i would like to extend my gratitude to all the parents and ...teachers responsibility to educate...

IIS, IJ & JIJ CHRONICLES Message from the Principal Dear Parents, Staff & Students Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu, would like to extend my gratitude to all the parents and learners for last terms' hard I work. Without your support this would certainly be difficult. Kudos to all the learners, st who did exceptionally well in the 1 term assessments. Your intelligence and hard work will always be rewarded. We had a good term ending with very positive, helpful and motivating PTMs. We are looking forward to another great term with zeal to achieve better, as always. The month of November was exceptional as our school was involved in full of field trips, programs and activities. It was heartwarming to see the little ones come out with their imagination/creativity and presence of mind in their respective events. It has been our pleasure to have you as our partners as you have left no stone unturned to share equal responsibilities in making our learners showcase the best. During the years we have indeed developed a strong parent connect with you and achieved many milestones. Reflecting back, I am ecstatic to note the numerous achievements by our school which were achieved due to support and cooperation. We look forward to receiving the same every year. InshaAllah! As December approaches, winter also comes with it. Woolen clothes should be kept handy for any such change of weather. Sports Day is just around the corner, practice has already begun. It is time now for our Iqranians to show the sports man spirit, show their athletic side and grab various medals. “Iqra” will RISE HIGH & SOAR. InshaAllah! Not to forget our Iqra Juniors, who will be just glad to see their parents cheer them as they run on race tracks. Every child is a winner! Many milestones have been achieved; many are yet to be conquered, with fresh hope and th new thinking Iqrathon will be held on the 24 of December, 2017. Looking forward to see you all. Sincerely, Sr Rubeena Mozaffar Jafri Principal, Iqra International School November, 2016 |www.iisb.co|www.facebook.com/IqraInternationalSchool

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Page 1: I would like to extend my gratitude to all the parents and ...teachers responsibility to educate children with the sensitive concept of Good Touch and Bad Touch. Children should be


Message from the Principal

Dear Parents, Staff & Students

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu,

would like to extend my gratitude to all the parents and learners for last terms' hard Iwork. Without your support this would certainly be difficult. Kudos to all the learners, stwho did exceptionally well in the 1 term assessments. Your intelligence and hard

work will always be rewarded. We had a good term ending with very positive, helpful and motivating PTMs. We are looking forward to another great term with zeal to achieve better, as always.

The month of November was exceptional as our school was involved in full of field trips, programs and activities. It was heartwarming to see the little ones come out with their imagination/creativity and presence of mind in their respective events. It has been our pleasure to have you as our partners as you have left no stone unturned to share equal responsibilities in making our learners showcase the best.

During the years we have indeed developed a strong parent connect with you and achieved many milestones. Reflecting back, I am ecstatic to note the numerous achievements by our school which were achieved due to support and cooperation. We look forward to receiving the same every year. InshaAllah!

As December approaches, winter also comes with it. Woolen clothes should be kept handy for any such change of weather. Sports Day is just around the corner, practice has already begun. It is time now for our Iqranians to show the sports man spirit, show their athletic side and grab various medals. “Iqra” will RISE HIGH & SOAR. InshaAllah! Not to forget our Iqra Juniors, who will be just glad to see their parents cheer them as they run on race tracks. Every child is a winner!

Many milestones have been achieved; many are yet to be conquered, with fresh hope and thnew thinking Iqrathon will be held on the 24 of December, 2017. Looking forward to see

you all.


Sr Rubeena Mozaffar JafriPrincipal, Iqra International School

November,2016 |www.iisb.co|www.facebook.com/IqraInternationalSchool

Page 2: I would like to extend my gratitude to all the parents and ...teachers responsibility to educate children with the sensitive concept of Good Touch and Bad Touch. Children should be


November,2016 |www.iisb.co|www.facebook.com/IqraInternationalSchool

Inside this Issue


Admissions 2016-17






SLC-IISDental Check up

IHPPet Day



Hadith of the Month

Narrated Hudhaifa: I heard the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) saying, "Once a man died and was asked, 'What did you use to say (or do) (in your life time)?' He replied, 'I was a businessman and used to give time to the rich to repay his debt and (used to) deduct part of the debt of the poor.' So he was forgiven (his sins.)" Abu Mas`ud said, "I heard the same (Hadith) from the Prophet."

(Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 2391)

Admissions 2017-18

Admissions for the year 2017-18 have begun. We have limited seats. Purchase the application forms from the School front office, enroll the required details, and submit it in the office at the earliest. Interested parents may register their contact details in the waiting list and we shall In Shaa Allah intimate as soon as a vacancy arises due to any withdrawal.

Rhyme competition - Tiny Rhymesters

very child at Iqra is an adorable star who is perfectly Etrained to shine brilliantly in the world of tomorrow. Blissful learning with fun and frolic has made

education at Iqra a pleasant experience for the tiny tots. A Rhyme recitation competition was organized in Iqra Juniors. This competition was conducted to enhance the oratory skills of the students. The recitation was emphasized on developing the speaking skills and to give a platform to the budding orators.

t was indeed a contest which unfurled the smartness Iand agility of the tiny tots who were enthusiastically reciting, rippling and swaying in accordance with the

tune of the rhymes. True beauty lies in the innocence of the children, who feel quite excited in the rollicking fun of recitation, completely unaware of the position or prizes of the competition. The participants were judged based on their selection of rhymes, voice modulation, clarity, action and confidence. The commendable role of the teachers who trained the children contributed greatly to their confidence and determination to succeed.

parent from the school judged the competition and Aextolled the children for their stupendous performance on the stage. She congratulated the

teachers for their diligence and efficiency displayed in preparing the students for the competition. The joy of participation reflected on the bubbly faces of the children. It was a great opportunity for them to exhibit their talents, develop their confidence and get an excellent stage exposure. The principal lauded all the children for their sincere efforts.

Re-Enrolment & Withdrawal

IfRe–Enrollmentisnotdoneontime,yourchild'sseatfortheacademicyear2017-18willnotbeguaranteedandtheseatwillbemadeavailableforthenew applicants. Please contact theschoolof�iceforfurtherinformation.

Parentswhowouldliketowithdrawt h e i r c h i l d s h ou l d s u bm i t awithdrawalletterattheschoolof�icebefore21stofJanuary2017.Failingtodo so before the speci�ied date,will

s trequire parents to make the 1 quarter ly fee payment beforew i t h d r a w i n g .

Page 3: I would like to extend my gratitude to all the parents and ...teachers responsibility to educate children with the sensitive concept of Good Touch and Bad Touch. Children should be


November,2016 |www.iisb.co|www.facebook.com/IqraInternationalSchool

Good Touch Bad Touch - Raising Awareness

in today's world, we come across an alarming number of incidents involving young kids who Ifall victim to sexual abuse or molestation. Such atrocities could be committed by care takers, relatives, friends or persons that young kids come across in day to day life. It is the parents and

teachers responsibility to educate children with the sensitive concept of Good Touch and Bad Touch. Children should be encouraged to share their secrets with their parents and alert them whenever someone crosses the limits.

Keeping this in mind, the staff of IQRA Juniors conducted a workshop for toddlers on the 10th and 11th of November 2016. Students were shown educational videos on the topic while the class teachers explained to them the concept of appropriate and inappropriate touch. The session was kept simple so that children could open up and speak up about their concerns and queries with their teachers. The idea that “They own their body” was communicated to them in a manner that they understood. Children were encouraged to share with their parents what they had learnt during the session.

At IQRA Juniors, we strive to sensitize kids about such issues so that they may become ever vigilant and careful in all walks of life.

PTM – Iqra Juniors

esearch has shown that parental involvement is an important factor in the success of Rstudents at school. For many parents, however, this involvement is limited to attending scheduled parents-teachers meeting. PTM are more often scheduled just after exams and

assessments. PTM is an opportunity to discuss the progress of the children with their respective class teachers. Both parents and teachers are equally responsible in the upbringing and education of children.

Keeping that in view, Iqra Juniors had organized a Parent-Teacher Meeting on the 5th November 2016 at the IJ block. The staff and management of IQRA Juniors are appreciative of parents who attended the PTM despite their hectic schedules. It was an interactive session between the teachers and the parents. Such involvement from parents will go a long way in shaping the future of young children.

Qira`at Competition – Junior Qaaree's

Our youngsters confidently did the Tilawat of the sacred Qur’anic verses and were judged on different categories like selection of Surah , pronunciation, voice and tempo. Judges were impressed by our young Iqranians. Ma Shaa Allah the Qira’at Competition was one of its

kinds. The judges Muallim Sabih Anwar and Muallim Faqrul Hassan were very pleased by the excellent recitation of each child. Every child enthusiastically recited the beautiful surahs from the Noble Qur’an with proper tajweed.

Page 4: I would like to extend my gratitude to all the parents and ...teachers responsibility to educate children with the sensitive concept of Good Touch and Bad Touch. Children should be


November,2016 |www.iisb.co|www.facebook.com/IqraInternationalSchool

SLC – Student-Led Conference

When Kids Lead Their Parent-Teacher Conferences

tudent-Led Conference at Iqra is actually a time when the teachers take a break and the Sstudents lead the conference, informing their parents about how they are doing, what kind of learners they are, what area of learning needs improvement and what their goals should.

SLC portrayed each child’s confidence. The purpose of student-led conference is for students to display learner agency (ownership of their learning) and to help them take personal responsibility for their progress. The students were very excited to be able to share their learning with their parents.

Dental Checkup - Happy Healthy Teeth

ittle Smiles Dental Clinic organized a Dental checkup in the premises of Iqra International LSchool, on the 28th and 29th November 2016. Dr Piyusha S. Patil, a specialist in child and preventive dental care checked the dental health of the Iqranians and taught them the best

ways of dental hygiene. This initiative was taken by our school to sensitize the students about the importance of oral hygiene. The checkup was initiated with dental awareness talk, educating students about common dental ailments, especially stressing on tooth decay and gum diseases and measures to prevent them. The students were made aware about the eating patterns and food choices which cause tooth decay. The surgeon also highlighted the possible formation of harmful acid which develops when bacteria (plaque) get in contact with sugar in the mouth whichultimately results in tooth decay.

The students got ample opportunities to interact with the dental surgeon to enquire and gain knowledge concerning oral diseases. On completion of the dental checkup each student was given a report summary of the diagnosed problem and the recommended dental treatment plan. The Principal of institution thanked the dental surgeon for rendering moral and selfless service to the school.

IHP (Intensive Hifdh Program)Discussion Platform in the making of “Huffadh”

in order to benefit, share, inspire and motivate the parents and students of IHP, the department Iof QIAS-IHP hosted the first ever discussion platform on the 12th of November 2016. Alhamdulillah, this platform was to discuss and resolve the concerns solely with an intention to

ease ̀ The Blessed Journey of Hifdh`, for the huffadh in the making.

It was an encouraging and motivating session with some very important points like 'How to raise the Huffadh' were shared and handouts containing valuable ideas on `How to memorize`, from world renowned Huffadh were given out to help the parents and students along this journey. It was an open platform for the parents to share their feedback and suggestions for the smooth functioning of the program. Alhamdullilah! It was a successful event and parents went back satisfied. We hope to host more such platforms to read the benefits, In sha Allah.

Page 5: I would like to extend my gratitude to all the parents and ...teachers responsibility to educate children with the sensitive concept of Good Touch and Bad Touch. Children should be


November,2016 |www.iisb.co|www.facebook.com/IqraInternationalSchool

Pet Day e had a wonderful morning on Thursday ,the 24th of November 2016. It was good to see so Wmany pets and the big crowd of supporters. JazakAllahu khair to the parents who supported their children in raising and looking after their various pets. It's a great thing for children to

have a pet and taking the daily responsibility of looking after it. It inculcates in an individual many life skills. Pet day was a very enjoyable day for everyone involved. There were many cats, birds and fishes this year and it was great to see the care, affection, amount of time and efforts students had put into their pets. The indoor exhibits were very creative and of a high quality. There was a great turnout of pets to our pet parade and judging in the afternoon. The students were excited while showing off their animals. Many thanks to everyone who came along and enjoyed the day with us.

Dates to Remember

WasalaamYours in the service of IslamManagement & Staff Iqra International School

Agricultural Tour – Way to farmingn a beautiful sunny day, the 26th of November 2016, our Iqranians of Grade 3 to 6 boarded their Obus and travelled widely around south of Bangalore for about 30 kms approximately, all the way to a farm located in Ramohalli, near big banyan tree, accompanied by nine faculties as a

part of special program designed to enhance their knowledge about agricultural science. The students explored the farm by learning about fruits and vegetables and the places where they come from. They also saw many farm animals, rode a tractor and had a chance to pluck variety of beautiful colorful flowers. The trip brought the students closer to the nature and made them aware of how the farmer toils hard everyday to produce food so that we could have it on our plates. They learned about rain water harvesting, Vermin-composting, irrigation, uses of alternate energy and practices of respective farms. They had a nature walk and farm Safari on bullock cart, tractors and enjoyed many fun filled activities. The field trip gave them a detailed understanding of the modern farming methods, the importance of using high yield variety seeds and the role of science and technology in improving agricultural practices. The opportunity for such a visit to the farm had immensely benefited the teachers and students. This kind of hands – on – experience field trips is useful for all the students to inspire themselves by walking the talk on what they are learning in their academic curriculum.

Date Event IJ-IIS – Iqrathon 2016-17 24th December 2016 Winter Vacat ions 25th December 2016 to 1st January 2017 School Re Opens 2nd January 2017 Medical S tore (Grade 3) 4 th January 2017 Planetarium (Grade 5) & Pajama Party -IJ 5 th January 2017 Terrace Gardening (Grade 3-6) 7 th January 2017

Robot ics (Grade 3-6) 8 th January 2017 IJ-Visit to Bannerghatta Zoo 10th January 2017*