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Page 1: HUMAN&POPULATION,& ENVIRONMENT… · HUMAN&POPULATION,& ENVIRONMENT&AND&MIGRATION& Human&populaon&growth:&& 6billion ... population will continue to grow . Cunningham - Cunningham


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Human  popula9on  growth:    6  billion  •  Popula9ons  con9nue  to  rise  in  most  countries  

–  Par9cularly  in  poverty-­‐stricken  developing  na9ons  •  Although  the  rate  of  growth  is  slowing,  we  are  s9ll  

increasing  in  absolute  numbers  

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Humans  are  Recent  Arrivals  

•  Earth  -­‐  5  Billion  Years  

•  Mul9-­‐cell  Biota                        -­‐  600  Million  Years  

•  Human  Beings                              ~  2  Million  Years  

•  Human  Popula9on  Growth  into  Billions            -­‐  Last  200  years  

A Million Years Of Human Growth (1)

6 Billion6 Billion

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The  human  popula9on  is  s9ll  growing  rapidly  

•  It  took  all  of  human  history  to  reach  1  billion  •  In  1930,  130  years  later,  we  reached  2  billion,  and  added  the  most  recent  billion  in  12  years  

Due to exponential growth, even if the growth rate remains steady, population will continue to grow

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Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

Es9mated  Human  Popula9on  Growth  

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Popula9on  distribu9on  •  Increased  density  impacts  the  environment,  but  relieves  pressure  in  less-­‐populated  areas  

•  Humans  are  unevenly  distributed  around  the  globe  –  Unpopulated  areas  tend  to  be  environmentally  sensi9ve  

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Two  Demographic  Worlds  

•  Periphery  is  poor,  young,  and  rapidly  growing.  •  Contain  80%  of  world  popula9on,  and  will  account  for  90%  of  projected  growth.  

•  Core  is  wealthy,  old,  and  mostly  shrinking.  •  Average  age  is  about  40.  •  Popula9ons  expected  to  decline.  

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•  The  forma9on  of  new  borders,  such  as  those  created  in  Africa  in  the  1960s  when  former  European  colonies  became  independent,  has  kept  nomadic  popula9ons  within  prescribed  fron9ers.  

•  The  result  is  the  overgrazing  of  marginal  grassland  and  deser9fica9on  –  the  expansion  of  the  desert,  se`ng  popula9ons  of  en9re  countries,  such  as  Ethiopia,  at  risk.    

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Some  fear  falling  popula9ons  •  Popula9on  growth  is  correlated  with  poverty,  not  wealth  

•  Policymakers  believe  growth  increases  economic,  poli9cal,  military  strength  – They  offer  incen9ves  for  more  children  – 67%  of  European  na9ons  think  their  birth  rates  are  too  low  

–  In  non-­‐European  na9ons,  49%  feel  their  birth  rates  are  too  high  

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What’s  Behind  Popula9on  Growth  

•  Three  Factors    –  Fer9lity  –  Infant  Mortality  –  Longevity  

•  Animal  Domes9ca9on  and  Agriculture  –  Provided  for  a  few  to  feed  many  

•  Industrial  Revolu9on  –  Growth  of  Ci9es  and  Infrastructure  •  Water  •  Energy  •  Transporta9on  

–  Increased  Produc9vity  –  Nutri9on  –  Sanita9on  – Medicine  

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Causes  and  consequences  of  popula9on  growth  

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Three  Technological  Eras    

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Popula9on  &  Technology  Nexus  INDUSTRIAL  REVOLUTION  

•  First  phase:  began  in  the  18th  century  and  lasted  into  the  19th  century.  Called  as  preparatory  period.    All  produc9on  were  made  by  hand.    

•  This  period  was  marked  by  a  shih  from  wood  as  the  primary  energy  source  to  coal.  

•  By  18th  century,  wood  was  a  scarce  resource  in  Europe  and  almost  all  of  the  European  forests  had  been  cut  down  and  replanted.    

•  Demand  for  wood  was  a  driving  force  behind    the  English  encouragement  of  colonies  in  the  New  World.  

•  Transi.on  to  coal  =  mass  produc.on.    •  Dominant  technology:  handwork  

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Popula9on  &  Technology  Nexus  INDUSTRIAL  REVOLUTION  

•  Second  Phase:  involved  the  replacement  of  human  labour  my  machine  labour.    The  prime  example  of  this  process  was  the  development  of  the  mechanical  loom  ,  which  replaced  coiage  handwork  with  linen  nad  coion  goods  woven  on  mechanical  machinery  in  factories.    

•  Energy  course:  coal  •  Dominant  technology:  steam  engine,  mechaniza.on  of  labour  

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Popula9on  &  Technology  Nexus  INDUSTRIAL  REVOLUTION  

•  Third  Phase:  beginning  of  automa9on  by  19th  century.  Development  of  electricity  powered  by  petroleum  and  natural  gas.    Oil  was  discovered  by  1850s.    

•  Mass  produc9on  assembly  line:  Henry  Ford  •  The  development  of  plas9cs  generated  the  throwaway  society.      

•  Energy  source:  gasoline,  electricity  •  Dominant  technology:    Automobile,  airplane,  electric  light  

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Popula9on  &  Technology  Nexus  INDUSTRIAL  REVOLUTION  

•  Fourth  Phase:  The  microchip,  biotechnology  and  advanced  materials  ushered  in  the  fourth  phase  and  ohen  called  as  «informa9on  revolu9on».    

•  Computers  revolu9onized    society.    •  Energy  source:  Electricity,  natural  gas,  wind,  solar  

•  Dominant  technology:  Computer,  fiberop.c  cable,  TV,  cellphone,  biotechnology  

•  This  phases  also  brought  unpleasent  environmental  surprises.  

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GLOBAL  POLITICS?  •  Firstly,  technology  has  served  to  improve  the  condi.ons    of  people  and  lead  to  rapid  popula9on  growth.  

•  On  the  other  hand,  the  cost  of  housing,  educa9on,  and  the  easy  First  World  kind  of  life  style  has  turned  the  birth  rate  on  its’  head  in  the  industrialized  world  and  caused  a  sharp  reduc.on  in  the  birth  rate  in  all  regions  of  the  world,  with  the  excep9on  of  Africa.  

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GLOBAL  POLITICS?  •  Secondly,  with  every  new  scien9fic  or  technological  advance,  there  is  upside  and  downside.    

•  The  downside  is  twofold.  As  a  technology  matures,  (1)  drives  out  the  compe99on  and  (2)  builds  economic  and  social  links  within  society  to  enable  the  mass  produc9on  of  the  product.    

•  The  eventual  result  is  «technological  monoculture»  where  alterna9ve  modes  of  the  same  technology  do  not  come  on  the  market.    

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GLOBAL  POLITICS?  •  The  third  aspect  is  «environmental  surpise»  •  Sooner  or  later,  nature  responds  to  every  human  ac9vity.    

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Is  popula.on  growth  really  a  problem?  

•  Popula9on  growth  results  from  technology,  sanita9on,  food  – Death  rates  drop,  but  not  birth  rates  

•  Some  people  say  growth  is  no  problem  – New  resources  will  replace  depleted  ones  – But,  some  resources  (i.e.,  biodiversity)  are  irreplaceable  

•  Quality  of  life  will  suffer  with  unchecked  growth  – Less  food,  space,  wealth  per  person  

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Popula9on  growth  affects  the  environment  

•  The  IPAT  model:    I  =  P  x  A  x  T  x  S  –  Our  total  impact  (I)  on  the  environment  results  from  the  interac9on  of  popula9on  (P),  affluence  (A)  and  technology  (T),  with  an  added  sensi9vity  (S)  factor  

–  Popula9on  =  individuals  need  space  and  resources  –  Affluence  =  greater  per  capita  resource  use  –  Technology  =  increased  exploita9on  of  resources  –  Sensi9vity  =  how  sensi9ve  an  area  is  to  human  pressure  –  Further  model  refinements  include  educa9on,  laws,  ethics  

Humanity uses 1/3 of all the Earth’s net primary production

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Demography  •  Demography  =    the  applica9on  of  popula9on  ecology  to  the  study  of  humans  – Demographers  study  popula9on  size,    

– Density  and  distribu9on,  – Age  structure,  sex  ra9o,    – And  birth,  death,  immigra9on,  and  emigra9on  rates  

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Demography  •  All  popula9on  principles  apply  to  humans  –  Environmental  factors  limit  popula9on  growth  

•  Humans  can  raise  the  environment’s  carrying  capacity  through  technology  –  How  many  humans  can  the  world  sustain?    1  –  33  billion  

–  Popula9on  growth  can’t  con9nue  forever    

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A  changing  age  structure  poses  challenges  

•  Many  popula9ons  are  ge`ng  older  – Older  people  need  care  and  financial  assistance  –  But,  also  reduces  the  number  of  dependent  children  and  crime  rates  

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Demographic  Transi.on  

•  Demographic  transi.on  (DT)  refers  to  the  transi9on  from  high  birth  and  death  rates  to  low  birth  and  death  rates  as  a  country  develops  from  a  pre-­‐industrial  to  an  industrialized  economic  system.    

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Popula9on  growth  depends  on  various  factors  

•  Whether  a  popula9on  grows,  shrinks,  or  remains  stable  depends  on:  – Rates  of  birth,  death,  and  migra9on  – Birth  and  immigra9on  add  individuals  – Death  and  emigra9on  remove  individuals  

•  Technological  advances  led  to  drama9c  decline  in  human  death  rates    – Widening  the  gap  between  birth  rates  and  death  rates  resul9ng  in  popula9on  expansion  

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Immigra9on  and  emigra9on  play  large  roles  

•  Refugees  flee  their  home  country  as  a  result  of  war,  civil  strife,  and  environmental  degrada9on  –  25  million  escape  poor  environmental  condi9ons  – Movement  causes  environmental  problems  with  no  incen9ves  to  conserve  resources  

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Emigra9on  and  Immigra9on  

•  Emigra9on  and  Immigra9on  play  a  large  role  in  human  popula9on  dynamics.  

– Developed  regions  expect  2  million  immigrants  a  year  for  next  50  years.  

– Locals  complain  immigrants  take  away  jobs  and  overload  social  services.  


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Poverty  and  popula9on  growth  are  correlated  

•  Poorer  socie9es  have  higher  growth  rates  than  wealthier  socie9es  –  Consistent  with  the  demographic  transi9on  theory  –  They  have  higher  fer9lity  and  growth  rates,  with  lower  contracep9ve  use  

99% of the next billion people added will be born in poor, less developed regions that are least able to support them

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Wealth  also  produces  severe  environmental  impacts  

•  The  popula9on  problem  does  not  exist  only  within  poor  countries    

•  Affluent  socie9es  have  enormous  resource  consump9on  and  waste  produc9on  – People  use  resources  from  other  areas,  as  well  as  from  their  own  

–  Individuals’  ecological  footprints  are  huge  

One American has as much environmental impact as 6 Chinese or 12 Indians or Ethiopians

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•  The  concept  of  global  commons    derives  from  the    common  or  commonly  used  land  was  once  situated  at  the  center  of  rural  towns  in  England  two  centuries  ago.  

•  Today,  the  global  commons  define    are  those  parts  of  the  biosphere  that  are  held  in  common  by  all  humanity.  

•  These  include  oceans,  outer  space,  the  seabed,,  the  electromagne.c  spectrum  and  the  atmosphere.  

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Our  ‘Commons’  are  in  Danger  

•  Atmospheric  pollu9on  and  climate  change  •  Water  pollu9on,  including  ground  aquifers  •  Deforesta9on  and  loss  of  oxygena9on    •  The  oceans,  •  Na9onal  park  •  Nonrenewable  natural  resource  deple9on  – Fossil  fuels,  mineral  ores,  topsoil…..  

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Biodiversity  is  in  Danger    

•  Humanity  has  spawned  a  species  ex9nc9on  to  rival  the  5  great  ex9nc9ons  of  65  -­‐  440  million  years  ago  

•  Recovery  9mes  from  the  great  ex9nc9ons  took  10’s  of  millions  of  years  

•  Biodiversity  is  essen9al  to  life  on  Earth  and  holds  untold  treasures  for  the  future  

•  An  ecological  ethic  is  emerging  

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•  The  human  popula9on  is  larger  than  at  any  9me  in  the  past  •  Popula9ons  are  s9ll  rising,  even  with  decreasing  growth  rates    •  Most  developed  na9ons  have  passed  through  the  

demographic  transi9on  •  Expanding  rights  for  women  slows  popula9on  growth  •  Sustainability  requires  a  stabilized  popula9on  in  9me  to  avoid  

destroying  natural  systems  

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•  Environmental  problems  are  not  equally  distributed    and  therefore  effect  each  region    and  each  country  differently  

•  Every  environmental  remedy  has  its’  costs  •  Every  state  has  a  different  capacity  to  pay  the  cost  of  environmental  remedia9on.  The  US,  Western  Europe  and  Japan  can  afford  to  undertake  costly  pollu9on  control  problems.  On  the  other  hand,  poorer  states  accuse  the  rich  states  of  having  caused  the  problem  and  demand  the  rich  states  pay  for  the  demage.  (China  also  refuses)  

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•  Awareness  on  environmental  problems  is  rela9vely  new.  

•  Rachel  Carson’s  book  ‘Silent  Spring’  published  in  1961,  turned  America  on  to  the  extent  and  scope  of  our  current  environmental  problems  and  marked  the  beginning  of  the  modern  environmental  movements.  

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•  Environmental  problems  are  hard  to  resolve  for  a  variety  of  factors.  Chiefs  among  these  are:  

(1) The  long  period    of  elapsed  9me  between  technological  innova9on  and  its’  environmental  surprise.  

(2) The  scien9fic  uncertainty  surrounding  every  environmental  problem  (  global  warming?)  

(3) The  reluctance  of  governments  to  take  ac9on  that  may  undermine  economic  growth  or  destabilize  society  in  the  absence  of  strong  public  pressure  or  clear  scien9fic  evidence.