i corinthians 6:19 tobacco. the number one preventable disease and death in the u.s. is tobacco use

I CORINTHIANS 6:19 Tobacco

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Page 1: I CORINTHIANS 6:19 Tobacco. The number one preventable disease and death in the U.S. is tobacco use



Page 2: I CORINTHIANS 6:19 Tobacco. The number one preventable disease and death in the U.S. is tobacco use


The number one preventable disease and death in the U.S. is tobacco use.

Page 3: I CORINTHIANS 6:19 Tobacco. The number one preventable disease and death in the U.S. is tobacco use

How Tobacco Effects the Body

Short-term Effects Addiction – tobacco contains nicotine which is highly

addictive Stimulant – increases actions of central nervous

system, respiration, and heart rate Dulled taste buds and reduced appetite Bad breath, smell

Page 4: I CORINTHIANS 6:19 Tobacco. The number one preventable disease and death in the U.S. is tobacco use

How Tobacco Effects the Body

Long-Term Effects Chronic Bronchitis – build up of tar in lungs, creating

chronic coughing Emphysema – destroys air sacs in lung making it more

difficult to absorb oxygen Lung Cancer – extra mucus cannot be dispelled,

creating an environment for cancer to form Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke – blood vessels

constrict, plaque build up in blood vessels

Page 5: I CORINTHIANS 6:19 Tobacco. The number one preventable disease and death in the U.S. is tobacco use

Teens and Tobacco

Reports show that teen smoking has greatly decreased in the last two decades Antismoking campaigns have had a large impact Financial costs, packs now cost in excess of $4.00 per

pack Society has looked down upon smoking, causing most

public places to ban smoking

Page 6: I CORINTHIANS 6:19 Tobacco. The number one preventable disease and death in the U.S. is tobacco use

Why Do Some Teens Use Tobacco?

Peer Pressure or Media Pressure Think it is cool or mature

Some think it will help them control their weight It does suppress appetite, but it also reduces body’s

physical capabilities. May lose weight, but will not be physically healthy. May also cause weight gain because you cannot be physically active

Some think it will help them cope with stress Health problems and nicotine dependency will

increase stress levels in users

Page 7: I CORINTHIANS 6:19 Tobacco. The number one preventable disease and death in the U.S. is tobacco use

Smoke-Free Environment

Both Smokers and Non-Smokers who breathe air containing tobacco smoke are at risk for health problems

“Second-Hand Smoke” still contains carcinogens, nicotine, and tar. There are actually over 4000 chemicals in second-

hand smoke Causes eye irritation, headaches, ear infections,

coughing 3000 people each year are diagnosed with lung cancer

caused by second-hand smoke

Page 8: I CORINTHIANS 6:19 Tobacco. The number one preventable disease and death in the U.S. is tobacco use

Smoke-Free Environment

Children of smokers tend to have higher incidences of sore throats, ear infections, and upper respiratory infections They also have 2x the risk of developing lung cancer They are 3x more likely to smoke themselves

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Other Tobacco Products

Besides smoking cigarettes and cigars, there are other dangerous tobacco products Smokeless tobacco is sniffed, held in mouth, or

chewed These still contain many of the same carcinogens, but

because they are held in the mouth they deliver 2-3x the amount of nicotine and carcinogens

Same addictive properties as smoking Leukoplakia – thickened, white, leathery spots on the

inside of the mouth that leads to oral cancer