i. dr. rolf_0002.… · german advisory group, ... subject was captured by french in ww2 and worked...

X20634/22: x 53 (references ML2S601A member official strong behind- Born 10 Aug 1912 in Menu Ereis Ruppin.. Engineer. Resided Paris, Cairo since 1947 Merman passport number 313115, issued Z9' Oct 51, Paris. Was rocket expert for es-Waffenamt. Married with wife in Cairo. N German Lilitary Mission, but wealthy private engineer. Said to be scenes role NM and Egypt. li t . 11'79414 rt 53 ' mu ENGEL Described as among the most extreme Nazi elements of the (0647,915) German Advisory Group, and closely connected. witn W. r Zr BELSKER, (qv), who keeps him informed of the activities - of German Fascist groups in Argentina and Spain. 10 Sept 53 I. DECLASSIFIED AND RELEASED BY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SOURCES METHODS EXEMPT I0N3826 NAZI WAR CR IN ESDISCLOSURE AC1 DATE 2003 2096 FINICOORDINATRTSWITH_It Ges-AP .>,

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Page 1: I. DR. ROLF_0002.… · German Advisory Group, ... Subject was captured by French in WW2 and worked on rockets for French and for NATO. Firm he has set up with private Capital

X20634/22: x 53

(references ML2S601A

member officialstrong behind-

Born 10 Aug 1912 in Menu Ereis Ruppin.. Engineer. Resided Paris,Cairo since 1947 Merman passport number 313115, issued Z9' Oct 51,

Paris.Was rocket expert for es-Waffenamt. Married with wife in Cairo. NGerman Lilitary Mission, but wealthy private engineer. Said to bescenes role NM and Egypt.

lit .11'79414 rt 53'

mu ENGELDescribed as among the most extreme Nazi elements of the (0647,915)German Advisory Group, and closely connected. witn W. r ZrBELSKER, (qv), who keeps him informed of the activities


of German Fascist groups in Argentina and Spain.

10 Sept 53






Page 2: I. DR. ROLF_0002.… · German Advisory Group, ... Subject was captured by French in WW2 and worked on rockets for French and for NATO. Firm he has set up with private Capital


St. Dept.Disp 8752 Oct 53

4,- r

.ENGEIS, GE1t-304' rfe-y

Irfo r frairGerMan'Embassy: German engineer ENGELS Who has been in,Egypt for 6 to 9 mos and setup private firm in HeliOpOlis tomanufacture airplane rockets. According to Ger Embassy, subjectbeliAmed subject has been working closely with Egyptian miltaryatthorities since his arrival. Query to Bonn turned up followingirfo from a certain PITMEN, a German working with Engles; --Subject was captured by French in WW2 and worked on rockets' forFrench and for NATO. Firm he has set up with private Capitalstspected to have come from one George MANTELLO (qv) . and/or theFrench. Subject is reported to have 6 to 8 men working for himir Cairo . bubjedt is reported to be in contact with 1 of FrService Attaches Cairo and made at least one trip to France sincecc ming to Cairo • c „Lai Tlaft eL oo•.Fe Con-i 11-‘12.- ■ i;

art rol,„

AAA. 0-co 1.44sig

Page 3: I. DR. ROLF_0002.… · German Advisory Group, ... Subject was captured by French in WW2 and worked on rockets for French and for NATO. Firm he has set up with private Capital

as, Rat

GER.- 30


1 -

FR- qI

lmaAs9; . ?.a III 54Under direction of Engineer (tint) ENGEL (carder assumes iden

4: ;7with subj) a prototype rocket is being constructed in thefictory named SERVA, near Almaza Airport, Cairo.

:CO B 72845; 17 .11 54Summary biog info on subject: iñfói August 1953Chief, Test Department :for Rocketry, (Berlin) 1954.-36Tech Director, Research Plant for Reaction Motors, 1939-44ChieffDevelopment and Technical Advisor Watt en Union Skoda-Bruenn-Prag, 1942-44

MittMember, German str of Armament, 194245Member and advisor, "Reichsforschungstrat" 1943-45Tech Director, Research Center Amainent Trust "Waft en-Union", 194445Chief, Research Group, ONERA (France); 1947-51Chief Engineer and Technical Director, CERVA (Egypt), 1952 to date.Personnaly attractive, suave, pooished. Definite air of being opportunist. Does notenjoy good reputation among other German nationali partiuularly older rocket men.Founder of the original rocket society, VERE1N FUER RAUNSCH1FFAHRT. When dep France for•Egypt took with him two excellent rocket engineers, Thu BOEWADT and P. GOERCKE.

Page 4: I. DR. ROLF_0002.… · German Advisory Group, ... Subject was captured by French in WW2 and worked on rockets for French and for NATO. Firm he has set up with private Capital

ENGE1.571tatf ® GER- 30


USAirA Cairo IR 123-p;4 may1954Director of CERNA Rocket Factory at Almaza who is said to behaving serious financial problems; unable begin production of8 cm rockets because of lack of powder and propellants and foreignprocure them. Attache conjectures that, now that much of the teeaccomplished on copy of Swiss Oerlikon aircraft rocket, Egyptiansposing foreign exchange difficulties on Subj.

exchange with which t

Witt but beenI deliberately Iii

.Subject discussed possibility of establishing a Glenn L. Martin plantin Egypt with a Martin representative. Asst. Air Attache asks if

reported Martin proposal in bona fide. (filed in 4.1.5.)

nil% 54US Air AttacdCairo,16Jule

Page 5: I. DR. ROLF_0002.… · German Advisory Group, ... Subject was captured by French in WW2 and worked on rockets for French and for NATO. Firm he has set up with private Capital

IMO 01.


USLIRA .Cairo'IR 68 54Genre]. manager of COWL 22 March 1954

Stefsn CZARNECKI (girt has stated that subj was the person AO B79778; Aug 54who stirred Up trouble between CZARNECKI and the EgyptianGovt; this resulted in ere contract betweee terminated in December 1954. C alsocommanted that E. SANGER, noted German astronaut in France had refused to work underdbalact for CERVA lath Rolf ENGEL.

Page 6: I. DR. ROLF_0002.… · German Advisory Group, ... Subject was captured by French in WW2 and worked on rockets for French and for NATO. Firm he has set up with private Capital

F--i ENGELS, Rolf (Dr)


Supj, German director of the CERVA Rocket Factory at Almaza IR-161-54' Airfield. 16 Jul 54

Page 7: I. DR. ROLF_0002.… · German Advisory Group, ... Subject was captured by French in WW2 and worked on rockets for French and for NATO. Firm he has set up with private Capital


Listed as Pole being;15ansported nith group approximately 14 x 52:.hirrA41032;

to Cairo from Paris. Apparently hi . is ground force, to be follower —by more important personnel who will be involved in buildingrocket sites for the Egyptians:

7 x 52

Secretary. German citizen born Munich October 13, 1925.German passport 313051; Fr- visa 167 issued 28 Aug 52.French address: 47 Ate des Platanes, Brunoy 5/0

,Address at destination: 10 rue Qubbah, Heliopolis.

1071-13205; 20x 52

;NEAA46;:29 iv 53.In addition to the experts recruited by and under direction of 7 :t ZIVOSS, and referred to as "the Dr. VOSS Group", who are workimgHL

,„,_-___ _. _, .

as advisors at the Egyptian MinWar and Marine, there are smaller units,ohe of which is composed of approximately 40 engineers who are constructing a'faCtoryfor manufacture of rockets. One Engineer ENGEL, fnu, is directing this group.

(See over

Page 8: I. DR. ROLF_0002.… · German Advisory Group, ... Subject was captured by French in WW2 and worked on rockets for French and for NATO. Firm he has set up with private Capital

If z-ae- ca-r11-11.m.int twSubjuct, Dr. Rolf Engel, is also engaged in work for the.E37pians (as well as other Germans like Dr. Voss and Gen.Tahrnbadher). Subject, a rocket specialist I stWas Germany's'Eo. specialist.in T-weapona. Ee left France with his

tistr53.52(NAF-54/411 Cateilx)E) of 27 Ag

aesintants early last year. Subject seems to have nad.a Secret/Controgrea deal oC difficulty in getting rocket production on a (Source:, Frenregular production basis. A factory is believed to have been .official withbull;; in 1952 at Heliopolis to make.80 and 100 mm AT and AA 11.0deis to go

-. -rock3ts. However, it did not not far beTrond d . essigns and filed.)filed:

the •i:g. Go t. is reported to have abruptly canceled its rocketorder°, .... The Germans (have run) into enormous difficultiesin Egypt... This went so far that Subject deEided, early in1953, to leave ain *1s Engel n.rou.queT uT p oT qa cm. sq.sTlusTos in owe eq oq peqeq.

sT puns foam seau we'd leNocia maxi Jo uoTlonalsuoo uo vodea uI


SOUVIJ gyasyncc A 9-fC6-8L1/-ti



*Tins UT sm. Jo; laoquej eqsflqeqsa oq.aspzo uT quenadatesep Tow qa)looa we slalloea U0 91.18d139 UVIRJOD JO weeq*Jo aspeaT se

owe° sousgm. oaj 0. sTaed uT Aqualos.t. wow denitvad.'seTaoloes, SMJE oNa pw-vaoms J0.044TIO0 43.12080J lUTOr pereell ttha

1011:1400 ISHOZS ciCS .4sTquaTos se paNaom CCM !GS UOIJIIM UT JOJWItaneldflefl£5 AM 9ffnwf T. CC GIRT / 1569-gagY

Page 9: I. DR. ROLF_0002.… · German Advisory Group, ... Subject was captured by French in WW2 and worked on rockets for French and for NATO. Firm he has set up with private Capital

F4-4-f ENGEL, Rolf



Rolf ENGEL, chief of rocket section, included in list ofGerman advisors currently under contract to Eg. Govt.

'BMW - reported to thieoffidethat-onelr.'SOREMIK(Ohonetie)Belgian indUittialiets - ient rep tagypt-bo'inteetigate fees— -Lida of establishment of aluminum plant there.

US MilAtt,Cairo26 June 54

R 174 54

Vain EGYPT IR 178 5430 July 54

ift ,263 54 USAIRA EGYPT I

Subj attended.Internationa Conference of Rocket Experts, 18 August 54Innsbruck. Outlines plans for continuing missile developmentin Egypt. Be stated to air attache that Germans 'are in excellentposition to keep Bonn posted on developments in ME and can even influence politicaldevelopment; therefore, if Germany is not interested in such info, the USA shouldcultivate Germans in the area to obtain it.

— — —hnfp

Page 10: I. DR. ROLF_0002.… · German Advisory Group, ... Subject was captured by French in WW2 and worked on rockets for French and for NATO. Firm he has set up with private Capital

00•1 79774; 15 Nov 54 fl23 rue lonaparte, PO Box 32, Heliopolis, Egypt. CONTROL -Attende Fifth International Astronautical Congress with.brother..in-law Thu STIFBERGFR (qv); Who -is subj t s personal secretary.Subj now married, though his wife remained in Cairo; she heads the documentation sectionof CERVA.Stated his relationship with Stefan CZARNECKI (#) and his . company would and with 1954,as deteAoration of their relationship had begun. GOE instigated break-up according tosubj, who gild C. selling munitions to Israelis. Subj also said C had put up 45% of backfor CERVA.Subj has largest tech library on rocket, guided missile development in world. Apparentlymaintains old German files as his personal possession. - _1952, wien he went to Cairo, source sure E. took complete files of French developments.Zurich, 1953, subj said regularly received Soy publications on rocket technologY.Subj not sure wishes stay Cairo, trying to getinto NATO.Subj stated in discussion he had trained German agents to obtain tehh intelligence inrocket field during WW II; personality leads source to "believe" he is playing withinternational intelligence collection.Born 1911, Danzig, of extremely wealthy family which lost all during inflation. Whileattending high school, subj worked 8 hours daily as machinist. Did well in studies..1928 or 1929; worked for unspecified astronomical observatory.Claims to have one U.T. BODEWADT (qv), working with him (in Egypt? not stated).

- -hnfp

Page 11: I. DR. ROLF_0002.… · German Advisory Group, ... Subject was captured by French in WW2 and worked on rockets for French and for NATO. Firm he has set up with private Capital

RIGEL, RolfCard If 5


Source in recent discussion with Babject, Director of CERVA Factory, USAirA EgyTtSibj stated tha the French Government expends large sums in the Middle IR-137-55

Ea3t_on acquiring intelligence information. Stated that Commandant 10 May 55:C-6Henri Picq, French Assist. MUTT bo Egypt, who has been in inelligencewlrk for 15 years, heads the French Intelligence Service for entireYE, and spends large sums of money on acquisition of industrial infor-

mation. Subj claims that he personally knows French IntelligenceHeadquarters personnel and stated he could furnish this office withorganizational and funct onal information of the Denims Bureau. Subjstated that lathough the French outwardly cooperate with the WesternTowers, unofficially they are always working for themselves, and in .certain instances actually against the interest of the West. Subj statedU.'S while in France, thru other intelligence contacts, he was able toeee all French Intelligence reports on the CERVA Company. French havecomplete information on production, employees, salaries, etc.

Page 12: I. DR. ROLF_0002.… · German Advisory Group, ... Subject was captured by French in WW2 and worked on rockets for French and for NATO. Firm he has set up with private Capital

Subject recently discussed the problems he was having as Director USAirA Egypt,. of the CERVA Rocket Factory. Primary problem is that of low wage scale, 12 May 55

f. poor morale and impending loss of topgrade people. Subj is veryC-2dissAisfiad in Egypt. Fears nationalization of CERVE, Subj expects tomake a move soon as he stated he has offer of Dobs in EgrPpe and plansto visit Germany within 6 months. Stated that Gerhardt Mertens and CarlhansNuella areconducting a market survey of entire ME area for several Germanconcersn. bigtx Subj stated that he could not furnish information desire.by US AYE at this time, but at time of his departure from Egypt, he willmake all documtnes available. * *

In escussion 25 June with Subj, Subj, reported that there is a 3 way cleavage 18955

in tho Ministries of Mar, Production andConnerce and Industry. Stated that 47 'lane 7,C■3although RAGA for all practical purposes, works under Hassan HIRAM, he

1 has Urn attempting to influence Hassan MARIE, the Minister of Commerce and IndustryI with 'ais (Bagab i s) pro-Socialist and pro-communist ideas. Subj said Hagab was the; propornt of much government interference in business. He pushed the new Directors law, whic•

unpopular with private enterprise in Egypt. Subj said this all stems from his Communisticviewpoints. Stated that a 1.t of "Roe rubbed off during Hagab i s visit to the Russian

countries last year. Raga's objective is to get the Government involved in samitione andcommercial trade with Russia and other satellite countries. Subj added that in addition,Ming Coriander Jewel SALMhas a great voice in Go ernment owned or partially owned factories•

Page 13: I. DR. ROLF_0002.… · German Advisory Group, ... Subject was captured by French in WW2 and worked on rockets for French and for NATO. Firm he has set up with private Capital



Subj, anxious to secure employ#kmt with an American Co in U.S. IR-74-56working on rocket research projects. P0 received Subjts normal 17 Feb 56prolonged delaying tactics in regard to info previously promised C-6about contact in large French scientific library in Paris. AppearsSubj is using his so-called "technical library" as tool in attempt to •secure help from U.S. Army and/or Air Force Attaches in securing employment in U.S.COMMENT PO. Appears that no further info requested can be obtained at this time.Subj apparently will continue his delaying tactics until day of departure. Apparentlyusing technical library as bargaining tool to secure assitance in march of employment.

17 Feb 1956, Subj provided job descriptions of BOEUEWADT (ballistics R 14656, 23 Feb 56.experiment) and HANISCH. with request that copies of vital info about 3-3himself, BODEWADT, HANISCH and SZYNKIEWICZ be forwarded to a list of U.S.Aviation companies with hope that one of these companies would beinterested in interviewing this group for hire as rocket specialists.Stated group wculd be available not later that 1 Jan 1967.