i 1i1ie salf tannjal...comer mirun avenue ami king street 1110 supply op hay and orain t lowest...

T t I t 4 l r 0 11 II n i1i- Ii iU hl t J I i 1 ii Its + < BOILING DOWN THE STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW GOODS Early jBuyeie Will get the best there is in boll nnd those who know any thing about our Clearance Sale of Dry Goods know very well that this is well worth coming alloy Prices have been boiled harder than the stock null the few cents rcmnining on each article is not big enough to he considered a price at nil Our lull goods will begin to arrive in nboiu two weeks and we must have room as well ib money and all summer goods now on hand must go Only- a fcw more left ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS COME EARLY THE EARNEST DRY GOODS COMPANY La Villa Grocery FREEMAN MORTON Proprietors Staple and Fancy Groceries Stovu Wood in largo quantities Orders delivered promptl rut whero in Punta Gorda Telephone No 5 Jw Grocery 2- IHIWIl ANH HHImilKsrtHK W STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES OlAt the Lowest Living Prices Prompt delivery free to mif part of tilt city A ol your patronage N WAKEFIELD Comer Mirun Avenue ami King Street 1110 SUPPLY OP HAY AND ORAIN t LOWEST 1WCKS tilled promptly No M How Nice a Man Looks Agentior If he is well dressed and clothing is now so ROYAL cheap there is n excuse for not dressing TAILORS Go to Rf c HMJINTS and let him I ftyov Ic has Just recdvctl All Elegant Mno ofShlils 1untHind Pull nut of the Newest Styles nlso a Large Stock of Serviceable Fine Shoes Woolen Underwear Etc 0 Next door to the Postofficc Punta Gorda A ROEWhole- sale Keiall Dwicr In RAY GRAIN FEED Sole agent for Armours ixers and chemicals and the celebrated Magic Food for poultry nnd stock Agent for No i Cypress Tanks with patent lugs Call get my prices and patronize home industry FOR RETAIL BUYERS uOly Com Stock of the C est av GROCERIESI- N TOWN I HAV APB A S8LSCT OR MENS PANTS AND UNDERWEAR Tinware Tableware O 1I1Ie i rp j 7 a TO BUY 1li lli o Cull a hlple I e V tare rile n n d n well 5ulll Mild 10 Order end fit lip I alias i FL Fla- n n Lirne end complete fetll hy A Ilolcumb of GOOD NEWS Beyicles tho J UNit Ladies Childrens Shirt Waists fig of se and Goods also n large stock of and QALU AND BEE GOUDS WELCH THOS OR LOtK A e F raFti Sb c- N a Ls as 11 I a se situ L ion l 11 Thu a guar L Qtr STII A and Variety vac Crockery ArO tlkESOIrV11TA A = + F1RB HEALTH AND AMIDST INSURANCE JOIINII IAHHINUTON tn trtinr nc Cumpmjrof lUtlfoiJ rife Ininrinet Comtnnjr of Nor york 1aelilcllra luiurinei Comptaynf TJi iult iiullr Compnn at New York Io tniiKiiuvMrhilllttAIiTII INHUIl III It worth ij ir Ilili mil lii Infotnml LOCAL BREVITIES POIMTBBS 1173117 PBIMTE- Vnrloim Item lunierpd From ThU FleliUWlmt Out I oi1f Money to loan K Jl Hurvoy isle gnaw crop U nbaut oxlmtm cd Tlio public school open Alondn next Dally nuns koop tho ntmonplior- ilollfllitfiilly cool MnJ W OWollos lumber prlne of Noontoo Spoilt Wednesday hero Clb to HwlftVrin Shop for Rnlvu- nlroil Iron Move Thofamo of 1iiiitu Clordn ID nt tnictliiK ninny pooplo horo to soolt i locution Pastor Joynor of tho Mothodla church visited Oharlottn Hitrboi Tuemlfty- Ootinly Trunflliror Pints 1urkoi was minting with hU putty frlandi hnro Iftut Friday For fttovo unit fittings of nil kinds call nt Swifts l- lJolni Havnrono of Toinpii was horc yesterday and thin tiny boforo look lug after his tmslncsR Interests Air LulL Allon of Jlnrlow won hero front last Friday to Mowlny mlngi ling with lila ninny frlojulH Just wntoli tho Htittor fly IK otn- lior Ib 1C Curnni Mr Kriuik Taylor of Looilwrjj n modol yntniK gentleman old a Vftln oil friend of thin writer wns a wol onio caller In thin olllco Mondnv Mr Kd M Earnest loaves thin ivook for the iimrkuls to buy ho toll and winter stock of dry goods for the Hurnost Dry Goods Co- Mm Mary Allen and lively little son Coo returned mat Saturday front i very pleasant vlilt With relatives and frlomlH In Middle Gcorglfli tried Iulmntltm tho now compound It Is ox jollcnt K halt JtUlllounti tlio olothliiK merchant spoilt HoYural cluys this wook to jwxtliiKnt Walter Ihllllpi fishing amp taw the month of tho My ikkA- MrEdimuul Scott a prominent nod luiHtlliiK titan of attains from Vrcnilln wee a visitor to this city ant 1rldny nod Incidentally right iioil this olllco with a call 1INKAIIM IliANTfl for Bain healthy Smooth WnkcfloldlWtf lima Hnckcby paw mill last wook ihlppad more lumber than over In twlco that length of tlmo whiten shows tint Itt liuilnos In In irnailiiK nlld tho country Is bulldliiK Contractor Stoplionson hag com ilotcd thin enlargement of tlio school hiilldlnit and now there are Novel rooms with nocomniodatlons pupils Jaoksonvlllo Metropolis Sept Oi- JQII A W Gllelirjsl of 1unla Oonln Fla and Ills mnthor Mrs James 0 Qlbbi of Columbia 80i- ro nt Ailiovlllo N U Truckuri horo nro buying largo luantltlosof garden Hoods and the indentions are that tilt section will irodimo nn Incroaiod crop of vtgq- nblcs tbli winter FOR SATjK One ncro wator front ago ciistof cattle riparian Apply to Yhos Olt nnta Via BjUtf Mr PM Chiles of St Totorsbarir- ipont Bororal days hero this week irospeotlnjf for a location Ho Is nn old Leosbnrg friend of this scribe who voulil bo glad to son him settle Hov C II Forran tile popular of tho 1roibytorjan church returned Tuesday trout hit summer mention which he greatly onjoym- llo will preach Sunday morning and evening Tho Punla Oorda Cornet laud Is ready for many as twenty performers may bo on M V Wit llamas Sec BOtf Messrs 1hlfor and Wntklns of anti Watklna of YW Ar lIt New rk 1hl may b k 10 lilt t- ot Other oRt 1 o lJu torn lfavo you for boo ford up high for IJlXI dook with hero Nooaloo wwwwwrwkv Conn v T CIr r PEt O11AL anti Aril analog o foram large patter and > Cnlvlnln liavo sold their combined orange crops at 15000 boxes to n IMilladelphln concern for tho luppoied sum of 10000000 reports that Mr and Mrs Motion have como hero from Arcadia to make tholr homo and tho Champion says that Mr ling land n highly respected citizen of llrownvllle has also come hero to liveMr J Mr Cameron consulting en- gineer for tho Coniolldntod Co left Tun lny evening for a short visit to Ililladolphla Ills RR- tor an accomplished young lady of that city contemplates spending tho coming winter hero Tlio China Starts of which Messrs Robinson and Co are proprietors Is getting In a largo and varied assort- ment of now china glassware ants notions nnd Is soiling at time most reasonable prices Oo and eon the pretty now styles rho Now home In estimated lilt ¬ ¬ AKOuiily number ofjwojiU hare mi the exoiiTHloii s Dr Imtliuni tins HUD Jilthor on whloh he plays tfnn fully Illnou am irAlvnnltml popular prices nt Swiff Tlii Slniiirt Mrs Ranch niul chlldroii have rcnoliod ioniumv anti write hack that they luul n ptsainnt trip lucre will ho n special sang vlco In the 1roHuyterliui church 01 Sunday nlglit Cull Pliinoi7 for prompt ilellvor grocorlottK 1rof and Mrs Henry Jamm have returned lo St rotBrsburgfrom Choir bridal sojourn In Mr K Wyatt lint ROIIO to Noontci to moot Mlufl Lulu McUuIro who l- ion her way front Indiana to visit tier sister K Wyatt Call around anti silo tho now lone stoves at tin Hhop It Is reported that tho Leo olllcors this wook arrested fourteen of John Snvnrosun fisherman on olmrKos of vlolfttliifftho llslilng laws For n hail tn to In tho mouth take Jhatuborlalua Stomach Liver Tablets till druggltts td Mayor Jonoi this wook wax do heated for ronuin liintlon for mayor of Arcadia Ills compotltor was n jontlomnn uaniod Iholni at wo could learn tho name It may not bo too Into to con- gratulate Mr and Mrs J II Cox on havltiK boon blessed July 28th with n flue ton whoso arrival should have boon nnnoiincocl In those columns but WAS not Tlio happy ovum oc- curred nt Whlto Spring Tho fonts Oordn Livery Htnblos- K A Howard manager n now ontornrlio ontablliliid which solicits a share of tho public patronage Hood hornofl nnd treatment 17tf Somo of our pooplo having got rich nnd frisky are anuislug thorn Hotvcfl by horse racing out thoy do out squander niuoh of their woaltli In tho pastltno If thoy koop on wo may scout have u 1iiiitu Qerdn Derby On next Fridayloth lust a spoulal- oxourslon trnlmrlll bo run from lucre to Tampa leaving early In the morn Inland returning tho Hiinm night Ample ooncliOH wilt bo provided and limo faro will bo BO low that ovary body cnn altord to go FOR BAIiK One note waterfront known an WONt half of Alice situated Consult latou Ice foe dock and tho cnttlo look Persons moaning business seekers apply olHowlioro illtf Mrs W JI Tnwlos and baby buy msdod through tpwii lust Friday on to llartow to wlilolt tibiae was accompanied by her mother lioll Lloyd From Ihoru sue nod Mr Towlnfl and Mlus Annto- Hollo Boyd lelt this wook for a visit o Hot Sprlugn Ark Littleton Female College little I now cortuln tic largest opening Sept loth In history of Chits popular school Ihls Institution IIIID an too trdt It more than loublod and patroniig- an the loHt now every ndloatlou points to another vary alto What Oorda now goonm to icod most In Iro protoctlon ivory iltlzou appears to roallw that Chats Is- L mutter of Importance ami thin lounell would do n very popular thinK to provlda tho r ulslto pro cctlon oven If It should cost some Citing limo subject should bo Iy considered std that Immediately Till KIMHIIN Hancocks Sulphur should o In ovory homo It and the lending pliyNlclaiis UsottHoa as Hlngworni Salt Ithouin flan Sorn throat hums sores and nil blood kin troubles No homo should bo without It Ask for n book on Liquid Sulphur All Mr F 1 Collier omofliidalfablo district pnssoiigor agent of tho A C L breakfasted at Undo Tuesday He promliod to- go his valunblo Inductee tor tlio restoration of tlio through daytrain from Punta Uor and If ho succeeds people all along the lute vlll him more than over Mr 1 P Dougherty woll known Mercer mid Hummer counties W Vn most owes Ills Ufa to time kindness neighbor Ho was almost hopelessly i was who gave him little f any relief Iciiin- UK his serious him a of Clmmbnrlalna Collo nnd Diarrhoea him In IOIB than twon- yfour hours For stile by all went trout t AlI IIHtlII 1IuIIIIt II stove tier o U gasp just ruuulvod Bw Yor sale ago between kite to rites Ity liar WilY she Mrs of the Its capacity I1 tronngo Ill 11 tn hy such IZO 111 II plot I lH tr head the ds to the love eta with ollroll r yesterday o so felt East Totinoskos Mrs comfy by near roe air C ii nut serious Wi- ll bar anti drug- gists th- e 1ampal two condition w doll drug- gists ¬ ¬ > > > All prominent points on tho tn- loosahatchoo connected by telephone with Fort Myers time Proos reports that the system will now bo extended to Puiita Qordu to connect horo with Clue line to Arca- dia thus establishing telephonic connection between Fort Myers and Tampa So It seeps that wo will soon bo in a position to hello all- over tho country If not elsewhere Lire Muted l jr ClmrulierUlut Uattt- Ciiolrra end ll irlio- Jitnuily U Ji Myor a well known cooper of this town ho believes borlnlns Cello Cholera and Dlar hlsllfo mor Ho had bcon tick for a month with what time doctors call blllou dysentery and could nothing to do nny good until lio tried remedy It cave re- lief TLittle inorcliniit- rHandcock Md for solo by all drug having boon lilt sn1 lIII JJ ¬ > Tlio AIm lliimo Mm J J ito land niiiiiiigur nKii d JH doors t tin luilillH last vviul It Jaci- bulldliiK on Atftrluii avuimo near bank Th litmus already tins good Hsi of bqrdcfs- Bl tr 8i l Ornoln iti tuft to loud with rived htfo 1im of plioaplinto for Falnioitt and IlymouthilClitf It IH a matter u gonornl sntUtnotlon That time wheels of liiuhumft for the Peace laver Phosphate Oo aro ngn In volvlng Mr Albirt neo H liirtliy friends will bo glad t6 know lint his woitni lit healing nicely nnd giving hln very lltllo trouble and no unonslneB of mind At yet no claw linn boon found loading to the discovery of person who shot Mr Dowoy- Colunililnii dread tVHior l il VrrNin- IH inndo front rich cows silk It can bo used for nil whoro milk callui for as In tea colfoo uhouolnto bov for Ico oroum on sllood fruits cereals oto It Is v superior quality nnd delicious It liulellnltoly All grocers Prepared by lloiiuutnU- ONDKVHKI Owing to tho liiflrniltlvsofndvnno lug yours JudgO W It Hardoo niter long faithful anti olllclont sot vloo hits roslmnod tho office of jilt thou of the pbaco tar this district Ills luccoiisorwlllbu Appointed by tin governor std will hold till the Willis amid Albert DeWey accom- panied by their Brniidmothor Mrs lingers loft Wodnomlny for Clovo land Ohio whoro the boys pond thqwlhtor golnir to sohool- Mn Itogors return In A tow weeks The boys onrry n beautiful tarpon mounted by Copt Watts with which to okcrlfy their school mutes Untrr Curo Clironlo Unii tliutlaii fake two of lint wator half an before cnohinonl and bo going also u of or cold about two hours iftcronoh lots of out dour walk ride drlvo n regular habit of this und In unity without limo use of n Is required take something mild and Stomnoh and Liver CnblotH For sato by all druggists I Oapt Vil Donlmm tho able ml popular gonornl superintendent time A C Ll vas hero n tow hours u his private ear Tuoidny looking tho lutoroHts ol tho slue He van accompanied by Messrs Dordon- urdoii iHnytow std Iluolinnan other capable uitlolnls Tho chief object of Chic visit win to Introduce ifr llordon who Is n new oillclal trt hut portion of thud rnllwny property vhloli Is within hug No OWH o oncoming tho Fort Iyers ox oiiHlon WON given out by the putty Kvory gonllomnn who oontoin buying wrarlug apparel of kind Islnvltoilto rend tho nd ortljninont of Mr It C now sotting In hits fall ants winter took amid cnn clntho you nicely bond to foot Hosldos carrying big stock of parts hunts under fpnr nopkwoar nnd shoot ho Is gout for ono of the biggest tailoring loiuos In States and rat you nay style of suit made to artier and n fit nunrantoed Glvo- ilm a call Haslet fur tlid finfTrrlii- BHnudooks Liquid Sulphur jvlll- Ivo you mire nil nioh dlBnasoi tazoina Totter Herpes Salt llhouin Jlphthorla Horn tltront Outs hurts turret and all blood std Bkln troubles Hundreds of cases of kln- lson cs have boon permanently cur tho tine of Hilt bur after alt other liavo rolled For title by till druggists tt rime untimely death of Dr Host was to bo the maiuiftvcturlng chemist amid local Innnngor has do jatotl time proposed organization of company to manufacture fruit ox ractx ivory thing was In readiness tho ontorprliQt tilt necessary ulldlng hail boon erected and qiilp with time roqulslto appllanoos too prospects wore bright but tho ontorprhio hat boon nban- onod at toast for tho present tumid building will bo used for other iirpo on possibly for a largo upCo- uto and very tony Ueforo lulnhtB hilt contract with tho Con Company south pulls up sluices and goes away It would bo a Idol for smite of our aldermen o Interview tuba ns to probable 4Inch n 0lnoh and nn 8 ucli artesian well for tho town If had In limo bushiest confer inch a wont ns MrStnrkwoathor has nacho the Company tho irolilomsof fire protection and an iinplc supply of drinking wator would bo fairly solved and time soul loii would bo worth thousands of dollars to the town A lleuiark lil llronl Cough Remedy hint romarkublo In for over during which tlmo many million bean used It hat boon tho standard and main ro lance In tho troatmont of croup In of homos yet all his Chino lip onto over boon ported to tho umtiiifaoturers In to effect a When ns soon as tho child or oven as BQOII as the croUpY cough appears It will pro pleasant n cinariy children con talus no or harmful sub tiinco may bo RlTpn to a baby 8t u by all I limo n r The WHit I torts llIrll n I amid of next for loom toro to bud Nor IH Mill 1II1111lIIlOH con tllntlol Ito nurod lit after plates nay nlrlllllt who Is a limo have lUlUI worm who for pad and cow Chic drug time ot n wo eOll olldn 11 use have long vent i- lpftr Iii Ilia the house- hold yor will Just t from its a store act- or actor solk pled good cost for ors liven be- comes tie ca 11 r > < > OF ALL SUMMER GOODS GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Lawns Percales y Dimities White Goods Ladies Shirt Waists Skirts Trimm k edHat- sk MM MMMM 4MM Special SalO Ol Dntolicss Trousers Mens- imd Boys Straw Mats Below Agent Douglas Shoes Host Shoo ixa tlao 7Vox l 3- LEILIOTT BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU EAT I Wholesome Food SUCH AS YOU CAN ALWAYS KIND AT TIIK- tunu Mik l mul Ship 6uffy li Everything in the Groom lino including Meats of nIl kinds Fruits Vegetables Eggs and Chickens Rock bottom prices throughout Prompt Free Delwqri Everybody is In getting thu BEST goods nt the LOWEST prices That is what we nro doing getting the best of cvqtjj fllBS thing at lowest cost and giving of tho LOW PRICKS we get ourselves Accordmgly Hats Gents Furnishings nnythlngclse in the of FAMILY FARM or MOAT SUPPLIES yoitSvlll find it to your interest to cull on E WOTITZKY Punta Gorda Florida S L URVNUlrc ldBnt W U imONVN Sec jmlJ THE PQNTfl QORbfl WholtiAle Retail Dealen i end FANCY GROCERIES HARDWARE OF ALL KINS PAINTS i n crt ANDLERY AND BOAT fiQUlPMEm Farming Implements- and Fertilizers Mens Shoes Shirts and Overalls The Best QooAi nt the Lowest Prices PUNTA GORDA M v r f- t I- tANNJAL CLEaK NC f AMMA f i IN Cost- a for vV I 1t Ilenltb CiiUHUSot G M AND s S I il OU1 01lst0D101S tho DonofIt J 74- whon In nted or Goods illt1 Groccrlcs SJ 91 tJ J i iIIIIIlUIIWW I- I T AnING M ANY iw SrAPLE I I M- e oU 0 Whe In need o FINE PRINTING f- rH HtH ff1h1 IJttH b rk i M- d Ii f4 r w lt e fl SALF lltitl t M7O tW 1Rt a w oawum- EBE3T ti r p3hot H tWO a F AIITH- LtArLlii W- Tho No troublo to show ds RESPECTFULLY t- W M aYVfr rq n- iGOOd CO lurch Fresh rr f t Dry j r tUltt zBiIIIIPgqZ JBars639 Rlpr iliqhL111G1t1r i- Rr anti 9 f p t 1 a FLORIDA F a h wL T11 J ContetotMllse ttoa Jr r r < < > > < < < = > > ° ° > + =

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Page 1: I 1I1Ie SALF tANNJAL...Comer Mirun Avenue ami King Street 1110 SUPPLY OP HAY AND ORAIN t LOWEST 1WCKS tilled promptly No M How Nice a Man Looks Agentior Ifhe is well dressed and clothing

T t I

t 4l


11II n i1i-

IiiU hl


J I i

1ii Its



Early jBuyeieWill get the best there is inboll nnd those who know anything about our

Clearance Sale ofDry Goods

know very well that this iswell worth coming alloy

Prices have been boiledharder than the stock null thefew cents rcmnining on eacharticle is not big enough to heconsidered a price at nil

Our lull goods will begin toarrive in nboiu two weeks andwe must have room as well ibmoney and all summer goodsnow on hand must go Only-a fcw more left




La Villa GroceryFREEMAN MORTON Proprietors

Staple and Fancy Groceries

Stovu Wood in largo quantities Orders delivered

promptl rut whero in Punta Gorda Telephone No 5

Jw Grocery 2-


STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIESOlAt the Lowest Living Prices

Prompt delivery free to mif part of tilt city A ol your patronage

N WAKEFIELDComer Mirun Avenue ami King Street

1110 SUPPLY OP HAY AND ORAIN t LOWEST 1WCKStilled promptly No M

How Nice a Man Looks

Agentior If he is well dressed and clothing is now so

ROYAL cheap there is n excuse for not dressingTAILORS Go to Rf c HMJINTS and let him

I ftyov Ic has Just recdvctl

All Elegant Mno ofShlils 1untHind Pull nutof the Newest Styles nlso a Large Stock of

Serviceable Fine Shoes Woolen Underwear Etc

0Next door to the Postofficc Punta Gorda

A ROEWhole-

sale Keiall Dwicr In

RAY GRAIN FEEDSole agent for Armours

ixers and chemicals and the celebrated Magic Food

for poultry nnd stockAgent for No i Cypress Tanks with patent lugs

Call get my prices

and patronize home industry



uOly Com Stock of the C est



Tinware Tableware

O 1I1Ie

i rp j



TO BUY 1li lli


Cull a hlple I

e V



n n d n

well5ulll Mild 10 Order

end fit lip I




n n

Lirne end complete fetll

hy A Ilolcumb of


Beyicles thoJ


Ladies Childrens Shirt Waistsfig of se and Goods also n large stock of





F raFtiSb c-




as 11 I a se situ


ion l11


a guar

L Qtr


andVariety vac







tn trtinr nc Cumpmjrof lUtlfoiJrife Ininrinet Comtnnjr of

Nor york1aelilcllra luiurinei Comptaynf

TJi iult iiullr Compnn atNew York

Io tniiKiiuvMrhilllttAIiTII INHUIlIII It worth ij ir

Ilili millii Infotnml



Vnrloim Item lunierpd From ThUFleliUWlmt Out I oi1f

Money to loan K Jl Hurvoy

isle gnaw crop U nbaut oxlmtmcd

Tlio public school open Alondnnext

Dally nuns koop tho ntmonplior-ilollfllitfiilly cool

MnJ W OWollos lumber prlneof Noontoo Spoilt Wednesday hero

Clb to HwlftVrin Shop for Rnlvu-nlroil Iron Move

Thofamo of 1iiiitu Clordn ID nttnictliiK ninny pooplo horo to soolt i

locutionPastor Joynor of tho Mothodla

church visited Oharlottn HitrboiTuemlfty-

Ootinly Trunflliror Pints 1urkoiwas minting with hU putty frlandihnro Iftut Friday

For fttovo unit fittings of nilkinds call nt Swifts l-

lJolni Havnrono of Toinpii was horcyesterday and thin tiny boforo looklug after his tmslncsR Interests

Air LulL Allon of Jlnrlow won herofront last Friday to Mowlny mlngiling with lila ninny frlojulH

Just wntoli tho Htittor fly IK otn-

lior Ib 1C CurnniMr Kriuik Taylor of Looilwrjj n

modol yntniK gentleman old a Vftln

oil friend of thin writer wns a wol

onio caller In thin olllco MondnvMr Kd M Earnest loaves thin

ivook for the iimrkuls to buyho toll and winter stock of dry goods

for the Hurnost Dry Goods Co-

Mm Mary Allen and lively littleson Coo returned mat Saturday fronti very pleasant vlilt With relativesand frlomlH In Middle Gcorglfli

tried Iulmntltm thonow compound It Is oxjollcnt K halt

JtUlllounti tlio olothliiK merchantspoilt HoYural cluys this wook tojwxtliiKnt Walter Ihllllpi fishingamp taw the month of tho MyikkA-

MrEdimuul Scott a prominentnod luiHtlliiK titan of attains fromVrcnilln wee a visitor to this cityant 1rldny nod Incidentally rightiioil this olllco with a call

1INKAIIM IliANTfl for Bainhealthy Smooth

WnkcfloldlWtflima Hnckcby paw mill last wook

ihlppad more lumber than overIn twlco that length of tlmo

whiten shows tint Itt liuilnos In In

irnailiiK nlld tho country Is bulldliiK

Contractor Stoplionson hag comilotcd thin enlargement of tlio

school hiilldlnit and now there areNovel rooms with nocomniodatlons

pupilsJaoksonvlllo Metropolis Sept Oi-

JQII A W Gllelirjsl of 1unlaOonln Fla and Ills mnthor MrsJames 0 Qlbbi of Columbia 80i-ro nt Ailiovlllo N U

Truckuri horo nro buying largoluantltlosof garden Hoods and theindentions are that tilt section willirodimo nn Incroaiod crop of vtgq-nblcs tbli winter

FOR SATjK One ncro wator frontago ciistof cattle riparian

Apply to Yhos Oltnnta Via BjUtf

Mr PM Chiles of St Totorsbarir-ipont Bororal days hero this week

irospeotlnjf for a location Ho Is nn

old Leosbnrg friend of this scribewho voulil bo glad to son him settle

Hov C II Forran tile popularof tho 1roibytorjan church

returned Tuesday trout hit summermention which he greatly onjoym-

llo will preach Sunday morning andevening

Tho Punla Oorda Cornet laud Isready for many astwenty performers may bo on

M V Witllamas Sec BOtf

Messrs 1hlfor and Wntklns ofanti Watklna of


Ar lIt



may bk 10 lilt







lJu torn

lfavo you






for IJlXI

dook with






T CIr r



Aril analog

o foram





Cnlvlnln liavo sold their combinedorange crops at 15000boxes to n IMilladelphln concern fortho luppoied sum of 10000000

reports that Mr andMrs Motion have como hero fromArcadia to make tholr homo andtho Champion says that Mr lingland n highly respected citizen ofllrownvllle has also come hero to

liveMrJ Mr Cameron consulting en-

gineer for tho Coniolldntod Co leftTun lny evening for a short visit to

Ililladolphla Ills RR-

tor an accomplished young lady ofthat city contemplates spending thocoming winter hero

Tlio China Starts of which MessrsRobinson and Co are proprietors Isgetting In a largo and varied assort-ment of now china glassware antsnotions nnd Is soiling at time mostreasonable prices Oo and eon thepretty now styles

rho Now

home In





AKOuiily number ofjwojiUhare mi the exoiiTHloii s

Dr Imtliuni tins HUD

Jilthor on whloh he plays tfnnfully

Illnou am irAlvnnltmlpopular prices nt Swiff Tlii Slniiirt

Mrs Ranch niul chlldroii havercnoliod ioniumv anti writehack that they luul n ptsainnt trip

lucre will ho n special sangvlco In the 1roHuyterliui church 01

Sunday nlglitCull Pliinoi7 for prompt ilellvorgrocorlottK1rof and Mrs Henry Jamm have

returned lo St rotBrsburgfrom Choirbridal sojourn In

Mr K Wyatt lint ROIIO to Noontcito moot Mlufl Lulu McUuIro who l-

ion her way front Indiana to visit tiersister K Wyatt

Call around anti silo tho nowlone stoves attin Hhop

It Is reported that tho Leoolllcors this wook arrested fourteenof John Snvnrosun fisherman onolmrKos of vlolfttliifftho llslilng laws

For n hail tn to In tho mouth takeJhatuborlalua Stomach LiverTablets till drugglttstd

Mayor Jonoi this wook wax doheated for ronuin liintlon for mayorof Arcadia Ills compotltor was n

jontlomnn uaniod Iholni atwo could learn tho name

It may not bo too Into to con-

gratulate Mr and Mrs J II Cox onhavltiK boon blessed July 28th withn flue ton whoso arrival should haveboon nnnoiincocl In those columnsbut WAS not Tlio happy ovum oc-

curred nt Whlto SpringTho fonts Oordn Livery Htnblos-

K A Howard manager n nowontornrlio ontablliliidwhich solicits a share of tho publicpatronage Hood hornofl nnd

treatment 17tf

Somo of our pooplo having gotrich nnd frisky are anuislug thornHotvcfl by horse racing out thoy doout squander niuoh of their woaltliIn tho pastltno If thoy koop on wo

may scout have u 1iiiitu QerdnDerby

On next Fridayloth lust a spoulal-oxourslon trnlmrlll bo run from lucreto Tampa leaving early In the mornInland returning tho Hiinm nightAmple ooncliOH wilt bo provided andlimo faro will bo BO low that ovarybody cnn altord to go

FOR BAIiK One note waterfrontknown an WONt half of Alicesituated Consult

latou Ice foe dock and tho cnttlolook Persons moaning business

seekers apply olHowlioro illtfMrs W JI Tnwlos and baby buy

msdod through tpwii lust Friday onto llartow to wlilolt tibiae

was accompanied by her motherlioll Lloyd From Ihoru sue

nod Mr Towlnfl and Mlus Annto-Hollo Boyd lelt this wook for a visito Hot Sprlugn ArkLittleton Female College little

I now cortulntic largest opening Sept loth In

history of Chits popular schoolIhls Institution IIIID an tootrdt It more thanloublod and patroniig-an the loHt now everyndloatlou points to another varyalto

What Oorda now goonm toicod most In Iro protoctlon ivoryiltlzou appears to roallw that Chats Is-

L mutter of Importance ami thin

lounell would do n very popularthinK to provlda tho r ulslto pro

cctlon oven If It should cost someCiting limo subject should bo

Iy considered std that Immediately


Hancocks Sulphur shouldo In ovory homo It and

the lending pliyNlclaiisUsottHoa as

Hlngworni Salt Ithouin flanSorn throat

hums sores and nil bloodkin troubles No homo should bowithout It Ask for nbook on Liquid Sulphur All

Mr F 1 Collieromofliidalfablo district pnssoiigoragent of tho A C L breakfasted at

Undo Tuesday He promliod to-

go his valunblo Inductee tor tlio

restoration of tliothrough daytrain from Punta Uor

and If ho succeedspeople all along the lute vlllhim more than over

Mr 1 P Dougherty woll knownMercer mid Hummer

counties W Vn most owesIlls Ufa to time kindness neighborHo was almost hopelessly

i waswho gave him little

f any relief Iciiin-

UK his serioushim a of Clmmbnrlalna Collo

nnd Diarrhoeahim In IOIB than twon-

yfour hours For stile by all

wenttrout tAlI IIHtlII




o U

gaspjust ruuulvod Bw

Yor sale

agobetween kite

to ritesIty

liar WilYsheMrs


Its capacity

I1 tronngo

Ill 11 tn

hysuch IZO 111 II






ds tothelove







so felt

East Totinoskos

























All prominent points on tho tn-

loosahatchoo connectedby telephone with Fort Myers time

Proos reports that the system will

now bo extended to Puiita Qordu to

connect horo with Clue line to Arca-

dia thus establishing telephonicconnection between Fort Myers and

Tampa So It seeps that wo will

soon bo in a position to hello all-

over tho country If not elsewhere

Lire Muted l jr ClmrulierUlut Uattt-

Ciiolrra end ll irlio-

JitnuilyU Ji Myor a well known cooper

of this town ho believesborlnlns Cello Cholera and Dlar

hlsllfomor Ho had bcon tick for a monthwith what time doctors call bllloudysentery and could nothing to

do nny good until lio triedremedy It cave re-

lief TLittle inorcliniit-rHandcock Md for solo by all drug

having boon






Tlio AIm lliimo Mm J J itoland niiiiiiigur nKii d JH doors t

tin luilillH last vviul It Jaci-

bulldliiK on Atftrluii avuimo nearbank Th litmus already tinsgood Hsi of bqrdcfs-

Bl tr 8i l Ornoln itituft to loud withrived htfo

1im of plioaplinto for Falnioittand IlymouthilClitf It IH a matter u

gonornl sntUtnotlon That time wheelsof liiuhumft for the Peace laverPhosphate Oo aro ngn In volvlng

Mr Albirt neo H liirtliy friendswill bo glad t6 know lint his woitnilit healing nicely nnd giving hlnvery lltllo trouble and no unonslneBof mind At yet no claw linn boonfound loading to the discovery ofperson who shot Mr Dowoy-

Colunililnii dread tVHior l il VrrNin-IH inndo front rich cows

silk It can bo used for nilwhoro milk callui

for as In tea colfoo uhouolnto bovfor Ico oroum

on sllood fruits cereals oto It Is vsuperior quality nnd delicious It

liulellnltolyAll grocers Prepared by lloiiuutnU-ONDKVHKI

Owing to tho liiflrniltlvsofndvnnolug yours JudgO W It Hardooniter long faithful anti olllclont sotvloo hits roslmnod tho office of jiltthou of the pbaco tar this districtIlls luccoiisorwlllbu Appointed by tingovernor std will hold till the

Willis amid Albert DeWey accom-panied by their Brniidmothor Mrslingers loft Wodnomlny for Clovoland Ohio whoro the boyspond thqwlhtor golnir to sohool-Mn Itogors return In A towweeks The boys onrry n beautifultarpon mounted by Copt Wattswith which to okcrlfy their schoolmutes

Untrr Curo Clironlo Unii tliutlaii

fake two of lint wator half anbefore cnohinonl and bo

going also u ofor cold about two hours

iftcronoh lots of outdour walk ride drlvo

n regular habit of this und Inunity

without limo use ofn Is required

take something mild andStomnoh and Liver

CnblotH For sato by all druggistsI

Oapt Vil Donlmm tho ableml popular gonornl superintendent

time A C Ll vas hero n tow hoursu his private ear Tuoidny looking

tho lutoroHts ol tho slue Hevan accompanied by Messrs Dordon-

urdoii iHnytow std Iluolinnanother capable uitlolnls Tho chiefobject of Chic visit win to Introduce

ifr llordon who Is n new oillclal trt

hut portion of thud rnllwny propertyvhloli Is within hug No

OWH o oncoming tho Fort Iyers oxoiiHlon WON given out by the putty

Kvory gonllomnn who oontoinbuying wrarlug apparel of

kind Islnvltoilto rend tho ndortljninont of Mr It C

now sotting In hits fall ants wintertook amid cnn clntho you nicely

bond to foot Hosldos carryingbig stock of parts hunts under

fpnr nopkwoar nnd shoot ho Isgout for ono of the biggest tailoringloiuos In States and rat

you nay style of suit made toartier and n fit nunrantoed Glvo-

ilm a call

Haslet fur tlid finfTrrlii-

BHnudooks Liquid Sulphur jvlll-Ivo you

mire nil nioh dlBnasoitazoina Totter Herpes

Salt llhouinJlphthorla Horn tltront Outs hurts

turret and all blood std Bklntroubles Hundreds of cases of kln-

lson cs have boon permanently curtho tine of Hilt

bur after alt other liavorolled For title by till druggists tt

rime untimely death of Dr Hostwas to bo the maiuiftvcturlng

chemist amid local Innnngor has dojatotl time proposed organization of

company to manufacture fruit oxractx ivory thing was In readiness

tho ontorprliQt tilt necessaryulldlng hail boon erected and qiilp

with time roqulslto appllanoostoo prospects wore bright buttho ontorprhio hat boon nban-

onod at toast for tho present tumid

building will bo used for otheriirpo on possibly for a largo upCo-

uto and very tony

UeforolulnhtB hilt contract with tho Con

Company south pulls upsluices and goes away It would bo a

Idol for smite of our aldermeno Interview tuba ns to probable

4Inch n 0lnoh and nn 8

ucli artesian well for tho town Ifhad In limo bushiest confer inch a

wont ns MrStnrkwoathor has nachothe Company tho

irolilomsof fire protection and aniinplc supply of drinking watorwould bo fairly solved and time soul

loii would bo worth thousands ofdollars to the town

A lleuiark lil llronlCough Remedy hint

romarkublo Infor over during

which tlmo many millionbean used It hat

boon tho standard and main rolance In tho troatmont of croup In

of homos yet allhis Chino lip onto over boon

ported to tho umtiiifaoturers Into effect a

When ns soon as tho childor oven as BQOII as the

croUpY cough appears It will propleasant

n cinariy children contalus no or harmful sub

tiinco may bo RlTpn to a baby8 t u by all





TheWHit I






of next


loomtoro to bud

Nor IH

Mill1II1111lIIlOH con tllntlolIto nurod




nlrlllllt whoIs




lUlUI worm







ot n


eOll olldn 11





Iii Ilia










act-or actor

solk pled





liven be-










Lawns Percales yDimities White Goods

Ladies Shirt Waists Skirts Trimmk

edHat-skMM MMMM 4MM

Special SalO Ol Dntolicss Trousers Mens-imd Boys Straw Mats


Douglas ShoesHost Shoo ixa tlao 7Vox l 3-



tunu Mik l mul Ship 6uffy li

Everything in the Groom lino includingMeats of nIl kinds Fruits Vegetables

Eggs and Chickens Rock bottom pricesthroughout Prompt Free Delwqri

Everybody is

In getting thu BEST goods nt the LOWEST pricesThat is what we nro doing getting the best of cvqtjj fllBS

thing at lowest cost and giving

of tho LOW PRICKS we get ourselves Accordmgly

Hats Gents Furnishings nnythlngclse in theof FAMILY FARM or MOAT SUPPLIES yoitSvlll

find it to your interest to cull on

E WOTITZKYPunta Gorda Florida

S L URVNUlrc ldBnt W U imONVN Sec jmlJ


WholtiAle Retail Dealen i




Farming Implements-and Fertilizers

Mens Shoes Shirts and Overalls

The Best QooAi nt the Lowest Prices



r f-t






for vV I


Ilenltb CiiUHUSot


ilOU1 01lst0D101S tho DonofIt J


whon In nted or Goods illt1 Groccrlcs SJ 91










eoU 0

Whe In need o FINE PRINTING f-rH HtH ff1h1 IJttH brk i


d Ii


r w

lt e

flSALFlltitl t

M7O tW 1Rt


w oawum-

EBE3Ttir p3hot

HtWO a



ThoNo troublo to show ds RESPECTFULLY t-

W M aYVfr rq








Dry jr

tUltt zBiIIIIPgqZ JBars639 Rlpr iliqhL111G1t1r

i-Rr anti




1 a


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ContetotMllse ttoa Jr







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