 1 y or in combination \\.itli other plans o r projects. \ \ i l l 11a1.c ii siynilicniit eff'cct on a European site. and accordingly tlie i\gency determined that an Appropriate Assessmciit of the proposed ncti\.ity is not required.

I t has been determined that this facility docs not Iia\.e the potential for signilicant effects on any European site due t o the nature and scale of the operations. the abseiicc of a process emission to water and the distance b e t n w n tlie installation and tlic designated sites.

Part I Schedctle yf 'Activities Licensed

Iicco\er!, or ii mi\ of rcco\cr> ai id di\po\iil. ot iiori-Ii;i/;irtlous n a s t e n i t l i ii capaci t j e\ceeclirig 75 torille\ per d;ij i i i i ol\iiig one or iiiorc of tlic following iicti\itie\, (other tliari acti \ i t ic\ to nliicti tlic Irrbaii \\ a\ te \ \ a t e r I rciitriiciit Kegulatioiir 2001 (S.I. \o. 254 ot

(ii) pre-treatment of \\;irtc tor incineration or eo-incineration; 2001) appl>):


The recovery or disposal of waste in a facility, within the meaning of the Act of 1996, which facility is coiiiiected or associated with another activity specified i n this Schedule in respect of \.rhicli ;I licence or revised license under Pa r t I\ ' is in force or in respect of wliicli licerice iincler the said Part is or will be r-cqrtired.

at Cappagh Road, c ' n p p o g ~ ~ . 1:iiiglas. I>iiblin 1 1 subjec( t(o the following t\vel\.e Conditions. with the reas~i i s therefor and associated schedules attached tliereto.

Part I1 Schedule of Activities Refused


Part III Conditioizs

Condition 1. Scope

1 . 1 Industrial Fmissions Directii e acti\.itie.; a t this installation sIia11 he restricted to those listed and desci-ibed i n /'U/./ I .%~/ rc~ iu /c~ of ,.lc.iii,i/ic,\ /.ic.c,/7\c,ti. and sliall bc its set out i n tltc licence application o r as niodificd under Condition I .4 o f this licence and sul?ject t o thc conditions o f this licence.

Acti\ ities a t this installation h i l l hc limited as sct out i n .Sc.//c~/i//c, . I . /2 / / l / / /u / io / i . \ , of' this licence.

k.oi- tlie purposes o f this licence. tlic installation authorised hy this licence is the area o f land nutlined in red on Drawing No. 6310 (,i3), Site Location hlap. of the applicution. .Any relkrence in this licence to "installation" shall iiieaii the area thus outlined in recl. The licensed activities shall be carried on only \ \ , i t l i i n tlie ai-ea outlined.

N o alteration to, o r reconstruction in respect of. tlie activity. or any part thereof. that Lvould. or is likely to. result i n

( i )

I .A?



a material change or increase in:

tile nature 01- quantity of any emission:

tlie abateiiient'treatnieiit o r reco\wy systems:

tlie range ol.proce 1 to be carried out: . tlie f~iels. irau materials. intermccliatcs. products o r wastes generated. or

(ii) any changes in:

site management. infrastructure or control M i t h adverse cn\~ironnicntal s ig ni ti ca rice:

sltnll be carried o u t or coiiiiiieiiced n.itliout prior notice to. and \ s i tho t i t the agreement 01. tlic .4geIlCy.

1 .s The iii.;tallation shall bc coiitrolled. opci-atcd and iiiaintiiiiicd. inid cmi.;sions shall t n l x pli t set out in tlic licence. licence beconic part of this liccncc.

I'his licence is tar the purpose o f Indtistrinl b.missions licensing under tlic t:l'.\ Acts 1093 a.; amcncted on14. and nothing i n this licence shall be cnnstrLicd as negating tlie licensee's statu to rq' 013 1 i g a t io 11 s oi- req t i i I-c i n ci i t s under a n y o t lit. I' e n x t men t s ( J r reg 11 1 a t i 011 s.

I'his licencc has been granted in substitution Ibr the liccnce granted t o the licensee on 3 1 2August 2010 (Register N o \\'0261-01). I lie previous licence ( k g No. \\'0261-01) is superseded by this reiised liccnce.

All pi-c>grammcs required to he carried ont under the tcrnis of this

I .h


Condition 2. Management of the Installation

2.1 Installation Managenlent

2 . 1 . I The licensee shall employ ii suitably qualitied and csperienced installation maringer who shall be designated as the person in charge. The installation manager or a noiiiiiiated. suitably clLialilied and experienced deputy shall be present on the installation at all times during its operation or as othernise reciuired by the Agency.

2 . 1 .? Hie licciisec sliall c x b t i i - c that ~~crwiii icl pel-lilrming \pccilicall! assigned tasks \hall he cl ti;i 1 i lied ) 11 t 11 c 1x1 > i o 1' a p pi-o p ri ;I t e cd tic ii t I ( 11. t i-ii i 11 i I i g a tit1 c x pci-i eiic c ;I > re q L I i I-cil and shall be a\\ iirc 01' tlie requirements ol'tliis licence.

7 7 I:n\ iroiiiiicntal hlanayctiicnt Sy>tetii (t..hlS)

2 . 2 . I ' l ' l ic licensee sli~il l establisli aii t l niiiiiitaiii ;iii I<h\ ironiiitiitiil hlaiiageiiiciit S!,stcni (E3IS). which shall iiicorpor;itc eiici-gy cfficicncy ni~ i~ iage~ i i e~ i t . 'l'lic EXIS s l i a l l be reviewed for suitability, at leqi iac~~ aiitl cffectiveiiess aiitl updated on ii II a 11 1111 ;I I h a s is.

1 lie I:MS shall include. ;IS n niinimum. the folio\\ iny clciiients:

2 .2 .2 . 1

2.2 .2 .2



, \ i i eii\.iroiiiiiciit;il policy defined for t l i t iiist;iilatioii.

Ma na ye iiic 11 t ;I lid R e p > i-t ing S t r ~ i c t ti re

Schedule ol'l II\ iroiiiiiental Ol>jccti\cs ~ i n d -l-ai-gcts

Tlic licensee slinll riiaiiitain ii Schcd~ile 01' l , . i i \ iroiimcntal Ob.jccti\ cs and -1 argcts. Tlie sclicdule shall. as a iiiiiiimum. pro\ide l i ~ a re\ iew o f all operations and pi-ocesses. including an evaluation of practicable optioiis. for energy and resource efficiency. the use o f cleaner technology. cleaner product i (vi and the pl-c\wi tion. reduction and minimisation of waste and shall includc umte reduction targets. I'lic sclicdule shall include time li-anics for the achicvenient o f set targets and shall address a ti\-e-year pcriod as a minimum. I n relation to waste recovery the schedule s h a l l include mi initial waste recovery target for waste accepted, as ne11 as time frames for achieving higher recovery targets. 'Hie scliedole sli;ill, a s a 111 i ii i iii II m, i ii c I ride specific oh j ec t ivcs for the c o II t r ol ii i id ni i ii i niis a t i o ii a s well a s a11 annual reviev of the dust, odour aiid iioisc iiiiisaiicc potential of tlie site activities. The schedule shall be re\ ieii-cd annually and amendnicnts thereto notilled to the Agency fix agreenient as purt of' the Anniial I- n\.ironmcntal Kcport ( AER) . IIn~~ironnicntnl hlanagement 1'1-cyraiiiiiie (1iMI')

'I'hc l i c e n x ~ shall iii;iiiitaiii an LMP. incltitling a time schcdule. Ibr acliie\ iiig tlic 1'ti\ irorimcntal Objc.cti\ cs arid 'l'iirgets prepired under ( 'ondi t ion 7.7.2 2 . Once agreed t l ic k h l l ' .;hall b e iiiai~itaiiied b y the licensee. I t shall include: .

. .

des ig na t i 011 o f rcspo 11 si I> i 1 i t y 101- t x g c t s :

the nitxiis by \\hieh they may he achie\ ed: the time \ \ . i t l i i n which the!! may he acliic\ul.

The I ~ M I ' sliall he rc\.ic\\.ecl anntially aiid amc~idmcnts thereto notified t o the Agency for agreement as part o f the Ann~ial tln~.ironiiiental Report (.:\LR).

i\ report 011 tlie progi-mime. iiicluding tlie sticccss i n meeting agreed targets. shall be preparcd and submitted t o the rigeiicy as pal-t of the i \ f -K. Such reports sliall bc retained on-site iiir a period o tnot Icss than . shall be a\zilablc for inspection by authoi-ised persons of the /\geiicy. I)ociiiiicntatioii

(1) I 'he I i ceiisee slia I I iiiai II t a in an en\ iron menta 1 manage m e 11 t docuiiientation system \\hieh shall be to thc satisfaction o f the ./\gcllCy.

( i i ) Tlic licensee shall isstie a copy of this licence to all relcwnt personnel \vhose duties relate to any condition of this licence. C'orrecti\r aiid Preventative Action

( i ) .I lie licensee shall establish pi-ocedures to ciisui-e that corrcctiw aiid preventative action is t a l x n should the specilied rcquiremcnts of this licence not be liillillcd. The responsibility and authority fcir

pei-sims initlatiny liirthcl- in\ ebtigation iind cnri-ccti\ c and pre\,eiitati\,e action in the e\ cnt 0 1 a rcixirtcd t ic i i i -cc~t i l~~r i i i i t~~ \\.it11

t l i i \ licence h a l l be ileliiicd.

LVIict-c a brencli of' otic 01- mot-e o f the cnnditions oI' this licence o c c ~ i r s . the licetibee shall \\ ithout delay talic i1ic;isLircs to restore conipliance U i t h the conditions of this licence in the shortest possible t ime ant1 ;iny feasible preventative actioiis to prevent reciirrtiice of the breach.

:\I1 corrective and prc\,eiit;itive actions shall be docrinicritctl.



111 teriial I\iidi t s The lice 11 see s h a I I es ta b I i sh ii lit1 111 ai 11 t;i i 11 ;I p rogr ii 111 111 e for i 11 clep e 11 ti e tit internal audits of the EhIS. Such aritlits s l i a l l be carried out a t least once every three years. The aritlit progranline shall detcrniiiic whetlier or iiot

the EXIS is being iiiiplcnieiitccl ;uid rnaiiitaiiied properly, arid in accordance with the requirements of the lictncc. .\udit reports and records of resriltaiit corrective and preventative actions shall be niaiiitaiiied as part of the ERlS in accordaiice with coiiditioii Anarene.

-1 lie licensee shall maintain procedures for identifying training needs, and for providing appropriate training. Ibr all personnel \vhose work can h a x a significant e lkc t upon the environment. Appt-opriate records of training shall be maintained.

2 .2 2 . 9 C'ommunications I'rogramme

T h e licensee shall niaiiitaiii a Public A\\.arencss and CommLinications I' rog ram me to en SLIK that me mbers o f the p L I ~ 1 ic can c) bt ain in I n t-iiia t io ti ;it

the facility. at all reasonable times. concerning the en\ i i-cmmental pel- fi) tma tic e of t lie llic 1 1 i t y .

2 2 . 2 . 1 0 h4aintenance I'rogratlin~

The l iccnsee shall iiiaiiitaiii a imogramme for maintenance of all plant and eq t i i p ti1 eii t 1x1 sed o ti t lie i ns t ~ L I C t i on s issued h y the iiiiiii LI f 'n c t t irw s ~ i p p I i t'i- 01-

i tis t ii 1 I er of the eq LI i 1-2 iiie ti t . Ap prc )p I-i a tc rccn rd kcc p i ng and d i ag I ins t t c testing shall suppot-t t l i i k niaintcnaiice programme. 7-lie licensee shall clearly allocate responsibility for the planning. mnnagemcnt and eaecution 01' 1111 aspects ol' this programnie to appropriate persotinel (see ( ' o n c l i t i o n 2.1 abo \.e ) . 'TI1 e 111 ai 11 t e 11 a lice p I-ogra iii me s h a I 1 II se a p p ro p r i a te tec Ii 11 iq rics arid measures to eiisurc the optimisation of energy efficiency i n plant arid equipnient. 1 Efficient I'rocess C'ontrol

Tlie licensee shall maintain a programme to ensure there is actequate Litider all modes 01' operation. I he progt-amme shall

identiry the key indicator parameters for process control perfoiiiiaiice. as \ \ e l l as iclentifying methods fhr measuring and controlling these parameters. i\hnormal process operating conditions shall be ciocumcrited. and analysed to identify any necessary con-ective action.

Condition 3. Infrastructure and Operation

3 . 1 T h e liccnscc shall establish and i i ia intain. f'oi- c x l i coiiiponeiit 01' the in \ t a l l a t ion . a l l iiifrastructurc refei-I-ed to i i i this licence in ad\ iiiict' 01' tlic c(~iiiiiiciicciiiciit 01' tlic licensed ncti\ itics in that coiiiponent. 01- its rcquir-cd b q tlic conclitions o f this I ~ c c ~ i c c . Iiili-astructure .;pccilietl 111 the application t ha t rclatcs to thc en\ ii-onmciital pci- l i ) i iii:iiicc o f the i i i . ; t a l l n t io i i

and I S not specitird in the Iicciicc. sliall bc in.;talled in accoi-iliiiicc \\ it11 tlic schcdtilc subiiiltted 111 thc appllcatlon.

3.2 'I'he licensee shall have regard to the folio\\ iiig wheii choosing aiitlior tlcsigiiiiip aiiy new p I ii ii t or in fr a s t r ti c t II re :

( i ) (ii)

I ns ta 11 ;it io 11 Not i ce E3 oii rtl

eiie r g y e ffi c ieii cy ; a II tl, tlic ciiviroiiiiiciit;il impact of ewiitti:il tlcconiiiiissioiiiiig.





T h e licensee shall. within one montli of the date o f grant o f this Iiccnce. pro\ ide an Installation Notice 13oal-d on the installntioti s o that i t is legible to person\ outside the main entrance t o the iiistdlation. The miniinurn tlimensioiis 01' [lie board shall be 1200 111111 by 750 min. 1 l ie nnticc board sliall b e maintained tliel-e;ilicr.

The board shall clearly shon~:

(1) the name and telephone number o f the installation: ( i i ) the iiornial hours of operation; ( i i i ) the name of the licence holder:

( i \ . ) an emergency out of hours contact telephone number: (1 ) the licence ref;.rcnce number: and ( \ . i ) where ciivironiiicntai information relating t o the installation can be obtained. A plan of the installation clearly idcntilying tlie location of each storage and treatment area shall be displayed as close a s is possible to the eiitrriiice to the installation. Ilic plan s h a l l be displayed on a dui-able material such that is legible at all times. fhe plan shall b e ireplaced as material changes to tlie installation are made.

3 .4 In st a 1 I at ion Sec uti t y

3.4.1 Security and stockproof It.ncing and pates sha l l be maintained at thc installation. T h e base 01' the fencing sliall he set in the yraund. Sukject to the implcmentatioii of tlic L)ecoiiimissicining blanagenient Plan (as required by Condition 10.2 o f this licence) tlic rcq U i i-eiiieii t tor such i 11s t a 1 la t i o 11 .

T h e licensee .;hall install d maintain ;I C'C'I'V inonitorinp sbstcin \\ hich I-ecords a l l waste \.chicle mo\cments into und out 01' tlie installation. I'lic C'C'I'V operated at a l l t imes w i t h digital date stainping. Unless other\\ ise

ol'l-site location and made a\ ailable to tlic ;\gency on request.

Gates ahal l be loclted shut \\.lien tlic tiicility is unsupcr\,ised

The licenscc shall remedy a n y defect in the gates and 01- fencing its follci\vs:

(1) A temporary repair- sliall he 111ade by tlie end of- the \%wkiiig day: and

(ii) A repair to tlie standard o f the original gates and or fencing shall be

ui-i t) inay be rcnio\.cd.


copies of recordings shall he kept on site o r stored clcctronicolly at ;I sec~ire



undert a kcn \v i t Ii i i i t hree nu r 1; i ng tla ys .

3.5 Installutioii Koads and Site Surfiiccs

3 . 5 . I


l-lfrective site roads shall be provided and maintained to ellsure the safe and nuisance- free iiim ement of \.chicles \vithin the install, '1 t ' 1011.

The licensee s h a l l providc and niaintain an inipermcable concrete surface in tlie areas of the installation associated u i t h tlie mo\~ement. processing, handling and storage of cvastes. The surfaces shall be concreted and constructed t o Hrit ish Standard 8 1 10 or an alternative a s agreed by the .4gelicy. The licensee shall remedy any defect in concrete surfaces m i t h i n five nwking days .

3.6 Facility Office

3.7. 1 A Wastc Inq>ectioii t\rca a n d a Waste Quarantine Area shall be pro \ ided and ilia i 11 tained at the i 11s tal la t i on.

- rhe~e areas shall be constructed and maintaincd in a manner xuitable. and be o f a size appropriatc. for the inspection of n x t e and subsequent qtiaraiitine if I-eqiiii-cd. The M aste inspection area and the \ \ x t e quarantine area sliall be clearly identified and segregated fi-om each otliei-.


3.8 Weighbridge and Wheel C'leaners



3.1 I

3.8. I


The liccnsec shall provide and maintain a \veighbridge and n k e l cleancrs at the ins ta 11 at ion. The \\lieel cleaners shall be used by all vehicles leaving the facility as required to ensure that no trade effluentistoim water or waste is carried off-site. All water from the wheel cleaning area shall be directed to the waste water collection and storagc system. The wheel-wash shall be inspected on a daily basis and drained as required. Silt. stones and other aceurndated material shall be removed as required f'rom the wlieel-wxili and disposed of appropriately.


Waste handling. xwitilation and processitig plant

3.9.1 Itenis of plant deemed critical to the efficient and adecpate processing of nwte at thc fac i 1 i t y ( i nc I ud i iig i i i f i~i . iiliir 14.a s t e- 1 on ding \.chic le s and ej ec t 01- ti-a i 1 ers ) sha 1 I be provided (xi the following basis: (1) 1 O O " i , duty capacity: ( i i ) 20'1 1) standby capacity a\.ailablc on a routine h i s : and ( i i i ) I'ro\.ision o f contingency arrangements and'or backup and spares in the case

of b real~do n ~ i o f c r i t i ca I ecl u i p m et1 t . Ll'ithin tlircc iiiontlis from tlic date of grant o f this licence. the liceiiwe shall pi-() \ idc a I-eport for the agreement o f the Agency detailing the duty and standby capacity i n tonnes per day. o f all waste hnndling and pi-ocessing equipiiieiit to be i w d at the facility. Iliese capacities shall be based on the licensed u x t e intake. as per . % l i c ~ l u / ( ~ '1: LimifuLi(iii.5. of this licence. TIle quantity of waste to hc acccptcd at the fiicility on a daily basis sliall not cvccctl the duty capacity of the ecpipiiieiit at the facility. Any evcccdaiice o f this intake shall be treated as a n incident.

T h e licensee shall iiiaintain a Lvaste water collection and storage system as outllned in section 5. I O of the .I'i-c)ject Description' docunient of licence application Keg. No. WO26 1-0 1 . All m,aste \vater (includirig sanitary effluent from the site oftices. flnor \vashdo\vn \vater a n c l di-ainage from n a s t e storage and quarantine areas) shall he collected and stoi-ed in the on-site Lvastc water storage tanks prior to disposal otl'site. h'aste \vater stored in the on-site storage tanks shall bc tankcred off-site in Tully enclosed road tankers to an agreed Wastewater Treatment Plant. The licensee shall inonitcv the available storage capacity in the undergi-ound waste m'ater storage t a n k s on a weekly basis, A log of such inspections shall he iiiaintained.

3.0 .2


Waste Water Managenlent 3.10.1




Construction and Demolition Waste RecoLwy Area

3. 1 1 . I The licensee shall pro\ ide and maintain a construction and detiiolition \\.ask recol-cry area. 'l'his inhstriictiire shall at a minim~im coinprise the follo\ving: ( i ) ( i i ) (iii)

an iiripe rmeab 1 e concrete slab : collection anti disposal infi-astructure for all run-oft, appropriate bunding to pi-o\idc \.isual and noise screening: and


al l itwl,piles h a l l be aclcqti;itcl~ coiit;iiiied t o minimise c l u t generntion: 3.1 1.2 O n l y consti-iiction and dcmolitioii \\-astc shall be accepted at this area. M'astcs that ai-c

capable o f being i-eco\.ci-cd shall h e scparatccl and sliall h e stored tctiipoi-:wily it1 this ai-ea in ad\aiice of' heing stitjcctcd to (~[Iici- rcco\ cry x t i \ itics at tlic t ' x i l i t ) O I -

t rmsport ofl ' the hci l i ty .

3. 12 DLISt OdOlIr C ' o n t r o l

3. 12.1 -1he licensee shall install aiitl pi-o\ i i lc atlecltiatc iiicasut-cs fix the control of odours and d t i st e ni t ss io lis. i iic 1 i t d i iig t.ug i t i \ c cl LI s t c i i i i ss i o tis. fi-n m t Iic Ih c i I i t y .

iZii odour management systeni, to the satisfaction of the .2gcncy, sliall be provided before any resitlu;il o r food waste is xcep te t l a t the iiist;illatioii. Instnllatioi~ 01. :in odour-managenieiit system sliall at a i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iiicluclt. tlic tiilln\\ing:


Dust ctii-tailis (or ecliii\~alcnt appi-o\ ed the Agency) sliall be maintained on the entry exit points 1)-om tlic \\.astc translei- building: all otlier doors in this building shall be Ixpt closed U here possible.

Unless ot1icinvi.w agrcccl by tlie i\gciicy. a11 huildi~igs for the storage or treatment of putrescible \I aste shall he maintained at negative air pressure \\.it11 ventilated gases being siil3ject t o treatment as necessary o r a s may he specified by the .I\gency.

The licensee s l i a l l niaintain, to the satisfaction of the Agency, a programme to tlcriioiistratc negative pressure aiid building envelope integrity throughout all buildiiigs where putrescible waste is deposited, stored or treated to eiisiire tliat there is no significant escape of odours. 'the prograninie s1i;~ll also niaiiitaiii al l cri teria for the operation aiid coiitrol of negative pressure. This programme sliall be reviewed a t least allllually.

Sub-conditions ( i i ) a n d (iii) sliall riot apply to waste that is wrapped in accordance with coriciitioii 8.4 o f this licence.

3.13 Operational Controls

The licensee shall pro\.idc and ti.

of d, 'I1 -k IlCSS.

The licensee sliall install on al l emissicin points sitcli sanipling points or ccluipiiiciit, including any data-logging or other electronic cc~miiiiuiication equipment. as may be required by the Ageiiey. Al l such cquipiiieiit shall be coiisistciit \\it11 the safe opcration of all sanipling and nioriitoring systems.

The licensee shall clearly label and p ro \ idc sal? and perniancnt access to all on-site sampling and monitoring points and to ofl-site points as i-ccluireci b y the Agent),. The requirement \\.it11

I-egard t o o f k i t e points is subject t o tlic pi-ior agreement o f t l ic Imdo\\ ner(s) concerned.

l 'ank. C'ontainer and Ilriim Storage Arcas

ideqtintc lighting during the npcration of the facility in hours


3 . 15






All tank. container and dntiii storage areas sliall be r-endered iiiipen ioiis to the materials stored therein. Bunds shall bc dexigiicd having regard to Agency guidelines 'Storage and Transfer of Materials for Sclicduled A&\ itics' (2004).

All tank and drum storage iireas shall. as a iiiinimtini. b e hrinded. either lociilly or remotely. to a \oliiiiie not less than the greater 0 1 the follouing:

( i )

( i i )

1 IO%, o f tlie capacity of the largest tank 01- drum ivitliin the buntled area: or

25');) of the total volume of substance that could be stored within the biiiicted area.

All draiiiagc fi-om bunclcd areas shall b e treated as contaminated unless i t can be demonstrated to be otherwise. All drainage l'rom bunded areas shall be diverted for collection and safe disposal. unless i t can he tleeiiicd itincontaminated and does not exceed tlie trigger l c \ ~ l s set lor storni \\-ater ctiiissions under 6.1 1 .

All inlets. outlets. \'elit pipes. val\.es and gauges must he \vithin the bundcd area.

3 17



3.16.5 :\I1 tanks. container\. druin.; and pipework shall be I~ibellcd to clearly indicate their:

( i ) c 011 te t i t s : ( i i ) capacity; i i l i d

( i i i ) tlow tlirtctiori.

Ihe licensee sliall Iia\ c in storage ;in adcqtiatc supply of' coiitaiiiiiiciit hooms aiid 01- suit;iblc absorbent material to contain and absorb any spillage at tlie installation. Once used. the ah so I-ben t ma t eri a I slia I I bc d i six )sec1 o f at an a p 17 ro pr i a t e liic 1 I i t y .

Silt Traps and Oil Separators

I he licenscc sliall maintain silt traps a n c l oil separiitol-5 at the i t i \ t a l l a t i o n :

(1) Silt t r a p to ensure that a11 storm \wtcr cliscliargcs. nthei- than fi-om I-nots. Ikom the installation pass tlirough :i silt trap in ad \ aiicc ot'di~cliarge:

. \ t i oil \epat-ator on the storni n ~ i t c r discliargc fi-om yard ai-eas. The separator shall be a Class I fiill retention separator.


Tlie silt traps and separator shall be in iiccordiiiice with 1.S. €N-X5X-2: 2003 (separator systems for light liquids).

Fire-water fietention

3.19.1 Tlie licensee shall, within six months of date of gran t of licence, i indertake ail

updated risk assessment on tlie need for fire water retentioil having regard to tlie Enviroiimental Protection Agency Draft Guidance Note to Industry on tlie Re cl nireme n t s for Fire- W a t er Ret e n t ion Facilities. Tlit licensee sh ;ill i nip leiiieii t any mitigation nieasiires identified by the risk assessiiieiit. Fl'lie licensee sliall ensure permanent access is maintained a t all t inits to tlie sliiit- off valve for surface water run-off in the event of a fire and that tlit valve is clearly labelled.


All puiiip sumps. storage tanks or other treatment plant chambers from \I liich spillage o f en\.ironiiientally significant materials might occti~- i n such cpantiti are likely to breach local or remote containment 01- separators. shall be fittcd n i t 1 1 high liqtiid I c \ ~ l alai-ms (or oil detectors as appropriate).

Tlie pro\ ision 01' a catchment system i o collect any leaks from Ilangcs and \al\es o f all o w - - ground pipes ~ ised to transport material othcr than \\ atcr shall bc examined. This shall be incoi-porated into a Scliedule o f t n \ ironmental Objecti\.es and I argets set nut i n Condition 2 of' this licence for the reduction in fugiti\ e emissions.

The licensee shall niaiiitaiii i n a prominent location on tlic sitc a u , i i i d sock. 01- othcr \vintl d i roc t i 011 i nci ic a t o t-. \I+ i c li di ti 11 be \.is i 12 IC from t hc p t h 1 i c ro a d \ ~ - a y o tit s ide t lie si te .

Speci lied t-,ngineci-i ng Works

3.23.1 l 'he licensee shall submit proposals for all Specified Engineering Works. [is detined in k / ~ c ~ t / l r / c ~ .$wc.if icd I:'uginc~,/~if7g fl?)/'/i.\. of this licelice. to the .4gcncy li)r its agreement at least t\vo iiioiitlis in advance o f the intended date of eOiiiniieiiceiiieiit of any such works. No such works shall be carried out without tlie prior agreement o f tlic Agency.

3.23.2 All specilied engineering \vorks shall be supervised by a competent person(s) aiid that person, or persons, shall he present at all times during \\ hich rele\.ant works are being undertaken.

-3.23.3 Follouing the completion of all specilied engineering works. the licensee shall complete a construction quality ass~irance \.alidation. The validation report shall he niade available to the Agency on request. Ihe report shall. as appropriate. iiiclude the fo 1 lo \\.i iig i i i forma t i on :

( 9 ( i i ) (iii)

A description of the \vorks: As-built drawings of the \vorks:

i2ny other infoi-niation rcquestcd in n.riting b y the Agency


Condition 4. Interpretation






Emission limit \allies fbr cmissions to atmosphere in this licence shall be intei-preted in the fo 11 o\xp i ng \va y : 4.1 , 1 C'ontiiiiioiis Monitoi-ing

( i )

( i i ) 97% of all 30 minute mean \ d u e s taken continuously over an annual period

N o 24 hour ineiiii \.slue shall exceed the emission l i m i t value.

shall not exceed 1.2 times h e emission l ini i t aluc.

( i i i ) N o 30 niinute niean \nlue shall

Non- C'o 11 t i i iuo us h4 o 11 i tori iig

I .

eed tlvice tlic cniission l imi t value.

4.1 .2

b'or any parameter \\here. diie t o sampling analytical liiiiitations. a 30 minute sa m p I c i 4 i nap pro pr i ii t e . ii si1 it a b I e sa mp I i rig peri nd shou Id he emplo yed and the ~ a l u e c~htainetl thercin sliall n o t evceccl tlie emission l i m i t \.slue.

For tlon.. no IioiirIy or daily iiieaii \ alue. calculated o n the basis 01' appropriate spot rcntlinys. h a l l c\cced the rclc\ Lint l in i i t alue.

l.'oi- all other parameters. no -30 iiiitiute mean \.slue x l i a l l exceed the cniission limit \aluc.

The coneenti-ation and \.olume llo\\ liiiiits l l ~ r emissions to atiiiosplieI-e specified in this licence shall he achic\ td \\ itliout tlir iiitroduction o f dilution a i r and shall be based C>II

vo 111 iiies 11 nde r stand a I-d c ond i t i 011 s of:

3 .2 . I From non-combListioii so~~i-ccs:

2 .


-1 cnipcratiire 273K. 1'1-cssiire IO I .3 kP:a (no coi-rectinn hi- oxygen 01- \I ater content).

4.2.2 From combustion soiirces:

7-cmperaturc 273K. I'rcss~irc I O 1 .3 kPa. 111-y gas: 3" i , ovygt.11 for liquid and gas fc~els. 6% oxygen fix solid liiels.

Wherc the ability t o measui-e a paramctui- is affected by mixing befbrc emission. then. ivitli agreement from the Agency, tlie parameter may be assessed betixe miving takes place.


Noise from the installation sliall not gi\,c rise to sound pressure bels (I2 \cq 1 ) measured at NSLs of tlic installation \vhich exceed the l ini i t \.alue(s).

Dust and Particulate Matter

Dust and particulate matters from the acti\.ity shall not gi\,c I-ise to deposition Ic\-els \vhich exceed tlie l imit alue(s).


Condition 5. Emissions

5 . I No specitied eniission lroni tlic installation h i l l ex d the emission limit \:iIiies set out in S'c .hc, t / / i / i , /I; h-/Tii\,\ioTi Liuji/.\, of this licence. 1 hci-e h a l l be 110 other emissions of' einironiiiental siyii ticance.

N o eiiiissions. incltiding odotirs. I'roni the acti\ ities carried on a t tlic site h h a l l rcsult In a11

inipairnient of. o r a n intei-ll.rr.ncc U 1111 aiiiciiitiu 01- the cii\ iroiiiiieiil bey oncl the installation boundary or any other legitimate uses of tlie en\ ii-onmcnt beyond the installation boundxy.

N o d x t a n c e shall be discharged i n a iiiaiiiier. o r a t a coiicentratioti. that . follon.lng in i t i a l dilution. causes tainting o f Iish or shellfish.

Tlie licensee shall ensui-c that all or any o f the follo\ving:




= Vermin Birds

1 Flies Mud Dust

1 Litter

associated with the acti\ity do not result i n an impairnient of. VI- an interference uith. aiiienities or the en\ironment at the installotinn or beyond the installation boiuidary or any other legitimate uses of tlie environinent beyond the installation boundary. Any method used by the licensee to control or pre\ ent any such impairment 'interference shall not cause eixironmental pollution.

N o trade el'lluent. tii-e\\.ater. leachate and or cc>iitaminateil storm water shall bc discharged t o surface \vater drains.

Tlicre shall be no dircct cmissions to gi-uuiidwater.

7'hc road network in thc \.icinity ol' tlie Iiicility sliall he kept lrec It-om any debris caused h y \-chicles entering 01- lea\iiig tlie Iiicility. .41iy' sucli debris o r deposited materials shall be remo\-ed \vltllout delay.


5 . 6


Condition 6. Control and Monitoring

6.1 I'est Programme

6. 1 , 1 Tlie licensee shall prepare t o tlie satislaction of the Agency. a test pi-ogramme for abatement equipment installed t o abate eiiiissians to atmosphere at i\2-1 (odour control unit). This programme shall be suhniittcd to the Agency in ad\.ancc of iiiiplenicntation.

The progranimc, following agrecment \\.it11 tlie ,4gt.licy. shall be completed within three nion t lis of t lie coiiiiiiciic e men t o I' operation of t lie aha te men t equipment .

'l'lie criteria for tlie operation of the abatement equipiiient as detemiincd by the test p rog ramm e. shall bc incorporated in to tlie standard operating procedures .

Tlie test programme shall as a iiiinimuni:

6 . 1.2



6 2








( 1 ) c.;t:r 111 is li ;I I I c i-i tel.) ;i !;)I- opei-ii I i t)ii. c o i i I rol i i i i d iii~iii~igciiieii I 01' t lie alia ti' me lit ccliiipmciit to eiisiirc coiiipliaiicc \\ i t l i tlie emission liiiiit \alucs specified in

~l-llliilice 01' iiny n l r~nl tc l l~s 0 1 1 the ahatement s>'stem and i 11 I ish ;I nin i nt cnancc and c:i I i brat ion p g t i iiiiiie Ibr c x h monitor.

6. 1 .i 2 report c,ii tlic test progi-aiiiiiic shall he suhmittctl to tlic :\yency \\ ithin oiir i i i o i i ~ h

01' coiiipletioii.

.;liall c a i - i ~ . out such sampling. analyses. iiieiisiirciiiciits. cxaniinn(ioiis. maintcnance and calibrations ;is set out belo\\ and ;is i n accordance ivitli . % / r d r i / c , C': C y o i r l i d

R ~Uo/ii[orryg, of this Iiccnce.

0 pcra t 1 ng proced I1 res .

pcrlbrniance charactei-istics shall be dctc~riiiincd.

Such proccciures shall he sihjcct to a prograinnie o f Analytical Quality C'oiitrol using control standords lvitli e\.aluation of test responses.

Where any analysis is sub-contracted i t shall he to a competent laboratory.

h l l he tiiidcrtalmi bq. compelerit staff i i i accordmcc 1% i t l i documeiitcd

6.2.2 Sllcll pl-ocedures shall 17e iisse. cl l i ~ r their suitability for the test matrix and



The licensee shall ensure tha t :

(iii) sampling and analysis for all paranieters listed in the Schedules to this licence: and

a n y refermice nieiisLireiiieiits Ihr the calibration of automated measurement systems:


shall be carried out i n accoi-dance \I it11 CIiN-standards. If C'EN standards Lire not a\-ailablc. ISO. national 01- international standards tha t \ \ i l l ensure the pro\.ision of data 01' an equi\~alent scient i li c q u;i 1 i 11. s ha I I app 1 y .

All atiloiiiatic iiiotiItor~ and sainplcrs sliiill hc fiiiictioning at all times ( 111 a i nt ciia iic e and c ii I 1 bra t ion) \\,lien I he ;IC t i\.i t y 1s be ing c arr i t cl o 11 ti 11 less a 1 tern at 1 \.e sam p I ing or monitoring has bccn agi-eed in \\.riting by the Agency for a liinitcci period. In tlie e\'ent of the malfiinction of any coiitiiiiioiis monitor. the liceii. s h a l l contact the ,4gcnc>' a s sooI1 :is practicable. and alteriinti\e sanipliiig ;imI ~noiiitoriiip facilities sh;rll bc p i l l i n place. Tlic LISC

of nlternati\.c equipiiient. other than in emcrgencq situations. shall be as agreed by the r-igenc>

b1 on i to r i ng and alia I ys is cq 11 i 17 iiic nt .;ha 1 I he o pc in t cd and ma i 11 t a i net1 as n monitoring accurately reflects the emission discharge (or aiiibicnt conditions \\-here tliat is tlic monitoring objcctiw).

A I I t rea t iii en 1. abat c mcnt ii rid e m i s s i on con t ro I cq ti 117 iiicii t s ha 1 I be c a 1 i lm t cd and ilia i l i t a i 11 cd i ii accnrdaiice \\.itli the instructions issued by the manufacturer supplier or installer.

The frcq~icncy. mctliods and scopc ol' monitoring. sampling and analyses. as set out in this licence. may be aiiiendcil \\ i t l i the agi-eemcnt 01' tlic /\gcncy li>llo\\ing c\.aluation of' test res LI I t s.

The licensee sliall prepare a progi-aniiiic. to the satisl'actinn o f the Agency. for the idc t i t i li c a t ion and rcduc t io 11 o I' fug i t i ciii i ss i o iis us in 3 an appro pr i a t c comb i iia t i cui of hest al ia i lah le t ec Iinic] ues . This progra nime s ha I1 be i iic I tided in the E 1n.i ro n men t a 1 Manage meti t Programme.

The integrity and \vater tightness of all undergroiind pipes. tanks. himding structures and containers and their resistance to penetration by \\'ater o r other niatcrials carried or stored therein shall be tested and demonstrated by the licensee. I'his testing shall be cai-ried out by the licensee a t least once c\.ci-y three years and reported to the Agency on each occasion. This testing shall he carried o ~ i t in ;iccordiirice with niiy guidancc published by the .4gency. A written record of all integrity tests and any maintenance o r remedial \\ark ai-king from tlicm shall be maintnincd by tlic licen. .



0. I I



6. 14




I-he drainage sLsteni (i.e.. gullics. niaiiIi<ilex. any \ isiblc drairiage ciiiidtiits ai id such oilier aspectx as niay be

h i - safe disposal. I iiiaiiitaincd at a l l tinieh.

s t Ornl \$'a tt'r

6.1 1 . I

) and hiincis. silt ti-:ip\ and oil xp;ii-atcirs shall be iiispccted \\

inngc sh\tciii. hiincl\ . sill traps x i c l o i l iiitcrccptoi-s shall he pi-opci.l> ~ I l l t l ilexludged as II I-?. : \I1 sliitlgc aiid tlriiiiiagc li-om tlicxe opci-ations h a l l hc ciillcctcd

A \ i x i i a l examiixrtion o f the stoim \\ atcl- discliar-ges shall bc carried out dailq. I\ log o f such inspections sliiill be inaintnincd.

A licensee shall. \\ ithin y i y nionths of date o f grant 01' licerice. establish suitable t ri g g el- pet r o I e 11 III

ligtlrocartioiis aiitl nnincral oil in storiii \i atcli- discliargcs. such t h a t a tor i i i Lt'atcrs exceeding these le\ els \ \ i l l be di\ erted for retention and sui tahle disposal. The licensee shall ha\.e I-egai-ct to the I~.n\~ii-c~niiiental l'rntection Agency "Guiciancc on the setting ot' trigger alues liir stoi-m \\ atcr discharges to ofl-site surlace \\.atcrs at El'!\ IPPC and Waste Iiccnscd fiicrlitich" \\ lien establishing the suitable trigger le\ els.

6.1 1 .2 le \,e Is 1 ;)I- p I I . co 11 d 11 c i \ i t \, s 11 s p e II ti ctl solid s, tot ii I


The licensee shall carry out a noise S L I ~ ey o f the site operations annually. The sur\.ey programnic sliall be Lindertakcn 111 accordaiice \\ i th the methodology specified in the 'Guidance Note Ihr Noise: l-icence Applications. Sur\ eys and Assessments in Relation to Schcdulcd Activities (NG4) ' as published by the Agency.

Pollutant Release and Ti-anslkr Register ( l ' l i l ~ l i )

'Ilie licensee shall prepare and report ii I'RTR li,r the site. The substance and 'or \\.astes to be included in tlie I'I<-I I< shall he as agreed by tlie Agency each year by reference to CC Regulations No. 166 2006 concerning the establishment of the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Registel-. The I'R1.R shall h e prcpai-cd in accordance \\.it11 any rele\ ant guidelines issued by the ~Zgency and shall be submit ted electronically in specified fcwiiat and as part o f the .41X

I'hc licensee shall. \\ ithin si\; nionths 01' the date o f grant <)I' this licence. de\ clop a a Data Management System liir collation. archi\ ing. assessing and graptiically pi- iiionitoring data generated as a result ol'this liccnce.

Litter Control 6. IS. I All loose litter o r other \taste. placed on or i n the \ icinity o f the facility. other than in

accordancc \vith tlie requirements of this liccnce. shall be rcmci\.ed. sul7ject to the agreement of the lando\\,ners. inimediatel) ancl in any c \ w t by I O . 0 0 alii o f the next U orking day alier such \\.astc is disco\ cretl. The licensee shall ensure that a l l \chielex dcli\criiig n'astc to and reiiio\-ing u a s t e and materia I s fro 111 t lie fac i I i ty ;I re a pp rop r i a t c I y c o \,e red.

6. I S 2

Dust O ~ O L I I - ('onti-ol

6.16. I All biodegratlable anti odoLir-ti)rming waste stored o\rrniglit a t the 1;icility shall be stored in buildings or in xuitably CO\ ered and enclosed containers. a i d shall be r e m o \ d fi-om the liicility \t i thin 48 houi-s. e ~ c e p t at Public Holiday \+wkends. At I'ublic I Ioliday \veekends. waste foi- disposal shall be remo\-ed \\.ithin 7 2 hours of its arrival on site.

I n dry \t.catIier. site roads ancl airy other areas used hy \diicles shall he \prayed \villi \\,ater as and when required to miiiirnise airborne dust nuisance.

'I'hc licensee shall tmdcrtakc. as required by the :\pency. an O ~ O L I I - assessment \\4iicli shall include as a n i i i i i i i i i i i i i the identilication and quantification of all significant odour sources and an assessment of the suitability and adcquacy o f the odoui- abatement s y h t ems i 11s tal led to ciea 1 \vi th t hese e 111 i sa i ons . h l y rcco m menda t ion s ariaing from the odour xsessiiieiit shall be iniplenieiited following agreement n i th


6. 16.3

the AgeIlCy.

Operational Controls




6.2 I

6 .22

6.1 7.1 T h e Iloor of the> n a s t c tr;iiisfei' biiildiiig sliall be clc;iiietl on ii neelily Iusis and on n daily biisis w l i c ~ c putrescible waste is Iiantllctl. ?'he floor of the storage b;iys tor reco\wctl waste$ s l i a l l h e n;ishctl tloi~ii and cleaned o i i cacti occasion such bays ;ire criipticd or ;is ii r i i i i i i i i i un i o i l ;i wcckl\ b;isi\.

Scavenging s1i;ill not be pcwiiittcd at the I'acility.

'l'licrc sli;ill he i i o uriautlioriscci public access to tlic f;icilit!.



\loiiitoriiig 1,ocatioiis

\\ ithiii twelve iiionths of the date of gran t of this licence. (lie licensee s l i a l l submit to tlie Age 11 c j- a 11 appro p r i ii t c l y sc a I ed (Ira w i 11 g o r tl r;i w i 11 g$ sli ow i 11 g a1 1 t li c iiio 11 it or i 11 g loc;i t ions t li a t a re s t ip ti la ted i 11 this licence i iicl 11 tli ng any noise-semi t iw locations :in cl private wells to be niotiitored. 'l'he d r a ~ ing sliall inclride tlic eight-digit natioiial grid reference of cacti monitoring point.

Nuisance h4onitoring

Thc licensee shall. iit ii minimti i i i of clail), inter\ als. inhpect tlic Iiicilitq, and its immediate sui-1-o LI nds fo r I ~ L L isa 11 ermin. bii-ds. [lies. n iud . dust and odours. The licensee shall maintair record of all nuisance inspections.

So i 1 hl on i tor in g

The liceiisee shall ca r ry out soil irioiiitoriiig iit tlie site of tlie installation a t least once every ten years. The sampling and monitoriiig shall be carried out i n accordaiice with any guidance or procedure as niay he specified by the Agency.

Vermin and Flies

I n advance of the acceptance of putrescible waste, the licensee shall submit to the .4gency for its agreement a proposal for tlie control and eradication o f \ ermin and fly infestations at tlic facility. Tliis proposal sliould include as a iiiiiiimum. opci-ator training. details on the rodenticide(s) and iiisecticide( s) to be used. mode and trcq~ieiic> 01' application and nicilsuI-es t o contain sprays \\ ithin tlie I'acility boundary.

cn~ised by litter.

tcni fOr the detection o f lcalis oii a l l Hanges nnd \,al\.cs on o\ er-gi-ound pipes used t o t i-a ii spo I- t miter i ;I Is o i hci- than \\.at er s ha I I be de\^ Io ped and iiiii in t a i lied wit hi 11 si I i i ioi i t l is of the date o f g ran t of liceiicc.

Condition 7. Resource Use and Energy Efficiency

7.1 shall carry out an aiidit o f the energy el'licieiicq 01. the site itliin one year of the date o f grant o f this licence. Nit audit sliall he cai-I-ied out in accoi-daiice \\it11 tlic giiidance published by tlie i\gency. "(iuidance Note on I-ntrgy t:fticiencq. Auditing". The energy efficiency audit shall be repeated a t inter\ als a h reclLiired bq the :\gcncy.

Tlic audit shall identify all practicable opportLiriities foi- energy tisc I-eduction and eflicicncy and the reco iiiiiie nda t i (ins of tlie a iid i t \\,i 1 I be i tic (3 i-po 1-a t ed i 11 to t he S c he du 1 c of E 11 \ , i ro iiiiicii ta I Ol?jectivcs and Targets tinder Condition 2 abo\.e.

The licensee shall identify cqyx)rtuiiities for reduction in tlie quantity o f \\'ater used 011 site inc 1 i id ing rec yc 1 ing and re ti se in i t i a t i\,e s. \\.I1 ere \,er po ss ih 1 e. Rcd~ic t I o 11s in \+'at er usage slia 11 be incoiporated into Schedule of l~nviroiiiiicntal Ol~jecti\ cs and Targcts.

l-lie Iicensec shall undertake an a xient of the efliciency of LISC of rau materials in all processes. Iia\iiig pal-ticular regard to tlie reduction in \\ w t e gencrated. The assessment should take account o f bcst intematioiial practice foi- this type ol' acti i i ty. M'liet-e impro\ ements iirc identi lied. these shall be incorpoi-atcd into the Schediilc of Environniental Ot~jccti\~es and nrgets.




Condition 8. Materials Handling

8 . I









1\11 waste treatniciit sliiill be carried out inside buildings.

\\'aste s to rage

8.2.1 I;nless otherwise agreed by the :\gency, a l l waste storage areas shall be inside IT n i I d i n gs.

8.2.2 Iriiless othernise agreed by the :\gency, all outdoor storage areas shal l be c o \ ~ r e d . 'I'his condition sliall apply to a l l storage areas used for waste and other niatcrial that has the potential to coiitaiiiiriatc rain water and surface water run- off.

\\'aste Storage Plan

The licensee shall, within 3 nioiitlis of date of gran t of licence, establish and maintain, to tlie satisfaction of the Agency. a \\'aste Storage Plan for a l l waste stored and held a t tlie installation.

'The \\'aste Storage Plan shall comprise:

a list of designated areas for the storage o r Iioltliiig of iiitli\idual w a s t e

s t rea m s ;

an inventory, including a description and K\VC code, of the wastes that can be stored o r held i n each designated areas:

a description of the storage or holding conditions for each waste in each designated area including any n a s t e segregation arrangements necessary for safety or enviroiiniental reasons;

a liniit on the volume of waste to be stored or held iii cacli desigriatetl area ;I lid ni a I i ni 11 ni stock p ile sizes :

a liniit on the niasiniuni storage or holding period for waste i n each designated area;

ii plan drawing of the facility that clearly illustrates and labels tlic waste storage ant1 holding areas; and

other rcqiiircments a s may be directed o r agreed b y the ,\gency

M'aste storage and lioldiiig practices a t tlie facility shall comply at all times with the \\'aste Storage Plan.

W'aste accepted o r generated at the facility sliall be stored or held on ly in designated areas that have been identified in the \\'aste Storage Plan.

All designated areas for storage or holding of waste shall be:

clearly labelled;

appropriately segregated where necessary for eiivironnieiital or safety rea sons; and

visibly or physically delineated by walls, dividers, painted lines or marks on the ground or other nietliods acceptable to the Agency

Wrapping of baled niriiiicipal \I a \ te

8.4.1 The \ \ rapping of baled municipal waste, IIDF, SKI; arid other n a \ t e 4 ia l l be carried ont in such a maliner that:





the generation o f contaniinatetl run-off from the wrapped bales is

the n;rstc is l 'uI l \~ contained,

the generation of otlonr from the \\ rappctl balcs is pi-e\,entetl,

access 1)). vermin is prc\~eiitetl, and


Each bale sliall be I;thelled with its date of production, its content and b : l l ' C code ;ind tlie facility of origin aiid its liceiice register number.

The liceiiscc s11;ill niaintxiii operiiting procctlurcs for the baling ;tlirl I\ rapping of \I ii S t e.

?'he operating proccdores for the baling and wrapping of nxs te sliall specify a t least the following:

the objective of haling and wrapping;

the materials and methods riser1 to retain tlie bale:

the gauge of plastic used as \ \ rapping material;

the nuniber of wraps or rotations:

the criteria by which it is demonstrated that a bale has been successfrilly made and wrapped;

tlie nietliod for labelling of bales; a n c l

the method and fi-eqiienq for periodic clieckiiig of the integrity of wrapped b a ICs.

I l i e integrity of each wrapped bale shall be checked periodically arid pr ior to its dispatch from the instidlatioli. :2ny tlnniagetl b:ilcs shall he repaired n.ithin 24 h on rs. No d a niagetl b ales sli a I I b e dispatch et1 f ro 111 tlie i t i s t a I1 a t ion.

X .5 LVa s t e Acc c pt an ce a ncl C' hai-uc t er i s;i t i o 11 I' roc ed LI res







b 'as tc shall only bc accepted at tlic ticility tiom I.ocal Atitliority \ \asto collcction o r transport \.chicles 01- holtfel-s of' \\.ristc pci-iiitts. unless cxeinptcd 01- excluded. issued wider the L\'a.;tc Il lana~ement / \cts 1096. as ameticlecl. (‘epics of these \vaste collection pci-inits must he maintained at the facilit) 'lhe licensee sli;ill, nitliiii six niontlis of tlic date of grant of this licence, establish and niaiiitain detailed written procetlures for the acceptance and handliiig of \t.:istes. \\'astc sliall be accepted at the installation only h i i i hnou ti waste producers or tie\\. w a stc prod 11 ce rs s til3.i ec t t o i 11 i t ia I \viis t c pro fi I i ng ii nd \!.as t e c ha rac t eri sa t io t i off- site . The \\ rittcrr rccords o f this off-site waste profiling and characterisation shall be retained by the licensee fix all act i \c ~ a s t e prodricers and t o i - it trio yeat- period fb I lo \v i rig tcr ti1 i na t i 011 i) 1. I i c ct is et' \\'as tc pro cl LI cc I- ii g I-ee tile t i t s. U'aste arriving at the f'xility shall h a w its dociimt.iitntion checked at the point 0 1 entry to the fncility anti sul?ject to this \ eritication. \veighed. documented and directed to a n appropr ia te storage or treatnient building or area. 17x11 load OF \vaste shall be inspected upon tipping at the installation. Only after siicli inspections sliall the waste be treated for disposal or recovery. Any waste deemed iinsuitahle fot- processing at the facility and"oi- in contra\ ention of this licence shall be immediately separated and rcinoved from the Ijcility a t the earliest possible time. I eniporai-y storage of such \\Tastes shall be in a designated \?iaste Quarantine .4rca. blirstc shall h e stoi-cd undcr appropriate cnnditions 111 the clitarmtine area to a \ v i c i putrekictioii. o d o ~ i r generatioil. the attraction (1 t' \ m i i i n and a t i y o t her 11 LI i s a tic c o I- ol7j cc t i on:ib I e conditio ti. The licensee shall develop ;ind niaintain tletailcd writ ten procedures aiid criteria for:

8 0



8 9

8 I O

8 1 1

8 12

8 I 3

8 I4

8 15


( i )

( i i ) (iii)

c1iar;tetcrisatioii. conipliaiice testing, acccptance, oii-site \ eriticatioii a i i d

limclliiig of all wastes ari-i\,iiig a t the iiist;illatioii; rejection of rriiacceptahle incoming waste; ;ind

ensuring adequate storage capacity esists i i i atlwnce of nas t e acceptance.

The licensee shall ensure that \\ astc geiicratctl 111 tlie cai-I-ying on 01' tlic acti\,it>. shall be prepared l i r 1-e-use. recycling o r i -eco~ or. n.liei-c that is not technically (11- ccim~iiiically possihle. disposed of in a iiiaiiiiei- \\ 11 \ \ , i l l pre\'cnt 01- minimise an) impact 0 1 1 the en 1.i ro iiiiic n t .

1)ispoxaI o r recm cry of tvastc oil-sitc sliiill only take place i n iiccordiince with the conditions of this liccncc and in accorchice \\,it11 the appropi-iate National aiid European legislation and pro t oc 0 1 s.

Waste sent off-site fix reco\.er>' or disposal sliall bc transported only by a n autlioi-ised \I axte contractor. I he n x t e shall be transported from tlie site of tlie activity to the site 0 1 reco\.cry disposal only in a iiiaiiiicr that will not ad\ el? affect tlie cn\.ironment and i n

7 I-d aiic e 1f.i t h t lie ap propri a t c N ;i t i cma I and E iiro pea i 1 I egis1 at ion and pro t oc (3 Is .

The licensee shall ensure that. in advance of transfer to another person. Lvaste shall be classified, packaged and labelled in accordance nith National, European and any other standards \~k ic l i are in force in I-elation to such labelling.

The loading and iinloading of materials shall be cai-ried out in designated areas protected against spillage. leachate run-off and fugitive emissions.

Waste shnll be stored in designated areas, protected as may be appropriate against spillage and leachate run-off.

No ivaste classified as green list nas te in a d a n c e uith the ELJ Shipinent of Waste Regulations (C'ouncil Regulation FFIC No. I O I 3 7006. as may be amended) shall be consigiied lor i-ecm ery \I ithoiit the agreement of tlie Agency.

Waste l'or disposal recovery oft-site shall be analysed in accoi-dance \\it11 .Wrd~//(, C': (.oiriro/ R ,L./otiitoriq, of this licence.

Unless approved in urriting. in ad\.ance. by the Agency tlic licensee is prohibited from mixing a hazardous n x t e of one catcgory \iith a hazardous \\m:te of anotliei- category or \\ i t h any otl1er non-llnzardoLls \\'aste.

The licensee shall neither import waste into the State nor export n w t e o u t of the State except in accoi-diiiice n i th tlic re lc \mt pro\,isions o f Jiegulntion (1:C) No I O I3 1006 of the European Parliament and of the C'ouiicil of 14th lune 2006 on sliipiiieiits of n m t e and associated na t i oiia 1 reg ii I ii t i oris .

Standards Regarding the Supply of Refuse Deri\.ed I;uel ( I lDF) or Solid Keco\wwl Fucl (SKI:)





Refuse derived fuel or solid recovered frit1 produced at tlie facility s h a l l be classified and specified in accordaiice with I.S. IS35 Y:201 I Solid I-ccoverwl fir c l s - Spc; f icrr tioris ( i n (1 c l r rs .s~ .s 11 11 less o t 11 e rw ise il greed h y t 11 e Agency.

No refuse derived fuel o r solid recovered fuel shall be supplied to a person or organisation for coinbustion except nhei-e there is i n place a tecliiiical specification. 'The tecliiiical specification shall he prepared, unless otherwise agreed by the ,\gency, ill accordance with I.S. EA' 15359:2011 Solid recowrcd jircls - Spccificatiorrs mid classes and sliall be agreed between the licensee and tlie recipient person or organisation.

N o solid recovered fuel classified as waste sliall be supplied for combustion in any facility o r installation that has not been granted a licence or permit rinder the Waste Iiiciiicration Directive or Industrial Eiiiissioiis Directive.

'The technical specification referred to i n Condition 8.16.1 sliall set out the cri teria to be niet ill o rder that combustion of the refuse derived fuel or solid recovered fuel will riot lead to failure to comply nitl i the conditions of a licence

or permit a s inay be applic;il)lc a t the tlestin;ition iriciiieratioii or co-iiiciiier:itioii f;i ci I i t y . ‘Ihc licensee s l i a l l ~ini i i~; i l ly , o r :it ;I giwitcr trcqiicncy i f s o instructed 11). tlie .\gcncy and unless otherwise ;igi-ectl by tlic ,-\gency, tlenionstratc, using ii

nictliod ;igrcetl or specified by the .\gcncy, that the trcatincnt process for the nianufact i~re of refuse cleri\,etl fuel or solid reco\~crecl fuel results i n ii materially significant net increase i n calorific \.slue o w r tlie riii\etl waste i~itrodiiccd to the treatment pi-occss.

Bulky nietallic and non-nietallic par ts s1i;ill be removed prior to processing waste into I<DF/Sltl;.



8.17 O n l y waste that has heen subject to trcatnicnt nia) be tlisp;itclied for disposal a t a landfill fiicilitj-. ‘l’reatment sli;ill retlect publislied EP,A guitl:ince a s set out in i\firtiicipul Solid JI irstr - Pro-tscutrrrrtit irtitl l<c~sidrr(il.~ .~f~rt i tr .~rtnc~ti t , E:P.\. 2009. \\‘it11 the agrecnie~i t of the Agency, this condition s h a l l not apply to:

(i) (ii)

Inert J\ astc for which treatnieiit is not technically feasible; ant1 Other waste for which s u c h treatment does not contribute to tlie objectives of the I,andt?ll Directive a s set out i n Article 1 of the Directive b y reducing the quality of the waste or the hazards to liiiniari health or the environment.

8.18 Each load of waste dispatched to lalidfill sliall be accompanied by docrimeiitation verifying the type of treatment carried out 011 the waste :ind. in the case of municipal waste o r treated municipal waste, its biodegradable content.

Condition 9. Accident Prevention and Emergency Response

9. 1 -1 lie licensee sliall ciihurc tliat ;I dociimcntcil ;\ccitlciit I+\ ciitioii 1’1-oceifurc is in place that addresses the liazards oil-site. Ixirticiilai-l~. in i-clatioii to the pre\~eiition of accidents with a poasihle iiiipact on the en\iroiiment. I 111s pi-occdurc shall be re\ ic\i.cd anniially and updated as necessary.

Ilie licensee shall. ensiirc that a documented Iiiicrgency licsponsc Ikwxiure is in place. tha t addresses any emergency situation which niay originate on-site. This procedure shall include prmision for minimisiiip the clfccts 01‘ any cnierpency iui the cn\ ii-onmcnt. This procediire shall he i-c\k\vcd annually and updated as necessary.


9.3 incideiita

9.3.1 I n the cwnt of an incident the licensee shall iminediatelq:


( i i )

( i i i ) ( i \ )


(1 i )

Where a n incidcnt o r accident tha t signi Iicantly affects the cii\ ironment occurs. the liccnwe shall. \\ i t l i m i t delay take iiicasiii-es to limit the cn\.ironmentaI consequelices of the incident 01- accident and to pr-c\ ent liirtlier incident o r accident.

cni-ry out a n iii\.cstigatioii to identity the nature. source and cause o f the i iic id ent and ii 11 y ciii iss io 11 a 1-i s i rig t hcrc fro ni :

isolate the s o ~ ~ r c c of any such emission:

c i d u a t e the eii\,ironmental pollution. it m y . caused by tlie incident: identify and execute iiieiisiires to iiiinimise the t.missions/rnalfiictioli and the cffkcts thcrent identify the (late. time and placc oftlie incidcnt: notify the /\gency aiid other rele\mt authorities.


Condition 10. Decommissioning & Residuals Management

IO. 1 Folio\\ ing termination. 01- planned ceasation fbr a pel-ioti greater than sis months. 01' use OI-

in\ol\.enient of all 01- part of' tlie site in tlic licensed ticti\ ity. the licenaee sliall. to the satisfaction of the .Agency. decomniission. rendel- sal? o r renio\~c lor disposal rcco\-ei-y any soi I . subsoi I. h i Iding s. plant c)r eq ti l pnie n t . (11- any \\.aste. iiia tcria Is 01- sulw tnnccs (11- other matter contained therein or thereon. that may result i n cii\.iroiiniental pollutinn.

Dcc onini iss i oni iig Ma nag erne n t I' I ; in ( I) M 1') 10.2.1

1 ( 1.3

The licensee shall pi-epare. to tlic satisliiction o f tlic .4gcncy. ;I liilly detailed and costed plan Ihr the decc,mmissioning or closure of the site o r part tliereof. This plan shall replace tlie existing Decoriiniissioiiiiig I'laii and shall be subniitted to thc Agency For agreement as part of ttie first !\ER after grant of this licence.

The plan shall be reviewed annually and proposed amendments thereto notified t o the Agency for agreement as part of the A E R . N o amendments may b e implemented without the agreement of the Agency.

'l'he licensee shall have regard to the E:.n\~ironmciital I'rotection Agcncy's Guidance on Assessing and Costing Environinental Liabilities (20 13) and. as appropriate. G iiid ance 011 En\ i ro nine nt al L iabi 1 i t y I< i ak Assess men t . Residua 1 s M anage men1 P la lis. and 1-i iiiiiic ial t-'ro\-ision ( 2 0 0 6 ) and t ti e h ascline report . \\ hen i nip 1 e nicii t i ng Condition 10.2.1 a h o \ ~ .



10.3 7'he DecommissioniiiF blanagcmcnt Plan shall include. as a i i i i i i i i i i i in i . the fbllon.ing:


( i i ) tlie criteria that define the successful dccomniissioning o f the activity o r part tliei-eol. \\.hicl1 enhiires minimum impact on tiit. en\ ironment:

( i i i ) a prograiiinie to acliie\.e the stated criteria: ( i \ . ) 11 here irelei ant . a test progranimc to demonstrate the s~icces~f i i l

iiiiplemcntatioii 01' the decomiiiissioniiig plan: and

(\.) details of the costings h i - the plan and tlic tinancial pro\%ions tu underu.ritc tl1osc costs.

A linal \ alidation report to incluck a cei-tilicatc o f completion li)r tlic I)ecomiiiissioning Management Plan. li>r all o r part of the site as necessarq.. sliall 1x3 siibniitted to the Agency \vithin three months o f euecution o f tlic plan. ~1 he licensee shall carry out such tests. in\estigations or subinit certification. ;is rcqiicstcd h!. thc :\gency. to contirm that thcrc is 110

continuing risk to the en\.ii-onment.

;I scope statement lor the plan;


Condition 11. Notification, Records and Reports

11.1 'I'he licensee shall notify ttie Agency, in a format as niay be specified by the Agency, one nionth in advance of the intended date of conmeiicenient of acceptance of residual and/or food waste.

Ihe licencee shall notify the Agency by both tclcplionc and either eniail o r u.ebform. to the ,\geIiCy'S headqiiarters in Wesfbrd. or to such other ,4geiicy otlice as niay he specified by the Agency. as sooii as practicable al'ter the occiiri-cnce of any ol'the folio\\ ing:


1 1.3

an incident (11- accident tha t significantly alf'ects tlic cii\ ironment:






11 .8

( i i ) a114 Ieleiisc 01' en\ ii-ciiimcntal siyiiticaiice 10 atiiiosplierc ti-oni a n y potc~i t~i i l emissions point including 13ypasst.s:

anq breacli o f one o r mor-c ol'thc conditions attaclicii to thi\ licence:

a n y malliinction 01- l~rc~i lxlo\ \ 11 o t ' l ~ ~ ~ control cqiiipiiiciit 01- iiicinitoring cqtiipiiient set out 111 .\'i./ic,r/it/c, ( ' ( ~ o / / / / . I I / ( / / i t / , \ / o / ~ i ~ o i . i ~ / g , of this licciicc \\ liicli i s libel\. t o Icad t o

any incident \\ it11 tlic potential fhr en\~ironmentaI coiltamination or surfrice \\,ater o r gviiiid\\.ater. or posing iiii cti\ it-oiiiiic>iit tlireat t o air or land. o r i-equii-iiig ; i n

emei-yency respoiisc b y tlic 1-oca1 Aiitlioi-ity.

( i i i ) ( i \ )

Inss ol'ccmlrol 01. the ahutcnlcnt syslcln: and


' I lie licensee shall iiicluctc ;is part 01' tlic notilication. dntc aiid time or tlic iiicideiit. summary details ot'the occtiri-ciicc. a n c l nhcrc a \ ailablc. tlie steps tal\en t o niinimise an? eniissions.

The ti)llo\viny shall be notiticd. ;is soon iis pract icable aticr the occiirrciicc of any incident \\kith relates to ;i discharge to \\ater:


The licensee shall niake a record 01. any incident. '1-his record shall include details of the nature. extent. and impact of. and circumstances gi\ ing rise to, the incident or accident. The record shall include all corrccti\.e actions takcn to manage the incident 01- accident. minimise \t.astcs generated and the effect OII the enviroiiniciit. and avoid recLii-rciice. In tlie case of a breach 01' a condi t ion. nieasLirt's to restore cc)mpliance. l'lie licensee shall. as soon as practicable t'ollo\\.ing notification. submit to tlic Agency the record.

The licensee shall record all complaints of a n en\~ironmenta1 nature related to tlie operation of the activity. €inch such record shall g i \ r details of' tlie date and time of the complaint, the name o f tlie coinplainant ( i t ' pro\ idcd). and gi\.e..dctails of' tlie nature ot' tlie complaint. A rccoi-d shall also be kept of the I-esponse made in tlic case ul'each cnniplaint.

In land Fisheries Ireland in the case of discharges to recei\iiig \\.aters.

shall record all sampling. analyses. tiieasLireiiients. csaminntions. calibrations it11 the requirenients o f th is licence and dl other and maintenance carried o ~ i t in accordancc

such moiiitoi-ing \vliicli rclates to tlie cn\.ironniental 1x1-tiwiiance

-1 lie licensee shall as a minimuin c~isiirc that tlie rollo\\~iiig documents arc accessible at the

tlie installation.

the licencex relating t o tlie iustallation; thc current LhlS 1111- the installation. iiicliirliiig a l l ;issoci;itctl procedures, reports , records and o t h e r tlocumentc: the pre\ ious ycar's A1:R foi- tlic installation: rec o rct s of ;I I I s a ti1 p I i 112. ii iiii 1 yse s. i i i eiis Lire iiic ii t s. cs mi i ti ii t io lis. ca I i 13 rat i o m and inai ntcnancc carried (1111 in ;ic col-dance \\.I tli tlie requ it-cnicnt s o f this licence and a I 1 other- siicli monitoi-iiig \\,liicli relates to the en\ ironniental perliiriiiaiice of the ins t a I I ii t i on ; i-clc\wit correspoiicletice \\.it11 tlie Agency: upto-date site tlra\\~ings plans slio\\ing the location 01' key p~-ocess and en\ ironmciital infrastructurc. including monitoring locations and emission points: up- t o -da tc S ta ntl ;i 1-il Ope rat io na I I' roc ed iircs for ii 1 I proce sses . p la t i t and equip iiicii t necessary to gi \x ctli'ct to t h i s licence or otlier\\ise to ensure that standard operation ol'such processes. plant o r cquipment does not result in iinriuthorised emissions to the en\ironment: any cleriients o f the licence application or EIS documentation referenced in this licence: and all records of a d i t s .

This docuiiicntation shall be a\,ailable to tlie .4gClicy for inspection at all reasonable times

The licensee shall maintain a c o m p n t c r based rccoi-d for each load of M a t e arriving at and departing fi-om tlic liicilitq.. The licensee shall record tlie tt)llo\xiiig:

( i ) the datc and tinie:



1 1 . 1 I


( i i ) [lie nanie 01' the cnr-ici- (including 11' appt-opt-iate. tlie n x s t e cari-ier iregistrattoti

( i t i ) the \chicle 1-egisti-atton ti~iiiiber:

( i \ )

( \ ) ( \ . I ) tlic iiaiiie 01' tlic Lvastc lhcility ( i f appropriate) froni v-liich tlie load originated

ription o f the \\Taste incl~iding tlic associated Lb 'C 1 I l \ ' r ~ cocles:

dc t a i 1 s) :

tlic trailer. skip 01- otlict- cotitatiiei- L I I ~ I C ~ L I C identification tiLitiibcr (U here i-ele\ an t ) :

the Ilalllc o f the pt-otlucer 01' the \\'aste ;I5 ~ l p p l - c ' p l - l a t ~ :

iiicluding the U aste licence o r \vaste permit register niiiiitxr:

( \ i i i )

( i x ) (x) (SI)


the qi iant i ty o f the n'aste. I-ecot-dcd i n t(innes:

details o f the treatment(s) to \\.liicli the n w t e has heen wbjecteci. il'any: thc cla.;sificatim atid coding ol'tlic \\.aqte. including \I Iictlicr hlS\V 01- otlieni ise:

11 hether tlie \I aste is Ibr disposal OI- i-eco\.ci-y and i l . t-eco\ et-y lkir \\hat p~it-posc:

tlie name of the person checking tlie load: and \\ here loads or wastes are rcmo\.ed o r 1-e.jected. details of the date of occLti-rcnce. the types 01' \\.aste and the kicility to \\liicli they were removed.

The licensee shall sLibiiiit t o tlie Agency. by the 3 1"' March o f each year, an AER col-ering the previous calendai- year. This report. wliieli shall be to tlie fziction of tlie ,4gency. shall include as a minimum the information specified in S ~ ~ / i d i i / c 1111 ici/ E l i \ Y r . o n r i i wi rcil R (>port. of this licence and shall b e prepared in accordatice \+it11 any rele\mt guidelines issued by the Agency.

A full record. \\-hicl1 shall be open to inspection by authorised pet-sons of the Agency at all times, shall be kept by the licensee on matters relating to the \\.aste management operations and practices at this site. This recot-d shall he maintained on a niontlily basis and shall iis a minimiurn contain details o f the folio\\ ing:

( i )

( i i )

( i i i )

the tonnages alid l:L\lC Code fix the \\ aste materials imported and or sent off-site for disposal reco\-ery: the nanies of the agent and carrier of' the \\'aste. and their n x t e collection perinit de ta i 1 s. i f rcq LI i red (to i iic I iide i ss LI i ng a t i t hori t y and \.ell ic IC reg ist 1-a t io 11 11 LI mber) : derails o f the ~iltiniute disposal i-eco\ei-y destination liicility for the n a s t c and its appr(ipriateness to accept the consignecl \\ aste stream. to include it.; permit licence details and ~ s s u i n g authority. if required:

( i \ , ) \\,ritteii conl'irtiiation c i f tlie acceptance and disp~is;iI rcco\ et-y of any Iiazai-dous \\.aste consignments sent off-site:

( \ ) details of all waste consigned abroad for Reco\.ci-y and classified as '(ireen' i n accordance with tlic l:U Shipment 01' l t 'aste liegiilatiotis (C'oiincil l<egitlntion LEC No. I O 13 2006. a s may he :iincniled). The atio ion ale Iyir the classilicatton must form part c i f tlie record:

details of any rejected consignments: details of any a p p i - o \ ~ l \i.aste mi\ing; the t-esults oL' any \\.as~e analyses req~iircd under S ' ~ ~ / i d i i / e C': C'oi i t id & hJotiiio/Yn:<. o f this licence: aiicl

tlic toniiage and EWC Code for the n a s t e materials rcco\.ered~disposed on-site.

(\i) ( \ i i ) ( \ i i i )


The licensee sliall suhniit report(s) as required by tlie conditions o f this licence to the A4gency's lieadquarters in Weuford. ot- to such other Agene). oflice as may be specified by the Agency.

All reports shall be certified iicciii-atc and representati\.e by the installation manager or a nominated, suitably cluditied and esperienced cleputy.

Condition 12.

17 I 2geIlLL c 11'11yc\

Financial Charges and Provisions



'I 112 licen\ec shall pay to the ;\geiicy ;in annual conti-ibution 01' f5,NO9. 01- sue11 sum a\ the .2gciicy from t ime to time clctermiiies. ha\ iiig rcg:ird to ariations i n the esterit ( I 1' re po rt i rig. ii L i d i t i iig . i iispec t ion. sa i i i 13 I i rig ;I i i d a I la I y s i s OI- n t lie r tiinc t i ( ns c ii i-1-icd out by the I\gciicy. to\\ ai-cis tlie cos t ( i t ' iiioiiitoriiiy (lie acti\ i t y as tlie .~ \ge~icy considers iicccssai-y h r tlic pci-1iii-m;iiicc of' its liiiictions under the I ii\.lronmcntal Protection Agent\. Acts 1002 as amciided. llic first p a y iiicnt shall he ii pr-o-rata ai i inunt Iiir tile period ti-on1 the date 01' grant of th i a Iiccncc to the .3I" d a b o f I)eccmbci-. and shall he p;iitI to the Agency \\ i t l i in otic iiinntli from tlie clntc of grant of the licence. I n subsequent years the licensee aha11 pay to the Ayency such rc\.ised annual conti-ihution as tlic .4gcncy sliall li.oiii timc t o tinie consider ncceasary to enable perforninncc h h , the t~gc i icy ot' its rclc\.ant fiinctions under the l'n\ ironmental Protection Agency A c t s 1902 iis amended xid all such payments shall bc Inade \vitliin niie month ol'tlie clate upon u.IiicIi demanded hy the Ageiicy.

In the e\ent t l ia t tlie li-eqwiicy or extent of nionitoring o r other tiinctiniis carried out by the Agency needs to be increased. the licensee shall contribute such sums as detcrminctl by the Agency to d iy i t s costs in regard to items not ccn.ered hy the sa id annua I con t r i 13 11 t ion,

1 2 .2 Eii\;ironiiienta 1 I> iab i I i t i es

12.2. I





'l'he licensee shall iis part ofthc .4EX pro\.ide an annual stateIiIeiit as t o the measures taken or adopted at tlie site in relation to thc pre\.ention of en\.ironmental damage. and the linanciiil pro\,isions in place in relation to the undenvriting of costs for remedial actions follo\\iig anticipated e\ ents (including closure) o r accidents' incidents. ;IS iiiay he associated tvitli the carrying on 01. the activity.

I'hc licensee shall ai-raiige for the completion. l>>, an independent and appropriately q u ii 1 i l i ed c o tis ti I t a 11 t . of a coni p relicnsi \ e and fii 1 I y c o s tecl 13ivironiii en ta I I , i ii b i 1 1 ties Kisk Assessment ( E 1 , R A ) \\ hicli addresses tlic liabilities fram past and present acti\ities. The a xii icnt shall include those liabilities and costs identified 111

C ' o n d i t i o n I O f~ cscciition of tlie Ilhll ' . stibniitted to the :\gciic> 101- agreeiiiciit ) \ i thi~i t\vel\,c rnolitlis of tl;itc of grant of this licence or prior to the acceptance of waste exceeding 200,000 toiiiics in a calendar year, wliiclicvcr is the sooner. 1 he [:LK.2 a l ia l l be re\ i e \ \ed a s necessary to reflect any significant change on site. and i n any e\ cry three years follo\\,ing ini t ia l agreement. Kc\-icn, results iirc to be notitied iis part o f tlie ,~\1.1~.

As part of the measui-es identitied in ('onclition 12.2.1. the licensee shall. t o the satisfaction o f tlie .\gency and witliiii t\ielvc moiitlis of date of grant of this licelice or prior to the acccptaiicc of waste exceeding 200,000 toiiiies in ii

calendar J ear, wliichevcr is tlic sooner. make linancial pro\.ision to c o \ w any liabilities associated \\ i t h tlie operation (including closure). Ilie iiniolmt o f indemnity held shall be rc\ien,ed and i-e\.ised as ne iry. b u t at least ann l l a l ly . I'ronf of reiie\\al or rcvisiiiii ot' such financial indemnity shall be included i n the annual 'Statement o f Meas~u-ea' report identified in C'ondition 12.2.1 .

Tilc licensee sliall reiisc the cost of closLire anniially and any xijustments shall he reflected in the linancial pro\-ision made under ('ondition 12.2.3.

The licensee shall ha\^ rcgnrd to tlie Lln\-ironiiiental I'rotection ,4gency Guidance on P.n\.ironmen ta I I iab il i t y R is k Asscssnien t Res id Lids M a nage iiie ii t I' I ails and Financial I'ro\ision \\.lien iiiiplementing ('onciitions 12.2.2 and 12.2.3 abo\.e.

i\ report on tliia ii

S C fI E D U L E A : L i mi ta ti ons

Nn additions to these processes ai-c pcriiiittccl iinlc.;s agi-ecd in ad\ iiiict' \ i i t l i tlic Agciicv

Non- 1 l a m d o u s Wastes I

Waxte Type

Dry Mixed Kecyclables (EWC 20 03 0 1 )

Mixed Municipal Waste (EWC' 20 03 01)

Riodegradablc Waste (EWC 20 0 1 08)

Papel- and Cardboard pacl<agiiig (EWC' I S 0 1 0 1 )

Plastic Packaging ( E h ' C 15 01 0 2 )

Wooden Packaging (EWC 15 0 1 03)

Metallic Packaging (EWC 15 0 I 03)

Miucd Packaging (EWC' 15 0 1 00)

Glass Packaging (ELt'C' 15 0 I 0 7 )

End 01' L i k Tyres (t.,\\C' 16 0 1 03)

Mixture of' concrete. bricks. tiles and ceramics (EWC' 17 0 1 0 7 )

Plastic ivaste (rive 30 01 39)

Mctals (LWC' 20 0 1 30)

Bulky \vaste (EWC' ?O 0.3 07)

Soil and Stones (EWC 17 05 0.1)

G yp si1 m-based con st ruc t ion materia Is ( E W C 17 08 02)

Mixed construction and demolition waste (EWC' I7 09 04)

Conibusti\.c \vastc (EWC 19 12 I ? )

Other \vastes (incliiding mixtures o f materials) from meclianical trcatiiiciit of \\.astes (EWC 19 12 12)

Paper ancl cardboard (EWC 2 0 0 1 0 1)

\<>I1.? Max imuin (I'onnes Per Annum)

60 .000

-3 0,000

2 0.0 00

2 5.0 00


1 .ooo 100

1 .ooo IO0






1 .ooo

3 5 .ooo



i I

SCHEDULE B: Emission Limits

Emi55ion Point Reference No: I,oc a t ion : Volume to be emitted: Rliiiinirini diwliarges height:

B.2 Etiiissiotis to Wcrter

'I'licre sliall be 1 1 0 emissions to water of' environmental significance.

There shall be no process efflrient eniissioris to sewer.

B. 4 Noise Eiiiissioiis

SCHEDULE C: Control & Monitoring

Static pressure across the filter

Otlour character

Note 2

k:nii+\ion Point licferencc \ 0:

1)ercription of Treatment:

(’on ti ii u o u s

I ) i i i I > Note 2 Yote 2

I l’re%ure SeIIsOrs I

I Siiitf I’orts

C. 1.2. Morzitoriiig of‘ Etiiissioiis to Air

Emission Point Reference No: A2- 1

Parameter - 7 k r e q i i e n c y 7 s Method/Technique

.:. C.2. I . Coiztrol of‘ Etiiissinris to Ft7utt~r.

‘I here shall be no emissions to \\ater of en\ ironnlentill \ignificancc. . C.2.2. Moizitoriizg of’ Eiiiissioiis to Wuter

‘rherc shall be no emissions to 11 atcr of eii\,iroriniciital significance.

C.2.3. Moiiitoriiig qjStoriir Wuter Eiiiissioizs

Eniiwion Point Reference ho: ____



Coil cl u ct i \ it?

Suspentled solids

rota1 petroleum h j drocarbons

Xlinei al oil

\ isual Inspection

hlonitoring Frequency Analysis ~lethod/Tecliiiiqiie

C. 3. I . Control of‘ Emissiorzs to Sewer

‘Ihere shall be no process effluent emissions to s e n er.

'l'licrc sliall be 110 proccss et'flucnt criiissioris to Sener. .:.-


C. 5 Noise Moiiitoriiig N o additional noise monitoring is required in this scliedule.

Monitoring Frequency iinalysk nlethod/TecIiiiique

l3l-'lllllll<lll\ \r' 'L I

C. 6 Atnhieizt Monitoring C. 6. I Air ikloiiitoriiifi


Kele\ ant ha/artlous substances """


[,oca tion:

Monitoring Frequency Analysis Methadi'fechniqiies

t \ C l ) tcn \C ' I I \ 5tclncl,Il CI Mclhocl

AD-I and AD-2. as per Dran%ig No. 138-01 (Emissions and Sampling -Locations). or as may he amended under Condition 6.7.


Note I : Chce during the period May to Septeinbcr. or as otherwise specilied 111 uriting by the Agency. Note 2 : Standard Method VI11 2 1 19 (Measurement of 1)ustfiill. I1etermination o f 1)tistfall using

Bergerhoff Instrumcnt (Standard Method) German Engineering Institute). f.

C. 6.2 Groiriitiwater iMorzitoririg

Lor a ti o 11 : -1'0 bc agreed with (he Agency \\ ithin six months of date of grant o f licence.

SCIIEDU1,E D: Specified Engineering Works

leering W o r h

L pgrndc of briildii~g labr ic tor l~rii lding \ I .

111s t ;I 1 I at ion of o c l o LI I' co 11 t 1.0 I r i 11 i t . Any other M O I ~ \ \ notilied i n v i iting bq tlie \ g e n ~ y

.:. SC€IEDUI,E E: Annual Environmental Report

~ i i i i u a ~ Eiiviroiirneiital Keport Content Note ___.

\Vaste recovery repnrt. Emissions i i -on i tlie iristnllatiori.

Waste managcnien t rccord, inclri tli iig su ni ma r y of re5 ec tetl

I<csource cotisLiiiiption suni i i iary.

aste loads.

C'olllplllints sunlmal-y.

Scliedulc of E n \ iroiiii ictital Oti.iccti\.cs and T:it-gcts.

tnvirontneiital t i ianagcmcii t Iirograiiiiiic

En\~ i ro i i tncnta l tiianagcmerit pt-ogt-aiiimc ~ pro1xis;iI t i i r current yc~ii..

I'ollutant Rc1c;isc aiid Tl.ans1i.i- Register-

Pol lutant Releahe ;itid trans1i.i- Ilcsistcr

No ise i i io r i i tor ing report .;urnmat-)

Ani l i ic i i t i i ionitot- i i ig \ u n i r i i a r ~ .

Tank and pipcl i i ie tcst i i ig a t i d itispcctiori rq io r t .

Reported iticitlerits suiiiiii:ir!

tincrgy cf l ic ic t ic ) audit ircpot-t \ulnmat-y.

Report on the : i \x<s i i ic i i t of the c l f ic icr ic> ( 1 1 ' LIW of I-:I\\, tii:iterial\ iii procc\scs and the ret luct ioi i i n \\ :isle

Repot-t 011 pr-ogrc<s iiiiitlc ;ind I i r o p o a I s Iiciiiy de\ eloped to i i i ir i i i i i i \c \ \ater clctnand aiid the \ o l u l n c of t r i i ck cltl i t cii t tI i <cIi:i ye.;.

report foi- pre\ ' ioi is year.

report foi- pt-cvious >cat-.

propos:iI fot- current ycai-.

yen er2 t ctl.

Iolitiiciit Iri li.;istructiii~al \\ oi-hs >umiii:it-y (cotiiplctctl in prc \ , io i i \ y ~ t r or- prc1i:ircd tot- cLirrcriI year).

Reports o n t inancial iiro\ isiori iiiiidc iti idct- this licence. mnn;igcmcnt ; i nd stat'tii ig strttcttir-c of the inst i i l lut ion. ; ir id

;I progr:irii i i ic to r pi i l i l i c i n t i i m ~ i t i o r i .

Re\ i c \ \ o f t l c c o i i i n i i ~ s i o t i i ~ i ~ n);tr~;igctncrit p1;iri.

St:itciiicnt o f measures i n rc la t io i i t o pi-c\ critiori of' en\ it-oiiii ieirtnl tlainagc at id I-ci i icdial actions ( t . ~ i \ i ro i imcnta l I ~ i ah i I i t i e h ) .

I:ri\ ii.otitiictit;il L iah i l i t ics Risk i\sschsiiicnt Rc\ ic\ \ , (c\,cry ttircc ycat-s o r mor-c t i .cq~rcri t I~ iis tlictntecl I?! trcIc\ iuit

oil-si tc c tiatigc i i i c l ucli rig t i t i i i i ic i ;i I pro \ i si ( i ns .

LVaste activities carried out ;it the tacilit!. Quaiitit! ancl composition of naste recovered, received ancl disposed of (luring the reporting period ancl each previous year (relevant E\L'C codes to be used).

Full title aiicl a nritten suniniary of an! procedures developed by the licensee i n the year Mhich relates to the facility operation. Kei,ie\\ of nuisance controls. \'oi u me of trade eft1 u e 11 t i leac h at e a 11 d o r con t a ni i 11 a ted s t or inn a ter prod uced an ti 1 01 u me t r a 11 sported off- site.

5 i gn off‘ for P rn posed 1 >e I el-mi tia t io 11 s I k c is 1 on s