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at HIE NEWYORK SUN. "IT RIlDIBfl rOR AM" 3J.TII YEAR ! THE OLDEST DAILY MORNG PAPER $ In ?rew Yorlt t'lly, 1 xctt tim jocRKit or comuiici, AM) WITHOUT FyicLI'lIO.V, I Cueapost Dajl.7 Newspapor In tJn'o World! J'Ai: JfEW YORK Sl-H- f pnssnstea every fatlllty for obtaining the bewi of tho day frnm every part of the Vorld. wh.ther hy AlUntlo l'Me. by Tele, graph or by Mall, and pireente TIIK VVllOI.K, lu a compact form. AT (INK HALF TUB l'llICB of other city pape rs. , Tlir Nun li read, everyday, by nearly tnartrr million pereon, am) tlitia become single sheet exposing it entire) content! t a glaiicaj a medium of advertielng rarely to he found. llll: I'llltKS of the paper, at Ihepubll Cation ohVe vr fiirnilirl lir newi vernier. la ' two okxts r:it coi'Y. 'nil l delivered by carriers t Ihe House, Store or .shop of any who ilrairn It, for .TWi:i.. CLNTS Fhll WKI.K, or aent by M luall at M DOLLARS ayrnr. 1 Hi: PRICKS Hilt ADVKRTISINO .TAry, nrcntillnir to laacatlnn. FROM TWK.V-- V K KinV CKXrrt FKR LINK, for each lhtttiii. Special uri.ttigrmcntt mar be made fur advertisements of unusual length. ' Tho KaMnrlal Department of TUB SFN ,1 under the churgc of .list, in I'. Ilrat.ii. to whom toniinuukutlons shooM bn addieascd. All 1. itrr relating to ndvrrtiteuienta, eiihsetlptinus, or any branch of the paihltta-ti.l- ll Imiuts., abouM be uddicsaril to the "loprielor, I MOSHS S. HK.U'H. Coiner ol Njetan ami Fi lion tt , V Yolk City Si octal Atlvertiomont3- - AN AKTICI.K VOH TDK YaPIES AT eolHUtluo ef nuny tsdiee In Sew Yoik eel YVtlllemaburib w bar cemiaeaced pullluc up ear tslshie'ed (ILYCEKINi: HKIM LOTION. tho Mil trtr-- e rirOhatipid llaada. or Fare, to be 5 foend la Ihe ta 11 steles, if bh la Ilia werlj, ti 3 who hsvs iMd It will wllHetlv etle.i. II V; I il "' hand! and fata smooth snd aafl, snd allar SS elns roe sin work sn taa tnnl naaillaaark Ub- - ,""(rof aolllni II. TethaJalIIKoulken4 ill mi, WlllUmiljarih, al It caata (r kolll. M I I IAMIKICAN SOCinYKOKIIR I'KK-1,- 1 flDllaaof Ciaallr la aalmtli Rmimi N. Hit a I J;r?,.H-A- U ,',1a Offloara aia lauraclea f ' 1 Oraar tJ la rraraal riatllr la aaliaala. Call Ut I alttatloa af cmrara la ua aa tbti- ortur. aad h I faort Iba aumbar af Iba offl.ar la Ibaa Kooaii, that ' Uaaftlaar naar ba coinUiaaala4 far wall ajai. 4(1 A THK SUlJSCItlllaRi OF TIIK SI N 'u, laalbarnn4ar aar ilDilanaf la "AtTf''1 .' lamilr rac a Ikar ttt4 Tlir f.1, t wbleh la ioll avtrrwbara tor twectou. TJtNRY IIAIH) WKlicTlKIl, U I. !., .1. ., ' 'anrlbalaablaarlilnali!M.loj BlaJrar iliorr, j 'mv i:iu ami wiiv i AMtwr.KHi it." i r tba April aumbar af t ANKRE NIITIUN'. whh a Inaaaful l,lut.iallaa abawlai llr.VtaKliar In bit elolr Id lb an if wrlllni lha aaral. All naaa-- I TtaJtra blaa II. frlra U laula, 101 BKOWNfS m'SINEMS ri,LTUNr. COM.K;iC 383 Italwrao Jahnaoa aa 1 tllarr. Ilrootlrn. rTS.'y't1 Tom all parta if lb ll by mtrlra ' 01'i.N DAY AMI fcVKNINil TIIKUl'MHUi t TIIK VKAK far tba laaTurllon of Al)0l,TU AND YOUTH al bn'b at a 1m I rOMVr.RriAL AMI kMILUII KKAVCIIICj. Tbcoffh Ibatn't aaiplaopvotlil II. ea ar aflmeal I far lb atqulailloB al Alaalra, Uaouialrn Ailiknir. llt.Oiaiiiaiar. Kpalllna, Raallur. (,,( laaabaraf raiaahUltr baiag roDatantlratrc f Ibla Mrlarllillaa for pirparlm Yluul Han an alba for IIHSINEa it utimrviaaoa. tVlt LEIUAN I'KNMA.Sellll'. IIOUKKaM'INU ta airarr tpartuinl ol 1 1,. Uaatlor. Coin- lalMloa, Hblprlna. laaala.larlnf. L' !u. martial (alctllatlaua aad (Jallba;Nuda .ca. lacalf Ibauoal I Ibeiouiti attaaiUo. tlmf unliullrd, I'll quail- - faJ lu avarr particular for utwainc or , 'liklacCbiriaolaPatff llka. IS 1)1 IHTIlJ, f'A Ihri rKUtba,ou laaan par dar 10 lilTT'll. wl'h I'cniuaiiatilp ao4 Ar,lbniaie. wrqairier ...lla WO)1 TllfiKOl (111 COJUFIUIAI, Clli II.HK. la wlih Uanllaroto r IWa ara prrptird far I ualutaa. without raaartl w lima or uitrn-la- r i,f liaa.'iiia. MudtLl lain: a lowal to allrod lt.a a bula Uav ar artalnc ud i. ilir Itiauuctio. OlttNkt aao jrTlo. lat r lka; , 55 00 Ml INII. ihiallonarr liflujad.) 16 Liaaoua I.IIO, SI laiaooa 100 niVIO, lo lloj. and l.taiai, II I oaoaa I3IK) 4tl.aana ,. 6 M D11 lll.rirDntiltr.aT 00 Tlui unlliullal. 10 00 a..Sul.tbll flKANLMI.s,!) lo.5, aaooMlui t au'nbar alud aa. N II. Tba ttoaa ta ma, Ae . ar warla I ieop!lnf V tp.r al arraaiarnaat Arpl rauta ratalr l al aar lloi afilicr ereoluf. (Lata la.lif Uaa.a or vaatllon. TIIK I.AniMMTM'ArtTMrNT I lata Importtbl fatlul ol llila Inahtiitl ia. XX no r br plat. llhr la llrMklra or Na Yotk, litre adla rqutl farlilllea In prrparlna-f- bualbaaa or I luipnivlnt la ottiar bttnebaa fta livm ubaaiaatloit, I Toal of btia e! 4uettlon, a tai cktoc la now f cflart,! lo ta pilra'.ely aad aaialalr laiiilil wLaf aar llif ncad I t'laiae all fnr Ctrnilar mora full Kiplalnlni 1arna and rartiralara. , II. o Centiactlou with anr abrSobool. Ml UNIIY IlTilf) WKKfTlEII, I. I. D.Af., contilbalaa bit orltlntl llili H'a laar Hlarr. MY IIAI.U ANII WIH T aN.attKKr.il 11." ta I the April nmnter of YA.SKKr. MII1UM. altha roatnul IMuitratian, ahowlnf llr. Wtatliar la bla ' ludrtn Iba act rf wrtuoc taa aoaal. All nawa aaodara bare It. l'rlca to ran'. 1D I LADIKS-Y- OU CANNOT I INU A rbatir artlc'a. tor lUaullfrlsa aod r.i.Ullla'.l Ibe hkla tbau Tut: lui.u or wiiitk l.n.ir.n. II la aa article ef rare virtue, and II la warranted tiol lo luur 0e akin. Tbouaeiide ara ualai It dallr, fcr Taa, D'labutn, Stllowaeai. Hletworui. fllolrbai. IMtuplaa. an1 In fart alwiat all klnJa cf aiuptlra bit. isara wLlci tpp'ar oa tbe .'are and akin, lendrlr.f It baau'lfullir rlaar, ofi and wbtta, llralllaf aalara In liar falreat funaa. II la Iba tbrapeil aa wall aa i lb IMS lh prlre betel out fOltl i CT.NTB par total. Too lad al VI Elfhlb aae- - N, Y, aad it all aoulb Vecoad ai., Wllilaiaaliunb. C5 OIKlCi: OF TIIK WORKINO WOHKN.i 1'KOTKUTIVK I'NION, No, 83 Wblla al, New Yoik, .ISO. TO TIIK I't'HI.IU. Tbarlrll warwblcbtiudewJaled cur laed, end lent our on. happr home Into bouaa of uiournlnr, baa lullru wlih NvullarBerrrUrontnielnndtra-lea- wttoen of tine ellr, nianrof wtjm were making (lute abMV atiiBTa raa pat at aix ukmt a rirot. Tolbelna'ltutrouipenatlon paid tor teinala It. ror lb Woiklog Wcuiu' t'rouciwe t'nlon owe lu erUtn. T be Ataoclalloo eonalata of a nuniMr of bu. re n4en I tdlat and gentlemen, wboar arinpathlra bare Iren enllauid. audwbo voluntarily give ibelr Unto end money to promote an loalllullon that will rm ol Eractletl benefit 10 the working oinn ef ework Ainoni llic ptonilnent eblecll of tbe la tbr ealibllalin,ti ot a Krelatnr tatrm, wlieieby may I a aaalaled lit oHaiulnt eiupJorment, and aticme Ibeiu legal protection agtlnat tlaud, fireot ifla alao an object of the Ioa'llulloa to dlamrtr and appropriate apbara of empbirraent air we-- en. In dtpuln.euta not now (r iuiisI It tbani. Vt eartieaUr appeal loall gno, t Ulieor, moie feclallrlbela,lia,laaaaUlualn iiialnlalniu an or. lauitatlon IntendM ta benefit ead enoourage ttirlr wnaet tolalor foralltellbor.1. l.ti.M.nrMw Yoaat Willrou not rem. mrnlia friendlea wotklnt gltl I Tbauaande of dolUra ate me- ed tor other Iwnerolent pini.ee, and loii.t the. who wort fir iuontlr liom aaren In the uiomlu4 till noarlr that lime in Ibe evenlnr, te lefl to atrug tie i without that anupathr and euppntt wblrh tiod. in h'a I Innhiienirrc'ihaablraeedrouwllhtbrpoaertoiire I Coutributiona to tbe Mat. elller In ruAoer. dry Iooda.ni piori.lona. atll le glflly arrepted. and may to l be frcaaurer, at , H, teah. Ca l, Huu Utlica. or No. H MV bile at. It any laly dealre leald the Calamine by giving otrenortiori of her lime fit the tool other eei. abe ' will I able to obtain lurtber infonual Ion by avplylog ' lolhe ritimln'oadoul, at tbe room et the Lnlou. Ne , M VVbl mi ( HE YOITII'S TESIl'KItANUK HANNIlt --Tin Nallonal Tauipetaoca Boclelr aU I'ubllca-t- tlcn llo.iaaaw tut.ll.il a u. Uocthlr lemiitraa rarer, r.pecltll adapted to Children and lan.b, 1 a,mdar Mticoia, and Juvenile Tcmptriuco orgtaia- H e'lona. n axrb numlar will la Utllfiillv lUuilrtlad, and roBiloa aiitied to make It a a paper for iba Chi dran of America, Tbe taopauert will be eUy edited, adalbytuab wrtleriaat Kv, r. I,. Curlar, Dr. Cktrlea .lawaf, YfV !"..?.'" ?"lllb Hav. A'frel rtlor. Hi)J; ".!,.,'I,J K.ik!eOunlagkly, A. It. l'lmr. Kv.,laniei II. Dana, (len. a, r.Carr, Kav, II. w, Cbidjav. Uia.bliir J. Kev, Wat, U, Kav, I'aler 8lrrkar.' K. ll. I'ariee. Raq!' ' Hv. N. K. CebltUa. Mra. V, II. UagT. kar. CbtrlatJ Jon. Kruna. All rominualeallona for tbe l'a;era abenlj ba ad. 4rwd. JC4ltoror th A4roctt aad Haaoar.' Ill William at. New York dir. All Kemiltenrea ant Uuherrlptiena. together with allbuajaaaa la I tar. fer the addieuee te J. N TIAHNri, 1TI WlUlarn aU Htw Yoik City, realara, BueertuteadeaU, 1 aachara, aad frlaadt ef Ike cauae. treaalkertaedae eel aa Aaanta, aad ear. aeally iwauaaled a aid la elrealallag TkaBeaaar," aad forwardlag eabaarlplloai. lnla eapy, far one rear.la e4rtnte....t0 U TeacaP MUeaeadraM .... I Team " .,,, Ik: mt f Oaebaadred " " " ....ilM J. M. TEAa, rakh.HaiA ;.t llf tJU 1U vTlfllaat.t.'w.Y. ' I '"iaTHr.N mi sun ronusiiia at lail Advertlaemeata they are eaea by retort 11 .aaoogh te ead carry every eleellea la Ike Cltyol haw Talk, Tbe price el tUlg teMi It only 'HtUlt. ttvagaltOirtaaala. aj i T HEMHM& SUN. ThtFonrth Your. NEW YORK, FRIDAY MARCH 1, 1PK7. Pvioo Two Oont CONGRESS. PIlOC'EKDIaVliS YKSTPaHDAV. Uusla.ii llurrlid rervrard. IMPORTANT BILLS ACTED UPON. No Veto of the Mllltarj Bill Yet. "., Ac, Ac. f riltgrajifatt lo tht Anr or Xiim WtmiKiniv, Kelt. '.S. Tbe veto ot tho Ueconetructlou Hill It coniplett-tl- . or o.trl.r ao, and vrlll bo tranc routed to Congn t without f.iil. The Army Appropriation Hill will nl.i ba tetotil, bccduae of conttltullotiat poor taken from the I'reai.lcnt. 'Hit coinmlttrn In cli irc nf llio Impcarli-- , infill luTClijtlon Mill prjj.iblr rrport to 'the Hunan lli.it llie I'artt jlrn.ily prnvnl warrant tlio oontlniuaro ot tbo lnvotia- - tion. Tho f.irt th.it tint Iloilto (.nltlit. uflcr refutl!i lirtiln Iinjurtt y to Ujr the 'Link- nipt bill on the table, appolnte.l t Commit' tro of Coiiforenre to Join tint heretofora ap- - pointt-i- l br thn iantto on lha ili.aitr, Hni; atnonilmenta. It re garJeil by the friend a of that ineatur at luilicutito of tlio carl.1111 piiitacr of tli- - lull thriiiijli both Hornet. A liiniilu r of turn 1m ra elnct to the H'lli Cut irrt a lure alremlj nrrlteil. lue NicrtUr) ol tbo l.iteriorbat forward' eil an opinion In the ('omniiioiirr i.f tho (iemi.tl IjiihI Oihoo. .tpparliilnitis to thn rmbta of tbe Cfiitr.il bruiirli of the '.'111. m I'acillo Ihtilnmil to litcrcitaeil aiibtt.liet nf lamia anil bnnJt under tbo 1'aellli- - Itiilroul Art. Tbe land cmbraied In thlt optiiinii ' amoutita In table to thrro million Ore Ir .1 tlrtd thona.tnil 1I1. Hurt. Oen. Aaron V.ird, of Sln;tSiii4; r Co., New York, died latt ulxhl at the retldenre of hit a .niul.tw, Samuel J, Hernial!, (Icortfelonn, I). C. Ilia il lte.no wat Jaundice, Ho patted away calmly anil Iree flora iitllerlnir, rrt.iinlnK hit mind to tho latt, batliiK full faith and hopo in hit future rett with hit Saviour. The Cotnmlealoiier hat prepared a patent to lu aubinlttt'd to tbe I'rraltlrnt for aln.v lure, embracing tbo full iptnutity unarm- - tieil to the Slate of Michigan for I.ao la llelle Harbor Imitrorcment Company, un- der tbo act of July lid, 1115, Rrantiiit; oik" hundred thouaatid ucrea, A circular hat been leaned from the r'roodinrn'a llureau, having in tlow the more complete oritaulrttlon m.inni;enient( Ac, of achoolt for refuser and freedmen and thn Improtoinont lu Ltiowlodo of th) udull freedinon, The prraon who emleavnroil to obtain an lulervlow with John II. Surratt on Tiioad.iy protra to bo trail hit brother, who went to Teiat aome time In 119. I'alllnn In bla at- tempt to arn bla unhappy relative be b.ia, It la repotted, loft Witahlnglon, (lenernl 'Ihuyer, Honatur elect front nrrtred and aubnuttrd to tbo I'reablent a copy of the ai't tiato,l by ll.o Irf'gi.luturo of the State, aiuiaoin in the condition Imputed by Cougreaa 'I he IVeeldent villi aonu laaue a proclamation, tocoirniin Nvluaaka at a State, THIRTY-NINT- CONGRESS. ir.coM rcttto.i. Kauale. (Ttttjrtipht-- to tht Arte Voi k S11 ) Till HI I'AIiimlst 111 l.tilrttiuv. WeiiiM.tiiv Keb. Mr Trumlinll called up the bill to etlablith n Departmen' of lldueation. All pemliiii; niiit'inlmi'nt were tot- d down and tho bill waa patted aud a to tbo Preault nt. It la nt follow a ' B'C Ion 1 Tl al Iter- - ahtl1 e tattli'lebe I tl the city .f Waahtoiilon a Dtptrltntnt nf K bicatlon for tbe ptirpo"e of ivlle'tittg aueu autlalh a and fa:tt aa thtll ahew the rori.litlon an I rrogrta of edit, in the eeve-a- l ttlt'ei and Terrltoriea, and of dltfua ng auch InforinailO'i rcaiertiog the orient, tatlon and tr.aa.gaui.nt of aiti,xlaand ab.ol i;i. lame and mtlhoda '.f lae'D'eg la ahal) al J I' a pen-li- e ef the DnllM fllalat In It e tilahllnnanl ant tn'nlnno. of tllclul lehool ratTB, an.l promote Ite itutt of educatlaa throuf boul It e rntinlrv. V. Tual that tlall t nlnlet br Ibe rrea.dtQt, be tod with tba eontaut of tht Heoale, a C' urnlttlouer ef Education, who altall Ie with tl e mtLaiimanl of the drttrtme.it boio n aalahlttl t, a1 who aha!) r'Clv a aitarr o! 1 1,"-- ) per annum, and who arali bav tulhorltr to ttjailDl ort eLItt rltrk of h'a department, mho a'itrlrhlv a atlary of f?,0O) ar annum, ou claib wbo aball rere.ve a aalary of M.rOO per and one clerlt who aball receive e aa'err i.f tl.lXRj p,r eaBuni, wllcb atld c!rka ball be ub- - to tbe appoltt no antteoiorlug power of tbe '(mitn'aati.t er rf K luealli n. H e 3. Tbtl tlthall ta the duty of iba Commi. 'enr of riicatlon to preant anauary to a report ombodyl&f the raaul la of bla lava. tlgat'ooa and lar-jr- loglhr with a ltemant of cub fail and recommenjatlona ea will In lit Judgtntal auliferv tbt piirpoae for which ibla de- la aaltbbabed. In it firal report maJe bv tlie omru'talotiar ot Education, under Ibia act, !(itre aball U praaontel a atatrmtnt of tbe atvtrtl grtut of itod mala by IVingraai to proincle e.lu ration, and Ike tntnrarln wbub tht aartrtl tnttu bate beau tnaaaired, tbe amount of funda arlaing tharefram. an 1 tbe annual procae It ef lha catnr, ea far aa tbe aama ran ba de'ermint 1. Beti,4. That iba CoruruiaeloDtr ef rubllc tluiM, Itiga la bartbjr euthoriiad and directed to fur. elan proper efficti for Ibe department bare Mr. II111 kalew entered a motion to tbe tuiu by viblob tbe bill ea tabliablng a Depailuiont of IMucatloii wa patted. rnr.sLNia. Mr. Sumner, from the Committee on For elgn Kelatinna, reported a Jniot reaoln. Hon authorlilug thn Aatiatant Secretary of the Navy, Vox, and other otlicera of Iho .Mlatitonomoh and thn Augut-tu- , tn accept preaenta frout tbe Imptrorof Itttaala. Mr Johnaon moved an amendmenf, et emptlug thcae prraenta from duty Ibe aaiemlnunt waa adopted und the waa patted. ARitv rr. Mr Wtlaon reported, from the Committee, 011 .Military Allairt. advrreelyou a Haute bill, entitled a bill tn llr. luce the Pay of Ibe Ollirera of tho Army, but which wat, be aald, in reality, a bill to lncreate the pa of tbe navy ollicert at much at live tboua.i nil dollar 11 year The committee wat dis- charged frum the further contiJeratlon of tbe aubiect. l AITnOIMlUTIOV niLt. At one o'clock the Hlacellancout Appro priatlou bill wat liken up. Tbo (juration wai upon the amendment of thn finance Conuiiltteo to provide tor the payment of certain militant atteatur In the Southern btatei. For tint Mr lMmundt offered a tiibtlituto rallini; upon tho Sorre. tnry nf tho I reatury to tend to tho Sotiato a liat of peraont employed ne aategaoia with-ou- t takln the oath, what ton Ice they hate reuilered, how much la duo them, Ac, Mr, Cbeodler, ettudlog la bla trew-- h aboul tba eVretarof Iba Triailty, roaJt leal bljhl. atld he bad probably apokeo ta btrthar ttrm tbtn bt ahauld bavt uttd lowari that tfflcar. II11I II waa as old laying thai "the leal elraw broke Ibe cemal'a back 1" yteltrdiy he fall Ibal Iba laal ttraw had bea plated on bla back, U't opinion ;f lha Saereierrof ibe Trai. irr wat we I known, Ua had elatej It yetr ego, and had now no octa-elo- a to abtng a It hit view bad been alreagtkened dej by daj. Ia kla own elij ofDelrell thtr bid eotn vary oOeleai efflctre of the revenue, noal ticallasl aaeeeaort tad eollecten. Tbtetceltrv r.moved tbttn. aad la Detroit eppotnted men who would not have been Imeted for a tult of clotbea aaywbara in the whole Coagrataloatl dlatrlci. A man utterly unnt for tbe poc.iloo, that ao man aad no parly would raeotnmead hire. It waa ni he wet ralacied, but ha wat kept In eOce ener Ite ? Mfr' b!4 '"'I ""'"ad of kla uantaeee. 1 Vii matue bf NitlatT isolated Blt. I I. ,.. il... VLt Inib.ii.r, la, , 0f,.bgei hi rpinl. I f,,,,."t contioiiel bj m. 1 who wr utterly de'oll of cbirvur end reputation and poill..n. Thedllegllicn fr.m Mlrhl.in were not tvneulld, ni.rwt' iitpetttbl men contulted. Tbe man venom Ibe 9uel te e. let waa note lu VYaahlagton, bcaallhg that te cojln illd all t'je epltilintala of Vehlgta, Turiber than Ibia. Uenetel Voirl.ere heller known at Han Voolheet. cf I daoa.ht1 leeu ibe le-r- egeil ef lha 'aottltry ef Ibe Tre eury. an I for month had been travabnir through Iba rebel Sltiet 01 bua'.ne-- a for htm Mr Ilemlricka Interrupted Mr Chandler to ear that Ibla wat not true. Mr. '"naudler aald hit Informant watWm A How ard. formerly member of Congrett from the Detroit Ibttrlct Mr. Ilendriekt -- Well, it It not true Mr Ilendriekt tild Mr Voorbeeth.nl been engaged at the ateut of Weatern ditllllert to retire an honett eiei ull.tn of the reve- nue law, and to tleviae meant for putting a Ion to the abitaet under which llipior v 11 told for ten money than the amount nf the "pan It- It wat on thlt btielneit that b" Iratcllrd In the South recently. He wut In no way employed in tho I teaiury I'eparlti etit. Jlr Sii uner, tpeaklng to the lull, rtU.-.- l thn poitt of order, that under tbo mica or the tho pcuding amendment v. a not In order, a it provided fur the piv luetit of private c'lima. which, tmi'er tli rulca, could not be atlaehed to nn appropri- ation. Ilietn iitaetturt had not taken the 01th of niVre, and were therefore, in no Jut eente olliciia of the fluted Statet I he ( hair decided Iho point not well taken. Iho amendment of Mr lMmundt wai to I he amendment or the Kin tm-- Commit wa then adopted. Wialll, n.it I J. Ntlt-VI"- tr. I! ttil'tr, K tiniiii.la. rowt.r II wail, II w.. Kikwou,!, 'it. P mtroy, Hutu-ter- . Irumhu'l. WeJe. Wilt ,n and Y.iti ft, Ibe amendment .lui adopted le at Thai be ..vre'arT of the Treirtiry It fere' t ult o. lei I pa. 1 anh roti aa war le emporal ta tbao inclloa.f tnlarual reveme In II itbiljl.ui, prl ,r lu the Are! day 01 A iu.t, M'l. 60(npan.at...u at th rtl pret rtld by law, an.t an aidouut for that purieat la helebretro-pit- a a I .il ,,( any m ut; In tbe rtaaaur;,ut (Hberwlae appr pnt'ed. I In- following amendment of tho 1'ili.in.o Cotamiiteo wat adopted Thai tbe the Treaairy I hrby illborral lo.elt, al puhllo .'lotion, the fodowlng Irrperly. teWigtng 10 the t'nltel Hlalea, ntmelv t a bull tuee ant gr in la known at the eld Luttoni llouae, .1 Altiaudue, V.. the bull llagl end grouade known at tht Old Oiatom II mat, at New Haven, Conn Ibe budllng andtriunl known aa Ibe 0!d Cu.tom II i.iae, al rertaniMitli, N. It.l the parcel ot ground knowu aa the Od Cue out lltuee, el NotMk, Va the parcel or lot of ground purtha.el In tbe clijr of renh Amtor, N J., for tbe erection of a Cuetom llue, ant Hi Cuaiont lloua nd ground l Baokati'a Iter-l- and ba la beret.) eulhorlied te make, anl deliver ell needful eonttfeacee IJ Ibe purrbaier or purcbaeera Ibare J. Mr. Wade ollered an nmendment, appro- priating fl.iaai fur publio bullillngt lu thn territory of Dakota. He aald they needed a Jail aud other building lu that Tcttl-torv- , Mr .lidititoiilii.pilri.il what wat the popit. latloit of the territory t Mr W 11. In eahl It .ia email and motllr rliulnalt. The amemlmrtit waa illtigrtrd to. i bo lull wat liually paaii-d- , and the S.n ule, at I l.'i 01 lot k, took 11 rrt eet till y. i7.-.v- . a y:.vsf.Y. tiik rax nut-Th- e Tn bill wat taken up on motion of Mr KraxMlilen. Iho Nuiate Cotiiuilllew'e uiurudmeiitt weto acted upou ai they were rcat hud. See atateincnt eltenhere. In tbla ittuo ot theScs.) Mr. Sbri man aald. lu tho courto of debate, hat tho rett-iin- of the totiutry wat falling ill, and it would liot do to rlilargo the fleo list tint lintrh. Mr Hov,.ird nttrll .ile.I thn falllii)! off in Iho lictiliilo, lu a great liio.ianrti,tu the kind of ,ippoiutiiit-u,- , nt (.'nlb-i'lor- t and Attea ora, that had recently boon limdi 'n tlio I'realilrllt Mr. Sherman, while ronrtirring tho ticwaof.Mr lliward, bellnted that thn wit itltrr.iulablo maluly tulhu far: lh it Ibetn were fi wer artklra maiiulaoluied now lliatl 11 vi.Hr u,. Mr Titimbiiil utkvd l.nw muih tba n hnd (alien ot. lately ' Mr lru leplie-l- . from forty tu fifty utllliout a y t ar .Mr. ('unm'. in advocating tbo oiamp lion of atealtl engine., 1,! erred to the lat upon wbikey aa ekreanvo. .trial ilettrttctlio of the pm otn lor wld. I it waa Intended, uml aiiiiounciiit hiiii-n- lt in lavor of lit to amli a po.nt it oi!d not tllord aut-l- to otailo tho l.twaaiaio now preaunti'd. Mr. lleintr eltt believed Ibe tit on w' it. key wat too high, hut tl.d nut tlillik It H.,'ild bo Ju.tit'o to that large nuuil,ur 01 e.iple, who bad atocka ul It on b ni l, in ledum it now. The amendment of the finance Commit tee, lo atnke the urto b- named ftoni the lire Hat, wua ugrrt'd to l.l lo 1. Tbo Kiiianco Comiui'.ie'a to atrike out the aeetioit ol tho llouto bill, te pealing the tai on iiowtpapor advrrtlte-lueuta- , wat agreed to. TIIK COt OnttMt llll u Tho Coloradii bill, vetoed br the l'irii dent, wat taken up ami poalpomul until 01111 uolock totuoriow, wheu a tuto will be. taken. tiM:t Attn iitmiiiii nil. 1.. Tlio Senate concurred in the Home emend- - me nt to the Kitrr and Harbor Apprnprla. lion bill, and thn bill got. to the I'letiilont, Tbe amendment wut an important tine. Meaara. Mieriiiau, .spragun and .Inhntou were appointed a ronlrrenee cntntultten 011 the Compoiiiid Intorotl Note bill, fending the oonalilnratiou of the Tat bill, the Senato, at II. !" o'clock, adjourned, inifsi: ok iti;piti:.si:.Vi uivi:s. 'llio llouie met at II o'clock. CIMIH, Tbo motion to tutpend the rule, mad by Mr. Ilainioiid latt tiigbl, that he migh of- fer a reaolutinn of lniulry in roferout 1 to tbe (.'auadlan Confedniatlou, wat taken , in. Mr. llaymoud propoted, in vlow of tlie evident tlltincllnalton ol tbe Home latt evening tu auepend the rule, lo have the retolutioii received and referred to the Com mltteo on foreign Aflalrt, wllli leave to report at any time, 'the retulutlou wat thereupon referred to Ibe Committee on foreigu Allaire. ixnux AirtlRt. . Mr. Katton, from lha Committee on Ap- propriation!, reported back the Senate ameuduienti to tbe Indian Appropriation bill, tome of which were concurred ami olhora non concurred in, Thn ameiiilmrnlt having all been tl Looted of, a Committee of Conlerrure wat atked on tbo dltugreelug totet of the two llouira. aitrxme cornT. On tnolloii of Mr. Wilton, of Iowa, the Senate bill to iirotldo for the allotment of member of the Supreme Court among tho ' the circuit, and for ttn appointment nf a j Marthal for tbo Supreme I otirt wut takou ftom tbe Speaker'! table. Mr. Wilton, from the Judiciary Committee., otlered an amend-incu- t prnviillng for tho appointmeut of a .Marahal lor the Supreme Court ol the Ilia-- I tnct of Columbia, and lor abollthlng tbo ' ollico of warden of Ibe ail. Tbe amend- - merit wat agreed tu, autt tbe bill pat.ed. TIIK NgnrtOCt AMI HIE AfATl.t, Mr- li Illond, rlalng In a pertonal eipla-- nation, referred to tbe te ut art ot thn Ohio loglelature, refueug to atrike out of the Stale conttiiiitlon tba word "white," and lo tho act of the New York Senate, re Jecling the Conttltulloual Amoi.ilmeot, and congratulated hit Democratic culleuguet on theee facta, and in their cauae agantt unlrer-ta- i tuttrage, beiug thut auttainiil by tbote two great Stale. Mr, Oartlnld, at a came for further con- gratulation on the part of lit colleague (Mr. U Illoud), eont tu tbe C'lerk'tdetk.and had read, a printed proclamation iaiucj by IIil Mayor of Yazoo City, Mitt., ordering freedmau to leave tbe place within a ipeei. Ded time. tut oMxinri nin. Mr. Steyent, from tbe Committee on the Omnibui bill, reiwrttd that the Co amittee had been unable to ag-e- e. Another Committee of Conference wat atked for, f a ctiir nut. . Uf1.lUi1. iuin the Cyiiiuilee ou 'j ta.lai.te avalaaeew e 'elgn A'.laiia, reportrdlho bill for the relief of In, widow of Andrew Cunningham a Ilt.l.sli anhi.nt, Hligtlly ninl Improperly enlitbd 1'.n lulled Slatet eetvlce, n'nl killed 111 'jam,. ,rt,,r ,, diachargo being ordered, appropriating whicli wat p.ui.d. TrnuitoHtr. Mr Hill, fiom the Commlllee on lerrllo rlea, teporled bill to amend the ore.inlo uclt ot Atlfoiin and New Metiro, wblrlt wat patted. Alan, n bill amendatory of the or gtnlouctof Colorado trrrilory, which wna pat.ed. The Senato hill tn amend the act of Idaho territory, wa taken Irnnt the Sneaker'a laldo ami paaaed. The S'litle bill to amend thn nrgunio act of Montana territory wat lakeit from tho jSpciker't table nud patted. : ti:k rtptt r ntir. Mr Merrill rote at hnlfpttt twn.at.d aald that he wat about to make n lt eilurt In reganl tn the laritTblll. Hilt llouie ln.l, at the In) tettlon. ent tn the Senate a bill merely amending the t.irifl nnd cottruigi only tlfti nine paev but tbe Senate took a wide alrrli h of power and aent Viek a new 'bill nil the 'M of ft Itru.try. which ,am,t btrk from the prinling ollb o on the ,'ith ol rfbtuary It wat therelore Imtinaaibln lor tbo Commiiire .,11 Watt and Meant lo con-- 1 aider 11 propel ly ami In repoit it back on thn 10th nf I,. I. tn y H,,, ,kK lhe( otutoiltreof the Whole, where iitnend meiilt were liitermltiiible. Aa much aa pot-ihl- bid Imhii initde but now II waa clear that t'oneeaaiotia itonld h tvo tolonln on all eldet f lh,. Wat to be brought to a llnal he would fliert'f.ire. now make a itoli wblrh would ti ipiiie .1 two thuilt vole. hargK the ( omtoittee of the Whole Ibe further . oliMili ratlou ol thn bill li lilt proportion ,! aj.rei.il to. .m l the Committee the bill wool I lime-fore- , ho in lull i..inr,,l of the Hoit.i, I Mi I Mar. ieti rung lo the po til whlclt b. hid mi. I.' vi.t.i.l.tv at to tin Vmte not having the rittbt la tend b 11 k tint eubattliil tiriHTrilrd lo argiln 111 f tlutt nliM. it waa a tintnomer to Iadptorl nf i ta.tt virtually 1 new th" ( .ii.titnti n ,11,1 not gtte ! the the rtttlif tu orlgliieln a rev.uiua ineaalir ol tint kind Howeier ho wat ill hope 1h.1i ,n grtilleiniu Irotu Vermont would have almply moreil to eoucur or in the N11.1I0 ameniiment. for Hie Inlerettt ot the country were laiiguithing, and thlt bill waa liredrd to retlVK them, Mr (larlleld made an appeal to let Ibe romuilllee be diacharged, and let llio uf the Houte on tholr rrapniitibility to the countty derido thlt 11 icttloti of a tailn Mr .Morrill then tubmltled the motion to uapen.il the rule to a tu dUcharge Ilia Commlllee of the Who! from the further conei.lerallim or the Tarlrl bill, and to coma to 1 vote upon t uncurling in tho Senile amendment, thoto agreed to In Commllloe or the Whole to l, p porlnd, and ho uildrd that If Hie motion f nfed, the Coiiiiiiitd e of Wat and Meant would make no fuither ulb it lu the mailer I lilt aetalon Iho Houae then at three o'clock proceed- ed lo vote by yeat ami na)a, on the m itiou to .uapend the rulea, o aa to permit the inoilon tu dltcharge tho Cotumitleo ol the Wh ile fioni tho fuither coneideratlim of the Tarin bill to bo made. The vole In yeat lie, mo M , tu two third nor toliug in faiur thereof, the rulet were lint Theie wat gteat lutoreit mamfetled In llio vnlo i.itlli iilarly when it appeared nn t' et all of name being com liidi- l. that the nreof .1 few yotet from 'in, to "aye' would pit. the renulred major ity The piomiitont aiipp-irtrr- of tlie bill were tiri ulaliiig among tin Ir lellow mem-'- ra and endeavoring lo eflert aili It change, while the clerk wat, at teiiitett, reading out .cry lowly Ibe jeat and !ia)e. '1113 la tho nay vote rlttt.Ahleou, tltkt-- , llanjainle, tlai.eu. Ilrotnw.p, Caniptiil , lluulor, C ,bb, IIJioV, Cieiwr, Hiirlee, lioaii'ily, Dutntial, Kg 'ettor, K .Iri l.a I'a-- il.ar, r ni V, illotaSieiintr, II nlinr Kj . Ilatdipg II .1 ll.rrlt lltwklut, liters. III... Hill llul l e I IN. Y ,, lliini hter, II in..-- , .1 1 Ic, K....1 1. Kelen, Kerr, K it ke. .1.11, I, Toil. 1, Irfiwioli, Wtr.li. II, M.yntnl, M Inuce. Mjullop, Solvit, Nl.hiileon, N te I. Oil", I'litlpe, llalforil, Killer, Kvat. li ..a, Hti.uklln, t) o.n, eillwel,, T.ter, l.)l.r ,N, Y.I, rniioe TTi. Hi rtiiop. rilmh e, Vi'.r.i Ki .U Vaahhuru In l. I, Wllaau IjwiJ, Win lew, Win- - I .laid, Wr'gl.t- - HI. At oo'i at the voto wut nniionii, od, Mr. Stovcut auhmitlud it inoliou to alKpoml thn rule, and lo dim barge the Coiumilleu of the Wholo ou Iho Slate of llm I nlun from further roiieiilnrat - ol Iho Sen ito amend mentt to the Ian) ll. and that thn Houte touciir Hu u 111, wl.,1 Ho aiiiriiilmrtit agreed to in tbo Cuiumlllen of tho Wholo, and with tbo uililltiotiat amendment to ttnku out ol tho paragraph totaling to wool llm woid which eti ept th irget from tbo tali illation of value 011 which tit la to be levied. Mr Hitrdiiig. ol llliui'l.. hakixl Mr. Sto vena to atiet an amt'iidiiient Inert atiug tho duly on lite animal and ugrlmiltiinl pi tut in It, win, h umriiduioiit Mr. Ktoioua Inilndod in lit million, 'lhavoluwat taken 011 Mr. Stoyent' mo-- , Hon and retiilted yen lu.'. nam tti. So twu-thlr- not voting In tutor tl.eieof, Iho rulet weio not mi. pernio,!. Mr. Muinll then atked learo to oiler tho following Joint leaoliitluit . " II It raeolred, Thai from and alar lea data from lh p.taaja of thlt Joint r.olullon, thtr ehalt te lev, el, rolleclel and paid on eUtro..!, wtr.t tud lueitb.u.I.e lniiorl 1 lat-- lb lulul Blalee, aad n.iw aul.J.ol to duly under ttiellug lawi, n aldlliuDtl dul; irpul to oa. tlflh, or Iwtnlr er cenl. of Ite dulle and talee of dullee, Including eie'S) anl ad va'oiem relet now br laiv ett aucb goo-la-, warea and inatoliau-ule- e, providel that no addll'onat duty ahtll te levied, cei:ct I, or rld ou ue'r, lie, coire, tall, coal or rtl'road Irou ' Mr. Hot rill move, I to utpend Ibe rulet. '1 IiM voto wat luki-1- 011 tbo motion to ant. j.end the rulea, and retailed, tea 111 , nayt 1, Twolltliilt not voting Ibeiufor, tho rule wt-r- not autpeiitltd. Mr Katnon then moved to utpend the rulet, lu order that he might Introduce a Joint resolution minting to the tarlil on wool and woolent, alatlug that It contained only tho recommendation ef the Committee of W'aya and Meant 011 tbote tubjecla. The rote waa taken by yeat and naya, and yeaa ',) i naya 111 au two thirds not voting In favor tbgreof, the rules were not suepeuded, e rs.vtxa xkssiox. The llouie returned lit teaaioii at .10. I'I'lllll I AMI IIOUMrKtlM. Mr Julian called up tho motion to reron-lil- t r the ruin by which the llouie hill, amendatory of tbe act of June Slat, I Hod, lor the dlapotal of public Uml in actual home- stead settlements in Alabama, Mltiitslppi, Louisiana, Atkansnt and Florida, winch wat referred to Iho Comtultteo oa I'ublio Lands. The role was reconsidered, and thn bill came before tho House for Its action. It amends tbe law an that hereafter any per sou applying for the benellt of thn act shall inako oalh that ha has not been in ariui again. t the foiled States, or given aid or comfort tu Its etismles. Mr Kaatou etpretted his opinion ngalntt tho eiclueloii whioli thlt bill routeiuplatrd, l.iery iierton who was willing to work buiild he allowed tu go 011 theao wntto lauds, and occupy eighty acrea of them, Ho hardly aaw the propriety of tllaubliug tho man who had been a rebel from going to work and earning bit lue.ul by tbo sweat of his brow If Ihu bill did that bo could not give bit assent to II, Mr Julian remarked that the eilcct of tho bill would be to prefer lottl men to disloyal men, aud ho thought that that discrimina- tion iliouhl be made, On tbe suggestion of Messrs. Hill and Katton, the lull wat modified to at only to exclude tboae wbo had voluntarily given aid and comfort to the rebellion, and not those win, had afterward enlisted In Hie l ederol army and been honorably ills charged therefrom, Tho bill wat tLuu pused by a vote of to IVJ, 1IIK I.AMiRUIT nil 1. A Message wat received from tbe Senate asking for a Comultteo of Confeienco ou the llankrupt bill. Mr. Jenckrt moved for tbe appointment of a Committee of Conference 011 tbe part uf tbe House. f lr' StS.VI" mJ to lay the bill on the table. The vote wat taken by yeas and nay . and 'resulted -- yeat ta, nan 74. 80 the bill was not laid on tbe table, and Committee of Conference wat appointed. "Elite' or CONTntCTOAa, Mr, Sloan, from tbe Commlllee of Confer, anceuu the Jyml tuvlisjiou i tiiij t,i I of contractors for tonttriictloti rettelt .of war mule a tcport, whlob was agreed , lo. The Senate agrees to the Houte tuhstltiite with nn amendment, restricting 11 applica- tion to contraeta made after May lat, Itnl, and before January i.t, I hi, I. and with an amendment ettemling It tiroMtlon to the contract ol Mr Win. It Webb, of New York, for building the Huudetl.org, couth! rrntioti bring giteu lo Hie lucruated cott arltiitg from any alteration of llio plan and aitecllicatloua, tn nlo during thn progress of tho work. tiik tttmt 111 in if. A message Vein the Senate, announcing its dltagreemeiit tn the Houte amendment. tMiitletrttig the Indian llnreau lo the War Department, and asking Committee of Conference wat rrcelied. Tho llouto In- - alatril ou it amendment, and agreed to a Committee uf Conference. ntim am ntniiiiR mil. ' Senate amendments to the Itlver and Iter- - bor Appropriation bill were taken up, and on motion of Mr fgglettou, all the motion. wtro conriiried In, etccpt 0:1a nt to San- dink, (llil.i. Tiik neiFtntcit nut The Sen ito niiieudnpnts to tho Jlou.e lull, lo ptotido way and meant lor the payment of Compound lu terett Note was taken up H10 lloiiaa bill ptothteil for the leaiie of legal tender noli't to the anient of one him aired mlllioui of nollaia, Tbo Somite ntuendnient pr ivblea for Inning of cerlllieata-a- inying three percent. Intere.t Mr frice inured that the Houta non con- cur In the Senate amendment aud oak fur a Commlllee of Confereure, Mr. I 'nee .i', tint the only .pietl Inn It ilitpulo was t'hnlher the eouutiy wat pre ptrtd tu pir four nt llio million, in Intere.t lor the Iniii ilf 01 '.Hike when It might let nt eatllv be n elded by Mailing, legil lender not, without titrit.t. Iho whole unction wntl'i a mil. hell It muhl be iimplilied ' an. elalioriit,',! f.r an hour, and when all win done tb it .vat all there wit In It. Mr Cotikllii ' a.blret.rd the Houte In nn argument In lavor ol t'oiieiirting lu the Sen-at- amendm-n- t. Wet thn Houee piepari tl, now lhat Ibe country wat coming wllliln reach of tho po..lln1lly of apei-i- pavmelit, to go once niore into 'the butlnea of kite- flying' He did not bellet e that the coun- try could romo down now twit li Impunity to the bard monev hail, but he did bellein it to he tafety within the at it wat within thn duly of the lorrrnmelil, lo III II fai n like a Mint 111 tho direction of a return to whuleionio values. Mr Stevens declared lint he did net un- derstand the gentleman tConkling'a) logic. Here were o)or a hundred millions of legal tender noles nut today healing alt. per cent interest Tbo Houte piopoted by It4 bill to ieiuo in lieu of those compound In. terest note, oun hundred tnilliout of gtein backs bearing mi inlurt-el- , to tako the olbert up. And yet there were men al .it hern who aald that thlt wat Inllalioit, who did not aeo that it wat a Riving of it, million a year. Mr Cotikling tuugetlod hi readinet tu In.lriiot Mr Stevont ou lh it point If one ' hundred tuilllont of honJt wern redeemed with one hundred millions of currency, that wet Uml lit I Ion, Mr l.yinh mined to lay tho Seimln amendment on (datable. It'wat tiei;atl)ed by a vote of I.I to I .T I he iiiellou recurred on Mr. Conkllng't malum to t ouciii . It wat tiegativeJ, veat ' .) navt H.I. lha iiirtion recurred on Mr. frle.l'a motion to non rnucur, and ittk fo- - a Com imtie.t of Contercui'o. The iiiolluti wat ageed to. Adjourned, TARIFF AMD TAX BILLS. Cittfrnjttttd to tlif .Vrw i'ork Sun t'rnhdltln Hrrrnt nf Moth Mrnnrr by thn 1'rr-tr- ( nniirr''i 'I'tio Anirml iricuu tu tbi Tax (till. Wxniiis-tHi-w- Mt, iS. Tho TuriiV Mil, uftr tlio uciimi f liotli lIouiM to 1I.1.V i( li r tltrtu.illj tlofc tt tl 1nvon-- l roun tt itinii. 'I'Iia Tai bill will prolmlilr firo tlio into futo, 'Ilin niiiPinlit)fiitn of tlio fmatfl Kiimiioo Cuiiiiiittlen to tlio T.ik hill, rnilm'-- tut on roiluoil iii-.- from two tn ono nul h pr runt if I .i1otoiu, mu Iam n tat if tlirr.t pir innt. uil vulorcm, on iiMiitifuc tiih' an tiiwlvolr nf Htr, rii'l, Intuit ll.tlll), tflOtt ft till Jll.ltll lllHI tlui ulrn clutli nri mlilf-- l to tin1 frrn Hit Srctlonn l.'ito'M, 'o,eriti(! (Iih Ailmlu-litiHll- iktfiiU nf tlm hill with t ilMtillnt njtiritu, ht -- tri. krn out. ntl thn ottu-- rciwilli.tint tho mibje t, mih itilntftl A tiiiinhur nf itflim urMruflk nut nf the Irrfl r lii(Inliiitc iron jtlpo, lniet trail lo il nlmt hoi niltcn u.A power tndiliTi, hnliiir-- minldifM, hujr fink, lioo, porttihlo niilU, IfMhf r unl iktui of hII ilencrlptioiH, Atirrup nmcltliift, ginni, lHiilorn, nuA utrnw wnippin pnpr A prttviwIiMi U tultlnl tn thn vcottoii tit HVfimo rr'julrliiK that thn Inmtu.o tat ftr thn tcrir Im, nhiitl ho lorinl on tho ilny thn act th .11 tukn tllwrt. " POLYOAMY. iTrlnjruiihnl tt thr Xnc furl A'ttii ) Ifrpert of the Judiciary Commlllee. WttiiiM,ii, fob. '."1 Some dayt ago a memorial from tho Legislature of Ctah wat pretented lu iho Houae of Representative, atking that the law; aa ap- plied tu that Territory, aliould be repealed for reasons slated, Thi memorial wat re- ferred lo the Judiciary Committee who, to. day, made a rrport, lu wlib h they, in alroug terina, denounced polygamy as contrary to the spirit uf the Christian religion, and a ridio of heathenism unit barbarism and subvrraiie of tbe marriage relation in all nations where It Is tolerated. It ia almply legalled prostitution, destroying tho orig- inal and divine constitution of society. No gt eater outrago nn the freedom of religious laith could bo perpetrated, than to reiiilto tbe people of any uallon to aaiiction and approve by la tr a practice ao deeply otleti' lye, Alluding to the assertion ot tho inn iiinrlal that no etlort has been made to en- force the Inw, the Committee any the fact ia humiliating , if this it In consoineuuo of the neglr t nf the Federal Judge., they ought lo ba removed, but If tho failure arises ironi ntliercauscs.it it the duty of tbe I'letnlenl to tee that tho law it em. oulod, HIM ONHTIII CTIOV. I TtlniruiM to tht AVie York A'iiiiJ Tbe Virginia I eil.latnre la Act on Ibe CenireiHilonal Plan. RirilHOM), Febiitary If. -- Tlio latglsla. turn cf Virginia, whoto session uiplret on Saturday not I. will be convened lu eitra tea. ion to lake Into consideration the Con- gressional plan of reconatruotlon, The (juration la North ('arollan. tTrlfjruihtJ lo (At .Veic York Sim.) Itill.iuil, Fob. '.H. Mr. ' Scngglu Intro, duced into tho lower Home uf the Legisla- ture a resolution etpiesslnj tbo will- ingness of North Carolina tn accept, in good faith, the propotod plan of Congren lor the reconstruction of the Southern Statu. The resolution created much niclte-luen- and an aiumated discussion ensued. Fiually it wat referred lo tbe Committee on Federal Relations, A Ncene In the Virginia I.eilalnlure. (TtUjruyM to tht Xct York Sun, Hicidiomi, Va, Feb. delegation from the Legislature of Delawaro Is In thlt city. In both Hoiitct of tbo Virginia Legit luture they were Invited to take teatt on the tloor, and speeches were made welcom- ing them as tbe representatives of a Slate which upheld Slate sovereignty, FOItniON rOHTAGIS ItF(JlT,ATIO.n. ( TtltgrayluJ I tht .Ygw York Jim.) Important Infannallsa to ferret peed alt, W'AildKOTnw, Feb. 'tl. The following are the ratet of pottage upon letters for Tur. key, (Ireeca, Kgypt, ludla, ckc, by the 1'rut-tla- n elosed mall Hereafter the rites nf postage tierttfoi. ur piiihif j)imr. blo up'jji Jultctg wittajuit, ted lo or received from the uniloruioutian.t rounlrlee by the l'riu.lan rioted null, will !e as follow. yr. First llreece and tbe Ionian liles, llle. prepayment ttpllontl. SecondTo Ruaille, llikek, lltrlat, lliicharttt, folk.h.ini, Oalat, (llttrgco, Jatiy. tbrlita, flalra, flalaato, Ramtii, Jl rents, iirepaimeiit optloinl, 'lo all other poind, ,11 cru'lt, tucpaymeiit com pnltory. Third - Cnropenn and Aalalio Turkey -- Atesauilrelta, l.itakli. Mertena nnd Irl poll, in Stria, .l ceiile, prepayment re. nutted i Ailn.inople. Autlvail, lleirntil. lliippta, Cain. Cavalla, Conalnndiiople, Ciernawoodv, Danlanrllei. Duraro, (lalll ptill. Jalla, Jaiilnn, .leriiealem, Inlboli, Can ilia, C.ine.i, KttileiiilJI. I.igo., Satulet, Mv lelene, fhlllipoll, f relets, Itetlmn, Ithodet, Kilonlca, Itualchuk, Sm. huu, Sere. Slnope, Stui rna, Tenednt, Tieliiroit'l, Tcilirsuir.Ttiltcha, Valutta, athi ami Vnlo, fi cents, pre pit mint optional. To nil other points, :it eetila. pre payment reitilreil. I'iMirlli-I'gv- pt, eicept AtetatidrU, Id cents, pie payment rtiiilied, Atei.iudil.t Ttcenls, ore piimeiil oplloti.il Fifth l.'att liidlii. China and Japan, Htlt-It- h f.itlher India and Hong Kong, Chilli, - cent, pre payment required. All oilier routittiet, t and beynn-- f..ttt Indies, VI cent, pic pittiient lenu'lred. new Yonic. ( 7- - 'foroi l.rj to Ihf .Veie I'm V Sim.) Pleceet'lnKi of tbo l.eel.'nlurr-Yonhrt- -e I eci"e lllll-- "'' vvork fllott lletropo. tllott RHllroit Inepeelnr of (tunpett. tlerlil llruoklitt "I ei t ntiril lletit llioek. lent owuoon rht. .Contlltill.nul Con tenllon, .VP., ,Vr, SUNA. inns ttriititteti i itnniiitr Atltiiv, I'eb, .N For the ImpM) enient of in. id incline, lltoikl.vii. for Die up tniinlnieiit ol it Canal H'ott luapeitor nt While!. .ill T he aiinii ll repoit of llio lliook 'in In.iiliitit wat pr nted and ordetod punted, r.ltt.t IN l t it, T) Inrorptirntn thn M.uihtf Ian W in bouie Compiny lo Inrnrpornto the fniou of lli imaii Veleiiint of Nt w York. To incor- porate thn Soldier'. Ituaino Metioliger ami De.tiatcli fiimpuuy. To aim, ml the Itw relallto In pilot In the port of New lork. It declare that a pilot who brings a vettel Into the port aeomtet no right tin y tu tako her out. Fur the etlentlun of frotperl fatk, llrookltn. To amend the charlet of the llrooklrn In.tllute llrlatin) to the Oiphtna' Houae ot the 1'iote.tint fpltcoptl Churoh. To Iiiiotporalo tbe Jaiucalumi Driving I'aik. Iillla t'ltatii, Atlthorlrlng the removal nf fences along plank roads during thn winter. Thn ( r ntreet cioasiown railroad lull, Au'eiidlng an act relative to the New York I'mteitatit V, plcoial 1'iiblin N boolt. To abolish tho ollico of lnse'ctor of (luiipow. dt r lit llrookltn. 'lo amend the charter of the Young Men's Chrittlan Association of New Yoik. Making appropriations for thn pat men t nf the principal and Intelsat of tho Canal debt To provide for etlating ileticlcncies nt tuoneya lor tho aupport ot llrooklyn Common School. Imorpoiutliik thn A.torla ami Iluutor'a feint Railroad Company. Mr. Ihoinat Mutphv liilrodur.'.l lha llruadw.iy Surlacn llmlroad bill, lie ssld that, although, not inmniltlrd to any ot the New York railroad scheme, lie had appro-tinte- the iierrMity for ndnptlou of omn moans lo secuto to thn people mole shelly transit along llm lliondway route, Tin, Contiltutloii tl Coiiveiittou bill was debated without amendment until Iho hour lor reeeat. llm Suate held a tettlon thla evening for tho roneitlctatiott uf the Cotistltutloual ('niyenllnti bill, Mr. (llbton apoku at length In r.ivnr nf allowing thn blacks to vole, and Mr. leiw In favor of tiiilvtisal soil rage, Amendments weie adopted allowing all cilliciia without di. Unction of eei or ' ilor lu totn on thn itietlun ot adopting Hm ronttilullon, but oicluding tleaitlers and tiertoiia who wero engaged in Iho late frogrrat wat thou tepoited and the Senate iiitjoiiiued. ASSI.JlTlLV. The bill tn change the lime fur thn an liilal mecttug of tbe I. iclto ( 'uniinla.lt nera was roiiaiderril in Commilten of the Whole, and after debate was recommitted tu Hie Committeoon lutornal Allaire, Town t uml Counties. The lull to provide) fi.r Inci eased fi ire on the Nlagari street Railroad, llilllalu, wat taken up uml reiommllteil, with liistiuc-tlon- t to umeml, by a lute ol Ml tn V.'. The Speaker pretented the trtnitttotiont of the State folectlo Medical Social r. Mr. Hiscock reporttol it lull providing for a contention riirlto the l onelitiillon, with auieiiilmeut. at Instructed yissterilay, Tho hill wa ordereit printed as ameiidoi't, ami placed on tho lllfe uf member morning, The bill to nmeiii'l an act relative to the Hanking Department wa ordered loa third reading. The lull lo aid In llm construction of tho Albany and buai aehautm Railroad was ta ken up. Alter all imi.tioii thn hill wat ur tlrred to a third reading. AJIuurneil. Railroad In llro id war aad I.eiluaTon Ay. enue. Senator Thomas Murphy Introduced a bill pro) liling for lie construction of a roml along the follow ing stleets aud avenues ill New York city Commencing at the South ferry, font of Whitehall street, along the Utter and Hro.idwuyto Iho upper aide of Howling (lieeii along llroadwa) to I'nlou Square, throuchto Fourth Aveiiuo, T'wen. alree i and l.aiiugtnn Avenue, to along as graaled, alnng Hiitlrlb, Seventy-acon- due Hundred and Tenth, tu the Central I'ark Alan In llroadwny at tho upper tide nf Howling (Ireeti, along llroad-way- , State, Whitehall to South with all ueceaaary turnout, Ac. The corpora, tore named a re Charlet Johuaon, J. A, Mar aball, Hugh llmlth, (leorire Slitpberd, Wm. A. Herring, Andrew W. Riiatell, Jacob lleje. T. It. ferry, Robert Marthall, LJ. wunl.l McfJeau, (Jeorge Terry, audiobert. Thlarotnpsny may alao connect with tho llroadway ami Sevonth Avenue roads, ut the west side of Colon tpiare, The Be Idler' lloalnete, .1feetenor ad Dlepaloh CosupADy, Mr, Olbson'e bill of Incorporation names A'ei Sbalnr, Jos. H. Ilaiuhlin, (.'has. W Darling, fat. II. Jonre, A. Harniiiu, S. f Suiltb, Jnieph A. Keruau aud otlion, at corporators. Tlie object Is to ilinl employment for, wnrlby dltabled soldiers front Now York In delivering patkaget, telegrams, Ae Hoot lis are lo bo erected on the margin of the curb- stone of the principal aionuet and streets in cairilug uu Ibe butiucss uf tbe corpora- tion. Tbe capital stock tu bo $IU0,0O0, In Relation to 1'llols. The bill Introduced by Sentlor La II in projioset to amend the law making it lor tbe Hoard lo pats any law ro trilling the right of tho owner, master, ur consignee of any vessel from employing as a pilot any pilot holding a license from said Hoard, nnrslnll any pounltlat boiuipotel on pilots for piloting a vet. el in or out ut New York when requested to do ao by any agent ur owner or paraon in command. j fulen of tlcrtnan Veteran. Senator le'ut guvenutho of a bill naming a cniporatort Merman lloteukrang, liuttav Kubl.lluttave Stein, Jubu II Diehl, Johu F Schaall'ar, Heurge Weygoud, John Olut, O. Christopher and Francis Flcke, under above name, for the purpose of material and benevolent aid, protetTlou and support, and fur the promotion uf suclal iutercuurse, The Olney ttruulaltlon Caae-ll- ev. fenten Kevokre Ilia .Mandate. (TtUarti)ihtil to tht Vw lor- A'iim ) Aiiiant, Feb. 'JO. A mandate for the de- livery of Captain (ieorge Olney, upon the requisition of tbe Governor of Virginia, wat Issued by Governor Feuton on tbe I Jib. Inst. New facta having been prettnted, the hat concurred with the Gov- ernor in Ibe following uUspoelllDa of the case I A mandate having been Issued en the l!th day of February, to the eutborltlee of the city of New York, to arrest and deliver (lenrge Olney to the agent of the State of Virginia lu compliance w.th a requisition from the Utiyrrnor of aald State, aud laid Olucr being now m mtiuli, aud tt auuaear. ing frm new facta, which have enmOto Hm kiiaiwtealga of tbo F.iceollro tlnrn avid manileto, in auch form ns to rntenel allniition thereto, clearly showing that t&o acta charged jigalutt said Olney are not tiitllrlrnt to warrant audi eurremler to the agent nforct il l. I Iberrforn hereby revoke aald mandate, nnd alirect that aatd (icorgo Olney bo released from cuelclr It. I' FiiKi. MEXICO. Trlfjroihrttotht ,Voe loet' .fain.) The Liberal f'arrelerr Itverythlttaj Itefare T laean t'einwianteallnn yvltti lha Capital t nt Iterent tlrlerr Over illlratnen timelal llrpert, ele, eto. Nnv Oiti., m, Feb. 'J7 The atenmor which lett Vera Cru on thn 'ilth has ar- rived, and reports that tbe grealoat confn ejon prevail., and communication with the City of Meticn I entirely cut otf, 'Ibe Lib. erals hold all Important linen, and by prompt action ! ire throw n the Imperialist Into tllamay, 'Ilia French tramportt hive all arrived. Tho French naval force, with one Irou cl.td, havo recently arrived, to pro- le, l tbo embarkation, The French troo s nnd fiirlgnrrs nro leaving tho country at fait at fat as piMtlhh', nnd it la believed that M it Imillan learet toon, He may leave within ten day. WiaiiiMirus. fell. SS. The following it n trantlill.in nf (lenernl facohedo'e Plliri.it ti port uf hit recent victory oyer Mlramon . H it'll Mat ail Sst Jti lsni, ) felt. 1. Hi,;T I'. M. Th .data I forwarded lha follonlug to the Secret ary aaf War At U aaVloek A. M. I came upon tho re ir guard of Hie ein my, nho ett baiige.l a, t" d cint.on allot with i our fi , ami aiani . at I .a retia.tt teilh I fourueinn. on ttt'Couot of our attack, a alia, t.ttica oT four league, until a nuddeiii hargo of cavalry complet, ly routed I, no lentluic In our po.teitloit a number of prisoner, au his ntliller.v. nmmunitloii train.. ruipagrt, and nil ho bad. With the cavalry under J toy coiiimsud. I puraued him at I tr as this, hacienda, where I ordered a halt In order' to glvo rett to my troops and pick up the booty abandoned by the en- emy In his lllght. The daring general (irronlnlo Frevlnn anal Col, I'edro Martinet re pursuing hliu wllli two column, uf car-air- y doing their ulmo.t lo overtake Mira. mou and hie accomplice, who lelt here pre. i Ipltatoly, ou living front us. latter, I will glvo yon n aletallcd report of Ihls brlillaut action of tbo Conttitutinnal force; for the pteteut, I cuuaeut mytelf with what I hato aald above. You will Inform the CillrenCon.litullonal f reaidetit, aud preannt him my felicitation., with the .ucre. t with which l'roildcuce L.) favorcal amr cauao, Slgnedl, Moltiyi) Ijt.itur.lxi. Sr, Serdi) Do I'rejaala, Mlnlttor uf Slate of Metieo. On the Id Itiitattt, tho frraidetit thank, f tcoltodo' army for the 'triumph over the force cumiiiamled by Miipiet Miramoa. THE INDIANS. The fort I'hll. Keitrnev ltaeaucre Tall Met er Ibe Killed. T'he following is a complete litt nf tho ullioeia and melt nf tho I S. Army who fell in the Indian Mnaa.tcre, near fort fhll. Kearney, D, T'., on the Ulal Deeember last : Captain Win. J, Felterman, llrovet lAcu tenant Cohtuel I'ltita-- Statet Army Cnptitln friderick II. Hrown, Lighteoutli I lilted State, lut.intry Llvuteuaiit (leorge V (Iruuimotid, I igh teenlli fnlled Statet Infantry, fc, ('oiiijetity .1. I Hi. C .V, iitiiilit First Sergeant Augustus Ling Sergeant Hugh Muiphy Cairpural Robert trillion. Cnrpoial William Duto, Frlvate frederick Alker. In.tu, William frtxler, fatnek slianuon, Charles M. Taylor, Joseph I , Thorn ... Ml cline! Ilorten, David Tborey, Thomas Jlurke, Henry Huehnnan, Mas-- ) Dihriiig, tleorge T R. OoimIiiII. Francis K (Joiituu, Martin Kelloy, John T hoiupsoii, Albert II Wallers, John IV. Wetter John Wooalrull' f'oioflny ( th '. .V, iifttHtrj Ser- feant fiant'ia Rat iiioinl, Sertceaut f.itili k Cortiornl (lualav A, llaiier, Corpo- ral fatnek llallaglier. fiivales: Mitliaet O'ilarrn. Jacoh Roaeuburg, FiankS. Sulli van, fatrick Smith, Henri V. Aarout. t outjttitiy A', '.'if ll'ttHxUim Nh U. ,V. ,i. etasfrs Serge illt Wiillatit Morgan I ur u ral .lulul l.iulnn. l'lltatei. Iintothy Cull mans. Joint Muker. e Tbe CoNiluir liidlna Campntan. (TtUqwiphttl to tht AVle terAt A'uu I Vi.niMiii,-.- , Fob, jet. le tinted th it tho .Medical and (jiiittterinaelors' Dcpatt inenta have received inslructions rrlativo lo the coming cnmiiln to bo Iniiiguralrd agaln.t tbo Indiana Irom tint Department of tho Mlaaouri, about the I Ot la of March, A proper proporllon of aurgeona, hospital atew erds, nmbulaucet ami medical stores, and the necessary transportation will bo Intnl. bed, TennosBoe. tTtUQ)tt),),ttt to tht Xtti York- Sun ) The 1'cilcrnl (.'ovrrauirnt Colled fpoo lo rreaarttt lirtler. Nasiiiilik, fob. JS, The Legitlatiiro hat adopted a resolution palling on the Federal Government, through Deneral Tboiiias, for a iiilllclent military force, lo keep tho peace and reslairo outer and iuiet iu tint state. The preamble alleges that lu aever.il cuim- - tin violence prevails over Iho t ivll law. nnj riot and murder go unpunished. Colorado, (riforiinW to tht Arte Yoik Sun ) .Vllntrat lleaoareee. WsiiHKi.ln.s, February VS. The of tlm laud Olllce has re- ceived from Denver, Colorado, some inter. esllng specimens of coal from tho hank of J. M. Moussal, specimen of limestone from lliecklnridge, showing beautiful den drltiesou llssurfate, ami a lot of specimen from .lame Creek, showing illllereut varie- ties ol' the gold ami ailrerdioarliig orea of that dltlrlct Tbe coal bauk it iu tho town hip, I S. II, ;i, weat. Tho vein it horlron-tai- , and It eleven feet In thickneat. There it coiitideruble retio in hetpnlmen. The ipeoimetii of orn from James Creek, select oil by Jauiei Widtier, uf Jaim stown, are fair Specimen! of tho dlllc rent varieties uf ore found there, Mr. Widner reports Ibot there arn about four hundred men iu thodislrlit that a saw mill It buihliug.and that ielrr.it uuarlt millt will be erected in the Spring, '(he specimens Irom Stanley Lode, In which can be seen tbo gold, are fiom a depth la no ciso over thirty feat. Maryland, Why Covrruor Htvainn Slicks to lilt (lovcrnnrablp. Some ourlout political transactions have come to light in relation to Maryland poll Hct. It appears that Judge lloud and other leading Radicals havo been in consult illon tor tome time with leading Cuugreaaiiien, and that (loveruor Swann's sudden uiliou in withholding hit rttlguatlon us (loretcor of Maryland, in order to take his seat In tbo Culled Slates Senate, resulted from a knowledge of tho plan that wat formed is to be lemeuibered lhat Lieutenant Ilt Cox, who wilt become Ijoit-rno- the eveut uf Swaiin't resignation It sup- posed to ba a Radical. Mr. Saann was to be sworn in as fulled States Senator, and his credentials referred lo tbe Coin uu tire on the Judiciary. He was to be allowed lo , retain his seat until alter Ihe adlournnieut I of Ibe Maryland Legislature ou the lUlh of I March, wheu the Judiciary Committee would report again! him, aud tbe Senate oul him from hi seat. T he vacancy occur- ring during tbe recess of tbe Legislature, Ibe Governor would have tbe power to till it, and bis appointee would hold tbe teat until the ntil meeting of the Maryland Legislature, which would not take place for two years. A promise la tald to have been made by Lltuteuant Governor Cox, In this vent, to appoint Senator CretwelL Tbla Information wai carried to Governor Swann Just in time to prevent tbe contummitloa of this plan, by the reilgiiallon ot Sivanu and tbe lutuguralUu of Llcuttmaut Uoy, Cox , ll uu .da;. ' I I w I I k 'I I 111 EUROPE, I ill BUN CABLE DISPATCHES. I Ul I Eawi Yesterday's News from Ibe Old World. 1 'WM FINANCIAL CLOUD IN LONDQW. Ill Qenoral Fooling of Dlitrnst, IH iiOa, attCa, H 1.11 IV, Feb. SS. The Directors tt Ihi H Atlantic Telegraph Company bold a meet ing on tho liTh of March, to ilelefinlnl H what relucllffoe shall bo mado In'thetolll H on the Atlantis Cable. H 'icva, Feb. SS.-- Tbe Turkleh garnsonl H are to lie withdrawn front the forte In tin H IViuclpallly of Serrla. H Iixi-oturaa- February M Noon. Thl H aleam.bli. Slnraytan, f.'apfaln Allen, whtob len IMrll.ia.l on Saturday. Feb. !. arrive J H at thlt port, on tbn way to Liverpool, laid I H I.tvr.niiNiu Feb. The Cotton H market lo day open firmer, and conaider- - J H ably more active. The Inanity la goanl, both H for epea illation nnd manufacture. No noil- - able change In pritea bat devrliieal li.elt Unit far, Ihe current rate for middling ttp laud t being est III llreadaliift t art gnn H orally itiiirt. Coin it tirm, at :ir ahillinjs H er iinrler for inlxed American. The pro-- H vision market it without alteration. H Lit rmtioi, Feb 'JA livening, -- The rob H ton market cloaetl fairly acfir , with is ilay'e H sale uf l'i.009 bale, frires have advnac'tai H I. Middling I'pl.inda. l.tif, IH !.n. Feb, t -- Noon -- Consola for M Aniencati aecuritlei are generally a trlitv J H better to alar. 'Iho opening rntpw nre as I follnwa t Hrlet, H7 : Illinois Central ev H tin i, lend, m I'. S. y bonds, ;:i, H laiMiH-y- , Feb. Hvenlng. I'hlted Mtates H Fun I wenty bonds, 7'.'( ; Rrln elaares, ,'mjtj'i H Illinois Central, (ex ills.) Jt'Kl Consult tur H '.)- - H FitvsKlDKr, Feb. H Krenlng-Cnit- ed H Slatos tiotids doted this evening at H IoMt av, Feb. gs Hyeulng. A goueral fueling of dlslrutt prevnJIt lu llnanclal clc J and the .lock tuaiket It prostrate. Nowa Itotni. ("y TtltgrtpK ta tat .Yet Tors 5ut.) B A nit.l. vlttually abolishing capital putx H laliment has pased b)lh Houtet oT Use lb H llnois H Suinuii NtrtLt I'EREtl.t, the well krown I alnrer. died last evening lu I'bilaJelebla, H aoal ot yeara, of punumoulA. (Inv. Ft.i:rcitr.n, of Mlaaouri, has lirojght H a suit against tho St. Ixtula Kvr.Ntsal Dn- - t in it for defamation of character. Tin) H atamagea ara laid at $!i,0O). H '1 ity. boiler In a aaw mill, near JoneaHoro, H tllinnle, expbeteat on Wodnetd ly. Tlat en- - H gineer waa killed, and tavoral other pereont H were aeverely in,itrral. H A ntrti iiui.sr of th Forty llrit Colored Infantry united nt ( .t'ro. Illlnire, yettcr- - day, from Naibrille, cu route tu llalort , Tur. ttextuur I.iur.t IVntoix lying al H f.vnnivllle, Ind., yesterday, caught lire. tl H was btirnod to the water'a edge. Sho had a H large e irgo fur Memphis, and Ml y.tlueU al H (.S.i)tl, No lives were H Yxtiiitntv. in leiuLvlJIe, Kentucky, Wll. Ham Harlow, whllo lirtnr. at Captain frit H ton, foruierly uf the Cotifederalo attuy, ly shot Rrigadler Oeoeral Kir Hun ray, I' V , In the leg, The wnurul is not aeriom. Ilie allalr occurred at l.iw trhool, tthoio limy wero nil three law etU' dents, Tin first water was lot Into tho Chicago, H III . Like Tunnel W ..tut sday onough nnty H to sweep out the smaller debris. The ex H petliiieiitel llootliug will be protracted H through several aluys, If not weeks, with H vlow to a Ifiofougli'leetliig of every portion H ol Ihe alrii.'luro. The city will ho supplied IH tbroiigb tba new channel, if all goes well, fl 111 abuut weeks. F t. LOCAL NKW'S. V I'C(nllon Ta.Dny. Vl flovernor Fen I on having decided not to interlero with the sentenco of Ihe Court in H Iho caio uf (I'.orge Wagner, the wlfo-mur- - Hf alerer, the miserable nun will, in all prob.i M P bllity, explain upon the gallnwt. in the L ToiiiTit prison ynrd, tl . morning, tbe crime B for which be atands aecuteil. The priiouer. H who during the past fow days b is appeared perfectly resigned to tbe awful fate which awaits him, apent thai tnott of last night in H spiritual Intercourse with his religious ad H vlters, with whom he conversed freely, ex- - H pre.elng himself ready, and oven anxious tn H through tho fearful amleal. T'he gal fiats upon which he will be executeal. baa heeu erectetl at tba itorth end of the prison tard, close to the tloor uf the look-u- for I inebriale. and Is the. tamo ou which Irlory H and fen is wcro hangid. H I T he t'lrrmea'e Unit. Tlio Arailemy uf Muala w.w opened for H the llrst time last evenlnr alnco Its restore, H linn, it b :ln;5 tbe uccatioii of the llri'iiieu't H ' ball, gotten up by Ihe lata mtmbort uf tbn Volilut'tr lire Departmeut. Ilie balls 1 given by thlt iiiitltiitlun In Its palmy days B always excited considerable Interest, and H were remarkably successful. The ball last H eteulng a at no exception. It was largely H iiltended by a brlillaut troupe of tbo lovers H of Terptlchore, nnd tbe itiutlc aud arrange- - H mentt of tbn committee wero everything H that could Ite aletired. H ( Inauaurallon of ihe Araalrtny of .Vfnalc H Hat d'Opera Te.nUbi. 1 The opening of tho Atatleiny of Mutic, H now completely rettored, will take place) thlt evening, and will bo celebrutml by a Grand inauguration Fancy Drett Hal H d'Opera. It will no doubt bo a ifrarrrAs H allalr. The tickets, admitting lady and gentleman, are I0. Cnplalti llfackett baa Issued the following Order: BH Ni:w York. )Iarch 1. 1807. Company to the Hal al'Oitera thla eye- - B iiing at tbo Academy uf Jlitilo will be ad- - B nillted nt tho main eutruueo on Irving H flare. Coacbet will approach from Ihe H north thrctt.h Irving fliro In delivering BVB Ibelr company patting out through lllti tree! to tilt nti'iiuo. In taking up coached B will form In tho tamo or'ler established for B their delivery, llentleineu will pirate tako BBB the roach at the tloor, aud not wait for any B particular coach. Faro in all catrt w ill b" SBB one dollar for each passenger, without te. iBfaawI ganl to distance lu tbo city, Nu coach will frV be alloweal In lino but such as aro passed nWlkB. by Inspection. Alleged (Intmie. MIM A dty or llio since, Ofliccr Carroll, of the HvCl '.'th IVclnct, arretted a man iiauird John VflK Shannon, aged forty years, who, at the llm.) of tho ai rett wat employed In a liable li 91 BJ Idlli ttieet tbe alleged orience Itelng tlm mt MJ outrage, ou tho JVd inet., of Ihe peraon of ) In H llllb) girl nine lean of ago, wbom he em M ID ticed Into the hay loft ot the above- - iHflJ mentioned stable. The child states that M''fi' ,110 was induced to visit tbo table by ait l! older girl, on rcpreeentloit that Shannon I would give Ibem a ride in hi coach. Tbo I ft puaoner was committed without ball. I tt Urea, I H The lost by the lire which occurred at ' No. '.r,ll llroadway at I o'clock yesterday I luarning, proves ukiq investigation to bava ' ir been of a much irore aeriout character thai J I Brevioutly reported. Tbe lost of Meatr. ,1 A Co., Ihiuor dealers, in whota ,T 1 i apartment! tbe tire originated, Is tttlinated 1 U at 110,000, oa which there was an Ineuranco I 'l of 130,000. White, Whitman c Co., doth- - I ( lera. who occupied th flnt tloor of tbo I building tdttalned damage by tutoke ami II lj water amounting to IdO.uoo, Utured for I il7;,,n00. Tbe building, which It owned by. fr 1 Mr, A. A. Selovtr, wat damageat to the on 1 M teut of $Di,iiO. Fully Umred. 1 H ICftitllubtnil uts I'otarlU latr e. iLM

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I Cueapost Dajl.7 Newspapor IntJn'o World!

J'Ai: JfEW YORK Sl-H- f

pnssnstea every fatlllty for obtaining thebewi of tho day frnm every part of theVorld. wh.ther hy AlUntlo l'Me. by Tele,graph or by Mall, and pireente TIIKVVllOI.K, lu a compact form.

AT (INK HALF TUB l'llICBof other city pape rs.

, Tlir Nun li read, everyday, by nearlytnartrr million pereon, am) tlitia become

single sheet exposing it entire) content!t a glaiicaj a medium of advertielng rarely

to he found.llll: I'llltKS of the paper, at Ihepubll

Cation ohVe vr fiirnilirl lir newi vernier. la' two okxts r:it coi'Y.

'nil l delivered by carriers t Ihe House,Store or .shop of any who ilrairn It, for.TWi:i.. CLNTS Fhll WKI.K, or aent by

M luall at M DOLLARS ayrnr.1 Hi: PRICKS Hilt ADVKRTISINO

.TAry, nrcntillnir to laacatlnn. FROM TWK.V--V K KinV CKXrrt FKR LINK, for

each lhtttiii. Special uri.ttigrmcntt marbe made fur advertisements of unusuallength.

' Tho KaMnrlal Department of TUB SFN,1 under the churgc of .list, in I'. Ilrat.ii. towhom toniinuukutlons shooM bn addieascd.

All 1. itrr relating to ndvrrtiteuienta,eiihsetlptinus, or any branch of the paihltta-ti.l- ll

Imiuts., abouM be uddicsaril to the"loprielor,

I MOSHS S. HK.U'H.Coiner ol Njetan ami Fi lion tt ,

V Yolk City

Si octal Atlvertiomont3- -

AN AKTICI.K VOH TDK YaPIES ATeolHUtluo ef nuny tsdiee In Sew Yoik eel

YVtlllemaburib w bar cemiaeaced pullluc up eartslshie'ed

(ILYCEKINi: HKIM LOTION.tho Mil trtr-- e rirOhatipid llaada. or Fare, to be

5 foend la Ihe t a 11 steles, if bh la Ilia werlj, ti3 who hsvs iMd It will wllHetlv etle.i. IIV; I il "' hand! and fata smooth snd aafl, snd allarSS elns roe sin work sn taa tnnl naaillaaark Ub- -

,""(rof aolllni II. TethaJalIIKoulken4ill mi, WlllUmiljarih, al It caata (r kolll. M


flDllaaof Ciaallr la aalmtli Rmimi N. Hita I J;r?,.H-A- U ,',1a Offloara aia lauraclea f' 1 Oraar tJ la rraraal riatllr la aaliaala. Call UtI alttatloa af cmrara la ua aa tbti- ortur. aadh I faort Iba aumbar af Iba offl.ar la Ibaa Kooaii, that' Uaaftlaar naar ba coinUiaaala4 far wall ajai. 4(1

A THK SUlJSCItlllaRi OF TIIK SI N'u, laalbarnn4ar aar ilDilanaf la

"AtTf''1 .' lamilr rac a Ikar ttt4 Tlir f.1,t wbleh la ioll avtrrwbara tor twectou.

TJtNRY IIAIH) WKlicTlKIl, U I. !., .1. .,' 'anrlbalaablaarlilnali!M.loj BlaJrar iliorr,j 'mv i:iu ami wiiv i AMtwr.KHi it." ir tba April aumbar af t ANKRE NIITIUN'. whh a

Inaaaful l,lut.iallaa abawlai llr.VtaKliar In bitelolr Id lb an if wrlllni lha aaral. All naaa-- ITtaJtra blaa II. frlra U laula, 101


COM.K;iC 383

Italwrao Jahnaoa aa 1 tllarr. Ilrootlrn.rTS.'y't1 Tom all parta if lb ll by mtrlra '


far tba laaTurllon of Al)0l,TU AND YOUTH albn'b at a 1m I

rOMVr.RriAL AMI kMILUII KKAVCIIICj.Tbcoffh Ibatn't aaiplaopvotlil II. ea ar aflmeal I

far lb atqulailloB al Alaalra, Uaouialrn Ailiknir.llt.Oiaiiiaiar. Kpalllna, Raallur. (,,( laaabarafraiaahUltr baiag roDatantlratrc f Ibla

Mrlarllillaa for pirparlm Yluul Hanan alba for IIHSINEa it utimrviaaoa. tVltLEIUAN I'KNMA.Sellll'. IIOUKKaM'INU taairarr tpartuinl ol 1 1,. Uaatlor. Coin-

lalMloa, Hblprlna. laaala.larlnf. L' !u. martial(alctllatlaua aad (Jallba;Nuda .ca. lacalf Ibauoal I

Ibeiouiti attaaiUo.

tlmf unliullrd, I'll quail- -faJ lu avarr particular for utwainc or ,

'liklacCbiriaolaPatff llka. IS 1)1

IHTIlJ, f'A Ihri rKUtba,ou laaan par dar 10lilTT'll. wl'h I'cniuaiiatilp ao4 Ar,lbniaie.

wrqairier ...lla WO)1TllfiKOl (111 COJUFIUIAI, Clli II.HK. lawlih Uanllaroto r IWa ara prrptird far

I ualutaa. without raaartl w lima or uitrn-la- r

i,f liaa.'iiia. MudtLl lain: a lowal toallrod lt.a a bula Uav ar artalnc ud i.ilir Itiauuctio. OlttNkt aao jrTlo.lat r lka; , 55 00Ml INII. ihiallonarr liflujad.) 16 LiaaouaI.IIO, SI laiaooa 100

niVIO, lo lloj. and l.taiai, II I oaoaa I3IK)4tl.aana ,. 6 M

D11 lll.rirDntiltr.aT 00 Tlui unlliullal. 10 00a..Sul.tbll flKANLMI.s,!) lo.5, aaooMlui

t au'nbar alud aa.N II. Tba ttoaa ta ma, Ae . ar warla I ieop!lnf

V tp.r al arraaiarnaat Arpl rauta ratalr l al aarlloi afilicr ereoluf. (Lata la.lif Uaa.a orvaatllon.


lata Importtbl fatlul ol llila Inahtiitl ia. XX nor br plat. llhr la llrMklra or Na Yotk, litreadla rqutl farlilllea In prrparlna-f- bualbaaa or I

luipnivlnt la ottiar bttnebaa fta livm ubaaiaatloit, I

Toal of btia e! 4uettlon, a tai cktoc la now f

cflart,! lo ta pilra'.ely aad aaialalr laiiilil wLafaar llif ncad I

t'laiae all fnr Ctrnilar mora full Kiplalnlni1arna and rartiralara. ,

II. o Centiactlou with anr abrSobool. Ml

UNIIY IlTilf) WKKfTlEII, I. I. D.Af.,contilbalaa bit orltlntl llili H'a laar Hlarr.

MY IIAI.U ANII WIH T aN.attKKr.il 11." ta I

the April nmnter of YA.SKKr. MII1UM. altharoatnul IMuitratian, ahowlnf llr. Wtatliar la bla 'ludrtn Iba act rf wrtuoc taa aoaal. All nawa

aaodara bare It. l'rlca to ran'. 1DI


rbatir artlc'a. tor lUaullfrlsa aodr.i.Ullla'.l Ibe hkla tbau

Tut: lui.u or wiiitk l.n.ir.n.II la aa article ef rare virtue, and II la warranted

tiol lo luur 0e akin. Tbouaeiide ara ualai It dallr,fcr Taa, D'labutn, Stllowaeai. Hletworui. fllolrbai.IMtuplaa. an1 In fart alwiat all klnJa cf aiuptlra bit.isara wLlci tpp'ar oa tbe .'are and akin, lendrlr.fIt baau'lfullir rlaar, ofi and wbtta, llralllaf aalaraIn liar falreat funaa. II la Iba tbrapeil aa wall aa ilb IMS lh prlre betel out fOltl i CT.NTB partotal. Too lad al VI Elfhlb aae- - N, Y, aad itall aoulb Vecoad ai., Wllilaiaaliunb. C5


No, 83 Wblla al, New Yoik, .ISO.TO TIIK I't'HI.IU.

Tbarlrll warwblcbtiudewJaled cur laed, end lentour on. happr home Into bouaa of uiournlnr, baa

lullru wlih NvullarBerrrUrontnielnndtra-lea-wttoen of tine ellr, nianrof wtjm were making(lute abMV atiiBTa raa pat at aix ukmt a rirot.Tolbelna'ltutrouipenatlon paid tor teinala It.ror lb Woiklog Wcuiu' t'rouciwe t'nlon owe luerUtn. T be Ataoclalloo eonalata of a nuniMr of bu.re n4en I tdlat and gentlemen, wboar arinpathlra bareIren enllauid. audwbo voluntarily give ibelr Untoend money to promote an loalllullon that will rm olEractletl benefit 10 the working oinn ef ework

Ainoni llic ptonilnent eblecll of tbe latbr ealibllalin,ti ot a Krelatnr tatrm, wlieieby

may I a aaalaled lit oHaiulnt eiupJorment, andaticme Ibeiu legal protection agtlnat tlaud, fireotifla alao an object of the Ioa'llulloa to dlamrtrand appropriate apbara of empbirraent air we--en. In dtpuln.euta not now (r iuiisI It tbani.Vt eartieaUr appeal loall gno, t Ulieor, moiefeclallrlbela,lia,laaaaUlualn iiialnlalniu an or.

lauitatlon IntendM ta benefit ead enoourage ttirlrwnaet tolalor foralltellbor.1.l.ti.M.nrMw Yoaat Willrou not rem. mrnliafriendlea wotklnt gltl I Tbauaande of dolUra ate me-

ed tor other Iwnerolent pini.ee, and loii.t the. whowort fir iuontlr liom aaren In the uiomlu4till noarlr that lime in Ibe evenlnr, te lefl to atrug tie iwithout that anupathr and euppntt wblrh tiod. in h'a I

Innhiienirrc'ihaablraeedrouwllhtbrpoaertoiire ICoutributiona to tbe Mat. elller In ruAoer. dryIooda.ni piori.lona. atll le glflly arrepted. and may

to l be frcaaurer, at , H, teah. Ca l, Huu Utlica.or No. H MV bile at.

It any laly dealre leald the Calamine by givingotrenortiori of her lime fit the tool other eei. abe 'will I able to obtain lurtber infonual Ion by avplylog

' lolhe ritimln'oadoul, at tbe room et the Lnlou. Ne ,

M VVbl mi(

HE YOITII'S TESIl'KItANUK HANNIlt--Tin Nallonal Tauipetaoca Boclelr aU I'ubllca-t-

tlcn llo.iaaaw tut.ll.il a u. Uocthlr lemiitraararer, r.pecltll adapted to Children and lan.b,1 a,mdar Mticoia, and Juvenile Tcmptriuco orgtaia-H e'lona.n axrb numlar will la Utllfiillv lUuilrtlad, and

roBiloa aiitied to make It a a paper for ibaChi dran of America,Tbe taopauert will be eUy edited, adalbytuab

wrtleriaatKv, r. I,. Curlar, Dr. Cktrlea .lawaf,YfV !"..?.'" ?"lllb Hav. A'frel rtlor.Hi)J; ".!,.,'I,J K.ik!eOunlagkly,

A. It. l'lmr. Kv.,laniei II. Dana,(len. a, r.Carr, Kav, II. w, Cbidjav.Uia.bliir J. Kev, Wat, U,Kav, I'aler 8lrrkar.' K. ll. I'ariee. Raq!' 'Hv. N. K. CebltUa. Mra. V, II. UagT.kar. CbtrlatJ Jon. Kruna.

All rominualeallona for tbe l'a;era abenlj ba ad.4rwd. JC4ltoror th A4roctt aad Haaoar.' IllWilliam at. New York dir.All Kemiltenrea ant Uuherrlptiena. together withallbuajaaaa la I tar. fer the addieuee te J. NTIAHNri, 1TI WlUlarn aU Htw Yoik City,realara, BueertuteadeaU, 1 aachara, aad frlaadt efIke cauae. treaalkertaedae eel aa Aaanta, aad ear.aeally iwauaaled a aid la elrealallag TkaBeaaar,"

aad forwardlag eabaarlplloai.lnla eapy, far one rear.la e4rtnte....t0 U

TeacaP MUeaeadraM .... ITeam " .,,,

Ik: mt f Oaebaadred " " " ....ilMJ. M. TEAa, rakh.HaiA ;.tllf tJU 1U vTlfllaat.t.'w.Y.

' I '"iaTHr.N mi sun ronusiiiaat lail Advertlaemeata they are eaea by retort11.aaoogh te ead carry every eleellea la IkeCltyol haw Talk, Tbe price el tUlg teMi It only'HtUlt. ttvagaltOirtaaala.aj


T HEMHM& SUN.ThtFonrth Your. NEW YORK, FRIDAY MARCH 1, 1PK7. Pvioo Two Oont


Uusla.ii llurrlid rervrard.


No Veto of the Mllltarj Bill Yet.

"., Ac, Ac.f riltgrajifatt lo tht Anr or Xiim

WtmiKiniv, Kelt. '.S.Tbe veto ot tho Ueconetructlou Hill It

coniplett-tl- . or o.trl.r ao, and vrlll bo trancrouted to Congn t without f.iil.The Army Appropriation Hill will nl.i batetotil, bccduae of conttltullotiat poortaken from the I'reai.lcnt.

'Hit coinmlttrn In cli irc nf llio Impcarli-- ,

infill luTClijtlon Mill prjj.iblr rrport to'the Hunan lli.it llie I'artt jlrn.ily prnvnl

warrant tlio oontlniuaro ot tbo lnvotia- -

tion.Tho f.irt th.it tint Iloilto (.nltlit. uflcr

refutl!i lirtiln Iinjurtt y to Ujr the 'Link-nipt bill on the table, appolnte.l t Commit'tro of Coiiforenre to Join tint heretofora ap- -

pointt-i- l br thn iantto on lha ili.aitr, Hni;atnonilmenta. It re garJeil by the friend a ofthat ineatur at luilicutito of tlio carl.1111

piiitacr of tli- - lull thriiiijli both Hornet.A liiniilu r of turn 1m ra elnct to the H'lli

Cut irrt a lure alremlj nrrlteil.lue NicrtUr) ol tbo l.iteriorbat forward'

eil an opinion In the ('omniiioiirr i.f tho(iemi.tl IjiihI Oihoo. .tpparliilnitis to thnrmbta of tbe Cfiitr.il bruiirli of the '.'111. mI'acillo Ihtilnmil to litcrcitaeil aiibtt.liet nflamia anil bnnJt under tbo 1'aellli-- ItiilroulArt. Tbe land cmbraied In thlt optiiinii

' amoutita In table to thrro million Ore Ir .1

tlrtd thona.tnil 1I1. Hurt.Oen. Aaron V.ird, of Sln;tSiii4; r

Co., New York, died latt ulxhl atthe retldenre of hit a .niul.tw, Samuel J,Hernial!, (Icortfelonn, I). C. Ilia il lte.nowat Jaundice, Ho patted away calmly anilIree flora iitllerlnir, rrt.iinlnK hit mind totho latt, batliiK full faith and hopo in hitfuture rett with hit Saviour.

The Cotnmlealoiier hat prepared a patentto lu aubinlttt'd to tbe I'rraltlrnt for aln.vlure, embracing tbo full iptnutity unarm- -

tieil to the Slate of Michigan for I.ao lallelle Harbor Imitrorcment Company, un-

der tbo act of July lid, 1115, Rrantiiit; oik"hundred thouaatid ucrea,

A circular hat been leaned from ther'roodinrn'a llureau, having in tlow themore complete oritaulrttlon m.inni;enient(Ac, of achoolt for refuser and freedmenand thn Improtoinont lu Ltiowlodo of th)udull freedinon,

The prraon who emleavnroil to obtain anlulervlow with John II. Surratt on Tiioad.iyprotra to bo trail hit brother, who went toTeiat aome time In 119. I'alllnn In bla at-

tempt to arn bla unhappy relative be b.ia,It la repotted, loft Witahlnglon,

(lenernl 'Ihuyer, Honatur elect frontnrrtred and aubnuttrd to

tbo I'reablent a copy of the ai't tiato,l byll.o Irf'gi.luturo of the State, aiuiaoin inthe condition Imputed by Cougreaa 'I heIVeeldent villi aonu laaue a proclamation,tocoirniin Nvluaaka at a State,

THIRTY-NINT- CONGRESS.ir.coM rcttto.i.

Kauale.(Ttttjrtipht-- to tht Arte Voi k S11 )

Till HI I'AIiimlst 111 l.tilrttiuv.WeiiiM.tiiv Keb. Mr Trumlinll

called up the bill to etlablith n Departmen'of lldueation. All pemliiii; niiit'inlmi'ntwere tot- d down and tho bill waa pattedaud a to tbo Preault nt. It la nt follow a '

B'C Ion 1 Tl al Iter- - ahtl1 e tattli'lebe I tl thecity .f Waahtoiilon a Dtptrltntnt nf K bicatlon fortbe ptirpo"e of ivlle'tittg aueu autlalh a and fa:ttaa thtll ahew the rori.litlon an I rrogrta of edit,

in the eeve-a- l ttlt'ei and Terrltoriea, and ofdltfua ng auch InforinailO'i rcaiertiog the orient,tatlon and tr.aa.gaui.nt of aiti,xlaand ab.ol i;i.lame and mtlhoda '.f lae'D'eg la ahal) al J I' a pen-li- e

ef the DnllM fllalat In It e tilahllnnanl anttn'nlnno. of tllclul lehool ratTB, an.l

promote Ite itutt of educatlaa throuf boulIt e rntinlrv.

V. Tual that tlall t nlnlet br Iberrea.dtQt, be tod with tba eontaut of tht Heoale,a C' urnlttlouer ef Education, who altall I e

with tl e mtLaiimanl of the drttrtme.itboio n aalahlttl t, a1 who aha!) r'Clv a aitarro! 1 1,"-- ) per annum, and who arali bav tulhorltrto ttjailDl ort eLItt rltrk of h'a department, mhoa'itrlrhlv a atlary of f?,0O) ar annum, ouclaib wbo aball rere.ve a aalary of M.rOO per

and one clerlt who aball receive e aa'err i.ftl.lXRj p,r eaBuni, wllcb atld c!rka ball be ub- -

to tbe appoltt no antteoiorlug power of tbe'(mitn'aati.t er rf K luealli n.

H e 3. Tbtl tlthall ta the duty of iba Commi.'enr of riicatlon to preant anauary to

a report ombodyl&f the raaul la of bla lava.tlgat'ooa and lar-jr- loglhr with a ltemant ofcub fail and recommenjatlona ea will In litJudgtntal auliferv tbt piirpoae for which ibla de-

la aaltbbabed. In it firal report maJe bv tlieomru'talotiar ot Education, under Ibia act, !(itre

aball U praaontel a atatrmtnt of tbe atvtrtlgrtut of itod mala by IVingraai to proincle e.luration, and Ike tntnrarln wbub tht aartrtl tnttubate beau tnaaaired, tbe amount of funda arlaingtharefram. an 1 tbe annual procae It ef lha catnr, eafar aa tbe aama ran ba de'ermint 1.

Beti,4. That iba CoruruiaeloDtr ef rubllc tluiM,Itiga la bartbjr euthoriiad and directed to fur.elan proper efficti for Ibe department bare

Mr. II111 kalew entered a motion totbe tuiu by viblob tbe bill ea

tabliablng a Depailuiont of IMucatloii wapatted.

rnr.sLNia.Mr. Sumner, from the Committee on For

elgn Kelatinna, reported a Jniot reaoln.Hon authorlilug thn Aatiatant Secretaryof the Navy, Vox, and other otlicera ofIho .Mlatitonomoh and thn Augut-tu- ,

tn accept preaenta frout tbe ImptrorofItttaala.

Mr Johnaon moved an amendmenf, etemptlug thcae prraenta from duty

Ibe aaiemlnunt waa adopted und thewaa patted.

ARitv rr.Mr Wtlaon reported, from the Committee,

011 .Military Allairt. advrreelyou a Hautebill, entitled a bill tn llr. luce the Pay of IbeOllirera of tho Army, but which wat, beaald, in reality, a bill to lncreate the pa oftbe navy ollicert at much at live tboua.i nildollar 11 year The committee wat dis-charged frum the further contiJeratlon oftbe aubiect.

l AITnOIMlUTIOV niLt.At one o'clock the Hlacellancout Appro

priatlou bill wat liken up.Tbo (juration wai upon the amendment of

thn finance Conuiiltteo to provide tor thepayment of certain militant atteatur Inthe Southern btatei. For tint Mr lMmundtoffered a tiibtlituto rallini; upon tho Sorre.tnry nf tho I reatury to tend to tho Sotiato aliat of peraont employed ne aategaoia with-ou- t

takln the oath, what ton Ice they hatereuilered, how much la duo them, Ac,

Mr, Cbeodler, ettudlog la bla trew-- h aboul tbaeVretarof Iba Triailty, roaJt leal bljhl. atldhe bad probably apokeo ta btrthar ttrm tbtn btahauld bavt uttd lowari that tfflcar. II11I II waaas old laying thai "the leal elraw broke Ibecemal'a back 1" yteltrdiy he fall Ibal Iba laalttraw had bea plated on bla back, U't opinion;f lha Saereierrof ibe Trai. irr wat we I known,Ua had elatej It yetr ego, and had now no octa-elo- a

to abtng a It hit view bad been alreagtkeneddej by daj. Ia kla own elij ofDelrell thtr bideotn vary oOeleai efflctre of the revenue, noalticallasl aaeeeaort tad eollecten. Tbtetceltrvr.moved tbttn. aad la Detroit eppotnted men whowould not have been Imeted for a tult of clotbeaaaywbara in the whole Coagrataloatl dlatrlci. Aman utterly unnt for tbe poc.iloo, that ao manaad no parly would raeotnmead hire. It waa nihe wet ralacied, but ha wat kept In eOce ener Ite? Mfr' b!4 '"'I ""'"ad of kla uantaeee.1 Vii matue bf NitlatT isolated Blt.

I I. ,.. il... VLt

Inib.ii.r, la, , 0f,.bgei hi rpinl.I f,,,,."t contioiiel bj m. 1 who wr utterlyde'oll of cbirvur end reputation and poill..n.Thedllegllicn fr.m Mlrhl.in were not tvneulld,

ni.rwt' iitpetttbl men contulted. Tbe manvenom Ibe 9uel te e. let waa note lu VYaahlagton,bcaallhg that te cojln illd all t'je epltilintala ofVehlgta, Turiber than Ibia. Uenetel Voirl.ereheller known at Han Voolheet. cf I daoa.ht1leeu ibe le-r- egeil ef lha 'aottltry ef Ibe Treeury. an I for month had been travabnir throughIba rebel Sltiet 01 bua'.ne-- a for htm

Mr Ilemlricka Interrupted Mr Chandlerto ear that Ibla wat not true.

Mr. '"naudler aald hit Informant watWmA How ard. formerly member of Congrettfrom the Detroit Ibttrlct

Mr. Ilendriekt -- Well, it It not trueMr Ilendriekt tild Mr Voorbeeth.nl been

engaged at the ateut of Weatern ditllllertto retire an honett eiei ull.tn of the reve-nue law, and to tleviae meant for putting aIon to the abitaet under which llipior v 11

told for ten money than the amount nf the"pan It- It wat on thlt btielneit that

b" Iratcllrd In the South recently. Hewut In no way employed in tho I teaiuryI'eparlti etit.

Jlr Sii uner, tpeaklng to the lull, rtU.-.- lthn poitt of order, that under tbo mica orthe tho pcuding amendment v. anot In order, a it provided fur the pivluetit of private c'lima. which, tmi'er tlirulca, could not be atlaehed to nn appropri-ation. Ilietn iitaetturt had not taken the01th of niVre, and were therefore, in noJut eente olliciia of the fluted Statet

I he ( hair decided Iho point not welltaken.

Iho amendment of Mr lMmundt waito

I he amendment or the Kin tm-- Commitwa then adopted. Wialll, n.it I J.

Ntlt-VI"- tr. I! ttil'tr, K tiniiii.la. rowt.rII wail, II w.. Kikwou,!, 'it. P mtroy, Hutu-ter- .

Irumhu'l. WeJe. Wilt ,n and Y.iti ft,Ibe amendment .lui adopted le at

Thai be ..vre'arT of the Treirtiry It fere' tult o. lei I pa. 1 anh roti aa war leemporal ta tbao inclloa.f tnlarual reveme InII itbiljl.ui, prl ,r lu the Are! day 01 A iu.t,M'l. 60(npan.at...u at th rtl pret rtld by law,an.t an aidouut for that purieat la helebretro-pit- a

a I .il ,,( any m ut; In tbe rtaaaur;,ut(Hberwlae appr pnt'ed.

I In- following amendment of tho 1'ili.in.oCotamiiteo wat adopted

Thai tbe the Treaairy I hrbyillborral lo.elt, al puhllo .'lotion, the fodowlng

Irrperly. teWigtng 10 the t'nltel Hlalea, ntmelvt a bull tuee ant gr in la known at the eld

Luttoni llouae, .1 Altiaudue, V.. the bull llaglend grouade known at tht Old Oiatom II mat,at New Haven, Conn Ibe budllng andtriunlknown aa Ibe 0!d Cu.tom II i.iae, al rertaniMitli,N. It.l the parcel ot ground knowu aa the O dCue out lltuee, el NotMk, Va the parcel or lotof ground purtha.el In tbe clijr of renh Amtor,N J., for tbe erection of a Cuetom llue, antHi Cuaiont lloua nd ground l Baokati'a Iter-l-

and ba la beret.) eulhorlied te make,anl deliver ell needful eonttfeacee IJ Ibe

purrbaier or purcbaeera Ibare J.Mr. Wade ollered an nmendment, appro-

priating fl.iaai fur publio bullillngt lu thnterritory of Dakota. He aald they neededa Jail aud other building lu that Tcttl-torv- ,

Mr .lidititoiilii.pilri.il what wat the popit.latloit of the territory t Mr W 11. In eahl It.ia email and motllr rliulnalt. The

amemlmrtit waa illtigrtrd to.i bo lull wat liually paaii-d- , and the S.n

ule, at I l.'i 01 lot k, took 11 rrt eet tilly. i7.-.v-

. a y:.vsf.Y.tiik rax nut-Th- e

Tn bill wat taken up on motion ofMr KraxMlilen. Iho Nuiate Cotiiuilllew'euiurudmeiitt weto acted upou ai they werercat hud.

See atateincnt eltenhere. In tbla ittuo ottheScs.)

Mr. Sbri man aald. lu tho courto of debate,hat tho rett-iin- of the totiutry wat fallingill, and it would liot do to rlilargo the fleolist tint lintrh.

Mr Hov,.ird nttrll .ile.I thn falllii)! off inIho lictiliilo, lu a great liio.ianrti,tu the kindof ,ippoiutiiit-u,- , nt (.'nlb-i'lor- t and Attea

ora, that had recently boon limdi 'n tlioI'realilrllt

Mr. Sherman, while ronrtirring thoticwaof.Mr lliward, bellnted that thn

wit itltrr.iulablo maluly tulhu far: lh itIbetn were fi wer artklra maiiulaoluied nowlliatl 11 vi.Hr u,.

Mr Titimbiiil utkvd l.nw muih tba n

hnd (alien ot. lately 'Mr lru leplie-l- . from forty tu fifty

utllliout a y t ar.Mr. ('unm'. in advocating tbo oiamp

lion of atealtl engine., 1,! erred to the latupon wbikey aa ekreanvo. .trial ilettrttctlioof the pm otn lor wld. I it waa Intended,uml aiiiiounciiit hiiii-n- lt in lavor of lit

to amli a po.nt it oi!d not tllordaut-l- to otailo tho l.twaaiaionow preaunti'd.

Mr. lleintr eltt believed Ibe tit on w' it.key wat too high, hut tl.d nut tlillik It H.,'ildbo Ju.tit'o to that large nuuil,ur 01 e.iple,who bad atocka ul It on b ni l, in ledum itnow.

The amendment of the finance Committee, lo atnke the urto b - named ftoni thelire Hat, wua ugrrt'd to l.l lo 1.

Tbo Kiiianco Comiui'.ie'a toatrike out the aeetioit ol tho llouto bill, tepealing the tai on iiowtpapor advrrtlte-lueuta- ,

wat agreed to.TIIK COt OnttMt llll u

Tho Coloradii bill, vetoed br the l'iriident, wat taken up ami poalpomul until 01111

uolock totuoriow, wheu a tuto will be.taken.

tiM:t Attn iitmiiiii nil. 1..

Tlio Senate concurred in the Home emend- -

me nt to the Kitrr and Harbor Apprnprla.lion bill, and thn bill got. to the I'letiilont,Tbe amendment wut an important tine.

Meaara. Mieriiiau, .spragun and .Inhntouwere appointed a ronlrrenee cntntultten 011

the Compoiiiid Intorotl Note bill,fending the oonalilnratiou of the Tat bill,

the Senato, at II. !" o'clock, adjourned,

inifsi: ok iti;piti:.si:.Vi uivi:s.'llio llouie met at II o'clock.

CIMIH,Tbo motion to tutpend the rule, mad by

Mr. Ilainioiid latt tiigbl, that he migh of-fer a reaolutinn of lniulry in roferout 1 totbe (.'auadlan Confedniatlou, wat taken ,in.

Mr. llaymoud propoted, in vlow of tlieevident tlltincllnalton ol tbe Home lattevening tu auepend the rule, lo have theretolutioii received and referred to the Commltteo on foreign Aflalrt, wllli leave toreport at any time, 'the retulutlou watthereupon referred to Ibe Committee onforeigu Allaire.

ixnux AirtlRt. .

Mr. Katton, from lha Committee on Ap-propriation!, reported back the Senateameuduienti to tbe Indian Appropriationbill, tome of which were concurred amiolhora non concurred in, Thn ameiiilmrnlthaving all been tl Looted of, a Committee ofConlerrure wat atked on tbo dltugreelugtotet of the two llouira.

aitrxme cornT.On tnolloii of Mr. Wilton, of Iowa, the

Senate bill to iirotldo for the allotment ofmember of the Supreme Court among tho 'the circuit, and for ttn appointment nf a j

Marthal for tbo Supreme I otirt wut takouftom tbe Speaker'! table. Mr. Wilton, fromthe Judiciary Committee., otlered an amend-incu- t

prnviillng for tho appointmeut of a.Marahal lor the Supreme Court ol the Ilia-- I

tnct of Columbia, and lor abollthlng tbo'

ollico of warden of Ibe ail. Tbe amend- -

merit wat agreed tu, autt tbe bill pat.ed.TIIK NgnrtOCt AMI HIE AfATl.t,

Mr- li Illond, rlalng In a pertonal eipla--nation, referred to tbe te ut art ot thnOhio loglelature, refueug to atrike out ofthe Stale conttiiiitlon tba word "white,"and lo tho act of the New York Senate, reJecling the Conttltulloual Amoi.ilmeot, andcongratulated hit Democratic culleuguet ontheee facta,and in their cauae agantt unlrer-ta- i

tuttrage, beiug thut auttainiil by tbotetwo great Stale.

Mr, Oartlnld, at a came for further con-gratulation on the part of lit colleague(Mr. U Illoud), eont tu tbe C'lerk'tdetk.andhad read, a printed proclamation iaiucj byIIil Mayor of Yazoo City, Mitt., orderingfreedmau to leave tbe place within a ipeei.Ded time.

tut oMxinri nin.Mr. Steyent, from tbe Committee on

the Omnibui bill, reiwrttd thatthe Co amittee had been unable to ag-e- e.

Another Committee of Conference watatked for,

f a ctiir nut.. Uf1.lUi1. iuin the Cyiiiuilee ou 'j

ta.lai.te avalaaeew e

'elgn A'.laiia, reportrdlho bill for the reliefof In, widow of Andrew Cunningham aIlt.l.sli anhi.nt, Hligtlly ninl Improperlyenlitbd 1'.n lulled Slatet eetvlce, n'nlkilled 111 'jam,. ,rt,,r ,, diachargo beingordered, appropriating whicli watp.ui.d.

TrnuitoHtr.Mr Hill, fiom the Commlllee on lerrllo

rlea, teporled bill to amend the ore.inlouclt ot Atlfoiin and New Metiro, wblrlt watpatted. Alan, n bill amendatory of the orgtnlouctof Colorado trrrilory, which wnapat.ed. The Senato hill tn amend the

act of Idaho territory, wa takenIrnnt the Sneaker'a laldo ami paaaed. TheS'litle bill to amend thn nrgunio act ofMontana territory wat lakeit from tho

jSpciker't table nud patted.: ti:k rtptt r ntir.

Mr Merrill rote at hnlfpttt twn.at.d aaldthat he wat about to make n lt eilurt Inreganl tn the laritTblll. Hilt llouie ln.l,at the In) tettlon. ent tn the Senate a billmerely amending the t.irifl nnd cottruigionly tlfti nine paev but tbe Senate took awide alrrli h of power and aent Viek a new

'bill nil the 'M of ft Itru.try. which ,am,tbtrk from the prinling ollb o on the ,'ith olrfbtuary It wat therelore Imtinaaibln lortbo Commiiire .,11 Watt and Meant lo con-- 1

aider 11 propel ly ami In repoit it back onthn 10th nf I,. I. tn y H,,, ,kKlhe( otutoiltreof the Whole, where iitnendmeiilt were liitermltiiible. Aa much aa pot-ihl-

bid Imhii initde but now II waa clearthat t'oneeaaiotia itonld h tvo tolonln on alleldet f lh,. Wat to be brought to a llnal

he would fliert'f.ire. now make aitoli wblrh would ti ipiiie .1 two thuilt vole.

hargK the ( omtoittee of the WholeIbe further . oliMili ratlou ol thn bill

li lilt proportion ,! aj.rei.il to. .m l theCommittee the bill wool I lime-fore- ,

ho in lull i..inr,,l of the Hoit.i,I Mi I Mar. ieti rung lo the po til whlclt

b. hid mi. I.' vi.t.i.l.tv at to tin Vmtenot having the rittbt la tendb 11 k tint eubattliil tiriHTrilrd lo argiln 111

f tlutt nliM. it waa a tintnomer toIadptorl nf i ta.tt virtually 1 newth" ( .ii.titnti n ,11,1 not gtte !

the the rtttlif tu orlgliieln a rev.uiuaineaalir ol tint kind Howeier ho wat illhope 1h.1i ,n grtilleiniu Irotu Vermontwould have almply moreil to eoucur or

in the N11.1I0 ameniiment. for HieInlerettt ot the country were laiiguithing,and thlt bill waa liredrd to retlVK them,

Mr (larlleld made an appeal to let Iberomuilllee be diacharged, and let llio

uf the Houte on tholr rrapniitibilityto the countty derido thlt 11 icttloti of atailn

Mr .Morrill then tubmltled the motion touapen.il the rule to a tu dUcharge Ilia

Commlllee of the Who! from the furtherconei.lerallim or the Tarlrl bill, and to comato 1 vote upon t uncurling in tho Senileamendment, thoto agreed to In Commllloeor the Whole to l, p porlnd, and ho uildrdthat If Hie motion f nfed, the Coiiiiiiitd e ofWat and Meant would make no fuitherulb it lu the mailer I lilt aetalon

Iho Houae then at three o'clock proceed-ed lo vote by yeat ami na)a, on the m itiouto .uapend the rulea, o aa to permit theinoilon tu dltcharge tho Cotumitleo ol theWh ile fioni tho fuither coneideratlim ofthe Tarin bill to bo made. The vole

In yeat lie, mo M , tu two thirdnor toliug in faiur thereof, the rulet werelint

Theie wat gteat lutoreit mamfetled Inllio vnlo i.itlli iilarly when it appeared nnt' e t all of name being com liidi- l. that the

nreof .1 few yotet from 'in, to "aye'would pit. the renulred majority The piomiitont aiipp-irtrr- of tlie billwere tiri ulaliiig among tin Ir lellow mem-'-

ra and endeavoring lo eflert aili It change,while the clerk wat, at teiiitett, reading out.cry lowly Ibe jeat and !ia)e. '1113

la tho nay voterlttt.Ahleou, tltkt-- , llanjainle,

tlai.eu. Ilrotnw.p, Caniptiil , lluulor, C ,bb,IIJioV, Cieiwr, Hiirlee, lioaii'ily, Dutntial, Kg

'ettor, K .Iri l.a I'a-- il.ar, r ni V, illotaSieiintr,II nlinr Kj . Ilatdipg II .1 ll.rrlt lltwklut,liters. III... Hill llul l e I IN. Y ,, lliini hter,II in..-- , .1 1 Ic, K....1 1. Kelen, Kerr, K it ke. .1.11,I, Toil. 1, Irfiwioli, Wtr.li. II, M.yntnl,M Inuce. Mjullop, Solvit, Nl.hiileon, N te I.Oil", I'litlpe, llalforil, Killer, Kvat. li ..a,Hti.uklln, t) o.n, eillwel,, T.ter, l.)l.r ,N, Y.I,rniioe TTi. Hi rtiiop. rilmh e, Vi'.r.i Ki .UVaahhuru In l. I, Wllaau IjwiJ, Win lew, Win- -

I .laid, Wr'gl.t- - HI.

At oo'i at the voto wut nniionii, od, Mr.Stovcut auhmitlud it inoliou to alKpoml thnrule, and lo dim barge the Coiumilleu ofthe Wholo ou Iho Slate of llm I nlun fromfurther roiieiilnrat - ol Iho Sen ito amendmentt to the Ian) ll. and that thn Houtetouciir Hu u 111, wl.,1 Ho aiiiriiilmrtit agreedto in tbo Cuiumlllen of tho Wholo, andwith tbo uililltiotiat amendment to ttnku outol tho paragraph totaling to wool llm woidwhich eti ept th irget from tbo tali illationof value 011 which tit la to be levied.

Mr Hitrdiiig. ol llliui'l.. hakixl Mr. Stovena to atiet an amt'iidiiient Inert atiugtho duly on lite animal and ugrlmiltiinlpi tut in It, win, h umriiduioiit Mr. KtoiouaInilndod in lit million,

'lhavoluwat taken 011 Mr. Stoyent' mo-- ,

Hon and retiilted yen lu.'. nam tti. Sotwu-thlr- not voting In tutor tl.eieof, Ihorulet weio not mi. pernio,!.

Mr. Muinll then atked learo to oiler thofollowing Joint leaoliitluit .

" II It raeolred, Thai from and alar lea datafrom lh p.taaja of thlt Joint r.olullon, thtrehalt te lev, el, rolleclel and paid on eUtro..!,wtr.t tud lueitb.u.I.e lniiorl 1 lat-- lb lululBlalee, aad n.iw aul.J.ol to duly under ttielluglawi, n aldlliuDtl dul; irpul to oa. tlflh, orIwtnlr er cenl. of Ite dulle and talee of dullee,Including eie'S) anl ad va'oiem relet now

br laiv ett aucb goo-la-, warea and inatoliau-ule- e,providel that no addll'onat duty ahtll te

levied, cei:ct I, or rld ou ue'r, lie, coire, tall,coal or rtl'road Irou '

Mr. Hot rill move, I to utpend Ibe rulet.'1 IiM voto wat luki-1- 011 tbo motion to ant.

j.end the rulea, and retailed, tea 111 , nayt1, Twolltliilt not voting Ibeiufor, tho

rule wt-r- not autpeiitltd.Mr Katnon then moved to utpend the

rulet, lu order that he might Introduce aJoint resolution minting to the tarlil onwool and woolent, alatlug that It containedonly tho recommendation ef the Committeeof W'aya and Meant 011 tbote tubjecla. Therote waa taken by yeat and naya, and

yeaa ',) i naya 111 au two thirds notvoting In favor tbgreof, the rules were notsuepeuded,

e rs.vtxa xkssiox.The llouie returned lit teaaioii at .10.

I'I'lllll I AMI IIOUMrKtlM.Mr Julian called up tho motion to reron-lil- t

r the ruin by which the llouie hill,amendatory of tbe act of June Slat, I Hod, lorthe dlapotal of public Uml in actual home-stead settlements in Alabama, Mltiitslppi,Louisiana, Atkansnt and Florida, winchwat referred to Iho Comtultteo oa I'ublioLands.

The role was reconsidered, and thn billcame before tho House for Its action. Itamends tbe law an that hereafter any persou applying for the benellt of thn act shallinako oalh that ha has not been in ariuiagain. t the foiled States, or given aid orcomfort tu Its etismles.

Mr Kaatou etpretted his opinion ngalntttho eiclueloii whioli thlt bill routeiuplatrd,l.iery iierton who was willing to workbuiild he allowed tu go 011 theao wntto

lauds, and occupy eighty acrea of them,Ho hardly aaw the propriety of tllaubliugtho man who had been a rebel from goingto work and earning bit lue.ul by tbo sweatof his brow If Ihu bill did that bo couldnot give bit assent to II,

Mr Julian remarked that the eilcct of thobill would be to prefer lottl men to disloyalmen, aud ho thought that that discrimina-tion iliouhl be made,

On tbe suggestion of Messrs. Hill andKatton, the lull wat modified to at only toexclude tboae wbo had voluntarily givenaid and comfort to the rebellion, and notthose win, had afterward enlisted In Hiel ederol army and been honorably illscharged therefrom, Tho bill wat tLuupused by a vote of to IVJ,

1IIK I.AMiRUIT nil 1.A Message wat received from tbe Senate

asking for a Comultteo of Confeienco outhe llankrupt bill.

Mr. Jenckrt moved for tbe appointmentof a Committee of Conference 011 tbe partuf tbe House.

flr' StS.VI" mJ to lay the bill on thetable. The vote wat taken by yeas andnay . and 'resulted --yeat ta, nan 74. 80the bill was not laid on tbe table, andCommittee of Conference wat appointed.

"Elite' or CONTntCTOAa,Mr, Sloan, from tbe Commlllee of Confer,

anceuu the Jyml tuvlisjiou i tiiij t,i

I of contractors for tonttriictloti rettelt.of war mule a tcport, whlob was agreed, lo.

The Senate agrees to the Houte tuhstltiitewith nn amendment, restricting 11 applica-tion to contraeta made after May lat, Itnl,and before January i.t, I hi, I. and with anamendment ettemling It tiroMtlon to thecontract ol Mr Win. It Webb, of NewYork, for building the Huudetl.org, couth!rrntioti bring giteu lo Hie lucruated cottarltiitg from any alteration of llio plan andaitecllicatloua, tn nlo during thn progress oftho work.

tiik tttmt 111 in if.A message Vein the Senate, announcing

its dltagreemeiit tn the Houte amendment.tMiitletrttig the Indian llnreau lo the WarDepartment, and asking Committee ofConference wat rrcelied. Tho llouto In- -

alatril ou it amendment, and agreed to aCommittee uf Conference.

ntim am ntniiiiR mil.' Senate amendments to the Itlver and Iter- -

bor Appropriation bill were taken up, andon motion of Mr fgglettou, all the motion.wtro conriiried In, etccpt 0:1a nt to San-dink, (llil.i.

Tiik neiFtntcit nutThe Sen ito niiieudnpnts to tho Jlou.e

lull, lo ptotido way and meantlor the payment of Compound luterett Note was taken up H10lloiiaa bill ptothteil for the leaiie of legaltender noli't to the anient of one himaired mlllioui of nollaia, Tbo Somitentuendnient pr ivblea for Inning ofcerlllieata-a- inying three percent. Intere.t

Mr frice inured that the Houta non con-cur In the Senate amendment aud oak fur aCommlllee of Confereure,

Mr. I 'nee .i', tint the only .pietl Inn Itilitpulo was t'hnlher the eouutiy wat preptrtd tu pir four nt llio million, in Intere.tlor the Iniii ilf 01 '.Hike when It might letnt eatllv be n elded by Mailing, legil lendernot, without titrit.t. Iho whole unctionwntl'i a mil. hell It muhl be iimplilied '

an. elalioriit,',! f.r an hour, and when allwin done tb it .vat all there wit In It.

Mr Cotikllii ' a.blret.rd the Houte In nnargument In lavor ol t'oiieiirting lu the Sen-at-

amendm-n- t. Wet thn Houee piepari tl,now lhat Ibe country wat coming wlllilnreach of tho po..lln1lly of apei-i- pavmelit,to go once niore into 'the butlnea of kite-flying' He did not bellet e that the coun-try could romo down now twit liImpunity to the bard monev hail,but he did bellein it to he tafety within the

at it wat within thn duly of thelorrrnmelil, lo III II fai n like a Mint 111

tho direction of a return to whuleioniovalues.

Mr Stevens declared lint he did net un-derstand the gentleman tConkling'a) logic.Here were o)or a hundred millions of legaltender noles nut today healing alt. percent interest Tbo Houte piopoted by It4bill to ieiuo in lieu of those compound In.terest note, oun hundred tnilliout of gteinbacks bearing mi inlurt-el- , to tako the olbertup. And yet there were men al .it hern whoaald that thlt wat Inllalioit, who did not aeothat it wat a Riving of it, million a year.

Mr Cotikling tuugetlod hi readinet tuIn.lriiot Mr Stevont ou lh it point If one '

hundred tuilllont of honJt wern redeemedwith one hundred millions of currency,that wet Uml lit I Ion,

Mr l.yinh mined to lay tho Seimlnamendment on (datable. It'wat tiei;atl)edby a vote of I.I to I .T

I he iiiellou recurred on Mr. Conkllng'tmalum to t ouciii . It wat tiegativeJ, veat' .) navt H.I.

lha iiirtion recurred on Mr. frle.l'amotion to non rnucur, and ittk fo- - a Comimtie.t of Contercui'o. The iiiolluti watageed to. Adjourned,

TARIFF AMD TAX BILLS.Cittfrnjttttd to tlif .Vrw i'ork Sun

t'rnhdltln Hrrrnt nf Moth Mrnnrr by thn1'rr-tr- ( nniirr''i 'I'tio Anirmliricuu tu tbi Tax (till.Wxniiis-tHi-w- Mt, iS. Tho TuriiV Mil,

uftr tlio uciimi f liotli lIouiM to 1I.1.V

i( li r tltrtu.illj tlofc tttl 1nvon-- l roun tt itinii. 'I'Iia Tai bill will

prolmlilr firo tlio into futo,'Ilin niiiPinlit)fiitn of tlio fmatfl Kiimiioo

Cuiiiiiittlen to tlio T.ik hill, rnilm'-- tuton roiluoil iii-.- from two tn ono nul h

pr runt if I .i1otoiu, mu Iam n tat iftlirr.t pir innt. uil vulorcm, on iiMiitifuctiih' an tiiwlvolr nf Htr, rii'l,Intuit ll.tlll), tflOtt ft till Jll.ltll lllHItlui ulrn clutli nri mlilf-- l to tin1 frrnHit Srctlonn l.'ito'M, 'o,eriti(! (Iih Ailmlu-litiHll-

iktfiiU nf tlm hill witht ilMtillnt njtiritu, ht -- tri. krn out. ntl thnottu-- rciwilli.tint tho mibje t, mihitilntftl A tiiiinhur nf itflim urMruflk nutnf the Irrfl r lii(Inliiitc iron jtlpo, lniettrail lo il nlmt hoi niltcn u.A powertndiliTi, hnliiir-- minldifM, hujr fink, lioo,porttihlo niilU, IfMhf r unl iktuiof hII ilencrlptioiH, Atirrup nmcltliift,ginni, lHiilorn, nuA utrnw wnippin pnprA prttviwIiMi U tultlnl tn thn vcottoii tit

HVfimo rr'julrliiK that thn Inmtu.otat ftr thn tcrir Im, nhiitl ho lorinl on thoilny thn act th .11 tukn tllwrt.


iTrlnjruiihnl tt thr Xnc furl A'ttii )

Ifrpert of the Judiciary Commlllee.WttiiiM,ii, fob. '."1 Some dayt ago a

memorial from tho Legislature of Ctah watpretented lu iho Houae of Representative,atking that the law; aa ap-

plied tu that Territory, aliould be repealedfor reasons slated, Thi memorial wat re-

ferred lo the Judiciary Committee who, to.day, made a rrport, lu wlib h they, in alrougterina, denounced polygamy as contrary tothe spirit uf the Christian religion, and aridio of heathenism unit barbarism andsubvrraiie of tbe marriage relation in allnations where It Is tolerated. It ia almplylegalled prostitution, destroying tho orig-inal and divine constitution of society. Nogt eater outrago nn the freedom of religiouslaith could bo perpetrated, than to reiiiltotbe people of any uallon to aaiiction andapprove by la tr a practice ao deeply otleti'

lye, Alluding to the assertion ot tho inniiinrlal that no etlort has been made to en-force the Inw, the Committee any the factia humiliating , if this it In consoineuuo ofthe neglr t nf the Federal Judge., theyought lo ba removed, but If tho failurearises ironi ntliercauscs.it it the duty oftbe I'letnlenl to tee that tho law it em.oulod,

HIM ONHTIII CTIOV.I TtlniruiM to tht AVie York A'iiiiJ

Tbe Virginia I eil.latnre la Act on IbeCenireiHilonal Plan.

RirilHOM), Febiitary If. -- Tlio latglsla.turn cf Virginia, whoto session uiplret onSaturday not I. will be convened lu eitratea. ion to lake Into consideration the Con-

gressional plan of reconatruotlon,The (juration la North ('arollan.

tTrlfjruihtJ lo (At .Veic York Sim.)Itill.iuil, Fob. '.H. Mr. ' Scngglu Intro,

duced into tho lower Home uf the Legisla-ture a resolution etpiesslnj tbo will-

ingness of North Carolina tn accept, ingood faith, the propotod plan of Congrenlor the reconstruction of the SouthernStatu. The resolution created much niclte-luen-

and an aiumated discussion ensued.Fiually it wat referred lo tbe Committee onFederal Relations,

A Ncene In the Virginia I.eilalnlure.(TtUjruyM to tht Xct York Sun,

Hicidiomi, Va, Feb. delegationfrom the Legislature of Delawaro Is In thltcity. In both Hoiitct of tbo Virginia Legitluture they were Invited to take teatt onthe tloor, and speeches were made welcom-ing them as tbe representatives of a Slatewhich upheld Slate sovereignty,

FOItniON rOHTAGIS ItF(JlT,ATIO.n.( TtltgrayluJ I tht .Ygw York Jim.)

Important Infannallsa to ferretpeed alt,W'AildKOTnw, Feb. 'tl. The following are

the ratet of pottage upon letters for Tur.key, (Ireeca, Kgypt, ludla, ckc, by the 1'rut-tla- n

elosed mallHereafter the rites nf postage tierttfoi.ur piiihif j)imr. blo up'jji Jultctg wittajuit,

ted lo or received from the uniloruioutian.trounlrlee by the l'riu.lan rioted null, will!e as follow. yr. First llreece and tbeIonian liles, llle. prepayment ttpllontl.

SecondTo Ruaille, llikek, lltrlat,lliicharttt, folk.h.ini, Oalat,

(llttrgco, Jatiy. tbrlita, flalra, flalaato,Ramtii, Jl rents, iirepaimeiit optloinl, 'loall other poind, ,11 cru'lt, tucpaymeiit compnltory.

Third - Cnropenn and Aalalio Turkey --

Atesauilrelta, l.itakli. Mertena nnd Irlpoll, in Stria, .l ceiile, prepayment re.nutted i Ailn.inople. Autlvail, lleirntil.lliippta, Cain. Cavalla, Conalnndiiople,Ciernawoodv, Danlanrllei. Duraro, (lalllptill. Jalla, Jaiilnn, .leriiealem, Inlboli, Canilia, C.ine.i, KttileiiilJI. I.igo., Satulet, Mvlelene, fhlllipoll, frelets, Itetlmn, Ithodet,Kilonlca, Itualchuk, Sm. huu, Sere. Slnope,Stui rna, Tenednt, Tieliiroit'l,Tcilirsuir.Ttiltcha, Valutta, athi ami Vnlo,fi cents, pre pit mint optional. To nil otherpoints, :it eetila. pre payment reitilreil.

I'iMirlli-I'gv- pt, eicept AtetatidrU, Idcents, pie payment rtiiilied, Atei.iudil.tTtcenls, ore piimeiil oplloti.il

Fifth l.'att liidlii. China and Japan, Htlt-It- h

f.itlher India and Hong Kong, Chilli, -cent, pre payment required.

All oilier routittiet, t and beynn--f..ttt Indies, VI cent, pic pittiient lenu'lred.

new Yonic.( 7- - 'foroi l.rj to Ihf .Veie I'm V Sim.)

Pleceet'lnKi of tbo l.eel.'nlurr-Yonhrt- -eI eci"e lllll-- "'' vvork fllott lletropo.tllott RHllroit Inepeelnr of (tunpett.tlerlil llruoklitt "I ei t ntiril lletit llioek.lent owuoon rht. .Contlltill.nul Contenllon, .VP., ,Vr,

SUNA.inns ttriititteti i itnniiitr

Atltiiv, I'eb, .N For the ImpM) enientof in. id incline, lltoikl.vii. for Die uptniinlnieiit ol it Canal H'ott luapeitor ntWhile!. .ill T he aiinii ll repoit of llio lliook'in In.iiliitit wat pr nted and ordetodpunted,

r.ltt.t IN l t it,

T) Inrorptirntn thn M.uihtf Ian W in bouieCompiny lo Inrnrpornto the fniou oflli imaii Veleiiint of Nt w York. To incor-porate thn Soldier'. Ituaino Metioligerami De.tiatcli fiimpuuy. To aim, ml theItw relallto In pilot In the port of Newlork. It declare that a pilot who brings avettel Into the port aeomtet no right tin y

tu tako her out. Fur the etlentlun offrotperl fatk, llrookltn. To amend thecharlet of the llrooklrn In.tllute llrlatin)to the Oiphtna' Houae ot the 1'iote.tintfpltcoptl Churoh. To Iiiiotporalo tbeJaiucalumi Driving I'aik.

Iillla t'ltatii,Atlthorlrlng the removal nf fences along

plank roads during thn winter. Thn ( r

ntreet cioasiown railroad lull,Au'eiidlng an act relative to the New YorkI'mteitatit V, plcoial 1'iiblin N boolt. Toabolish tho ollico of lnse'ctor of (luiipow.dt r lit llrookltn. 'lo amend the charter ofthe Young Men's Chrittlan Association ofNew Yoik. Making appropriations for thnpat men t nf the principal and Intelsat oftho Canal debt To provide for etlatingileticlcncies nt tuoneya lor tho aupport otllrooklyn Common School. Imorpoiutliikthn A.torla ami Iluutor'a feint RailroadCompany.

Mr. Ihoinat Mutphv liilrodur.'.l lhallruadw.iy Surlacn llmlroad bill, lie ssldthat, although, not inmniltlrd to any ot theNew York railroad scheme, lie had appro-tinte-

the iierrMity for ndnptlou of omnmoans lo secuto to thn people mole shellytransit along llm lliondway route,

Tin, Contiltutloii tl Coiiveiittou bill wasdebated without amendment until Iho hourlor reeeat.

llm Suate held a tettlon thla eveningfor tho roneitlctatiott uf the Cotistltutloual('niyenllnti bill,

Mr. (llbton apoku at length In r.ivnr nfallowing thn blacks to vole, and Mr. leiw Infavor of tiiilvtisal soil rage,

Amendments weie adopted allowing allcilliciia without di. Unction of eei or ' ilorlu totn on thn itietlun ot adopting Hmronttilullon, but oicluding tleaitlers andtiertoiia who wero engaged in Iho late

frogrrat wat thou tepoited andthe Senate iiitjoiiiued.


The bill tn change the lime fur thn anliilal mecttug of tbe I. iclto ( 'uniinla.lt nerawas roiiaiderril in Commilten of the Whole,and after debate was recommitted tu HieCommitteoon lutornal Allaire, Town t umlCounties.

The lull to provide) fi.r Inci eased fi ire onthe Nlagari street Railroad, llilllalu, wattaken up uml reiommllteil, with liistiuc-tlon- t

to umeml, by a lute ol Ml tn V.'.The Speaker pretented the trtnitttotiont

of the State folectlo Medical Social r.Mr. Hiscock reporttol it lull providing for

a contention riirlto the l onelitiillon,with auieiiilmeut. at Instructed yissterilay,Tho hill wa ordereit printed as ameiidoi't,ami placed on tho lllfe uf member

morning,The bill to nmeiii'l an act relative to the

Hanking Department wa ordered loa thirdreading.

The lull lo aid In llm construction of thoAlbany and buai aehautm Railroad was taken up. Alter all imi.tioii thn hill wat urtlrred to a third reading. AJIuurneil.Railroad In llro id war aad I.eiluaTon Ay.

enue.Senator Thomas Murphy Introduced a bill

pro) liling for lie construction of a romlalong the follow ing stleets aud avenues illNew York city Commencing at the Southferry, font of Whitehall street, along theUtter and Hro.idwuyto Iho upper aide ofHowling (lieeii along llroadwa) to I'nlouSquare, throuchto Fourth Aveiiuo, T'wen.

alree i and l.aiiugtnn Avenue,to along as graaled, alnng Hiitlrlb, Seventy-acon-

due Hundred and Tenth, tu theCentral I'ark Alan In llroadwny at thoupper tide nf Howling (Ireeti, along llroad-way- ,

State, Whitehall to South withall ueceaaary turnout, Ac. The corpora,tore named a re Charlet Johuaon, J. A, Maraball, Hugh llmlth, (leorire Slitpberd, Wm.A. Herring, Andrew W. Riiatell, Jacoblleje. T. It. ferry, Robert Marthall, LJ.wunl.l McfJeau, (Jeorge Terry, audiobert.Thlarotnpsny may alao connect with thollroadway ami Sevonth Avenue roads, utthe west side of Colon tpiare,The Be Idler' lloalnete, .1feetenor adDlepaloh CosupADy,

Mr, Olbson'e bill of Incorporation namesA'ei Sbalnr, Jos. H. Ilaiuhlin, (.'has. WDarling, fat. II. Jonre, A. Harniiiu, S. fSuiltb, Jnieph A. Keruau aud otlion, atcorporators.

Tlie object Is to ilinl employment for,wnrlby dltabled soldiers front Now York Indelivering patkaget, telegrams, Ae Hoot lisare lo bo erected on the margin of the curb-stone of the principal aionuet and streetsin cairilug uu Ibe butiucss uf tbe corpora-tion. Tbe capital stock tu bo $IU0,0O0,

In Relation to 1'llols.The bill Introduced by Sentlor La II in

projioset to amend the law making itlor tbe Hoard lo pats any law ro

trilling the right of tho owner, master, urconsignee of any vessel from employing asa pilot any pilot holding a license from saidHoard, nnrslnll any pounltlat boiuipotelon pilots for piloting a vet. el in or out utNew York when requested to do ao by anyagent ur owner or paraon in command. j

fulen of tlcrtnan Veteran.Senator le'ut guvenutho of a bill naming

a cniporatort Merman lloteukrang, liuttavKubl.lluttave Stein, Jubu II Diehl, Johu FSchaall'ar, Heurge Weygoud, John Olut, O.Christopher and Francis Flcke, under abovename, for the purpose of material andbenevolent aid, protetTlou and support, andfur the promotion uf suclal iutercuurse,The Olney ttruulaltlon Caae-ll- ev. fenten

Kevokre Ilia .Mandate.(TtUarti)ihtil to tht Vw lor- A'iim )

Aiiiant, Feb. 'JO. A mandate for the de-

livery of Captain (ieorge Olney, upon therequisition of tbe Governor of Virginia, watIssued by Governor Feuton on tbe I Jib. Inst.New facta having been prettnted, the

hat concurred with the Gov-ernor in Ibe following uUspoelllDa of thecase I

A mandate having been Issued en the l!thday of February, to the eutborltlee of thecity of New York, to arrest and deliver(lenrge Olney to the agent of the State ofVirginia lu compliance w.th a requisitionfrom the Utiyrrnor of aald State, aud laidOlucr being now m mtiuli, aud tt auuaear.

ing frm new facta, which have enmOto Hmkiiaiwtealga of tbo F.iceollro tlnrnavid manileto, in auch form ns to rntenelallniition thereto, clearly showing that t&oacta charged jigalutt said Olney are nottiitllrlrnt to warrant audi eurremler to theagent nforct il l. I Iberrforn hereby revokeaald mandate, nnd alirect that aatd (icorgoOlney bo released from cuelclr

It. I' FiiKi.

MEXICO.Trlfjroihrttotht ,Voe loet' .fain.)

The Liberal f'arrelerr Itverythlttaj ItefareT laean t'einwianteallnn yvltti lha Capitalt nt Iterent tlrlerr Overilllratnen timelal llrpert, ele, eto.Nnv Oiti., m, Feb. 'J7 The atenmor

which lett Vera Cru on thn 'ilth has ar-

rived, and reports that tbe grealoat confnejon prevail., and communication with theCity of Meticn I entirely cut otf, 'Ibe Lib.erals hold all Important linen, and byprompt action ! ire throw n the ImperialistInto tllamay, 'Ilia French tramportt hiveall arrived. Tho French naval force, withone Irou cl.td, havo recently arrived, to pro-

le, l tbo embarkation, The French troo s

nnd fiirlgnrrs nro leaving tho country atfait at fat as piMtlhh', nnd it la believedthat M it Imillan learet toon, He may leavewithin ten day.

WiaiiiMirus. fell. SS. The following it ntrantlill.in nf (lenernl facohedo'e Plliri.itti port uf hit recent victory oyer Mlramon .

H it'll Mat ail Sst Jti lsni, )felt. 1. Hi,;T I'. M.

Th .data I forwarded lha follonlug tothe Secret ary aaf War At U aaVloek A. M.I came upon tho re ir guard of Hie ein my,nho ett baiige.l a, t" d cint.on allot with i

our fi , ami aiani . at I .a retia.tt teilh I

fourueinn. on ttt'Couot of our attack, a alia,t.ttica oT four league, until a nuddeiii hargoof cavalry complet, ly routed I, no lentluicIn our po.teitloit a number of prisoner, auhis ntliller.v. nmmunitloii train.. ruipagrt,and nil ho bad. With the cavalry under J

toy coiiimsud. I puraued him at I tr as this,hacienda, where I ordered a halt In order'to glvo rett to my troops and pickup the booty abandoned by the en-emy In his lllght. The daring general(irronlnlo Frevlnn anal Col, I'edro Martinet

re pursuing hliu wllli two column, uf car-air- y

doing their ulmo.t lo overtake Mira.mou and hie accomplice, who lelt here pre.i Ipltatoly, ou living front us. latter, I willglvo yon n aletallcd report of Ihls brlillautaction of tbo Conttitutinnal force; for thepteteut, I cuuaeut mytelf with what I hatoaald above.

You will Inform the CillrenCon.litullonalfreaidetit, aud preannt him my felicitation.,with the .ucre. t with which l'roildcuce L.)favorcal amr cauao,

Slgnedl, Moltiyi) Ijt.itur.lxi.Sr, Serdi) Do I'rejaala, Mlnlttor uf Slate of

Metieo.On the Id Itiitattt, tho frraidetit thank,

f tcoltodo' army for the 'triumph over theforce cumiiiamled by Miipiet Miramoa.

THE INDIANS.The fort I'hll. Keitrnev ltaeaucre Tall

Met er Ibe Killed.T'he following is a complete litt nf tho

ullioeia and melt nf tho I S. Army who fellin the Indian Mnaa.tcre, near fort fhll.Kearney, D, T'., on the Ulal Deeember last :

Captain Win. J, Felterman, llrovet lAcutenant Cohtuel I'ltita-- Statet Army

Cnptitln friderick II. Hrown, LighteoutliI lilted State, lut.intry

Llvuteuaiit (leorge V (Iruuimotid, I ighteenlli fnlled Statet Infantry, fc,

('oiiijetity .1. I Hi. C .V, iitiiilit FirstSergeant Augustus Ling Sergeant HughMuiphy Cairpural Robert trillion. CnrpoialWilliam Duto, Frlvate frederick Alker.In.tu, William frtxler, fatnek slianuon,Charles M. Taylor, Joseph I , Thorn ... Mlcline! Ilorten, David Tborey, ThomasJlurke, Henry Huehnnan, Mas-- ) Dihriiig,tleorge T R. OoimIiiII. Francis K (Joiituu,Martin Kelloy, John T hoiupsoii, Albert IIWallers, John IV. Wetter John Wooalrull'

f'oioflny ( th '. .V, iifttHtrj Ser-

feant fiant'ia Rat iiioinl, Sertceaut f.itili kCortiornl (lualav A, llaiier, Corpo-

ral fatnek llallaglier. fiivales: MitliaetO'ilarrn. Jacoh Roaeuburg, FiankS. Sullivan, fatrick Smith, Henri V. Aarout.

t outjttitiy A', '.'if ll'ttHxUim Nh U. ,V. ,i.etasfrs Serge illt Wiillatit Morgan I ur u

ral .lulul l.iulnn. l'lltatei. Iintothy Cullmans. Joint Muker. e

Tbe CoNiluir liidlna Campntan.(TtUqwiphttl to tht AVle terAt A'uu I

Vi.niMiii,-.- , Fob, jet. le tinted th ittho .Medical and (jiiittterinaelors' Dcpattinenta have received inslructions rrlativo lothe coming cnmiiln to bo Iniiiguralrdagaln.t tbo Indiana Irom tint Department oftho Mlaaouri, about the I Ot la of March, Aproper proporllon of aurgeona, hospitalatew erds, nmbulaucet ami medical stores,and the necessary transportation will boIntnl. bed,

TennosBoe.tTtUQ)tt),),ttt to tht Xtti York- Sun )

The 1'cilcrnl (.'ovrrauirnt Colled fpoo lorreaarttt lirtler.Nasiiiilik, fob. JS, The Legitlatiiro hat

adopted a resolution palling on the FederalGovernment, through Deneral Tboiiias, fora iiilllclent military force, lo keep tho peaceand reslairo outer and iuiet iu tint state.The preamble alleges that lu aever.il cuim- -

tin violence prevails over Iho t ivll law. nnjriot and murder go unpunished.

Colorado,(riforiinW to tht Arte Yoik Sun )

.Vllntrat lleaoareee.WsiiHKi.ln.s, February VS. The

of tlm laud Olllce has re-ceived from Denver, Colorado, some inter.esllng specimens of coal from tho hank ofJ. M. Moussal, specimen of limestonefrom lliecklnridge, showing beautiful dendrltiesou llssurfate, ami a lot of specimenfrom .lame Creek, showing illllereut varie-ties ol' the gold ami ailrerdioarliig orea ofthat dltlrlct Tbe coal bauk it iu tho townhip, I S. II, ;i, weat. Tho vein it horlron-tai- ,

and It eleven feet In thickneat. Thereit coiitideruble retio in hetpnlmen. Theipeoimetii of orn from James Creek, selectoil by Jauiei Widtier, uf Jaim stown, are fairSpecimen! of tho dlllc rent varieties uf orefound there, Mr. Widner reports Ibot therearn about four hundred men iu thodislrlitthat a saw mill It buihliug.and that ielrr.ituuarlt millt will be erected in the Spring,'(he specimens Irom Stanley Lode, In whichcan be seen tbo gold, are fiom a depth lano ciso over thirty feat.

Maryland,Why Covrruor Htvainn Slicks to lilt(lovcrnnrablp.

Some ourlout political transactions havecome to light in relation to Maryland pollHct. It appears that Judge lloud and otherleading Radicals havo been in consult illontor tome time with leading Cuugreaaiiien,and that (loveruor Swann's sudden uiliouin withholding hit rttlguatlon us (loretcorof Maryland, in order to take his seat Intbo Culled Slates Senate, resulted from aknowledge of tho plan that wat formed

is to be lemeuibered lhat LieutenantIlt Cox, who wilt become Ijoit-rno-

the eveut uf Swaiin't resignation It sup-

posed to ba a Radical. Mr. Saann was tobe sworn in as fulled States Senator, andhis credentials referred lo tbe Coin uu tireon the Judiciary. He was to be allowed lo ,

retain his seat until alter Ihe adlournnieut I

of Ibe Maryland Legislature ou the lUlh of I

March, wheu the Judiciary Committeewould report again! him, aud tbe Senateoul him from hi seat. T he vacancy occur-ring during tbe recess of tbe Legislature,Ibe Governor would have tbe power to tillit, and bis appointee would hold tbe teatuntil the ntil meeting of the MarylandLegislature, which would not take place fortwo years. A promise la tald to have beenmade by Lltuteuant Governor Cox, In this

vent, to appoint Senator CretwelL TblaInformation wai carried to Governor SwannJust in time to prevent tbe contummitloa ofthis plan, by the reilgiiallon ot Sivanu andtbe lutuguralUu of Llcuttmaut Uoy, Cox ,

ll uu .da;. ' I

I w II k 'II 111


I Eawi

Yesterday's News from Ibe Old World. 1 'WM

FINANCIAL CLOUD IN LONDQW. IllQenoral Fooling of Dlitrnst, IH

iiOa, attCa, H1.11 IV, Feb. SS. The Directors tt Ihi H

Atlantic Telegraph Company bold a meeting on tho liTh of March, to ilelefinlnl Hwhat relucllffoe shall bo mado In'thetolll Hon the Atlantis Cable. H

'icva, Feb. SS.-- Tbe Turkleh garnsonl Hare to lie withdrawn front the forte In tin HIViuclpallly of Serrla. H

Iixi-oturaa- February M Noon. Thl Haleam.bli. Slnraytan, f.'apfaln Allen, whtoblen IMrll.ia.l on Saturday. Feb. !. arrive J Hat thlt port, on tbn way to Liverpool, laid I H

I.tvr.niiNiu Feb. The Cotton Hmarket lo day open firmer, and conaider- - J Hably more active. The Inanity la goanl, both Hfor epea illation nnd manufacture. No noil- -

able change In pritea bat devrliieal li.eltUnit far, Ihe current rate for middling ttp

laud t being est III llreadaliift t art gnn Horally itiiirt. Coin it tirm, at :ir ahillinjs Her iinrler for inlxed American. The pro-- H

vision market it without alteration. HLit rmtioi, Feb 'JA livening, --The rob Hton market cloaetl fairly acfir , with is ilay'e Hsale uf l'i.009 bale, frires have advnac'tai H

I. Middling I'pl.inda. l.tif, IH!.n. Feb, t -- Noon -- Consola for M

Aniencati aecuritlei are generally a trlitv J Hbetter to alar. 'Iho opening rntpw nre as Ifollnwa t Hrlet, H7 : Illinois Central ev Htin i, lend, m I'. S. y bonds, ;:i, H

laiMiH-y- , Feb. Hvenlng. I'hlted Mtates HFun I wenty bonds, 7'.'( ; Rrln elaares, ,'mjtj'i HIllinois Central, (ex ills.) Jt'Kl Consult tur H

'.)- - HFitvsKlDKr, Feb. H Krenlng-Cnit- ed H

Slatos tiotids doted this evening at HIoMt av, Feb. gs Hyeulng. A goueral

fueling of dlslrutt prevnJIt lu llnanclal clc Jand the .lock tuaiket It prostrate.

Nowa Itotni.("y TtltgrtpK ta tat .Yet Tors 5ut.) BA nit.l. vlttually abolishing capital putx H

laliment has pased b)lh Houtet oT Use lb Hllnois H

Suinuii NtrtLt I'EREtl.t, the well krown I

alnrer. died last evening lu I'bilaJelebla, Haoal ot yeara, of punumoulA.

(Inv. Ft.i:rcitr.n, of Mlaaouri, has lirojght Ha suit against tho St. Ixtula Kvr.Ntsal Dn- -

t in it for defamation of character. Tin) Hatamagea ara laid at $!i,0O). H

'1 ity. boiler In a aaw mill, near JoneaHoro, Htllinnle, expbeteat on Wodnetd ly. Tlat en- - Hgineer waa killed, and tavoral other pereont Hwere aeverely in,itrral. H

A ntrti iiui.sr of th Forty llrit ColoredInfantry united nt ( .t'ro. Illlnire, yettcr- -

day, from Naibrille, cu route tu llalort

, Tur. ttextuur I.iur.t IVntoix lying al Hf.vnnivllle, Ind., yesterday, caught lire. tl Hwas btirnod to the water'a edge. Sho had a Hlarge e irgo fur Memphis, and Ml y.tlueU al H(.S.i)tl, No lives were H

Yxtiiitntv. in leiuLvlJIe, Kentucky, Wll.Ham Harlow, whllo lirtnr. at Captain frit Hton, foruierly uf the Cotifederalo attuy,

ly shot Rrigadler Oeoeral Kir Hunray, I' V , In the leg, The wnurul is notaeriom. Ilie allalr occurred at l.iwtrhool, tthoio limy wero nil three law etU'dents,

Tin first water was lot Into tho Chicago, HIII . Like Tunnel W ..tut sday onough nnty Hto sweep out the smaller debris. The ex Hpetliiieiitel llootliug will be protracted Hthrough several aluys, If not weeks, with Hvlow to a Ifiofougli'leetliig of every portion Hol Ihe alrii.'luro. The city will ho supplied IHtbroiigb tba new channel, if all goes well, fl111 abuut weeks. F

t. LOCAL NKW'S. VI'C(nllon Ta.Dny. Vl

flovernor Fen I on having decided not tointerlero with the sentenco of Ihe Court in HIho caio uf (I'.orge Wagner, the wlfo-mur- - Hfalerer, the miserable nun will, in all prob.i M Pbllity, explain upon the gallnwt. in the LToiiiTit prison ynrd, tl . morning, tbe crime Bfor which be atands aecuteil. The priiouer. Hwho during the past fow days b is appearedperfectly resigned to tbe awful fate whichawaits him, apent thai tnott of last night in Hspiritual Intercourse with his religious ad Hvlters, with whom he conversed freely, ex- - Hpre.elng himself ready, and oven anxious tn H

through tho fearful amleal. T'he galfiats upon which he will be executeal. baaheeu erectetl at tba itorth end of the prisontard, close to the tloor uf the look-u- for

I inebriale. and Is the. tamo ou which Irlory Hand fen is wcro hangid. H

I T he t'lrrmea'e Unit.Tlio Arailemy uf Muala w.w opened for H

the llrst time last evenlnr alnco Its restore, Hlinn, it b :ln;5 tbe uccatioii of the llri'iiieu't H

' ball, gotten up by Ihe lata mtmbort uf tbnVolilut'tr lire Departmeut. Ilie balls 1given by thlt iiiitltiitlun In Its palmy days Balways excited considerable Interest, and Hwere remarkably successful. The ball last Heteulng a at no exception. It was largely Hiiltended by a brlillaut troupe of tbo lovers Hof Terptlchore, nnd tbe itiutlc aud arrange- - Hmentt of tbn committee wero everything Hthat could Ite aletired. H(

Inauaurallon of ihe Araalrtny of .Vfnalc HHat d'Opera Te.nUbi. 1

The opening of tho Atatleiny of Mutic, Hnow completely rettored, will take place)thlt evening, and will bo celebrutml by aGrand inauguration Fancy Drett Hal Hd'Opera. It will no doubt bo a ifrarrrAs Hallalr. The tickets, admitting lady andgentleman, are I0.

Cnplalti llfackett baa Issued the followingOrder: BHNi:w York. )Iarch 1. 1807.

Company to the Hal al'Oitera thla eye- - Biiing at tbo Academy uf Jlitilo will be ad- - Bnillted nt tho main eutruueo on Irving Hflare. Coacbet will approach from Ihe Hnorth thrctt.h Irving fliro In delivering BVBIbelr company patting out through llltitree! to tilt nti'iiuo. In taking up coached B

will form In tho tamo or'ler established for Btheir delivery, llentleineu will pirate tako BBBthe roach at the tloor, aud not wait for any Bparticular coach. Faro in all catrt w ill b" SBBone dollar for each passenger, without te. iBfaawIganl to distance lu tbo city, Nu coach will frVbe alloweal In lino but such as aro passed nWlkB.by Inspection.

Alleged (Intmie. MIMA dty or llio since, Ofliccr Carroll, of the HvCl

'.'th IVclnct, arretted a man iiauird John VflKShannon, aged forty years, who, at the llm.)

of tho ai rett wat employed In a liable li 91 BJIdlli ttieet tbe alleged orience Itelng tlm mt MJoutrage, ou tho JVd inet., of Ihe peraon of ) In Hllllb) girl nine lean of ago, wbom he em M IDticed Into the hay loft ot the above- - iHflJmentioned stable. The child states that M''fi'

,110 was induced to visit tbo table by ait l!older girl, on rcpreeentloit that Shannon Iwould give Ibem a ride in hi coach. Tbo I ftpuaoner was committed without ball. I tt

Urea, I HThe lost by the lire which occurred at '

No. '.r,ll llroadway at I o'clock yesterday Iluarning, proves ukiq investigation to bava ' irbeen of a much irore aeriout character thai J IBrevioutly reported. Tbe lost of Meatr. ,1

A Co., Ihiuor dealers, in whota ,T 1 iapartment! tbe tire originated, Is tttlinated 1 Uat 110,000, oa which there was an Ineuranco I 'lof 130,000. White, Whitman c Co., doth- - I (lera. who occupied th flnt tloor of tbo Ibuilding tdttalned damage by tutoke ami II ljwater amounting to IdO.uoo, Utured for Iil7;,,n00. Tbe building, which It owned by. fr 1Mr, A. A. Selovtr, wat damageat to the on 1 Mteut of $Di,iiO. Fully Umred. 1 H

ICftitllubtnil uts I'otarlU latr e. iLM