i asked prince what suites sts t very 1...8 the evening times washlffstok thursday february g 1902 i...

THE EVENING TIMES WASHlffSTOK THURSDAY FEBRUARY G 1902 8 I 1 MAJOR SYL YET ASKED TO GUARD PRINCE iCJnef of Police Wozzied by Lack of Insrucions as to What Is Expected to Do li He t t t VESTER NOT er SrJveater CMof ef the Police De- ij melt the Diutrket has yet abso- lutely ae eJteiai knowledge that Prince Nary of Prusaia hi coming te vashias- Ualeas some instructions are soon giveR Mm by the committee ia charge of the re cuptlon arraageAeate the Priace will be to go from the depot to the Gorman Kmbaasy ar the New Willard Ho tel his arrival without the slightest pretence of a police or protectioa There may of course be police arrange moats which have bees kept secret but up to the present time Major Sylvester te- EC much ia the dark as to what will be repaired as aayprivate citlzea There is DO doubt that the arrangements when made will be most elaborate But it is evident the delay is causing Major Syl much concern although he has de- ettaod dIscuss the matter ia say of its phaios- K is probable however that Oetocttvea win bo brought here from other dUes to aastet the local force To secure good mea from other places will be a work of GOSSIP FROM GEORGETOWN A festival service was held lest eveniag t St Johns Kpiscopel Church The mu- s e was furnished by the choir of Old 3C- Baa4 Church BeJtimore which is re- gard d as one ef the high standard Choral organisations of the St Paufs choir Rae for the past seven years bftoa ucler the persoaal direction of Prof garrow of Baltimore aM the Rev J S B Hodges pastor of St Pauls the son of Dr Edward Hodges who was or- ganist at Bristol England and Trinity dmrch New York Dr Hodges was also a coflBpaeer of A reeeat addition the choir is Fraufein Thiele harpist who is iastructor at the Con- servatory of Music Admission to the fea thai was by Invitation though voluntary ooatribatioas were made for the beaent of St Johns Choir Library Mis Louise Pauline Oibboas of 201 N Street and Mr Roeea F Dewniug were uBtted In marriage yesterday afternoon at- 4taQ at SC Stephens Catholic Church JTe ushers wore Mesons John Downing George A Conner Fraak Kilkenny aad J 6eph J Murphy The brldes only at teadaat was her sister Miss Agnes Gib- bon Mr Richard Campbell acted as best man The ceremony was performed by the Rev Father OCoanell assistant pastor of the church A reception was held Just after the ceremony after which Mr and Mrs Downing loft on a short trip The District of Columbia Paper Mill Georgetowns latest industry new em ploys sixty Hands mea women and girls It IB said that a per cent divMead has Just beta declared John D Crotosaat aad Galen L Talt trustees have sold to Charles M Fallows for 1300 lets S aad 6 Week 8 American University Park Chalet Church choir will give a besentc- ntflrwiBRMBt tomorrow evening at Lin- tblcum HaM Motion pictures will be the featMro The TJJnJeytew Atamnf Aaaoci t1 a will bold MB s revaion tomorrow evening at the resMeace of Mtas Cera Pimper on Thirtyfirst Street It that Mr Thomas C Poles Stases has termiaated in the loss oi hIs reason He has bees takes to St Elisabeths Mr Pole was but recently aajwMted a lay reader ia the Bataeopel Chare with the view of ultimately en terlag the miaiatry He has spent much time in aremotiag his fathers locomobile- iBveattlana Some donations have been received at the local omce of tile Associated Charities i la the form of clothing JUSTICE TEST CASE Argument on the 3IilIx Petition to 5 Ue licurd Tomorrow 4 Argument will be heard tomorrow in Ute Supreme Court of the District on the peLt tfen of ouo warraato loosed a gainst Mr Samuel C Mills requiring him to ahoy cae by what authority be exercises tbis juria leUoB Mr Mills with others was named a Justice of the peso for the District by President Roosevelt ia Deceatber last The cede from which the President do- rfwd hie authority to same the Justices of the peace however did not go Ito effect sad operation until January 1 1M2 It ta therefore contended by some people that the President was without power to the Justices when be did aad ia- benaeaueaee the appointments are void The decision of the courts in reference te Mr Mills will bold as to the other juadees ia this Jurisdiction who were ap p fatod by the PreaMeat prier to January lisa SUES FOB 31200 HearliiK In of Reeves v IV A t 31 V Ualltvay- He rl p was begua i ay in Circuit 1 in tb suit of Mr John B- Itfttfre agatest the Washiagtea Alex aadria and Mount Versed Railway Com- pany to recover 31200 claimed as dam- ages for periioatl iajurhc It is alleced that ea February 32 1M- OtMr R oves purchased a ticket for Wash ingtMi at the eoatpaays o ee in Alex aadria Va After the ear haiL started on- 1U way t9 this city Mr Reeves says h offered the ticket to the conductor for his fare The conductor it is declared re- fused to accept the ticket sad ejected Mr Reeves from the ear la doing so it alleged the conductor threw him from the step of the car As a remit ef his fall Mr Reeves declares the bones of ORe of his legs were brokea Just ahoy his ankle Inspector of CaxtlnKn- JIT order of the District CommiasioBers Shuster of Camden K J been appointed Inspector of cant iron pipe aad iale lla8e u eastings at 480 per day for the U e Juring which he to actually tmpleyed Colored Coa tum injured Watte coasting dowa Thirteenth Street bill between Florida Avenue aad W ECreet northwest about t eeleck last Bj bt two colored men Gf rge Grant aad- AtfflBBW living at 5 t H Street aerthv- iNHit lou a curb sal had their fiagegs badly cut The injuries were draJKed at the Garfield Hospital aad taut In company with another friend waat baek te the hill to try it again Norfolk Jt Vt unlit aiftu Sleauiboat Je- OeticMtut trips a iy t esS8 a tms feot st t CMtfm Wctn BaeMrsdK r art Sew Se pegs 7 M tied eec rt t r NKW AND eou try o Ut Peabody 4 taJ reported the power of a Jwrti of the peace la ales the Cut s ife I J m has ran tb PetaL Norfolk La a4 tea pea vest regot a Ii C earL a in ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ >< > ¬ ¬ ¬ > time soil the ra ltare ef the committee on arraagameata to eommuaieate with tile chief of pOlice regarding tbe prejoet greatly enhances the oimculties with which he will have to contend It o beltevad that aa escort will be provided by the department to accom- pany tbe Prince from the depot te the tel or embassy on his arrival in Wash- ington and this escort may aloe be placed constantly at bin disposal whenever he leaves his apartments A liberal number ef Secret Service mon will likely be sprinkled through the crowds that win skirt the line of merck If this is dose every peruse of ques- tionable character or who gives the oat cers the least cause to suspect his de- signs will be taken Immediately to Pe Mee Headquarters and required to explain Ida business here or be committed until Ute distinguished guest has departed It is understood that President Roose- velt has indicated that ao expense shall he spared te aiford the royal visitor every protection and if this policy is adopted Major Sylvester will carry out every wish of the President Ia regard to the matter IDENTIFIED AS MARK GRSBR Pctnnil in Seer That of Mlsn lug I iiK horeiunn The body of the maR found in the sewer at the foot of Seventeenth Street north- west yesterday afternoon lisa been identi- fied as that of Mark Greer a longshore- man who lived at the Intersection of Xew Hampshire Avenue and F Street north- west Detective OBrien expressed the opinion last night tJtat the was that of Greer and tMls maralng Mrs Grver called at the ntftrgfet aad rompieted the Ideati- fieation a is now living at Sis F Street northwest where the funeral win probably tw held Greer pawned a shotgun belonging to his soaialaw P B Colbeck In the hi- tters name at Heidenheinterg on Decem- ber 2C and was not seen thereafter Oreer h L beEn working for LittleaeM- A Alvord tit a time and before that used to sell the river front BUSINESS MENS BAKQDET- SeiiatorM anti Itc re cutative Spe clnl Gucntn of the Occunlon The Iteslnees leas Association of the District f Columbia will hold Its annual banquet at the House tonight It is expeoted that fully 175 persons will be present There will be about thirty special guests among whom will be members of both Seaate and House Committees oa DtotfieV Affairs The chiefs ef the fire and police departments will also be present About twenty of the twenty four CoogreB mea lavXed have sigaified their intcatlen ef accepting the tevita- tion Tie only formal speech ea the pro gramme will be that of Commissioner Mae aad The other persons present will Bewailed upon for addressee by the chairman ef the association TO MEET IN WASHINGTON- Life XndcrirrlterH Decide Hold Convention In City The notification to Mr S P Fieklea of this city one of the vice presidents of tile Xatioaal Association of Life Under- writers that the executive committee of that aaeeeiatton have fiaally decided to held its seariaaaual meeting in this city April has created quite a stir IB local life circles Consequently active steps have already InstKQted to welcome and ester ain these c etleKen At a cpeclSl meet lag of the Washington Life Underwriters Atsocia eA Mr W A White president ia the ebalr held Ja the Itlggs parlors last evening the following named committee on was apoetaton W A White S P Ficklen Siawa Wolf Robert Cook G S Wale wright W A Bennett Max Cohen Fraak Raymond W L R Badger William B diff aBel Frank H Thomas Aa adjottraed awetiac f tilts cammit tee has b eK called for seat Moaday at 1 a m FOOTMEN TO DANCE Annotation to Olve KM Sixth An noah Iteuejitlon The members of the Private Footmens- AsaocMtioa are going to throw off the frigid mask of professional hauteur aDd have a net time at their sixth aaaual reception which will be held at Odd Fel- lows Hall M Street northwest between Sixteenth and Seventeenth oa the evealng The most ultra footmea of the swellest families ia town will be there to show the ooachmea and incidentally their employ ers how a fashionable function should be pulled off Many of the oncers of the aeeeeiatioa are the footmen and butlers of the legations and they may be depend- ed to putiate practice the latest social swings and sidestep There will be refreshments served by the Auxiliary music by tile Monumental Orchestra and dancing till the fashionable hour of 2 IB the morning leatur on how to tVIn- jfhe Rer K L Hubbard pastor of UM- MeKeadree Methodist Episcopal Church gave a very interesting lecture last even- ing at the Gorauch Church corner of Fourandahalf and L Streets southwest The subject the speakers talk wa to Win During the evening a musical programme was rendered Galena Street Sewer The Dtotrtot Qftmniissloners today au a sewaruader the aftseasaeBt- ayetem in dkleaa Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets Metropolis View abutting all lots fronting on both aide ef Oaleaa Street between the limits named eatlmated seat flM2 The temperatures registered by the Standard thermomeier at House Hcrr menus today a m 23 degrees 12 m M laep m a Hotel Tolinion Caf K- I vcn tet tgaVeni ihouM sot fonwi that vt are te iktily H p atgmti Uym Have Bay ry toii Pine I teU abc choice ate Midd r takW t tt ibmet sad h- c He acrriec UUitlme oforicaca- 12S to Baltimore and Return via D O R It Snturdaj and Sunday- P f y S0 UcV 4c naod ntunUMg nestS fallow nod bed I Riggs to t house entertainment Mea Hardy A Avery J W JaeluDaa Thomas A Lee D K Midyette J T He rick Long or February II Lad of How titer flflfU werb Mi S Seed zalei Lllllllted d I bon th Thin W I t Teiiiperuure S of sad Ducks Toivapbi cbsiee Fiat lomb a Os except Rep ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < WEATHER INDIGATIONS I Carnival weather AU kin e of ear niv ls for all kinds of eopJe Money carnival out way Brother WJdener breaking bread with thirty seven invited quests Just for fun they counted up the house which 0- taled 9OOOMI000 tron Fivehnndred million Think of it And here the majority of ua are compelled to hang up Alphonsc the clerk at the wet goo4 counter or go athirst Ah well and alackaday l is not always May More platitudes Probably fair tonight aad Friday rising temperature variable winds mostly southwesterly Temperature at 9 a Temperature at 12 Temperature at lJSf p i THE SUN ANDTyE OON- Meon riees527AM f Moon sets THE TIDE TAJBLK High tide tAM and 2 8FM Lew tide 00 Al X and 4M I X- STRBKT LiCHTlMG Lamps lit today PM Lamps out tomorrow NaUonal Virgiair In Alice of Old ViBceuBes Columbia David Warfield In The Auc tieseer afternoon and evening Chases Polite vaudeville afternoon aDd evening Lafayette The Great Unknown afteraooB and eveata Academy The Gamblers Daughter afternoon and evening Kernaas The Jolly Grass Widows Burle quers afternoon and evening Bijou Burleeque vaudeville after- noon and evening Coaventiea Hall Elks Midwinter Car ztlval afternoon and evening UNITY LITERARY CLUB Jutcrehtliip ProRramme at the Meet Injj at the RlKTRH The sixth regular meeting of the Unity Literary Club for the season of 1M1M02 was held meet evening in the parlors of the Riggs House corner Fifteenth and G Streets northwest A large number of the members and friends of the society were present to listen te a more than usually interesting The essayist of the was Judge J D Plenner of Idaho A Western Wonderland was his subject aad he toW of the beautiful scenery of the Ghesheae Falls on the Snake River eighty miles from Boise Idaho He referred to them as the eighth wonder of the world A paper on Current Sveats was read by Mrs John A Travis The rest of the programme follows Piano solo Le Trot du Cavalier Smedley Miss Cnariene Browse recita- tion Prior to Miss Belles Appearaace Miss Grace Beard recitation The Ghost of Lone Rock Miss Artie E Bell Ralston College of Repression recitation SIte Likes Me Pretty Well Mr George SpoWel resitation The Quarel of Brutus and Cassius Mr WilUam D Slaughter piano solo Cavalleria Rustieana Max cagal Miss L Liebermaa recitation Kiasiag Cups Race Mtas Susaa Stone Ralston College Several of the numbers were encored The club extended a vote of thanks to the management of the Riggs House for the use of their parlors which been newiyv retted and decorated The next meeting will be held la the Xew Willard Hotel February UnuMinlly lnr c Xamlier of of Incanionln Itciiurteit If the surgeons at the various hospitals located in this city are to be believed Washington is at present a stricken city According to them nearly every hospital ia the city Is crowded with patients the majority of whoM are suffering from pneumonia brought on ny the change- able weather Physicians at the Emergency Hospital said eases of pneumonia city then for years before owing to the bad weather Our institution ia completely filled a state of affairs with we have not beea confronted for la fact we have sot a spare bed in the hospital The other hospitals are said to be af- fected In the same manner nearly all of them being in suck a condition that the standing reom only sign could very properly be displayed- A Company Uceoverx nOOO Tnxcx Attorney Fred Basil ef this city yes- terday received a telegram from Mr Asa G Candler president of the CecaCola Company informing him that in the United States Circuit Court at Atlanta Ga the company has recovered 41 M paid as taxes to the Government OR the product of the company Senator UVtiiiorea Chimney Ablaze Engine Company No 1 was called out- last night about 10 oclock to extinguish a blaze In a chimney ef the residence of Senator George P Wetmere ef Rhode Isl- and 1600 K Street northwest There was practically no damage done 125 to Baltimore und Return via B t O It R Snturdiiy and February S and 0 Diseases It you are not which of 77 remedies your requires I r Shade will eicmlno you and free of charge Keaedln Me hours 9 t i Special and private re eaivad every r and S tuf4ny fnm t p m 8 da r M te U I Philadelphia slow- ly t TEMPXi t Setu eit AM IiH PY IH 7 1 AM AMUSRMEfTS Han and met taft IS HOSPITALS PULL OP SICK Cases la my new more In seine CO CO- 13th 13th and 6 and 6 77 Remedies FOR prescribe T tale at 17 noif 35 tetm evening estimatiostpLre the time Sunday soy ease cairn Far the dreg eeFrtitiSis ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > S Kann Sons Co S Kann Sons Co Always the Best of Everything for the Least Money Another Feast of Remnants Odds and ends and broken lots You cant make hay these days even if the sun does shine but you can make business if you Rave the proper goods to advertise Our selections for tomorrow consist of many good values null ends which are new and seasonable broken iotA which must make room for other goods and odd pieces which must vacate their quarters Which ought te receive a rousing receptiea betas specially reduced to ia augurate their Scat showing THE BUSY CORNER NEW MILL ENDS 29 yards of American Shirting and Waist Prints all sew pat- terns best which we will 12 yards to each customer OjC at per yard 2000 yards of now Seersucker and Ginghams stylos the same as quality sot quite as good We will allow a dress pattern to each OvC customer per yard 2 cases of good quality Percale 192 styles ia light dark effect reg- ular lOc quality which we shall 7C sell at yards of the est Domestic Lawns Dintttiec ami Satiates ia a Use of elegant patterns and colorings regular 12 and lie J C value for 2 1 case of new Challis Kemaaats all light styles suitable for dresses and summer comforts which we 0C shall sell special at lot styles of special quality new I Ginghams in all the new choice de- I signs patterns which imitate foreign goods worth 12c and I6c per Q3C yard for I Date at and 6 r 5 styles al- low ¬ ¬ ¬ ± Odds and Ends from the Floor Where the Undermuslins Are Sold II se onfJ I I The first on the list is an odd lot of Maids Caps made of white India llRoa with three rows cf pleating edged with Val lace they were 25c being and ends they 1 J Three pairs of chUdreas canton flannel Night Drawers made without feet sUghtly soiled they were Me being odds and ends they OCC are Three coats made of ladless cloth In colors of red and mode targe sail- or collar braided la white box back styles tour aad lye years were 3 being odds and sods they Ct are Oae childs Coat made of white ripple eiderdown large elrcr col- lar and extra small cellar edged with silk braW this garment is slightly soiled the price was- H being aa odd garment the price Is U30 odds C- are 98 Jay S > ¬ ¬ Second fleor front Bunch of Broken Sizes in Eootwear One lot of womens Wool Felt Jail ets which sold for 1 reduced J One lot ef Childrens Kid Shoes ia both lace or button the sizes are and S s W for U reduced C to J The best quality Stem Rubbers for women children O string heels worth SOc for One lot or cHlhlres satin qltlltetl upet8 w1tlek for Z5C Sic reduced to to I gc alld sold C J flC ¬ One lot of white and grey Xeroo Cor- sets low bust and long hip bias gore BDisbeiUat the top with satin ribbon lot the price will be Pour womens Petticoats made of best grade of alpaca there is blue me red one green and cerise deep umbrella ruffle finished with small tucked ruffles and ia 4- dttkm xtra dust ruMe stld for 4tt beIng and ends the C1 QO price is Eight dressing sacones made of good Duality ripple eiderdown tight fitting and felled seams small lay down cottar fiAHhed round collar and sleeves with ruffles of ribbon and fold to match betas w odd lot we reduced from KM to 13O An odd lot of womeas muslin drawers deep hem tucks finished with MIMI and striaga betag as j CC odd lot we have made the price made or couUl being an odd 89C one one flne odds 5 ¬ < Oae of wOMeas onestrap la either patent leather or vlcl I kM vamp sold for 150 re OgC dueed One lot of missess guaranteed pat- ent leather lace or button shoes with either cloth or kid tops sold for QOC j L 5 reduced to One lot of womens patent leather 4 vamp cloth twit batten shoetf AC for StJO reduced to One lot of womans patent leather i vtei kid bun and enamel shoes which sold lee M re laced to IiJJ tot i I I I calL i slip- pers 1 5 ¬ ± and Ends in Womens Neckwear of Various Kinds ucenu Yioorgnoe Parlor A C1aanSwaept9n Odds ties liberty sad chiNea Jabau point de Venice eel lars aad other aeek pieces OflC White and black mouse bows and rosette wale sold for Me to 9fcC Point Venice Irtah point and apatf joe effects ia rouad and square book and ties which OM sold up to 4146 to go at Liberty Hk baas with long full ends and full ruche made of liberty silk and eatfToa some are all black up to 425 to go at iJU Also a lot of Boas lines effect black boas chiffon and liberty silk extra full ruche arid long eads sold up to SSX to C c- o t STATIONERY Little Lots IJIc Ilcili Quirk Clvarauce High grade paper usually eid at XOc per Ib ia quire C- lots Baveiopes in erea per package White bond envelopes per package White bend paper per quire 25c box paperterle boxes somewhat soiled French crepes paper original price Me reduced t 1 CC per Ib Envelopes te mulch CC per package Crane uaderglased paper IB pale gray only rut price per quire V Envelopes per package Hurds Holland Llaen reeepiioa ia dainty shades 9c per flC quire envelopes per paekage First floor section B A Big Lot af TrimmiBgs for a Penny 1 lot of black silk and mohair braid which sold as high 1 C as 12c per yard for 1 let of remnants in Mack silk aad mohair braid which sold from lie to lie per remaaat each 1 lot of fur heads ia Persian imi- tation chinr Ha ermine and marten sold for lie each First fioor section nV which sold 1 to go cellar others black wltltesold naIl or 3zC 4 C 4C u h writing 5C size 1 C 1 C z yd leog silk apt at goat sad J sine 1 fiC I trim- ming I ¬ > < > > ¬ ¬ = Another lot some of which are slightly crushed they consist of liberty silk trimmed with cord edge others With chertfe some are made of BMrribow leathers which has tile appearance of fur others of white and black coque feathers some are made taffeta silk ati coque feaaers combined another style made of liberty silk sad chiffon with extra long eads sud up to M to go at JJ30 Pretty in evening had os ty use of each Wad these are mod of fine quality chif- fon liberty silk and ribbon effect the colors are light blue pink lavender slid m is as well as Mack sold up to 98 to go J Cfj A Big Remnant Sala of Dress 1 lot of dressmaker eambrics leaos and canvas ia assorted O C lengths leainaiit price B 1000 yards of tat Mack aerealiae as welt e lrs also lawns and se- Hcia which sold off the piece from Sfcc to lfi aer yard remaaat C price OB 1 lot fine lining remnants suck M sateen in Mack and colors which are worth off Ute piece from 12c to 25c per O yard in remnants 04 First Boor section C GiltEdge Values in Rita Remnants Baby ribbon 5 yards to the bunch in eofctajhoremaaat price per b apK J- Shart WWkths of satin sad gros greta ribbon assorted colors 2 and 3 wide worth lie per yard 7C remnant price Plata and fancy ribbon ia all colors also satin taffeta ribbons this lot sold up to Me per yard 10JC ft 2 and 2iu velvet ribboa mtla Melt regular woven edge sold up to 2Se per yard remnant 1 7 I C price v i First floor t I i j f I I teat 1 at First and G linings tee C among I X I 5 floorsection F mercerized Inch ¬ > > if You Have Your Home Interest at Heart Youll surely not twin this Remnant Offering In the House Furnishing De- irtmeat p S Oil Theaters the Brightest and best slightly damaged therefore they are reduced from 4 1 Qg 4 Curtain Stretchers the cele- brated Oilrays make reduced acc from 1M te 15 wire knife sad fork baskets which sold for l e reduced OC to fi Clothes Hampers made of fancy reduced from 10 to 10 CuspRd res aaamel steel slight- ly chlppoa sold for reduced ICC to 12 Granite Iron Coffee Peta 2qt size which setd for Me reduced 1 to IK Sleeve or Bosom Becrd fold lag kind on an4 sold for Ife reduced to J- If tea aad coK e canisters Japanned and stenciled slightly scratched OC Ore ced to to otraW slightly sbopwora 49C tie tiC 4 sold 5 India for ¬ ¬ > 000 yards of the Smut and sheer out Domestic Madras which Includes the etamiae effect goods very suitable for most RAY use worth to fie per yard 1QC 8000 parda of Poagee Foulards has 4esigas and colorings the same as a sUIt foulard special price per ICC yard 1000 J rds of plata shades ia Satln ia different width stripes which we shall sell special at per ICC yard a eases of Furniture and Drapery CHoae large lid small designs In antl eUaeta iiriated oa light medi- um add darks ground special CjC per yard 1 lot f Outta s ia stripes and reversible taiab which are worth from fe to 12c C7C yard far Remnant Departmeat Third Seer frost 7 from lie ape cml II sheen of a silk and Ute patterns I StrIped Oriandy very sheer Sue tad at IJ and I cheek per ¬ 12 Tin Coffee Pets Sqt sold fin Jie reduced to 15 Jardinieres decorated fc sue soW for 55v re deceit te 55 pieces of quadruple plated silver- ware including cream pitchers spoon holders cracker Jars etc which CQC sold fo 100 reduced to 12 ptaeea of quadruple plated fruit dishes pickle castors buUYdi fees tea trays etc which soW up ta 250 radaeed 110 to J odd ptee taken from bfofcilk toilet set gad offered sep- arately Deoomted toilet pitchers and decor- ated biufias each SIc Decorated eaaiabers Nell 49c soap dishes tt d brush holders lOc tod mugb 5e Decorated slop Jars 14i Third floor house furnishing Sept aiM 5C 39C 1tIoWIRf ted lie 5 silver- ware ¬ ¬ ¬ > MARKET SPACE handsome Swelled JiHaJ Front Cloiaan Oak Bedroom tJuite with large beveled plate mirror worth 3- 5kl 7C For SoUl Oak Biiirssat For Spiece Bedroom Suite Cash or Credit MAYER PETTIT 415417 SEVENTH OUR OWN MAKE b tfc price of tW VMt Trunk we tell Absolutely guaranteed for one year cut will give you an idea of the exterior Interior fuR clotVUned two trays deep and wide hatbftX Strap and letteriBg tree Other Trunks lower priced Tophams 1219 REMOVAL NOTICED Tho Mt Pleasant Tailor Fonuec r of Sttt th St X W REMOVED Where with Increased facilities he will ba able to attond to tho wants of his patrons and guarantee tharn best workmanship find most roascnable prices Wby Da We Sell to Mist Glasses IT IS WE SFIX AT MOST REA SONABLE PRiCES AD EXAMINE YOUR EYES FREE IF TOlR EYES TROI BLE YOU LS COMPARE PRICES ELSEWHERE Our Prima All tOO nbMwa We Ahnanumi nmi Tie With flMBt CMUad LCMC8 ill 8 and K Mdau d or IJMO- Glaates at 100 A KAHN 935 F N W REPUTATION BUILT ON QUALITT tiellgbUsliy pert met M tai d cz- ytte T ion sty tra4 1HOXE HiS 1 full qt 804 Pa AYe Tresses Less tbuGasU A tall stock et Premium Tneeta Sappert- en which took Inchest awn at Ute Paris Bx- pedtlMi a naikd by ktBdns vbfeh well Il coot All kinds el tissue Sec men w a and ckOdnB rac te Area dollars with tfc ed bnt d air pad Spe nil department ter Udlts The Rorick Air Cushion Truss Co 1224 F St N W SecMd Fteof GAS STOVES For looking and GAS A1 PUA CE EXCHANGE 1424 Se York Avenue Cheap If rci rue the kind Youll get the right kind from ZEH Our Coal burns well in imy stove and burns than other foul It is clean tatre no clinkers Let a ton Three olftv- caWg J ZEH 7OKlItkSt A- VHh and K Sts N W SIS Uk St N TV Washington Cei Hmow Delivered hi unfettered TUPS BERKELEY at F antEKr Bedroom Suites Priced Very low1 For largo e S895 ST- d I 79 bargain This I I f COYa ol F r I KRIKSTINE HAS TO f 829 F STREET I r II- Ih I BEn E ro soT Sick All cb fu XW wbaH J Qill f Special Sale It sad trite bet u- SA Jog lOU > I J Phone East 254 for Beer Cadre Seer fe- rn RYE I I 1 1 iLII tIt 1 ill g s I charge fei5S f fl15 tics ot- a Ewar4 l lll4ay good Heating f1A Is right longer si send I I 2t q5Ltt SettleS sf ill Brewing wagons < < > 7th and K Sts The two hold the same wean- ing here But for tomorrows Renuuurt selling we dam ex traordiwjirj importance for the ralHcs era bigger than w tiaJ th ehaJKes for Bionreysarm reotw tham ever The waning season urges us to deepest saerfttaiHg to clear all the small lots aad remnants We lure made low pricings that insures a speedy clearance of ererjthiBg f a Remnant nature by tomor- row sight Waists 39c Only 3 dozes better coma cartr ta the morning The test of our wtatar stock Most of them sold at OJtt a few Inc less 150 Wrappeis 79c ends culled out fw Friday osUck selling FInest grads ly trimmed Sold at 140- J125 and Lit 6c Instead of I2ic to 25c Remnants of Draperies meludlBg Curtain Swisses Deatnu Cratannoo- Silkollnea Fteh Nets ete du- rable lengths Sold at 12 u to 2Sc yard 25e Window Shades 12ic Mounted on good strong spring rollers slightly mussed 4 Blankets 269 Several odd pairs ef California Wool Blankets Gray only Uuuarter dev- ote bed she 50c Sofa Cushions 29c Covered with sateen finished wttk 4inch ruse Slightly soiled 69c to 98c Footwear 33c pairs in all Ladiee MIsses aad Childrens House Slippers tectadtng a few Childrens Juliet Sold at lie Tie and for Me 150 Shoes 93c 70 pairs Ledte KM and Pateart Leather Shoes and h n4 dive4 Juliets Basement Bargains Four Me Wash Tabs 4H Bight Wash Tabs Me Large Baskets ISe each rr choice of many articles worth Me and over tactudius Chtea Plates Sugar Crunm Pitchers Butter Dishes Coffee Puts Sockets Trays Dover Bit Boaters Sponge Racks Oil Caa Coat Sieves ete Underwear 2lc Soiled and mussed Umbrella high and lowaeck CacsttTCtfnac trimmed with embroidery Childr sr Umbrella lace trimmed and Childrens Short Skirts 1 t 3 year sixes 12ic Corset Covers 61 G Several doses ia high and ion nook SUes and only Regular ISKc quality SI Corsets 29c The teat of our recent Dollar Oftrasta abas IS and 19 are left Dresses CaiMreas Dresses of Striped assorted colors Yoke trimmed with braid and mate edged with lace Sizes 2 to 14 years 69c Black Goods 37e Choice of superior auaMtr AMwwai Black Dress Goods newest and meet fashionable weaves Dross sad skirt lengths Sic yard sold up to 506 Dress Gaods 23e Remaaats of All woof Calami Dr Goods ia various desirable styles and effects Sold up to Sic a yard Se yard Friday Boys 4 Suits 189 Strictly Allwool Fancy Patterned Cheviots styla State 7 8 9 14 aad 15 years SOW ua to 4 Beys 50c Skirts 25 Odds sad ends broken slues Stiff bosom sad soft Negligee Shirts 25e Knit Bags 6e Five dozen Knit Shoppies Bi which sold at 25c for lie 75e aid Brushes 49c Fourteen Hair Brushes sold at Se and 1 The backs are scratched 15 Fttrs 77 Five Klectric Seal CoUaretfija Persian Lamb yoke and longtate Percales 5c 5000 yard of Xttt Remaaaxa and effects S to 10 yard If agate Light Prints 2ic Remaaats of light Colored Prints la lengths from 2 to S yarda PMt caters Caulon Flanael Sic of Unbleached Caaftaa Flannel good weight 2 to M yard lenjcths Linings ic 500 yards ef Silk teno m i grey and white only asafui lengths quality sold at Me aff the piece Friday for 2c lOc Perealine 5lc Remnant tot of fast Uack Motnul- Perealine Usual lOc grade for 51 e yard 25c Ysilisgs 7c A reataaat accumulation of Ke reat Style Yeiiiaas ia pile aai a d black and wanted colors aatf old passed styles but the aeert feels netS at 2c yard PrfchcjvJar ic Embroideries A remaaat let of several yards of Cambric Banioas aa Torchon Laeee ta various neat and desirable patterns Quatfttes isiS the pOse up to 5c ar Farl e DAY BIG BARGAINS are 1 SI 4 generous lot Flannelettes I t dozesodds and ends M tie Sic t ret I Draw era J Jot lIB de Famous C B Sic for at 4gel P- ale Doable breaated l SI I wkb lit in good c Rem lOc 1 I yard meshes fIIJl Iq REMNANT Dot damna ofsfs and Peed 1 Sonic Friday e yardwide Percales eloilga good hundred off ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

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Post on 19-Jan-2021




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Page 1: I ASKED PRINCE What Suites Sts t Very 1...8 THE EVENING TIMES WASHlffSTOK THURSDAY FEBRUARY G 1902 I 1 MAJOR SYL YET ASKED TO GUARD PRINCE iCJnef of Police Wozzied by Lack of Insrucions




iCJnef of Police Wozzied by Lack of Insrucions as to WhatIs Expected to Do


Het tt


er SrJveater CMof ef the Police De-ij melt the Diutrket has yet abso-

lutely ae eJteiai knowledge that PrinceNary of Prusaia hi coming te vashias-

Ualeas some instructions are soon giveRMm by the committee ia charge of the recuptlon arraageAeate the Priace will be

to go from the depot to theGorman Kmbaasy ar the New Willard Hotel his arrival without the slightestpretence of a police or protectioa

There may of course be police arrangemoats which have bees kept secret butup to the present time Major Sylvester te-EC much ia the dark as to what will berepaired as aayprivate citlzea There isDO doubt that the arrangements whenmade will be most elaborate But it isevident the delay is causing Major Syl

much concern although he has de-

ettaod dIscuss the matter ia say of itsphaios-

K is probable however that Oetocttveawin bo brought here from other dUes toaastet the local force To secure goodmea from other places will be a work of



A festival service was held lest eveniagt St Johns Kpiscopel Church The mu-

s e was furnished by the choir of Old 3C-

Baa4 Church BeJtimore which is re-

gard d as one ef the high standardChoral organisations of the StPaufs choir Rae for the past seven yearsbftoa ucler the persoaal direction of Profgarrow of Baltimore aM the Rev JS B Hodges pastor of St Pauls theson of Dr Edward Hodges who was or-ganist at Bristol England and Trinitydmrch New York Dr Hodges was alsoa coflBpaeer of A reeeat addition

the choir is Fraufein Thiele harpistwho is iastructor at the Con-servatory of Music Admission to the feathai was by Invitation though voluntaryooatribatioas were made for the beaentof St Johns Choir Library

Mis Louise Pauline Oibboas of 201N Street and Mr Roeea F Dewniug wereuBtted In marriage yesterday afternoon at-4taQ at SC Stephens Catholic ChurchJTe ushers wore Mesons John DowningGeorge A Conner Fraak Kilkenny aadJ 6eph J Murphy The brldes only atteadaat was her sister Miss Agnes Gib-bon Mr Richard Campbell acted asbest man The ceremony was performedby the Rev Father OCoanell assistantpastor of the church A reception washeld Just after the ceremony after whichMr and Mrs Downing loft on a short trip

The District of Columbia Paper MillGeorgetowns latest industry new employs sixty Hands mea women and girlsIt IB said that a per cent divMead hasJust beta declared

John D Crotosaat aad Galen L Talttrustees have sold to Charles M Fallowsfor 1300 lets S aad 6 Week 8 AmericanUniversity Park

Chalet Church choir will give a besentc-

ntflrwiBRMBt tomorrow evening at Lin-tblcum HaM Motion pictures will be thefeatMro

The TJJnJeytew Atamnf Aaaoci t1 a willbold MB s revaion tomorrowevening at the resMeace of Mtas CeraPimper on Thirtyfirst Street

It that Mr Thomas CPoles Stases has termiaated in the lossoi hIs reason He has bees takes to StElisabeths Mr Pole was but recentlyaajwMted a lay reader ia the BataeopelChare with the view of ultimately enterlag the miaiatry He has spent muchtime in aremotiag his fathers locomobile-iBveattlana

Some donations have been received atthe local omce of tile Associated Charities

i la the form of clothing


Argument on the 3IilIx Petition to5 Ue licurd Tomorrow4 Argument will be heard tomorrow in Ute

Supreme Court of the District on the peLttfen of ouo warraato loosed a gainst MrSamuel C Mills requiring him to ahoycae by what authority be exercises

tbis juria leUoBMr Mills with others was named

a Justice of the peso for the Districtby President Roosevelt ia Deceatber lastThe cede from which the President do-

rfwd hie authority to same the Justicesof the peace however did not go Itoeffect sad operation until January 1 1M2It ta therefore contended by some peoplethat the President was without power to

the Justices when be did aad ia-

benaeaueaee the appointments are voidThe decision of the courts in reference

te Mr Mills will bold as to the otherjuadees ia this Jurisdiction who were app fatod by the PreaMeat prier to Januarylisa

SUES FOB 31200

HearliiK In of Reeves vIV A t 31 V Ualltvay-

He rl p was begua i ay in Circuit1 in tb suit of Mr John B-

Itfttfre agatest the Washiagtea Alexaadria and Mount Versed Railway Com-pany to recover 31200 claimed as dam-ages for periioatl iajurhc

It is alleced that ea February 32 1M-OtMr R oves purchased a ticket for WashingtMi at the eoatpaays o ee in Alexaadria Va After the ear haiL started on-1U way t9 this city Mr Reeves says hoffered the ticket to the conductor for hisfare The conductor it is declared re-fused to accept the ticket sad ejected MrReeves from the ear la doing so italleged the conductor threw him fromthe step of the car As a remit ef hisfall Mr Reeves declares the bones ofORe of his legs were brokea Just ahoyhis ankle

Inspector of CaxtlnKn-JIT order of the District CommiasioBers

Shuster of Camden K J beenappointed Inspector of cant iron pipe aadiale lla8e u eastings at 480 per dayfor the U eJuring which he to actuallytmpleyed

Colored Coa tum injuredWatte coasting dowa Thirteenth Street

bill between Florida Avenue aad WECreet northwest about t eeleck lastBj bt two colored men Gf rge Grant aad-

AtfflBBW living at 5 t H Street aerthv-iNHit lou a curb sal had theirfiagegs badly cut The injuries weredraJKed at the Garfield Hospital aadtaut In company with another friendwaat baek te the hill to try it again

Norfolk Jt Vt unlit aiftu Sleauiboat Je-OeticMtut trips a iy t esS8 a tms feot

st t CMtfm WctnBaeMrsdK r art Sew Se pegs 7



eec rt




eou try





the power of a Jwrti of the peace la


the Cut s



J m has


tb PetaL Norfolk La
























time soil the ra ltare ef the committeeon arraagameata to eommuaieate withtile chief of pOlice regarding tbe prejoetgreatly enhances the oimculties withwhich he will have to contend

It o beltevad that aa escort willbe provided by the department to accom-pany tbe Prince from the depot te thetel or embassy on his arrival in Wash-ington and this escort may aloe be placedconstantly at bin disposal whenever heleaves his apartments

A liberal number ef Secret Service monwill likely be sprinkled through thecrowds that win skirt the line of merck

If this is dose every peruse of ques-

tionable character or who gives the oatcers the least cause to suspect his de-

signs will be taken Immediately to PeMee Headquarters and required to explainIda business here or be committed untilUte distinguished guest has departed

It is understood that President Roose-velt has indicated that ao expense shallhe spared te aiford the royal visitor everyprotection and if this policy is adoptedMajor Sylvester will carry out every wishof the President Ia regard to the matter


Pctnnil in Seer That of Mlsnlug I iiK horeiunn

The body of the maR found in the sewerat the foot of Seventeenth Street north-west yesterday afternoon lisa been identi-fied as that of Mark Greer a longshore-man who lived at the Intersection of XewHampshire Avenue and F Street north-west

Detective OBrien expressed the opinionlast night tJtat the was that ofGreer and tMls maralng Mrs Grver calledat the ntftrgfet aad rompieted the Ideati-fieation a is now living at Sis FStreet northwest where the funeral winprobably tw held

Greer pawned a shotgun belonging tohis soaialaw P B Colbeck In the hi-tters name at Heidenheinterg on Decem-ber 2C and was not seen thereafter

Oreer h L beEn working for LittleaeM-A Alvord tit a time and before that usedto sell the river front


SeiiatorM anti Itc re cutative Speclnl Gucntn of the Occunlon

The Iteslnees leas Association of theDistrict f Columbia will hold Its annualbanquet at the House tonight Itis expeoted that fully 175 persons willbe present

There will be about thirty specialguests among whom will be members ofboth Seaate and House Committeesoa DtotfieV Affairs The chiefs ef thefire and police departments will also bepresent About twenty of the twentyfour CoogreB mea lavXed have sigaifiedtheir intcatlen ef accepting the tevita-tion

Tie only formal speech ea the programme will be that of CommissionerMae aad The other persons presentwill Bewailed upon for addressee by thechairman ef the association


Life XndcrirrlterH Decide HoldConvention In City

The notification to Mr S P Fiekleaof this city one of the vice presidents oftile Xatioaal Association of Life Under-writers that the executive committee ofthat aaeeeiatton have fiaally decided toheld its seariaaaual meeting in this cityApril has created quite a stir IB locallife circles

Consequently active steps have alreadyInstKQted to welcome and esterain these c etleKen At a cpeclSl meetlag of the Washington Life Underwriters

Atsocia eA Mr W A White presidentia the ebalr held Ja the Itlggsparlors last evening the followingnamed committee on wasapoetaton

W A White S P FicklenSiawa Wolf Robert Cook G S Walewright W A Bennett Max Cohen FraakRaymond W L R Badger William B

diff aBel Frank H ThomasAa adjottraed awetiac f tilts cammit

tee has b eK called for seat Moaday at1 a m


Annotation to Olve KM Sixth Annoah Iteuejitlon

The members of the Private Footmens-AsaocMtioa are going to throw off thefrigid mask of professional hauteur aDdhave a net time at their sixth aaaualreception which will be held at Odd Fel-lows Hall M Street northwest betweenSixteenth and Seventeenth oa the evealng

The most ultra footmea of the swellestfamilies ia town will be there to show theooachmea and incidentally their employers how a fashionable function should bepulled off Many of the oncers of theaeeeeiatioa are the footmen and butlersof the legations and they may be depend-ed to putiate practice the latest socialswings and sidestep

There will be refreshments served bythe Auxiliary music by tileMonumental Orchestra and dancing tillthe fashionable hour of 2 IB the morning

leatur on how to tVIn-jfhe Rer K L Hubbard pastor of UM-

MeKeadree Methodist Episcopal Churchgave a very interesting lecture last even-ing at the Gorauch Church corner ofFourandahalf and L Streets southwestThe subject the speakers talk wa

to Win During the evening amusical programme was rendered

Galena Street SewerThe Dtotrtot Qftmniissloners today au

a sewaruader the aftseasaeBt-ayetem in dkleaa Street between Sixthand Seventh Streets Metropolis Viewabutting all lots fronting on both aideef Oaleaa Street between the limits namedeatlmated seat flM2

The temperatures registered by theStandard thermomeier at House Hcrrmenus today a m 23 degrees12 m M laep m a

Hotel Tolinion Caf K-

I vcn tet tgaVeni ihouM sot fonwi that vtare te iktily H p atgmti Uym HaveBay ry toii Pine I teU abc choice

ate Midd r takW t tt ibmet sad h-c He acrriec UUitlme oforicaca-

12S to Baltimore and Return viaD O R It Snturdaj and Sunday-

P f y S0 UcV 4c naod ntunUMg nestS fallow










Hardy A Avery J W JaeluDaaThomas A Lee D K Midyette J T Herick Long

or February II






S Seed zaleiLllllllted












sadDucks Toivapbi cbsiee Fiat

lomb a

Os except Rep























Carnival weather AU kin e of earniv ls for all kinds of eopJe Moneycarnival out way BrotherWJdener breaking bread with thirtyseven invited quests Just for funthey counted up the house which 0-

taled 9OOOMI000 tron Fivehnndredmillion Think of it And here themajority of ua are compelled to hangup Alphonsc the clerk at the wetgoo4 counter or go athirst Ahwell and alackaday l is not alwaysMay More platitudes

Probably fair tonight aad Fridayrising temperature variable

winds mostly southwesterly

Temperature at 9 aTemperature at 12Temperature at lJSf p i


Meon riees527AM f Moon sets

THE TIDE TAJBLKHigh tide tAM and 2 8FMLew tide 00 Al X and 4M I X-

STRBKT LiCHTlMGLamps lit today PMLamps out tomorrow

NaUonal Virgiair In Alice ofOld ViBceuBes

Columbia David Warfield In The Auctieseer afternoon and evening

Chases Polite vaudeville afternoonaDd evening

Lafayette The Great UnknownafteraooB and eveata

Academy The Gamblers Daughterafternoon and evening

Kernaas The Jolly Grass WidowsBurle quers afternoon and evening

Bijou Burleeque vaudeville after-noon and evening

Coaventiea Hall Elks Midwinter Carztlval afternoon and evening


Jutcrehtliip ProRramme at the MeetInjj at the RlKTRH

The sixth regular meeting of the UnityLiterary Club for the season of 1M1M02was held meet evening in the parlors ofthe Riggs House corner Fifteenth andG Streets northwest A large number ofthe members and friends of the societywere present to listen te a more thanusually interesting

The essayist of the was JudgeJ D Plenner of Idaho A WesternWonderland was his subject aad he toWof the beautiful scenery of the GhesheaeFalls on the Snake River eighty milesfrom Boise Idaho He referred to themas the eighth wonder of the world

A paper on Current Sveats was readby Mrs John A Travis The rest of theprogramme follows

Piano solo Le Trot du CavalierSmedley Miss Cnariene Browse recita-

tion Prior to Miss Belles AppearaaceMiss Grace Beard recitation The Ghostof Lone Rock Miss Artie E BellRalston College of Repression recitation

SIte Likes Me Pretty Well Mr GeorgeSpoWel resitation The Quarel of Brutusand Cassius Mr WilUam D Slaughterpiano solo Cavalleria Rustieana Maxcagal Miss L Liebermaa recitation

Kiasiag Cups Race Mtas Susaa StoneRalston College Several of the numberswere encored

The club extended a vote of thanks tothe management of the Riggs House forthe use of their parlors which beennewiyv retted and decorated The nextmeeting will be held la the Xew WillardHotel February

UnuMinlly lnr c Xamlier of ofIncanionln Itciiurteit

If the surgeons at the various hospitalslocated in this city are to be believedWashington is at present a stricken cityAccording to them nearly every hospitalia the city Is crowded with patients themajority of whoM are suffering frompneumonia brought on ny the change-able weather

Physicians at the Emergency Hospitalsaid

eases of pneumonia city then foryears before owing to the bad weatherOur institution ia completely filled astate of affairs with we have notbeea confronted for la factwe have sot a spare bed in the hospital

The other hospitals are said to be af-fected In the same manner nearly all ofthem being in suck a condition that thestanding reom only sign could very

properly be displayed-

A Company Uceoverx nOOO TnxcxAttorney Fred Basil ef this city yes-

terday received a telegram from Mr AsaG Candler president of the CecaColaCompany informing him that in theUnited States Circuit Court at AtlantaGa the company has recovered 41 Mpaid as taxes to the Government OR theproduct of the company

Senator UVtiiiorea Chimney AblazeEngine Company No 1 was called out-

last night about 10 oclock to extinguisha blaze In a chimney ef the residence ofSenator George P Wetmere ef Rhode Isl-and 1600 K Street northwest There waspractically no damage done

125 to Baltimore und Return viaB t O It R Snturdiiy and

February S and 0

DiseasesIt you are not which of 77 remedies

your requires I r Shade will eicmlno youand free of charge Keaedln Me

hours 9 t i Special and private reeaivad every r and S tuf4nyfnm t p m 8 da r M te U



slow-ly t



Setu eit AM IiH PY

IH7 1 AM








la my new moreIn



13th 13th

and 6 and 6




Ttale at










Far the dreg eeFrtitiSis








S Kann Sons Co S Kann Sons Co

Always the Best of Everything for the Least Money

Another Feast of RemnantsOdds and ends and broken lots You cant make hay these days even

if the sun does shine but you can make business if you Rave theproper goods to advertise Our selections for tomorrow consist ofmany good values null ends which are new and seasonable broken iotAwhich must make room for other goods and odd pieces which mustvacate their quarters

Which ought te receive a rousing receptiea betas specially reduced to iaaugurate their Scat showing



29 yards of American Shirtingand Waist Prints all sew pat-terns best which we will

12 yards to each customer OjCat per yard

2000 yards of now Seersucker andGinghams stylos the same asquality sot quite as good We willallow a dress pattern to each OvCcustomer per yard

2 cases of good quality Percale 192styles ia light dark effect reg-ular lOc quality which we shall 7Csell at

yards of the est DomesticLawns Dintttiec ami Satiates ia aUse of elegant patterns andcolorings regular 12 and lie J Cvalue for 2

1 case of new Challis Kemaaats alllight styles suitable for dresses andsummer comforts which we 0Cshall sell special at

lot styles of special quality newI Ginghams in all the new choice de-

Isigns patterns which imitate foreigngoods worth 12c and I6c per Q3Cyard for





r 5

styles al-low





Odds and Ends from the Floor Wherethe Undermuslins Are Sold

II se onfJ II

The first on the list is an odd lotof Maids Caps made of white IndiallRoa with three rows cf pleatingedged with Val lace they were25c being and ends they 1

JThree pairs of chUdreas canton

flannel Night Drawers made withoutfeet sUghtly soiled they were Mebeing odds and ends they OCCare

Three coats made of ladless clothIn colors of red and mode targe sail-or collar braided la white box backstyles tour aad lye years were

3 being odds and sods they Ctare

Oae childs Coat made of whiteripple eiderdown large elrcr col-lar and extra small cellaredged with silk braW this garment isslightly soiled the price was-H being aa odd garment theprice Is U30

odds C-








Second fleor front

Bunch of Broken Sizes in Eootwear

One lot of womens Wool Felt Jailets which sold for 1 reduced J

One lot ef Childrens Kid Shoes iaboth lace or button the sizesare and S s W for U reduced Cto J

The best quality Stem Rubbers forwomen children Ostring heels worth SOc for

One lot or cHlhlres satinqltlltetl upet8 w1tlek for Z5CSic reduced to


I gc







One lot of white and grey Xeroo Cor-sets low bust and long hip bias goreBDisbeiUat the top with satin ribbon

lot the price will bePour womens Petticoats made of

best grade of alpaca there isblue me red one green andcerise deep umbrella ruffle finishedwith small tucked ruffles and ia 4-

dttkm xtra dust ruMe stld for 4ttbeIng and ends the C1 QO

price isEight dressing sacones made of

good Duality ripple eiderdown tightfitting and felled seams small laydown cottar fiAHhed round collar andsleeves with ruffles of ribbon and foldto match betas w odd lot wereduced from KM to 13O

An odd lot of womeas muslindrawers deep hem tucks finishedwith MIMI and striaga betag as j CCodd lot we have made the price

made or couUl being an odd 89C







Oae of wOMeas onestrapla either patent leather or vlcl I

kM vamp sold for 150 re OgCdueed

One lot of missess guaranteed pat-ent leather lace or button shoes witheither cloth or kid tops sold for QOC j

L 5 reduced toOne lot of womens patent leather 4

vamp cloth twit batten shoetf ACfor StJO reduced to

One lot of womans patent leather i

vtei kid bun and enamelshoes which sold lee M relaced to IiJJ

tot i










and Ends in Womens Neckwear ofVarious Kinds

ucenu Yioorgnoe Parlor

A C1aanSwaept9n Odds

ties liberty sadchiNea Jabau point de Venice eellars aad other aeek pieces OflC

White and black mouse bows androsette wale sold for Me to 9fcC

Point Venice Irtah point and apatfjoe effects ia rouad and square book

and ties which OMsold up to 4146 to go at

Liberty Hk baas with long fullends and full ruche made of libertysilk and eatfToa some are all blackup to 425 to go at iJU

Also a lot of Boas lineseffect black boas chiffonand liberty silk extra full ruche aridlong eads sold up to SSX to C c-o t

STATIONERYLittle Lots IJIc Ilcili

Quirk ClvarauceHigh grade paper usually eid at

XOc per Ib ia quire C-

lotsBaveiopes in erea

per packageWhite bond envelopes per

packageWhite bend paper

per quire25c box paperterle boxes

somewhat soiledFrench crepes paper original

price Me reduced t 1 CCper Ib

Envelopes te mulch CCper package

Crane uaderglased paperIB pale gray only rut priceper quire

VEnvelopes per packageHurds Holland Llaen reeepiioa

ia dainty shades 9c per flCquire envelopes per paekage

First floor section B

A Big Lot af TrimmiBgs for a Penny1 lot of black silk and mohair

braid which sold as high 1 Cas 12c per yard for

1 let of remnants in Mack silk aadmohair braid which sold fromlie to lie per remaaat each

1 lot of fur heads ia Persian imi-tation chinr Ha ermine andmarten sold for lie each

First fioor section nV

which sold 1 to go


others black wltltesold




4 C





1 C

1 C

z yd leog silk

apt at




1 fiC












Another lot some of which areslightly crushed they consist ofliberty silk trimmed with cord edgeothers With chertfe some are made

of BMrribow leathers which has tileappearance of fur others of whiteand black coque feathers some aremade taffeta silk ati coquefeaaers combined another style madeof liberty silk sad chiffon withextra long eads sud up to

M to go at JJ30Pretty in evening

had os ty use of each Wadthese are mod of fine quality chif-fon liberty silk and ribbon effectthe colors are light blue pinklavender slid m is as well asMack sold up to 98 to go J Cfj

A Big Remnant Sala of Dress1 lot of dressmaker eambrics leaos

and canvas ia assorted O Clengths leainaiit price B

1000 yards of tat Mack aerealiaeas welt e lrs also lawns and se-Hcia which sold off the piece fromSfcc to lfi aer yard remaaat Cprice OB

1 lot fine lining remnants suckM sateen inMack and colors which are worth offUte piece from 12c to 25c per Oyard in remnants 04

First Boor section C

GiltEdge Values in Rita RemnantsBaby ribbon 5 yards to the bunch

in eofctajhoremaaat priceper b apK J-

Shart WWkths of satin sad gros gretaribbon assorted colors 2 and 3

wide worth lie per yard 7Cremnant price

Plata and fancy ribbon ia all colorsalso satin taffeta ribbons thislot sold up to Me per yard 10JCft

2 and 2iu velvet ribboa mtlaMelt regular woven edge sold up to2Se per yard remnant 1 7 I Cprice v i

First floor

t I







atFirst and G









floorsection F






if You Have Your Home Interest at HeartYoull surely not twin this Remnant Offering In the House Furnishing De-

irtmeatpS Oil Theaters the Brightest and

best slightly damaged thereforethey are reduced from 4 1 Qg

4 Curtain Stretchers the cele-brated Oilrays make reduced accfrom 1M te

15 wire knife sad fork basketswhich sold for l e reduced OCto

fi Clothes Hampers made of fancy

reduced from 10 to10 CuspRd res aaamel steel slight-

ly chlppoa sold for reduced ICCto

12 Granite Iron Coffee Peta 2qtsize which setd for Me reduced 1to

IK Sleeve or Bosom Becrd foldlag kind on an4 sold for Ifereduced to J-

If tea aad coK e canisters Japannedand stenciled slightly scratched OC

Ore ced to


otraW slightly sbopwora 49C


tiC 4








000 yards of the Smut and sheerout Domestic Madras which Includesthe etamiae effect goods verysuitable for most RAY use worth

to fie per yard 1QC

8000 parda of Poagee Foulards has

4esigas and colorings the same as asUIt foulard special price per ICCyard

1000 J rds of plata shades ia Satln

ia different width stripes whichwe shall sell special at per ICCyard

a eases of Furniture and DraperyCHoae large lid small designs Inantl eUaeta iiriated oa light medi-

um add darks ground special CjCper yard

1 lot f Outta s ia stripes andreversible taiab which are

worth from fe to 12c C7Cyard far

Remnant Departmeat Third Seerfrost


from lie apecml

II sheen of a silk and Ute patterns

IStrIped Oriandy very sheer Suetad

at IJ





12 Tin Coffee Pets Sqtsold fin Jie reduced to

15 Jardinieres decorated fc

sue soW for 55v redeceit te

55 pieces of quadruple plated silver-ware including cream pitchers spoonholders cracker Jars etc which CQCsold fo 100 reduced to

12 ptaeea of quadruple platedfruit dishes pickle castors

buUYdi fees tea trays etc whichsoW up ta 250 radaeed 110to J

odd ptee taken frombfofcilk toilet set gad offered sep-arately

Deoomted toilet pitchers and decor-ated biufias each SIc

Decorated eaaiabers Nell 49csoap dishes

tt d brush holders lOctod mugb 5e

Decorated slop Jars 14iThird floor house furnishing Sept

aiM 5C



ted lie








handsome SwelledJiHaJ Front Cloiaan Oak BedroomtJuite with large beveled plate mirrorworth 3-

5kl 7C For SoUl Oak Biiirssat

For Spiece Bedroom Suite

Cash or Credit



b tfc price of tW VMt

Trunk we tellAbsolutely guaranteedfor one year cut

will give you an idea of the exteriorInterior fuRclotVUnedtwo traysdeep andwide hatbftX

Strap andletteriBg tree

Other Trunks lower priced

Tophams 1219


ThoMt Pleasant Tailor

Fonuec r of Sttt th St X W


Where with Increasedfacilities he will ba able to

attond to tho wants ofhis patrons

and guarantee tharn bestworkmanship find

mostroascnable prices

Wby Da We Sell to Mist Glasses




All tOO nbMwa WeAhnanumi nmi Tie

With flMBt CMUad LCMC8ill 8 and K Mdau d or IJMO-

Glaates at 100

A KAHN 935 F N W


tiellgbUsliy pert metM tai d cz-

ytte T ion sty tra41HOXE HiS

1 full qt

804 Pa AYe

Tresses Less tbuGasUA tall stock et Premium Tneeta Sappert-

en which took Inchest awn at Ute Paris Bx-

pedtlMi a naikd by ktBdnsvbfeh well Il coot All kinds el

tissue Sec men w a and ckOdnB rac teArea dollars with tfc ed bnt d air pad Spenil department ter Udlts

The Rorick Air Cushion Truss Co

1224 F St N W SecMd Fteof

GAS STOVESFor looking and

GAS A1 PUA CE EXCHANGE1424 Se York Avenue

CheapIf rci rue the kind Youll get theright kind from ZEH Our Coal burns wellin imy stove and burns than otherfoul It is clean tatre no clinkers Let

a ton Three olftv-

caWg J ZEH 7OKlItkSt A-VHh and K Sts N WSIS U k St N TV

WashingtonCei Hmow

Delivered hi unfettered


at F antEKr


Priced Very low1

For largo




d I

7 9 bargain








TO f




Ih I


ro soTSick


cb fuXW wbaH

J Qill

f Special Sale It


trite bet u-SA Jog




Phone East 254for Beer Cadre Seer fe-







ill gs I







l lll4ay



f1A Is



si send


2t q5Ltt SettleS sf illBrewing





7th and K Sts

The two hold the same wean-ing here But for tomorrowsRenuuurt selling we dam extraordiwjirj importance forthe ralHcs era biggerthan w tiaJ th ehaJKes forBionreysarm reotw thamever The waning season urgesus to deepest saerfttaiHg toclear all the small lots aadremnants We lure made lowpricings that insures a speedyclearance of ererjthiBg f aRemnant nature by tomor-

row sight

Waists 39cOnly 3 dozes better coma cartr ta

the morning The test of our wtatarstock Most of them sold at OJtta few Inc less

150 Wrappeis 79c

ends culled out fw Friday osUckselling FInest grads

ly trimmed Sold at 140-J125 and Lit6c Instead of I2ic to 25cRemnants of Draperies meludlBg

Curtain Swisses Deatnu Cratannoo-Silkollnea Fteh Nets ete du-rable lengths Sold at 12 u to2Sc yard

25e Window Shades 12icMounted

on good strong spring rollers slightlymussed

4 Blankets 269Several odd pairs ef California Wool

Blankets Gray only Uuuarter dev-ote bed she

50c Sofa Cushions 29cCovered with sateen finished wttk4inch ruse Slightly soiled

69c to 98c Footwear 33cpairs in all Ladiee MIsses aad

Childrens House Slippers tectadtng afew Childrens Juliet Sold at lieTie and for Me

150 Shoes 93c70 pairs Ledte KM and Pateart

Leather Shoes and h n4 dive4Juliets

Basement BargainsFour Me Wash Tabs 4HBight Wash Tabs MeLarge Baskets ISe eachrr choice of many articles

worth Me and over tactudiusChtea Plates Sugar

Crunm Pitchers Butter Dishes CoffeePuts Sockets Trays Dover BitBoaters Sponge Racks Oil Caa CoatSieves ete

Underwear 2lcSoiled and mussed Umbrella

high and lowaeck CacsttTCtfnactrimmed with embroidery Childr srUmbrella lace trimmed andChildrens Short Skirts 1 t 3 yearsixes

12ic Corset Covers 61 G

Several doses ia high and ion nookSUes and only Regular ISKcquality

SI Corsets 29cThe teat of our recent

Dollar Oftrasta abasIS and 19 are left

DressesCaiMreas Dresses of Striped

assorted colors Yoke trimmedwith braid and mate edged with laceSizes 2 to 14 years

69c Black Goods 37eChoice of superior auaMtr AMwwai

Black Dress Goods newest and meetfashionable weaves Dross sad skirtlengths Sic yard sold up to

506 Dress Gaods 23eRemaaats of All woofCalami Dr

Goods ia various desirable styles andeffects Sold up to Sic a yard Seyard Friday

Boys 4 Suits 189Strictly Allwool Fancy Patterned

Cheviots styla State7 8 9 14 aad 15 years SOW ua to 4

Beys 50c Skirts 25Odds sad ends broken slues Stiff

bosom sad soft Negligee Shirts

25e Knit Bags 6eFive dozen Knit Shoppies Bi

which sold at 25c for lie

75e aid Brushes 49cFourteen Hair Brushes sold at Se

and 1 The backs are scratched

15 Fttrs 77Five Klectric Seal CoUaretfija

Persian Lamb yoke and longtate

Percales 5c5000 yard of Xttt Remaaaxa

and effects S to 10 yard If agate

Light Prints 2icRemaaats of light Colored Prints

la lengths from 2 to S yarda PMtcaters

Caulon Flanael Sicof Unbleached Caaftaa

Flannel good weight 2 to M yardlenjcths

Linings ic500 yards ef Silk teno m i

grey and white only asafuilengths quality sold at Me affthe piece Friday for 2c

lOc Perealine 5lcRemnant tot of fast Uack Motnul-

Perealine Usual lOc grade for 51 eyard

25c Ysilisgs 7cA reataaat accumulation of Ke reat

Style Yeiiiaas ia pile aai a dblack and wanted colors aatf

old passed styles but the aeertfeels netS at 2c yard PrfchcjvJar ic

EmbroideriesA remaaat let of several

yards of Cambric Banioas aaTorchon Laeee ta various neat anddesirable patterns Quatfttes isiSthe pOse up to 5c ar Farl e





4 generous lot


t dozesodds and ends




ret I


J Jot

lIB deFamous C BSic for

at 4gelP-ale

Doable breaated





litin good



lOc 1I






damna ofsfs and


1 Sonic



yardwide Percales eloilga






