hyde school wilderness: lennox lodge

LENNOX LODGE WE TEACH COURAGE Lennox Lodge Directors TRIPP HENDERSON “A ship is safe in a harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.” – William G.T. Shedd Lennox Lodge Flagstaff Rd. Eustis, Maine 04936 Hyde-Bath 616 High Street Bath, Maine 04530 (207) 443-7101 Hyde-Woodstock 150 Route 169 Woodstock, CT 06281 (860) 963-4721 www.hyde.edu facebook.com/HydeEustis “The journey only requires you to put one foot in front of the other…again and again and again. And if you allow yourself the opportunity to be present throughout the entirety of the trek, you will witness beauty every step of the way, not just at the summit.” – Unknown RICHARD TRULUCK Richard Truluck ’88 Executive Director (207) 443-7135 [email protected] B.A., Lewis and Clark College Richard’s enthusiasm for the outdoors was fostered early on by family camping trips and summer camp adventures. At the age of 15, he lead his first groups into the mountains of North Carolina, and since then he has explored the mountains, lakes and rivers of America’s South East, the North West, and Northern New England. Groups of students and adults benefit from the passion and knowledge Richard shares in the woods and on the waterways of Maine’s great North Woods. Tripp Henderson Program Director (207) 443-7022 [email protected] B.A., Kansas University Nurtured by epic road trips to national parks with his father and hiking in the Appalachians with his mother, Tripp’s itch to be in the outdoors developed at a young age. From the back country of the Pacific Northwest to Maine, Tripp has spent the last 10 years working with youth in the outdoors. It is his passion to understand, learn, teach and inspire that has combined his love for the natural world and working with youth.

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The Lennox Lodge Program is named after HAPA parent Bim Black, who donated funds to the school to purchase 600 beautiful acres of pristine wilderness in Eustis, Maine, now called the Black Wilderness Preserve. Find out about the many programs run on the property.


Page 1: Hyde School Wilderness: Lennox Lodge







COURAGELennox Lodge Directors


“A ship is safe in a harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.”

– William G.T. Shedd

Lennox LodgeFlagstaff Rd.Eustis, Maine 04936

Hyde-Bath 616 High StreetBath, Maine 04530(207) 443-7101

Hyde-Woodstock150 Route 169Woodstock, CT 06281(860) 963-4721


“The journey only requires you to put one foot in front of the other…again and again and again. And if you allow yourself the opportunity to be present throughout the entirety of the trek, you will witness beauty every step of the way, not just at the summit.”

– Unknown


Richard Truluck ’88Executive Director (207) [email protected]

B.A., Lewis and Clark College

Richard’s enthusiasm for the outdoors was fostered early on by family camping trips and summer camp adventures. At the age of 15, he lead his first groups into the mountains of North Carolina, and since then he has explored the mountains, lakes and rivers of America’s South East, the North West, and Northern New England. Groups of students and adults benefit from the passion and knowledge Richard shares in the woods and on the waterways of Maine’s great North Woods.

Tripp HendersonProgram Director (207) [email protected]

B.A., Kansas University

Nurtured by epic road trips to national parks with his father and hiking in the Appalachians with his mother, Tripp’s itch to be in the outdoors developed at a young age. From the back country of the Pacific Northwest to Maine, Tripp has spent the last 10 years working with youth in the outdoors. It is his passion to understand, learn, teach and inspire that has combined his love for the natural world and working with youth.

Page 2: Hyde School Wilderness: Lennox Lodge

The Black Wilderness Preserve

Comprised of over 600 acres of Maine woods, the Hyde School Black Wilderness preserve is located just north of the Bigelow Range, less than three miles from the Appalachian Trail. It is surrounded on three sides by Flagstaff Lake and bordered by the 36,000 acre State of Maine Bigelow Preserve.

This pristine location provides an ideal spot to remove yourself from the trials of everyday life and take time to reflect.

An Environment in Which toDiscover Your Best

Lennox Lodge ProgramThis 21-day program for students involves wilderness experiences such as hiking, canoeing, kayaking, and multi-day expeditions. Wilderness skill-building exercises push students to face challenges and take risks. 15-20 hours per week are set aside for academics. Students keep up with their school work through internet-based teacher and class interaction. Everyone helps maintain the Lodge, where chores include cooking your favorite meal for the group. This simple living allows for a greater focus on community and fosters personal growth.

LODGE - Lennox Lodge, our 1500 square foot base of operations, features a kitchen, bathrooms, great room, and internet-connected classroom.

Schedule of a Typical

Student Trip Day

7:00 AM Wake up

7:30 AM In the Lodge

8:00 AM Morning Meeting

8:15 AM Breakfast

9:00 AM Academics

12:30 PM Lunch

1:30 PM Afternoon activity

(hike, gym, team building)

4:00 PM Journal/reflection

6:00 PM Dinner

7:00 PM Family Time (movie,

ping pong, games)

8:45 PM Evening Meeting

9:00 PM In Yurts

Student Trips

Trips to Lennox Lodge are held throughout the academic year as Leadership Opportunities. These provide a way for students to learn and develop leadership skills in a small classroom. Groups average 6+ participants and trips run from two to six days.


“Outpost” is a 4-5 day Wilderness Experience for current students that is based on outdoor components such as hiking, camping, and community service. Outpost provides a wonderful opportunity for student reflection with a focus on teamwork and accountability.

FLC Trips

The Lennox Lodge property is also a popular location for fall canoe trips, winter snowshoe trips, and spring Wilderness FLCs. Families brave the elements while learning new things about themselves and each other.

YURTS - Adjacent to the Lodge, students on Lennox Lodge programs sleep in three modern yurts with propane heat, electric lights, and 24 beds. A mile south of the Lodge there are three back country yurts with only wood stoves that provide an opportunity where groups can truly experience “roughing it.”

CAMPSITES - There are six primitive campsites for true Maine adventures. Many of these sites are accessible by our fleet of modern canoes and kayaks.
