i am america 5 golden city vortex safe zones 9-2009updater


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Sharline M. Martin


Boulder, Colorado

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Copyright © 2009 by Sharline M. Martin All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted by the 1976 Copyright Act, or in writing by the publisher. Requests for permission should be addressed to the publisher: Golden Earth, LLC [email protected] Workshops, seminars or lectures may also be arranged by emailing the address above.

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Earth Changes: 2005-2015 These prophecies come to you for your understanding and preparation. It seems overwhelming, but if each does his/her purpose and gets on with life all will come right by 2020 with a new, transformed world of:

cleanliness true concern holiness guided groups communication purity of intent

Pure food and water will be the norm rather than the exception. Every family should obtain a two year supply of basic foodstuffs for each person in the family. Cooking needs should be considered with camping stoves, fireplaces, etc. as well as generators when possible. All of the formerly predicted happenings will now come to pass in the next 3-5 years. These earth changes have begun to exhaust the national relief response and the national infrastructure is beginning to disappear.


The earth changes have begun in new ways and the immediate concern will be Southern California, excluding the San Diego area. It will virtually disappear with the next large earthquake. The recent Mexican earthquake has torn the crust underneath Mexico and so the result will be the sloughing away of the Western Mexican coast and carrying up the fault line to the North. When 2010 begins California should be abandoned. It takes a slow, thorough clearing for this type of change as the people must move and take their belongings. Actually, it would be fine for them to begin right now. On May 15, 2007, the Masters revealed that a triangular piece of land, about 50,000 square miles, had been reclaimed from the predicted inundated areas around

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San Francisco because of the prayers and meditation of 1,000's of people for many years.

Florida is gone

Your Martin USA map is not kind to Florida people, but it is accurate. Get out of there! The hurricanes will continue in the middle of the US until the area resembles the Martin USA map.

Western Montana, northwestern Colorado

over the next years, will experience rains instead of snows in the winter. This will affect the lives there greatly. High elevations will continue to have snows for skiing and winter sports. The life changes in a region impact all humans, but the business community vastly so. Begin now to plan. These areas will experience changes in climate turning this region into a Seattle-like weather scene, and then, in 5-10 years like the weather of Hawaii. The changes will be ever so slight, hardly noticeable until one day Voila! Here it is - Hawaii weather.


Is now the large vortex opening of earth plane for the Masters to manage and that will switch slowly to the East over the next years. All of the islands will be completely inundated except about 2/3 of the large island. These predictions are not to scare or disintegrate humans, but are warnings for preparation, saying “Humans, get ready - then move!” HELP! The population of the planet Earth will be greatly decreased and the ensuing problems monumental, but each area must necessarily be in charge of its own reconstruction process. Help from the outside will be a luxury. Humans in touch with inner self will get information that needs to be followed. Intuitional guidance- action: that is how we guide humans in all ways. The immense task of moving people out of the way of weather, storms and great tragedy in coming earth changes is

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beginning to be a grave task as most humans are not intuitionally open enough to receive clear information and if they receive information, ACTING on it allows great advantage. Evaluating it from the RATIONAL MIND allows GREAT ERROR. The rational mind usually disallows truth in this intuitional guidance and because of this, society errs in flexing only the left brain at the expense of the right brain and intuitional guidance. Many 100,000's will perish. Would it be that humanity could be more balanced in effect and action so that humans knew the truth of incoming insights and information. Flexing the rational mind in times like this is plain foolishness. The most help one can give self is to operate daily from the balanced, integrated state of intutional guidance. This is the best advice we can give you. The areas of great danger will always be protected by the Masters’ energy. Those who listen will save many, so persistent attention to their words with faith must be kept. As tragedies occur here and there across nations and continents little seems to be changing but after a few years much will be changed. The weather, the industries, necessarily to match the weather, the wind patterns, the type of people who live in an area and the activities of a certain area are set by the choices of the people of the area. So as earth changes continue to kick up here and there, be cautious of insidious change taking place in the world around your - subtle, but evolutionary. The Earth too, is evolving toward a more stable, less stormy center for life. “Peace on Earth” will begin with the Peace of the Earth and be followed by its inhabitants. This is the largest evolving planet in the universe at the present time so many entities are certainly helping and observing. Continual calmness during future upheavals is the best guidance we can give you. Teach the integration process to all and that the components of the human integrating allows:

Spiritual growth intuitional opening with discernment

Humans operating from a balanced state in these future times will allow the most safety, the kindest life for all, so heed this. Earth changes began to impact the United States in 2005 [ i.e. Hurricane Katrina] with the overall political malaise and the inner core

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of people will understand more important things are at stake. Seattle and Los Angeles will be hit in late 2009 gently - a warning to get out if you are affected in any way. In 2012 the destruction will be complete and far reaching in these areas. Because Oregon lies between these two areas of Seattle and Los Angeles it will become quickly unsafe - the winds, water, flooding. Conscious leaving is suggested. Don’t wait until the last gong sounds as fleeing then become difficult. On the East Coast, during 2009-2010, happenings will begin to place humans in an untenable position unless some planning has been established, so begin now to plan and act. As the USA is impacted every area of the system of the county will be affected and that is the truth. The financial situation is, of course, the first to be upset [ i.e. Black September, 2008] so make some allowance for that in you lives in the area of preparation. This allows the most understanding to be brought through with growth.

Golden Cities

The Golden Cities of the future, after the Earth cleansing, will hold people of high spirituality who will be primarily interested in advancing that spirituality. The cities themselves are being energized now [by the Masters] and the people drawn there will need to be in service, one to the other. These areas will feed and energize Earth. Huge amounts of time, energy and expertise of interplanetary beings are now in progress in creating larger vortices in these areas. These efforts have been underway since 1995. Until 2020 the earth will be cleansing itself and there will be people gathering from other places and for a while they will be misplaced. As man will be as a gnat on a beast’s back, being in a safe area has great advantage when the beast rumbles and roars. Some of the golden cites, the Illinois one particularly, will be totally, dangerously cleansed, offering NO safety during the earth cleansing This Golden City will be created after the cleaning has ceased. As time goes along and the Masters of the Wisdom begin residing in the cities and visiting the other cities, special schools will be

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set up in the cities based upon the Ancient Mysteries, with an emphasis on spirituality being vitally important to all. Both Masters and humans will work and administer the schools, as well as teach in them. The Ascended Masters will walk among the people to teach. The cities will be places of light and hope where people can come for safety and security. Love will reside there for all because the people will make it so! Most of the Golden Cities will undergo minor cleansing but nothing huge. If one moves to a Golden City to live and work, one will be expected to fit in by exposing one’s self to others in service ways of help, understanding, and great caring for present and future problems. These cities will be energy centers for both the land and the people. Therefore, they will be special. The Martin earth change maps feature an “outer limits line” which depicts the geography as it exists now, and the “inner earth change line” which depicts the geography after the earth changes have been completed. These maps were produced through the courtesy of Sharline M. Martin from 1988 to 1994 working primarily with the Masters El Morya, Lord Germaine and the mighty Advanced Council.


[This is the latest information I have. When more is obtained, it will be put in this Updater ]

WESTERN HEMISPHERE CANADA, in general, will suffer inundations in the East and the immediate West, but will ride through the earth changes in one piece. ALASKA: BRITISH COLUMBIA. EDMONTON/SASKATCHEWAN

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OTTAWA MISSOULA MONTANA - Intermittent area extending from Whitefish South to Salmon, Idaho. BOULDER, COLORADO - extending from Laramie, Wyoming South to Golden, Colorado; TUCSON, ARIZONA and the Superstition Mountains, east of Tucson nearly 100 miles then North to the Colorado border. These three Western US Golden City areas [5, 6, 7 above] are already especially vortexed with a higher vibrational level for incoming people. It is an energy of spirituality and oneness. People are now being sent to these areas to properly teach those coming; many of them will be Indigo Children. As the world is changed and new lands created, new waterways are carved and new challenges for man appear, a new type of human child, the Indigo Child, will come in with the skills, knowledge and ability to solve all of these new problems in new ways. In the meantime inner work will be required, new communicative group work will be in process and a new way of living and evolving with technology, but sanely, not destructively ILLINOIS: Springfield/Decatur north 100 miles, south 100 miles. This will be great farm land after the cleansing. Lake Michigan will drain, Chicago will disappear and the Illinois land will be cleansed by flooding and then the land will drain and dry for safe habitation. ATLANTA, GEORGIA - North to near the Northern Border of Tennessee and it is safe now. First new island in South America has an important vortex as does - MACHU PICCHU, which will become the largest vortex in the Western Hemisphere and thus will help people and lands. The West Indies and Central American will have a total water face and will become undersea antiquity to begin in 2012. The islands

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of the West Indies will re-emerge as a part of a new continent - the Centre of Love - and will become a luxurious vacationland for all- mystical as well as physical. Mexico stays much the same as it is, but the State of Baja California will be completely inundated. EASTERN HEMISPHERE


All of the coastal cities will need to be evacuated for 10-20 years. The area of France will be decreased by 1/3 from water-sea inundation. Over 1/4 of Spain will be lost to the sea and about ½ if Italy including the Southern part of the boot up to and including Naples. The United Kingdom will decrease to an island around London [the saving of a heritage of cultural history].

All countries will lose area and be inundated by the ocean. Areas of small dimension like Denmark will cease to be except for a few small parts that will be saved. The cleansing of Europe will follow that of the United States and be carried over several years beginning in 2008. It will then settle down to be quiet and cleansed.

FRANCE below Paris will be energized and peopled. This area will become a major food producer for Europe with vegetable and fruit production. France will be cleansed with water, wind and snow, with winds of 100-150 mph in the higher regions. By the sea, waves from 30-150 feet will cleanse areas and hold things at bay. Coastal cities will be evacuated, permanently, for 10-20 years. It is a whole new world in the planning and thus changes are to come. The beloved France of Lord Germaine will be reformed according to pollution standards of the spiritual hierarchy and future generations for young, old and all alike –concerning the extensive increase world wide of free radicals and disease. It will calm down again after the year 2012. Insanity will be running rampant among the rigid with rigid little lives. Your group of trained leaders will be sent hither and yon to help out.

GREECE will cease to exist except in history.

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RUSSIA must draw together in new ways to survive. Later a milder climate will prevail. GERMANY will pull together and create an organization to help the European scene and the United States. SPAIN - A line like a cross in the middle of Spain North to South, then East to West reaching to Seville on the West to 50 miles East of there - Holy, blessed and energized for the benefit of all. ROMANIA SWEDEN

AFRICA DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO [ZAIRE] In the middle of the country, West of Lake Tanganyika.

ASIA NEPAL/TIBET New land beneath INDIA will include India in its landmass. KASHMIR - In the valley between Pakistan and India a vortex with Masters walking among the people. TAIWAN - Golden City vortex for its people, saved and protected and the land raised. Much of CHINA will be detonated by 200 mph winds and heavy snow, rain and generally unlivable weather for two years. Only those totally prepared with supplies of food, warm clothing, strong shelter and an attitude of survival will survive. Their Council work will be helpful to the areas around them. During these years all past hurts, harms and grievances among these people will disappear.

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KOREA and JAPAN will greatly change their face to the world. The Philippines will be gone except in history, as will most of the South Sea islands because of high water levels. After 20-30 years they will re-emerge totally cleansed – new, so to speak. NEW ZEALAND- in the central mountains. New Zealand will become surrounded with a new land mass equal to more than 3.5 million square miles, [ the size of the U. S, or China] as a new continent. SAUDI ARABIA - a triangle of land will remain. GOLDEN CITY ORGANIZATION Every Golden City, and every district within a Golden City, should have a council of five people

a seer, visionary, prophet or prophetess a psychic environmentalist business professional engineer

These chosen five will serve their particular area and will meet with their like five from other areas. Each Golden City council with periodically meet with councils from other Golden Cities in the USA and internationally. Begin leadership choosing and training now in these areas. We must all now begin our more simple, closer to the earth way of life. Perhaps an herb garden on your deck or patio, a vegetable garden in your back yard, a gather on your patio or in your living room once a season. Soon you have a caring, sharing with all participants, leading to a stronger, happier community. Then, in times of trouble, it will be easier to move forward.

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The Masters urge that we all begin to think in terms of the C’s of community: Seven C’s to Community

The two most important elements required for consciousness change are PURITY OF INTENT on a personal level and INTEGRATION of the human elements of the intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual [IEPS] The world is a long way from both of these.

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Purity of intent means that all day in every way you connect with people at this level of person intent. That means “no games, manipulation, one-ups-man-ship, but clean, clear, sharing in spirit communication. Integration is cleaning up the personal balancing in your life, working on it daily, trying in all you do to see, perceive, work, serve from a balanced state. Of course, as humans, that is not going to be static, and is going to continue to be worked upon each day. If it is worked up in a dynamic way long enough, a balanced approach is integrated into the human [See. A Collection: Keys To Self Transformation, Book I]

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