hydraulics & pneumatics jan 2014

USN Time: 3 hrs. 10ME73 (07 Marks) (07 Marks) (06 Marks) (06 Marks) (04 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) hydraulic (10 IVIarks) (08 Marks) (05 Marks) (07 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2013 lJan.20l4 Hydraulics and Pneumatics Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting at least TWO questions from each part. (J () (.) L C) o 8e Jh s 'ooll trca .=N d<t Yo otr -c() o> *,^ a: oc) ootr d.B .Y a6 -a .) 6 .!l o. 6. d.e o= to 6LE E'F !o >(H co& or= o.B tr> o- \J< -al () o z L 1a. b. c. What ar€ the factors to be considered for selecting a hydraulic pump? Explain in brief. Explainthe.constructionandworkingofaexternalgearpumP. A vane pump is to have a volumetric displacement of 82cm'. ,It has a rotor diameter of 5cm, a cam ring diameter of 7.5cm and a vane width of 4cm. What must be the eccentricity? 2a. b. c. . Explain with neat sketeh balanced vane motor. , t 'l A hydraulic motor has a diiplacement of 130em3, operates with a pressure of 105 bar and has a speed of 2000 rpm. If the acqrql flow rate consumed by the motor is 0.005m3/s, and the actual torque delivered by the motor is 200N-m find: a. Classify hydraulic control uelu.r. Explain with neat sketch working of check vave, and give its graphical represenlation. (10 Marks) b. Draw symbolic representation of the lollowing hydraulic control valves. D Volumetric efficiency. ii) Mechanicalefficiency. iii) Overall efficiency. iv) Power developed by motor in kW. i) Simple pre'ssuie relief valve. ii) Pressure:ieriucingvalve. iii) Sequence valve. iv) Counter balance valve. v).. ,;.'N,tanually operated, spring centred, tlree position four way valveJ. a. -,Explain with neat sketches meter-in and meter-out circuits. b.' What are hydraulic accumulators? Classify the different system and explain spring loaded hydraulic accumulator. PART - B Explain briefly filters and strainers in hydraulic system. Derive expression for beta efficiency. Discuss about sealing devices. What are the advantages using pneumatic system? Explain with neat sketch and cushion arrangements in double acting cylinder. . ..:: a. b. c. a. b. I of2 For More Question Papers Visit - www.pediawikiblog.com For More Question Papers Visit - www.pediawikiblog.com www.pediawikiblog.com

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Page 1: Hydraulics & Pneumatics Jan 2014


Time: 3 hrs.


(07 Marks)(07 Marks)

(06 Marks)

(06 Marks)(04 Marks)

(10 Marks)

(10 Marks)

(10 Marks)hydraulic

(10 IVIarks)

(08 Marks)(05 Marks)(07 Marks)

(10 Marks)(10 Marks)

Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2013 lJan.20l4Hydraulics and Pneumatics

Max. Marks: 100Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting

at least TWO questions from each part.













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6 .!l

o. 6.







What ar€ the factors to be considered for selecting a hydraulic pump? Explain in brief.

Explainthe.constructionandworkingofaexternalgearpumP.A vane pump is to have a volumetric displacement of 82cm'. ,It has a rotor diameter of 5cm,a cam ring diameter of 7.5cm and a vane width of 4cm. What must be the eccentricity?




Explain with neat sketeh balanced vane motor. , t 'l

A hydraulic motor has a diiplacement of 130em3, operates with a pressure of 105 bar andhas a speed of 2000 rpm. If the acqrql flow rate consumed by the motor is 0.005m3/s, and theactual torque delivered by the motor is 200N-m find:

a. Classify hydraulic control uelu.r. Explain with neat sketch working of check vave, and giveits graphical represenlation. (10 Marks)

b. Draw symbolic representation of the lollowing hydraulic control valves.

D Volumetric efficiency.ii) Mechanicalefficiency.iii) Overall efficiency.iv) Power developed by motor in kW.

i) Simple pre'ssuie relief valve.ii) Pressure:ieriucingvalve.iii) Sequence valve.iv) Counter balance valve.v).. ,;.'N,tanually operated, spring centred, tlree position four way valveJ.

a. -,Explain with neat sketches meter-in and meter-out circuits.b.' What are hydraulic accumulators? Classify the different

system and explain spring loaded hydraulic accumulator.

PART - BExplain briefly filters and strainers in hydraulic system.Derive expression for beta efficiency.Discuss about sealing devices.

What are the advantages using pneumatic system?Explain with neat sketch and cushion arrangements in double acting cylinder.








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