i i syracuse yacht country club has gala opening 1933...

I I Third Sectiofl ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^^^^^^^^s*^^^^ ' ' ' ri . '• j' I" -.„ • ' - -r-- I ' -, '-- . i 1 •*., ' i ' •. '• -V i ' .»•-'. '- > A » , " ,- . ' f'*, f-.. . . •:.* r." ' ..^1 , •'• „' h 1 . ' -., . /'i' <• . , .' i r I r. . " " .1 j,j _• 'T- ,r - 1 • . j . ri i ^ .' ' . - •! , * i;*<i ,!•>''* »>».Jl- 11. .1 fc » H* j . j VI.H .,* i.i t- , >' h^H iV'-X^Y^™-^^^^ ^'v^ ; &•• •> ''-^fe^:'^^ v^ T'.^oK-* v^^'^i.^^^^^t.^s: «$:?£! i - -', • -- '• v •: ' il v- *-'•,••--• t',.\-t. />'• -'•, ^ ' * ij.-.; •-.' ,•••-* , I* ,v,-- \*••• .•'v 1 '. , h > •• -'C'^n **»- - -• v 1 V.. 1 " ••*• ! ' -' I \ ••'.-'• i ' * V ' . * ' - '. 1 * 'b b l i \ ' "'I. '' ''-•'' !•' »- ,i>, - r i> . I ," *• L ,ri .., ,< y ., .. , : , ^ ^ ;iV ,,.,.. ,. ,_ , J , , uo .,, , ( ,.,.',,, ,,., . ,, yc , -.,-.., ,,o.->. h « *'• ..-;. ' :-/ r-. ,. -.;. .' • ', . * '7 , , -••„*-.',:,.,',..' -, ., J ,i •. . . -• , ', ,vr ,f'l H ,i * . •• . '• r. JT . H - T '~ i_ J !,• , - •• . i . 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L,; v ..;/ \-: r i -/ .'- ; '^ '.<.-,.v- - /o-; -i. i- ••- w -,- ', •; *'• ' H ..--.^' '*-,: ,-.". -.- ;"-. .-"." :-" : ' /' 'f. -.' - ; - - ' " ' "•' :"•"'' BYRA"OTSE HEffiSLp- SIOTXAY HOBNING, MAT ' Syracuse Yacht and Country Club Has Gala Opening For 1933 Spring Seaso .1 ' 1: I - * " li ^ A.L. Auxiliar To Have noe *_X arty Friday Mrs. E. A. Hill to xtend yracuse Open Home for ospitality to Out-of-own ^^^h_ 'M' ^^P*^^— ^H Sunday Chapter «/ JL U.S. Daughters wo May Functions Dean Annie Louise Macleod Will Address Meeting on Thursday Afternoon eon The annual meeting of General Asa Danforth Chapter, D. A. B., will be conducted. Thursday at 2 :30 o'clock the home of Mrs. Everard, A. Hill, 2215 East Genesee Street. Officers were elected in 1932 lor a three-year Mmes. Dan J. Kelly and Sidney Scobell Will Be Hostesses at Clubhouse On Friday afternoon, May 19, at 1:30 o'clock, a dessert bridge will be given at the American Legion club- house by tbe Women's auxiliary to Syracuse Post 41. During: the after- noon a style show will Take place. There will be a prise lor ench table. Hostesses will be Mrs. Dan J. Kelly L and Mrs. Sidney Scobell, assisted by L I Mrs. Morris Talcott as chairman; Mrs. John J. Mahon, vice chairman; Mrs. Arthur G. Lyons, Mrs, Edward SchcUl, Mrs. Frank Terry, Mrs. C. Walter Walser, Mrs. Charles Bubbs, Mrs. Lowndes Lloyd, Mrs. Richard. Romans, Mrs. Chester Puller, Mrs. M. A. Llsk, Mrs. Edward McCabe, Mrs. Lewis Dud- ley, Mrs. Snnlord Locke, Mrs. Frey Hyatt. Mrs. Kober Baldwin, Mrs. Raymond Guilfoyle, Airs. Allen Martin, Mrs. James Ventura, Mrs. Daniel Scanlon, Mrs. James Carrlgan. Mrs. Earl Fresh- man, Mrs. Frank Love, Mrs. Scott Hay- ward, Mrs. Percy Thurlow, Mrs. Mina Klllen, Mrs. Harold Lawson and Mrs. Charles Andrews. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Kenneth Loltus, 168 Lincoln Avenue. Ob serve hirst Ladies Day and Opening Dinner at Yacht Club; Note Several Congenial Groups P np A /"^ ..-1.A. Council Will Have Talk by Prof. Melchior Mrs. J. J. Brown, Local Con- vention Chairman, Will Tell of Plans Prof, William T. Melchoir of Teach- ers College, Syracuse University -will the speaker at the meeting of the Onondaga Council of Parents : Teachers at the Onondaga Hotel. May 18, at 8 P. M. Professor Melchlor's topic wil be, "How Our Teacher Training Schools Are Recognizing the Need of Parental Co-operation." A forum will follow inth discussion led by Mrs. Marl: N. Russell, president of the Council. Mrs. Charles Benz will review briefly "Publicity Bromides" which -was presented at the Cornell Institute Tristram MetcaH, director of Pub- licity for the New York State Con- gress of Parents and Teachers. Mrs. M. F. Lundigan will give a re- sume of the lectures during the week of the Institute. The theme: "Some Social and Industrial Changes and -Ways in Which They Are Affecting Education in Home, School and Com- munity." Plans will be completed for the delegates to the Spring Conference ac Camden May 27, at 9:30 A. M. Mrs. J. J- Brown, local chairman for the New York State Convention of Parents and Teachers in Syracuse, Oct. 9-12, 1933, will tell of late local convention plans. Mothers, Daughters Be Guests May 1 7 - Of Aloha-Cauldron The Aloha-Cauldron Club of the Y. W. C. A. will have Its annual Mother and Daughter, dinner on Wednesday night at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Carl Dorr will l^e the speaker of the evening. Special guests will include Miss Mildred Pinkerton, Mrs. Wil- liam Buell Gere, chairman of the Business and Professional Depart- ment; Mrs. Donald S. Chlids, presi- dent of the association, and Mrs. A. H. Fox. Miss Elizabeth McNary. girl re- •erve executive, will direct the sing- Ing, and Hazel Merrltt, a club mem- ber, will give piano selections. Other numbers on tHe program include a tap dance by Thelma Manter and a reading, the "Minuet," by Mrs. Daniel Kaiper. The committee working on arrangements includes Peg Neuroth, "chairman. Ina Seaman, Ijjlizabeth Holcomb, Rosemary Sharrer and Martha Schmidt, club president. M..J. Camden of Hershey, Pa., will present a talkie, "The Story of Montezuma," at the meeting of the Business Girls League on Tuesday nlght t .following supper. . Later In the evening a funny costume party U scheduled under the leadership lluy Baker, social chairman. TT if. •*—-—- •- '-•—• . —"... .... „._,.._ The first Ladles Day of the season was conducted Wednesday at the Syracuse Yacht and Country Club. The tables were decorated with spring flowers and Ivory candies. Hostesses were Mrs. John Barzee. Mrs. Fred I. Olmstead. Mrs. Robert Page and Mrs. Ralph Stilwell. Mrs. Olmstead and Mrs. Barzee en- tertained at lunchoon lor Mrs, Roy Garrison, Mrs. O. D. Mclntosh, Mrs. Clyde O. Barney. Mrs. A. G. Bryant, Mrs. William Snyder, Mrs. Guy Ham- lin. Mrs. G. W. Stark, Mrs. A. Clymer Austin, Mrs. Harry N, Kennedy, Mrs. Ernest Ridings, Mrs. .John Bnrtels, Mrs. Ethel L. Brown, Mrs. E. E. Til- ton, Mrs. Jesse Fellows, . Mrs. Leo Snell, and Mrs. Harry 'Sanford. Mrs. Page's guests were Mrs. L. P. Hansom, Mrs. Boy Billington, Mrs. Christy Payne, Jr., Mrs. Fred Peck, Mrs. George South, Mrs. Thomas Mc- Cauley, Mrs. Edwin Fisher, Mrs. Wal- ter Kitchens, arji Mrs. Mark Jackson. Mrs. Dayton Hessler was hostess to Mrs. Henry Farnham, Mrs. Ernest M. Meatyard and Mrs. Henry Allen. Mrs. Robert Gang entertained Mrs. Harold Waldorf, Mrs. Robert Wolff. Mrs. Jo- seph Cashier, Mrs. Joseph Fietrafesa and Mrs. Charles Mantz. Mrs. Wil- liam Quinn's guests Included Mrs. William J. Kuntzsch, Mrs. Arthur Flanagan, and Mrs. Wesley Fleming. , Hostesses for next week: include Mrs. Harry Warehara, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Mrs. William Quinn and Mrs. Roben Wright. The Syracuse Yacht and Country Club had its formal opening recently •with a dinner dance. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Fleck of Detroit, formerly of Syracuse, Mr. and Airs. Harold Kimmey, Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coursen, who dined to- gether. Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Waldorf enter- tained In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burma of Buffalo. Other guests .were Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Wolff, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gang, M and.. Mrs. L. H. Schellenberg, Mrs. J. Waldorf, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gates, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Eckel, Miss Elisabeth Holmes,. Miss Roberta Sharon. Miss Irene Yeoman, Miss Helen McNamara, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Lane, Edward Fennell, Edward Casey, Bernard Lawlcr and Dunham Tyler. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Henney en- tertained Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Bert- rand, Dr. and Mrs, W, L. Stcinaker, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Zinsmelster, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Fred I. Olmstead's guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Bristol, Dr. -and Mrs. LeRoy Garrison, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Guilfoil, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. W. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. A. C, Bryant, Mrs, Eari Howell, M. A. Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clymer Austin, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mclntosh, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ridings, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freidel, Dr. and Mrs. Clyde O. Barney, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Schumaker en- tertained Mr.' and Mrs. Edward Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Blelck- art, Mrs. Clara Bush and George Lee. In Mr. and Mrs. John Barzee's party were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fellows, Mr. and Mrs. William Rapp, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Werner, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goldacker', Mr. and Mrs. Robert Was- mer, Mr., and Mrs. Robert Treasure, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Belter and Mr. and Mrs. John Kuckoff, Dining with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kline were 'Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Strat- ton, Mr. .and Mrs. Harry Cook, Mr. and Mrs. O, D. Schmidt, Mrs, E. A. Doegnhardt and Edgar- Herzog. Miss Sally O'Brien, Miss Mary Ho- gan, Mr. and Mrs, R. A, Stewart, Mr. and, Mrs. H, A. Gray, Dr v and Mrs. M. J. Dooling and , Prank Qleason had . dinner together. . Among others noted at the dance were Mr. and Mrs. William Dteque. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murphy, Mr. and Mrs, John Dessert, D. and Mrs. Edward Berger, Mr. ana Mri. Ray- __--•-!- ----- _^ -™- R •— J -**»-*-' -^HW £•• ..... •* .T^-i—** mond Thomasmeyer, Fred Glahn, Mrs. Ines ilcClusky, Miss Dorothy Urschel, Dr. Koweth. Pabst. Mr. and Mrs. William Quinn, Mr. and Mrs J. J. Kuntzsch. Mr. and Mrs. Charles r. T. MontK, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fleming, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Welter, Mr. and Mrs. James Dooley, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Warcham, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miles. Miss Agnes Kene. Clarence Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Conner, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lonerghan, Dr. and Mrs. Howard Hahn, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hahn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Quina, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hager- man, Mr. and Mrs. William Kuhn, T. J. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lardy, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Miss Ethel Hang, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Diesseroth, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. V.-lght, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parmelee, Miss Helen Sny- der, Miss Nona Pippa, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Perry, Stanley Howes, George O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. Max Frey, Mrs. Wen- dell. Browne, Miss Marjorie Yonks, E. A. Gates, Mr. and Airs. C. F. Wol- frora, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Thomasmeyer, Miss Martha Schillinger, Silby Vin- cent, Charles Mills, Russell Harring- ton, William Lamed, Robert Page and Harry Pnrcell. Grad rade Teachers Elect Officers; Di inner on lime j 7 The May meeting of the Syracuse Grade Teachers Association was con- ducted in Central High School. These officers were elected for the coming year: Miss Katherine McDonald, presi- dent; Mrs. H. J. Sandwlck. vice presi- dent; Miss Martha Hogan, recording secretary; Mrs. Elsie Hannon, corre- sponding secretary; Miss Charlotte Ross, treasurer. A dinner will take place at Drum- lins on June 7. These guests will be invited: Mr. and Mrs. G Carl Alver- son, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shingle and Mr. and Mrs. John Hummer. IX WASHINGTON Miss Anna R. Connolly, 529 Tomp- klns Street, accompanied by her niece, Miss Anna G. Connolly, is passing a fortnight in Washington., D. C., visit- ing Mrs. John P. Connolly. term. Officers and chapter chairmen will give reports at Thursday's meet- Ing. A Girl Homemakers program will be presented und samples of work done by children of Croton School will be shown. Ten dollars is given by the chapter each year lor the work in addition to materials. Dean Annie Louise Macleod or the Syracuse- Uni- versity College of Home Economics will speak. k Club WillS ponsor Conceit May 16 South Side Library Singers Will Present Novel Pro- gram; Not Participants The South Side Library Glee Club will present "Under Southern Skies," Tuesday night, at Kirk Park Com- munity Clubhouse. Kirk Park Com- munity Club is sponsoring the event. Miss Georgia Cochraile and Miss Betty Bailey will sing "The Spinning Song," and Betty and Peggy Filler Vvlll dance the minuet, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. George H. Ten Eyck. In the second part ot the program "*i *v Photographs show some of the guests at the opening party of the Syracuse Yacht and Country Club, Upper, left to right: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Thomasmeyer and Vincent Sheley and Miss Martha Schillinger, Mr. and Mrs. John Barzee, Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. W, Hoffman, Commissioner and Mrs. W. E. Rapp and Mr. anc Mrs. Otto F, Werner. Below: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Page. Mr. and Mrs. Fred I. Olmstead, Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Schu- macher. Husbands and Billy Sunday Club Are Guests at Uni- versity M. E. The Sunday Chapter of the Y. W. C. A. had its last luncheon meeting of the season at the University M. E. Church last Tuesday. Members of the Billy Sunday Club were invited, also husbands of the chapter. J. K. Elliott, W. W. Chipman, E. K. Ives, Abbott Meech, M. H. Merchant, with Amos Phipps at the piano, sang several hymns. The Rev. Gcrrit omen s Golf Association L :h uncneon Party which will consist of southern songs, Mrs. Ray Cochrane and. Mrs. Henry O'Neil will be end men, and Miss Alice Cochraue and Miss Helen Goff, Dixie pickaninnies. Miss Marie Mar- tin will be "The Seller of Laces," and Mrs. Ten Eyck the interlocutor. Tri-School Club Will Present Play The Stunner Smith Nottingham Mothers Club will present a mu- sical play with dancing, "In the Hand of Make Believe," Saturday after- noon, May 20, at 3 o'clock at Not- tingham Junior High School. The cast will include pupils ol Miss Margaret A. Read and pupils in ;ne Sumner Smith Nottingham danc- ing classes. Mrs. Wm. A. Curtin Is Hostess For Flower Guild Bridge May 1 7 Onondaga Golf and Country Club Is Chosen For Hospital Benefit Games More than 100 tables of bridge will be in play on Wednesday night, when Mrs. William A. Curtin is host- ess for the Flower Guild of the On- ondaga General Hospital at the On- oridaga Golf and Country Club. Mrs, John Collins is general chairman; Mrs, John S. Pendergast, chairman of the hostesses; Miss Roberta Straub, tickets; Miss Mary M. Cornell, prizes; Mrs. Edward F. Group, publicity, and Miss Kathleen McPherson, chairman of arrangements. Mrs, Frederick A, Kreuzer is president of the Guild. Miss Mary M. Connell was hostess for the regular meeting of the Flower Guild at her home, 300 Hurlburt Road, recently. There was the usual business, The next regular meeting of the Flower- Guild will be conducted on Thursday night, May 18, at the hos- pital, when Mrs. J, Howard Keller Mrs. Frederick Sembach will be G enera ICh airman Guests at Drumlins Include Players From Nine Nearby Clubs Sixty-eight attended the Women's I I I L District Golf Association luncheon on Wednesday at Drumllns. Decorations were in pinJc and white. The guests from Drumlins: Mrs. Payne Bigelou*, Mrs. George Andrews, Mrs. B. W. Perry, Mrs. Harry Marx, Mrs. E. K. Merrltt, Mrs. Roland Hunt, Mrs. Ralph Stoncr, Mrs, Franklin BaKer, Mrs. Harry Hallam, Mrs. R. S. Burlingame, Miss Ruth Sperry and Mrs. Chester Fisher. Bellevue Country Club—Mrs. K. C. Wicks, Miss Annette Meatyard, Mrs. A, Stover, Miss Dorothy Stark, Mrs. J. H. Sturdavent, Miss Harriet Uaboll, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. William Stark, Mrs. A. C. Nichols, Mrs. Charles Thels aud. Mrs. C. J. Sorgenfrei. Qnondnga Golf and Country Club- Mrs. A. G. Seltz, Mrs. C. E. Shiua- man, Mrs. Fred W. Barker, Jr., Mrs. F D, Robinson, Mrs. Joseph Allbone, Mrs. William Grimes, Mrs. J. Clune, Mrs W. Lapham, Jr. r Mrs. Fred Zerbe, Miss Barbara Durston. Miss Janet Smith, Mrs. Robert Brockway, Mrs. James O'Neill, Mrs. Lester Lewis, Mrs. E. C; Gilbert and Miss Betty Butler. Cazenovia Country Club —'Mrs. Harold D. Dyke and Mrs. Lewis Ashby, Seneca Golf Club—Mrs. James Gere, Mrs. George Pulver, Mrs. George Rob- inson, Mrs. W. Getman, Miss Wll- freda Mott, Mrs. S. Spengler and Mrs. Arthur Ba-vls. Skaneateles Country club—Mra. Mrs, Stuart Raleigh and Mrs. W. Dennlson. Lafayette Country Club Mrs. Ralph Shulman, Mrs. Asher Markson, Mrs, Joseph Grody, Mrs. H. Stone and Mrs. Gertrude Sednmn, Syracuse Yacht and Country Club -Mrs. A. J. Spire, Mrs. A. A. Muench, Mra. Oscar Guilfoil, Miss Virginia Guilfoil, Mrs, I. Thomasmeyer and Mrs. Ralph Murphy. Tuscarora Club—Mrs. A. B. Bed- ford, Miss Harriet Hilton, Mrs. J. D. Donahue, Mrs.. T. H. Buss and Mrs. Ernest Couverette. ibrary Association to Meet Monday ^^•f^^mf^^^^^^—^^^^^^^* f *^*"*"^^^F^.^.^^* William Seeber of S. U. School of Speech Will Read Modern Poetry Mrs. Alexander E. Ober;ander, act- Ing president of the Charles E. White Library Association, will con- duct the regular monthly meeting next Monday night at 8:15 o'clock in the library auditorium. Following the business session, Wil- liam Seeber will give readings from modern poets. Mr. Seeber is a student | land, Mrs. C. L. Balcy, Mrs. H. S. at the School of Speecn at Syracuse Heemstra o* Pompton Lakes, N. J., and Stephen Groner spoke. Spring flowers were used for decorations. Hostesses at the tables were Mrs. Clarence M. Ryan, Mrs. William H. Oot, Mrs. M. R. Grannis and Mrs. Walter V. Watson. Seated at the presidents table were; Dr. Minnie Mason Beebe, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Meech, Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. H..D t Andrews, Mr. ancl Mrs. W. B. Hall, Amos Phipps, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Groner, Dr. William C. Sainsbury, the Rev. Gerrit Hecmstra, Mrs. W. C. Sainsbury and Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Brcsee. Other members present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gaylord, Mrs. M. E, Gray, Mrs. J. D, Sweet, Mrs. Eva A. Williams, Mrs. Henry Nottingham, Mr. and Mrs. M, R. Grannis, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Merchant, Mrs. J. B. Morehouse, Mrs. L, C. Smith, Mrs. George Flack, Mrs. Charles J. Kenhine, Mrs. Lillian Bradley, Mrs. Robert Ellis, Mr, and Mrs. H. A, Dunn, Mrs. W. H. Powlcs- 1812 to Meet At Fayetteville Mrs. C. R, Folsom of Fayettevills will entertain Onondaga Chapter, United States Daughters of 1812, at; r L the annual meeting Friday afternoon. Mrs. Charles A. Lux will preside, and will give a report on the recent 1812 Associate Council in Washington, D. c. Miss C. Edith Hall, Miss Caty; Weldeii will also report. Plans will bo made for organisation day In June when, the chapter will celebrate its 10th -anniversary with, a luncheon. A paper on "Salt Springs and Early Men of Salina" will be presented by Miss Grace E. Lester. ' i Assisting the hostess will be Mis* ] Grace. E. Lester, Mrs. Grace,. S. Parker. *: Mrs. O. D. Burhans and Miss Ruth Burhans. Miss Monica Presents Her Pupils in Annua Dance Revue t University and president of "The Players Club," dramatic society Berry, Mrs. Leon. J. Bell, Mrs, John J. Schmerhorn, Mrs. Chas. T. Allen, Mrs. A. N. Brundage, Mrs. William D. sponsored by the Library Association, j Brewster, Alfred L, Wise, E. K. Ives, Adelia L. Mundy, Mrs. Robert Irwin, Mrs, C. R. McCrosky. Mrs. C. P. Wilkins, Dr. and Mrs, Clarence M. Ryan, Mrs. Charles A. Lux, Miss Helen Walker, Mrs. J. Mumford Keese, Mrs. D. Ryan, Mrs. R. D. Wheeler, Mrs. C. G. McConnell, Mrs. J. R. Clarke, Mrs. E. L. Lancaster, Mrs. H, C. Miller, Mrs. Agnes S. Congdon, Mrs. Jean Andrews, Mrs. Frank Hud- son. W. W. Chipman, Helen Chipman, K. Elliott, Mrs. William H. Osborn, Mrs. H. W. Osborn, Mrs. William Oot, Mrs. William Hoffman, the Rev. John M. Beck, Mrs. John M. Beck, Mr. and Phi Sigma Alumnae will conduct j Mrs . x> F . Devlin, William Hoffman, the Rev. John M, Beck, Mrs. John M. Beck, Mr. and Airs. I. F. Devlin, Miss E. Welgel, Mrs. L. C. Filsinger, The players recently produced "High Life About Town, or, The Good Wom- an," by Weller Embler, instructor or English at Syracuse University. The members of the association are invited to bring friends to Mon- day night's meeting. i, '• ................ Phi Sigma Plans Silver Tea Today At Nicholson Home Cafe Dewit Tuesday, May 16, 8 P.M. Dancin Followin ADMISSION 50c tti* a silver tea this alternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Eees Nicholson, Trinity Place. This tea is for the purpose of welcoming members from the active group o! **• D. M.Pratt Mrs J. Hartaws, the sorority who are about to enter Mrs - H - c - Torbert, Mrs. C. W. Cabeen, the Alumnae Chapter. The committee " lor ' arrangements consists of Miss Gntce Thompson, Mrs. Rees Nicholson and -Miss Pran- ces Collins Mrs. W. A. Sweet and Mrs. J. KTnkel- CAMERON CLASS The Cameron Class of Danforth Mrs. Nicholson will sing and Miss United Church will meet Tuesday Women of Rotary Luncheon Meeting The annual meeting of the Women of Rotary will follow a luncheon Wednesday, at Drumlina. Mrs. T. p. Holihan and Mrs. L. H. Weinheimer entertained the executive board of the Women of Rotary at Krebs, Wednesday. Those present: Mrs. Arthur N. Ellis. Mrs. Garret Brown, Mrs, Alfred C&dy, Mrs. H. J. Churchell, Mra. F. I. Daniels, Mrs. John J. Hand, Mrs. Henry Mills, Mrs. Charles Miller, Mrs. Carol Savage, Mrs. C. A. Sayers, Mrs, Will Lansing Seeley, Mra. Don Leoman And Mra. Ruth Doran, will give a tap dance. l _J_ _ ^^^^ ^L ^^^^^dl^^^^B^^^^BVWV rii ^^4v i fBMmV^Vni^H Commonweal Club To Have Sale and Play Flans for fall activities -were ,pre- sented by Miss Rosamond Praeger, president of the Commonweal Club, at a meeting of the executive board, at Huntlngton Club recently. ,At the regular Commonweal Club next Tuesday, a. "hobby sale" will be conducted before the performance of "The Ladies of Cranford" by members of the club. night at 8 o'clock at the home or Mrs. Paul Kcene, 302 Robineau Road. Entertainment will be presented by the members of the class. JOY OR SORROW BEST VALUES Barnes Plower Shop, Inc. 205 East Jefferson Street Phone 2-.K3S9 CHOICE FLOWERS HALGAS BROS. Day Curtain Special Here's a timely curtain special for. every . woman in Syracuse! We will launder your curtains the New Way—at these special prices! * 1 Pair 50c — 2 Pair sic 10 DAYS ONLY!!! RELIABLE HOME LAUNDRY 2-6757 406 ronrt Street 2-6757 RB referring, of course, to FOOT SAVER'S new "Free-Walk- ing" lasts! The cleverest things ever invented for fitting the fcjt in motion,,. Not until you slip your feet into a pair of FOOT SAVERS —note their lightness and flexibility — feel their soft, glove- like iit—will you know how luxu- riously comfortable a walking shoe can be. Reinforced by a patented inbuilt construction to give firm support to the arch. Beautifully styled for Spring... and very dis- creetly priced. SHOES HT-jTHI FOOT IN MOTION '446S. Warren St. :A, . L- * l _ K \^ . j ' J.:'.

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Page 1: I I Syracuse Yacht Country Club Has Gala Opening 1933 ...southernseasyacht.com/articles/23024442.pdf · Miss Martha Schillinger, Silby Vin-cent, Charles Mills, Russell Harring-

I I Third Sectiofl


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Syracuse Yacht and Country Club Has Gala Opening For 1933 Spring Seaso


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A.L. AuxiliarTo Have n o e


arty Friday

Mrs. E. A. Hill toxtendyracuseOpen Home forospitality to Out-of-own ^^^h_ 'M' ^^P*^^— ^H

Sunday Chapter«/ JL

U.S. Daughterswo May Functions

Dean Annie Louise MacleodWill Address Meeting on

Thursday Afternoon eonThe annual meeting of General

Asa Danforth Chapter, D. A. B., willbe conducted. Thursday at 2 :30 o'clock

the home of Mrs. Everard, A. Hill,2215 East Genesee Street. Officerswere elected in 1932 lor a three-year

Mmes. Dan J. Kelly andSidney Scobell Will Be

Hostesses at Clubhouse

On Friday afternoon, May 19, at1:30 o'clock, a dessert bridge will begiven at the American Legion club-house by tbe Women's auxiliary toSyracuse Post 41. During: the after-noon a style show will Take place.There will be a prise lor ench table.

Hostesses will be Mrs. Dan J. KellyL

and Mrs. Sidney Scobell, assisted byL I

Mrs. Morris Talcott as chairman; Mrs.John J. Mahon, vice chairman; Mrs.Arthur G. Lyons, Mrs, Edward SchcUl,Mrs. Frank Terry, Mrs. C. WalterWalser, Mrs. Charles Bubbs, Mrs.Lowndes Lloyd, Mrs. Richard. Romans,Mrs. Chester Puller, Mrs. M. A. Llsk,Mrs. Edward McCabe, Mrs. Lewis Dud-ley, Mrs. Snnlord Locke, Mrs. FreyHyatt.

Mrs. Kober Baldwin, Mrs. RaymondGuilfoyle, Airs. Allen Martin, Mrs.James Ventura, Mrs. Daniel Scanlon,Mrs. James Carrlgan. Mrs. Earl Fresh-man, Mrs. Frank Love, Mrs. Scott Hay-ward, Mrs. Percy Thurlow, Mrs. MinaKlllen, Mrs. Harold Lawson and Mrs.Charles Andrews.

Reservations may be made with Mrs.Kenneth Loltus, 168 Lincoln Avenue.

Observe hirst Ladies Day and Opening Dinner atYacht Club; Note Several

Congenial Groups

P np A /"^..-1.A. Council

Will Have Talkby Prof. MelchiorMrs. J. J. Brown, Local Con-

vention Chairman, WillTell of Plans

Prof, William T. Melchoir of Teach-ers College, Syracuse University -will

the speaker at the meeting of theOnondaga Council of Parents :Teachers at the Onondaga Hotel. May18, at 8 P. M. Professor Melchlor'stopic wil be, "How Our TeacherTraining Schools Are Recognizing theNeed of Parental Co-operation." Aforum will follow inth discussion ledby Mrs. Marl: N. Russell, presidentof the Council.

Mrs. Charles Benz will reviewbriefly "Publicity Bromides" which-was presented at the Cornell Institute

Tristram MetcaH, director of Pub-licity for the New York State Con-gress of Parents and Teachers.

Mrs. M. F. Lundigan will give a re-sume of the lectures during the weekof the Institute. The theme: "SomeSocial and Industrial Changes and-Ways in Which They Are AffectingEducation in Home, School and Com-munity."

Plans will be completed for thedelegates to the Spring Conferenceac Camden May 27, at 9:30 A. M.

Mrs. J. J- Brown, local chairman forthe New York State Convention ofParents and Teachers in Syracuse,Oct. 9-12, 1933, will tell of late localconvention plans.

Mothers, DaughtersBe Guests May 1 7 -Of Aloha-Cauldron

The Aloha-Cauldron Club of theY. W. C. A. will have Its annualMother and Daughter, dinner onWednesday night at 6 o'clock. Mrs.Carl Dorr will l^e the speaker of theevening. Special guests will includeMiss Mildred Pinkerton, Mrs. Wil-liam Buell Gere, chairman of theBusiness and Professional Depart-ment; Mrs. Donald S. Chlids, presi-dent of the association, and Mrs.A. H. Fox.

Miss Elizabeth McNary. girl re-•erve executive, will direct the sing-Ing, and Hazel Merrltt, a club mem-ber, will give piano selections. Othernumbers on tHe program include atap dance by Thelma Manter and areading, the "Minuet," by Mrs. DanielKaiper. The committee working onarrangements includes Peg Neuroth,

"chairman. Ina Seaman, IjjlizabethHolcomb, Rosemary Sharrer andMartha Schmidt, club president.

M..J. Camden of Hershey, Pa., willpresent a talkie, "The Story ofMontezuma," at the meeting of theBusiness Girls League on Tuesdaynlghtt .following supper. . Later Inthe evening a funny costume partyU scheduled under the leadershiplluy Baker, social chairman.TT if. • * — - — - • •- ' - • — • . —" . . . —.... „._,.._

The first Ladles Day of the seasonwas conducted Wednesday at theSyracuse Yacht and Country Club.The tables were decorated withspring flowers and Ivory candies.Hostesses were Mrs. John Barzee.Mrs. Fred I. Olmstead. Mrs. RobertPage and Mrs. Ralph Stilwell.

Mrs. Olmstead and Mrs. Barzee en-tertained at lunchoon lor Mrs, RoyGarrison, Mrs. O. D. Mclntosh, Mrs.Clyde O. Barney. Mrs. A. G. Bryant,Mrs. William Snyder, Mrs. Guy Ham-lin. Mrs. G. W. Stark, Mrs. A. ClymerAustin, Mrs. Harry N, Kennedy, Mrs.Ernest Ridings, Mrs. .John Bnrtels,Mrs. Ethel L. Brown, Mrs. E. E. Til-ton, Mrs. Jesse Fellows, . Mrs. LeoSnell, and Mrs. Harry 'Sanford.

Mrs. Page's guests were Mrs. L. P.Hansom, Mrs. Boy Billington, Mrs.Christy Payne, Jr., Mrs. Fred Peck,Mrs. George South, Mrs. Thomas Mc-Cauley, Mrs. Edwin Fisher, Mrs. Wal-ter Kitchens, arji Mrs. Mark Jackson.

Mrs. Dayton Hessler was hostess toMrs. Henry Farnham, Mrs. Ernest M.Meatyard and Mrs. Henry Allen. Mrs.Robert Gang entertained Mrs. HaroldWaldorf, Mrs. Robert Wolff. Mrs. Jo-seph Cashier, Mrs. Joseph Fietrafesaand Mrs. Charles Mantz. Mrs. Wil-liam Quinn's guests Included Mrs.William J. Kuntzsch, Mrs. ArthurFlanagan, and Mrs. Wesley Fleming.

, Hostesses for next week: includeMrs. Harry Warehara, Mrs. ArthurJohnson, Mrs. William Quinn andMrs. Roben Wright.

The Syracuse Yacht and CountryClub had its formal opening recently•with a dinner dance. Among theguests were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W.Fleck of Detroit, formerly of Syracuse,Mr. and Airs. Harold Kimmey, Mr. andMrs. William Jordan, and Mr. andMrs. Floyd Coursen, who dined to-gether.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Waldorf enter-tained In honor of Mr. and Mrs.Charles Burma of Buffalo. Otherguests .were Mr. and. Mrs. RobertWolff, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gang, Mand.. Mrs. L. H. Schellenberg, Mrs.J. Waldorf, Mr. and Mrs. FrancisGates, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Eckel,Miss Elisabeth Holmes,. Miss RobertaSharon. Miss Irene Yeoman, MissHelen McNamara, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-liam Lane, Edward Fennell, EdwardCasey, Bernard Lawlcr and DunhamTyler.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Henney en-tertained Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Bert-rand, Dr. and Mrs, W, L. Stcinaker,Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Holmes, Mr. andMrs. Howard Zinsmelster, and Mr. andMrs. Edward Barrett.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred I. Olmstead'sguests were Mr. and Mrs. Leon M.Bristol, Dr. -and Mrs. LeRoy Garrison,Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Guilfoil, Dr. andMrs. C. W. W. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs.A. C, Bryant, Mrs, Eari Howell, M. A.Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. A. ClymerAustin, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mclntosh,Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ridings, Mr. andMrs. Joseph Freidel, Dr. and Mrs.Clyde O. Barney, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bradley.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Schumaker en-tertained Mr.' and Mrs. EdwardSchmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Blelck-art, Mrs. Clara Bush and George Lee.In Mr. and Mrs. John Barzee's partywere Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fellows, Mr.and Mrs. William Rapp, Mr. and Mrs.Otto Werner, Mr. and Mrs. HenryGoldacker', Mr. and Mrs. Robert Was-mer, Mr., and Mrs. Robert Treasure,Mr. and Mrs. Herman Belter and Mr.and Mrs. John Kuckoff,

Dining with Mr. and Mrs. RayKline were 'Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Strat-ton, Mr. .and Mrs. Harry Cook, Mr.and Mrs. O, D. Schmidt, Mrs, E. A.Doegnhardt and Edgar- Herzog.

Miss Sally O'Brien, Miss Mary Ho-gan, Mr. and Mrs, R. A, Stewart, Mr.and, Mrs. H, A. Gray, Drv and Mrs.M. J. Dooling and , Prank Qleasonhad . dinner together. .

Among others noted at the dancewere Mr. and Mrs. William Dteque.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murphy, Mr.and Mrs, John Dessert, D. and Mrs.Edward Berger, Mr. ana Mri. Ray-__-- • - ! - ----- _^ -™- -» R •— JJ» -**»-*-' -^HW £•• ..... •* .T -i— **

mond Thomasmeyer, Fred Glahn,Mrs. Ines ilcClusky, Miss DorothyUrschel, Dr. Koweth. Pabst. Mr. andMrs. William Quinn, Mr. and MrsJ. J. Kuntzsch. Mr. and Mrs. Charles


MontK, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fleming,Mr. and Mrs, Carl Welter, Mr. andMrs. James Dooley, Mr. and Mrs,Harry Warcham, Mr. and Mrs. EarlMiles. Miss Agnes Kene. ClarenceSpencer, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Conner,Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lonerghan, Dr.and Mrs. Howard Hahn, Mr. and Mrs.Louis Hahn, Mr. and Mrs. WalterQuina, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hager-man, Mr. and Mrs. William Kuhn,T. J. Griffin.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Anderson,Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lardy, Mr. andMrs. Arthur Johnson, Miss EthelHang, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Diesseroth,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howard, Mr.and Mrs. Robert F. V.-lght, Mr. andMrs. John Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.Kenneth Parmelee, Miss Helen Sny-der, Miss Nona Pippa, Mr. and Mrs.E. J. Perry, Stanley Howes, GeorgeO'Brien, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Tyler,Mr. and Mrs. Max Frey, Mrs. Wen-dell. Browne, Miss Marjorie Yonks,E. A. Gates, Mr. and Airs. C. F. Wol-frora, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Bentley,Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Thomasmeyer,Miss Martha Schillinger, Silby Vin-cent, Charles Mills, Russell Harring-ton, William Lamed, Robert Pageand Harry Pnrcell.

Gradrade TeachersElect Officers;

Diinner on limej 7The May meeting of the Syracuse

Grade Teachers Association was con-ducted in Central High School. Theseofficers were elected for the comingyear: Miss Katherine McDonald, presi-dent; Mrs. H. J. Sandwlck. vice presi-dent; Miss Martha Hogan, recordingsecretary; Mrs. Elsie Hannon, corre-sponding secretary; Miss CharlotteRoss, treasurer.

A dinner will take place at Drum-lins on June 7. These guests will beinvited: Mr. and Mrs. G Carl Alver-son, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shingleand Mr. and Mrs. John Hummer.

IX WASHINGTONMiss Anna R. Connolly, 529 Tomp-

klns Street, accompanied by her niece,Miss Anna G. Connolly, is passing afortnight in Washington., D. C., visit-ing Mrs. John P. Connolly.

term. Officers and chapter chairmenwill give reports at Thursday's meet-Ing.

A Girl Homemakers program will bepresented und samples of work doneby children of Croton School will beshown. Ten dollars is given by thechapter each year lor the work inaddition to materials. Dean AnnieLouise Macleod or the Syracuse- Uni-versity College of Home Economicswill speak.

k ClubWillSponsorConceit May 16

South Side Library SingersWill Present Novel Pro-

gram; Not Participants

The South Side Library Glee Clubwill present "Under Southern Skies,"Tuesday night, at Kirk Park Com-munity Clubhouse. Kirk Park Com-munity Club is sponsoring the event.

Miss Georgia Cochraile and MissBetty Bailey will sing "The SpinningSong," and Betty and Peggy FillerVvlll dance the minuet, accompaniedat the piano by Mrs. George H. TenEyck.

In the second part ot the program


Photographs show some of theguests at the opening party of theSyracuse Yacht and Country Club,Upper, left to right: Mr. and Mrs.Theodore C. Thomasmeyer andVincent Sheley and Miss MarthaSchillinger, Mr. and Mrs. John

Barzee, Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. W,Hoffman, Commissioner and Mrs.W. E. Rapp and Mr. anc Mrs. OttoF, Werner. Below: Mr. and Mrs.Robert Page. Mr. and Mrs. Fred I.Olmstead, Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Schu-


Husbands and Billy SundayClub Are Guests at Uni-

versity M. E.

The Sunday Chapter of the Y. W.C. A. had its last luncheon meetingof the season at the University M. E.Church last Tuesday. Members of theBilly Sunday Club were invited, alsohusbands of the chapter.

J. K. Elliott, W. W. Chipman, E. K.Ives, Abbott Meech, M. H. Merchant,with Amos Phipps at the piano, sangseveral hymns. The Rev. Gcrrit

omen s GolfAssociationL :huncneon Party

which will consist of southern songs,Mrs. Ray Cochrane and. Mrs. HenryO'Neil will be end men, and MissAlice Cochraue and Miss Helen Goff,Dixie pickaninnies. Miss Marie Mar-tin will be "The Seller of Laces," andMrs. Ten Eyck the interlocutor.

Tri-School ClubWill Present Play

The Stunner Smith NottinghamMothers Club will present a mu-sical play with dancing, "In the Handof Make Believe," Saturday after-noon, May 20, at 3 o'clock at Not-tingham Junior High School.

The cast will include pupils olMiss Margaret A. Read and pupils in;ne Sumner Smith Nottingham danc-ing classes.

Mrs. Wm. A. Curtin Is HostessFor Flower Guild Bridge May 17

Onondaga Golf and CountryClub Is Chosen For Hospital

Benefit Games

More than 100 tables of bridge willbe in play on Wednesday night,when Mrs. William A. Curtin is host-ess for the Flower Guild of the On-ondaga General Hospital at the On-oridaga Golf and Country Club. Mrs,John Collins is general chairman;Mrs, John S. Pendergast, chairman ofthe hostesses; Miss Roberta Straub,tickets; Miss Mary M. Cornell, prizes;Mrs. Edward F. Group, publicity, andMiss Kathleen McPherson, chairmanof arrangements. Mrs, Frederick A,Kreuzer is president of the Guild.

Miss Mary M. Connell was hostessfor the regular meeting of the FlowerGuild at her home, 300 HurlburtRoad, recently. There was the usualbusiness,

The next regular meeting of theFlower- Guild will be conducted onThursday night, May 18, at the hos-pital, when Mrs. J, Howard Keller

Mrs. Frederick Sembach will be


Guests at Drumlins IncludePlayers From Nine

Nearby Clubs

Sixty-eight attended the Women'sI I I L

District Golf Association luncheon onWednesday at Drumllns. Decorationswere in pinJc and white.

The guests from Drumlins: Mrs.Payne Bigelou*, Mrs. George Andrews,Mrs. B. W. Perry, Mrs. Harry Marx,Mrs. E. K. Merrltt, Mrs. Roland Hunt,Mrs. Ralph Stoncr, Mrs, FranklinBaKer, Mrs. Harry Hallam, Mrs. R. S.Burlingame, Miss Ruth Sperry andMrs. Chester Fisher.

Bellevue Country Club—Mrs. K. C.Wicks, Miss Annette Meatyard, Mrs.A, Stover, Miss Dorothy Stark, Mrs.J. H. Sturdavent, Miss Harriet Uaboll,Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. WilliamStark, Mrs. A. C. Nichols, Mrs. CharlesThels aud. Mrs. C. J. Sorgenfrei.

Qnondnga Golf and Country Club-Mrs. A. G. Seltz, Mrs. C. E. Shiua-man, Mrs. Fred W. Barker, Jr., Mrs.F D, Robinson, Mrs. Joseph Allbone,Mrs. William Grimes, Mrs. J. Clune,Mrs W. Lapham, Jr.r Mrs. Fred Zerbe,Miss Barbara Durston. Miss JanetSmith, Mrs. Robert Brockway, Mrs.James O'Neill, Mrs. Lester Lewis, Mrs.E. C; Gilbert and Miss Betty Butler.

Cazenovia Country Club —'Mrs.Harold D. Dyke and Mrs. LewisAshby,

Seneca Golf Club—Mrs. James Gere,Mrs. George Pulver, Mrs. George Rob-inson, Mrs. W. Getman, Miss Wll-freda Mott, Mrs. S. Spengler and Mrs.Arthur Ba-vls.

Skaneateles Country club—Mra.Mrs, Stuart Raleigh and Mrs. W.Dennlson.

Lafayette Country Club — Mrs.Ralph Shulman, Mrs. Asher Markson,Mrs, Joseph Grody, Mrs. H. Stone andMrs. Gertrude Sednmn,

Syracuse Yacht and Country Club-Mrs. A. J. Spire, Mrs. A. A. Muench,

Mra. Oscar Guilfoil, Miss VirginiaGuilfoil, Mrs, I. Thomasmeyer andMrs. Ralph Murphy.

Tuscarora Club—Mrs. A. B. Bed-ford, Miss Harriet Hilton, Mrs. J. D.Donahue, Mrs.. T. H. Buss and Mrs.Ernest Couverette.

ibraryAssociation toMeet Monday

^^•f^^mf^^^^^^—^^^^^^^* f * *"*" ^ F . . *

William S e e b e r of S. U.School of Speech Will

Read Modern Poetry

Mrs. Alexander E. Ober;ander, act-Ing president of the Charles E.White Library Association, will con-duct the regular monthly meetingnext Monday night at 8:15 o'clockin the library auditorium.

Following the business session, Wil-liam Seeber will give readings frommodern poets. Mr. Seeber is a student | land, Mrs. C. L. Balcy, Mrs. H. S.at the School of Speecn at Syracuse

Heemstra o* Pompton Lakes, N. J.,and Stephen Groner spoke. Springflowers were used for decorations.

Hostesses at the tables were Mrs.Clarence M. Ryan, Mrs. William H.Oot, Mrs. M. R. Grannis and Mrs.Walter V. Watson.

Seated at the presidents table were;Dr. Minnie Mason Beebe, Mr. and Mrs.Abbott Meech, Mr. and Mrs, R. D.Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. H..Dt Andrews,Mr. ancl Mrs. W. B. Hall, Amos Phipps,Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Carter, Mr. andMrs. S. B. Groner, Dr. William C.Sainsbury, the Rev. Gerrit Hecmstra,Mrs. W. C. Sainsbury and Mr. andMrs. S. K. Brcsee.

Other members present were: Mr.and Mrs. W. E. Gaylord, Mrs. M. E,Gray, Mrs. J. D, Sweet, Mrs. Eva A.Williams, Mrs. Henry Nottingham, Mr.and Mrs. M, R. Grannis, Mr. and Mrs.M. H. Merchant, Mrs. J. B. Morehouse,Mrs. L, C. Smith, Mrs. George Flack,Mrs. Charles J. Kenhine, Mrs. LillianBradley, Mrs. Robert Ellis, Mr, andMrs. H. A, Dunn, Mrs. W. H. Powlcs-

1812 to MeetAt Fayetteville

Mrs. C. R, Folsom of Fayettevillswill entertain Onondaga Chapter,United States Daughters of 1812, at;

r L

the annual meeting Friday afternoon.Mrs. Charles A. Lux will preside, andwill give a report on the recent 1812Associate Council in Washington,D. c. Miss C. Edith Hall, Miss Caty;Weldeii will also report.

Plans will bo made for organisationday In June when, the chapter willcelebrate its 10th -anniversary with,a luncheon. A paper on "SaltSprings and Early Men of Salina"will be presented by Miss Grace E.Lester. ' i

Assisting the hostess will be Mis* ]Grace. E. Lester, Mrs. Grace,. S. Parker. *:Mrs. O. D. Burhans and Miss RuthBurhans.

Miss MonicaPresents Her Pupils in

AnnuaDance Revue


University and president of "ThePlayers Club," dramatic society

Berry, Mrs. Leon. J. Bell, Mrs, JohnJ. Schmerhorn, Mrs. Chas. T. Allen,Mrs. A. N. Brundage, Mrs. William D.

sponsored by the Library Association, j Brewster, Alfred L, Wise, E. K. Ives,Adelia L. Mundy, Mrs. Robert Irwin,Mrs, C. R. McCrosky.

Mrs. C. P. Wilkins, Dr. and Mrs,Clarence M. Ryan, Mrs. Charles A. Lux,Miss Helen Walker, Mrs. J. MumfordKeese, Mrs. D. Ryan, Mrs. R. D.Wheeler, Mrs. C. G. McConnell, Mrs.J. R. Clarke, Mrs. E. L. Lancaster, Mrs.H, C. Miller, Mrs. Agnes S. Congdon,Mrs. Jean Andrews, Mrs. Frank Hud-son. W. W. Chipman, Helen Chipman,

K. Elliott, Mrs. William H. Osborn,Mrs. H. W. Osborn, Mrs. William Oot,Mrs. William Hoffman, the Rev. JohnM. Beck, Mrs. John M. Beck, Mr. and

Phi Sigma Alumnae will conduct j Mrs. x> F. Devlin, William Hoffman,the Rev. John M, Beck, Mrs. JohnM. Beck, Mr. and Airs. I. F. Devlin,Miss E. Welgel, Mrs. L. C. Filsinger,

The players recently produced "HighLife About Town, or, The Good Wom-an," by Weller Embler, instructor orEnglish at Syracuse University.

The members of the associationare invited to bring friends to Mon-day night's meeting.

i, • — • — '• ................

Phi Sigma PlansSilver Tea TodayAt Nicholson Home

Cafe DewitTuesday, May 16, 8 P.M.

Dancin FollowinADMISSION 50c


a silver tea this alternoon from 4 to6 o'clock at the home of Mrs. EeesNicholson, Trinity Place. This teais for the purpose of welcomingmembers from the active group o! **• D. M.Pratt Mrs J. Hartaws,the sorority who are about to enter Mrs- H- c- Torbert, Mrs. C. W. Cabeen,the Alumnae Chapter.

• The committee " lor ' arrangementsconsists of Miss Gntce Thompson,Mrs. Rees Nicholson and -Miss Pran-ces Collins

Mrs. W. A. Sweet and Mrs. J. KTnkel-

CAMERON CLASSThe Cameron Class of Danforth

Mrs. Nicholson will sing and Miss United Church will meet Tuesday

Women of RotaryLuncheon Meeting

The annual meeting of the Womenof Rotary will follow a luncheonWednesday, at Drumlina.

Mrs. T. p. Holihan and Mrs. L. H.Weinheimer entertained the executiveboard of the Women of Rotary atKrebs, Wednesday. Those present:Mrs. Arthur N. Ellis. Mrs. GarretBrown, Mrs, Alfred C&dy, Mrs. H. J.Churchell, Mra. F. I. Daniels, Mrs.John J. Hand, Mrs. Henry Mills, Mrs.Charles Miller, Mrs. Carol Savage,Mrs. C. A. Sayers, Mrs, Will LansingSeeley, Mra. Don Leoman And Mra.

Ruth Doran, will give a tap dance.l _ J _ _ ^ ^ L ^ ^ dl ^ B ^ BVWV

rii^ 4v

ifBMmV Vni H

Commonweal ClubTo Have Sale and Play

Flans for fall activities -were ,pre-sented by Miss Rosamond Praeger,president of the Commonweal Club,at a meeting of the executive board,at Huntlngton Club recently.

,At the regular Commonweal Clubnext Tuesday, a. "hobby sale" will beconducted before the performance of"The Ladies of Cranford" by membersof the club.

night at 8 o'clock at the home orMrs. Paul Kcene, 302 Robineau Road.Entertainment will be presented bythe members of the class.


BEST VALUESBarnes Plower Shop, Inc.

205 East Jefferson StreetPhone 2-.K3S9



Day Curtain SpecialHere's a timely curtain special for. every

. woman in Syracuse! We will launder yourcurtains the New Way—at these special

prices! *1 Pair 50c — 2 Pair sic



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RB referring, of course, toFOOT SAVER'S new "Free-Walk-ing" lasts! The cleverest thingsever invented for fitting the fcjtin motion,,. Not until you slipyour feet into a pair of FOOTSAVERS —note their lightness andflexibility — feel their soft, glove-like iit—will you know how luxu-riously comfortable a walking shoecan be. Reinforced by a patentedinbuilt construction to give firmsupport to the arch. Beautifullystyled for Spring... and very dis-creetly priced.


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