i maruoni securities we are offering 2nd iud i … · n o lp0 jail critic hi to i bern market out i...

THE SUN SUNDAY MARCH 6 1904 r 18 ii- I 1 MERGER OF THE MEGTTAXICS T- iSCIlEMMn TO 93000000f- sctiiffrV National to Ue Preiirtfn ft me MecharilcMN tlon l WHOM Surplus mil ft sxonfooo- ft dlrnornrs of the Leather Mumif- joturern Notional Bank have adopt Urtru thn hank will be mofgal- th iho MtHiaiiicH1 National Bank chartl k PN1 Win aofek llio action of thn dlreotortJ- lllbBincieiMd from 2000000 tfl 300000- ijrf tho UHI 090000 of nuoh Incroanii- fl I fT lll1 Iurposo r acqulrlng the and buplnfHw of tho Marw Hulk Tim shareholderof the lather MiinTifacluroTH1 Bank winy suh Mfibo fnr HI new capital stock on tcrrhi- rranfi1l fin merger nnd consolidation 0 tlif two bonk IM to be effected upon ai of absoluto orjuallty or lielwren the liolrvendircM- innfiiviItril ar i w i itvmn afilio National rnp rlilition At tlin tfmo thn hHoii rffoptlvo thn Leather Mahiifactt- irers Riiilt l voa capital ntock o- VOi i nml a SI017ROO over inihort nil Its liabllltinri This will mak of tho consolidated jliouitlBSiiSV The thnt already morn ipaiorlty of the of yaM lctllrcn Bank fn approved the plan of the merger ftid n of n u on tim consolidation on March j i utxtcrstooci that Gates WMcGarrort now idcnt of the LeatherMixnufooturprs Rick will bocomo preeldent of the con institution has tefji In of the executive went of Manufacturers or a nuciber of and is looked upon on of the mont of the of National waa tho late finniille finrth nrllrreil to ne Inclined to Make the Venture The nmiouncemont that Horace who resigned the ite Railroad would make ai- it ndpd trip to Japan China Philippine to itivestigato for Efl H irri man the possibilities of railroad cortstruc- ijja lu ho9o cbuntriea was received with iaterrnf in Wall Street Tho anhoarroomeiitr- jrlch may be somewhat premature ox a number of events which polnt a toward railroad development East fijMr Harnman Li believed that the first step n company capitalized moderately its Turmoil in this ago fur avowed oboonMruetirrgr- ailrcnus in China Iwo The of the directors of this WfjJi- Ed i who Is alw ajirectorpt- he Southern Pacific and A conference mujih pverah hour WM held Mr rAfary Shuw when tho latter ntsitod ciR we kn On rorifiay last CHalrrhah Coinraltlmi on Insular Affairs introduced In House of a bitl prepared jby Secretary Taft authbrizing of JlOOOOOOOof 5 Vorid- aliythe Philippine Government for tureon bridge building and other constructlan The section relating rail- road building authorized the Government of the islandD to aid in the construction rnainfpnance and of railroads itljpr by guaranteeing part of the bordfl- Isuel or by a legis- lative guarantee the capital jnTested- 9l n yield not 4 per cent net locotue The pecuniary liability of tbe Government to and tie bonds must be approved by the Presl o this bill a fair profit on rnllroad construction in i Cuara t Hl and it is believed thatMr Harrimati tJiii Inclined niakn the has understood that teill discuss the situat- ion with MrHarrimnn while inthjs city nKMUnitER I XSBIPYARD filIT- Mm banrt P niiay Complaint Ii Dfrcctlre and Suit Unauthorized Counsel for Charles M Schwab Pirn a demurrer yesterday to the suitbrought in United Rtalffl Circuit Court recently by John XqrriB Cyrus B Lewis James C MiUi JIcGurk John Young and stockholdeis In the fitates Shipbuilding Company flnu and there- After the bill of com- plaint states nothing to entitle the plaintiffs t6rclief In a Court of Equity 8jr that the company In the hands of a receiver and suitwas brought ainst the receiver without from MHU McGurkand demurrer on to WW to make any case entitling them 16- H iw arid appear to be simply contract creditors not beonreduoedtoJit- rtgmrm It is further set that misjoinder defendants aa well of n p prr Annual forJOO4 A book of reference whoss usefulnisss- wd trustworthiness establlshed by the experience of years the American Newspaper Annual by W Iyer A Son of Philadelphia appears in ifs l M edition year over l 00 large octavo It of all newspapers by State and by towns Hie State mid with each nation r uircd by the public and especially ny advertlsnw anOther IIM of counties y lists of according to class soon Itw field of theAnnual is broad enough op and a reaM ofetalistical K F Phical information will txi found rasit is a directory vonffntratlnr Ship Combine Offices The office furniture nrd papers of the cond cabin department of the American n i Red Star lines A 73 Broadway were twnovcd td the offices of the mtetftarLinein the Bowling Green Build Aft r tomorrow all second cabin and rage business heretofore transacted at management of Dipping y- ntn to Hve IIIBTerminal In DaltlmarrB- AUiMonr The plans of the WJtimonv yhlo fnllroBd for building a nfticft Hoors over the train Hie Htnictun will Iw 1 4 IVTut I J tOt BANK TERMS FIXBD I AI nr irrarrah or the which I I A j hook value per 1nk and LMther dire I Than a the Ian 1r Ht hut AA aggressive e- rIk Irf dnl the Balk W Pf1I PIf llt Hartman Bur recently ud the In thoM Stat y c atlr an tnt C H percent o that tnt nnd Ser of Stro t Taft and Max enter the t C Jam Unite t I cur claim the age Aa t Su8e and the et Is by an t ai goO ln done In Star and Star cabn remain for the r of con 1tratlnl tf i or a lot of and L ofcpar tklnr R big ten II thl I Iii 0 a fight let hl klII LOIn mskln It r ThA Improve f t I flt 4tflerMiU red lie t The when tcfurr t1 rm each rnr IiI to mrpIiD3 bank state tta 14 lank n nrIIDIXO plain It was jaken Otu eets the tu tim for uoh 1WO0 War ItO venture Wail r the now ea era arEs N I I I I I I i I n1 I I to include time rov1nces I S India Islands geographical accompanied that gazet 73 will be theVhIte OC ja The American Red lines tint wilt a tine quarters This Is the the International Mercantile omen husines It dismoistal clerk general the March mjni tewrfrtttel k nal 1tnn tfw frulPii nrjIy after Pennsylvania mflflit t lUadciph ha t5tlfl2 used as tItn will ft lfotmntjrj by lamden Howard uarj LOch streets aitniat hurst wifl more than tooo < ° > < > < > ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > > FIHANCIAI uu du FINANCIAL I i MARUONI SECURITIES TUB pbimrtXTinN ON WhiCh TO BUILD FORTUNE B 1 OUR I N I THOS A EDISON Says I Marconi wilt do treat things with wlrclcM lrrrphir We no longer con sitter It itranf that ship should talk to one another from of or nevfii hundred miles and ax a matter of fact wireless teleg- raphy I now all over the world Ntw York Herald February H dl ce ala StRKKT- Itwas held by many transactions tock market Illuminated the character of certain unexplained In the fonmoon of Fridays session There Jia4 been n Rood deal of rurlojlty know why a demonstration against the Interest wa delayed until Friday mornlne- iind why after so long delayed it was attempted At alt when with the poss- ibility of a decision on In mind the short interest would be likely 6 prove stubborn and traders would lieeltate o hnjajnl speculations for a tIe flattepe l soon bidding for and it in the object of the demonstra- tion had been to distribute speculativestocka ft failed tOt the feasqrtslndlcatHl In the first half Hour of trading yesterday morning or more of various stocks were declines rnnine from i to per rent on orders that had been distributed the opening C I Hudson k Fjnbursh A Atterbury J W Davis A C Stokes 4 Co and PJ Goodhart A Co were prominent as sellers all around the room Most of this sellingwas supposed to be for speculators who had bought the market earlyIn the week expecting an In prices and were disappointed The belated demonstration against the short Interest on Friday resorted to HI a last ex- pedient having the stocks were sold out the at the market In th first hour of trading yesterday the market lontpraottcally allof the ground thai If had gained In a week Under the Belllnir previously referred to prices made their initial declines rather abruptly losses of H or per cent on transactions but of but a few hundred shares beIng not un- common ftven stocks By the the first hour had abated and the prices held ohanRB until thr appear- ance of the bank further scattered selling they sagged quotations being generally the lairtMifforthi day ilhir vw re two dletinct rumors on thi Northern Securities decision One was that It would b Jiftnded down on Monday and the other was that the Supreme would adjourn onSIonday for three weeks without handmg It down Stocks ori each rumor The has already dp clded the adversely to the merger In- terests the delay at Washington The wiling most significance was attached yesterday was that done by the gocalled Washington houses The Information from Washington as probability of a decision was divided Some of the Wall Street cor- respondents In Washington advised their houses to expert It whllo others whoso guesses were equally trustwqrthy ealdthut- tl e chances htroncly against a decision for somei weeks yet So far a the specula dye situation was concerned traders wanted to wll stocks on If It were forth cojnlng nnd on prolonged suspense If It were It didnt matter much what the Wa hliigton pondentH thought The soiling at first wrfs oonflned largely to the board but oti the decline selling cbmo from outside sources CommissionhoitMs contributed rather freely to the liquidation Some of the more active stocks were also discovered to bft full of stop lots near the market Thlsfact together selling hy commissIon houses led to the conclusion that tho long Interest ofthe oftloe trading element had been underestImated The total of transaction In the two hours of tradingyesterday was morn than tho total In either Wednesdays or Thursdays full of five hours Considering the manner In which stocks wets pressed for sale the unwillingness of traders to remain of time market over the oml oftho week with the possibility of Northern Securities decision cm Monday In view and thn unfavorable tenor of the days general news optimistic observers thought the mnrkt took storks pretty well Thn irpek lins developed the fact aria respected ramnif ntfllor writs that Magnn continues to th fpiiturt of our market pulillc niwl thrr little likelluond that eiwulatlvn Interest run ho revIved In the in arfuiinI- nincactlons In tlie il i rlinent ycster tier were of no special InlTwl Th Rto k- in most demand In which here npiwnr to l u l rgn abiding ahbrt Interest Th gtneral bprro lne demand n O lp 0 JAIL critIc hi to I bern market out I to pries up tock zOO C- oal W relt ray n opening halt In t m end of our undEr the closing o old room cal nt to 1 to the on the and core rom order lon I P I rlvanls I i 50- I l the opera- tiOns short orthern Securities The as 0s those who were trying ceased befot up- turn the ttt active the selling were aver which Monday were degision thc tot so long a its fiat apat het Ic see ins loan a t ti Pt ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ > ANDREW CARNEGIE Says Marconi ha already done a llfctlmoB work but he is going to do another- Ho is a won derful young man I bellove- in him thor oughly A smnlMnveitmrnt in Marconi SecurIties will mike you independent In few A laricer Invest nirnt will make you rich Wireless Telegraph Is the and useful Investment ever Introduced It not only time telegraph and fable will do use the and telephone with their of ofr mind millions upon oT dividends combined U will be a means of communication between country town every village house store office mind farm for cost In within the reach of every one and Its use required for all be more than shares of the Hell which were first offered SIoil and nlterwiirds voId for more luu An Investment of 1100 up to the time 200000 The of the English Mnroonl Company won put out at ISCO per share and lnc sold t the Stock an S40 per cent The pi the American are much greater o enterprise line ever grown Mnrconl Invented less than six and operation less than three It line bffn irdciird time leading nations of th world Government and used in their lr Indorsed hy prominent men and the press of nRVFMES COMPANY AltK CONSTANTLY INCHEASIIVO AND ITS FIELD OPERATION nitOIUM DAILY The mtrni hns been by the New York Hfrnld for treat shipping news by Lloyds lndon agency who have contract the service for 1C years ElRlitBtatlons nrein active operation on the Atlantic const Mare than 100 ocean steamers equipped with the Marconi system Land Connections Both the Western Union Telegraph Company and the Posta Telegraph Cable Company at any of their office States and messages from and to the great fleet of ocean Meamers equipped with the Marconi apparatus Thofl A Edison Marconi and M I of Columbia College ire the Inn Engineer or the Company NO PltKFttRIIED STOCK NO BONDS STOCHIIOLDEIX BEIMO ON AN EQUAL NEW YORK WORLD Oct 10 1903 States The the Wireless System Is wider than that of the Bell Telephone It to assume therefore that great fortunes can be investments In the Marconi securities and that entaIl Investors will become Independ- ently within a few years It Is likely that certificates representing tiW aM In oo or even 300 New World The present opportunity will never come again as the price will be advanced f hortly- Mnroonl net you from 100 to JKX per cent better results than any labors of yours can Cf cheek or money order for certificates at each No subscription nmMJ received for so Certificates 100 Bear In mind that an Investment of jioo In the English Marconi Compaq a few months ago Increased 34n cent the offers Prospectus full particulars upon application F P WARD CO BANKERS Lkhd Title Fhllndelphla P Farmer IllTc Mtwhnrj Pa Crntnry St Jin Council Serin ton Pa Clark WashIngton St Chicago Crnxley Ulttr San llulldlng w Orleans Correspondents of Mimroa ft Munroe X V PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION At all Our Office You are cordially In- vited to call mind receive a e rat t much and at a ot the to come into more than ever err I rrr rhcn lat t hal then hRS stoCk b TiE OF and PER or i our 5S I nld lank l l more ma destIned general ago TllI Its ano Consult- scope produ- ces gteat er t 1 > ¬ ¬ MARCONI Wireless Telegraph stork at attractive prices Write for special free- WILL C DA KEH 31 NASSAU ST KW YORK T showed little or no change Pennsylvania loaned nt ll per cent The selling of Pennsylvania and Steel preferred yesterday some brokers thought- was rather more professional than the general selling Forecasting tIme United States Steel Co- rporations earnings for the current Quarter- is again as much of a diversion as It was la time early part of last December when the earnings for the last quarter of 1003 were the subject of Infinite xpeculMion The least encouraging of all the speculations now referring to rnrnings for the first quarter of this year como from Plttsburj where there areauthorities who predict that a worse showing will be made for this quarter than was made for tho last three lImOS Every return of weakness Jn Steel stimulates competition among the At first they dealt only In round figures predktliiR thnt the earnings would be a little more titan tl2oooooo or a little less than 13r oonoo or otherwise Later thy tilled In thn hundreds thousands then thH tens of the thousands and finally got to dealing with the hundreds and even the exact dollars Traders sold Steel preferred down yesterday It broke Hi per cent and closed at the lowest Imbrle sold Amalgamated Copper down at the opening ditching BtoploJS on the decline- It Is understood that there are two factions in the Corn Products Company one wanting to cut the communion stock dividend Intwo andthn other innistlng that It be discontinued- for the present The stronger Interests In the property are understood to be on the conservative side thnt Is they favor discon- tinuing dividends on the common shares The element that has hitherto dominated- the management Is holding out for a reduc- tion to a 2 per cent rate Nobody seems to have an Iden which likely to prevail There is believed to have been oitenslvo shift Ing of Interests in the course of the stocks decline nd this Is expected If anything to strengthen position of the conservatives The bear element finding the speculative mind to be receptive begun by making capi- tal of thus unsatisfactory condition of winter wheat although there was nothing bearing- on that subject which had not been accessi- ble Information on Kriday It was predicted yesterday that the Nebraska report qn wheat would be unfavorable and that the Kansas report would bn worse than Ohios nnd the suggested comparison of forthcoming reports that of Ohio speculative attention to an exhibit which on Friday had been given less atten tion perhaps than It really deserved On of the bears dark sayings Is that a crop failure would he In keeping with tho calamitous beginning of year Your think observed a prominent broker that nil the good news had gone out of the world It isnt so Any- body having really good news on which mlgbtbe possible to do something in the market to bring It out now with everybody sore and disgusted and un willing to trade Its effect would be entirely lot In the maelstrom of pessimism If you knew this HS well m I do you would realize that good news of various kinds Is being held back A bear operator doesnt brig out hjs bad news If he ran control Itat a time when everybody Is bullish He watts until sentiment If depressed anti then it has- a niucli greater effect The people who seek to Influenre sentiment for one purpose nr another wait until the community Is Ina re- ceptive moodfor whatever they have In feoerve Thats wiry when bull lab we have a preponderance of rss and vice versa lesion rompiny Win Suit Jiulgn Whpolrr of tlm United Stntw Court for tho Southern District of has just rendered decision In the of tho Elwtrical Instru- ment of Newark N J against Electrical Instrument of III anti others upholding tim validity of u patent to AVivton on ntH for measuring olpotricnl on direct current nlrrultK This affects a large number of other concerns nnalnn whlob Bimtlar are pendloff I preferred order the lie old M la tIc circuit ork hica I 1 a w t letter t the months of faction is art S Wlnt5r wth re- called stilt iriianV decisIon sis > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = < I t uu TINATWIAL- u u h um i s FINANCIAL I j WE ARE OFFERING 2nd Allotment of 1000 Shares- at 50 Per 1st allotment at 4000 having been before specified time of closing March 10th 3rd 4th and last allotments 1000 shares each to be offered at higher prices THE MATRIX TYPOGRAPH And MANUFACTURING CO Authorized Capital 2500000 25000 Shares Par Value 100 FULL PAID NONASSESSABLE NO PREFERRED STOCK NO BONDS OFFICERS HON JAMES N GAMBLE JOHN PEARSON JAMES N GAMBLE GENERAL THOMAS T HEATH President VicoPreeldeni Treasurer Secretary and General Manager DIRECTORS JAMES N GAMBLE First VicePresident The Proctor k Gamble Co Cincinnati Goods and Manufacturers of Springs Cincinnati GENERAL THOMAS T HEATH Cincinnati JOHN PEARSON Cincinnati- C H REMBOLD Manager Cincinnati TimeaStar This corporation was formed to manufacture and introduce into general- use the Heath and its related machines The Company is free from debt and has ten thousand shares in the Treas- ury out to produce its working Many years of study and have been expended in the graph and Matrix System to its present where it is a demonstrated success Its present Factory Patterns and Assets represent an expenditure of 300000- To additional machinery to make in large numbers and put them upon the market as speedily as possible the Company decided to enlarge its present plant and to offer Five Thousand shares of Treasury stock for sale thus provid the necessary additional working capital THE LINOTYPE Typesetting Machine is marvellous In construction and a money maker for its hut its achievements cannot be compared with those of HEATH MATRIX TYPOGRAPH the latter being less more dur able milch less THE HEATH MATRIX TYPOGRAPH will do all that other machines can do and much that none of them attempt to do reference to what has been accomplished others may be instructive and justify the expectations of the Matrix Manufacturing Company The profits to inveRtorvin stock of the Co been enor mousFrom August 1 1804 to April 15 1895 the Morgenthaler Linotype Co paid in cash dividends 6 on 4000000 From 15 lew to December on 5000000 2 to April 1 1887 the Company paid in regular and extra dividends 20 on 110000000 From 1 1897 to September 29 1900 it paid 87KS on 10000000an its original capital stock of in addition to alliof this its assets at the end of six to 1025883640 The stock was quitO recently sold on the Stock Exchange for 1175 per share The Linotype machine now for 3000 to 3500 the upon what desired 300000 leaving proflfof 210000 from the sale of 150 machines put out at a low introduction price which is IGM o on 2000000 being all the stock issued If as contemplated trmsecond we can make 1000 they will at 000 each have cost 800000 and will produce 2000000 a profit of 1400000 If ex it Unot Improbable that the profit on adjunct machines and extra fonts of de- manded will year amount to 500000 which If realized makes the profit equal the total I employed- The third and profit should be double that of the second The machines will be ordered faster than we can make them and they will be in demand wherever civilization exists One Typograph would do the work a country Hundreds of them could be used in government office in all ita and IfUsed would make a great This Is the workof well known Cincinnati men who believe the Heath Matrix REFERENCESH- ON JAMES N GAMBLE GENERAL THOMAS T HEATH A GOODMAN Union Trust Company Building Cincinnati 310 and 318 St President La Fayetto Bank Cincinnati Parties to in the profits of the Heath Matrix Typo graph and Manufacturing Company may do so subscribing to the Make nil Checks Drafts to payable to CHARLES W RAY CO Fiscal Agents 66 Broadway New York City Telephone 6739 Cortlandt Samples of the work can be at our New York and at the Factory at Cincinnati Kirby Lumber Company Notice to the Holders of 6 Timber Certificatesis- sued by the Maryland Trust Company as Trustee Default haying cxxsuired In the payment of Interest due on FEBRUARY 1ST low upon the 9 TIMBER CERTIFICATES the undersigned have been requested by the holders of a large number of those certificates to act Committee to protect their All holders of those certificates are entitled to become parties to the agreement dated rebrury 2d 1904 under which this Committee will act and are requested to sign the agreement and to immediately deposit their certificates with coupons attached with STATES MORTGAGE AND TRUST COMPANY AT NO 55 CEDAR STREET NEW YORK CITY which will Issue negotiable receipts therefor It Is important that tqe powers of this Committee be strengthened by the deposit of your certificates so that at the proper time It may be authorized to take whatever steps maybe necessary in your interest New M 1904 GEORGE W TOUNO ChalrnuJ- OHNCJJOHNSON V con I DUUOVTCLAHKE- JOHVHENRY Committee BUEWEK SecreUry- KoWCed York City JAMES BROWN I MESSRS BROWN SHIPLEY A COMPANY FOUNDERS COURT LOTHBURY LONDON have consented for the convenience of EUROPEAN certificate holders to receive the deposit of these certificates under the agreement of FEBRUARY 2d too Share- The sold M M COLONEL C L PrIdent The C L Oreeno Co WhaletlIle Dealers In Uphol Steel Typo and Its constrtiction cOst J 1895 7 a little over six 9s65OOO or more the entire amount or 4OOI and d nrll11T If toe Manufacturing Co make the first year 150 nt n cost of 1600 each we have total coat 100000 If the same are sold for 2000 perltIJCB nablEfi the company to cost per machIne to f5OO profit s increased looQt graph la support ought to ha Into general use and they have deter n to Introduce Cincinnati- W been 0- I in- terests CAL s I GIUENO am ag- gregate In years of each the of Office asa te UNITED York Fbreary j Jew p SMITHERS ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ To the Eloldrrt of tIle Preferred and Common Stork of the HOUSTON OILCOMPANY OF TEXAS yew urch 3 l oi Receivers have been appointed for the of the Houston Oil Company Trxu At the request ol the n Large amount of both representing largo bnldlnts of said tock have consented to act u a after and protect toe Interest of the stockholders ot hue TOn have prepared Stockholders AcrreiAfnt dated March ran be procmea at the olflcM of the Morton ew York City the American Loan Trout Company of Boston the St LoUIS Union Trust Company St LOuts Alexander Drown Sons Bankers Baltimore or will he eitto upon applica- tion to the Secretary of this Committee holders of stock am to become to ald hy aendlnt their stock to either Trust Companies or to Messrs Altiander Hrown son IWUBnegotiable receipts there for The ablllti to protect the stockholders naturally depend the num- ber of shares therefore Im- portant to all th stockholders that they should tn one of the mold depositaries Stock should he deposited before March 17th the date rued by the Circuit Court of Texas for the lll ES ofj S niche Co Bankers New York W IOIIDAN President American Loan A Trust Co of WliltakT A Co Uanker St Ix uwMo- HKMJV i Iliilllmorr ild PollS K Ire President Kl ttnlon j- si ixu MO IIEMIY noLIJIAX New York City EDWARD I i KT7 Mi MioAd New ark 10000 XTANTKD on bond and nrM innrtBajrr se 1 lnlcre l nd rc nahl rominlnOon astutely safe nanr ItldrtM iRJHT Sun once Trust Com Ie Mea n olM d Commllle nolPratl en 1lnr their crrttfl uf permanent trh UtlTARER Total COM ItTTFI Secretary SIr rtl e ab bOil f I 1 1 rtasses of stockol nut underaigned a under whIch liii mmittee wIll act copies of which Moor a stoekholder a by era S Patton Maaa- EDWAUJOM ItO WIIOIN Louts Counsel tl a t I- I ¬ > > J McLEAN CO BANKERS 25 Broad St New York CITY BftANCHEs 4 Madison VA near East 68th at it corner Broadway Orders executed for Investment or on Send for our WEEKLY MARKET LETTER de- voted to the financial situation attention to orders In unlisted stocks especially mining Investments Send for handsomely Illustrated FIFTY PAGE BOOK descrlblne the properties and equipment of the stock will tlcally from the Mart and as a mining Investment li the equal of any ever Stanley LUIcLean Member Consolidated Stock Exchange WALL ST EX BLDG 49 Exchange Place Stocks Bonds Grain SKXIl NAMK and addreu for particulars of ab Kilutrly safe 17 Investment on r rcnr to MOOO Addrrn lNYKSTUENT boa sun omcf L a I Crown Mines Company- ThIs earn and PI a NY laO t H < King dtvldend las a4 Ca a- ¬ FINANCIAL SaeoMsfnl Trader keep will Informed OUIDB TOIJIVE9TOIW DAILY LETTEn Iud ratUMall d H1IGHT STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON S3 BROADWAY NEW YORK narlem nrancb 217 Wett WStb Btr t- DeKrmlnlDg the and financial of broker U u Important aa of right stocks TUTTLE Uembcn N Y Consolidated Stock Rxcbucr HILLS DLOO WALL ST Telephones esss t6 Broad STOCKS BONDS GRAIN BOUGHT and SOLD for CASH or pa UAHOIV WHITE FOR WEEKLT HARKET ELECTIONS AND MEETINGS NEW YORK SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY 44 Street New York City For Special Mtetlnr of tbt ldrr th New Turk urlty and Trill Company New York February 20 ItOi To the Stockholder of the New York S cmrlt Trust Company I The respective trustees of the K I York Trust Company and the Trust Company of New York having made and Into an agreement under e ls o companies for the ot said Continental Trust of the city of New York Into the saId New York Security Trust Company the terms and condItions carrying tbe same Into eflect notice Is a special meeting the stockholders ot th New York Security Trust COmpany be held M the once of said Wall Street In the Borourh of of New York ut twelve 12 oclock noon of Monday the 7th day of March one thoUsand nine and tour 1004 to consider and act saId agree raent of merger which will then be submitted to said for their conlder Uon provAL- Also said of be proved to determine whether the stockholders New York Security and Trust Company will authorize an the capital stock of iharesof the ot POt hundred doUars 111001 each thousand shares an to be Issued In exchange for stock otthe Continental Trust Company of New York and ten thou lIon at nve hundred dollar ISOO per share to the ol the New York Security and Trust Company all as provided In said agreement of merger Also act noon the proceedings of the board of trustees ot the taken at a ot board held on the lath day of February 1P04 concerning the agreement of merger and other matters relative thereto Also to consldec and act upon any other matter- or thing concerning said agreement of merger or mono of carrying tne effect Also to consider and set upon asS other matter or thing which corn before suck stockholders for their consideration- The sto V transfer book of Company will be rloied at th of bumeii on the h day of March 10O4 and will remain closed the opening of bailneu oo the 10th day of March IOO Should the agreement of merger be approved Superintendent of Osaka provisions ofsaid agreement of merger such persons as stockholders ot record ot the security and Trust at the closing of the stock transfer books of said Company on said 4th day of MareS 1 begiven the privilege ot sub- scribing for and purchasing one I share of such ddlllonal stock Security and Trust Company at and for the price of nve hundred dollar the York and Trust Company of which tie shall be the registered owner at clos- ing of the stock transfer books of said Company- on the said 4th day ot March 1904 Immediately- upon the approval of the agreement of merger merger has been shall sent to stockholders of York Security and Trust Company notifying srld stockholders that they to subscribe for the new stock and the said stockholders shall be given a period of thirty raw days from the date of the such notice within which to subscribe and pay for stock fall to subscribe and to for such stock within said period qf thirty days deemed to have mind to have lost all rights of subscription to any of such Increased the Hoard ot Trustees CHARLES S FAIRCHILD President ALEXANDER S WEBB Jr Secretary TUB HKCHAMCSi NATIONAL KAMv OF THE CITY OF NEW YOIEK 83 Wall street New York March 5 1904 NOTICE OF JTPECIAL MEETING OF STOCK- HOLDERS A meeting of the stockholders of The Mechanics National Bank of the City of New York U called and will be held at Its banking once No S3W llstre tlntbe Borough oj City of New York on the 11th day April 18 H at twelve oclock noon for the following purposes 1 To authorize the Increase stock of 40000 additional shares each of the value of 25 of which add1Uonil cacltal stock par value thereof consisting of 24000 share for the of the assets and busIness of The Leather Manufacturers Na- tional Bank of New York to the end that Tbe Leather Manufacturers National flank of New York may be consolidated with this of 3000 shares shall be oOcred for subscription at the price of per share to the stockholders of said Leather Bank of York to of fifteen cent of their If exchanged for stock of this bank and the remainder of such capital tock of 12400 shares shall be offered to the In extent of fifteen per cent of their hold Inti as thesame are record at the close business on the 12th day of Mirth the price of par 21 To vote upon and approving of the purchase by this bank of tbe aaets of Manufacturers National Bank ot New York aa the shall the books of the salt bank at the S To provide that the Articles- of Association this bank be amended so that the Board of Directors shall consist of not less than fifteen nor more than twentyfive Direc- tors aa from time t- sorlbe sod to for additional officers of the bank and In the event that the Articles of Asso elation shall be so amended and the Board of Direc- tors Increased then toned a Board of Directors In accordance with sueS amendments 4 And In tbe event that saId capital stock shall finally be increased to 3000000 by Issue of 40000 addi- tional shares rich of of JM then to authorize the use of such additional shares of stock except such sum aa the present capital of man- ner u of Directors mayCod expedient The Manufacturer National flank of New York V For the further of makIng such allowance or adjustment nf compensation or salaries to the or as my be deemed and for the expenses- of carrylni this consolidation Into vote any and all Dispositions In connection with the proposed and the tbe amendments Articles of Association stock as shall be ne easarr In order to the acquisition bank of the assets and bnsl ness eatn rManufacturrrs National Bank The transfer books of tnls bank shall bn closed from three P M March 17104 to ten A M April 12 1R0- 4nils meetlnc Is authorized and called and this notice Is given b order of the Board of Directors f ANDREW A KNOWLES Cashier the Stockholders of tbe- GHKKNE CONSOLIDATED GOLD conformity with the statutes of tbe Slate of West the bylaws of the said Com pany Notice Is hereby the annual meet the oL Greene Consolidated lotS Company ulll be held at Its principal place of Jo til Broadway In County and State of New at twelve oclock noon on the leth day of March IBM for the of electing a Board ot D- irectors for the ensuIng year at such meet tog a Resolution will be amending the Agree- ment of changing the of business of the Corporation and also a resolution will be offered of the Bylaws of the Corporation and such other as may be necessary proper will be transacted Dated New York February 27tb 1804- W C GREENE President OEO S HOnniNS Secretary PnOPOSALA AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 7 Stewart Jlulldlnr No 2 n Broadway New York March 1 1904 TO CONTRACTORS hiSs or the work and fur the materIals railed for In the approved of contract nowon nil In the Commissioners for constructing a high road near the Tltlcos Reservoir In the of North Salem Westcbcater County New on Tuesday March 27 IB04 They will be ubllcly opened by tbe Commissioners soon thereafter as possible and the award of contract for and furnishing materials required will be made by setS Corn missioner as soon as procUrable forms nt said contract the thereof and bidsor proposals and proper for their other Information can be obtained at the above ofBce of the Aqueduct Commissioners on application to the Secretary see City Record pub shed at Nn f city Hall Frwldmt flABBY w WALKER SMnunrT l l I r L u u I 1 read AIIKET CO I sIr lInD FO ARTY CO ERr WaLl and C of Co and ap ab whereof ten to consider menlO lDa the t U rlh e n OI a a of The Mtcbanle National Panic ot the ot New from SC1XJWO to lsu10m by the a SIIJOOO ot such additIonal capital stock e s l r sot samoa appear upon I t e IJaUon and of tile of York To I n fork Room o for form York once noon the ap Jr I t and- tree FREESE character U Nones of Con- tinental and prescribIng Mid Company totbree millIon 3e1b- y Issue twenty t5ousnd l20RM addttiona Land tIO000 aSares are to be offered tar anbscrtp ted close mitt by the glocknoiders of then and In iccordance per harc for share of the stock of as above nolIrt tharsaid agreement the New York IssUe may- be Used consisting National stockholders of this bank for subscription the time of the merger time the may pre will equal Ofteen clOt In such for acquIring the assets and busIness of the 5 the lassie proposed Increased cam tnto- cEect the proposed consolIdatIon andnierger 4d New Manhattan City No Was Town all be reeeltedst IbIs 12 As the te- 4l ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < + > FINANCIAL ALFRED BANKER Umber Consolidated stock Exchange of N INVESTMENT 8ECUIUT1EH Write our INVESTMENT n MARKET inquiries to Department1 Telephone Ull Broad MvV Wlre Graham Ctii Members New York BANKERS and BROKERS i- BTOCKA executed fbrOun COTTOW- BOXDS or on Margin 444o BROADWAY NEW YORK i Write for our booklet 1HE DHIFT 0V DIE And OUR WEEKLY LETTER ON WHEAT 300000 CASH over Oily years 80 per cent conservative business s lucrative fluid to Increase time profits Closest in- vestigation solicited by experts proposition will H cent net on two million 1 desire Interview wltb who can underwrite or assist In furnishing capital A A ROTHEK BERG Fifth Avenue York 11000 WANTED on real estate t Inters Mt and commission FIRST MORTGAGE bo 1U Sun office CITY REAL ESTATE BOROUGH OF DROOKLVN SALE qsI- tENT 1 FLATBUSH LOTS SS EACH Improved neighborhood 20 mInutes to bridge easy estate adjoining open Sundays ED WAI 831 Flatbusb av DOROUOII OF OB IlEIVT- AlTENTIONi Detached onefamily 3500 all Improvements near L churches schools bouse 7BOo all Improvements Unlonport lots Concourse to for coldwater Data Cheap lou and Westebester wanted lots ripe for Improvement near L and Webster Ave nye Bedford Park Open Sunday REAL ESTATE 3600 TO LOAN on Improved property In Man batten Bronx Queens or county towns first mortgage only 0 box 171 Sun office A FACTORY PROPERTY FOIl SALE v LOTS 500 AND UPWARD suitable for f sites close to new bridge and ball for responsible tenants on J P SLOAN 887 APARTMENTS TO LET FUR7STSITED ABOVE 14TH ST EAST SIDE 5TH Family town will sublet handsomely furnished aputmenw eight large rooms baths reasonable ABOVE 14TH ST WEST SIDE iji- 44TH ST 41 WEST Doctors hkndjomely firt- nlshed parlor floor private Chouse f f HEAL ESTATE OUT OF THE CTTT- I1SCELLANKOUS 7 CUBA Magnificent palace original co 000 for sale mInI very easy terms to date Its Interesting write for photo Otimer Mrs LOUISA nollM 2060 Madison avNew York AILSICAL CONTRALTO sight ruder desires church lion oratorio repeiorlre MARGARET WARt BELL lf l at 481h HELP WANTED FEJIALES ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS EX PERIENCED FLOWER MAKERS AND LEARNERS PAID WHILB LEARNING L HENRY QOi 721 BROADWAY ARTIFICIAL Branchers makers and learners also outside handson Juno roses SAMUEL UANxldER 1 Bleeoker at ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Flower makers wanted good prices pall apply all week HEHRMAN fi SITUATIONS WANTED FEJIALES A YOUNG WOMAN neat refined wishes position housekeeper for bachelor widower children of taking full COLORED WOMAN wishes washing Ironing take home MARTHA 84 treat MILLJ ERY AND DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKINDAND MILLIMERY TAUGHT Enter now for spring work Our coat suit shirt waist or skirt patterns We make your spring FOrt SALE I CANDY STORE FOR SALE Call Sunday morn r SMITH 24 Drodhunt av bttweca id and Kitb sta cix Tiinso Y GENTLEMENS CLOTHING to order CO 13 Broadway Room 4 Take elevator FURNISHED TO LET 44TH ST 41 WEST A large room balaj prt vat house BOARDERS WANTED treat Bid TTH 3T 1M WIST aooommodatl transient or permanent to refined people ermiees MEDICAL MRS GEIST midwife 37 East ladles oonAnementa fluent strictly private no sign Brancb Offices DAILY SUNDAYEVEKINC Advertisements and Sabtrrlp lions may be t flutes where the at mam 6fBce- NEfTTOBK CITY ISKTBrmdway BROOKLYN ass Washtnrwn Fulton St LONG ISLAND CITTi N TV l- Bordirn Ave E N Dodaan BOSTON MASS Itnem Glob BnlldlnB naibtnrton Sir t T- r Harrison NEWAHK V J TM Droad StrW- tr X hemmer 10091004 Trl Other advertisements under these classifications be found in Third Section P I i MD l AMA i t- KAIN OFFICE nCIIANOLI l- 3Q IA91 4211 I t OFFICES IZ AMTUD TEM LC AR DLoonttLTN STOCKS GRAIN COTTON i J Want Id for a sot nROJX ALE house Clll a C terries wU av DroDldyn lea tJjf u r J FLOW HS tru a ca I fIOHIIOADWAT NEWYOUg sti BRANCH 5 f Addrrss CopstOcEx hUg Cedars T5t 1 Build- ers w ww w I e w w a rOle cbatge over two years In one place jef- erences AddreM WeatSthat 591bsi dreumakingeMy Sixth Av i 1 wee BOOMS WeatSide l w Yin ret 50tl bed confidential trsu left a rates are san as those charged near 35th St 541 Vest 12thSt s- alt 44 bane Building Ivy 1 Olborln will 45e < ¬ ¬ > > >

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Post on 20-Mar-2019




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iSCIlEMMn TO 93000000f-

sctiiffrV National to Ue Preiirtfnft me MecharilcMN tlon l

WHOM Surplus milft


ft dlrnornrs of the Leather Mumif-

joturern Notional Bank have adoptUrtru

thn hank will be mofgal-

th iho MtHiaiiicH1 National Bankchartl k PN1 Win aofek

llio action of thn dlreotortJ-lllbBincieiMd from 2000000 tfl 300000-

ijrf tho UHI 090000 of nuoh Incroanii-

fl I fT lll1 Iurposo r acqulrlng the

and buplnfHw of tho MarwHulk Tim shareholderof the

lather MiinTifacluroTH1 Bank winy suhMfibo fnr HI new capital stock on tcrrhi-

rranfi1l fin merger nnd consolidation0 tlif two bonk IM to be effected upon

ai of absoluto orjuallty orlielwren theliolrvendircM-

innfiiviItril ar i w i itvmnafilio National

rnp rlilition At tlin tfmo thnhHoii rffoptlvo thn Leather Mahiifactt-

irers Riiilt l voa capital ntock o-

VOi i nml a SI017ROO overinihort nil Its liabllltinri This will mak

of tho consolidatedjliouitlBSiiSV

The thnt already mornipaiorlty of the of

yaM lctllrcn Bank fnapproved the plan of the merger

ftid n ofn u on tim consolidation on March

j i utxtcrstooci that Gates WMcGarrortnow idcnt of the LeatherMixnufooturprsRick will bocomo preeldent of the con

institution hastefji In of the executivewent of Manufacturersor a nuciber of and is looked upon

on of the mont of theof

National waa tho latefinniille finrth

nrllrreil to ne Inclined to Makethe Venture

The nmiouncemont that Horacewho resigned theite Railroad would make ai-

it ndpd trip to Japan ChinaPhilippine to itivestigato for Efl H irriman the possibilities of railroad cortstruc-ijja lu ho9o cbuntriea was received withiaterrnf in Wall Street Tho anhoarroomeiitr-jrlch may be somewhat premature ox

a number of events which polnt atoward railroad development EastfijMr Harnman

Li believed that the first stepn company capitalized moderately

its Turmoil in this agofur avowed oboonMruetirrgr-ailrcnus in China IwoThe of the directors of this WfjJi-

Ed i who Is alw ajirectorpt-he Southern Pacific and

A conference mujih pverahhour WM held MrrAfary Shuw when tho latter ntsitodciR we kn

On rorifiay last CHalrrhahCoinraltlmi on Insular Affairs introducedIn House of a bitlprepared jby Secretary Taft authbrizing

of JlOOOOOOOof 5 Vorid-aliythe Philippine Government fortureon bridge building and otherconstructlan The section relating rail-road building authorized the Governmentof the islandD to aid in the constructionrnainfpnance and of railroadsitljpr by guaranteeing part of the bordfl-Isuel or by a legis-lative guarantee the capital jnTested-9l n yield not 4 per cent netlocotue The pecuniary liability of tbeGovernment to andtie bonds must be approved by the Presl

o this bill a fair profiton rnllroad construction ini Cuara t Hl and it is believed thatMrHarrimati tJiii Inclined niaknthe has understoodthat teill discuss the situat-ion with MrHarrimnn while inthjs city

nKMUnitER I XSBIPYARD filIT-Mm banrt P niiay Complaint Ii Dfrcctlre

and Suit UnauthorizedCounsel for Charles M Schwab

Pirn a demurrer yesterday tothe suitbrought in United

Rtalffl Circuit Court recently by JohnXqrriB Cyrus B Lewis James C

MiUi JIcGurk John Young andstockholdeis In the

fitates Shipbuilding Companyflnu and

there-After the bill of com-

plaint states nothing to entitle the plaintiffst6rclief In a Court of Equity8jr that the company In the hands

of a receiver and suitwas broughtainst the receiver without from

MHU McGurkanddemurrer on to

WW to make any case entitling them 16-H iw aridappear to be simply contract creditors

not beonreduoedtoJit-rtgmrm It is further set that

misjoinder defendants aa wellof

n p prr Annual forJOO4A book of reference whoss usefulnisss-

wd trustworthiness establlshed bythe experience of years the AmericanNewspaper Annual by WIyer A Son of Philadelphia appears in ifs

l M edition year overl 00 large octavo

It of all newspapersby State and by towns

Hie State mid with eachnation r uircd by the public and especiallyny advertlsnw anOtherIIM of counties

y lists of according to classsoon

Itw field of theAnnual is broad enough

op and a reaM ofetalisticalK F Phical information will txi found

rasit is a directory

vonffntratlnr Ship Combine OfficesThe office furniture nrd papers of thecond cabin department of the American

n i Red Star lines A 73 Broadway weretwnovcd td the offices of themtetftarLinein the Bowling Green Build

Aft r tomorrow all second cabin andrage business heretofore transacted at

management ofDipping y-

ntn to Hve IIIBTerminal In DaltlmarrB-AUiMonr The plans of the

WJtimonv yhlo fnllroBd for building a

nfticft Hoors over the trainHie Htnictun will Iw

1 4 IVTut I J tOt




irrarrah or the




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mrpIiD3 bank






It was jaken

Otu eetsthe


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ItOventure Wail



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to include time rov1nces IS India Islands geographical


that gazet

73 will be theVhIteOC ja The American Red linestint wilt atine quarters This Isthethe International Mercantile

omen husines Itdismoistal clerk




nal1tnn tfwfrulPii nrjIy after Pennsylvaniamflflit t lUadciph ha

t5tlfl2 used astItn will ftlfotmntjrj by lamden Howarduarj LOch streets aitniathurst wifl more than tooo






< >
















Marconi wilt dotreat things withwlrclcM lrrrphirWe no longer consitter It itranf thatship should talk toone another from

of ornevfii hundred milesand ax a matter offact wireless teleg-raphy I now

all over theworld Ntw YorkHerald February H

dl ce ala


Itwas held by many transactionstock market Illuminated

the character of certain unexplainedIn the fonmoon of Fridays session

There Jia4 been n Rood deal of rurlojltyknow why a demonstration against theInterest wa delayed until Friday mornlne-iind why after so long delayedit was attempted At alt when with the poss-ibility of a decision on

In mind the short interest would belikely 6 prove stubborn and traders wouldlieeltate o hnjajnl speculations for a tIe

flattepe l soon

bidding for and it in theobject of the demonstra-

tion had been to distribute speculativestockaft failed tOt the feasqrtslndlcatHl In thefirst half Hour of trading yesterday morning

or more of various stocks weredeclines rnnine from i to per

rent on orders that had been distributedthe opening C I Hudson k

Fjnbursh A Atterbury J W Davis AC Stokes 4 Co and P J Goodhart

A Co were prominent as sellers all aroundthe room Most of this sellingwas supposedto be for speculators who had bought themarket earlyIn the week expecting an

In prices and were disappointed Thebelated demonstration against the shortInterest on Friday resorted to HI a last ex-pedient having the stocks were soldout the at the market

In th first hour of trading yesterdaythe market lontpraottcally allof the groundthai If had gained In a week Under theBelllnir previously referred to prices madetheir initial declines rather abruptly lossesof H or per cent on transactions butof but a few hundred shares beIng not un-

common ftven stocksBy the the first hour hadabated and the prices held

ohanRB until thr appear-ance of the bankfurther scattered selling they sagged

quotations being generally thelairtMifforthi day

ilhir vw re two dletinct rumors on thiNorthern Securities decision One was thatIt would b Jiftnded down on Monday andthe other was that the Supreme wouldadjourn onSIonday for three weeks withouthandmg It down Stocks ori eachrumor The has already dpclded the adversely to the merger In-

terests the delay atWashington The wiling mostsignificance was attached yesterday wasthat done by the gocalled Washingtonhouses The Information from Washingtonas probability of a decisionwas divided Some of the Wall Street cor-

respondents In Washington advised theirhouses to expert It whllo others whoso

guesses were equally trustwqrthy ealdthut-tl e chances htroncly against a decisionfor somei weeks yet So far a the speculadye situation was concerned traders wantedto wll stocks on If It were forthcojnlng nnd on prolonged suspense IfIt were It didnt matter muchwhat the Wa hliigton pondentH thought

The soiling at first wrfs oonflned largely tothe board but oti the decline selling

cbmo from outside sourcesCommissionhoitMs contributed rather freelyto the liquidation Some of the more activestocks were also discovered to bft full ofstop lots near the market Thlsfacttogether selling hy commissIonhouses led to the conclusion that tho longInterest ofthe oftloe trading element had beenunderestImated The total of transactionIn the two hours of tradingyesterday wasmorn than tho total In either Wednesdaysor Thursdays full of five hoursConsidering the manner In which stockswets pressed for sale the unwillingness oftraders to remain of time market overthe oml oftho week with the possibility ofNorthern Securities decision cm MondayIn view and thn unfavorable tenor of the daysgeneral news optimistic observers thoughtthe mnrkt took storks pretty well

Thn irpek lins developed the fact ariarespected ramnif ntfllor writs that Magnn

continues to th fpiiturt of our marketpulillc niwl thrr little

likelluond that eiwulatlvn Interest run horevIved In the in arfuiinI-

nincactlons In tlie il i rlinent ycstertier were of no special InlTwl Th Rto k-

in most demand In whichhere npiwnr to l u l rgn abiding ahbrtInterest Th gtneral bprro lne demand

n O lp0 JAILcritIc




market outI to pries up





relt ray n openinghalt

In t mend of


the closing



cal ntto


to the on







P I rlvanls








orthern Securities

The as 0s thosewho were trying ceased




the ttt activethe selling






tot so


itsfiat apat het Ic see ins


at ti Pt












already done allfctlmoB workbut he is goingto do another-Ho is a wonderful youngman I bellove-in him thoroughly

A smnlMnveitmrnt in Marconi SecurIties will mike you independent Infew A laricer Invest nirnt will make you rich

Wireless Telegraph Is the and useful Investment everIntroduced It not only time telegraph and fable will do

use the and telephone with their ofofr mind millions upon oT dividends combined U will be a meansof communication between country town every village house

store office mind farm for cost In within the reach of every one and Its userequired for all

be more than shares of the Hell which werefirst offered SIoil and nlterwiirds voId for more luu An Investment of 1100

up to the time 200000The of the English Mnroonl Company won put out at ISCO per share and lnc

sold t the Stock an S40 per cent Thepi the American are much greater

o enterprise line ever grown Mnrconl Invented less than sixand operation less than three It line bffn irdciird time leadingnations of th world Government and used in their lr

Indorsed hy prominent men and the press ofnRVFMES COMPANY AltK CONSTANTLY INCHEASIIVO AND

ITS FIELD OPERATION nitOIUM DAILYThe mtrni hns been by the New York Hfrnld for treat shipping news

by Lloyds lndon agency who have contract theservice for 1C years

ElRlitBtatlons nrein active operation on the Atlantic constMare than 100 ocean steamers equipped with the Marconi systemLand Connections Both the Western Union Telegraph Company and the

Posta Telegraph Cable Company at any of their office Statesand messages from and to the great fleet of oceanMeamers equipped with the Marconi apparatusThofl A Edison Marconi and M I of Columbia College ire the



NEW YORK WORLD Oct 10 1903 StatesThe the Wireless System Is wider than that of the Bell Telephone It

to assume therefore that great fortunes can beinvestments In the Marconi securities and that entaIl Investors will become Independ-ently within a few years It Is likely that certificates representing tiW

aM In oo or even 300 New WorldThe present opportunity will never come again as the price will be advanced f hortly-Mnroonl net you from 100 to JKX per cent better results than

any labors of yours canCf cheek or money order for certificates at each No subscription

nmMJ received for so Certificates 100

Bear In mind that an Investment of jioo In the English Marconi Compaq a fewmonths ago Increased 34n cent the offers

Prospectus full particulars upon application

F P WARD CO BANKERSLkhd Title Fhllndelphla PFarmer IllTc Mtwhnrj PaCrntnry St Jin

Council Serin ton PaClark WashIngton St ChicagoCrnxley Ulttr San

llulldlng w OrleansCorrespondents of Mimroa ft Munroe X V

PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION At all Our Office You are cordially In-

vited to call mind receive a


tmuch and at a ot the to come into more


ever err I rrrrhcn

lat t halthen hRSstoCk






iour 5S



l l

more ma destIned general







gteat er






MARCONIWireless Telegraph stork at attractive prices

Write for special free-WILL C DA KEH


showed little or no change Pennsylvanialoaned nt ll per cent

The selling of Pennsylvania and Steelpreferred yesterday some brokers thought-was rather more professional than the generalselling

Forecasting tIme United States Steel Co-rporations earnings for the current Quarter-is again as much of a diversion as It was latime early part of last December when theearnings for the last quarter of 1003 werethe subject of Infinite xpeculMion Theleast encouraging of all the speculationsnow referring to rnrnings for the firstquarter of this year como from Plttsburjwhere there areauthorities who predict thata worse showing will be made for this quarterthan was made for tho last threelImOS Every return of weakness Jn Steel

stimulates competition among theAt first they dealt only In round

figures predktliiR thnt the earnings wouldbe a little more titan tl2oooooo or a littleless than 13r oonoo or otherwise Laterthy tilled In thn hundreds thousands thenthH tens of the thousandsand finally got to dealing with the hundredsand even the exact dollars Traders soldSteel preferred down yesterday It brokeHi per cent and closed at the lowest

Imbrle sold Amalgamated Copper downat the opening ditching BtoploJSon the decline-

It Is understood that there are two factionsin the Corn Products Company one wantingto cut the communion stock dividend Intwoandthn other innistlng that It be discontinued-for the present The stronger Interests In

the property are understood to be on theconservative side thnt Is they favor discon-tinuing dividends on the common sharesThe element that has hitherto dominated-the management Is holding out for a reduc-tion to a 2 per cent rate Nobody seems tohave an Iden which likely to prevailThere is believed to have been oitenslvoshift Ing of Interests in the course of the stocksdecline nd this Is expected If anythingto strengthen position of the conservatives

The bear element finding the speculativemind to be receptive begun by making capi-

tal of thus unsatisfactory condition of winterwheat although there was nothing bearing-on that subject which had not been accessi-ble Information on Kriday It was predictedyesterday that the Nebraska reportqn wheat would be unfavorable andthat the Kansas report would bn worse thanOhios nnd the suggested comparison offorthcoming reports that of Ohio

speculative attention to an exhibitwhich on Friday had been given less attention perhaps than It really deserved Onof the bears dark sayings Is that a crop failurewould he In keeping with tho calamitousbeginning of year

Your think observed a prominentbroker that nil the good newshad gone out of the world It isnt so Any-

body having really good news on whichmlgbtbe possible to do something in themarket to bring It out nowwith everybody sore and disgusted and unwilling to trade Its effect would be entirely

lot In the maelstrom of pessimism If youknew this HS well m I do you would realizethat good news of various kinds Is beingheld back A bear operator doesnt brigout hjs bad news If he ran control Itat atime when everybody Is bullish He wattsuntil sentiment If depressed anti then it has-

a niucli greater effect The people who seekto Influenre sentiment for one purpose nranother wait until the community Is Ina re-

ceptive moodfor whatever they have In

feoerve Thats wiry when bulllab we have a preponderance of rssand vice versa

lesion rompiny Win Suit

Jiulgn Whpolrr of tlm United StntwCourt for tho Southern District of

has just rendered decision In

the of tho Elwtrical Instru-ment of Newark N J against

Electrical Instrumentof III anti others upholding timvalidity of u patent toAVivton on ntH for measuringolpotricnl on direct currentnlrrultK This affects a largenumber of other concerns nnalnn whlobBimtlar are pendloff












1 a w t



months of

faction isart



wth re-


















I tuu TINATWIAL-u u hum i s


WE ARE OFFERING2nd Allotment of 1000 Shares-

at 50 Per1st allotment at 4000 having been before

specified time of closing March 10th

3rd 4th and last allotments 1000 shares each to beoffered at higher prices


MANUFACTURING COAuthorized Capital 2500000




TreasurerSecretary and General Manager

DIRECTORSJAMES N GAMBLE First VicePresident The Proctor k Gamble Co Cincinnati

Goods and Manufacturers of Springs CincinnatiGENERAL THOMAS T HEATH CincinnatiJOHN PEARSON Cincinnati-C H REMBOLD Manager Cincinnati TimeaStar

This corporation was formed to manufacture and introduce into general-use the Heath and its related machines

The Company is free from debt and has ten thousand shares in the Treas-ury out to produce its working

Many years of study and have been expended in thegraph and Matrix System to its present where it is a demonstratedsuccess Its present Factory Patterns and Assets represent an expenditure of

300000-To additional machinery to make in large

numbers and put them upon the market as speedily as possible the Companydecided to enlarge its present plant and to offer Five Thousand shares ofTreasury stock for sale thus provid the necessary additional workingcapital

THE LINOTYPE Typesetting Machine is marvellous In construction and amoney maker for its hut its achievements cannot be compared with thoseof HEATH MATRIX TYPOGRAPH the latter being less more durable milch less

THE HEATH MATRIX TYPOGRAPH will do all that other machines can do andmuch that none of them attempt to do

reference to what has been accomplished others may be instructive and justifythe expectations of the Matrix Manufacturing Company

The profits to inveRtorvin stock of the Co been enormousFrom August 1 1804 to April 15 1895 the Morgenthaler Linotype Co paid in cashdividends 6 on 4000000 From 15 lew to December on 5000000

2 to April 1 1887 the Company paid in regular and extra dividends 20 on110000000 From 1 1897 to September 29 1900 it paid 87KS on 10000000an

its original capital stock of in addition to alliof this its assets at the endof six to 1025883640 The stock was quitO recently sold on the StockExchange for 1175 per share The Linotype machine now for 3000 to 3500 the

upon what desired

300000 leaving proflfof 210000 from the sale of 150 machines put out at a lowintroduction price which is IGM o on 2000000 being all the stock issued

If as contemplated trmsecond we can make 1000 they will at 000each have cost 800000 and will produce 2000000 a profit of 1400000 If ex

it Unot Improbable that the profit on adjunct machines and extra fonts of de-manded will year amount to 500000 which If realized makes the profit equalthe total I employed-

The third and profit should be double that of the secondThe machines will be ordered faster than we can make them and they will be

in demand wherever civilization exists One Typograph would do the work a countryHundreds of them could be used in government office in all ita

and IfUsed would make a greatThis Is the workof well known Cincinnati men who believe the Heath Matrix



Union Trust Company Building Cincinnati310 and 318 St

President La Fayetto Bank Cincinnati

Parties to in the profits of the Heath Matrix Typograph and Manufacturing Company may do so subscribing to the

Make nil Checks Drafts to payable to

CHARLES W RAY CO Fiscal Agents66 Broadway New York City Telephone 6739 Cortlandt

Samples of the work can be at our New York and at the Factory at Cincinnati

Kirby Lumber Company

Notice to the Holders of 6 Timber Certificatesis-

sued by the Maryland Trust Company as Trustee

Default haying cxxsuired In the payment of Interest due on FEBRUARY 1ST lowupon the 9 TIMBER CERTIFICATES the undersigned have been requested by theholders of a large number of those certificates to act Committee to protect their

All holders of those certificates are entitled to become parties to the agreement datedrebrury 2d 1904 under which this Committee will act and are requested to sign theagreement and to immediately deposit their certificates with coupons attached with

STATES MORTGAGE AND TRUST COMPANY AT NO 55 CEDAR STREETNEW YORK CITY which will Issue negotiable receipts therefor

It Is important that tqe powers of this Committee be strengthened by the depositof your certificates so that at the proper time It may be authorized to take whateversteps maybe necessary in your interestNew M 1904 GEORGE W TOUNO ChalrnuJ-


BUEWEK SecreUry-KoWCed York City


MESSRS BROWN SHIPLEY A COMPANY FOUNDERS COURT LOTHBURYLONDON have consented for the convenience of EUROPEAN certificate holders toreceive the deposit of these certificates under the agreement of FEBRUARY 2d too

Share-The sold



COLONEL C L PrIdent The C L Oreeno Co WhaletlIle Dealers In UpholSteel


and Its constrtiction cOst

J 1895 7

a little over six 9s65OOO or more the entire amount or4OOI and

d nrll11TIf toe Manufacturing Co make the first year 150

nt n cost of 1600 each we have total coat 100000 If the same are sold for 2000

perltIJCB nablEfi the company to cost per machIne to f5OO profit s increasedlooQt

graph la support ought to ha Into general use and they have detern to Introduce


been 0-








ag-gregate In years of







York Fbrearyj







To the Eloldrrt of tIle Preferred and CommonStork of the


Receivers have been appointed for theof the Houston Oil Company Trxu At therequest ol the n Large amount of both

representing largo bnldlnts of said tock haveconsented to act u a after andprotect toe Interest of the stockholders ot hue

TOn have preparedStockholders AcrreiAfnt dated March

ran be procmea at the olflcM of the Mortonew York City the American

Loan Trout Company of Boston the St LoUISUnion Trust Company St LOutsAlexander Drown Sons Bankers Baltimoreor will he eitto upon applica-tion to the Secretary of this Committee holdersof stock am to become to ald

hy aendlnt their stock to eitherTrust Companies or to Messrs Altiander Hrown

son IWUBnegotiable receipts therefor The ablllti to protect thestockholders naturally depend the num-ber of shares therefore Im-

portant to all th stockholders that they should

tn one of the mold depositaries Stock shouldhe deposited before March 17th the date rued bythe Circuit Court of Texas for the

lll ESofj S niche Co Bankers New YorkW IOIIDANPresident American Loan A Trust Co

of WliltakT A Co Uanker St Ix uwMo-HKMJV i

Iliilllmorr ildPollS K

Ire President Kl ttnlon j-

si ixu MO


EDWARD I i KT7Mi MioAd New ark

10000 XTANTKD on bond and nrM innrtBajrr se1 lnlcre l nd rc nahl rominlnOon

astutely safe nanr ItldrtM iRJHTSun once

Trust ComIe

Mea n

olM d


nolPratl en1lnr their crrttfl

uf permanent trh





rtl e ab


f I 1 1

rtasses of stockol nut underaigned


under whIch liii mmittee wIll act copies ofwhich

Moora stoekholder




Patton Maaa-EDWAUJOM





at I-






25 Broad St New YorkCITY BftANCHEs

4 Madison VA near East 68th atit corner Broadway

Orders executed for Investment or onSend for our WEEKLY MARKET LETTER de-voted to the financial situation

attention to orders In unlistedstocks especially mining Investments

Send for handsomely IllustratedFIFTY PAGE BOOK

descrlblne the properties and equipment of the

stock willtlcally from the Mart and as a mining Investmentli the equal of any ever

Stanley LUIcLeanMember Consolidated Stock Exchange


49 Exchange Place

Stocks Bonds GrainSKXIl NAMK and addreu for particulars of ab

Kilutrly safe 17 Investment on r rcnrto MOOO Addrrn lNYKSTUENT boa

sun omcf




Crown Mines Company-ThIs earn and PI a



t H <



a4 Ca a-



SaeoMsfnl Trader keep will Informed


Iud ratUMall d


S3 BROADWAY NEW YORKnarlem nrancb 217 Wett WStb Btr t-

DeKrmlnlDg the and financialof broker U u Important aa

of right stocks

TUTTLEUembcn N Y Consolidated Stock Rxcbucr

HILLS DLOO WALL STTelephones esss t6 Broad





For Special Mtetlnr of tbtldrr th

New Turk urlty and Trill Company

New York February 20 ItOiTo the Stockholder of the New York S cmrlt

Trust Company I

The respective trustees of the K IYork Trust Company and the

Trust Company of New Yorkhaving made and Into an agreement under

e ls o companiesfor the ot said Continental Trustof the city of New York Into the saId New YorkSecurity Trust Company the termsand condItions carryingtbe same Into eflect notice Isa special meeting the stockholders ot th NewYork Security Trust COmpany be held Mthe once of said Wall StreetIn the Borourh of of New Yorkut twelve 12 oclock noon of Monday the 7thday of March one thoUsand nine andtour 1004 to consider and act saId agreeraent of merger which will then be submitted tosaid for their conlder UonprovAL-

Also said of beproved to determine whether the stockholders

New York Security and Trust Companywill authorize an the capital stock of

iharesof the ot POt hundred doUars 111001

each thousand shares an to beIssued In exchange for stock otthe Continental TrustCompany of New York and ten thou

lIon at nve hundred dollar ISOO per share to theol the New York Security and Trust

Company all as provided In said agreement ofmerger

Also act noon the proceedingsof the board of trustees ot the taken ata ot board held on the lath day ofFebruary 1P04 concerning the agreement of mergerand other matters relative thereto

Also to consldec and act upon any other matter-or thing concerning said agreement of merger or

mono of carrying tne effect Alsoto consider and set upon asS other matter or thingwhich corn before suck stockholders fortheir consideration-

The sto V transfer book of Companywill be rloied at th of bumeii on the

h day of March 10O4 and will remain closedthe opening of bailneu oo the 10th day

of March IOOShould the agreement of merger be approved

Superintendent of Osakaprovisions ofsaid agreement

of merger such persons as stockholdersot record ot the security and Trust

at the closing of the stock transfer booksof said Company on said 4th day of MareS1 begiven the privilege ot sub-scribing for and purchasing one I share of suchddlllonal stock Security and TrustCompany at and for the price of nve hundred dollarthe York and Trust Company ofwhich tie shall be the registered owner at clos-ing of the stock transfer books of said Company-on the said 4th day ot March 1904 Immediately-upon the approval of the agreement of merger

merger has been shall sent tostockholders of York Security and TrustCompany notifying srld stockholders that they

to subscribe for the new stockand the said stockholders shall be given a periodof thirty raw days from the date of thesuch notice within which to subscribe and payfor stock fall

to subscribe and to for such stock withinsaid period qf thirty days deemed to have

mind to have lost all rights ofsubscription to any of such Increased

the Hoard ot TrusteesCHARLES S FAIRCHILD PresidentALEXANDER S WEBB Jr Secretary


83 Wall streetNew York March 5 1904


A meeting of the stockholders of TheMechanics National Bank of the City of New YorkU called and will be held at Its banking once NoS3W llstre tlntbe Borough oj Cityof New York on the 11th day April 18 H at twelveoclock noon for the following purposes

1 To authorize the Increase stock

of 40000 additional shares each of the valueof 25 of which add1Uonil cacltal stockpar value thereof consisting of 24000 share

for the of the assetsand busIness of The Leather Manufacturers Na-tional Bank of New York to the end that TbeLeather Manufacturers National flank of NewYork may be consolidated with this

of 3000 shares shall be oOcred for subscription atthe price of per share to the stockholders ofsaid Leather Bankof York to of fifteen cent oftheir If exchanged for stock of this bankand the remainder of such capital tock

of 12400 shares shall be offered to theIn

extent of fifteen per cent of their holdInti as thesame are record at the close businesson the 12th day of Mirth the price of par

21 To vote uponand approving of the purchase by this bank of tbeaaets of ManufacturersNational Bank ot New York aa the shall

the books of the salt bank at theS To provide that the Articles-

of Association this bank be amended sothat the Board of Directors shall consist of notless than fifteen nor more than twentyfive Direc-tors aa from time t-

sorlbe sod to for additional officers of thebank and In the event that the Articles of Assoelation shall be so amended and the Board of Direc-tors Increased then toned a Board of DirectorsIn accordance with sueS amendments 4 AndIn tbe event that saId capital stock shall finally beincreased to 3000000 by Issue of 40000 addi-tional shares rich of of JM then toauthorize the use of such additional shares of stockexcept such sum aathe present capital of man-ner u of Directors mayCod expedient

The Manufacturer National flank ofNew York V For the further of makIngsuch allowance or adjustment nf compensationor salaries to the oras my be deemed and for the expenses-of carrylni this consolidation Into

vote any and all DispositionsIn connection with the proposed

and thetbe amendments Articles of Association

stock as shall be ne easarr In order to

the acquisition bank of the assets and bnslness eatn rManufacturrrs National Bank

The transfer books of tnls bank shall bn closedfrom three P M March 17104 to ten A M April12 1R0-

4nils meetlnc Is authorized and called and thisnotice Is given b order of the Board of Directors


the Stockholders of tbe-GHKKNE CONSOLIDATED GOLD

conformity with the statutes of tbe Slate ofWest the bylaws of the said Company Notice Is hereby the annual meet

the oL Greene ConsolidatedlotS Company ulll be held at Its principal placeof J o til Broadway In

County and State of Newat twelve oclock noon on the leth day of MarchIBM for the of electing a Board ot D-irectors for the ensuIng year at such meettog a Resolution will be amending the Agree-ment of changing the

of business of the Corporation and also aresolution will be offered ofthe Bylaws of the Corporation and such other

as may be necessary proper will betransacted

Dated New York February 27tb 1804-

W C GREENE PresidentOEO S HOnniNS Secretary


AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS OFFICE7 Stewart Jlulldlnr No 2 n Broadway

New York March 1 1904TO CONTRACTORS

hiSs or the work and furthe materIals railed for In the approved

of contract nowon nil In theCommissioners for constructing a high

road near the Tltlcos Reservoir In theof North Salem Westcbcater County New

on Tuesday March 27 IB04 They will beubllcly opened by tbe Commissioners

soon thereafter as possible and the award ofcontract for and furnishingmaterials required will be made by setS Corn

missioner as soon as procUrableforms nt said contract the

thereof and bidsor proposals andproper for their

other Information can be obtained at theabove ofBce of the Aqueduct Commissioners onapplication to the Secretary

see City Record pubshed at Nn f city Hall

FrwldmtflABBY w WALKER SMnunrT

l l

I r L u uI





sIr lInD








and ap


whereof ten

to consider




U rlhe

n OI



of The Mtcbanle National Panic ot the otNew from SC1XJWO to lsu10m by the


SIIJOOO ot such additIonal capital stock


s l

r sot

samoaappear upon



e IJaUon

and of tile

of York

To I




o for


York oncenoon


ap Jr I









and prescribIng

Mid Company totbree millIon 3e1b-y Issue twenty t5ousnd l20RM addttiona

Land tIO000 aSares are to be offered tar anbscrtp




by the glocknoiders ofthen and In iccordance

per harc for share of the stock of

as above nolIrt tharsaid agreement

the New

York IssUe

may-be Used



stockholders of this bank for subscription the

time of the merger

time the may pre

will equal Ofteen clOtIn such

for acquIring the assets and busIness of the


the lassie proposed Increasedcam tnto-

cEect the proposed consolIdatIon andnierger 4d


Manhattan City



all be reeeltedst IbIs 12



















Umber Consolidated stock Exchange of N


n MARKETinquiries to Department1

Telephone Ull Broad MvV Wlre

Graham CtiiMembers New York


BTOCKA executed fbrOun COTTOW-BOXDS or on Margin

444o BROADWAY NEW YORK iWrite for our booklet



over Oily years 80 per centconservative business s

lucrative fluid to Increase time profits Closest in-vestigation solicited by experts propositionwill H cent net on two million 1desire Interview wltb who can underwriteor assist In furnishing capital A A ROTHEKBERG Fifth Avenue York

11000 WANTED on real estate t IntersMt and commission FIRST MORTGAGE bo 1USun office



FLATBUSH LOTS SS EACHImproved neighborhood 20 mInutes to bridge

easy estate adjoiningopen Sundays ED WAI 831 Flatbusb



AlTENTIONi Detached onefamily3500 all Improvements near L churches

schools bouse 7BOo allImprovements Unlonport lots Concourse

to for coldwater DataCheap lou and Westebester wanted

lots ripe for Improvement near Land Webster Ave

nye Bedford Park Open Sunday


3600 TO LOAN on Improved property In Manbatten Bronx Queens orcounty towns first mortgage only 0 box 171Sun office A


LOTS 500 AND UPWARD suitable for fsites close to new bridge and ballfor responsible tenants on J P SLOAN887


ABOVE 14TH ST EAST SIDE5TH Family town will

sublet handsomely furnished aputmenweight large rooms baths reasonable


44TH ST 41 WEST Doctors hkndjomely firt-nlshed parlor floor private Chouse f f



CUBA Magnificent palace original co000 for sale mInI very easy terms to dateIts Interesting write for photo OtimerMrs LOUISA nollM 2060 Madison avNew York


CONTRALTO sight ruder desires churchlion oratorio repeiorlre MARGARET WARtBELL lf l at 481h




makers and learners also outside handson Junoroses SAMUEL UANxldER 1 Bleeoker at

ARTIFICIAL FLOWERSFlower makers wanted good prices pall apply

all week HEHRMAN fi


A YOUNG WOMAN neat refinedwishes position housekeeper for bachelorwidower children of taking full

COLORED WOMAN wishes washing Ironingtake home MARTHA 84 treat


DRESSMAKINDAND MILLIMERY TAUGHTEnter now for spring work Our coat suit shirtwaist or skirt patterns We make your spring


CANDY STORE FOR SALE Call Sunday mornr SMITH 24 Drodhunt av bttwecaid and Kitb sta

cix Tiinso Y


Broadway Room 4 Take elevator


44TH ST 41 WEST A large room balaj prtvat house


treat Bid

TTH 3T 1M WIST aooommodatltransient or permanent to refined peopleermiees


MRS GEIST midwife 37 Eastladles oonAnementafluent strictly private no sign

Brancb Offices


Advertisements and Sabtrrlplions may be t fluteswhere the

at mam 6fBce-


BROOKLYN ass WashtnrwnFulton St


Bordirn Ave E N Dodaan

BOSTON MASS Itnem GlobBnlldlnB naibtnrton Sir t T-r Harrison

NEWAHK V J TM Droad StrW-tr X hemmer

10091004 Trl

Other advertisementsunder these classifications

be found in ThirdSection





3Q IA91 4211 I t





Want Id for a


nROJX ALEhouse




terries wU

av DroDldyn

lea tJjf

u r








CopstOcEx hUg





w ww w






cbatge over two years In one place jef-erences AddreM WeatSthat


dreumakingeMySixth Av i

1 wee


WeatSide l



50tl bedconfidential trsu

left arates are san as

those charged

near 35th St 541 Vest 12thSts-



bane Building Ivy 1 Olborln







