hundred of sheep 2nd test ver

7/28/2019 Hundred of Sheep 2nd Test Ver 1/6 Hundred of Sheep - 2nd test ver. For the more experienced knitter. To fit Bust 36” (Finished Bust 98cm Length 61cm) MATERIALS 2 100g balls (each approx 490m) of 굿실 리츠 red(#588) - main color. 1.5 100g balls (each approx 490m) of 굿실 리츠(wool 30%, cashmere 30%, acrylic 40%) beige(#587) - contrast color. One pair 3mm (US 2½) needles OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE One pair 2.5mm (US 1½)needles 2 markers, Stitch holder GAUGE 30 sts and 32 rows = 10cm over sheep pattern using 3mm needle TAKE TIME TO CHECK GAUGE NOTE -This pullover is worked in round before shaping armholes. Then work to divide back and front. -When you sew sleeves into side seams, stitches of sleeve top and upper side seam are not matched perfectly. Sew on making some wrinkles on top of sleeve cap. -Read sheep pattern Right to left. -The pattern is fully charted. BODY Cast on 288 sts with smaller needles and main color yarn. Work in [k2, p2] rib in round. Piece measures 7cm from begging, change larger needles and work sheep body patt. Work 1st row of patt then make 1 st with P. This looks like fake seam-line. Place marker. This part combines body back. Fake seam-line stitch is not appeared sheep body chart. Repeat this once more. Rnd 1 finished. Work 2-130 rnds of sheep body chart. Divide body front and back. Place last 141 sts on holder for front. Armhole and neck shaping Work row 131 of body back patt. Bind off 6 sts at the beg of the row. Turn to beg working back and forth. (facing a WS rows) Bind off 7 sts at the beg of the row.(Including fake seam-line stitch) Next row(RS)(dec) k1,

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Page 1: Hundred of Sheep 2nd Test Ver

7/28/2019 Hundred of Sheep 2nd Test Ver 1/6

Hundred of Sheep - 2nd test ver.

For the more experienced knitter.

To fit Bust 36” (Finished Bust 98cm Length 61cm)


2 100g balls (each approx 490m) of 굿실 리츠 red(#588) - main color.

1.5 100g balls (each approx 490m) of 굿실 리츠(wool 30%, cashmere 30%, acrylic 40%) beige(#587) - contrast


One pair 3mm (US 2½) needles OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

One pair 2.5mm (US 1½)needles

2 markers, Stitch holder

GAUGE 30 sts and 32 rows = 10cm over sheep pattern using 3mm needle



-This pullover is worked in round before shaping armholes. Then work to divide back and front.

-When you sew sleeves into side seams, stitches of sleeve top and upper side seam are not matched perfectly.

Sew on making some wrinkles on top of sleeve cap.

-Read sheep pattern Right to left.

-The pattern is fully charted.


Cast on 288 sts with smaller needles and main color yarn. Work in [k2, p2] rib in round.

Piece measures 7cm from begging, change larger needles and work sheep body patt. Work 1st row of patt

then make 1 st with P. This looks like fake seam-line. Place marker. This part combines body back. Fake

seam-line stitch is not appeared sheep body chart. Repeat this once more. Rnd 1 finished.

Work 2-130 rnds of sheep body chart.

Divide body front and back. Place last 141 sts on holder for front.

Armhole and neck shaping

Work row 131 of body back patt. Bind off 6 sts at the beg of the row. Turn to beg working back and forth.

(facing a WS rows) Bind off 7 sts at the beg of the row.(Including fake seam-line stitch) Next row(RS)(dec) k1,

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k2tog, work patt to last 3 sts, ssk, k1. Rep dec row 5 times more and work 1 row. Dec 1 st each end of the

row. Rep last 2 rows 4 times more. After working body back patt, Bind off loosely.


With WS facing, rejoin yarn to work on body front patt and armhole shaping. complete to match body back

before front neck shaping.

After working row 163, start front neck shaping. Work 40 sts and turn, leaving rem sts on a holder. With WS

facing, complete right front of the front patt and bind off loosely.

Rejoin yarn to work front neck shaping and left front.(RS) Bind off 26 sts and work row 164. Complete left

front patt and bind off loosely

Sleeves (both alike)

Cast on 56 sts with smaller circular needles and main color yarn. (If you want enough room around the wrist,

cast on 60 sts.) Work in k2, p2 rib in round.

Only co 56 sts Piece measures 5.5cm from beg. Inc 15 sts. (K3, m1, k4, m1, k3, m1)*, rep 4 more times, k3,

m1, k2, p1. Last stitch is for a fake seam-line. [71 sts]

Co 60 sts piece measures 5.5cm from beg. Inc 11 sts. (K5, m1, k6, m1)*, rep 4 more times, k5, m1 purl. Last

stitch is for a fake seam-line.[71 sts]

Start sheep sleeve chart. Fake seam-line stitch is not appeared sheep sleeve chart. work 1-140 rnd.

Cap shaping

Bind off 6 sts at beg of next rnd, and turn. For cap shaping, work back and forth. bind off 7 sts at beg of 

next row.(including fake seam-line stitch) Next row(RS)(dec) k2, k2tog, work patt to last 4 sts, ssk, k2. Rep dec

row 4 times more. Work 1 row. Next row(RS)(dec) k2, k2tog, work patt to last 4 sts, ssk, k2. Rep last 2 rows 5

times more. Bind off 3 sts at beg of next row and 3 times more. Bind off 5 sts at beg of next row 4 timesmore. Bind off all sts loosely.


Block all pieces to measurements. Sew shoulder seams.

Join sleeves and side seams. Stitches of sleeve top and upper side seam are not matched perfectly. Sew on

making some wrinkles on top of sleeve cap.

Neck band

Beg at left shoulder, with RS facing, using smaller needles and main color yarn, pick up and k 23 sts along theleft side of neck, pick up and k 26 sts from center neck, pick up and k 23 sts along the right side of neck,

PM, pick up and k 56 sts along the back neck.- 128 sts. Pm for beg of rnd .

Rnd 1, 2 : *k2, p2*, rep from * to end.

Rnd 3 : k2tog, *p2, k2*, rep from * to marker, k2tog, *p2, k2*, rep from * to end.

Rnd 4, 5 : work in established rib.

Rnd 6: k1, p2tog, *k2, p2*, rep from * to marker, k1, p2tog, *k2, p2*, rep from * to end.

Rnd 7 : work in established rib.

Bind off all sts loosely, using Elizabeth Zimmerman’s sewn Bind off .

If you have any question or feedback, I’ll thank you. This is a 2nd test-knit version. Only for personal use.

Contact mailto:[email protected]

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Sheep body chart

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Body back chart

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Body front chart

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□m a i n



color / ssk

\ k2tog

Sheep sleeve
