i isd linetr - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt78pk06xw6m/data/0179.pdf · men to brutes...

r I THE HOME CIRCLE COLUMN 1 Pleasant Evening Reveries A Column Dedicated to Tired Mothers as They Join tire Home Circle at Evening TideCrude Thoughts from the Editorial Pen P 4 Beware of the Glass Theres Uninter in tltuglossbowttre lust f it fugitives They who have tl mined It limit too often early graves It sparkles to tilluro with Us rich ruby light there Is no antidote or cure only its course to light It ohnnxoH men to brutes makes women bow their hemlsl rills homes with nil gulch wants disputes and tnkos from ohlldron bread Then dash the iilass away for at the last It blteth like a ser- pent and stliitfoth like an andM flee and escape eon ¬ tentlons and wounds without a must drink pure cold water day by day and walk QmlM footstool free Where is my boy tonight Yo are his father and mother and i f you desire to lay your hands or your boy within five minutes an night you wouldnt know where- to find him He is on the street somewhere or at the railrpad depot jumping on freight trains but just where with whom in what engaged what plotting or executing for the shrewder ones who plot for him you could not tell for the life of you He has a good home and he ought to be there at night He desires to be somewhere else with the boys and you lack the moral courage to insist that he shall be where he should be You hope that he will escape the pitfall but you know the chances are against him Why dont you do the boy the kindness to keep him at home ofnights I The time will come when he thank you for it or reproach you for not doing ittit In nine cases out of ten mans life will not be a success if he does not bear burdens in his childhood If the fondness of vanity of father or mother has kept him from Par work if another always helped him out at the end of his row if instead of taking his turn at pitching off he stowdd away all the timein short ifwhat was light always fell to him and what was heavy thou- the same work to some one else if he has been permitted to shirk un ¬ til shirking has become a habit un ¬ less a miracle has been wrought his life will be a failure and the blame will be half so much his as that of his weak and foolish parents 0 the other hand ifa boy has bee brought up to do his part never to shirk his responsibility or to dodge his work whether or not it made his headache or soiled his hands until bearing burdens has become a matter of pride the heavy end of the log his choice parents as they bid him goodbye may dismiss their fear The elements of success are his and some time and in some way the world will recognize his capacity b GOODIIYI MOTHER i It is recorded that when the plague Broke out in a little village of Italy the children of one house were taken first The parents watched over them but only caught the disease they could not cure The whole family died Then across the street in the home of a poor laborer a ho was absent all the weekreturning nlon Saturday to bring his scanty i earnings the disease next began i The wife felt herself attacked in the night by the fever When morning dawned she was worse and before night the plagued spot showed itself She remembered the terrible fate ofi her neighbors She knew she must die but as she looked at her dear boys she resolved not to communi- cate death to them She therefore locked the children in the room and I snatched the bedclothes fearing theywerealready impregnatedwith the dreadful germs and with them lift the house She even denied her f self the pleasure of a last embrace Oh l think of the heroism whichen Ijf tabled her to conquer her feelings and leave home with all she loved fy jto die Her oldest child saw her- d from the window Goodbye moth f r said he with a tender voice strangelyHvw vv r i H MC littleSifi a o onI hands out of the window Tin mother paused as her heart was drawn towards those little ones and she was on the point of rushing back She struggled hard while the tears rolled down her checks t nAt the sight of her helpless babes t lengthshe turned from them Tin children continued to cry Good bye mother until their voices died away and the mother with an an guished heart entertained the house of those who were to bury her Iti a short time she died and with her dying breath commended her hus bandand children to the care o liku that Only once when for the plague smitten race it hung in bleed ring mercy on the cross Exhibitions of a mothers love though not s striking as this are by no means rare Live where she may and how she willUa mother is a mother still the holiest thing alive INTEGRITY OF WOMAN Of all the evils prevailing among young men we know of none more blighting in its moral effects than the tendency to speakslightingly of the virtue of women Nor is there anything in which young men are so thoroughly mistaken as the low estimate they form of the integrity of women not of their own mothers and sisters thank- God but of others who they for- get ¬ are somebody elses mothers andsisters As a rule no person who sur renders to this debasing habit is safe to be trusted with any enter ¬ prise requiring integrity andchar ¬ acter Plain words should be spok ¬ isd a generalone and deep rooted If young men are sometimes thrown into the society of the thoughtless they have no more right to measure other women bywhat they see o est ¬ t mate the character of honest and respectable citizens by the develop ments of crime in our police courts Let men remember that their chef happiness in life depends upon their utter faith in women nomisanthropin c can n cover or weaken this fundamental truth It stands like the record of God Himself for it is nothing less than thisandshould put a seal upon the lips that arc wont to speak slightingly of women WHAT MONKY WONT Do Money is a powerful factor riots adays It will buy a position in the world but it cant buy the breeding necessary to the upbuilding of that positionIt buy the good things of life but it cant buy the appetite to enjoy them It will buy superb clothesbut it cant negotiate for the proper knack in wearing them It will buy a wife but it cant I buy a womans love Now is the the time when the countynewspapers are receiving let ¬ ters from men they do not know and possibly never heard ofstating the writer is a candidate for some office and any aid that the editor can bestow will be greatly appreci ¬ ated Yes no doulit it would On the other hand any afd these poli ¬ ticians can bestow on the editor to recompense him for space used in his paper would be appreciated If politicians want to advertise their business why in the dickens dont they include a check as evidence ofI good faith for the amount of adver- ting ¬ they desire and send along copy properly signed for advertising Talk about business If there is any business ina newspaper man giving away his any more than a merchant glvirtg tt way his gqods we are un- able ¬ to see where it comes in A > oott rf J I 0 CORRESPONDENCE 0 0 i By our Hpcoinl None Service DOl 000000 SCALP Mrs Cardie Mills is on the sic listClark Bargo was badly hurt om day last week by his team running off and throwing him out Mayhew Mill and Miss Cordie Jackson were quietly bound up in wedlock last Sunday by T G Ham monTlos G Hammons and wife at ¬ tended the wedding at Dan Jack ¬ sons Sunday and report a good time Lightning struck the house of B J Mills shocking the family and killed fi mule that was hitched to- t the yard fence The carrying of mail on route 30 403 will make a change on the first of July starting from Walker Ky insteadof Lipps This is a great maila from the train at nine oclock Dan Bingham Jr has contracted to carry for the next four years r DBWITT D Simpson came home from court very ill- James Walker visited our town on businessWill Walker is recovering from a spell of fever Times are looking prosperous af- ter tilE rains A good crowd went from here to Middlcsboro on the 4th Mrs John Lester and family are visiting her parents here Uncle Abe Leath died last Tues- day of old age He was burricd at Flat Lick J T Gambrel passed through De Witt this week on his way to his place of business at Hammons John D Hensley was killed by fal ¬ a fence agof Napoleon Brown and Galloway Hobbs fired a shot or two at each other Saturday night Both wound ¬ ed Be Natural Heaven help the man who im ugines ho can dodge enemies by trying to please everybody If suchan individual ever succeeds pass him over this wuy that we may have one look at his mortal remains ere he vanishes away for surely this earth cannot be his abiding place Now we do not infer that one should be go- ing ¬ through this world trying to find beams to knock and thump his heal against disputing ev- ery ¬ mans opinion fighting and elbowing and crowding all who differ from him That again is another extreme Other people have their opinions so have you Dont fall into the error of sup ¬ posing they will respect you more for turning your coat every- day to match the color of theiir Wear your own clothes in spite of wind and weather storms and sunshine It costs the irresolute ten times the trouble to wind and shuflile and twist than it does honest manly inde- pendence to stand Most merchants realize the value atractive original window dis ¬ plays in connection with their sea ¬ sonable trade The store window is at all times one of the most valu ¬ able adjuncts anti tradegetters that the merchant can make use of All attractive window displays always draws the attention of the shipper and if besides being attrctive it contains any sugges ions it is homftl to sell the goods If the merchant or any of his clerks who may have more talent along this line will de ¬ vote a little arnest thought and time to getting up a series attracti- ve seggestivc and orginal displays he will find that It will lend nmteri ally well his jreceipits t fJ4irJ- if 11 f I 1 More Holidays We live too fast in America We have not enough holidays 1101 enough resting placesnot enough intermission in our workday world laidk stopped now and then to consider its aim and end There must be an oasis in every desert There arc smiling nooks even among the Cordilleras Halt ing places there are great rocks and their shadows even in the dreariest land He who builds up a shelter for the stormbeaten and footweary pilgrim over the road traced by the great caravan is a benefactor to ills race and his memory should be cherished while holidays arc observ ed Holidays time Who would cure to know why an whence came the custom Enough to know that care per force must smooth Ins wrinkled front and fun and frolic for tht time rule the hour It were folly not to enjoy the glimpses of sunshine that come through the cloud rfts short lived and evanescent though they be They prove that there is brightness beyondthat no clouds are so dense but stray beams may penetrate them Rosy faces wreathed and joyous welcome the festive season With its monitions its reminders its re ¬ grets and its hopes come the hap- py ¬ holiday It is well that the an ¬ cient builders set up mile posts on the highways of time else it were a dull and tiresome road They re ¬ mind us of the vangaurd the mil lions that have gone before the great army that has gone out and onwho shall say whither Listen ¬ ing we hear the tramp of the mighty multitude echoing down the cor ¬ ridors of time we think of a thous- and ¬ holidays gone and millions of light hearts and lovelit eyes gone too with them Dead holidays dead hearts dead bones One of our ladies invited a few friends in to dinner the first of this week The hostess insisted that one of the guests take another plate of pork and beans Why he said Ive had two already but its real- ly ¬ such nicely cooked and beans I believe I will take another plate Mas won I exclaimed the little boy at his side Mas won She shed bet a dollar poud make a hog of yourself if you came Knox County Colored fair Association The Knox County Fair Associa ¬ tion has been duly incorporatedand will hold their first session at the Knox County Fair Associations grounds for the year 1908 with fulland complete program good premiums and all kinds of amuse ¬ ments in fact this company has made arrangements to give to one and all TWO DAYSof fun and amusement anda general good time Catalog and general program will follow later watch for it Officers Jeff Etter Pres J W Mullins VicePre- sJ J Croley Treas Mary L Jones Secy Directors = Jeff Etter J V Mullins lack Croley Mary L Jones Sterling Antler ¬ son J D Gregory Jas May STJm LING ANDKHSON General Manager i A BOOK O- FMYSTERY IS The Veil IY- Mary Harriott Norris I2mo Cloth 309 pages sl5o Order of Your Bookseller or the Publisher RICHARD G BADGER Publisher Boston l i- ji itIt- rr j 1 rn r q3 l OU MAY HEAR OR SEE STATEMENTS MADE BY MY j1 Competitors that they are selling goods at low prices but I < i rnjsny to the trade that you have heard the wind blow lots of times Ihjj I I want to say to you fr all time to eome time you can < c calways find goods at the Mammoth Store at as low prlresti 1 ias any of my competitors can afford to sell them and if I sell them < t i1 to you lower I hope you wont grumble at it My motto is 1 J lJ t iQuick Sales and Short Profits 4 have been connected with the goods business for 38 yc rsl i1 I have heard it thunder often during the time Have just IjlI a fresh carload of flour also a carload of hay which I ex ¬ j i to offer to the trade at prices I am confident will meet all iJ tlon I am not in the business to be sidetracked IF J1am noted for being ready to talk and name low prices When f jt they come to see me on all kinds of goods I handleJ a Main Street L Hr Main rill mMammoth Store StreetJj A iT TrT vvvv aKs = = = == LET THERErf r 1 fl II F you want the light of day to shine in your home tluoughout the the night you must have an Electric Light installed see M P MILLER and have him make you a price on installing an electric ¼ tti light wire in your residence or business house The most satisfactory light ever used is electric lightno heat or odor usually experienced as by users of the lamp always readyno chimneys to clean no danger of fire cheaper than kerosene Try it and be convinced M P MILLER MANa GER Barbourville Electric Light Plant 1 lf n CHILDERS 2y Is now in his new Wareroom andF ready to supply his custolnersY and the public with anything on wheels in this linetR OLD HICKORY W AGONS LlTxra3rs In Stock Call and see me if you need a WAGON Call anyway and see this new stock 1 can save you money on every purchase- s Agent for Gas and Gasoline Engines arWest xs BARBOURVILLE KY NEW LOCATION NEW GOODS ff I havo removed my untiro STOCK OF aEBOaSKIES to tho storo room recently vacated by Dr H F Hermlon opposite tine Hotel Knox whore I havemore room and more convenient quarters fory my constantly increasing business- BARBOURVIILE AND KNOX COUNTY PEOPLE I unto YOU all old customers and new ones too to cull on me at once if you need groceries or meats and learn my prices beforo purchasing elsewhere Nice Dry Salt Meats constantly on hand and you will find that we can make It to your ad vantage to give us A trial on prices and qaulity of goods you get for tile f motley invested NICE LINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO ALWAYS AT YOUR HAND WR PARKERWh- en J Wanting Anything PHONE NO 67 And Get Prompt Service r T 1f t DIP AN- DDISINFECTANT riJ THRIFTY LIVE STOCK V r Ibo 1balOWI1 qumioa wail dabnoer aDd else etxkttwt I how to t endue t U11cq with the ttndeu ape They ewer e al di11IwI lr to wr it tlrve oclip aDd diCCWlI rawtuIr tu edpssetnwu Ik III IIGluwd 818 Erolll AVe I me HYCENO DISINFECTANT Go- Y HP OHIO

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THE HOME CIRCLE COLUMN 1Pleasant Evening Reveries A Column Dedicated to Tired Mothersas They Join tire Home Circle at Evening TideCrude Thoughtsfrom the Editorial Pen P


Beware of the Glass

Theres Uninter in tltuglossbowttre lust

f it fugitives They who have tl mined Itlimit too often early graves Itsparkles to tilluro with Us rich rubylight there Is no antidote or cureonly its course to light It ohnnxoHmen to brutes makes women bowtheir hemlsl rills homes with nilgulch wants disputes and tnkosfrom ohlldron bread Thendash the iilass away for atthe last It blteth like a ser-pent and stliitfoth like anandMflee and escape eon ¬

tentlons and woundswithout a must


day by dayand walk QmlM footstool free

Where is my boy tonight Yo

are his father and mother and i f

you desire to lay your hands oryour boy within five minutes annight you wouldnt know where-

to find him He is on the streetsomewhere or at the railrpad depotjumping on freight trains but justwhere with whom in what engaged

what plotting or executing for theshrewder ones who plot for him

you could not tell for the life of youHe has a good home and he oughtto be there at night He desires tobe somewhere else with the boysand you lack the moral courage toinsist that he shall be where heshould be You hope that he will

escape the pitfall but you know thechances are against him Why

dont you do the boy the kindness

to keep him at home ofnights I

The time will come when he

thank you for it or reproach youfor not doing ittit

In nine cases out of ten manslife will not be a success if he does

not bear burdens in his childhood

If the fondness of vanity of father ormother has kept him from Parwork if another always helped him

out at the end of his row if insteadof taking his turn at pitching off hestowdd away all the timein shortifwhat was light always fell tohim and what was heavy thou-the same work to some one else if

he has been permitted to shirk un ¬

til shirking has become a habit un ¬

less a miracle has been wrought hislife will be a failure and the blamewill be half so much his as that ofhis weak and foolish parents 0the other hand ifa boy has bee

brought up to do his part never toshirk his responsibility or to dodgehis work whether or not it madehis headache or soiled his handsuntil bearing burdens has become amatter of pride the heavy end of

the log his choice parents as theybid him goodbye may dismiss theirfear The elements of success arehis and some time and in some way

the world will recognize his capacity



It is recorded that when the plagueBroke out in a little village of Italythe children of one house were takenfirst The parents watched overthem but only caught the disease

they could not cure The wholefamily died Then across the streetin the home of a poor laborer a howas absent all the weekreturningnlon Saturday to bring his scanty

i earnings the disease next begani The wife felt herself attacked in the

night by the fever When morningdawned she was worse and beforenight the plagued spot showed itselfShe remembered the terrible fate ofiher neighbors She knew she mustdie but as she looked at her dearboys she resolved not to communi-

cate death to them She thereforelocked the children in the room and


snatched the bedclothes fearing

theywerealready impregnatedwiththe dreadful germs and with themlift the house She even denied her

f self the pleasure of a last embraceOh l think of the heroism whichen

Ijf tabled her to conquer her feelings

and leave home with all she lovedfyjto die Her oldest child saw her-

d from the window Goodbye moth

f r said he with a tender voice

strangelyHvwvv ri H MC

littleSifi a

o onI

hands out of the window Tinmother paused as her heart wasdrawn towards those little onesand she was on the point of rushingback She struggled hard while

the tears rolled down her checks tnAt

the sight of her helpless babes t

lengthshe turned from them Tinchildren continued to cry Good

bye mother until their voices died

away and the mother with an anguished heart entertained the houseof those who were to bury her Iti

a short time she died and with herdying breath commended her hus

bandand children to the care olikuthat Only once when for the

plague smitten race it hung in bleed

ring mercy on the cross Exhibitionsof a mothers love though not sstriking as this are by no meansrare Live where she may and howshe willUa mother is a motherstill the holiest thing alive


Of all the evils prevailing amongyoung men we know of none moreblighting in its moral effects thanthe tendency to speakslightinglyof the virtue of women Nor isthere anything in which young menare so thoroughly mistaken asthe low estimate they form of theintegrity of women not of theirown mothers and sisters thank-God but of others who they for-



are somebody elses mothersandsisters

As a rule no person who surrenders to this debasing habit issafe to be trusted with any enter ¬

prise requiring integrity andchar ¬

acter Plain words should be spok¬isd ageneralone and deep rooted If

young men are sometimes throwninto the society of the thoughtlessthey have no more right to measureother women bywhat they see oest ¬

tmate the character of honest andrespectable citizens by the develop

ments of crime in our police courtsLet men remember that

their chef happiness in life dependsupon their utter faith in women

nomisanthropin ccan n

cover or weaken this fundamentaltruth It stands like the record ofGod Himself for it is nothing less

than thisandshould put a sealupon the lips that arc wont tospeak slightingly of women


Money is a powerful factor riotsadays

It will buy a position in the worldbut it cant buy the breeding

necessary to the upbuilding of that

positionItbuy the good things of life

but it cant buy the appetite toenjoy them

It will buy superb clothesbut itcant negotiate for the proper knackin wearing them

It will buy a wife but it cantI

buy a womans love

Now is the the time when the

countynewspapers are receiving let ¬

ters from men they do not knowand possibly never heard ofstatingthe writer is a candidate for someoffice and any aid that the editorcan bestow will be greatly appreci ¬

ated Yes no doulit it would On

the other hand any afd these poli ¬

ticians can bestow on the editor torecompense him for space used inhis paper would be appreciated Ifpoliticians want to advertise theirbusiness why in the dickens dontthey include a check as evidence ofIgood faith for the amount of adver-ting


they desire and send along copyproperly signed for advertisingTalk about business If there is anybusiness ina newspaper man givingaway his any more than a merchantglvirtg ttway his gqods we are un-



to see where it comes in

A > oott rf J




By our Hpcoinl None ServiceDOl 000000


Mrs Cardie Mills is on the sic

listClarkBargo was badly hurt om

day last week by his team runningoff and throwing him out

Mayhew Mill and Miss Cordie

Jackson were quietly bound up in

wedlock last Sunday by T G Ham

monTlosG Hammons and wife at ¬

tended the wedding at Dan Jack ¬

sons Sunday and report a goodtime

Lightning struck the house of B

J Mills shocking the family andkilled fi mule that was hitched to-

t the yard fence

The carrying of mail on route 30

403 will make a change on the firstof July starting from Walker Ky

insteadof Lipps This is a greatmailafrom the train at nine oclock Dan

Bingham Jr has contracted tocarry for the next four years



D Simpson came home from courtvery ill-

James Walker visited our town on


Walker is recovering from aspell of fever

Times are looking prosperous af-

ter tilE rains

A good crowd went from here toMiddlcsboro on the 4th

Mrs John Lester and family arevisiting her parents here

Uncle Abe Leath died last Tues-

day of old age He was burricd atFlat Lick

J T Gambrel passed through De

Witt this week on his way to his

place of business at Hammons

John D Hensley was killed by fal ¬

a fenceagofNapoleon Brown and GallowayHobbs fired a shot or two at each

other Saturday night Both wound ¬


Be NaturalHeaven help the man who im

ugines ho can dodge enemies bytrying to please everybody Ifsuchan individual ever succeedspass him over this wuy that wemay have one look at his mortalremains ere he vanishes awayfor surely this earth cannot behis abiding place Now we donot infer that one should be go-


through this world trying tofind beams to knock and thumphis heal against disputing ev-


mans opinion fighting andelbowing and crowding all who

differ from him That again is

another extreme Other peoplehave their opinions so have youDont fall into the error of sup ¬

posing they will respect youmore for turning your coat every-day to match the color oftheiir Wear your own clothesin spite of wind and weatherstorms and sunshine It costs theirresolute ten times the troubleto wind and shuflile and twistthan it does honest manly inde-

pendence to stand

Most merchants realize the value

atractive original window dis ¬

plays in connection with their sea ¬

sonable trade The store windowis at all times one of the most valu ¬

able adjuncts anti tradegetters thatthe merchant can make use of All

attractive window displays alwaysdraws the attention of the shipperand if besides being attrctive itcontains any sugges ions it is homftlto sell the goods If the merchantor any of his clerks who may havemore talent along this line will de ¬

vote a little arnest thought andtime to getting up a series attracti-ve seggestivc and orginal displayshe will find that It will lend nmterially well his jreceipits

tfJ4irJ- if 11f

I 1

More HolidaysWe live too fast in America We

have not enough holidays 1101

enough resting placesnot enoughintermission in our workday worldlaidkstopped now and then to considerits aim and end

There must be an oasis in everydesert There arc smiling nookseven among the Cordilleras Halting places there are great rocks andtheir shadows even in the dreariestland He who builds up a shelterfor the stormbeaten and footwearypilgrim over the road traced by thegreat caravan is a benefactor to

ills race and his memory should becherished while holidays arc observed

Holidays time Who would cure

to know why an whence came the

custom Enough to know that care

per force must smooth Ins wrinkled

front and fun and frolic for thttime rule the hour It were folly notto enjoy the glimpses of sunshine

that come through the cloud rftsshort lived and evanescent thoughthey be They prove that there isbrightness beyondthat no cloudsare so dense but stray beams maypenetrate them

Rosy faces wreathed and joyouswelcome the festive season Withits monitions its reminders its re ¬

grets and its hopes come the hap-



holiday It is well that the an ¬

cient builders set up mile posts onthe highways of time else it were adull and tiresome road They re ¬

mind us of the vangaurd the millions that have gone before thegreat army that has gone out andonwho shall say whither Listen ¬

ing we hear the tramp of the mightymultitude echoing down the cor¬

ridors of time we think of a thous-and


holidays gone and millions of

light hearts and lovelit eyes gonetoo with them Dead holidaysdead hearts dead bones

One of our ladies invited a fewfriends in to dinner the first of thisweek The hostess insisted that oneof the guests take another plate of

pork and beans Why he said

Ive had two already but its real-



such nicely cooked and beans Ibelieve I will take another plate

Mas won I exclaimed the littleboy at his side Mas won Sheshed bet a dollar poud make a hogof yourself if you came

Knox County Colored fairAssociation

The Knox County Fair Associa ¬

tion has been duly incorporatedandwill hold their first session at theKnox County Fair Associationsgrounds for the year 1908 withfulland complete program goodpremiums and all kinds of amuse ¬

ments in fact this company hasmade arrangements to give to oneand all TWO DAYSof fun andamusement anda general goodtime Catalog and general programwill follow later watch for itOfficers Jeff Etter Pres

J W Mullins VicePre-sJ J Croley TreasMary L Jones Secy

Directors =Jeff Etter J V Mullins

lack Croley Mary L

Jones Sterling Antler ¬

son J D Gregory JasMay


General Manageri



The VeilIY-

Mary Harriott Norris

I2mo Cloth 309 pages sl5oOrder of Your Bookseller

or the Publisher

RICHARD G BADGERPublisher Boston

l i-

jiitIt- rr j1rn




Competitors that they are selling goods at low prices but I < i

rnjsny to the trade that you have heard the wind blow lots of times Ihjj I

I want to say to you fr all time to eome time you can < ccalwaysfind goods at the Mammoth Store at as low prlresti

1 ias any of my competitors can afford to sell them and if I sell them< t

i1 to you lower I hope you wont grumble at it My motto is 1

J lJ t

iQuick Sales and Short Profits 4

have been connected with the goods business for 38 yc rsl i1

I have heard it thunder often during the time Have just

IjlI a fresh carload of flour also a carload of hay which I ex ¬ j ito offer to the trade at prices I am confident will meet all


tlon I am not in the business to be sidetrackedIF J1am noted for being ready to talk and name low prices When fjtthey come to see me on all kinds of goods I handleJ a

Main Street L Hr Main

rillmMammoth Store StreetJj

AiT TrTvvvvaKs = = ===LET THERErf r 1


F you want the light of day to shine in your home tluoughout thethe night you must have an Electric Light installed see M PMILLER and have him make you a price on installing an electric ¼ tti

light wire in your residence or business house

The most satisfactory light ever used is electric lightno heat orodor usually experienced as by users of the lamp always readynochimneys to clean no danger of fire cheaper than kerosene Try it andbe convinced


Barbourville Electric Light Plant 1



Is now in his new Wareroom andFready to supply his custolnersYand the public with anything on

wheelsin thislinetROLD HICKORY WAGONS

LlTxra3rs In StockCall and see me if you need a WAGON Callanyway and see this new stock 1 can saveyou money on every purchase-


Agent for Gas and Gasoline Engines




I havo removed my untiro

STOCK OF aEBOaSKIESto tho storo room recently vacated by Dr H F Hermlon opposite tine

Hotel Knox whore I havemore room and more convenient quarters forymy constantly increasing business-

BARBOURVIILE AND KNOX COUNTY PEOPLEI unto YOU all old customers and new ones too to cull on me at once

if you need groceries or meats and learn my prices beforo purchasingelsewhere

Nice Dry Salt Meatsconstantly on hand and you will find that we can make It to your advantage to give us A trial on prices and qaulity of goods you get for tile f



JWanting Anything PHONE NO 67 And Get Prompt Service r

T 1f t


riJ THRIFTY LIVE STOCKVr Ibo 1balOWI1 qumioa wail dabnoer aDd else etxkttwt Ihow to t endue t U11cq with the ttndeu

ape They ewer e al di11IwI lr to wr ittlrve oclip aDd diCCWlI rawtuIr tu edpssetnwuIk III

IIGluwd818 Erolll AVe I