i c'i aynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/wayne herald (1888-present)/1901-1910/1902... · our...

C'I ( -se'l'Sllt o ........ -"_,, 1 1 ..".."---- . .. I II Twenty-Seventh Year. '": .. DoO PubliRher. i \ ( j AYNE :NumLer 46 Taffy, kinds.. Right Proprietor of are The thing for every person, Old, Middle Aged or Young, at G. H. DARNELL, N'Ow manufrctures a tine line of Candles ·"hieh he js: enabled to Bell oheaper than other dealete, having purobased an OV_O for tbat purpose, THE CITY BAKERY Plenty gf Them. Peanut Crisps 1:'1 11'1 1 ' I' -! and other ----- ()!ySTERSI Served in all styles,! 1 also sold by the bull;, or in Prices ,, ....._w_- ·Our 1 We can show,You appropriate gifts costlOg from a mere trille up to. a' costly presents as you care to purchase. Remember only give Satisfaction, we' give the most change back. If s going to be a Great Christm&s. pur Fine holiday stock IS full of Quality. Variety, Beauty and Good Tasle. €JONE5' QlIRlSTMAS ••••••••••••• •••••• 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••• 6.669 ••• 6 •••••• E ' :Charming Gifts. j I I STORE. I i '" ' 1'1 1 1'" I I ,JONES' JONES' I t. RR •••••• 9R 90 00" 900 po 0000000 99 Oil S! 0990 Q .' . NEW5'Of THE WEfK. I I , 1 i ' SHELL. I This is IN ANU WAY!'fE, I " Boyd Annex. , , i Good W . I ' Come and buy a touple of Jiair of our blankets,', it will be a idireet 'blow at the coal trust. W give , a full 10-4 blankelal 50 apd 55 i : I 11-4 at 75 and 851 cents and·$100; the heaviest 12-4 at $1.75 and $2.00 I I .' , This is the whOle! story in al "nut shell Duerir & C.o's. elegant 1Ige of: 9ry Good., I Clothmg, Boots an'd IShoes 1 Ladle.' al'd Genis' Furmshinfs, fitions and fGrllceries. Our ate ,all new ad of the latest stylb alld l patterns. e mvite ( all to slore and salisfy I as't the qualilY of our Futch;;, pJ rig &1'0. I , We wBint your pr d e. Up-to-Odte. Seasonable! Goods for sale .t Prices. llNIVl;lllSlh NOTES. -1- Local, and Persona18, Both Cit:? Mr. Stringer hiB 80'.' George and wite to make a visit in Un CoanUY. a 0 a (I a a 001.0 darJnR' the holldays. Have tried thoBe excellentmtxl:ld Gov. Commins lows, pickle8 at, Brookings' Store. the Invitation to the Hld*Wln o 8am Wmiu.msnn aDd Geo. Rohwer of tel Ad tess Feb. 16th. CJl.rrot'J, were Wayne visitors Satorday. Mr. KirwIn of !Wa y e, who Ie at O. W lpdwnrtis of Sherman, 81'ld Dr. Textey of Ou.rroll, were Wayne Visitors Xt7 h lid in qP J 0 Pet on Fridat. 'iD eB 0 818, t pp e ra . Wh"at 'Insurance Companies pay "he university stude ts ate 1 , tl 'I Ask B'1I D considerable klokldR be USB the ,heck o··W·.· pprbm p Y to k I J: ammeyer have.. ",ricel! or tIl. Jepans 0.. frOm '1.50 to f2 <¥> to ke to Mrs. U. Gregory 18 here from Spear. aull from sooial tanotJo ' vlsit with Mr. Ola.. T.I Job BOU, g ry .bl.f of tb.'l'l'IlI!&t\on In •• 01 Oarl LU1al'd departed tor AppletoD the United 8t&t.t$ tment ot earl. qlty, Sandal" a.tternoon to visit clllture, on the eut9eot t Erirttan It. for a ,,;eek with relatives. rJgatiOD, at e onlvresJty Sleighing was fine Tnesdar ni"bt fharBda3" evenioJ(,,' Dec and the eveoln" was very mnoh en· Mr. Johnson aorq,men ed by review· joyed by a numbElr ot parties. In" briefly the work of t e Fr"nch add TlJe w('Rther moderated Tneaday Engineers to hom the mod- Afternoon flood softened the snow S'J 88 ern irrigation syetem ot that, country to first-olaRs sleighing. Is dne. It was noted a siFDJtlaant The Nebraska Farmers and the fRCt ijJ.at the laws 'Bnd r un- Wayne HERAJ;.D 1 year for '1.25. The del' whtoh the Ie perated have HERALD will be seut to Jan. 1, 1904. . ,t:. MaRuns Paul8en bas Bcoept.ed Il pOSl· handlJ of engtneen. It 8 00: t1 bon as engineer the .water more and more ,the e eve:Wbere wnrke In ,phi¢8 of John FrItz reSIgned. thq,t en"lneerlng Skill is caUel;! into re.- For all eye cnnsult Dr. qnisition at the ot D .. 8t Hntel Boyd. W...df18"rlfl}' tndn.. triaI pr jeot Ilod .." in D -c. lith. SpenttlCl... e properly filled, regard to the same lust be glvpn' J. M. Strahltn wbo weB cs.lled bere BhBpe by experienced meo. In oar:, lest week owing to the dangerous iIl- riwo country the Ir,*at OD iodnstry is ness of his daughter, Mrs. June Don· n..ost SUbStaoti81l7j OU ded lin those R'f'r, l'eturQ'ed to Malvern, ,Satnrda)l' etates 10 which a 8 proridlDI' for afternoon. public control bave b e adopted aDd, Ten inch,es of snow fell Friday night, the admlnistrationl ha9 een IntrUsted but Inckily no wind accnmpaoied It to to eng:ineers. wa9 olted 88. pile It op in heaps Bod B8 a reflult worthy I sleighing i$ fine and healtbier condl. On 8 map of It WII.8 sbown tions preva.ll. that tbe extent 01 th81NHe to ,Never WIlB there a bett.er to ad- wbich interest attsehes In thlscooD80- v.rtfRB for the holiday t.ra.de then this don Is aboot the to that of the ReasOD. Make your wants, knO)wn of the fro the Missouri tbroUR'h t.he columns of the HERALD River to DpDver. By meaDs of di&- and see what the re'lnlt will grotms the rellabiUt.y of It he Nile as to . etalle, wben comp"red a nllmher I rhe DeDlOl"flI,t I.ssued Il DeBt of !AmArlceD rlve$ wy shown. Tbls Jut w.eell': a wrlfe- chf!,ractertsrlc ma*es - possible for up With ,aOC"omplI.(llna' lllustntion of tol oonform to a the Co11e&,e, Wayne's Dud practi08." ! chorohesj etc. Prot. Pile Is of the pr n The Illustration bo"b. were particu. gres91ve bas placed this edn- One, an4 00 the different oll.tlooal among t.he most meltbods of d IIftiDg wa- popular tbe wel!lt. Bome ot I'D resebtiog tb. Fred reoelvfld " late mo'st, orode praot ses f tbe natives, TuesdaYj'fovertJoR' Bnnoonmng the awl whrile ot.hers fo Ih t 9 mQgnifloent o.t or JohU SweDson at W'O•..trks which t"J')m Ih .• :\\'"yo.-. ,"This wlH b.. " blow to eDl;ploymeot of t 81'1t 'engineer&, the pa.rents Bod tamtly. John was a a natiooll.l trEl'ft,Sa. haok of them. Iynonll mao of li(rpat promise. He hlUi The AeSDaD Dlif. la Iy completed IDlf,oY friends and aoqnllointanoes io on, the opper NUe, was hoWlo and de. M.agnet'wbere he W8B a member of the sorlbed in Ilorne I det il. Thlrty-Ove ROVEll Items 10 men. w1re w9rk on the Randolv h Reporter. d m at the time. It wi I the w... When making your Xmas pUrCbltS8A, te up t,he for 160 BDd will l1a.ver Sbte.. " (,ordill.lly invite lOU to U water ,"utlfhtt'ol)l.t to oov... r near- (mme in. aod inspeot t.belr sp... cial liD.. If.a mllJion rne foot deep, aod l L()west .Ra.'.9 on Faro1 see We have jUijt been to market a.nd make possible c,na1s I00 ,the upper .lfhlf H. I hwte<d t!:'e very lat.est in nel'kwear, Nile. "L I 1 mcwe,aJen:t ill behalt. _ of handker<'hlefA. COllaN!, tips, belts, KoIr CfJ.r&l. ito be the bI l'ftCIl th Fre iO t glOVE'S,' sweatflr jaoket __ , SWfoater vest"', largest In t'be w?rld Iwas :shown. ,It .1 :.0 It.n Of nblJdren Rweaters and opera sbawls. oarrles nearly tWji09aJ'mucb-water B8 tbe best ,at sorprlslngly low tbe food of River. ttlmperanDe pledr" weN it be- prjcfls on all ' ;WOODMEN NTION. iOll,a d.., devoted to 8oon,oertedQlove. ats. I)D t orget onr pres- '. I' me,t tbroogbotat ·the roilDt..,.. It Is enf loqatlonj third door:south of M. 8 Dnnng the,. we81 k" be Inning DaQEom., :1 i ,. t' _. ! .' ' bfr Itl the Sta:te Helld OonnQII, let, tie fhe tore-run er.of , R&!ph E. of mco'lo, will v,i'l. val 1of au .... tor, p L A vpry Important tI1A.nS'lctloll took IT tbe towns in, tilis mcludiOl', peranoe list .. hM W oU,. pll:l.oA thi'J week in wbich the exten.. ivt-o Randolph, tsJoom6eld, EID- gi.eu' war Ito: tblrd probl imJJlement, bnl'oiop,.s of Ne·... dham Brns. erson :and ot.berl plaqe9, arriving at politloe, anf! tor bill ..klnd IV as Bold to I BrOA'R'er aDd R"lla Fish Wilyne 00 e!veninA', Deo.20. poUtlcs 'I been arowlo, ' The nf'W firm talrelt pos..esOiloo on or The porpose of bia 18: to talk, to Ie", eVIlI'J'''b,re. p«)Ple.rFr0ee abonti F.-b. 1st, We hQve not learned thf' mAmbers'Of!be or ..r 00 tbe sub. tbe,ll' tbroUi 8S wh+<tl;lt'r George and Chlls. N.. edbam Jeof,.ot tbe re:B.d ol'otm+>ot of our rat88, tbe)' Obj80t tf. ptdDl r, ..eUgi n,.ln prl1pd R e '0 leave or DOt, bot a 8ubjlllot in wbi h Woodman 18 tb"t manDer. aB.1I ev.. rybody ,slnDerlF hopes theF will re- i 'te' ested and •.: he ShOq,.ld to sup.Pres*t 4 ... e .. IntO.m. P.... f .. ' .. m .• ... main: 10 tile :town bave don" 80 be inf.ormed, wbtther he,' favor re-ad- no beadwar. 1 VeriDoot I! tbe mach buildiog up.-Winslde or hr,' 40 es Dot. 'Xbtt at&t. to tb&t 18 ot beat rrlbuoe. State Depoty is not I a(1voeatlog or busi e98'. little popocratlC fake faotory at plan IlS propose1 h,. th!Q re-p,djaqtmeDt all,'otbll'8 bat .. 1"8 tried t have admits Ita ipablltty to commit.tee oor i to to tb. oono1ulllo the "tatemElntilj made lfo8''totnst the HEB members to fs.vbr It Bils talk wlU,'be the other of ALD thprefore adopts the --brand," inatroctlve H.. e has Or polttlClaI However, it t.o tUle the taq. also wit.b. him a l of sorted to '4Ml:P the lalDp with tlo's oreat,ures of its olMs adopt, and ment whlch no IWoqdbiao can afford abOJ7df'strer0l'lIobrfety. j' in Ita last issue tbat on09 upon, to misR. Letl Woodmen, in es need, to; );JrQ.cb. It a (does not state whl"n) a citizen Wayne Rod W. 'foe co/nt)' make it _. 'bO.old, be ma(( .• am .•tto ... r p.1 con.liotio.n ,of Winside 'approached tbe HSBA.W point to be at Woodm "'n hall; 00 .rat,her than:' or -rorbe.-·_·,t!lere: Is editor, conc,".rOiog t.lle said cltizeu's Drday night, 21. A'J th;s i8 .• Diled of mr: b . PraotlOaJ " .,0. rOD;'nir- for.n Office., tbe evening tor monthly work an.d tb ....no' ••t laUer was greatly by the IDg of CSPlP N 6814 nd the rlight ea;uae III .•0 isted .In &0 j nod , ][Iq . forme want!l.nR' to ,kn. ow Uhow mnO ...b eleotion ot om. ers, Ie the. m .. qf wo.rtb,. tb.'. ..tgb.est co1.me. nd....tton.- ..... -1.: __ , , 'tbt're:WM it." .f"low isn't tt!at t10 handlpromptlrat,7;:OO / 1 I I, _-:============ I b& I Ilf Eoltf'lr wil' klndl,. ioform us p. m., t.hlit cqwing bltfr,e ' i I I , W 0 tlhe olti:zen th8 BERAED wHi tbe cll.mp _nd he el.ehtlou of omcrl'S ,. " ; 1:' ! to O1ltke 1# interel'lting for tbe mal' be of of ; !OW.1o Of oflorse n. 0 one malie such 8l given tort.he b1pecbl exerQ,.Bes. lJ.". ' '\Brent' t,'r we idoribt If there Is'.' :. ' E., S. ; I . ..- 1 t Win Ide £ltd., 8000 g b. to md.: •. Farm Laa.o Pbll B K hI.. I" Ba(Jh pett\' af;serbton abide from i' , S " 0 611e4 or W. E Bro Idng1 aan "supply l\b T.he,.IHEB.A'f. BPPI,?R.tZIll8 r.o.r. haV.ln. R .VlrytblDR' io,tb9. .. ".r . Riv@ It a f1Bloslog:;notlcp. Now,t1-r. snAp s.s:F rms. ',Oboipe 60 Eolr'e , In all faitnells, tell iU';! wbo yon aorp,s 4 miler' fro WBJne. 'S,ee hl1 ivot4d for apd Mr. Wllb'ar B. Kohl. : i I !, II .. •. to ... , I PIlA Al.;t:;;;;;OLEJ 'dron' .. ' w.n :" b. I ',r· .' I, I ',',; Home 001 t1' by reportln" 8 'aio "'ho has f1PBJ;1t the :OMS' to tbe 0' e fBoe 151. IfWD . Rr·.tt r pa.I' , 10,OI;t ...sen 7e.ars 1. n p.olar dm.ah I: N 'eO. I exp,1 ratlon i 18'laoknowled"p,d as t tten Ion '-I'" th. :.0.....fo1 ,01 a:J , 1 E. P. QvIV ,8_ Sa ex I rers, WIU write an on,B.o" " i I ' _ I' I:! ,to' IIOh 'thti POl.:' :N" on. .. : ! ., BO.. . I"i' I, ,'Ii :,' I ,:' We 'i'" 1..- tni;j' t '_0. ",,"be .. t i,u- Q Of., ',•• 11' ...•-1-\, .. t, .•. :.o.".r.i.· ..':..".p.·b , .. ".: :, '.:: ..l .•.....·,' .•..•. ·,:".I· •. ".,.. ,.:., .1:.·.,·: .. ,··.·, ••I',!.;:.i .....•. ,:•.··. ','.•. ·.',.,':.,•.i:., •.',: l··, ••.•. .....•.· •. ,··.r .. •..!/J-.;.) .• '.1:,:, .•., 1·, 101.· ':'1 1 " ;,: ••,.· ., .....: •. ......•.. , ...., •.. ,' ""'·;'·1' : I ." I I I ) I, .. I h " •"i ,. '. ""," • 'i: .••.. ';',', I 'iii" , 1,',";:,1;;:"",: '" .• '",': I ': ''''!.·i': ,.::,J·Y,.·" •. ':".'"'·''''' '."i'. ",,"" ,,',,' ,. ,,,:.,.,,, ...• r HOLIDAY: GOOlo$! I A GOlVlfLETE ! LINE NOW' QISPLA YEO 1 I " I I I , I 1 I M. S. ,QAVIES' ! I BOOK MUSIC! HOUSE. I " b,}" I;,J.,,;

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Page 1: I C'I AYNEnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910/1902... · Our Goo~s ate ,all new a d of the latest stylb alldlpatterns. e mvite ( all to o~l a~, ~ur slore

~I C'I

ni'iil~ ~i;)~\~ (




..".."----.....IIl~..I II

Twenty-Seventh Year.

'": .. DoO M~Nea). PubliRher.

i \ ( j

AYNE:NumLer 46




Proprietor of


The rig~t thing for every person,

Old, Middle Aged or Young, at


N'Ow manufrctures a tine line of Candles

·"hieh he js: enabled to Bell oheaper thanother dealete, having purobased an OV_O

for tbat purpose,


Plenty gf Them.


Peanut Crisps1:'1 ~I~j 11'11' I' -!

and lIa:~i~us other--~f+-i----­

()!ySTERSIServed in all styles,! 1 also sold by the bull;, or in


, , ....._w_-


1We can show,You appropriate gifts costlOg from a mere trille up to. a'

costly presents as you care to purchase.

Remember w~not only give Satisfaction, we' give the most change back.

Ifs going to be a Great Christm&s.

pur Fine holiday stock IS full of Quality.

Variety, Beauty and Good Tasle.


~••••••••••••• ~•••••• 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••••••••6.669 ••• 6 ••••••~

E ' ~:Charming Gifts. j





'I~il''" ' 1'1




t. RR •••••• R.P.'.RRR~R.afli.51DIRRP9 R 90 00" 9 0 0 po 0000000 S!R999~S!99 Oil S! 0990 Q2.~ .'



, 1

I_~~i ' :'~


This is


WAY!'fE,I "Boyd Annex.

, ,


Good Blank~t W~athfr, .I '

Come and buy a touple of Jiair of

our blankets,', it will be a idireet

'blow at the coal trust. W ~ give,

a full 10-4 blankelal 50 apd 55i : I

cent~; 11-4 at 75 and 851 cents

and·$100; the heaviest 12-4 at

$I.~5, $1.75 and $2.00 II



This is the whOle! story in al "nut shell

concernin~ F~rrl\mer Duerir & C.o's.elegant 1Ige of: 9ry Good., I Clothmg,Boots an'd IShoes1 Ladle.' al'd Genis'

Furmshinfs, fitions and fGrllceries.

Our Goo~s ate ,all new a d of the

latest stylb alld lpatterns. e mvite

( all to o~l a~, ~ur slore and salisfy

I themselv~s as't the qualilY of our

Futch;;, pJ rig &1'0.I ,

We wBint your pr d e.

Up-to-Odte.Seasonable! Goods

for sale .t~easonobl~ Prices.

llNIVl;lllSlh NOTES.-1-

Local, and Persona18, Both Cit:? Mr. Stringer exp~8 hiB 80'.' Georgeand wite to make ~em a visit in Un

~d CoanUY. a 0 a (I a a 001.0 darJnR' the holldays.

Have Y~a tried thoBe excellentmtxl:ld Gov. Commins o~ lows, ha9:~ptedpickle8 at, Brookings' Store. the Invitation to de~\ver the Hld*Wlno

8am Wmiu.msnn aDd Geo. Rohwer of tel COmmf'nOflmen~Ad tess Feb. 16th.CJl.rrot'J, were Wayne visitors Satorday. Mr. KirwIn of !Way e, who Ie at

O. W lpdwnrtis of Sherman, 81'ld Dr. :ire9:~~~:b~::rr::~d:: :()t:88~:iv~r~Textey of Ou.rroll, were Wayne Visitors Xt7 h lid in qPJ 0 Peton Fridat. 'iDeB 0 818, t pp e ra .

Wh"at 'Insurance Companies pay "he university stude ts ate ~OiDII

1 , tl 'I Ask B'1I D considerable klokldR be USB the ,hecko··W·.· pprbmp Y

tok I J: ammeyer ao~p&ntes have.. ~M8e t.hei~ ",ricel!

or tIl. Jepans 0.. frOm '1.50 to f2 <¥> to ke coap~" toMrs. U. Gregory 18 here from Spear. aull from sooial tanotJo '

::~~~~ ~~r: ~~ee~t8~ded vlsit with Mr. Ola..e~oe T.I Job BOU, ~i8tant• g ry .bl.f of tb.'l'l'IlI!&t\on In ••t1e~tlono01

Oarl LU1al'd departed tor AppletoD the United 8t&t.t$ ~epa tment ot earl.qlty, Mo.~ Sandal" a.tternoon to visit clllture, on the eut9eot t Erirttan It.for a ,,;eek with relatives. rJgatiOD, leoture~1 at e onlvresJty

Sleighing was fine Tnesdar ni"bt fharBda3" evenioJ(,,' Dec •and the eveoln" was very mnoh en· Mr. Johnson aorq,men ed by review·joyed by a numbElr ot parties. In" briefly the work of t e Fr"nch add

TlJe w('Rther moderated Tneaday En~liBh Engineers to hom the mod­Afternoon flood softened the snow S'J 88 ern irrigation syetem ot that, countryto ~Qke first-olaRs sleighing. Is dne. It was noted a siFDJtlaant

The Nebraska Farmers and the fRCt ijJ.at the laws 'Bnd r It"nla~lOne un­Wayne HERAJ;.D 1 year for '1.25. The del' whtoh the 8Y8~m Ie perated have

HERALD will be seut to Jan. 1, 1904. . :::1~i:t~~~:~:f~~h:n :;:rsla~: ,t:•. MaRuns Paul8en bas Bcoept.ed Il pOSl· handlJ of engtneen. It 8 00: t1~,

bon as nlM'h~ engineer ~t the .water more and more ,the e eve:Wberewnrke In ,phi¢8 of John FrItz reSIgned. thq,t en"lneerlng Skill is caUel;! into re.-

For all eye tronhl~B cnnsult Dr. qnisition at the ell.rliefj~ iO~lJlion otD .. ~slo'r 8t Hntel Boyd. W...df18"rlfl}' tndn..triaI pr jeot Ilod t~&~ polt~i.." in

D -c. lith. SpenttlCl...e properly filled, regard to the same lust be glvpn'J. M. Strahltn wbo weB cs.lled bere BhBpe by experienced meo. In oar:,

lest week owing to the dangerous iIl- riwo country the Ir,*at OD iodnstry isness of his daughter, Mrs. June Don· n..ost SUbStaoti81l7j OU ded lin thoseR'f'r, l'eturQ'ed to Malvern, ,Satnrda)l' etates 10 which a 8 proridlDI' forafternoon. public control bave b e adopted aDd,

Ten inch,es of snow fell Friday night, the admlnistrationl ha9 een IntrUstedbut Inckily no wind accnmpaoied It to to eng:ineers. ,Nebtask~ wa9 olted 88.pile It op in heaps Bod B8 a reflult worthy In'lt~Dee IDIPoin~. I

sleighing i$ fine and healtbier condl. On 8 map of ~upt, It WII.8 sbowntions preva.ll. that tbe extent 01 th81NHe V~lley to

,Never WIlB there a bett.er ~tme to ad- wbich interest attsehes In thlscooD80­v.rtfRB for the holiday t.ra.de then this don Is aboot the 8~e to that of theReasOD. Make your wants, knO)wn V~tJey of the Platt~ fro the MissouritbroUR'h t.he columns of the HERALD River to DpDver. By meaDs of di&-and see what the re'lnlt will b~, grotms the rellabiUt.y of Ithe Nile as to

• . etalle, wben comp"red ~Itb a nllmherI rhe DeDlOl"flI,t I.ssued Il DeBt erlIt~('n of !AmArlceD rlve$ wy shown. Tbls

Jut w.eell': cOfltJl.jnm~ a s~lendtd wrlfe- chf!,ractertsrlc ma*es ~t - possible forup With ,aOC"omplI.(llna' lllustntion of ~,ptian trrlg8tio~ tol oonform to athe Nebr~skaNormalCo11e&,e, Wayne's Dud practi08." ~ !chorohesj etc. Prot. Pile Is of the prn • The Illustration bo"b. were particu.gres91ve ~iDd an~ bas placed this edn- lar~y One, an4 00 flre~ the differentoll.tlooal .lD~tltullOn among t.he most meltbods of d.Uv8r~n. d IIftiDg wa­popular ~n tbe wel!lt. te~l Bome ot the~ I'D resebtiog tb.

Fred ~shby.reoelvfld " t~leR'raID late mo'st, orode praot ses f tbe natives,TuesdaYj'fovertJoR' Bnnoonmng the awl whrile ot.hers B~t fo Ih t 9 mQgnifloent

,l!.~w~ o.t ~.hA f'I\l~th or JohU SweDson at W'O•..trks which .havel"reol~l'it'd t"J')m Ih.•:\\'"yo.-. ,"This wlH b.. " 8ever~ blow to eDl;ploymeot of tf~ t 81'1t 'engineer&,the pa.rents Bod tamtly. John was a wl~h a natiooll.l trEl'ft,Sa. haok of them.

~="""====*""=========F===j======'Iynonll mao of li(rpat promise. He hlUi The AeSDaD Dlif. la Iy completed~ IDlf,oY friends and aoqnllointanoes io on, the opper NUe, was hoWlo and de.

M.agnet'wbere he W8B a member of the sorlbed in Ilorne I det il. Thlrty-OveROVEll Hlllhhmders_~MfJ.gnet Items 10 t~D.Jiand men. w1re a~ w9rk on theRandolvh Reporter. d m at the time. It wi I b.~1r the w...

When making your Xmas pUrCbltS8A, te up t,he Nlh~ for 160 Ue~, BDd willl1a.ver Sbte.." (,ordill.lly invite lOU to U fnun~ water ,"utlfhtt'ol)l.t to oov...r near­(mme in. aod inspeot t.belr sp...cial liD.. If.a mllJion ~re8 rne foot deep, aod l L()west .Ra.'.9 on Faro1 Loao~ seeWe have jUijt been to market a.nd R~. make possible c,na1s I00 ,the upper .lfhlf H. Koh~, I

hwte<d t!:'e very lat.est in nel'kwear, Nile. "L I 1T~. mcwe,aJen:t ill behalt._of t4~ptr.handker<'hlefA. COllaN!, tips, belts, KoIr ~he Yns~of CfJ.r&l. ~aid ito be the ~ bI l'ftCIl th Fre iO t b'a~bglOVE'S,' sweatflr jaoket__ , SWfoater vest"', largest In t'be w?rld Iwas :shown. ,It .1 ~k :.0 It.nOf :bco.n~ IIt1n~~nblJdren Rweaters and opera sbawls. oarrles nearly tWji09aJ'mucb-water B8 ~npe. OD~'td.ten.IU'I1.thoQsandQ~alitt tbe best ,at sorprlslngly low tbe food of~~River. ttlmperanDe pledr" weN ~teJ" it be-p~loea., 8bPeOialDbOI~dafY prjcfls on all ' ;WOODMEN AT~'NTION. iOll,a d.., devoted to 8oon,oertedQlove.rlmm~d ats. I)D t orget onr pres- '. I' me,t tbroogbotat ·the roilDt..,.. It Is

enf loqatlonj third door:south of M. 8 Dnnng the,. we81k" be Inning DaQEom., :1 i ,. t'_. ! .'DKvi~8. ' bfr Itl the Sta:te D~pn' Helld OonnQII, let, tie bo~~ fhe tore-run er.of a:r8v1~

, R&!ph E. JlJhnSO~1 of mco'lo, will v,i'l. val 1of au ....~.tlDD tor, p L tloal~.~m~A vpry Important tI1A.nS'lctloll took IT tbe towns in, tilis 10~litY mcludiOl', peranoe e~aDp.1list.. hM a~mostW oU,.

pll:l.oA thi'J week in wbich the exten..ivt-o Randolph, Cqlert~ge. tsJoom6eld, EID- gi.eu' war Ito: tblrd par~probl t~QimJJlement, bnl'oiop,.s of Ne·...dham Brns. erson :and ot.berl plaqe9, arriving at politloe, anf! ~be,,.ote tor bill ..klnd ,,~f

IV as Bold to I BrOA'R'er aDd R"lla Fish Wilyne 00 SBt~rIdIlY e!veninA', Deo.20. poUtlcs b~ 'I been arowlo, 'beautl~yThe nf'W firm talrelt pos..esOiloo on or The porpose of bia Vi~lt 18: to talk, to Ie", eVIlI'J'''b,re. p«)Ple.rFr0ee to!~~e

abonti F.-b. 1st, We hQve not learned thf' mAmbers'Of!be or ..r 00 tbe sub. tbe,ll' t.mpe~boe tbroUi POll~~88Swh+<tl;lt'r George and Chlls. N..edbam Jeof,.ot tbe re:B.d ol'otm+>ot of our rat88, tbe)' Obj80t tf. ptdDl t~e r, ..eUgi n,.lnprl1pdRe '0 leave WlnB~de or DOt, bot a 8ubjlllot in wbi h eve~y Woodman 18 tb"t manDer. ProJ:dbltiO~ aB.1I ~8

ev..rybody ,slnDerlF hopes theF will re- i 'te' ested and D~OO wh'o~ •.: he ShOq,.ld to sup.Pres*t4...e.. IntO.m.P....f..'.. m.•'.~ID.g...main: 10 tile :town tb~y bave don" 80 be inf.ormed, wbtther he,' favor re-ad- no beadwar.1

• VeriDoot I! tbe ;l~tlstmach tow~rd buildiog up.-Winslde jn~tmeotor vrhe~her hr,' 40 es Dot. 'Xbtt at&t. to ~~d' tb&t 18 ot tb~i beatrrlbuoe. State Depoty is not I a(1voeatlog ~~. m8n~eror d~".:th. busi e98'. ,Nr.~17Tb~ little popocratlC fake faotory at plan IlS propose1 h,. th!Q re-p,djaqtmeDt all,'otbll'8 bat ..1"8 tried t have ~ome

Win~lde admits Ita ipablltty to prov~ commit.tee oor tr;9io~ i to persn~de to tb. ~~ oono1ulllo T~.+torethe "tatemElntilj made lfo8''totnst the HEB members to fs.vbr It Bils talk wlU,'be the other ~e~hod of perlion~ I:o~te;~dALD ~nd thprefore adopts the --brand," inatroctlve an~ Inter,e~t.lnl'. H..e has Or polttlClaI "peraaMlo~ ,hoQ,~d_, ~e re~However, it Dont.lno~s t.o tUle the taq. also wit.b. him a

lfeat~lt'i~ of entert~n., sorted to '4Ml:P the lalDp Jravene~,!with

tlo's oreat,ures of its olMs adopt, and ment whlch no I Woqdbiao can afford abOJ7df'strer0l'lIobrfety. j' Tb8,o~n~h~in Ita last issue 889~rt~ tbat on09 upon, to misR. Letl ever~ Woodmen, in es need, to; );JrQ.cb. teIJlPeran~6. Ita tim~ (does not state whl"n) a citizen Wayne Rod W.'foe co/nt)' make it _. 'bO.old, be ma((.• a m.•tto...r p.1 con.liotio.n,of Winside 'approached tbe HSBA.W point to be at Woodm "'n hall; 00 ~at~ .rat,her than:' !~r:i.:' or -rorbe.-·_·,t!lere: Iseditor, conc,".rOiog t.lle said cltizeu's Drday night, D~C 21. A'J th;s i8 ~h.• Diled of mr:b . PraotlOaJ ".tom:th~." .,0.I~e.rOD;'nir- for.n Office., wbe~opoD tbe evening tor thl~rpg111a monthlym~ work an.d tb ....no' d.~"p\&te~.!. t~••tlaUer was greatly Bn~prl/iled, by the IDg of CSPlP N 6814 nd the rlight 'o~ ea;uae III .•0 isted .In &0 j nod , ][Iq

.forme want!l.nR' to ,kn.ow Uhow mnO...b eleotion ot om. ers, Ie the. m.. e,mbe~. qf wo.rtb,. tb.'.<.~..tgb.est co1.me.nd....tton.- ..... -1.: __, ,

'tbt're:WM I~ it." .f"low isn't tt!at t10 thIBcamp~e,o handlpromptlrat,7;:OO Frfmont~fiel'.. / 1 I I, _-:==================='=",=====*~'i=====,*=====~ I b& I Ilf Eoltf'lr wil' klndl,. ioform us p. m., t.hlit ~be I)siQe~9 cqwing bltfr,e ' i I I ~ ,

W 0 tlhe olti:zen w~, th8 BERAED wHi tbe cll.mp _nd he el.ehtlou of omcrl'S ,. " ; 1:' !

e~dParor to O1ltke 1# interel'lting for tbe mal' be d,lsJXl9~d of ap.~ pl,~t)' of tf~e rF~9'~=Ti=~~~==~====~=~::~::!~:i=~===-":::=~F~~~~=~~~li,,;J,';':i


!OW.1o Of oflorse n. 0 one malie such 8l given tort.he b1pecbl exerQ,.Bes. lJ.". '~,"'• '\Brent' t,'r we idoribt If there Is'.' :. ' E., S. ~~ ;I . ..- 1

Q~ t Win Ide £ltd.,~Jl 8000gb. to md.:•. Farm Laa.o Pbll B K hI.. I"

Ba(Jh pett\' af;serbton abide from t~e i' , S " 0 ~~,nr'o 611e4 edlto,~. or t~e Trt~n'de. W. E Bro Idng1 aan "supply l\b

T.he,.IHEB.A'f. BPPI,?R.tZIll8 r.o.r. haV.ln.R .VlrytblDR' io,tb9. fg.~tab,'.le. li~.. ".r .Riv@ It a f1Bloslog:;notlcp. Now,t1-r. snAp s.s:F rms. ',Oboipe 60Eolr'e , In all faitnells, tell iU';! wbo yon aorp,s 4 miler' fro WBJne. 'S,ee hl1ivot4d for apd 8~pported, Mr. Wllb'ar B. Kohl. : i I !, II ;I'~'

I~~,t.~,,':,B.~:i..'.~.d~::~.~~~J£:~:\:r: •.~":t.~:~~:~'~."(: :.~~~~.~::U.: to...'~, I PIlA Al.;t:;;;;;OLEJ 'dron' .. ' w.n :" b. N._~.·

I ',r· .' I, I ',',; dren~. Home 001 t1' by reportln" 8(!~ 'aio ear~, "'ho has f1PBJ;1t the :OMS' to tbe 0' e fBoe151. IfWD


Rr·.tt r pa.I' , ~.f, 10,OI;t...sen 7e.ars 1.n p.olar '.Bl~Ok,. dm.ah I: N b.~, nd-,tbe~.'eO. Iexp,1 ratlon i ~od. 18'laoknowled"p,d as ,recelve~rOm t tten Ion '-I'"th. o,tp~.t1".l1f:.0.....fo1 ,01 a:J , 1 E. P. QvIV ,8_ Sa ,~ex I rers, WIU write an Brt1o~,e on,B.o" " i I ' _ I' I:!

,to' IIOh 'thti POl.:' :N" on. "~."to' .. : ! ., BO.. . I"i'I, ,'Ii :,' ,J~,'" 'llitij~8tlJii":~uld' hel'pf~f·'&~ti~ie I ,:'We "w~6h 'i'" 1..- tni;j' :·'ur"b~~ t -lih~

'_0.n.~.t 18,,8_0bj~t.. ",,"be aru/'ld,l~fo.,~e .. :1D~t r~.I~.~,d t ',~b_Q~_~1) :fJ}'~r11l.,~ i,u-,~tt~~a~;:;~:;a;~~':tb;i !~~:~~~~ ~Q ~oknr"'~d ~;·:tl Of., ',••11'...•-1-\,

:;;:;;;;;=~:t:,~,"~,::";;:+:··~·I.'~·""~;;::;~I'II ~,t ..t,.•. :.o.".r.i.·..':..".p.·b ,.. ".: :, '.::..l.•.....·,'.•..•.·,:".I· •. ".,..,.:., .1:.·.,·:.. ,··.·,••I',!.;:.i .....•.,:•. ··. ',' .•.·.',.,':., •.i:.,•.',: l··,••.•.f.·,·.,t.i!!.·,'>.',.".··I~.·.....•.·•.,··.r..)I·~.,,;,}•..!/J-.;.).•'.1:,:,.•.,1·, 101.· ':'11" ;,: :I:",:,·"".~.:.·.,.:"••,.· .,.....:•.~,......•..,•....,•..,' ""'·;'·1' : I ." I I I ) I, .. I h" • " i ,. '. ""," • 'i: .••.. ';',', I 'iii" , 1,',";:,1;;:"",: '" .•'",': I ': ''''!.·i': ,.::,J·Y,.·" •.':".'"'·''''' '."i'. ",,"" ,,',,' ,. ,,,:.,.,,, ...•

~~-~ -=i~1



~l I" I

I I, I

1 I

M. S. ,QAVIES' !I BOOK AN~ MUSIC! HOUSE. I~------~---~~



Page 2: I C'I AYNEnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910/1902... · Our Goo~s ate ,all new a d of the latest stylb alldlpatterns. e mvite ( all to o~l a~, ~ur slore



--I \Great Britain and permlnnYI Act- n

SeJZO (JDBtom H9uSC8 It Deman 8

Are Ntft l\olet-WfJr Fleet'l Are 1.'l'cmb1t d on the dOlllBt

W H. McNEAL,I="==="=="""'!'==~l



Page 3: I C'I AYNEnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910/1902... · Our Goo~s ate ,all new a d of the latest stylb alldlpatterns. e mvite ( all to o~l a~, ~ur slore
Page 4: I C'I AYNEnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910/1902... · Our Goo~s ate ,all new a d of the latest stylb alldlpatterns. e mvite ( all to o~l a~, ~ur slore


IU'el·e4 paid on Time Deposlte.


Times Change.

Holtz, the Tailor.

i:i'a!-!ltions chanRe~witb a tail( r always-with the I·tlad.r-mad~clothing mao ifoe !'>old his last Htook. A man oao beperflc'ot.ly aure of ent.iIle olothing satis­fH.ctiou only. There are 00 mef"lalike.{n one there is H, HUll} defect bere-in<l.llotber it is in an entirely differentplH,ce. T~ilo[" made: clothiD" is thecb~H.pest in every WRy: Qlau can Ogure.-ltyle, '1atisfaction, tlD:t~h and eleganceall comhbled by

. Capital and Surplus, $90.000.

_..c_"_... __. __.. .__:::J _

T He-"- C lTIZ6N'S


L Tr:rCKER, Ple~ident . .T. R WRE~CH Vee Presirl"nt, D. C. MAIN, CashierGILBERT FRENCH, Asai"tallt Ca~hier

DIRECTOR5:~ J. M. St.raban. F. E.Strahan. R E. K. Mellor, Geonre BogartF'rank ~"un~r, Jobn'T. Hressler and H. F. WH"on.



Capital and Undivided Profits, $100,000.umECTORH:- E. D. Mitchell, A. A. \\,pkh, .1, S fo~reneh, D. C. Main, G. E.

Fruooh, A. L Tuckor, Jam' s Pl1ul.

QliRST NATlONAL B.AN~.j,I '~""""""'" ~........... ......""...J. M STlf,A..N, President - F. E. STRAHAN, Vioe-PreR. H ..F. WILSON,' Cashier

Sr~B~~~W~.,Ht::NRY LEY1 Prflsidel,t 1C. A. CHASE, Vioe p, esident. R. W. LEY, Cashier

Inldividua~R.esponsib1ility $200,000.

The Holidays apoJach, t~~:s ason of feastin~,when all ishol:J,ld eat. drink an. be 'merry.

Have you thought 6t what y~u were going ~ohave to ~rink on th~se Qccasi~ns?! . '

i : I, ' ;

Call at The Capita and let u hel;p you dec~qe..We can ~UPPlY It. Whatever youl decide on,,·1

, I

\ We hav~ just got n a lot of ew~oodsfor the;Eloliday~.We ha e just wh t ~or want



We are now selling sto~es that can't helpbut give satisfaction and- at. prices that arewithin the reach of everybody.

If you want to buy anything in the Una of \Heating Stoves or Ranges it will pay yoU: toinvestigate our stock before buying

Base Burners

--------,200 fig:uring paris 3/fX4Y2. one side ruled

~':~~'s~~Oe\te~~~n~~lp~~I~~; each additiond I I<00

~sheet blanks per 100; eneh additional

'00;4 sheet blanks per 10(1; each additional


}i sheet blanks per 100; each additi.onal, I100 . I

All lO be printed on hath sides. tahned,pnnlcd on p~per equ,1I to Dundee legal. andIn such form' as may be required by the: IIrhfkrent cnupty officers:

Hlaternent$ per IDOl)Lf'tler head n per 1000

NOlte hen(i!> P"r 1"00 •Envdopes;No 6~. high CUI. while wovd., I

XX quality. :WIth return card, per 1000Env,·lopes, No 10, hi~h cut Manila,

XXXX best, quality, wi, h return card, pel:rooo:

Envelopes', No la, hi~h cut Mani\a~

XXXX. with return card, per 1000l Hculars ~XIO, pnnt paper, per '100; cacti

additional InaPrl.llen postal cards. per 100.Booo ballots offiCIal awl sampL'; % ofl"ach.3 h91'~S H,pewriler papPI', 8xI3 nl,ion SkID:6 hoxes tylpewflter p"per. 8XI3, medium(/ b"xl's Ivpt'wJi' .. r paper. 8X13, heavy.loa slleelS carhull paper, 8xI3~ dozens typewriter ribbons, 2 D,·nsmore

and 4 OlIver011" hottle T. Wail10 doz. cork tip bank penholders, Tower's

palent.":'pencerian pl"llS, per 1:1 ass.Periling pens, \wr grnss

~~ :1(~~1'1~I,~e ~~'n~,e ~;;,~(;;~5~,IiP~:~~:sA~; n:l~~~I~e~·(~:~~1.i~Sp:~ciI5s ~~)1J;:.

2 ~ross [) kon ht'x pellcds No 32 gross D x"n mUllr} penCIls No 3I 24·'n~~ruhher r"J\er2 12·incn,lubher rulersY2 dOl steel erasers, one blade, Westen.

holm, ivory hnndle.!'i nn1 steel erasers, two blades, Weslen

ho'm. ivon ·h'llndle.~ r1oz: TO'~'er's multiplex ruhhers No py,; dOl. A W. Faber -ink and pencil eras-

ers.y,; dOl. aut ink stands, Dwis No 5J doz PY!flmirl pins

14 boxes E. Faher vag banels, No.3 gro~s Faber H vn[J. hnnOR.I doz <junrls Arnold's inkI r\oz <jllrlrls Arnold's copying ink1 '}\\arl rose pink ~'ink

The COl1rTty reseryes the ri2h ' s to rejectany and a\l ,hlds, a~,l the ril!ht ~o rec~ive

only such nmollnt of the above 5UppJjC.~ ;,smay he ord(otpr! h\' the count .. clerk. and !anynmount orrh'red in excess of rthe nhovc

~~n:~~~\~:;:r\~~~ f~g~I~:d ht~ \IM~~~~5 f~i~~ Will do Ii iG6n"ral BflOki'Og BU<;lDeRs.made on blflnl;s furnisher hv county clerk tv A YNE, i


~_._-- ---~-----_.~ ~ i L~.-_-__

at Cost.

Look Here!

14 0<1

35 0"2l) (lU


T A IIcnncsyJacob j{"lclicrl ••T A Ilennes\'C\tyof Wnyllt', ltJ,tcl fUlid

:\ L Elllcli. blldfc:c \\'JI\...N C Emclt. \<1".1 w,ork

, On mol101l1he ("Uti'> Tll',ISlIrl'r IS

onleTed to tral\sl'Jr IIU\!\ theRoad J<'wHI to Ihealso '$400."0 fp,mthe CUlltity 1;"'Ill:I.l

OilmnU"n the lslrucle,1 10

Ph}SIClall,l:"lln\)\ll~ alld ITp.llllllgyear 11)°3

Oil lllOllOll B'),lld



That old copybook maxim finds its'miost forceful application in the waste ofvitality, which is called" burning tb:ecandle at. both end~," A \\'Olllan IS

often tempted beyond her strC"ngth bydomestic or social dell1amls. Some day,she awakens from this waste or strengthto the woeful W:lllt of it. She has be~

come weak, nervous HlHlmiserable.For weak, nervous, run-down .women,

there is no better tonic and I1crVl11e than[)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It

~~~or~sve~bereal;~~l~~~~gq~~~et:~. th~tn~~::local diseases pecuharly womanly WhiChundermine the g"eneral health. It makes,weak women strong, sick women well.

tlNo doubt you havl" forgotten me. hut after

~rit::~~Jr~:'1n~i~{if.;::~,!~~,110f~;~t~';I~'~~d:;~~':,~~ ~~~Rfo~lJ~,~~ic~.llW~'I~'I~ l;,J~;/~~~./'~~If~~~U~f~~\~[~eilO{"'~~ilkIS~~\(t~ti\llOF;:)I;)~i~~5ail~;;;~e~~J;men; could nol sit d, ,wn. lie [town, or g~t any,ease Illal1. I had wh~t w:l'\ c~llc<l the ~)c~l <1nc,tor here hut did nntg-t't allr h,:ttcr \lntlll ',:,,,,ntthrouglJ 1l course of rour Ollclllcine I look eIghtbottle8 eadl of '1.':1\'0'11(' Prf'~crl\,llOT\' lind'Golden :'ol(·dieal I>lseU\',·ry.· al1<1 tell boUks.ofthe 'l'!easant l'clkt:>.' I tdl you the meLllcmemuden cllre of me."

Weak and sick warnell' are invited toconsult Dr. Pierce, by lct.ter, free. .Allcarrespondence is held as strictl.\' private.Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, B,1IT.11o, N'. Y.

Dr. Pierce's Pellt::ts CU~C lJl!tOUSllCSS.

:~~;:t~JD~:;:~:~:;B~:;P~~:~~~l~;~;tand (li'ltl"~s~ ot wai'8 el:l.rnerlJ.

1'his wtmld h~ve sound"d quite na.t­urltollf offlired at the r"cent 11emocrat­Jo oon'veJtJOD 1~ Alba.ny. Tbere is notarllf on,trn.t ~ood. In England, whilethe dem~oratlo':onre for trusts is to re­move tbe ta.1"iff. Tha.t m6.ke~ So 'treatdJlfsrsDoe. thKogb Dot to the tiemocratto leader!!. They a:re t,~lking fur bun·oomhe. "iThey kOl?w we 1 Mist pe' 1 oh

:=d:rn:~;:c~:~:r~t~~~u~~=,~r':::;OJ::the tree ~lst fo~ along period of timebefore a.nd 8.(ter the "trust.s" were 88­tsbHshed Bnd are stul' on the trBe 118t.BecQ,u~G of the importation to 8an

FrllnclsQo of' a certain grade of coal,largely as balla.at· l tlLUS secnring undueAdv80tllll~ Ol"f!.r tbe Americ~n 1'0'!.I, thF<'ast hIha aot was ma.de to IrDpol-e adflty 00" th"t Jl"ade oN IT&'gn eOI\\. ItriDes DOt afhot ttont.brtlbifo suoh A,8 isproduced to Peonq)'Ivlioia, tholl., h'd ...mooratlo ne.wflpB.p~r8 are t.rytojit' ~o

make oot th~t it does. Tbe coalUtrnst": had bl"en 10 exiRtanoe mlt.llf

~earB tl~folre thll!; par~lolll8r duty WH8Impllst'J.

1n tbe s'!.me Jf:~ R ihlty W>l.S Impl1"'eclon Pl+trolfOurnWhen I'wport.erl from aC'JOnfr}' wb eli imp llF.es B doty r 0American pefrol"um TQllt. Is entil efltolr. But 'he St~"d81'dOil J 'mp nyharJ contrulled the tuf'le In petroleumfor mlt.ny yearR before thR tmposiflollor duty in Boase of t.bat kind. Petro­leum Is,now on the tree Itat.

rhO tariff haq Dot.blng t,o d(} withthose Uliru"ts." It i'1 Dllt B. q'1~"tion of

farlff,ss rhe petrolpum Bnd Ol1al tru~ts

"nrl the large nll~herof trD8t~ in FreeTrotdfl ErJlll"'nri demonstrat.e. Tryl,,1!!'to mike it "'PPMl" as lion la~oe comprlSiDA' the ,tariff i"l simply (lemocrll.ttc bUll.

°1mbe -Phlla h.tpl\ia "Pr-·p.'l."



• 0 JIlEO.P7lJIlI'). .:GnHluate of e A.me~loau ~(lhool of O.teo'

PIl l)J.y, K1J'KjesvlHe. toio. ILocu~ed in .w I)-ue C1ClE'Pl Tuesday and Frl~dar of eacb w ek wheb I will be 111 WI'3S1dj

Wll~8eKoN eK~.ve~ Urt~IJ gKlfl~~r,.UXAMINAfI ~ o.ud ~UN:;ULTATI0N IUI.K+

~A. A. WE blI, i

, 7It QrI!e~ at Isaw.W.ynr, Neb. '

OLUoe np*st i~s ove~ the OitizenBB~ok;.

E. R. LU. bBURG,

/ItiorI!e~ at lJaw. i ,

Wi\h A.Il..I""elOh.: Wayne, Neb ,""k~Inau Dloe o.Qd Colleotions., '

~ IIH. O. LEI~~l'<JU!'IG, M. D.

~\lrlle "n and Phy!sician.·w 'yne, Nebraska.

utlloe S D ': ora West of Post Ofll~,X 'y Ex~mina.tion8.


Physic al1' aod ~urllegn.:w yne, ~ebrll8ko.. i

O&oe over t e Wo.yne National Balnk~

I W. AL Elt, ,

. Eo dell ib$tractor., !

In~: ~~::~;rdaC~l~~~~~s.,Opposite ove·Hotei. Wayne, 'Ne~

ROEll; F IfTNER, ,

lUay e IIl~at IIlarket.~ i

Ll'lrst-cla s ~eatf; always on b.a~d. !

\ Also deale s ih bi~e81 furs Bnd ~elt .


'" P~O~O~I{7IPI'}El{.Oablret Photos a Specialty.

Gal~"Yre~emoorat Ofll"",



Page 5: I C'I AYNEnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910/1902... · Our Goo~s ate ,all new a d of the latest stylb alldlpatterns. e mvite ( all to o~l a~, ~ur slore


lending. Jeweler.

Silverwear,Cut Glass,


and Forg~t.

is larger than ever, and weinducemellts to sell



will save you something onevery pur has.e from our splendid, satis­fying asso tment of ,

Chri tmas IGifts,or Old and YouPg.,

We h<tve I e goods to •pl,,~se everyone.For the rig t gilts at the ,right prices andpl,'nty to C oose from, see the beautifulholiday sto .~. al ,I

.~-_ ... 1iI~~""-""~-------'"


The sea~on of go d cheer and fcrgiveness IS about at hand.

It is sa'id that an In'd' n ,will forgive but cannot forget. We are

not Indians, we forgi e all that m:.lY have said an eviJ w6rd about

us and we will a}<;:o f rget. 1f we have in the past \\ronged any­

onc we agk '-hem to orne in and we ",-iB gladly rectify our mif­

take and ask lhem to' forgive and forget. Don't let 'Christmas

come and pass with 1 atred in your heart, but ltl your soul be fill­

ed with lo\-e and kind ess ror everyone you know. Your bleSS­

ings during the past) ear hav'~ bt'en bountiful and you ough~ to

feci kind towards all ·ou kno\v. We wish it wa.s possible for us

e we know' with a Chnstmas present, but

our aC4uaintances ar too many for usto respoq,d to our feelings .

Only those that are n ar and dear to us will receive our remem­

brance in form of pre ents. To flU other friends we ~xtend the

usual Christmas Gree lngs. The desire to make Chri~tmag pres­

ents i~ a good one and everyone is made happier for giving pres­

ents. \\'e hope no a c in Wayne County will fail to make or re~

c~i\'e <l Christmas pr l\Jake aU those t~at a;re near and

dear to ,you some kine present. It \-Viii pay you and will

make them happy. ow We come to that subject, "What to

Buy for a Man or 130 '." To some peoph> this is, a hard question.

If you will (on:-;ult us n this subject you will be burprised how

easy 1t is t"O buy a £h istmas present for man or boy. \Ye have

had our twenty years experience in selliag tiuitable things for

presents and will be leased to help you make your selection.

Thing'S to wear are nSlde'r~d useful presents and are always

apreciated by m;ln or oy. \Ve can teH the size that will fit and

what is in style. Our stock contai,nfonly the latest style and yuu

will feel sake if you b y here. ()h'~' p'rices are lower than you

~lll have to pay elsew 1ere. Our room is as light as day an<b~4r

new system of lightin makes our roorm lighkr than day at nigh~-I~ ..

You can set all colors ijt night by this light. The people in

Wayne will find it Ple1sant to cvme jn the evenings, Our space

forbid~ us to mention t 1e many thin~s we have suitable for pre,s,

ents. Come in and 10 k, nO matter jf .you do not buy. We WIll. ,be pleased. to see you nd assist you ,all we can.

~~ ~~~~~~~~-*'-.f-''';'';'';,""

11., B, ~IcCor]t1e.




We have B.. led HIl.Y, :B~led S'nlw,Corn and Oats for SBle. _f L. p,-\\,:\'F:.


A Rtep.l folding bed ~rl a felt mJi·

tres, both n"arly new'1S6.ld ('beap ittake~ quickly_ e/.l\! at, dornell's Bak

ery, _~_ ,__.._j 47

NOT LOsT.Flre 10suranoe is obeflp, ~Q['nRdo 11:1­

snranoe is oheaQer. For lOIVPst ratesaod best oompao;rs see GRA.NT S.MEARS.


No examinatiqns will be b~ld In Sep·tember Bnd Obtobflr,. EXAlminatioD8will be held tb6 third Sat.rtrday aorlFrtday preOeedlDA' ,in Novetnber, andthe third Saturdays only,inpeoemberaod 3'anao.ry, C. a. Br~RJ:it, COlSupt


Having decldild to move to W(lshlog~

ton next spring I will offer for sate tbefollowJoR' propert.f; one ~ood 12 roomhonso wIth good celllLr :'o.ol} qdarterblolJk of ground, 000 7 l'o~m bOOj,H', one6 room bouse J\od :oO() a r90m hOllS~ on[l, quarter bluck, ope 5 l'oom bouse and0. quarter blnck, t,vo lollS' on east ad­dition, sIx lot.; au:oolleR'ehill, twenty.four aores of lI~r.d bottom 'arm Lllodand numerous articles for farm andhoasehnJd nse. J, H. GOLL.


Mrs. C.' A. protbe,----;-

N~xt 8na~ay Is YMalA. do, In IRHEUMATISMw~:'::~ewitll.Pbllll,KObl, ~Qd bav.! CURED :AT LASTfour I05~es paid promptly. I' ,I

Gurttbers CbncoJstes and ~(jn Bons ---:,at W.,yne Droll Co. B,\yd AJiinex. i Good NeVIS For all Who Sutler wil r!I You tak8 no ohance Oll oD:r Cioalis'l RheurljatlslT\, freeTbeyare Guaraoteed. '1 HE BACKET, To all who Buffet' with RlJoumn.tis(lI I,Will

ebBS. M",xWIl\ iq ~Dlp'toJed at the \ ~;~~:l~t~~~~~ae~u~~~ :t~~~{';:~s!!~~:~~~:;~~;,WaYDe ~llerM1JJs dlJrillR 'be abBen"e \ together with the mo!\t. elabora.ta tre"tlseonpf J. A. Lel'oet', who ba.s be~n in this llhl'um'atl8m ever fmhlillhad,

employ nearl, sev~nte"nyears. ) IB.N:b~~~~~rtJ;~l~~ ~~~~n~~,r:~~cl~~~~;,1711~Jt~;:Jl~Our hlRh Ill'arie Qrll\l oil at 20 cl'Ints a i m;~tory, detormant. scIatic. Dcuro.l~lll. g.uut,

gallon makeR bright olear lJi,tbt, will lumba.!'o. etc.-no UH~t,tl.lr how Ulaoy doctorsnot gum the burner. EPLER & Co. huve fo.lled iII YOUr CMc-nB matt1.~,r how many

There mi'fbt: have been f01'ty-seven ;~-~~~::~~:e~:r~;:dvl:~~l~"tee~r~~~~:o;I:,~; ,widows in Wayne county but their llIothf,r was cured.

meq boulio":ht Staley woot underwear , l~m nl3ltbcr 0. !loctor nor a Profe~~or-sll'"

la-t IDoolh at the 2 Johnc, ~1:R: ~~~I~;~::Il~~R~~s~:~,;·;-~\;l~tI i~"t~,:;

The lil'~n"rl\l public i~ invltp.d to the overyO[Je wbo sufTImi WillI Wwulrlatbtll (dlservine a.t thl-' Meth'Jdt~t ohllroJ-, nex r about It. [wish to \)e clearly undel'~l,l)()d.

HUll hty evel,ing t J hear t.tl e "ddrl'Ios s ~:~I~~~s~~~:L:Sl~~1 ~~~e~l:~ =~~f:;~:~l;';J~~ ~I~~of Messrs. Bailey and Bruckman of the the reach of cure, wlll write to me th!;; day

Sl~t~ Y M. C. A. and I wJJlsend you by ret.ur,l:i mall thls \VorkuA man iq a. gr'lori thlnl( to hll,ve of nline. 1 appeal :espCf',IIl.Uy to the "ohronlc-

RrouLd" Is what, flo good wnmliO sll,ld t,) ~l/~ ~!~·~(l;o':n:,:elln~e~~f~~o~~n:h~~~;~~~r~::~a wi,fow Isst w ..ek "Tbe way to al- cast ll.l3id~ as "lncurnule." All you haveways keep Ih"m ar,ountl jq tn mal-e thou,\"ht about RheumatIsm rnti.y 1)0 wroogtbem wear tit'lley wool uTlderw~a.r," Let mo tell you QUI' experlcoce, Surely, It

said the 2 Johus. :~~n~~~tw~~;:yrny~~~~l::e~~~:t~~~f~~t~JI~All Chrll.tilln men, youn~ or aId I are anywu.y. o.od prov~ yourself'; thes(l dalmll I

org~d to be pral'lent st the prepFlratory make,

servioe tn be b ..ld' at the BaptiRt W~l~n~~~,:~~u; ~~~lrc~IIIl.:~d:~~~ll~o:~)(t,ld~;f~~otlUrch next. SU1u:tH.y 'at 9 Il. m •• to h~Br swry, It you havo any lrIJndls .'luifering wHhR.n tt.ddr..ss by Mr Br.oc.km'lD, Y. M. C. Rhflumu.t!sru no nlatter wh~rl' loeat(~d sendA, S ....c'etltory, of Om h'i.. me their nddre..s. nod I will [J~all t.hetu a l~oPY.

My addl'csliI 16 \-WLOII RAINljoLT, B1uol1dlddIlldilllJll.,PROliRAMME.

F'lr ¥Olll,g M"n11'l aunri~y, Deo.H.9 a. m, Bapt at chureh Servke for

Chrlbtia'i M~n.

11 a. m R '",ulHol' ohuroh F;ervlo8s In 8.11be ChllrftbpR.

3:30 p. m Pr~"bS'terlan oharcb s'lTvicesf. r men onlv.

7:40 p m. M"thodlat ohurch. General~ enlOe tor lill.

-=-::-:"-'-c:-:-:C=MINE~YA CLUB,

The :'d'n TVo. Clnh will muet at tb"home ot M,.",. rerwilli/iler, D",c 16,1902

Pr''lratpm..Roll oqlt, Qnq'a'io,us tram Poor Rich

ard8 Aim ·nac.I htl F"rmdel9 of PeDDBylvaF1ia.,

Mrs. O.-lerlll.RflT'jamln FrBnkUo, Mr.... ;Wilbflr.Q e~tlOus by If·ader on page 110 maga,

zi'le. 'Amer1o>ls Old Art Masters, MJ;s. J. D






! ,II


We WHoot YCln to kn~w th1t w .. 1 ar'" ~'Ilent r~r th.. hest l

Lit.. InElur",n(lA CIJwP10y on.1..at'~. We ltr'" ;bere. tradeb ..r .. a' d lire pllrm"lu",;Jt'e IOIClt.t ..~ ~"r"'i W:h"~ yon want.L t .. I" .. urH.Ti-C" don't ~ive it It.O Ilnl ohtsili"r, b1t oome up"""d lpt us WI'it," it for IYOU. IWe oa.~ wr~te yOll ,tbe obe~p,

. stl th .. be.,t, Hnd Ih'e 14t..st ~i ,£I Ilf t pollny o~ the markl-'t. ]f YlJn wa"lt ~o know a.hollt thf Prnrientll:J.l, read th..

H.lti,·l.. 00 pa~e lli7 lIt the ' Cosmolpnlitan mB.'f.. Z1nA forD-{'enjb .. ~, or th .. Llf~ of ilolln F iDr)'rd"o. Dou't take.... polioy u ,til ynu "'e... I,q. ,I



I . • ..,i.'---+--r+'-'---r4-'1(~... I' Ix,. Blg~neOI:, ~ p. e r ""' cOOkleSr fruit

I oake, C~1l.0kCrB.

---+-,-..,...-----;----+tt--,---j Rest 5100. x

'-Log Oabln • ~ i CJty flb'lor::.::::::::i: ~ Ferndall G 0 S. whol. f ho, ••

~ 'll Heinz Goo s~ oo~n",.al,nd

:~..th'" i" :t) Ch~~~:a~~,n~~~;:,~~ :,:~::o:~'d",','Buck Wh(lJ~t. ~ \ ) &ppleNlceon.'(Jour, puro ti, I

:;Yurk. 1--l...1..-·--~I----.,.....~i--.~:--I'·

l'ol1lony, flak- .Barge IiDe dr Fancy Cbhlsj all kimds and Dried FttJlts.

, pri~.'''''' Chi011' b. inrJl3.r S~t6 '~nd gool1 :,v'!oliety. All kInde ofcd, ('raC~ed or of ~pmi.p ree aID DJDn"r ~ets. WlItf'l,r Seh',

anned. (,h~rlJbpr H"t ..., Lamps of >1.1'. deR"rifpt'!'H1S. A No. 1,1 DUt3,

IMu. ]1·11.!l,e L mp ( himueY"l wi 1 n It hr".ijk on Fresh Flrult.'1,

lfi klnll;; !If thtl lam!'. (StH:!WI ,.ill/? II' wand a ~ood ,thing.) etc. etc.!IBrlju.kfa~t I 1

•~ klod' :::1:, F· I i I' x.. G1'1111 rJ g-, pun· ...." n e r:", O. ,i For nea~.iob work se~ the HERALD.

I ' It' ~I! The "h dces't mi'J<'e meat at Brook-'c~rr- _~gs.:._...;.L....L ..l- ~--------...'1 Mr\". Darnell ~e!'t to Hif\uX CityI SandHy I:dfHO 00.

, ----"1""(" -, '.- gFlo~~~t. high ~,r~d~ ooul oi~~~;~1 ~ecb~ If.

,John Morris w~.<; ;'ere frl m Oarroll00 tJI"lin ....s, :rncsday: '

"' .. rm Lan·is boa~h'. and "lOld. PhilH.Knhl.

For nllt~~'candleliand raisins ca'l atBrookln~l'''g,rocerJ'.

List yonr,' I~DdR with Phil H. Koh'.HhS Jal'ge8t H",t. SeJ[fi mo .. t. IHnd.

AAk to R.I'e OlTb~ GOHraotfle" givenwith t'very J.PalmeriClo ... k so·d hy II".


Tn dal's markets corn :12,wh"at 57, oats 23, hog!! in,OO, eKKs 20.battet 17

RIHIlor h'is if. thi.t F. L. Neely, willrtlfllTO '0 Wa~of\. W~lo, Link will behetirtl;ly welcome back, and don't youtor/llet it-.

La..t Moodfty was the baoopr rlay atth~ 2 J Ih'l8 OD ~taley underwear.EI,Ilht"",n meD bought Slaley thlttb ,ugtlt It b~rore

The mflrty friend" And nplo(',h~n swlll be pleased to learn tllat Mrsl JoneOo"ger l"l reCOVeriilR' from a &eriQns infact II. dangerous illness.

A man supposed to be rroze to death oo~l:;:~~n~:~~:~::t~~El~~:;II;~:;.rerl

;:a;n~~~::.'a~l:;~ .~nhd~flr~:I';::eb:~.~ Mlq"es MoLaulthlln a~t1 Pl\l~et' 0'.-l:.J....,.-------~------------_t-,il on 8t",ley all wool underwear. ~~~u~~~~ide scbools were in ,Wayne

'fbe Bloomtleld MOTlltor is enj')v1ng Misse"l CfLrroll and Bhhrhl\1p, nowa IItU~ better tbalJ 40 columTIB of. hom ... f:eJlnhto,Q' nARr Oarroll, were ioollegeadvertising. The bu"ines" IDaD:ot that oallers Saturday.tONO are e-vidt'ntly tlfler bU'Iioes$. Me!'lsrs Chloollil'De. BorA'. MneUp,Kpr-

Mr. 8tu~kpy, mail olerk be~weeo :~n~n~~~R~~~sde~~~r~;:n~i~b:ri~er~~=Wa} n~ aod Bloomflldld. has oCC:llp'M 8Cho()1. 'the houl'e reeen1ly vltcated by, W. H.

Houth Dakflfa ..entis thrill" s~nrt~ntRMI\NeaJ, uehr J 'D. Kln~'s re"Uenoe. thiq W~AIr; Mr W",ltArq or Rn!jObinllq ,

Thl>o'is bolid ..y advert.i"IQIl lime alJd VIr. RIA'llins of F8Irra:x~' and Mr' Chi.the liElBALn truhts Olli' J ea~~rB Will flO <lotA'ne at Jeffe.r'loo. , I

be-grudwe us tue htlle )Iarve"t, even if :Mr. R'1Q'~ of pl>orlel'. hrl"tURht'lin 'or

we ~re obbged to cut tho lucal ntlW~ 8 ~;~~'!~,e~~eo)"t~~n~:r'l:~ r;¢~t~:little ahurt. rIval from Germany. I'

Be~t High Penn...ylt',l\oIB carll oil at Simon Huber returnert to school20 mmtli K Iotalh,n bl,d mRld!\ble hunp V10ndBV s'~er flO Rhs,<>DCq at ~QVR"RI

ollimneYR which Will no,!. bretlok 1;)0' your w~eks doriniii' wht,'h he was a~sisUnlllarups, sam~ priOM as utller l~m\1 cllim. with work on th.,. 'arm. ':Ileysl two ~oo I 1bing". El'LER & Co EI~ewhere in thIs isQl1A wilT b~ found

_JohlJ'E Blrker'~ c .. tebrltted orchtls· ~~"gf~~~rb;Uthfe t~ln~h:i:~:~~1~~q,~~.to a. or P.,UI'R, will furni!-'b m06i<~ ror 'llpnt, on 8RtnrrlRy nhl'bt of tbhl wepk

118 rl"9ce a.t I h"l OPf·fti hou~e Christ- :It promhl~A t,o he one of the be$t promas Ev,,.., Dec, 2Hb, It if! one of tbe 'lraTDS of this yefLr. ~

!Jest mq.·iC9.1 org>illllzoition i;1I the west iwi;~~;:·B~e'l[~e~ta~~~~~~~;fSl~:d:~'~The wat"!l' p1iJefl running io:o Ur.a· . M B '1 dB r kven's ~p. ,tllJll'ttpll A'a.l e YI bur:-t 1a.8t :;~:I~~erlp;::dqw,,~lk:;RQ;,ti ;;1~h~~~

I,WI, o,l~)j OIol'nlUg, H.nd fO,". u. \"1'[.11", it imu"b h",'p .t:f1 onr local orgsn;zati .... n,NitS a 9-'lest~ .11 .... /le1,o .. r nher~ ""'o.'lld 'Va t.,.n ...t th" oltizons nf Wav a, willL...j.----------...,.-....-t---'!'""-----r-:"" II' a t>WlLUWlug Ull-\.\oll or Uul. it Ju"t gtve tbese men R. worthy heart .pour,-a:' 1

"I t,a\l1'" on three suit; lind am cold," HOSKINS, J.said a lurg.. man Uti tht1 fofr,!. .. t lttst -c-

"t'ek. 'l'he 2 .1 hfls advllhed ,h,m to Sheriff Mell.rs wa.q io town p0rlayw..at' :o;t.-l.ltl Y W001.un'h...rwe-J. r 1l~ ('OW I J. H. Hof:ohison returoed frot Iowa.c mes 'tl' town' WeH.rlng uvertill 0., d ,'Saturday morning.j ,oket ~:Ild II; bli~PY. Mrq~ M J DendloRel" Is \ "Ilting~8V.. t1 Hot IBAt.. For tbree yEl3rs th~ friends at Norfolk. f

2.J",,01"hhve,tn4.'d to lDduoe,one of !,.

tlleir l'o$tuUJer., who ha~ for S't'!H-rs sut E1ll", Kenrlok shipped a ~oad 0 cattlehll ed ~ii1 h nU"DH"tj, m to we.r St-iley to Om"h,a yesterdBy. IUndtlr~'e~.r. They hllve at last suc- AoR' Zlemflr WflA trBnsFlottnQ- busi-eedad. i Your I ext. : ness at Wa.yne Satllr 'By. -rTh.. prpsenoe of every ma~ In IIlld ' Eli pr..tl hl\rI hnsines't at M~iJilJon"at' ""~y e i· deslrtld ~1 t4e men'" ThufSdBJ and Frltiay la"lt. I

rne,,'i, g laf, Ib,· Ple8tlyr.~'fi8n,otlnrlll',' III\1dB\.' .~,t'ler"Otl. n. the fn"et. UM wll .,.. And, StAmm hRoti five 'oadq O~fcattlebe Mddro/ols..d oy Secretary alley 01 i on the Omaha market this wee .

lbe hta.t\:lIY. M. U. A. : Mrs. Rl"tht.. TAmplin Q~iI dq R'ht~rTimot~y SedR'towiok safSj 1'It. Is .. HeBt~r visited at Wlnstde over UOdAy.

re .. 1 ml~Ior UII,M to he obh"Md,' to P~) n"orllnA'er & Borbaok sold R 001'0,I much, att~uti n to ollber ,'peop'" '" Ahelling outfit to Aug. Breokn r this

'l~~."'le·~~h~;~'b~Mb~Joi~eg~~~~y~~~ week. I

tt' I.. filII, rtiotorj at Win4ide.i ,(1bB.8. Ohland l~tt Ye~t...rrlavjmorn-

Dan M,·M"'niR.... ' PQ~Chtilli~d~:t.WO One ~~~~i~ ::ti::~ri;:~re be exp~ot8 tob .,OURb])red b ."r Pllfl>l ...t, .. 8 ....1e o~ .

".",""son Sonlield SB1nrd.(I.\' flerno'''' Mrs. Henry. Heokt returned 0 Bel-t the G.r msle, b.arn m~Br f.b6 operlJ den '.ester.day after spending 8 oupleIIIS~ pot. lllll' tliert'tor '4.2 fo ODolJ ftn'l of weeks vtsltinll here.

35 tori th other. That WIt.R t e hlgbetlt The olub wUl R've another danoertc., qat1 for tiny of tbe pig sold, Oeo. 22nd. Camns Bro9. of BrCQF,Mr. :antl MrR. J. M. s'r~han weI'> Ia., will turnish the,m,usic,

Ilm nl ?,n8


b," telellr ph f WRyne, Rev. R. Graber IWBS at Oavl Oltyebr., Tu SdllV!t.o t b~ '~i e nt'Mrs, over Sunday ~elplng ~o; form new 1 ,

.n" s~ra "m...ddn r,.. wtlo i \"'-ry In\' oongregatton at that plaoe. O~ " tIth 1 Jl h1

1d reve. SIi!t',t hillieR Rr, ,,' ' flS maso,pr' in d totl ~r rello .' v. O. A Our H08kinS.lohurCb dl.lrectorr waq a .'rl\b Il .. n t ,to Wayq'" 9terdll.'.~ little inoomplete last .e~k. It lliled

,ont.b O~Hn. (Ata'v rp,l .) ,~~:~o=..~ti~~t~r,~ iebf.l:dd~: ~:~~ QAt tbe ..ethil", at ey n~t ~o.l>. the ",pol'l slst,flr81 whose n me Is r0lmov- : 'a'm'es.,A. j.~., I "11 Sili.;tjord"'J e~., '•.i rr th~ fl~l led. frt,mJthe churoh bO'Ok, nct 'her~8ub- , '.,~~~~';.rlC;t~!W"E~~~:~:H~.~i~-; ~~;eJ:~,ll be "What"Sha,1 I',do robe " " "" ',"

ml lAws, J'J' 'lice; , R"'IPS':'1'III====T'======F==""'======*=='4*'i9:F~j=="'1 # I ~R'"E"'"E',,', 'J

:r.:;;~~:.~~~tm~g,l;':~~~tt~: '"~..... I . '!~"'~I"'" 1 T !oIII~~"...., ... Ilr· .•••...........•.....•.............•... ).nrgeon "'. f 0 'I •. c '1' Iii Ih1ab~pduJd·~ack~gbo('La.,t.~. o.~. d."J n.l~..ht... J.I' . Pi.~.~e, .. ir.e. isco...unt uQ e.. I,.,~~r:~\~J"~~lbi~~~ ~h~ilfel:~-" ~~ I 'I "1;1:'i.onb,.,a••hel.:,"!,,"oel to!"~v~'n' .; "1" '. I I I ~' 'I.'.' 1.'1


'.1 i.'.l\ not,' bPi 1~7---in. ..:th., t'ion all I I· " I' 'fi I . h In ght., hefore,, "it: Waq kn,owD. Wh..n ,I' have;,110w sett e ~y re ass ~tt t le u;lsura1fe c m~

d .~..v.re~fn t.be~or tnrh'.I~la". .~anies and am againieady to do bU~ine.s; I 'have~ a 1 rge

~ ·:~.:o'ii:;~~to~~~jl:·!r):ift.:~1th~ '!dalllage~pmlireor",ate~,lhatI 1111 seU' afl',a Ii 'tra1 ··.·· is-. . •. '~'I·,II;" Ji',.:,: '::'"~1''d'''[.' :n.·~.. ;.~.·.:.•'.J•• ~~.p.:.f~.··~..·~,!•.',~.n.!.•...n~.•~~,.~.. ·'.a,.·•.·~,;·•.d..;.~.O..·H.~..·..•.•.~·•. ~.,.·..i..·f.d.~·. . '!~:n..h:'C.·.·.t.ltl.·,.·.ch.




.H.~i:..n.he.•. :..o.Sle.:.:.".t.0.'.°..:..e•... .i.os...•. f.~.=e..I..'..I·~t.:oe.t ~: i,;:.,.,.lie:.~.a.. b.,.n•.a.•'~~.•:.•..b.,.Ie h.i-1


~t~. will b~; fO,'J.,free, .,.. \0 ~ t'..·oll.~e·t·l1L~liUogni~ .~..•~:..i.~.... PJ-,.Ir~.!~..';d~.[•.v:'.'a·.·~.'.-.'."reeB.~4i,.,•.'.:..;,.~..:.«...m... '. e.'.'.. i [~~~1·::'r"th-.:'n~:~~ii,:;n.r,c~:'~, ".e~~'t:i<. 1 !:;.. , . ,.1 ..•......•.•,"1 II,.." a..

==t:::::===¥::::=:::::=~P::;;#=#=:::::;:;F::::*==:::;:itii'tJ:~;:~a:11lt:,:iEi':::: ' ",1m~ p'~I1~nlitp i.'''IJ"i,,!,~;;;;~t;:;~a=.;r;;,·;·~;:rnr,;'':;~;···~;!·~::·~~,:;:;;;·.··m:lr;·:;:I;iil!!li;":I"'!;'o;i;·III.Iil~~~

..... ·~~~~@";!'~i~• r I' ,• I,': The pa'lifl h~.". (lam' an'" litone.'and r ~. In still ma.king

,.. : Loans for 5.7. or 10 years ., . ,:, at 5 per cent interest.

I:. .1 I: with optlllli t r•. PIIY fUIY or flJl1f,e,rt'lie first veflr or a'IY• '- '. hJt.. r.st i e>JrlJ.~ dfltf> th,.. rea1tBr. Now is th8 time t"

• serllJre Rood' hv '''tmelltRj and t'oloe(\Ure money at the:IS lowt'lot milllm,utu r~'e ofl~lDtere8t.

I", Jam 81s , 1< Re?t for the 1~lldjn~

'. ; : Life Insurqnce C~mpanie6j-~ in the Un,ted Sfates.

I,'IJ'~ I:' Rnd ~." ."R 1°" Rny kind of a nO]'" and w.1! he .l.d• I I : (0 KI,t-war any: q I.. nes anyol18 wl.,h..s tu aqk oOflcerq.·

~~. lllll:them I

• . • I: • Call HUrl ~et $Y prtcf's 00

lli:. .Nebraska. 'Minnes9ta and I

-, 'I d': • Dakota Lands, Ii: Yon'••v.do ibhge, E. R. Surbe .•

: •••••~~~@@@ ••

" !

f .

, -[---~~--

tt'."""~"""~~~""''''''1. II

$'1'· COMING II OUR iwAY.$1 II I

I Thot ls Whot jh T rode Is IDoillg.

:'~.,.".;.• "..• ~.'... '. "e carry the lar!!e~+ne o~ "hne~ in Wayne.

~"'" Chnslmas will sao \ qe her~-havle ~o~ all of

. .,! your s!lppt.rs bought? If nol, clime 10 and

, ~ I . eXclrnine our lme. w!~ still have la few over- ~

~,' shoes and Jeg"ings left. Shoe re~airingmade I

,ll c~~;~~' s,JElrORE., i~~r~ ill~ ~ ~

Page 6: I C'I AYNEnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910/1902... · Our Goo~s ate ,all new a d of the latest stylb alldlpatterns. e mvite ( all to o~l a~, ~ur slore
Page 7: I C'I AYNEnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910/1902... · Our Goo~s ate ,all new a d of the latest stylb alldlpatterns. e mvite ( all to o~l a~, ~ur slore
Page 8: I C'I AYNEnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910/1902... · Our Goo~s ate ,all new a d of the latest stylb alldlpatterns. e mvite ( all to o~l a~, ~ur slore

EIJrS.. !..,




Bleaut/ ful


\) IIj )

\' \

J) ahlJl'f'rJJ ...re Ilf .' tn., very Juu·ti m)18r i ; Pure ':k ~'"'t f "ide. Min,'" Me'lt In

~', :\U~o:: ~\~~e'm ~~~~U~:'~;I) ~:~'1"''':1~ 'l'UCk, A,~p+8'a d Q' n e·; R fiO .l'haG IiI Ilu~e if'51 8 PR~t n' 'he f",rm wOlk. ~m IkepjStlmou 6

1Broolki1ljts GfiltlerS'II'

II hark s (they dr,'n not 8nti WIll lint ,':: We *~,v.,t j ve,ythirl~ in LAdle!"', (,bll~,"1-1:. II r.ewa til' ed m·.. u to r"'fu e. to {'rO'.,,,-, \poy,." l;i.(Id Mer,"·., U f'r' elif,'

~: (k on stnw t'I~&<..'k wb.Ue thre~h.tu.g. {'ow iUI~to.,'~k.' THE [(A,.CKE'I:.

~ tbft]a orer }~ worth bh hlre be i81 iILf!-t-i,:i\:-+I---------~I",or'J1,go,~tr..tri>.o,aOdltbele 00- GiENERAL DIRLCTORYI' oT'~"" Qt.tleme'lt, should ,'om'" qu.'ck i I, ~ I' _

tOd BodO , I, wOfJld not bf/ard 1:\ Ulan I County Offi~te i

, ho oflnllri Dot dO,Ia.nY WOrk to he dllne BMt afo~n . .. . . .Glnk

~ (D. 9.}ua"I""" hWe'lhr9~mn:nt"~h,ve9 :~I~f.l hst"r'n·dt, ~"lrerf VJllf'lJ ....... .. .1'1 f'~;"llle'f I

'/ ..... ""''-J ... 'l Gl'liht/ ~~l>\1'R•••••••• , •••••• l:!l.twr,tf I

A'oU/ld in b'gh '~'oJll:lrR It Is tJme'o 0 H. 81'IMht 'iIJPflrllJtfHlrJtoDtlbb!:l.ngRcltts""s _' 11mestf'(\rf. Enooh Hunter. . ... County .J rlrt~e

r The Pri 'e at Heroes. ~. ~WZ:~~··· :('l~~k.~~\~~~~r~~~~;n~; (

'I'" Maoy ~1O~dlers ~io tbe last waf wrote I: : lJOMMISSIONERS. i ItosaytllatforSc 'atches,Brn\ses,Cuts, 1st Dt,striot.... . Riohard R~8sell .4 d 'nWoood;. ~ro. ISore F.et aOd.Stlff 20d ,"" "I ' .. "'." AugUS.tWIttl~r .~~ , OWhg to thi

,Jolots,,'HUc l

rO" 'Aroioa Salve la tbe 3rd :u ,I ....~ .. E. W. OOP~D

h£s' In 'N o,id, Same lor Born', "I, C;ty Officials, ,H',liERAN' MIL0N..ERBOH.ldl'l, Bdl A, Ul{lefB, Skln ErnptloDr;; HeurY~: Y•••••.•....•.•••.•.• Mayora'lt1 :P~leB., ,I O~fes or DO pay. On)'j Ha,rvp)' in,l(:a.nd Trl:lRf.jllJ'er II' ,I ' .~. at~. P. th;:' '. filred IFrl nl1h , ()It·:rk I '

Tiie.IOlrler\" ".'ao, 'be Ie,s slrsogth g:~: H~I d::'::::,St:r;;~'ij~,;,,;,~:r,::::; h~s purC~r~ed.a 1 rg4 supply of goods for the, o9casioll,tbere ~81n ~'l~~ Thos; Fitts ~ Eleotriolan I I F 11 "..I I' f ~ 4

HclF~uadACU'" ". COUNOILMEN. I ~I-_ 1__Ti ~'ti__O__O_W-lt-g,}_"'t-!-a__)_s"'Tt_o_,._s_o~m,...:.e~o_i_t_h_e_.m_,....,. __-_-·--'R. ~. Fost;'" 18 S, 20d Street" Salt eWmA'! plfl.l,peostOOk I First Ward " '

, , • I ace \ / I,' IFavonte Fa ily Remedy. Lqke Ctty, w te'B: "1 n ,VB h eo botb T. B" okert i

Freqneotly aeel en'ts·ooonr In th er~"ith~y pepstaorindlgl'sfion for O.8~Be be 58Aoond W8r~ ':1':'1 CIII10IC SI ibOllsehold, whicb oallse boros, ont, 21 ,ears, hav~.. tried maoy doctors w,tb~ JeOhM,O. Se erbaho i Tblrd Ward "II E, .'IWINES CA.SE B.EER

~oot reltef, bO~ I bave found 8 oure 10 . . ven 5sprains aod brul eq ; for use In SDC1 --' q

0~s~~,Ballaril'8'Sn w Liniment haAf r H~l'bioe.:1 eoommend it to all my; .- , ;::1.111

d BR.AN, I~S,""I rri~mde.wbo' rea-,uicted tb"tW8t,8fld ! Cburcb Directory. i r For Fam,'ly Use

m>loy Y"a18 bl'lf'O t e conBtant fa.vqri" .. 'i ri:' th t 50 t E J F~JlSTIPBESBYTEBIAN-s ...rl;'jC1flB every . .:""wily ",merlY," "0, 50,c aDd II 001 t It . ~ .00 og'j elD, 00. 0 a ' .. ' Suoday at lu:45 a, m., .nrl ~:OO p, m. I i". Ii Impor,f"elil,' and I,·. Do I Ebl' J R d 1: Ray,mood, , ,:'P.t.r B,rrell; Postor' r very variety and in any Iqli~~tity. Sup-

'A~ :~:::~~ m 0 woo Ihi~k' ~e'e The tro.'o".Je wt.th tac' Is, .that yqo lO~:.'PT~'T-S~rBf~s every SUUrla.y


T\1., e best lhatl' can. be' Q. bl i"ed i in the plied immediatly and delivered to allhot stuff, is real) 80 cold t .. at.l,h n "re 'ant to os 'ch p~opla OBioA' it. " : ra. C~~fle~~ R~ We"ldeo, Pa8tor. i

• I I ' ,~~rket, NQ hi,og is mor substanlial parts of Ih. city, ,tl l er~eBt his teRrs arm Inlo ~8r I W at's In a Name? METB DI8T-ReT'vioe,s every Sq.oda~ I ..

! Foils A D adly Anaell:! I EVAl'J'tbill Is In the llame when.it 10:46 s. 00. and 8:00 p. tn. I ~n Ithe way of present.- i'''My wife was ~o II tblttgql?t pblYB n, oomeq tOIWI~b H:azeI8slve. E C.De ~ 'I'bOB. l:iitbel1

, Pastor. " I ' Ilaos were uoahle t, help he ," wrlp. Witt &: Co. 01' Ohicego, dlscoverJd, ~t'hi ~"J's s·rn~~ ~-SArvloset~r: " Bi, ,:EST B~'~!"DS of, GI iRS. I GREENBRIER.~, M. Anatln, at intIbester, nd.• tl nt' s"me yearo &g'rl, !how to make a sRIFe ~~:ab' a. m. DO BYS, :every mon..va"! c~mpletelY c re'd by Jilr. Kin I", 'r'IW, Witch I1ze~ tbat 188 epectOo r~,. IfF. Wehe,., Father ID oba,.~e. will also be found .here, it;l fa~t there is:Jew Life Pills." , bey work! wonrt 1's Plies. For, Ilol'i'"bleedir,g,ltohlngaiJd ~ER ANI EVANGE4IOAL - Tbeophll~s e'i~s'oma"h Rud n er troublE'S. C tl:1 protrodlbl't.11eq, f'CZ' ma, ~nt.fl, bur?s, crln"rt<, 'l.Mool 2~ WiltiB soutb' anrll4 I I No Hous j in Northea t Nebr:\lOktJa/ nothing in my line thath~3 b~en omittedo.C1ns,'ipatlon, sick beadacbe. 25c at Li bruises and, 118kl.0 di..e ..8es DeWitl'.'s m1P.8 e,.t 0' WnynA, st>rv;oes eve.IY k bit' "1 f' h' f' h' 1 'kP.Ortb. _ S"lve h~8 0 f'qllal. Tbls hilS ¥ivl9n Sn~da at 11 a m.~ and 3 p. m. Riter- eeps a e. e~ me 0 ciga s l an IS rom t I ~ arge i new sto~ for the

Did you ever' tioe that wbe 8 rifle to no, orona worthless coo,nt~T'~ DR: IYI I Artbo,r Graber, Pa.!;ltnr. be found at; I-Jerman Mildrr r's. ,(. holiday trade.ma.o. bas a very a A'''.lio~ disposit on , ...its. Alik, or DeWitt's-tbe gennt~e. 8 ENG ISB LUTHERAN - ~prvloe every

; you do Dot pay IIi 0 ' Qtten~ioIl' ~o io, L..~. Olth. ;! "nad at 11 a ~.~r:~~2~e~' P~~torJ J ! "-' I

opbii~n? ,IC I 'ThRt sad ea",on Is .. ppro>lohiog ~heo AN EVANGELff'AL-Services eaob ;I " -.-I-:==;:*:;;;=:=~=::==Saved At r1telS Brink. : ~ yoa cao't fl inA' C1~i"lfeD~ to "rt,..', , tdtt'rl'Rtt'tylat. 11 H.. m. i I'

, J H K rpenst I PI:, ,I ' , - ,r

jqkDO.WIW~.I~)g~,b8~ben ~~~~, ~~~~.~,~.~.~~e~o~.=,~e~~~'~~~=~~=~~~'tl=~~~~~==~=~~=======~===~~===~~~in my ,l(rave," ~~it IMrs. S. H. Nl~ew. ellev"s hoarBe, ctp~py ;-sam, o~ n"llature ~fla, 1I.~ it, b.:ad oot ~upb, opp ssed, rat'IlDil, fa8ptoA "orf i~

~~~EJe~rl~t~~.!~t~~d~nltbf~'o~Hen~aSte~';I~···~····I~~~._.~_._~~_.~.~_•••~~~.~.~••~.~•••••••~~~.rears looffered,o ttel agony frcm th, D~ogKI't, Shollahorg, \'ilsconlio, I i' 'I I

[Worst torms of n IRestloo. w~er. W ltes, M~ 20, 1801: "I bave b~eo I ~ i t Ibra.s~, ~tomaoh a d Bow.el. IDyspe 'Olal," Be ling Baq d's Horehouad Syrup itor , I II II I )

.IBut ~b;18 exoeHed ~e~;,omedld ea t 0 years, Iand hBv8aeverhat'iaprfl I J IP 'GIAI ER 'N,world of. good. . ince: ostOIt It I can P Tlltlon t at b",s given bfltter "'8t'8~ j I

AKth~arhly sorf h v gaio~d 85 pn Ild~. ,abtlon. I Do'ioA tbat wbO'o I s~lI H I J

;~~:m~~~:.~~~:;' .:(S~I~O~e/t~~ ,~;:; ~~~t1:~~~:!.Mmo back lor morA, I • [,;,1.: ',BHeolri,o Bitters a e ~-F0oitivp, A'a~rau' and '1,00 8,

!teed errs. Only Oq at L. P. Ortbt I !'IWhen a trao-qo-:j7to':",-m-,7k7"lng and g08S I

, A few yeR.rs aRo .,~en the free ~tlra.) t~ Ob8Wio he 11'1 oot mnnh'of a berp. I Idelivery was mo bJ'oewer than now a 'J' ,j,(reat many peop e 0PP0l'led 1~. J:bey : at ~apepaia Cure. I ~ II Id.ld 'thts beOll.056 t ey diM. npt: now,' DigeBts 11 011'988s of toad, tOD'~ ~nd " I I ~ Iwhat ~hey were t l~inQ' ~b'oo,. ' h..i..- ~~reDgtbe s tb, stom!Wb and dlA'r~~ivf' I I II

opPosl'ioo was 0' row like that' 'be p. ~eD'. ores Dyepep-i., In~i·1s"00. U ~fU~, I,[ ,I~II nd, ,IIold lady who ohje ted to th8 ~le~raph Sj omaoh T1'otloleA, Rnd mnkeR 'i~h reowire pR"s'ng alon tbn olose t1 he l rR"- bJ'ood, bea'tb end strltlnRtb. I{odol re·idfln"e somp forty Ylare Mg'), ISh said ~~Q1ld6 ,worooQt tiSl'IneB, Pt1lff..ll ,ooe "'.'OUlrl not "p n a young 'UIl: "b." ,.o, rfonA'tbenR and HweetellS t.he 8tO 11.C. ".'

out the pj.<(lp1e in wYork o~ty now ' OV. G. W. Atkinson, at W. VII.. Rar~8, )1 il---....-----:--+-:f--~-~~...,.-4;.;..--,-~...:I_---_!_ -+--...,.-.,.....,....,.i-...,.~'F""'....,.-;-'C:"--~:""":-lli,"."iqgaboutlt.lI Sb I ouldbaveo'neor II bave uspa. a number of ,hot I~BOf I AII'N I cl-. fifo

.'., "";C'''" " It. It Is hard 10 ,0 ooeolt,be ppoa- ;K"dol i and h<~eloundlttobe ~ery :,ii.·, ew J) I U I· •

. . I Iers nbw. 1'bey 8 olD touod whpr thflJ :1ffeof~ve and, lQde~d, B llowerfo ~I'm~ I' , I I

l)wxT.1., IIUJ.Ul 0 pr C~H:ototho' ..... ere1at.and Ofm ~ot betotJndatal erty .l.or stflmaflb aliments. I eoom~ i", II---------.l...-+-f~_+-....:'--.:....;i·'--~-+~~-.;,..-_+.,...:..--."..-:,.tdlli au'!! Ifl.H~~EYe,EH.r" [lOW' Th 'f J1 rI 11 • I t 1n dttt , I d Lpo' I

~l' ~I r~ i~ ~(J:j.,~tl~;! tow~tds ae~~:~: I ,:101:t~:r~ lIS I ""p, j eo Ii 0 m~ r en ,8. '. r. ,i I, I! Ir III natuff1,' b i rj m rove- 'It i.$ oat necessarily serious if man Largest an"d18 II roncbllrJ! ment.s t at mos 000 cOlfe .0 the ~lt.lIsi IYou a Har; If yon're not, ou'rt' ~ I

r.rlt\~r,-HolDsS' a . I I til rl:l!bt. i I . i I

1 -A COdlwave. ! i: A Million Valce. ! I in Northb.Tbe foreoast t~nrfrleo ~haigeq in ~Co~ld harl'Jlv expreBfJ tbe tha kq or I f

th? 'iVI'Rther serv s (ltiC1~ tb~t a oarse lImer Hal) of West Puiot lB,. Lis I 1VOIC~ and. a heli y coogb may u~lade eo why: A ~eveBe oold bad 'Rett ~d 00 p.le~e, II't.he 18'lQPtLly or -lith lin lyO r own ' .

Q h' Is luollR, oRn-lOg a mOAt ob tl'nR,te:~'d:'e ~~~:~:s ':IP1~G~~t :b'l1tlt' oug~. Several pbJslldaos,s':lid ~~1

o 19b. raw ys at OaS\lllI).ptloDII but ~aold not hfol tilbaTl~. E. I~. Wisp M1atll. -Oil, 8, "rites: When a.11 tbP.lugh~ be WBS doo . e'd tJ.e"L a.m ID iebr,tod t que Mill te~s Jngb egao to use br. Kina's New Dis o've~yOur~ for my pre~ OJ "oort ealt, apd or Coosumptioo and wrlt..s uif. Doro~,probablv m~y Iif .~' ,It our B bUjllbs" letely oared mill and Aaved ~v I~f I. ICJ,.l(~S' L,.rIppe, ~ o"~hltl" p.fe~~o, , ow. weigb 1m Ib"" l"s p"dt'rve\yIlltt. uri all 'fbrll t ud LunlA' tall 8Due Minnfe'! C u n C I' ,"sranteed ,ror fOllgbll1 OoIds HWI.

:1 . ur 0 '~I t l· e I..IQua' troubles. Prjoe~ 600 fl,n~ ~l.OOprd,gm, dl'aw~ (ut t~e I~ It.I].r.1i~Il'; rrlttl bOtU!3i fre,e tit L. P. Orth. I 'IheaJs aod, f100t ~ the m 0011 tikn I' I 1

1br~... Je!l "'nd. '.t'....u n en.,!~ tb ,.'J~n 8., ~ ' ..Aq Atllbiano servaot ~lrl tS'B' CbraI~lyoll fdal ill n,d n~ ..d IPUl', ! poo~ ('oak that the hom~lle ~o Ie ,)~hy oot pur,l ~8J the b at? I \ 'Will ~..ke up 1he ('a,se of the t"m~l r r

$.Witt'!'IElrl R,Bers I i l'IWbl~h!lhe'Wor~8' I

~rr~ little huhr lid" IfF, . I I ICoUCb10IC SpaJ~ Caused Death., L I

...e one-t " tba t st ~ , I', H Bllwe1 H' u~too iT' I It ,I "BarfY DUI'kw~II, B.il'ed 25 years, 'I

t·· ," ·1 e'i,W ps, h ij d t d h hi 1·1 hllve u .. ed L,tl E"rl R~!le rll ' 0 0 (' 0 eat e",rly t s morn Dg lit I

in' y fllmw..v or' l1onst~Jltl 10':, 10it.:! ,bIS I~llmfl, ~o thel preaeuce ot bi':l ~lr",Ilel\I.~.•.ohe ~tJ' l' th .·1' 1 . .J aodl ohll.t., He ~ootraiJted a sligbt.1ieqtpd f~r' ;b' ti~ tt:lr

00 r~m i~I.!, (101~;a t'ew d~1s HgO aDd pHid b~t ltr.tl.. :Lp Orlh . . ,\,y. "'/ attelotloo to It. YlieS,,,rday mor/Ii"K he....:j~ "1 '" , 'I I, I wa,"l ;l'~izlJd' wilth 8 t of oooghing whloh ;

ILrrNOIS~ C NT'AL 1'X U~S ONicootiouod,ldr soloe ~Ime.. HI, wifeI J:~oksonvIlI0111ila""~'1"~' 1.:.' ':52.JI rt-o~ ,for .a Pb:t,8~\liau bot, b'e~ore be./," Thom"avIUo, a .• I , ~••• "!8.ao: coU~d arrive, aoq1her oouf(bt~g .. pelll:: ~oWU~IOfnl:S, ,a'+"r ' : "~~"I ,4300' c~~e on an~ D"p~well died fr?w sot"~f-l~o~~'lrg,MI,B·,t·· .. ·•·• ", .. "','" 38.00! foo tlOD,-St. Loois Globe-Demoorat,

b ond~ L ·'.. 1.. ······· .... "'1"1'1 i8 00/ De . 1, ~902 11 .Qu.Jlltrj1's BO~l'hon,T:~~S~~I~~~' .:::r. ::.:::::'::. ~:.I:::I :.: S> p ~0I1l(1lhftV8 AQved him. 25~, no,~ll.lm Beaoh, Fla!'r r 71.50 ani '1.00 at E. 8. Ra)mO~rf. I

.vana Oub ,.}! r '" .:..+ 106.70 I I I I I I I

~f~c~~O:~,~,'~ :·F,i~:::':.. :: q:::ti::,: :'::!IIlIDOisB Cunnal: R. R:! ~lt Clemont, M

1Ch, ,. " j, .. ~.!.". 81.10 • !"

.. freo'h Lie ~. I•••• lad '1."':.Ii"" "",~ I, Cl'lIcago anc( I I I

,l QbIC.aKO, IU, "".! "."""...;" ... 14.7~ INew Orleans Limite'~rlA.~ I I II II I I I I -tf

ove ra.tes are fer I' un rip tlcke frOj ExeluliveJY. PuUman Train from Chic , I

onuldillb,%:'ri) TIC.·r!.I., 'a ,I. d~l" ~,ur' ' FASTER TII\~E: I fII It.)unel. 003 ~ III I r'" III

, qpluoon (2) Tl~r.,;.. u sCe d~ilY' rem,I 7. tbfbC~ioa ..o and eWllup,I~1I0daY!l. , r-II • I I r~e:tiD~l~:~~nC~l~a ~l

01~lUIllll (8) l'lc et~ qn 8 e Not., 30th,' DBC.f Uman 001' tra 'Is land 2nd: etu~n limIt nJc• 8tbl"1 I ' t~ o'und trl tickets ~f ~ate tt?, ~eal'ly at

~tit~~nb~~1;~~~ :~fr~~' ~::~;.I, ~~love~,

~'tion~l.on.IiI ctu.ed ~.' e '.'Di~.i.b.Fl:rl~r,•. 'il.tb luth'tr In ~lll. INfhvlUe. 0 'a.tta~oogl~LO'~kou~ ,/untt.ln,!A "ll~a o..l HMo.C?1l It~

J~~~l:!I~~ °f~\i'ckf:tB' .~ ntc il '~~ ;on I'f\l>~'j?'"" u,.Ie ft" '~n 'blrd ¥,ue,4.. ,

:u#~y,Ul~ ~~'B8~tp~,I :11~ a::~~a~~~~'il~ :b¢~~:~ondeJ~e IJl.. ~n~ !'I ~or~Ia~I~.DCh~(lttUl Y&,1'9ab. G~~'to y' of on beadtlf _

I'.'III.I.IU' roted P<lO. l.~~~rc .verla'.'.OI.a.:t.'..O.. '. I .te ~8t In the sunny S~)Ufh, 8..10 U.02 FArD S .,0rra~a, Iil'l:!.,?r W..I~., ' ! :~'it. ' W. fl· DD' IIJIt. P&s:s. AI' D••," ' HI•.•,-..~~ ,

.:Ii,i't .. /:,J:/:l[!lf;