i h· fa . , - lincoln county archives –archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...he...

i " , . ..- - _ .. , \ . to , . . .. .' , ., 'J ;"" .':' ','j' l "Plla .',m.H,;'; lit,. ',7'1 a,., 1 .. ', ( , ' , .. . .. Are YQU willing to confess tha$ a beaver ota Iquir .. tel is mote prudent than 'you? .... '. They store food for the winter. ' . Then should' you not lOam It from .thOle thrlfty·.ntm.J1a. mad .tore away which buys food . and comlotffot th.e mntet of your hie? '. .. . , .. , TJae btu1k. bthe one life place to put and keep We oii.r lOW Safety and lenic.. .' . < ,' WIWw.. WJLCOD YOUR ACCOUNT. ,. , COUNTY" OF LI NOOLN, . NEW .. MEXICO' 7, ' ; " . IN· TiHE 1 I", ..... it , I 11111 '111. '. . who spenda in6v .. itt-bly rePt&t. prorreo. Why' not . put the principle to the teat? . . taU") , IS AS UNCHANGEABLE AS THE . LAWS OF TH£ M!OaS AND PERSIANS. ". . . . 'tH£INbIUIDUAf. WHO $PENDS MORe THAN' HE !AR:NS-OR. AS IS OFTeN ·THE .CASE•.. SPINOS AU, BEfORE HE EARNS-TRAUELS IN It· 80Ht!" CIRCLE. CANNOT ADVANGE. . NfO"H£ WHO DOatS NOTADUANCE.RtiC£DES.·· . - I , , D , " rJ , (J - , . LEADING ·N,EWSPAPER· IN CIRCULATION .. " .", ,-, . . , . . . " "Whet\ 'Pu. W4Ylt DRUGS ana . '.' THING$ r Callen US , : -, "'1 [tT). U .. ! .. I '_'.,-0' '_._'i .... ,._\' _,I_"'r_ ... _, .... , _._. 10'_;;_1 ., , l' I' i n I ! We areSAFS Druggists, . ., :r ou can, or4er e ttom us wh.t you need on the phone Illd know that wewiU give it,i'tut die same careful at·· tention as if you ordered it in pelIOn. .' . . '. Send oX' phone us & lfe.t of the thinpyou need. ' . . HoW' about your .fint aid remedies? Look throu,h . your cheat Ind see If 'YOU are well supplied in.tate of emergency. We use no ,Iubatitutes.. COKE TO US FOR IT , , .. , - . - . - ,- '. - . ..... "'p i'+". '"". __ :::' o '( t . i OLDEST AND LISCOLN COUNTY. NEW FRIDAY. SEPT. 8, .' NtnwJiR 3tS , •• J .,:. 4 i. to "-'M" ,"k-tto ": _ -S'"," i. 'I ; .,'. : l _ k ... , _: Po) ,".• 'A /" :;. J, 'W..... ,,;, -' __ -4>; ::;_:: .- .:'; ." a,I :: .J:.= ' - ;;::. ::u: 1;4: :.;,: ',;,,: .: '::"'0 ¥ :;: 'Li.. s,' .. ... :t : .. ",.,;,:'Z;, .. _AU'.' ...... ;;:... :,: i ::" :.-. , .. ,,>-""'" .";,,...,.;.---.,-,,} '''·.r. ,Z,::. to .d i :,;t, DEMOCRATIO STATE CONVENTIQN . w.silqtoortews letter .. New PU;lzle Qame . Tues (iD Be' Reda(ed Fourth stteet.wUh. . " '. '" . -.. . . _ ,_. . of a small gap. whu:h It IS .A J . f' ; ···U· . 'S" t .. "liB,. BaHforQ Ti.mes is today 'l'axescaQ bereduced. all,ls tbe filled.iJ15oon. With A•., ... ,ones .. '. ..".. Wasbingtol:l. D..C •• Sept. 4• .-. pubhsblo&, In our Pfper a. N.ew Taxpayers' ..tion of stdeV\aJk and a . . . . ,, ", ,. . . .The slush fund collectors of tbe Game. the Qbjcct of whIch Mexi"o. in it. ..e"ent bulletiu. by ltnprovement the _tteet. Tul ..• J. F. JUnkie, C)! Roswen, SbUID lelld. ,00 the repqblicaU p,tiona} (:ommittecare IS to see wuo can fiad Jarpest reducing expellditlres••nd ..ites .. very for Governor thtrdballot HInkle was a neck rJ)'ltg'h aleddiog', meetiug'iuunb;r of tJ. ... QbJecta a few e.xamplnQldof J;I1lny. lUvdlUg appear.. . . abe.4of lnd on. the wltb rebuff. frow sources nenr m. tbl: Plf: tl1 r. e •. the For IPltan,cc, in ' . ' -' _. . .fouf.th.,nd ballot HI".kl e known to h1 the past when start 1'fdb. !he theSl!nC CrI;IpIoye .. as jan. ' All we to press tallt receIVed a maJonty. he,Becuflng called Ott to YIeld up tbedl1ciltS.lettcr ::- Tbey •• Hor Jailor. tl1.,.5 ., tbe Dewocratl.c C?uVenhOu lJ,. greater,number 01 the Yotes Milton Ailes, the tre"'aurerof 1JJe 111, casbprl:l;es wltb .. pe1uhhuea·lrottl $1.500 to $1.000. U [2 nh ·fi.' , wa\unB'age<1 ltsdutu:l1 of pre- had been. c",st for cou,1l11ittee. is president 01 the first pm;e of $750.00. • These In Lea. county. tbe trCll$tm:r" .J,..),. rl. iY &ys va.dng , .ltd u'o,?in- Vaught .. than did NationalDank of Games ha.ve been ltl: oper- P. S. Bennett, refuses to employ atinl' a ticket •• nd tbe only 120m- lIauuett. which is oue pf the teu.J a Lion the country for '1"000 depnll-and in'tbat lit. iaa.tion we were theu .. Me to fe-For JO$e A•. tac1'tls of' tbat and mani tie county, where d,e business is was tbTathol,I:J. St' A. Oft sdab n MlgtUel Waf J, P: Morgan &. CQ. lIence Mr. f ppr a ::: t •• li8't bt • the ,people are sllyed tbePRes. JI.. . sen a or wa .. re- domIna e y lJ,ee iID.a lim. Ailes ia in .. directscuse A1r.y .'" ,..."... '. ... sa arlo1 III clepl1ty, even tbough noml-llted al:l114$( the greatest Judge SamG. Brat{(>n of Morgal1'a representative. lIe was llnd bmlg (me of .tbese bIg allowed bylaw. . 1["', ellthl1Sil.13m•• nd by a ul1animous county Will) nomina.ted lo ... because aU of DjK Busi.: to your COmmU111ty? In Roosevelt coullty all wild vote of the conYcntion. prewe court justiCf: by waldd recognise bis. signa- . _4' •• "'. , animal bounty c:l\\ims ilre paid at Tbe $enator addressed the con· mous vote; as was Johe W. Cor- ture. as implying a suggestion; Sunda,Jullght. de- end of year, and prorated tro}l) vetttiol1 at consideral)le length. bin. of Torrance county. for trea· tbit 41,OU ltad better COlIJC across !moll,bed two and Cllt the funds availablei-tbus tbere al1<1 hiupc:ecb. of sure.t::i Miss of Grant you want to, waint.ain yourseltl wires on the main pboQC line. no, outstandillgclaims agaiust tbeD1Qst eloquel1t _ltd COn vl11clng couuty, for superlutendent of m good the beadl betwt?en Q5CUIoanclSocorro-'fthlSCOUuty. I . ctelhered in fQ! state•• was public instructionj Vigil. of of tbe Of, America." :'tal1ager McQuillen and Morga.n III counties county voclferousI, applauded an4hlgh· Taos county, fdt audItor. and Tbe pnnClple of lmphedsugges. Paden responded toa hurr, call. COWWISiioners supcr .... ISQ tbe ro:.ld I )y cQwwclIdec1. SelldQr JQlle,'b Miltoll J. :pl Bernalillo don is wen uuderstood in the re. repa.ired the dawagc \lUll mcssa .. work without to the N cOllcededto'be one of the ablest county. for attorue,y. ; '. publican naUonalcQwm,ittce-in gcs were singing in 11 few hour15. (:ountv. ' i. ,;,. .mell in tbe United States Senate,. For Secretarvof State. the Cact, it waa recogubed loug be.. = ..• , .. Aside from the sala.ries piliet L _.1- •..L . fl BreaUy admitC:cl bl .11 and i. uames of two ladies were pr(::- fo".e 'Nrote that fawolls' for county aelminislratiou, the wnQ 10 . idol of tbe democracy of New sentell. Mrs. k"rauces :e, letter to Haniwan. ill Which be. opportunity for tbcjargeat saving inK On Those wbo know him Nfxon. of Dc Data countr, said': uYou aUd I are both prac- js.found ia what is expended for best.lUld are acqlUlinted with h!!l Mrlt. Sofedlld CbacolJ, of BerJja. tical busi!less meu. h . Tbat deli.. sberiff'a tJave!iur expenses. •. ac' Iillo county. Mrs. Nixon , .before exprelsiou I Justice ot pelcr: aud co.nstab1a I vJ Q t\ \ t "'h\' 'K. . cord dlsunctlOlh the vote was announced. grace· Ul <;asb. nut Jbese ehplomatlc fees. and, In 80WeH.lOUtttles, lor. 1- were tully withdrew•. anel asked the waueuvc:rs dou't always bring the tbe feediug' ?f . Wbc.rc "''''- t"\. -\ \ :s presented-to the ••s cOllventiol1 to wake Mra. CheoQ cash-tbere is & revolt OU., One 18 Ceuts a mile II piud the shertff i 'V 1011(,.,,; Mrs. Floreuce P, John... the ul1anirl;lOllS choicc. which was. of most hlteresting ev!dct1clel. .# f?r tra veUug' both w.ays. it bc·l ..... ..s. "lock. . stone, of Albllquerql!Ci J'obott.1'or- done.) " .. of the letter vmttcn to •. ' lleved. the allowance IS lltl .... row, of Raton; and A. L. Zion.. A contertallo developed over Mr. AUel the other day by Col •.., . least SO p!r cent over the cost." \ ,of Tucuwcari. nefore tbe vote the selection 'Of a. candill,te tor ?blrles M. ,Warner, a man who <> The fallure to llUrcbase r()cord t; There are a I kinds of de- _.S llUl1ouneed. Mra'. Johnstol1e Land pomwis,ioner. Socorro 18 weU pust 75 y.ears olel and who' . I and supplies and vises to get yoUr hard· withdrew. Bern.tiUocounty then coull1y' natned Justinlll10 Baca. has vo!ed. the repUblican ticket' It'stoastod. ThIs. equapn:eut upon accouut, for e:trned easb. tbrew· it. vote to Morrow, and liUlrSailla Fe county' named T all ot hIS hie. A careful - on_t,ldra proc... .. .ou!uderableportlou·of uunecea· So ut't 1 't I\.Illr Zind woved the nomination of A. Doran. The vote indicated {nl-tion of. fails. to dia- glv••• CleUghtful lSlrf •• . P 1 W tere! IS Morrow by. acclawation. the nomina.tion of Daca, and close .nY.lnhdatlon tbat be in- '1 be fot the safe by investing . For QoYCtuor, tive names were upot:t Dora.a·s motion the genUe. tend. votulK tbat ticket In one or more o! our placed before the conveution, •as man Irom Socorro was tJominated lIe is Mgeelted 111 utlon qf the CERTIFICATES of DEPOSIT follows:>A. T. IIannett , of Me- by HMy Dear Mr. Ailes: 1 bave - c. -=--= ... coubt! boardlloleducation " .. Kinley eounty' H. L. nan. of Auotber arose over tbe IOUI' letterof Aug. 9tb, ill 'Nbleb seeing a. little clique in cOlJgre$s countlel as RoolicveJtI. 'Nhtre t.he Certificates of depolit do ., ..1. ,.. k ti passing tar'ff hoJJ' u total costeor mil ntalnutg uchool •• Amba county; James F. nomination of a cau.dldatc for all cO'topeta. secllrcJsar'O lI .. yll,Ull' lnoWotb Yt pnuece:- roow is '95 per wouth all com- not promise a qUick, spec- . 1I1nkJe, 01 Chaves county; J. S. ct>rporation commissioner Doni· .. e ec lun 0 a lcan con-I 01' .. 1 0 C llrPQ..1 d' h d 11 .' taenlar fortune but they Vaught, of Luna count,,; and .E. facio Montoya of in November. I bave voted l'tban make the pUblic pay! ana pare Wit propose ... bu gets Ul d ' d , ... U ' kl f Lf Itt t .. b t b tbe republican for 55 uears: tor no other reason tban to tet other counlles of $IN5 per month 0 promise a ,tea 1 In· urtc 0 n coun y. 1. Ii present a mower 0, t e. " I ., nd mor l t1l lW'" l't f f 4 t d On tbe first ballot Hanuell led; cowmission. WItS aimed over J. ban wadI! contributions I faUea at the a e, or e 8 'i qua I '1 0 come. 0 per cen an a Hinkle lecond. aud the others W. of county. whenever requested by tbe teptlb.! pUbhc c:xpeuse. &f< q:1. aCfYl.e. safe Investment for your traillug Ilccond ballot latter •and asking licat! party. HI think are dia· ..'''' money .' tbe conYentlon to ratlf, the nom- fly k 'f I ' . . td 'tt. tl 1 f N w Sid Ik . sbowed some ,cbanre!l.w.itb Uan- ination of Mr, Montoya by aecla. .011'" we 1 have ,gull C WI . Ie pe'r otmallc.! e. _cwa s - \', dett '. at1d Hinkle g1l11l1tt& tbe mahofl. that the dewocrats, true toform , 'I" tlte rcpubhcan party. as elCewpb. F ·tt AE r t" i '1 ';tit' , ,.' " •, ..' • • , " are basing tbeir hopes 011 ti"ed by Ildwinistrttion. nrtd the . ran •. ng.ls 1,15 U ·T . B :;----'- .• "'••"'- ,d'- __ __ " ..... tent. and 'dissatisfaction.' Hl1vlqouly way thelle republic'UIl. who ota:::n l e CCWll1t Ildewalk bul1dHlg . he Exchange ftDk . th t ·, h' t• 1 I' I' . '.1 k ·th . ou ... u arosa avenue. Wberi this ,.. ey no a rIg . eedlscon- are now urun WI power , can . t' I' k'. I·t· d .tb N. M. '. d' . d i I . b d" •. l' I' I' t..f· . par IUU at wor .. COI1lP e etC ' . tente. an d S!lat .fied? I e ISClp. Jue<•. IS to c ec .. emo· lk ··1{· f Mi' t . tt· IITbe BIl k f You in lVJ1 u "What h., the repUblican con.', crath: congressmen to office." . wa WI run row a us tee o. or I tb:t 1 t,,., ." ," " -. '._._u_:" ;:f, deemed? '. . cd to Mr. Warner is not sent OU Pro . 'd .l .. th·· Fa ., "You ate trying to bring the ita way befo.ro having been aI" . e iV1 es lor. e·.:tu:re. eMf of dowu , but how can proved by the mind." of '. . . 11I.is a1lll ttle mauagers. . It .,,' nnVnu'. utlar, lb. worklUgl1lan Il you would therefore appear II if tbe Uti .I" keep tbe costol Hving up? puty, .as at present controlled. . a;F" "2 IdZSl "You may think I talk this htteluls to rCl1owit1ate President ' way bfeause lam prestde'rlt of Harding two YCllfl'l hence. This olta of tbe la.rgelt indepelJdertt concern finds expre'$ion iii UIC cane lugar refining cowpanies. Istatcn14'lnt 'to Mr. Warder that if plu+l'guUty.' My cowpau1 is a. democrlti(: congreu is cleded' • Iudoll! to serve or tbil'l fall it \\Iill be bailed·.s t1 sua-At with a cheap article.. I am .forcruliuer of bi,' (Harding"s) de- ?iacol1tented at1d dil!l!latisfied ill feat two " . 1.·' .... .-;,.·· ",,' __ , " , " 1 , , , , . " ; .. Ii , f" :J; . . , f '.

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•'J ;"" .':' ','j' l "Plla .',m.H,;'; lit,. _Fr~1 ',7'1 a,., 1 .. ', (


, '

~ , .. .

. . Are YQU willing to confess tha$ a beaver ota Iquir..tel is mote prudent than 'you? .... '.

They store food for the winter. '•

. Then should' you not lOam It le.~on from .thOlethrlfty·.ntm.J1a. mad .tore away mo~ey which buys food .and comlotffot th.e mntet of your hie? '. .. . , ..,

TJae btu1k. bthe one life place to put and keeptno~ey. We oii.r lOW Safety and lenic.. .' .

~ < • •





7, '


" .



I", .~'.....it•,

I11111 '111. '.

.Th(\l~n who la.ve8~'J'.he spenda in6v..itt-bly rePt&t. prorreo. Why' not .put theprinciple to the teat? •


~\\e taU") a\"~T()~te~5~,',






D , •

" rJ , (J- ,

•. ~



,. . ."

"Whet\ 'Pu.W4Ylt

DRUGSana D.RUG~.. '.' THING$ r

~.~~ CallenUS

, : -, "'1 [tT). U.. ! .. I '_'.,-0''_._'i....,._\'_,I_"'r_..._,...., _._. 10'_;;_1.,

, l' • I' i n I !

We areSAFS Druggists, .., :rou can, or4er ettom us wh.t you need on the phoneIlld know that wewiU give it,i'tut die same careful at··tention as if you ordered it in pelIOn. . ' .

. '.

Send oX' phone us & lfe.t of the thinpyou need. '. .

HoW' about your.fint aid remedies? Look throu,h. your cheat Ind see If 'YOU are well supplied in.tate of

emergency. We use no ,Iubatitutes..





, - . - . - ,- '. - ......"'p i'+". '"". /Ii"~*"--""'""'"'_'_"'_"~''"'''_''';'__ :::'

o'( t.~, . i


, ••J .,:. 4 i. to "-'M" ,"k-tto ": _-S'"," i. 'I ; .,'. : l _ k ... , _ : Po) ,".• 'A /" :;. J, 'W.....,,;, -' • __ -4>; ::;_:: .- ~ .:'; ." a,I :: .J:.= ' -;;::. ,:~, ::u: 1;4: :.;,: ',;,,: .: '::"'0 ,,::~~~.:,¥ ':!"",,~:.::: :.::L~,;", :;: .:~-" ,...:::,~~."'Li.. s,' ..:-~ ... :t:..",.,;,:'Z;, ..::~._~", :~-= _AU'.' ...... ;;:...:,: i ::" =-"...:2.,~, :.-. ,..,,>-""'" ''''''''~ ,.-,",,,,,<:,,,.~,;,,,~""",",,'-?~"'<-~"'; .";,,...,.;.---.,-,,} '''·.r. ,Z,::. '4~:Mf"=""'::: to .d i :,;t,

DEMOCRATIO STATE CONVENTIQN . w.silqtoortews letter . . New PU;lzle Qame . Tues (iD Be' Reda(ed Fourth stteet.wUh. tb~ e~~eJ.ltiQA. " '. '" . -.. . . _ ,_.. of a small gap. whu:h It IS ho~4. A J .f' ; ···U·. ·S~ 'S" t ~ .. "liB,. W.lJ.~c; BaHforQ T~e ~l P~~Q Ti.mes is today 'l'axescaQ bereduced. all,ls tbe wiI~ ~e filled.iJ15oon. With .t~ia

A•., ... ,ones ~r .· .. ' .e.na.~. ..".. Wasbingtol:l. D..C•• Sept. 4•.-. pubhsblo&, In our Pfper a. N.ew Taxpayers' AlIs~i..tion of New~ddthoUa1 stdeV\aJk and a htth~. . . . , , " , ,. . . .The slush fund collectors of tbe ~tlzzte Game. the Qbjcct of whIch Mexi"o. in it. ..e"ent bulletiu. by ltnprovement ~f the _tteet. Tul..•

J. F. JUnkie, C)! Roswen, fo~.mer SbUID t~e lelld. ,00 the repqblicaU p,tiona} (:ommittecare IS to see wuo can fiad ~he Jarpest reducing expellditlres••nd ..ites ~QS~ ~venuewdl pre~l<lnt .. veryfor Governor thtrdballot HInkle was a neck b~TilJ8' rJ)'ltg'h aleddiog', meetiug'iuunb;r of ~Qrds" tJ....~1tIg QbJecta a few e.xamplnQldof J;I1lny. lUvdlUg appear..n~e, .

. abe.4of Ha~pet, lnd on. the wltb rebuff. frow sources nenr contal~ed m. tbl: Plf:tl1 r.e•. the For IPltan,cc, in Ton·.nc~£olm. '. ' -' _. . .fouf.th.,nd de~ld~g ballot HI".kle known to win~e h1 the past when nam~s ~:~luch start 1'fdb. !he ~y theSl!nC CrI;IpIoye ..ct~ as jan. '

All we wen~ to press tallt w~ek receIVed a maJonty. he,Becuflng called Ott to YIeld up tbedl1ciltS.lettcr ::- Tbey ••reo~emng Hor ~ud Jailor. tl1.,.5 .redu~iug e~. .,tbe Dewocratl.c ~tate C?uVenhOu lJ,. greater, number 01 the Yotes Milton Ailes, the tre"'aurerof 1JJe ~12S0.0~ 111, casbprl:l;es wltb .. pe1uhhuea·lrottl $1.500 to $1.000. U[2 nh ·fi.' ,wa\unB'age<1 ~ ltsdutu:l1 of pre- t~at had been.c",st for Hll~J. cou,1l11ittee. is president 01 the first pm;e of $750.00. • These In Lea. county. tbe trCll$tm:r" .J,..),. rl. iY &ysva.dng , pl~tform .ltd u'o,?in- Vaught ..nd·.~rJcklel than did Rig~s NationalDank of Wa:sb.:P~zzte Games ha.ve been ltl: oper- P. S. Bennett, refuses to employatinl' a ticket••nd tbe only 120m- lIauuett. ·~iDgtoU. which is oue pf the teu.J aLion t~rQUf:hout the country for ~ '1"000 depnll-and in'tbat lit.iaa.tion we were theu ..Me to fe-For I~ieut.,G.overnor. JO$e A•. tac1'tls of' tbat fllJanej~1 QctQpUlJr$Q~e bm~ and mani vall1a~~e tie county, where d,e business is~rJt was tbTathol,I:J. St' Senat~r A. Bac~ Oft sdabn MlgtUel C(lt~uty, Waf J, P: Morgan &. CQ. lIence Mr.fppr

a::: h~~lbe;out !~~~.ft·hl?Sarpt~;•• li8'tbt• the ,people are sllyed tbePRes.JI.. ~1JeJ. . .~ sena or wa.. re- domIna e y lJ,ee iID.a lim. Ailes ia in .. directscuse A1r.y .'" ,..."... '. •... sa arlo1 III clepl1ty, even tbough •

noml-llted al:l114$( the greatest Judge SamG. Brat{(>n of Cur~, Morgal1'a representative. lIe was ,zJ~ llnd bmlg (me of .tbese bIg allowed bylaw. . 1["',ellthl1Sil.13m••nd by a ul1animous county Will) nomina.ted lo... eilt·,$!:le~ted because aU of DjK Busi.: p~J~CS to your COmmU111ty? In Roosevelt coullty all wild k~~~~C~vote of the conYcntion. prewe court justiCf: by aunalli.~~, waldd recognise bis. signa- . • • _4' ~••"'. , • animal bounty c:l\\ims ilre paid at

Tbe $enator addressed the con· mous vote; as was Johe W. Cor- ture. as implying a suggestion; I..I~gbtluDg. Sunda,Jullght. de- end of year, and prorated tro}l)vetttiol1 at consideral)le length. bin. of Torrance county. for trea· tbit 41,OU ltad better COlIJC across !moll,bed two pol~s and Cllt the funds availablei-tbus tbere ar~al1<1 hiupc:ecb. w~jc:b wa~ ?n~ of sure.t::i Miss Eckle~l~. of Grant ~f you want to, waint.ain yourseltl wires on the main pboQC line. no, outstandillgclaims agaiusttbeD1Qst eloquel1t _ltd COnvl11clng couuty, for superlutendent of m good .tanQlngw~1li the beadl betwt?en Q5CUIoanclSocorro-'fthlSCOUuty. I

. eYe~ ctelhered in fQ! state••was public instructionj Jua~Vigil. of of tbe !U0~ey bU~d Of, America." :'tal1ager McQuillen and Morga.n III ~,!,y counties .tl~; county I'-p~-+'''''i;~~~voclferousI, applauded an4hlgh· Taos county, fdt audItor. and Tbe pnnClple of lmphedsugges. Paden responded toa hurr, call. COWWISiioners supcr....ISQ tbe ro:.ld I ~)y cQwwclIdec1. SelldQr JQlle,'b Miltoll J. nelwicJ,~, :pl Bernalillo don is wen uuderstood in the re. repa.ired the dawagc \lUll mcssa.. work without e~pel1se to the N

cOllcededto'be one of the ablest county. for attorue,y. ; '. publican naUonalcQwm,ittce-in gcs were singing in 11 few hour15. (:ountv. ' i . ,;,..mell in tbe United States Senate,. For Secretarvof State. the Cact, it waa recogubed loug be.. = ..•, _=~~=~_"""u~' .. "M"~'.~w, Aside from the sala.ries piliet L _.1- •..L ~

. fl BreaUy admitC:cl bl .11 and i. uames of two ladies were pr(::- fo".e R~eveJt 'Nrote that fawolls' • for county aelminislratiou, the n~ OOQ.~ wnQ 10 .

~he idol of tbe democracy of New sentell. vi~.. Mrs. k"rauces :e, letter to Haniwan. ill Which be. opportunity for tbcjargeat saving do~'\-1hinK OnMe~ico. Those wbo know him Nfxon. of Dc Data countr, a~d said': uYou aUd I are both prac- js.found ia what is expended forbest.lUld are acqlUlinted with h!!l Mrlt. Sofedlld CbacolJ, of BerJja. tical busi!less meu.h . Tbat deli.. sberiff'a tJave!iur expenses. for~t\4·· tno~~~magnj~cent .rc'C?r~•. b.eart~11 ac' Iillo county. Mrs. Nixon, .before ~ate·exprelsiou )'~elded. $210.~I Justice ot pelcr: aud co.nstab1a I vJ Q t\\t "'h\' 'K. .cord h~w ~blS dlsunctlOlh the vote was announced. grace· Ul <;asb. nut Jbese ehplomatlc fees. and, In 80WeH.lOUtttles, lor. h~~\"\\'bOOAh1-

~oiCOugl'css,tbree n.m~s were tully withdrew•. anel asked the waueuvc:rs dou't always bring the tbe feediug' ?f ~ri!lo~cn. . Wbc.rc ~ ~ "''''- t"\. -\ \ :spresented-to the ~onventIOll••s cOllventiol1 to wake Mra. CheoQ cash-tbere is & revolt OU., One 18 Ceuts a mile II piud the shertff i ~\\\J 'V

1011(,.,,; Mrs. Floreuce P, John... the ul1anirl;lOllS choicc. which was.of t~e most hlteresting ev!dct1clel. .# f?r traveUug' both w.ays. it i~ bc·l .....~ ..s."lock. .stone, of Albllquerql!Ci J'obott.1'or- done.) " ~nslst.. of the letter vmttcn to •.' lleved. tb~t the allowance IS lltl ~ ....row, of Raton; and A. L. Zion.. A contertallo developed over Mr. AUel the other day by Col•.., . least SO p!r cent over the cost." \,of Tucuwcari. nefore tbe vote the selection 'Of a. candill,te tor ?blrles M. ,Warner, a man who <> The fallure to llUrcbase r()cord t; There are a I kinds of de-_.S llUl1ouneed. Mra'. Johnstol1e Land pomwis,ioner. Socorro 18 weU pust 75 y.ears olel and who' . I bOO~5 and offic~ supplies and vises to get yoUr hard·withdrew. Bern.tiUocounty then coull1y' natned Justinlll10 Baca. has vo!ed. the repUblican ticket' It's toastod. ThIs. equapn:eut upon bi~$ accouut, for e:trned easb.tbrew· it. vote to Morrow, and liUlrSailla Fe county' named T all ot hIS hie. A careful ~xam" - on_t,ldra proc... .. .ou!uderableportlou·of uunecea· So ut't 1 't • I\.IllrZind woved the nomination of A. Doran. The vote indicated {nl-tion of. 1i!!lle~tcr fails. to dia- glv••• CleUghtful lSlrf txpeu~e•• ~ . P 1 W tere! IS ~_.Morrow by. acclawation. the nomina.tion of Daca, and close .nY.lnhdatlon tbat be in- ~:.~t~~:"::~'., '1 be pos~lblhty. fot the I~rgest ~~ctly safe by investing

. For QoYCtuor, tive names were upot:t Dora.a·s motion the genUe. tend. votulK tbat ticket t&i!Jye.~~· re~uc:tipn ~n ~ubhQ ex~c.lldlturcs In one or more o! ourplaced before the conveution, •as man Irom Socorro was tJominated lIe Sl.JI~ is Mgeelted 111 th~ utlon qf the CERTIFICATES of DEPOSITfollows:>A. T. IIannett, of Me- by ~cclamation: HMy Dear Mr. Ailes: 1 bave ~-"' - "=~ c. -=--= =C"'~~~~ ... coubt! boardlloleducation hl~lll:h "

.. Kinley eounty' H. L. nan. of Auotber cont~st arose over tbe IOUI' letterof Aug. 9tb, ill 'Nbleb seeing a. little clique in cOlJgre$s countlel as RoolicveJtI. 'Nhtre t.he Certificates of depolit do

., ..1. • ,.. k ti passing tar'ff hoJJ' u total costeor mil ntalnutg uchool ••R~o Amba county; James F. nomination of a cau.dldatc for Ytb()~ all t~1 cO'topeta. °bnl~o secllrcJsar'O lI .. yll,Ull' lnoWotb Yt pnuece:- roow is '95 per wouth all com- not promise a qUick, spec-

. 1I1nkJe, 01 Chaves county; J. S. ct>rporation commissioner Doni· .. e ec lun 0 a r~pu lcan con-I 01' .. 1 0 C llrPQ..1 d' h d 11 . ' taenlar fortune but theyVaught, of Luna count,,; and .E. facio Montoya of Sat1dov~1 ~oun. r!e!l~ in November. I bave voted l'tban t~ make the pUblic pay! ana pare Wit •propose ... bu gets Ul d ' d •, ... U ' kl f Lf Itt t .. b t b tbe republican tick~t for 55 uears: tor no other reason tban to tet other counlles of $IN5 per month 0 promise a ,tea 1 In·~. urtc ~y. 0 ~neo n coun y. 1. Ii present a mower 0, t e. " I ., nd mor l t1l lW'" l't f f 4 t dOn tbe first ballot Hanuell led; cowmission. WItS aimed over J. ~nd ban wadI! contributions Icert~ltt lutcr~sts, faUea at the a • e, or e8 'i qua I '1 0 come. 0 per cen an aHinkle lecond. aud the others W. lIunt~r. of C~rry county. ~he whenever requested by tbe teptlb.! pUbhc c:xpeuse. &f< q:1. aCfYl.e. safe Investment for yourtraillug 'l"h~ Ilccond ballot latter wlth~raw1t1g •and asking licat! party. HI think thc''/~ople are dia· ..'''' money. ' tbe conYentlon to ratlf, the nom- fly k 'f I ' . . t d 'tt. tl 1 f N w Sid Ik .sbowed some ,cbanre!l.w.itb Uan- ination of Mr, Montoya by aecla. .011'" we 1 have obscr~d ,gull C WI ~ . Ie pe'r otmallc.! ~ e . _cwa s - \',

dett '. at1d Hinkle g1l11l1tt& tbe mahofl. that the dewocrats, true toform,'I" tlte rcpubhcan party. as elCewpb. F ·tt A E r t " i '1 ';tit'

, ,.' " • , • ..' • • , " are basing tbeir hopes 011 'diac()n~ ti"ed by it~ Ildwinistrttion. nrtd the . ran •. ng.ls 1,15 U c,la~ge ·T . B:;----'- .• "'••"'- ,d'- -''''--~f='__~~__d~H_~"-~,--, " ..... tent. and 'dissatisfaction.' Hl1vlqouly way thelle republic'UIl. who ota:::n

le CCWll1t Ildewalk bul1dHlg . he Exchange ftDk .

th t · , h' t • 1 I' I' . '.1 k ·th . ou ... u arosa avenue. Wberi this ,..ey no a rIg . ~o eedlscon- are now urun WI power, can . t' I' k ' . I·t· d .tb ~t\nRn~o. N. M.'. d' .d i I . b d" •. l' I' I' t..f· . par IUU at wor .. COI1lP e etC '. tente. an d S!lat .fied? I e ISClp. Jue<•.IS to c ec ..emo· lk ··1{· f Mi' t . tt· IITbe BIl k f You in lVJ1u

"What h., the repUblican con.', crath: congressmen to office." . wa WI run row a us tee o. ~ or

~~~~~~Ojjw~a~h;l~~~~:l:~e~:\~~Itb:t1l~:~t~~n~:~I~ a~\v~s :~:r~:!1~ ~r'--c,~,~",,,~~,:,-,<,,~",, t,,., ." ," " -. '._._u_:" ;:f,

deemed? '. . cd to Mr. Warner is not sent OU H·Pro .'d .l ..th·· Fa . ,"You ate trying to bring the ita way befo.ro having been aI" .e iV1 es lor. e·.:tu:re.

• eMf of lab~r dowu, but how can proved by the "be~t mind." of '. . .)'o~ cxp~ct t~.cco~pll.h 11I.is a1lll ttle tcpub{jc:~n mauagers. .It .,,' nnVnu'.utlar, lb. worklUgl1lan Il you would therefore appear II if tbe Uti .I" •keep tbe costol Hving up? puty, .as at present controlled. . a;F" "2 IdZSl

"You may think I talk this htteluls to rCl1owit1ate President 'way bfeause lam prestde'rlt of Harding two YCllfl'l hence. Thisolta of tbe la.rgelt indepelJdertt concern finds expre'$ion iii UICcane lugar refining cowpanies. Istatcn14'lnt 'to Mr. Warder that ifplu+l'guUty.' My cowpau1 is a. democrlti(: congreu is cleded'• Iudoll! to serve tbecol1!tum~ or tbil'l fall it \\Iill be bailed·.s t1

sua-At with a cheap article.. I am .forcruliuer of bi,' (Harding"s) de-?iacol1tented at1d dil!l!latisfied ill feat two ye~.tB·hcnce. " .~i;: 1.·' .....-;,.·· tt::~~":t;r_'a.;,.,.:.,;.<;~"'~ ~ ,_r~:,:,;~.,,:', ",,' __,'hl:"";t;''"'''~~''''''_'''''~''"~.'4_~,-",~.~:I.~~





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!J:~_t e1tJ>O:8ttlOn- atb

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.- J. - N-- ~t,ats'lh a . t. amef

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ALINE 0' CHEERey John Kllndrlek sanll'"







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CHU ....., .. Try!'11uo 1'~ la~ll.. 7W

AU to lIII.Jl. NoR III a.looUl::!!lU' i"WlOam.. 11fttun .f fl1. all<d ..de.ltll:l1t. Ad lOdllCIII.ltllllAI11113 ir.UflMl!n,f &e I"'.,-y·UllQ, "nlUi Ui llol III. -at>­.cl1Z;tlo."1 ClInt..t cd 7eudll."1'! U\III. Ill>~ III •.lm;;l. ,ub..:t1>:I1:m &e W*ll• p,I:", J~t mU4 IIfp)'QUr Ir.& of "p.W..-4Jf'Ul(1 U"Jlil CD T J. UNt:"4."1a. 1'ln1lle> II .Ul. £1 PM!) Tim....

, .. ...

,UlllCIUl"TIOJ( .A'....I'A,llbh. I" " •••_

'I'll,.. HG"tI.a M:ll •• ' II.' '~!IIIJc • •• .,............... '11$0.. T ~ .-,11 In .••

0;10 1lI'It .hl mnnml' .ul;::nillilon """Ion. Itt'm1lll1l·..• tCl1ow:l1 or Ii'll> tl~ lIl,r.., muufb; l\fld Iwetllt~. ll:rmlbo' rl'l1tw(lI' ruo nllml 10 (JIlO noW nul'lutJsatfntcn., -:i'~1" r111t~r#:pUnnn onc:tnQ two IbflIoOlI&~' tr"t!il'l'IIPIIO'Il" .ef Ib,oo lTIIll1Um

A l'.-w .tI~~IU;CT n::e:uu on/l who bual;l &Aba;0(. EI P,UIO 'tm:eJl to:r at fc:wl thl,ty IS",...



Write Today fbr' Lar'le.Clear Picture\' and Fur'...

ther Information

TH'E PRIZES.......... It ~~_w ""Jj.• v..---.-~ ....~:~,"'"_.. . lit_.. '!I!I! fl!I!:l

tal l",II••,.n'.'" ....... .~Clt...'1"41',1.. ••• ·1.... 11," '. ''',''J,. 1""1 '.11' '1•••,14U, 1"rI.. U," n .••1"- l"f1M ••• 7,f. ~ It... •........ l'd..... ..... I.... ••••nil I'ri.. ... ,... I.Jlft'1111. ..rt••·••• ".ottI" 1',h.. ... • ...

Ull, Prh. ...1," .I."lUh I'n..... .... .10


Addffl!8 All Vo/tlll:Utll:bUoll#jo iO •

Q:1t.t f1 ~t;t~ (!imtgT. I. DE8MOl'lI)l"UULE .MAl'lAGEK

n.pit..ahwt...·taiH.......tf.h_~...,....I.,.~...wiU. tHltUW ..You (i.)n l«!adily Me I'Udl object... ··Piuo.... ··PSc." "Pony:' etc. . The oU-1In arc ju.t ...ea,y to find alldyou don't. have to )jm the pi~h.lf.up"de down or .idc~y, to feCI th,m.There ill no trick at aU to tbi. puntc:, jtt.t go(lout ..~l' "U p1'pt:r Ilnd write down tilen!1me. 01 the object. imd article. you.eannu.ELEVEN BfC CASH rHlZE.S will he iinn for tlle elUal belt li.t••cnt in. 1'1Ie lmSWUhaving the Illfgut.and nearut coneet lilt of Wliblc objt.daIDoWJl u. the pic.tura will beawarded Fir.t Pri~e; l!l!If:ond heft, Seeond Pmc. ek. . ,

:---------""""'="'.-----""'"lFoltowTh••• Rul••:

'. 1. 'rbl::J 1"'''':. t. c~n '" ...,. lIlllO, W,,~. "'" v1I1rl ,.1:", \If t:C1 ""I:1I':o)"••r lilt J:l. l'lUI,l 'tlmN Ur;:#r;:~ cr llIl 'l':'"f7JlfO". t.xl:, IlI>:1 \It • ben fl;l"

, t'~#tJ~U r.t I.'} r.ll!) 010' tl rna Ifjl~, tonlw,l', n,,:::1. m;lflIz:1I to) IlItlt "':In In til••:.:::...

D. An...." IIlH4'.l:j bII' 1:'IIm".· 011 Q~. .ld_ .1)' u..p"p;::r <l':lllr llllJ fllll;;l:qtil ,,,r~llttffi'=1, 11. J. 1lIe.Wr.lo lIOllt'tQlI l:l:1r.::. at~) .~Jn:,. ~Il It... let oft:'\~h .~_ All 1Il>lI"':f. """"t, bII' mill/lid tdDro rot""lJlll:>1 Jfct~t117. 6#p:';;:!:<:t::;, lIJ',j .,Ur...,"" 10 1'~ 3,ll;:;:t:::l"", Ih~ :Ka...," 1M' Tot ·~"I"n:::tlt .. ll~ Onl,.· WO'fI1" ...Ill~b u. f;:1Or.a Ie tt". f:~llill!mql!;lnllr1" ...UI ... Olltlole4 (lp1::;J<IllAd, h,phr.l'~lW4 otc#l:)lCfo w~nf. wltl ... lIC::lJI1Jtm .. IIrror" Ittllo c.lr.I1'Jtu or iii 11'01"',1 \It ~ Illo plll.t'lII un Nt"" Cinm!~f. all<l yL.... "e..~ W<.'rlZ. or ttl. ..r;:~Cl'lll:lt.# (1'\1) 4> lt~J 001" enco, <~o:;n tfIO"ab _J toat~'l:lr:al. dltto""l Ob!l!<:ll 'Th;> ""t~, I1bJ;t<t Nn ...

· r.:\l:;e.'!l ellU' !;iI.."Co' 4llMcifi lUl1' "lIrk Of Ill. eb;K~mil' Moo bIllll\raod. Wll~,. l;:lOft .ttllUl Ofl. ,.,mlI. <olU~l!V Jlt;\lIr"tJo I'" Ill. ,ltll,lN;. 1(11' 8111t ot Ib(l:twlil oounl. .. t, '1'\"'1 li\"ll;O a<:edlr:1f til tho IlUlfal alld 1I.."lot

!"oOtrett un or worJ.k,loolr.. ",lib till) 1.11., :"1',I1lU:;Il:¥ obJettlt ,:,011'11 In 11:0 P:cltlto. ...1Il .. lu "1t.II'rat>, ~nd .~;'1rqt. 11@!\4 l',llw. ttc 0::0 "lIll1'1.1: 00 .IV1:II IeI' ~tb evffetl word lIOIll III AM"llO !"lInt oU for ~:Ull lr:rorr«t ITord 0' oml..",..

• Ut.Olnc.", 11.1'10 or 1l:llldwrlllllJf hno t!ll ~flr.. "ronttill !lenni.. lit Ulo ,.bmt.4•

G. AU llr.lll't,. will r«»ln Iho llJin:o alr.~!jcUlkll1'r#)'ill(~" ot "'bqtllQf or l\lll II jlo!l:t tll)Hr,1I 10 ~ml 1ft.

G,. 1'<Irl:/)I.III w.,. ....orlc Ill~atll(;l<' In prn)~rltHr IholrIIDI. I:llt enlY 011:> uiZ4 wm M awnrd,,1 '" All, 11110l:ou""hnl<!. Not 1I10ro thlln 0110 titl!:" will \ill lllut(ll'"to IInv Itroup ouWdo of tbo i,mlll". Wbcrt hto 0''Mro tlilvo bc~n worlllll. IClfClhtt. .

· 1. In tJ:o oVonl ot .. U. to. tint PII.. of(c,od 1110tull tlnllltlni of Ih. Ilrl"" wilfl.'ll p.111 10 .-m !'Qrlkln"" ffed.·

t. Tb<l Ulft* t~lio..lnll Wtll kno"n !r'm {If .1':,·J'"*,,, Myhllr twr ClllIlll«1trilh whb I~" l!:l II~lIII '1'1111"'

Will I\N U 10111(.1 .A I1dll'tiltl#, ~,..lifrllt I:t P.:l1lO t'llll.llll:lll, ot ('{1m,

OCt ": t<'..b'II~· UWlllfoff, IlrcslJClll .lo:l I'll..,. Addob,C' At fl(uv17.· IltcalJclll UorJcl' 1<_lIollal b.1J1lt

ThfY will· u... ulI,dr \'fJtct(n~ \'I'tb.:ll~.'. NIIVtIlllcrllllltotllll 11I~II~llar.., ..lid coIII••l<U\ a Illtr~ 10 .1'cepe'itolr <l0<..:01l .... fIlial .... C<lntl,d......

.. •• TbCM lud.._ will ._I IIlt6cllV Wllowl/lt' Ule"fua" ot lb. l'uulli OIlM... llM tho lJ~m(JI of Ih_ Jlrl.~wlnnor..· Wd Ih" wlunlr.. 11..1 ot ",orotll, \<lllolh~r willifb" OOtt<XI lin ,.hle/1 IJ! m.,l. till by the 1\!fJ.i'c, ffllillU,. currecl Will'll. .ubmlfledl" ..10Ie.II"I'1I ..III belllllbllche<l III the TIm.., ..1Iil tho flrl~ .'Ward.,., JUM., fjuldd, the",atl'" .,1 lb. IlId"c. call ..omvltlO I..h~lcl~ ••



• I


to •

. '

I In'




D, R. STEWAHT, Mau'lge:.





Table Supplied with tbe Beatthe market affords,

". Special FacilitiesFot Banqu~t and Diulter Parties,,


'r s,

. ~t)1e If W~ !'Its II Ste<tOld Shoes'M~de as Quod at New

Witb a~ large slock and lower prices. we S'lJicit •tbe tr1ule of tile pCllple of {.,iUCO!rl COImly.

1 f?


,Can V0 u B eatThi s? .i "L P ., sail P'"

Dealer inLumber, Shingles, -Deors, Sash, Mouldings,·Hardware and Building Material generally.

A Suit mad~ to your measure,with an extra pair of Pants,

For .$25.00 ~



Phone 39

Carrizozo. Eating Hou~eE. H. SWEE'!\ Managet


Return Charges Will be Paid on Parcel Post Orders




WfSlfRN"' lUMBfR (OMPANY, Inc(SUcceSSllr to Foxv.orlMlllbr:lifb Co,)


~ZOlO Western lumber (0" ,Int ~!fW...;,;.;;,;.;Hf~7

". .

._.~_..'" ,_ ". I _"-:"'"

Jt011C£ ., 5HIIJfJ"~:SA1E •UKDR~,

..I t t:_ ....C.'

looking lor a Toga-•



H. B. Holt of Las Cruce•••m1CQlonel G. vi. Pricbard d'f SiUftl'Fe, were bere.Fritllll .ltd Satur..4al. Both tbese a-entleutel1 arecandidates for Ute rep"tlUeapnomiuation for Uldted Statel&eaator and eacb was il1tereatedia tecltrinr thi. count)'" detera­lion t.o the repUblican state coil'Yel1tiOl1at Albuq..~rque tbis. week

,The wutelf,. we uaderat.,,4, rCl·luIted in .. divided deter.lioa.

~~. . (j -' - , mI~iQ«wlt·-e:::eej!fCg:,'$d ;~Hr!eoE.nl!! : E,!! .,__ " J , ~.. '0 •• U: !!lJi!'!1. :ll:a!!!!! ,~a!:: !' !!!!:!'3,!H :eI!! !! _._, s,.;! ,! ." . £ •.,,~._"~~ D.:.!!.,,:_..;'..~5'_:,i.iOZ!!;" ;; '" eCP=C!~.!!!;!!!i !!!,~.i~.=, !!II!it=;==!~!==I~.. ~.!!!!2!~!:~: .::E'!!!,!e!'::~.~!0 ,SIZ..;>;!!; ",} _. !"of !UE, o;,!

UJftfR~tnls,j • Sept, $. 19~. ~. . .'u·reo . 0 ne··y, . '';' Tb~~bool11 h1 our di~trictcom- ' .. ....,.'. . .... ,. . . .. . '. .,.

""i:~eeet todl)' wiU~ .MhJS qll c.- WE CATER TO PARTICULAR PEOPLE· )(l~, te'~l1~r at th«: lh.le. Icboo). fOUR. "EI\&O"S WHYYQUSHOUl.1J I)UY HEDSTROM HONEY ~.aQd .Mta!$ JOscpbll1e Stetaon ~t 1. Wlltl~Qll" ~d~,.~ th.- ...p,au~o tIJ_~ nd )'Q\Il1,c ~\l!l fl1Ulltb.4l ~tbe upper .ebool. Both are f:!J,.. HONEr. Y/III,.t II.. :\,UJ(lll J:lONl!l¥' ~ii!l iIl_.,•• "'TorQ!lJY. •

11 ". '.:I 1\, W.'.'JlI'la, Jto~:IU9!l11llt 1l,lTllU1I4 10K \Jr.. 1IotM ,Ipe.ll 1'. nl...'" Ih.ee Itafir1111tnlCtonIQ"" we ]ook J:lONt"Y 14e !1"UIlI,p,P4 "ilJ l<ffll fill u\1lIlI.,o,. WI MtNti&lal rll"llli!1I1-.l\t\lllJ.

for a ,ear of gOlla worlr; ott the ~ a. W,I n*,..~.P.M liONEl br U!&\:W.m":~l!iQl!.'" .~JlJt, 1l1.II11lill....

part of .U-tdcbers, pupil. ~Qd .•. WctJ!lllhprQ~~dllli".n-.llU,OWriJ('lWf()fth" 'lafRb ....II.;UONli;\:.

patrOQlS, " '. ... ADD POSTAGE. IF HONEV 1$ TO'GO BV MAIL. Mhfies r.,;u, D".lvi~ and Era ~ • rivl po,uJUl hil $ .?is ~lai"h" W.i,la. '1 IJ".

BSroW'QiQg let.l.on ftbe WRbite !tine i T,',n=".·1I.!.••i•• ~!".'.' SB:i':!~,"f.'N••'~rldrlr~'ll~:·t . ~.. unclal eVeQll3g .or . ,os wen to i . . ...~_.. ...... .,... .i# /Pft...... .. .... ""

. .-thm.d Higb SChool. ~.I SEND IN YOUR ORDEr,TODAY k. Mrs. Ike Wing-Geld isUteprolld ~ R. J. HEDSTROM TULAROSA, N. M kJWfi8es$Or of a braud new Ford.~ , ktQ..,itlg cal". .~~~~~1'IM'IIC"'U.'M"W~""''''~''''i!'f'''lr('''''''' II

A motor truck title is being es·tabli5be4 between Roswell andTlllarosa. This tipewiU cOPDcdwitb line alre~dl flIoning. from.Tularosa to EI.Paso. This' willifill. long felt want of, tbe people'of tbis yallel. as tbe' wiJl -now I

bave 10 outlet fllr their produclll.Miss Jewell AUisIln ·leU last·

week for California where sh~ ..willllye with an Il.1nl and atte.ndschQol.

Mr••oa Mra. F. A, Miller yj!J.

ited their "od, Yule, in Tl11uon.Sunda,. .



. ,..






, .


. ,

. ....i

Q ··lity.... ua .... ··.. ·•


,iI the newreftesnmentthatan,'tbe beat. .

'Pure matetW.s, scientific manu·facture, absolut~ clea.p.ijn.ess~

then 6ealed"against all impurity.-, . .

That is Wrigley's as. you get it-fresh and. full.1lavored.

Aids digestion, keeps teeth,white and clean- breath .:sweetand ~tion sunny.

Ho'Oeyoutried thJs~~one'

Utmost 'in


• . 1/1


.. .



. I" ... ) 'r-"",", "~..,,





•4 •

. i, , ,• .. i

, ,,:-'

. " "*'...............f:~rJll$i\'e" id. fltItp!!'tUfIl ot l-relIJdlmt Ifl1nUn,,'1!I new )'llcbt, be.nnr Will tfQDI. tile Mn)1Jower to tho Sal'al

aeadem" Where h~ attended the event. ot thenTit dar ot June w~k. Tbe P~lcJmt8 !:leol and. four atara mGJ' b.1I«n on tile bow. Naval. ald(.jl",an4 .eeetet .Il('r"Ice. 1I1\'1l are on d~ "Whll. th~ pni!IIl4cnt Pltd Mn. lIard1l:l,r are fathe' Cll.bln. • .... '.

Explor'ra and Ck;1.ntl.u Will bam.'M R,U. Book. and M'nutc:rlpt. andThoroughly Inll",lo"t. CUftom4

ollt!). i'Ro<ltof UI, World."

'. - ,

"4;;' "t, I.,.


. .

. ..

GREAT SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS$J;h,m. Being Worked (llJt by Fe4cr!l1

anet 8tat. AlJ'thorltl.. to Burpa.Otl"" Countrl.... .

(P,.parood 11)' n,,,, {'!\I!cit lllllt<M n.pa;t"'lI!It. . of A~r!~l.lllu;*.)

A i~!('m oJ: Illgbwoys th~t wUl sel'\'l)tile wbole cOlUltry aud wfll be fll... l>'l1'pedol' to uny otlleI'm the world IJJbeing wapped but by federal ulld state['Ill,lnferS•. It til ilsttmut('ll'th:lt the .iii)'"tem wfll romprlsCl 180.000 mlle$ oJ:rCllvt. '.rile f t 'dl'rnll11lOh\va)' lIet «'Cent.iy enactl.'I! lS[l«lllt:-aUy requlrt's that nilredcl'l1l ald' be sIl{':lt .on Af.'ODll('l'tt!df)1ltem ot 111~bw.oys consisting of ~otmore than. 7 per Cl"nt ot· tM Jt1:l.d mile­ilge In ('jleh state, nul! th;;\t this 'Ylitcmshill! consist of Illtl.'rstafCor IlrJmurTroudsun"lllter«iuntyor ~1l'l'onda17rolld.1S.

PropOle'() ll;rste.lU$ have befu ,..ct'lvC¢ by the burcau (If public roadlI)( t1:6 t:nlted States Department ofACf1culturc;\ from, ufl bat (',g!lt; 1l1aief.Ihcr IU~ Vlo.ued on .1a~map (It therotted Stat~.0Jl!i mre!l~Uy .fD1l1lned

.. t

An, /mprov.~ ftllchlg.1n Hlohway.

al tl» c:<Hlr~lcutron. \'I Itt< the roUlU OflIdJal'ent lItlltl'# 411') lien-IrQ'to all Sf.'Cotlora or, the rouorry. Where c(j.()rdl.I'J\Uon III' not 6.:Itilltllrtory ronr<trt'lIl'i!SQl;e hrlll wltb all hltc'l'ellttd Btttte bft;b.,'ay (It!1cluls nnd I'{;IHr.3 u4JII11tel1.

lIron, IItntC'$ l!nvc nll'l'~ll)' lIdJustrdJlII!IC'tllt problc'mB willi t!ll.'lr 11clshbor/$.As nn <,xlImll!(\ tIlll !':':.l!tem salt In by!'il'broli!l/l l!JloUI.'!l lL Ill; gOI) In an 1m.llllrfant to:lll al41ng tbl.' IlOrthl'm boun.dary. It \"03 tl.':ll'lll.'ll, bowenI'. tllllt\!ollth IllIkuta would follow ..... lUI ..~'llt('lnth«t \\'onlll fit Jltio J,!ctUf('lJ on

'IOy blll('kll. Sinro Ole tl'dr,rol b1gllWI\Ftlet (It Inllt N..n·mlll....r .lle('lllll'" A< Jl1IV.only J'ti.1.d.9 ('eftllin to be on ttl' IISlltcmbave been oppro\'etI tor ('OolitrucUon,

."ota/ Mileage Und." COlliltrul:t1on. III~ay Amoullt,d to, Nearlt '

•.1g,OOO .MII...

•a ~ • _,...-----.-..,..-..- - ...;.... - _.,..;..• .,. ----- , - ~I ------ ""L.=_. .., . ,• 9 <

TIe bet S·e'crets . "'~ . r~::er:m::f:~~o::v::l.co~::m=" .. , J OlfeAdNll 19aJnst Ibe InW', wlltch ... - il ""'d <Je:h~ed largely trom the Kanjur. theto Be Unve e nuddblst blb!e, n work ot lOB voluwE'lo .

,f aN (It.!nbted by bavint; their bon&a. ., I .nd teet amputated.

- -'-'-- , , Wben a TJbIlt,m dIes br, bOO1U da-• .. . membettd Alld ted 10 rolrorea.Great Britain About to Send a lillll llix tiro/belli tor. bullbiUldli. The Tlle ~op!e are 6!n'mel, poor.

MI'ssion to That Uti'''. . oldl."!lt brothel' Is C:Olls.dert'l1 'tbe tather '.rbe1 dreu In .hceilllklni llnd tho usual. . n:l and tim· ot!ler brotlwflillbe uoel" of ,fIlle Is cm!, ~armeut to a pel'lll)n,Known Land. tbe tamlfy. " . . . ,

. .. WOWIIJ\ oc~pl('X.Q, luperlQr poatUQn. I' # ,n '. " , '.-----,_. Sho ,. 1I1ll111er QNbe home and farm, n "

. G...... worD1!$, fungI liM tho hDrnl ~ Boy FIVe, Saved In Toy......H.EfUt STUDY 10 HE MADE of )'OUQIf deer, ground to vowder, areI. t Wagon as Boat SinksUft COClllltll.'n'd by tllQ TI~t~u • .tnt.1Ublo.i '.

lUedtdullt fC1I1ftlh:. tor nU lila aull are! "- y _

even bel4 In JlIlo;h ta,Vor u table (leU. I '" Gnnlwn. N. . Y.-.......otlordcactc.. 11 Stntt's :,tq,toot motorboat wo.

TbOulmndll of ycars ot IlIolntion )1I\\,el' cnpsl::ed by tbe lWell ot • rllicr1I(("{lmer on: thlll limugo, Mr.paraJ1zeil tbe protirc~1 of U10 POOlllc, Stair PUt bt. fivc-nat,.lld ,on In

Thero 18 no publfc InlitrucUOIl. I·a.~nu 'i~ b I.... n toy t.'X{lrl'l'..!l WUJ;!Jn, tv Ie ILtmdoll.-Grc:tt nfltllin Intcndf to _. • , , • -,. h' I tlo:ltcd OWIl)' trom tho !Jlnliln!:

I:II<llin It thorougll lltuc1,y ot tbo UtUo MUTE, 10, SUDOeN,LY SPEAKS. launch. und mnnugct! to kecp billknown lund ot '.rlbet. '\'Ilcrc devil· . -_._= :: wiCo ubovC) water, olso. Utllllworship lind bellrt In j;ho!5ts .ttll ex· e01 Oaln, ,.Powe,. Aflil'. Pr,,)'lngo a\. 'I' 'brlp romt'.lit.' . AltaI' lfi Tent'd Church of i Thc\ywl!ro moving tlielr for-

A 1Il11l!llon comvosell. of' (lOIllO of' Grent Evang.ell.t, !i nllurc tnllll Flirt Edward IIIDrJtnln'jJ ubJetlt explorel'tf. flClentletl',. Q-- . u Nouth N~"Ufk. \\t,er,' tlit'lr homomI!lSICillllrl~!l nnd 4lthIlOloj;llltll. soon. Clarkflburg, W. Vll,~f'l(lrl'llCl) 1111."': I ~tI to be. Tho lIlo:orbunt MIlIlwill Icnn~ London tor UIO elt1 of IAtl.'t', tell $'ellfll old, a mut<l 8h~N ~Lwilli nil IllIl furnIture.lob:u!:!. wldeh It! burled Ill'llllld tbo f, birth, flUIJdl'lIly 1O:lllll'lJ tbe, powl'r ot;world'$ /,ll'<':'ltl:'st rOlllllart of moun-, (lJl('l.'ch IInt'r IJrnylllt; tit the nltllr of 11 ~ . "'" "" •. ~,"=~_=:,:",:,=, _ ••hlln!). IJlo IIlnmlay'os. betW('en IndIo)· tented "hutl'h \\hero o\'tmgellllth' serv,1"tid ('!lllla. '.rile mJssJon Will Ilrofced IctS were being (oJllIUlitcd b)' the I'ell. i '" Trade. Son for Hor•••U1Id(ll' tbo nusplC'es. ofJhe IntcrnuUo;l31 CC~olltuJ d(,llomltlntl~lfI. 1 QU.t'hCt'.c=A (Jul'I,,'" farmer. llUIln­Duddhlst UnlOll, reprueuUng all 'J.'ho lItOI')' ot Ule 1\'llmIJl'lIllraclo wn. ttulUlp!: tbat hIli nlnl'tl'I'lI,y('ur olt! 11011

UUCH LO.WE'R. BIDS A'RE·.·.· MADE £~hoolll of Dutldbl.m, Inc!tllt1I1C the Itold 1:1)' Mrs. Ida 'J.'rllJctt of Sturglw.' was hill 11rOII\'rty, I1xch:lIlgl't1 th" ,"oyIJI 1$lWdbl.t '"Idets ot 1M U'nllcd State.. )(Ich., tbo ~lilln"ClIl.Un ('bargo of flUI tor no old harm.' wltll IlOIIW I:YI,"I,,,,--'-« Air. BC!ok~ to •• Itudlad:, rcwlnd. 'J.'lIult) n('qU"lllt~1 wUJi tho 'J.'he boy WtUI I'l"pcucd by his unci"."ccordinQ te R.port. to l!Iuruu 01 Tile tlll!l.\Clcm WUl fllnke a dose.. In- boy l'!!ly lip htlll IIcn-or lIPOken, '*torr. ~ ."~=~ ,~

f'ublfc Road. Prlc.. Will II. vCltll_Uon of ,tllo Tibetan Jl('cJPfc. tllrfr Tho CaBo f. "ouebed tor by varloUI The t.:'nh·el'lllt,r ot 1Jral:ll1l lind 10.000ONiatly Redl/~.d. fUl/tOW, I'llUgIQll nnd 1l1nguajiO thl.Jlperllonll.who \lttcndC'd the 1I1CCtlllK- .tuclcmts In tllb I"lft(i('ntb ~ntur)',

. . balt yet bccn IW8,.,lblo, togct!ler with n . . .. . ..Early bid! tot' tilt- t'On6truC'tloll or UtI)" (It rate books aM manuserlptltl'ckrnl·ftld to:ulll fl1lllrllto that lIrl(,(!Il' Imown to ('xlst In tho monaRtlc II· ''No I\lfore War" Demonstration Is GeneraldurlnS"tbe comIng lIc"uon ",m be mate hrllrl('tf,. These llrc cXJI(!eted to prole IfAtinily 14l'1'cr thon 1l1tt lIMSIl1\. Ilccotd· ot tho greateat. raluc, not ou!J' tolug to rrpotts r('C't11vl'll by tll« burcllu nUdllhllt lIcholarshlp nnd to tho- Iltulr,ot :pUblic rOllds of the 'enlted Stntt'll ot ('U1i1JMlratlvl) r('IIplon, bllt hi mUll"Vtvarttllent or Alri('ultur~ While llllllly I;IlIl!j. thllt at prCllellt exlllt In UlelItets 1111Vi' not bet'n received on nllY worM'" lmowl(!dgeot tfm ('IUly bllllorylarge VOlume ot 'work. tberq Is, how., ot It country which to the lll'l:.!Icut dll'ever. enough to tndknto 11. lower 10\'el b \'ell4!tl In Illystcry.ot 11l:ft'oes. " The 'l'lbl'lllllll UyC In moulllalll

Grading- Jlt1lJ bel'll bid lit :lO.~~ and strongholds 1:';,000 tect above tho level::0 rents It cubic yurll In ~n8f.ourl. Ar- (,t tlIn J!ea. 000 t('et 1111:11i.!l'tllon ~lount

. klln!l:l8 And ~Utlnesotl1, rellpedlvely. Ull WbltIJ('Y, tile hlghl'sC Jl('Rk III tho Vnl:­I'olllpnred W!UI nn UVCtO!fO of 35 centll ('t} Stnwn. '11Iei' 1I1t\·c nlwllYII pro\'edtor ttie St·C'tlon In wbleli thellU stntclI Iflholl!lltnbll} fo t nl'c1;:I1l'tll nnd to thoIrrc locl1tl!d In 1021, 'lutrolluctfou of n1ol1(>rn Idelll!.

1'r1C'ell of rl,'lnCorclnsr stecl In place. Uttto 111 kUO\\tl lit the llrIlIln ot theran.~e nrol!ntl 6 (,l'nfll all rompal'ed llllO,ph... loOral ttnultlou hll!' It thut tilewith till.' 1021 prlrll ot 8 01' 0 {'eul", lkogcultorg ot. tho rucc Were "ll RIlt"aM brlds;c st~l'I at,4~. CC'ntll ngnlhs! 111'\'11 of tlle lltUlllla)'UIi"'lllld au live., to 8 c('nts:. trlllll tho pInIns. lit lllUdUS!iIll. '

A f('wb!lts. ior fllo bellt grndo of 'l'lie lust t'orelguC'r In Tibet 1Vn all.('()ncr(>f('. ot ahout $17 a. 'cublc fllrd AUierlC'an mI6.slolwry, Ill'. A. L, Sbel•have IIN'n r('('el"'''ll In llN:-tloDlr where tUII' of San I,'rllu('1sC'o, who $Jlent1TtllIl 1021 prJC't1 WUII. nbotit $2ti 1\ ('tIblC'. S"ID'.ll. Ai DntllOl;', 11l:1u:.tbo. .Gblno-Tt-fAtd. ,.,_ _~~.- ._ .,..... IJlitnlt bordc'.r.

l'.rl('(!ll bid tor tbe consfrUl'(lon of LlIIt of ThtO<:l'llC'•••l'on('tNl" roads iwr llQ.uarll )'ord nrc till In !til torm of governnll!llt Tlh('t III .tallows: Ohio, $1;:;2: CoJomdo, $2,~i, one ottlle iI'\\' rl'lllltllllng tllcocroC'lelfnud Georgi•• $1.38. 11.1 comJlnred with In tbe worhl. '1'110 people ]eall 11nn Ilv(lrage tor the WllOIc country dull'- l101I1ndlc 1It1'. 1>Ionnl:lIlIl)'. lJOl)'gallI)'!'tIg tIlt! period 1016-1020 ol $2.u7 • lind pol)'andr)" finurlsb. Undt'l' fllC

I IlqUlt!'e yard. polynndroplJ system Ute (Mest 11011 ot n• '" , . • talnll)' tlll1rdrg It W!lIlUtD llndftlle be- "

.F"EO'E'RAL~AI'O' . RO"AO' PROJe'CT'S' COliles tbe corn1l1on 'liUe ot llltUllelt~]urt)··tllreClIllotl'lf hlld "So 1101'0 War" dlmHltlltrttUllIl1I .1U])' 2U nlld 00.:lIld hilt brotJ\N·S. Ill< It pntt (It th~ Internll~lonnl d(illIOnllll'lltlon.oll th~ ettlnh'!.'J'linr)' Of rIm atart

DO<1tol" Sheltonlouud thnttbe TJ~ lit thf' tsfellt' ",al'. )11'/$, lJmdlcy Snrlll!r, Ill'(,ollll'nnl"d bi' ~trH••Tott'llll I'hlfllps,befan womlln uSllnlly Il)llrrll!1l Ulroo or flrC!llldcnt l'f the DIllttll't 01 (~olumblu brull('11 (It the NIIUnllll1 Will' Motlmrli. I_foUr brothent,. lind In ODe ('lUI. thllt Ilh/)wn In tile picture plal'lIJ!f OM ot thephlC'llrds ilt tbe toot lit the ll1e'lIOrint('alilt utldl!r blll.observatlon a WIIlllan trei' In 1I0nol' Of her 1f(J1I. Who w.. klllw' In Prance.'. , .

. ,' - - -, -, II '" -. ) -- t' '0 ti t !'r. _!? P' t!. ,_ I _ _ : 1 t , 9 _. "$" ,_ ....

oJ'~~t:.ar'~ 1:~~hP~~~co~;~~~ LITILE···. ::. , .' LAD S'H···OW:S·. HE' IS'· A'·· Ut:'D·O! hIm, rQhll!ll' hilt Mill hl~li. 'In -th" sll'.and 1>41 mllt'Ji WflI.t ualler COllttru<'- . . ~ I paInt out low.nril the p"h' ot hol'8t!..tflll1 durlra; Ma" btinglng t~totJ!ll " "" ' " w·· ,'. ", 0 ", on. ' ."'_ ltfld Ilhrllll'll. tt'nlila lind 1'1\.'1'('111#:4l1d..r ~onlttructlO11 to DKrl;y 1JS.OOO . .'. ". • ". . .' . '-bUt It nick Is bart, '1'11 <ttoi'l likely "Jlltck. 1~n.11! IJul'k, (:111)/ tJJlelr.mU... and thClmU~Slt In~OJ:llplftetf OnlySJx Years Old but Prove, be hl1rl'"':'mAfbt,· klllw-too.... l'el'-.•bIll'k. r 1lI1~ ~.. ' . .' .'Pl"OJf(lUI. to li,{)38, aeco~hig, to reo .' H.-Is Made ofJieQIStuff.llftPll )'OUllS Corllll dliln't fhllikln~ll.t . At nUll fJ.:iflintthll flair of PH;.potts .()~ the llur~l1 o( ptt·bUe rOl\c1il, . . . tllat torlll, but thll tl1C~ tel1lfCll1lj that dlc'row. were but live YlIrd!l. /tWit)' and.United Sbltl!ll DeflAttJl.ifllt of Agrll"lli. ,. " ". Jll! l1lflllJUl'I!d up to tbe blgh..C ,tanc!. ClIlllh;. tlillt. 'l'}lI'rl walln't rC':lllytltMtu~ '.r.b6lle t1Prell bldldte tbat. the .Billy Cotta 01 fienn')'/lIlln'a .tall.d•. In ard ot borl*h btlivtl'1. lind got 1I""1 torl"itlll.'1' ('lIll or nun f , JIllIt fhe nllla.feilerat.a!d l)'t!tE'1l\ gteW••t atata at "tIth ff. . !k'ntod dllth, aM til "hlll'k !"'-Ulj:l~

ltllIwitl"e tM.tl. 20 11111•.Pl!l' dAy ott INtdl ttl.~~~~.O:nJ~v::u~~~If:·r. btek wu pla.1l!l# JtI tlit latd ot tli. wa'n't, tlme tot (lIUI!']' llor!lC to obeytil"0t'k11:lK da)' ot tbe m.t~ AllotmeDiB 01 HI, 3,.Othar. Co~ 1IOl1l", Bo,fI1k.. he"adl!red' IItl'rlC!ly-to tU111 anet run bll('k~ nut' 1ot tun4a.4t &-fIaU. proJect••mounted '''' , 11110 tb. rolaway. In anMtby l1efd tlley-the PM'Ch~Onll-lIli.dlll'fltlkld. .to $1~ d1U'ln:l the ~tb. d ~ I..'i.t. -"""III," ..:... " thePCM'C!lltl'onl wore lWbltclit<f. lire- TfJ.1ffl'tJlmI~(1 tllilt"OI1lI11'~,I}tl"hat . .. ........ .. ."" ,,, ..... ,. .... 1"..... D - v,.. ~~~~1JtMiO'1i ~-t6ltl':tfiaf .ItIll"lI~.rm. rap.. .. .... ."'~.rlt...~...!tr.j~c .. ~,.. . *-.1fll"~IYe.ft"t'"flU'bI . ... l.o.... lIWUnK tnlha rirbt nan to tht> 1ft.

Tiij- - . B*kit COUItI1. tlot til' !tom Perle..'.. art.. thl dq's worJc. •. ti.~ JCJl....Co ". ,. bo' .".. 2"lHI~ IJId tl:tty ~Dd t ..... b ....A. oJ U '11.... ttIlobI ,.hl.... tl".. 11I. two bIg lI1O'uut.llUl ot fumHt .utll th, hm,," p~ til boy. b,.u... ct li=pl'I:lYecl 1I'I1h1l'IlS'll, ex1fild· ltv -.... .. ~ ttO*b.la:loWlq thlt ~.iUar mete! a"alt- !ltrltM.. . . . . •~ tIU'ot1lh 1'ffi'1 ..fi. I1t tmt V.nJOIl, t hftcj maW.. a. 1* t1alJ ed'••· r "'•.U_ " m:ta run tor 'thett Billy ~()~ t(>ok hI" WlllI.... th. 1IIlUk -..: tor c-. ~r of P( NJr.~ 1:!.W1t1'4 P. eo..... r. fd f I I I ~ 11 tl:l I~l 11-- B'I'I.. J!OH to the IWlhtll "It_the th, bllni-o,." thil I"0Il<1"." wit... . C' .r r I flI. ro fl'. 0 t.-- ....... Dlfl'k eor.. wu p",)'14 " . hOI:l& Ih, " .. li:ll1NlilI('l~ tlt th. ,tact' , • , ,." . " .. ut. ot 1idt tJImtt.."l&l'-OItl brother. Iltok, .... . '. t1:Illt bct hAd ,rtft, tllOf'Ol;I,hJII'XtrtlWl..

1(1.,. W4Hl14 Paw".... "... ddIiIlC'oerllCl br a .1ltir or~ .The ~to-;;=== Jl,1Cl tb. fiIIll tPtri~ /Jt. 14'1". tor \lilttt ""~ .. Itt ~ IU~ ". p~ lIoQ...'~ tQ =,...~..~..._ -m_.....-... __ b~r. aOlS bfUl .....rClC\ bl "-11':~. .,. PIfW~ ". wotU!t Motf *"'~ ~ bI .. "** fit .tM ..., _._..•_ ..., ~. ......"~


. .


,. ""HI

"now tut wne Y!>J:I CQlr!c;r"1:'Q"1' .hOIl\>r, I",.. ~}l*t ~wIl2ll'

~loUK.". •..."It'lI "-th~~. tllat~ of tbe.·

I>!!<Iplo whq ar. c4u~ed f!:l 1WJ. COI1rt,,,'Itu l>peel1ln~ "111:1~1 wer. 'C3wUnCqlon~.' ,.

"Xollr honor, I'm. • prole4ll1onlll an­., !ttor. An.orcUnalT obRn'cr mlgllt AAve

thou;;bt r.lf car '\flU tfll.\'elln~ At Willspeed. but to me It was crawUni."

"Ahem: 1 Ulll1el.'iltan.a. foUr VOlr!t otVlewc:l:tlctly, find out of reipel:t tt>)'0111.' ll(l~tlrdoua profession, Wherespecd ,lfj cssentlal til lI:itet,y. rfl fitle

· )'011 ~~fi tQr craw}lni."....,.Illrmb:libum·AIOe·llerald. •

. -"'",:"~'~"Q_Y-". ......., ~

UnlqlJ9 PI~lnl:tl9n. . '"WeU. my friend:' 1I111dthe :motor

tourlat, "are yoll lillUlned wlth yOlU'loU"

"~el!'" sUld )Jr.CObblea. "'l ca,n'tcomplaIn," .

"WOuld You mInd lettIng- me take,lInlipabot or yOI1 with my Camerll,?"

"What torT'·'1'V6 tl"Jveled, tbrou.n " @:en

matell ana )'ou are U!e11rst r..rmer rVll.met who didn't tell me-he' would rath­er be aIi)1btnr~ qn the topli,lde otcteatlQQ. tblln a doWJi.·tr04dC!Q tIDervt the 1QU.......nrtmlPgl1am J.n.Uer­aId.· .

. The BlJ.Y Wit••Krfllf-'\\'bf don't you lilt 10m' wltt

to sew t1lllt button on rcur coaetKrolilt-ShQ ,., ,too bUllY. Sflctll

working qn fQurpletu~ lIuz~lc... nad.Ing tWQ contfllued IltorlC8. and follow­frl{fup 11m serlall1lcturel In tb. lXOovlc,.-..Tudgl!.


Cutlc::U". kap for the Ccmlplexlon.NQtllIng better than CUUcura Soap4aU, and Qh:)tment noW' and then un~ to make llle complextOQ cl~,

I scalp dean and llanda !IOtt and whlte.IMd to t1J~t1Je !uctnaUnr, .tracran~

'. Cutfcura Talc:um. al1e1 1C»J hUll tb8CUticura '1'I)1I't '1'rfQ.-AdvertIJJeDlllnf,

. D!t<:overy by Sd.nfl.t. Haa ReplacedThem.



•"'1< ~ it,,;,;;!;·;; :.;1;".....f"~ ~"",,," \~D~'D' ;USI.ES~·~ ~~iL

, Mo(orllt'. 'n,."iCII.lt ,~ O"IYM~"Pd~ 1.0Qk at ih. C......mi.

Mo... _10111. •.




, '

7 r _ j Jt


r' - 'g ,,- I f_loI;,;;'fto"M"llrt : ......." ....._



a r I 'i rr±--_~#~





rtillt Mfl'S

I SUITSUI~ a(1'5


Very lltestJ.,..~


: - 7' . t ', '-

PriCfJ8 Rig1Jt•


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to - •• - j. • ,

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}4.rll. G~orgeSpeuce '12dlon . . ,,' . I . " . . f', " ""t12d d"urh ttr. Mr...udMrs. Jack' _._'-""'""'~" -_T_~""~~""""~"'."~~'='"-"'---,,..

C,U..bau, returutd the latterp....t of lut week from tb.lr IU/itl.wer vaC.tiOd. The1 hlVeb~eu

absent tU 'Sumwer, goinrffoti1 .liere to Pre.coU, Ariz. Latet4they were ioil1ed by Mr. Sptl:1ce,and he aud Mra. Spence', Wel1t .

. to Ctliforl1ia tor aahoft tta"dier wbleh 111 onbew ",ant toUte Je~.!prh:lgll, _bO.eA,lbu·querque. ,'~

Crystal Thotro.... "

SIlt.Sept 9,;",u}Iurrielt:lO Butch.tl "

Ph.,lot, Mark of Catu. COuted, .Piltol. fot Brukfatt.fellturinr 'It.to1d Llo)d.' .

Sl,tlt 10~Ser.ieu ainn bythtSalYlUo1l 4f/itl1. ]J:nttb<>41lult.a. ':00 p.m.

MOI1 l1-<'lt'•• Great Lit.." •.Ru B••ell prOihtcUOl.'h "

Ttit.. 12-"U.. Hnel 'WUt.otl?' .'f..tltrlb:1' lMtu Oueuo.

, ~~t"tt"l'fitfiil..$:tro~b'eat:t, ttl. bt, "U4·Ofdol'••&~ .'

. 't1:l1l1l'l 14-Sll:l.t 0111 "tptahR. '~ rrt tS-fttA\t~_OouutI .'Fwll _ tl1tt ~

•.... 16-"ftttt ., . - '



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. ,

N,cw ModelsofR.eady-to-Wear-Are' Coming in Daily... '.. ,. _.

Ziegler'Bros. Wish toAn1nounce Arrivals. of

. .

192,2 Fall Styles 1922•

UFI ::: ::=i:d?:::n=;:::::::,,!U;E:::;m:.:i:,r:~I&Jm!.:J15tE" ';:31::: a:::;;:!.lhf::i1:: : : : :SIE)]]

JltJ:A N N OU N C'EM E ~T~'<

EmU: ::::,;.: :in:::::::, },:[: !:i :9 ~

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'Dresses in Serges, .(repes,' Satins now on Display


,.- ,~ ." ~',;-' "," -"'"';' . .;. "-"~"r.*- 'c, ., " - ••*.,.,, ._~~ ~'''" ;(J-""~.--~#'~-l';l-,..".,~~_. '-,~"~...;. ~~-"~~-"~"~-~"-'_ ---~,- ,>-~-4l- ".,,,,,,",,",,,_,,,".,,,-_,,,_, ,.'v'. c••~,-'. ," ..","I'I"f._. _ ~ ~ . ., .

Iii: .: ;'j::: '''-:~; ;~: ~'i; '"]. The pallt ..ereral weeki laveI A, J. RoHan,d left su~d.y, rod w" G. RobertlOll "lIth,,,,"~~~ti ~ND p~~~A~I •. be!t1 the bottQt ia many ,ear. inISllsta lo'e,takhtg: h,is daJtBh!ed MQud., from t:be Helea~.,mhu:... . .. , , '!,.'''' tlus couuty. aud the J(,Iutbwellt Heltu and Svel1t1.Fre~t<:h ".thlueiU' N0lal. .... I..-aborJJay WllSCjll,icliy observed generally. but it i,.bout over. him, The t",o giris weat to reo Aileel1 Haley left Sult4ay for •bere Monday. BU'ltuess was sus· !The farmer looksfQt the. nettt enter tbe !"oretta Academy. . lEI PlI,$O to attend .ebQQI tber~

peu(led, ~pd'.a gre"t many. spent' irost betwcp,t:l tbe 15th aUtI 20tb. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, A•.. Frank- ftbis wst:lter.. •the <h.y ~IJ tbecOlwtry". :1, ~'OR S,~J.f':=Parke !)a.~~ &. l~n camc'jnjlstcrday from J~a. Jat. A. Cooper. Sr.~ aad .Mrs, .

('ome 4U and be COI1';lrlc"d tbat .,l)~. Inadde,g AggressUf. rUli nIb.•. T:G7'6 hllvebeen loo1nng COQfilIlr _ .., .. b"re lu'o"d'"'" and'. •. < '. • " ,,,. '-l'J'IIiWCJRl'!J <;0. luc. l~.iO ,,I. . '"~ .... .....,. J.J,l ...." '.

clsb talks WIth US, CIty Markd,,: t ". OI'C'f mm a~ coudltlons 1u tbat. Tuesday from tbeir r:,;ncb home.' . . ,... H,}y (~. Skinner wasiuitiatcd c:amp. where Mr: I;'rauJdin oper~Wuear AncbQ.

A. n. UamJI~o~ amI.tbree l.:!Hl-:! in tbe mysteries of,tbe first degree ated some years ago. . Tbey ex" . • . .dren lcft. for ~.ahf,?rmlt Wedl1~:" ~ 01 (MdfcUowlihip 'fuesday even", peet to return ,to .Ca~j(oruia thc,lIenry Lutl, Jr., recetVer of tbe(lay, wbcrc the: ~JU make tbclr11og. after wbicb Brother M. 6. latter part of tbe montb. I¥< S. laud ottic:e _t Ro,..cll, w.,

, futme homc-, l.'orcman trcate(l the I od"c to a M. T 'II' U ~~ '" • bere Saturday to. MQl:llhy. He. • ". . . ,; b· • rs. "",1 H! ~U'. ,;o",ott Mas Just ' t r t d '11 t"'e e ubI;Tho adv.antar,c of htlyuH:r 4tl11: wakr melon feast. . '. l' "..w.s m e es e ;1 ..' ,... r p, .can

. . . ... , ' ,. . '.,' c.. . . rccencc gott..\) of the ~PPOUlt couuty couveuhol;l bere OltS.tur..erJhng for (;.llh I, mutud _. rl~~ r· ~~ !"C11: HU,H=Some 1 1-4 !nct• .nml'1t of ~er. son C~!rhe to ~ da • .,cbant 3tH! cw.tomrr profit··· Glty .Htl.ldebakt:'r wagons at lowV~ccs. acltoJ.rslu(J JU tbe Mlhtn" lUSh. y. . .Market. '. . 'l'n:n TlTSWORTJl Co. lute .t RU3WCU. Cbarlie is now 1!: M. Reddy Wll($ dowlt from

fltts. Nottif' r/ackl~nfl and ~im3,n·tf Caflitau. '1 in T",c.umcari, tll~t is expected' Wint- 0a.k~ MOI;l~lI.Y. Mr. ~eddl·~~(lrmond retutnct! 'fu<f.l;Jaj' Ul~l ht ~ Mr. and Mrs. Unnt. of ~l Paso ~ home todliy to' make arrange- ~as a poslatson &w'p1b' then~laf;Ql~

I · t· ~.1 "'" 1 ~ " " h • U)b' 0.' I mc"'t.. t" ""'tnt ""unol (.ouot, L:libt Qwer """., apl,4~Iml ~ll CXeIU4C,::, Vlfih (), f\'~a"i~ were ,vmHwgcrc, 111 JJ '.•to .. a~s~I'"'' '" ".... ,.." "'. .' the fawil . now reside at Whit.

tWC6 m MI')!) nU'I, ;, anI! f.allllan tbCPllst week. ttln, , Word reacbed bcwtl.us wcc~ O:.ks y .For Saieor Trail,,· A ni' t~ns(' ·l~l.Int, 15 adallghtcr of r.frlj. ~:.! fr?w Lim::o~n that M~a 1)ot600. .. • .

macbi:;u. 4/1 f(" fmh. Ilractlf:aUI 1': \\ CU'l, and was rCilre~ ~n II WUOOCCIJ[IWS tbe fcsuJence for- Mm, Jobn E. H.ell le!t Mo~d.,new; k"1 thnn balf Ol1t. Gan at \~ I,ttl' {)"ks. llqr lmsband 15 m ;' Ji1l.'rIy ownl.'d by G. D. Barber, for bcro!d home tn Iulliana, :ftertlWJ ollieC'.· .. tile nugit(u'y nervlce at !?ott Viis',}. :!5uffcrcd a. stroke of pllTai)'llis fast '. a tbree m?ntbs'~ta,with fmlnds

, • • . '. J . "w""" "' '" . , ltere. It JS possJble Mr. and Mrs.; 'iaw h,<','}cy anti C, ';1rgc ~am- , It'Mll~rm-;:'Go!l(J ,s.f(;O!n (rame. n"" It 1<> an a prccafJOUS con' .,. •b'~lrt Wllfc IJ\iCf fr,nu J4&UU(} Crc('~ ll;~:~',e. c1fi'lC' iii; prwatc garag~.;:dihon. She bas b:::cn a fcaident ,nel! mayag'l.lJ! make CUflXQZOSnhill'I2il.Y. Sam hlill hi<! "Ol:n,ca,!,tnc Blg!lt!;! all,t1 otber li;onvCIlJof UucoJn for many years. ' their home. bqt !'hey baY~ ,not....", tn it."" r'll'" #-r' ,., (,:iUtI, \'f. W. S-;AlI'tJ:rMl, Agt. T J7 K "I ,1 yet reacbed Ii. detimJe coneh~s.on•.... ' , .,~ . I, Iltl a ,,0..0,,)' , •. ~ .• ' . oro "". U'""iu)\4wa,hercyeq- • •11!IIH' UU!:IllhJ . ,{.buhe Iv}')s ( ..m~ JUTUCtilUay terday from big bome a.t 110""0. P41&1 C. Wdson w.a, Ja town

.I:>"u llm'i.' A.lI I'inw apart. lugbt from O~'ah,oma Ctty. after 11: 1.11(1(<141 ili!S irui.t crop j,sbort Wcdnesdl\Y fr~m bis. T>lll~b ne~t;own! on 'l'nlluo1a Ave. close tl1 a. h'ili mOlJu,,} f>WUlg around thc i tius year. partly due to tbe hell!;}' RabentoJ1. HtssectlOn, bke mostoj,~rt hou.C'. Sec E. 0 IJrebm ~trd!:.. t'.1rq. Illl'l" 4'Jt{l,"Ct'l to be crop 01 Jast year. other parts of the I:O"nly, is verIat Ztcgonrr Ih'wI, hom,"' Hi atmU t\Vo week'}. ,..,'" dry. ,He said. however. that

; Mr. a.1I1 Mell, Ray ~. f....mofl, • ., "I'd\,;" fJuvQ Wine 1m a ntrj(;Uy ~tr!l, T . .J w""t. ID..thcr fif foe' amlslJl1 Mllurkc r"turned MOIid.l\ rama, eV~I11lt tltls. tIme, "Il ..1

ea',lI B,o":'l, and mlr UI"ltomerq <Jtlll MUl" Mnla. Came ull!tom J1lgllt frQm <:nhfornia. . Dcforl' greatly. an,'atteutug, lamp~ forwilU r,' l'll.~ tli\' ~"odH!1 of tin' Alamng'iriUQ. l:ridllj' la'a.. Sbe. goin£: to t~nhf~nlill tbc,\5p~nt CaU dchvcnes. . .

. n~ .1, III l't.() lffHI.Jl;""n~mf~.VQ 1Ja<l ;'1<1', i.h ',;i['..wwd... hV In:r grall;)-. several wcC'kl In Arigona wlth Dr. a1111 Mrs. R. T. Lucas left,h . IWb JIIU" 31'ft1tnnatc J,fI)f· d<Ul£tiH'" Ujl4 h 1'ttl:-. wbQ Wilt l'clativ"'l,wbere Magoosb had TnCS(}IlY for tbeir hQme hI Kao5UIt. t~lt" MarI-wt. ,llt~am ill,trOl! ,,>.:twol hC~4" H tho time of binJife. City. K.u. They went by w~y

• 1: t, al III I 'ae9 IF J, • ..,' I '.'1 ,_ 'U , l 1'1. of Santa Fe and Colorado•.~-"'7~,"'>f'- t.~;","""",- '::::;:;.,",",,",~q_t4O/ """"--W'~~i ,4;--~;«;_, "'';'=;,.", I'N. 1.\ - ':7';=~,.t:;l,., ,~-I ; ( .. , It #, .1";, 4 ; .....

A large number of cattle hue~ been sbipped out oC tbe county~ lately from the Ca.pitan rtistriet,UIUlIl t1IOSC .cqu.inted with tbeUvel1t~k' ccnditions lay tberewill be a great many mQre' ship.

·ped out this f.l~ on Account of~ tlte impoverished ~olJditi()1J oHbei rauKe. Caused by the Jack of

_ • Iisummer ram", .

, The story from which uTheSilent Call" wlstllJceD is Oue ofthe. most interesting of receatproductionl. Ie tbe .crella butilJustrates tbe story property itit 1?lwuld prove Ii vcr! attracthrcpicture. It will be abOWh III UleCrystal next Wednesday .tI.d'Thursday )1ights, Sept. 13th a'1(1.14tb ,.

• • , ,

Jobn Gaflacberwll5 in·W'cdues­day from tbe G.lfacher tl.ttch attb. llc.d of tbe mal pais, aUll wupl!rbaps the happiest raucbmanwe bave !Jcea for &everd woons.tIts particedllt'rlnge bl"5 recelfcdwore rain thin aay portiot1oftheCOUllty, and as .. re.ult ho liasgood grass and fat stock. 11:1 Caet..be "lid, "ol1e wore raitt 'Wouldgive U8 all the KrISS needed."Unfortunately, thl) conditiou isexceptional, and l1o'W()bder Job'nis weariug tb.t wilUoit dollilrsmile. •

,. \

. '