hungry planet nutrition info & vocabulary

Bell Ringer: With your partner discuss: Name 4 of your favorite foods. Do you have a favorite MEAL? What are your 3 favorite restaurants? What is your favorite KIND of food? (Chinese, Italian, etc.)

Upload: sandy-anthony

Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Bell Ringer:

With your partner discuss:

①Name 4 of your favorite foods.

②Do you have a favorite MEAL?

③What are your 3 favorite restaurants?

④What is your favorite KIND of food? (Chinese, Italian, etc.)

NutritionWith your partner discuss:

①What comes to your mind when you hear this


②Can you name the food groups?

③Is junk food one of them?!?!

So……what does all that mean for me?

• What do you know about calories?

A calorie is a unit of energy

• How many should you eat in a day?

Sedentary Moderately Active


Females ages 9-13 1,600 1,600 – 2,000 1,800 – 2,200

Malesages 9-13 1,800 1,800 – 2,200 2,000 – 2,600

So……what does all that mean for me?

Are all calories created equal?

Serving Sizes…….

Average Daily Calorie Consumption

Time to investigate further…

With your partner, grab a Chromebook and go to Use the resources there to answer the questions on your worksheet.

Does this make you think differently about any of your eating habits?

What about those of others?

Bell Ringer:

With your partner discuss:

①What did you eat for breakfast yesterday?

②For supper?

③Do you think what you ate yesterday was healthy? WHY/WHY NOT?



•Annual Health Care Expenditure Per Capita


•Daily Caloric Intake Per Capita (DCIPC)


•Obesity Rate

•Empty Calories

•Poverty Line Talk with your partner, do you know the definitions of any

of these words?


1) DemographicsStatistical data relating to the population

2) Annual Health Care Expenditure Per Capita

(AHCEPC)Money spent in one year on each person for health care

3) Daily Caloric Intake Per Capita (DCIPC)Average number of calories per person per day

4) BMI, or Body Mass IndexRatio comparing weight to height


5) Obesity RatePercentage of the population that is considered obese

6) Empty CaloriesCalories from solid fats and/or added sugars

7) Poverty LineMinimum level of income needed to meet your basicneeds


8)GDP per capitaAverage annual income

9) Life ExpectancyAverage age you can expect to live

10) Infant Mortality RateNumber of babies out of 1,000 that die before the age ofone

Hungry Planet Countries

• United States

• Mexico

• Japan

• Kuwait

• Mali

• India

• Guatemala

• Chad

• Germany

• Bhutan

• China

• Ecuador