i far n i nf, evening 0ta published .: fz.lmf islands ... · caterer chapman will furnish tho...

I oi(WFWHUt. (j v VWtVMCV ' isa&Lm FAr N I Nf, BULLETIN Evening 77w 0ta Paper Published 5 TV ij .: o ZW Get fZ.lMf 033iLi " A A - on the Hawaiian Islands. Reaches ALL the TeopleT Subscription jc. a month. i MtMIHMM6Oi00lM HmooMMHiuMtoooMmmoioaM Vol. IV. No. 728. HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER C, 1897. Price 5 Gents, w 'It V :?' k. a if i THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published every day except Snndny at 210 King Street, Uonolnla, H. I. sUBscnirnoN ratks. Per Month, anywhere in the Ha- waiian Islands 8 76 Per Year. 8 00 Per i Year, postpaid to America, Oannua, or Mexico ... 1000 Per Year, postpaid, ether Foreign Oountrta . 13 00 Paynblo Invariably In Advance. Telephone 250. P. O. Box 80. A. Y. GEAR. Manager. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral For Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Sore Thro.it, Influenza, mid Incipient Consumption, no remedy approaches . Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It 1ms long , hceniha most popular and successful unodyno expectorant in Pharmacy, and Is everywhere approved and recommended by tho Faculty. It soothes tho inllamcd membrane, breaks up "irritating mucus, allays coughing, and induces repose. As n family emergency medicine, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral takes the lead. For tho relief aiul euro of croup, whooping-c- ough, sore throat, and all tho pulmonary troubles to which tho young nro so liable, It is invaluable. No household is quite secure without Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, nv , Dr. J. O. Ayer Ss Co., LOWELL, MASS., XT. S. A. Gold Medals at the World's Chief Expositions. 49 Beware of cheap Imitations. The name Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral U promi- nent on the wrapper, and is blown in the glass ol each bottle. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Bole Agents (or the Bepablio ot Hawaii H.L.GEAR, ..G.auEAn, 211 Sansorao St., S. F. SiOKUiRBCU GEAR & GEAR ' lawyers'. axi Francisco and jioioluIu Having olllces In Sail Franclecound Honolulu wo are prepared to attond promptly to all mutters entrusted to 8 In either of -- alii pluoa. D. LAWYER. 210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. . . 'William A . Henshall, ' ' ) , - A-ttorne- y at XjEw 113 Kanhumana Btroet LYLE A. DICKEY, A.ttornev at Law 14 Kaahumann Street. Telephone No. 682. 4B8-8- . SAMUEL J. MACDONALD, - Counsel loi at Law. 201 Merchant Btroet (one door from Fort street), Honolulu. GILBERT F. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW , HILO, HAWAII. CHANGED ILIS MIND. Ilownt n nowspapor man nml n poot. Still tho combination worked very well. Thotmly trouble wan that Ills work rntlior knocked tho bloom oft thnromanoo of llfo. Ho found It dllllcult to li romnntio nttrr chiming uniuiid nftcr llio stern rilltlc;, tlid trivcdluR nml cuttiullus of this iimrtnl oxMtcnco for 10 hours : day, lint lio innn ngiid to rutuln hoidi tliliiK of tlia Orcainor iibotit libn notliliriiuillng. llq Ihod In loa Foniowhoro tlitf inundami rphprr there oxlutcd n wniimn uhom lie fthotild one nmy meet nml loro nml bo happy with her forovcr nt'er. ' ,S1iawiH IiU affinity, lils twin out, nml thoy should know It tho inniiiLiit tliolr hiinds touchcil Naturally It wim nil rather hiiry In Ills mlnil hi yet, fur ho did not hnvo much time foi'drciiinlng. Ho had nlso u rooted opinion that, he elioiild ono day commit suicide. Hu often Mid ns much tn his chum Jim, who nl ways looked cy til nil nml fell to WliHtllni: boftly with n faraway look In his eyes, lit would tall: iilmut It quite seriously uml discuss tho illlTercnt methods, but his preferenco wiih for tho revolver route. And no ono 'spring day ho fill In lovo. It was nil In ono moment. Ho was tit his desk writing nway llko mad when tho door oponcd. and she caino In n little, I bluo eyed.i lair haired, childish thlpg, with Cupid's bow lips and n frightened man ner. Thoy neither knew nfterwnrd what they snld, but flvo minutes lator bo was at his dosk, she was gouo, and between hlstyis and the paper was n fair, childish face. Uth Cupid's bow lips nnd blue, frighten- ed " eyes. Uoforc two days ho met her on tho street Their eyos met ngnlu, nnd they both spoke Then ho walked homo with her uml car- ried her schoolbooks, nnd nil tho world was suddonly fair nnd sweet us n rose gar- den In Juno. Slio understood bis every word, and ho well, ho lived In a worltl of his own. Ho .walked In a dre.uu. Tho ronl thing tho murders, mnrrlngos, di- vorces, oven tho mon and womon he Inct,' seemed a farotl dream, nnd only IJnlsy and hlmsolf real pcoplo. Ho wns In love, nnd for tho first time. Her mother soon beenmo nwnro of the stoto of affairs nnd decided Daisy was much too young for lovo or lovers. Her father told him so, nnd also that bo and Daisy must sio each other no mora except as acquaintances. There was nothing against hlni they were simply too young. And so sho wns to go to school, but Qordoti could call to Fay good by. That night ho went to seo her nnd cams' nway filled with wondorful schomoH (or tho future Ho wns to becomo rich and famous, und when sho caiuo buck hu would marry hor. That was his plan, nnd from that day bo worked as ho bad net or dream- ed it posslblo thnt ho could work. Before ho worked becuuso u certain amount ot work was necessary to kcop grim want ut bay, but now ho had on object for which to work, and ho threw his wholo soul into it. It wns for Daisy, and that thought kept him going. For two years It was constantly with him. Knoh tlmo ho tut down at his desk ho pcopod at tho dainty, childish fuoo In his watch caso nnd wills pored her nanio. It was Daisy always tho alpha and omega, tho sum total of his existence Sho was to bo homo in Juno, but went to visit friends and wroto him that It would bo tho Istof July, und that herde.tr friend, Ucsslo Thornton, was to como with hor. It was evening when sho would nrtho, and ho started to tho station to mcot hor. Instead n'tclcgrnm mot him. Daisy hud been mnrrlod that morning. Sho wus not coming at all. Tho lights In tho streets danocil up and down, and ho repeated It softly, "Daisy ninrrloil." Ills hand went luiahnulcally to hW pis- tol pocket. Only ono Idea was left In his stunned brain, and that wns to carry out his old tlmo morbid fancy and put an end to (bo oxlstcnco that ho now coneludod was not worth 'living. Ho did not tako tlmo to urguo tho pros and cons, but felt a slight Ronso of disappointment whon ho romemoerod hu bad left his revolver ut the ofllco. It would uot tako long to go for It, ho thought dreamily, and glanced at tho telegram in his hand, "Daisy mur-ricdl- " It must-b- a dream. Tho train camo in, tho train Daisy was to have como on. Tho momenta wero llko hourH, yet hu did not hurry. It was not far to tho ofllco "Daisy married I" Ono finger on tho trig gor und thon Thoro was n touch on his band, timid and soft. Ha glanced down and for tin instant did not seo who It wus. Thcnjio knew. It wus Besslo Thornton, Daisy's frlond. Thoro wero tears In her oyo3, uml ho read pity and was there something elsof in her soft brown eyes. Neither spoke, but nolthcr felt tho need of it Onco again ho wus looking into tho uwak onlng soul of a woman. A sudden light sprang Into hor brown cyos. Unconscious- ly their hantli luct, and they turned und walked togotber. Tho lights woro golden globes through tho dusk, and faravurheud tho stars began to peep out. Tliero was n subtlo softness, a dreary languor in thoulr an thoy, hand in hand, wont into tho gray dusk ot tho evening. Next day bis friend Jim received tbo re- volver as u gracious gift. Exchange. Before giving your order for a Eortrait, see what King . Broa. show in orayon enlarge- ments and judge for yourself wbothor they can givo yon tbo best value for your monoy ot not. Kroocor Pi'anoB.swootoBt in tone, Jas.W. Borgstrom, solo agent, casb or installments. Warerooma at G. West's, Masonio Temple. Of-Ge- o at Tljrura'B Book Storo. Tun- ing and repairing. tST Tele- phone 347. RECEPTION TO THE SENATOR Tendered by the Government for Next Monday Evening. To bo Followed by a Grand Ball at the Government Building -'- Elaborate Preparations Being Made. Lato on yesteiday the Cabinet decided to tontler a Rtut rpcip-tio- n to United States Senator Morgan next Monday evoning, bis di'patturo fiom these inlands buying boon anauged by tho Alameda leaving bore next Thurs- day. It is uudeifttood Unit the Central Cnmmitteu of the Atuori- - can Union party took the iuilii- i- tire in the'mattcr and pressed it to a favorable connidenilion. Tbo reception Will tako place at the' Executive building and will be followed by r. bull. The expense, of the affair will como out of tho special nppropn-atio- u of S5000J set aside by the last Legislature for the uutor-tainme- ut bf notublo visitors. At the time the appropriation was passed it was expected that Li Hung Chang, the King of Siuui, Marquis Ito and other notables would visit Honolulu and Mitiis-t- or Cooper procured the pVesage of the appropriation which now comes in bandy for tho present affair. No invitations to tho general public will be extended as every- body is expected to consider them selves invited. An exception will be made in the case of the Diplo- matic and Consular Corps, who will be oQioially invited, although if they attend it will be only in their private capacity. It should be remembered that Senator Morgan is visiting Hawaii as a private citizen und not as the accredited representative of the United States in any official capu city. Minister Eipg deoided yestor-da- y afternoon that instead of wanting money in temporary electric light fittings the ball room nnd ballwavs of the Exccutivo building should bo permanently wired ana ouDenntenuent Uassi-d- y has received the necessary orders" to that effect and is already at work, some ot the old chan- deliers will bo pressed into service until mora suitable ones can be obtained from tho Coast. It has been decided that during the ball only light refreshments, such ns sandwiches, cakes, ice-ciea- m, etc., will bo served. Thoro will bo no oluborato suppor to turn out unsatisfactory as on provious oecaRions. To satisfy tho thirst of those attending there will bo only lomonado and claret punch. President Dole was in favor of leaving tho claret out of tho punch but finally compro mised on claret cup with thoso who wantod something stronger than citric acid and wator. ' The members of tho President's staff have' been given supervision of tho affair and aro busying themselves in getting up new and effective decorations. Tho danc- ing will bo in the old throno room, of course, while tbo band will be stationed on. tho Waikiki balcony. Lemouado and clarot punch will bo served all tho even- ing in tho little room behind tho dais, whilo the more solid re- freshments will bo obtainablo on the Ewa balcony Tho Interior and Finance offices will be closed entiroly, except that portion of tho Interior oflico used as Minis- ter King's private sanctum, which will bo turned into a ladies cloak room. Caterer Chapman will furnish tho refreshments and ho has been ordered to proparo for 1000 peoplo. Tho Hawaiian Electrio Light Company is wiring tho now, Firo Station for electrio lights. Colonel Soper and not Major Iaukea is chief of President Dolo'a staff. tii:i: mima tM'tri:, Una I lie lierlalnti In llrmeii .!( makaln n llriirtuirT In tho caBO of Hemeu v. Ka- - makaia, 10 Hawaiian, pages 547- - j 559, among othor points decided was the) tollowiug, as contained in , tho syllabus of opinion: ' "Tho words 'without a child' in this case mean 'without a child born,' that is, 'without having hnd a child,' not 'without a child then living or surviving,' and, there fore, L.'s estato became indefeasi- ble upon the birth of hor child, although tho child afterward died during L.'s lifetime." Dr. Itooke left his estate to his adopted daughter, Queen Emma, with a piovisiou that if she died without inHtie the estate was to go to Col. Rooke, the tesdatoi's nephow. Queen Emma had a son born in 1858, who lived more than four yeuts, aud whoso parents, Kamehameha IV. and Queon Emma, both survived him. Quuen Emma, who lived for 23 years after tho death of her sou, left hor ostate principally to tho Queen's Hospital, which had been found- ed by herself .and her , late husband. Col. Itooke of England now briugs suit to recover tho estate, on tho ground that it fell to him, under bis uncle's will, when Queen Emma died without liviug issue. It will be for tbo courts now to docido whether the ca'-e-s aro simi- lar, for, if tbey aro, Queen Emma wheuevor her sou was born ac- cording to the decision in Hemen vs. Eamaknia became possessed of tho indofeasiblo titlo to her adoptive father's estate, nnd might have willed it on that instant, or any time later, to whomsoever sho pleased. Till". IIOAT CLUEl DitAl'h. Lint ol CotiiiiilMrr lift ll vo llio Hall nrPrlilny Nlsht In Charge. Everything is beinfdono that is possible to mako tho combined ball of tho thrco boat clubs a per- fect success and the advance sale of tickets has already boeu very large. 'I he ladies who attond aro asked to bo liberal in tbo display of the colors of thoir favorite club, while the storner box will be perfectly gorgeous in respect of neckties, handkerchiefs and boulouuieres. The following aro on tho va- rious committees: Floor E. F. Bishop, chairman; F. B. Oat, S. Woods und W. T. Mousarrat. Reception T. F. Lansing, J. S. Walker, D. Eawanauakoa, W. 0. Geo. Carter and J. Con-- i S'arke, Door and Tiokots 0. B. Gray aud W. E. Wall. HAWAIIAN OPKItl HOUSE. Tlirer-MKl- Neaaun of Hlitli ClaiM Vnllilovlllo to Opeu Nitturday. Tho Hawaiian Opora House will bo re oponcd on Saturday night next, for a season of three nights only, with Potrio'a Merry Makers, a high class vaudeville company. Among tho talented artists aro Petrio and Elise, tho three-heade- d Olifans, comedy and sketch artists, lato of tho Flying Jordaus Co. ; Miss Helen Gordon, an exceptionally fine cultured soprano; Tom Edwards, eccentric comedian; tho Cicero Sisters, sonc, danco and character artists; A. L. Ounard, a clover entertain- er, lato Kollar and Cunard, etc. Seats can bo booked now at Wall, Nichols Co., at popular prices. election at Mynodimcn. ' Tho members of tho Second Congregation of St. Andrew's Cathedral mot in tbo parish ool room laBt night for tho purposo of oleating synodsmon to tho' Anglican Church Synod which moots next December in Houolulu. T. Rain Walker was chairman and H. W. M. Mist secrotary. Tho following gentle- men woro olocted eynodBmeu: W. L. Stanley, Geo. S. Harris Sr. and H. M. von Holt. CLAUDINE GOES TOMORROW Carries Coal and Stores for the Round Voyage. Expects to be on the Drydock at San Francisco Between Two and Three Weeks Only. Tho stoamBhip Claudino of tho Wilder Company is announced to soil at noon tomorrow, having al- ready takon on board 375 tons of coal and a considerable quantity of stores. The coal is estimated as being sufficient for tho round trip and sorves as ballast going up. On hor return nhe will bring a quautity of stoies from San Francisco for the company and possibly Goino freight- - for other parties. Captain Cameron will bo in command on the voyage and he will have Mr. Moore as chief offi- cer and Mr. Fisher ns second. Chief Engiueer Sutherland with tho aid of First Assistant J. Ward and Second Assistant J. McKeo will look out for tho engine room, and the the vessel will have about forty in her craw. (Jniei steward Joyce will look after tho catoriug. Among thoso who go aB pas- sengers aro Mrs. Cameron, wife of the captain; Captain Ohas. Kibliug, wifo and daughter; Mrs. Sutherland, W. F. Pogue. agent of tho vVildor Company at Keuo landing; John K. Wilder of Wilder & Co.; W. 11. Sims and 11. W. Atkiuson. Tbo Claudino goes direct to the Union Iron Works, San FtauoiB-c- o, whore uho will bo put dn the drydock aud thoroughly overhaul- ed. Among other repairs to bo niado to tbo vessel muy be men- tioned tbo putting in of now plates in hor bow and tho laying of a now dock. Captain Cameron oxpocts to mako tho trip in 9 days aud says it will tako from two to throe weeks to bavo tho uooesBary repairs done. Ho expects to be back in Houo- lulu within six weeks from to- morrow. John K. Wilder will loavo tho islands tomorrow for tho first timo in 35 years and bis many friends hopo be will enjoy bis hard-earne- d vacation and not get lost in tbo ramifications of the big city of San Francisco. i m m I'etlllon lor Keluitntement. William O. Aohi humbly peti- tions the Justices of the Supromo Court to reinstato him in tho practiso of law in all the courts. Attorney Goneral W. O. Smith certifies that thoro aro no com- plaints in bis office against tbo petitioner, whoso prayer is sup- ported by J. Q. Wood, J. L. Ka-uluko- u, Rev. E. S. Timoteo, J. M. Poopoo, John F. Colburn and W. R. Castlo. Mr. Aobi is ono of tbo newly olocted mombers of tbo Houso of Representatives. ITIom Meetlnir. Preparations aro boing made for a combined untivo and foreign mass meeting on Palaco Bquaro Friday evening, to adopt a memo- rial against annexation for pre- sentation to Sonator Jobu T. Morgan before his departure. Thoro aro soparato calls, it is un- derstood, signod by leading an- nexationists of nativo aud foreign racos. It is in tbo scheme to have a deputation oleoted at tho' meet- ing to wait on tho visiting Sona- tor with tbo momorial. Street Damaicei. Geo. A. Davis, C. Hustace Jr. and R. N. Boyd, commissioners, have awarded tho estate of Wm. Brash $3000 for land and $1000 for buildings, as damages in con nection with the oxtonsion of Vineyard stroot. Evening Bulletin- - 75c $er month. i r - JL- - h. 'IT" IMINA KCIIOINCS. nu'liicus mid Personal Thlove Abroad In tlin Lnml. W. G. Wait, latoly manager of tho Hawaiian Tea and CofTeo Co., will shortly limvo with his family for California, where ho will en,-ga- in fruit raising. Cockbum & Lindsay will soon erect a store at Hookeua. W. W. Brunor, tbo Government engineer, is again survoying in Konu. Dr. Frances Wotmoro of Hilo will return from her vacation in Scotlaud next month. Kuna, for stealing a watch from J. W. Kahulamu, teacher of Ki-k-olo school, was seuieuced to three months at bard labor. Alona had $190 50 stolen from his warehouse, and the Echo hopes the thieT will bo caught. Tli Kulawn Kendlnir Kootu. Suporinteudent Royuokla of tho Leper Settlomont will open a now reading room in tho old school- room at Kalawao when he goes over to tho Leper Settlement this week, for which ho iuvitos con- tributions of illustrated papers, magazines and gamcB suitable for lepers. Pictorial papors such as Hurper's, Leslie's, Puck, Judge, etc., aro especially desired in pre- ference to daily papers, an abun- dance of which is furnished by the local newspaper offices. All contributions may bo loft with Mr. Reynolds personally at his otfico in tbo Board of Health quarters or at E, O. Hall & Son's ofllco. Benntor lUarirauVl I mill at ry. Ever since his arrival hero, nearly three weeks ago, Sonator Morgan has been gathering tbo most complete information prac- ticable, on all matters relating to the Hawaiian Islands their gov- ernment, sooial, industrial and business conditions. Ho has been and is, indeed, making a thorough and exhaustive study of the wholo situation,with particular referonco to its bearing upon tho treaty of annexation. The Senator's pro- jected visit to Molokai will uot bo his initiation to tho sad fact tbero illustrated, for ho has surprised tho beat posted of our authorities, haviug that under purviow, by tho great mass of information ho has already collected on tbo subject. At Makes Inland. A moonlight band concert will bo given at Makeo Island tonight, if it does not rain, with tho fol- lowing program: PAivr i. Ovcrturo-Zum- pa UcrolJ Serenade I,ovu la lilloncM Macbeth (Irand Selection Marco Vlscontl.. . IVlrclU Aloba Oo, Mlklol, Ipu Luuae. 1'Aiit ir. Echo Pieco In Switzerland Iluir.u Selection ttose of sHilras Ellentiurg Gavotte Klilne Souuda Latanii Waltz Love's Old Sweet Son);.... llucalobil. Hawaii 1'ouol. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DRr WW CEAM BAKING POWDIlt MOST PERFECT MADB. A pare Qrope Oroam of Tartar Powder, Free- - from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. In all tbo groat Ilotela, the loading ClabtJ and tho homes, Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdor holds Its napromaoy, 40 Years th 8tandard. LEWIS & CO., Aqents, Honolulu, H. I. ' 'A- - ..ah "? ,

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Page 1: I FAr N I Nf, Evening 0ta Published .: fZ.lMf Islands ... · Caterer Chapman will furnish tho refreshments and ho has been ordered to proparo for 1000 peoplo. Tho Hawaiian Electrio

I oi(WFWHUt. (j v VWtVMCV '

isa&Lm FAr N I Nf, BULLETIN Evening

77w 0taPaper Published

5 TV

ij .: o ZW Get fZ.lMf 033iLi " A A - on the Hawaiian Islands.

Reaches ALL the TeopleT Subscription jc. a month.iMtMIHMM6Oi00lM HmooMMHiuMtoooMmmoioaM

Vol. IV. No. 728. HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER C, 1897. Price 5 Gents,

w'It V






Published every day except Snndny at210 King Street, Uonolnla, H. I.

sUBscnirnoN ratks.Per Month, anywhere in the Ha-

waiian Islands 8 76Per Year. 8 00Per i Year, postpaid to America,

Oannua, or Mexico ... 1000Per Year, postpaid, ether Foreign

Oountrta . 13 00Paynblo Invariably In Advance.

Telephone 250. P. O. Box 80.

A. Y. GEAR. Manager.


PectoralFor Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, SoreThro.it, Influenza, mid IncipientConsumption, no remedy approaches

. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It 1ms long ,

hceniha most popular and successfulunodyno expectorant in Pharmacy,and Is everywhere approved andrecommended by tho Faculty. Itsoothes tho inllamcd membrane,breaks up "irritating mucus, allayscoughing, and induces repose. As nfamily emergency medicine, Ayer'sCherry Pectoral takes the lead. Fortho relief aiul euro of croup, whooping-c-

ough, sore throat, and all thopulmonary troubles to which thoyoung nro so liable, It is invaluable.No household is quite secure without


nv ,

Dr. J. O. Ayer Ss Co.,LOWELL, MASS., XT. S. A.

Gold Medals at the World's Chief Expositions.

49 Beware of cheap Imitations. Thename Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral U promi-nent on the wrapper, and is blown in theglass ol each bottle.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Bole Agents (or the Bepablio ot Hawaii

H.L.GEAR, ..G.auEAn,

211 Sansorao St., S. F. SiOKUiRBCU

GEAR & GEAR' lawyers'.

axi Francisco and jioioluIu

Having olllces In Sail FranclecoundHonolulu wo are prepared to attondpromptly to all mutters entrusted to

8 In either of -- alii pluoa.


LAWYER.210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I.


. 'William A . Henshall,' ' )


A-ttorne-y at XjEw

113 Kanhumana Btroet


A.ttornev at Law14 Kaahumann Street.

Telephone No. 682. 4B8-8-


Counsel loi at Law.201 Merchant Btroet (one door from

Fort street), Honolulu.





Ilownt n nowspapor man nml n poot.Still tho combination worked very well.Thotmly trouble wan that Ills work rntliorknocked tho bloom oft thnromanoo of llfo.Ho found It dllllcult to li romnntio nttrrchiming uniuiid nftcr llio stern rilltlc;,tlid trivcdluR nml cuttiullus of this iimrtnloxMtcnco for 10 hours : day, lint lio innnngiid to rutuln hoidi tliliiK of tlia Orcainoriibotit libn notliliriiuillng. llq Ihod Inloa Foniowhoro tlitf inundami rphprrthere oxlutcd n wniimn uhom lie fthotildone nmy meet nml loro nml bo happy withher forovcr nt'er. '

,S1iawiH IiU affinity, lils twinout, nml thoy should know It tho inniiiLiit

tliolr hiinds touchcil Naturally It wim nilrather hiiry In Ills mlnil hi yet, fur ho didnot hnvo much time foi'drciiinlng.

Ho had nlso u rooted opinion that, heelioiild ono day commit suicide. Hu oftenMid ns much tn his chum Jim, who nlways looked cy til nil nml fell to WliHtllni:boftly with n faraway look In his eyes, litwould tall: iilmut It quite seriously umldiscuss tho illlTercnt methods, but hispreferenco wiih for tho revolver route.

And no ono 'spring day ho fill In lovo.It was nil In ono moment. Ho was tit hisdesk writing nway llko mad when thodoor oponcd. and she caino In n little, I

bluo eyed.i lair haired, childish thlpg, withCupid's bow lips and n frightened manner.

Thoy neither knew nfterwnrd what theysnld, but flvo minutes lator bo was at hisdosk, she was gouo, and between hlstyisand the paper was n fair, childish face.Uth Cupid's bow lips nnd blue, frighten-

ed "eyes.Uoforc two days ho met her on tho street

Their eyos met ngnlu, nnd they both spokeThen ho walked homo with her uml car-ried her schoolbooks, nnd nil tho worldwas suddonly fair nnd sweet us n rose gar-den In Juno. Slio understood bis everyword, and ho well, ho lived In a worltl ofhis own. Ho .walked In a dre.uu. Thoronl thing tho murders, mnrrlngos, di-

vorces, oven tho mon and womon he Inct,'seemed a farotl dream, nnd only IJnlsy andhlmsolf real pcoplo. Ho wns In love, nndfor tho first time.

Her mother soon beenmo nwnro of thestoto of affairs nnd decided Daisy wasmuch too young for lovo or lovers. Herfather told him so, nnd also that bo andDaisy must sio each other no mora exceptas acquaintances. There was nothingagainst hlni they were simply too young.And so sho wns to go to school, but Qordoticould call to Fay good by.

That night ho went to seo her nnd cams'nway filled with wondorful schomoH (ortho future Ho wns to becomo rich andfamous, und when sho caiuo buck hu wouldmarry hor. That was his plan, nnd fromthat day bo worked as ho bad net or dream-ed it posslblo thnt ho could work. Beforeho worked becuuso u certain amount otwork was necessary to kcop grim want utbay, but now ho had on object for whichto work, and ho threw his wholo soul intoit. It wns for Daisy, and that thoughtkept him going. For two years It wasconstantly with him. Knoh tlmo ho tutdown at his desk ho pcopod at tho dainty,childish fuoo In his watch caso nnd willspored her nanio. It was Daisy alwaystho alpha and omega, tho sum total of hisexistence

Sho was to bo homo in Juno, but wentto visit friends and wroto him that Itwould bo tho Istof July, und that herde.trfriend, Ucsslo Thornton, was to como withhor.

It was evening when sho would nrtho,and ho started to tho station to mcot hor.Instead n'tclcgrnm mot him. Daisy hudbeen mnrrlod that morning. Sho wus notcoming at all. Tho lights In tho streetsdanocil up and down, and ho repeated Itsoftly, "Daisy ninrrloil."

Ills hand went luiahnulcally to hW pis-tol pocket. Only ono Idea was left In hisstunned brain, and that wns to carry outhis old tlmo morbid fancy and put an endto (bo oxlstcnco that ho now coneludodwas not worth 'living. Ho did not takotlmo to urguo tho pros and cons, but felta slight Ronso of disappointment whon horomemoerod hu bad left his revolver ut theofllco. It would uot tako long to go forIt, ho thought dreamily, and glanced attho telegram in his hand, "Daisy mur-ricdl- "

It must-b- a dream. Tho traincamo in, tho train Daisy was to havecomo on.

Tho momenta wero llko hourH, yet hudid not hurry. It was not far to tho ofllco"Daisy married I" Ono finger on tho triggor und thon

Thoro was n touch on his band, timidand soft. Ha glanced down and for tininstant did not seo who It wus. Thcnjioknew. It wus Besslo Thornton, Daisy'sfrlond. Thoro wero tears In her oyo3, umlho read pity and was there somethingelsof in her soft brown eyes. Neitherspoke, but nolthcr felt tho need of itOnco again ho wus looking into tho uwakonlng soul of a woman. A sudden lightsprang Into hor brown cyos. Unconscious-ly their hantli luct, and they turned undwalked togotber. Tho lights woro goldenglobes through tho dusk, and faravurheudtho stars began to peep out. Tliero was nsubtlo softness, a dreary languor in thoulran thoy, hand in hand, wont into tho graydusk ot tho evening.

Next day bis friend Jim received tbo re-

volver as u gracious gift. Exchange.

Before giving your order for aEortrait, see what King . Broa.

show in orayon enlarge-ments and judge for yourselfwbothor they can givo yon tbobest value for your monoy otnot.

Kroocor Pi'anoB.swootoBt in tone,Jas.W. Borgstrom, solo agent, casbor installments. Warerooma atG. West's, Masonio Temple. Of-Ge- o

at Tljrura'B Book Storo. Tun-ing and repairing. tST Tele-phone 347.


Tendered by the Government for Next

Monday Evening.

To bo Followed by a Grand Ball at the

Government Building -'-Elaborate

Preparations Being Made.

Lato on yesteiday the Cabinetdecided to tontler a Rtut rpcip-tio- n

to United States SenatorMorgan next Monday evoning,bis di'patturo fiom these inlandsbuying boon anauged by thoAlameda leaving bore next Thurs-day. It is uudeifttood Unit theCentral Cnmmitteu of the Atuori- -can Union party took the iuilii- i-

tire in the'mattcr and pressed itto a favorable connidenilion. Tboreception Will tako place at the'Executive building and will befollowed by r. bull.

The expense, of the affair willcomo out of tho special nppropn-atio- u

of S5000J set aside by thelast Legislature for the uutor-tainme- ut

bf notublo visitors. Atthe time the appropriation waspassed it was expected that LiHung Chang, the King of Siuui,Marquis Ito and other notableswould visit Honolulu and Mitiis-t- or

Cooper procured the pVesageof the appropriation which nowcomes in bandy for tho presentaffair.

No invitations to tho generalpublic will be extended as every-body is expected to consider themselves invited. An exception willbe made in the case of the Diplo-matic and Consular Corps, whowill be oQioially invited, althoughif they attend it will be only intheir private capacity. It shouldbe remembered that SenatorMorgan is visiting Hawaii as aprivate citizen und not as theaccredited representative of theUnited States in any official capucity.

Minister Eipg deoided yestor-da-yafternoon that instead of

wanting money in temporaryelectric light fittings the ball roomnnd ballwavs of the Exccutivobuilding should bo permanentlywired ana ouDenntenuent Uassi-d- y

has received the necessaryorders" to that effect and is alreadyat work, some ot the old chan-deliers will bo pressed into serviceuntil mora suitable ones can beobtained from tho Coast.

It has been decided that duringthe ball only light refreshments,such ns sandwiches, cakes, ice-ciea- m,

etc., will bo served. Thorowill bo no oluborato suppor toturn out unsatisfactory as onprovious oecaRions.

To satisfy tho thirst of thoseattending there will bo onlylomonado and claret punch.President Dole was infavor of leaving tho claret outof tho punch but finally compromised on claret cup with thosowho wantod something strongerthan citric acid and wator. '

The members of tho President'sstaff have' been given supervisionof tho affair and aro busyingthemselves in getting up new andeffective decorations. Tho danc-ing will bo in the old thronoroom, of course, while tbo bandwill be stationed on. tho Waikikibalcony. Lemouado and clarotpunch will bo served all tho even-ing in tho little room behind thodais, whilo the more solid re-

freshments will bo obtainablo onthe Ewa balcony Tho Interiorand Finance offices will be closedentiroly, except that portion oftho Interior oflico used as Minis-ter King's private sanctum, whichwill bo turned into a ladies cloakroom. Caterer Chapman willfurnish tho refreshments and hohas been ordered to proparo for1000 peoplo.

Tho Hawaiian Electrio LightCompany is wiring tho now, FiroStation for electrio lights.

Colonel Soper and not MajorIaukea is chief of PresidentDolo'a staff.

tii:i: mima tM'tri:,

Una I lie lierlalnti In llrmeii .!(makaln n llriirtuirT

In tho caBO of Hemeu v. Ka- -makaia, 10 Hawaiian, pages 547-- j

559, among othor points decidedwas the) tollowiug, as contained in ,

tho syllabus of opinion: '

"Tho words 'without a child' inthis case mean 'without a childborn,' that is, 'without having hnda child,' not 'without a child thenliving or surviving,' and, therefore, L.'s estato became indefeasi-ble upon the birth of hor child,although tho child afterward diedduring L.'s lifetime."

Dr. Itooke left his estate to hisadopted daughter, Queen Emma,with a piovisiou that if she diedwithout inHtie the estate was to goto Col. Rooke, the tesdatoi'snephow. Queen Emma had a sonborn in 1858, who lived more thanfour yeuts, aud whoso parents,Kamehameha IV. and QueonEmma, both survived him. QuuenEmma, who lived for 23 yearsafter tho death of her sou, left horostate principally to tho Queen'sHospital, which had been found-ed by herself .and her , latehusband. Col. Itooke of Englandnow briugs suit to recover thoestate, on tho ground that it fellto him, under bis uncle's will,when Queen Emma died withoutliviug issue.

It will be for tbo courts now todocido whether the ca'-e-s aro simi-lar, for, if tbey aro, Queen Emmawheuevor her sou was born ac-

cording to the decision in Hemenvs. Eamaknia became possessedof tho indofeasiblo titlo to heradoptive father's estate, nnd mighthave willed it on that instant, orany time later, to whomsoever shopleased.

Till". IIOAT CLUEl DitAl'h.

Lint ol CotiiiiilMrr lift ll vo llio HallnrPrlilny Nlsht In Charge.

Everything is beinfdono thatis possible to mako tho combinedball of tho thrco boat clubs a per-

fect success and the advance saleof tickets has already boeu verylarge.

'I he ladies who attond aro askedto bo liberal in tbo display of thecolors of thoir favorite club, whilethe storner box will be perfectlygorgeous in respect of neckties,handkerchiefs and boulouuieres.

The following aro on tho va-

rious committees:Floor E. F. Bishop, chairman;

F. B. Oat, S. Woods und W. T.Mousarrat.

Reception T. F. Lansing, J. S.Walker, D. Eawanauakoa, W. 0.

Geo. Carter and J. Con--iS'arke,

Door and Tiokots 0. B. Grayaud W. E. Wall.


Tlirer-MKl- Neaaun of Hlitli ClaiM

Vnllilovlllo to Opeu Nitturday.

Tho Hawaiian Opora Housewill bo re oponcd on Saturdaynight next, for a season of threenights only, with Potrio'a MerryMakers, a high class vaudevillecompany. Among tho talentedartists aro Petrio and Elise, thothree-heade- d Olifans, comedy andsketch artists, lato of tho FlyingJordaus Co. ; Miss Helen Gordon,an exceptionally fine culturedsoprano; Tom Edwards, eccentriccomedian; tho Cicero Sisters,sonc, danco and character artists;A. L. Ounard, a clover entertain-er, lato Kollar and Cunard, etc.Seats can bo booked now at Wall,Nichols Co., at popular prices.

election at Mynodimcn. '

Tho members of tho SecondCongregation of St. Andrew'sCathedral mot in tbo parish ool

room laBt night for thopurposo of oleating synodsmon totho' Anglican Church Synodwhich moots next December inHouolulu. T. Rain Walker waschairman and H. W. M. Mistsecrotary. Tho following gentle-men woro olocted eynodBmeu: W.L. Stanley, Geo. S. Harris Sr.and H. M. von Holt.


Carries Coal and Stores for the Round


Expects to be on the Drydock at San Francisco

Between Two and Three

Weeks Only.

Tho stoamBhip Claudino of thoWilder Company is announced tosoil at noon tomorrow, having al-

ready takon on board 375 tons ofcoal and a considerable quantityof stores. The coal is estimatedas being sufficient for tho roundtrip and sorves as ballast goingup. On hor return nhe will bringa quautity of stoies from SanFrancisco for the company andpossibly Goino freight- - for otherparties.

Captain Cameron will bo incommand on the voyage and hewill have Mr. Moore as chief offi-

cer and Mr. Fisher ns second.Chief Engiueer Sutherland withtho aid of First Assistant J.Ward and Second AssistantJ. McKeo will look out fortho engine room, and thethe vessel will have about forty inher craw. (Jniei steward Joycewill look after tho catoriug.

Among thoso who go aB pas-sengers aro Mrs. Cameron, wifeof the captain; Captain Ohas.Kibliug, wifo and daughter; Mrs.Sutherland, W. F. Pogue. agentof tho vVildor Company at Keuolanding; John K. Wilder ofWilder & Co.; W. 11. Sims and 11.W. Atkiuson.

Tbo Claudino goes direct to theUnion Iron Works, San FtauoiB-c- o,

whore uho will bo put dn thedrydock aud thoroughly overhaul-ed. Among other repairs to boniado to tbo vessel muy be men-tioned tbo putting in of now platesin hor bow and tho laying of anow dock.

Captain Cameron oxpocts tomako tho trip in 9 daysaud says it will takofrom two to throe weeks tobavo tho uooesBary repairs done.Ho expects to be back in Houo-lulu within six weeks from to-

morrow.John K. Wilder will loavo tho

islands tomorrow for tho firsttimo in 35 years and bis manyfriends hopo be will enjoy bishard-earne- d vacation and not getlost in tbo ramifications of the bigcity of San Francisco.

i m m

I'etlllon lor Keluitntement.

William O. Aohi humbly peti-

tions the Justices of the SupromoCourt to reinstato him in thopractiso of law in all the courts.Attorney Goneral W. O. Smithcertifies that thoro aro no com-plaints in bis office against tbopetitioner, whoso prayer is sup-ported by J. Q. Wood, J. L. Ka-uluko- u,

Rev. E. S. Timoteo, J. M.Poopoo, John F. Colburn and W.R. Castlo. Mr. Aobi is ono of tbonewly olocted mombers of tboHouso of Representatives.

ITIom Meetlnir.

Preparations aro boing madefor a combined untivo and foreignmass meeting on Palaco BquaroFriday evening, to adopt a memo-rial against annexation for pre-sentation to Sonator Jobu T.Morgan before his departure.Thoro aro soparato calls, it is un-

derstood, signod by leading an-

nexationists of nativo aud foreignracos. It is in tbo scheme to havea deputation oleoted at tho' meet-ing to wait on tho visiting Sona-tor with tbo momorial.

Street Damaicei.

Geo. A. Davis, C. Hustace Jr.and R. N. Boyd, commissioners,have awarded tho estate of Wm.Brash $3000 for land and $1000for buildings, as damages in connection with the oxtonsion ofVineyard stroot.

Evening Bulletin- - 75c $er month.

i r - JL-- h.



nu'liicus mid Personal ThloveAbroad In tlin Lnml.

W. G. Wait, latoly manager oftho Hawaiian Tea and CofTeo Co.,will shortly limvo with his familyfor California, where ho will en,-ga-

in fruit raising.Cockbum & Lindsay will soon

erect a store at Hookeua.W. W. Brunor, tbo Government

engineer, is again survoying inKonu.

Dr. Frances Wotmoro of Hilowill return from her vacation inScotlaud next month.

Kuna, for stealing a watch fromJ. W. Kahulamu, teacher of Ki-k-olo

school, was seuieuced tothree months at bard labor.

Alona had $190 50 stolen fromhis warehouse, and the Echohopes the thieT will bo caught.

Tli Kulawn Kendlnir Kootu.

Suporinteudent Royuokla of thoLeper Settlomont will open a nowreading room in tho old school-room at Kalawao when he goesover to tho Leper Settlement thisweek, for which ho iuvitos con-tributions of illustrated papers,magazines and gamcB suitable forlepers. Pictorial papors such asHurper's, Leslie's, Puck, Judge,etc., aro especially desired in pre-ference to daily papers, an abun-dance of which is furnished bythe local newspaper offices. Allcontributions may bo loft withMr. Reynolds personally at hisotfico in tbo Board of Healthquarters or at E, O. Hall & Son'sofllco.

Benntor lUarirauVl I mill at ry.

Ever since his arrival hero,nearly three weeks ago, SonatorMorgan has been gathering tbomost complete information prac-ticable, on all matters relating tothe Hawaiian Islands their gov-ernment, sooial, industrial andbusiness conditions. Ho has beenand is, indeed, making a thoroughand exhaustive study of the wholosituation,with particular referoncoto its bearing upon tho treaty ofannexation. The Senator's pro-jected visit to Molokai will uot bohis initiation to tho sad fact tberoillustrated, for ho has surprisedtho beat posted of our authorities,haviug that under purviow, by thogreat mass of information ho hasalready collected on tbo subject.

At Makes Inland.A moonlight band concert will

bo given at Makeo Island tonight,if it does not rain, with tho fol-

lowing program:

PAivr i.Ovcrturo-Zum- pa UcrolJSerenade I,ovu la lilloncM Macbeth(Irand Selection Marco Vlscontl.. . IVlrclU

Aloba Oo, Mlklol, Ipu Luuae.

1'Aiit ir.Echo Pieco In Switzerland Iluir.uSelection ttose of sHilras EllentiurgGavotte Klilne Souuda LataniiWaltz Love's Old Sweet Son);.... llucalobil.

Hawaii 1'ouol.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.





A pare Qrope Oroam of Tartar Powder,Free- - from Ammonia, Alum or any otheradulterant. In all tbo groat Ilotela, theloading ClabtJ and tho homes, Dr. Price'sCream Baking Powdor holds Its napromaoy,

40 Years th 8tandard.

LEWIS & CO.,Aqents, Honolulu, H. I.

' 'A- -


"? ,

Page 2: I FAr N I Nf, Evening 0ta Published .: fZ.lMf Islands ... · Caterer Chapman will furnish tho refreshments and ho has been ordered to proparo for 1000 peoplo. Tho Hawaiian Electrio


F alex. ohisholm. j. j. couoHLiN. THE OLD HJJM01USTS. .- .- UJTrnunOC'

1 IlH CnnUUuL NOTICEH artemus waro and his visit to msaaasiaMglEJMB ' 1 IK-- ; ' 11)6 MflnuTaCTuring ndrnubb ou. the shakers. MPKEraPfsQi v

HMK?$ jCRkw '" Gomplncrucy Anil IlrnrTotenre. JBIkLmIjkbAXMUXIHbb 1 igift. TiRv ' ,

, "Mr. hlml:nr,KC.H."youF,obrfotU nCNlllcllI LO PrillStd you n Bale in tho Woods, m to (peak,and he axes a shelter of you."

fiftl Yi J frf $K "Yny," said the Shnker, mill lie ltd GfllOrfiHft rd$au X "'n't tho wuy into tho houic, another bilu MflMI Olllfin

fe&f' W v".fc jJ'A'&V sent to put my horso mid wagon uuilcr , WE HAVB T1F-K- BO BtHY OF III II IfAll ACC

W . .CL. klver.! LATE SELLING THE . , I

M"U V ' J"..! M- .lVl f

I. ' 1 PI' .



t- -


i t


5' S

t ..5 y

k ' '



fb&U 1rV..'5V i

PiHttli m'lM-- :



THIS CUT.Represents One of Our Own. Hand-made CA.KR1A.GKE HKISTBCSS.

SJF" A complete asortmnt of Ladles and Gents Hand-stampe- UeltH,all sizes; Leggings aud x complete assortment of everything pertaining to ourline.

" A complete assortment of Racing Equipments.SMT Special Wo keep in Btook and sell only OUR OWN Manufacture.

Chisholm & Coughlin.

Special SummerNotes for Our

Out-of-to- wn


COUNTRY ORDERS.Theso recoivo our most care-

ful attention at all times, butnow the warm weather is up-

on us, our facilities for theprompt shipment of fresh gro-

ceries our careful packingwill explain why we increase

year by year this class oftrade. Please note (by a com-

parison of quality with anyprico list in your vicinity) ourextremely moderate prices. Wemaintain uniform high-grad- e


CAMPING- - ESTIMATES.Wo shall bo pleased to make

up estimates for any numberof our patrons who may pur-pose taking a cottage by thesea, or camping. If you willstate how many in the partyand number of days or weoksfor your outing, wu will quoteon anything from the bathsoap in tho morning to theafter dinner cigar. Whereveryou may be rusticating wocan serve you with the sameattention as if you were athome in the city. Wo serveyou tho year round it's ourbusiness.




By last aleamer from tho Coast.


At my ntore, where tho ,


Is (lone repairing niul m w workboth. I'Imh, rings, bracelet-- , watch-making, etc.

H. G. BIART, - 404 Fort St.

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors108 STRBBTS,

Cakes and Candies, wFine Ice Cream.

Our Establishment 1 the Finest Itosottin the City. Call and see us. Open till 11

olclogk r. h.

l w . pogmidt $m

Offer New Goods

Just received per Australia:

Now Prints, New Dress Goods,

Now Gingham?, Silk RlhbouB,

Feather Stitch Braids, Quilts,

Lace Curtains, Huttings. Also,

Wool Sweaters,Balbrlgean U. Shirts, Vents,

Etc., Elo, Etc.

New - Bargain - Tables

Every Week.

You Can find

Some interesting items

for Gentlemen with in-

teresting August prices

in Linen Crash, suitings

of all kinds and Gouts'

Furnishings. At

The Hotel St. Tailors,Wuvcrley Itulldini:.

Telephone 611. p. O. Box

Landlord's Sale.

Puhllo notlcH Is heiehy given thutthe undfriIi;uo'l, Lee K.jiijr, has ilUtrained uml levied upou tho followinirrooiIh ami chattels, the propnrty ofFat Ken for rent dun tiy suid Fat Keto IIih .Hiil Let-- Kong and iu arrear totin-- itiiiouut of Thirty EIrIiI Dollars(38 00) for rent of cortuin premlise-,-Klugbtre-

to wit:2 show cases, 3 tiiblts, 4 chalrd, loi

groceries, tolnccot, hardware, tinware. L'lothliiir. i'rc uii.niu li.ni-,,.- .

lamp--, counter, tauten, UmuiIJoIih,IMUluirn, i uiuuh, i siove UIKI COOKtlli:iitci.Mlls, eto , etc , Dtp. And notlct-I- s

further nlven ttutt said oods andchattels will lie -- old ntPuti'io Auutlouat the auction room of Jus. F. Moran.on Queen street, Honolulu, H. I., onSaturday, Oct. 0. 1807, at 10 o'clocka in,, to hatlafy the rent due (and exponses) and in arrear as aforesaid onthe Hhove described premises.717-ti- l LEE KONG.

Evening Bullelw 76c per month.

A foluui fumilc, lookln sotncwliatliko n last year's benupolo stuck Into along uienl bug, cum iu and axctl mowas I nthirst aud did I hunger. Towhich I assorted, "A few." Siio wentorf, and I endeavored to opcu a conver-sation with tho old man.

"Elder, lepcct," eedl."Yny," hosed."Health's good, I reckon?""Yny.""What's tho wages of a elder when

ho understands his bizuoss, or do yoadevoto your earvicos gratooitous?"

"Yay."VStorni nigh, sir?""Yuy.""If the storm coutiuurB, thcro'll bo a

mess underfoot, hay?""Yny.""If I niuy bo so bold, kind sir, what's

tho prico of that pecooler kind of weskotyou wear, includin trimmins?"

"Yay."I rViiWFcd n uiiult, and, thiukiul'd bo

fnsecbus with him and see bow that

W 'i' t LLrVVV i,' ''rl


would go, I slapt him on tho shoulder,butht iuto a hearty larf and told himthat as a yaycr he bad no living okol.

Ho jumped up as if biliu water hadbeen squirted into his ears, groaned,rolled his eyes up tords the sealin audsed:

" You'ro a man of sin!" 'Ho tfcn walked out of the room.Directly thar cum in two young

Slmkcrcsscs, as putty and slick looklncals as I ever met. It is troo thor wasdrcst iu in en 1 bags liko tho old ouo I'd'met previsly, and theirshiny, silky hairwas hid from sight by long whito cups,such as I hupposo female ghosts wear,but their eyes sparkled like diamonds,their checks was like roses, mid theywns chanuiu cuuti tomakoauinu throwstuns at his grandmother if they nftedhim to. Tliny commeust cleutiu awaythe dishes, castiu hhy glances at moall the time. I got excited. I forgotBotey Jane iu my rapter, and t.e I:

"ily pretty dears, how uir on?""Wo nir well," thoy solumly scd."Wlioro is tho old man?" Fed I in a

foft voice."Of whom dost thou r.r';ik Brother

UriuhJ""I mean that gay nml tfEtivo-cns- s

w l.o calls mo a man of in, ijliouldu'twonder if his namo wujii't Uriah'

"He has retired.""Waal, my pretty dears" sez I,

"let's have some fun. Let's play puasiu tho corner. What sayV"

"Air you a Shaker, cir?" they asked."Waal, my pretty dcais, I haven't

my proud form in a long weskityet, but if they wns all like you por-ha-

I'd jiuo 'em. As it is, I am wiilinto bo a Shaker protenipoiary. "

They was full of fun. I need that ntfust, only they was a little 6kcery. Itawt 'cm puss iu tho corner andjdehliko plaso, ami wo laid a nice time,kecpiu quia, of coureo, so that tho oldman shouldn't hear. When wo brokoup, scz I:

"ily pretty dears, ear I go, you huvono objections, huvo you, to a inueiseutkiss at partin?"

"Yny," they sed. And I yayod.Charles F. Browuo.

Tho Lcbcik! of Mlmlr.It is a beautiful legend of the Norso

land. Amilias wns tho vilhtgo blacksmith, and under tho spreading chestnuttreckju his village Hiiiithopbjkcu stood.Ho tlio hot iron gchaumicrcd and sjhedhorses for fifty cents all round, plense.Ho made tin lijehnets for tho jsjoddsand stovo pjipc trousers for tho hjeroes.

Alimir wns a rival blucksmUli. Hedidn't go iu vory much for defensiveurmor, but he was lightning on twoedged bjsw ords nud cut and slash svjuut-lasbssse- s.

Ho ninda ohyjeeso knives forthe gjodds, and ho made the gioutBjsvsstuscu, nn Arkuusaw toothpidcthat would muku a free incision oleariuto tho trmisvcrBo bcmlcolou of a cuftiron Iohthyosaurus, mid uovor turn itsedgo. That was tho kiud of nBhjairpiuAlimir said he was.

Ouo day Amilias mado au impcuo-trabl- o

suit of armor for a second cluescjodd, and put it on himself to test it,

i und boastfully insertcjj.jt 'eurd in tho

(y..j& IH r . t,,.t uuu: -

All Blf Ht aQ4 Sltel for A Th flrnnlna til bear thttIMdf'MarK. ucwar.


msgAud which 'we keep ou selling, thatthe following facts have been temporarily thrown In tho shade.

New Process



Are preferred by raauy ou account of

Little Heat,

Quick Work'. AND

Perfect Safety

Being supplied by Drop Feed. Thereare now in use ou tho Islands aboutONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIV- E

of these Stoves, without a sin-gle report of.accldent.

On Account of Overstock

For the month of OCTOBER,we will sell this line

A.T COST!A good chance for a bargain.

mMilISiih Dwl

tawaii&n FertilizingCQMPANY

Is prepared to furnish

Nitrate of Sodafor fertilizing.

In Quantities to Suit.Orders solicited for a fnture de

HrerjA. F. COOKE, Mftntger.

.M.... lftM

No scarcity of material, no-

thing lacking in colors arid do-sig- ns

complete. Tho opportu-

nity for bargains h hero.

Wo have a new lino ofHoneycomb and ToiletQuilts, a little better than thoordinary and at less cost.

Linen, Turkish, CottonTowels at way down prices.

Our Silk counters are re-

plete with tho finest grades ofsilk ever shown in Honolulu.Thcso include light or heavy-weights and in all colore, thocombination of which wouldrival a rainbow in beauty.

Black and Figured Silks.It is possible to have' shirts

made to order in Honolulu forless than ready-to-we- ar pricesand you can have a chojeo ofdesigns. Wo sell

Ceylon Shirting Flannelsin a hundred different designs.

Native-mad- e Hats variousshapes.


Club Stables,FORT STREET,

Telephone 477


Breaking HorsesA SFEOrAIVrY.

Finest Turnoutsin City.

Wagonettes and SurriesWith Careful Drivers always on


Haoks at All Hours.Ot TELEPHONE 810. 33

Stand: Fort and Merchant Streets.

I. J.Sdllivak, jr. Dociur,President. Seo'r.


in the City, with Competent and Care-ful Drivers

Gentle Saddle Horses Tor Ladles and Gentlemen

Always on hand.

Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.

TeLEruoNK: Haw'n Hotel Stables 32.Pantheon Stables 84.


Carriage Manufactory- 613 to 621 Fort Street.

Carriage BuilderAND BKFAIBKB.

Blacksmith in All ItsBranck

W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Snooes&or to Q. West)

AMBRIOANLivery and Boarding Stables

Corner Mcrobant s Bte.


HT Carriages, Barreya and Ilacks at allhours. TELKPUONB 490.


is still in the field,and leads all otherbrands for qualityand purity, t

It is nat offered asthe 'cheapest, but asabsolutely the bestBeer in the market,and luill be sold atfair market rates ,

as heretofore, v


. Limited.

..' i

Sole .Agents. j


108 KING STEEET.O. J. Walleb ... Manaowj.



Narv Contractor V

Refrigerated' Poultry


Mefrbpolii&n Se&i Co.

Telephone 45:"

RING UP 104!The Central Meat Market


For "STour 'ChoiceOrders

The H'inestOF

ReMgenaied ,--. Meat?

Always on Hand. Orders '!

promptly and enref ally attend- - '

ed to. , , . .

HERBERT GARES,i J3ole Proprietor.

Dandruff Killer!A New and Thoroughly Elllcicnt Des--

troyur lor nil

Dandruff in the Head.Guaranteed to Uuio the Scalp of all Bkia

Put u in one slzo bottl6 only.

Criterion Barber Shop,,PACHECO&FIRNANDES,Prop.

Fort St,, Opp. Pantheon Stables.

EuropeanBAEBEE .-

-. SHOPFirstrdass Work iu ETery Respect.

Now prepared to do a large amountof work, having just had added to thwforce an experienced barber from SarFranolsco,

Shop ou Merchant street, near Fort,fitted up anew,

Gr. SOMMA, .60S 6m Proprietor.

-j-uL-..'. tff.",g S.t.j.


Page 3: I FAr N I Nf, Evening 0ta Published .: fZ.lMf Islands ... · Caterer Chapman will furnish tho refreshments and ho has been ordered to proparo for 1000 peoplo. Tho Hawaiian Electrio


M IH k alaMaMlaaM amil III



HONOLULU - - - H. X.

4an Frauettco Agent TnB Nevada Bahk 0Ban FnANCisco.


Bar Frakoisco Tho Novada Bank of SanFrancisco.

Loudon Tho Union Bank of London, Ltd.New Vouk American Exchange) National

Bank,CniOAOO Merchant National Bank.Paris Comptolr National d'Eacompt do

Paris.Beeum Dresdncr BankjEonokono anu Yokohama Hongkong &

BliaiiKbal Banking Corporation.New Zealand and Australia Bank of New

Zealand.Tiotoiiia and VANConvEn Bank of British

North Amirlca.

Traisact a General Banking aniEicnange Business

Depoltts Received. Loans mado on Ap-

proved Bccnrlty. Commercial and TravelersCredits Issued. Bills of ExcuauRO boughtand sold. ..Collections Promptly Accochted Fob.

Kstiibllghod 1858


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.' Cominerciul and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all the principal citiesof the world.

"P. 0. JOKES, B. A. 7 ONES,

The Hawaiian


"JT AND- -

Investment Co.j

Stock BrokersAND

Fire Insurance Agents.

Anyono wishing to oithor buyr sell Stocks or Bonds would do

woll to give us n cull.Wo have Sufo Deposit Boxos of

ovorikl sizea for rent ciUior by thomonth or your at very feasonablo

. rates. 'Money, jewelry, aud valu-

able papers dopositect in one oftheso boxes will be perfectly safoieoro burglars and fire.

0aT" Money to loan on approv-ed security.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1897, $118,708.25.

Honey Loanod on Approved Seonrity,A. Bavings Bank for Monthly Deposits;Houses Built on the Mouthly Installment

Flan.Fifteenth Series of Stock now open.

For farther particulars apply to

A. V. GEAE, Sooretary.Chamber of Commeroe Rooms.Office hours. 12:30 1:30 P.M. 373-t- i

Real Estate Transactions.

Subscribers are furnished with from fiveto six lists uer woek, giving an anoaraterecord of all deeds, mortgages, leases, re-

leases, powers ot attorney, etc, etc, whichare placed on record.

J Kabscrlptioii Price, $2.00 per Month.

A. V. GEAR,210 King St, Honolulu.

J. S. WALKER,General Agent tok Hawaiian Islands.

Royal Insurance Company.Alliance Assurance Company.Alliance Marino and General Assurance

Company. ,xSun Life Assnranoe Company of Canada.Wilhelmaqf Madgeburg Insurance Com

pany.Boottish Union and National Insurance


Room 13 Bpreckcls Block, Honolulu, II. I.

BRUCE OARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands,

OriTori Merchant street, Honolulu)



No. 45 Queen Street,

Expert Appraisement of Realstate and Furniture.

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakoa & Halokauwiln Bta.

Has a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on band. 'Estimutes givon for houso wir-

ing and Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring u spooialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,J2-t- d Managor.

Tfe Yokohama Specie Ban

LIMIT ED.Subscribed Capital Ton 12,000,000Paid Up Capital Yen 7,600,000Reserve Fund Yen 5,464,500


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, NewVork,

San Francisco, Shanghai,'Bombay, Bong Kong,

Transacts a General Banking and Exchange- - Business. ,

Agency Yokohama Sperio Bank

New Republic Boilllng, ill m St, Honolnln.

S. KICBLT,(Japanese)

Sign Painter & Paper Hanger

133 Nuuanu Avenue, Honolulu,H.I.

S. IWASHITA,Watchma- - g&. Gold & Sil- -

ker, ver8mith.No. 417 Nuuanu street, next to Love's


E37" Cheapest in Town JEk

W W. AhanaMakes Clothing to ORDER of thvery best materials and in the verylatest style. . ,

A. iPerfeofc FitGuaranteed




Gleaning and Repairing a Specialty

w.ITahana.Yee Sing Tie

LargeHVl.MT.J.IRS'fcSfi WioketsiBftjpssaftSti.tT'TMn Chairsteste! of the 9



FurnitureOf all kinds.

Fort Street, opp. Club Stables

3STEW STORE.Imported Dry Goods, English, American

' and Chinese.

Dress Making a Specialty.Low Frlces to suit the times.

t3J-- Come In and see our New Stock andBtoro.

Wing Hing LoyNuuanu near Hotel street, opposite W. W.

Ahana.TELEPHONE 157.y This firm was formerly known as

"Bnun i Loy," Fort street.

Just ReceivedOrockory and Ivoryware,Embroidered Fans,Shawls, doreens,Wicker and Steamer Ohairs,

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu.

LAI SING KEE,Dealer in

Bath Tubs,' Kitchen Utensils,Tinware, Lamps, Etc.

s PLUMBING A SPECIALTY.No. 324 Nuuanu Street. 716-Or-


Tailors and Shirt Makers.' King St., next to No. 1 Engine.

9 Any kind of Clothing made toorder at lowest prioes. 706 tf

time table.0. L. WIGHT, Pres. S. B. HOSE, Beo.

Capt. J. A. KING, 1'ortSupt,

Stmr. KJNAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu ut 10 a . m ., touching atLahaina, Munition Bay and Mikcna thesamoday: Mahukont, Knwaihaeund Laufahochoo the following day, arriving at

same evoning.


Tuosday....Oct 12 I Friuiiy Oct. 8Friday Oct. 22 Tnisduy... .Oct. 10Tuesday.. ..Nov. 2 Friday 04 . 29Friday Nov. 12 I '1 ulsdny., ..Nov. II

Returning, will leave Uilo at 1 o'clockp. h,, touching at Lnupahochoe, Malmkona and Kawaihao same days Makena,Moalaea Bay and Lahaina the followingday; arriving at Honolulu the afternoon!of Tuesday and Fridays. .

Will call at Pohoiki, Puna.C"E""No Freight will bo received otter

12 noon on day of palling.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON. Commander, v

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 6 p. m.itouching at Kahnlul, liana, HamoaandKipahnlu, Manf. Returning arrives atHonolnln Sunday mornings.

Will call ntNuu,Kaupo, on second tripof each month.

aFNo Froight will be received aftelp. h. on day of sailing.

This Compuuy will rosorves the right tomako changes in the time of departure andarrival of its steamers without notice anr1It will not be responsible for anyoonse-quence- s

arising therefrom.Consignees must be at the Landings to

receive their Freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight of teiit has been landed.

Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responsibli

for Money or Valnables of possengenunless placed in the caro of Pursers.

Passengers are requested to purchasttiekots before embarking. Those falling todo so will bo subject to an additionalcharge of twenty-liv- o per cent.

"i u" irsuiy v ai

3EoSgSs'2I "2.2S5- - 3Sa S

IFi rt "J

M rt --. Z." ro-- 2.5 n a a

IS o

no ?o nOJ era

05-3- 0 S1

ww v rs r ftrwrsvM'j'Mixl

Building Lots!it WAIKIKl on car lire and on PA

LAMA ROAD near fertilizingPlant.

These Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near the city andthor Properties for nolo.

BRUCE, WARING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

312 Fort Streot, near KingCBXErnoNB 607. P. O. Box 821

W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealersw- -

REAL ESTATEWe will But or Sell Bool Estate in

til parts of the group.tST We will Sell Properties on Reason-tbl- e


OFFICE. 10 West King Street


plant for hulling, polishing and assortingcoffee, we are prepared to buy and cleancoffee in the parchment.


tW Apply to

85.8 H. HaCKFELD & CO,

Svensskn KonlirujrntfUl:M.iyiiiR tbut ho

vrns wearing a suit of homo iiiuiil', bestchilled Norwuy lncrinn mulcrwcur, thatwould nick tho iiiuui'mbiud Kaw teethin tho pot metal cutlery at tho ironinoiigery over tho wuy. That, Amiliusxemnrked to his friend Ujohuti Hjroblu- -

eeou, wns the kind of n Odjncckk hewas.

When Jllmir sicllcd out tho cardnest morning, ho mid, "Djjl" andwunt to work with n chuuual furnace,a cold nnvil, and tho new isomorphicprocess, mid in 11 littlo whilo hu camedowu street witli it skjuorri, that jjllt-tore- d

Hlto a dollar storo dininoiid, andmet Amillnq dowu by the umw nporahouso. Auilllnrt buttouul 011 hU newBjarrnor nnd snid:

"If you have no hereafter tivo foryour cliyjrefio kuifo, strike "

Mimlr spat ou his hands, whirled liiaskjword nbovo his head and fctcliwlAmilius n swipo that eccnied to mips ev-

erything oxcopt the empty air, throughwhich it softly whistled. Ainilins smil-ed, nud said, "Go on," adding that it"seemed to him ho felt t general nensoof cold iron somowhero in tho neighbor-hood; bat ho hadn't bcon hit."

"Shako yourself I" said Mimir.Amilins shook himself nnd immedi

ately foil into halves, tho most neatlydivided man that ever went besido him'telf.

"That's whero tho boiler maker wasaway olT iu his diuuiiosK " n tid Mimir,as lie went back to his rhop to put upilin prico of cutlery 05 per cent in alline!, with an niiliicitcd advance onvcial orders. Thu do wo learu that a

il action is never thrown away, andit kind words nud raticiit lovo willicon 10 tho harshest natures. Robert

. tturdcttc.

Vnwcob StriuiM.1 luf von funny kctlii ; v;' Vot KOinca Bcluwt to my l.neo;

Uur nuocreat hcluip, iUr crtutoRt rogue,Ah cfer vou Ult uv.

liu runs undsrliumpHUnd Hchmntlics dingsin nil Darts on uir liousu,

lilt vot of dot? He vnHniliiuaun,Jty lccdlo Ya'w cob Strauss.

Flo get der dioiihIcn anil tli r raumbsUlul pfcrydltiK (lot's mult,

lie Hbllls mlno kIiuw of ln;-c-r ller,PootH Hchnuff indo mlno lcriiut.

HoillU mlno plpa mit Llmliurn dices.Obt vns tier rouclicst iliou.w.

I'd duko dot rum no odcr joyBut lectllo Ynwiob Btrniuji.

Ho dala's dir milk ban for u dluumUiul tills mlno enno In dwo

To mako iU-- r Hchtlcl-- s to I ifat It lult,Mlno crncioui, dot Mm ilruot

I dinks mlno lied vns kclipllt ubart,Hu Iclckx ocp such a touso,

But nofcr mind, dcr imj-- ns fewLlko dot younc Yacob Strruu.

Ho asks mo quenttonn sooch as dcueiV1I10 balntu mlno noso fo red?

Wlio ns It cut dot Bchniootli placo oudlVrom dor hair uuon tnlno lied?

Und vhertf der plazo eoct vrom dcr lampVtno'cr der Rllm I douse?

Eow (tan I all douo dtnga cggnblalnTo dot gchmall Yawcob Stntutn? v

I nomcdlmcs dlnlfl shall go vlldMit such a grosy poy

Cnd vlsh vonco moro I gould haf rostUnd booocf ul dimes enshoy,

But ven ho voa ashlccp In ped,So gulet as a mouse,

I prays dor Lord, "Dike anyding,Bat leaf dot Yawcob Strauss."

Charles Follen Adams.

A Sailor's Complacency aud Itenevolcnco.Two of the most gcuniuo character-

istics of n Juok Icousidor to bo his complnceucy and bcuovolcnco. This sum-nic-

ut Plymouth, I witnei-si- a ouiious display of both. A cinwd of pcoplowtru hurrounding mid cuileuoring tosccuro n hull winch h.id rc.ii cd fromits o;nr Tlie L.ii?t, uxhuuntrd by ucliapo nbont tiur streets en olio of theliuttt'Pt duyi tif July, htood still andpuutcd, hut, I liis low uioi .mil

lh u i if thtihr.in, toltcucdho was nrt uup p.lKil for h rtbtMieis.

After m.m n It 1 unl iittcmptij, to noioliiui by rctc, tie , mi hotiut .1 .tele ciiuieforwnrd i:ut ugJii tn hwc.ir ut themlustily for their muniier of tmiling thouutiouul l.u.-- t of old KiiKluiid " Avnst,you lubbetHl A turn," Mild lio, "nudsee how I'll tide him in tow' Hero,Billy, UilK, lllllyl There, don't youseo how he nods at u.i? th ly trcit himcivilly, tuui, like u grnt i inn, he'llcomju directly " A he .ml this .Tuck,

suio cuongh, iippromhud tho brutv, and,ritting his fornhe.id, threw ouu iinnover Ills mcli, h.uiid cuiuhtfly uguiusthim, nud, lutighing ut their fours, ubuscd tho mob fur their Uolcmc.

"Seo here," s.iid ho. "Hero luiyo Ilaid myself tiuietly uioughide, und Bil-ly's as gentle us a young iniirnitcllo.Ain't you a pretty sot of swabs to treata dumb hanymal iu this way? Whcro'sa noose? Splinter met If I was hishowuerl'd snrvoyonout. Poor Blllyl"

Ho had scnrcoly spoken these words,making a sign that tjioy should throwhim a ropo, before the bull, slippinghis horns from under Jack's arms,thrust them between his legs nud iu aninstant elovatod him flvo fcot abovo hisback. Jack alighted ou tho hard pavo-me-

amid tho roars of tho multitudeRising up and rubbing tho saluted part,lie glanced at tho bull und exclaimed,with n mixturo of indignation nud

"Sheer off, you bloody swab I Youbears malicol"

Clear tho Court.Au Irish crier at Balliuasloo, being

ordered to clear tho' court, did so by thisannouncement: "Now, then, nil yoblackguards that isn't lawyers muttleave tho coort)" "Mark Lemon's JestBook."

Equality Impossible."Woman," shrieked tho oratress,

"domunds only equality beforo tholaw."

"It can noverbe," said tho wiso one."Sho who can weep effectively will al-

ways havo tho best of it with tho jury."Oinciuuatl Enquirer.

Eveniny liulletin, 7Se. per month'


Canadian-Australi- an Royal Mail Steamship Co.

Steamers of the above Line running in connection with the

CANADIAN PAOTWn RATTAVAVBetween Vancouver, B. 0., and Sydney, N.

uuuuiuiu, uuiu (x'lji;, uuu

On or about the dotes

rrom Sydney, TVrllliiKlnn and Suva, forVictoria and Vancouver. II. C.I

Stmr WA1UUMOO" Noiembcr 1Stmr "AOHANGI" ovcniberSG8tmr"MIOWEltA" December 21


Through Tickets IshuciI from Honolulu to Cumuli:,United States nnd Europe.


D. MoNiooll, Montreal, Oanada.Robeht KEitrt; Winnipeg, Onnndu.

M. M. Btkiin, Snn Francisco, Cal.H J. CitYi.K, Vancouver, B. O.

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.Tho Fine Passenger Steamers of This Lino Will Arrivo at nntl

Loavo This Port as Hereunder.

Prom San Franoisco:







' " r'



S. W., nnd Victoria, B. 0.oeuiuguru, a.

below stated, viz.:

From Victoria anil It. 0., tand fijdncy!

8tnir"MIOWEltA" October 28Stmr " ,. November 23Stmr "AOKANOI" Decemlwr 21

CST For Freight and l'nssago nnd allGeneral Information, apply to '

THEO. H. & L'dAgents for tho Hnwaiinn Islands.

For San Franoisco:


TTOIIM1 - T mn -- ..JNUV. 17th


In connection with tho sailing of tho nbovo steamers, tho Agentsnro prepared to issue, to iutendinp passengers, coupon throughtickets by any railroad from San Francisco, to all in theUnited States, nnd from Now York by any stenmship lino to allEuropean ports.

For further particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Limited,Agents Oceanic'S. S. Co.




Powdor as made by us is propared aftor the OriginalRecipe from tho Purest Ingredients.


BENSON, SMITH &GQ527 Fort Street, corner Hotel.




Bum, C&ttli, Shu;, Dogi,

Marvelous Hair Itemedy whioh provonta;









Swim, and Poultry.


Solo Agont, Honolulu.17 Neat pamphlet free on application. 0. Box 292, Telepbono 241.

Honolclu, April 21, 1806.Mr. 0. W. MactaIILANB'. It affords me pleasure to recommend, to any one whose hail

is fallinaout, theuseof DKAFOTTIE'S IIAIROIL. My hair was coming out at suoha rate as led me to believo that I would soon beoomu bald. After using the oil for flvo weeksthis ceased entirely) none whatever is now falling out. I consich r It the beat and onlyworthy remedy for this trouble so recommend it as a stimulant to new growth.

Wti ' Yourstruly, J.B.DANIELS.

Main Office Telephone No. P. O. Box




No. 222 Branch Office Telophone'No. 838.

Oahir Lumber and Building Co., L'd.

Lumber Utrciianti, Contractor! & Builders.IMPOBTEBS AND DEALERS IN

Doors, Bashes, Paints, Oils, Bnildors' Hnrdwaro, Wall Papors and

P Matting, Etc. Manufaoturo All Kinds of Monlding.

Main Offloe, Leloo, King street. Branch Office and Planing Mill, corner King andBethel streets. Lumber Yards, Leleo and Lot near B. R. Depot. Private traok oonueet.lug with O. R. & L, Co. R. R. runs through our yards to R. R. wharf and any part etEwa and Wainnae stations. 48S-- U







i 'is



i 'vs



Page 4: I FAr N I Nf, Evening 0ta Published .: fZ.lMf Islands ... · Caterer Chapman will furnish tho refreshments and ho has been ordered to proparo for 1000 peoplo. Tho Hawaiian Electrio




y ,y- -

VA .







: 'i







Foreign Office Notice.

Tho President will hold a PublicReception at the Buildingon MONDAY ISVKNINQ, October 11,at h, In honor of thoHonorable John V Morgan, to whichall are InvitedAlkxandkuSt M Mackintosh,

Clerk, Foreign 001cForeign OIIIit, Octobers, 1897 728 3t

Salo of Loasoa Government Property,Esplanade, Honolulu, Oat,u.

On MONDAY November 1,181)7, attho front entrance of the ExecutiveBuilding, ut 11! o'clock noon, Hieleases of the following Gnvcr inciitProjierty, situate on tho K Niiade,Honolulu, Ouhu, will bo Mild at Pub-lic Auction, viz:TACirio Mail Stkaiishu' Wauk-iiousi- :.

Term 6 years.v ujisut roiuai 5.)(KMX) p- -r annum.

Pn able quarterly In advance.Lot No 0

Term years.Upset rental $M0 00 per annum..Payable quarterly In advance.The above leases are sold upon the

condition that tho Government mayat auy time after the expiration of thofirst year terminate the lenses uponninety days notice.

J A. KING,Mlulsterof Hie Interior.

Interior Olllce, Sept. 28 lb07 722 3 1

5r)? Eiei)ir BulletinDANIEL LOGAN, Editor.


Hawaii's delegation to thoHouso of Representatives is sup-pose- d

to contain quite a nucleusof opposition to the administra-tion. Mr. Paris reputedly ran togot satisfaction for the Hoard ofEduealiou'a breaking with him onthe census mattor. He refused todiscloBO his property in the cen-sus blanks, and upon being d

came out on top in thocourts. There proved to be nolaw to compel him to invoutorv

Shis estate to the Government.Mr. Loebonstein is understood tobo nftor tho scalp of tho AttorneyGeneral, but after taking off hiscoat he discovered that want ofconfidonco votes, against theCabinet or any of its members,have no placo in the present sys-tem of government. Mr. Achi,having only his own exortions tothank for getting his long covetedseat iu tho Legislature, may boput down as a freo lauoe. Mr.Richards probably comes back tohis seat as full as over of thoGreater Hilo ideas, with friendlyregard for tho Executive in pro-portion to its favor therefor.Notwithstanding the prospect of adistinct storm conter hoveringavor the deliberations of the nextsession, it is not likely that therewill bo much flying of fur in the

ir. Only the recoid of theGovornmont with rogard to the.big island and its ambitiousmetropolis will bo closely exam-ined in overy detail, and therewill bo a struggle for guaranteesofjtho fulfilment of all promisesthat may bo got into tho appro-priation bill. The two supposed.ly pronounced opposition mem-bers, Messrs, Paris and Loobou-stei- n,

may .well bo regarded asLaving equipments whoreby toinako themselves in a high degroothe creditors of their difforentcoubtituoneiert and thoroforo oftho whole island. Their intelli-gence, their business capacity, andtUoir minulu kuowlodge of thecountry and its needs, leavenothing to bo proved excepting thoquality of the discretion thoy willbring to bear upon their public,duties and responsibilities.

Ooffee growing is bonud to boa large judustry in the HawaiianIslands, whoever sucoeedb or failsin the present initial attempts atcultivation. Because our soil and


climnto produce a quality of coffeothat is second to none, and whorethe location is right and thoculti-vntio-n

proper tho product is abun-

dant. It is not such an easy pro-position, howevor, to rniiko thoindustry on either a largo or smallscalo a success, as that unknownpersons abroad should bo encour-aged to rush in, tnke up land andplnut cofTfo, without adequateweans and with little or no ex-

perience, in any kind of ngriaul- -!ure; 'e writer like m.my others

i,ln9 beQD tLo o'P" o mqmneson tho matter from porsons in theUnlted Stfttea and 0atmdn aud


has invariably replied to thorn byhanding tho addresses into theForeign Offico, for Bonding thoiuqtiirers each a copy of tho com-prehensive little official book ontho subject. This hrocharo isabout as good as coald be davisedfor tho numoso. showing fullv tlm.. - , , , .iiuituuiiii ami (iBiouuiii tiiiuipuiumurequisite to engaging iu tho in--dustry.

Honolulu and tho islands inGeneral havo iu many things beenready to adopt tho latest inven-tions pertaining to advancingcivilization . For many years thecity had a telephone system rathorahead of most other-town- s abroadiu efficiency and proportionateextent of patronage It wouldhavo had electric street cars onlythat when tho existing'franchisewas granted tho expoiimontalstago of such had scarcely beenpassed anywhoro else. These willsurely come, however, in tho nearfuture Tho latest adoption ofprogressive devices, ono to benoted with gratification, is theemployment of the X rays at thoQueen's Hospital, which is awonderful aid to surgical audmedical skill.

When it rains only a little thoroad to Nuuanu Pali becomesvery miry, making driving' othorthan pleasant, not to mentioncycling or Walking. And it rainsup tho volloy frequently. Withtho macadamised road now n oar-

ing completion over the pass, theroad from town to that pointbught to bo improved. Thero willbe a nice park at the summitwhen the now forest comes upfairly, which will not bo manyyears the way things grow here.That with tho grand 600)101 oneither side of the valley and at thoend will niako the-- locality thoideal picnic ground for Honolulu.An electric railway will run upthere ultimately, but in tho mean-tini- o

let us havo a good carriage-road- .

At last accounts the relationsbttwoon tho United States aridSpain worB certainly approachinga critical stage. Strong represen-tations had been made by theAmericas. Minister at Madrid- - oftho desire of his Government thattho war in Ouba should be broughtBpeodily to an ohd ono way orunothor. There was a formidablemassing of American ships of warat tho sumo time within ensystriking distance of Havana..President MoKinley'a administra-tion has gone bo far iu the matterthat it must go farther. An an-

swer could not bo had from Spain-uuti- l

the court returned to Madridfrom a summer holiday absence.That was only a matter of days,and tho noxt news may bo excit-ing.

It is eemi officially stated to thoBulletin, in answer to inquiriesthat tho recoptiou to SenatorMorgan uuxt Monday evening isnot strictly spei.kiug a stalo cere-monial, ltathor is it an informalfnrowoll to tho distinguished visi-

tor, to exhibit public appreciationof tho groat interest ho has tnkouin the Hawaiian question.

Siuco tho blowing up of thobluff at tho TaU, completely put-'A- ll


ting "tin embargo to trnvol on theold rontl, tho wisdom of tho officialdecision to closo that thorough-fare in advance is patent td every-

body. The alternative soggestionof keopinir tho road open forcertain days oh? and on, if it hadbeou adopted, could not been car-ried out and besides lives nighthave been endangered thrnnghtho attempt.

If you contemplate ordering aportiait enlargement we inviteyom attention to tho mtpeiiorwork we offer and would nsk.ucompiirieoij of prices and work-manship buforo placing yourordor. King tiros., Hotel street.

Our work is bqttor and' ourprices are lower for enlargedportrait work than anyone else's.We are not tnakiug much at it,but don't let that worry you. IIyon have anything in this lino tobo done st-- e our samples first,?.ua ? won't regret it. lungBra.. 110 Hotel Htreet.


Oct. i, 1897.

Everybody knows the meritsof the Aermotor Windmillsand everybody knows theAermotor is the be3t millever put out of doors. It hasbeen, proved so over and overagain.

We. have recently added toour stock of these popularwindmills and can now supplythem in all sizes: 8, 10, 12and 16' feet, geared or p.ump--in- g.

These mills will pump)water,, saw wood, trrincLcorriand chop feed, cut cane topsor run a turning lathe.

In connection with thesemills we have just intr-idu.ee--

the Aermotor galvanized cor --

rugated iron stock troughs, th ebest thing; ever invented forwatering stock and have all-rea- dy

sold a dozen of them f( rthe Honouliuli and I&huk uranches.. They cannot lea kand consequently there-ar- e r.tomud holes around therm

We have also in stock riheAermotor Syphon Suction andForce pumps in different sizes.These throw a big stream ofwater, are exceedingly strongand haavv and sell at? a verylow figure..

We also- - carrv a line ofGouldls and Krosh triple.


actioiiipumps in air suzes.

, 'CHEHawaiian Hardware C


Opposite Sprocials' Bank


m l)iiini?iiiriii

No. 316 3?ori, Street.

r mis

Made of Hawaiian Silver Coinsand Bumtilully Enamelled incolors. Sou his Blunv Windows.

Books, Stationery, Island Views,

Fan a and Ourios,Shoot Musio,Typo writer Papers andSchool Supplios.

Prices Always Right


Smoke? Yes! Cigarettes? Yes!Thought So!





Their Agento for the DistributionCigarettes :



S&" Hund-rnnd- o and mainly composed of TURKISHTOBACCO, nnd wtnpped in Mais Pnpor '


SCHLITZ --.BEERIs a Volcano1 of Health Ml

On, Account of Its. Purity N I

Schliiz Beer


T6i tho



of .Consumers.


Maefarlahe & Co.,Sole jaerits.


If so, call on us and wo will supply you with 35: the best Coal mado. Wo can furnish ZZ25- - you a bng or 500 bags. 3

1 DOYOU NEED A TANK?; ' If so, call on us and wo will fill you full of j

SZ information, and you will learn that the Non J--- Shrinking Redwood Tank that we in sizes 2

from 500 to 10,000 gallons is the only tank jthat when 'once in place will give you no ZZZtrouble, nnd will always hold water. Ourprices are right on this item. Perkins Wind- - -- gmills, which will fill these tanks faster than ZZ2


DR. T.Colloito

ami EtcOffice: Berotanla St.,

Hitwullau (Dr.



Ribs its




For Sale.

Two Houses containing androoms Punauou oppo-site Puniihou College. Prices, $4000and Term, $1000 cash eachand baluuoe mortgage. Apply

GEAR CO.,707-t- f

any other make, wo carry a good stock of. -- 2

B. O. & SON. 3


Henry Waterhouse & Co.,Xnwiiranoe j.p;ents, Plantation A.pjents,


and General Business Agents.tf Wi t;ive careful attoatlon all business placed In our bauds.

6!)lin XV X

MoMILLAN,Of tlie Royal of Pbyalolana

BurgeniiB of EdbiburgU, '

OppoBttoHotel Ryder',)

Houits: 0 to 10 a. 1 to 3 78 p. m, Telephone








0 7situate on street

$9500.In to

A. V. &210 King street.




m. to


Auction Sales by Jas. F. Morgati.


RESIDENCE!By ordor of tho Exoontors of tha

Eatato of ADELIA COllNWELL,(IocombbcI, I will sell at I'ubliaAuction, on tho premises, JuddStreet, Honolulu,

On FKIDAY, Oct. 15th,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

Thntr Valuable Property, knownus. tho

Corn well ResidenceAnd at procont ocoupied by Mrs

Wltltlififld.Tin4 n-a- l oatnto comnrisoa abonl

4.7 100'ucroa of tho lind-B- t rcidencproperty m Honolulu."

The grounds are planted with avast variety of fruit, shade, palmand other trees, aud are laid outwith fiuo oarriago drives and walksthrough tropical foliage. One oftho valley atroaiuB runs throughthe ciabturii boundary of the pro-perty.

Tho main dwelling: is a commo-dious two-stor- y building, contain-ing large drawing room, spnoiousdining-roo- billiard room, bed-rooms, etc., und bus all modemimprovements. Tho house is sub-stantially built and the rooms areall well ventilated. Sanifciry plum-bing throughout.

Ootti.ges, Stables, CarriageHouses and Out-houM- on thoproperty.

Tho situation commands an un-surpassed view of the Harbor, themain portion of the Qfcy aud theadjacont mountain scenery. Thisis one of the largest and finostresidences tlmfc has beerl offoredat public sale in Honolulu, audmust bo sold to closo thu aboveEstate.Immediately following the salo of

the residence, 1 will sell thoENTIRE. HOUSEHOLD. FURNITURE

particulars of which can be ob-tained at my office.

-- Parties contemplating purchas-ing thu Res deuce and wishing to '

inspect tho same, should make ap-plication at my ofiice, No. 33Queen Street.

JAS. F. MORGAN,682-t- d Auctioneer.


Store.No-'e?- Sertoli Pds,Slates, 5c. and 10c. Tablets'.

AlH?g,,u,Kel"volce of VisitingCard and Fauoy Paptterles.

Some of the

New BooksThat we have Just Bnt In are : "Eqna-Hty- ,"by Edward ToTeh a Story," by Murk Twali"Martian' by Du Muurler; "a StoryTeller's Pack," Frank R Stock tonand Mahau'H'LlfB of NeUbn."

We have some lovely shades tn

Crepe TissueAnd a little Booklet called a Wrinklesto go with each purchase.

We havo a better line of

tfine StationeryThan ever. Linen Papery plain orruled, rough or ,atln tlnlsh by thequire, box or ream.

CardsED gravedTo order lu the LtestStyle.


Store.P. F. Ryan, tho gonial manager

of the reliable old Anchor, has so-our-od

an able assistant in WilliamCarlisle, late of tho HawaiianHotel. At tho Anchor tho famous

.00r ls 0QtaPi nnd half-and-h- alf

compounded at "two fora quarter." Tho Anohor main-tain- sits ropntation for superior

brands of whiskies, as woll as otothor liquors, wines, eto.


Page 5: I FAr N I Nf, Evening 0ta Published .: fZ.lMf Islands ... · Caterer Chapman will furnish tho refreshments and ho has been ordered to proparo for 1000 peoplo. Tho Hawaiian Electrio


This is tho Jewish holiday ofYoin Kippur.

Moonlight concert at, MakeoIsland tonight.

KieBes not dictionary at thoGerman Bakery.

Tho market for BUgar atooksstill has an upward tendency.

I Chester Doylo has gone toHawaii on government service.

Tho Olaudiue will take a mailtomorrow. Sho loaves at noon.

Join our Suit Olub at once.Medoiros & Decker, SI potwook.

A local weather sharp prediotsheavy rains abput Saturday orSunday.

Tho Board of Health ia holdingits regular weekly BesBiou thisafternoon.

Fred L. Waldron is receivingtho congratulations of his friendson tho birth of a eon.

Tho Oity of Peking is due fromthe Const on Saturday with ninodays mail and papors.

Wm. A. Kinney has been givenfull charge of tbo prosecution ofthe Kauai murder cii'bo.

The annual mooting of the Loi-la-ni

boat club takos placo at thoHawaiian hotol this evening.

MyBtic Lodge of Knights ofPythias has regular mooting to-

night with work in the third rank.Tho expanses of tbo day of

election on this island wero$503 76, not including stationeryand blanks. -

A little son of Fritz Itownldwas badly bruised about the legby beig run over by a Lackdriven by a Chinaman.

A Ohinaman for chofa gam-bling end anothor for assault andbattery comprise the sum total ofarrests made by tho polico today.

Miss Zolla E. Loighton, a pupilof Shnkospeare, London, , andPasta of Milan, has opened astudio for voice culturo at 108Eintnu street.

Election, officers on this island,who havo not already doue so,are requested to call at WrayTaylor's office in tho Bureau ofImmigration and receivo theirpay.

It is said that Bishop Willishas made arrangements that incase of annexation tho AnglicanChuroh hero will go under thoEpiscopal Church of tho UnitedStates.

A Foreign Office notice of a tion

by President DoloMorgan, on Monday evening,

the entire publio being invited,appears elsowhoro.

'Just now tho Hawaiian Oyole &Manufacturing Co. have a fewgood bargains in second-han- d

wheels. If you want to "get oneyou will have to get there quiok.

Manuel Marx, for disturbingthe peace and quiet of his neigh-borhood by makiug. loud andtumultuous noises, was fined 82and costs in the polico court to-

day.Juvenile " Crescents " at the

Pacific Cycle fc ManufacturingCo.'s, Fort Btreet. These wheelsare justjho thing for youths andchildren. They are the equal oftho adult wheel. j

Ab Wai is in pilikia over acouple of fowls, valued at $1.60,ho is alleged to havo stoleu froma fellow-countryma- Ah Waisays ho is not guilty and hashired a lawyer to defend him onhis trial tomorrow.

Flag Lieutenant Bodgers of theU. S, S." Bennington sustained adislocation of the collar bono in abioyclo aooidont at Waikiki yes-terday afternoon. He is beingcared for at the United StatesLegation and attended by Dr.Stono of tho Bennington.

Sonator Morgan, accompaniodby Agent Reynolds and Attorney-Gener- al

Smith, will leave for Mo-lo- kai

on Friday morning on oneof tho Inter-Islan- boats. Withthe exception of Mr. Reynolds,who will remain at the settlement

.for u wook, tho party will returnon Saturday.

J. F. Eokardt, purveyor of thoQueen's hospital, has an X rayapparatus in good working orderat that institution, which hasalreudy proved of groat value insurgical cases. . Yestorday Mr.

v Eokardt invited tho press to boooxporiments, also photographsthat had been taken in aotualpractise.

i '' . ,'


How tho Hew Month Wnlcn Oovortimeut Encourage Planter.

Mr. C. Skolton, an experiencedf!nlvi .r(tnr nlnnlnv nnhnn .. M .xojivu iiuiivu piuyiui uuuuj uu--uor instructions irom me .minis-ter for Agriculture, has investi-gated tho semi-tropi- cal portion ofNow South Wales, with the viowof reporting on its capabilities forproducing coffee, and has furnish-ed a uumt encouraging report.He visited and inspected tho coun-try about the Tweed, tho Rich-mond and the' Clarence rivers, andfound all tho coffoe plants thriv-ing well and producing splendidresults. Ho states that ho neversaw finer plants in Ceylon. Inconscquenco of his report Mr.Sydnoy Smith has given instruc-tions for tho formation of a uureery at Wollongbar for the propagatiou of a largo number of plauts,to bo distributed to pluutors at alow rate.

Antonio M. Paisano was fined$10 and costs this morning forassaulting a Ohinaman.

Twenty shares of Ewa stockohangod hands at $230 this morn-ing and five shares of Makawelisold for $111, although $115 wasasked later in the day.

Twenty tins of opium werefound in the well casing of thebark R. P. Rithet by Customs in-spector Manoha while tho vossolwas lying at Brower'BNwharf thismorning.

Nino gamblors of various na-tionalities", who wero caught play-ing pokor in a room ovor thebilliard saloon at tho cornor ofNuuauu and Hotel, st roots, werofined $25 eaah and costs thismorning by Judgo Wilcox.

Opera House.

TliitcPcifniecs'OiilOctober ,9, 14 and 16.


Felrle's Merry Mates

Hifiii Class vaudovillo Co.

The Three Olifans,Four. Legged Wonders.

Petrie and Elsie,Comedy Sketch Artists,

Late of tho Flying Jordans Co.

Miss Helen Gordon,Australlau Nightingale.

sMr. Tom Edwards,

Eccentrlo Comedian.

Nellie-Th- e Mignons Alice,Song, Dauce and Character Artists. .

Cunard, The Marvelous,Lute of Kellar aud Cunard.

Change of Programme Nightly.Tickets on salo at Wall, Nichols Co.

Sat.0ct9.Tte Oct 14, Sat. Oct 16

Petrie'8 Merry Makers.Popular Prloes.



SHOBT.Men have founda way to comfort 'in underwear .

through our efforts., Naturo plays few

pruuka thatwe cannotcomfortably cover, .

and the pricingIs less thanyou are willingto pay.

AT- -

U The Kash,"9 Hotel Street : Wayerley Blocl

Agents for Dr. Deimel's Linen-Me- sh

Underwear. Bond for Catalogue.

We Make Shirts to Order.

Evening Bulletin, 75c. per month.

" --: J

Royal makes the food pure,wholctome and dellclooi.

if&AKIH0POWDERAbsolutely Pure

bovi annua wvw co mw vomt.

Celebrated for Its great icuvuiitng strengthand licalthfulncrs. Amires tliu food againstalum mid all forms of adulteration commonto tho cheap brands. HorAt, Dakino Pow-nE- it

Co , New York.


StandardDictionary klUD

Wall, Nichols Co., Proprlotore.

Great Amount of Knowledgefor tho Least Money.

ONLY $1.00 A WEEKAnd You Soon Become the Owner

of This Great Work.

Standard Dictionary' Has No Seal Competitor.

247 Editors;' 301,883 Vocabulary Terms;

6000 Illustrations;, 2238 Quarto Paces.

tBooks ou exhibition and far.

ther Information at

Wall, Nichols Co

N. B. Our solicitor. Mr.4 H. E.KELSEY, will soou call ou you withprospectus.

Auction Sales by Ja$. F. Morgan.


By onler of J M. McCuesnoy, As-signee of the Estate of E. 1'opplelon,I will sell at Public Amnion, at thePremises of the Home Btkt-ry- ,

On FRIDAY, Oct. 8, 1897,i AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON,

The Lease of the Above Premises

together will) the

Furnituro, Fixtures, Horses,"Wagons, Etc., Etc.

Further particulars can he obtainedt the oUloe of M. W. MuChesney &

Sons, or of

JAS F.MORGAN,725-- 0t Auctioneer.

FOE SALE.Fat Pigs, Turkeys and

ChiokensFor Roasters aud Chickens for BroilersAll dressed or undressed and deliveredto any part of tho city at short notice.I am endeavoring to kee'p stock onhand at all times to supply anydemand. Telephone 856. '

721 lm J. N. WRIGHT.

-- 1



HighlyOf CUMMIN'S TASTELESSCASTOR OIL for us. whoro acathartic or lnxutivo is required.When a,vro!trntin h.is merit itsoon becomes populur unci suchlias proved tho caso with CUM-MIN'S TASTELESS CASTOROIL. Tho demand is daily in-

creasing mid ovoryono who usesit speaks well of its action.

CUMMIN'SIt is frco from narcotics and

will not nirect tho stomach nndproduco nausea. Children willtake it joyfully. Tho ta9to

honov nnd tho duso isjust tho samo as ordinary Castoruu. it is not a patent meuioiuoin any seuso, it boine simply nfiuo quality of Castor Oil renderedtiisteloss by tho addition of flavor-ing agents.

HAS NOIt will take tho placo of Gastoria

nnd many other preparationswhich are injurious toa greater mlesd degreo by constant uso. Theprico is 25 conts u bottle. Don'tbo deceivod and inducod to t.ikoany other preparation of a similarnature. Ask for CUMMIN'STASTELESS CASTOR OIL andinsist upon gottiug it.

EQUAL.It nevor fails to produco a good

effect and will provo a mostvaluable acquisition toyour bouse-hol- d

remedies. Onco used, ulwaysused.

Hollister Drug Co.



A Full



Linen Lace







N. S. SACHS520 Fort Street, : : Jfclonolulu.

The Very Latest Fabricst?Shot Wash Grenadines

in Solid Colors and Stripes.

an Elegant Lino, Fino.Sheor Quality,

Silk Striped Grass Linens.A. Line of

Ombre Striped IVIu.sliiis,New Patterns of

Laces and Insertionsto go with tho above mentioned goods, at



Crqcer F0R-"-m k.

Kw.iyLJTJCB EfhkBVflV gt I fmv

m .k l mr--r9m' rRANKB.PETERS0N6.C0.COAit

The Honolulu Sanitarium10S2 KlngStteot.

A Qalot, Homelike Place, whoro TrainedSlimes, Massage, "Swedish Movement,"Baths, Electricity and Physical Trainingmay bo obtained.

DR. O. L. GARVIN,Tolephone 639. In Charge.


Line of P. D.

Fine Black Laces.

Work Slipper Patterns.Doylies and Tea Cloths,

Havo Present Time

Shown in

No. lO Fort





at' tho tho

Residence For Sale orTo Let. s

Fine Resilience on Greeu street, nowoccupied by Dr. O. P. Andrews.Grounds ',i nives, iiruuttlully laid 'iout, couiiuuuiix line view, Vacaut AlRt Allffllst. Aiinlv to

H. I. 'iuoo-l- i ail. a. uavivtajo.,Juia. ,


and Battciibcrg Lace Braid.

Thread, Drapery Silks. x

Stripe and Plaid Ribbons.

Gloves, New Shades, Full



Assortment of Colors gland'Makes.




Neiu V









4u ,


V i ':i



tLMMk'' it 'L' 'Jl'' L .' '" . i XJ&K Zh r4 s ,..,-.- , ,ii ,ff j iwiwuww

Page 6: I FAr N I Nf, Evening 0ta Published .: fZ.lMf Islands ... · Caterer Chapman will furnish tho refreshments and ho has been ordered to proparo for 1000 peoplo. Tho Hawaiian Electrio





LP '



$ (

WKaama c ;?tmtmm $ JfVf JA7 y

V. i'


::1 Ayer's Argument.


If there is any reason why you should useany sarsaparilla, thcie is every reason why youshould tihs Ayer's. When you take sarsaparillayou,take it to cure disease,; you want to be curedas quickly as possible and as cheaply as possible.That is why you should use Ayer's: it curesquickly and cheaply and it cures to stay. Manypeople write us " I would sooner have one bottleof Ayer's Sarsaparilla than three of any otherkind." A druggist writes that "one bottle ofAyer's will give morbencfit than six of any otherkind." If one bottle 'of Ayer's will do the workof three it must have the strength of three at thecost of one. There's the point in a nutshell. Itpays every way to use

H Ayer's Sarsaparilla.

Hollister Drug Co., Agents.


HOLLISTER & CO.From the Factories of

Ija Intimidad,La Esranola,La .Airicana,"ETenrv Clay & Bock & Co.

.Corner Fort & Merchant Sts.

Since lYe Must Eat to Live, Lefs Have the Uest.

Just Queried XJp anInvoice of . . .


SelfpLyftiiq's Best TisCONSISTING OF

Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Alsc,

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Give tliera a trial. Money bnok ifyoa don'tjllko them. Also, just received

Choice Block Buttor, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bncn, Haras, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef,Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc


Chas. Hustace,King street, Arlington.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,New Goods Received by Every Jacket from the Eastern States and Europe;

PEE8H CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY 8TEAME)All faithfully to Goods Delivered to any

Part of the Olty

Uuutv Oansjw Solicited, Batismoiiok Quabax!)KAt-- OOBNEK FORT AND KINO STHFRT

P. Oi Box 480.

8. W. LEDEBEH, I XProp.

wWl' Housekeepers wishing to buy

f ? In Bedroom bets. Sidoboards.1.M ATnnf Rnfna Tln vltlftthn

i jviiik


- -. -




212 to the


Ordoni andFBEE


"Rnir.oMosquito Nots, Stoves, Hamrinir


-- r. u. u

Telephone 478,

I Corner King Nuuann Sts


Wardrobes. nimiro t..TOrinrl X7nalml.. ,! "O-- .l T

Lamps, "Writiner Desks. Book fl.isca

ovujKjssu-xiA.is- u jsvmsxxvtiiii

LA Counters, etc., etc., will save monoy by buying ut tho I. X. L., cor- -Her wnuanu ana siroets.






Amorican and Hawaiian Flags ell sizes sold ohoaner tlir.n.Eastern

i ;Blletin, 75c. Per Month


To rrevent Jlarlircl Unrvpnuru Practicetlio llnnil 8rmntcly.

It is often with grout surprlso thatono tries to do tho right or loft hmidpart of n Jong played composition sepa-rately and duds tlmt it cnntiot bo tlotioproperly nt all, It is fpr tho roason tlmt,ns n noted toucher onco s.iid, "Ono hnudgots on and rides with tho other." Oncarefully criticising a performance wooften notico a marked uncveuurss nmlaro not a littlo puzzled to Mud tho causeof it. A writer in tho Kttido claimsthat tho difllculty will bo quickly solvedby doing tho hands separately.' Ho pays:

In Chopin's "Impromptu" in A flat,whero both hands go nt tho fiiiim purein triplets and tho bars is so difficult,tho great troublo in playing this nic(is to avoid all "scosaw'bctw(tii tl.ohands, and that is most easily iicccupllehed by doing cncli hand separatelyin perfect time, trying to striko eachnote with equal force. As in all thingswhero uncvenucra occurs, tho trouble intho bats may bo partly cocred by thunatural indistinctness in that part or bytho promlncuco of tho treble, and thouuGvenncfes in tho trcblo may bocoondby tho indistinctness of tho bus. Indis-tinctness and tiuovcuncss aro oftencaused and covered up by tlio improperuso of tho pedal.

Many teachers givo their pupils thoarpeggios of tho diminished seventhchord and derivatives to play with bothhnnds at onco, bnt it does not producotlio best results, nccording to tho au-thority quoted. Ho says: Tho jork pro-duced by putting the thumb undor ismuch greater than when putting thoOngcr over, and tho big jirk is partly( overed by tho smaller ono. Tho same.ippjies toscalo practice in a markedvuy and to much ti clinical work. With

iv composition that is up to tho limitt Irrlinlcal abilities tho hands Bhould(i practiced separately.

For a Little Hoy.A useful and at tho sumo tlrao smart

ittlo suit for a boy between 3 and 8trurs old ling tho bodico mudo after tho

xii'ii blonso stylo. Tho sailor collar isu while linen. Tho inner vest is alsovhito. Tho skirt is trimmed with whito

iiraid and a finishing touch given witha silk tie knotted in front and of tho


Eaino color as tho dress. Tho skirt tothis consists simply of ono deep kiltingarranged in oven kilts all tho wayround, edged nt tho bottom with threerows of whito washing braid to matchthat on thu cuffs.

Treatment of Timlin. V

Instead of having rccourso to appli-cations of tincture of arnica, spirits ofcamphor and to strong compression oftho swelling iu tho treatment of lightbruisB, Dr. Auger prefers tho uso ofolivo oil, both for children mid adult?.Ho applies tlio oil freely to tho contusedp.irts and rubs tho latter lightly) with arag, absorbout cotton, or wjth thefingers, and covers tho bruiso with ncompress saturated with olivo oil. Thoauthor claims that this. treatment givesimmediate relief to tho patient andthat tho formation of a bloody protu-bcrauc-

is often proveuted, while ex-

coriations and hupcrfloiul wounds whichmay bo present heal very rapidly.

A Kitchen Danger.A sourco of dnngor is tlio fact that it

is in ami about thu sink that much foodis prepared. Thoio, whero tho most filthcollects, thu daintiest preparations aroexposed to contamination. It is not anuncommon thing to see milk, puddings,moat and other tdiblcs standing iu tliosink to cool. All such food is easilytainted by gases and odors. It is obviouslittla good can bo derived from thu gasarising from the slimy mud whichsticks to soil pipes, rcmaiks an ex-


From a Ilcccnt Noiol.

"Thero ho would sit for hours, pon-dorin-

holding his head in his hands."Now York Journal.

BY POLICIi AT CALLAO.Inquiry hero confirms the g'orycom-In- ?

from Lima to the effect that theState Department has lodged a de-

mand with the United States chargeof legation at Lima for tho releise ofthe mate of tho American bark 'TJncleJohn." Ito Ws ashore on December19 last at Callbo, and was arrested be-

cause of hla constant demand for "Rai-

nier Beer." On tap or In bottles at theCriterion Saloon. '

' l'nro Milk HhakcN.

Tho frequent call for cool drinkat tho Palamn Grocery has inducedas to set apart a window for tliomlo of cold drinks. Our milkihakcs aro delicious, nothing butpure frcsb milk, shnvpd ico andthe purest of favoring syrup be-

ing used, which wo sell at Colestinl price, Cc. per glass. H.Gannon, Palama Giiooeky, oppo-site; Railway Depot, Kingstreet.

Nicoly furnished rooms at thePopular Houso, 154 Fort streot,from 81.00 per week up.

Mechanics' Homo, oornor Hoteland Nuuanu streets, lodging byday, week or month. Torms: 25and 50 cents per night. $1, and-- 1.25 per week. "

Oity Uarriago Co., J. S, And.ado, manager. If you want a

back with good horse and care-'- ul

drivor ring up Telophono 118,oornor of Fort and Merchanttrentf. Hack at all hours.

If you aro interested in tho subjeet of enlarged portraits, it wouldbo worth your while to soe thesamples at King Bros, at pricesranging from $5.00 to 810.00frames and all. They can't bo beat.

Before giving your ordor for aportrait, seo what King Bros,have to show in crayon enlarge-ments and judge, for yourselfwhothor thoy can givo you thebest value for your monoy ornot.

Erooger Fianos,sweeteStin tone,Jas.W. Bergstrom, solo agent, cashor installments. WaroroomB atG. West's, Masonio Templo. Of-fice at Thrum's Book Store. Tun-ing and repairing. WST Tele-phone 347.

When you nave a portrait enlarged see that you get yourmoney's worth. King Bros, havereduced prices to 85.00, S6.50,87.50 and 810.00 for work thatthoy guarantee to bo firstclnss.Thoy invite comparison.

If you contemplate ordering aportrait enlargemont wo inviteyour attention to tho superiorwork wo offer and would ask ncomparison of prices and workmnnship before placing yourorder. King Bros., Hotol street.

Don't bo persuaded to acceptwhat is not really good in en-larged portraits, just because youhavo given an order for ono.King Bros, will givo you some-thing infinitely better and cheap-o- r

thau you can got anywhere olsein town.

Tho Oliver Typewriter is d

by experts, the best ma-

chine in tho world. 'It has manyvaluable features, which have tobo Boon in ordor to bo appreciated.The Oliver can bo seen at theoffice of A-- . V. Gear, No. 210King street. "

It's one thing to take an orderfor a portrait and quite anothorto fill it satisfactorily. King Bros'nortraits have always been Knownto give satisfaction and now thatthoy nao reduced their prices bolow, an extra inducement is offer-ed. Seo what thoy havo boforoyou invest. .

Our work is bettor and ourprices aro lower for enlargedportrait work than anyono else's.Wo are not making much at it,but don't lot that worry you. Ifyou have anything in this line tobe dono see our samples first,and you won't rogrot it. KingBros., 110 Hotel street.

Wo don't, expoct you to give usthe preference if what we havo tosell is inferior or our prices high-er than our rivals, bnt when weoffer, a superior article for lessmonoy, you do yourself a wrongby not looking into the matter.Gall and seo our samples ofportrait work. King Bros., 110Hotel street.

Singers lead the world. Over13,000,000 made and sold. High-est awards at the World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of , motion, great spood, ad-

justability, durability, ease oflearning and convomenoo of ar-rangement. B. Borgersen, agent,161 Bethel streets.

J. S. WaJker,




Dealer inReal property,Improved

orUnimproved.Has for Salo and Lease on

Liberal Terms.

SALE.1, 2 House and Lots on Nminuu streets,

between Vinejard and School streets.2. 1 Large Lot on Nuuanu strcot, bo-- ,

tween Vlnojnrd and School streets..1. Largo Lot, Maklki stioet, fenced, 228

feet frontiige,4. Lot on Kinnu street between Alapnl

and Kapiolani streets 140 feet frontage.5. Lot on Lnnalilo street between Alapai

and Hackfcld strcita6. 3 large Lota "on Prospect street.7. The Building known asThomas'Blook,

2 stories and embracing 5 (rented) gtoreson leased ground.

8. Bice Land at Walkano, Koolau.0. Lot on corner of Heulu and Keeau-mok- u

Btrceti-- , between residence of W. A.Bowcn and lot of W. M Giffard, havingfroutngo on Henln sheet 260 feet.

10 Lots 6 and 7 with House, Kalis.Waikikl road.

11. Half Acre Lot in Hilo Town.


1. 3 Cottages at Old Waikikl.2. Store and Dwelling, comer Wyllia

and Nuuanu, ready for occupancy.3. Lot corner Merchant and Blchards


Properties Managed, Collec-tion of Rents, Loans Nego-tiated and Advances made onHeal Estate.

JOHN" S. WALKER,Spreckels Block, Honolulu.P. O. Box. 330. Tel. 331.

John, Nott.Importers and 'Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.12l'& 123 King Utreet.


My $10.00 Bath Tubs, lined with bestquality, No. 10 line, 6 in. Pipe, Uhain andring, with wood rim all complete. Otherdealors are dumfonnded, and resort to allmanner of Tricks and Excuses.

Be not deceived, these Bath Tubs havebeen sold for $14 until I reduced the price.

I am prepared to do all work in my lineand guarantee satisfaction: Estimates furnished.

If you want a good Job cheap for Cash,ring up Telephone 844, and I am youimaw

, JAB. NOTT Jb,Tinsmith A Plumber



Hotel 8t., near Fort. Tel. 8C2.

Consolidaten Soda Water Co., L'd

Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fori Sts., Honolulu.

HOLLISTER & CO.,' Agents.

Hawaiian Soda Work$,

Factory: Sunny Sooth.


! i-- t.,J.rft m! , h


3fclValuablo Business Property on

Nuuanu street, bringing a good


Soveral, Lots near Punchbowl

and at Makiki, tho Choicest Resi-

dence Property in the city. A

porfoot viow from Diamond Headto En a, Honolulu and Hatbor.

Four Houses and Lots on Punch-

bowl street, only fivo minuteswalk from tho Post Offico.

We also have ComfortableHouses for sale on easy terms si-

tuated on tho following streots;Lunalilo, Kinau, Kukui, Has-Sing-er(

Berotania, Young, Vic-

toria, Green, .Thurston Avenue,Punahou, Lihha and Nuuanu.

Building Lots in all parts of thel

oity on the instalment plan.

Several well established Lodg-

ing Houses.

Coffee Lands on Hawaii and a

Pineapple Ranch with lime andiother fruit trees near Honolulu

A. V. GEAR& CO.,

210 King Street

Beaver - LunchROOMS.

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and Coffeeat alii nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoAIiWAXS Oft HAND

OCCIDENTAL . HOTEL,Corner King and Alakea Streets,

Honolulu, H. IMrs. 6ns FrolioEse, Proprietress.

Booms Ensulte or Single, with orwithout Board, fS.50 per week anil up-wards, according to requirements ofthe guests.

Tho only Promentnle Roof GardenIn the city. Call ayd oxumluo the pre-mUe-

every comfort guaranteed. Hotanil cold baths.


tTelephone 054.


SINGER'S -:- - BAKERYEstablished 1871.

King St. near Thomas SquareHome-Mad- e BREAD,

Cakes : and': PiesW3T Served Fresh Every Day.

H. F. SINGER,Telephone 872. Sole Prop'r.


2?. XCxovuae. ETop,Per Day 12.00Por Week 12,00

The Best of Attendanoe, the Beat Sittu- -tion and tho Finest Meals in this Oity


Page 7: I FAr N I Nf, Evening 0ta Published .: fZ.lMf Islands ... · Caterer Chapman will furnish tho refreshments and ho has been ordered to proparo for 1000 peoplo. Tho Hawaiian Electrio



....DEALERS IK....



Paints, Oils and Glass

Wall Paper, Mattings,

Etc., Etc., Etc.


473 Fort Street, ... - Telephone 20i

W. G. Irwin & Go.Limited.

Agents forWestern Sugar Refinery Co. of San

Francisco.Baldwin Locomotive Works of Phila-

delphia, Penn.. 0. S. A.Nowoll Uuivorsal Mill Co. (National

Cane Shredder), New York, U. 8. A.N.Ohlandt & Oo's Chemical Fertilizers.Alex Gross & Sons, high grade fertil-

izers for Uane and CoffeeHeeds Steam Pipe Covering

AlsoOffer for Sale9rafflno Faiat CVs P & B Faints end

Papers; Lncol and Linseed oils, rawand boiled.

Indurino. (a cold water point) in whiteand colors.

Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Lime and(ticks.


AGENTS FOB..New England Mutual Life In

surance Co. of Boston.

tna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.' (limited).

Wm. O. Irwin, President and ManagerGlaus Sprockets, - -W. M. Oiflard, Seoretary and TreasurerThoo. 0. Porter, ... Auditor

Sugar Factorsand

Commission Agents.AGENTS 07 TOT




Queen street, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Onomea SuntCompany, llonomu Sugar Company, WallukuSugar Company, Walhee Sunt Company, MakceSugar Company, lUtcakala Ranch Company,

Ranch. riantera' Line San FranciscoPacket!, Clias. Brewer & Co ' Line of Bostonracaeis Boston coara oi unacrwrucrs.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriter.


F 0 Jones, President; George II Robertson,Manager! E F Bishop, Troasnrer and Secretary; Col. V F Allen, Auditor; 0 M Cooke,U waternouss, a w carter, Directors.



Oor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of

European and 'American Dry Goods

Fort and Qneen Streets.


Dealers in Lumber and Coaland Building Materials of allkinds.

Qneen Street, Honolulu,

Just Like Gold Coin.

For more than fifty yearshas PERRY DAViS'-PAIN- 'KILLER stood the testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of tho listamong the medicines that areso essential to keep at hand inthe home.

It is riot a new fangle remedynor do tho proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revela-tion of the ingredients that en-

ter into the manufacture ofthis over popular romedy.

It is perfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few doses will cer-

tainly givo relief. You cannotafford to be without a bottlein tho house.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is new and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

Iho now 35c. size contains ovor double tho quantityof tho 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany.

Bole AKonts'for the Islands.


Tho celebrated EnterpriseBeer on Draught and inBottles. .



225 Queen street, Honolulu, H, 1

tMiglHave removed to the commodious

building formerly occupied by W. S.Luce, auctioneer,

Corner Fort df Queen Sis.They havo-o- u hand a cboice and

fresh stock of Flour, Feed, etc., audwill be pleaded to see all their old cus-tomers and many new ones.

WAcHINGTON FEED CO.Honolulu, Oi)totier4, 1807.

Fresh GroceriesBy Each Steamer.

Table .'. DelicaciesA specialty at

VOELLER & CO.'S,Corner Hotel and Fort Streots,

US" Telephone 680 --WH

H. WAY cq.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 & 517 Fort St., Honolulut

IVlflnhoneraa P.O. Box 470


Contractor and Builder.Offices and Stores fitted up and

Estimates Riven on


VST Office and Shop? No. 619 Fort street,adjoining W. W. Wright's Carriage Shop.


Ohia, Algeroba and Pine Firewood

Cut and Split (ready for tho Stove).Also,


white and black sandAt Lowest Prices, delivered to any part ol

the City.TBWPHONEl I I 1

HUSTACE & CO.,SI Qaeen Street.

xiu r"jL; . . touijjj juliA-- x ''x 'j,tUf

A. V. GEAR & CO.

Office: 210 King Street.


general Business .Agents

Loans Negotiated and CollectionsMade.

Stocks Bought and Sold.

Books Audited and Accounts Adjusted.

BillB Bought and NotBBDiscounted, ' ,

Fire and Life Insurance Agent?

Commencements Will

Soon Be Coming Off 'Graduating classes wantclass photos made. Lowerclasses ought to havethorn, too. Wo want todo all tho college workthis year. Our posingand grouping are not sur-passed anywhere.Wo know 'our prices areas low as the finest workis worth.

J.J.WILLIAMS'Art Studio,

Fort Street. Honolulu.

Tommy K. Nathaniel,

Office: Kalawao, Molokat, H. I.

Abstract and BusinessOffice Agenoy.

Having been entrusted from busi-ness men all over the Islands for thepast yearn, I am prepared to mukeAbstracts of Titles or Deeds in a mostthorough, accurate and complete man-ner, aud to uegotlate sales or leases oflauds belonging to those who are residing at the Settlement on short no-

tice. G33-3- m

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merchant Street.


12 Chinese Granlto Hitching Posts; S5each.

1 Surrey in flno ordor; price $200.House and 'Lot, 76x155 ft., on No. 71

Young street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitobendining-roo- etc

Lot on Wilder avenue 100x300 ft., fenced;prico $2100.

TO LET.House in Bobello Lane; dining-room- ,

kitchen, bathroom, carriage house andstables; large Yard

W. H. RICKARD,General Business AgentWill attend to Conveyancing it

all its Branches, Collectingand all Business Matters

" of trust

All Business entrusted to himwill receive Prompt and CarefulAttention. Office:

Hcnokaa, Hamakna, Hawaii


fainter,Paper Hanger and OecoratorIsland Orclors attended to with dispatch.

All work carefully and promptly ox'eouted.

tW" OrrioEi Smith street, with SamuelEaholookalani Pua. Residence) Palama


BOBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMerchant Street, Honolulu, H. I,

Over Hawaiian News Company'sRook Storo. mv,18,


Mercantile Agency210 King street.

Difficult Collections a Specialty


llow It la t'ntneit nmt the Ilcnt Means olChecking It.

Nosebleed in children is commonlysupposed to indicate nothing tnoro thanthat tho chllil tiros cnllly or it overac-tive, says Tho Youth's Companion. Vetovon theso terms expresi moro than isobviqus upon a casual reading of thowords.

If a child tires easily, or, in otherwords, if tho least overexertion at playor at study results in n moro or lesssovcro nttuck of nosebleed, tho childmust bo iu it weakened stuto, while, ontho other hand, if ho is accustomed toallow his play or his MuilicH so to ab-sorb his interest ns to mako him forgethis fatigue, ho is placing an injudiciousstrain upon his constitution.

In cithor caso ho will bo benefited bya curtailment of work and uu'lncroasoin tho amount of tiino allotted for rest,ULtil bis body is moro fully dovclopcd.No child's mind cau bo dovolopetMast-o- r

than tho body except at tho expenseof health.

Nosebleed occurring in lniddlo Ufaand old ago is n more serious tiling, nsit iiidicatcsagrnvcrconditiouof affair.It is usually coincident with discaso oitho liver, heart or kidneys. Its euro isof conrso dependent upon tho restorationof tho organs to a normal condition. Iuelderly persons tho disorder sometimesappears to result from weakness, whichin turn it aggravates.

It is n common saying that in fullblooded persons an occasional nosebleedis beneficial, aud this may in n certainsonvo bo true, inasmuch as tho nasalmembranes aro thus relieved of conges-tion. 13ut it is safe to say that bleedingfrom tho noso is never tnnythiug but usign of weakness.

Tho troatmcut of an nttack of nose-bleed consists in absolute rest and coolapplications to tho hoad. Tho extremi-ties should bo warm. Tho head shouldnot bo held down over a basin, as thisfa ors tho flow of blood. Ono of thosimplest and most effectual methods ofstopping on ordinary attack is for thoportion to stand erect, witli tho head intint usual erect position and tbo bandsextended at length directly over thehead,

How to Mako on Odd Sofa l'lllow.Aluka tbo covering of gncn plush.

Hoses should bo cut from w hi to chinasilk. Those aro buttonholed to tho plushv. itlt pink Roman floss, totems and leavesaro outllnod with tbo k.iiuo material toform n design which has been previous-ly stamped on tho pluh. Around theedgo is a green, hemstitched rulUo ofchina silk, and ovor it u narrower oneof pink silk, also hemstitched withAsiatic honiton laco silk. Tho undercovering of tho pillow should bo of greenplush.

Ilelghta and Depth.Browno When wo go to tho moun-

tains, wo find tho hotel bills higherthan tho cliffs.

Townc And when wo go to tbo sca-sho-

wo havo to divo deep down intoour pockots. Now York Sunday World.

A Gruel Sannlie."Mrs. Hacketflias to keep up her

summer trips on account of her hayfever."

"You mean that she has to keep npher hay fever on account of her sum-mer trips. " Chicago Record.

Everything In."Pilcbcr seems to havo troubles of his

own.""I guess you don't know Pilcher.""Why not?","Ho'd havo 'em in his wifo'sname."Detroit Nows.

Hot Weather Delation."Bigamy spans to bo a summer ."

' "Yes, men get out of their lit ads inhot weather aud think they can m.inagqtwo women ntonce." Chicago Record.

Too Mnch ol One, Thing.'"Our party, my friend, is tho salt of

tho earth.""Yes, sub," replied the old colored

voter, "but wo's powerful Bhort onflour. "Atlanta Constitution.


1'erhaps."I cannot I cannotl"Sho hold it in her baud nnd gazed nt

it with nil her soul in her eyes."I can't part Willi it. I never could

look tho world iu tho face."Sho wept, covering her faco with her

hands.To bo suro, tbo comb was only, an

ornamental bauble, but still sho oughtto have been able to port with it. IVr-hap-

hoy,ucr, sho had been washingher hair with ammonia water. NowYork Press.

Removal Notice !

The City Furniture Store

Undertaking ParlorsHavo removed from tho Old Stand, corner Fort nnd Bere-- u

tania Street, to tho

Love Building, Tort Street.








fully equipped with all tho Facilities in its line.

H. JET. WILLIAMS, Manager, .jUndertaker and Embalraer.

Residence: King street, ncnrRlch- - I

arus. leiepnone jmo. jhu.


Building. Telephone


THbo. H DvVibs .,.jXJXSCniBJD.


Commission .'. Agents V

Dry Goods,

Hardware and


H. HACKFELD & CO.Importers and Dealers in


- Plantation Supplies.


201 to 215 Fort Street.

Corar Fort and Hotel Streots. ''--

Is open for business, Portraits of every description upon thePapers, Platinum, Iridium, Mtzzo tint, Carbon, aud all other papers A

known In Photography, Bet-- t worki'iiamiitipd at moderate prlt.es.Cabinets from fO 00 per Dozen. Pictures made Slzq direct.AiinoliitmentH mudo bv Telenlione 402. Bole tironrletors of tho

Bas-Reli- Iridium processes.flWII.

Saw Filer in

Photoaranh Com--


Hnll nnrl

A. C. D. D.

New Love's Fort Htroet.



Office:No. 840.


aud Large collection of recent Island

Bpeclmenscanbeseen on tbegrouud Hoor.MOTT-SMIT- Builpino.


CountryiUlKindB Saws Sat,FilBd or RBtaathad,







GEO. W. LINCOLN,' Builder, M

WALL, S.,l





banv. L't'd.

' "'


This Ai.,V


Son K &

King Street. $fj


Physician and SnrgBanJ-- ;

'IkslJcncc; 48 l'unohbowl Street.

Ilouns: 10 a. m, to 13 m.1 1 to 8 and 7 1.7.S0 p. ni Tblmuionh 85?. ,..... i

-y i I







of m




Page 8: I FAr N I Nf, Evening 0ta Published .: fZ.lMf Islands ... · Caterer Chapman will furnish tho refreshments and ho has been ordered to proparo for 1000 peoplo. Tho Hawaiian Electrio





We JHLuiv Operation,

Dry Roller Feed Crusherfv.ialiltr

illJU U1U Ui iivouij f,iwuuu






m a 2s ew

....,1 nfAimv.! fuVtiiali rtnnnil T? IflTlluiuiou x'jxjxOK ALL KINDS. Uur ltollcr is run by

Electric Power and Not by Steam

A lull line of,11, GRAIN AND


irormiTe eiDhon 1.




1 STERLINGNot broken spoke and less than $1 worth

of ropluco'noiits in over 35 1897 Sterlings andpunctures average loss than in two monthswith Faliuur Tires

Aleadiujj repairman in thu city remarked lately,

do less repairing on the Sterling than onany other wheel sold in this city.

Intending purchasers can have free use ofSTERLINGS by applying at the

Household Supply DepartmentCastle Sd Cooke, Ltd.

IF. O. A.TL-IERTO.-N, Kent.ST Tandem nnd Single Wheels for rent






is- -

on.' at




ed CompanyQueen Street.



PEOPLE'S EXPRSS CO.207 Meuchant Btoekt,

Telephone 139.Furniture and Pianos care-

fully moved

Baggage Checked Yonr Home.

E&.BINQ US UP. 070-3-

Just ReceivedA. NEW LOT


Which we are offering at prices knownbefore.


KBWAY ( PORTER,Waverlev Block.


PICTURE rfOULDINQSwboy also uiako speolaltits

Vacuum Oils, Cyclono Windmill, Howe's Scales,Giant and Blasting Powder, Fuso and Caps, Etc.

Pacific Hardware Co., LtdKVrt Pfcrnot.


Two Unfurnished Rooms KingBtreet, tiMir Aliken strei-t- . Apply

"HS-t- t King street.

The Evening Bulletin, cents

jrr ,..,,..







Claudine Ready for Sailing (or San

Francisco Tomorrow.

Bark Colusa Docks at the Railway Wbar-f-

Cummlns In Bark Alden

Bcsse Berthed,

Preparations tiro bciug madefor dredging back of the nilwharf.

About forty tliousnud Kouaoranges oaine down ou the MiiuuuLou yesterday.

Tho bark Alilou Besso leavesfor San Ifrauciouo tomorrow.

The bark Aldon Bosso tnkeB6035) bngs sugar, 1980 bigs riceand 24 bugs of coffee to Sun Fran-co tomorrow morning.

Tho schooner Ohm R WilsouHailed for Abordeen, Washington,this morning

Captain Ewart of tho barkColusa from Newcastle which ar-rived thia nioiniug has bis wifealong with him. Tho Colusa is attho railway wharf with coal forEwa plantation.


From Newcastle, por bk Colusn,Oct Mrs M Ewart.

From San Fruneih-co- , per bk RKithet, Oct Mrs Mary lira-zi- l,

Fted Norman, Homer Brown.


For Kauai, per Btmr Mikahala,Oct MisB Lindsay, D Conway,0 llice, Deputy Sheriff Coney,Mrs U SorouBon, MiesLowell, 0 Awoi, Chung Sing, Mrs0 Christian, Mrs Christian, EHiraoka.

For San Francisco, por bkAlden Bosso, Oct 7 W 0 Laok-lau- d.

flow Lone Distance Onn llo Hun WithEai.

Tlmro aro tnauy manners of walking,somo of wlilcli uro much dovoid ofBruce. But M. do Iliioul bus coiuo totbo conclusion that, far fast walk-ing in concerned, tho Lest methodthat which ha culls niurchu inflexion.Tho priuciplu to run without leaping,to raleo the body abovo tho groundlittlo possiblo, to keep tlio kneestout, tho upper part of tho body inclin-ed forward, that practically you arcalways running after your center ofgravity. Tlio feet must bo raised onlyvory slightly. Auy wuu between 20and CO can bo taught to run longhis legs can carry him without gettingout of breath, Somo wen can, on thevory first trial of thu method, run scvou

eight miles without stopping, while,with tlio ordinary tactics, they couldnotlmvoruu over mile. Tho iirt kilo-meter (a kilometer s ofmiloJJB usually covered in minutes,tho second in minutes and tlio thudiu minutes and ltXceuji ds An iutucttiiig feature of JVI. (iu Itaoul's

is that evi alter loi mi',according to his method, Miff walk

trouble at all. Tho miibclc winch.work in both cases do not beloni; t.'.cfiamo set, and wliilo ouu cxurcico performed tho muhcles which minutertlio other rest

How Stake Uurcnu Scarf.bureau scurf which will bo nov-

elty to sonio of our readers was of wliitilinen, cut just littlo smaller than tliobureau top. This was finished withvery claborato cut work pattern, but thowork wos douo with buttor colored n

floss instead of linon thread. Thiswas nscd over pad of blue hatecn, tho1edgo of which was trimmed with thenarrowest of butter colored lace, whichwas visiblo outside thu out work edge.

BY POLICE AT CALLAO.Inquiry here confirms the e'ory com.

ing from Lima to the effect that theState Department has lodged de-

mand with the United State chargeof legation at Lima for the reletse ofthe mate of tho American bark "UncleJohn." He "s arhoro on December10 last at Calluo, and was arrested be-

cause of his constant demand for "Rai-

nier Beer." On taji or in bottles at theCriterion Saloon.

I'uro Mlllc Nlmlccw--

Tho frequent call for cool drinkat tboPalomaQrocery lias inducedus to sot apart window for thesale of cold drinks. Our milkshakes are delicious, nothing batpuro frpflh milk, shaved ice andtho purest of flavorinp syrup be-

ing usptl, which wo soil at Celestial price, So. per glass, H.Cannon, Palama GitooErtY, oppo-site Railway Depot, Kingstreet.

VIcohanioH' Home, corner Hoteland Nununu streets, lodging byday, week or month, Terms: 2fand CO cents per night. $1, and$1.26 uer week.


Diamond Ili'iid Signal Stiitlnn, Octpin. Tlie wuatlier linet nlml llKlit


5 S"

ri g'c'

ii.in. p.m.11.20.... 0.35

m.0.17 0.21.4 7.:u

.1.4 fiO 7.C324 2.:iO 8.20


10 42 3.28 8.68




22Thudny... .27Friday,18Snturdiiy


Tlit SHmliml time whistle noiuuls 12h

uni, (uiUl:illit). Greenwich time, wlilcliMini. lUwnllsn atniiil.ird tliuo.


Btcimcr duu nnd all tomorrow and fortlio next tlx dijg arc follow.


Steaueii". Kiiom. Due.

Klnnu-lll- loMoKolll Molnknt mill I.aiml .....OctU(JltyuflVklni; tiau Francisco ..OctUIliMcne Knliiilul OctMlknliala l.iewurd Knnnl ports Oct


Steamehs. Foil. 8AII.8.

Mnuna I.oa-Ko- nn OctUlty reklni; Yokohama OctUMokotll Moluknl Oct

Cummin Wnlmnnato Octllclene Kntiululnnd way ports OctUMlkalinla Leonard Knual ports OctClauilluo 8nn Francisco Oct


Stmr Cummins, Henrle, from Oaliuports.

Stmr Kaena, Parker, from Kauuku.


Stmr Knena, Pnrkcr, for Walalua.Stmr Knala, Moshcr, for I'uulkl.Am sch Clias Wilson, for Aberdeen,


F.v f!nlnna 1820 tons coal CastloCooke, Ltd,


Per Alden Bcssc OiUO bags up;ar, 1080bags rice, bas coffee shipped IrwinCo Ltd, Dalcs Co Ltd. I'UllllpsCo. Grlnbaum Co Ltd. Ilymnn Bros, 1,030,-25- 0

pounds. Vnlue i7,031.


NAVAL.Bennington, Nichols; San Dlcgo, Aug

2.Gunboat Whecllug, icbrcc, V, Oct


(Coasters not Included this list.)Am bk Hums Wood, .McLcod, Nanalmo,

Sept ID.

Am bktn Irmgnul, Schmidt, San Francisco,8cpt 27.

Ocr bk Pllugcr, Hafvcr, Liverpool, Sept27.

Am sch ClinsK Wilson, Johnson, Aberdeen,Sept 2rt.

Am ch Lyman Foster, Klllman, BeptSO.

Am bk Alden Bcsse, Potter, F. Sept 10.Br bk Lcbu. Snndlsoii. Pisaguns Chill, Stpt SI.

lik K(is( lusko. Itodd. Newcastle. Stint 20II.w bk Itlthet, Thompson F, OctAm ok Colusa, Ewart, N6wcastle, Oct


Vessels Wberotrom DueAm schr Esther Iiuhne. Eureka DuoAm schr Loullana....PiigU Sound. ..Due,Am schr ltobert Scarles Pugct Sound. .DuoAm bktn HDImond....a DueMaw bkdantlairo ..S F....(IIIlo)....DuoAm bktn SO Wilder. .8 DuoAm bkin Crocker. ...Newcastle. ...DueAm sch Talbot.. Newcastle DuoAm schr Cbas Falk.. Eureka (iiuo;..uuoAm bktn Skagit.. Port tlamblo (llllo) DuoAm schr Spokane.. Port (lamhle DueAm Tllllo Starbuck.. Newcastle. .SeptUS8 Baltimore OctAustralia ?nn Francisco OctAm schr Mowcenu....Pu!Hst Sound. ...OctAm sch Alice Cooke.. ..PH 8ound....OctAm bk Freno PtUamblu OctilOHaw bk Alden Bcssu .OctAm bk Martha Davis.'.. ...8 OctAm ship Babcock.... Baltimore.. Nov 15

Adams ..Maio DecIlawbk Footing Sucy.... New York. .FebMiss Btmr Morning Star.. Micronesia .Apr


WALDRON In Honolulu, Tuesdoft, Oct.18U7, tbo wlfo Fred. L. Waldron,Tlico. II. Davles Co., eon.

HANAIKE-- In tills city, Oct. 1897. thowife B. Ilanalkc. son.

City Carriage Co,, J. S. And.cade, manager. If you wantaaok with good horse and oare-f- ul

driver ring up Telephone 11B,corner of Fort and Merohnntitrentp. Haok at all hours.

If you are interested in tho subinnf nf nnlarntnd nnrtrnifn. it wouldbe worth your while to see thesamples at lung uros. at pricesranging from 85.00 to $10.00frumos and all. They can't be beat.

It's one thing to take an orderfor portrait and quite anotherto fill it satisfactorily. King Bros'portraits havo alwayB been Knownto give satisfaction and now thatthey havo reduced thoir prices solow, an extra inducement is offer-ed. Seo what they havo boforoyou invest.

Ex "Irmgard"

R fleW Shipment of theFamous


litox BEER.

Guaranteed to bo Absolutely "WithoutAdulteration.

'H. HACKFELD & CO.,Sole Agents.

H t rH H

Papa Pays!The Bills

The whole family shoes. There maybo half dozon pairs all going along on thewide road to destruction at once half dozen

pairs of feet helping to pilo up the figures on

tho expenso side of Papa's ledger.

Papa is the one who knows what it is worthtosave quarter on the price of every pair ofshoes ho buys.' Hence Papa buys hero.

The Manufacturer's Shoe Co.,


T-H---H-t H H

Landlord's Sale.

Public notion la hereby glvon thattho underMkttied, Leo K mg, lius dis-trained and levied upon the followinggooiln huiI chattel'1, thu prop-it- y ofFat Keo for rent dun tiy tmld Fut ICo

the riiild Le- - Kng and iu urieur tothe amount of Thirty Eight DmlursS38 00) for rent of certain promises,Kiugwtrett, to wit:

casta, tables, chulrs, lotgrucerlcH, tutmcuoa, hurdware, tillware, olothlug, dry goods, lanttriiH,lump, counter,1 ecules, dutuljuliii,pictures, dock, Btovn and cookingute'iii-llH- , eto etc., etc. And noticela further given that said gondii andchattels will ho nolit utPuti lu Auotlouat the auction room Jan. F. Morgan,on Queen street, Honolulu, H. I., onSatuiday, Oct. 9, 1897, at lOo'olouh

in., tiutUfy the runt due (amiitnd urreur aforerald on

tho uboVH described preiuiHen.717-t- LEE KONG.

Dandruff Killer!New and Thoroughly EOlcicnt Des-

troyer for nil

Dandruff in the Head.Guaranteed Cute tho Scalp all Skin Di-

seases. Put up one slzo bottlo only.

Criterion Barber Shop,PACHECO&FtRNANDES,Prop.

Fott St., Opp Pantheon Stables.


First-clas- s Wori iu Every Respect.

Now prepared to do large umotintof work, baviugjust hail added to theforce an experienced barber from BanFntncisi'o.

Shop on Merchant street, near Fort,fitted up anew.

G-- . SOMMA,698 6m Proprietor.

AMERICANLivery and Boarding Stables

Corner Merchant and Richards Sts.


I3f- - Carriages. Surreys and Ilacks allhours. TELEPHONE 400.

...,JiS....r.i .11 iilil.wilwi,.rttua ffi jftgfeftfty fcJ.aaLaaifeA 'M. tt'-- .. iK1"'!





H H t H H


xionoiuiu, xi. i.H H H H H H :f

Poundmaster's Notice.

Notice Is hereby given that the fol-lowing est ray has tieen ImpoundedIn the Government Pound at Maklkl,Honolulu, viz

One white hnrse.bluck spots nil overthe body, branded In Chinese ohuruct-e- r

on left hind hipAnd such extray be not clulmed

and all pound otmrge" satlnfled nn orbefore SATURDAY, Oct. 10. 1897, at12 o'clock noon, the same will tie soldou that date and hour to the highestbidder. K KEKUENU,

Poumlinaoter.Honolulu, H. T., Oit. 4, 1897.

726 3t


Accounts duo the Club Stables toSeptember SO, 1897, are payable to theundxridgued ami all claims against theClub Stables up und Including samedate should be presented me at oncefor examination and settlement

G.SCHUMAN.Honolulu, October 1S97. 72o-3- t

J.A.FARIA,200 Hotel Street,



tST Money returned If you aro notBatli-fle- All work guaranteed.


.A-ttorne-y at Law and

Notary 3?ublic.Kaabumanu Street.

Tor Sale.

House and ot on King street. Pa-lama. Lot 75xl50,feet. bargain.

A. V. GEAR & CO.,723-t- f 210 King street.



Omosi 203 Merchant street, OampbellBlook rear of J. O. Carter's office, V, O,Box 338

SubRoribe for the Evenino Bul-letin 75 cents per month.





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