humans and fire: consequences of anthropogenic burning...

temperate rainforest covered the region. A combination of low inter-annual cli- mate variability (EN SO-related), declin- ing strength of the Asian monsoon, and low intensity of Aboriginal occupation in the rainforests likely caused low charcoal quantities and fire-event frequencies. It was not until around 4 cal ka BP that char- coal quantities and fire-event frequencies rose across the region, peaking in the last 2 ka . Holocene EI Nino activity has been highest in the last 2 ka and may have been a significant cause of drought and great- er potential fire ignition over this time. This period also coincides with evidence for increased Aboriginal site occupation and the adoption of more complex food- extraction strategies and intensive use of rainforest resources (Turney and Hobbs, 2006; Cosgrove et aL, 2007). Concluding remarks The comparison of charcoal records with climate and human impact proxies in the Wet Tropics of Australia reveals the com- plexity inherent in fire dynamics through time. There are corresponding peaks in fire-event frequencies and millennial- scale climate changes in the North Atlan- tic (Bond et aL, 2001; Turney et aL, 2005) and regional climate drivers (EI Nino activ- ity) that may have influenced fire ignition in the wet tropic rainforests of Australia through the Holocene. However, no single driver can explain past fire patterns and many events may be the result of mUltiple drivers (climate-vegetation-people) inter- acting on differing temporal and spatial scales. It also remains unclear whether or not Northern Hemisphere millennial- scale climate changes had an impact on the Australian tropics (Turney et aL, 2004). In Australia, current severe drought and plant mortality are increasing fire hazard and raising concerns about the trajectory of post-fire vegetation change and future fire regimes (Lynch et aL, 2007; Bowman et aL, 2009). Understanding the interac- tion between mUltiple drivers of fire and from the past will be critical information for managing fire regimes in Australia in the future. Data The L ake E ur amoo an d Qu incan Cr ater data a re ava il able upon req uest fr om t he fir st author. Data shown in Fi gu re 1 are fr om t he Ind o-Pac ific Pollen Da tab ase http://pal aeoworksa nu. ed u. au/da t abases. html and th e Gl oba l Palaeofire Data bas e http://www.b rid ge.b ri s.a c.u kiproj- ectsl QUESTJGBP _Globa l_Pal aeo fir e_WG/in - dex.h tml) Acknowledgements This work is fina ncially supported by t he Aus- trali an Resea r ch Counc il (Gra nts DP09865 79, DP0664898 and DP 02 1036 3) and Aust ra li an In st itute for Nuclear Sc i ence and Engineering (Grant ANGRA00060), and t he Aus tra li an Nu cle- ar Sc ie nce and Te chnology Orga ni satio n. References Cosg rove, R, F ield, J a nd Ferrier, A, 2007 T he archaeol ogy of Aus tra lia's trop i ca l rain for es ts, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeo- ecology, 251 150-1 71 H aberle, SG, 2005 A23,OOO-yr pollen r eco rd from Lake Eu ramo o, Wet Tropi cs of NE Qu eensla nd, Aus tra li a, Ouat ernary Research, 64 343-356. Hig uer a, P E, Bru baker, L.B, And erson, PM, Hu, FS. a nd Brown, lA, 2009: Vegeta ti on med iat ed th e i mpa cts of post glac ial cl ima ti c c ha nge on n re r eg i mes in th e sout h -cent ra l Brooks R ang e, Al aska, Ecol ogical Monographs, 79: 201- 219. Ker shaw, A. P, B rethe rt on, SC a nd va nd er K aars, S, 2007 Acomp l ete po ll en r ecord of the l ast 230 ka fro mL ynch' sCr ater, nort h-east- ern Aus tralia, Pal aeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecol- ogy, 251 : 23-45. Lynch, AH, Ber in ger, J, Ke rsha w, A.P, Marshall, A, Moon ey, S, T apper, N, Tu rne y, ( an dVan Der K aa r s, S, 2007 Usi ng the pal eor ecord to eva luate climate and nre inter act ions in Aust ra li a, Annual Re- view of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 35 2 15-39 For full ref eren ces pl ease consul t http!/www.pages- i gbp.or g/pr od ucts/ newsl etters /ref2 01 OJ ht m I Humans and fire: Consequences of anthropogenic burning during the past 2 ka JENNIFER R. MARLON" Q. CUI 2 , M.-J. GAILLARD 2 , D. MCWETHy3 AND M . WALSH' ' Unive rs ity of Or egon, Eug ene, US A; j ma rl 2Li nnaeu s Univers ity, Ka lmar, Swed en; 3Mo ntana State Univer si ty, Boze man, USA Holocene sedimentary charcoal records document human influences on biomass burning around the world, with global-scale consequences in the past two centuries. A global network of sedimentary charcoal records (Fig. 1 a; Power et aL, 2008) has shown that trends in biomass burning that were long controlled by climate (including CO changes) have now come to be driven 2 primarily by people (Fig. 2a-d; Marlon et aL, 2008). Three case studies from western North America, New Zealand and Europe demonstrate the spatiotemporal variabil- ity of human impacts on fire regimes and vegetation and illustrate why local im- pacts do not aggregate to distinct broad- scale signals until the very recent past. Western North America In the Pacific Northwest, paleoecological records illustrate a wide range of climatic and human influences on fire regimes dur- ing the past 2 ka. For example, at Battle Ground Lake (conifer forest; Washington State), fire occurrence tracked climatic changes prior to Euro-American settle- ment (ca. AD 1830), most notably show- ing high fire activity during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA; ca . AD 950-1250) and almost no fires during the Little Ice Age (LlA; ca. AD 1450-1850) (Fig. 1b; Walsh et aL, 2008)-a pattern character- istic of many other sites in western North America (Marlon et aL, 2006). These shifts seemingly occurred in the absence of ma- jor vegetation changes, suggesting little association with Native American land- use (fire was used to create more open and resource-rich landscapes). Following Euro-American settlement, fire occurrence was more clearly influenced by human ac - tivity, with a large-magnitude fire event in AD 1902 and little to no fire in the last 100 years. In contrast, fire activity at Lake Os- wego (oak woodland; Oregon) was likely the result of anthropogenic burning mod- ulated by regional climate variability. Fire activity generally increased ca. AD 0-1000 despite cooling summer temperatures, suggesting land-use intensification by Native Americans (Fig. 1 c) (Walsh et aL, in press). By approximately AD 1000, higher fire activity, possibly aided by warmer drier conditions during the MCA, forced a sharp decline in forest cover near the site and an increase in grasses and other disturbance- tolerant taxa. Frequent burning continued until the onset of the LlA (ca. AD 1450), at which time fires decreased and forest cover subsequently increased. The timing of this regime shift could be associated with the collapse of Native American pop- ulations following Euro-American contact (Boyd, 1999) or reduced ignitions and flre- conducive weather during the LlA. Little to no fire activity has occurred at Lake Os- wego in the last 300 years. Thus, the extent of human impacts on fire regimes in the Pacific Northwest appears closely linked to the spatial configuration of vegetation PAGES news· Vol18 • No 2 • August 2010 80

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Page 1: Humans and fire: Consequences of anthropogenic burning… · Holocene sedimentary charcoal records document human influences

temperate rainforest covered the region

A combination of low inter-annual clishy

mate variability (EN SO-related) declinshy

ing strength of the Asian monsoon and

low intensity of Aboriginal occupation in

the rainforests likely caused low charcoal

quantities and fire-event frequencies It

was not until around 4 cal ka BP that charshy

coal quantities and fire-event frequencies

rose across the region peaking in the last

2 ka Holocene EI Nino activity has been

highest in the last 2 ka and may have been

a significant cause of drought and greatshy

er potential fire ignition over this time

This period also coincides with evidence

for increased Aboriginal site occupation

and the adoption of more complex foodshy

extraction strategies and intensive use of

rainforest resources (Turney and Hobbs

2006 Cosgrove et aL 2007)

Concluding remarks The comparison of charcoal records with

climate and human impact proxies in the

Wet Tropics of Australia reveals the comshy

plexity inherent in fire dynamics through

time There are corresponding peaks in

fire-event frequencies and millennialshy

scale climate changes in the North Atlanshy

tic (Bond et aL 2001 Turney et aL 2005)

and regional climate drivers (EI Nino activshy

ity) that may have influenced fire ignition

in the wet tropic rainforests of Australia

through the Holocene However no single

driver can explain past fire patterns and

many events may be the result of mUltiple

drivers (climate-vegetation-people) intershy

acting on differing temporal and spatial

scales It also remains unclear whether

or not Northern Hemisphere millennialshy

scale climate changes had an impact on

the Australian tropics (Turney et aL 2004)

In Australia current severe drought and

plant mortality are increasing fire hazard

and raising concerns about the trajectory

of post-fire vegetation change and future

fire regimes (Lynch et aL 2007 Bowman

et aL 2009) Understanding the interacshy

tion between mUltiple drivers of fire and

fireevents from the past will be critical

information for managing fire regimes in

Australia in the future

Data The Lake Euramoo and Qu incan Crater data are ava ilable upon req uest from the first author Data shown in Figure 1 are from the Indo-Pacific Pollen Da tabase httppalaeoworksanued u audatabaseshtml and the Global Palaeofire

Data base httpwwwbridgebri sa cu kiprojshyectsl QUESTJGBP _Globa l_Palaeofire_WGinshydexhtml)

Acknowledgements This work is financially supported by the Ausshytralian Research Council (Gra nts DP09865 79 DP0664898 and DP02 10363) and Austra lian Institute for Nuclear Sc ience and Engineering (Grant ANGRA00060) and the Austra lian Nucleshyar Sc ience and Technology Organisation

References Cosg rove R Field J and Ferrier A 2007 The archaeology of Aus tralias

tropical rain fores tsPalaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoshyecology251 150-171

Haberle SG 2005 A23OOO-yr pollen record from Lake Eu ramo o Wet Tropics of NE Queensland Aus tralia Ouaternary Research 64 343-356

Hig uera PE Bru baker LB Anderson PM Hu FS and Brown lA 2009 Vegetation mediated the impacts of postglacial cl ima tic change on nre reg imes in the south-centra l Brooks Range Alaska Ecological Monographs 79201-219

Kershaw A P Bretherton SC and va nder Kaars S 2007 Acomplete poll en record of the last 230 ka from Lynchs Crater north-eastshyern Australia Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecolshyogy 251 23-45

Lynch AH Beringer J Ke rshaw AP Marshall A Mooney S Tapper N Tu rney ( and Van Der Kaars S 2007 Using the pal eorecord to eva luate climate and nre interactions in Australia Annual Reshyview ofEarth and Planetary Sciences 35 215-39

For full references please consult

httpwwwpages-igbporgprod uctsnewslettersref2 01 OJhtm I

Humans and fire Consequences of anthropogenic burning during the past 2 ka JENNIFER R MARLON Q CUI 2


Univers ity of Oregon Eugene USA jmarl onuoregonedu 2Li nnaeus Univers ity Ka lmar Sweden 3Montana State University Bozeman USA

Holocene sedimentary charcoal records document human influences on biomass burning around the world with global-scale consequences in the past two centuries

A global network of sedimentary charcoal

records (Fig 1 a Power et aL 2008) has

shown that trends in biomass burning that

were long controlled by climate (including

CO changes) have now come to be driven 2

primarily by people (Fig 2a-d Marlon et

aL 2008) Three case studies from western

North America New Zealand and Europe

demonstrate the spatiotemporal variabilshy

ity of human impacts on fire regimes and

vegetation and illustrate why local imshy

pacts do not aggregate to distinct broadshy

scale signals until the very recent past

Western North America In the Pacific Northwest paleoecological

records illustrate a wide range of climatic

and human influences on fire regimes durshy

ing the past 2 ka For example at Battle

Ground Lake (conifer forest Washington

State) fire occurrence tracked climatic

changes prior to Euro-American settleshy

ment (ca AD 1830) most notably showshy

ing high fire activity during the Medieval

Climate Anomaly (MCA ca AD 950-1250)

and almost no fires during the Little Ice

Age (LlA ca AD 1450-1850) (Fig 1b

Walsh et aL 2008)-a pattern charactershy

istic of many other sites in western North

America (Marlon et aL 2006) These shifts

seemingly occurred in the absence of mashy

jor vegetation changes suggesting little

association with Native American landshy

use (fire was used to create more open

and resource-rich landscapes) Following

Euro-American settlement fire occurrence

was more clearly influenced by human acshy

tivity with a large-magnitude fire event in

AD 1902 and little to no fire in the last 100

years In contrast fire activity at Lake Osshy

wego (oak woodland Oregon) was likely

the result of anthropogenic burning modshy

ulated by regional climate variability Fire

activity generally increased ca AD 0-1000

despite cooling summer temperatures

suggesting land-use intensification by

Native Americans (Fig 1 c) (Walsh et aL in

press) By approximately AD 1000 higher

fire activity possibly aided by warmer drier

conditions during the MCA forced a sharp

decline in forest cover near the site and an

increase in grasses and other disturbanceshy

tolerant taxa Frequent burning continued

until the onset of the LlA (ca AD 1450)

at which time fires decreased and forest

cover subsequently increased The timing

of this regime shift could be associated

with the collapse of Native American popshy

ulations following Euro-American contact

(Boyd 1999) or reduced ignitions and flreshy

conducive weather during the LlA Little

to no fire activity has occurred at Lake Osshy

wego in the last 300 years Thus the extent

of human impacts on fire regimes in the

Pacific Northwest appears closely linked

to the spatial configuration of vegetation

PAGES newsmiddot Vol18 bull No 2 bull August 2010


~ ~ 50

c shy jlWashington)

0 - ----~---L---------uLO C ~ E 15 ~ Lake Oswego

~ v 10 (Oregon)

6shy gt

o ~I--~~I--~-I~~~I~~~I--~~

o 400 800 1 200 1600


Samples per record since 2 ka BP


e 10-99

bull 100 - 2050

Year AD

__----~r---~~ ~----~-r==-=-- ~~


D ~~ 3

lCit - 2 ~E 1 U U

~io u

I o

I 800

I 1200

~ 10~N 2-1

Co N

E o =11

Figure 1 A) Sites ofpaleofire reconstructions in the Global Charcoal Database (Marlon et 012008 Power et 012008) Macrocharcoal influx (CHAR orange) and changes in arboreal pollen (green) from (B) Battle Ground Lake and (C) Lake Oswego Black triangle indicates timing ofEuro-American arrival (-AD 1830) yellow shading on all plots indicates timing ofMedieval Climate Anomaly gray shading indicates timing of the Little Ice Age 0 ) Diamond Lake (New Zealand) CHAR (orange) and changes in pollen ofarboreal taxa (blue) primarily beech and podocarps and non arboreal pollen (NAP) taxa (violet) primarily grasses and bracken fern associated with Polynesian arrival and increased CHAR during the initial burning period ca 1300-1600 AD E) records ofCHAR (red) and microscopic charcoal (orange counted in pollen slides) from Stavsokra (STAV) and Storasjo (SS)) and model-derived estimates of local abundance (in proportion to cover of vegetation) of main tree taxa (3 x green) and NAP (purple and yellow) within the relevant source area ofpollen (RSAP Sugita 1994) 750-1500 m radius in the case of these two sites during the last 2 ka The model used was the LOVE (LOcal Vegetation Estimates) model (Sugita 20070 2007b) which estimates plant cover within the RSAP ofsmall basins (lakes or bogs) from pollen records Estimates were calculated for 500-0 intervals except in the recent time AD 1500-1700 AD 1700-1900 and AD 1900-2000 and are overlain by pollen (thin black lines) A tentative correlashytion between the CHAR peaks and fire events dated by dendrochronological analysis of fire scarsat Storasjo (Wdglind 2004) is proposed The top gray plot shows frequency ofdated clearing cairns per 100-0 interval in the Vdxjo region (Skoglund 2005) documenting extensive forest clearing by burning

Battle Ground Lake

B l00 E l __shy _Dated clearance cairns Vaxjo


0) NAP (-Calluna) SSJ


Caluna 04




041 Corylus

STAV0 == yo SSJ

0]1 Betula SSJ


0] Pinu6 ~SSJ


Micro CHAR

S~ o~~------~----~=---====----------~--

A ~ 13 STAV

f 1407 1610 1689V

o 400 800 1200 1600 2000 Year AD Year AD


4 Macro ~444 2 CHAR 49

ltII ~ 0 ltII ii Q U c ~ E C l ltII u C ltII middotu ~

communities and human land-use intenshy

sity within those ecosystems

New Zealand In contrast to Australia where natural fires

are common and the influence of humans

on patterns of fire is complex (Lynch et

aL 2007) New Zealand presents a unique

example where deliberate and repeatshy

ed burning by a relatively small human

population overwhelmed strong climatic

constraints limiting fire (occurring only

once every 1-2 millennia Ogden et aI

1998) and enacted large-scale deforestashy

tion of closed-canopy forests Paleoecoshy

logical data from New Zealand indicate

widespread deforestation of native forests

soon after the first known presence of

Polynesians (Maoril ca AD 1280 (McGlone

and Wilmshurst 1999 Wilmshurst et aL

2008) Charcoal and pollen data from lakeshy

sediment cores throughout central South

Island show a prominent period of initial

burning that consists of one to three fire

episodes (ie several fire events occurshy

ring within a few years) within 100 years

(Fig 1 d McWethy et aL 2009) This initial

burning period is associated with a major

decline in forest taxa increased erosion

and elevated levels of grass and bracken

(ferns) By the time Europeans arrived in

the 18th century over 40 of the South

Island was deforested and native closedshy

canopy forests were replaced by open

vegetation (Fig 1 e McGlone 1983 Fig 2e

Mark and McLennan 2005) Contrary to

examples of deforestation linked to intenshy

sive human population pressure (Heckshy

enberger et aL 2007) populations on

South Island were estimated to be small

with founding numbers at approximately

100-200 individuals (Murray-Mcintosh et

aL 1998) Paleoclimatic data from treeshy

ring and speleothem archives suggest

that abrupt deforestation occurred in the

absence of climate change (Lorrey et aL

2008) Hence the transformation of large

landscapes was apparently achieved by

the concerted burning efforts of small

transient populations acting largely as


Europe and southern Sweden Many paleoecological studies have demshy

onstrated anthropogenic influences on

fire regimes of central and southern Eushy

rope since Neolithic time (eg Tinner et

aL 2005 2009 Vanniere et aL 2008 Carshy

caillet et aL 2009) Climate impacts on fire

regimes were prominent during the early

and mid Holocene but became increasshy

ingly masked by the human use offire durshy

ing the late Holocene (eg Vanniere et aL

2008 Kaltenrieder et aL 2010) Conversely

in parts of southern Europe (eg Northshy

ern Italy) widespread arboriculture (eg

PAGES newsmiddot Vol 18middot No 2 bull August 2010



B x

_ ~ 02 rcmiddot shyc- 0oro-0 jtJu

ro-O 2 c u 360 C

E 18320

o E)0 co

00 Orshyb X _CJror 0 --shyOro -wtJ


Year AD Figure 2 Reconstructions of (A) Northern Hemisphere temperature anomalies (blackJones and Mann 2004) (8) globa l biomass burning with confidenceintervals based on bootstrap resampling by site (red Marlon et 012008) (C) atmospheric CO concentration (blue Meure et 012006) which was likely responsible for the peak in fire prior

2 to 1850 and (D) global population (purple) and agricultural land cover (g reen) from the HYDE31 database (Klein Goldewijk et 0120 I0) The Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and Little Ice Age (LlA) are represented by the gray bars This figure shows that global biomass burning and Northern Hemisphere temperatures both generally declined during the past 2ka despite increasing human populations human influences on global biomass burning are readshyily apparent during the past two centuries when agriculture grazing and other human influences expanded rapidly

the cultivationmanagement of Castanea

sativa) required fire suppression during

the past 2 ka (Conedera et aI 2004) The

strong decline of land use in marginal

areas of southern Europe has caused an

expansion of shrublands and forests and

increasing fires after the 1950s (Moreno

et aL 1998) mirrored in sedimentary charshy

coal ~ontent (eg Tinner et al 1998) In

northwestern Europe climate may have

acted as a primary control on fire activity

during the early and mid Holocene (Carshy

caillet et aL 2007 Greisman and Gaillard

2009) whereas human impacts were as

(or more) important during the late Holoshy

cene (eg Lindbladh et aL 2003 Olsson et

aL 2010) Two Holocene charcoal records

from bogs (Storasjo and Stavsakra) in

southern Sweden indicate that fire activshy

ity was mainly related to human land use

during the past 2 ka (Fig 1e Greisman and

Gaillard 2009 Olsson et aL 2010 Olsson

and Lemdahl 2009 2010) Species comshy

position of the forest was also an imporshy

tant influence eg the continuous presshy

ence of pine at Storasjo explains why there

was more fire during the mid-Holocene

than at Stavsakra where pine was rare

Pine was the dominant tree at Storasjo

from AD 500 while it was absent or rare

at Stavsakra until planted in the 20 th censhy

tury (Fig 1e) High macroscopic charcoal

values ca AD 1000-1200 may be related

to the MCA The data also indicate that the

area was characterized by grazed Caluna

(heather) heaths that were maintained by

fire from 750 BC until the 18th century (Fig

1e Olsson et aL 2010 Olsson and Lemshy

dahl 2009 2010) Dates from clearance

cairns (Mounds of stones usually created

by clearance of stones from fields for agri shy

cultural purposes) in the Stavsakra region

from 2000 BC to AD 1800 (Fig 1e) docushy

ment extensive forest clearing by burning

(Skoglund 2005) At Storasjo macroscopic

charcoal (Fig 1 e) correlates with dated fire

scars on pine attributed to human-caused

burning during the last 06 ka (Waglind

2004) The change from very frequent to

no fires in the 18th -19 th centuries in Sweshy

den coincides with fire suppression (eg

Niklasson et aL 2002 Lindbladh et aL

2003) Hence human activities appear to

have strongly shaped patterns of fire in

parts of southern Sweden and northwestshy

ern Europe during the late Holocene

Conclusions The case studies here illustrate how the

timing and consequences of anthroposhy

genic interventions in natural fire regimes

vary greatly across space and depend

heavily on local ecological context they

also demonstrate why the cumulative

global effects of anthropogenic impacts

on fire regimes have been difficult to de shy

tect until the past two centuries (Fig 2) lnshy

creasing efforts to synthesize existing pashy

leoecological records (Power et aL 2009)

and combine multiproxy evidence of pashy

leoenvironmentalchanges with archeoshy

logical data and modeling promise valushy

able advancements in our understanding

of coupled human-natural systems in the


Data All charcoa l data discussed herein are ava ilab le from the Globa l Charcoa l Database (http wwwncd cnoaagovpaleoimpdgcdhtm l)

Acknowledgements We thank the Global Pa laeofire Work ing Group (GPWG) for their cont ributions to the Global Charcoa l Data base - this research would not be possible w ithout t heir efforts

References Marlon JR Bartlein P Ca rcaillet C Gavin DG Harrison SP Higuera

P E Joos F Power MJ and Prentice CI 2008 Climate and humaninfiuences on globa l biomass burningover the past two millenniaNature Geoscience 1 697-701

McWethy DB Whitlock C Wilmsh urs t JM McGlone MS and Li X 2009 Rapid deforestation of South Island New Zea land by ea rly Polynesian fi res The Holocene 19 883-897

Olsson F Gaillard M-J Lemdahl G Greisman A Lanos PMarguerie D Marcoux NSkoglund P and Waglind J 2010 A continuous record of fi re covering the las t 10500 ca lendaryears fromsouth shyern Sweden- The role of climate and human ac tivities Palshyaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 291 128-141

Wa lsh MK Whitlock C and Ba rtl ein PJ in press 1200 years of fire and vegetation history in the Willamette Val ley Oregon and Washington reconstructed using high-reso lution ma croscopic charcoal and pollen analysis Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatolshyogy Palaeoecology

Walsh MK Whi tlock Cand Bartlein PJ 2008 A14300-year-long record offire-vegetation-cl imate linkages at Ba ttle Ground Lake southwestern Washington Ouaternary Research 70 25 1-264

For fu ll references please consult

httpwwwpages-igbporgproductsnewslettersref2010_2htm I

PAGES news middot Vol 18middot No 2 bull August 2010


Page 2: Humans and fire: Consequences of anthropogenic burning… · Holocene sedimentary charcoal records document human influences

~ ~ 50

c shy jlWashington)

0 - ----~---L---------uLO C ~ E 15 ~ Lake Oswego

~ v 10 (Oregon)

6shy gt

o ~I--~~I--~-I~~~I~~~I--~~

o 400 800 1 200 1600


Samples per record since 2 ka BP


e 10-99

bull 100 - 2050

Year AD

__----~r---~~ ~----~-r==-=-- ~~


D ~~ 3

lCit - 2 ~E 1 U U

~io u

I o

I 800

I 1200

~ 10~N 2-1

Co N

E o =11

Figure 1 A) Sites ofpaleofire reconstructions in the Global Charcoal Database (Marlon et 012008 Power et 012008) Macrocharcoal influx (CHAR orange) and changes in arboreal pollen (green) from (B) Battle Ground Lake and (C) Lake Oswego Black triangle indicates timing ofEuro-American arrival (-AD 1830) yellow shading on all plots indicates timing ofMedieval Climate Anomaly gray shading indicates timing of the Little Ice Age 0 ) Diamond Lake (New Zealand) CHAR (orange) and changes in pollen ofarboreal taxa (blue) primarily beech and podocarps and non arboreal pollen (NAP) taxa (violet) primarily grasses and bracken fern associated with Polynesian arrival and increased CHAR during the initial burning period ca 1300-1600 AD E) records ofCHAR (red) and microscopic charcoal (orange counted in pollen slides) from Stavsokra (STAV) and Storasjo (SS)) and model-derived estimates of local abundance (in proportion to cover of vegetation) of main tree taxa (3 x green) and NAP (purple and yellow) within the relevant source area ofpollen (RSAP Sugita 1994) 750-1500 m radius in the case of these two sites during the last 2 ka The model used was the LOVE (LOcal Vegetation Estimates) model (Sugita 20070 2007b) which estimates plant cover within the RSAP ofsmall basins (lakes or bogs) from pollen records Estimates were calculated for 500-0 intervals except in the recent time AD 1500-1700 AD 1700-1900 and AD 1900-2000 and are overlain by pollen (thin black lines) A tentative correlashytion between the CHAR peaks and fire events dated by dendrochronological analysis of fire scarsat Storasjo (Wdglind 2004) is proposed The top gray plot shows frequency ofdated clearing cairns per 100-0 interval in the Vdxjo region (Skoglund 2005) documenting extensive forest clearing by burning

Battle Ground Lake

B l00 E l __shy _Dated clearance cairns Vaxjo


0) NAP (-Calluna) SSJ


Caluna 04




041 Corylus

STAV0 == yo SSJ

0]1 Betula SSJ


0] Pinu6 ~SSJ


Micro CHAR

S~ o~~------~----~=---====----------~--

A ~ 13 STAV

f 1407 1610 1689V

o 400 800 1200 1600 2000 Year AD Year AD


4 Macro ~444 2 CHAR 49

ltII ~ 0 ltII ii Q U c ~ E C l ltII u C ltII middotu ~

communities and human land-use intenshy

sity within those ecosystems

New Zealand In contrast to Australia where natural fires

are common and the influence of humans

on patterns of fire is complex (Lynch et

aL 2007) New Zealand presents a unique

example where deliberate and repeatshy

ed burning by a relatively small human

population overwhelmed strong climatic

constraints limiting fire (occurring only

once every 1-2 millennia Ogden et aI

1998) and enacted large-scale deforestashy

tion of closed-canopy forests Paleoecoshy

logical data from New Zealand indicate

widespread deforestation of native forests

soon after the first known presence of

Polynesians (Maoril ca AD 1280 (McGlone

and Wilmshurst 1999 Wilmshurst et aL

2008) Charcoal and pollen data from lakeshy

sediment cores throughout central South

Island show a prominent period of initial

burning that consists of one to three fire

episodes (ie several fire events occurshy

ring within a few years) within 100 years

(Fig 1 d McWethy et aL 2009) This initial

burning period is associated with a major

decline in forest taxa increased erosion

and elevated levels of grass and bracken

(ferns) By the time Europeans arrived in

the 18th century over 40 of the South

Island was deforested and native closedshy

canopy forests were replaced by open

vegetation (Fig 1 e McGlone 1983 Fig 2e

Mark and McLennan 2005) Contrary to

examples of deforestation linked to intenshy

sive human population pressure (Heckshy

enberger et aL 2007) populations on

South Island were estimated to be small

with founding numbers at approximately

100-200 individuals (Murray-Mcintosh et

aL 1998) Paleoclimatic data from treeshy

ring and speleothem archives suggest

that abrupt deforestation occurred in the

absence of climate change (Lorrey et aL

2008) Hence the transformation of large

landscapes was apparently achieved by

the concerted burning efforts of small

transient populations acting largely as


Europe and southern Sweden Many paleoecological studies have demshy

onstrated anthropogenic influences on

fire regimes of central and southern Eushy

rope since Neolithic time (eg Tinner et

aL 2005 2009 Vanniere et aL 2008 Carshy

caillet et aL 2009) Climate impacts on fire

regimes were prominent during the early

and mid Holocene but became increasshy

ingly masked by the human use offire durshy

ing the late Holocene (eg Vanniere et aL

2008 Kaltenrieder et aL 2010) Conversely

in parts of southern Europe (eg Northshy

ern Italy) widespread arboriculture (eg

PAGES newsmiddot Vol 18middot No 2 bull August 2010



B x

_ ~ 02 rcmiddot shyc- 0oro-0 jtJu

ro-O 2 c u 360 C

E 18320

o E)0 co

00 Orshyb X _CJror 0 --shyOro -wtJ


Year AD Figure 2 Reconstructions of (A) Northern Hemisphere temperature anomalies (blackJones and Mann 2004) (8) globa l biomass burning with confidenceintervals based on bootstrap resampling by site (red Marlon et 012008) (C) atmospheric CO concentration (blue Meure et 012006) which was likely responsible for the peak in fire prior

2 to 1850 and (D) global population (purple) and agricultural land cover (g reen) from the HYDE31 database (Klein Goldewijk et 0120 I0) The Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and Little Ice Age (LlA) are represented by the gray bars This figure shows that global biomass burning and Northern Hemisphere temperatures both generally declined during the past 2ka despite increasing human populations human influences on global biomass burning are readshyily apparent during the past two centuries when agriculture grazing and other human influences expanded rapidly

the cultivationmanagement of Castanea

sativa) required fire suppression during

the past 2 ka (Conedera et aI 2004) The

strong decline of land use in marginal

areas of southern Europe has caused an

expansion of shrublands and forests and

increasing fires after the 1950s (Moreno

et aL 1998) mirrored in sedimentary charshy

coal ~ontent (eg Tinner et al 1998) In

northwestern Europe climate may have

acted as a primary control on fire activity

during the early and mid Holocene (Carshy

caillet et aL 2007 Greisman and Gaillard

2009) whereas human impacts were as

(or more) important during the late Holoshy

cene (eg Lindbladh et aL 2003 Olsson et

aL 2010) Two Holocene charcoal records

from bogs (Storasjo and Stavsakra) in

southern Sweden indicate that fire activshy

ity was mainly related to human land use

during the past 2 ka (Fig 1e Greisman and

Gaillard 2009 Olsson et aL 2010 Olsson

and Lemdahl 2009 2010) Species comshy

position of the forest was also an imporshy

tant influence eg the continuous presshy

ence of pine at Storasjo explains why there

was more fire during the mid-Holocene

than at Stavsakra where pine was rare

Pine was the dominant tree at Storasjo

from AD 500 while it was absent or rare

at Stavsakra until planted in the 20 th censhy

tury (Fig 1e) High macroscopic charcoal

values ca AD 1000-1200 may be related

to the MCA The data also indicate that the

area was characterized by grazed Caluna

(heather) heaths that were maintained by

fire from 750 BC until the 18th century (Fig

1e Olsson et aL 2010 Olsson and Lemshy

dahl 2009 2010) Dates from clearance

cairns (Mounds of stones usually created

by clearance of stones from fields for agri shy

cultural purposes) in the Stavsakra region

from 2000 BC to AD 1800 (Fig 1e) docushy

ment extensive forest clearing by burning

(Skoglund 2005) At Storasjo macroscopic

charcoal (Fig 1 e) correlates with dated fire

scars on pine attributed to human-caused

burning during the last 06 ka (Waglind

2004) The change from very frequent to

no fires in the 18th -19 th centuries in Sweshy

den coincides with fire suppression (eg

Niklasson et aL 2002 Lindbladh et aL

2003) Hence human activities appear to

have strongly shaped patterns of fire in

parts of southern Sweden and northwestshy

ern Europe during the late Holocene

Conclusions The case studies here illustrate how the

timing and consequences of anthroposhy

genic interventions in natural fire regimes

vary greatly across space and depend

heavily on local ecological context they

also demonstrate why the cumulative

global effects of anthropogenic impacts

on fire regimes have been difficult to de shy

tect until the past two centuries (Fig 2) lnshy

creasing efforts to synthesize existing pashy

leoecological records (Power et aL 2009)

and combine multiproxy evidence of pashy

leoenvironmentalchanges with archeoshy

logical data and modeling promise valushy

able advancements in our understanding

of coupled human-natural systems in the


Data All charcoa l data discussed herein are ava ilab le from the Globa l Charcoa l Database (http wwwncd cnoaagovpaleoimpdgcdhtm l)

Acknowledgements We thank the Global Pa laeofire Work ing Group (GPWG) for their cont ributions to the Global Charcoa l Data base - this research would not be possible w ithout t heir efforts

References Marlon JR Bartlein P Ca rcaillet C Gavin DG Harrison SP Higuera

P E Joos F Power MJ and Prentice CI 2008 Climate and humaninfiuences on globa l biomass burningover the past two millenniaNature Geoscience 1 697-701

McWethy DB Whitlock C Wilmsh urs t JM McGlone MS and Li X 2009 Rapid deforestation of South Island New Zea land by ea rly Polynesian fi res The Holocene 19 883-897

Olsson F Gaillard M-J Lemdahl G Greisman A Lanos PMarguerie D Marcoux NSkoglund P and Waglind J 2010 A continuous record of fi re covering the las t 10500 ca lendaryears fromsouth shyern Sweden- The role of climate and human ac tivities Palshyaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 291 128-141

Wa lsh MK Whitlock C and Ba rtl ein PJ in press 1200 years of fire and vegetation history in the Willamette Val ley Oregon and Washington reconstructed using high-reso lution ma croscopic charcoal and pollen analysis Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatolshyogy Palaeoecology

Walsh MK Whi tlock Cand Bartlein PJ 2008 A14300-year-long record offire-vegetation-cl imate linkages at Ba ttle Ground Lake southwestern Washington Ouaternary Research 70 25 1-264

For fu ll references please consult

httpwwwpages-igbporgproductsnewslettersref2010_2htm I

PAGES news middot Vol 18middot No 2 bull August 2010


Page 3: Humans and fire: Consequences of anthropogenic burning… · Holocene sedimentary charcoal records document human influences


B x

_ ~ 02 rcmiddot shyc- 0oro-0 jtJu

ro-O 2 c u 360 C

E 18320

o E)0 co

00 Orshyb X _CJror 0 --shyOro -wtJ


Year AD Figure 2 Reconstructions of (A) Northern Hemisphere temperature anomalies (blackJones and Mann 2004) (8) globa l biomass burning with confidenceintervals based on bootstrap resampling by site (red Marlon et 012008) (C) atmospheric CO concentration (blue Meure et 012006) which was likely responsible for the peak in fire prior

2 to 1850 and (D) global population (purple) and agricultural land cover (g reen) from the HYDE31 database (Klein Goldewijk et 0120 I0) The Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and Little Ice Age (LlA) are represented by the gray bars This figure shows that global biomass burning and Northern Hemisphere temperatures both generally declined during the past 2ka despite increasing human populations human influences on global biomass burning are readshyily apparent during the past two centuries when agriculture grazing and other human influences expanded rapidly

the cultivationmanagement of Castanea

sativa) required fire suppression during

the past 2 ka (Conedera et aI 2004) The

strong decline of land use in marginal

areas of southern Europe has caused an

expansion of shrublands and forests and

increasing fires after the 1950s (Moreno

et aL 1998) mirrored in sedimentary charshy

coal ~ontent (eg Tinner et al 1998) In

northwestern Europe climate may have

acted as a primary control on fire activity

during the early and mid Holocene (Carshy

caillet et aL 2007 Greisman and Gaillard

2009) whereas human impacts were as

(or more) important during the late Holoshy

cene (eg Lindbladh et aL 2003 Olsson et

aL 2010) Two Holocene charcoal records

from bogs (Storasjo and Stavsakra) in

southern Sweden indicate that fire activshy

ity was mainly related to human land use

during the past 2 ka (Fig 1e Greisman and

Gaillard 2009 Olsson et aL 2010 Olsson

and Lemdahl 2009 2010) Species comshy

position of the forest was also an imporshy

tant influence eg the continuous presshy

ence of pine at Storasjo explains why there

was more fire during the mid-Holocene

than at Stavsakra where pine was rare

Pine was the dominant tree at Storasjo

from AD 500 while it was absent or rare

at Stavsakra until planted in the 20 th censhy

tury (Fig 1e) High macroscopic charcoal

values ca AD 1000-1200 may be related

to the MCA The data also indicate that the

area was characterized by grazed Caluna

(heather) heaths that were maintained by

fire from 750 BC until the 18th century (Fig

1e Olsson et aL 2010 Olsson and Lemshy

dahl 2009 2010) Dates from clearance

cairns (Mounds of stones usually created

by clearance of stones from fields for agri shy

cultural purposes) in the Stavsakra region

from 2000 BC to AD 1800 (Fig 1e) docushy

ment extensive forest clearing by burning

(Skoglund 2005) At Storasjo macroscopic

charcoal (Fig 1 e) correlates with dated fire

scars on pine attributed to human-caused

burning during the last 06 ka (Waglind

2004) The change from very frequent to

no fires in the 18th -19 th centuries in Sweshy

den coincides with fire suppression (eg

Niklasson et aL 2002 Lindbladh et aL

2003) Hence human activities appear to

have strongly shaped patterns of fire in

parts of southern Sweden and northwestshy

ern Europe during the late Holocene

Conclusions The case studies here illustrate how the

timing and consequences of anthroposhy

genic interventions in natural fire regimes

vary greatly across space and depend

heavily on local ecological context they

also demonstrate why the cumulative

global effects of anthropogenic impacts

on fire regimes have been difficult to de shy

tect until the past two centuries (Fig 2) lnshy

creasing efforts to synthesize existing pashy

leoecological records (Power et aL 2009)

and combine multiproxy evidence of pashy

leoenvironmentalchanges with archeoshy

logical data and modeling promise valushy

able advancements in our understanding

of coupled human-natural systems in the


Data All charcoa l data discussed herein are ava ilab le from the Globa l Charcoa l Database (http wwwncd cnoaagovpaleoimpdgcdhtm l)

Acknowledgements We thank the Global Pa laeofire Work ing Group (GPWG) for their cont ributions to the Global Charcoa l Data base - this research would not be possible w ithout t heir efforts

References Marlon JR Bartlein P Ca rcaillet C Gavin DG Harrison SP Higuera

P E Joos F Power MJ and Prentice CI 2008 Climate and humaninfiuences on globa l biomass burningover the past two millenniaNature Geoscience 1 697-701

McWethy DB Whitlock C Wilmsh urs t JM McGlone MS and Li X 2009 Rapid deforestation of South Island New Zea land by ea rly Polynesian fi res The Holocene 19 883-897

Olsson F Gaillard M-J Lemdahl G Greisman A Lanos PMarguerie D Marcoux NSkoglund P and Waglind J 2010 A continuous record of fi re covering the las t 10500 ca lendaryears fromsouth shyern Sweden- The role of climate and human ac tivities Palshyaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 291 128-141

Wa lsh MK Whitlock C and Ba rtl ein PJ in press 1200 years of fire and vegetation history in the Willamette Val ley Oregon and Washington reconstructed using high-reso lution ma croscopic charcoal and pollen analysis Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatolshyogy Palaeoecology

Walsh MK Whi tlock Cand Bartlein PJ 2008 A14300-year-long record offire-vegetation-cl imate linkages at Ba ttle Ground Lake southwestern Washington Ouaternary Research 70 25 1-264

For fu ll references please consult

httpwwwpages-igbporgproductsnewslettersref2010_2htm I

PAGES news middot Vol 18middot No 2 bull August 2010