i j confined exerting spgt- citizens e tt · 2017. 12. 26. · had ben a conference with senator...

THE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON MlNDAY MARCH 3 1902 S L TILLMAN CALLS TREATMENT BRUTAL His How Dinner Invitation Was Withdrawn- NO DANGER IN CHARLESTON- Had Nothing to De Witk Ute Action af His Nephew Lieut eHa at Goveraor Tilt maR South CareKaa PresWaats Pelicy Crushing Liberty SEW YORK March S Senator BaJa min R Tilhaaa of South who arrived ta city yesterday afternoon fald that he thought treatment at the hands of the Proatdeut lord boa brutal lit also took occasion to deny that he j had beN a conference with Senator Platt in which be waa said to save urged the j junior Senator frmn New York to warn the President that Mr life would be la peril if he went to the Palmetto Staten Ha WarnJBfs ta Preaident Senator Platt before the arrival of the Sovth Carolina statesman denied that he had seta Mr He also denied that any allegation of South Carolinians had called upon hint for the of intimating that the President had better keep away from their State Had I wished to warn the President said Senator Tillman I should have cer- tainly dope so before I left Waahlngton I did root call on Senator Platt sad I do not intend to do so Although I am floe grata with the President I should certainly have warned him of such- a state of affairs had I kaowa of it violence to the President in Sooth Caroltaa Peeling there ia late but the people o South Carolina are not sav- ages I eaaaot however undertake to spook for the entire people If I wore to that they woaM Insult the President I might inspire some besot ted fool to do How It Was IsUaatad te Him In eonnoetlon added the I soy that there boa boon a lasproaaiaa that I received an intimation ia a debate and courteous way from tbe President that it would be best for me to decline hfs invitation to disc with Prince Henry is untrue I did sot know that the President contra plated suck a this until I road H ia a morning newspaper at breakfast At 11 oclock oa the morntag of the pubiicaUon Senator Cockrell coned me sad sue pested that the expected send my I would sot bf ia contempt of myself I refused to do anything of the kind The Senator telephoned to Ute President std HAS VARIED CHINESE CARGO Bark Also Brings Cesaepeli tan Crew BALTIMQstK March S There senor was suck a cargo of goods brought to Baltimore a that in the British bark Lannberga which yesterday from Hongkoa The largest space la taken up with about SMM- buadlos of BMttlng Then follows these articles on the manifest Bamboo Miada- liscbe nut Jos stick vermicelli medi- cines flour soy vinegar beaR sauce plum sauce pickled encumber pickled cabbage root pickled lessee bamboo shoots cucumber shoots shrimp sauce bean curd peanut oil dried orange peel paper stick bees stick candle wick chinaware tea In addition to tile variety of articles ta his cargo Captain McDougall brought a cosmopolitan crow to Baltimore They come from all quarters of the earth In the forecastle ia a representative of Ire- land a cooHe West Australian German frenchman Kaglmhrnau New foimdlaader tad a Japanese The boatswain a herculean young Irish man ia possessor of a monkey be bought from soldiers in Hoagkonir The monkey Is as bibulous a any rood sailor a fact that commended him to the boat- swain when be saw him ta a pub in- Hongkong enjoying halfandhalf and reeling with aa muck pride aa anyone who caa appreciate the subtle effects of a good brew The 124 days at sea the boat Ewaia aaya have reformed the monkey and he does sot intend the almtaa shoal retura to Ma old habit wits ones be bas him homo In Now York YEW NOSE FOR BOY SUFFERER Surieoa Perform Operation Wkich Al- lows Child ta Breathe Normally NW YORK March Breathing through a brandnew nose little Hugh wise with Ma parents at 712 East Uftth Street haa begun ute avow after suffering torture for yeas The md ed nose all Ms life ho was born he could breathe through but one nostril the left use be- ing entirely closed sad satire steal organ dwarfed ta shape sad distorted Ills parents were at a loss to know what best to be for kiss Whoa he grew older sad his deformity grew more serious Ms growing body reouiring more inhalation sad the nose falling to grow in proportion to Ills general physkiue the boy suffered neatly In his sleep he would almost strangle and hut gasping for breath was pitiful Recently he baa had convulsion and his eoadltloa became serious Doctors were called la cad held a consultation It was decided to perform aa operation the like of which ia said to be entirely sew In sur- gery the boriag of a new noetril sad the building up of a sew sues Dr Bullmaa of 14 Wet ISSth Street and Dr of the staff of the Hospital did the operating cut epee tbe left nostril and chis- eled through a mass of boss to the base of the noae at the left eye and they es- tablished aa opeatBg through the natural nasal channel down to the throat Tbea they folded back th over tlay wooden splinters aad fashioned the aeee- OB this framework ta the shape it would be 12 The boy eta sow breathe through nostril freely and physicians are watching case with great interest DEATH A GUEST AT BANQUET Preacher Caacludod AIOM and Quickly Died WILJCBUARff Pa March 3 Among tile speakers at the baaouet given by the Welsh residents of Naatteoke IB honor of St Davids day was R v D L Davis pas- tor of the Bethel Congregational Church Rev DaY had Just concluded his talk when he was seen to grow pale and stag- ger He sat down la his chair and died almost instantly The banquet carne to an abrupt ending I of I Car the I Till purpose I sot believe that there be- an flaY it doll sae tu resists c Lawn a ell arr- ived j lad the McA lIS tlpt years old a dfont Whoa tile was dove I bock tile Ute r his per- sona woid Sena- tor sari mistakes This President thoroughly lives and bus bad Shy Post- Graduate Pbey skis aortas ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = = i j j j Did Give Warning J Senator TiHimm denies tHat he warned Senator Platt tHat tn President would be in danger in Charleston Senator Platt denies that he received such warning Roan Senator TillmiMt or anybody Senator Ifllman x view of trite future of the KepaWie halt an hour later I received a letter vet from the copyiftK peas in which the President withdrew my tavitation Blunt and Brutal I did not think that the President would withdraw the invitation The affair that suggested action was ORe wktch concerned only the Senate sad it wag one in which the Senate could take action I did seta care for the honor of dining with the Preatdont sal the Prince It seems to me that the President court have sent for me if be wished to withdraw the invitation instead of send- ing a note after I had been noticed in such a blunt sad brutal mater of his Intended aeUoa through the medium of the public preca Repudiates Nephews Actions- I want to say ia this connection that- I lad nothing to do with the action of Lieutenant Governor Titian ta with drawing the invitation recently forward l ed to the President to deliver a sword to Major Micah Jenkins The mousse i withdrawing the invitation waa not sent by mr direction Liberty Being Crushed President Nooseveits policies of course are not popular in my State We i beiteve that liberty ia being crushed out ta the Philippines just as it is ia South Africa We believe that there are more tories than patriots ta this country that there are more people who sympathise with England in leer oppression and murder of the unfortunate Boers than there rre people who would like to tree the seers throw off Sngianda yoke I believe that the same thins Is true as re urds Ireland I do aot believe that the people of the United Status care warty aa much about the fr- i shout the appetite and wellbeing of King Kdward VII j Takes a Gloomy View We are ceasing ta this country to know the true meanta of the word Liberty la time I think that this country will go tbe way of all NepubMea because of the met that mss ut- terly incapable of governing himself tNt profess to have his Meals dealt out to him by a lender or hoes All the average American thinks about te that he must be on the winning and it ia for Republicanism or Democracy that he j ftghts not for WILL BE 101 WEDNESDAY- Mrs Maria L Lie Who W Nether ef Eighteen Children BALTIMORE March a Mrs Maria Le titia Lib the inmate of the Church Home and Infirmary North Broad- way will celebrate the l lt anniversary of her birth Wednesday Considering her advanced age Mrs Uh enjoy good health Her memory la wonderful for one sad beyond being very deaf aa the result of aa operation she retains to a great extent her faculties She was born ia Lanarkshire Scotland March 5 181 Her father waa an omeer- la a Highland regiment and her early life was spent soar Glasgow whore her fathers regiment was stationed It wa there she met Dr William Ash a sur- geon in the Drittoh army who afterward became her husband Dr Lisa came te irk country abut the breaking out of tk civil war Since that time her husband sad all her chil dies with the exception of one sos who is living in Virginia have died There were eighteen chiMrea ta all eleven bore sari seven girls Ore of her sons was Dr A R J Lish and another was Mr Becjamla Linn who was a wellknown story that she loves is of Queea visit to Glasgow The Queen wax acompanied by her little son now King Edward VII and as they were aa rending the platform from which the royal visitors were to review the troops the Prince stumbled Mrs Link who standing near stepped forward picked up tIN little Prince and handed him to his mother the Queen SENT i OPENLY IN THE MAIL Traveling Salesman Wanted t Prove Heeesty ia the Service BRADDOCK Pa March 3 W T Gels singer of No S3 Sixteenth Avenue Long Joined City N Y a traveling shoe sales- man has demonstrated to the ttoa of himself and a doubting salesman of foreign extraction that the honesty j and eaciency of Uncle Sam mail system- is ahead of anything oa earth Getosinger and another traveler at the hotel here disputed about the honesty of Uncle Sams postal servants Geiaatager said he would prove that he l could send money through nails the most open meaner stud which would reach its destination He took a silver dollar glued a piece of stiff white paper on one side of it wrote the address of- j youngest daughter walked over to the postoAce aad placed a onecent tamp on the open raft of the cola and offered the article to Assistant Postmaster John P- Lovers as merchandise Yesterday Mr- Getosinger received a letter from his i daughter thaaktag him for the dollar ELKIN WILL NOT PULL OFF Refase te Heed ef Recorder Brown PITTSBima Pa March X Recorder J O Bcewa has written from New Yerk that mtesioa Baat proved futile He weat to see Ooveraor Stone and Attorney Gen- eral Blkla te impress on them bow futile It would be for Mkta to expect success IB hip gubernatorial aspiration a faras Allegheny county VMS oonceraed Elkin and his friends would not agree with him They said the fight lost by Fliua and Brown had nothing to do with Blkias candidacy and that the raak and pie will vote the Republican ticket a usual In spite of the recent Republican defeat reorder Brown says there Is nothing to do but continue the fight along the linos maid down by Governor Stone as Elkin will not pull oil and Brows and Plina are morally hound to deliver many dele- gates as po0elble also as much of a Re pnMlcan vote as possible After the defeat Senator Yuan sent Thomas Bixelow a letter of congratulation on tbe victory of the citizens BJgelow baa not responded When Governer Steno an pnlnt d Major Brown recorder Sweater Flinn at that time made overtures to Thomas Blgelow which the latter sever reciprocated No I his I I I I I I I I of Ute poor Ja irelad they do I Ilbert- c or as Mold I I I I ardtlt L- ODe Viet ias I tae I I I I his Wan n his as I rise tithes gloomy r easaat as seems side eldest was i re- cent ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = = = NOTED SINGER ASKS LAW TO FREE HER Desires Divorce from Hus band William Lavin Petitien Filed by Plaintiff Nary Howe Lavin Discloses a Singularly Re mantic Love Stery BURLINGTON VL March 3 Mary Howe Laria the famous concert sager has a ftetittea for divorce against her William Lavia retwnable at the March term of county The petltioa has been brought through Attorney C C Fltts sad ia the hogia- nlng of the end of a married life which begs ia a atngularly romantic way The petition state that Mary Howe and William Lavin were married Novem- ber M 1SS1 in Cleveland Ohio by Hiram C that they lived to- gether until November 15 l oa that on January 1 1897 and on divers times then Mr Lavin has willfully aad cruelly neglected and refuaed the pe- titioner No alimony ia asked Mat the Petitioner asks permiaaion to raaume her maiden same Oa the night before Tbankagfvlag la- U91 Mary Howe sang ia Cleveland Her brother left the city the next day for Brattlebero Vt Oa the following Mon- day Mr Laria then of Detroit Mteh appeared in the city and the marriage took plaee oa that day at the home of coMain and none of the member of Mrs Howes family knew that the marriage was contemplated until a letter from Mrs Lava reached them the next Friday night Mr and Mrs met at a musi- cal festival la Worcester Mane Both made their American debut there Itvl they again sang together in Ia- dianapoHa and then their engagement took place Mm Levis ia now in New York and Mr Latin ta i Leaden THE VIRGINIA CONVENTION WiH Likely Adjawa Toward the EM f the Month RICHMOND Va March T seems to be tile consensus of opinion the members of the convention that that body will the new eeweUtutioa by the letter part of this mouth The body baa boon in session here since mat July and discussed twenty five dMereat suffrage plebs which each patroa claimed would eliminate nearly all the negro vote ia Virginia Mr Walter A Watson of Xottoway presented a plan which would put the negro out of politics entirely in this State He aya that the negro has no right to vote Mr laboR puts the negro oa a plane with the average heathen He does not believe that tile aegre raee will ever become capable of governing tbenaelvea and wants to see the whole people rule them LENT A RXLIGIOUS FARCE Baptist Clcrgyaaa Calls It the Rag of Heathenism NEW YORK March 1 Lent charac terlaed by a minister aa a rag of heath- enism startled the congregation of the Baptist Temple at Third AVenuo and Schermerhom Street Brooklyn mat night The clergyman who so vigorously attacked the exercises of the penitential forty days was the Rev Myers tile pastor of tile church He said Let ia coming to be a religious farce It is a rag of heatheniam sad ia tattered the winds of modern society Whatever mockery of true religious life and ser- vice Sues the Koman Church hi allowing great freedom in it sad reeogiaing Ka sad manmade iaatitotion So called society bas carried a pram kook for a few hours ia a year and thus ob- tained a religious name but a startling by at ocr isy There i more to Christianity than this shallow and form Religion ia life a year of twelve mouths life a day of twentyfour Yours life or It i- no better titan infidelity A God who will be satiated with a few weeks formality aad nominal denial ia a atone God and heathenism ia Its worshipper whether in New York or New Guinea Social dissipation and engagement and Invitation are more numerous during Lent than any other time during the year sad more destructive of church ta- uence and life Their name ia only changed but ROt their character or la tent Whatever selfdenial may be during these days ia only format at tbe and the theory results io a plunge backward again into the depths of pleasure and indulgence and neglect The custom ia dying because It ought to die When those who nominally ob- serve it are so better morally or spirit- ually or even as good ae those who do sot there ia no force ecclesiastical or any other kind which can keep it alive A venerable practice will not save it from religious rubbish and church cast- away If anything ia obligatory for forty It will be for three hundred and sixtyfive days This barbaric idea that God can be appeased or propitiated by some physical scourging ia a patch oa the seamless robe of Christ It is out of place It should be removed There is no necessity for it SCHOOL FOR BEGGARS New York Institution Lome a New Pupil NEW YORK March 3 Jamee McCre vey sat oa the sidewalk of Fourteenth Street yesterday with crutches at his side begging He was arrested sad found to be perfectly sound of limb To Magistrate who sentenced him to six months oa the island he said be from New haves two days ago and made the acquaintance of a beggar ia New York who took him to a oa Park Row near Chatham Square which Is a school for beggars They gave me the crutches bandaged my hand aad told to go out on the East Side sad bring IB all the mosey I eouldHe had about a dollar whoa arrested TORE DOWN SMALLPOX FLAG The Yellow Warning Angered a Pedes trian WILMINGTON DeL Marsh 3 Samuel File while walking along East Twelfth Street was Irritated by a large yellow Sag displayed from a house containing a smallpox patient lIe tore down the em blem threw It Into the street for which ho was arrested Sled husband baa court to IIfappert Mrs Howe la- Mar consul lID Con IB k ever had by its atM per JodIe beat days Poole same Joe me and Rev Hayden nine Levi Srst new among otis fins about vh tee in lest present prac- ticed false ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ UNHEARD BYI1RIA Passed the Vessel Without Being Intercepted CONFIRMS MARCONIS CLAIM Ne Return Signals Because Installation ef Powerful oa the Ship Weald Be Costly NSW YORK March J Further iniereet- is added to the remarkable trlum which wireless telegraphy seared during the voy- age ot the PhiladelMMa to this pert by the arrival here yesterday morning of the Uwbrte the Ceaard liter which fol- lowed close behind her Daniel Collins the wireless telegraph operator on board the Cunarder XBreus ed great surprise that the PMI- adelphla which had arrived on Saturday had received dally meaaages from the PoMhu state Cornwall the last signal being recorded by the reeeiring Inatru- ment when the Philadelphia wan 2M9 statute miles distant from the sending station A statement made by Mm seer fully to substantiate Signor Marconis claim that wireless cannot be Intercepted or read by any station or ship except the particular one to which tiller are beat Messages Passed Hfa By Mr Collin aaaerta that white the Um bria traveling over the same route as tile Philadelphia close behind that vessel he had rev r received any ties whatever that wireless were continwaliy dashing by Ma skip al- though his instrument was perfect or- der sad the recelv T5 kept constantly ova That there was nothing wrong with tilt Instrument shows by record of Mtmereu signals which It sent and re- ceived from the Camtmnm and the Etru tin I rid set expect said Shots Marconi nt the Hoffman House net evening to receive say aseaaagea beyond IJvf A a menage was resolved oa board the Philadelphia at a distance of 1U1 MJ expeetation were more than realized Signals denoting tbe letter made fa mows by the irst traaorAtmntie signals from Cornwall to Newfoundland having been received at 2MT mile he wa asked whether he batf t9feeted to receive these S signals all the way across the Atlaatle Ream Return Messages No I did ROt he replied that we had oa board the Philadelphia four wins only IM feet high In New fouadlaad my vise was attached to a kite and was 4 M feet high last message on the Jut trip was at about 15M Wo may have received others after that but Im wet the kind of a man to stick by the receiver for twentyfour hours When we waited for a message at 29M MM The operators wore 4aatnneted to send messages which should1 roach u at about each Bvehuwiredaiaer stave You Americans he continued ought to be glad these things were on aa American The captain sad crew were must enthusiastic Signor Marconi was ked why he had not attempted to send message Melt to ngiaad from the steamship sad replied that there would be no utility m such ex pertinents Such powerful sending instruments be said are very expensive and it would not be commercially profitable to Install them oa board a steamship The would be very costly To pat such instruments OB a ship would be no joke Signor Marconi added that tile sending Instruments such as are now in use at Cornwall would be installed at the Cape Breton and Cope CM stations ACTOR ANNOYED BY HIS WIFE Says She Fellows Him AMt aad Tjyrs at His Efforts CHICAGO III March X Aeter Bdw r J Morgan is suing for divorce from MM wife and here are some of the tMaga the former toM the court Saturday la his defence She entered Ma apartment In the Ashland House New York sad with r raaor- pietttre and letters aha follows him on the road buys front seats and nt parts of The Christian laughs i jconeerte him and ridieulea his work She Mm tip by telephone inenaaantly- Mrs Morgan asked that her husband be compelled to give her tw weeks alimony new overdue He m tars aaked that she be restrained from following him about the country froM iepbonlng hint and from talking to hip NEW VIOLET FOUND IN JERSEY Angelts Discovery Heswed hy Smithsonian Institution I ORANGE X J March Z A new spe I ciea of violet has been discovered by Miss Tuttle Angell Charles L Pollard curator of pleats at the Smithaoama Institution has aamed the species Viola Angellae after the discoverer Curator Pollard sent for v additional j specimens which he plaaicj mess showed no tendency to approach the I known variety la general character istics The leaves are larger and the bloMomn a deep violet mirpmi GET MAD 1 When Friends Tell Many people become coffee be- fore they realize U and would e angry if described eYeD by a eloc friend It will pay anyone to examine care- fully Into whether or not Gee has gained the mastery over them A coffee toper may suspect that his or her ails come from coffee drinking but they will invariably charge the diaeaae to some other cause for right down la the heart they realize that It would be practically Impossible to give up ooffee so they hope against hope that it does not hurt them but Ifr goes on with its work JUSt the same and the result Is eeaiplete col- lapse and nervous prostration lasting sometimes for years unless tbe poison that causes the disease is discontinued There are hundreds of thousands of il- lustrations of the truth of Any person addicted to eoff e can make the ohange froth common eoffee to turn Food Coffee without trouble prt vlded the Possum is properly prepared r as to bring out the qplor flavor an fort value It has a rich black brown color and changes to the golden brown when good Is added The change will work wonders in an one whose nervous system or stomach has been unbalanced or disturbed by I WIRELESS MESSAGES RelIt nod Mea I Is It wireless for Nt User ag miles ship old apes bin trunk destroyed I Miss I i I iJeDplde- I tIN ordinary variety but tile specl the Troth this cream I Instruments why told messages was mum Sat the mile miles Oar re- corded miles aloe st Cornwall dose insula- tion cut sad stage calls sew its t opera thus state- ment Pot cof- fee ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < VETERAN NEIL BBTAJT LIES REAR UNTO DEATH- He Is the Last of the Old Time Minstrels la St Marys Hospital Brooklyn the Faverite of the Long I Slowly Passing Away X W YORK March 3Preppod ta a chair in St Marya Hospital IK Brooklyn Nell Bryant the last of Ute eldtime awaits death Within the mat and Ms end i expected at any time News of tile death of Wily Rice which was broken to the aged minstrel yesterday saddened him much Turning wearily to Ma nurse he Well they burled Billy mat week dMat they And BHiy Hmoraaa IMM and John Queen hoe gone sad I K tppoee I will be the next see te go I cant last much longer sad It cant some too By the death ef Neil Brjmnt the met of the theusaada with their drollery will have passed Bryant ia seventyone years old and la the last of a family which for than half a century was noted aa amusement makers He ia suturing from a variety of all maw one of whfelyalfects the heart and prevents his lying down All day and alt night he sits propped ia a chair The best of care is given hint sad Ma oM friends visit Mm to try to relieve his mind of the worry that late beeR occa- sioned by the unusual number of deaths of oM friends sad feiiowmlaatrata wKhle the last fortnight brothers were knows to the older geaera- tioa of theatregoers From 157 they had a theatre la Broadway and in the ton yean they were there sever played to a losing MUM In I3 Nell retired from the stags aad la Awn 191 went to SC Marys Hospital where he hen Mea ever since Nell Bryant then la the heydey of his prosperity laud tbe Ural brick in the preoeat building la Fourteenth Street that shelters Tammany Hall James Collier a noted ot the day carried tile hod from which the brick was taMe and the oerewoay ia one of the memories dear to the oldtime tbeatragoera of the city ONCE SANG WITH PLATT i Death of James M Swift One of the Senators OWe TARRYTOWN X Y March S ame- X Swift a brotbertamw of Senator Thomas C died suddenly yeaterday at his home ta Washington Street Tarry town He was in his eightysixth year and while he had suffered muck from rheumatism of late Ma health had been Rood Heart failure was the of death Mayhew Swift was been at Fal mouth and the aoa of Thomas Swift Ia IMS wttji Ma brother to years He returned to New York sad worked with Ma brothers trm Hoary SwIft A Co until IMC when he came to Tarrytowa He waa postmaster of North Tarrytowa for fifteen yrs having list Mea appointed by President Ctetelad Mr Swift RIM Senator Platt were great friends They sang together ia the church choir at Owego when Mr Platt was ta business there and they made aa agree- ment that every time Mr Swtft visited Owego both would put a ire dollar gold piece oa the contribution plate wed tile pledge was religiously kept TIle funeral will be held SUDDENLY REGAINS HIS VOICE Fit af Seemed Strengthen Vocal Organs DEXXI8VIULK N J March 1 For twenty years John James well knows resident here has suffered from the loaa of Ma voice He could speak with such nd ia anc- rcfcrcely heard j elan with a violent At 9f toughing he paroxysm was over he discos red jiit JaM voles greatly improved H i HiM speak with comparative plata seas and ever since then he has eon ttaaed to improve DEATH DUE TO A FOOLS JOKE Victim Locked ia Refrigerator Car Con taming Charcoal Gas GBXBVA X Y March 3 The death of James Xevina proves to have bees the result of a Joke He had naked to go in a refrigerator ear and look after beer and the door was bolted be J hind Mm The car contained a charcoal store TIM coroaera Jury returned this verdict j That the body wan found ia a refrigerator car and that the said Xevins came to his death by charcoal gas the door of the car being bolted on tIN out side by some person unknown so that be could not make his exit Cork Ale few lie baa wakened great said gone for years MOre All over the two aster WIN bass sad Susaa Ite shipped OR vessel cal JM for i C War to tty w that Ite eoN IN lay or two It tr lying Burnt min- strels days a deal bleat seen famous minstrels who de- lighted world Ijyaat sad his Friends Pratt awe James war a and west where stayed fear tomorrow as- a but too ago was and- s was bee some ¬ ¬ ¬ MAINE FOLK HUNTING WHALES WITH DYNAMIT Leviathans Confined in a Small Cove Furnish Exerting SpGt- fot Hundreds of Citizens attack whales Cmmd their way sow in women part ot ttw and will probably soon ho fcfltoi al- though they wore m a lively state mat The whale had boon seen ta dMoront of the Pisimmaiwaady lay for the mat four weeks sad had made their way where the water la very shallow A stream out from the river to the Kast paaaia wader tell bridge which connects this iatand city with the mata mad four miles away It waa bridge that the two whales mode their way late the small oft which is oa closed on the other entrance by ty Railroad At lea tide the very shallow and there ia for the whales to move about Nearly on t- IN DEFENCE OF TILLMAN George Fred William Takes UB the Cudgel im H BOSTOX Merck J Oearga Fred lame baa sent a letter to th item newspapers in which be takes uai th gel in behalf of Senator TUtaaaa- Wil the rah hut goes on to nay that the paouk of the United State knew that the of his virtues If an iaanamlve thing the injury falls drat upon himself ta a member Th dianity of the God save the nmrk here ia the hollow of the situation Met stood u to vote censure wta have Mea found guilty by competent tribunals of securing their seats by bribery and frauds some net their votes before sad will cast them again for tbs alaugfcter ef- ait innocent people who only snTanrs- ha boon love ef liberty crossed their by speculating on their own votes many if sat most are the teem of a ayatam which takes tribute it reliever the wealth of the rich from Us just burdens When Senator Tiltman la found wrong- ing Ma fellowmen tying snearing steal tag or bribing let him be but if be hurt Senator McLaurte face and a sensible people wilt whether it was the country or Son Met who was realty hurt MAY DISMISS BOTKDf APPEAL CaHforaias Likely B- WlIJtINCfTTOf DeL March I Sec CWMuraaa antharte AttaavaT Pan oral Ward rf thin Stale Isminsw will ask the 9 fome Coast at delta Botkta convicted of caasia tiN death of Mrs John P Dunning and Mrs J D of Dover by sending pois- oned candy through the matt the California State courts ta the matter win be established and the win again be brought to trial as her will agree to dismissal of the anneal Mrs Botkin was convicted but was granted a new triaL Her inumut took adverse pinion appealed to the United States Supreme Court At the new trial it wilt be necessary for a pay of Dots ware witnesses to repeat the Journey to California FATAL FALL IN THE DARK Aged Tumbles Downstairs and Brocks His Neck CUMBBRLAJfD Md Marsh S Kariy moraine William Dyche aged soveatystx years over six foot tall and the dark lost Ma balance sad Ml to the bottom of a stairway Ma reek and dying almost instantly He recently moved here from Due Galley Tunnel W Va and is survived by a widow and seven ebiWrea Preparing for the Shad Fishing NEW CASTLS Del March Proimia- tion are well under way by shod ftehermea for the coming season and the ftrst sets will be dinned about Marsh 17 Tbe men will use propelled by gasolene engines which will be of great advantage and save much lost time IB re turning here with their catches for mar- kets Charles F Munson has been the for the Fisher Tnens Prote tine Association e tenth 1 the night a fair way W remain parts a few up tile River Ute tit three weedes K tile 0 is room bare t Wit lie net WTItIIIc the a foolish of which Ite the dignity of Ute IF el Ite seas III the t7 r Ute poor willie newspapers are with Jurisdiction t the toe to the etl ra Car Dente It is that the of tIt a writ of corpus sad wetghlg m ta shout ta tile hosts afsa eDt dASTPO1tT ills iar5O Piste a mall cry and la for seme dupe days ago Cebtroesk small lows nnder bridges Waabhss a ewe hardly resdnts Beds end says I to de- fend mans fawns are mainly b vlpr na has den sonnet ooryolsb secondly apes which Senate seam have fortunes from t blus eeimssd and tswnitrd hor- ror shame en- quire Mai ants FMabilsiod Ms Was ln dismiss appeal expected urltieu weir counsel set habeas from an Man yesterday peend groping breaking ap- pointed ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ j i boon to view the in ulng amt j from to seemty2v fast has a ta bask n y toot hips TIle cove to within half n mile t the there are tour baadroa whom have followed Urn whafcta aa the coves ta their cansea Fifty tarn with gaaa meld oa toil bridge for manntorr tad froaasatly trod at them sad H sushi be the deep Outs ataag their silos end that Ute ballets had iiBnHirnlile One of the raises stilled which win be set OB ta the stream Of blew up the whales One of Indian ea yesterday by one of whales aUMumK the side and three Indians soon struggling ta water EQUALS DAMAGE BY ARE H J a Sound Cata ty ia th KXW YORK March S Mareka w U raised water in ass above all nod these ta PnMraon It i a mmtJiu of cttiiens of that fated town aa to which Ilea worked lire weeks today or the overttowteg gna- Psaaalt which reached ettmax- ently afternoon Tbe dcatrojad the banks the churches the big stores hi which spent their money sad which subs UK air of prosperity The bond ha seriously danmoti std in several In- fer weeks to come the wry source of the towns prosperity the me milk aloes the their money wore two lost ta the fed Mdnj litany tryteg to aavo a nuafly a factory The body of another seen carried down the stream The axat- M famine has Tell PM families to tantHj Jar shelter That was the state of affaira tote to- day the watchers at the dam mat at the gates to the milt race above PaaaalL Pistil reported that OM manor had stopped riatos lit men wire oa lath all sight ready at aa tantnats aipaal to destroy witfc dynamite a thirtysaat taigc of trap rock ia order waters night at Lacger Firms a Sams- XKW YCMTJC March Why tk r ta no bagger thou saSU Magistrate Mott aa he lashed toe desk yesterday msi ntaj at Franklin a ninoyoar charged with befog a htajwaysaaa The complainant against the little fair low was Mrs Ceorgtana SchnteDteg The women said that ah waa iMninma front dais same shopping on Saturday afternoon when two lads knocked a her Franklin struck her ta the and whet she threw up her hands hay Oa the charge of dtaarderty eondart Jja- Oarhonc Protectory REMARKABLE MOrfKEY BBAD Level Whisky Could Wasfc TiJBniJi Milk Cows JERSEY CiTT N J March r An a monkey named Pete SIM- Trembly X J died Friday of set aaja and pnrumanla due to the map storm The big follow gasped Us mat with both pews held up ta a tuppikatsn manner te his sassier sad lamti lisa Pete was knows all over the team He once traveled with a circus Mme patron and was gives to Mr Farren taught Mm many tricks Pete could milk cows wash dish feed chickens harvest apples ash rang the dinner bell for the farm hands Bu could comb his masters hair and mee his shoes He was read of all sorts of drinks and would get drunk He w faithful watcher at sight Pete wet be buried with the honors due to Ma- 3acity and affection for his owner was twenty years of age she IIIIIIIn I- tt laNas of tile by to the the JIItIItt with fit 1 tau the the tile f Han Fired weather fit rivers TIle the tile ue at bits std Ute peater lire of Its this Ute pit its htaneen of rums In which Ute X u were let the Tore The tt till lie from the IBee K lit part r 1 BK G 11 the 1 tile l1k cob wilt tM nest tx A Ji tIDed Samuel PIuTta uk Mitt IL He eat estimate that M the tamp isla- nd on ill s dOp na Psssamsgally ertiMsemt i e In fuss hours the sot fan dens maae mitres ssae last a gaatlty dynsuhll hope was a wen Petersen bas hteugiht destruction slung to souses many melted emw some preterass resod PsrtiOtolhirly was us ease b li mete Peter ss ire herdthlpths great se ago at appu Ire pee tows pet out bssies eswsni hank maple emmmd it ire Richmrda caa pemhter was dated is b from Slwdsd arm was made b liss led wham vested aeeesasy saw a Ike the sows film 4- ft etla SHALL IG1EllF9fsl Ifs per en a grashsppnre ear t Jamb by who Man blrot gealsbed her pocket ecsnnbg SLIP and rss spend aesib in lit spa by a fnrrhu rpnr led its i strut s > ¬ ¬ = = Really Excellent elmonr Clear Havan dealer should supply you at these prices for 25c Diplomatico 12 I Rediano Puritana Finos 0 IOc Perfecto 3 for SOe IS tb lv ih d t4 is tr k L L T V fr L f t L L L 1 L b- Are t 6 4 L t sr L I 0 Cigars Your oncha- ElComercio 13 for 25c straight Londres Grande 13- s fr b i tv

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    How Dinner Invitation WasWithdrawn-


    Had Nothing to De Witk Ute Action afHis Nephew Lieut eHa at Goveraor TiltmaR South CareKaa PresWaatsPelicy Crushing Liberty

    SEW YORK March S Senator BaJamin R Tilhaaa of South whoarrived ta city yesterday afternoonfald that he thought treatment at thehands of the Proatdeut lord boa brutallit also took occasion to deny that he jhad beN a conference with Senator Plattin which be waa said to save urged the jjunior Senator frmn New York to warnthe President that Mr life would be laperil if he went to the Palmetto Staten

    Ha WarnJBfs ta PreaidentSenator Platt before the arrival of the

    Sovth Carolina statesman denied that hehad seta Mr He also deniedthat any allegation of South Carolinianshad called upon hint for the ofintimating that the President had betterkeep away from their State

    Had I wished to warn the Presidentsaid Senator Tillman I should have cer-tainly dope so before I left WaahlngtonI did root call on Senator Platt sad I donot intend to do so Although I am

    floe grata with the President Ishould certainly have warned him of such-a state of affairs had I kaowa of it

    violence to the President in SoothCaroltaa Peeling there ia late butthe people o South Carolina are not sav-ages I eaaaot however undertake tospook for the entire people

    If I wore to that they woaM Insultthe President I might inspire some besotted fool to do

    How It Was IsUaatad te HimIn eonnoetlon added the

    I soy that there boa boon alasproaaiaa that I received an

    intimation ia a debate and courteousway from tbe President that it would bebest for me to decline hfs invitation todisc with Prince Henry is untrueI did sot know that the President contraplated suck a this until I road H ia amorning newspaper at breakfast At 11oclock oa the morntag of the pubiicaUonSenator Cockrell coned me sad suepested that the expectedsend my

    I would sot bf ia contempt of myselfI refused to do anything of the kind TheSenator telephoned to Ute President std


    Bark Also Brings Cesaepelitan Crew

    BALTIMQstK March S There senorwas suck a cargo ofgoods brought to Baltimore a that inthe British bark Lannberga which

    yesterday from Hongkoa Thelargest space la taken up with about SMM-buadlos of BMttlng Then follows thesearticles on the manifest Bamboo Miada-liscbe nut Jos stick vermicelli medi-cines flour soy vinegar beaR sauceplum sauce pickled encumber pickledcabbage root pickled lessee bambooshoots cucumber shoots shrimp saucebean curd peanut oil dried orange peelpaper stick bees stick candle wickchinaware tea

    In addition to tile variety of articles tahis cargo Captain McDougall brought acosmopolitan crow to Baltimore Theycome from all quarters of the earth Inthe forecastle ia a representative of Ire-land a cooHe West AustralianGerman frenchman Kaglmhrnau Newfoimdlaader tad a Japanese

    The boatswain a herculean young Irishman ia possessor of a monkey bebought from soldiers in Hoagkonir Themonkey Is as bibulous a any rood sailora fact that commended him to the boat-swain when be saw him ta a pub in-Hongkong enjoying halfandhalf andreeling with aa muck pride aa anyone whocaa appreciate the subtle effects of agood brew The 124 days at sea the boatEwaia aaya have reformed the monkeyand he does sot intend the almtaa shoalretura to Ma old habit wits ones be bashim homo In Now York


    Surieoa Perform Operation Wkich Al-lows Child ta Breathe Normally

    NW YORK March Breathingthrough a brandnew nose little Hugh

    wise with Ma parents at712 East Uftth Street haa begun ute avowafter suffering torture for yeas The md

    ed nose all Ms lifeho was born he could breathe

    through but one nostril the left use be-ing entirely closed sad satire stealorgan dwarfed ta shape sad distortedIlls parents were at a loss to know what

    best to be for kiss Whoa hegrew older sad his deformity grew moreserious Ms growing body reouiring moreinhalation sad the nose falling to growin proportion to Ills general physkiue theboy suffered neatly

    In his sleep he would almost strangleand hut gasping for breath was pitifulRecently he baa had convulsion and hiseoadltloa became serious Doctors werecalled la cad held a consultation It wasdecided to perform aa operation the likeof which ia said to be entirely sew In sur-gery the boriag of a new noetril sadthe building up of a sew sues

    Dr Bullmaa of 14 Wet ISSth Streetand Dr of the staff of the

    Hospital did the operatingcut epee tbe left nostril and chis-

    eled through a mass of boss to the baseof the noae at the left eye and they es-tablished aa opeatBg through the naturalnasal channel down to the throat Tbeathey folded back th over tlaywooden splinters aad fashioned the aeee-OB this framework ta the shape it wouldbe 12

    The boy eta sow breathe throughnostril freely and physicians arewatching case with great interest


    Preacher Caacludod AIOM and QuicklyDied

    WILJCBUARff Pa March 3 Amongtile speakers at the baaouet given by theWelsh residents of Naatteoke IB honor ofSt Davids day was R v D L Davis pas-tor of the Bethel Congregational Church

    Rev DaY had Just concluded his talkwhen he was seen to grow pale and stag-ger He sat down la his chair and diedalmost instantly The banquet carne toan abrupt ending


    of I





    I sot believe that there be-an




    sae turesists


    Lawn a


    arr-ived j




    lIS tlpt years old a dfontWhoa


    was dove








    Sena-tor sarimistakes





    and bus bad

    Shy Post-GraduatePbey
















    = = =





    Did Give Warning J

    Senator TiHimm denies tHat hewarned Senator Platt tHat tnPresident would be in danger inCharleston Senator Platt deniesthat he received such warningRoan Senator TillmiMt or anybody

    Senator Ifllman xview of trite future of the KepaWie

    halt an hour later I received a letter vetfrom the copyiftK peas in which thePresident withdrew my tavitation

    Blunt and BrutalI did not think that the President

    would withdraw the invitation The affairthat suggested action was ORe wktchconcerned only the Senate sad it wag onein which the Senate could take action Idid seta care for the honor of dining withthe Preatdont sal the Prince

    It seems to me that the Presidentcourt have sent for me if be wished towithdraw the invitation instead of send-ing a note after I had been noticed in sucha blunt sad brutal mater of his IntendedaeUoa through the medium of the publicpreca

    Repudiates Nephews Actions-I want to say ia this connection that-

    I lad nothing to do with the action ofLieutenant Governor Titian ta withdrawing the invitation recently forward

    l ed to the President to deliver a swordto Major Micah Jenkins The mousse

    i withdrawing the invitation waa not sentby mr direction

    Liberty Being CrushedPresident Nooseveits policies of

    course are not popular in my State Wei beiteve that liberty ia being crushed out

    ta the Philippines just as it is ia SouthAfrica We believe that there are moretories than patriots ta this country thatthere are more people who sympathisewith England in leer oppression andmurder of the unfortunate Boers thanthere rre people who would like to treethe seers throw off Sngianda yoke Ibelieve that the same thins Is true asre urds Ireland I do aot believe thatthe people of the United Status carewarty aa much about the fr-

    i shout the appetite and wellbeing ofKing Kdward VII

    j Takes a Gloomy ViewWe are ceasing ta this country to

    know the true meanta of the wordLiberty la time I think that this

    country will go tbe way of all NepubMeabecause of the met that mss ut-terly incapable of governing himself tNtprofess to have his Meals dealt out tohim by a lender or hoes All the averageAmerican thinks about te that he mustbe on the winning and it ia forRepublicanism or Democracy that he

    j ftghts not for


    Mrs Maria L Lie Who W Nether efEighteen Children

    BALTIMORE March a Mrs Maria Letitia Lib the inmate of theChurch Home and Infirmary North Broad-way will celebrate the l lt anniversaryof her birth Wednesday Considering heradvanced age Mrs Uh enjoy goodhealth Her memory la wonderful for one

    sad beyond being very deaf aa theresult of aa operation she retains to agreat extent her faculties

    She was born ia Lanarkshire ScotlandMarch 5 181 Her father waa an omeer-la a Highland regiment and her early lifewas spent soar Glasgow whore herfathers regiment was stationed It wathere she met Dr William Ash a sur-geon in the Drittoh army who afterwardbecame her husband

    Dr Lisa came te irk country abut thebreaking out of tk civil war Sincethat time her husband sad all her childies with the exception of one sos whois living in Virginia have died Therewere eighteen chiMrea ta all eleven boresari seven girls Ore of her sons wasDr A R J Lish and another was MrBecjamla Linn who was a wellknown

    story that she loves is of Queeavisit to Glasgow The Queen

    wax acompanied by her little son nowKing Edward VII and as they were aarending the platform from which theroyal visitors were to review the troopsthe Prince stumbled Mrs Link whostanding near stepped forward picked uptIN little Prince and handed him to hismother the Queen


    Traveling Salesman Wanted t ProveHeeesty ia the Service

    BRADDOCK Pa March 3 W T Gelssinger of No S3 Sixteenth Avenue LongJoined City N Y a traveling shoe sales-man has demonstrated to thettoa of himself and a doubting salesmanof foreign extraction that the honesty

    j and eaciency of Uncle Sam mail system-is ahead of anything oa earth Getosingerand another traveler at the hotel heredisputed about the honesty of UncleSams postal servants

    Geiaatager said he would prove that hel could send money through nails the

    most open meaner stud which wouldreach its destination He took a silverdollar glued a piece of stiff white paperon one side of it wrote the address of-

    j youngest daughter walked over to thepostoAce aad placed a onecent tamp onthe open raft of the cola and offered thearticle to Assistant Postmaster John P-Lovers as merchandise Yesterday Mr-Getosinger received a letter from his

    i daughter thaaktag him for the dollar


    Refase te Heed ef RecorderBrown

    PITTSBima Pa March X Recorder JO Bcewa has written from New Yerk that

    mtesioa Baat proved futile He weatto see Ooveraor Stone and Attorney Gen-eral Blkla te impress on them bow futileIt would be for Mkta to expect success IBhip gubernatorial aspiration a farasAllegheny county VMS oonceraed

    Elkin and his friends would not agreewith him They said the fight lost byFliua and Brown had nothing to do withBlkias candidacy and that the raak andpie will vote the Republican ticket ausual In spite of the recent Republicandefeat

    reorder Brown says there Is nothing todo but continue the fight along the linosmaid down by Governor Stone as Elkinwill not pull oil and Brows and Plina aremorally hound to deliver many dele-gates as po0elble also as much of a RepnMlcan vote as possible After the

    defeat Senator Yuan sent ThomasBixelow a letter of congratulation on tbevictory of the citizens BJgelow baa notresponded When Governer Steno anpnlnt d Major Brown recorder SweaterFlinn at that time made overtures toThomas Blgelow which the latter severreciprocated











    I ofUte poor Ja irelad they do


    Ilbert-c or






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    Viet ias






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    risetithes gloomy


    easaat as














    = = = =



    Desires Divorce from Husband William Lavin

    Petitien Filed by Plaintiff Nary HoweLavin Discloses a Singularly Re

    mantic Love Stery

    BURLINGTON VL March 3 MaryHowe Laria the famous concert sagerhas a ftetittea for divorce againsther William Lavia retwnableat the March term of county

    The petltioa has been brought throughAttorney C C Fltts sad ia the hogia-nlng of the end of a married life whichbegs ia a atngularly romantic way

    The petition state that Mary Howeand William Lavin were married Novem-ber M 1SS1 in Cleveland Ohio byHiram C that they lived to-gether until November 15 l oa that onJanuary 1 1897 and on divers timesthen Mr Lavin has willfully aad cruellyneglected and refuaed the pe-titioner No alimony ia asked Mat thePetitioner asks permiaaion to raaume hermaiden same

    Oa the night before Tbankagfvlag la-U91 Mary Howe sang ia Cleveland Herbrother left the city the next day forBrattlebero Vt Oa the following Mon-day Mr Laria then of Detroit Mtehappeared in the city and the marriagetook plaee oa that day at the home of

    coMain and none of themember of Mrs Howes family knew thatthe marriage was contemplated until aletter from Mrs Lava reached them thenext Friday night

    Mr and Mrs met at a musi-cal festival la Worcester Mane Bothmade their American debut there

    Itvl they again sang together in Ia-dianapoHa and then their engagementtook place Mm Levis ia now in NewYork and Mr Latin ta i Leaden


    WiH Likely Adjawa Toward the EM fthe Month

    RICHMOND Va March Tseems to be tile consensus of opinion

    the members of theconvention that that body will thenew eeweUtutioa by the letter part ofthis mouth

    The body baa boon in session here sincemat July and discussed twentyfive dMereat suffrage plebs which eachpatroa claimed would eliminate nearly allthe negro vote ia Virginia

    Mr Walter A Watson of Xottowaypresented a plan which would put thenegro out of politics entirely in this StateHe aya that the negro has no right tovote Mr laboR puts the negro oa aplane with the average heathen He doesnot believe that tile aegre raee will everbecome capable of governing tbenaelveaand wants to see the whole people rulethem


    Baptist Clcrgyaaa Calls It the Rag ofHeathenism

    NEW YORK March 1 Lent characterlaed by a minister aa a rag of heath-enism startled the congregation of theBaptist Temple at Third AVenuo andSchermerhom Street Brooklyn matnight The clergyman who so vigorouslyattacked the exercises of the penitentialforty days was the Rev Myerstile pastor of tile church He said Letia coming to be a religious farce It isa rag of heatheniam sad ia tatteredthe winds of modern society Whatever

    mockery of true religious life and ser-vice

    Sues the Koman Church hi allowinggreat freedom in it sad reeogiaing Ka

    sad manmade iaatitotion Socalled society bas carried a pram kookfor a few hours ia a year and thus ob-tained a religious name but a startlingby at ocr isy

    There i more to Christianity thanthis shallow and form Religionia life a year of twelve mouths life aday of twentyfour Yours life or It i-no better titan infidelity A God who willbe satiated with a few weeks formalityaad nominal denial ia a atone God andheathenism ia Its worshipper whether inNew York or New Guinea

    Social dissipation and engagement andInvitation are more numerous duringLent than any other time during theyear sad more destructive of church ta-

    uence and life Their name ia onlychanged but ROt their character or latent Whatever selfdenial may be

    during these days ia only formatat tbe and the theory resultsio a plunge backward again into thedepths of pleasure and indulgence andneglect

    The custom ia dying because It oughtto die When those who nominally ob-serve it are so better morally or spirit-ually or even as good ae those who dosot there ia no force ecclesiastical orany other kind which can keep it aliveA venerable practice will not save itfrom religious rubbish and church cast-away

    If anything ia obligatory for fortyIt will be for three hundred and

    sixtyfive days This barbaric idea thatGod can be appeased or propitiated bysome physical scourging ia a patch oathe seamless robe of Christ It is outof place It should be removed Thereis no necessity for it


    New York Institution Lome a NewPupil

    NEW YORK March 3 Jamee McCrevey sat oa the sidewalk of FourteenthStreet yesterday with crutches at hisside begging He was arrested sad foundto be perfectly sound of limb

    To Magistrate who sentenced himto six months oa the island he said be

    from New haves two days ago andmade the acquaintance of a beggar ia NewYork who took him to a oa ParkRow near Chatham Square which Is aschool for beggars

    They gave me the crutches bandagedmy hand aad told to go out on theEast Side sad bring IB all the mosey IeouldHe

    had about a dollar whoa arrested


    The Yellow Warning Angered a Pedestrian

    WILMINGTON DeL Marsh 3 SamuelFile while walking along East TwelfthStreet was Irritated by a large yellowSag displayed from a house containing asmallpox patient lIe tore down the emblem threw It Into the street forwhich ho was arrested



    to IIfappert

    Mrs Howe






    k ever had by its


    per JodIe










    Levi Srst


    among otis

    fins about

    vh tee in lest present





















    Passed the Vessel WithoutBeing Intercepted


    Ne Return Signals Because Installationef Powerful oa the ShipWeald Be Costly

    NSW YORK March J Further iniereet-is added to the remarkable trlum whichwireless telegraphy seared during the voy-age ot the PhiladelMMa to this pert bythe arrival here yesterday morning ofthe Uwbrte the Ceaard liter which fol-lowed close behind her

    Daniel Collins the wireless telegraphoperator on board the Cunarder XBreused great surprise that the PMI-adelphla which had arrived on Saturdayhad received dally meaaages from thePoMhu state Cornwall the last signalbeing recorded by the reeeiring Inatru-ment when the Philadelphia wan 2M9statute miles distant from the sendingstation A statement made by Mm seerfully to substantiate Signor Marconisclaim that wireless cannot beIntercepted or read by any station or shipexcept the particular one to which tillerare beat

    Messages Passed Hfa ByMr Collin aaaerta that white the Um

    bria traveling over the same route astile Philadelphia close behind thatvessel he had rev r received anyties whatever that wirelesswere continwaliy dashing by Ma skip al-though his instrument was perfect or-der sad the recelv T5 kept constantlyova That there was nothing wrong withtilt Instrument shows by record ofMtmereu signals which It sent and re-ceived from the Camtmnm and the Etrutin

    I rid set expect said Shots Marconint the Hoffman House net evening toreceive say aseaaagea beyond IJvfA a menage was resolved oa board thePhiladelphia at a distance of 1U1MJ expeetation were more than realized

    Signals denoting tbe letter made famows by the irst traaorAtmntiesignals from Cornwall to Newfoundlandhaving been received at 2MT mile hewa asked whether he batf t9feeted toreceive these S signals all the way acrossthe Atlaatle

    Ream Return MessagesNo I did ROt he replied

    that we had oa board the Philadelphiafour wins only IM feet high In Newfouadlaad my vise was attached to akite and was 4 M feet high last

    message on the Jut trip was atabout 15M Wo may have receivedothers after that but Im wet the kindof a man to stick by the receiver fortwentyfour hours When we waited fora message at 29M MM Theoperators wore 4aatnneted tosend messages which should1 roach u atabout each Bvehuwiredaiaer stave

    You Americans he continued oughtto be glad these things were on aaAmerican The captain sad crewwere must enthusiastic

    Signor Marconi was ked why he hadnot attempted to send message Melt tongiaad from the steamship sad repliedthat there would be no utility m such expertinents

    Such powerful sending instrumentsbe said are very expensive and it wouldnot be commercially profitable to Installthem oa board a steamship The

    would be very costly To pat suchinstruments OB a ship would be no joke

    Signor Marconi added that tile sendingInstruments such as are now in use at

    Cornwall would be installed atthe Cape Breton and Cope CM stations


    Says She Fellows Him AMt aad Tjyrsat His Efforts

    CHICAGO III March X Aeter Bdw rJ Morgan is suing for divorce from MMwife and here are some of the tMagathe former toM the court Saturday la hisdefence

    She entered Ma apartment In theAshland House New York sad with rraaor-pietttre and letters aha follows him onthe road buys front seats and nt partsof The Christian laughs i jconeertehim and ridieulea his work She

    Mm tip by telephone inenaaantly-Mrs Morgan asked that her husband

    be compelled to give her tw weeksalimony new overdue He m tars aakedthat she be restrained from followinghim about the country froM iepbonlnghint and from talking to hip


    Angelts Discovery Heswed hySmithsonian Institution

    I ORANGE X J March Z A new speI ciea of violet has been discovered by Miss

    Tuttle Angell Charles L Pollard curatorof pleats at the Smithaoama Institutionhas aamed the species Viola Angellaeafter the discoverer

    Curator Pollard sent for v additionalj specimens which he plaaicj

    mess showed no tendency to approach the


    known variety la general characteristics The leaves are larger and thebloMomn a deep violet mirpmi

    GET MAD1 When Friends Tell

    Many people become coffee be-fore they realize U and would e angryif described eYeD by a eloc friend

    It will pay anyone to examine care-fully Into whether or not Gee hasgained the mastery over them A coffeetoper may suspect that his or her ailscome from coffee drinking but they willinvariably charge the diaeaae to someother cause for right down la the heartthey realize that It would be practicallyImpossible to give up ooffee so theyhope against hope that it does not hurtthem but Ifr goes on with its work JUStthe same and the result Is eeaiplete col-lapse and nervous prostration lastingsometimes for years unless tbe poisonthat causes the disease is discontinued

    There are hundreds of thousands of il-lustrations of the truth of

    Any person addicted to eoff e can makethe ohange froth common eoffee toturn Food Coffee without trouble prtvlded the Possum is properly prepared ras to bring out the qplor flavor an fortvalue It has a rich black brown colorand changes to the golden brown whengood Is added

    The change will work wonders in anone whose nervous system or stomachhas been unbalanced or disturbed by









    for NtUser ag




    apes bin trunk destroyed






    iJeDplde-I tIN ordinary variety but tile specl

    the Troth





    why told








    Oar re-corded


    aloest Cornwall



    cut sad






















    He Is the Last of the OldTime Minstrels

    la St Marys Hospital Brooklyn theFaverite of the Long

    I Slowly Passing Away

    X W YORK March 3Preppod ta achair in St Marya Hospital IK BrooklynNell Bryant the last of Ute eldtime

    awaits death Within the mat

    and Ms end i expected at any time Newsof tile death of Wily Rice which wasbroken to the aged minstrel yesterdaysaddened him much

    Turning wearily to Ma nurse heWell they burled Billy mat week

    dMat they And BHiy Hmoraaa IMMand John Queen hoe gone sad I

    K tppoee I will be the next see te go Icant last much longer sad It cant sometoo

    By the death ef Neil Brjmnt the met ofthe

    theusaada with their drollery willhave passed Bryant ia seventyone yearsold and la the last of a family which for

    than half a century was noted aaamusement makers

    He ia suturing from a variety of allmaw one of whfelyalfects the heart andprevents his lying down All day and altnight he sits propped ia a chair Thebest of care is given hint sad Ma oMfriends visit Mm to try to relieve hismind of the worry that late beeR occa-sioned by the unusual number of deathsof oM friends sad feiiowmlaatrata wKhlethe last fortnight

    brothers were knows to the older geaera-tioa of theatregoers From 157 they hada theatre la Broadway and in the tonyean they were there sever played to alosing MUM In I3 Nell retired fromthe stags aad la Awn 191 went to SCMarys Hospital where he hen Mea eversince

    Nell Bryant then la the heydey of hisprosperity laud tbe Ural brick in thepreoeat building la Fourteenth Street thatshelters Tammany Hall James Collier anoted ot the day carried tile hodfrom which the brick was taMe and theoerewoay ia one of the memories dearto the oldtime tbeatragoera of the city


    Death of James M Swift One of theSenators OWe

    TARRYTOWN X Y March S ame-X Swift a brotbertamw of SenatorThomas C died suddenly yeaterdayat his home ta Washington Street Tarrytown He was in his eightysixth yearand while he had suffered muck fromrheumatism of late Ma healthhad been Rood Heart failure was the

    of deathMayhew Swift was been at Fal

    mouth and the aoa of ThomasSwift Ia IMS wttji Ma

    brothertoyears He returned to New York sadworked with Ma brothers trm HoarySwIft A Co until IMC when he came toTarrytowa He waa postmaster of NorthTarrytowa for fifteen yrs having listMea appointed by President Ctetelad

    Mr Swift RIM Senator Platt were greatfriends They sang together ia the churchchoir at Owego when Mr Platt was tabusiness there and they made aa agree-ment that every time Mr Swtft visitedOwego both would put a ire dollar goldpiece oa the contribution plate wed tilepledge was religiously kept

    TIle funeral will be held


    Fit af Seemed StrengthenVocal Organs

    DEXXI8VIULK N J March 1 Fortwenty years John James well knows

    resident here has suffered from theloaa of Ma voice

    He could speak with suchnd ia anc-

    rcfcrcely heard jelan with a violent At 9f toughing

    he paroxysm was over he discosred jiit JaM voles greatly improved

    H i HiM speak with comparative plataseas and ever since then he has eonttaaed to improve


    Victim Locked ia Refrigerator Car Contaming Charcoal Gas

    GBXBVA X Y March 3 The deathof James Xevina proves to have beesthe result of a Joke He had nakedto go in a refrigerator ear and look after

    beer and the door was bolted be Jhind Mm The car contained a charcoalstore TIM coroaera Jury returned thisverdict j

    That the body wan found ia arefrigerator car and that the said Xevinscame to his death by charcoal gas thedoor of the car being bolted on tIN outside by some person unknown so that becould not make his exit

    Cork Ale

    few lie baa wakened great



    for years


    All over the two



    basssad Susaa

    Ite shipped OR vesselcal JM for


    C War to

    ttyw that Ite eoN INlay or two It





    days a deal



    famous minstrels who de-lighted

    world Ijyaat sad his





    a and westwhere stayed fear




    ago wasand-








    Leviathans Confined in a Small Cove Furnish Exerting SpGt-fot Hundreds of Citizens

    attack whales Cmmd their waysow in women part ot ttw

    and will probably soon ho fcfltoi al-though they wore m a lively state mat

    The whale had boon seen ta dMorontof the Pisimmaiwaady lay for the

    mat four weeks sad had made their way

    where the water la very shallow Astream out from the river to theKast paaaia wader tell bridge whichconnects this iatand city with the matamad four miles away It waabridge that the two whales mode theirway late the small oft which is oaclosed on the other entrance by

    ty Railroad At lea tide thevery shallow and there iafor the whales to move about

    Nearly on t-


    George Fred William Takes UB theCudgel im H

    BOSTOX Merck J Oearga Fredlame baa sent a letter to th itemnewspapers in which be takes uai thgel in behalf of Senator TUtaaaa-

    Wilthe rah hut goes on to nay that the

    paouk of the United State knew thattheof his virtues

    If an iaanamlvething the injury falls drat upon himself

    ta a member Th dianity of theGod save the nmrk here ia the hollow

    of the situationMet stood u to vote censure wta have

    Mea found guilty by competent tribunalsof securing their seats by bribery andfrauds some net their votes before sadwill cast them again for tbs alaugfcter ef-ait innocent people who only snTanrs-ha boon love ef libertycrossed their by speculating ontheir own votes many if sat most arethe teem of a ayatam which takes tribute

    it reliever the wealth of the rich from Usjust burdens

    When Senator Tiltman la found wrong-ing Ma fellowmen tying snearing stealtag or bribing let him bebut if be hurt Senator McLaurte face

    and a sensible people wiltwhether it was the country or Son

    Met who was realty hurt


    CaHforaias Likely B-

    WlIJtINCfTTOf DeL March ISec CWMuraaa antharte AttaavaTPan oral Ward rf thin Stale Isminswwill ask the 9 fome Coast at

    delta Botkta convicted of caasia tiNdeath of Mrs John P Dunning and MrsJ D of Dover by sending pois-oned candy through the matt

    the California State courts ta the matterwin be established and the winagain be brought to trial as herwill agree to dismissal of the annealMrs Botkin was convicted but wasgranted a new triaL Her inumut took

    adverse pinion appealed to the UnitedStates Supreme Court At the new trialit wilt be necessary for a pay of Dotsware witnesses to repeat the Journey toCalifornia


    Aged Tumbles Downstairs andBrocks His Neck

    CUMBBRLAJfD Md Marsh S Kariymoraine William Dyche aged

    soveatystx years over six foot tall and

    the dark lost Ma balance sad Ml to thebottom of a stairway Ma reekand dying almost instantly

    He recently moved here from DueGalley Tunnel W Va and is survivedby a widow and seven ebiWrea

    Preparing for the Shad FishingNEW CASTLS Del March Proimia-

    tion are well under way by shodftehermea for the coming season and theftrst sets will be dinned about Marsh 17Tbe men will use propelled bygasolene engines which will be of greatadvantage and save much lost time IB returning here with their catches for mar-kets Charles F Munson has been

    the for the FisherTnens Prote tine Association

    e tenth 1the

    night a fair way W remain


    a few up tile River



    threeweedes K tile 0is





    lie net WTItIIIc


    a foolish

    of which Itethe dignity of Ute IF el Ite



    the t7 r Ute poor willie

    newspapers are with

    Jurisdiction t


    toe to the etl ra CarDente

    It is that the of


    a writ of corpus sad

    wetghlg m ta shout ta



    afsa eDt

    dASTPO1tT ills iar5OPiste a


    and la forseme dupe

    days ago Cebtroesksmall



    bridges Waabhss aewe





    says I to de-fend

    mans fawns are mainly b vlpr

    na has densonnet ooryolsb secondly

    apes whichSenate

    seam havefortunes

    from t blus

    eeimssdand tswnitrd hor-ror shame en-quire

    Mai ants


    Was lndismiss appeal

    expected urltieuweir


    set habeas from an



    peend groping











    boon to view the in ulng amt jfrom to seemty2v fast

    has a ta bask n ytoot hips

    TIle cove to within half n mile t thethere are tour baadroawhom have followed Urn whafcta aa thecoves ta their cansea

    Fifty tarn with gaaa meld oa toilbridge for manntorr tad froaasatlytrod at them sad H sushi bethe deep Outs ataag their silos endthat Ute ballets had iiBnHirnlile

    One of the raises stilledwhich win be set OB ta the stream

    Of blew up the whalesOne of Indian ea

    yesterday by one of whales aUMumKthe side and three Indians soonstruggling ta water

    EQUALS DAMAGE BY AREH J a Sound Cata ty

    ia thKXW YORK March S Mareka w U

    raised water in ass above all

    nod these ta PnMraonIt i a mmtJiu of cttiiens of thatfated town aa to which Ilea worked lire

    weeks today or the overttowteg gna-Psaaalt which reached ettmax-ently afternoon

    Tbe dcatrojad the banks thechurches the big stores hi which

    spent their money sad which subsUK air of prosperity The bondha seriously danmoti std in several In-

    ferweeks to come the wry source of thetowns prosperity the me milk aloes the

    their money

    wore two lost ta the fed Mdnj litanytryteg to aavo a nuafly afactory The body of anotherseen carried down the stream The axat-

    M faminehas Tell PM families to tantHj Jarshelter

    That was the state of affaira tote to-day the watchers at the dam mat atthe gates to the milt race above PaaaalLPistil reported that OM manor had stoppedriatoslit men wire oa lath all sight readyat aa tantnats aipaal to destroy witfc

    dynamite a thirtysaat taigc of trap rockia order waters night at

    Lacger Firms a Sams-

    XKW YCMTJC March Why tkr ta no bagger thou

    saSU Magistrate Mott aa he lashedtoe desk yesterday msi ntaj atFranklin a ninoyoarcharged with befog a htajwaysaaa

    The complainant against the little fairlow was Mrs Ceorgtana SchnteDteg

    The women said that ah waa iMninmafront dais same shopping on Saturdayafternoon when two lads knocked aher Franklin struck her ta theand whet she threw up her hands hay

    Oa the charge of dtaarderty eondart Jja-

    Oarhonc Protectory


    Level Whisky Could Wasfc TiJBniJiMilk Cows

    JERSEY CiTT N J March r An amonkey named Pete SIM-

    Trembly X J died Friday of set aajaand pnrumanla due to the mapstorm The big follow gasped Us matwith both pews held up ta a tuppikatsnmanner te his sassier sad lamti lisa

    Pete was knows all over the teamHe once traveled with a circus Mmepatron and was gives to Mr Farrentaught Mm many tricks

    Pete could milk cows wash dishfeed chickens harvest apples ash rangthe dinner bell for the farm hands Bucould comb his masters hair and mee hisshoes He was read of all sorts ofdrinks and would get drunk He wfaithful watcher at sight Pete wetbe buried with the honors due to Ma-3acity and affection for his ownerwas twenty years of age

    she IIIIIIIn I-ttlaNas



    to thethe

    JIItIItt with fit 1tau



    f Han


    weatherfit rivers TIle


    tile ue atbits std


    peater lire of




    htaneen of

    rums In which Ute

    X u were let the Tore


    tt till liefrom the IBee K litpart r 1BK

    G 11the



    cob wilt tM nest tx

    A Ji tIDedSamuel PIuTta uk




    eatestimate that M the tamp

    isla-nd on ill s dOp na

    Psssamsgally ertiMsemt i eIn fuss hours



    densmaae mitres

    ssaelast a gaatlty dynsuhll

    hopewas a



    bas hteugiht destruction slung tosouses many melted emw

    somepreterass resod PsrtiOtolhirly was u s

    ease b li mete Peter ssire

    herdthlpths great seago at




    pet out bssies eswsni

    hank maple emmmd

    it ireRichmrda caa pemhter was dated is b

    from Slwdsdarm was

    made b liss led


    vested aeeesasysaw a Ike the sows film 4-ft etla

    SHALL IG1EllF9fsl


    peren a grashsppnre

    ear tJamb

    by who Man

    blrotgealsbed her pocket ecsnnbg SLIPand rss

    spend aesib in lit


    by a fnrrhu rpnr


    its i







    Really Excellent


    Clear Havan

    dealer should supply you at these prices

    for 25c Diplomatico 12I

    RedianoPuritana Finos 0IOc Perfecto 3 for SOe


    tb lv ih d t4 is tr k L L T V fr L f t L L L 1 L b-

    Are t6




    LI 0 CigarsYour

    oncha-ElComercio 13 for 25c

    straightLondres Grande13-

    s fr b i tv