i Äffairs in- the capital.news of the resorts...at the home of the bride, 13.« twelfth «street,...

I Äff airs in- the Capital.News of the Resorts Capital Society Folk Face Busy Season in Fall White House Function» To Be Carried Out Accord¬ ing to Schedule; Events Planned by Mrs. Harding New Diplomats Expected Vice-President Is Expected to Return to Washington On or About Sept. 15 Special JK'jxitch to The Tribune WASHINGTON. Sept. 2..The coun¬ try at large may be frightened over the coal situation, -but the capital is preparing for one of the busiest social seasons it has had in a dozen years. The society women who by the dozens went to Europe during the late spring and summer, are coming back in mid-autumn with trunks laden with beautiful clothes and they must be shown. The White House functions will be carried out according to sched¬ ule.unless some great calamity should prevent.and Mrs. Harding is ar¬ ranging to have them as perfect in detail for comfort and elegance as possible. There will be several new ambassadors and as many ministers to grace the functions of state, and among them, appearing for the first time since Count von Bernstorff, will be Dr. Otto . Wiedfelt, Ambassador of Germany. Just now the residence adjoining the German embassy and re¬ cently bought by that government, \is nearing completion.in its repairs. and when the offices are moved the embassy proper wilt have a far better arrangement for social events than aver before. The Vice-President and Mrs. Cool- idge, who recently returned from the Pacific Coast and went direct to Bos¬ ton, left there to-day for St. Paul, Minn., where they will attend the Minnesota State Fair. While in St. Paul they will be guests in the home of Senator and Mrs. Frank B. Kellogg, Mrs. Kellogg having left Washington Wednesday afternoon for the West. It looks -?.rather ominous for Senator Kellogg, but he too is hoping to reach St. Paul in time to welcome the dis¬ tinguished visitors. After the Vice-President and Mrs. Coolidge return from the West the Vice-President has several »peaking engagements in New England and they will come to Washington about Sep¬ tember 15, preparatory to John and Calvin Coolidge returning to Mercers- burg. Pa., where they are students at the academy. The Vice-President and Mrs. Coolidge will resume residence at the New Willard. Diplomats Will Return To Washington Soon Diplomats from now on will begin to drift slowly back to Washington, the Minister of Cuba returning* in the last day or two from Cuba, where he spent some weeks. Mme. de Cés¬ pedes and her daughter, Mile. Sar- mianto, joined hin» in Washington, and after they spend a little time here they will all go to Cuba for a short stay. Mr. Mark Peter, the Minister of Switzerland, has returned from Dark Harbor, Me., leaving Mme. Peter and their children to spend the first days of September there. The bonus bill was the loud «all from the Senate which brought Senators back from their political fields, Senator Lodge, Senator Wadsworth, Senator France, Senator Calder and others hastening on for the vote. Awaiting the return of Congressional women is a new president for the Con¬ gressional Club, the social medium of that body. Mrs. Irvine» L. Lenroot, wife of Senator Lenroot, of Wisconsin, who was made president of the club at the last election, was ill during the sum¬ mer and had to resign. Mrs. Joseph S. Frelinghuysen, wife of Senator Fre- linghuysen, of New Jersey, being first vice-president, automatically became president. It took much persuasion on the part of other officers of the club to get Mrs. Frelinghuysen to ac¬ cept, The social program of each win¬ ter is second in importance only to that of the White House, and is equally onerous. As soon as the White House program is issued, that of the Congressional Club comes out, and while the former must include din¬ ners as well as receptions, they run along thus: A reception for the Presi¬ dent and Mrs. Harding, another for the Vice-President and Mrs. Coolidge, a reception for the Speaker of the House, and a reception to the diplomatic corps. Then there are many card par¬ ties and dances and a tea with a spe¬ cial program for each Friday afternoon of the season. All of this entails standing in line to receive guests and the general duties of a hostess. Thé sections of country are quite evenly divided irrespective of politics, so every woman ha» *& special chance to entertain her husband's constituent-. Miss Catherine Chestham, daughter of Captain Joseph J. Cheatham, U. S. A., will be married to Lieutenant Roger Bagnall, United States Marine Corps, on September 20. Plans Made for Wedding Of Misa Christine Sedgwick The wedding of Miss Christine Sedg¬ wick to Mr. John P. Marquand, of Wil¬ mington, Del., which will take place at Stoekbridge Saturday, will also enlist the attendance of many Washington society folk. Miss Sedgwick made many friends here during her short residence in Washington while Bain- bridge Colby was Secretary of State, and especially are young diplomats in¬ tending to go to the wedding. In their effort fro take as much ad¬ vantage as possible of the informal season here, diplomats who must re¬ main are enjoying to the fullest the picnic habit, and the Minister of Bo¬ livia and his wife. Señora Ballivian, and their daughter, Señorita Ballivian, go off each Sunday for a picnic in Maryland or Virginia, taking well- filled hampers with them and always a email group of guests. The Charge d'Affaires of Austria and hi» American wife, Mme. Prochnik, en¬ joy a picnic almost every Saturday, al¬ ways having with them a few friends. Last week their guests included Miss Violet Emerson James, of Boston, the sister of Mme. Prochnik, who will re¬ main until the middle of September. Mme. Prochnik is a St. Paul girl, and while she has been in rather cramped quarters since coming to Washington with her husband, they are this week moving into much more imposing quarters, 1851 Wyoming Avenue, where the offices of the legation will «l»o be located. The Secretary of War and Mrs. John W. Weeks are being joined this week by their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Washington Davidge, at Mount Prospect, Vt., that being their v«»ry own mountain home -they own the mountain^self. Mr. Davidge, who ¿eft Washin^TD. last week, went to Mrs. William V. C. Ruxton She ha» been taking part in a number of concerts given at Green- which. Conn., in the last few weeks for charity. Mrs. Ruxton is a daughter of Mrs. Elisha Cronkhite Cape Cod, Mass., to join Mrs. Davidge and their children, and with them is motoring to Mount Prospect. The Minister of Bulgaria and Mme. Panaretoff, who have spent some weeks at Williamstown, Mass., attending the Institute of Politics, will visit friends in Massachusetts and return to Wash¬ ington the middle of September. Miss Patricia Ainsa, niece of Captain and Mrs. Luke McNamee, who brought her out in Washington two seasons ago, has gone to the North Shore, where she is a guest of Miss Alice Mann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Mann, at their summer place at Cool- idge Point. Captain and Mrs. McNamee have gone to Fisher's Island, Mass., where they are guests of Mrs. William W. Galbraith. Dances Close Busy August For Newport (Continued from Preceding Page) given for the best costumes. Those who won the most correct costume prizes were Mrs. Luther in an old fash¬ ioned dress and Mr. Francis Robinson as Olaf, a Norseman. The most inge¬ nious costume winners were Miss Cross and Mr. John Howard Benson, who ap¬ peared as a Chinese maiden and a Pha¬ raoh of Egypt, while the prizes for the handsomest costumes went to Miss Elizabeth Robinson, as Queen Eliza¬ beth, and Mr. E. S. Parsons, as a Mexi¬ can. The judges were Mrs. Lewis Fox Frissell, Mrs. Cyril B. Judge, Mrs. Frank Taylor Evans, Mrs. Reginald Norman, Mr. Weymour Jay Mills, Mr. Arthur T. Musgrave, Mr. Shafter How¬ ard, Mr. William Cotton and Mr. Charles Bittinger. Entertainments were conducted along the same large scale as in preceding weeks. Mrs. Vanderbilt had the Span¬ ish Ambassador and Mme. Riano as her guests at the Breakers, while Dr. and [Mrs. Preston Pope Satterwaite, who «were the guests of General and Mrs. J. Fred Pierson, were frequent guests of honor at luncheons and dinners. Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont entertained twice at Marble House, while Miss Muriel Vanderbilt entertained at Clay Court before she closed this residence and took an apartment at the Muen- chinger King. Mr. Myron T. Herrick, American Am¬ bassador to France, was also included in the large gathering of visitors and was a guest at the reception and house warming that Mr. and Mrs. Marion Ep- pley gave for 400 guests at Beacon Rock, the former. E. D. Morgan resi¬ dence. Play for the Count de Turin cup, an annual feature, was started to-day at the country club and will be continued to-morrow, the competition being thir¬ ty-six holes, match play. Last year the much-prized cup was won by Mr. Cyril B. Judge. Miss Pauline Robin¬ son was the winner of the ladies' match play tournament at the country club, while during last week Mr. John Golden, of Pittsburgh, shattered the course record of 35 at Mr. T. Suffern Tailer's ocean links by making a S3, which is four below par. « .-i. Eales'EUiott Wielding Takes Plací? at Long Island City At'8 o'clock Tuesday afternoon Miss Elizabeth De Sales Elliott, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Marshal) Elliott, «jf Long Island City, was married to Lieu¬ tenant George Ritchie Eales in St. John's Protestant Episcopal Chureh, Van Alst Avenue and Twelfth Street, Long Island City. Lieutenant Eales is attached to the White Star liner Bal¬ tic, and during the World War served as an officer in the British Navy. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Hines, rector of St. John's. Mrs. Leslie Thompson was matron of honor and Lieutenant Samuel Weiler, brother officer of Lieutenant Eales on the Baltic, was best man. Master Mar¬ tin Drexel, of Long Island City, and Miss May Philomena Byrne, of Brook¬ lyn, were the train bearers. Following the ceremony there was a reception at the home of the bride, 13.« Twelfth «Street, Long Island City. The couple sailed yesterday for England and will make their home in a suburb of Liverpool. England. Lieutenant Eales's former home was St. Valéry, Uplands. Park, Enfield, Middlesex, England/ Marblehead Adds Coffee Cabaret to List of Successes Merry Affair by Summer Colony at the Corinthian Yacht Club for Benefit of Children's Sanatorium .Special Dispatch to The. Tribune MARBLEHEAD, Mass., Sept. 2..The "Coffee Cabaret," given at the Corin¬ thian Yacht Club for the benefit of the sanatorium on Children's Island, was one of the most successful affairs ever given by the summer colony. The wait¬ resses included Miss Sally Cabot, Miss Constance Percival, Miss Constance Dane, Miss Ruth Yerxa, Miss Harriet May, Miss Helen Stone, Miss Loraine Leeson, Miss Caryl Sargent, Miss Mabel Leigh Holden and Miss Eliza¬ beth Percival. About three hundred guests attend¬ ed. Among those reserving tables were Mrs. George Upton, Mrs. Law¬ rence E. Percival, Mrs. Everett Paine, Mr. David C. Percival, Mrs. Joseph Sar¬ gent, Mr. Herbert M. Sears, Mrs. George Vaughan, Mrs. Chester L. Dane, Mrs. Wendell Nicholls, Mrs. E. H. Talbot, Mrs. Arthur Bowvlitch, Mr. William Barker, Miss Adelaide James, Mrs. Robert A. Leeson, Mrs. Charles D. Hodges, Mr. H. B. Sawyer, Mrs. George H. Davenport, Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Evelyn Irving, Mrs. Robert G. Stone, Miss Martha Alford, Mrs. "Charles W. Allen, Mrs.- E. A. Tutein, Mrs. James Cunningham Gray, Mrs. Walworth Pierce, Mrs. F. B. Crowninshield, Mrs. W. C. English, Mrs. B. D. Barker. Mrs. W. T. Aldrich, Mrs. B. W. Hurlburt. Mrs. Guy W. Walker, Mr. Thomas San¬ ders, Mrs. E. G. Leonard, Mrs. Walter C. Harris, Mr. Francis Gray, Mrs. G. K. Simonds, Mr. D. K. Snow, Mr. A. Hemenway jr., Miss Evelina du Pont, Mrs. Godfrey Cabot, Mr. H. Tolman, Mr, John Longmaid, Mrs. M. L. Hig- gins, Miss Helen Wing, Mrs. Carl Dreyfus, Mrs. Eugene Rosenthal, Mrs. Frank McQuesten, Miss K. H. Simpson and Mrs. Charles Jaynes. « The Sears championship races re¬ sulted in the Larchmont crew carrying off the honors. Among those who competed for the Larchmont Club were Captain Arthur W. Knapp jr., George R. Hinman and Sterling V. B. Kryden. Commodore H. M. Sears gave a reception Wednesday to all the visit¬ ing crews on the Constellation. Plans are being made for the final races of the season, which will be held next week. Trophies have been offered for the winners of all classes by vari¬ ous members of the Eastern Yacht Club. Mr. H. H. Raymond, of New York, was a guest at "the Eastern Yacht Club last week. Rear Admiral Bradley Fiske is convalescing at the Doveieaux man¬ sion, at Marblehead. Miss Grace Har¬ per Fiske is with her father. Mrs. William Seamans, of New York, will spend the remainder of the season at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B>ancis A. Seamans, at Marblehead Neck, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice MacBride, of New York and Marblehead, spent the week end with friends in Antrim, N. H. The Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Stetson, rector of Old Trinity Church in New York, are spending a few weeks with Mrs. T. C. Guiler and her brother, Mr. j Francis H. Richards, at their summer home, Marblehead Neck. Mrs. William H. Cole, of Surfmere, gave a luncheon for her guests, Mrs. j Franklin Wilkins and Mrs. William ! Smith. Mrs. George F. Porter, with her daughters, the Misses Clara and Mary- Porter, of New York, will spend the remainder of the season at the Ocean- side, in Marblehead Neck. Processor and Mrs. Frederick N. Willson and Miss M. L. Willson, of Princeton, N. J., are also guests at the Oceanside. Miss Wilson Engaged Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Kathryne Wilsoi., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Wilson, of 44 Christopher Street, and Mr. G. E. Haden Werhan, of Nyack, N. Y. The wedding will take place in the early fall. Society in the Oranges Miss Beryl Tremper Will Be Married on Decem¬ ber 2; Angus-Rowley Wedding to Take Place Wednesday Miss Beryl Tremper, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Alfred J. Tremper, of 104 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood, has set December 2 us tile date of her wedding to Mr. Francis Baker Hague, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ainsworth James Hague, of Newark. A number of affairs have been given in the Oranges and New York in honor of the prospective bride and bridegroom and a number of others have been planned for the near future. The mariage of Miss Muriel Rowley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln T. Rowley, of Beech Street, East Orange, to Mr., Willus Angus, of Caldwcll, will take place Wednesday at the home of the bride. The' ceremony will be per¬ formed at 8:30 o'clock by the Rev. Fred Clare, former pastor of the Cal¬ vary M. E. Church, East Orange, and wili be followed by a reception. Miss Katherine Rowley, a sister of the bride, will be the maid of honor, and Mr. Stuart Angus, a brother of the .bridegroom, will be the best man. On their return from a honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Angus will make their home at. Highland Park, near New Brunswick. Mrs. C. E. Thurston and family, of 431 Heywood Avenue, Orange, are ex¬ pected home during the coming week from thçir summer home at West- hampton, L. I. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bowers, of Walton Road, Maplewood, are making an extended tour of points of interest in California and adjacent states. Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Duffield, of Scotland Road, South Orange, are en- iertaining at their summer home nt Little Comfort, R. I., Mr. Duifield's cousin, and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Barton, als-o of Scotland Road, South Orange, and formerly of London. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Decker and fam- ily, of 33.1 North Grove Street, East. Orange will return after Labor Day from Ocean Grove. Former Mayor and Mrs. Walter D. Van Riper, of 22 Harvard Terrace, West Orange, are at Delaware Water Gap. They will return about Septem¬ ber 15. Mr. John'P. Dexheimer jr., and fam¬ ily, of 57 Hillyer Street, Orange, have departed on a motor tour of Canada, Niagara Falls, the Thousand Islands and the Adirondacks. They will follow the same route taken by Mr. Dex- heimer's father, J. P. Dexheimer, of Orange, president of the Automobile and Motor Club of New Jersey, who recently returned from a motor trip. Miss Elenor R. D. Shannon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Shannon, of 18 Babcock Place, West Orange, was mar¬ ried Wednesday to Mr. Raymond Ed¬ ward Giles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giles, of 37 Westcott Street. East Orange. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride by the Rev. Thomas F. Herron, assistant rector of St. John's Church, Orange. Miss Helen Giles, a sister of the bridegroom, was the maid of honor, and the. brides¬ maids were Miss' Helen Connelly, of Orange, a cousin of the former Miss Shannon; Elva Hayhurst, of Wilkes- Barre, Pa.; Winifred Gallagher, of West Orange, and Violet Lindholm, of Newark. Mr. Howard Giles was the best man for his brother, and the ushers in¬ cluded Mr. Clarence Kimball and Mr. Douglas Bowker, of JEpst Orange; Mr. John Linehan, of Montclair, and Mr. James Carroll, of West Orange. Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Walsh, of 74 South Munn Avenue, East Orange, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Marie Anita Walsh, to Mr. John C. Plenderson, of 570 South Center Street, South Orange. No wedding date has been set. Miss Mary R. McCloskey, of 28 North Jefferson «Street, Orange, with the Misses Katherine JRussell and Kath- rine Coen, of East Orange, have re¬ turned from a trip to the Thousand Islands and Canada. Mrs. Amos C. Dean, of London, for¬ merly of East Orange, and her daugh¬ ters, the Misses Ruth, Josephine and L. Blanche Dean, sailed yesterday for Liverpool. Mrs. Dean has passed the entire summer visiting her mother, Mrs. D. C. Mallory, of 169 North Maple Avenue, East Orange. Mrs. Mallory ac¬ companied the party for a stay abroad of an indefinite period. Miss Ruth Dean, who was graduated in June from Wellesley College, has returned from St. Paul, where she visited Mr. Depn's mother, Mrs. Thomas Dean. Miss Blanche Dean recently returned from Pine Knoll Camp in New Hampshire. Miss Dorothy M. Froggatt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Froggatt. of 229 North Arlington Avenue, East Orange, was married yesterday to Mr. Scott De Groot Harris", son of Mr. and Mrs. William Mason Harris, of 8 South Arlington Avenue, East Orange. The ceremony was performed at the home of the parents of the bride, by the Rev. Dr. Fred Clare Baldwin, district super¬ intendent of the Methodist Episcopal Conference and former pastor of the Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church, East Orange, Mrs. Charles R. Lee and her daugh¬ ter, Miss Betty Lee, of Halsted Street, East Orange, are in Maine, where they will remain until the close of the sum¬ mer season. Cards have been received in the Or¬ anges for the wedding of Miss Dor¬ othy Allen Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Roberts, to Mr. Stanley Booth Ulingworth, the cere¬ mony to take place Saturday evening, September 16, at 7 o'clock, in the First Church of Christ. Congregational, West Hartford, Conn. The ceremony will be followed by - reception at the residence ol Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, at 46 South Main Street, Hartford. Mr. and Mrs. .Roberts were formerly resi¬ dents of Orange and continue the practice of keeping in touch with their former friends and neighbors by fre¬ quent visits. Dr. and Mrs. William M. Brion and their daughter, Miss Muriel Brien, of 449 Main Street, Orange, are at Lake George. They made the trip by motor. Mr. and Mrs: Thornlet Neff and their daughter, Miss Marion Neff, of Beech Street, East Orange, have departed on a motor tour of the Western States that will include a stop for an indefi¬ nite period with friends in Michigan. Their son. Mr. Gray Neff. is now in Bermuda, but is expected to return in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bonynge and their daughter, Miss Claire Bonynge, of 151 Mont rose Avenue, South Orange, are expected home Wednes¬ day on the Homeric from Europe, where they have been since the start of the »ummey season. Among'the affairs they attended was the royal garden party in London at the end of July. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace Ilurd, of 8ft Harrison Street, East Orange, will return the middle of this mouth from Lake Mehçink, where they have been since'the start of the summer. Mr. Arthur Kracuter, of Vose Ave¬ nue. South Orange, president of the South Orange Field Club, has depart¬ ed to join Mrs. Kracuter and their children at their summer home, at Enst Hebron, Vt. « Mr. George H. Dobbie and son, Clarence Dobbie, of Arnold Terrace, South Orange, are visiting friends in Montreal. A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs. James William Booth, of Chatham, Cape, Cod, formerly of Har¬ rison Street, East Orange. Before her marriage Mrs. Booth was Miss Edna Dudley Ives, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Ives, of Jersey City. Mr. and Mrs. William II. Doolitell, of Second Street, South Orange, and her daughter, Lydia have departed for a short stay in the Catskills. Dr. Russell E. Titman and family, of 55 Dodd Street, East Orange, have returned from a cruise of the Great Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Bell and daughter, Miss Ethel Alice Bell, of 516 Hillside Terrace. South Orange, will return after Labor Day from a stay at Seaside Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Matthews, of Main Street, East Orange, are at Sea¬ side Park, where they will remain until eaily October. Mrs. Frederick C. Erwin, wife of the Commissioner of Revenue and Finance of West Orange, with her niece, Miss Grace Young-, of 184 Watson Avenue, West Orange, are at Asbury Park, where they will remain until early October. Commissioner Erwin makes week-end visits to the Park. Mrs. Peter Lawson and daughter, of 54 Ashland Avenue, West Orange, are 'at Ocean Grove, where they will re¬ main until about September 15. Miss Mary Daly, of Llewellyn Avenue, West Orange, is passing a fortnight with relatives at Lebanon Springs, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pengilly, of 244 Halsted Street, East Orange, have an¬ nounced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Beatrice Jane Pengilly, to Mr. Wesley M. Stanley, of New York City. No wedding date has been set. Mr. Spencer Miller jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Miller, of 217 Turrell Avenue, South Orange, is touring through the European countries. While in Italy he will visit his brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Aurelio Giorni, who are passing the summer in the suburbs of Rome with Mr. Giorni's mother, the Countess Giorni. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Thompson, of Prospect Street, Maplewood, are stop¬ ping at Jamesport, L. I. Mrs. Charles A. Le Master, of 139 Glenwood Avenue, East Orange, has re¬ turned from an extended series of visits with relatives in Indiana. .Mrs. Henry W. Freeman, of South Orange Avenue, South Orange, has re¬ turned from an extended stay at Stock« bridge, Mass. Miss Lois Kinsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kinsey, of 445 Rich« mond Avenue, South Orange, will be married September 9 to Mr, Harold Lawrence Lonsdale, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lonsdale, of 96 Riggs Place, that village. The ceremony will be performed at the home of the pros¬ pective bride's parents by the Rev. Dr,- John E. Charlton, pastor of the Mor¬ row Memorial Church, Maplewood, and followed by a reception. Miss Kinsey will be attended by her sister, Miss Marjorie B. Kinsey, and Miss Charlotte jW, Hawkins, both of South Orange. Mr. Elmer W. Lonsdale will be his brother's best man. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Higgs and son, Mr. Charles Higgs, of 41 Hickory Drive, Maplewoo.d, will depart early this month for an extended trip through Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parish jr., of Llewellyn Park, West Orange, are ex¬ pected to return about September 15 from their summer home in Newport, Mrs. Henry S. Griffith and her son, Tillard, of the Hotel Belmore, East Orange, are at Bay Head, where they contemplate remaining until early Oc¬ tober. Mrs. Charles Taylor, of Mountain Avenue, Maplewood, who has been passing the summer at Lake Hopat- cong, is on a motor trip to Lexington, Va., accompanied by her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sales, of Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Amber, of Clare- mont Avenue, Maplewood, are- visiting friends at Charleston, W. Va. They made the trip by motor. Mrs. James McGarvey, of Ward Street, Orange, is now at her summer cottage at Musconotong Lake, where she will remain until the latter part of the month. Mr. McGarvey joins her for the week ends. Mrs. Frank V. Millard, of Tarry- town, N. Y., has announced the engage¬ ment of her daughter, Miss Florence Millard, to Mr. John King Choesman, son of Mr. and Mrs, James Earl Chees- man, of Providence, R, I., and formerly residents of South Orange. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. McConnell, of 96 North Arlington Avenue, East Orange, have returned from Spring Lake, where they have been since early summer. Announcement has been marie of the marriage of Miss Ruth Fisher, daugh¬ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Fisher, of 77 South Munn Avenue, East Orange, to Mr. Alleyne Willmott Manchee, son of Mrs. Percy Dawson Manchee, of 189 Grafton Avenue, Newark. The. cere¬ mony was performed at the Park Advenue Methodist Church, East Orange, Wednesday of last week by the Rev. Dr. George W, Smith. Upon the return of Mr. and Mrs. Manchee from a motor trip through the Adiron- dacks and Maine, they will make their home at 212 Wiiliam Street, East Orange. Miss Jean Burns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A, Burns, of Prospect Street, East Orange, has returned from a stay at Seagirt, where*- ^be was the Mrs, í?. O. Ellis She will have charge of the Chinese booth at the Bazaar of Nation» to be held to-day and to-morrow at the Hotel Nassau for the benefit of the Long Beach Hospital guest of General and Mrs. Bird Spen¬ cer, parents of her fiance, Mr. Arthur Wilson Spencer. The wedding of Miss Burns and Mr. Spencer will take place September 20. Mr. Jonathan Hawkins and family, of Woodland Road, Maplewood, have re¬ turned to their home after a stay of a month at New Harbor, Me. Mr. and Mrs. H. Judd Gray, of Wayne Street, East Orange, have returned from Sayville, ,L. I., where they have been since the start of the summer season. Miss Helen Elva Nehrbass, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nehrbass, of 60 Pavonia Avenue, Arlington, and Mr. Garrett Owen Brodhead, of Orange, were married last night in the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Arlington, by the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Jacob A. Cole. The wedding ceremony was fol¬ lowed by a reception at the home of the bride's parents. ' Announcement has been received in Orange of the marriage on Thursday of lost week in Marion, Ala., of Miss Ethel Sellers, daughter of Mrs. Annie G. Sellers, and Mr. Stanley La Monte Strobert, of 270 High Street, Orange. Mr. and Mrs. Strobert will be at home at the High Street address during the coming week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Richardson, of 3 Cottage street, South Orange, have returned from a motor trip to West Ossirec, N. H., where they, visited their sons, Stuart and Charles K. Rich¬ ardson jr., who are camping at that point. Mr. Richardson and family will move October 1 to 47 Union street, Montclair. Mr. John Wr. McCormack and family, of 50 Wayne avenue, East Orange, will return in the next few days from Bel- mar, where they have been since the early part of summer. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Darnsteadt, of 74 Orange Place, West Orange, have as their house guests Mr. and Mrs. Milton Youmans, of Elmira, N. Y., and formerly of East Orange. - Mrs. M. Casewell Heine, president of the Woman's Club of Maplewood, and her daughter, Miss Laura Heine, who hav-j been passing the summer season in Vermont and Chatham, Mass., will depart for a stay at Sag Harbor pre¬ vious to their return home. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Fisher, their daughter, Mrs. Walter Bray, and their son, Edwin G. Fisher jr., of South Munn Avenue, East Orange, are motor¬ ing through the New England States. .Mr. and Mrs. William ,!. William Buzzell, of 137 South Munn Avenue, East Orange, have returned from an extended stay abroad. Mrs. John B. Everett and daughters, the Misses Maud and Carrie Everett, of.Elm Street, Orange, have returned from a stay at Montreal. Rounds of Autumn Festiyities Begun In Berkshire Hills <Contlnue<! from Preceding Page) from ten to fifteen years was held there on Thursday night. In the company were Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Gay, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ruefer, Mr. and Mrs. William A, Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Will¬ iam R. Bishop, Mrs. George Achenbach, Misses Isabel M. and Fanny K. Gregory, Edith Burtis, Isabel Smith, Mrs. J. C. Schrader, Mr. Charles William Mac- Cord, Dr. James W. Taylor and Mr. Josiah Dwight. Among the arrivals yesterday and to-day for September were Mr. and Mrs. S. Roberts Thome, Mr. and Mrs. James Forbes Wright, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Walbridge, Mrs. E. Gray Pehdleton, Miss Marie Pendleton, Miss Polly Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Gibson, Mr, 'Arthur W. Peavce, Miss Mary W. Pearce, Mr. and Mrs". S. M. Morgan, Mr. H. W. Davenport, all of New York. The Aspinwall Hotel at Lenox has numerous« bookings for September. Among arrivals this week were Mrs. Henry Gansevoort Sanford, of New York,' who was the guest of her par¬ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Low; Judge and Mrs. Edward T. Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Robbins, Miss Rob- bins, of Mamaroneck, N. Y,; Mr. and Mrs. John Farr jr., Mrs. S. B. Bowne, Mrs. George P. Hall, Mrs, George E. Roosevelt, Mrs. Charles E. Orvis, Mrs. William H. Kirhy. Mrs. William G. Wilson» of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Andrews, of Englewood, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Holstein, D-v-T^we Fox» of Philadelpia* [>' Orvis Tournament Finals Played in Green Mountains! Interesting Contest Held at Ekwanok Country Club ; Preparations Completed for Labor Day Golf Tilt Spécial Dispatch to The Tribune MANCHESTER IN THE MOUN- TAINS, Vt., Sepi. 2..The Orvis cup golf tournament at Ekwanok Country Club has occupied the attention of the] summer colony this week and the final matches are being played to-day. The prizes are given by Mrs., George Orvis and include a very handsome, silver! vase for the winner of the first divi- sion and a smaller vase for the run- ner-up. The winner of the first eon- solation flight receives a still smaller vase, and all the trophies are embossed with the Ekwanok seal. Other prizes include a gold medal for the low score in the qualifying round and a similar medal for the low score prize in a special medal handicap competition to be played to-day. For the winning. team in the base ball handicap on Fri- day afternoon there were two elabo- rate leather kits of English design, The trophies for several other divi- sions' include a cigar humidor, a ciga- rette box, inkstand, card trays, an ash tray and two purses. Among those competing were Mr. Lee W. Maxwell, Mr. H. Y. Barrow, Mr. Donald Carr, Mr. Martin W. Lit¬ tleton, Mr. George E. Morse, Mr. Frank B. Lav, Mr. E. J. Davton. Mr. Emmons Smith jr., Mr. Frank T. Clark. Mr. Louis Washburn, Mr. S. C. Clark, Mr. Nelson Griffith, Mr. W. 0. Henderson and Mr. Dumont Clarke. Miss May Cook, of Columbus, and Miss Laura Mohun, of Washington, are visiting Mrs. Gertrude D. Ritter at Yester House. Mrs. Ritter gave a din- ner in their honor this evening. Guests of Mr. C. M. Clark, of Phila¬ delphia, at dinner at Wyndhurst last i Sunday, on the occasion of his birth- day, included Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hen- derson. of Cincinnati; Mr. and Mrs. C. I B. McEwan, of Albany; Mrs. Charles S. Francis, of Troy; Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Clark, Mr. E. W. Clark 3d and Mr. ! S. C. Clark, of Philadelphia. There will be the usual Labor Day golf handicap competitions at Ekwanok Country Club on Monday, this being the final tournament of the season, al¬ though the course will be thronged with players until the middle of1 October. Saturday evening Mrs. Charles S. Francis entertained with a dinner at the Equinox House, her guests being Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Jewett, Mrs. George Orvis, Mrs. Gertrude D. Ritter, Mr. and Mrs. Telford Groesbeek, Mr. J. K. Mohr, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Warren, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McEwan and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Maxwell. Others entertaining at the Equinox House this week included Mrs. H. N. Townsend, Mrs. Donald Carr, Mrs. W. T. Groesbeek and Mrs. J. J. Mohr. Mrs. H. B. Vanderhoef is visiting her parents«, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Young, of Greenwich, at the Hoyt Cottage. Mrs. George Warren, of Boston, and Mrs. Frank H. Potter, of New York, were at the Equinox House recently. Governor and Mrs. Miller were at the Equinox House for two days re¬ cently. In their party were Mr. W. T. Ward, Miss D. Ward, Miss W. S. Ward, Miss A. N. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs, Evans Ward, Master W. E. Ward and Miss Carol Ward, of Port Chester, and Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Bottome, of New York. * Arrivals at the Equinox House from New York include Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Littleton, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Osgood, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Reid, Mr. L. Reid. Miss Edna S. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. H. Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. French, Mrs. C. H. Gurney, Mrs. George Adler, Miss Clara Wallace. Mr: Thomas Curry, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Spadone, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Millard -F. Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Cormack, Mrs. N. P. Weeks, Miss Grace Cortiack, Mr. and Mrs. C Gerald Dodge, Mr. Frederick P. Delafiela, Mrs. Edward C Delafield, the Misses Rita and Mary Delafield, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Daubel, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Shipley, Mr. and Mrs. R. Beck and Miss Ann Beck. At Worthy Inn from New York are included Mr. Benjamin Davidson, Mr« David Davidson, Mr. William H. De Mott, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Parke, Mr. and Mrs. G. Beede. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Cummings, Mr. G. T. Winters, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Greenwood, Mr. C V. Greenwood, Miss Edith Starr, Miss K. Greenwood, Mrs. I. M. Huyler, Mrs. A. L. Cornell, Mr, Edward F. O'Neill, Mr« H.M«,Oroft Bn&.MivL E«. Haynes* Disabled War Heroes Feted At Greenwich Fund Raised by Well Know« Women Provides Outing for Veteran» Who Are Tak. ing Vocational Training Annual Bal Masque Held Junior Tennis Tournament Will Open on Courts of Field Club September 5 b'prrial Dinpätch to The Tribune GREENWICH, Conn., Sept 2,-4, the result of a fund raised henj through the effort» of prominent worn- en twenty-two disabled veteran«, ofth« World War are enjoying a month's oat» ing at the Edgewood School here. All are reconstruction men, taking voc* tional courses in New York, wher- they are stopping al s club conducted by Miss Howard. The committee epv stats of Mrs. J. Alden Twachtman, Mm, Theodore L, Pomeroy, Mrs. Gordon Grand, Mr*. Frederic Ewing, Mrs. I & Lewin, Mrs. Cliiford D. MaJlory, Jfr-, W. J. Riley, Mrs. H. J. Fisher. Mrs. It, ward Hodgernan, Mrs. Llewellyn Bou, Mrs. Emerson R. N'ewell, Mrs. Alles Perkins and Mrs. Helen Adams-Keller The majority of the veterans commuU daily to New York. Mrs. John D. Chapman has given thf men free use-of her estate a?. Round Island for picnics, and free transporta« tion is provided for them to island Beach, as well as bath houses w/.'nont charge. The Greenwich Lod?e of Elks is also co-operating with the comàrft. tee in entertaining the soldiers. The annual black and white bti masque, held under the auspices of th» Greenwich Inn Tennis Club at. the Crossways last Friday evening, was on« of the social events of the season. There were many beautiful ostnrae» worn by' the dancers. After the un* masking MÍ3* Loretta Corlette, of Ne* York, gavé an exhibition of toe dancing; Mr. Earl L. Biety, a guest at thé Lodge for the last two years, who about to p,:cA for Manchester, Engiaad, to mak-i a study of the newly discov¬ ered nethod'of cotton in the raw, us» tendered a farewell dinner on Tuesd-f evening. A centerpiece on the tabu was an immense floral piece represent¬ ing an ocean liner. The place card« were also novel and humorous. The guests included Captain and M-j, Charles Burnham, Miss Jane Donnas, Arthur,J. B. Baliin. Mr. and Mrs. Wit- son Goodbody, Earl L. Biety. Miss Ruth Hawley, Miss Margaret Allen. Fred- crick Clifford and Mrs. Earl Osburn. Among the recent arrivals from Ne» York are Mrs. R. J. O'ConncH, Mis O'Connell, Mrs. R. H. Dana jr., Mm Patricia A". Jenkins and Mrs. Irving- Smith. About forty members of the Green¬ wich Chambo1* of Commerce had luncheon at the Pickwick Arms Hotel on Monday. The speaker was Thomas B. Taylor,"chairman of the rsteil board of the Bridgeport Chamber C-aa- mercp/- ¦' --' "" Arrivals at the Arms over the week end from New York include Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Converse, Miss E. C Con¬ verse, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Kenney, Mrs. Robert Black, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander F. W*. Kinmon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mason, Miss Elizabeth Darling, Miss Beatrice Darling, Mr. and Mrs. E. }. SI: tteriy and Mr. and Mrs. E. Burton. A. junior tennis tournament will be begun on the courts of the Field Club on September 5, and on September 9 s similar tournament for the older mem¬ bers will start. One of the big so¬ ciety events at the club in September will be a dinner-dance or Saturday evening, September 9. Mr. Paul A. Raymond, of Greenwich, left hpre on Wednesday with the United States pistol team for Englandr having been selected as captain of the team which will be entered in the in¬ ternational shooting matches overseas. Mr. Raymond held the United States all-around championship in pistol, pa, revolver and rifle shooting in lSft 1914, and 1919. The try-out for 4* United States team was held at a marine camp below Washington rt- cently, under the auspices ûf the United. States Revolver Association. During the World War ..Ir. Raymond was stationed at Camp Perry and other camps as instructor ¡¿mall arms. Mrs. Henry L. Cammann is enter¬ taining her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Adams, at the Maples. They will re¬ main here until after Labor Day. Lady Thcrese Muir Mackenzie, *'» is spending the summer at the Pick¬ wick Arms, has returned from R motor trip with Mrs. Converse Tyler, of Ne* York, to Home Farm, Lenox. She win leave there soon for Cape Cod. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Walwetw are receiving congratulations of thei" friends on the birth of a daughter, The babv has been ehristened-BarbatSi Mrs. Wâlworth was Miss Janet War- ford. The Riverside Association has elect¬ ed these officers for the ensuing yeaü Mr. Hugh Fox, president; Mr. lrvir." M. Shaw, vice-president; Mr.'ReginsM Reynolds, secretary, and Miss Georgi ana'Davids, treasurer. The Rev. Dr. and .Mrs. M. Geortf Thompson returned yesterday from I trip abroad. On their return th«! visited Dr. Thompson's sister* « Quebec. Dr. Thompson, who is recttf of Christ Episcopal Church here. wa¡ given a year's leave of absence u order to take a rest. He has beei rector of the local church twenty-»? years. Mrs. Selwyn Bywater and he daughter, Mjss Marjorie Bywater, sail» aboard th.î Majestic last Saturday fo a trip abroad... Mrs. Ward K- Jopes has rétame* from a motor trip to Maine. For the i>cnefit of the Greenwic! House "iusic School. 44 Bsrrtfl Street, .New York, a concert, which largely attended, by Greenwich »» New York society tuok place at th home of Mrs. Elisha P. CronkSiH North Street, Tuesday afternoon. Ti. artists were Hugo Kortsçhak. violt* ist; Miss Marion Rous, pianist, Mrs. Wiiliam V. C. Ruxton, of Creel wich, daughter of Mrs. Cronkhite. ** piano. Among the women who acts as patronesses wore Mesdames Allí B. Forbes. Louis W. Dommerich, Ni thaniel Webb, Eugene M. Moore. A bert Kingsbury. Edson F. Jones, (M ford Ü. Mallory, Julian W. Curti* Lee W. Gibbons, Edward W. Packar Leonard Dyer, L. R. Wilfiey, Jani« Goldmurk and Miss Mary B. Ely, Mil Caroline Ruutz-Rf.es and Edwin 1 Baker. Mrs. Cronkhite and Mrs. Henry 1 Cammann arranged the concert. -1-_.«... Miss Arline Vera Panson Is Engaged to Mr. Albei Mrs.. Charles Walter. Newman, of tl Belnord, New jY^rki and D*al, N. &, hi announced tife engagement of h< daughter, Miss Arline Vera Panson. Mr. Edward Albert. Mr. Albert » son of Mr. Jacob Albert, of the act Embassy» New York.

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Page 1: I Äffairs in- the Capital.News of the Resorts...at the home of the bride, 13.« Twelfth «Street, Long Island City. The couple sailed yesterday for England andof willLiverpool. make

I Äff airs in- the Capital.News of the ResortsCapital SocietyFolk Face BusySeason in Fall

White House Function» ToBe Carried Out Accord¬ing to Schedule; EventsPlanned by Mrs. Harding

New Diplomats ExpectedVice-President Is Expected

to Return to WashingtonOn or About Sept. 15

Special JK'jxitch to The TribuneWASHINGTON. Sept. 2..The coun¬

try at large may be frightened overthe coal situation, -but the capital ispreparing for one of the busiest socialseasons it has had in a dozen years.The society women who by the

dozens went to Europe during the latespring and summer, are coming backin mid-autumn with trunks ladenwith beautiful clothes and they mustbe shown. The White House functionswill be carried out according to sched¬ule.unless some great calamity shouldprevent.and Mrs. Harding is ar¬

ranging to have them as perfect indetail for comfort and elegance as

possible. There will be several new

ambassadors and as many ministers tograce the functions of state, andamong them, appearing for the firsttime since Count von Bernstorff, willbe Dr. Otto . Wiedfelt, Ambassador ofGermany. Just now the residenceadjoining the German embassy and re¬cently bought by that government, \isnearing completion.in its repairs.and when the offices are moved theembassy proper wilt have a far betterarrangement for social events thanaver before.The Vice-President and Mrs. Cool-

idge, who recently returned from thePacific Coast and went direct to Bos¬ton, left there to-day for St. Paul,Minn., where they will attend theMinnesota State Fair. While in St.Paul they will be guests in the homeof Senator and Mrs. Frank B. Kellogg,Mrs. Kellogg having left WashingtonWednesday afternoon for the West.It looks -?.rather ominous for SenatorKellogg, but he too is hoping to reachSt. Paul in time to welcome the dis¬tinguished visitors.After the Vice-President and Mrs.

Coolidge return from the West theVice-President has several »peakingengagements in New England and theywill come to Washington about Sep¬tember 15, preparatory to John andCalvin Coolidge returning to Mercers-burg. Pa., where they are students atthe academy. The Vice-President andMrs. Coolidge will resume residence atthe New Willard.Diplomats Will ReturnTo Washington Soon

Diplomats from now on will beginto drift slowly back to Washington,the Minister of Cuba returning* inthe last day or two from Cuba, wherehe spent some weeks. Mme. de Cés¬pedes and her daughter, Mile. Sar-mianto, joined hin» in Washington,and after they spend a little time herethey will all go to Cuba for a shortstay. Mr. Mark Peter, the Minister ofSwitzerland, has returned from DarkHarbor, Me., leaving Mme. Peter andtheir children to spend the first daysof September there.The bonus bill was the loud «all from

the Senate which brought Senatorsback from their political fields, SenatorLodge, Senator Wadsworth, SenatorFrance, Senator Calder and othershastening on for the vote.Awaiting the return of Congressional

women is a new president for the Con¬gressional Club, the social medium ofthat body. Mrs. Irvine» L. Lenroot, wifeof Senator Lenroot, of Wisconsin, whowas made president of the club at thelast election, was ill during the sum¬mer and had to resign. Mrs. JosephS. Frelinghuysen, wife of Senator Fre-linghuysen, of New Jersey, being firstvice-president, automatically becamepresident. It took much persuasionon the part of other officers of theclub to get Mrs. Frelinghuysen to ac¬cept, The social program of each win¬ter is second in importance only tothat of the White House, and is equallyonerous. As soon as the WhiteHouse program is issued, that of theCongressional Club comes out, andwhile the former must include din¬ners as well as receptions, they runalong thus: A reception for the Presi¬dent and Mrs. Harding, another for theVice-President and Mrs. Coolidge, areception for the Speaker of the House,and a reception to the diplomaticcorps. Then there are many card par¬ties and dances and a tea with a spe¬cial program for each Friday afternoonof the season. All of this entailsstanding in line to receive guests andthe general duties of a hostess. Thésections of country are quite evenlydivided irrespective of politics, soevery woman ha» *& special chance toentertain her husband's constituent-.

Miss Catherine Chestham, daughterof Captain Joseph J. Cheatham, U. S.A., will be married to Lieutenant RogerBagnall, United States Marine Corps,on September 20.Plans Made for WeddingOf Misa Christine SedgwickThe wedding of Miss Christine Sedg¬

wick to Mr. John P. Marquand, of Wil¬mington, Del., which will take place atStoekbridge Saturday, will also enlistthe attendance of many Washingtonsociety folk. Miss Sedgwick mademany friends here during her shortresidence in Washington while Bain-bridge Colby was Secretary of State,and especially are young diplomats in¬tending to go to the wedding.In their effort fro take as much ad¬vantage as possible of the informalseason here, diplomats who must re¬main are enjoying to the fullest thepicnic habit, and the Minister of Bo¬livia and his wife. Señora d« Ballivian,and their daughter, Señorita Ballivian,go off each Sunday for a picnic inMaryland or Virginia, taking well-filled hampers with them and alwaysa email group of guests.The Charge d'Affaires of Austria and

hi» American wife, Mme. Prochnik, en¬joy a picnic almost every Saturday, al¬ways having with them a few friends.Last week their guests included MissViolet Emerson James, of Boston, thesister of Mme. Prochnik, who will re¬main until the middle of September.Mme. Prochnik is a St. Paul girl, andwhile she has been in rather crampedquarters since coming to Washingtonwith her husband, they are this weekmoving into much more imposingquarters, 1851 Wyoming Avenue,where the offices of the legation will«l»o be located.The Secretary of War and Mrs. John

W. Weeks are being joined this weekby their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.and Mrs. John Washington Davidge, atMount Prospect, Vt., that being theirv«»ry own mountain home -they ownthe mountain^self. Mr. Davidge, who¿eft Washin^TD. last week, went to

Mrs. William V. C. Ruxton

She ha» been taking part in a number of concerts given at Green-which. Conn., in the last few weeks for charity. Mrs. Ruxton is a

daughter of Mrs. Elisha Cronkhite

Cape Cod, Mass., to join Mrs. Davidgeand their children, and with them ismotoring to Mount Prospect.The Minister of Bulgaria and Mme.

Panaretoff, who have spent some weeksat Williamstown, Mass., attending theInstitute of Politics, will visit friendsin Massachusetts and return to Wash¬ington the middle of September.Miss Patricia Ainsa, niece of Captain

and Mrs. Luke McNamee, who broughther out in Washington two seasonsago, has gone to the North Shore,where she is a guest of Miss AliceMann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. T.Mann, at their summer place at Cool-idge Point. Captain and Mrs. McNameehave gone to Fisher's Island, Mass.,where they are guests of Mrs. WilliamW. Galbraith.

Dances CloseBusy August

For Newport(Continued from Preceding Page)

given for the best costumes. Thosewho won the most correct costumeprizes were Mrs. Luther in an old fash¬ioned dress and Mr. Francis Robinsonas Olaf, a Norseman. The most inge¬nious costume winners were Miss Crossand Mr. John Howard Benson, who ap¬peared as a Chinese maiden and a Pha¬raoh of Egypt, while the prizes forthe handsomest costumes went to MissElizabeth Robinson, as Queen Eliza¬beth, and Mr. E. S. Parsons, as a Mexi¬can. The judges were Mrs. Lewis FoxFrissell, Mrs. Cyril B. Judge, Mrs.Frank Taylor Evans, Mrs. ReginaldNorman, Mr. Weymour Jay Mills, Mr.Arthur T. Musgrave, Mr. Shafter How¬ard, Mr. William Cotton and Mr.Charles Bittinger.Entertainments were conducted alongthe same large scale as in precedingweeks. Mrs. Vanderbilt had the Span¬ish Ambassador and Mme. Riano as her

guests at the Breakers, while Dr. and[Mrs. Preston Pope Satterwaite, who«were the guests of General and Mrs.J. Fred Pierson, were frequent guestsof honor at luncheons and dinners.Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont entertainedtwice at Marble House, while MissMuriel Vanderbilt entertained at ClayCourt before she closed this residenceand took an apartment at the Muen-chinger King.

Mr. Myron T. Herrick, American Am¬bassador to France, was also includedin the large gathering of visitors andwas a guest at the reception and housewarming that Mr. and Mrs. Marion Ep-pley gave for 400 guests at BeaconRock, the former. E. D. Morgan resi¬dence.Play for the Count de Turin cup, an

annual feature, was started to-day atthe country club and will be continuedto-morrow, the competition being thir¬ty-six holes, match play. Last yearthe much-prized cup was won by Mr.Cyril B. Judge. Miss Pauline Robin¬son was the winner of the ladies'match play tournament at the countryclub, while during last week Mr. JohnGolden, of Pittsburgh, shattered thecourse record of 35 at Mr. T. SuffernTailer's ocean links by making a S3,which is four below par.

« .-i.

Eales'EUiott Wielding TakesPlací? at Long Island City

At'8 o'clock Tuesday afternoon MissElizabeth De Sales Elliott, daughter ofMrs. Margaret Marshal) Elliott, «jfLong Island City, was married to Lieu¬tenant George Ritchie Eales in St.John's Protestant Episcopal Chureh,Van Alst Avenue and Twelfth Street,Long Island City. Lieutenant Eales isattached to the White Star liner Bal¬tic, and during the World War servedas an officer in the British Navy.The ceremony was performed by theRev. Dr. Hines, rector of St. John's.Mrs. Leslie Thompson was matron ofhonor and Lieutenant Samuel Weiler,brother officer of Lieutenant Eales onthe Baltic, was best man. Master Mar¬tin Drexel, of Long Island City, andMiss May Philomena Byrne, of Brook¬lyn, were the train bearers.Following the ceremony there was a

reception at the home of the bride, 13.«Twelfth «Street, Long Island City. Thecouple sailed yesterday for Englandand will make their home in a suburbof Liverpool. England. LieutenantEales's former home was St. Valéry,Uplands. Park, Enfield, Middlesex,England/

Marblehead AddsCoffee Cabaret to

List of SuccessesMerry Affair by Summer

Colony at the CorinthianYacht Club for Benefitof Children's Sanatorium

.Special Dispatch to The. TribuneMARBLEHEAD, Mass., Sept. 2..The

"Coffee Cabaret," given at the Corin¬thian Yacht Club for the benefit of thesanatorium on Children's Island, wasone of the most successful affairs evergiven by the summer colony. The wait¬resses included Miss Sally Cabot, MissConstance Percival, Miss ConstanceDane, Miss Ruth Yerxa, Miss HarrietMay, Miss Helen Stone, Miss LoraineLeeson, Miss Caryl Sargent, MissMabel Leigh Holden and Miss Eliza¬beth Percival.About three hundred guests attend¬ed. Among those reserving tables

were Mrs. George Upton, Mrs. Law¬rence E. Percival, Mrs. Everett Paine,Mr. David C. Percival, Mrs. Joseph Sar¬gent, Mr. Herbert M. Sears, Mrs.George Vaughan, Mrs. Chester L.Dane, Mrs. Wendell Nicholls, Mrs. E.H. Talbot, Mrs. Arthur Bowvlitch, Mr.William Barker, Miss Adelaide James,Mrs. Robert A. Leeson, Mrs. CharlesD. Hodges, Mr. H. B. Sawyer, Mrs.George H. Davenport, Mrs. Webb, Mrs.Evelyn Irving, Mrs. Robert G. Stone,Miss Martha Alford, Mrs. "Charles W.Allen, Mrs.- E. A. Tutein, Mrs. JamesCunningham Gray, Mrs. WalworthPierce, Mrs. F. B. Crowninshield, Mrs.W. C. English, Mrs. B. D. Barker. Mrs.W. T. Aldrich, Mrs. B. W. Hurlburt.Mrs. Guy W. Walker, Mr. Thomas San¬ders, Mrs. E. G. Leonard, Mrs. WalterC. Harris, Mr. Francis Gray, Mrs. G.K. Simonds, Mr. D. K. Snow, Mr. A.Hemenway jr., Miss Evelina du Pont,Mrs. Godfrey Cabot, Mr. H. Tolman,Mr, John Longmaid, Mrs. M. L. Hig-gins, Miss Helen Wing, Mrs. CarlDreyfus, Mrs. Eugene Rosenthal, Mrs.Frank McQuesten, Miss K. H. Simpsonand Mrs. Charles Jaynes. «The Sears championship races re¬sulted in the Larchmont crew carryingoff the honors. Among those whocompeted for the Larchmont Clubwere Captain Arthur W. Knapp jr.,George R. Hinman and Sterling V. B.Kryden. Commodore H. M. Sears gavea reception Wednesday to all the visit¬ing crews on the Constellation.

Plans are being made for the finalraces of the season, which will be heldnext week. Trophies have been offeredfor the winners of all classes by vari¬ous members of the Eastern YachtClub.Mr. H. H. Raymond, of New York,was a guest at "the Eastern Yacht Clublast week. Rear Admiral Bradley Fiskeis convalescing at the Doveieaux man¬sion, at Marblehead. Miss Grace Har¬

per Fiske is with her father.Mrs. William Seamans, of New York,will spend the remainder of the seasonat the home of Mr. and Mrs. B>ancisA. Seamans, at Marblehead Neck,Mr. and Mrs. Maurice MacBride, ofNew York and Marblehead, spent theweek end with friends in Antrim, N. H.The Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Stetson,rector of Old Trinity Church in NewYork, are spending a few weeks withMrs. T. C. Guiler and her brother, Mr. jFrancis H. Richards, at their summerhome, Marblehead Neck.Mrs. William H. Cole, of Surfmere,gave a luncheon for her guests, Mrs. jFranklin Wilkins and Mrs. William !Smith.Mrs. George F. Porter, with herdaughters, the Misses Clara and Mary-Porter, of New York, will spend theremainder of the season at the Ocean-side, in Marblehead Neck. Processorand Mrs. Frederick N. Willson andMiss M. L. Willson, of Princeton, N.J., are also guests at the Oceanside.

Miss Wilson EngagedAnnouncement has been made of theengagement of Miss Kathryne Wilsoi.,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.Wilson, of 44 Christopher Street, andMr. G. E. Haden Werhan, of Nyack,N. Y. The wedding will take place inthe early fall.

Society in the OrangesMiss Beryl Tremper Will Be Married on Decem¬

ber 2; Angus-Rowley Wedding to TakePlace Wednesday

Miss Beryl Tremper, daughter of Mr.'and Mrs. Alfred J. Tremper, of 104Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood, has setDecember 2 us tile date of her weddingto Mr. Francis Baker Hague, son ofMr. and Mrs. Ainsworth James Hague,of Newark. A number of affairs havebeen given in the Oranges and NewYork in honor of the prospective brideand bridegroom and a number ofothers have been planned for the nearfuture.

The mariage of Miss Muriel Rowley,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln T.Rowley, of Beech Street, East Orange,to Mr., Willus Angus, of Caldwcll, willtake place Wednesday at the home ofthe bride. The' ceremony will be per¬formed at 8:30 o'clock by the Rev.Fred Clare, former pastor of the Cal¬vary M. E. Church, East Orange, andwili be followed by a reception. MissKatherine Rowley, a sister of thebride, will be the maid of honor, andMr. Stuart Angus, a brother of the.bridegroom, will be the best man. Ontheir return from a honeymoon tripMr. and Mrs. Angus will make theirhome at. Highland Park, near NewBrunswick.

Mrs. C. E. Thurston and family, of431 Heywood Avenue, Orange, are ex¬

pected home during the coming weekfrom thçir summer home at West-hampton, L. I.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bowers, ofWalton Road, Maplewood, are makingan extended tour of points of interestin California and adjacent states.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Duffield, ofScotland Road, South Orange, are en-

iertaining at their summer home ntLittle Comfort, R. I., Mr. Duifield'scousin, and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.Hugh Barton, als-o of Scotland Road,South Orange, and formerly of London.

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Decker and fam-ily, of 33.1 North Grove Street, East.Orange will return after Labor Dayfrom Ocean Grove.

Former Mayor and Mrs. Walter D.Van Riper, of 22 Harvard Terrace,West Orange, are at Delaware WaterGap. They will return about Septem¬ber 15.

Mr. John'P. Dexheimer jr., and fam¬ily, of 57 Hillyer Street, Orange, havedeparted on a motor tour of Canada,Niagara Falls, the Thousand Islandsand the Adirondacks. They will followthe same route taken by Mr. Dex-heimer's father, J. P. Dexheimer, ofOrange, president of the Automobileand Motor Club of New Jersey, whorecently returned from a motor trip.

Miss Elenor R. D. Shannon, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Martin Shannon, of 18Babcock Place, West Orange, was mar¬ried Wednesday to Mr. Raymond Ed¬ward Giles, son of Mr. and Mrs. CharlesGiles, of 37 Westcott Street. EastOrange. The ceremony was performedat the home of the bride by the Rev.Thomas F. Herron, assistant rector ofSt. John's Church, Orange. Miss HelenGiles, a sister of the bridegroom, wasthe maid of honor, and the. brides¬maids were Miss' Helen Connelly, ofOrange, a cousin of the former MissShannon; Elva Hayhurst, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Winifred Gallagher, ofWest Orange, and Violet Lindholm, ofNewark.Mr. Howard Giles was the best man

for his brother, and the ushers in¬cluded Mr. Clarence Kimball and Mr.Douglas Bowker, of JEpst Orange; Mr.John Linehan, of Montclair, and Mr.James Carroll, of West Orange.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Walsh, of74 South Munn Avenue, East Orange,have announced the engagement oftheir daughter, Miss Marie AnitaWalsh, to Mr. John C. Plenderson, of570 South Center Street, South Orange.No wedding date has been set.

Miss Mary R. McCloskey, of 28 NorthJefferson «Street, Orange, with theMisses Katherine JRussell and Kath-rine Coen, of East Orange, have re¬

turned from a trip to the ThousandIslands and Canada.

Mrs. Amos C. Dean, of London, for¬merly of East Orange, and her daugh¬ters, the Misses Ruth, Josephine andL. Blanche Dean, sailed yesterday forLiverpool. Mrs. Dean has passed theentire summer visiting her mother,Mrs. D. C. Mallory, of 169 North MapleAvenue, East Orange. Mrs. Mallory ac¬companied the party for a stay abroadof an indefinite period. Miss RuthDean, who was graduated in June fromWellesley College, has returned fromSt. Paul, where she visited Mr. Depn'smother, Mrs. Thomas Dean. MissBlanche Dean recently returned fromPine Knoll Camp in New Hampshire.Miss Dorothy M. Froggatt, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Froggatt. of

229 North Arlington Avenue, EastOrange, was married yesterday to Mr.Scott De Groot Harris", son of Mr. andMrs. William Mason Harris, of 8 SouthArlington Avenue, East Orange. Theceremony was performed at the homeof the parents of the bride, by the Rev.Dr. Fred Clare Baldwin, district super¬intendent of the Methodist EpiscopalConference and former pastor of theCalvary Methodist Episcopal Church,East Orange,

Mrs. Charles R. Lee and her daugh¬ter, Miss Betty Lee, of Halsted Street,East Orange, are in Maine, where theywill remain until the close of the sum¬mer season.

Cards have been received in the Or¬anges for the wedding of Miss Dor¬othy Allen Roberts, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. John Allen Roberts, to Mr.Stanley Booth Ulingworth, the cere¬mony to take place Saturday evening,September 16, at 7 o'clock, in the FirstChurch of Christ. Congregational,West Hartford, Conn. The ceremonywill be followed by - reception at theresidence ol Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, at46 South Main Street, Hartford. Mr.and Mrs. .Roberts were formerly resi¬dents of Orange and continue thepractice of keeping in touch with theirformer friends and neighbors by fre¬quent visits.

Dr. and Mrs. William M. Brion andtheir daughter, Miss Muriel Brien, of449 Main Street, Orange, are at LakeGeorge. They made the trip by motor.

Mr. and Mrs: Thornlet Neff and theirdaughter, Miss Marion Neff, of BeechStreet, East Orange, have departed ona motor tour of the Western Statesthat will include a stop for an indefi¬nite period with friends in Michigan.Their son. Mr. Gray Neff. is now inBermuda, but is expected to return inthe near future.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bonynge andtheir daughter, Miss Claire Bonynge,of 151 Mont rose Avenue, SouthOrange, are expected home Wednes¬day on the Homeric from Europe,where they have been since the startof the »ummey season. Among'the

affairs they attended was the royalgarden party in London at the end ofJuly.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace Ilurd, of8ft Harrison Street, East Orange, willreturn the middle of this mouth fromLake Mehçink, where they have beensince'the start of the summer.

Mr. Arthur Kracuter, of Vose Ave¬nue. South Orange, president of theSouth Orange Field Club, has depart¬ed to join Mrs. Kracuter and theirchildren at their summer home, atEnst Hebron, Vt. «

Mr. George H. Dobbie and son,Clarence Dobbie, of Arnold Terrace,South Orange, are visiting friends inMontreal.

A daughter has been born to Mr.and Mrs. James William Booth, ofChatham, Cape, Cod, formerly of Har¬rison Street, East Orange. Before hermarriage Mrs. Booth was Miss EdnaDudley Ives, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.William D. Ives, of Jersey City.

Mr. and Mrs. William II. Doolitell, ofSecond Street, South Orange, and herdaughter, Lydia have departed for ashort stay in the Catskills.

Dr. Russell E. Titman and family,of 55 Dodd Street, East Orange, havereturned from a cruise of the GreatLakes.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Bell anddaughter, Miss Ethel Alice Bell, of 516Hillside Terrace. South Orange, willreturn after Labor Day from a stayat Seaside Park.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Matthews, ofMain Street, East Orange, are at Sea¬side Park, where they will remain untileaily October.

Mrs. Frederick C. Erwin, wife of theCommissioner of Revenue and Financeof West Orange, with her niece, MissGrace Young-, of 184 Watson Avenue,West Orange, are at Asbury Park,where they will remain until earlyOctober. Commissioner Erwin makesweek-end visits to the Park.

Mrs. Peter Lawson and daughter, of54 Ashland Avenue, West Orange, are'at Ocean Grove, where they will re¬main until about September 15.

Miss Mary Daly, of Llewellyn Avenue,West Orange, is passing a fortnightwith relatives at Lebanon Springs,N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pengilly, of 244Halsted Street, East Orange, have an¬nounced the engagement of theirdaughter, Miss Beatrice Jane Pengilly,to Mr. Wesley M. Stanley, of New YorkCity. No wedding date has been set.

Mr. Spencer Miller jr., son of Mr.and Mrs. Spencer Miller, of 217 TurrellAvenue, South Orange, is touringthrough the European countries. Whilein Italy he will visit his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. AurelioGiorni, who are passing the summer inthe suburbs of Rome with Mr. Giorni'smother, the Countess Giorni.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Thompson, ofProspect Street, Maplewood, are stop¬ping at Jamesport, L. I.

Mrs. Charles A. Le Master, of 139Glenwood Avenue, East Orange, has re¬turned from an extended series ofvisits with relatives in Indiana.

.Mrs. Henry W. Freeman, of SouthOrange Avenue, South Orange, has re¬turned from an extended stay at Stock«bridge, Mass.

Miss Lois Kinsey, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. C. W. Kinsey, of 445 Rich«mond Avenue, South Orange, will bemarried September 9 to Mr, HaroldLawrence Lonsdale, son of Mr. andMrs. William H. Lonsdale, of 96 RiggsPlace, that village. The ceremony willbe performed at the home of the pros¬pective bride's parents by the Rev. Dr,-John E. Charlton, pastor of the Mor¬row Memorial Church, Maplewood, andfollowed by a reception.Miss Kinsey will be attended by her

sister, Miss Marjorie B. Kinsey, andMiss Charlotte jW, Hawkins, both ofSouth Orange. Mr. Elmer W. Lonsdalewill be his brother's best man.

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Higgs andson, Mr. Charles Higgs, of 41 HickoryDrive, Maplewoo.d, will depart earlythis month for an extended tripthrough Canada.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parish jr., ofLlewellyn Park, West Orange, are ex¬pected to return about September 15from their summer home in Newport,

Mrs. Henry S. Griffith and her son,Tillard, of the Hotel Belmore, EastOrange, are at Bay Head, where theycontemplate remaining until early Oc¬tober.

Mrs. Charles Taylor, of MountainAvenue, Maplewood, who has beenpassing the summer at Lake Hopat-cong, is on a motor trip to Lexington,Va., accompanied by her brother andsister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. RobertSales, of Buffalo.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Amber, of Clare-mont Avenue, Maplewood, are- visitingfriends at Charleston, W. Va. Theymade the trip by motor.

Mrs. James McGarvey, of WardStreet, Orange, is now at her summercottage at Musconotong Lake, whereshe will remain until the latter partof the month. Mr. McGarvey joinsher for the week ends.

Mrs. Frank V. Millard, of Tarry-town, N. Y., has announced the engage¬ment of her daughter, Miss FlorenceMillard, to Mr. John King Choesman,son of Mr. and Mrs, James Earl Chees-man, of Providence, R, I., and formerlyresidents of South Orange.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. McConnell,of 96 North Arlington Avenue, EastOrange, have returned from SpringLake, where they have been since earlysummer.

Announcement has been marie of themarriage of Miss Ruth Fisher, daugh¬ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Fisher,of 77 South Munn Avenue, East Orange,to Mr. Alleyne Willmott Manchee, sonof Mrs. Percy Dawson Manchee, of 189Grafton Avenue, Newark. The. cere¬mony was performed at the ParkAdvenue Methodist Church, EastOrange, Wednesday of last week bythe Rev. Dr. George W, Smith. Uponthe return of Mr. and Mrs. Mancheefrom a motor trip through the Adiron-dacks and Maine, they will make theirhome at 212 Wiiliam Street, EastOrange.Miss Jean Burns, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. James A, Burns, of ProspectStreet, East Orange, has returned froma stay at Seagirt, where*- ^be was the

Mrs, í?. O. Ellis

She will have charge of the Chinese booth at the Bazaar of Nation»to be held to-day and to-morrow at the Hotel Nassau for the benefit

of the Long Beach Hospital

guest of General and Mrs. Bird Spen¬cer, parents of her fiance, Mr. ArthurWilson Spencer. The wedding of MissBurns and Mr. Spencer will take placeSeptember 20.

Mr. Jonathan Hawkins and family, ofWoodland Road, Maplewood, have re¬turned to their home after a stay of amonth at New Harbor, Me.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Judd Gray, of WayneStreet, East Orange, have returnedfrom Sayville, ,L. I., where they havebeen since the start of the summerseason.

Miss Helen Elva Nehrbass, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nehrbass, of 60Pavonia Avenue, Arlington, and Mr.Garrett Owen Brodhead, of Orange,were married last night in the FirstMethodist Episcopal Church, Arlington,by the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Jacob A.Cole. The wedding ceremony was fol¬lowed by a reception at the home ofthe bride's parents. '

Announcement has been received inOrange of the marriage on Thursdayof lost week in Marion, Ala., of MissEthel Sellers, daughter of Mrs. AnnieG. Sellers, and Mr. Stanley La MonteStrobert, of 270 High Street, Orange.Mr. and Mrs. Strobert will be at homeat the High Street address during thecoming week.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Richardson,of 3 Cottage street, South Orange, havereturned from a motor trip to WestOssirec, N. H., where they, visitedtheir sons, Stuart and Charles K. Rich¬ardson jr., who are camping at thatpoint. Mr. Richardson and family willmove October 1 to 47 Union street,Montclair.

Mr. John Wr. McCormack and family,of 50 Wayne avenue, East Orange, willreturn in the next few days from Bel-mar, where they have been since theearly part of summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Darnsteadt,of 74 Orange Place, West Orange, haveas their house guests Mr. and Mrs.Milton Youmans, of Elmira, N. Y.,and formerly of East Orange. -

Mrs. M. Casewell Heine, president ofthe Woman's Club of Maplewood, andher daughter, Miss Laura Heine, whohav-j been passing the summer seasonin Vermont and Chatham, Mass., willdepart for a stay at Sag Harbor pre¬vious to their return home.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Fisher, theirdaughter, Mrs. Walter Bray, and theirson, Edwin G. Fisher jr., of SouthMunn Avenue, East Orange, are motor¬ing through the New England States.

.Mr. and Mrs. William ,!. WilliamBuzzell, of 137 South Munn Avenue,East Orange, have returned from anextended stay abroad.

Mrs. John B. Everett and daughters,the Misses Maud and Carrie Everett,of.Elm Street, Orange, have returnedfrom a stay at Montreal.

Rounds of AutumnFestiyities BegunIn Berkshire Hills<Contlnue<! from Preceding Page)

from ten to fifteen years was held thereon Thursday night. In the companywere Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Gay, Mr.and Mrs. John W. Ruefer, Mr. and Mrs.William A, Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Will¬iam R. Bishop, Mrs. George Achenbach,Misses Isabel M. and Fanny K. Gregory,Edith Burtis, Isabel Smith, Mrs. J. C.Schrader, Mr. Charles William Mac-Cord, Dr. James W. Taylor and Mr.Josiah Dwight.Among the arrivals yesterday and

to-day for September were Mr. andMrs. S. Roberts Thome, Mr. and Mrs.James Forbes Wright, Mr. and Mrs.George E. Walbridge, Mrs. E. GrayPehdleton, Miss Marie Pendleton, MissPolly Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Gibson,Mr, 'Arthur W. Peavce, Miss Mary W.Pearce, Mr. and Mrs". S. M. Morgan, Mr.H. W. Davenport, all of New York.The Aspinwall Hotel at Lenox has

numerous« bookings for September.Among arrivals this week were Mrs.Henry Gansevoort Sanford, of NewYork,' who was the guest of her par¬ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Low;Judge and Mrs. Edward T. Sanford, Mr.and Mrs. Ralph M. Robbins, Miss Rob-bins, of Mamaroneck, N. Y,; Mr. andMrs. John Farr jr., Mrs. S. B. Bowne,Mrs. George P. Hall, Mrs, George E.Roosevelt, Mrs. Charles E. Orvis, Mrs.William H. Kirhy. Mrs. William G.Wilson» of New York; Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Andrews, of Englewood, N. J.;Mr. and Mrs. Holstein, D-v-T^we Fox» ofPhiladelpia* [>'

Orvis TournamentFinals Played inGreen Mountains!

Interesting Contest Held atEkwanok Country Club ;Preparations Completedfor Labor Day Golf Tilt

Spécial Dispatch to The TribuneMANCHESTER IN THE MOUN-

TAINS, Vt., Sepi. 2..The Orvis cupgolf tournament at Ekwanok CountryClub has occupied the attention of the]summer colony this week and the finalmatches are being played to-day. Theprizes are given by Mrs., George Orvisand include a very handsome, silver!vase for the winner of the first divi-sion and a smaller vase for the run-ner-up. The winner of the first eon-solation flight receives a still smallervase, and all the trophies are embossedwith the Ekwanok seal. Other prizesinclude a gold medal for the low scorein the qualifying round and a similarmedal for the low score prize in aspecial medal handicap competition tobe played to-day. For the winning.team in the base ball handicap on Fri-day afternoon there were two elabo-rate leather kits of English design,The trophies for several other divi-sions' include a cigar humidor, a ciga-rette box, inkstand, card trays, an ashtray and two purses.Among those competing were Mr.

Lee W. Maxwell, Mr. H. Y. Barrow,Mr. Donald Carr, Mr. Martin W. Lit¬tleton, Mr. George E. Morse, Mr. FrankB. Lav, Mr. E. J. Davton. Mr. EmmonsSmith jr., Mr. Frank T. Clark. Mr.Louis Washburn, Mr. S. C. Clark, Mr.Nelson Griffith, Mr. W. 0. Hendersonand Mr. Dumont Clarke.Miss May Cook, of Columbus, andMiss Laura Mohun, of Washington, are

visiting Mrs. Gertrude D. Ritter atYester House. Mrs. Ritter gave a din-ner in their honor this evening.Guests of Mr. C. M. Clark, of Phila¬delphia, at dinner at Wyndhurst last iSunday, on the occasion of his birth-day, included Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hen-derson. of Cincinnati; Mr. and Mrs. C. IB. McEwan, of Albany; Mrs. Charles S.Francis, of Troy; Mr. and Mrs. FrankT. Clark, Mr. E. W. Clark 3d and Mr. !S. C. Clark, of Philadelphia.There will be the usual Labor Daygolf handicap competitions at EkwanokCountry Club on Monday, this beingthe final tournament of the season, al¬though the course will be throngedwith players until the middle of1October.Saturday evening Mrs. Charles S.

Francis entertained with a dinner atthe Equinox House, her guests beingMr. and Mrs. W. K. Jewett, Mrs. GeorgeOrvis, Mrs. Gertrude D. Ritter, Mr. andMrs. Telford Groesbeek, Mr. J. K.Mohr, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Warren,Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McEwan and Mr.and Mrs. Lee Maxwell.

Others entertaining at the EquinoxHouse this week included Mrs. H. N.Townsend, Mrs. Donald Carr, Mrs. W.T. Groesbeek and Mrs. J. J. Mohr.

Mrs. H. B. Vanderhoef is visiting herparents«, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Young, ofGreenwich, at the Hoyt Cottage.

Mrs. George Warren, of Boston, andMrs. Frank H. Potter, of New York,were at the Equinox House recently.Governor and Mrs. Miller were at

the Equinox House for two days re¬cently. In their party were Mr. W. T.Ward, Miss D. Ward, Miss W. S. Ward,Miss A. N. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs,Evans Ward, Master W. E. Ward andMiss Carol Ward, of Port Chester, andMr. and Mrs. B. S. Bottome, of NewYork. *

Arrivals at the Equinox House fromNew York include Mr. and Mrs. MartinW. Littleton, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Osgood,Mr. and Mrs. James A. Reid, Mr. L. F«Reid. Miss Edna S. Ross, Mr. and Mrs.H. Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. French,Mrs. C. H. Gurney, Mrs. George Adler,Miss Clara Wallace. Mr: Thomas Curry,Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Spadone, Mr. andMrs. Ernest G. Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs.Millard -F. Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs.Harry Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Cormack,Mrs. N. P. Weeks, Miss Grace Cortiack,Mr. and Mrs. C Gerald Dodge, Mr.Frederick P. Delafiela, Mrs. Edward CDelafield, the Misses Rita and MaryDelafield, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Daubel,Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Shipley, Mr. andMrs. R. Beck and Miss Ann Beck.At Worthy Inn from New York are

included Mr. Benjamin Davidson, Mr«David Davidson, Mr. William H. DeMott, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Parke, Mr.and Mrs. G. Beede. Mr. and Mrs. P. F.Cummings, Mr. G. T. Winters, Mr. andMrs. H. M. Greenwood, Mr. C V.Greenwood, Miss Edith Starr, Miss K.Greenwood, Mrs. I. M. Huyler, Mrs. A.L. Cornell, Mr, Edward F. O'Neill, Mr«H.M«,Oroft Bn&.MivL E«. Haynes*

Disabled WarHeroes FetedAt Greenwich

Fund Raised by Well Know«Women Provides Outingfor Veteran» Who Are Tak.ing Vocational Training

Annual Bal Masque HeldJunior Tennis Tournament

Will Open on Courts ofField Club September 5

b'prrial Dinpätch to The TribuneGREENWICH, Conn., Sept 2,-4,the result of a fund raised henjthrough the effort» of prominent worn-

en twenty-two disabled veteran«, ofth«World War are enjoying a month's oat»ing at the Edgewood School here. Allare reconstruction men, taking voc*tional courses in New York, wher-they are stopping al s club conductedby Miss Howard. The committee epvstats of Mrs. J. Alden Twachtman, Mm,Theodore L, Pomeroy, Mrs. GordonGrand, Mr*. Frederic Ewing, Mrs. I &Lewin, Mrs. Cliiford D. MaJlory, Jfr-,W. J. Riley, Mrs. H. J. Fisher. Mrs. It,ward Hodgernan, Mrs. Llewellyn Bou,Mrs. Emerson R. N'ewell, Mrs. AllesPerkins and Mrs. Helen Adams-KellerThe majority of the veterans commuUdaily to New York.

Mrs. John D. Chapman has given thfmen free use-of her estate a?. RoundIsland for picnics, and free transporta«tion is provided for them to islandBeach, as well as bath houses w/.'nontcharge. The Greenwich Lod?e of Elksis also co-operating with the comàrft.tee in entertaining the soldiers.The annual black and white bti

masque, held under the auspices of th»Greenwich Inn Tennis Club at. theCrossways last Friday evening, was on«of the social events of the season.There were many beautiful ostnrae»worn by' the dancers. After the un*masking MÍ3* Loretta Corlette, of Ne*York, gavé an exhibition of toe dancing;

Mr. Earl L. Biety, a guest at théLodge for the last two years, who i«about to p,:cA for Manchester, Engiaad,to mak-i a study of the newly discov¬ered nethod'of cotton in the raw, us»tendered a farewell dinner on Tuesd-fevening. A centerpiece on the tabuwas an immense floral piece represent¬ing an ocean liner. The place card«were also novel and humorous. Theguests included Captain and M-j,Charles Burnham, Miss Jane Donnas,Arthur,J. B. Baliin. Mr. and Mrs. Wit-son Goodbody, Earl L. Biety. Miss RuthHawley, Miss Margaret Allen. Fred-crick Clifford and Mrs. Earl Osburn.Among the recent arrivals from Ne»

York are Mrs. R. J. O'ConncH, MisO'Connell, Mrs. R. H. Dana jr., MmPatricia A". Jenkins and Mrs. Irving-Smith.About forty members of the Green¬

wich Chambo1* of Commerce hadluncheon at the Pickwick Arms Hotelon Monday. The speaker was ThomasB. Taylor,"chairman of the rsteil boardof the Bridgeport Chamber oí C-aa-mercp/- ¦' --' ""

Arrivals at the Arms over the weekend from New York include Mr. andMrs. E. T. Converse, Miss E. C Con¬verse, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Kenney, Mrs.Robert Black, Mr. and Mrs. AlexanderF. W*. Kinmon. Mr. and Mrs. CharlesMason, Miss Elizabeth Darling, MissBeatrice Darling, Mr. and Mrs. E. }.SI: tteriy and Mr. and Mrs. E. Burton.

A. junior tennis tournament will bebegun on the courts of the Field Clubon September 5, and on September 9 ssimilar tournament for the older mem¬bers will start. One of the big so¬

ciety events at the club in Septemberwill be a dinner-dance or Saturdayevening, September 9.

Mr. Paul A. Raymond, of Greenwich,left hpre on Wednesday with theUnited States pistol team for Englandrhaving been selected as captain of theteam which will be entered in the in¬ternational shooting matches overseas.Mr. Raymond held the United Statesall-around championship in pistol, pa,revolver and rifle shooting in lSft1914, and 1919. The try-out for 4*United States team was held at amarine camp below Washington rt-cently, under the auspices ûf theUnited. States Revolver Association.During the World War ..Ir. Raymondwas stationed at Camp Perry andother camps as instructor oí ¡¿mallarms.

Mrs. Henry L. Cammann is enter¬taining her daughter, Mrs. W. H.Adams, at the Maples. They will re¬main here until after Labor Day.Lady Thcrese Muir Mackenzie, *'»

is spending the summer at the Pick¬wick Arms, has returned from R motortrip with Mrs. Converse Tyler, of Ne*York, to Home Farm, Lenox. She winleave there soon for Cape Cod.Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Walwetw

are receiving congratulations of thei"friends on the birth of a daughter,The babv has been ehristened-BarbatSiMrs. Wâlworth was Miss Janet War-ford.The Riverside Association has elect¬

ed these officers for the ensuing yeaüMr. Hugh Fox, president; Mr. lrvir."M. Shaw, vice-president; Mr.'ReginsMReynolds, secretary, and Miss Georgiana'Davids, treasurer.The Rev. Dr. and .Mrs. M. Geortf

Thompson returned yesterday from Itrip abroad. On their return th«!visited Dr. Thompson's sister* «

Quebec. Dr. Thompson, who is recttfof Christ Episcopal Church here. wa¡

given a year's leave of absence uorder to take a rest. He has beeirector of the local church twenty-»?years.Mrs. Selwyn Bywater and he

daughter, Mjss Marjorie Bywater, sail»aboard th.î Majestic last Saturday foa trip abroad...

Mrs. Ward K- Jopes has rétame*from a motor trip to Maine.

For the i>cnefit of the Greenwic!House "iusic School. 44 BsrrtflStreet, .New York, a concert, which w»largely attended, by Greenwich »»New York society tuok place at thhome of Mrs. Elisha P. CronkSiHNorth Street, Tuesday afternoon. Ti.artists were Hugo Kortsçhak. violt*ist; Miss Marion Rous, pianist, s»Mrs. Wiiliam V. C. Ruxton, of Creelwich, daughter of Mrs. Cronkhite. **piano. Among the women who actsas patronesses wore Mesdames AllíB. Forbes. Louis W. Dommerich, Nithaniel Webb, Eugene M. Moore. Abert Kingsbury. Edson F. Jones, (Mford Ü. Mallory, Julian W. Curti*Lee W. Gibbons, Edward W. PackarLeonard Dyer, L. R. Wilfiey, Jani«Goldmurk and Miss Mary B. Ely, MilCaroline Ruutz-Rf.es and Edwin 1Baker.

Mrs. Cronkhite and Mrs. Henry 1Cammann arranged the concert.

-1-_.«...Miss Arline Vera Panson

Is Engaged to Mr. AlbeiMrs.. Charles Walter. Newman, of tl

Belnord, New jY^rki and D*al, N. &, hiannounced tife engagement of h<daughter, Miss Arline Vera Panson.Mr. Edward Albert. Mr. Albert iß »son of Mr. Jacob Albert, of the actEmbassy» New York.