hydraulic design handbook


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Dated 3/16/08

Copyright Notice ©2008 Hydro-Arch All rights reserved.

All photographs, illustrations, and written materials

compiled in this publication are the exclusive property of Hydro-Arch

No part of this publication may be reproduced

stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written

permission of Hydro-Arch

Hydro-Arch 980 Mary Crest Road, Suite B Henderson, Nevada 89104 Telephone 702-566-1700

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Visit us at www.hydro-arch.com Professional care and experience is required in the modeling of any hydraulic system. Results should be examined and verified for each system. Use of this manual and software is subject

to the EULA at Hydro-Arch.com. No program can replace good engineering.


Hydraulic Design Handbook

Table of Contents Introduction to Hydraulic Design Tools …………………………………………………. 3

Arch Sections & Geometry.xls…………...…………………………………………………… 4

Hydro-Arch Calculator …………………………………………………………………….…. 5-8

WSPG Modeling ……………………………………………………………………….……….9-11

HEC-RAS Modeling …………………………………………………………………………. 12-16

Quick Look-Up Typical Arch Sections with Hydraulic Properties ………….. 18-46

About Hydro-Arch…………………………………... ………………………………………... 48

Appendix A: Arch Plans and Details ………………………………………….…….. 49-53


The hydraulic design of arches is simple and straightforward if the proper information is available. This manual and the included software are designed to give the hydraulic/civil engineer the geometric information and tools to be able to hydraulically model arches quickly and easily. This manual assumes that the reader has familiarity with the referenced hydraulic modeling programs. Instructions for the following programs and spreadsheets are in this manual: Arch Sections&Geometry.xls: This sheet contains the Hydraulic properties for any of the standard Hydro-Arch forms at any height. This sheet is an excellent first step in the design process. Hydro-Arch Calculator: The HACalc.exe program is a culvert hydraulics calculator that determines the headwater depth and normal depth for an arch culvert. This program can export geometric information to HY-8 and WSPG. WSPG: The procedures for entering the section information into the windows interface and then directly into the data file are detailed in this manual. The section information is from either the Arch Sections and Geometry or the Hydro-Arch calculator. Hec-Ras The procedures for entering the section information as a covered section or as a bridge are detailed in this manual. The geometric information is from the Arch Sections and Geometry spreadsheet.

Intro. to Hydraulic Design Tools


The “Arch Sections & Geometry.xls” Excel sheet is shown below. All items in yellow can be changed. This spreadsheet provides information for use in the initial design of arches as well as for export to WSPG and HEC-Ras.

Steps and Instructions for Arch Sections & Geometry.xls

The HEC-RAS tab gives the information for HEC-RAS. Please see the HEC-RAS Section for how to use this sheet.

Select Arch Span

Select Arch Height

Hydraulic properties for selected arch span and height.

This copies the section information for the .wsw file. Please see the WSPG Section.



Arches and preliminary sizes can be modeled using the included HACalc.exe program.

Step 1:

Input the arch properties, entrance coefficient, and flow.

Step 2:

Select “Calc” and the hydraulic values in the right column will be calculated.

Step 3:

If needed the “Export” button can be used to export arch geometric information into WSPG or HY-8. Only single barrels can be modeled in WSPG. Follow the onscreen prompts to export to a wsw file. Insert the section using the procedure on page 10 of this manual.


Program Description: The HACalc program is a culvert hydraulics calculator that determines the headwater depth and normal depth for the standard geometries used by Hydro-Arch. This design tool was created by the engineering firm of G. C. Wallace, Inc. Culvert hydraulic calculations are based on the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Hydraulic Design Series Number 5 (HDS5), “Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts” (Reference 1). All headwater calculations assume that water upstream of the culvert is ponded with zero velocity head. Headwater depths are calculated relative to the culvert invert at the inlet. The program does not account for tailwater conditions or roadway overtopping.

The following is an outline of the various input and output values:

Span (ft.): The horizontal inner distance measured along the arch at the widest location. A span matching one of the Hydro-Arch forms should be selected from the pull down list. See product details for a list of possible arch dimensions.

Arch Type: At the back of this manual there is a section of standard arch spans and types. Once the user has selected an acceptable span, options for arch types appropriate to that span are available in a pull down list.

The user may then enter either the total height or the stem wall height. If the total height is specified, the corresponding stem wall height will be calculated. If the calculated stem wall height is less than zero, the program will generate an error.

Culvert Height (ft.): The total inner height or rise of the arch storm drain.

Stem Wall Height (ft.): For any given arch form, the rise of the constructed arch culvert may be increased by the inclusion of vertical stem walls. The program will not allow the total height to be less than the minimum arch height for any given form.

Number of Barrels: The number of barrels of identical geometry that are to be modeled at the crossing. The Flow value will is divided evenly between the number of barrels. The default value is 1.

Length (ft.): Distance measured along the centerline of the culvert from inlet to outlet in feet.

Slope (%): Longitudinal slope of the arch culvert calculated as the change in invert elevation from inlet to outlet divided by the length times 100. The program expects a positive value.

Manning’s ‘n’: Roughness coefficient used in Manning’s formula. Manning’s ‘n’ for concrete culverts generally ranges between 0.012 and 0.017. The default value is 0.013.

Entrance Loss Coefficient: Value multiplied by the velocity head just inside the culvert inlet to calculate the minor energy loss in feet of flow due to flow contraction at the culvert barrel. The default value is 0.35. This value is applicable to outlet control calculations only.

Flow (cfs): The flow rate for which the headwater depth is to be calculated.

Inlet Control (ft.): Indicating that the headwater depth is controlled by the size and configuration of the culvert inlet and is unaffected by conditions within the culvert or downstream. The HACalc tool calculates headwater depths for four different inlet configurations: Thick Edge: Culvert has no headwall or special inlet configuration. Square Edged Headwall: Culvert has a headwall with wing walls forming a 90-degree angle with the culvert sides.

Beveled Edge: Culvert inlet has a 45-degree bevel. Mitered to Slope: Culvert entrance has been mitered to match the embankment.

Details on each of the given inlet configurations may be found in the FHWA HDS5 publication. The headwater depth for any particular inlet configuration should be compared with the outlet control headwater depth. The higher depth is the correct headwater depth.

From FHWA Hydraulic Design Series 5

H A C A L C . E X E P R O G R A M D O C U M E N T A T I O N A N D E Q U A T I O N S


H A C A L C . E X E D O C U M E N T A T I O N A N D E Q U A T I O N S C O N T .

Outlet Control (ft.): Indicating that the headwater depth is control by conditions within or downstream of the culvert. HACalc does not account for channel conditions downstream of the culvert outlet. Outlet control headwater depths depend on culvert size, slope, roughness, length, and inlet configuration. The outlet control headwater depth should be compared with the inlet control headwater depth. The higher of the two values is the correct headwater depth. HDS5 identifies three possible outlet control flow conditions. Since HACalc assumes a free outlet (low tailwater condition), there are only two possibilities:

Partly Full Flow: The pipe flows full or nearly full at the given discharge. The starting water surface is set at the average between the conduit rise and critical depth and a linear full-flow energy loss is calculated for the length of the culvert. At the inlet, an additional minor loss is added as specified by the user (See Entrance Loss Coefficient).

Free Surface Flow: Flow in the culvert is free surface for the length of the conduit. The downstream water surface elevation is set at critical depth and a backwater curve is calculated up to the culvert entrance using the direct step method. At the culvert inlet, an additional minor loss is added as specified by the user (See Entrance Loss Coefficient).

Critical Depth (ft.): Critical depth is the depth at which the specific energy is minimum for a given discharge.

Normal Depth (ft.): Normal depth is that depth at which flow in the culvert is uniform. HACalc calculates normal depth using Manning’s equation. If normal depth is greater than critical depth, the culvert is hydraulically flat. If normal depth is less than critical depth, the culvert is hydraulically steep.

Normal Depth Velocity (fps): Velocity within the culvert when flow is at normal depth.

Limitations: HACalc does not calculate roadway overtopping. HACalc assumes a free-flowing culvert outlet and therefore does not account for tailwater conditions. Multiple barrel hydraulics are approximated by dividing the design flow by the number of barrels modeled.

Printing and Exporting: The HACalc program will print to the default printer and default settings only. The program can export data to a WSPGW file or to an HY-8 Version 7.0 file. The program will not export to HY-8 DOS files. To export a culvert, press the export button. Select the file type (WSPGW or HY-8) and choose an existing file or type in a new file name.

WSPGW Export: Hydro-Arch facilities are modeled in WSPGW as closed irregular conduits. The user is prompted for a cross section number, which must be an integer between 1 and 999. WSPGW is incapable of modeling multiple barrel arch culverts. If the user attempts to export multiple barrels, a single-barrel culvert is exported. Export data consists of x,y data points on PTS cards. If an existing file is selected, the PTS cards are appended to the end of the WSPGW data and may be cut and pasted into the proper location between the CD cards and the flow card. If a new file name is created, the PTS cards will be written into a new text file with a *.WSW extension.

HY-8 Export: HY-8 limits the number of multiple barrels to 6. If the user attempts to export more than 6 barrels, an error message is displayed. If the user selects an existing file, the program reads the file and will allow the user to select an existing crossing and culvert or type in a new crossing and/or culvert. Rather than overwrite an existing file, the program will create a new file in the same directory (NAME_Export#.hy8). The program will replace existing data or create new data as appropriate. The program will export culvert geometry, Manning’s “n” value, and number of barrels. If a new file name is selected, a new HY-8 file will be created. The user will need to open the file and add all other data including design flows, deck/roadway configurations, etc.

HEC-RAS: In order to input Hydro-Arch information into HEC-RAS please see pages 16-19 of this handbook. HACalc does not export directly to HEC-RAS.


—Appendix D Table 12

H A C A L C . E X E D O C U M E N T A T I O N A N D E Q U A T I O N S C O N T .


Step 2:

No piers are placed in the arch cross-section. WSPG results are valid only for a single barrel structure due to limitations within the program. When multiple barrels are entered, WSPG incorrectly calculates the flow area.

In order to model multiple barrels, split the flow equally between the barrels.


Arches are modeled in WSPG in a very similar way to boxes. Laterals, junctions, transitions, system headworks, system outlets, reaches,

curves, and all related items are modeled in the same way as for a box. The only difference is the section data.

The arch information may be entered either directly into the windows interface or copied from the arch properties sheet into the .wsw file. Entering section data

directly into the windows interface is shown below. Editing the .wsw file is shown on the following pages.

Step 1:

Arches are modeled as type 6 “Irregular Covered Channels” in WSPG.

A. Directly into the windows


WSPG closes between the final point and the first point.

Step 3:

Input 21 cross-section points into the channel description from the Arch Sections & Geometry sheet profile points.

Laterals, junctions, transitions, system headworks, system outlets, reaches, curves, and all related items are modeled in the same way as for a box.

Professional care and experience is required in the modeling of any hydraulic system. Results should be examined and verified for each system. Use of this manual and software is subject to the EULA at Hydro-Arch.com. No

program can replace good engineering.

W S P G A R C H M O D E L I N G P R O C E D U R E C O N T .


B. Copied from the Arch Sections & Geometry sheet into the .wsw file

Step 1:

Model the system exactly as you would model a box, including inputting box sections for the arch. Open the .wsw file. The .wsw file contains all the information for the WSPG model. The lines that begin with CD are the parameters that define the channel cross sections.

Step 2: Enter the arch section into the Arch Sections & Geometry sheet. Input the section number that you are replacing at the bottom. Use the “Copy WSPG Section Data” button to copy all the section information. This information can also be exported from the HACalc program.

Step 3:

Open the .wsw file in notepad. Highlight the CD line defining the box to be replaced by the arch and paste the arch information over the section. Save the file and it is ready to run.

Laterals, junctions, transitions, system headworks, system outlets, reaches, curves, and all related items are modeled in the same way as for a box.

Professional care and experience is required in the modeling of any hydraulic system. Results should be examined and verified for each system. Use of this

manual and software is subject to the EULA at Hydro-Arch.com. No program can replace good engineering.

W S P G A R C H M O D E L I N G P R O C E D U R E C O N T .


H E C - R A S A R C H M O D E L I N G P R O C E D U R E

Arches are modeled in HEC-RAS in a very similar way to boxes. Laterals, junctions, transitions, system outlets, reaches, curves, and all

related items are modeled in the same way as for a box.

Step 1:

Model the channel cross section. In a closed channel with no overtopping, the channel width will be the width of the arches. The bottom of the channel will form the bottom of the arch.

Step 2: Enter the arch section on the first page of the Arch Sections & Geometry. Then enter the needed slope, length, and elevations information into the light blue boxes on the “HEC-RAS Input” tab. Input the high chord information.

Step 3:

Copy the lid data with the “Copy Lid Data” button.

A. Covered Section

The arch information may be entered either as a covered section or as a bridge. The section data for Hydro-Arch geometries is currently not contained within the pre-set culvert cross sections. Entering arch data as a covered section is shown

below. Entering arch data as a bridge is shown on the following pages.


H E C - R A S A R C H M O D E L I N G P R O C E D U R E C O N T .

Step 5:

Select more cells than needed and use CTRL-V to paste the information from the Excel sheet

The structure is now in the system.

Laterals, junctions, transitions, reaches,

curves, and all related items are modeled in the same way as for a box. Professional care and

experience is required in the modeling of any

hydraulic system. Results should be examined and verified for each system. Use of this manual and

software is subject to the EULA at Hydro-Arch.com. No program can replace

good engineering.

Step 4:

In Hec-Ras, in the cross-section editor, under options select:

Add a Lid to XS


H E C - R A S A R C H M O D E L I N G P R O C E D U R E C O N T .

B. Bridge

Step 1:

Model the channel cross section. In a closed channel with no overtopping, the channel width will be the width of the arches. The bottom of the channel will form the bottom of the arch.

Step 2:

After entering the arch section on the first page of the “Arch Sections & Geometries”, enter the needed slope, length, and elevations information into the light blue boxes.

The High Chord can be adjusted by checking the variable high chord box and inputting high chord data.

Step 3:

Select “Copy Bridge Data.”

Step 4:

Select “Edit/Enter geometric data” on the Hec-Ras main page. Then select “Bridge/Culvert”.


H E C - R A S A R C H M O D E L I N G P R O C E D U R E C O N T .

Step 5:

Select the “Deck/Roadway” button in Bridge/Culvert Data.

Step 6:

Select more cells than you need and use CTRL-V to paste the bridge information from the Excel sheet. Selecting additional cells is important because HEC-RAS only replaces cells that are highlighted. Add information at the edges of the arch to close the channel if the arch does not extend to the edge of the cross section.

The structure is now in the system. Laterals, junctions, transitions,

reaches, curves, and all related items are modeled in the same way as for a

box. Professional care and experience is

required in the modeling of any hydraulic system. Results should be

examined and verified for each system. Use of this manual and software is

subject to the EULA at Hydro-Arch.com.

No program can replace good engineering.


H E C - R A S M O D E L I N G D O C U M E N TA T I O N

Program Description

Hydro-Arch facilities may be modeled in HEC-RAS in a variety of ways. Engineering judgment must be used in selecting the appropriate method for any given set of circumstances. The accom-panying Arch Sections & Geometry.xls spreadsheet will simplify modeling of Hydro-Arch facilities in HEC-RAS. The spreadsheet will create x,y data for up to 10-barrel arch facilities. Macros must be enabled in order for the spreadsheet to function properly.

There are essentially three ways to model arch facilities in HEC-RAS, as bridges, as culverts, and as cross sections with a lid. The HEC-RAS documentation contains further information on the limi-tations and appropriate applications of each of the three modeling techniques. The following sec-tions provide guidance on using the HECRAS-Aids.xls spreadsheet to facilitate entering arch geome-try data into HEC-RAS.

Bridge Modeling – Hydro-Arch facilities may be modeled as bridges by entering the arch points as low-chord x,y values in the Deck/Roadway portion of the Bridge Culvert Data. In order to auto-matically generate the necessary x,y data, use the Geometry Data tab of the HECRAS-Aids.xls spreadsheet. Enter the required information into the shaded cells at the top of the form. Either a constant high chord value or variable high chord values may be entered into the spreadsheet. If the Variable High Chord checkbox is checked, enter high chord information into the shaded cells in the table. If the Variable High Chord checkbox is cleared, the constant high chord elevation may be entered into the appropriate shaded cell just above the checkbox. Enter the number of barrels and the distance between adjacent barrels (inside wall to inside wall) into the shaded cells to the right of the x,y data.

When all of the necessary information has been provided, click on the Copy Bridge Data command button located at the bottom of the form. Select the corresponding rows within the HEC-RAS bridge deck/roadway data information form and use CTRL+V to paste the information into HEC-RAS. Caution: If any existing deck data is to be preserved, the selection range in the HEC-RAS deck/roadway editor must be exactly that range for which information is to be modified. If too many cells are selected, the additional cells will be cleared of data. If fewer rows are selected, the data will only be entered into those cells that are selected.

Culvert Modeling – Culverts in HEC-RAS are defined by internal data sets that may be selected but not customized or modified by the user. Hydro-Arch geometries are not included in the current version of HEC-RAS, although some Hydro-Arch configurations may be similar to geometries that are incorporated. Use of the HEC-RAS culvert tools to model Hydro-Arch facilities is at the discre-tion of the modeler.

Cross Section with Lid – Hydro-Arch facilities may be modeled as covered cross sections. Enter the cross section into the HEC-RAS Cross Section editor as a rectangular channel with bottom width equal to the span of the desired arch or arches. Open the Arch Sections & Geometry.xls worksheet and select the Input tab. Enter the data across the top and along the side exactly as for the bridge modeling option; the length and slope inputs are not required. The lid data is copied from the downstream deck data, therefore if a variable high chord is desired, the information must be en-tered into the Downstream/High Chord column in the spreadsheet. When all of the necessary in-formation has been provided, click on the Copy Lid Data command button located at the bottom of the form. Select the appropriate cross section in HEC-RAS cross section editor. Under the Options menu item in the cross section editor, select Add a Lid to XS. Select all the cells by clicking in the upper left hand corner, or by selecting all of the columns of the Add a Lid to XS table in the result-ing dialogue box and use CTRL+V to paste the data into the table. Click OK to exit.


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Min Height=3.0'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

6.0' x 3.0' 16.47 ft^2 16.47 ft 1.00 ft 16.47 18831 1.50 ft6.0' x 4.0' 22.47 ft^2 18.47 ft 1.22 ft 25.61 29276 2.50 ft6.0' x 5.0' 28.47 ft^2 20.47 ft 1.39 ft 35.48 40553 3.50 ft6.0' x 6.0' 34.47 ft^2 22.47 ft 1.53 ft 45.85 52414 4.50 ft6.0' x 7.0' 40.47 ft^2 24.47 ft 1.65 ft 56.60 64699 5.50 ft6.0' x 8.0' 46.47 ft^2 26.47 ft 1.76 ft 67.63 77306 6.50 ft6.0' x 9.0' 52.47 ft^2 28.47 ft 1.84 ft 78.88 90161 7.50 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

6' E - 6' Elliptical Arch

This small arch is an excellent replacement for large RCP's.


6' E New - 6' Updated Elliptical Arch

Min Height=3.0' Structurally efficient

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

6.0' x 3.0' 15.48 ft^2 15.93 ft 0.97 ft 15.19 17369 0.67 ft6.0' x 4.0' 21.48 ft^2 17.93 ft 1.20 ft 24.24 27705 1.67 ft6.0' x 5.0' 27.48 ft^2 19.93 ft 1.38 ft 34.05 38924 2.67 ft6.0' x 6.0' 33.48 ft^2 21.93 ft 1.53 ft 44.40 50752 3.67 ft6.0' x 7.0' 39.48 ft^2 23.93 ft 1.65 ft 55.13 63022 4.67 ft6.0' x 8.0' 45.48 ft^2 25.93 ft 1.75 ft 66.16 75622 5.67 ft6.0' x 9.0' 51.48 ft^2 27.93 ft 1.84 ft 77.40 88475 6.67 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

This small arch is an excellent replacement for large RCP's.


8' E - 8' Elliptical Arch

Min Height=3.0'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

8.0' x 3.0' 21.29 ft^2 19.97 ft 1.07 ft 22.22 25396 1.00 ft8.0' x 4.0' 29.29 ft^2 21.97 ft 1.33 ft 35.48 40556 2.00 ft

8.0' x 5.0' 37.29 ft^2 23.97 ft 1.56 ft 50.07 57230 3.00 ft

8.0' x 6.0' 45.29 ft^2 25.97 ft 1.74 ft 65.62 75008 4.00 ft

8.0' x 7.0' 53.29 ft^2 27.97 ft 1.91 ft 81.90 93620 5.00 ft

8.0' x 8.0' 61.29 ft^2 29.97 ft 2.05 ft 98.75 112879 6.00 ft

8.0' x 9.0' 69.29 ft^2 31.97 ft 2.17 ft 116.05 132651 7.00 ft*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

This arch is an excellent replacement for small boxes.


8' C - 8' Circular Specialty FormMin Height 4.0'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

8.0' x 4.0' 25.13 ft^2 20.57 ft 1.22 ft 28.73 32838 0.00 ft8.0' x 5.0' 33.13 ft^2 22.57 ft 1.47 ft 42.80 48925 1.00 ft8.0' x 6.0' 41.13 ft^2 24.57 ft 1.67 ft 58.00 66297 2.00 ft8.0' x 7.0' 49.13 ft^2 26.57 ft 1.85 ft 74.03 84620 3.00 ft8.0' x 8.0' 57.13 ft^2 28.57 ft 2.00 ft 90.69 103669 4.00 ft8.0' x 9.0' 65.13 ft^2 30.57 ft 2.13 ft 107.85 123285 5.00 ft8.0' x 10.0' 73.13 ft^2 32.57 ft 2.25 ft 125.41 143356 6.00 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

This small arch is a specialty form used at times for capping channels.


8' E New- 8' Updated Elliptical Arch

Min Height=3.0' Structurally efficient

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

8.0' x 3.0' 20.15 ft^2 20.89 ft 0.96 ft 19.67 22488 1.00 ft

8.0' x 4.0' 28.15 ft^2 21.47 ft 1.31 ft 33.72 38549 1.29 ft8.0' x 5.0' 36.15 ft^2 23.47 ft 1.54 ft 48.22 55114 2.29 ft

8.0' x 6.0' 44.15 ft^2 25.47 ft 1.73 ft 63.71 72826 3.29 ft

8.0' x 7.0' 52.15 ft^2 27.47 ft 1.90 ft 79.96 91397 4.29 ft

8.0' x 8.0' 60.15 ft^2 29.47 ft 2.04 ft 96.79 110633 5.29 ft

8.0' x 9.0' 68.15 ft^2 31.47 ft 2.17 ft 114.07 130393 6.29 ft*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

This arch is an excellent replacement for small boxes.


10' E - 10' Elliptical Arch

Min Height=3.0'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

10.0' x 3.0' 25.76 ft^2 23.46 ft 1.10 ft 27.42 31347 0.50 ft

10.0' x 4.0' 35.76 ft^2 25.46 ft 1.40 ft 44.86 51275 1.50 ft

10.0' x 5.0' 45.76 ft^2 27.46 ft 1.67 ft 64.33 73533 2.50 ft

10.0' x 6.0' 55.76 ft^2 29.46 ft 1.89 ft 85.33 97539 3.50 ft

10.0' x 7.0' 65.76 ft^2 31.46 ft 2.09 ft 107.52 122900 4.50 ft

10.0' x 8.0' 75.76 ft^2 33.46 ft 2.26 ft 130.64 149337 5.50 ft

10.0' x 9.0' 85.76 ft^2 35.46 ft 2.42 ft 154.53 176643 6.50 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

This arch is an excellent replacement for boxes.


10' E New - 10' Updated Elliptical Arch

Min Height=3.6' Structurally efficient

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

10.0' x 4.0' 33.66 ft^2 24.74 ft 1.36 ft 41.32 47231 0.45 ft

10.0' x 5.0' 43.66 ft^2 26.74 ft 1.63 ft 60.53 69186 1.45 ft

10.0' x 6.0' 53.66 ft^2 28.74 ft 1.87 ft 81.35 92989 2.45 ft

10.0' x 7.0' 63.66 ft^2 30.74 ft 2.07 ft 103.41 118210 3.45 ft

10.0' x 8.0' 73.66 ft^2 32.74 ft 2.25 ft 126.46 144551 4.45 ft

10.0' x 9.0' 83.66 ft^2 34.74 ft 2.41 ft 150.29 171792 5.45 ft

10.0' x 10.0' 93.66 ft^2 36.74 ft 2.55 ft 174.76 199770 6.45 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

This arch is an excellent replacement for boxes.


11' E - 11' Elliptical Arch

Min Height=4.0'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

11.0' x 4.0' 36.33 ft^2 26.40 ft 1.38 ft 44.95 51381 0.00 ft

11.0' x 5.0' 47.33 ft^2 28.40 ft 1.67 ft 66.53 76051 1.00 ft

11.0' x 6.0' 58.33 ft^2 30.40 ft 1.92 ft 90.07 102958 2.00 ft

11.0' x 7.0' 69.33 ft^2 32.40 ft 2.14 ft 115.13 131601 3.00 ft

11.0' x 8.0' 80.33 ft^2 34.40 ft 2.34 ft 141.40 161626 4.00 ft

11.0' x 9.0' 91.33 ft^2 36.40 ft 2.51 ft 168.64 192770 5.00 ft

11.0' x 10.0' 102.33 ft^2 38.40 ft 2.66 ft 196.70 224838 6.00 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

This arch replaces 10'-0" RCB's of the same height.


12' C - 12' Circular Specialty Form

Min Height=6.0'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

12.0' x 6.0' 56.55 ft^2 30.85 ft 1.83 ft 84.70 96816 0.00 ft

12.0' x 7.0' 68.55 ft^2 32.85 ft 2.09 ft 111.94 127954 1.00 ft

12.0' x 8.0' 80.55 ft^2 34.85 ft 2.31 ft 140.81 160956 2.00 ft

12.0' x 9.0' 92.55 ft^2 36.85 ft 2.51 ft 171.00 195466 3.00 ft

12.0' x 10.0' 104.55 ft^2 38.85 ft 2.69 ft 202.27 231215 4.00 ft

12.0' x 11.0' 116.55 ft^2 40.85 ft 2.85 ft 234.45 267997 5.00 ft

12.0' x 12.0' 128.55 ft^2 42.85 ft 3.00 ft 267.39 305650 6.00 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

This arch is a specialty form used at times for capping channels.


12' E - 12' Elliptical Arch

Min Height=3.0'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

12.0' x 3.0' 29.90 ft^2 26.95 ft 1.11 ft 32.04 36625 0.00 ft

12.0' x 4.0' 41.90 ft^2 28.95 ft 1.45 ft 53.61 61277 1.00 ft

12.0' x 5.0' 53.90 ft^2 30.95 ft 1.74 ft 78.02 89178 2.00 ft

12.0' x 6.0' 65.90 ft^2 32.95 ft 2.00 ft 104.61 119572 3.00 ft

12.0' x 7.0' 77.90 ft^2 34.95 ft 2.23 ft 132.92 151935 4.00 ft

12.0' x 8.0' 89.90 ft^2 36.95 ft 2.43 ft 162.62 185889 5.00 ft

12.0' x 9.0' 101.90 ft^2 38.95 ft 2.62 ft 193.47 221149 6.00 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Medium Span Arch


14' E - 14' Elliptical Arch

Min Height=4.0'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

14.0' x 4.0' 45.81 ft^2 31.98 ft 1.43 ft 58.21 66535 0.00 ft

14.0' x 5.0' 59.81 ft^2 33.98 ft 1.76 ft 87.18 99659 1.00 ft

14.0' x 6.0' 73.81 ft^2 35.98 ft 2.05 ft 119.16 136206 2.00 ft

14.0' x 7.0' 87.81 ft^2 37.98 ft 2.31 ft 153.52 175489 3.00 ft

14.0' x 8.0' 101.81 ft^2 39.98 ft 2.55 ft 189.84 217006 4.00 ft

14.0' x 9.0' 115.81 ft^2 41.98 ft 2.76 ft 227.78 260375 5.00 ft

14.0' x 10.0' 129.81 ft^2 43.98 ft 2.95 ft 267.09 305302 6.00 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Medium Span Arch


16' E Option 1- 16' Elliptical Arch

Min Height=4.0'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

16.0' x 4.0' 49.82 ft^2 35.39 ft 1.41 ft 62.58 71537 0.00 ft

16.0' x 5.0' 65.82 ft^2 37.39 ft 1.76 ft 95.97 109697 1.00 ft

16.0' x 6.0' 81.82 ft^2 39.39 ft 2.08 ft 133.21 152266 2.00 ft

16.0' x 7.0' 97.82 ft^2 41.39 ft 2.36 ft 173.57 198399 3.00 ft

16.0' x 8.0' 113.82 ft^2 43.39 ft 2.62 ft 216.50 247471 4.00 ft

16.0' x 9.0' 129.82 ft^2 45.39 ft 2.86 ft 261.58 299006 5.00 ft

16.0' x 10.0' 145.82 ft^2 47.39 ft 3.08 ft 308.49 352631 6.00 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Medium Span Arch


16' E Option 2 - Most Efficient Form

Min Height=6.0' Structurally efficient

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

16.0' x 6.0' 78.77 ft^2 38.60 ft 2.04 ft 126.74 144870 0.00 ft

16.0' x 7.0' 94.77 ft^2 40.60 ft 2.33 ft 166.77 190633 1.00 ft

16.0' x 8.0' 110.77 ft^2 42.60 ft 2.60 ft 209.47 239436 2.00 ft

16.0' x 9.0' 126.77 ft^2 44.60 ft 2.84 ft 254.38 290777 3.00 ft

16.0' x 10.0' 142.77 ft^2 46.60 ft 3.06 ft 301.17 344264 4.00 ft

16.0' x 11.0' 158.77 ft^2 48.60 ft 3.27 ft 349.57 399585 5.00 ft

16.0' x 12.0' 174.77 ft^2 50.60 ft 3.45 ft 399.35 456488 6.00 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Most structurally efficient medium span arch.


16' E Option 3 - Low Profile Arch

Min Height=3.58'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

16.0' x 4.0' 54.97 ft^2 36.35 ft 1.51 ft 72.42 82780 0.42 ft

16.0' x 5.0' 70.97 ft^2 38.35 ft 1.85 ft 106.97 122274 1.42 ft

16.0' x 6.0' 86.97 ft^2 40.35 ft 2.16 ft 145.11 165872 2.42 ft

16.0' x 7.0' 102.97 ft^2 42.35 ft 2.43 ft 186.18 212816 3.42 ft

16.0' x 8.0' 118.97 ft^2 44.35 ft 2.68 ft 229.67 262536 4.42 ft

16.0' x 9.0' 134.97 ft^2 46.35 ft 2.91 ft 275.22 314595 5.42 ft

16.0' x 10.0' 150.97 ft^2 48.35 ft 3.12 ft 322.50 368647 6.42 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Lower profile span


18' E - 18' Elliptical Arch

Min Height=5.73'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

18.0' x 6.0' 90.40 ft^2 42.62 ft 2.12 ft 149.24 170592 0.27 ft

18.0' x 7.0' 108.40 ft^2 44.62 ft 2.43 ft 195.90 223932 1.27 ft

18.0' x 8.0' 126.40 ft^2 46.62 ft 2.71 ft 245.78 280943 2.27 ft

18.0' x 9.0' 144.40 ft^2 48.62 ft 2.97 ft 298.36 341054 3.27 ft

18.0' x 10.0' 162.40 ft^2 50.62 ft 3.21 ft 353.27 403816 4.27 ft

18.0' x 11.0' 180.40 ft^2 52.62 ft 3.43 ft 410.18 468865 5.27 ft

18.0' x 12.0' 198.40 ft^2 54.62 ft 3.63 ft 468.83 535907 6.27 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Use primarily for minimum clearance situations


18' E New - 18' Updated Elliptical Arch

Min Height=6.36' Structurally efficient

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

18.0' x 7.0' 105.85 ft^2 44.19 ft 2.40 ft 189.49 216606 0.64 ft

18.0' x 8.0' 123.85 ft^2 46.19 ft 2.68 ft 239.03 273233 1.64 ft

18.0' x 9.0' 141.85 ft^2 48.19 ft 2.94 ft 291.35 333031 2.64 ft

18.0' x 10.0' 159.85 ft^2 50.19 ft 3.19 ft 346.03 395535 3.64 ft

18.0' x 11.0' 177.85 ft^2 52.19 ft 3.41 ft 402.75 460371 4.64 ft

18.0' x 12.0' 195.85 ft^2 54.19 ft 3.61 ft 461.24 527235 5.64 ft

18.0' x 13.0' 213.85 ft^2 56.19 ft 3.81 ft 521.29 595874 6.64 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Most structurally efficient medium span arch.


20' C - 20' Circular Specialty Form

Min Height=6.0'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

20.0' x 6.0' 85.50 ft^2 44.50 ft 1.92 ft 132.13 151035 0.00 ft

20.0' x 7.0' 105.50 ft^2 46.50 ft 2.27 ft 182.15 208209 1.00 ft

20.0' x 8.0' 125.50 ft^2 48.50 ft 2.59 ft 236.53 270373 2.00 ft

20.0' x 9.0' 145.50 ft^2 50.50 ft 2.88 ft 294.59 336744 3.00 ft

20.0' x 10.0' 165.50 ft^2 52.50 ft 3.15 ft 355.80 406708 4.00 ft

20.0' x 11.0' 185.50 ft^2 54.50 ft 3.40 ft 419.72 479774 5.00 ft

20.0' x 12.0' 205.50 ft^2 56.50 ft 3.64 ft 486.01 555542 6.00 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

This arch is a specialty semi-circular form


20' E New - 20' Updated Elliptical Arch

Min Height=6.5' Structurally efficient

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

20.0' x 7.0' 117.85 ft^2 47.95 ft 2.46 ft 214.62 245327 0.51 ft

20.0' x 8.0' 137.85 ft^2 49.95 ft 2.76 ft 271.21 310013 1.51 ft

20.0' x 9.0' 157.85 ft^2 51.95 ft 3.04 ft 331.13 378511 2.51 ft

20.0' x 10.0' 177.85 ft^2 53.95 ft 3.30 ft 393.93 450290 3.51 ft

20.0' x 11.0' 197.85 ft^2 55.95 ft 3.54 ft 459.21 524918 4.51 ft

20.0' x 12.0' 217.85 ft^2 57.95 ft 3.76 ft 526.68 602041 5.51 ft

20.0' x 13.0' 237.85 ft^2 59.95 ft 3.97 ft 596.08 681364 6.51 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Structurally efficient medium span arch.


20' E - 20' Elliptical Arch

Min Height=4.14'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

20.0' x 5.0' 84.81 ft^2 45.39 ft 1.87 ft 128.65 147056 0.86 ft

20.0' x 6.0' 104.81 ft^2 47.39 ft 2.21 ft 177.90 203358 1.86 ft

20.0' x 7.0' 124.81 ft^2 49.39 ft 2.53 ft 231.54 264671 2.86 ft

20.0' x 8.0' 144.81 ft^2 51.39 ft 2.82 ft 288.88 330216 3.86 ft

20.0' x 9.0' 164.81 ft^2 53.39 ft 3.09 ft 349.39 399380 4.86 ft

20.0' x 10.0' 184.81 ft^2 55.39 ft 3.34 ft 412.64 471676 5.86 ft

20.0' x 11.0' 204.81 ft^2 57.39 ft 3.57 ft 478.27 546702 6.86 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Use primarily for minimum clearance situations


24' E - 24' Elliptical Arch

Min Height=4.64' Use for minimum clearance only

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

24.0' x 5.0' 102.27 ft^2 53.06 ft 1.93 ft 158.39 181047 0.36 ft

24.0' x 6.0' 126.27 ft^2 55.06 ft 2.29 ft 219.58 250998 1.36 ft

24.0' x 7.0' 150.27 ft^2 57.06 ft 2.63 ft 286.56 327564 2.36 ft

24.0' x 8.0' 174.27 ft^2 59.06 ft 2.95 ft 358.51 409803 3.36 ft

24.0' x 9.0' 198.27 ft^2 61.06 ft 3.25 ft 434.76 496964 4.36 ft

24.0' x 10.0' 222.27 ft^2 63.06 ft 3.52 ft 514.78 588438 5.36 ft

24.0' x 11.0' 246.27 ft^2 65.06 ft 3.79 ft 598.14 683722 6.36 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Use primarily for minimum clearance situations


24' E New - 24' Updated Elliptical Arch

Min Height=6.73' Structurally efficient

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

24.0' x 7.0' 141.60 ft^2 55.51 ft 2.55 ft 264.37 302193 0.27 ft

24.0' x 8.0' 165.60 ft^2 57.51 ft 2.88 ft 335.19 383145 1.27 ft

24.0' x 9.0' 189.60 ft^2 59.51 ft 3.19 ft 410.54 469275 2.27 ft

24.0' x 10.0' 213.60 ft^2 61.51 ft 3.47 ft 489.84 559922 3.27 ft

24.0' x 11.0' 237.60 ft^2 63.51 ft 3.74 ft 572.61 654543 4.27 ft

24.0' x 12.0' 261.60 ft^2 65.51 ft 3.99 ft 658.47 752684 5.27 ft

24.0' x 13.0' 285.60 ft^2 67.51 ft 4.23 ft 747.07 853963 6.27 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Structurally efficient medium span arch.


28' E - 28' Elliptical Arch

Min Height=6.95' Structurally efficient

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

28.0' x 7.0' 165.07 ft^2 63.10 ft 2.62 ft 313.39 358227 0.05 ft

28.0' x 8.0' 193.07 ft^2 65.10 ft 2.97 ft 398.53 455550 1.05 ft

28.0' x 9.0' 221.07 ft^2 67.10 ft 3.29 ft 489.47 559501 2.05 ft

28.0' x 10.0' 249.07 ft^2 69.10 ft 3.60 ft 585.52 669294 3.05 ft

28.0' x 11.0' 277.07 ft^2 71.10 ft 3.90 ft 686.11 784278 4.05 ft

28.0' x 12.0' 305.07 ft^2 73.10 ft 4.17 ft 790.76 903903 5.05 ft

28.0' x 13.0' 333.07 ft^2 75.10 ft 4.43 ft 899.07 1027702 6.05 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Efficient longer span arch.


32' E - 32' Elliptical Arch

Min Height=5.83'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

32.0' x 6.0' 154.60 ft^2 69.03 ft 2.24 ft 264.64 302504 0.17 ft

32.0' x 7.0' 186.60 ft^2 71.03 ft 2.63 ft 355.27 406100 1.17 ft

32.0' x 8.0' 218.60 ft^2 73.03 ft 2.99 ft 454.03 518989 2.17 ft

32.0' x 9.0' 250.60 ft^2 75.03 ft 3.34 ft 559.94 640060 3.17 ft

32.0' x 10.0' 282.60 ft^2 77.03 ft 3.67 ft 672.22 768403 4.17 ft

32.0' x 11.0' 314.60 ft^2 79.03 ft 3.98 ft 790.20 903259 5.17 ft

32.0' x 12.0' 346.60 ft^2 81.03 ft 4.28 ft 913.31 1043982 6.17 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Use primarily for minimum clearance situations


32' E New - 32' Updated Elliptical Arch

Min Height= 9.5' Structurally efficient

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

32.0' x 10.0' 269.94 ft^2 74.99 ft 3.60 ft 634.06 724782 0.50 ft

32.0' x 11.0' 301.94 ft^2 76.99 ft 3.92 ft 750.93 858371 1.50 ft

32.0' x 12.0' 333.94 ft^2 78.99 ft 4.23 ft 873.15 998072 2.50 ft

32.0' x 13.0' 365.94 ft^2 80.99 ft 4.52 ft 1000.19 1143292 3.50 ft

32.0' x 14.0' 397.94 ft^2 82.99 ft 4.80 ft 1131.61 1293520 4.50 ft

32.0' x 15.0' 429.94 ft^2 84.99 ft 5.06 ft 1267.03 1448311 5.50 ft

32.0' x 16.0' 461.94 ft^2 86.99 ft 5.31 ft 1406.09 1607273 6.50 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Efficient longer span arch.


36' E - 36' Elliptical Arch

Min Height= 8.19'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

36.0' x 9.0' 268.12 ft^2 81.00 ft 3.31 ft 595.52 680729 0.81 ft

36.0' x 10.0' 304.12 ft^2 83.00 ft 3.66 ft 722.82 826238 1.81 ft

36.0' x 11.0' 340.12 ft^2 85.00 ft 4.00 ft 857.26 979918 2.81 ft

36.0' x 12.0' 376.12 ft^2 87.00 ft 4.32 ft 998.17 1140985 3.81 ft

36.0' x 13.0' 412.12 ft^2 89.00 ft 4.63 ft 1144.95 1308764 4.81 ft

36.0' x 14.0' 448.12 ft^2 91.00 ft 4.92 ft 1297.09 1482671 5.81 ft

36.0' x 15.0' 484.12 ft^2 93.00 ft 5.21 ft 1454.14 1662193 6.81 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Efficient longer span arch.


36' E New - 36' Updated Elliptical Arch

Min Height=12.5' Structurally efficient

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

36.0' x 13.0' 390.25 ft^2 86.59 ft 4.51 ft 1064.79 1217137 0.50 ft

36.0' x 14.0' 426.25 ft^2 88.59 ft 4.81 ft 1214.85 1388665 1.50 ft

36.0' x 15.0' 462.25 ft^2 90.59 ft 5.10 ft 1370.08 1566108 2.50 ft

36.0' x 16.0' 498.25 ft^2 92.59 ft 5.38 ft 1530.06 1748974 3.50 ft

36.0' x 17.0' 534.25 ft^2 94.59 ft 5.65 ft 1694.40 1936830 4.50 ft

36.0' x 18.0' 570.25 ft^2 96.59 ft 5.90 ft 1862.77 2129290 5.50 ft

36.0' x 19.0' 606.25 ft^2 98.59 ft 6.15 ft 2034.87 2326012 6.50 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Efficient longer span arch.


38' E - 38' Elliptical Arch

Min Height=12.31'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

38.0' x 13.0' 412.62 ft^2 90.42 ft 4.56 ft 1135.24 1297663 0.69 ft

38.0' x 14.0' 450.62 ft^2 92.42 ft 4.88 ft 1295.74 1481134 1.69 ft

38.0' x 15.0' 488.62 ft^2 94.42 ft 5.18 ft 1461.91 1671077 2.69 ft

38.0' x 16.0' 526.62 ft^2 96.42 ft 5.46 ft 1633.29 1866971 3.69 ft

38.0' x 17.0' 564.62 ft^2 98.42 ft 5.74 ft 1809.46 2068352 4.69 ft

38.0' x 18.0' 602.62 ft^2 100.42 ft 6.00 ft 1990.08 2274810 5.69 ft

38.0' x 19.0' 640.62 ft^2 102.42 ft 6.26 ft 2174.81 2485975 6.69 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Efficient longer span arch.


42' E - 42' Elliptical Arch

Min Height=11.41'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

42.0' x 12.0' 402.58 ft^2 95.49 ft 4.22 ft 1050.66 1200988 0.59 ft

42.0' x 13.0' 444.58 ft^2 97.49 ft 4.56 ft 1222.62 1397546 1.59 ft

42.0' x 14.0' 486.58 ft^2 99.49 ft 4.89 ft 1402.01 1602604 2.59 ft

42.0' x 15.0' 528.58 ft^2 101.49 ft 5.21 ft 1588.24 1815475 3.59 ft

42.0' x 16.0' 570.58 ft^2 103.49 ft 5.51 ft 1780.77 2035554 4.59 ft

42.0' x 17.0' 612.58 ft^2 105.49 ft 5.81 ft 1979.13 2262303 5.59 ft

42.0' x 18.0' 654.58 ft^2 107.49 ft 6.09 ft 2182.91 2495239 6.59 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Efficient longer span arch.


48' E - 48' Elliptical Arch

Min Height= 12.0'

Arch Hydraulic Properties

Area PerimeterHydraulic Radius ARh^2/3

Flow Coefficient, K

Stem Wall Height

48.0' x 12.0' 453.46 ft^2 106.45 ft 4.26 ft 1191.61 1362097 0.00 ft

48.0' x 13.0' 501.46 ft^2 108.45 ft 4.62 ft 1391.79 1590918 1.00 ft

48.0' x 14.0' 549.46 ft^2 110.45 ft 4.97 ft 1601.21 1830305 2.00 ft

48.0' x 15.0' 597.46 ft^2 112.45 ft 5.31 ft 1819.17 2079453 3.00 ft

48.0' x 16.0' 645.46 ft^2 114.45 ft 5.64 ft 2045.05 2337648 4.00 ft

48.0' x 17.0' 693.46 ft^2 116.45 ft 5.95 ft 2278.29 2604255 5.00 ft

48.0' x 18.0' 741.46 ft^2 118.45 ft 6.26 ft 2518.38 2878705 6.00 ft

*Any height of arch may be specified. The heights listed above are for reference only.

Efficient longer span arch.


Hydro-Arch is a general contractor who specializes in flood control

structures including arch culverts, bridges and channels.

We construct an array of flood control structures, specializing in the turnkey construction of cast-in-place arch culverts. This manual is provided to aid in the hydraulic design of Hydro-Arch solutions. Hydro-Arch can replace boxes and large pipes on any project. These arches can also replace pre-cast arches. Arches are cost-effective when used as:

Culverts Bridges Environmental crossings Cut and cover tunnels Pump stations Golf course tunnels Structures with skewed ends A system to meet any specific design criteria.

Items such as transitions, manholes, access hatches, laterals, junctions, lights, headwalls, wing walls and any other item that is needed to successfully complete your project can be designed for and included in the arch culvert.

Since 1988, we have built hundreds of Hydro-Arch systems throughout California, Arizona,

and Nevada.

About Hydro-Arch

Appendix A: Arch Details Spans: Spans from 6’-48’ are available using the standard forms. Span widths can be mixed as needed. Single or multiple barrels are easily customized for your project

Natural (Soft) Bottoms: Natural inverts have the same available spans as solid inverts. Natural inverts are often used for environmental crossings and other waterways that cannot be disturbed.

Invert types (paved or natural) can be mixed as needed.

Appendix A: Arch Details Cont.

Paved Inverts: Arches can be built with a cast in place concrete invert. A paved invert provides the greatest hydraulic capacity.

Cover: Arches with cover from 8” to 80’ have been constructed. Arches perform most efficiently with at least 3’-0” of cover.

Manholes: Manholes are placed and built in much the same way as on any other structure. Standard man-hole rings and sections are used on arches.

Appendix A: Arch Details Cont.

Laterals: Laterals can enter at any angle or invert height that is required by the hydraulic engineer.

Laterals do not require manholes at each one.

Multiple laterals can enter at the same location at different angles and at different invert elevations.

Any size and type of lateral can enter the arch, including RCP, HERCP, PVC, HDPE, Reinforced Concrete Box, or another arch.

Appendix A: Arch Details Cont.

Junctions Complex junctions and connections are possible with the Hydro-Arch cast in place system.

Headwalls and Wingwalls The inlets and outlets of structures are specified in the same way as any other structure.

Appendix A: Arch Details Cont.