i wonder how this flamingo keeps changing colors

I wonder how this flamingo keeps changing colors...

Upload: dt-haase

Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Page 1: I wonder how this flamingo keeps changing colors

I wonder how this flamingo keeps changing colors...

Page 2: I wonder how this flamingo keeps changing colors

I wonder how this flamingo...

Once upon a time there lived a witch who was hungry so she caught a flamingo and tried to turn it into a plate of good food but instead it turned the flamingo blue and every day it turns a different color.

ch ~ age 10

Page 3: I wonder how this flamingo keeps changing colors

I wonder how this flamingo...

Well, a long, long time ago there was a powerful wizard and this wizard had a pet quastridge. One day the wizard went to a witch's house for dinner. Afterwards, he asked if she had a recipe for making someone become powerful. She said, "just if you keep a promise." He brought the recipe home. His quastridge was waiting eagerly. The wizard went over to the quastridge and pet it. Then the wizard got to work making the pill that would make him powerful. That quastridge thought that pill smelled so good. The quastridge broke through his cage and ate the pill. It wasn't finished so it made him change colors.

bh ~ age 7