i local flappenings wez furnish your home....

BANK DRAFTS MONEY ORDERS TRAVELERS CHECKS and FOREIGN DRAFTS Issued by the Bank of Fergus County LEWISTOWN, MONT. At the LOWEST RATE If you cannot call in person, mall us your order, we will do the i l ea, PROFESSIONAL L. M. GONYNGHAM RESIDENT DENTIST Work inansi!i p first-class in all branches of the proles. -don. KENDALL, : : MONTANA DR. C. W. SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and hesidence: Miners' Unioa Hospital. Hours, 1 to 3 p. m.; 7 to p. m. KENDALL, - MONTANA DR, E. E. DOTY Physician and Surgeon 11i tall. Montana J. C. HUNTOON ATTORNEY AT LAW Lewistown, Mont. Office, Opp. Day House. Tel. Bell 'iD; Mutual 76, J. W. HUGHES Stone Mason, Bricklayer and Plasterer E4T1MATES GIVEN All Contracts Promptly Executed Phone 184 Mutual Lewistown, Montana . f' 8. W. COOK Land Attorney Real Estate, Live Notary Public, Loans and insurance. Fifth Ave., Opp. Argus Office Lewistown, Montana When wanting anu mate- rial Intim Building Line we are ever readu to tru and please uou. We carru the most complete stock in the state and our prices are all right. Give us a trial. Both 'Phones 77 Montana Lumber Col Lewistown lewistoWn Tailoring Co'y J. L. NEILSON, Prop. *It -Special Attention to Mail Orden, MONTANA RAILROAD COMPANY General Offices, Helen* Mont. Halter Building -8th Avenue Telephone No. 248 •__ L_r - Tinos Oard Effeetive Juno 3d, 1907 Lye 7.10A. M. Helena (14.P.Ity.) Are 4.00 P.M. Lve 9.90 9.57 10.12 10.24 10.36 1L61 11.28 11.56 12.81 P. M. 1.08 1.41 2.11 2.48 3.17 3.29 '• 3.53 4.12 4.38 5.03 An. 5.33 . , Lombard Deer Park' Maudiew Josephine Bakers Sixteen Minden Dorsey ',Summit Lenneg ' Martindale Two Dot Plarlowton Oka Ubet Garneill Straw 9. Moore - Glengarry Lewiatcwn Lye 7.50 Arr 4.00 P.M. 181 3.15 2.01 ' 2.47 2.09 1.44 1.19 12.39 12.04 11.32 A. M. 11.02 10.20 9.55 9.32 9.19 8.12 Passenger Trains defy except Sunday . , :Dinner at Swim it For freight and pasitenicor rat, a6,1 Information. findrens F. W. SHARPE: Auditor. Ice Cream and Cake 1 Sti•A - wheel - 7 Ice Cream and 8 0 i 1 Local flappenings Fruit at Miss Fahey's. Bakery goods at Fahey's. Are you ready to celebrate. Finest Negligee Shirts at Butler's. Laces and Embroideries at Butler's. Ice cream and soda at the drug store J. Davis and wife of Forest Grove were visitors Wednesday, . Correspondence stationery at Fahey's. Mr. and Mrs.- E W. Jones visited Gilt Edge last week. 1)011'1, 111iSi.seeing Hind's 10c coun- ter this week. G. C. Wharton, of ' Spdkane, came ill on Wednesday. Cigars, tobacco and smokers' sun- dries at Fahey's. Henry Sheill ,of Helena, registered at the Shaules. - Notary public at the post office. In- quire of John Jacicaom Ir. J. E. Stevens of Guilford, was a itor last week. All the new niagazines, newspapers and periodicals at Fahey's. 'Miss Frances Pinkley, of Lester- ville, registered at the Shaules. Fresh milk delivered daily. Kendall Dairy. C. A. Tile, proprlefbr. Thomas Wilkerson was in from his ranch on Thursdaq. Those large Turkish towels at I5c are 25c other places. Hind's. S. J. Harding and wife were visit- ors Thursday. See our 10c bargain counter, goods on it that are worth 25c. Hind's. FOR SALE -Two -room house, and lot. Inquire of "Bubey" Bullard. Mr. Magee, the Lewistown artist, was ih town the past week exhibit- ing goods. * Wanted -1,000 pigs and . 700 calies. Kendall Meat Market,. J. H.- Saville. Prop. E. S. Kinney left Friday morning for Spokane, and will return in about thirty days. "PEASE" Popular Pianos at Popu- lar Prices at Art Music Store, Lewis- town. The regular pay (lay contingent was up Monday and carried off a lot ot our good money. Art Music Store now in Um: hew Diamond Block, bigger stock than ever. "Billy" Ackley. the Scuali Moe' casin rancher, was a visitor the past week. Those beautiful Fergus ,countt souvenirs are now on sale at Miss Fahey's. "Htzzoner" Mayor PiUkley and wife of the county scat were visitors the past week. For Sale Cheap -One 2)4 _inch Winona farm wagon conibletei In- quire' at the Miner office. J. Shepherd and wife of Forest Grove registered at the Shaules Wed- nesday. FOR SALE -House and lot, house has two rooms, lot 100x42 feet. Inquire of R. W. Jones. George Eastman came in from his ranch on Warm Spring creek Thurs- day. Another big delivery of men's, boys' and children's Suits at eastern prices. Hind Tailoring Co. R. B. Lamb, consulting Engineer of the Bathes-King, was a Visitor to the county seat Saturday. Just arrived, a nice ling_2f Boys' and Children's Suite from 41.75 to $6.50. Hind Tailoring Co. Mrs. Dorland and childreh left Tuesday to 'visit her kusband at Helena. Art Mualc Store, Lewistown, carries a complete line of Victor and Edison plionograhps, records and supplies. 7-2f The latest and catchiest line Sheet Music always on hand. Mail orders promptly filled at the Art Music Store Lewistown. * Mr. and Mrs. Harris of the coun- ty seat are visitors here. The object of their .visit being to otganire a Pythian Sisters temple. There will be a number of nice hand -made quilts on sale at Mrs. Henry Parrents, all next week- . The ladies are invited to call and see them. We have each week an acedmulation Poling" - Plotting, Seieen of old newspapers which will be hand- Doors and Wire Cloth at 4d out gratuitously to anyone baking the Fergus Count H. The ti•uulaa Co eel for theft). *are Go. All Soft Drinks AT I FAHEY'S EL - 11 For Sale -House and rot. liou,• has...three rooms and a pantry, cellar and ontbuildings. Good bargain. J. W. Steele. ' 23-4t* It is said that money covers a mul- titude of sins. We find that it is .1150 handy to hae in our clothes„on Min- er's day. Dr'. Barringer, D. D. n., the dentist, will return to Helena on Monday, Juno 17.5 . About* this dime ii the year "down on the ranch" has a poetical sound for those who never drove a balky cayuse hooked to Jelapidated hay rack. Leonard Wilson, Wisp has charge of the power plant at the Horse Shoe Bar ranch is wearing the "smile that wont come off." Lair\ Sunday the stork visited his home and left an eleven pound boy. Happy is the rancher that now has his grain crops all in. The copious rains that have beeb arriving for the past few weeks have given all veg:!- tation a 3agnihcent start and no ii-ri- gation will be necessary for some time even if the rains should cease at once. 4 Banks do not pose as philanthropic institutions, and yet 'here is a quota- tion from an eminent economic writ- er: "The savings banks of our country have done more toward`rais- ing the standard of living and pre- venting poverty, distress and suffer- ing than any other institution which we have in our midst." Try our savings pass book. First State Bank Dr. Barringer, D. D. S., the dentist, will return to Helena on Nonday. June 17. liriteiitn g of baby Gordon Lawrence McKay took place at his home Tuesday evening. Rev. Stan- cliffe performed the ceremony in the presence of friends and neighbors. After•the baptism light refreshments' were served and an enjoyable even- ing spent. Bartlett Smith of, Kendall and Miss Annastasia 13elka of St. Paul were united in marriage Friday evening at the Catholic rectory, the Rev. Father Mueller performing the ?eremony. The young lady came all of the way from her eastern home to wed the man of her choice who was unable to get a vacation to take the trip back home. They will reside in Kendall. Charles Easel, who recently left this„.camp to go to Butte, returned Tuesday to visit his sister, Elsie, who was a teacher in the public school. Mr. Easel is now enjoying his sum- mer vacatiOn, and is well thought of by all who hare had the pleasure of meeting him. He wall a candidate for legislator last year and has been attending the Ann Arbor law school at the university of Michigan. Fergus county still leads the pro- cession in the matter of gold pro- duction in Montana. This county send over -$42,000 to the trnited States assay office in Helena last month. Choteau was second on the list. The amount produced by Fergus will be materially increased this month with the output from the Barnes -King and the Gold Reef going . in to be added to the production from the ever faithful old Kendall. Ten years ago a well known ranch- er put his initials on a silver dollar. went to town and spent it with .a merchant. Before the year was out he got the dollar back. Four times in -Six years the dollar came back to him in produce and three times he heard of it in the pockets of his neighbors. The last time he got it, four years ago, he sent it to a mail order house. He has not seen that dollar since and never will. That dollar will never buy any more school or road tax for him, will never build up or brighten the homes of the community. He sent it entirely out of the circle of usefulness for him. self. PYTHIAN SISTERS ENTERTAIN Charming Reception in Honor of Mrs. Eva R. Harris. The lodge of Pythian 'Sisters gave a reception in their hall last Friday evening in honor of their visiting sister, Mrs. Eva R. Harris of Boze- man. There was a large attendance and the following very interesting program was* rendered: Address of welcome by Mrs. Clara M. Scott; chairman of the evening, Mrs. Mar- garet SillowaYi piano solo, Miss Eunice Smith; recitation, Miss De- light Downing; piano' solo, Miss Marie Remington; recitation, .Anna Belle Funk.; vocal solo. Miss Orpha Noble; viohn solo, Grace Brewer; Herbert Silloway; presentation " of boquet, Mrs. Marie Smith, past chief; Address, Mrs. Eva R. Harris. 4„tiii-e-icie4,64Fit4a,3****-mi tt Chtirch Notes. 40914 *****99911,119S1119119119 , Children . ; Day at Kendall. July 30th. * * * The Ladiei Aid will ineet'June 21 with Mrs. - Newton. It is earnestly desired that there be a large attend- ance. * Sunday. June 166 the following services will be conducted at the Kendall opera house. Sunday school and adult Bible class zit 10 a. tn. Song service at 7:30 p. m. Pleaching at 8 in. After the sermon the Lord's supper will be admini. , tered. * * Rev. Stancliffe has been . asked to conduct one of the "run rise" prayer meetings at the International Chris- tian Endeavor Convention to be held at Seattle. July 15-15. He has also ...een asked to preach in the Wood- land avenue Presbyterian church of Seattle. Sunday morning, July 14th. * • • .The Ladies' Aid met last week with Mrs. Penwell. There was a good attendance considering the weather. At the business meeting Mrs. Stan- cliffe was elected vice-president and Mrs. Matlock assistant vice-president. After the business meeting delicious refreshments were ;creed. consisting of sandwiches, tea, ice cream and cake. CHEADLE HANDS DOWN DECREE J udge E. K. Cheadle yesterday handed down his findings in the famous Cruse-Wright water right ease which was tried in this court in February, 1906. The case attract- ed a great deal of attention, not only in this county but in other parts of the State. The case came up for hearing be fore the Judge on February 24th, 1906, and required about three weeks to hear. There were a large number of witnesses on both sides and the case was a battle of legal giants. Attorneys M. S. Gunn of Helena and 0. W. Belden of thiS city apploared for the plaintiff and Attorney T. J. Walsh of Helena and Frank E. Smith Of this city for the defendant. The case involved the priority of the water rights on Flatwillow creek and on Durfee creek, a tributary of Flatwillow. After receiving the testimony, Bit court makes the following decrees: "1. 'The plaintiff, George F. Wright, is entitled to the proper possession and use of two hundred twenty-two (222) ,of inches •• ••• of the waters of Flatwillow creek, appropriated October 25th, 1882. "2. That the defendant, Thomas Cruse, is entitled to the proper pos- pession and use of eighty-one (81) miner's inches ***** of the waters of Durfee creek, a tributary of said Flatwillow creek, appropriated on the 1st day of June, 1882; of three hundred twenty-five (325) miner's inches of waters of Flatwillow creek, appropriated on the 15th day of May, 1883; of two hundred (200) miner's inches ***** of waters of said Flatwillow creek, appropriated on the 1st day of July, 1883; of three hun- dred nine (309) inches ***** 'of wat- ers of said Flatwillow creek, ap- propriated on the 1st day.of Septem- ber, 1883; of two hundred eleven (211)*** miner's inches of the waters of said Flatwillow creek, appropriated on the 1st day of May, 1884; of two hundred eight (208) miner's inches *•** of the waters of said Flatwillow creek, appropriated on the 1st sklay of May, 1884; of one hundred ninety- tine (195) miner's inches •*** of the waters of the said Flatwillow creek, appropriated on the '1st day of May, 1885." " That the plaintiff shall be entitled to his legal costs in this action, pro- vided a memorandum thereof be filed in the office of the clerk of this court and served upon the defendants ac- cording to law." Disappointment over her failure td graduate is believed to be at the bot- tom of the mysterious disappearance of MisisEdith Nutterville of itiftle. The girl had led her parents to be- lieve that she was about to gradulte and her dress had been made and everything was in reauiness for com- mencement. Miss Nutterville made an effort to induce Principal 11. M. Hart to give her a dummy diploma and permit her to graduate. His re- fusal was followed by her,' disap- pearance commencement night Great Fall's, June railway laborer, shipped from Minneapolis Great Falls was found On arrival to be ill with smallpox. He was sent to the pesthouse. Several, of his traveling companions escaled. bet- : the other's Were firritigsfetl. "EDISON" and "VICTOR" Talkers and Records. TELEPHONE 133 aJficituit$ Ex.10,ll Latest Shoat MusLa _ . PERSE P;anos E4 Terms Fine Strina Instrumento 1 , 16NT. ART Musie 3 STOIE' O.. ••• I WeZ" Furnish Your home I. . ? , , Vi e carru the la nest and most uo-to date line of Ems furnishinas in Central Mon- i tana „Don't uverlook tur 1 ST. CLAIR Ranges & ELWELL Kitch3n Lcwistount Fuieniktim; "If You Don't Buy of I We Boat Lose Money." rKendall Liver u and Feed Stable SLOAN & SLOAN, Proprietors BRING YOUR HORSES TO THIS STABLE, CALL ON US FOR LIVERY RIGS, ( flUMPtIREY JEWELRY GO. i e4lh :J CARRY ALWAYS IN STOCK THE' FINEST LINE OF WATCHES IN FERGUS COUNTY IN EVERY GRADE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIOR'S. OUR STOCK OF SILVERWARE AND CUT GLASS IS UP-TO-DATE. EVERYTHING CARRIED IN STOCK.' t OUR STOCK OF RINGS IS THE LARGEST AND THE DESIGNS ARE THE NOBBIEST EVER SHOWN. WC MAKE TO YOUR .ORDER ANY STYLE OF RING YOU DESIRE. WE ALSO MAKE OF KENDALL GOLD LADIES' LACE PINS 6F NEATEST DESIGN. GOLD BANDS FOR CHARMS ARE MADE RIGHT HERE IN OUR SHOP. IN FACT, WHAT YOU CANNOT GET MADE ANY OTHER PLACE WE WILL GUARANTEE TO MAKE AND PLEASE YOU. WE ARE JEWELERS IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD, AND WE WILL CONVINCE ANY OF OUR CUSTOMERS WHO WISH TO SEE US WORK WE WILL MAKE YOUR WATCH OVER LIKE NEW AND Gl'A.RANTEE OUR WORK FOR ONE YEAR. HUMPHREY JEWELRY COMPANY We Senen Your Patronage Now is houseclean- ing time! For Prompt and Neat Papering See KIDD McLEAN KELLY & CREEL IS. KELLY, Mgr. UNDERTAKERS and LICENSED. EMBALMERS ( antis and Caskets in Stock Kendall - - - Mont. JOHN DUGGAN (toemerly if Butte) Undertaker and Embalroer LOCAL OFFICE e t Kendall Bazaar Lewistown L. L WARDEN Greenhouse Prep. LEWISTOWN, MONT. Cut Flowers aid Floral Designs 0E0. R. CREEL Undertaker & Liaised Ealkihou CALLS DAY OR NIGHT Telephone No. 2. --Old line. LEWISTON, ; NOMA- *is or. &croon Doors add Wire Cloth for salts at the F2r- ias elftroVre Se*

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Issued by the

Bank of Fergus CountyLEWISTOWN, MONT. At the LOWEST RATE

If you cannot call in person, mall us your order, we will do the ilea,



Work inansi!i p first-class in allbranches of the proles.-don.




Office and hesidence: Miners' UnioaHospital. Hours, 1 to 3 p. m.; 7 to

p. m.



Physician and Surgeon11i tall. Montana


Lewistown, Mont.

Office, Opp. Day House.Tel. Bell 'iD; Mutual 76,


Stone Mason, Bricklayer and


All Contracts Promptly Executed

Phone 184 Mutual

Lewistown, Montana.f'

8. W. COOK

Land Attorney Real Estate, Live

Notary Public, Loans and

insurance.Fifth Ave., Opp. Argus Office

Lewistown, Montana

When wanting anu mate-

rial Intim Building Line we

are ever readu to tru and

please uou. We carru the

most complete stock in the

state and our prices are all

right. Give us a trial.

Both 'Phones 77

Montana Lumber ColLewistown


J. L. NEILSON, Prop.

*It-Special Attention to Mail Orden,


General Offices, Helen* Mont.

Halter Building-8th AvenueTelephone No. 248

•__L_r - Tinos Oard Effeetive Juno 3d, 1907

Lye 7.10A. M. Helena (14.P.Ity.) Are 4.00 P.M.

Lve 9.909.5710.1210.2410.361L6111.2811.5612.81 P. M.1.081.412.112.483.173.29 '•3.534.124.385.03

An. 5.33

• •

• .


LombardDeer Park'MaudiewJosephineBakersSixteenMindenDorsey

',SummitLenneg 'MartindaleTwo DotPlarlowtonOkaUbetGarneillStraw 9.Moore -GlengarryLewiatcwn Lye 7.50

Arr 4.00 P.M.1813.152.01 '2.472.091.441.1912.3912.0411.32 A. M.11.0210.209.559.329.19


Passenger Trains defy except Sunday.,

:Dinner at Swim it

For freight and pasitenicor rat, a6,1

Information. findrens

F. W. SHARPE: Auditor.

Ice Cream and Cake1 Sti•A-wheel-7 Ice Cream and 8 0

i 1

Local flappeningsFruit at Miss Fahey's.

Bakery goods at Fahey's.Are you ready to celebrate.

Finest Negligee Shirts at Butler's.

Laces and Embroideries at Butler's.

Ice cream and soda at the drug store

J. Davis and wife of Forest Grovewere visitors Wednesday, .

Correspondence stationery atFahey's.

Mr. and Mrs.- E W. Jones visitedGilt Edge last week.

1)011'1, 111iSi. seeing Hind's 10c coun-ter this week.G. C. Wharton, of ' Spdkane, came

ill on Wednesday.

Cigars, tobacco and smokers' sun-dries at Fahey's.

Henry Sheill ,of Helena, registeredat the Shaules.- Notary public at the post office. In-

quire of John Jacicaom Ir. •

J. E. Stevens of Guilford, was a itor last week.

All the new niagazines, newspapersand periodicals at Fahey's.

'Miss Frances Pinkley, of Lester-ville, registered at the Shaules.

Fresh milk delivered daily. Kendall

Dairy. C. A. Tile, proprlefbr.Thomas Wilkerson was in from his

ranch on Thursdaq.

Those large Turkish towels at I5c

are 25c other places. Hind's.

S. J. Harding and wife were visit-ors Thursday.

See our 10c bargain counter, goodson it that are worth 25c. Hind's.

FOR SALE-Two-room house, andlot. Inquire of "Bubey" Bullard.

Mr. Magee, the Lewistown artist,was ih town the past week exhibit-ing goods. *

Wanted-1,000 pigs and. 700 calies.Kendall Meat Market,. J. H.- Saville.Prop.

E. S. Kinney left Friday morningfor Spokane, and will return in aboutthirty days."PEASE" Popular Pianos at Popu-

lar Prices at Art Music Store, Lewis-


The regular pay (lay contingentwas up Monday and carried off a lotot our good money.

Art Music Store now in Um: hewDiamond Block, bigger stock thanever.

"Billy" Ackley. the Scuali Moe'casin rancher, was a visitor the pastweek.Those beautiful Fergus ,countt

souvenirs are now on sale at Miss


"Htzzoner" Mayor • PiUkley andwife of the county scat were visitorsthe past week.

For Sale Cheap-One 2)4 _inchWinona farm wagon conibletei In-

quire' at the Miner office.

J. Shepherd and wife of ForestGrove registered at the Shaules Wed-nesday.

FOR SALE-House and lot, house

has two rooms, lot 100x42 feet. Inquire

of R. W. Jones.

George Eastman came in from his

ranch on Warm Spring creek Thurs-day.Another big delivery of men's, boys'

and children's Suits at eastern prices.

Hind Tailoring Co.

R. B. Lamb, consulting Engineerof the Bathes-King, was a Visitor

to the county seat Saturday.

Just arrived, a nice ling_2f Boys'

and Children's Suite from 41.75 to

$6.50. Hind Tailoring Co.

Mrs. Dorland and childreh leftTuesday to 'visit her kusband atHelena.

Art Mualc Store, Lewistown, carries

a complete line of Victor and Edison

plionograhps, records and supplies. 7-2f

The latest and catchiest line Sheet

Music always on hand. Mail orders

promptly filled at the Art Music Store

Lewistown. *

Mr. and Mrs. Harris of the coun-

ty seat are visitors here. The objectof their .visit being to otganire a

Pythian Sisters temple.

There will be a number of nicehand-made quilts on sale at Mrs.

Henry Parrents, all next week-. The

ladies are invited to call and see


We have each week an acedmulation Poling" -Plotting, Seieen

of old newspapers which will be hand- Doors and Wire Cloth at

4d out gratuitously to anyone baking the Fergus Count H.

The ti•uulaa Co eel for theft). *are Go.

All Soft DrinksAT


For Sale-House and rot. liou,•has...three rooms and a pantry, cellarand ontbuildings. Good bargain. J.W. Steele. ' • 23-4t*

It is said that money covers a mul-titude of sins. We find that it is .1150handy to hae in our clothes„on Min-er's day. •

Dr'. Barringer, D. D. n., thedentist, will return to Helena

on Monday, Juno 17.5 .About* this dime ii the year "down

on the ranch" has a poetical soundfor those who never drove a balkycayuse hooked to Jelapidated hayrack.

Leonard Wilson, Wisp has chargeof the power plant at the Horse ShoeBar ranch is wearing the "smile thatwont come off." Lair\ Sunday thestork visited his home and left aneleven pound boy.

Happy is the rancher that now hashis grain crops all in. The copiousrains that have beeb arriving for thepast few weeks have given all veg:!-tation a 3agnihcent start and no ii-ri-gation will be necessary for sometime even if the rains should ceaseat once. 4

Banks do not pose as philanthropicinstitutions, and yet 'here is a quota-tion from an eminent economic writ-er: "The savings banks of ourcountry have done more toward`rais-ing the standard of living and pre-venting poverty, distress and suffer-ing than any other institution whichwe have in our midst." Try oursavings pass book. First StateBank

Dr. Barringer, D. D. S., the

dentist, will return to Helena

on Nonday. June 17.liriteiitng of baby Gordon

Lawrence McKay took place at his

home Tuesday evening. Rev. Stan-cliffe performed the ceremony in thepresence of friends and neighbors.After•the baptism light refreshments'were served and an enjoyable even-ing spent.

Bartlett Smith of, Kendall and MissAnnastasia 13elka of St. Paul wereunited in marriage Friday evening atthe Catholic rectory, the Rev. FatherMueller performing the ?eremony.The young lady came all of the wayfrom her eastern home to wed theman of her choice who was unableto get a vacation to take the tripback home. They will reside inKendall.

Charles Easel, who recently left

this„.camp to go to Butte, returnedTuesday to visit his sister, Elsie, whowas a teacher in the public school.Mr. Easel is now enjoying his sum-

mer vacatiOn, and is well thought of

by all who hare had the pleasure ofmeeting him. He wall a candidate

for legislator last year and has been

attending the Ann Arbor law school

at the university of Michigan.

Fergus county still leads the pro-cession in the matter of gold pro-

duction in Montana. This county

send over-$42,000 to the trnited States

assay office in Helena last month.

Choteau was second on the list. Theamount produced by Fergus will bematerially increased this month withthe output from the Barnes-King andthe Gold Reef going. in to be added

to the production from the ever

faithful old Kendall.

Ten years ago a well known ranch-

er put his initials on a silver dollar.

went to town and spent it with .a

merchant. Before the year was out

he got the dollar back. Four times

in -Six years the dollar came back to

him in produce and three times he

heard of it in the pockets of his

neighbors. The last time he got it,

four years ago, he sent it to a mail

order house. He has not seen that

dollar since and never will. That

dollar will never buy any more

school or road tax for him, will never

build up or brighten the homes of

the community. He sent it entirely

out of the circle of usefulness for him.



Charming Reception in Honor ofMrs. Eva R. Harris.

The lodge of Pythian 'Sisters gave

a reception in their hall last Friday

evening in honor of their visiting

sister, Mrs. Eva R. Harris of Boze-

man. There was a large attendance

and the following very interesting

program was* rendered: Address of

welcome by Mrs. Clara M. Scott;

chairman of the evening, Mrs. Mar-

garet SillowaYi piano solo, Miss

Eunice Smith; recitation, Miss De-light Downing; piano' solo, Miss

Marie Remington; recitation, .Anna

Belle Funk.; vocal solo. Miss Orpha

Noble; viohn solo, Grace Brewer;

Herbert Silloway; presentation " of

boquet, Mrs. Marie Smith, past chief;Address, Mrs. Eva R. Harris.

4„tiii-e-icie4,64Fit4a,3****-mittChtirch Notes.


Children.; Day at Kendall. July30th.

* * *The Ladiei Aid will ineet'June 21

with Mrs. -Newton. It is earnestlydesired that there be a large attend-ance.

• * • •Sunday. June 166 the following

services will be conducted at theKendall opera house. Sunday schooland adult Bible class zit 10 a. tn. Songservice at 7:30 p. m. Pleaching at 8

in. After the sermon the Lord'ssupper will be admini.,tered.

* • *Rev. Stancliffe has been. asked to

conduct one of the "run rise" prayermeetings at the International Chris-tian Endeavor Convention to be heldat Seattle. July 15-15. He has also...een asked to preach in the Wood-land avenue Presbyterian church ofSeattle. Sunday morning, July 14th.

* • • •

.The Ladies' Aid met last week withMrs. Penwell. There was a goodattendance considering the weather.At the business meeting Mrs. Stan-cliffe was elected vice-president andMrs. Matlock assistant vice-president.After the business meeting deliciousrefreshments were ;creed. consistingof sandwiches, tea, ice cream andcake.


J udge E. K. Cheadle yesterdayhanded down his findings in thefamous Cruse-Wright water rightease which was tried in this courtin February, 1906. The case attract-ed a great deal of attention, not onlyin this county but in other parts ofthe State.The case came up for hearing be

fore the Judge on February 24th,1906, and required about three weeksto hear. There were a large numberof witnesses on both sides and thecase was a battle of legal giants.Attorneys M. S. Gunn of Helena and0. W. Belden of thiS city apploaredfor the plaintiff and Attorney T. J.Walsh of Helena and Frank E. SmithOf this city for the defendant.The case involved the priority of

the water rights on Flatwillow creekand on Durfee creek, a tributary ofFlatwillow.

After receiving the testimony, Bitcourt makes the following decrees:

"1. 'The plaintiff, George F.Wright, is entitled to the properpossession and use of two hundred

twenty-two (222) ,of

inches ••••• of the waters of Flatwillow creek,

appropriated October 25th, 1882."2. That the defendant, Thomas

Cruse, is entitled to the proper pos-pession and use of eighty-one (81)miner's inches ***** of the waters ofDurfee creek, a tributary of saidFlatwillow creek, appropriated onthe 1st day of June, 1882; of threehundred twenty-five (325) miner's

inches of waters of Flatwillow creek,appropriated on the 15th day ofMay, 1883; of two hundred (200)miner's inches ***** of waters of saidFlatwillow creek, appropriated on the1st day of July, 1883; of three hun-dred nine (309) inches ***** 'of wat-ers of said Flatwillow creek, ap-propriated on the 1st day.of Septem-ber, 1883; of two hundred eleven(211)*** miner's inches of the watersof said Flatwillow creek, appropriatedon the 1st day of May, 1884; of twohundred eight (208) miner's inches

*•** of the waters of said Flatwillowcreek, appropriated on the 1st sklayof May, 1884; of one hundred ninety-

tine (195) miner's inches •*** of the

waters of the said Flatwillow creek,

appropriated on the '1st day of May,1885."

" That the plaintiff shall be entitledto his legal costs in this action, pro-

vided a memorandum thereof be filed

in the office of the clerk of this court

and served upon the defendants ac-

cording to law."

Disappointment over her failure td

graduate is believed to be at the bot-

tom of the mysterious disappearance

of Misis•Edith Nutterville of itiftle.The girl had led her parents to be-

lieve that she was about to gradulte

and her dress had been made and

everything was in reauiness for com-

mencement. Miss Nutterville made

an effort to induce Principal 11. M.

Hart to give her a dummy diploma

and permit her to graduate. His re-

fusal was followed by her,' disap-

pearance commencement night

Great Fall's, June railway

laborer, shipped from Minneapolis

Great Falls was found On arrival to

be ill with smallpox. He was sent

to the pesthouse. Several, of his

traveling companions escaled. bet-:the

other's Were firritigsfetl.








aJficituit$ Ex.10,ll


Shoat MusLa _ .

PERSE P;anos

E4 Terms

Fine Strina



ART Musie 3 STOIE'• • • • O.. • • • ••• • • • • • • • I

WeZ" Furnish Your home I.. ?,,Vi e carru the la nest and most uo-to dateline of Ems furnishinas in Central Mon- i

tana „Don't uverlook tur

1 ST. CLAIR Ranges & ELWELL Kitch3n

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e4lh :J
























Now is houseclean-

ing time!






EMBALMERS( antis and Caskets in Stock

Kendall - - - Mont.

JOHN DUGGAN(toemerly if Butte)

Undertaker and EmbalroerLOCAL OFFICE et

Kendall Bazaar

Lewistown L. L WARDENGreenhouse Prep.


Cut Flowers aid Floral Designs

0E0. R. CREELUndertaker & Liaised Ealkihou

CALLS DAY OR NIGHTTelephone No. 2.--Old line.




&croon Doors add Wire

Cloth for salts at the F2r-ias elftroVre Se*