i .c@- tui i gaa - my home constructions · 2017-11-03 · hrgtrtralieio t^lt,zffl l&qx...

I .c@- s tui @ I GAA ?ftEU[d'ilAnY 1.,1. Tl*u rHrre &t the Asstci8ti*n rhall bc ''fudy Hsfii*r VlllAl{SA We{fare A*:oci*t**n" urtdtt t&r'tkr sat* raf W*v*y rlt*;ljtwr*rnak*r be rstwrrdt.s b:**?h* A,6Es(iirti6fi- ard rha rarna ir registered with thf fl*gistrar of $oeirtiet undor tfie provirion ol Telangana $ocictier Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ sffh-u *f the AgEorratron shall be at Administratluc Offlte of "My Hornn ulii&r-16*1" t* Sy"fla.l7lX" *It:watc& *r Gapgn@S Vdl*ge- 5en{rr}**rnprrly fiererru* M*ndal, $ritftifl the,i{flitr *f 6tll+lt, ftang'r Reddy Blstrifi, T*lang*nr. fFrruRtrEETATIgFl;t Unkrr *tfie Ixt*E Spectftqaiff Frovirdcd in these bfr-lewg, thr falinrurn6 wsrdl ind terms shall havs the nreeninq arslgr*d to them herein. 2.2.*&W-Lx$t** ehafi rnpsn tfir r*gilt.fre.$ bg*4dws af *rc A*s&riatl*n narnall'"i,ily t{,omr llfHl\HGA Wrllrre Assoriatlsn" anrl *p arnended frorn tint& [o timxe, 2-1" "8&*/w#Erna&t eflmrnitt€€* me&a$ thr Me**gtmrr1t, &fittlti{teE,pr &d&ac cprtmit{ee ar effy slhcr Comrni[trq$cr th'l may bs (.ufittltutttt by thc Manegement Cornmittce fr thr Generaf &ody tor afty Specifir Furporri, nr sthrr dlrecting h*dy to ,,rrhlqh the ffiahsgctllEet of t&* attair* Ef the Arro*l"atbn rrr to be cntrurted- 2,f- "Develcper I &urlder' meanr Mlr My Flome C*nstruct,*ns Frivete LimitEd who hec devul*ped and r:on'rtnrct*d My Home lJtHAt'l6A hcing the r*glslered !*ndowr*xr* 2.4- "Pr*rfiises f "raaans & rppilruta and retl-contarned rst e{ prenrisss u}rd or,irrtended to b* urrd for r*ridrnce o{ all the blork* aird cov(red under kegistered 9*[e De*d thrpugS rihich rt i! pur(hasEd rn My itonu VIHA,NGI\ r" !itu*l*d in 5t.No,3il2, *rtt}ated 3l Gapangalty Villaga Serili.*r6ercpally Bgtenne frrandal, irrthrn ttre llntrtr sf 6Hh4f, Ra,nga Reddy Dirtrict, Teianganx, I.5- "(smth6a *rrat ax* Arn*tritier* rris*** irr€as *fid *rnrnfi*t rttcludrng rir.& hou*c cr any other srerc lhat msy bE {arrnerfttsd for csrnmoR ,use and fariltties qhich arr for" rhE comffiofi use of rcsidentt" their gueril, vlsitor$ and their rmployeer, 7.6.'nfu ligrrw \llltltftGA' rfi*8ft* r s"t of rr&rdertitl PrlfnirBs 0rd cornmun area*- tffianitires inriurilng cluh lToure sltilated ttt 5y,l{o"!I/2, situatsd at $ppanpaJly Vlllage, !4rrhftErolprlly fte{E }rr{, Mend+l, Ur,ttt'tin thB hmtts oi Si{tu'lc, Rang* *cddy Oirtriet, , ,r/"'' +r-,/ .08.18 '..' ' ,,,,,-.-.i

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Page 1: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ

I .c@- stui@ I


1.,1. Tl*u rHrre &t the Asstci8ti*n rhall bc ''fudy Hsfii*r VlllAl{SA We{fare A*:oci*t**n" urtdttt&r'tkr sat* raf W*v*y rlt*;ljtwr*rnak*r be rstwrrdt.s b:**?h* A,6Es(iirti6fi- ard rha rarna

ir registered with thf fl*gistrar of $oeirtiet undor tfie provirion ol Telangana $ocictierHrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi

1S. X084,.

1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ sffh-u *f the AgEorratron shall be at Administratluc Offlte of "My Hornn

ulii&r-16*1" t* Sy"fla.l7lX" *It:watc& *r Gapgn@S Vdl*ge- 5en{rr}**rnprrly fiererru*

M*ndal, $ritftifl the,i{flitr *f 6tll+lt, ftang'r Reddy Blstrifi, T*lang*nr.


Unkrr *tfie Ixt*E Spectftqaiff Frovirdcd in these bfr-lewg, thr falinrurn6 wsrdl ind terms

shall havs the nreeninq arslgr*d to them herein.

2.2.*&W-Lx$t** ehafi rnpsn tfir r*gilt.fre.$ bg*4dws af *rc A*s&riatl*n narnall'"i,ily t{,omr

llfHl\HGA Wrllrre Assoriatlsn" anrl *p arnended frorn tint& [o timxe,

2-1" "8&*/w#Erna&t eflmrnitt€€* me&a$ thr Me**gtmrr1t, &fittlti{teE,pr &d&ac cprtmit{ee ar

effy slhcr Comrni[trq$cr th'l may bs (.ufittltutttt by thc Manegement Cornmittce frthr Generaf &ody tor afty Specifir Furporri, nr sthrr dlrecting h*dy to ,,rrhlqh the

ffiahsgctllEet of t&* attair* Ef the Arro*l"atbn rrr to be cntrurted-

2,f- "Develcper I &urlder' meanr Mlr My Flome C*nstruct,*ns Frivete LimitEd who hec

devul*ped and r:on'rtnrct*d My Home lJtHAt'l6A hcing the r*glslered !*ndowr*xr*

2.4- "Pr*rfiises f "raaans & rppilruta and retl-contarned rst e{ prenrisss u}rd or,irrtended to

b* urrd for r*ridrnce o{ all the blork* aird cov(red under kegistered 9*[e De*d thrpugS

rihich rt i! pur(hasEd rn My itonu VIHA,NGI\ r" !itu*l*d in 5t.No,3il2, *rtt}ated 3l

Gapangalty Villaga Serili.*r6ercpally Bgtenne frrandal, irrthrn ttre llntrtr sf 6Hh4f, Ra,nga

Reddy Dirtrict, Teianganx,

I.5- "(smth6a *rrat ax* Arn*tritier* rris*** irr€as *fid *rnrnfi*t rttcludrng rir.& hou*c cr any

other srerc lhat msy bE {arrnerfttsd for csrnmoR ,use and fariltties qhich arr for" rhE

comffiofi use of rcsidentt" their gueril, vlsitor$ and their rmployeer,

7.6.'nfu ligrrw \llltltftGA' rfi*8ft* r s"t of rr&rdertitl PrlfnirBs 0rd cornmun area*- tffianitires

inriurilng cluh lToure sltilated ttt 5y,l{o"!I/2, situatsd at $ppanpaJly Vlllage,

!4rrhftErolprlly fte{E }rr{, Mend+l, Ur,ttt'tin thB hmtts oi Si{tu'lc, Rang* *cddy Oirtriet,

, ,r/"''


'..' ' ,,,,,-.-.i

Page 2: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ

Jeggc5 *SeS epo6ot)ire.rS eo$Sp6 (SspO qi$J dpSSUea 516$rDeclaration by the Authorized Agent for Delivering the Etectronic Services

(i) 6e 6o$5e.:6 5D(6sr 6adc $5ra"6$ e$SJUpS Sog"geo6 R:fS1 S:oe dS &oaS eoSpS

$i*o.e03 50EoS S5o ero.r g5;6.

The computer output in the form of computer printouts attached herewith isthe correct representation of its original as contained in the computer systems

accessed by me for providing the service.

6a So{ry5e.r6 Srg5eo" gfadC 55:"*65r SdrfloSa&S ,6SJU&S So{p5{,:6 Rr{$p $oeg6$a{p$ r5ad *gooso&sa.

The information contained in the computer printouts has been produced from the

aforesaid computer systems during the period over which the computer was used


6a 5o{y5ec6 Sptdeo" gsadc S5p*65p 5o{:'go6 ${50;ef 1550rt5 f6aef S3,rdc


During the said period, in{ormation of the kind contained in the computer printout

was regularly recorded by the aforesaid computer systems in the ordinary course



of the activities.

(i") 6a Soisrge.>6 tutdea" [SedC 55ra'6 *ggeo fSd$od So5"ge$ Rr$5:; Soq 6CSo5r:i$5JS

$ooJ:: $66 So{rgec6 er$Srp d asg Jelgs5 ose6ger o$cr$6$ 6qr"e5o d* ScOps

S65ireo $6:S5o: d$.

Throughout the material part of the said period, the computer was operating properly,

and there have been no such operational problems that affect the accuracy of the

electronic record contained in the aforesaid computer systems.

pS *O-35g &(ro5re:: o"$ EOb5o6 566, $Oo5D "n Ce5$o i:US fOpoSC.

The matter stated above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

'f#i,l?.'"r!i;ii*ry;:ffiui!"6"- soo ozz


Page 3: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ


;,7. *Asrsci{t:i*n" rmepR* MyHo.nnf t {t{AFlSl\ W*lfare Ai}ocierion.

'1,& " t$ettzb*r'" m&xns W wdiae**ual, gslnrt*sl6+ug ikm, t4A.[F, f.Wvryaag sr Al]&(rati.ffi SfFer5gnl owntil& a Prernis** tn My l.lamn vlllAltl6A acquired thfsiJph a r,sfristercdingirunl*nt fram the Bu,ildrr *r ery rlrhsequrnr rran$tr&ree{r} fr+mr the tu!*nn,ber , tf *r*Fr€fi:is€: I t* fr&",#r&'fi&d i{i ffte lfldl?Mua} *grne- the ,,lerfifuer rhrl,l r*ur**ent rnfuthrcugh tesslly authsrlred pm*on.

1.S, 'Flgffr:in*l M,&rtrhpr" rneans a person wfro ix a tenanl/&rrtrFa*rfcare taker ot s prlmit**sther than s* lrlernbfr in My Hrrne VIHANfie.

?.10. "fieneral 'x**r*L*ry* m€arlf a ptrso'n wfir: ts eleeted a! $ freHrr&f Serrgt*ry of rhe&5*##xttr6.R Er nnffiinet*rd a-* *u*h in lhe Adhoc €smrnit(sc titl the ekctl**rs xrecEndEcted,

W*{*tpl,.6,estrii*gth* nralcu|rrc Etrrrtet she# iffifud# the fa*fiiniag #*$tder tm,S*ire r*rs*-

3. ssfa firgeEE&IlgFr

?.1 Ths area ol wp*yatfin of lhr &sro{irtton rl'lsll &e Eonfined tm fhr ft,c*ider}tia, Sreft*sBi

under th* rlsmr a$d *tyle ol "My l-torne Vli4&f,lSA" rfiruFriri,r* pf *ll the bl*rhr and fhefr"Eti\twt,sn *rhlch thn tarne lt c&n*rurted l*#iding c*uvrl*ert *{*at, fi{x*nlil4r:t" t:afftrtiqf

and tlub Hsur* End *hall dral wjth the Mem*ars of Pr*miser sr Memberg rsprts€nrfidbV t:h*tr &Pk lla\fus*, *^*.vzwy*,l;x.*n*xta;* a*d **rtt?w,tg t?v*rwl wxtl*r&tg fun tzg'f'^ erfte*d

to Marnbers and W*tfrirual lt,lanrherr.

2.2. Ttx* $ufir&aar?*{? gh,JlW xWr*ge&*d&l*W*f. forrrt*

4. Arfits&H$oBJEffS.

4.L"Tl\e tqgsp,ciatl*n i* fermed srld re&i$tEred primarilF tfi rsnt;tltute ;tn nrgenieation ofpetrg*\$ \t&7* wp tkx }dg,rri,Wru sf *l! the *astdrlltiat Frernircr 11 in the kmcwn *c *hi?

li+rlra VIfiAtl6& * in 5y.i{o"3ry}, sftuated st $opaopell? Vi$sp'a, Serilingonnpa{ly fievertue

tldarrdal. srithln th* llmiis ll{ &rdM,C, Hanga Hcddy &lrtrict, Telan6*na, Th* a,irns srrd

&bi***w** n* thx &ewt*tut,t*x *?wX* h*, "

4,2 *sr ths urr$af* &f *h* *t\E*1b*{a *fi& res.iSsnts et Fdt H6+B* t[]-tAf,tE& r*rl*ist *f *l]blffit Siwatzd *n W,Nfl,A:f {3,n *kuated at €npanpxlly V{NIag*, Srrilirrgampally ftevenu*

totr*ndal, withln the lirfllts of 6Htlrtc, R*nga H*ddy Sirtr,(t, T*lan$ana.

4tr,'l* t6ke psrr&ssiar ef ell *smxrnon ares$ includ,ing club I'wusej carnill*R farifi*er,

rar,Tlrns{} e$}afritrpf", r&ad& p&fks, &[[frt5, lmd*ca$hr*. arld amsrtlliex Erfld equlr&cntr in

th€ *r*rni6&t xt "?,t*y t1,6,w Vlt4Afffr&l s,

44"1;rt ttle1saga aod mairrtaln ;ill ce*1'rron *r#,*i" fadiliui**. BffiEfilt*as, and *{uip*rartt*

lncl udhg th e e1ub,hrusr,

,{1 w@ *

t. lr., ., " :',"' I

Page 4: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ


4 9' Ta lq*& aker {hr *dnninistre$ffit st rm}nren*nc*, *e*n*ine*s {nd ,i*htio& of ths (&rrilon*rees and ErEh fi*lrre wrd r'gur.r flu.,firs&Bnr* r*d up rrecping of rrhr sqlli'flrrnt4'$' T* take care of lha sppearanc* of tho Prernircl * l*rludrng whrto warhin6, pain,ng arc,,rf fht extErlor sf t*E Framkfi r &rid thr int*r$o* cf the cornman rr**[,d'I T* endes$or ra do arr th*t ,, .g*gi*e f"n tht ,afgt?, ft.urrty rnd cernfofi E{ thrM*mbers a$d Hosrinel ill€nthgrs,

4'8' To d0 routin*, rRln*r and rh'*iar r?I,al*tenanc.e vrgr.ru of all comrngn arear, emtnjti*sffari{itieE and a4*lgrnen* iwludtng plurnbing dcslng with potsbk warer, sgy,al6, rlin*r*ttf, borre xdrr, hndx&rng- rntcfrrsr rsads, *rc,, Frp{fE.ref. thr **rcri'tion nifi not ter*ryoadhle for ttr* rcgalrr and melfienance uf rny frcllitiec in*idr the promb"$ sxrrprthe assistance pr*ulded far $e rrutine and minor llxing of taps, and rouhle slootlng ofelefirical i$su€f ,

4.9" T.o {sflEEt mt*ntgn3lrrs c&*rg*. slsstricit? rhlrg* md such *her r}rarges al m*y ber:+Errsd to rullcrt {ro*n ttr* fii*mbers rr,f tfu .rrrmhs* an r rrpnll.lly baslg and!*r farai'E fundr *rom Member: and i'torninel Mernbtrr for acftisylng rhr aims and obJocrrverof the Arsociatlon,

4 16 ls sbtai* Hish renriro por*€, rupflIy f{rn,rtl}&' - HJ c,re*srv ur - Townrhrpr and*erdeniial fsaltier psrrrer (snfl$Etiign or afiy other rcrrn*glfon -/ aFprovill /petmissian.I I trrnns* tftBt rnr? br required to thc rntjrc prernbrr in the nanra ul tlup*gsciatiofl and rn tum provrde the power rupply to eil th* prcmires and rornmonareas of rh* My Hame vrHANHA urfiich wall br billed in the naine sf the alsocittior,and ghared *noog the rnamMr !s ma? b{ drcfr|cd by lhe rcrnBHement cwranr{lf*froar tims tr fiffi+- The $o$*, flrFpfu uis be prsvfied fu ttr* ar'ociation ,o thrmemben/otfrsr uret's rhrougi I pre"paid card mrchanitrn 6r dfl[ ottrer modc a* fflrybe decldrd by lhe M;rragetncftt Commkte€ frorfi hme to trme.

d.lt"rry $rsmols peac*ful *nd harnnani*rrs fuing m*rdtrh**, efiy*ronffi*rrt and atmo*g&eruf*r thr uhin'rlt& befl€frt sl i$ thr Membarr of tht Assocb{ian.

4'Ii'To Prc,mote' Gn€suraEe end ffirryaut spoftiJ soclll{ cltlura} and r*creation actluitrgs{or the benellt of *ff the fvlembnrs qf the tuso*lrtlon.

4.1I" ?a carry sut rrxth ather obie*trrqs. as the ifiem&tr: rn ths 6*n*rll Eody nuf d*crdrtrarfl timr tq tim€"

4,X4, To do :ll thingr rhet I$ nEcestary rnd convenlent fur the accompllrhrnent and lulflllrngnf the aforcxld cbjecrtvec of thn Assoeiatisn.


Page 5: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ


Io urrq,tEttTs 6r fl { ffi ,*s+8f tf, fl or{

fhe lNs*aciatofi ihell hovr conrrol aild raainre$anre sl all thc *quiprn*nts which $rjl{ b€tafteR over frqffi the De*eroper or forrning Fart sfthr pr*i*et ar ryts rifi140f handrng over*nd any fulura erguleltkn of equipnrrcnts.


It ir:

6'1- Csfilr**d thpt th8 A$fftlsllsn is fsrmed with a *na profir r*d Ba tss.s- mothe rnd rt.l*t Bo

rortlnrercbl estlvfiV ir wldved &t its ucrklng

6.2.. Ctaified lftat the A**psatipn rhall not ar64p itl€lf k i8itsriortl *rt#,rfilr* lo vtnti**trn r?sficr.rrr{si,

S"3. S8rtifta{, th{l tfif of{kfi be*ref* o{ thc e.*'{rc*crion drall n.st lr* }r*fu,l *rry r$?lufir}.,*ti${r arhongrrr{uryi +r 0rwefi s{ rny k$nd frora the furds rarred by ttrr Ae*ociarion.

6,4, Cqa{ri4d tiat th* Effjca b*xrr,r lignaturer are geauine"


Wa, th* Underulgned pafgsns ln lhe mernorandurn of A*Eocl*tlgn hrve fqrmed lnto ana$orirtlon rnd re*ponsiblr to run the affairs of th* Associatiarr and desirour of gettlngthe raciety r*gl*ternd under the Telangana socierips Rrgl,*tr*tion Act }ml {AffISl200n rr rppllc*blc u*rder E.O- Mg. No" I0dated au$lsr Ig, Xm.U.

Oeripre*iarc tdfiwlr Qt*ugatian & Mir**rrrr'dtr4 t* tlre



S{f, S€rytce, Aged: Ei y*lu

R,/o.Fllt I'ls. 4t 7.sra* prilbfiaSlri Sarnpeda &FFrf, U€*ttilblr

Mlrket fi(sd, HillE&unt&,Ityderrbad - !00S{4*






\$,"e*'ii", !,,lrq.'r.,.' **.*s* r\{r*}k+ !r-


--t ff.r* of rf* Om.tStr tfo, ; b*ercrl


: 1. Mt.Gundr L{fffifntravilnai l/o.t*$rrimhritht;L_i_l

Page 6: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ

T--Mr.fCavsen E0orEU I/r*/tt. Le te E.Sl-ra n ka ra l.*i:

illr,Amit 6upta5&,Baurelhlr,arGUF{a


h4 r, g"{i$$Sj& Triparhy5/o.5urend rc rra thTrip&4$!

I'*r.f{agBFtryrar RaoSunilr.irh*la 5/a.$ira nryliao 5urrkisltala

Pdr.Eir*ndra 5ir*karPartrJey" 5y'o. iuhashCtrazrdra Fan*Jey

Si[e FrEci*ent

S*ruenul 5e;retan/

Jaint gtrretary


i0ir.[ TreaSU rer






ft,la, r+.rd$.s-:-et8/n/1/s, rt{irNo,1r1, Hoad trtq,jt, Banjar*llilfs, i{?dera b*d, Tela ng*na

State"Occ: S,sftwa rr E n6i neer,"

; Aged:3s yearsft/o FlaL fln.-1Q4. Am&er tih:c[,My HrrRrr J*rue*, futadirra6uda,

,ttdd:3U yE$r'*

&/r,Ftat t{s. sot, p,atinun-}

TowEr, pBEl Eity, AfJFa,

_,J,unctiarr, hfdercbad * S{hlfltl1 ,

orc:ar lmilA, *.4ged:42 vears

tl./o, Fiat }rlo.*OA, TuFa:r Bt+rk,M? Home Jewel, MarJernegutl*,

abad - 5{XF.149-

Occ : IJxirraging Ccns! lta.tt,Aged:3S yrarr

R/o.f lot Na gdls , Corat Etnck,F,il? HsfiEe JEl,*Ei, M*rieensEu.j3l

H1**rabrd.fi rr:-: Prantlrr Hr,;l rd"

A6ed;J7 ye*rrRlq.Flar &Js:907, Tnpal Bi"rxk,M? H,*rDE l€$/el. h,t+rlinagtrd,:,,

. Hyderubad - 5rttil]4S,0cn Sales Monager,Aged;45 yraruH/q"flat lilo I 506, Flt3il}e. 4i,4g,

Edyatd ri [r,lest, Tefeco meFIagar,Sham l*a*ar, 6aahiborvli,

b*d * StltXllzQcc; Buriasr+, Aged:R./o.Flet Mo.506, l-lwa rakamaifipartments, !,1 a,aodaya 0o lorr1.,

Srinagar Cr:lony, Hvdarebad -8fi0072.

0rc; Frivatr Seruire,Aged:3fi yearrB/o,Flat I'Jo,302, Ad'ra itfrH&rnpr. AniAney*l{agar.Moosapeq Hyder+tlad -5{0018.Ouu: Huust lr,rlile,

Agtd;5S rlear:

lue.Flatils,.]I, Lihc tlt*rk, L&T


Ir"{r-G irrl Bhanu Fr.rsadSiIp"6-fiama!ah

htr-Venkat R Pmr6;16s15lo-P'1fl 5rubr4 fi pa16rrlyqp



$ s..-i*l*r-^

jl,lr,Seetha ftoma tia$Nllellnri. S/e.L*?e.$(richnajah Hrelluri

i h,lrs.NJEcnl Sulochana

I W/o,f,aehunna trcddy


\i {,"*','


f',,lr$,1.ee na H3,ra n,arn.,. lwJo.BhaskerHama' r' i subr**anyu*


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-Tilffi cr*ntfEleE, !Ircu;;

Gsrrbs*ff. |qderabad -str0,2.


,r s.rrlo. I'Jarne in 6lq* Lettens

p f F..u"f f=frSftF

X %"1{&t ffJ !rs8.}&S.i} **m

I PCcnified that the AsssEirilon ls fsrmed wlttr no Rr*fit *rufiyr and r*rfirfierclal actlvkierlfi$olysd in its uorking"

l, "{6rlir*xd fiatths o{fiet 3€firur* ar€ xw& Faid fmm the Affodatisn*3" -{err;lied $et the A**Edatkm sff ld nst be argrSrd ln egtaffonax acttvirier to riBrtilrt€

amygriew*ee"4. "{€rtificd that the Of-l}ar 0*lrgrr ilg*ature nrr gc**ine*


We the undersignad Pg{*gns ln thc n'remo have formtd lnlo an AssoqiatiEn andrwpon*lhlr tO run th* aff*lrE O{ th{ |,gr6{*a{en and src dcrlruur Of getting the $oclrtTIryrttf;rd *ndtr ratar&arB Ssdfi**6 *E€lrtration Afi, 2u}r {a* af&able ulder S.O- thit5. ilo.lA &au*d k*gtwt tS, ZO0*I"

\$"etr J*ligftriure cl rhe ftcdd€$rr I Se$fitrf

f ,B 8" v.*rt*

$'np{t*-, Sf- I 3,+t*rft-

lr_tSuruiq, + t*,1q.rno.

{. ya.r:'.{fJo., it{*.^rlrC

occrp"ttonEffiffiuri", --Tilffitu,*Addret*



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EfE.t wgI ftur"E$Ar{o ftE6urrnoils oF

," Blr*etffi oF TtrE *+[ry]{,ftor.

7"1, i*+rlrbrrulrip:

7'l'1" The Menrbers Pf fhB AtsaeEtion shall cofts,llt uf all Frernises fulemb*rs i in thrRcsld*ntial FrsminBr *nd*r the narr,r and rg{a rf "rdy Horne vrFrAN6s"; rEhJs{t Iothrir rerldentral Fr{|,rtts*g beirtr regEtsfrd In *air nanns fuflh*r $rb}sct tacompfuirg xitft thr *gfh8ity cr*trria to be<ryrq t**e rrtwnber Ef th€ &#*{cisrion- A*tt!* Ff*miss, kri*n'&*nr nesd uo s{rbnut flre# mftrens}, t*r p*r ftrrn *,ftppendedl $itth tscflnl*n signature ard (sntr$ darails aton6 wtth co$y rf mledced Evidsnrhg $Elr Marnbrrship .

7"1 ? Each premise! / rh*ll hrue only one Memf#fihtp repres€nred bt/ its Mem.bcr byvirtue sf rcEist€f€d E*lt deed. ln tha errsnt cf ony Frrmires I ia Jolntly o*ned byrnsrc thes dx* P&r*on" eff {fua loint [t*rrtbe*r shall pron*ade se{kr$tiorl /*$rhoriratisn t*r Frr forrn *8f

'ppendfdl m*tudly B6r€.,rq to prwist

It{ernbe*h,*g an the fianle st c*r s{ tlre }o{ff Memhex . In rh* *renr Ef minarbei*g the &lternber of *ny Frrrnires, his./htr natursl guard,ian i.e,, eithr ffr{Iher srfather or arly Fe*sn bcing appointed ar rcgar su*fdien rhail get Membc*hlp onbehrr or mlnor bv pruddr*g joint dectraratron {rc per Forn "C" appondrd}. rn theeycnt of unfsrurn*g dcn*$l of eny M*nrbet, hitlhrr iscearsor who sutrgrds tothe Fremir** r* pryl ixr*+ ix e*titl*d to b*conx tlrr Msrnb*n sf tha Ar$#{iatlsfi *Rdu! ifie Eyefit of th*sr hclng raore than on* *r{t;errxlrr, dtey xe o&ll*stpd tspr:rtde ieint dr*lrnlron/ l$ti*grkarion tx p*r Frrr:n .g,

+pqr.rd*d) nrutulllyegrEeing te pr*trldt lrl*x'lhrrrhip in ihe narn* w* o*E sf the lsint Merrbers


l*orrever in the errent of any Frcmises 1g o$rncd by either husband nr rxife ln elamify, at the oFtlon of rpouse owning lhe authoriring hir/her sFou!& to *dmit asrn*rrber as per the Authurltatlon Letter (ar p*r Sonn*D appended hrre*kh), surhtpou* thottgh nat ths hiianrber of Premix*u wi{l b* edrnitted ar a mar*bsr in p{aceuf >Hr*rs clrr*ng lllts#r*ud*:r


I'1,3" ?he Menrb*r ro rdfftftted wiB have ru{h nfihtt, rtsponsiEi}itb, }nd lirb}titic! asl*id down ln the$6 $y+"L*w,

7,1,4. All renants or llcenctrl or uretakers rurldln* in the prernises rnd all thevendor: I contra$er* wurking for thc r$6cirtion. lncluding theh $mployss5war*in6 In tfte Prsrnt**$" *ha$,be filornlnal,f4rrnheru af the Assocjatis* *nd rll ruch{risrninal Mgfibgr{ *hall ettde by Ih*f* lrtq Lrrryr sittrqst duf lfstins rights.

,t 4#Vi {'a,rt h e1."f"'rrr"+s

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I'ltrnlsal Mefflb*r5 are npt eliglhle ts be * Memb*r *f tfte Mrnxgernontf,ornrflitt€€, For each Prernises only one pertdn ir entitled to beeomc a nnmrnllm,effibar-

7 3" Ell6ibi$]tf for t!#*mharr]*]p;

7 "2.1 " t*t$ Ner xge ir more ttrlan lE yeru: wxwt i* *,ft **s* *t fftfuryr lreal ktl+r ${ *ds{e*sed [iten&€{,

7,A,,7.. Nt tple ,fi&6d rytt*hxwrt ef tlae Frerni:e.s #ftd rh* per#rrr p,*rb**tag *t*wxsv'*** *t r*pj& b*sis tvl;lra ex8lirlg mernb-ere. 5*& *#bteqa*{&wr*kas*r{w*ttdrye *b*llfutglttwc:&tg&tte tafu al&e*'ther e,f ths A$s#{istro* $r*bk€tq.* gwftrx*nt: *4 fre-}.8.{- ver *.fi *f ?ruwttfEs e{ea *r *{ry *lk{.r &mo{rnt ac fr,}d} had*eid*d by thx i.*.lenxg;tng {catnritkee frprn t,&fite lfi timK lerr}atr*r. Mexgb*rxfSpvreftdu( F*E v4htlch xhxll h* xcdir*df deporired W ttw e*a6cl*tr*rr to {ha {*rg*6Ft't*dus t$*{ #ther fund es r*ey be decid*d byt&elh&alt*glfrgr:*ffimifiee|/r*r$\li1wto firsc.

"1.1.2, & pur*ha,:*r *f a re-;aia pr.ernieeswFrc is admitted as f$ernher s{ tha &*$*{;ailqf*la** them rRe' mantfi pris,r ta the date ef tha A&n{ral fi*n*rpl M*etirt* nhail ngt b**ligih,le tB uote in that Annu$l General Body Meeting; hewev+r he lr etl$lble E*\$t*in rubs+quent Gencral Body Meetings,

7,*, tg**e$l*n uf Mernbnrrhlp

7,7"1, frn Onath; or cn expulrion urder these bye.lawr,

7 ,3"1, lf ** drelared ar bankrupt er insolrrent

7'3'3' h iljerfiber rhall ceare tB be a Merrrher wherr he (ease$ t* h+ *rr Mgmbe * al theFrcmjs8r 1, lle rhauld hrorerer. pay all thg outst{nd:ina Emsuntr duq tq tlrsAsroristlan. In sft*s of nufi-payr*ett of th* *am*, fir* liabllity *fiE,f aufeffiedae*lty b*tra**tttrc.d ffi ths fi&w Membsr -

7,3"&. ln *.ese. a.f transfer of rhe MErnh+rshrp ol the F.remtses 1, prior r* harcdrn* *u**th'e pnr,se**iann the fi*err*ber,shall istimate ta tbe Ass.orrarion hr, rfit*$lr*fi 1* ds setx *a *arrnrg. *€" apperd$ ffi payrn**l sf rrslr* I du** tp *rzebir-iha &s*e#*rtsrxt irsue N*due <;*.nitwa'ilg.

'?,1'5. 'e p*b{tt6rrat ,4eerher *?tffi: autwpzwlwafu *w tn w a N*s*ar*a* w*qwri*r*ytfuswaxdy ** lke twffiwstio,* ,at b* W.'H,rrty, *r &*a*$ #f l*ffi*** Wta*a\*kw. r*e *?,antrdts:]s?eever,pay aw u*twtzn&in6ax*ww*tx *rie z*w Mr{l.iJ,*rw1**en t* vx{etw*Lw w*ru'ig**" if e*y. 14 ca$e sf noo,-p&yrne,}[ tsr x*rb du**, tit**iabrlidif tvt payr$rrtt rhal{ auEemarkatly be wwwserrrdtf tfts ffif*ftb*r ark* e}*ftsthe Fr*rnlF*s.*,{?d u*har* pr*nri*e* haEr bee* vrir{*tEd

L rr'f^r ,1**(

\ 46ry': '*'

\fuAW; .t ..",-; < .?. .- , l ^r

t. *

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7-6. E$itrof a Menrb*r;

7'4'l' Euery hdembtr/Nominal rrember shall be provided with a copy of the Bye"Lawsof the Asr$dffiisn on ffirft{ftt ol Rs.50/- {Rr*peeE Fiftg an&} *r any othtrll aft{i*&tils rnay W *xd trom $nrc t* r*t w.

7"4"i' Every lltember sltall be tl.rtitlcd to recerve I ropv of the stst6merit of re*6$niand surh otfrnr docutnen$ retBtin6 to tha m*nag€rrrent gnd aff*lrs of theAsso(ialtdn ilf *a? be reEurred *Fsn Fayrrcfit cf copling chrr*es at *re r*tc Hlsdby th* **tn*Srrrtant Conrmitt* fr*m Urna to tirrre_

?"4'1" tvery M*mber shatl bc eniltled to submlt hlsltrtr grievafi(s ln r€ip€ct ol a11y sfrhc anrenitlry and / or f*cilitler in the Framlxer Isr. redrerral within reuson*b,lellme.

? d'4' Ewrl" Maorrber slr&H hF *nritlpd r$ lns* rr ta hry*v r1;rllut fr,rnd* ryf t*cAssoci'ation are deployed, Af,yf*,y?jr, thir rrjlrt shatt be ex*rrired o{rly dur,fig thsrnnual g*ntrd meetlng or when nst tels theri ore -thifd {l/j.,11 of rhe M*rlhfiriissue a notir* ta the Mantgrm*ftf Cofirrritttc in $rriti,tg.

'1"4.5, EYEjrv l**ts&w strali b* *t*ttr&P.d tr csfil*it in tftr elg{rie*r uni*ss di:qultifi*d r*aec$rdane* iBt$ thsse g?.€-L{wr.

7'4'6' No Pr+nrl*er Member rhell hs entitled to vote on th€ qurstionr o{ elecl11rr olthe Merxharu *f the Mlfifrg$fi*nt cofirnitltr nor shalt he entitlcd to co*te* lorele.ti6n tr ssdr offico i{ *lray'ilr is *r Eneaft *f *&y $$m du* lr.r rerpect sl tri#lwrcontribildis{i {or comrns,fi erp*nEesy'*uhgctiptirr/mai*tena6d& cftarger lor rtryl*than 5ll dayn rn the lant dav of thc year pramding the year h wfiich the dertaonsttt the Mfin{6e rnent Comrnlttae Hrqutd take pln*c,

E. ETHTAL fi'}Itr' {}*D Tftff}IdE Of 'HT


t.1.(orpus fund: AII rfin Furchartrt / Member* shsll prf 6I R5. 5S1, {ftup*el Fifty unlyf perrq, ft of area a, mentioned in the sale dccd ro the Srril**rlBevelopor ans thsilttnriation rrrFi's*anted by Mln*grment Corn,nittqe shall b€ suthorllcd t6 tilktr o!*erIhs' 3&id (or$&r, F*n* ernoqrll Irunt ritr Suildc*/Eovgbper e*d kxeser thc a*n* gFel'duoyr bs hs$ by $x Aasmrafrfft rtl {h€r Tax firt Sords isred hy [,lq Crtnrernnre l niIndir Undertai(tng*/Fixed Deposlt r,r*th ffny nstisna{*,6{, Bank / Tfp fhr+e priyal€ $erttr'Scheduled Eanha ln India based en lheir owrall doposit holdtngs &nd only the intsr€st06n$rated thereon shEll b€ utlllgad for tong term nulnlananog Bf,pgns€s of tho pr6ffirs€$

*u*h as m6j*r r0#€!rB erd r*pMan*:nt st #n€ritrt{fE" Llf&_ fiioisrs. wqlsr Fururc,ff**rynm Lwe, SAee_ l_eyqg q{ r$&r. pipdinas, meri*S d{rc Frrrnlrw **.. *cW$fii flily poirit Ef lil"fl# s{dl htsrsst Eefieratsd I gerncd ofi tlrc m$u* Fund ie nst uffi,:srrilts mFet such ExpeRdlture, the rqeHua/dqficll requh,ed shaJt ho oontflbut€d by sll thE


. \6"4e"* i-,* $rli..iy f,i.$Lf

r(',/+-\ u*,r'

-'f-f J. r

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Mernbers / ocwpen* of 'fry H(,HE Vrr.rAHBA, in [,* serns pf*po{taon rn nrhich gpyBonlribute tftg srqpqrtionate mwthly rnajnlenrnee sherges and tha tf,m6 sha[ be tfer[fdas a Ferm&n{nt Corpus lund of rhe Assoeiatipn,

&?',odtattgnf f,undfi rtre frrndr s, thc AssriatrEn sh*, br rrri*{t rn ror fo**wtngrisE y5l

fi.2,1. Ey crntrlhution from Memhertlllsminrl Mcmbers towardrmlniisfffient *nd '*rint*n&Bce or thr csrilrnon prsmirar snd flE(irl(r*f

beinE rnanthly m*itrt*ntnte charBc, *t th€ r*Is, dr*f*rt apon by tkrM*rr*trtm*rl Csmrvrlltre lrarn limg to liltt6,

8.f ,2. Doneilsns and grtnts.

8,2,3. Coiltrl0utions towardr th* rnaintenance qf ru#i, dr*ln*. wttfr rourc€1 parkaad s*rar eenunon etn4fiiti*&

8.2,4. lncarrg fr*rn leas,c{rrdd righfr of tfifimor fldlitiat and arfifirfitl}r.

S, ?, 5, inter*et On fired d*po*it / Brndr of corplrr fund sr any otlidr rurplur.

E'2-6- Amcl*ntr es*""ted tfi#trdr tr,a*sf+rfee on rc*de of prem*e, .

I'J'7" 8y icY *th*r raode t* inily b* dxidad ftom dnr* to t$sr€ bv th* Manaserr*ltCorfimiilse,/Srneral fro<ly lor lrnplementrtisu sf aitTrs and obimetr,

8,1 Utlliratisrr of fundlr

s'3"1. The fund* s8 raised arr*r m{e*trd by t}rr As*ortffisn ,t.&t} h,* $?*ired .*rn*,dr drt?rp prg€tggt ,nrt rred by fhr arsodathn torrywds meintefisftq* at goramryr ergl*"ameniBsr arx{ fbciliti*r" Thrg shall also indud* F*yr'ent pf rllaries & the ttdfeffipley*d fsr the pcrlormmur sf various funstions on a rc€ul*/ earual / Eontrtctbaris fur adnrlnirtra&on of mclntenance, ralarie#charges {or prpviding rd/atch {nd*ard rt*ff ond Fynrentr t* atl the conrr|tt}rn tE srharn thc y*riss! eEtivitiff &reauL,*$rtu.i by thr 6st*ci*tisfi, Ecprr?rri toi,uard* Frirrfon& iialronery. pd*tag*,audit f*r,, legEl f*e, uraftr drarEs$ electrictty rhargr* and p*$t cantrstr seffi(er forcomm0n flreas and any other eharger irs thsy br apprornrd hV th* fi,tana8ernentCornmittgr/General Body lrorn tlrne to tirne.

8"3"2" The f*nrfr ef thr Aa**ri*tion rh*ll he rpent unly tcuards rhsaccarrnBtirhra€rrt af th* *ifles end abigstr ef tlnc A**otlatiqn arid nsFortis* ther*of, ether t:han +ligihre refund*, chcil bs F*id or r*nsrsrr*ddirectly nr indirectly to nntr of ill Memberr/l{orninel Mernbers throughaoy m€afis of whatroevf I h*iure,,\6&fu-

{, it^"s ,, aa1fir,., 'j,t;f!'a{.rt,;"' ? +{$!t. '..\ t,'t


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&'3"3 Tl'le corpu* fund lyin& w{L}t sfia,{ia[ie* rlt*ll alwayr hekewtry the **xn*{alion i*tttt Tax Frea Bonds iseued by the Govsrnmsnl r:f tndia Undari*klng#Flrod gego*itr*ith any nati*nelhed Esrlr{ I T6B Thres Frlvate $oclor $chedq.rled H*r1h$ i,n tndl*tua*ad{rlntzadr wwr& d*tr.dd#,lh#ffirqXx **S s{!S *xq'"jr{;ffi *i$rr&nft ttue x&nx ch6flb* ut&ii;trd c*rly far Nf,*s pqtr#$r,E *t Wr**wrry {*ng lrrm rxwndttxrr f *aqteplacenaent mf f;apf*f ltafnr *u&h at gBfl€r&f.{rf" Efevatsrsr triotars" &r&t$r pumps"66mrn6n iauvns sftd [*ndrgepfrtg, plantf, sdtps, l*ylng of r+adc, pipelina*s serrr*r;rg€llwet, t*d*tbtg pwlthng ryf ext#ritr of tlre Fr*misps - [srrt*sr* sr*d se]innr$rr are***$" and $ er kn\ pivtt ef {rme gxcFr tr!t*af*{ &€fierat*d I e,*r*ed sn {.&s for6r*Fund is a$l wtllclr:t1l ts rTtftel surh expe,ndlture, the rs*id,ucldefie,it rcqufred shallb* cantrrb*t*d h'f all the Mr"mhers /oceupan{r in the Fremiser in the serirsprope,rtiEii irr whr(tl they corltrlhute th* reer*hlv ffi#l&taf**w9e*ar6er,

8.3.S" Tfte fundr ffi the AEsecipli*n *&en n,et {Jtl}ir# f*r ttr* pUrp,ffrc mentrfin*d underthrs-e &ye-La!,t's rns? be d*p*rlled as fixed dep**it/any $ther depo**[ wlth anyfinti*nalired hsnk/s ,er s*gr1priat'r., **ricd rs be, r1s616*6 by th€ t.il&nagefl.re&E

{*r,t\{rt&*txH. S*tttl de*sstt? {W*Ntwt w*th th.t inte?ast a*,r**4, rihalf b* cjsrtrred onkl*r lfie bsttttrwer{t. &fi6 t{t:*,1r,41fjrranrE sf lht , {&fixrfiotl *r*il* illr.,

8.3"5, The Assncistlan ir nnt entltled ts pilt the cerpus tund or eny otlier *urplur /ir,tr*#l ln *FiV *ftrtr[J:rn*nt* uf *Seq$!#tlsfi itl tri*tlJrs"

w ep{Tmt* &ff *&wE,t%tTlsfi &I"6r} p&y,FsfilT;

S,4, Th* rat* at $rihich uach iltternher/tonrnl**t htem&er is req*lrud tp cor*Erlhutr ta'arardc

fi]l3,$:*8*trlefit at"u& rnxlilfpnwir"i* at [l*e eornr:lrn* pren*ireS *nd faEiutier *,*- ffi6$thly,!iaifi**r\eft** *fudtg** #rell br 4q<d*4 by Urt telamagewryll *@tT,*{trztB* l{{Nr1 *tr'',*. t*Lifryv,

8,5, Th* rnsnthty cot'ltr,i&utio*r er nstificd hy th* {}}u4,id{iu{} in th# ruffi}Ee tsogr$* of thr?rarwil,g:ru *tia$ b* Wwd w, x&w,**l';x *ra w &*tww tire t&r' dxy *f r,*,* stwtr.rt tx xhich thrrlzt'n\sri7,il due- Fsr xx',g delatq8* S{rf,?fteflt} inter**t al ,.he e?* *1 }W per m*rt*tl *r at afiy

rr.rch rarss a9 rnay h* deelded by rhe tu{anaginB ffifi'rfr}ittr.E from rirns t{r tkfre rhtll be

chargad extra,

&.&. *:?. aL rfue Wr,T . a{?& *trlwat rFq{wirr}*ltlf? s* tks WWrtWrs && &t*, \hr F&ara**r* *{ l?w

Frelrl,lg*, as $rcll ar Nsrninat Members who &re rn rctuel oefupaftEtr nf tht PrerniEes

Frarni*et tu pay the rnrnthlyrtraint*nance {har*d$,

&"7 ^ Nn *a:*u al &*telt,tt i-r:, W*zeffiL *f tt*a t*mribxtthl* a*d *t}tst d*aryo, &mtin$*krlf fsr e

rroliws*:f nst lesti than sffrsn day*, lmr ju*t and *uffj*iene ra\4*trttt of{, wlthlra,ld or lnany rnrruler Eurtarl 6t reduce any *upplles or cssential senricer lile supply of fl*ctricity,rsat*f , (arrgErvAncy ef s+nitary Efrrvi{& ete- efif$yed *? Pf*fru$e{ ?,&*mbar I f'&s#ri{'!a}

\ fi-ed*,' ln4, '1 :\'t.?,-.4.

tr a |"r*\1rt'/U *- q "*xl' S- *f'::i1''r'i: ''"rr t

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&dernber *n* the ssfd affesrs lha{l be r*coverable ss $f thi} ranre ir * d,*bt recaurra,ble inla$* frprn tir* !$emberr I llkstlnat hdenrbers.. Further auch drfautte* tutatrt&er rhf,H nsthe enttrfeA t& sse *&rnffign fa6ilit*es-

8"#.7hx $&a*qiaeisn chdl iialrr x charge sn tFhr Fremis*r ln ltlry *r * *#(uli[V f*r r*d$qfrT *f&eg &t|&.&r* fr*rn my tlrtcnrtb** tsrvaldc paledlgttt fi{ r&e#?tpflgntg eh6tga* Sf Sthfrwv irwr3ls due :* ttr* *uc5esi,etrtr?_

*-*, Yw waF,efrcritwtr t"urfim*wre m*xy b,wg the *i:t d $*gaurcerx d*e*&w*{hane*rnr dr** wxlw t:*4gq6s66 **fi { pyqgyze;ilstettzs.se$wro the irtesnbers

&,2*, A?l an*wanl* p1,fuW tm the *xaaiat!*r da* he po*d &@ byw*y p[ {hs$r **, $av*r*ess, &,waard &t*fLr, f*e$rt / **w cards, Ekrtrc*ic p;lyt l*ot, Fre_peid ur&t xt@w **,* e*w)F.;tiffi. md st*ndir6 tnrtru{$sune ffi* [*s dra*n in fav* rf *My t{*firrU*{*r{fi& W*lf*rs 6),5odatian'*r ia abkarriahd fufrn "M? +{s#ie Vil*&F*&A" p*yabie *rt{ydera&ad *r {t\r*rtfrh uny attrer fflede ar may be dsidrd hy t.h* Mafiafitrrrtrft{fomrnrltee lrem time to tirne.

ftfi&rffr$l*ll"f]nfg * UAStt-tT*EE &F Tl{,8 }rr[MB.Efls

#.*,1" &u {hs Mcrnhrrs/Nominal Memhers rha{l regular{y pay manrl:ly fr,,reifitenrncs 6hilrg,*$rr he {tlpulated hy the Ac*Bciatiofi from tirna ts tirn6 end allo sth€r arnsunts ar Fer th#s*Hy*-laws.

8'L2' Ev*rY M*rflher,1 Horninal hdembrr lhall keep his/her premise$ as well il& thf cs{t1r1o6arga,r slern.

fr,I}, f*a Membtr I Horrrin*l M&mhe,r shall stcck sr stsre any kind rf gnodr ffr rfleterisl$r#hleh *re ror:nblJrtihlen sbnqrisus ar otlrer goods '*rliich are nut perfitittdd ta b6 gt6rs$vlkhotrt the aanrrioru nf the fernEetent Atrthtsritl nrder onp Gsrrgrnment lal*x rrtafimgll\wellx,

fi"14. Fls M*nnher/fl*wti*ai Mennher rhail de or *sffer *nything to b* dsne inht*fh*r?r*wl*** , whict* m&y Ea{rse nuis€:nce, erney'an(e qr lnfiq*v**lcr.c* lsatlr*r ?*emb,*r*$t**mb*at Mernke,rs s{ thr Assae:latisn or (arry b* Wtt*t:git;**vtht*k rtsf he repugltarlt to the S*nersl dreer,ty *r rn*r*{* *f t}r6?&xmb*t*lt*Ewiw*l t*xxmfusrs *f ttte &rseriaricn^ Tltt W*eneg,*m4nt Cgrnr!$tt{r{ffu*r* bw {r}rttFst€nt to eithrr eva-n\*tdr *t a* t**xigt af * wt*ttrfl c6ltltg!*rntt**w* aag r**idewtf*ttzl#efrt ?"w ta*e t;;tupt s*rNztdi*g *rgal xxz;i** t* slglB e*A

*w*fu g r *t zi*,&* rwrr*tlwnad absw * -

&Lb. $v*ty M**berlftarninai fi&eryrher cbatl dts* th* rurerw:*re ar€al *f,ld lerrlrrr*sf*r tleg SiJrps*e f'*r rchlch they are $nterrded *rittr*ut hi$de{ar{* vr en*trlgfhr,rr*,ap*t1 ,h* law{u3 r,ig}r$ *f tixs fi{frEr r*gideats/srtupant;,

,f*' ,i ufY#''f ? t ""n

*1. S f#$lt a,11!! n


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&"!fl' '4*

W**#Nb*r{t4**ixar Msq*b*c shert f,l}*&* a*y ,'t?\t4.r.rarrxi m*d*firatis*rs {?{altc'retionr in hig,lher Frernilet v.rlthoL,t prinr written p€rmi5i,o,, frr;;;;Asiof l{:tion in writing.

fr 77 x*3 rrw Ft*rwizex r w *kesh**L b* *rttfu *w €wrcrld*',r16# d{-{-.r,srir$@stt&fi afis f&** #*rwxx at gu**|k&t'sw ptv*rtdwx reriden&wl af.{6$rr?r&s**rerx ofily, 6u*sr l+ar.lse*pravidrn', c'tromm*d*tiilil un rornmerciar brrit ruch a* gnrry,rry r *o'"****";;;;sold ta the Fatrrsns en r*ntal hatis er€ .stdEtly prah&ited"

&'1&' Svsry Me$ft&*rr,.l,rmnat r*srnh*r shrr$ +*rmpty .*it?u th*. r*n*rr*fitt, wr&',conditlsnr and r€strictions plnrrri hy the lblanagemont Committcc/6cncroldodg from time te t{r*e for ahe aecomplirha,rent sf ths airrql a*ri objects of(hE A*rsrieti*n" Ffflure W {qr$\Wtl rrsith *ny of tha*s stipularaerir c,h*fl te agrfzznd fryr a{tisn by ttre fvtren*grmert fammitt*r te **{ih reli*{ *r {Ecor4&rdamag,e* and al*s tr ln,itiate {pPr6Briat# l*gai pr*ee6di16r ar desrned I,tf ro nr I h e d E f e u I 1,1 n ffi lll e nr be r/ l,,l * nr i n a I M e m h & r,

6.t9" *4* M*rr."b*r{Nxmi*** &**rrrb*, /oqcup*rct $f rhg *&***l ?r*&rrer, *tta}*irndsrt'arrc a,,y cortrrer*r*rrprcfarsxsnar eftivity ard haue &tut** .,n his/h*ru nitl Premises.

*.2*" Every M*r*bsrlt**miaal hgErrrb*r s&a![ i*til.*sse the E4]ir!*€t deta]k &rrd sr]rg.rpar\rtular* w thr Marra6,*raxxt t**,mrNittt* rr {ttr prmicrib*d {erstet a*s update tfi*EheftSE?&, i{ any. frpm tims to tlffie,

&"21' {ernnte*eernent *f lenanry- ra*sn or careurqer Et;}ru&, th€ Esngerrrrd Mernber{"t*trm&:*r \ sk*M e**l],lttr to tha Gec}era. fu{re\B?l ${ tfue &es*{-{a **fr *ie itxxefiaffii ** fu ea:long *lth the dettll, s, th€ t8n*ft{ I lerlee !r f,a{*takcr et*t8sifi the {srm a*prercribrd(Form nff*|,

&.72" Frr*t \* t]r,e tet.rfiirl&rrw *f l&* tqrrer8f, l@c& sr cweq&*r ,*atilc ut * &*!1,rin&,wl{.r*bgr' the co*e*.rlw$ &iemhrr {Mcnrfuer I lhas intimets rs tft,e ,6ener*! lrcretary clrhe Argge ratrsfr, hisfuls71y1sn to d*i *n in ihg form &$ pr's.rlh*d {r.*fm -il*I,

s"33" Evcr$ Mrmh*r l* e.xpeched te t&rry m* pronrylly all rnarnlrnaneE and *+reh rep irwa*t wi?hitn hisi?xt w* ,ptffilx** whiel\ ,{ *rr\ittt& vr*u.ld e{Is* lft+ Fseraitrtbeten8in& tf stlref l!1effihers ineh*tr entlr€ry sr ifl part. and *hall expreslly be triabja lurany d*rnage $Bt rn*y be ca'$*d ts the s bc{*nging to nt}rer Mernb*ru or ro ther*,rfrr(\q* wlwn*xefu<*ux*of hitlhqr f*tlvre t* da sn.

g"?4. All thw r*pair: arr# insfe,lat,wkE {Br rupplr tt ufste{ F&r{*r, dispasa{ o{ $r,;!,era$e,t.elepho*es, Air cs*dltlqners, lanltury instatlat.lon* dsorg, 14;616sj,ru, larnpi *n* all 6thererr:es's$rl*t' &el*nging * rhL rrgft\i*as :kalr b* at the rxpans* *f the Ff*rfllre* &4embrysrprtr.rrrq& and ewh r*Ea4re a*d ifi*tx:&s*ia*zs sh*& W Ws**rNv 6*xx _

,\fueW t --'na: ::,

15 d,\

rl4+ +'.jri*, ". :'t /-.,..

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ttLlE ir:r:t=


&'25' Memhert cft*lf be )iable l*r lhr psyrnent of *il (*xrrg incruding prqgert,rtaxes sr &nvrzlltsr taxs* tr bE levied fr,il#l l{{r1* to tirxe hy the rtatelc*ntra} g**rwlnnertr s{ lo€alWW* frw* li,m* f,* *irzz*. z* t**W& *f lke *erj4w{$Et**W*%rews ̂

X Ae- fin o&tnin.tutg HlEft lensiea p*rr*r rup,ply corro6.rlJsl - t4l r;;\aff*ryVl _ l or,r*s1,lpsand Restd*ntial eabnjes pow*, Eonnection or eny otlrer (Dnn€fllon to thg eot,rePremises ln tfie nari'rn cf th* a*asqi*tion, the agcB*iation shall in turfi pravrds rhe por4/crrupply to sll (hr Frorrri*es &Bd alsa t& eom,?i,rrr arr*** *t th* t\t*? l,i*ff 8 ulHAff&A b&nsr#ring et*r;*b,u* *x*-rwrs, &s elay hr reqt**red" th;;*;*;"nu*&rs*wt*rz 6* ztwsTffirkrt'+t za thx *fu f{a*t* V{l{&f*6& wzrrb* brilled by rl.m mectrr.ity &sfk*rillry* d srryiffiprauidtr In thf lr*lrle $r the &B96ciatron. the aE*orlarlm wili in tucn cnllect thc cher&6gtouardc ronrumprion of erccrrrcitv rrqm rr,ep;;rnr;;#;;r'i-rn-, users, ba$€d sntheir con*urnptign" The iltlr*,ti.**lal. shati be gfltitled ts csilect ihe Bepeslri 1rsns{ltftPtift? **t'gf*ln afuxnqu frorr; tll* preifti**s fid*nrkr: I wz*mb*rz { *tlti*t **er*by irrwng ttw ?r*WW cards or rfl &Ey eth6r ,ft#de * *r, bf d*cidsd by hi,efid.anagrrrr*rrt f*m,r*,ittre tr*,ri? i*rfl* rr llrlrr,

8.27' Oncc th4 fie$ociation *blainr FIT lln* Fow€r e&nfi6rtio*, it is obllgetury un tfie pert afall tfte Frcmlss$ MerEbers gfid other uEert ts ronsurile the el*effirty bcing medaauaitaH* byth* u;rw&ian a*fu rhzwrlg*t t[T tin€ ar* alzal*kr prchibire# irorn rht*lni*6.eierlrwic't t*r\{l*fti*$ irr a*y gth*{ mrfle *{ v&wtrW*{ ***jra.,

&'afr" E$en if Thff Frnminrr { r*r *'nv Hrm&er i5 v*s&r:f {*r any prrird, thr rnaintelr,snc*chargei to he f*vied by *h* &sx**iation shall be pald irr*spective af tlre n*n-oc{LrFrtionof the Premr*es ,i.

* 19, 7he Mxtn?*&r* 1 res,idetitr shell r*uq. at a*y tkrW, *&uiis' ar r&s6| t& bry d$rwrisfua& **2&gt*r*i*a* qs a{3t* Part t ereaf fiet 6ft8,! fit arry il{ffis fri&k* sr cai}rc t* &e ftad* ati?additionr or aherations of $ihat$oever na{ure to ths premise! nr nn,7 pnrr thnrr.nf, nerrany alterafio'n in th* erevaiJen *rd outside csior sch*rne sf the ruid pr*rr*iren a*dPrernises ' The Memherslt*n*nl*rhall keep the s*r{rld* af wallr, lewpr rlrainE *nd pipe*L* ttle faid pB*$sef amd im gocs c*nditis* 5e as t* 6{rpp*rt amd pr**ec $* *th*f F*rt,*f t*s* #E*.w&a*x *rd *r*i\ tw qh&@ sr llt aryy **h*$ vwetrwr fi*rwe{*q tlr* td$twrrr!,'&*arnr, ural{i, s}&ht, rtalr-caset #r rythfr stflrcsrrel lda.rtherr in the said *r6n,i$Es rqithsurthe prior viritten Fsrmissiun of the Mumn6crncnt Csffmirt*t,

&.3fi" Any nr*d,lf1*Altrfrtts in thr e*mnron areas. itf,ir f,;lSff elrfulatin6, areas r*eulrs EheaVprwa? rn writing ori r*{6lpl +f the srincn ,equssi sf rhe [S*frrber frorn thek;**etiixtz 6str"r *:ws**r* *"; rw*r* *tax w g{ tm$.e* ?&*rxfu*r* *{ th*. ltsw*eLier4 a* epc{irg and na *lrd:iuidr.rat:;lzall Bfi {dtE &ny nnodtfit*tiryn $ritfusut priar w[tt.te& appr*eral olrhc Commitiee.

&"11' Th* tvlernbwrs sh*ll re{rr+burx.s tlre AatoEafitl** t*{ *ny expenditure in*urred farrepai*ng u a*glarengary fuaiilly damaged wrthsr th* {ffnrno{l ar*a thnorrgh any fa.tjlt $fd t-d

.qUif $1n1r.+ -* .'n"-n 's

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his/fi*r part a*d or for dgmrges e*used by *t*/h*r tenanr rnd th* same nrill bereccvered $s lf the sarnc l, t d*bt recoverabl* hf the ssrocl*taon. The quantum ofilfflofi!'tt decided hy th* {nartessrfifnt cgrnrnixte& a{ ttrs as-rffltiton shall be firHl lndco*rluswe

8"*2 ' &, Mfffiher *hal{ gr*nt tht rtrft'( of entry te fr{afr$s*ment firrfi,rnsrg* or anoy M**bfrn6mifiats* hy thc lUanageru**t *ammi$ec in {&s.e of anf exnerB€ncy hrhether rheMerrrber b Brepant or not et lhEt time in ca*e sf any mEjor drlects affrElint th*com:rylon artr fpeilitles [s apprih*rded.

t tt, T}le &f*"Lr$6 md rekvrnt firfuq rl rtahd in th*rc Sye-Lutrr tnd rnt rttrdrng orrl*rrtssued bY Menagemenl cummhl*s frorn tirne t6 tirne with respeci tq the proFer uis 6fprerniser sheti he bindin8 not only on Mcm,bsru, their famih Members and/or orf{ominal Mernbers and thelr frmilies recidiog lfi rhe Fref,ni}t3 but alse pn th*ire*g@e*\ Swrt1 eIId dfitsrn

s"3{" Thr Mm*g*rnBn't f.sffirfiitt$f rnd tfir *I!d#&tfu{r uhail {tur fi+ rr,*p*nribre f+r urylsss or darnase m the person ff prnpf,rtNr sf any*n* **lng the prori*s$ 6nd lts pramlnffiand no 5ui{, Frq*eeution or ofher l*girl procecd}n* fihail lie aga}nrt th; Assoclatlon or 6oyS,ffice bearer clr *q ernploye* nf thr Asscelstldrr h rffflert thereo!,

&,1r. Ttie A*t*ct*ticn $rell del*nd fulstpil*rx ol rh* *,lpaagsrntrnt (errnritter a*d ir*Ernployer* in the erent rl ory srffil in$il$t*d rfdiflrt t*sm. Ih! McmberB sfl,SAssociation rhall indemnify rhr Members of :ht Manag*ment cornmitte* nndErnpJoyees of the Assoclatlon ln the auent sf th*ir ruffertng any llability or ts$s ona{{o$nt *'f clarmr made hy r:hird p*riiee and lvtrrther* tcv*ard* dlrnage ruffErrd mncrr*ar ar*d rqit**nolr discrrrrge of their dsti6 rr F*r these Bye-laurr"

{':}6' rhe Assoctall*n ir enthtcd tq lntrodum a Pro-psig eord rnrchsnirrn fSrnart card] forthe coltection of Emounts a6ait* the s,ervleer to he provided to thc Fremises Mernharsguch ar M;*int&narce sf ths srwniges n rlenrl*&ty gtel, Thc snoufit rsceived rrorn tfurFreml** hs*rvrb*r* wsuu br fit*t adiu*Ed ffis*rrl th,e duer tor*rrards tfte mqnrhrymeinreaanre c*erges and tlrsrr ts$ar6s tlrq Eletrkiiy n{td lu€h olh*r thryges prf*bttby the Frrmate* Menbers bared *n their cor*unnglinat,

g'17" The AblutldllCIn is efttltted to {oltect the deposlt* rror* the pr*rnlr*r Mernberr forthe Mai'ntcn*nte rf the Prernile* and for eltctrlr&Y co*sumplicn ol the Fremi*srMembe'' ar rrt*y h* decided by i*tanagarnent Ctrnrnlttee frorn tirn* lo time.

t.18, The Asroelmion a5 entitred ts i{rtroduce p Frrn:ises Malnttnance Sy:tem fwpravl*in6 tft6 rcrui(es to the Frernlres Members artd lor csllemlon of dueE from thgFrerniset Mcnrbcrs as rnry bl dmidrrJ hy Llru Muru*grment CommmAc trorn trne t&lirna-

#' i#Vd. e "r*r jt. alJer'at*r

t5\e"-*de-Ir.. I *;.y ,4. ir.i:i,'\rir*q





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*- lfi${tErilalr

9"1" Ttr* Final A'thodty sf tlr* &toeieffon *rall ue$ in its Gu:eral Eodg whrch rhrn b*rummonsd to rneet in fi ft{fin*r as specifred irt thctc byg.laws.

9.2, Itr mahagerytent af th* dqp{o=day adnrinistrrtJon o, ,th* Asspciation shall veil ln therr4anogament comnrfttaa durt *onrtirutcd in acs,fds{rcG $li* th*s€ bye_rawr.

$.3, e,,bjeEt te ttese tsyc tsiil*_ {&* }*ana8enrefit g*rrirr*ttrE *hg# enartfie *}t Fonxtns

;T* wnfurreO sil it &rd {riidrargs rn ,ur,.tsfi3 *_;;; ;;; ;ffi;

3,4. Tht h{anagcms6l Csmmi$c{ sha}l on sr before ,*frJuRr *f e;ch calendar year rlrcu}ate/ dirpray in the notrce heard a$drted / apprortd flnanciar statcment rfi r*psct ofcommon areas and feeitltls* indicating {for the p6flod I $FEr endiftg 3I,, 6{*rh cv*ryYGffJ.

$-4,1. All feeiFtsgrd*xrenditr**^

g,t"l, A sr.rnwn+ry sf as$et, *ad triabftities of ths J\sroftetten.

9,4"S, A repon sn th* aft villes pf the Assortatlon-

9.rt,4, Budgct for ne:rt financirl year

3'5' Thr flfetcd M-il*e'ft{;nt comrrrtt*r rhalt coru*ct of rsn {ro} &ilernbers whkh inclsdrri, fffit*r brarers trit. Pr+rtdr*ri, 1&s*presidint, Gen*61 S"g'BtEry, Jdnt Sc*otary,rru:trurcr sfid J,ifir rr*r***rr+r '.,rd f'n,r M$rqr*ft*fit suramittee mcmfurg ondpr*f*rebry at re35r s,'e F**#, dlalr reFr*s+nt rrm i*lr at tn* uocts.s'5' Ail Mgmbers of the MsRag#ffient rommi*et rharr fu rrected hy the Genrrar s*dy.Memb*rs whs are eliglhle rad{l bn entitled to contt$i tu any past oF the MsnaB*r$GntCommlttee_

9'," Irlr tte.to* End renu* * tr* *raq6ern.nr co'r*ftitrrs rh** be t'.o yean w[tr rffgstRgrri tJre dale of their *la*bn or ultil thc ney Mrnqrnrent {omrfiittEe tr ddy q{crtdbt tht E*rtral sody" rhc ou$an6 Mrna8erntrtt cofirrrritts€ rhall haods{Er th( crrrrs'and adfilristrdtion sf the Arreslation to thc newly rlmled bndy r,rrithin ktr*n {Z} dcytfrom the date of declereflqr uf elected body,

}S" [l*etirn fpr all the tutsfill**r* $f lhc MrnaBemsffi (fr$&[It*€ E*]alt be held ores ln twsYeort.

*i $16 tt#.rt*.u*-y'

11r';:;: I

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$'9' rrlo Mernbirr sha* be entitrcd to vote or erigible to be erected or rernain es a Member ofth* Management comrnitteB or co-opted on it if, rr.rrr," ,, a,*u.,o,*d. The reasons tordisqualificetion shall be aE foltorars;

$'9'r" Helshc hag been convicted of ony effcnce, inwlu'ing morur turpitude .,nress af:eri96-og uir Tears has elapned since hislher corviction]

s'9'2' HeAhe is in arreerS of any surn due fr**n hr*n to the Association in rerpect of hismonthly M*fntena*ce cherges/ any charges is ofi the dete of nominatian/ castingvste and rontinuing l* Managernent Comrflitte€.

9'9-3- 'dbstains consecutivery for 6 meetings 0f ths furanoSernent comrnitt€e wrthoutany inrirnatlon to the Genorel S€cretary / Managemcnt Cornrnlttee,

9-10' The elected Mafiagernent comrnittcE shell ha\re the foltov+ing oflice beererp, whoshail be elocted by the Mernb{rs of the Generel ffnrly.

9.L0,1. FresidenrS,10,2- Vice pre*ident9.10.1_ General S€Eretary9.10-rt. Joint Eecretrry9,1,0.S. Ireasurerg,l0.6. roint Troafurtsr9.10_Z- four {4} Management Cotnmittee Membe rs.

9'11' The sfrice bearers sharr hord pffice fsr the fu, terrn of two years unregs ,NoConfldence Motion has beeo passed against on+ Of Fnore and ncw offire bearer/besrershatlh*ve been elected for tfie renraining period, A ,No fonfidence Motion, shall bedeernpd to have heen Fsssed only when more lhan 50g6 major:jty of the [MernherEpretent in thc.General gody MectinB v*ted in favaur*{ Ns Cs,}njenct,

9'11" Any d*cisionr and resorution5 to be par:rd by ttrr ManaS*ment cornrnrttee shelr beby w*y of srrnpte rrejorhy. Every Member of th* Lianagement fommr.ter shail haveonly one vote, Furtfter the r-ninimum quorum f*r the rneeting of Managemerltcomfnitr+e *hail be Seven (7] of the Total strcflgth of the Managernont cornrnitte..9'11' rhe rneeting of Menagernent commiftee chall take place at reasr once in a monthpreferabry on a gp*fl'y/pubric Hotidays, The {neffing ean be requiritionod either byGeneral Secretary or at least Fotr {4) Memhers ef the Managefinent cornrnitt€e. Thsrenrust be a rninirnurn of 7 days prior notace for rneeilng except,n case of emerSency,914' A Member of the Manag.ment committee includlng any of thc oflice bearers rnayresign frorn the h,lembershlp of the Manegement Carnmittee by addrestin* a lefier to

;lJLr \i rr,{"V*.f: *",.1. ?- -i; :.rr '\t.{^*i,.t1


j..,1 "";r'':::'|t "'.!

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itt* Managern*trt ($t?tnnitte , fhe reEiEnati&n .witt bq rf,f**tive olt arenptrnc* bryMxxryaur*ertt fuwrr*lnb*r- ff Nt *xwrr fff :ts d*rfs {rsm t*e d*t* gf wtrrr,rrrssiwt ry€ *v*lzr*rigaatir*,whirh*urr is earlid,r,

9,ng Any vire*nnr/ in rhr M*.nalxernent csrnmrttc* ffiurgd hy re5rE$sfl*ft ordix4uallfication #r *thaf,rr/i!* *f a h{ember, m*? he filled-rn [v {he Man*grmer.rttarxmr*tse b"S y*E;x**tg a rxs*l*rtk hy rna,*ar*ty bV *eaV *f rrr*ptiwr sf *fif *llkfr*ltrglMa fi{rynbqr *d t&,e As*fr*islisn, Tfue pe.ried rf *ftles *f t11* r.a.*pred :Ms*rb,sr Ehallhe c!-terminu* wlth the resisug tenurs of pfftss sf the ManaEe.ffient Coftiiltltr6&, lf atfifiy'poiffi of tlnr*, the total 3tr*4Blh af hrtanE6s,lflqnt.f,srnmittEd il redueed t* $ps ofr!v* t'*i..t,, "fircfu5!.& {i e. ntirrimurrt q{eru*n}, thr thfiar'r*6er"lt*rri (r,rllurri{lee ,ru&r.]r6*ti&]ttg

f*mnt'iltee EetlinH ,elrrted xuci'r Managemefit *frffiffiitte,q shsll r$ntinue to &#t *E iemrm t*ker Mdn,:&srnBnt fpmmltt**.

g,ilfr, ' The terturs rf frrst Menirsm€Bt f,ornmrttee r*hirh rs an ad-hac Man6ggy11g61{.rarynnit<ez **li &* f*r x srl*xi$&rs ry*riN at ?w* y*ar* fi*rrr th* daxa sf h&rlqd*tt# fl,rr*{,rrf tlr* tcrnplex *r fhe assoc*xtinn ur till the duly *l*.rt*d l&eaagamvnt furnmifier bythe Memberg tak{n6 ouer thr manegement !#hichover is earl}cr, Thc namsx af th,e ad,hr* Marr*6ern*nt floramitte* F$*mberr is lirted b*lcu/:

f{alru qf the fiffieuhrErarc

?'*r.*itnda Luxm ine r6y6r16

SlP, l9;r r* airxfra, ia F,

l,lt.He,,r6fr^n fioorguptt"t xiu & than*;y4i6fu

hilr.r.te*mx Earanam,SJ,,k. 0ftaxk+r ltama$!..r*lr$riladxfarE

8.e*, he{.6irrl

I'A{ .&trr.tl {*Lr?taS/a,fla rrre*t*,ra r $*1'a I


S*signatlenr sfthstr5tEEdkr$ ld ths


tire Prdafdant

€en*ral ,*rr*tary


As*upatie,ri & AddGr :-fignnture

Our.: $+rvice, AEed 51 years

fil,0. Fl{rt li*. .lt ?i$rd* Prainallri 5*r.rrpad* *ppr.r" b?gitilhie

&**rhi* n?*d- l4&t *Awtste-

"W4Srr; &0rinrss. figv+}: $hy**rt

Rr*, F{. t*o. S-2-6 t S/ilX/A, pl$r,ld, lll., &lad [l,{r I"l" &an!rr*Hit&*, *tidi0{ efud, ? ptu *gw!6





Get; Saftwa e Engirta*r,Agad:3$ y*ars

El,x.SIst t'lei"3M. Amh*r Uls{*.,

t g1l""r'

, ; My i{arrne Jer*et, !*&drfigud*,{ }+aderahad , t#ftftdcI Oce: Frofesdon*|"

ioicr Sf,frerail I Ag*d:.t0 ye*ry

! _ub,rJal aro,, sDl, Phrn_urria,I

Page 20: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ


"-l-*il-I lMr5r$hotit'lnpathyI 5. I Slo.Surenrlranaih


r+tr,Hagcrhw-er Rae

*$rtr8h,th #p&var*y

OLT: trlr n*fi ln* (oniult{nt., t€,td:39 f**xI n/osbr no. oCIg

" turil shdr

I my Homt rf,*tl Mrdeenaguda.I Hydefl0rrt"Iod truettt rrcla

Aeeif;37 yarryfilu"ftrt Fln#07, T+paz Blo<h.

f,o**r, F8[L City, ,tpp"*Juft{fk}r. ttyd4f &Aad - :dffit.

5ftim lt4.r.6achb01flf,

- Hvdglrbiq- stro}2-o.( *usiii*ti,*fffd:

&l n -Flrll ttlo.$l'|ff . hwr raf .:rnrr I

AFr.Nrtmuft tr, i,l awdaya Colony,Srlnrl.r (olony. Hyderabod -

Occ: Frhrlft?rvl{r,Aged:,r$ l*&ri

ft$r"thr Hr',oL Adr,"s*t rllsfi?e Anltrlrf,

t{ 4it,*{fi $@{, fi gdera brd -

Occ ltnurc Wlft.Ag{diSS ye*r*k/o.Flilt, il$.S1, tilac Block, L&.Igerefif U$uttQ, Telecom l,lagar,

6achibo*1i, Hydrr+bad -50&rr


.*tli&t YrEtIcsrr

r.w ]l*-lqE*:I



, #;1-.-{-

"1* i'*_Jl

N'S.+lrrU"*.,t I

' i

fttO rrunfirhdr

7. I

I Mr Brrrndre Slrckar; P6ndfy,5/8. SubastrChilndm lttndey

Mr-& f* 6h3!r[, Pr-.58d


Mt,Vurrh'rl I Puranum91o,ltVB Subraha na nyin'l

Mr.Scsfhe Exna ftmH{flurl S{s.i.rtr-f*r*tmmt tlelluri

lrl r9, I{ilgurn 5ulocha na!V/o tlag,hurna Rnddy










Page 21: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ


f'*ame in **arl*t*w*i*


f :l & U- fr*rhskfi

il .C. tt F${ta}.,f*p}tftfi

S '*""Jt- urs**

Y!"rk(,ffA!.1 A\b^.{p fatct$qfiLf.qft,,

1S. ?hi* ad.hor Mana&*rnsnt (omrnltte* shall havr all lhr porrrer* €$ thar are ex*rci*a&le byths sleEi€d Managefi&fit eornmlttee as pef gye.hrvr, Tlfl the duly elected csmrnlttpxrokes aver the rnanagenrsnr and tiu the d"*;;;r;;;#;;;y Homr vr.rAirsA rhall r*spects, th€ €d-hsc csmftlttsg shalt hsve followlng *pa*lflr powers :

r0 l' rs s{b{fir,, r***,lir*d trp*rffili{rns *rs r*prerxntrtr*nr r'{ronr$iof thr_ Eff**ffi qrthr ar:ociati+n irdud{fit r*gittretion sf the a$e,crction

*S-1. to rrlrle an *ppllr*tlr*n berore ttupsner E{}rine"ticn ts th{ fdy }rorne u*##*oFfttt&

*ulhorrt?tie5} for obt*}ntfla Hr

10.3. to rnake an appltcnlion forobtaining the ecrpalired gas connections, a! mny berequired, for the My ttom* Vll.{AN6A and

tCI'*' ts rnake ary cthu appritxtions for obtrrmng rhe prrrnierionr / iiseno*r /npFrcr,ers as rnag fu* rg,qr**rsd cnd afe eoffiftron frr d,* *Rtrnbaru *f the ff*'fr*tio{tt& F*ttrEf,s Er *teilr*€Iiimfi, lE{rtilrl7EE :

lLt' The duly alecred rr*o*ager*ent commktEe Er *$-!ror cosnnlnee shali br rntrttrdto er.erci$c dry sf th* pow*rs csntsined hrrqunder unly after cemFlgt;on ofc*flrtruction of My toffi* ,IHAFIGA and on handrng ovo, ot corpur {und afldedministration of malntenanct hy the deueloper to rhe drsociation exrept thr rpeclfrcpoftrors defined undsf fl&U*s lI.!1.i, TIls &,lanagamrnl f+mnr*ttc* s&all rrc*eise S:e fa*#ilf$ efid diffherg{,drs tlr*trrtta*d dr*ies as per tte*r by{r-li*:t includirg ar undar,

tl'l-l^.Io detena*e th* qea*tum of *rn+u*[ gafihlf b$ f*s{E6er5 rsurarrfs monlh}yrnaintenancr rharge* and sther chargas from ttrn6 tS tiffif"

"'i";Lff:Tflffiiil:Tr orinterest to bc shersed rr'um Members deraurrrns in

,-/*{ 1."r7!q ,* -+ 1, { tt1. . .. !'.:r'. i


Page 22: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ


l1-2_3.To sanr$der and dcod* on mallsf* ts{r.Bf,ds exprndlture {rn r€p*lr} tfidtntin1gng4gp.

1l.e.4.To canrider and derldr upcn m,6ttcrr brougtrt up by I MemberlHomina{Mamber pcrta{dng ls thr uffairs of J\ruociat}on.

I t-:'F- Ts ril.r*s tfre po*itr*n of frceuv=r? rf d,gr tc *rr *o**cirlhn End tr d*ridr andftnhistB r{ilon igelns t}rc ddrtdtlltB h6embe&.

11"i.6, Te er$ur$ hording of annrr*r ffieetiflg of th? 6ener*r sady within ths prorcrrbEdperiod,

I X ' L 7- To rar! # ip*dar rnesrr{* cf rfre .unpnr Body ar an* x&*rr rrquired"ll'1'8'To rErl*w the asdit fepoft and phtn tha audited a.sorlntr befsre rfre Gn*erarBody.

I r'J'9. Tg ta{rc r*pt ts maint$n tr** {ommo*! Frsmiies afd funilltl*c in craer rnd 300dcondftbn +f rrpair.

11,2.10. To lay dcrrrun rulge and nurFni, ol esnduct fgr tha urcrs of the prerniret,with a visifl to meintain cleanlinesr, rafcry, rea$ity, $rivaq and comfort of thersrJdflrf{sttugdrrt$"

tt.e,lt. fo ryFsint, rrliF,rn*, rprnrlur or dirrharyr any rrnplswm cf theAiioclrtion end fix thelr dutlgi, lsnrra*raticn gtc.

11't't?" Tr enter iftto f,iltf,f,ts rryith erarisus r.sfitri(tofs to whrnl lhersranax*m*nt ccnrrrnittt* destde* to *.,t'*rJrr€ any uf the *,,r*, p{.trifri*g torflairisnsn.* ineludin* t*n pa*rer tc can(tl, r*new, emetd euth centractt.11.1-13. fu disru*r,/daeida/call fqr Txptlnillofill#U€ nfiifi* r{r aMembrrlrrrominsr frdefibcr Sr.rr*olo or oa receipt of { wrrtt.fi cornF,irr}{ tha,tlha E$ronr s{ the l*{arr&tvll{onrinal M{mbcr ore i*r ds{arao* af ftre_la**1l'1.14, Ts perbrm luch sther tun$lon, *: are axigr.rad from tlma ta tlme By

:*,:iffi:j::yrnd rn ererdre *,r, u*ro, eo;;;;;:_,**, ro c.rry our

ll.l.fs. Ts do aS ruth *ct* or rhing* lrhktr rhe ktEnsg*rnefi (omnr*ltferrn?considrr nefessery for rh'c *cmrnp$Jm+nt of the o$pctrver of the Associrtioo.11'2'16' To deregate sny of the purrrerc rrstsd eboue to a Sub_ManigementConr,r*tlt*r flomiret€d frunr *rnmg Mcmb*s sf th* Arsocietioa whu drall<unform to rtre irlslrurlinffi ard **lu*na* glwft to llwm bv6re trtrragetnentfcxvrrnltte*. ?fte sutrM*n*p**, C"**itlee,s artienldr**lo* s'rarl tnrrgrii&hbe report*d to the M;nagernent Commltrcin rrs next m*fting.

\4.-4tr 21

't J'd-

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ll'l'r7' To faarn''r*' fifarsf bonks sf amounrr dnd &dt the .,ffs.iludifr{ 66 gnFarly badr,

II.LI8, To *ppoinl sny Legal Adviser / Adrror*tg, or any otler coneufiant fofrendering srruictr.

1r'2'xs' To rsprarEil before any Authorltlci, $tatuftry Authoriti;s, Honorrb,l*c6urts, forurns, Ggvernmpnt erc-, an respect rf gftair* of the Associailon,

tl.l.n0. To rate *fitart rsatncr defiuhers of mfinl*flArree diarger Io pr€{en tJ,t€B.opefiy ar?d arrl*tt*ilr* of rhe Frern*ses ,

l1-r'2r- Ta der! rrnuh thc funds sf the A$sgfis*ffi *nd csrsus Rind as prs$d€din the Bye - Ld$rr.

l1'?'12. ro dEar wlth the bank*, to open BankAereuflrr to opErat* and *rcrs rhesarne-

lx-r'43' TP df$o*it tlt* *orpus fund by ht Ar**g*tton in flre Tax Frqa Bord*ffrfr'*l€d by sE Gamrmr:enr c{ krdhr undartafteryrrnsc s-r--i $ith mynfur@ gar* i Tug Thrm p,hmfr€ SGds( ${hsd;ad effdrg ;k}dt* lartd ofittetr cwaB das{}*l{ holdrq* €arrtins nrar*fi{irfi r*t* of intereg* and to d*F61ririnteresl *erned on (mpur Fsnd i* tn rEffrfing sr Uther deFoEit ;lcfounf tn{ tsutilize such interert amsunt for rneeling mpitrl e*p*nler,

1r,LI4" To kcrp an updated register oI Membms nf the Arsociation;

It'x'ts- To kerptrur{*suritofarrersadd ilabiliri*of seAssociation:

tt'2':6' Ts pr*s{}r* lnd fu befsre the 6e,,crsr 0#y raeetinE, rhe rfiriurrln(:wrtr ar*d Exf*nd*turr dirounr and eudit*d balur*_rhea

xl'l'27. T0 *r*rnns ttc a€csunr! sandi*n es*tlng*nt and other cxpen{iturrand surpervisa the mrintgrance of the prescrlhed reglrttrs;

1X"2.e8. Ts admlt Revr Members;

x1'2'29- Ts contr!(l rornr ruhject to anf re$rrrtianr irnpased undur tha Bye,Lawr.

!t-r-30- Thlau6fi enf Mmnber or tfte sffrge, pr gmpbyre of the Aryo*:riltn of;Ey ettrlar p*',,fr! rpeciarr astiarir*d t6 institste, conducr. deferd,cernprornisr, refgr t* 6fbitrelion or abaRdo* l*5*r prroreedln6s by or agirfisr tftt:'::i:::i:j_y:::::,i^:nr cornrnittee or trr ifricers

"; ;il;_;; lln.r,nr,sthc affairs of ti* Arroclst,snl

K.JVt"g Fld..t,-


". .in1'r--.

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lL^7'3L' ?s inlefl tha xrrylu* fund* ef {fts *r6odsr*n in sttordanre rrtth thrtermt uf the Bye"L*trrr;

t1'l'32- T6 fir( #n{ ter-y tfte user ch'rg*i or ar.har rh*rg*r pryabh br the,'rHr&*tr/ncxnrifirl rnernbtrt fer ru*itry e? {f tlt*: f*t{llfi*r/t0rrdses s$trsd iathe cluh houcE srrd in respu$ sf cornnron f€Eilirier and Elso to ,lx snd eoflsfi rent/ clTargBs froffi th0 XaCjlity / **rvice pror,riders irr tfte prefnl$d{ i*cludlng rlublrsug*.

11.?-33, To ab(ilrl lire I gen*ral insurcnce for rh* asret, 0f the Ascori*rloninctgdlns <as* ln handlcash in rr;rn:i1.

11'i' lrlc Membrr of thc Mrnagernem comnritttc chsll r*Gfilrc any r*muneration lof hi5wor* at ils MErnber.;

1!,{, Ttr* ?&xrwF*ma4rt committee mas 4p0ffi{ $fiy per**$r frarn $r* Manag*mentf*|1!,rfrkt8e sr frorn flfiIen* tht Member3 nf tlre A*sociati*n lo ronstitute $*rb-culflffttrlt8ss ruch er audd eu'mrnittee, elub hsuxs eoftrnlltee, serurlty andhetl=ekr*plng es{n'rfiltiEa, }xndrraging *xwifft**, r.psrts rsmmrttee. cultr*ralrrtieitier cotnmitt0{ {tr" end may delcget+ to it s{ any officer ol the Axyssiptisnsucfu af ilE own powors as it miy considm Secirahl€. nRd nrcescary lor rhc bctt*rronduet of the afftin sf th€ Arrscletion. The sub"CsrnmLtteer 0r pfflc+rr rhali lodi:cha*** af the fufftisns entru$rtd ts tt *ft ro*fwm 8t nll rsssr(t, to tiees gy*-Latrrs and ts the Instrilctlonr givan by thr Mrnrgem{,nt committc6.

t"l-s. All r-t&tt6r! oiscs$td or dtcid+d at s nm*ting of the Managern*nt commtt{** $aet*fr,rdrd rn a pnraoedings baoir r*rich strall t* $gn*d try t}e Prrsid€rrt / Charrrnanof the nrcetlng and all th€ M€flbers ol Managament connmlt{ee prfsenr.

f.i[. fsyflrs cf &f&*r *e*reff st tll. ftt3l*anmffi {s]rrft}ks

SubJryst to surh rsrolutions ss the MBnaSBrflEnt Committee or the Gencra! Body m*y. fromtirn# fs lifire Pa$b in thir bttre lf, on tuklng sver sf thr rhargc p$ sdrntnirrrorlon of t51, Mffieffte L,IINASGA rr'$dentis* Plgr&ns . tht cfEre b*crcr* u{ tfte htan*gtlftcnt (omrain€*shall lrave the lollawing powsrri

12-1" Ireridett* The Fresldcnt stlall rrcrcise g*n*ral rontral and lupsrvision of thesflerell afl*lry of the A-lt6chtio* *nd tlrE *ilrnq*ffi€nt Csrumittr*. rrr/She shalt *{t}tthe approval of the lvlrnrgement Comnritt"E rinkf arrertB{mrnts for rhe safe turtodytf t*sh and other proprrtiet of the Arsocirtlcn- xelrhe rhall preside over lheers+tingF of t&e 6eneral 8o$ and MsnqEemfrlt CcftrmlttG*. He/Etrc thrll og€rntc theA3;scietii3.fi'* 8€n* a{tount fointf m $ipulgtcd ur*der the gy* * Lawr,

LX',2' Virc Fre*ldnnti ThE vlcn Frcsldent rhall takts ihe place sl the fresldcnt arid porf6rrnhtt di$tist wfu**rev*r the prtssdcnl Ir *bseftt ar s**ble te *fi, The V$e pre$idcnt ,hdlW* 296(t! t#.

d( { ""'r' kr'}i# '' '}c}*

Page 25: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ

alsist thc Pregldent in atl att9, deed: and thing* ar rnay be required fsr adrninistr*tion ofthe sffAlrr.

L2,l- General Seerctary:

12.3-1. The Eeneral Secretary shail be responsible fsr over5eelng the day-to.dey o$erall tdministration of the effairt of tire AltociatlBn.

I2'3'2' fte shall surnmsn and attentl ffl[ meetings of the Managernent cornrnitt*e aodthe General Bodv as st,ipulated in these foe * Law:,

12'3'3' He :hsil inrtru(t, supcrvise, help and guide the Managers./errtire sialruf tl*.Arsociation ff,ontract*rs engaged to intplement the decisions of theManegernent Committee and the General Bsdy,

12,3.4. He shall propars the minutes of *lt the meetings. He shall have sharge of suchbooks and pap*rs as the rr{anagement fontrnittee/Fres}dent may darcct. *eshall be respensJble frrr rhe im0t,"lmefttatien +f Eny deeision taken by tfreManagement committ*s and for the execurisn of any r,st thal theManagernrnt Committee decides. He rhall also perforrn e[ dutie$ incidentalto rhe sffice of ihe General Serretary.

11,3.5. He shall operate the fusociation,s Bank nf,rount jointly raith the Treasurer asstipulated under lhere gyr*,|-aws.

12'3'6, r-{e rhail act and d0 ail things necessery a$ direrted by th€ M*fiagem'ntCornrnittee frsrn time t0 ti$e,

17.3.7- He shail sign arr purrhase orde*/contracts end other dscuments efterobtaining due approvar of the Management Eornrni*ee.

12-3-8' He sharr rnaintain cofrs5psndg^ce of the Asss(i$ti'n entrusted t6 hifii by theMnnagernent Committee,

12.3,9. He shafi pra*e before the Gensrer Body the annuar budget. pr+posars andarnendrne nts rtc. for c+ndderation,

1l'3"10. ire shail generarry asrisl lrre pr*idenr in dis*h€rB* Of hrs fuficrr.n< as ruch,1"2'3-11- fie sha* maintein the regi*ter of thr pr,enrises Mrmberg rrho are merabers ofthe ass'crati'n, A, fires releting to the Association and club houre, reaseaBreernents of comrnon areas if anv, docurnents connected with thE sr,rard o{conrracl$ sha' be in his/her cu$t6dy and s.ha, conduet normar and day to dayfunctisnr of th+ adrninisrrdtion oi tfic A$jociiltion.

12.3-12. lle shall be the custed,Bn of all the do*ufnentl, records of thg flsrofiationexceptthe docunnents/ rerords under the custody ofthe trga$urer"

*t 4rrfrV{{"+l r** LaP,t '--"f,\.r".'1


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19.4, Tht?ngtur,r;

ti'4'1' Thx ?reasurer shalf be responsible for auoci*tron fundx end ,+curitr*r, E*drhall mrintaln bEcls of oecounts by kecpng firll aod u*rurrru rc*{untr ol rllrrsrrprr *nd dtsbursemen* or rhe erao*atiJn. il;;;;;;;.il;ffil i;he marntainqd Fmperry, rupervire mani*s, de,osrt! rnd varrieh*r,r2,{.t, rrrvrrac*iPts f*r the {ontributions retgirr,Ed frorn thc Membrf, l rrlominrr

co,r**ftL:ither triirnseffi or hy Staff a* aus,onrsd by thr Mn*lag€nr&nt

l,.*,]l OE *ll *$alr"thkrg: as,nre required of hirnflmr hy $r* Mxn*g;*,tst tt (rrffi?rtttsB

XJffi: &ody tarr*rds t*r acesrftpfi*rmfrlr n, rhe s&iscr* of rfir

It.4.*. lf+ rtsl$ €pfrate $re A*rccirtionk Bar* *rr&unl jcinfly. ,* $ipuEt*d urrdcrlh't BYC * [auyr, --E--' 'vrr'r'tP

u"{'$" }* s'trsrr he *urftsri*d to ,sy s* €u*si*E! frua* $e scsac{at&r{, &y wry qdcfiBguf* rnd lutsre it is nst porsible to pfiy hy raray rl cft*qtrer, hs iscrnpurrmrrd to pay tha ourgotngs t.|, rray si ccrn'not *x.eeAmg fts.l0,W{}{flup*'* rwe.ty thousand onryf in esrh trar}r*6ti** ,io rlas ls maintain,fttrfsit imo{Rt ln ca*h.

rr"4'6' He shafl he re rponilbre ror depsriting afl money, o#rar v*ruebra cffrcr* in rhename *nd ro th. credrt of the Associarion in such dEpositar*r ar decrded h

lXi,IT,-r-r Eody or Ma*asernent Comm*tee ,, ,r,n-.il* *ry hr from tlme

1r'4'?' Fpth$i up co*te*ians sf a* dues aad r,let*,tsin {offB$po{id*,1rf thfreo{.I!,l1"S, fuslrt ilre S*eretary ln framing tha hurtgrt

ll-d,*. Mrtnmin rlt 5{6i:Ed r'p@ end sptr*lt {iec*srarf rsdert*, pr$psfiti{$ !d{irctr rnd lia&a!.ti#"

l[.5. Iaint$rmrfrrp

l:"5.1. Ih* ,oiil $ecretay Srru rats the place of tbe lrcrsrirry errd gedorm hir *lfe*rtrfiiltrrnar ** SsfrBtsry is a&senr osi$sr rft6 setrsBry rn ail ads, ,#Xfffi,ffi f;:?iIffirdrn,nf$ratlon sf the affairr-

l i,,,L 'urlng

rh* rbrisnce ol Genf rof Sccr*t,ry. with the p*frnlff,On oI Frtildpnt, ThlJoint secretery shall dtsdrarge alt the functions of fun*rrf Sucr€tary.

{- 4.#U4"t rt f" lt ru]fp t,rr*il.+'-r

w." 'i.pi S_*j"*-.



Page 27: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ

1"3-5-3" lte rhall hdp &merS Ssrrctary to prepsrc th* ,ninutrr of all tfte nnaetingl erd

in dirclrrrying sll ift,& funrtions sf Asiosiation,

11.6, lcintTreasurar:

12.6,1. The toint Trsorurer rhill take the place ol the Treacurer and perlorm hir dutlcs

r*henev*r th* tr*tlurar is absent sr uns0h ro *et" fhe jelnl trra,rurer xhrll

asslst the tr***uer in all agta decds qrrd thm** *r rna/ be reguir*d fur

admin*ctrutio* of &c Efliilu-

12,6.I. IhE Jotrrr Trpt$rrer Srall he mordinatir€ with thr lrcarun-rr in oremeerrB tfitac(ou{rtr fo bt ms$ltsifird proper{y, ruBervirc nt}onrBs? deposits and valuabler.

U,6.3, Uuring ths *brsncc of lrcasurer, $rittr the p*nnix*tnn pl Fresidsnt, The Jsinr

Treasur*r shall dlscharee atl the functlEnE ol tha Tr**uurer,

Lt,7. Qperation sf tsanh A(csufit/s sf the AEsodetion

12.7,I.The Frrrident *r g*cretart joiadu rrith trr*lur*r n* .lolnt Ireesurer *helt hc

authcrieed and *cflf&*rred te opea tht Bxlh &t€o{rfii* p{ the Assoclatiat} E} F,cf

t}te deciriom t*k* by the M,xaagcment Conui?itt*e.

lI.?.2. The ftrcsidrnt *r 5mr***t1 JoDntly rrirh Trersur€t of l*l{'tt Trsa6ursr she* be

authorlred *nd *mpowercd to operate tft* Eanh ils{,qont3 of the Assoti*tlon

inctuding Fowar ta wirhdraw cash or lsrue *hequ*r, Sbteln Fat,Ord*rs.

12.7.3. Withdrau.rsl of e**h ft$m the bant a(countr per dat rhail not exceed an afiountol Es.tffi,fl{i01" (SuB+** $n* }akh cnly}. At any pclnt ol rirne eash in hand lhsli not

exceed Re1,0$$S01"{Bup** T.xo la*hs ontyl un}rrl thsrr are any Fayrrcrrlr rrrhl*b

requir,es m br mr* anh ffisfr^

rJ,?ie. All carfi recdpts, i{ rrry, st$tl Sr fusiisd in *rr he* lote* fu ttc nert doy rfrd:lcrtion grid $*th trih reieipts $hdl not be uwd for any Brpsni€s-

1I.8 ln the event cf any dBfaults sdrnmitt€d hy thu M*mbcrs of the Maneggmsnt

Cornrnittee inulurdlng any rnireppropriation. they arc cubject to diccipllncry

proc*edings and lryal mtionr as per the laws cf th* hnd'

Itr. PI}?UEft5 GF IHT €E!{[*AI, ESPY

l;,1" Flnryl Authority in *li n$t&$ rehthg to the e*tr*rixtrrtkn sf the &scociatbr: {tfrll t{$t}n thr GsBEfet &ady, ts*ieqe6r. at shdl rEt lr1 tho rrs$n*t tours! antarlere *,ttb thc

pqursri & retf,u*r*ib$&w* drlegattd ts th€ ftr{r,r&rff,ent Cs{nn*ttee. Ihr fa$o*ing

among ottrer m*HGrs, ihlfl bG derlt by thr Grnrrrl [ody;

13,I" To reniew ths sc,tbilt tst(6n ts lmplement lte dstlsions of the lest Annual Gtneral

Body rneeting 6i"the lil3t Sperial Eeneral Body ldelt{ng held, lf any,


dr{\S*"J#:r, i,,,.. !.

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1i"3- Tn frnrider e$d Eppr*try ths annual report ol th* Managem€flt Committee along with

ffii,f $t*ternFrrt n{ a*ount* and raviarrr ** **Unf of tfie h6anqg:ern*at

IL{" ?o cpprlfit fi$dit*r und fix thcr rrmunrralien.

13'5' Ts conrlder the audrtsr'* rsport and decide on rumediar nealurer, rf sny.I3'$' ?o **aen afid dedare lftc **&It sf ete{tiurl ts thq M*,,as*r,,errt eomrllittee, rf *relert;on El *temberr o{ Srr Mrnqgvne* Cs&riltttter iE dy€ in flr*l fr*r_13'7' Ta amrnd t'* existing bs*-r*w* as end whtn n{.*rr*ry. &ny arnrmdrncnt t0 thff* sre,raurE sfte, be co.ngld*rgd rrr a dury crln{titu{6d maetiftH f'r such purpose {nd floamendmeftt sha, takn *ffcc unress approrred bv maj0rity of tlrr rnemb'rs fltt*nilifigthe nxssti't& or fi*'u.rd ififfi n3$6 CItr th* tsHl **{wrbers

"r il,* ur*i*l.rion attendcd forslrc* rrle,etlnp

13.8. Ts esrridsr rnv irnFortlnt trrr*c(rl tft* mry bt $hM by.tfte Mtn*g*r$Enl foffiftirto*for the decirion of the Semeral Sody,

l3'9' To appr#v* t+ithdr*r,al of foftFl'J5 FUlrlo *nri nrode of utifixera*n thereof and for ruetrptlrBof* msre tiar lillg, of t*c rotal *lernbffs d thr assxiation s5 ps1 thr f,*6i*trr ofMrmb*r*ip rhall r*sta in f*rturcf surb srjlhdrs{xB! eud mede c,f uliftt}tisn-13'10' To pr*rribe renartiar for xnp breach/bre*sh*r of ttre hye-r*w* ar rures made tNrers

;i}t:t*-itted bv anv Mcmbcr/Nomrnar Mernber or p?rs00 ronnefied wtrh

I"3'1x' Ts ron*h{t. snv ctfiGr fi}stt4r* *rqrin6 ther requirlng prorrer r*irs} with t}eperrni$&m of the eha;r, *hcr tna regqler agend* lr oiaer"

L3'li' TheA.nudlG*neralBodymecilngofrheAsrfichtionshaflbeh*]dpnsrbelore3irrdsy of July df *ach yelf et My Home VtHAilSA ar any oth*, plBce in GroaHrtiyd{r.ebsd gnd firEt suctr meeting rhall be held lhar ronrplerion of con*nr*len of ttr*

:Lffi:HAtrG* a*d trua*ing qyrr st rk #m*$*rrrarko *I *sr,,r*r*aner ft rhe

1','13' A SFec[rl €sneral &ody |us*tlnt oF th€ ,4sso{ldtlon may he ralled ar dny rirne at thsinstancf o{ the lvlanagsfi*nl eornmittee {orrhe rneerins *r ru*ven*d *hxs *ot rf&rricr ,il'ffi:#ilTffl: lff;ffxthe rtOtir* slrhe mee$r*.

l}'lit" A sp*e l*t Genprel Bdy tloetirlE of the Asroeiptio* be ca,lted at an? fiftre on r*regtol a requrrrtiun si*ned by at reast urb ofths iltemaers of tfte A*$sciatioil sent to thrGenerat Seerctary $aring in r*,rxing the m;fter on wfuich delibergtlonr fire to &c msdn.Ihe r*quilirion for Speeial 6*nrral Sady rnggtlng rgcei\red fr*m t5a Mernbers of $tr

Ls^"*" z7 ,." ;"f$0 " 1,.'r.,r.1", *.:',1yaa.6- Vdl"+ 'ri* "1 t rt-*l;"."''!'.'t,\r !

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sc$odstton sh*jl lrylthl* I d;y* of its receipt b* p}*eed before tfic &tans$ornrrNr(srnrnirtee by *re &ffrttry for frxing the date ilru and plam fur the :gprc{il frrnsrat$ody rneetin& t{Eree*r. the Maragerncflt Comrnlrtee ,hall cafl foilwh lpccia,6*nerel BodY rnoetraE s,itftin l{ dqrs fro.n tlr dffe o, fuqiiirrris* flacrd bots* thehl&ragennent Eornrnittcf rad :*sh mE€tiBE bE prrfrrlbfu ire.B on F,,blrr h*tadr$.13'x5' The Manageme*t fammitt+* rh*ff decide th{ df,ts, r}me end place for pll GrnenlEody meetings wrth 11 crelr days notice ro a[ th* Memberr of the Agrorrrtr,n.

Hol'tevcr, for the tperr'lxl srnsral 6cdy meetln6 r cleer x4 days notice s.hsll br gvcn to{ll lfte Mgrnb*.rr nf tllu *ni6(Jdtion.

11"16' Sn the day uf isqfog rf thr notirp of ttr* €erur$ Body meetir*, tfu Mq,mbsrr*6,kter w{ll bs rerurd*d +nd dored fer tllc *ijrpsls of c€odint $otirsi to all *ir*ligihf* Bletfibers ind ot"rl f,f thosa lelenrb*r u*he ar* pretent in ttre rn'sting xill onlybt eligible to cast thclr vnt*r arrd such Memher shauld br erigible tE be l\,{rmbrr qnthe day of ihe meetinff oI scneral Eody. Thir *li*lhlltry erlterion is alro appllnrble fornny deririurr ru trr tahE* hy 6ur;erur EurJy wrurvut dry $xctspta,fn,.

rl'l}'rtr* Managomen{ fdmfifitec lhall fhsl&e aad ru*rrd tfts ff{nurer rl r,ury Genr.ultorry rftBetku xithrr f* {ltys lrffii rhe datc ol tttr frrrft*f}g *nd a {.sp$ thsr**, sdl b,e*Mprryrd in dre nsli(x hmldr ef kly Horn€ r4HAf*S& by rtru serer:ery-

I'l'x8'The affounting |ae*r oi ilIe &rieciation *all esmffiBrrrE from tr"st "April and rrd on tk31il ft'rarch' Howsu*r, ths fir*t accounring year ,nr* cnd on 3L* March of the tlnaneiarVoer in vrhich the dcvnloprr htnds over the malnt*nrnr* to the Ad_hoc I MrnogementCommittee.

1{- :Ucnofl or MAilACEritrr Ggnilv'|ITEt

r*"r" rhrrc shafi hc on det$o* rtsrd o..ff ln e,,*ry tu*s ycsm ror tfte offit* *f gr**idxrt,viee-President' ssfir&qrY. ]*int's*wet.ry. Trea*urtr, luini Treasur* &rid Fcur {41M ana6e mant Cornmlttcq &{xrnbers.

t{'I" Thn Managemsnt coromi$e* shetl eppoint an rlectisn officer who mcy bc a Memb*raf thc ecsociatiofi or mary ht ah nuBider who ir ggn*ldefgd (ornpgtent and expcilencdfn* randrr*irg ttrr flmllrsrt. The autgolrlg fril**r*gc*ltllf comrfiittse Ehall **sltt lhtelecil{n sffic€r to ronduft dr* det$oar.

lit.3 Ih* qffi'css o{ Frffirdeff. V,lr+Frerjdent, S{f,rfiffy, l*iir*-$ecretarlr, Trs*r*rrer tr}dJalnt Tnearurer canno{ b* hdd by the sarne psrgsns ronseeutiuely for rnsrtr tltsn fwetrrrns.

lil'4, rhe candidates {drho {u*urs,hrghest number o{ votes rhafi be decrared erected for thef*ige'cti$e officer' tn the crcnt of rnore than on* ssnt€${{fit sesuring *amg nurrtrr of

\S"ry ,_t'( .irff

1je.{ '.1+,r,r Fxt}"*, 1{ rtst.{

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vBrf* k fte $r,e perr osly sne an6nc ihem urill bB d$drrq$ slBtt*d eV tsrductirydraral cS hcg by ohcttla offirer m ttre prsrenre dtfte xH {snt&*rfi{?r*"1{ 5' ln tfis #'tl'tl ol dimslullo* # ht*neg*nnrnt comm,uqr befer* $rr u*p,*y sf its r€riurErth* rl*rirrn rhrll bn held tdthin iIO dsyt tfrereof.

1.4.6" ThB vsrant,n r|*ction rhal,l be by way of secret hallut,

15. yOT[{Gr

15,X, All eliglble Mrrnheru qf Ifte Arrociarion fiay parrlciprt* in e 6m*ral Body Meettn6.15J' only tl{ibl* {r4qfirberc rhall b* entitled ro cart thetr u+tt ln fa,*EUr of s eeadidate ofhi: rlioicc {or *locilen at thg hla*a€ament Cornndttce Er $eu m fruEur or ag$nst anyrEsslution m$shifiE *poa the af-fairr of the Asrmiatis*r.

I5"3. tt eiemh*r *nl*!rd rs &rlsr$* md rpte at th€ Ggfi€ral g*dy rryerxtr r* $$trded toapFoint { Frof,y ts attffid and srne rrxtead of bimrdr. pro*5 i* &fd*, to he efferriueEl'st bs r**iraf rnd-xtaadedc.d ry the a$ectitiun aot lr*r t*Jft 4g h*urp hdsr*lirg r<{rcdufud tlnr* qf thr m*efing. c'rp.rete rfift,*r eiti*r il*rng firtcmhrr or beinggrary al otho' [{*mbc. Mtendirq ts ,*fid tfieir rex*ective rrrthfr;.td rcpr*E€ntatir,€sare rrguircd to rlnd I duly csrrflied copy of ths 6sefd / Soverrnl{lg bedy resoluti nauthorillng such ropre$ffitBtivBi to arrEnd afld veta {t the 6encr*l Body nr**ting,15"4' A( B $*nfrar &ody meetln€ svery fu'temher shelr have ona vots ro,r Each Frernircsowned hy ffrm. rn rhr *vsnt of his absencu, , pr"*v ni'rn- L.*u-r (hotding anaurhorrration ** por surm - "F" dury srgned by tlre M*mberr rf, anrthd to c.Jt vote, Aringle msm*r carr r*pre$pnr Es a prorq'for not r,snr tt**o ruui Member.r, fror*r*ver,such pr6;ylf$crnher r.utll be allswrd iriro lhe rrurering hrlt hy duly varlfy,inB rhe identitythraugh r*bm*:a:an gf ene ef the folbxing proofs w*tk phoro idrntiry; far Farspcn ftlDrfulng Licsr,)r0 i*xu*d by the ronrp*6nt autltorlty {rl Voter }dtntlficatisn c+rd {d}flatioa c*rrd (e) Fnn car* {r} Aadhar cerd (s} ony or}rcr p&atn denr*r} FrEd **e*d bytlx Governft+nr fl urhoritk$.

t'5't' Mt{$tl** o{ sutfi ge,}ual body racetiag / Relults af rhr c*aqtl+n *}rfilr be displarcdon ,ll tft* norirc bo*rds in the prernises *ithrn tws {nJ dryr "tr*,

iurlo ,rtsat*trg.16. RE€ISTSTS

16'1' Ths folloryins ragirtrrr and paperr rhall be rn*intarned ehd $h,r{r be open tn theinrptction by any fi4srnbrr only surlng the oflice horrrs afirr abtalnlng $ra parmi*rion ofthE Me figg€ tTr*nt centrn Irna:

16,4, A regirter of Membert, **wlng the narne, addre$E and *mupatis rt *! *vesrtMernber,rhe dets *f edrnruriun ar Mrmber, dpte of terrninatiqn af Mel,rlb*rhip *nd s8n*turer,

29 * ,tlt*ift t'"*'' l'r:'1 lil '' l'i'!34

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'16'3' Books oI Accsunts rnalntaited by lfie Associaticn, vendorr ii6reernents a,nd otherconttiactt,

16.4, A Minutrs book-

16-5, A,l the records inrruding Books of Accounts, Minute$ goot<, Agreemrnt, appmvirs,lltenses, parrnissions etc. wirl always be secured in the regirtered officc of theArloriation.

x7. qg'pgutlJt roR MEETI,TIGS

L7.1.. MarragErrrurrr ctnmrittee Meetings . Minirnum 4 Mrmb*ru out of 10 Mana6cmcntcornrnittsc Members to forrn a quorum for Management csrnmittee rneetings.

17'2' For an1 other Managernept cornmiitc*s forrned by the Management cornrnitteeincludlng sub- fornrniEters thc quorurn will be sirnple maj$rity-

17 3' For Special and Annual 6e*eral Eody Meetings the quorum is L/3d ol the totalMembers sf the assoeiatirn.

zv'4' If there is no quorum at the notified tirna, the rneeting wiil be adjourned b? arnaxirnum of triuo hours and th* rneeting rvill be reconvened. When the rneeting i, re-ronvened if the quorurn il ncst ashigv€d, the mee$ng shatl be cont,nues ar if tlrequofiJnr is achieued.

ffi. aulfs oFTtrE ASSOCIAT|OH


t8'1"/tll the Members/Nomtnct Members shall regrlarty pay alt dues including monthlymaintenance c,harges to the Assoriation frsrn tfrne to tirne on o, u*tore-uu* ari",and in the event of default of the saiile, th€ Astoeieticn shall initiate all lcrions aspef these gye-raws incruding discoanection of essentiar lervices, Furrher theArluriation shall take all legaN measure$ as lf it is a debt rccoverable from thedefaulters-

1'8.J,No refuse sfiourd he thrown direetry inr,o the op*fi arcss. The garb.lge shourd beproperly packtd I* plastic bags and dcposited outside the Frernises entran'e $o s$to enable the coilector of Garbage, to diryose off the $ame r,, Municiper dust-bifi-No Garhag*/dust-bin shail be rsft oursid* the prerniser or in the corridor,

18'3'No burning articles lite matches, ciEarette br.ltts, etc,, strsr.,tld tie thrown dirr=.tly iftthe open *rtar. in flleu*tors or into any of ths epen ereas frorn the halconier./corridors-

\fr*n'P? . -\,/ 3tIf-ll / fl.* c?;t t.\, na,,,*1t*^**

d 4.fiI t: * ...:... , .'1." 1 . ':.: 1i,...", a

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r8'{'rlB Advertf'*emantr $f Pt}i'tert of a,ny kiM srrel{ be Fartsd in thr flevatrrr sr !r sr sntfea pr*rs*en sxcepr 'o

Euthorir*d by thr totranagenr.nt cornmi{tse.

t8-3.}?hll* xarl*ing ths Pr"ririres ead,irnterirry *re glantr atr., car* *hsuld h* m*cr toltr thet warrr docs not flow out frsn tftc ftdcsnies affefi{ftg trrr fSrid?ct$ sfi lrtslow*r llssrs, Fe''ars byon the rsad b.lun, rhr cars pe*{d ot r*,* est*fi*r *ur{n**sl tlrc Fr"mil€r "

tr8'6"Hs*k*'r" verctas* y'rdomr vldeo casse{te strygisrr n rg r{*oh sth+ru, ?r&Ft rfto*.t

;ffi:y & firp Manegernrnt corun*nee, srdt nor be *'owod rn*id* rtrc

t&,}.l*e pefi{n ah#X be altatred tror door*ts*door +*}ec I demon*ratisn of rny kif}d o,s*fici{erion wirhuutt }B urri*en pernrisahon of rfre Man*gefi,**t rgftm]fic*"t8,8,Fr$duet dirpt3yldemffrrrBtioffil€xhibitions/sales sirall be peffi,trted by rhrManagernent Committee at a specffied venue and daf*, E6 wrinen r*gu*rt lfortt he runutacturerf safes repre$eiltativ€s.

16'9'0rylr*g or hangrng pf elsthcs ctc, frarn the wtudotns, an rairingr sf tha brleonrer erlhe eorldoru, ts proitlhlted-

ls'10' rr,ro per*on sh*il bs e$ov+ed to stay./ steep in the rommon arEE5 or rn the vrhrclesduriflg night times except under special cirEurrltailf,as for whlch Man**fmcntCommittee'r permisrion r,*ill be nec+ssary.

rs"Ix" Municipar r*ater rhail be ured onry for drin*ing and cookrng B,rp.re*"18'1n' vehlclet rhall nat be pe*ed by the Memb*r$ sthcr th*,r in th* afforred sarkingsro.* snd shE',rd be parked in a rnanrer wi*rcur encroaehing upon parkrng rrotrllelulrgl tu ur]ur lylernbers alrd curnuurr sre*. Oulride tfc.hicle* rh*tt be {rlr*edonly in the pleees eerroer*ed for uiEitorr parting.

18.13. parilng plarer rlrall ha u*ed onty fsr perting end ns articles shall fu stor+d in tt*p,rking srear a,d no woshing *f w&icres is arir'wed in parfing rrcrn ifur fisrye,ufth* v*hldsr csn be *,pcfud ln &e pre. dcrignsutd ry&sh arga!-1.8,1{. flrin3 ol rra*crs or say ofru arrides rf fire tysrk inerd* thr pruffiifsn

" {ntuftrnon csrh,srs- *airsilse', fkvato,o f;tc-. arg u*ri61y prtrhr&it*d Spwr*trf|n$qmefiII to firg credrers dunng Oeepava*i I s*at at *c{arron wll bc mrd*.r!d r'l rsrid€,ttr ard &eir ryads are reqrertrd ta fqt** vtrirlty ttr€ rfi*uu$*ftr*r**d b? tftE Managernskt Csrfirrlitts€, suqrf yaa, iir ffri: regard.

,8"f S ?he rn$xrrncsn r.p,etd err*t for rehides inridn th$ pr*rni*a.c eh#i{ tc lS k$or,fi*trrgryr rwr. $rr*e*rg- end cverteking of vehiler ir s1ricth prohibltrd. F*0 he{ff

We- 11 :r u-*i; l;*,, nr* vl{r.*r*._ V'f-f t'r''" 1r:*l-}"r.":'&.tlLtr}-

Page 33: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ


shall be blo'wn inside the prernis*r- Manegernent may irnpuse the penartiec forsuth vif,atlonr,

18,16" Smsklt1E, spittinB of pan in the Corridors I Cornrnon Arqas ,r Elevators etr" isEtrictly pmhibited.

18-17- Elrvators shsuld not be overloaded. tteavy and orrcrsire anicles should nqt becaried ln th* Elevstor$ and furthtrr thc flevatorl shall be used for designatcdpurposcs_

18'18- rhe Mcmbcrs nf the petr shall ahide hy th* rnunicipat ssnirary bye-lawr/regulationr, Fets rhall *ot be left in comrnon arc&s and always be accompaniedby thcir Mertlhers and p.ets are alloued entry in pre-de*ignated service Elerrator:,pets are not allswed to be vralked on thc lawn: and defecate in thr commonafeis.

18.19. Residentr shall exercire extreme care about making noiscl er rhe use of muricallnstrur,lentr. redios, TVs" and ernplifiers that nnay disturb sthe*.

18.10' Eu*ry Member shatl 3tt€nd Fronrptly to *t! the maintenance and reBalr u*rkrwithin hislher own Unit/ Premises . This ir purely outside the purvievr of rheasrosiatipn,

18.21, All the repairs to interna* inlta]lation* of the dwelling shell bc at the exp€nse ofthc Frcrni$cg Mcrnbsr concerned,

18.22. ln the evcnt ol seepage occurring in orre unit/ prernirer and affecting e

appurtenant I unit below pr block, the affected party should put in notice to thesther rMernber , Cost of repair and restoratisn will be borne try the Mernber ofthe unit/ Premises fronr which the seepage originetes, lnd surh rcpairs wili becompleted at th€ earli€et and sisll not cxceed 3o days, seepage originating inf,offlrfloft areas and is not originatinE from a*y Fr.emiues will be the resFcnsibrtitr/oF the Associetlon-

18.23 An Member *rall reirnburse tho fusociation eny expenditure incurred in repalr orreplacernent of any cornmon area facility +r tittltrgg damaged through his/herfa ult.

X8,:4. A Member m*y rsnt or lease his/h+r Premlses for residential purposes to {amiliesonly- 1-he tenant and his dependants ore reguired to abide by the Bye Laws andHule.: of ths Arrodation. ln the lnter'srt oF securlty, it will be the retpon5ibility sfthe Members and the Association to enEure that the lenflntr arE carefulh/'vertedand submit Fsrrn-A a$ per Annexur* to these bye"laws duly frlled rn ts theAssociatisn and concurrencc shall be obtained frsm them in wrltlng prior to


t!F(. \ "t' -r\*,1.Vf- c +n-e. S.q3i.-,".*13*L^

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gil{&.riftg ln tg r*nHl sgr*eff*ntr{.ith prarpectin* t*fiant" yh6 A*rori*$sfi rsiervc$rhr rtsht tq &pproyt / dkapprove.

1B'I5' All r*5ld*fit5. qrho $ant ts shift out 0r ths Prerniien ore requt6d to obtain "Hooue certrfierre" and shalr obtain an trut pa$s ,Fvrn dryr in rduonce. Thrfurqclatlon *hall be approached for the usr of freight Eleviltors durlng mov,hrglnl$ut vehklar canying heavy bag6:lge rf residcrttr. $uch vahlclnx will not berllor'lcd to ont*r / exit rulthoul ln / out pars issued by the Asrociagan ind v*hltleslhatting artiste* shalt nat be ailoured between 6,0g prrl und 6,,0S AM m during anyothrr time tq bs not#ied bf the Mailegprnenr (o,llmlmer,

I'S,16' Strlr*tur*l clr*npex rr*t&in a dwelling un$ rh{t invo}v** t&n"}s€r*nfi urlth waltr"tdlt|*tdfil ol ioad [rtuifig colurrms and bear*r arr *trktly prchibfied A][ *6irrrdrtffrtB dx*ttln5 uaiu will b,e throuBh d€lgnetad f,*nduitr ofity,

18"27. f;rpcirc / rngintfronse rorkr I insida of prsmiss xill &* uMrrtak*a betrry*fi6"00 AM t* 6-00 pM Atoadey to seu.rdays_ Iurd*ys rrs t{ b* ubmr*d shd{dryr.

18.1$" Tht Ar*aciatiofi nlll pra+ide re*idents with rehic{* sticker* and I D *ard*. ftr thirplr06$e, tv{r s{{mp sked phot*graphs are required lor sath Marnbef of thf,flmily, Enrry of vthitles iHto the "My Home VIHAF}GA" stirhaut rtactc|, will nst bcB{rrfiltted" Residents ar* reguired to furnirh m;kq and rnodef qf bnth ms andfour wheelaru vehirlEs atong vrith tfteir regJ$lratjon numbers,

18,2r, Oom*rtls help I trrivers and other *mptqysp5 rhould flrnirh parrcnal dficlls andtrvo prssport slre photegraphs to the manager for ir*urng pstiei et Mimb.r$ 'rcq$(st lnd the MemherlNorninar Member rhourd rnfbrm the sftir* of theArrusiatiorr lnimedlat*ly, if surh erilplsycc 6da$ds t* r*orh with tl,!6M tmberlHcmlsd ltter@e r.

ls.rfi. fl*sidrnt* *hruld chwk whether their d*nesti* r!#lp ses$&gx* * v*tid pa*s"Fo*n**tit h{lf rhos*d abo funrigr s no obioctioa }sttsr frsn} fr prs$isgt amplotcrif rhilrrrg lr*n on* Frenri**to ansfierxitlrir) tt* ?r*rrk*r .

I8 lI Ft/l nrndn*rr qroAr/ garhF( anrl *riiv*fhr ,rF e#{Hired lh*f {rn dfifiIAflt extEdwhiclsr crPr*rrlx*

1S.32" Rslldsr!ft rh{ll nel garr', out $sod worh in front sf th*ir FrE{?lirs$ Bntrafitr,cluug / dcface stilrnffiys, flevatore, corridors, b*lqqn1gs, *filt pffktng and o.thrr(ornmril arers r**lth Btwerpot*, fumiture packing rnxt*rialr, bafier gt+,

tg'S3. Ho rtruc,ture tfmpurery or ptrmanent such as rruall, tron fencrng or brrrcads ofany typ€ rhell bq *rested &n the csmmon areas by any M*mher/ rasldsnt.

-/.r( J,r#!k * *n rr k-eil{a r.lt+r1,r

Page 35: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ


1$'14. frlo MsrrberlNominal Mcmbcr shall rent or leare parlting 9pd(e frlloliefl t6 him irMy Home VtHANtrA to a person not rerlding in the Frcmlsec .

L$'*fi' lt'ln ushi*te{l} wit}&'r permitted ts be park*d }ffirn€diai{ty hehind x1*lt perkr*s sr6epre$Engiflg *nfry,/ sxii to tfua sarfi€_

1&'**' e r,e*|d*x| *h*tl grxnr righr ef enrry rE te{sfhrr drae[]$n6 unlt {s Bhs €*tgts****rws*,r or hdran*ger er $? dn? otfter pets*r; a*t&rri,l*d hy the M*n'tr#*6#r1iCsmtE#ts€ in sits *t any €nterye*cy- The Managero€nt {lrrrrrnrtt*{ ir t$ efirq.Ee*at*v *l prenliset trll it l* hended bach to the cerupe*e

l&17" 'lh*t*rrw{s,! rucf rrp w{qheMrivkfruut q{ ba*xua*txr all e*sdlrrrex*w*ttt*lary*hrl*tWt. W<:e# is grrr,rtrM wrts ta redln*i&eg *tat:t *t tb* hfi*{Hj*&rr{}e l{,{,nai{xtffil&w* r*wt* wwk*

k&.3&" t*ar'w,E**, rv**r|inqra etc trun6 out to dry ix tfre &alesr*rm artr *.ia, t* pr6sry4;g*4lt9l6* the Pre$?ti*ep er pll tfte rsililrgs of foalcany" flauxr pfit$ anc, *trha1 obj*€t*ar* nr{ tv be ftung rrane ih*tc,*ny r$*i sr prece4 an the parapet *rall*"

t8'39' Alt tesidents are requerted to cons€rve wetgr ,irhen usrng tor dorneitrc p1lrpo$gsrr vrrell as for ear was.hing- Cars are allowed tc warh only at notifi*d car warhlngaf€as and shall not be washed in the car parking are*r.

I*'*s' file palnting of rryaljs in the Ealssnies and curridurs lr $xtuwtd l,o Frgte*t tfieesthctlu$ llke color s{hsrile snd elevatlon End over all appearanre pf the Fremlgesrernplex, lf any Member requires the ba[**ny f corrrdors wairs to b* parfrEad,thB reqilE*t egn b* nrade to the Association and frn Estimai* *l sfift$ will hrapr*$ided hr the &Esocration at the earlie$t, r,rpCIft pprmsfl( sf thp &m#ufit ln0dvan(s by rhe Me'nb*r, the painting wiil be carried out by the Arsocratron

!8'{1, W* 6&*nnnnnnnrtrrfu*r I N'*mirut fti*enrbrr sr tfieir regre$efitsti]ir* rhalt dire*tly intarfers,tu&S#rt, ri:w th* Mqmherr cf rnaintraanre rtaff" ser?trfidt*r$ lnetud*rg *at;vr(r..pts?[onnef' lt?Hj*ver, {hey psn fequ€st for thc scrvker for therr own p{arft,s*, vu.,Plurnbrng, el€firKar ard orhrr rnaintenanre irr*er by afirirnf,t!$* re thfrwqiryl;*nwt** q*f:W.

78'.4x" wfuarz rttx tw'twrr;,qsarr uperated wkttoul an effiwfr**t" xrr& wff*t *errEtra* a*e tw*n'{*r&lr}fr41* **r*t{Ls *n* gtwrd,\xrw rerrding rfi or rr}gi&rn$ th* *rctn*xl 8{6,x*r*n#? ad*rtwd *ffi. tw ad\ow *tu,r mirwr cftildren b€t*w the *gr *f r* w&t# r*w*e lhry Sls*xtsr* w*th*ryt *n *du,L e*.*sft-

18'43' {v*w M*.trrfu sr {efi;tnt or accupar}t sf a Fr*rfils*o ;i} fld$;gqd ts i{ts r4g<***w?frre prcventrcn maa5ijres arrd provide tir€ flghring dfirlcrl In tfu* prefnl$o*6erupi{.d by hlnr.

Fd \,r*"d\*y'

llq f qi tl," h.*)li: r'1{ri.ne..4rr W&*n 34

i "; " A iL'i rr. '|,"r r. .i3.,t7s,l**4e+

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!s"44' Every Membtrlil{ar*in*! Mernber is advlsed tc ansi*r* htr prerniser and house.hotdgouds and valuablo* egeinct theft, flood, eodhquakr, flr*, etr..

18'45' The A5$6rletion wltl govern thtr use the lawns, courtyrrd between the four hlockE,rerre*rion fw{litjcr llkc tcnrrir, b*dinlntofl, lrE*lr*l}al{, children playing ;rrse *ndothsr r6fil&r0fi sfirc*ittd{, trhe Mernberdl,l0rninal Mgffbsrs will ha*e thf pdsrl{Igver tftr f'rund* *nd r*lrtitcr of tlrc Membar#t{ufflifial Mernbere in urrng the*&6w sr$f{t'{*€s' Atl *rttmhergff-lemin*l til*r*hcr* rnd th&r rcpresr.}tutls*,a&ide by ttt$ rufar **t*n **in6 the aborrc *nlsnrt.f*.

l!1. III{S,UERS: Thc fadurp hf ihp fu}*n*gF,?l€rrf (omrnitteg t6 fftiQrc* iny term or any pertod Ordtly ons or mBr€ sf ths t{rffis of ssnditicnr of the hye-leure of the sssociation will not b*construed as waiver o' th*rn or rf the riBht et any rlm* euhaequently to enforce all tlrrllerms End conditlon$ ef th**e bye-laws,

tro. lftBl?*{Tror{: rn thr $r*nr ar arisinga,*y dispute* e{fiong th* Mernbers, Mrynbe* rndAs:sciatiefi" sudr dirgufrt *h*l| a+ frr as passibr€ bs rattl*d tn an amiuable rnarrner asd ifr*me b nor posti&k, r$f r$ttg *rall be rcfurrrd for redrr**t to {he trtjirator ard lryard ofifue arbitratsr #rall b* krt xnd blndi*g- The er*ilrrmurr proe*edingr *rall 6u ini*at+d,carrie'rd aut a,,d *o*t**d*d ar per *** portsbnr al t& arfitr*rioa *fid eefieiris{ion acL rxs,and the pBcr *f *.birrr$on rhall be F{yderabad. Tfl*;,Bs**, India.

ll" OFFI(tlt SEIk Th* A$od*rioft rhsll heve r comrnon ,wal, ,uhir,h sftal] be in the cErtody ofthe Semetary *nd shctl b* usrd only under tha rulheritv of the reso'rtion of thrMana8ernent contmitts$ lnd ev*ry deed of instrumFnt tc whlch this oeal is affixed rhall beattrsted for and on brharf of the Arrcciation by tha Memb&r,

"; r;" ;;;;-;cornmitree pr Frerid*nt or sry othsr p*rsor1 aurnorrsa ry ;;;;,rn on that brhalf.tra wffioutE {.tF; 75?6 d rh* rd$|frbdry ef ttre Aisodrflrn moy d*dds Ebout rhe di$o,,.}rio,T s{tfu Asso{iet}fi} in rlr*,6**gr*l Body reeeting. lf upo*r dlssslutior, <rl $.re As.rrldatr**, t*fferhdl rem*in after r*l**l*etio* gn xtt it$ debtr *r*d lir**rru**, rr **y a*retr remain, ru'fi esrar[rhalf be transfrrred tr r nrtr **oeiation han*ng sirnilan objwttw end ainlt and wfiieh ha*b*en re*ug+lled hy the lncnrn+ Tax Authorities under thr provirionr of tfie lnccme TlrAct'1961 hut shEll not br dl$tributed sr paid among the M*mlitrt of rle AsEociation"

lI.MtgCELlIfil[OUS; Tlrs irrt*r;retaliurr/er;lerliulr arrd ullrw ffulur & fteBulatir:ns lmiryecificaffy defined in thu By*-rarru shorrrrj be ln acrardancr nyith thE or.";;';;;J;ffegistration fut, 200n effd itt $nre,ndrnents there sf or en? sth*r ppptlceble lews of thcland,

\e*ddoT* q ,"" + 'i'^*a:,,-;' .- i!,_x.ir


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wt' tlt* und*uipt*d th* p*rroru irr tle raermonndum *f &rrgtatio* halr* Inrrrxd ints,n**ro#imio'} *nd ressnnrl*le tr ru* the aff*ir of th* *ts*crltm*r rlrd desirou* of $(tttns the$'(r#tv re8rstered und*r th* T*ra*g*na S'cieiles RrgBtr,tlo*, Act 2001 {A$ 35/200u,

Hrm* of the Offlce Ocrlgnertorrr oi**i, 0rruprtion & AdtresrbeErers *trndlng ln rhs


Orr: ftxir*. a;e*Tr@rr l','"*lf#,e




Mr Gvndr Lllrninaray8Ra5/0. Noruirnha iah

Mr,!t*cu&mrguSo,t ilBShski,ah

Mr $,a$rri) 1p1ps16,$/o.Surcrrdra rrathTrlp,t#r!r

i{r l${gsriwarl*roX:Lfifisl6h Sfo-Sr"affyfr** SE*hklxla

Mr.Blr&adra Shetar?nrdey,.S/r:. Subashehandr* Fandey


Lrrrc Prarrt ert


Iorfi lrca*r*r


n/o,*lxl H*. rll?.Srep FrabhuSiri fu,fip{d6 AFpE, V*gi(rbl€

Mrrkul ftaad, ilallaktrnta," 5ffir044

o*:ruilfrffiffiil ssy"ir

*/s.et. irs.&a.6rs/Zl1l*! Fbt,\h t7l, tord r{o.ll, BargaraH4ih rtydrrph*dr Tebnga ru


ocr, Mroa$rrsfo;ijE;[A6rd;$.* yrt*rt

0{ct pratfi{{ flgnd,AgedtST yoars



I -lE!d rti I

ffs#lnt ,*r" @, rar-dl Bh.l,My lbmr hwrl, Madeueguda,

Fl/o.Flat t'lo;907, Tapar 0lsck,My Homf Jtyt'rr, Madinagudr.



Rlo. Fl*t. l{u,"!0{. Arnfo er Elor-}nMy l-{oms Juwsl, Madlnagtda,

l3kd*#?*crrf;lorFtrt f{u. 5Ot, Sl.alinlrmTmr. F0f,Lgity, App

Mr-{rl,*Srpu j

f,la.*xno*tumrllapt I *Urttcrrwy6upr*

Agedl4S ytarl8lo,flfi f*O.E$it, Tqp*r Hlock,

My Hornc lawel. Madeenagurta,


hlrc V*pn* X*rrnrm,


Page 38: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ


IAB* rim*srtr, hlmrad*ya C*bn.y,Srintfftr CotaBy, ttyderata0 -

Occl Prlvtt{!4nrice,Agtdl.,6 Vrrr!

Uo. f'br ffs.388, *dsEithHrmer.Anpl(ya

tr{Str f4&${tpst, }&Scrcb{{ _

ocu xr*laEfrAgcd:f$ yuar*


fllu,Flut Ho,gr, Lflac Blsrk, L&TSrrure County, Ielecom Ntgar,

&tr.hlbowli, Hydrrabad *


N 'S"rlnL-n+

Hame in stsgkGtt"rt 0ccupatton emliA*niial *"-


Addr*rs .

i"f Y'f,.v '*an**P ict, Sg+ qt

Trrrr.:, {t*{*r^d}J ,Y"? &v*#-*


i[+' tt, s*t r/Ae-Bttffi]Sf,&i f

$lgnature of the Fresrdent / General


?k"vad1&&t,frpilrdwnnsy'o.$ryft $dAr6hamanyaFr


e^'r,\ 16t: e*y@,tJ1-.e".3qqdu *g.or.

Page 39: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ

PH|.aTQfr*N- grF.rNsfiR eF{ilJ

SI !!O II* BLACK INX&g{f urHd$r

fiJ4,r#E & PER&'TANENTffi,EUYHfr

[&r.V*ftk*tR Fursnam

9{- fe Subsahamanyarn,

Y::IL*I No 50S, DwariharnaiApts ,

Plf:tla "Calony- Srinesar Cotony'

xyoerahad _ $0S0tZ

blr.Seelha ftsrna Rao Nslt*.rrSrO Lale Xnsnlraeh lr{eglufiffs Ffat Nc.J0?, Advarth t{orn8s.

lnlan€ya Nagar, Moosapct.Hyderatrad - S00fi18

Ittn Nagam $uloctranaWfu Bagh*nu fie*ov.f3*f-tar fio 31, rilac bhcfi.





$rgnature ot rs Wrhegses:' f ,,Y.,I .v"rj&*

A**{.,{ 1".:r"*-

\ ,-Yd *I"."- .

: , {: ,r-,.r..}e{.*.




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iit.Nu lN BLACK tNKrLEFT THUfu.lHl

n$[4H {r pH,RMANHNT

r#TIflL APORE5S OFp"FE$Sr,JTANT i 5 Et_r_rn :HU.YHE

Signxture of thg tVitrrgs$s*1' s *'#-v ,F*/.1

,,--f-,;I ]ptr {-i 1-.+- -J--*-

tt& t uftSfi Lsr.mslaral,ans$/tr N$r&sknhaiah.F[t*.Ftet Ns" 41I,SteeFrgt ha Siri Sampads AptE,Nallnkunlel, Hldorabad _ 8000d4

f,4r t*otq*n Boercu$I+, t-*t* S srrad&rdrarl&,to $*. ei* &t4l$#Jtre.Pt(,l l*#.lIt. Read FIs.,t&*ryurt* t-{lllx" l{yd erebad




.-:: _-:=-.





Mrs Veerrp il{ar*lnem,Stfin" Bk**kor frame, $ubrsrnurqem-l{$o Fle: itr).$44" Arnber gksic. "Hy lkm* JeIAH, l,t#tn*gilarfuSsn*tlad - SCICIO{S

Mr Anril Gupta,

|i.o f"am-osnrvar Dsyel Gupta.Rr* Ftat No S02, ptattnuff! TowerPB*L tlity, A6rp* Juncrkrn"l'lld*rsk{id * S0S0S1









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Page 41: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ


ofru#ffitb.gfJ-,,jt*Er ffi

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Mr,&ir*ndra $hekar Pandey$Jr. *uhs*h Chandra pand*yRJo Fta! No 907, Topaz Btnct,vh/ Hsms J€nfrd. Madinagr,da.nydera$*d * ffi{g

Mr,fr N Shsnu Frassd$Jr.ff Eamarah.'ElE,flEt ltj*.5ss, Plot ns 43.48,

Sysi*n H*rt, Tsluronr* Nrgv,${rarn H*rr. Gaefiibostr. -**)d*rsead - $O0&tz

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Page 42: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ


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Page 44: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ







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Page 45: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ


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Page 47: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ

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Page 48: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ



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Page 49: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ


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Page 50: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ









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Page 52: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ


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Page 54: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ




To: The General Secretary My Home VIHANGA Welfare Association, My Home VIHANGA, Sy.No.37/2, Gopanpally Village, Serilingampally Revenue Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, Telangana I, _____________________________________ am the owner of Flat No.______ in _________

___ Towers at MY HOME VIHANGA APARTMENTS, Sy.No.37/2, Gopanpally Village,

Serilingampally Revenue Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, Telangana vide registered sale deed

document No.____________ dated___________. I am happy to note that an Association is

registered among the owners of the Flats and I have read and understood the bye-laws of the

Association. Though, every Flat owner automatically becomes the Member of the Association, I

hereby give my explicit consent to become Member of the Association and agree to abide by the

bye-laws of the Association. Upon admitting me as a Member, I request you to provide my

Membership number.

My contact details:

Home Address:





Work Address (optional):





Phone Res:

Phone Work (optional):



Thanking you,

Specimen signature Yours Sincerely,

___________________________ Owner Signature Name: ______________________ Note: A copy of the sale deed should be provided to the Association for the records.


Page 55: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ



1. Sri __________________________, S/o_______________________________,


2. Sri __________________________, S/o._____________________________,


3. Sri __________________________, S/o_____________________________,


are the joint owners of the Residential Flat No.__________ in _________ Block ___ Tower of

“MY HOME VIHANGA APARTEMENTS”, Sy.No.37/2, Gopanpally Village, Serilingampally Revenue

Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, Telangana having purchased jointly through a registered Sale

Deed No. ___________ Dated ______________.

We are happy to note that an Association is registered among the owners of the Flats and we

have read and understood the bye-laws of the Association. Though, every Flat owner

automatically a Member of the Association, we hereby give our explicit consent to become

Member of the Association and agree to abide by the bye-laws of the Association. We have

noted that in case of joint owners of a particular Flat, only one of the owners is eligible to

become a Member with the consent of other joint owner/s. We hereby declare that No.___

among us viz., Sri ___________________________ may be admitted as a Member of the

Association in respect of our Flat and hence this Joint Declaration –cum- Authorization. Upon

admitting the said person as Member, we request you to provide the Membership number.

Phone Res:

Phone Work (optional):


Thanking you,

Specimen signature



____________________________ 2.

( ) 3.

Page 56: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ



I hereby declared that I am the natural guardian/guardian appointed by court order no._______

dated _______(copy enclosed) of Master/Baby.___________________ who is owner of the

Residential Flat No._________ in _______ Block _____ Tower of “MY HOME VIHANGA

APARTEMENTS”, situated at Sy.No.37/2, Gopanpally Village, Serilingampally Revenue Mandal,

Ranga Reddy District, Telangana having purchased through a registered Sale Deed No.

__________, Dated_________.

I am happy to note that an Association is registered among the owners of the Flats and I have

read and understood the bye-laws of the Association. Though, every Flat owner automatically a

Member of the Association, I hereby give my explicit consent to become Member of the

Association and agree to abide by the bye-laws of the Association. Upon admitting me as a

Member, I request you to provide my Membership number.

I further declare that I shall represent the said minor in all future transactions /acts

/correspondence of any nature/description and shall act accordingly for the benefit of the

minor. I hereby indemnify My Home VIHANGA Welfare Association against the claim of the

minor for any act /transaction /correspondence made by me with the association.

My contact details:

Home Address:





Work Address (optional):





Phone Res:

Phone Work (optional):


Specimen signature sincerely,


( ) Signature of the Natural Guardian/Guardian

Note: A copy of the sale deed should be provided to the Association for the records.

Page 57: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ




To: The General Secretary My Home VIHANGA Welfare Association, My Home VIHANGA, Sy.No.37/2, Gopanpally Village, Serilingampally Revenue Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, Telangana

I, _____________________ is the owner of Flat No._________ in ____________ Block ____

Tower in My Home VIHANGA Apartment Complex, Sy.No.37/2, Gopanpally Village,

Serilingampally Revenue Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, Telangana having purchased the same

vide Sale Deed dated ______________ registered as document No._________________. I am

happy to note that an Association is registered among the owners of the Flats and I have read

and understood the bye-laws of the Association and noted that every Flat Owner is required to

become a member of the Association.

Due to my various pre-occupations, now I am not able to act as a member and hence in

terms of the bye-laws of the Association, I hereby irrevocably authorise my wife/husband viz.,

Sri/Smt.____________________ who is my spouse to become and admit as a member of the

Association in my place, whose photograph and signature affixed herewith and hence I request

the Association to admit my above named spouse as a member of the Association in my place

and my spouse is also furnishing the Letter of Consensus in Form-A.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Spouse Signature of Owner the Flat


(Signature of Owner of the Flat)


Page 58: I .c@- tui I GAA - My Home Constructions · 2017-11-03 · Hrgtrtralieio t^lt,Zffl l&qx 3;5rl3ffiL as ap.Fliqahts r*nder 6 0. MS No t0 date4 Augusi 1S. X084,. 1,2.Thc rcgirter*rJ


Intimation on Transfer of Ownership


The General Secretary, My Home VIHANGA Welfare Association, My Home VIHANGA Apartments, Sy.No.37/2, Gopanpally Village, Serilingampally Revenue Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, Telangana


I, Shri / Smt._____________________ Member of the Association with Membership number

_____________ hereby notify that I/we have sold our flat number _______ in ________ Block

____ Tower to Shri / Smt.________________________________

S/o,W/o.__________________ whose specimen signature is appended. I/we here by authorize

the Association to transfer my Membership to the said new owner and I/we will cease to be the

Member of the Association. I also hereby confirm that there is no outstanding amount due

from me to the Association. The said new Member shall complete Form “A” and any other

formalities to become the Member of the Association.

Specimen signature


(New Owner / Purchaser.)




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The General Secretary, My Home VIHANGA Welfare Association, My Home VIHANGA Apartments, Sy.No.37/2, Gopanpally Village, Serilingampally Revenue Mandal, Ranga Reddy District,



Authorization Form Required Under the Bye – Laws:

I, Shri / Smt._____________________ Member of the Association with Membership number

_____________ hereby authorize Shri / Smt_________________________ whose signature is

attested hereunder, to vote on my behalf as my Proxy at the General Body meeting of My

Home VIHANGA Apartment Welfare Association to be held on date _________. I have not

authorized anyone else to vote on my behalf.


_________________________________ Signature of the Authorized Representative Thanking you,


Signature of the owner

Signed this _______ day of _____________.

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The General Secretary, My Home VIHANGA Welfare Association, My Home VIHANGA Apartments, Sy.No.37/2, Gopanpally Village, Serilingampally Revenue Mandal, , Ranga Reddy District,



I, Shri / Smt .______________________________________ Owner of Flat No. _______ in

______Block ______ Tower a Member of the Association with Membership number

_____________, hereby notify that, I have Entered into tenancy / lease / care – taking

agreement of my above mentioned apartment to Shri / Smt. ______________________ from

Date _____________. He/She shall hereafter be admitted as Nominal Member of our

Association after completing the formalities if any from effective Date:___________. The

maintenance charges from the said effective date shall be paid by said Shri / Smt.


I, Shri / Smt _____________ hereby declare that I will abide by the rules laid down in the bye-

laws of the Association.



Signature of the Tenant / Lessee / Caretaker

Thanking You,


Signature of the Member


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The General Secretary, My Home VIHANGA Welfare Association, My Home VIHANGA Apartments, Sy.No.37/2 Gopanpally Village, Serilingampally Revenue Mandal, , Ranga Reddy District, Telangana


I, Shri / Smt. __________________________________ Owner of Flat No. _______ in

______Block _____ Tower a Member of the Association with Membership number

_____________, hereby notify that I intend to terminate the tenancy / lease / care – taking

agreement with Shri / Smt.__________________________ with effect from date _________.

He / She shall therefore, cease to be a Nominal Member of our Association from the said date.

Any outstanding amount due from Shri / Smt. __________________ to the Association shall be

paid by me.

Thanking You,


Signature of the Member


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The General Secretary My Home VIHANGA Welfare Association, My Home VIHANGA, Sy.No.37/2, Gopanpally Village, Ranga Reddy District, Telangana. I am the tenant / lease holder /Lessee / caretaker of Flat No._____ in _______ Block ____

Tower at MY HOME VIHANGA APARTMENTS, Sy.No.37/2, Gopanpally Village, Serilingampally

Revenue Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, Telangana. I hereby give my explicit consent to become

Nominal Member of the Association and agree to abide by the bye-laws of the Association.

My contact details:

Home Address:





Work Address (optional):





Phone Res:

Phone Work (optional):


Thanking you,


Nominal Member Signature


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The General Secretary My Home VIHANGA Welfare Association, My Home VIHANGA, Sy.No.37/2, Gopanpally Village, Serilingampally Revenue Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, Telangana I am the Member /Nominal Member of My Home VIHANGA Welfare Association and hereby

intimate the change of my contact details. I am resident/owner of Flat No. _______ in

______Block _____ Tower.

My contact details:

Home Address:





Work Address (optional):





Phone Res:

Phone Work (optional):


Thanking you,


Member/Nominal Member Signature