hyperspectral imager for the coastal ocean (hico): a space...

This poster describes the Hyperspectral Imager for Coastal Oceans (HICO) sensor and the operational processing required to convert raw HICO data to bio-optical ocean products. The HICO sensor history and specifications are shown. Both HICO multispectral and hyperspectral processing streams are used to generate inherent optical property estimates. Various true color images of selected HICO data sets are shown. A process to refine the calibration by using insitu Remote Sensing Reflectance (R rs ) measurements is discussed. Data products generated from HICO data sets of Bahrain and Hong Kong are presented. Number of Spectral Bands 128 Spectral Wavelength Range 350 - 1080 nmeter Spectral Wavelength Bandwidth 5.7 nmeter Ground Sample Distance (at Nadir) 100 meters Signal to Noise Ratio (water-penetrating wavelengths) > 200 to 1 Polarization Sensitivity < 5% Scene Size (varies according to ISS height) 50 x 200 km Cross-track pointing 45 to -30 degress Maximum scenes per orbit 1 Maximum number of orbits (scenes) per day 15 The Automated Processing System (APS) was developed at NRL as a collection of UNIX programs and shell scripts. APS automatically processes satellite imagery and generates map-projected image data bases of ocean color products from satellite data. Several temporal composites of ocean color data products and quick-look “browse” images are automatically generated in JPEG format. APS was originally developed for multispectral imagery from polar-orbiting satellites such as the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectometer (MERIS), the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS), the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS), and the Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM) sensors. APS is being modified to handle the hyperspectral data stream of he HICO sensor. The Hyperspectral Imager for Coastal Oceans (HICO) was established as an Innovative Naval Prototype (INP) from the Office of Naval Research (ONR). The HICO sensor is the first spaceborne hyperspectral imaging spectrometer designed to sample coastal oceans. The sensor was installed on the International Space Station (ISS) (Figure 1) to provide hyperspectral imagery for the study of the coastal ocean and adjacent lands. The ISS platform and orbit will allow sampling of selected coastal regions at different angles and times of the day and will provide unique viewing geometry different from existing sun- synchronous, polar orbiting sensors. The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) built the HICO sensor and manages its operations, including target selection and scene acquisition. NRL receives the raw HICO data, calibrates the data and generates a variety of ocean color data products through a series of automated processing systems. NRL and ONR will evaluate HICO as a prototype for installing hyperspectral sensors on future polar-orbiting platforms. The history of HICO is: January 2007: HICO was selected to fly on the ISS November, 2007: construction began following the Critical Design Review August, 2008: sensor integration was completed April, 2009: shipped to Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) for launch September 10, 2009: HICO launched on JAXA H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) September 24, 2009: HICO installed on ISS Japanese Module Exposed Facility David Lewis 1 , 228-688-5280, [email protected]; Bob Arnone 1 , 228-688-5587, [email protected]; Brandon Casey 1 , 228,688,4770, [email protected] ; Weilin Hou 1 , 228-688-5257, [email protected]; Richard Gould 1 , 228-688-5268, [email protected]; Sherwin Ladner 1 , 228-688-5754, [email protected] ; Adam Lawson 1 , 228-688- 4473, [email protected] ; Paul Martinolich 1 , 727-712-0032; [email protected] ; Marcos Montes 2 , 202-767-7308, [email protected] ; Karen Patterson 2 , 202-767-0043, [email protected] ; Theresa Scardino 1 , 228-688-6049, [email protected] ; Ronnie Vaughan 1 , 228-688-4873, [email protected] 1) Naval Research Laboratory, Building 1009, Code 7330, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529; 2) Naval Research Laboratory, Code 7230, 4555 Overlook Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20375 Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO): A Space-Borne Earth Observation Sensor for Ocean Color Investigations Abstract Reference Number: 749433, Paper Number: IT35A-07 Figure 1. HICO sensor and its location on the Japanese Module Expose Facility I. Abstract Level 0 Level 01a – Navigation Level 1b- Calibration Level 2a: Sunglint Multispectral Level 2c: Standard APS Multispectral Algorithms Products QAA, Products At, adg, Bb, b. CHL (12) NASA: standards OC3, OC4, etc (9) Navy Products Diver Visibility Laser performance K532, etc (6) Level 3: Remapping Data and Creating Browse Images Level 2b – TAFKAA Atmospheric Correction Level 2f: Cloud and Shadow Atm Correction Level 2c- : Hyperspectral L2gen- Atm Correction Atmospheric Correction Methods Level 2d: Hyperspectral Algorithm Derived Product Hyperspectral QAA At, adg, Bb, b. CHL (12) CWST - LUT Bathy, Water Optics Chl, CDOM Coastal Ocean Products Methods HOPE Optimization (bathy, optics, chl, CDOM ,At, bb, etc Vicarious Calibration Level 1b : Calibration Hyperspectral Level 1c – Modeled Sensor bands MODIS MERIS OCM SeaWIFS Chesapeake Bay 10/20/09 Data Set VII. Summary NRL developed and configured the Hyperspectral Imager for Coastal Oceans (HICO) sensor, which is now installed on the International Space Station. Data acquisition, data calibration and data product generation has begun. Calibration can be refined by using insitu data sets coincident with HICO data acquisition. As the calibration is refined, a wide variety of bio-optical ocean products will be generated to support both Navy and scientific missions in open-ocean and coastal waters. Furthermore, the 100 meter spatial resolution of HICO will enable investigations of riverine and estuarine environments. With the wealth of contiguous spectral wavelength information, HICO will facilitate development of new hyperspectral algorithms and ocean products, and will advance our understanding of phenomena that are better identified in more narrow wavelengths than current multispectral satellite sensors provide. (For more information on HICO’s comparison to MODIS and MERIS see Poster B035A-02) IV. Data Processing HICO data will be processed by APS in two different data streams (Figure 2) 1. Multispectral stream hyperspectral HICO bands were convolved using sensor-specific spectral response functions to simulate multispectral data from other sensors advantage: resulting multispectral data can then be processed by standard multispectral APS functions 2. Hyperspectral stream APS will be modified to incorporate atmospheric correction for hyperspectral data including an extension of standard SeaWIFS/MODIS multispectral algorithms (N2GEN) with Near InfraRed (NIR) iteration, TAFKAA, and Cloud Shadow correction Ocean color products will be generated from atmospherically corrected hyperspectral data Figure 3: Top of Atmosphere (TOA) Radiance True Color Images of Selected HICO Scenes Figure 4a TOA Radiance True Color Figure 4b R rs at 547 nm band Refinement for data calibration with in situ data was performed in the following manner: HICO radiance data were processed to Remote Sensing Reflectance (R RS ) with APS in situ radiometer data (R RS ) were collected in Chesapeake Bay coincident to HICO scene in situ R rs and HICO R rs data were compared to update the calibration gain factors data set was reprocessed through APS with updated gain factors Results (land area is depicted by an orange or black land mask in the figures below) top of the atmosphere radiance measurements shown in Figure 4a image of reprocessed R rs measurements is shown in Figure 4b resulting radiometer and HICO R rs comparison shown in Figure 4c ocean color products generated through APS are shown in Figures 5a, 5b and 5c Insitu Station #2 Pusan, South Korea Hong Kong, China Key Largo, Florida Han River, South Korea Bahrain Yangtze River, China Bahamas Turkish Straights II. Background Table1. HICO sensor parameters III. Objectives The objectives of this poster are to: 1. introduce the HICO sensor 2. discuss the data processing system 3. show true color imagery of selected HICO data scenes 4. explore calibration using in situ data 5. present ocean color data products generated from the HICO sensor V. Data Collection VI. Data Calibration Insitu Station #3 Insitu Station #4 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 412 443 488 531 547 667 678 748 869 HICO and Insitu Radiometer R rs Data at Station 3 HICO_at_Station_3 ASD_at_Station_3 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 412 443 488 531 547 667 678 748 869 HICO and Insitu Radiometer R rs Data at Station 4 HICO_at_Station_4 ASD_at_Station_4 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 412 443 488 531 547 667 678 748 869 HICO and Insitu Radiometer R rs Data at Station 2 HICO_at_Station_2 ASD_at_Station_2 Figure 4c HICO and Radiometer R rs Figure 5a Bahrain 11/18/09 Backscatter (bb) at 547 nmeter Units = 1/m Figure 5b Bahrain 11/18/09 Diffuse Attenuation at 547 nmeter Units = 1/m After acquisition, data is calibrated and geolocation information is added to create Level 1B data. The multispectral and hyperspectral data streams are automatically processed from the Level 1B file by APS. Further refinement of both the calibration and APS data product generation processes is in progress. Examples of true color images created from the top of the atmosphere radiances for selected HICO data sets are shown in Figure 3. Figure 2: HICO’s APS Processing Flow Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm) Open Ocean Annapolis, Maryland Open Ocean N N Figure 5c Hong Kong 10/02/09 Backscatter (bb) at 547 nmeter Units = 1/m Figure 5d Hong Kong 10/02/09 Diffuse Attenuation at 547 nmeter Units = 1/m

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  • This poster describes the Hyperspectral Imager for Coastal Oceans (HICO) sensor and the operational processing required to convert raw HICO data to bio-optical ocean products. The HICO sensor history and specifications are shown. Both HICO multispectral and hyperspectral processing streams are used to generate inherent optical property estimates. Various true color images of selected HICO data sets are shown. A process to refine the calibration by using insitu Remote Sensing Reflectance (Rrs) measurements is discussed. Data products generated from HICO data sets of Bahrain and Hong Kong are presented.

    Number of Spectral Bands 128

    Spectral Wavelength Range 350 - 1080 nmeter

    Spectral Wavelength Bandwidth 5.7 nmeter

    Ground Sample Distance (at Nadir) 100 meters

    Signal to Noise Ratio (water-penetrating wavelengths) > 200 to 1

    Polarization Sensitivity < 5%

    Scene Size (varies according to ISS height) 50 x 200 km

    Cross-track pointing 45 to -30 degress

    Maximum scenes per orbit 1

    Maximum number of orbits (scenes) per day 15

    The Automated Processing System (APS) was developed at NRL as a collection of UNIX programs and shell scripts. APS automatically processes satellite imagery and generates map-projected image data bases of ocean color products from satellite data. Several temporal composites of ocean color data products and quick-look “browse” images are automatically generated in JPEG format. APS was originally developed for multispectral imagery from polar-orbiting satellites such as the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectometer (MERIS), the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS), the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS), and the Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM) sensors. APS is being modified to handle the hyperspectral data stream of he HICO sensor.

    The Hyperspectral Imager for Coastal Oceans (HICO) was established as an Innovative Naval Prototype (INP) from the Office of Naval Research (ONR). The HICO sensor is the first spaceborne hyperspectral imaging spectrometer designed to sample coastal oceans. The sensor was installed on the International Space Station (ISS) (Figure 1) to provide hyperspectral imagery for the study of the coastal ocean and adjacent lands. The ISS platform and orbit will allow sampling of selected coastal regions at different angles and times of the day and will provide unique viewing geometry different from existing sun-synchronous, polar orbiting sensors.

    The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) built the HICO sensor and manages its operations, including target selection and scene acquisition. NRL receives the raw HICO data, calibrates the data and generates a variety of ocean color data products through a series of automated processing systems. NRL and ONR will evaluate HICO as a prototype for installing hyperspectral sensors on future polar-orbiting platforms.

    The history of HICO is:• January 2007: HICO was selected to fly on the ISS• November, 2007: construction began following the Critical Design Review• August, 2008: sensor integration was completed • April, 2009: shipped to Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) for launch• September 10, 2009: HICO launched on JAXA H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV)• September 24, 2009: HICO installed on ISS Japanese Module Exposed Facility

    David Lewis 1, 228-688-5280, [email protected]; Bob Arnone1, 228-688-5587, [email protected]; Brandon Casey1, 228,688,4770, [email protected]; Weilin Hou1, 228-688-5257, [email protected]; Richard Gould1, 228-688-5268, [email protected]; Sherwin Ladner1, 228-688-5754, [email protected]; Adam Lawson1, 228-688-4473, [email protected] ; Paul Martinolich1, 727-712-0032; [email protected]; Marcos Montes2, 202-767-7308, [email protected]; Karen Patterson2, 202-767-0043, [email protected]; Theresa Scardino1, 228-688-6049, [email protected]; Ronnie Vaughan1, 228-688-4873, [email protected]

    1) Naval Research Laboratory, Building 1009, Code 7330, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529; 2) Naval Research Laboratory, Code 7230, 4555 Overlook Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20375

    Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO): A Space-Borne Earth Observation Sensor for Ocean Color InvestigationsAbstract Reference Number: 749433, Paper Number: IT35A-07

    Figure 1. HICO sensor and its location on the Japanese Module Expose Facility

    I. Abstract

    Level 0 Level 01a –Navigation Level 1b-


    Level 2a: Sunglint


    Level 2c: Standard APS Multispectral Algorithms Products

    QAA, ProductsAt, adg,

    Bb, b. CHL (12)


    OC3, OC4, etc (9)

    Navy ProductsDiver Visibility

    Laser performance K532,

    etc (6)

    Level 3: Remapping Data and Creating Browse Images

    Level 2b –TAFKAA

    Atmospheric Correction

    Level 2f: Cloud and Shadow

    Atm Correction

    Level 2c- :Hyperspectral

    L2gen-Atm Correction

    Atmospheric Correction Methods

    Level 2d:Hyperspectral

    Algorithm Derived Product

    Hyperspectral QAA

    At, adg,Bb, b. CHL


    CWST - LUT Bathy,

    Water Optics Chl, CDOM

    Coastal Ocean Products Methods

    HOPE Optimization

    (bathy, optics, chl,CDOM ,At, bb, etc

    Vicarious Calibration

    Level 1b :Calibration


    Level 1c – Modeled Sensor bands



    Chesapeake Bay 10/20/09 Data Set

    VII. SummaryNRL developed and configured the Hyperspectral Imager for Coastal Oceans (HICO) sensor, which is now installed on the International Space Station. Data acquisition, data calibration and data product generation has begun. Calibration can be refined by using insitu data sets coincident with HICO data acquisition. As the calibration is refined, a wide variety of bio-optical ocean products will be generated to support both Navy and scientific missions in open-ocean and coastal waters. Furthermore, the 100 meter spatial resolution of HICO will enable investigations of riverine and estuarine environments. With the wealth of contiguous spectral wavelength information, HICO will facilitate development of new hyperspectral algorithms and ocean products, and will advance our understanding of phenomena that are better identified in more narrow wavelengths than current multispectral satellite sensors provide.

    (For more information on HICO’s comparison to MODIS and MERIS see Poster B035A-02)

    IV. Data Processing

    HICO data will be processed by APS in two different data streams (Figure 2)

    1. Multispectral stream• hyperspectral HICO bands were convolved using sensor-specific spectral response

    functions to simulate multispectral data from other sensors• advantage: resulting multispectral data can then be processed by standard

    multispectral APS functions2. Hyperspectral stream

    • APS will be modified to incorporate atmospheric correction for hyperspectral dataincluding an extension of standard SeaWIFS/MODIS multispectral algorithms (N2GEN) with Near InfraRed (NIR) iteration, TAFKAA, and Cloud Shadow correction

    • Ocean color products will be generated from atmospherically correctedhyperspectral data

    Figure 3: Top of Atmosphere (TOA) Radiance True Color Images of Selected HICO Scenes

    Figure 4aTOA Radiance True Color

    Figure 4bRrs at 547 nm band

    Refinement for data calibration with in situ data was performed in the following manner:• HICO radiance data were processed to Remote Sensing Reflectance (RRS) with APS• in situ radiometer data (RRS) were collected in Chesapeake Bay coincident to HICO scene• in situ Rrs and HICO Rrs data were compared to update the calibration gain factors • data set was reprocessed through APS with updated gain factors

    Results (land area is depicted by an orange or black land mask in the figures below)• top of the atmosphere radiance measurements shown in Figure 4a• image of reprocessed Rrs measurements is shown in Figure 4b• resulting radiometer and HICO Rrs comparison shown in Figure 4c• ocean color products generated through APS are shown in Figures 5a, 5b and 5c

    Insitu Station #2

    Pusan, South Korea Hong Kong, China Key Largo, Florida Han River, South Korea

    Bahrain Yangtze River, China Bahamas Turkish Straights

    II. Background

    Table1. HICO sensor parameters

    III. Objectives

    The objectives of this poster are to:

    1. introduce the HICO sensor2. discuss the data processing system3. show true color imagery of selected HICO data scenes4. explore calibration using in situ data5. present ocean color data products generated from the HICO sensor

    V. Data Collection

    VI. Data Calibration

    Insitu Station #3

    Insitu Station #4








    412 443 488 531 547 667 678 748 869

    HICO and Insitu Radiometer Rrs Data at Station 3










    412 443 488 531 547 667 678 748 869

    HICO and Insitu Radiometer Rrs Data at Station 4










    412 443 488 531 547 667 678 748 869

    HICO and Insitu Radiometer Rrs Data at Station 2



    Figure 4cHICO and Radiometer Rrs

    Figure 5aBahrain 11/18/09Backscatter (bb)

    at 547 nmeterUnits = 1/m

    Figure 5bBahrain 11/18/09

    Diffuse Attenuationat 547 nmeterUnits = 1/m

    After acquisition, data is calibrated and geolocation information is added to create Level 1B data. The multispectral and hyperspectral data streams are automatically processed from the Level 1B file by APS. Further refinement of both the calibration and APS data product generation processes is in progress. Examples of true color images created from the top of the atmosphere radiances for selected HICO data sets are shown in Figure 3.

    Figure 2: HICO’s APS Processing Flow

    Wavelength (nm)

    Wavelength (nm)

    Wavelength (nm)Open Ocean

    Annapolis, Maryland

    Open Ocean

    N N

    Figure 5c Hong Kong 10/02/09

    Backscatter (bb)at 547 nmeterUnits = 1/m

    Figure 5dHong Kong 10/02/09Diffuse Attenuation

    at 547 nmeterUnits = 1/m

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    Slide Number 1