i 9flours 1 e- i green id t60i lnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71zc7rp976/data/0467.pdf · cor third and green...

Y r 37i es vs vid fNR eJa I IsT g NTUCKY IRISEI A RIOAN GEHER SON i 1 J MakesJ COOKING AND HEATI- NGSTOVES CAST AND STEEL RANGES 214 Market Street Near Second VVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVV i t 9FLOURS GOING UP 1 E- ATMOTHERS 0 1I IBREAD g I Than Flour S Notwithstanding the sharp advance in flour the big loaf of MOTHERS r BREAD still goesnearly twice as big as it used to beand JUST AS t 6 GOOD as ever Cheaper than flour Of course it is I And fresh every day I 9 at all the good groceries without the worry of baking 1 AVVVVVVVV T s J z- FACTORY WATHENS m f l nMR BAKERY- t l 629 Eighth St Louisville Ky Finest Vanilla and Lemon Creams per gallon 75c Sherbets all kinds per gallon 75c Peach Strawberry and Chocolate per gallon S5c Brick and Euchre Cream per gallon 100 i CHARLOTTE Finest quality all sizes 25c 35c 50c and up Individuals per dozen 50c Try them You will be pleased All kinds of Fancy Cakes made to order Goods far as two hundred miles dealerst Fine Cakes daily and everyday ordersHomee Telephone 2144 k I DANIEL DOUGHERTY THOMAS KEENAN I I IDOUOh6rtu Keenan 1- mw f i II 1225 West Market Street Bet Twelfth and Thirteenth 7CBIaPiPIioKBi 12502 > 1 1- I I All Galls D oalriages p DRINK Hofbrau Pilsener 1 BREWED BY SENN ACKERMAN i BRE2rING COltrPANY INCORPORATED TELEPHONE 452 LOUISVXLLg KY ri STATIONERS i PRINTERSBINDERS BOOKSELLERS Cheaper UM RUSSE Beer The Bradley Gilbert CO e XHCORPOBATED Blank Book Paper Box Manufacturers RepHtintattvK ol the Hammond Typewriter for Kentucky Typewriter Supplies Ribbons etc lor all Machines Cor Third and Green StsI LOUISVILLE KY HENRY C LAUER TI LInPHO1 TIt 1140 Eine Wines and Liquors Livery Boarding Stable rI 407 JEFFERSON ST 428 and 430 Branch House 905 West Market EAST JEFFERSON STREET SHE IS CRYING Because She Wanted to Go With Her Mamma t- CHICAGO ON THE r- e Wtf In an ELEGANT PARLOR DINING CAR- E H BACON District Passenger Agent Louisville Ky FRANK J REED General Passenger Agent- CH ROCKWELL Traffic Manager W H McDOEL Prealdo and General Manager j JOHN g 1 RANK 1 WALTERS Clay = Street Brewery 812 and 814 CLAY STREET TeepIioe 2O2 LOUISVILLE KY Ie H Y H KENTUCKY I IRISH l H AM m BPRINTING N CO E = IIs now Fully Equipped to do All Kinds of Job Printing in the I- a Latest Style Give Us a Trial Order fit i Tickets Dodgers Invitations Note Heads I- a Bill Headsf Programs Envelopes Etc II IoJ Phone96 = i 326 W GREEN STREET IRELAND Record of the Host Important of the Recent Events Culled From Exchanges Timothy Flanagan JP Chairman of lheCorofin District Council a coercion prisoner who was removed from Limerick prison suffering from typhoid fever and subsequently was put into the lunatic asylum was discharged January 14 An old woman belonging to Scilly named Mary Farren died very suddenly- at her lodgings in Kinsale on Wednesday morning The deceased who appeared- In her usual health got a weakness about 11 oclock on the above day and died in i a very short time At the monthly meeting of the Cork Lunatic Asylum Board James ONeill drew attention to the fact that the union jack was flying over the building and he moved that this practice be discontinued Other members agreed with him and after some discussion the motion was carriedDr OShanghnessy of Limerick aged ninetyfour died January 14 at his residence in Newenham street The de- ceased was the oldest Magistrate in Ire land and father of Richard OShaugh lessy formerly member of Parliament for Limerick city and now Commissioner- of Public Works Dublin Monday morning Daniel Powell editor of the Midland Tribune was released from the county jail having undergone i a sentence of four months in connection with a coercion prosecution He was met outside by Mayor Condon M P Mr Powell who served the last two months of his term as a bail prisoner ap- peared to be in excellent health and spirits He left for Bin by the train from Clonmel On Saturday morning the bodies of two men were washed ashore on the sea- coast near Johnstown which lies between Arklow and Mizen Head They are sup posed to be those of the victims of the recent drowning disaster in Arklow bay by which four fishermen lost their lives and it is believed they are the remains of John Brien and Larry Byrne who be longed to the crew of the Mary Jane which foundered during the storm In DecemberA fire occurred in Westport resulting in the destruction consider able portion of Messrs Halls corn and flour mills Near midnight John Bourke noticed the fire and at once summoned Assistance The large stores were com pletely burned down and an immense quantity of flour Indian meal and malse was destroyed together with the ma- chinery How the fire originated has not been ascertained It is calculated that the total loss can not be less than 45000 In opening the quarter sessions at Mul linger Judge Curran in charging the grand jury said there were only five or six ceses to go before them ordinary crimes which would occur in a large county like Westmeath He adverted to the fact that at the last sessions he had to tell them that the thin end of the wedge of boycotting was entering Into their county But he was now happy to say that this had almost disappeared and that Westmeath was in its normal state quiet and peaceful Information reached Newry of a des- perate chase after a lunatic near KHkee1l l- A farmer named Doran in a fit of mad ness attacked his two daughters He threw one into the river and tried to strangle the other The girl got away and informed the police who gave chase on bicycles Partially dressed and bare headed Doran mounted a horse and rode away He called at several houses but beyond giving a number of persons a fright caused no harm The police eventually came up with him and be was captured after a desperate struggle The tenants on the Bateman estate at- Port Abbeyfeale who signed purchase agreements some time ago and who were processed for all arrears of rent due in- tended contesting the legality of the pro- ceedings before Judge Adams at the present sessions but having offered the receiver on the estate through their so- licitor Daniel Leahy the Interest on the purchase money with costs based only on interest amounts Receiver Delap has accepted the tenants offer and has with- drawn further proceedings in the matter The tenants on the Scraban portion of the estate which extends into Kerry have been similarly treated The exact particulars in connection with the sudden death of James Dromey- at Droumcarra have since transpired It appears that the deceased who was not imperfect health since St Stephens day was in bed at his fathers residence at Dames on Tuesday morning He asked fora drink and ajsiater gave him an egg beaten up in newHk and in about twenty minutes after bit returning to the room she found the patient dead The deceasedwas aged about fortyfive years and was married The Coroner having been communicated with replied that the circumstances of the occurrence did not necessitates the holding of an inquest A Mullingaj correspondent states that the floods ini that neighborhood have become very extensive A young man named James McGrath aged about twentyfive years who resided with his uncle whose house was flooded to a depth of several feet has lost his life He heard his brother who was returning home from Mullingar calling for assist ¬ ance The deceased went to his aid but missed his way and walked into a river which runs by the side of the car track Before help could reach him the unfor ¬ tunate man was drowned An inquest was held and a verdict of accidental death was returned The other members of the family were confined to the upper portion of the house until Saturday afternoon when they were removed in a boat The district of Cloneyhigue is entirely flooded resembling a vast lake and the many inhabitants are in a most pitable state- Meetings ofvthe Dock ward and Custom House ward burgesses were held recently in support of the candidature of Michael Donnelly for tile Limerick Mayoralty At the Custom House ward meeting P Bourke Presidentof the Limerick branch of the United rish League occupied the chair and spoke warmly of Donnellys claims to the office as the Nationalist candidate Alderman Joyce M P who attended said that this year they would have an English King paying in all pro ¬ bability a visit to Ireland and they should not have in office a Mayor of Limerickwho would be willing to kneel to him or kissitbe hem of his garment A resolution in support of Donnellys can ¬ didature was unanimously adopted At the Dock ward meeting a similar resolu ¬ tion was Jji9jp > WanimouBjy agreed 4o i The candidates for the office are Michael Donnelly apd Ralph Nash solicitor and the supporters of both gentlemen are working energetically in the interest of the respective candidates Early on Tuesday morning a fire broke out in the leather department of James McDonnells extensive premises in Tuam The outbreak was quickly noticed and the assistants pf the firm and inhabitants I of the town at once proceeded to subdu- it The fire meantime had spread to th drapery establishment and as the pre- mises ¬ occupy a large space in the central portion of the town much anxiety was j felt regarding the safety of the adjoining houses The premises of Francis Keane T C which adjoin those of McDonnell were for a considerable time in much danger A telegram was dispatched to Galway for the fire brigade but the order was subsequently countermand- and some time afterwards the fire was got under control Michael C Shine Superintendent of the Waterworks with his assistants rendered valuable aid during the Conflagration Fortunately no casualties are recorded One man only Daniel qresharo in preventing the flames reaching Keanes received some injuries for Which he is now being at ¬ tended medically McDonnell is Chair ¬ man of the Tuam Town Commissioners BUCKINQHAAI The BonTon Burlesquers will be the next attraction at the Buckingham Thea ¬ ter beginning with tomorrows matinee LOUISR LANGDON TutU Frutti and The Daffy Shop two clever musical farces abuolutel startling in originality will hedge about an olio of clever people There will be the usual Sunday Monday Wednesday- and Saturday matinee HOME TO REST Clem Ketnpjtr r r- a who last week sustained severe sprain of lib right ankle left tbla week f his home at Ferdinand Ihd where fe will teat lentil thei injured member ia eat rely well u ISu HIBERNIANS What They Have Been Doing the Past WeekOeneral- News Notes Division 21 of Hartford Conn has 2G8 members in good standing Will we have another Irish fair This question must be answered soon The proceedings of Friday nights meeting of the County Board will appear next week Division 3 meets Monday night at Hibernian Hall All the new members are looked for Ladies Auxiliary 10 of Division 5 of Spencer Mass was organized recently with 105 charter members We understand that eveything is ready for active steps toward the formation of i a Ladies Auxiliary in Louisville New Albany and JeffersonuJlle divis ions are making quiet arrangements for the appropriate observance of St P t- ricks day- Members of Division 1 who have pro posed candidates should see that they are brought to the hall for initiation at the last meeting in February Hibernians of Utica N Y are con templating the building of a hall for the accommodation of the various divisions of the order and other societies there Division 74 of South Boston had the four degrees of the new ritual worked on a large class of candidates by the staff from Division 39 of Somerville last Sun dayTomorrow the roll for the proposed new company of Hibernian Knights will be opened at the meeting of Division 14 of Providence R I Already forty members are anxious to join the new fraternity of Sir Knights Thomas Shaw has been selected for Chief Marshal of the St Patricks day celebration by the Providence Hiber nians Divisions will probably partici pate from all parts of Rhode Island Michael OBrien will be chief of staff State President Dillon officiated at the installation of officers of Division 9 of Valley Falls R I and afterward wit nessed the initiation of seven candidates soe bee changedMatthew Cummins President of Nor- folk County installed the officers of Division 37 of Charlestown Mass in Monument Hall on Sunday The retir log president Edward Callagban was presented by the division with a gold charm Laurence H Sullivan another popular member was the recipient of a complimented On the coming St Patricks day the Hibernians of Baltimore will celebrate their centenary This is one of the old est societies in Baltimore and has had e continuous existence its membership in eluding nearly every Irishborn citizen of prominence iu the century that has passed John Oliver one of its mem bers and its President at the time of his death in 1827 left a large sum of money to found the Oliver Hibernian free school which has been the means of educating thousands of children The Hon W Bourke Cockran and Fin ley P Dunne will speak on the occasion of the celebration FIXED CARNIVAL DATES The Red Men of Louisville some time ago decided to hold a street fair and car val this summer 50 per cent of the pro ¬ ceeds to be distributed among the differ ¬ ent orphan asylums of the city The General Committee have selected two weeks September 7 to 19 for the carni- val ¬ and are now looking for grounds From the General Committee an Execu ¬ tive Board composed of Messrs James B Camp David Hirsch Herman Cohn Dr John Buschemeyer Larry Gatto and Prof Enos Spencer was appointed This board will have absolute charge of the undertaking and will make all the arrangements PLEASANT EVENINO Miss Maggie Dalton entertained at her home Sunday evening in honor of Miss Mayme McGurk of Lexington Ky The evening was pleasantly spent in the en- joyment ¬ 3 of vocal and instrumental music The vocal soloists were Misses Margaret Quill Mary McEHIott Mrs Concannon Messrs George Kirn and Otto Greggs Instrumental music was furnished by Professor Setllman Miss Angela Gratzer and Miss Alice Sullivan During the evening an abundance of refreshments were furnished Among those present were Misses Lizzie Sulli ¬ van Pearl Heinse Angela Gratzer Mary McEUiott Margaret Quill Alice Sulli ¬ van Mayme McGurk Maggie Dalton Mary Collins Messrs Otto Greggs Glee Sullivan John Collins William Mien George Kira Charles SelllmaUj Bd Dalton Messrs and fifeadames Con cant oii john MOBS and JB Collins D u o Office 452 W Jefferson PITTSBURGH Try our 4th Pool Coal if you want your fires to hold fire over night r Screened Lump 25 bus 375 Screened Lump 100 bus + 1500 Anthracite per ton 1200 Crushed Coke 50 bus 700 Lump Coke 50 bus 65- 0PacitlGGoalCo TELEPHONES 1B212686 CHAS L CRUSH MANAGER 1 E E iE 1< 1tFJ I l I rM id Mollllm6llt t60i DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF = = ITALIAN MARBLE AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITE I I Monuments I IArtistic Work Only Solleltai Workshops and Studios Carrara Italy 1 I WAREROOMS 322 to 328 WEST GREEN STREET i tl ftIftD ftDDDDD F i4 nuftDnDull Telephone Main 64 Home Telephone 1500 BABEYB LACE CURTAIN LAUNDRY 90S WEST JEFFERSON STREET No Branch Houses or Solicitors in Louisville Now is the time to have your work done thereby avoiding the rush thelatest excited ness is a guarantee of the highest excellence of work AU work called for and delivered promptly at reasonable prices Send us your orders C 3BA3BE > TT Prop lIISIII 1 1 IIZII IIIIIII 1J I E l IF1f4 1E Ii I II i j Ii i I Is i iMISS KATE SMITH Lady Assistant and Embalmer i = Carriages Furnished for All Occasions on Short Notice m i MOVED TO 700 WEST WALNUT STREET = TELEPHONE 810 II Si i I34IftDft E li I ftI 1fkltll 1 LOUISVILLE MACHINE WHITEWASHING CO CONTRACTORS FOR ALL KINDS OF Painting Calsomining and Whitewashing Floors Stock and Machinery Carefully Protected Material Applied Hot by Compressed Air Under Pressure of 140 to 200 Pounds Endorsed by Insurance Comiriissioners Fire Commis ¬ sioners United States Government and Boards of Health QUICKER BETTER AND CHEAPER THAN BRUSH WORK M OPRIEN7i tai 1631 Gallagher Street Louisville Ky Telephone 6878 Drop Postal for Estimate + + N + + ++++ + t44 + i + t t+ + PARADISE SAMPLE ROOM Good Liquors a Specialty Fifteen Ball Pool M J HICKEY PROPRIETOR Home Telephone 384 248 West Jefferson St FRflNK FEHR BREWING 60 INCORPORATED Brewers and Bottlers LOUISVILLE KY JOHN F UERIELBUTC- HERTOWN BREWERY CREAM COMMON BEER 14001404 Story Avenue Telephone 891 LOUISVILLE KY

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Page 1: i 9FLOURS 1 E- i GREEN id t60i lnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71zc7rp976/data/0467.pdf · Cor Third and Green StsI LOUISVILLE KY HENRY C LAUER TI LInPHO1 TIt 1140 Eine Wines and Liquors Livery


r37i esvs vid fNR eJa IIsT





CAST AND STEEL RANGES214 Market Street Near Second





Than Flour SNotwithstanding the sharp advance in flour the big loaf of MOTHERS r

BREAD still goesnearly twice as big as it used to beand JUST AS

t 6 GOOD as ever Cheaper than flour Of course it is I And fresh every day

I 9 at all the good groceries without the worry of baking





l629 Eighth St Louisville Ky

Finest Vanilla and Lemon Creams per gallon 75cSherbets all kinds per gallon 75cPeach Strawberry and Chocolate per gallon S5cBrick and Euchre Cream pergallon 100

i CHARLOTTEFinest quality all sizes 25c 35c 50c and up Individuals per dozen 50c

Try them You will be pleased All kinds of Fancy Cakes made to orderGoods far as two hundred milesdealerstFine Cakes daily

and everyday ordersHomee Telephone 2144


I IIDOUOh6rtu Keenan 1-


II 1225 West Market Street Bet Twelfth and Thirteenth7CBIaPiPIioKBi 12502 >11-

II All Galls

D oalriagesp

DRINKHofbrau Pilsener1











The Bradley Gilbert COe


Blank Book Paper Box Manufacturers

RepHtintattvK ol the Hammond Typewriter for KentuckyTypewriter Supplies Ribbons etc lor all Machines

Cor Third and Green StsI LOUISVILLE KY


Eine Wines and Liquors Livery Boarding Stable

rI 407 JEFFERSON ST 428 and 430Branch House 905 West Market EAST JEFFERSON STREET

SHE IS CRYINGBecause She Wanted to Go With Her Mamma t-




E H BACON District Passenger AgentLouisville Ky

FRANK J REED General Passenger Agent-C H ROCKWELL Traffic Manager

W H McDOEL Prealdo and General Managerj JOHN g 1 RANK1 WALTERS

Clay=Street Brewery812 and 814 CLAY STREET




KENTUCKY IIRISHl H AM mBPRINTINGN CO E=IIs now Fully Equipped to do All Kinds of Job Printing in the I-a Latest Style Give Us a Trial Order fit

i Tickets Dodgers Invitations Note Heads I-a Bill Headsf Programs Envelopes Etc IIIoJ Phone96 =


Record of the Host Important of

the Recent Events CulledFrom Exchanges

Timothy Flanagan J P Chairman oflheCorofin District Council a coercionprisoner who was removed from Limerickprison suffering from typhoid fever andsubsequently was put into the lunaticasylum was discharged January 14

An old woman belonging to Scillynamed Mary Farren died very suddenly-at her lodgings in Kinsale on Wednesdaymorning The deceased who appeared-In her usual health got a weakness about11 oclock on the above day and died in iavery short time

At the monthly meeting of the CorkLunatic Asylum Board James ONeilldrew attention to the fact that the unionjack was flying over the building and hemoved that this practice be discontinuedOther members agreed with him andafter some discussion the motion was

carriedDrOShanghnessy of Limerick

aged ninetyfour died January 14 at hisresidence in Newenham street The de-

ceased was the oldest Magistrate in Ireland and father of Richard OShaughlessy formerly member of Parliamentfor Limerick city and now Commissioner-of Public Works Dublin

Monday morning Daniel Powell editorof the Midland Tribune was releasedfrom the county jail having undergone iasentence of four months in connectionwith a coercion prosecution He was

met outside by Mayor Condon M PMr Powell who served the last twomonths of his term as a bail prisoner ap-

peared to be in excellent health andspirits He left for Bin by the trainfrom Clonmel

On Saturday morning the bodies oftwo men were washed ashore on the sea-

coast near Johnstown which lies betweenArklow and Mizen Head They are supposed to be those of the victims of therecent drowning disaster in Arklow bay

by which four fishermen lost their lives

and it is believed they are the remains ofJohn Brien and Larry Byrne who be

longed to the crew of the Mary Janewhich foundered during the storm In

DecemberAfire occurred in Westport

resulting in the destruction considerable portion of Messrs Halls corn andflour mills Near midnight John Bourkenoticed the fire and at once summonedAssistance The large stores were com

pletely burned down and an immensequantity of flour Indian meal and malsewas destroyed together with the ma-

chinery How the fire originated hasnot been ascertained It is calculatedthat the total loss can not be less than45000

In opening the quarter sessions at Mul

linger Judge Curran in charging thegrand jury said there were only five orsix ceses to go before them ordinarycrimes which would occur in a large

county like Westmeath He adverted tothe fact that at the last sessions he had

to tell them that the thin end of the

wedge of boycotting was entering Intotheir county But he was now happy tosay that this had almost disappeared and

that Westmeath was in its normal statequiet and peaceful

Information reached Newry of a des-

perate chase after a lunatic near KHkee1ll-

A farmer named Doran in a fit of madness attacked his two daughters He

threw one into the river and tried to

strangle the other The girl got awayand informed the police who gave chase

on bicycles Partially dressed and bareheaded Doran mounted a horse and rode

away He called at several houses butbeyond giving a number of persons afright caused no harm The policeeventually came up with him and be wascaptured after a desperate struggle

The tenants on the Bateman estate at-

Port Abbeyfeale who signed purchaseagreements some time ago and who wereprocessed for all arrears of rent due in-

tended contesting the legality of the pro-

ceedings before Judge Adams at thepresent sessions but having offered thereceiver on the estate through their so-

licitor Daniel Leahy the Interest on thepurchase money with costs based onlyon interest amounts Receiver Delap hasaccepted the tenants offer and has with-drawn further proceedings in the matterThe tenants on the Scraban portion of

the estate which extends into Kerryhave been similarly treated

The exact particulars in connectionwith the sudden death of James Dromey-at Droumcarra have since transpired Itappears that the deceased who was notimperfect health since St Stephens daywas in bed at his fathers residence at

Dames on Tuesday morning He askedfora drink and ajsiater gave him an eggbeaten up in newHk and in abouttwenty minutes after bit returning to the

room she found the patient dead Thedeceasedwas aged about fortyfive yearsand was married The Coroner havingbeen communicated with replied thatthe circumstances of the occurrence didnot necessitates the holding of an inquest

A Mullingajcorrespondent states thatthe floods ini that neighborhood havebecome very extensive A young mannamed James McGrath aged abouttwentyfive years who resided with hisuncle whose house was flooded to adepth of several feet has lost his lifeHe heard his brother who was returninghome from Mullingar calling for assist ¬

ance The deceased went to his aid butmissed his way and walked into a riverwhich runs by the side of the car trackBefore help could reach him the unfor ¬

tunate man was drowned An inquestwas held and a verdict of accidentaldeath was returned The other membersof the family were confined to the upperportion of the house until Saturdayafternoon when they were removed in aboat The district of Cloneyhigue isentirely flooded resembling a vast lakeand the many inhabitants are in a mostpitable state-

Meetings ofvthe Dock ward and CustomHouse ward burgesses were held recentlyin support of the candidature of MichaelDonnelly for tile Limerick Mayoralty Atthe Custom House ward meeting PBourke Presidentof the Limerick branchof the United rish League occupied thechair and spoke warmly of Donnellysclaims to the office as the Nationalistcandidate Alderman Joyce M P whoattended said that this year they wouldhave an English King paying in all pro ¬

bability a visit to Ireland and theyshould not have in office a Mayor ofLimerickwho would be willing to kneelto him or kissitbe hem of his garment Aresolution in support of Donnellys can ¬

didature was unanimously adopted Atthe Dock ward meeting a similar resolu ¬

tion was Jji9jp >WanimouBjy agreed 4o i

The candidates for the office are MichaelDonnelly apd Ralph Nash solicitor andthe supporters of both gentlemen areworking energetically in the interest ofthe respective candidates

Early on Tuesday morning a fire brokeout in the leather department of JamesMcDonnells extensive premises in TuamThe outbreak was quickly noticed andthe assistants pf the firm and inhabitantsI

of the town at once proceeded to subdu-it The fire meantime had spread to thdrapery establishment and as the pre-mises


occupy a large space in the centralportion of the town much anxiety wasj

felt regarding the safety of the adjoininghouses The premises of Francis KeaneT C which adjoin those of McDonnellwere for a considerable time in muchdanger A telegram was dispatched toGalway for the fire brigade but theorder was subsequently countermand-and some time afterwards the fire wasgot under control Michael C ShineSuperintendent of the Waterworks withhis assistants rendered valuable aidduring the Conflagration Fortunatelyno casualties are recorded One manonly Daniel qresharo in preventing theflames reaching Keanes received someinjuries for Which he is now being at ¬

tended medically McDonnell is Chair ¬

man of the Tuam Town Commissioners


The BonTon Burlesquers will be thenext attraction at the Buckingham Thea ¬

ter beginning with tomorrows matinee


TutU Frutti and The Daffy Shoptwo clever musical farces abuolutelstartling in originality will hedge aboutan olio of clever people There will bethe usual Sunday Monday Wednesday-and Saturday matinee


Clem Ketnpjtrrr-a

who last week sustainedsevere sprain of lib right ankle left

tbla week f his home at FerdinandIhd where fe will teat lentil theiinjuredmember ia eat rely well



HIBERNIANSWhat They Have Been Doing

the Past WeekOeneral-News Notes

Division 21 of Hartford Conn has2G8 members in good standing

Will we have another Irish fair Thisquestion must be answered soon

The proceedings of Friday nightsmeeting of the County Board will appearnext week

Division 3 meets Monday night atHibernian Hall All the new membersare looked for

Ladies Auxiliary 10 of Division 5 ofSpencer Mass was organized recentlywith 105 charter members

We understand that eveything is readyfor active steps toward the formation of iaLadies Auxiliary in Louisville

New Albany and JeffersonuJlle divisions are making quiet arrangements forthe appropriate observance of St P t-

ricks day-

Members of Division 1 who have proposed candidates should see that they arebrought to the hall for initiation at thelast meeting in February

Hibernians of Utica N Y are contemplating the building of a hall for theaccommodation of the various divisionsof the order and other societies there

Division 74 of South Boston had thefour degrees of the new ritual worked ona large class of candidates by the stafffrom Division 39 of Somerville last Sun

dayTomorrowthe roll for the proposed

new company of Hibernian Knights willbe opened at the meeting of Division 14of Providence R I Already fortymembers are anxious to join the newfraternity of Sir Knights

Thomas Shaw has been selected forChief Marshal of the St Patricks daycelebration by the Providence Hibernians Divisions will probably participate from all parts of Rhode IslandMichael OBrien will be chief of staff

State President Dillon officiated at theinstallation of officers of Division 9 ofValley Falls R I and afterward witnessed the initiation of seven candidatessoebeechangedMatthew

Cummins President of Nor-

folk County installed the officers ofDivision 37 of Charlestown Mass inMonument Hall on Sunday The retirlog president Edward Callagban waspresented by the division with a goldcharm Laurence H Sullivan anotherpopular member was the recipient of a

complimentedOn the coming St Patricks day the

Hibernians of Baltimore will celebratetheir centenary This is one of the oldest societies in Baltimore and has had econtinuous existence its membership ineluding nearly every Irishborn citizenof prominence iu the century that haspassed John Oliver one of its members and its President at the time ofhis death in 1827 left a large sum ofmoney to found the Oliver Hibernianfree school which has been the meansof educating thousands of childrenThe Hon W Bourke Cockran and Finley P Dunne will speak on the occasionof the celebration


The Red Men of Louisville some timeago decided to hold a street fair and carval this summer 50 per cent of the pro ¬

ceeds to be distributed among the differ ¬

ent orphan asylums of the city TheGeneral Committee have selected twoweeks September 7 to 19 for the carni-val


and are now looking for groundsFrom the General Committee an Execu ¬

tive Board composed of Messrs JamesB Camp David Hirsch Herman CohnDr John Buschemeyer Larry Gatto andProf Enos Spencer was appointedThis board will have absolute charge ofthe undertaking and will make all thearrangements


Miss Maggie Dalton entertained at herhome Sunday evening in honor of MissMayme McGurk of Lexington Ky Theevening was pleasantly spent in the en-


3 of vocal and instrumentalmusic The vocal soloists were MissesMargaret Quill Mary McEHIott MrsConcannon Messrs George Kirn andOtto Greggs Instrumental music wasfurnished by Professor Setllman MissAngela Gratzer and Miss Alice SullivanDuring the evening an abundance ofrefreshments were furnished Amongthose present were Misses Lizzie Sulli ¬

van Pearl Heinse Angela Gratzer MaryMcEUiott Margaret Quill Alice Sulli ¬

van Mayme McGurk Maggie DaltonMary Collins Messrs Otto GreggsGlee Sullivan John Collins WilliamMien George Kira Charles SelllmaUjBd Dalton Messrs and fifeadames Concantoii john MOBS and J B Collins



Office 452 W Jefferson

PITTSBURGHTry our 4th Pool Coal ifyou want your fires tohold fire over nightr Screened Lump 25 bus 375

Screened Lump 100 bus + 1500Anthracite per ton 1200Crushed Coke 50 bus 700Lump Coke 50 bus 65-


1 E E iE 1<1tFJ I l I



I Monuments I

IIArtistic Work Only Solleltai Workshops and Studios Carrara Italy 1

I WAREROOMS 322 to 328 WEST GREEN STREET itl ftIftD ftDDDDD F i4 nuftDnDullTelephone Main 64 Home Telephone 1500


90S WEST JEFFERSON STREETNo Branch Houses or Solicitors in Louisville

Now is the time to have your work done thereby avoiding the rushthelatestexcitedness is a guarantee of the highest excellence of work AU work calledfor and delivered promptly at reasonable prices Send us your orders


i jIii IIs

iiMISS KATE SMITH Lady Assistant and Embalmer i= Carriages Furnished for All Occasions on Short Notice m


Si i I34IftDft E liI ftI 1fkltll 1


Painting Calsomining and WhitewashingFloors Stock and Machinery Carefully Protected

Material Applied Hot by Compressed Air Under Pressure of 140 to200 Pounds Endorsed by Insurance Comiriissioners Fire Commis ¬

sioners United States Government and Boards of HealthQUICKER BETTER AND CHEAPER THAN BRUSH WORK

M OPRIEN7i tai1631 Gallagher Street Louisville KyTelephone 6878 Drop Postal for Estimate

++N+ + + ++++t44+i+tt ++


Good Liquors a Specialty Fifteen Ball PoolM J HICKEY PROPRIETOR

Home Telephone 384 248 West Jefferson St


Brewers and BottlersLOUISVILLE KY


CREAM COMMON BEER14001404 Story Avenue

Telephone 891 LOUISVILLE KY