i. sensation a. coding of signals into action potentials 1. receptor cells

I. Sensation A. Coding of signals into action potentials 1. receptor cells

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Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Page 1: I. Sensation A. Coding of signals into action potentials 1. receptor cells

I. SensationA. Coding of signals into action potentials

1. receptor cells

Page 2: I. Sensation A. Coding of signals into action potentials 1. receptor cells

I. SensationA. Coding of signals into action potentials

1. receptor cells2. afferent neurons

Page 3: I. Sensation A. Coding of signals into action potentials 1. receptor cells

I. SensationA. Coding of signals into action potentials

1. receptor cells2. afferent neurons3. sensory cortex

Page 4: I. Sensation A. Coding of signals into action potentials 1. receptor cells

I. SensationB. Modalities (types of input)

1. touch: mechanoreceptors2. hearing: mechanoreceptors3. vision: photoreceptors4. taste: chemoreceptors

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I. SensationB. Modalities (types of input)

5. smell: chemoreceptors6. unconscious

- interoceptors (include proprioceptors)7. thermoreceptors

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I. SensationC. Perception (awareness) of stimulus

1. transduction - conversion of one form of energy to another2. action potentials reach brain from sensors

- sensory (afferent) pathways3. interpretation (meaning)

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I. SensationD. Specificity

1. most neurons will produce only one type of stimulus2. response specific no matter what the stimulus

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I. SensationE. Mechanisms

- promote conformational change (of protein)- activate second messenger cascade- open an ion channel

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I. SensationE. Mechanisms

1. detectiona. via receptorsb. commonality of receptor structural motifs

- vision, smell, sweet/bitter taste- similarity to muscarinic

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I. SensationE. Mechanisms

2. amplificationa. single photon activates transducin (G protein)b. leads to activation of multiple cGMPsc. each cGMP modifies an ion channel

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I. SensationE. Mechanisms

3. encodinga. due to a change in gm (conductance through ion channels)b. depolarization action potential?c. can impart information about intensity of stimulus

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I. SensationE. Mechanisms

4. adaptation - allows detection of new stimulus in the presence of ongoing inputa. tonic (continuous action potentials)

- provide input about duration of stimulus

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I. SensationE. Mechanisms

4. adaptation b. phasic (rapidly adapting)

- action potentials at onset of stimulus- amplitude may eventually drop below threshold- not much info about duration

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II. Receptor Potentials and Impulse Propagationgenerator potentials generated on neurons having the sensory

receptorsA. Generator potentials analogous to EPSPs (pictured in (a) below)1. can vary in amplitude (graded)

- receptor current2. generate action potentials at threshold

3. stimulus of sensor generator potential current AP?

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II. Receptor Potentials and Impulse PropagationB. Intensity of stimulus determines:

1. amplitude of generator potentials2. frequency of action potentials3. brain receives action potentials

- only variation is frequency- an AP is an AP

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II. Receptor Potentials and Impulse PropagationC. Initial stimulus can be on sensory epithelial cells (as in (b) below)

- does not generate an action potential- graded receptor potentials- graded release of neurotransmitter onto primary sensory neuron

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II. Receptor Potentials and Impulse PropagationD. Primary (first-order) sensory neuron

1. may also be the receptor2. axon may travel to CNS as a sensory (afferent) fiber3. will synapse with second-order (2˚) neuron

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II. Receptor Potentials and Impulse PropagationE. Adaptation

sometimes sensation is just a matter of perceptionis the intensity less, or is our brain just adapting?

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II. Receptor Potentials and Impulse PropagationE. Adaptation (several mechanisms)

1. transducer molecules can be “used-up”2. sustained stimulation may cause electrical changes

Ca++ in cell3. enzyme cascade inhibited by accumulation

4. sensory adaptation at higher levels

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II. Receptor Potentials and Impulse PropagationF. Sensitivity

1. many receptors always on (just modify up or down)- greater sensitivity

2. or in frequency can imply direction of stimulus (hair cells)

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II. Receptor Potentials and Impulse PropagationG. Sensitivity

3. lateral inhibitiona. interneurons inhibit neurons receiving less stimulusb. sharpens cutaneous sensation

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II. Receptor Potentials and Impulse PropagationG. Sensitivity

4. feature detectiona. selective detection of given features of a sensory stimulusb. examples: shape, angle, or movement by the visual cortex

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Cerebral CortexMap of cerebral hemispheres

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Cerebral CortexMap of cerebral hemispheres (functional organization)

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Cerebral CortexMap of cerebral hemispheres (Brodmann’s cytoarchitectural map)

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Cerebral CortexLaminar organization

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Cerebral CortexColumnar hypothesis: views the cortex as being organized vertically

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Cerebral CortexCortex that is predominantly sensory has a prominent layer IV

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Motor areas have a prominent layer V

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Cerebral CortexAfferent impulses will project project first to lamina IV.They will then project vertically to layers II, III, and V.These will then project to other cortical and subcortical regions

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Page 30: I. Sensation A. Coding of signals into action potentials 1. receptor cells

Cerebral CortexCerebral cortex forms in a vertical fashion from cells arising from the areas immediately surrounding the ventricles (neural tube)

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Ideas on Perception“Grandmother cells”

The cell at the top of the column does the “perceiving”

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Page 32: I. Sensation A. Coding of signals into action potentials 1. receptor cells

Ideas on PerceptionParallel pathways

Each pathway analyzes one specific aspect of the stimulus

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Page 33: I. Sensation A. Coding of signals into action potentials 1. receptor cells

Ideas on PerceptionDistributed system theory

one single column may be a member of a number of different pathways

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Ideas on PerceptionBoth ideas are basically correct

vertical hierarchy used in the different cortical regions used to perceive sensory input

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