i new goods · 2018. 5. 2. · junta.colorado,on august7, iwl via:carey 1 h.badger; homestead entry...

THE SIMI-f IIKLY TRIBUNE P«KO •. MASON. Proprietor. Entered at the Post Office st !.« Junta, Colo., as second class mall waiter. Subscription Price, SI.OU a year If paid in ad- vance; If not, W.oo a year will be charged. SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1900. SOME MORE LOCAL ITEMS. Trade at the Palace drug store. Buckey & Hart have plenty of money to loan on good farms. For rent, for sale and furnished room cards for sale at this office. Ice cold drinks made from pure fruit juices at the Club, Plaza block. Why not own your own home and save rent? Look at the list offered by Buckey & Hart. “Gem Flour” best in the market. Every sack guaranteed or money refunded. —La Junta Milling Co. The Club is a first-class resort for gentlemen. Billiards, pool, fine cigars, tobacco, and ice cold drinks. Plaza block. La Junta undoubtedly had the finest c.lsbration of the Fourth of July in southern Colorado if not the best in the state. There was an imposing industrial parade, fol- lowed by a barbecue and picnic and then the usual minor features cif a celebration, concluding with firnworks in the evening.—Pueblo Chieftain. A certificate of incorporation of the La Junta Canning Company was filed in the county clerk’s of- fice last Saturday. The object of this company is the canning, pack ing and preserving of all kinds of fruits and vegetables, meats and other products, the manufacture of butter, cheese, condensed milk and other manufactures of milk. The capital stock of the company is >7,500, divided into seventy-five shares of >IOO each. The affairs ! and management of the compani ' are under the control of a board of j three directors, consisting of James McNeen, C. W. Boingardner and i W. S. Morrisnn. 1 A bran new boy, weighing seven ' pounds, arrived at the home of our i census enumerator, C. L. Seeley, ! yesterday morning. It is rumored that the figures sent in hy Mr. | Seeley, giving the male and female population of La Junta will have to be revised in order to be correct He is not a good guessrr. Oliver Hoover, fourtcen-ycar old son of Frank Hoover, of North 1 La Junta, died yesterday morning after a brief illness with typhoid fever. The funeral takes place to- morrow morning at 9a. m. Brief services will be held at the North La Junta school house and the re- mains taken to Rocky Ford for in- terment. Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Gilmore, who have been visiting La Junta friends during the past two weeks, left yesterday for Denver. They expect to leave about the 12th in- j stant for Old Mexico, where Dr. i Gilmore has a fine position await-1 ing him as physician and surgeon in the employ of the Mexican Cen- tral railway company. The W. C. T. U. meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 10th, at 2:30 p. m. in Sherman’s hall. All : members are requested to be pres- ent as the subject of the Orphans’ Home will be discussed, and Mr. Fries and Mr. Sheppard will be in attendance. Every father, mother and editor in La Junta is invited to attend. Signed, secretary. John B. Adams and Luella B. Cleaves, both of Rocky Ford, were married at the Harvey House July 4th, by |udge binity, in the pres- ence of a number of friends. The most remarkable thing about the marriage is that the Judge admitted that he kissed the bride. We learn that his osculatory demonstration was like unto the pop of a Chinese firecracker. Much of the space in this issue of the Tribune is taken up by the article of Rev. |ames Sheppard in defense of the Fries home. A transposition of the Latin phrase “multum in parvo" very tersely expresses our opinion of the ar- ticle. We do not fancy being called an “an emissary of Satan,” espec- ially in our own newspaper, but 1 we will consider the source and let ; it go at that, just this once. A gentleman recently cured of dyspepsia gave the following ap- i propriate rendering of Burns' fa- mous blessing: “Some have meat * and can not eat, and some have , none that want it; but we have meat and we can eat—Kodol Dys- pepsia Cure be thanked.” Thia preparation will digest what yon | eat. It instantly relieves and rad- ically cures indigestion and all stomach disorders. Miller St An- drews, Kemper & Terrill. The cash fees received in the ; county clerk’s office daring the ! month of June amounted to >540.80 breaking the record and being ! about >4O in excess of any previous month. The best previous month was during March of the present year when the receipts of cash fees amounted to >481.98. The cash fees received in the county clerk's office during the fim six mouths of the present year amsunt to >*,- jgAfS, pay the Services at St. Andrews. There will be the early celebra- tion at 7:30 a. m. tomorrow at St. Andrews church, as usual, but no later services Sunday, July Bth This is owing to change of train time and the fact that the rector has as yet been unable to secure a suitable assistant. We hope this will not have to occur again, but are planning to have both morning and night services. A Good Cough Medicine. Many thousands have been re- stored to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. II afflicted with any throat or lung trouble, give it a trial for it is certain to prove bene- ficial. Coughs that have resisted all other treatment for years, have yielded to this remedy and perfect health been restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, that the climate of famous health resorts failed to benefit, have been permanently cured by its use. For sale by Kemper & Terrill. Santa Fe Excursion Rates. For the annual meeting of the National Educational Association at Charleston, S. C , July 7-13, 1900, the Santa Fe will sell tickets at the low rate of >46.70 for the round trip; final limit for return, September t, 1900 For particu- lars please call at ticket office. The following special rates to the points named and tickets to same wijl be sold from this station: Chi- cago, June 27th-28th; Kansas City, Mo., democratic national conven- tion, July 4th; Atlanta, Ga., July 11th-17th; Denver, Colorado, July 9th-i tth; Milwaukee, July 23d-27th Pueblo, Colo., August 4th-sth; St Louis, Mo., July 25th-30th. For rates and details as to routes and limits, apply at ticket office. J. W. Stark, Agent. Guess on Our Population. We will give one year's sub- scoiption to the Tribune to the person making the nearest guess on the population of La Junta. No conditions are attached and every one is free to make a trial. Write your guess on a pitce of paper, sign your name, seal in an envelope and either send through the mail or leave at the Tribune office. Contest closes July 7th. I NEW GOODS... 11 bugs Everything to keep house with except lamps, sf§ gUI LACE CURTAINS the COOk. SILVERWARE, jpg POBTKBa, You furnish the cook, we furnish the HO Sg If JAMIESON HOUSE FURNISHING COMPANY. jgfS Complete stock of Undertaking goods. Embalming a specialty. T. J. COOK, Manager. TO REPUBLICAN TICKET. Fob Prksidkrt, WILLIAM MCKINLEY. Fob Vick-Phbmi dbxt, THEuDOHE ROOSEVELT. [FOR SALE... 1 | Stock ranch, thirty milt* south of La J | Junto on Picket win*;" 160 acre** of laud; 4 J half mile of river front***; ten acre* un- j | der ditch; orchard of ISO bearing trees: | * price $330 ra»b. For fnrther Information 4 £ address P. O. I *ol »77. La Junta, Colorado J kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaJ . 1...................... . » SOMETHING THAT’LL MAKE j I your wrath water should constitute the 1 I dally bill of fare. They lire twice who live ' { well, and the good liver* also lire longest, ] [ Our moats are the choicest to be had for < J Bsoney.and careful househeeper* give our 1 § prices the preference.beeauae of what they J » are and what they mean. Bteaks, chops. | roasts, etc. All are Bna. [ LAMB BROS. kasssaaaasssasssssssssMnl Bdgiai Hares pgj^jggeda o*o, a. NtDV J lonv—,l—MMimwemtm—■md i .**?**" <■. s f . fill 1 till senm marks the sen climax at human suffering. It is only a step removed from insanity. When sleep no loaner isstorrs the esfienstert nature, the struggle with disesse cannot lost loam. The etsrtian point of the nereone dis- orders which produce ill health and eliirbmame, is generally a illmeeril conaitica of the womanly organa. Re- alm* these oegaae to sound health and the appetite comae back, the day's work Pmscilpthsi cams diseases of the warn only osgmsa drains winch Them is no alcohol fas -ftmriSe he Wjyias’esf fajs jatiraly hea from jggagjEjp? Go to DALTON’S to-day for the Best Ice Cream Soda in town. Annual Mooting. WOTICB IS HEKKMV IiIVBN THAT THE ! 1 W annual meet ingof the >iuireholders of the i ! Otero County Building and Loan Association ,< will be held at the offlrc of Iliiekey A Hart, In ' < Ln Junta, Colorado, on July »». 1900, at 7:J»0 p. j. m.. for the purpose of electing a board of dl- i < ruetora for the ensuing year and transacting such other buslnraa a* may I* properly pre- < sented. K. PHILLIPS. Secretary. La Junta. Colo.. June at. IP*). < Pitot publication June 27. lvuu. i Last publication July 25. 1900. < Notice for Publication. Land Office at Pueblo,» Colo.. June 21,1900. f tfOTlllt 18 HBIIEIIY GIVBN THAT THE W following named wilier ban Med notice of 1 hta Intentionto make final prnof in ipport of 1 : btaetalm. and that said proof will be made be- 1 ; fore the Clerk of tne District Court, at La 1 ! Junta. Colorado, on August 7, IWL via: Carey 1 H. Badger; homestead entry MW, for the inooha—l quarter section twenty-six. town- ■Mo twenty-one south, range fifty-four wok. Be games the following witnesses to prove 1 hie ecratiaiMHi* residence upon and cultivation 11 of said lend, vis: Thomas J. Jones. James F. 1 Ashley, John E. Bigg*, of La Junta. Colorado, John B. Gardner, Las Animas. J. K. GOKMIIf. Register. Fleet publication June 27.190U. Lent publication August 1. tfM. Notice far Publication. United Mates Land Office, t Pueblo. Colo., June 9,1908. f Hornes 18 HBSBBT GIVEN THAT IN COM- W pHaaee with the provtafcraeof the act of congress of Junes. I*7*. entitled “An act for the sale of timoer lands lathe states of Gal- ; Honda. Oregon. Nerada and Washington Ter-! I rttorp." ee extended to all the public land i state* hy set of August 4, lfifit. Robert Pten- i i dertarth. of Ln Junta, oounty of Otero, stale of ; ! Colorado, has this day Bind In thia office his i - —rom statement for the purchase of lota one ; and tight of aeotion four, nod lota Bee and twwtea of aection number three. In township number twenty-els south, mime number fifty- tix weal and will offer proof to show that the |gn< sought la more valuable for Its timber or * gtat than for Ms agricultural purpose*, and so eetahttah hla olalmto anld land before the . IB—rnr T thia office, at Pnetdo. Cblwada, on the lfith day of Aonruti, ffiffi. »2^K£^°WE£ , sri Junta. Colorado la offiae on or before oaM SMB m. J. R GOEDOM. Begtotsr. J float puhtteatton June u, tat. jggtpuhHcutiou August M. Mffi. | thailfPn Mg to. ST riBTOI OP A DNCBBB OT VOUCIG euro and order of sale homed ont of the dffitriet eosnt qf the tooth juffitial dhtffit alt- npggmuO thanes* as may hasudtoaot teas*-' 4 tgfyffimenm ef firum nod soma of aadt jg£siS'sSHk _ - _ tj J' , :z-xfe‘ mANNkffiMffit jl Alert Steel Range j I The best range for the money on the market is the J '[ ALERT RANGE, manufactured by the Charter Oak Stove f Company, of St. Louis, Mo. For sale by a II li rU*l# West Cranada, Street t s n. n. uarK, junta. > I GRIFFIN & WASSON \ | (Successors to J. F. Everett.) * I Painters and Paper Hangers. I ] md dealers tn Piluli, Dili and Olasi. We bare J*J»t received an elegant line | 4 of Wh!l Paper nod we Invite rou lo cull and Inspect our up-to-date stock. Our * I pric*t**» are reasonable and our workmanship is of the guaranteed kind. Gall 4 and see us. » J Shop on Granada Street, La junta, Colo. J teetreeeeeweeweevvweeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeewvvvewvveed rnrrmmmiß » b i imiurimnni Bvmnri a »» nmmr l THE ONLY FLOAT S&Z& i » I ehlo that received special o o x mention In the Pueblo o Cli eftau was ihe Wisconsin. It was built and decorated by me. Now ts the o a time to get your sign work done if you want something uirto-date. a | WALLACE, The Painter and Paper Hanger. | rmi i nrrrn tTmrrirrmmTrornTmimrri tmm paaa*A«*AAA A « aasaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaea^ < w a A Non-Alcoholic Life Nenewer. From the recipe » I of a celebrated Carlsbad physician. Ironbrew is a I r I 111 n rQll/ combination of Vegetable Tonics and delicious Aro- || I ill If Ili VV matte*, enriching and strengthening the blood, mus- > ** v *■ w cles brain: regulating theston*aobtcand nervoussys- , tea: relieving headache, nausea, dyspepsia. aleep- < tessneas, general debilityand ss account of Hs Ufa and health rtsswlai pro- J prlotloa the most valuable tonic and detlstoos borer rage ever oflerel the public. BOTTLEV I 1 ‘"5 fo** 1 "* Worts, [ *i«wbw. pa MOTT’a chemical oa. q.wQ, qST < hr t*l« by KtSFtf > TIMIU, ircsd« Plummy, Junta. (rnrrrrrrrrr»TTrrrrrr»««rrr»r»Ti inirn iwmwmnir : rdrorans 2 l : —M. ATTMNIYt. | <JIBB LA JUICTA STATB BABA » J. U«IA i l Crnl&tiluiLijmjSl ‘SBiBSut AUorfter .i Uw. Know ICMtnl Bl».* . riS.. hlillnl; A. C.BrJSrviw. L. JaaW. Colorado. « r * T ”“- ssa- u g^kowo*. —* "a | im SSTATS. I JDGUT * RAH. tt^jSLU&'wASKih^" oSSSbut. *«!i»ff!SA lll {l»iy 1 ." —~~ y h&~sssz*s*s4 l aswnrrs. nwwoss or tmc rasas. **j !() B. VMBLI. D. D.R. M. ,U,,,k J 1 JHkMtltetaß. ÜBWItBta.,I ' < sSsraansSs^i c ■•-.*- B *. AUwnoM. a a jjgjssggSggs fcpriaiS” a —— i •*» | ■_■■< '■ ■■ ■ ■ i.uai% fj ■uaaoAUL m. u. - * £

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    Entered at the Post Office st !.« Junta, Colo.,as second class mall waiter.

    Subscription Price, SI.OU a year If paid in ad-vance; Ifnot, W.oo a year will be charged.

    SATURDAY, JULY7, 1900.


    Trade at the Palace drug store.Buckey & Hart have plenty of

    money to loan on good farms.For rent, for sale and furnished

    room cards for sale at this office.Ice cold drinks made from pure

    fruit juices at the Club, Plazablock.

    Why not own your own home andsave rent? Look at the list offeredby Buckey & Hart.

    “Gem Flour” best in the market.Every sack guaranteed or moneyrefunded. —La Junta Milling Co.

    The Club is a first-class resortfor gentlemen. Billiards, pool,fine cigars, tobacco, and ice colddrinks. Plaza block.

    La Junta undoubtedly had thefinest c.lsbration of the Fourth ofJuly in southern Colorado if notthe best in the state. There wasan imposing industrial parade, fol-lowed by a barbecue and picnicand then the usual minor featurescif a celebration, concluding withfirnworks in the evening.—PuebloChieftain.

    A certificate of incorporation ofthe La Junta Canning Companywas filed in the county clerk’s of-fice last Saturday. The object ofthis company is the canning, packing and preserving of all kinds offruits and vegetables, meats andother products, the manufacture ofbutter, cheese, condensed milk andother manufactures of milk. Thecapital stock of the company is>7,500, divided into seventy-fiveshares of >IOO each. The affairs

    ! and management of the compani' are under the control of a board of

    j three directors, consisting of JamesMcNeen, C. W. Boingardner and

    i W. S. Morrisnn.1 A bran new boy, weighing seven

    ' pounds, arrived at the home of ouri census enumerator, C. L. Seeley,

    ! yesterday morning. It is rumoredthat the figures sent in hy Mr.

    | Seeley, giving the male and femalepopulation of La Junta will haveto be revised in order to be correctHe is not a good guessrr.

    Oliver Hoover, fourtcen-ycar oldson of Frank Hoover, of North

    1 La Junta, died yesterday morningafter a brief illness with typhoidfever. The funeral takes place to-morrow morning at 9a. m. Briefservices will be held at the NorthLa Junta school house and the re-mains taken to Rocky Ford for in-terment.

    Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Gilmore,who have been visiting La Juntafriends during the past two weeks,left yesterday for Denver. Theyexpect to leave about the 12th in- jstant for Old Mexico, where Dr. iGilmore has a fine position await-1ing him as physician and surgeonin the employ of the Mexican Cen-tral railway company.

    The W. C. T. U. meeting willbe held on Tuesday, July 10th, at2:30 p. m. in Sherman’s hall. All :members are requested to be pres-ent as the subject of the Orphans’Home will be discussed, and Mr.Fries and Mr. Sheppard will be inattendance. Every father, motherand editor in La Junta is invited toattend. Signed, secretary.

    John B. Adams and Luella B.Cleaves, both of Rocky Ford, weremarried at the Harvey House July4th, by |udge binity, in the pres-ence of a number of friends. Themost remarkable thing about themarriage is that the Judge admittedthat he kissed the bride. We learnthat his osculatory demonstrationwas like unto the pop of a Chinesefirecracker.

    Much of the space in this issueof the Tribune is taken up by thearticle of Rev. |ames Sheppard indefense of the Fries home. Atransposition of the Latin phrase“multum in parvo" very terselyexpresses our opinion of the ar-ticle. We do not fancy being calledan “an emissary of Satan,” espec-ially in our own newspaper, but

    1 we will consider the source and let; it go at that, just this once.

    A gentleman recently cured ofdyspepsia gave the following ap-

    i propriate rendering of Burns' fa-mous blessing: “Some have meat* and can not eat, and some have

    , none that want it; but we havemeat and we can eat—Kodol Dys-pepsia Cure be thanked.” Thiapreparation will digest what yon

    | eat. It instantly relieves and rad-ically cures indigestion and allstomach disorders. Miller St An-drews, Kemper & Terrill.

    The cash fees received in the; county clerk’s office daring the! month of Juneamounted to >540.80breaking the record and being

    ! about >4O inexcess of any previousmonth. The best previous monthwas during March of the presentyear when the receipts of cash feesamounted to >481.98. The cashfees received in the county clerk'soffice during the fim six mouths ofthe present year amsunt to >*,-jgAfS, pay the

    Services at St. Andrews.There will be the early celebra-

    tion at 7:30 a. m. tomorrow at St.Andrews church, as usual, butno later services Sunday, July BthThis is owing to change of traintime and the fact that the rectorhas as yet been unable to secure asuitable assistant. We hope thiswill not have to occur again, butare planning to have both morningand night services.

    A Good Cough Medicine.Many thousands have been re-

    stored to health and happiness bythe use of Chamberlain's CoughRemedy. II afflicted with anythroat or lung trouble, give it atrial for it is certain to prove bene-ficial. Coughs that have resistedall other treatment for years, haveyielded to this remedy and perfecthealth been restored. Cases thatseemed hopeless, that the climateof famous health resorts failed tobenefit, have been permanentlycured by its use. For sale byKemper & Terrill.

    Santa Fe Excursion Rates.For the annual meeting of the

    National Educational Associationat Charleston, S. C , July 7-13,1900, the Santa Fe will sell ticketsat the low rate of >46.70 for theround trip; final limit for return,September t, 1900 For particu-lars please call at ticket office.

    The following special rates to thepoints named and tickets to samewijl be sold from thisstation: Chi-cago, June 27th-28th; Kansas City,Mo., democratic national conven-tion, July 4th; Atlanta, Ga., July11th-17th; Denver, Colorado, July9th-i tth; Milwaukee, July 23d-27thPueblo, Colo., August 4th-sth; StLouis, Mo., July 25th-30th. Forrates and details as to routes andlimits, apply at ticket office.

    J. W. Stark, Agent.

    Guess on Our Population.

    We will give one year's sub-scoiption to the Tribune to theperson making the nearest guesson the population of La Junta. Noconditions are attached and everyone is free to make a trial. Writeyour guess on a pitce of paper,sign your name, seal in an envelopeand either send through the mailor leave at the Tribune office.Contest closes July 7th.

    I NEW GOODS... 11bugs

    ’ Everything to keep house with except lamps,’ sf§

    gUI LACE CURTAINS the COOk. SILVERWARE,jpg POBTKBa, You furnish the cook, we furnish the HO Sg

    If JAMIESON HOUSE FURNISHING COMPANY.jgfS Complete stock of Undertaking goods. Embalming a specialty. T. J. COOK, Manager. TO

    REPUBLICAN TICKET.Fob Prksidkrt,

    WILLIAM MCKINLEY.Fob Vick-Phbmi dbxt,


    [FOR SALE... 1| Stock ranch, thirty milt* south of La J| Junto on “ Picket win*;" 160 acre** of laud; 4J half mile of river front***; ten acre* un- j| der ditch; orchard of ISO bearing trees: |* price $330 ra»b. For fnrther Information 4£ address P. O. I*ol »77. La Junta, Colorado JkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaJ. 1.......................

    » SOMETHING THAT’LL MAKE jI your wrath water should constitute the 1I dally billof fare. They liretwice who live '{ well, and the good liver* also lire longest, ][ Ourmoats are the choicest to be had for <J Bsoney.and careful househeeper* give our 1§ prices the preference.beeauae of whatthey J» are and what they mean. Bteaks, chops. ■| roasts, etc. All are Bna.

    [ LAMB BROS.kasssaaaasssasssssssssMnl

    Bdgiai Hares

    pgj^jggedao*o, a. NtDV Jlonv—,l—MMimwemtm—■md

    i .**?**"