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1. In Europe, the majority of people live in cities, while in Asia the majority of the population lives in the rural parts of the continents. Both continents, however, have very high arithmetic densities. Also, on average, both continents have reasonably high physiological densities, but Europe has a much lower agricultural density.

Two-thirds of the world’s current population is spread out between Europe and Asia. The majority of the population of Asia is concentrated in North Eastern China as well as North Eastern India. In Europe, the population is concentrated evenly throughout except for the higher population in Germany and the United Kingdom. The majority of the Asian population is concentrated around the coastal regions, while in Europe it is more spread out. Europe has a more consistent ecumene while in Asia, it is mainly concentrated in China and India. Russia, Siberia in particular, experiences extreme cold and therefore settlements and agriculture are not present in the location.

2. Malthus predicted that with the rapid population growth, food sources would be outused and pressed unless moral restraint was put into place, or unless famine and natural disasters occurred. This did not occur due to the decline in birth rates as countries became highly developed. Economical development and the growing distribution of contraceptives led to the failure of Malthus’ theories. Britain’s population exploded due to the increase in food productivity. With innovative farming techniques, the lands were producing more food. This allowed for a population boom without famine.

3. The arithmetic density tells us how many people divided by the total land area. However, it does not tell us the most populous countries in the world. For example, India has a larger arithmetic density than China, because India has a huge population, but not a large land mass. Yet, China has a larger population, just a larger land mass for people to live. Also, arithmetic density does not show the distribution of the population in a country. Both China and India have unevenly distributed population between suburban and rural settlements.

4. The rise of agribusiness changed the rural landscape by eliminating most small businesses and creating massive farms with thousands of acres for a singular purpose. Agribusinesses also have had a terrible effect on the environment, due to their increased use of fertilizers and pesticide, as well as the fecal matter created by giant animal farms.

5. Shifting to a post-industrial society does not necessarily lead to economic decline in a country. Although less of the workforce is working on producing goods, there is more technology to help produce things faster anyway. In a post-industrial society, there is a much higher demand for services. This gives those in the tertiary, quaternary, and quinary sector jobs and a good economic backbone. Because there is such a high demand for services, the structure of the labor

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force shifts from mainly primary and secondary activities to tertiary, and quaternary activities. Those involved in primary and secondary activities are now having a harder time getting by.

6. Peripheral regions are areas that are marginalized from industry and major economic opportunities due to their location away from the business centers of core regions. Such isolation from the centers of business causes the peripheral regions to suffer from poverty and the citizens of the area are usually less successful than their counterparts closer to the core regions. This is a growing problem as regions become trapped in a cycle of poverty. Businesses will not place their factories in peripheral regions because it is not near the core, and any present factories will abandon the region to move closer to the core.

7. The Sunni and Shiite Muslims divided once their prophet, Muhammad, died and the followers needed to decide on a new leader. Most of the Muslims believed that Muhammad’s friend Abu Bakr should become the new leader. Those who chose to follow Bakr become followers the Sunni branch of Islam. However, those who believed that leadership should stay within the prophet’s family became known as Shiites. Only approximately sixteen percent of Muslims are Shiites.

Shiites make up ninety percent of Iran’s population, and more than half the population of Azerbaijan, Iraq, Omam and Bahrain. Sunni Muslims dominate the Arabian Peninsula and other areas of the Middle East, and most of the population of Sunni Muslims is found in Indonesia.

Within Iraq, there is violence between the Sunni and Shiite branches as one attempts to gain political power over the other. There are acts of terrorism on both sides.

8. The Central Place Theory, proposed in the 1930’s by Walter Christaller, is a theory for why services are distributed in a regular area over a developed region. The theory also dictates that there are more small settlements than big settlements, and the big settlements are farther apart. The central place is the market center, which attracts people from a surrounding area. The trade area is the surrounding region, which is attracted by the central place. The Hexagonal Hinterlands is a unique theory used by geographers to divide a region into market areas. A hexagon surrounds the central place, and is preferred to circles since there is no overlap.

The theory works best in regions like the Great Plains. The Great Plains is an ideal location for this theory because it has no major physical landmarks and is not heavily industrialized. The theory makes the assumption that all land is uniform, there is an even population with equal spending power, and stores will follow the laws of Supply and Demand.

9. There are several factors that prevent a country from developing. The population’s lack of education is a barrier. With a low literacy rate, people usually cannot get good jobs and increase their country’s capita. The government can also be a barrier. An instable government can wreck havoc on the citizens. It also prevents international companies from opening factories in the

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countries and thus prevents economic stability as well. The health care of the population is another important factor. For example, a population lacking birth control could have no control on its population growth. Also, the lifespan of the population will be shorter if the people lack basic health facilities.

To remove these barriers, the government’s first priority should be to invest in education. With an educated population, the people can make their own decisions on how to better their quality of lives. Then, the government can attempt to cut down on pollution levels and provide better health care. Governments can provide financial incentives for companies to open factories in their country, so then the population can have jobs.

10. The Industrial Revolution began in northern England and southern Scotland. It was able to begin in this region because of the many engineers and mechanics that created new inventions that increased productivity. Then, the standard of living increased with the productivity, changing the social structure of the region. The industrial revolution diffused across Europe, especially Germany, Belgium, and France. These regions experienced the Industrial Revolution because of their proximity to Britain, as well as having a large population and wealth.

11. Globalization and the creation of international networks have brought prosperity to some regions while shifting others toward the periphery. For example, the creation of a supranational organization like the EU has led previously excluded areas like Greece and Romania to have increased trade with wealthier countries such as Germany and the UK. However, European nations such as Ukraine and Moldova are becoming increasingly marginalized in the world economy. Furthermore, the consolidation of power brought about by NATO has placed more developed countries in North America and Europe in a position of military superiority to the rest of the world. Developing nations in Asia, Latin America, and Africa are left to fend for themselves as the odd ones out. Overall, globalization has widened the gap between more and less developed nations while attempting to unite them.

12. Deforestation has been primarily brought about because of perceived economic incentives for humans. Multinational corporations such as McDonalds want areas cleared for cow grazing and agriculture. In addition, lumber companies achieve greater short term profits through deforestation while destroying potential for long term prosperity and renewable resources. This causes greater CO2 emissions because of the loss of trees needed to process the greenhouse gas into clean, breathable oxygen. The increased volume of CO2 leads to global warming and still greater environmental impact. When the rainforests are gone, we may also lose many endangered species of plants and animals, some of which could contain undiscovered medicines. We would also lose arable land due to soil erosion. Unless deforestation is stopped, mankind could be facing a huge environmental catastrophe.

13. Sub-Saharan Africa is set up to fail from the start when it comes to creating cohesive independent states. Many of the region's woes can be traced back to European colonialists from the past 300 years. Nations in Sub-Saharan Africa were established by Europeans with little to no regard for ethnic or physical boundaries. Fragmented states like Angola, elongated states like Gambia, and landlocked states like Botswana are all politically unstable partially because of the poor establishment of their

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borders. The presence of thousands of different tribes and languages in Sub-Saharan Africa certainly does not help to establish cultural unity either. Finally, ongoing rivalries and ethnic conflicts such as those in Rwanda, Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo are very difficult to calm because of longstanding hatred and deeply held grudges. In short, the exploitation and reckless land division by European colonialists has left Sub-Saharan Africa in poor shape for establishing peaceful, stable nations.

14.) The hearths of the agricultural revolution sprung up where water for irrigation was plentiful and water was readily arable. The earliest hearths were places such as Mesopotamia and Egypt, where nearby waters attracted denser population settlements that needed the steady sources of food provided by agriculture to survive. When the benefits of plant grains and other harvestable goods were realized it was natural to learn to domesticate animals, such as the domestication of chickens in India. Domestication of animals also came from the need for a mobile, but reliable, food source such as horses in the Eurasian steppes. The burst in food available to stable societies allowed for population to explode, allowing for the first time the development of cities, and the increasing specialization of economic activity. With one farmer being able to provide food for several people, it freed up the time for arts like metalworking and scholarly pursuits, only leading to increased yield on agriculture lands. As specialization occurred, social hierarchies could form, with those controlling food and incomes controlling the people that worked for both. Without the agricultural revolution we would not have the social stratification and economic development potential we have achieved today, and populations would be drastically diminished.

15.) In order to be truly considered a nation state the boundaries of the state must enclose one entirely homogeneous nationality of people. The divides between small ethnic groups can seem insignificant to an outsider, and as such even a state that has only one true ethnic group may have fractured populations that cause friction through miniscule ethnic divides. As such, the only effective nation states are relatively small in size, and often exist only to be a nation state; France and the Japan stand out as examples. These previously discussed frictions are the main factors that cause dissent within nation states. Even when a nation state is created the ethnic group will morph over time. Other centrifugal forces can create resistance, such as gaps between the urban and the rural, completed unrelated to the national composition, but also unmitigated by the bond of nationality.

16.) The Gross National Product of a country is the amount of money in goods and services that is produced by a country and the businesses that are legally based in them during one year. As such, the countries with the most advanced economies, moving away from primary and secondary production and more focused on tertiary and quaternary level jobs, produce vastly higher GNPs. Because it only requires corporations to be based in a country, and not produce in it, these numbers are not diminished by outsourcing, but do not aid countries where outsourcing takes place. Due to this stratified nature of economic development, Wallerstein divided countries into three categories: core, periphery, and semi periphery. The core nations, such as the US and Great Britain, provide the higher level functions, quaternary positions like management and service to the people employed in positions running the businesses. Meanwhile, the periphery countries supply the raw materials and manufacturing that are utilized by these businesses to turn a profit and sell merchandise, with nutrient rich but educationally poor countries like Liberia and Sierra Leone playing this role. Meanwhile, semi-periphery nations, like

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Mexico and China, mix both roles. They are more economically advanced than the periphery, and extract materials and place manufacturing there, acting as a core country, but simultaneously providing labor and resources to the true core countries in much the same way the periphery does. As such, Wallerstein breaks down countries into a complex series of overlapping needs, with the semi periphery producing the center of that diagram that not only markets and manages, but produces and manufactures.

17. Absolute location offers a specific and definite description of a place’s position. Meanwhile, relative location gives a description of a place’s position relative to another place or landmark. Eleanor Roosevelt High School’s absolute location is at 7601 Hanover Parkway, Greenbelt, Maryland in the United States of America on the continent of North America on the planet Earth. Its relative location can be described in a variety of ways. It could be said that Eleanor Roosevelt High School is located 30 miles outside of Baltimore, fifteen miles outside of Washington, D.C., or 215 miles from New York City. The key to describing a relative location is relating the location of the place being positioned to another location. Absolute location on the other hand relies solely on definite addresses and coordinates.

18. The phrase “technopoles” refers to new centers of advanced technology manufacturing. Jobs in technopoles are part of the quaternary (business and information) sector. These technopoles typically specialize in high-tech industries like biotechnology, medical technology, and microsystems engineering. Location factors play a huge role in the development of technopoles. Development typically occurs in places that are close to major highways and airports for easy ground travel and international reach. In addition, technopoles are usually located where there is access to an educated workforce (ex. near a university). Often, technopoles are near comfortable housing developments and recreational facilities where employees of the industry live and spend their free time. On an international scale, technopoles encourage the spread of globalization. They encourage the sharing of ideas and technology across borders and often attract educated workers to overseas technopoles.

19. Outsourcing is transnational companies’ practice of allocating production and back office services to independent suppliers in low wage nations. While outsourcing is specifically contract work, offshoring is doing work in another country but under the same company. For example, in the production of Nike shoes, the design, research, development, other higher level tasks are done in a developed country, such as the US. These jobs are high-skilled and high paying. Production of the shoe is then completed in a low-wage, labor rich country such as China or India, either through contracting out, outsourcing, or setting up plants, offshoring. The completed products are then shipped around the world, even back to the US. Management and advertising jobs are also based in developed countries, and with transnational corporations such as Nike, often have many headquarters in different regions of the world.

20. The sense of American superiority and centralism in the US today taints many citizens’ views of the larger world. However, in order to effectively understand and participate in a global economies, cultures, and environments, a more balanced sense of world issues is needed. In order to navigate international relations, a clear understanding of a country’s population dynamics, linguistics, cultural values and political situation is needed. Nowadays, international relations are not simply a skill needed by UN delegates – corporations and organizations everywhere have global presences which must take

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into account geography. Additionally, it is imperative to understand the world in order to gain perspective on the politics and position of our own nation.

21. Ethnic neighborhoods are defined as any community dominated by one ethnicity. This includes neighborhoods composed of people that are predominantly African American, Latino, Jewish, Chinese, Italian, etc. As you make your way into the area bordering University Park or the Kenilworth/Edmonston sector of Hyattsville, the signs and storefronts begin to appear in Spanish rather than English. The population in those areas has significant Hispanic majorities. At the local parks, there are frequent games of pick-up soccer and large group gatherings to watch the game and socialize. Many of the people, even if they know English, speak Spanish most of the time because all of the people they are talking to also speak in that language. It is its own pocket of Hispanic culture that has developed in the suburbs outside of DC. Yet, despite being familiar and accepted by one another, there is a definite stigma held by the outer population. Edmonston is known as “Little Mexico,” not with positive connotations and the communities are often avoided by the other members of the suburbs. The community becomes isolated and looked down upon, simply for being a minority majority that maintains its own culture.

22. The American Manufacturing Belt, or Rust Belt, is where the largest movements in industrialization took place in the early 1900s. It spans the Midwest, the Midland, and some of New England. The area was once one of the larger sites of resource extraction in the United States and the land was spacious enough for factories to be built, as well as being in relatively close proximity to some of the larger urban center of the heartland. Large factories were built and industry started booming. Throughout the Ford era and the creation of the model T, the industrial period was wildly successful. Due to the success, factories began spreading out and covering more land, still mostly centered on the Manufacturing Belt. Since deindustrialization, companies are able to set up further away and have moved to the south and east in their building. The newer factories have precedence and appeal and the older originals are forgotten and left to fall into disrepair, hence the title of Rust Belt as the region becomes old and unused.

23. The main reasons are that most of the nations’ economies are tied up in plantations and cash cropping and that historically once the country gained independence, power shifted to the hands of the local elites. It is very difficult to shift the main source of monetary flow in a country, without upsetting the balance, possibly to tumultuous effect. While colonized, these areas were held by the imposing countries. The primary rebels were typically elite locals that worked for the colonizing leaders. When they revolted and ousted the colonizers, power and control shifted to the elites who continued the plantations and share cropping methods.

24. Plantation agriculture is a system in which the local government and foreign companies use the typically LDC country for land and labor. Typically, the company will introduce a crop not native to the area and the people will work to grow and export the crop in mass quantities. They destroy the natural environment and replace native plants with fields for the economically productive plant. A primary example would be the cotton plantations that covered the South of the United States during the Civil War era. The crops grown on plantations are considered cash crops because they are grown for profit

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rather than subsistence. Plantation agriculture usually results in short-term economic gain for the company and government that gets a percent of the revenue, at the expense of the local people.

25. Mental geography refers to the personal map that is created when one thinks about an area. For example, the mental map of my activity space revolves around Route 1, Greenbelt Rd, and the Beltway. I can mentally trace these roads, seeing the stops along the way, all the way to Laurel, Columbia, Bowie, and Hyattsville. Swirling around them in my personal mental map are the back roads we have taken for years, and every time I get lost as a new driver, new roads are added to this mental map. Because I have a car, require services from a range of vendors, and live in a semi-metropolitan area, my mental map is set up in this way. For someone who does not drive but bikes and requires few services besides school and McDonald’s, their mental geography of their activity spaces probably will not revolve around the same roads as mine, but may trace through residential areas or forested trails. My mental geography in relation to residence revolves around D.C. Personally, I tend to see the suburbs as radiating out from D.C. and use that map to determine whether I should drive north or south to get where I am going. My mental map of the DMV is a classic urban fading into suburban fading into rural map because that is a simplified version of what we are here in PG county.

26. America is dependent on media networks for their news, and often is quite gullible in believing what is heard on the news. Alternative sources are plentiful, but few people actually do more than turn on the television or radio to hear the weather. If anything, the Internet has helped to expose and allow consumers to utilize the more alternative sources. It allows us to stream international news and quickly get a variety of opinions on issues.

27. The township and range system originated as a way to evenly divide land that pioneers were settling in America. It broke land into exact squares and uses numbers to indicate position, much like a mini latitude and longitude coordinate system. This system is the reason for the characteristic “quilt” pattern that the Midwest seems to have from the sky- completely even squares of different colors that are patched next to each other. Early settlements and buildings followed this square pattern, and thus the modern building follows suit. If the main area of a town was begun hundreds of years ago along a straight line, the main street is going to follow that. The developers of today are not going to suddenly decide to create complexly weaving neighborhoods after even ones have been established. This system would not be found on coastal regions of the U.S. or in the South, mainly because these are the areas that were settled early on. Cities on the East Coast sprung up around resources like ports and sprawled outward, bring suburbs with them. They are often rambling, confusing, and not in sync with gridlines.

28. The core-periphery model describes how economic, political, and cultural power is spatially distributed between dominant core regions, and more dependent semi-peripheral and peripheral regions. The basic principle of this idea is that as prosperity thrives worldwide, the majority of the growth is enjoyed by a core region of wealthy countries, and the outnumbering poorer regions are ignored. Core countries include the USA, Japan, and much of Europe, periphery countries include much of Africa and other third-world nations, and semi-periphery refers to developing countries such as India or China.

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29. One of the most distinct countries in the world with great economic differences is India. A country of many cultures and a variety of religions, it is also known for its great diversity amongst cities in relation to their economic standards. For example, Chandigarh, one of the richest cities of India, has excess amounts of resources and has many large wealthy organizations centered within the region. Though just southwest of this wealthy city lies Rajasthan, a well-known city not for its riches, but for its poverty. The economy focuses more on agriculture and pastoral resources and is therefore categorized as one of the eight most distinct poor cities of India, Rajasthan is no doubt a suffering region. Both regions are analogous and diverse as each play key roles in assisting the overall standings of India’s economy, as well as having completely different outlook of resources and income.

30. The European state model is based on territory that cannot be violated, sovereignty in the government, a homogenous and permanent population that provides a national culture, and a state capital for centrality and control. Just as any country, France started as a region and eventually grew to a nation that endured many historical events such as the middle ages and the conversion from a monarchy to a republic. France continuously grew in size as the pagan Franks would constantly expand. The middle ages and the years succeeding only brought France to become a prosperous nation. After the subsiding of major wars, France, a key contributor in a variety of wars, had major downfalls in both its economy and social standings. France was a contributor not only for soldiers but also financially. The debt other nations owed; only made France grow more and more into a depression. Not until the introduction to newer resources and involvement in worldwide distributions did France retrieve itself into a live nation once again. In addition to its economic suffering, social confliction occurred as well. France has not always been an ally to many decisions such as the opposition of the invasion of Iraq in the early 21st century, therefore causing social uproars. Foreign relations were not created until the joining of the World Trade Organization and North Atlantic Treaty Organization. France has endured many devolutionary forces within the state.

31. Push and pull factors are aspects of a country that contribute to the desire of a person wanting to immigrate or emigrate from it. Some examples of push factors are not enough jobs, famine/drought, political fear and the list goes on. Pull factors include more jobs, better medical care, education, and political or religious freedom.

32. Many cultures resist globalization to preserve their traditions. They fear that globalization is ruining the diversity of the world by killing off cultures, replacing them with a globalized culture made for everyone.

33. During colonialism, Europeans felt the need to introduce Western civilization to people who were considered less intelligent and incapable of governing themselves. Western culture consists of religious beliefs, political systems, traditions, customs, ethical values etc. The Europeans attempted to westernize these colonies conforming to assimilation which helped immigrants settle in a new land and share cultures. Since some Asian and African countries were colonized by Europeans, the countries followed their cultures and influences. Some places such as Hong Kong and most developing cities in Asia are based on European cities.

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34. Special manufacturing export zones are created by governments to help areas that were affected in economic changes. These changes may occur because of outsourcing or migrating overseas. In order for businesses to get a chance to compete with other manufacturers from other countries, the government waives import and export taxes. It develops in areas like Singapore because of the location meaning everything is shipped to Singapore before it passes to Europe or the US. High technology corridors are when companies agglomerate in an area such as Silicon Valley CA where in students and teachers with skills in hardware and software are found due to location of nearby universities.

35. The occurrence of a second urban revolution was caused by the flight of businesses and families to the suburbs to escape the poverty, crime, and site problems that are prevalent in urban areas. Their flight was caused by urban problems, such as blockbusting and redlining, and urban trends, such as deglomeration. Furthermore, the departure of more and more people from urban areas had led to new urbanism and suburbanization. This has led to a loss of a tax base and as a result, gentrification, creation of enterprise zones, and urban renewal has occurred in order to attract people to return to the city. The gentrified urban area has morphed from a uniformly deteriorated area to an area with developed zones in certain and concentrated parts of the city. The loss of urban population has occurred since the 1950s in cities, such as, Baltimore, Detroit, and Cleveland. However, gentrification has only occurred recently in places, such as, Boston and Chicago. Urban functions include an economic base composed of a basic and nonbasic sector, as well as a market center for the exchange of goods and services.

36. Cholera is considered a pandemic, which occurs over a wide geographic area and affects a high proportion of the population. However, geographic methods indicate that residents of poorer neighborhoods had a higher incidence of cholera. Cholera was not distributed uniformly among the poor population. Research shows that the percentage of cholera victims were clustered around one water pump. AIDS diffused across the United States from nodes in New York, California, and Florida. Virtually all people with AIDS in 1981 were found in those nodes. AIDS diffused through relocation diffusion, where New York City reported more than one fourth of the AIDS cases and spread to other states.

37. In Sub-Saharan Africa, 25 million of its population was infected with HIV. It has two-thirds of the world’s total HIV positive population and nine-tenths of the world’s infected children. As a result, the crude death rates of sub-Saharan countries rose sharply. AIDS ensures that the life expectancy remains low compared to other countries. Early mortality deprives sub-Saharan countries from fulfilling social and economic development. A lack of a stable population base due to high crude death rates indicates that there is always a deficient amount of people to work. The absence of a labor supply is detrimental to the economy and ensures that the economy is constantly struggling. Consequently, the lack of a constant working class is discouraging to foreign nations, who refuse to invest in sub-Saharan countries with high death rates. More importantly, AIDS primarily infects a segment of the population whose ages are a prime example of a working class base. AIDS also places a high strain and pressure on the government to treat the ample amount of people with AIDS. HIV infections also decreases the amount of children attending school, resulting in increased rates of AIDS because of a lack of education regarding HIV.

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38. Religions usually play a very significant role in the shape of different cultural landscapes; each and every religion has idiosyncrasies that over time mold the way of life in every facet of given societies. Many regions composed of populations that are predominantly one religion adopt laws and policies that reflect the morals imposed by the particular religion. Effects of this practice can be detected in American culture where the social taboos originate from Christianity’s strict moral code; in fact many enforced laws and punishments regarding abortion, same-sex marriage, and murder find their roots in the Christian religion. Additionally, places to worship, usually required by religions fill the physical landscape and act as symbols for the cultural landscape. Churches for Christians, Mosques for Muslims, and temples for Hindus are all examples of symbols of a religions presents in a region and signify the influence of that particular religion in the area.

39. The concentric zone model has a Central Business District surrounded by rings of varying size. The innermost ring being a zone of transition with industry and poorer quality housing. The third ring contains working class homes with the fourth and fifth ring model containing better places to live for those who commute to central business district for work. This differs from the sector model in that the sector model applies the same concept in sections protruding from the city and corridors made up of the same type of buildings going from the outermost edge into the central business district. The multi nuclei model applies an even more different concept as it states that activity revolves around several centers of industry and business instead of a singular central business district. The multiple nuclei model, unlike the concentric zone and sector models, reason that activity is spread out into different nodes trying to avoid other businesses while mutually collaborating with others. Airports are an excellent example of a multiple nuclei node attracting businesses like hotels while a government district may attract housing developments available to highly educated wealthy individuals.

40. The Second Agricultural Revolution coincided with the Industrial Revolution and was a period of great advancement in agricultural technology and technique. During this time, Europe honed many skills and found more efficient ways to fertilize, cultivate, care, and harvest crops. These innovations were necessary since a fewer amount of farmers had to upkeep more land and produced higher yield in order to support the population of people working in the factories and not in the fields. With the farmers growing crop success, higher populations were able to be fed and cities and industries thrived as a result.

41. Wallerstein’s model is a structuralist model while Rostow’s was more liberal. Wallerstein believes that there are three stages a country falls into, but they must fall into one, not in between them. Also, in his model, it is very hard to move up into a higher stage. Rostow’s has five stages in it which it could be possible to fall in between, and it is easier to move up because the goals to reach are short term. Wallerstein believed that a country could not progress through each stage of the development which was the opposite of what Rostow thought; his belief was that a country could eventually progress to the next stage of development.

42. Rostow’s model has five stages that are similar to the Demographic Transition Model. Stage one consists of tradition. In stage one, countries for example, in sub-Saharan Africa, mainly take part in subsistence farming. Stage two consists of the preconditions for takeoff. In stage two, countries such as

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Vietnam have a desire to raise the standard of living, causing production to increase. In stage three, which entails takeoff, countries such as Mexico produce new technologies through capital to increase production. Urban agglomerations and new infrastructure take place. In stage four, countries such as South Korea begin to diffuse technologies, and industrial specialization begins. International trade expands, and there is an increase in service industry jobs, or a drive to maturity. In stage five, countries such as the US have a hgh mass consumption, abundant goods and services, and luxury items become necessary. This stage is called total maturity.

43. Urban sprawl is the building of self-made, self-assigned settlements around a city, therefore expanding that urban center. These “squatter” settlements are more typical in the vastly growing cities in developing countries. However, in North American cities, the sprawl occurs in the suburbs, where minorities who can no longer afford to live in the cities go in order to be closer to the jobs that are present there in the service industries. Ironically, these suburbs sprang up as a result of “white flight,” or the movement of whites from the cities because minority ethnic groups came in looking for jobs. “New urbanism” addressed urban sprawl by creating towns that made it possible for people to get to everything they need by walking, thus allowing for social interaction and being environmentally considerate, versus the bustling, cramped city that made it nearly impossible to be anything but anonymous. New urbanist ideals are mostly appealing to middle-class families and retired people. The new urbanist setting does not realize or support the globalizing society and growing interdependence in the world, which is the truth of the future.

44. Southeast Asian cities were built along the coasts by Europeans as a port to get raw materials out of the country, so populations skyrocket as people pour in to find work. There are few to no methods of public transportation, with everyone either walking or owning a car to get from place to place within a city. Space in these cities does not go to waste; all of it is used to build businesses and residences. European cities’ main goal is to maintain the historic core of the city by making public transportation cheap and easy, and establishing pubic green spaces that conserve some of the natural landscape. The wealthy are located near the center of the city, where the culture is, while the poor are more along the edge, but they are still fairly intermingled in terms of location of residence. Both Southeast Asian and European cities have mixed land use, meaning that cities are places of both residence and business.

45. The culture of the DC, Maryland, and Virginia is expressed through the music of Wale. In his songs, he tries to incorporate local slang, such as the word “bait” that people use to identify with the area. He also shouts out the “D-Town” and the “DMV” in almost all of his songs. Now that he is becoming more mainstream and well-known nationally, he tries to represent the DMV area and bring fused sounds of hip-hop, R&B, and Gogo (a local sound) to the masses.

46. Some environmental problems, like water pollution, are now more global than regional because of poor habitats acquired by all countries of the world. Also, most of the water ways in the world are somehow connected. Trash is then the concern of other regions along that same body of water. Deforestation is also a global problem since many countries are developing and using a larger amount of this natural resource. The increased burning of fossil fuels causes air pollution, which can cause acid rain and is a real concern in terms of health problems for the populations of heavily industrial regions. There

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is an intense depletion of resources and land available with the increasing development in the countries of the world.

47. Under globalized architectural forms and planning ideas, Greenbelt, Maryland was built as a suburban community made up of single-family homes and apartments, has a town center, where there are structures such as a general store, different eateries, a gas station, a movie theatre, and other amenities. Some widespread businesses that followed the suburban move were chain stores and restaurants like McDonalds, DollarTree, and Safeway. There are attempts to preserve the landscape in that there is Greenbelt National Park, which preserves acres of forest along the road, and other parks such as Buddy Attick and Greenbelt Lake. Some of the older shops and locales in the city of Greenbelt have been preserved as well, including the movie theatre and Generous Joe’s.

48. The three main branches of Buddhism are Theraveda, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. Theraveda Theraveda is practiced mainly in Sri Lanka, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and parts of Vietnam and Malaysia. Mahayana is practiced in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Vajyana is practiced in Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Mongolia, Kalmykia, areas of India. Theraveda concentrates on the Pali Canon, which is known to be the oldest surviving type of Buddhisst literature. Mahayana focuses on compassion and the ideals of bodhisattva and is intertwined with Daoism and Confucianism. Vajrayana says that one can reach enlightenment in one lifetime (as opposed to multiple lifetimes) through psycho-physical energy.

49. The tertiary sector of the economy is comprised of education, service providers, and government positions. Since deindustrialization is the movement from industry and employment in the second economic sector to tertiary or service industry jobs, it ties into these three expanding fields. Communities grow in numbers as people move into a region, so local government is established; the people in those communities can afford to buy more clothes and material goods, so jobs are created for people who want to make or sell those clothes and goods; as people settle down in that location, they begin having children that need to receive an education, so teachers are hired, construction crews are hired to build the school, and stores are needed to supply for the children, school, and families. As the service industry expands, so does the use of advanced technology, due to the need to communicate faster so they can meet the increasing demand for goods and services.

50. In Sub-Saharan Africa, women are usually not treated as equals. There are not as many opportunities for women in terms of property rights, education, legal employment, etc. The most concentrated sector for women in economic terms is agriculture. In terms of the GDP, women generally contribute the same as men.

51. There is an increased number of refugees from third world countries as well as countries that are experiencing political turmoil. Refugees are people who migrate in order to avoid persecution of some sort including ethnic and religious persecution. They often flee to more developed countries such as Western Europe and the US. That is an example of international refugees. International refugees leave one country to go to another to escape persecution. An example is the flow of Vietnamese citizens to the United States after the Vietnam War when the communist government began to take over. Another is the flow of Cuban and Haitian immigrants to escape dictatorships and communist governments. An

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example of intranational refugees might be people moving from rural to urban areas in order to achieve economic prosperity.

52. Expansion diffusion is the spread of ideas without regard to who the idea contaminates. IT spreads by word of mouth in a snowball effect. Expansion diffusion includes hierarchical diffusion which is the spread of an idea to persons with authority and power and then down the chain throughout the region. Stimulus diffusion is the spread of an idea without the spread of the item themselves. Relocation diffusion occurs when people migrate to a new location and carry an idea with them. Religion often diffuses through relocation diffusion. Christianity was brought to the Americas by conquistadors and missionaries. Protestantism spread to Ireland and other locations by the fleeing of Protestants from Southern and Western Europe who lived amongst Catholics. AIDS, currency and languages also diffuse trough relocation diffusion. Hip-hop diffused through hierarchical diffusion from inner cities and out to rural areas. Internet usage has spread through contagious diffusion.

53. DTM Stage 1- unstable population of hunter and gatherers whose birth and death rates fluctuate rapidly. There is no real population growth. The pyramid would fluctuate as well. This is in the time of hunter and gatherers.

Stage 2- an decrease in death rates due to technological and medical advancements. This leads to intense population growth because birth rates do not decrease yet. They believe the drop in death rates is just yet another fluctuation. The pyramid looks like a true pyramid with a wide base and a narrow top. Many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and India are in Stage 2.

Stage 3- a decrease in birth rates due to social changes. Women start having children later in life or not at all and instead pursue a career etc. Marriages happen later in life. The pyramid still has a wide base but population growth is beginning to flatten. It looks like a Hershey kiss. Most Asian and Latin American countries have moved into Stage 3.

Stage 4- low death and birth rates that equal and population is zero. The birth rates are at replacement level. The pyramid is strait with roughly even population distribution throughout the ages. The United States is an example of a country in Stage 4.

Stage 5- negative population growth. Due to an increase in the elderly population, death rates rise above birth rates. There is a slight decrease in population. They pyramid is inverted with a wider head than base. Japan and Italy are popular examples of countries in Stage 5.

Stages 2 and 3 actually represent the changes in the population because that is when birth and death rates go down; there are social changes within the country and the rate of population growth changes drastically.

54. Horizontal integration is the acquiring of similar businesses by one corporation such as shopping malls. This differs from vertical integration. Vertical integration is the acquiring of many steps of the process of making some sort of product. For example, vertical integration would be one corporation or person owning the farms that produce the cotton, the refining factories, textile mills and factories where

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the clothes are actually made. Horizontal integration would own multiple companies that produce similar goods. Many clothing stores are owned by the same companies because they sell similar products. People believe that they are supporting many different stores when they shop at different locations when in reality, a majority of the money is going to one or two major corporations.

55. Supranationalism allows countries to gain the power of a larger state without entirely sacrificing their own sovereignty. However, some concessions must be made. The European Union, one of the best examples of a supranational organization, developed in the wake of World War II, when state power began increasingly to be economically based, as opposed to military-based. As the European Union adds more members, it becomes increasingly weaker economically. In the future, this will likely lead to either the collapse of the E.U. as a supranational entity, or the reestablishment of the E.U. as a smaller, more selective group of countries.

56. Linguists believe that the first speakers of the Proto-Indo-European language family were the Kurgan people, who lived in the steppes near the border between present-day Russia and Kazakhstan. The earliest archaeological evidence of the Kurgans dates to around 4300 B.C.E. As nomadic herders, they moved frequently, spreading their language as they went. Kurgan warriors also conquered much of Europe and South Asia. The existence of Proto-Indo-European cannot be definitively proven, because it would have been spoken thousands of years before recorded history. However, using techniques like common root words, linguists can determine which languages are most closely related and where they came from. For example, individual Indo-European languages share common root words for winter and snow, but not for ocean. Therefore, linguists conclude that the original Proto-Indo-European speakers probably lived in a cold climate, or one that had a winter season, but did not come in contact with oceans.

57. Local or folk culture is culture traditionally practiced by a small, homogeneous rural group living in relative isolation from other groups. Popular culture, on the other hand, is found in a large, heterogeneous society that shares certain habits despite differences in personal characteristics.

Local cultures often spread until they become popular culture. Popular culture diffuses outward and infiltrates local cultures.

The Culture Continuum (this looked much better on the original)

Local/Folk Culture through to Popular Culture

Eleanor Roosevelt High School

-relative isolation: approximately 60 hours per week spent in building

-homogeneous group: students

-localized common habit: over-the-top prom proposals

-popular common habit: wearing jeans

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Greenbelt, Maryland

-less isolated, more heterogeneous

-localized common habit: eco-awareness

-popular common habit: buying coffee from Starbucks

Washington, D.C.

-focused on popular culture due to political interest in representing the whole country

-still somewhat isolated; disconnect between politicians and people

-localized common habit: eating at Ben’s Chili Bowl

-popular common habit: following national politics

United States of America

-large, heterogeneous society; varies by state, region, etc.

-many differences in personal characteristics

-shared habits include over-consumption of goods and resources, fascination with celebrities/movies/television/music, etc.

58. Characteristics associated with the South include:

Republican • support of gun rights

•very religious; typically Christian • intense following of high school and college sports teams

•importance of land ownership • sweet tea

•country music • patriotic

•Southern dialect • loyal to state/region, as well as country

I would tend to identify anything south of Maryland and east of Texas as being “the South.” To make this division, I would use traditional political boundaries between red (republican) and blue (democratic) states. These line up quite nicely with the states I would define as the South. Additionally, I would consider any state part of the Confederacy during the Civil War to be a part of the South.

To me, it seems that the South is becoming more divided from the rest of the country. The country in general is becoming more extreme as the economy struggles, and in the South, that means becoming more different from the rest of the U.S.

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59. The US immigration raises multiple issues. Economically, immigration means that citizens who already live here will have to compete with a much larger workforce; jobs will run out. Socially, immigration would diversify and enhance the culture; no problem there. Security also poses an issue, the police force and other authoritative bodies would be stretched too thin and would not be able to protect larger numbers of people.

Legal Immigrants are immigrants which have gone through the US citizen process and are permitted to stay within the country indefinitely; these types of immigrants don’t really pose a problem as they would be kept track of, in terms of numbers, by the government. Illegal immigrants are the complete opposite, they have no official documentation that authorizes them to live in the US; they pose the biggest threat, representing all three issues. Temporary workers are workers who are allowed to work in the US and are permitted to pass back and forth across the border. Refugees can be either legal or illegal; they come to the US to escape whatever poverty or authoritative oppression they face in their country.

60. Several advancements in technology have led to time-space compression; these advancements also affect the rate of diffusion and can range from travel to communication. Things such as cell phones, email, and even television allow information and ideas to be communicated to a large number of people very efficiently and quickly; unfortunately things such as television can also be used by dictators to oppress people. Advancements in travel include trains, airplanes, and boats, all of which help aid immigration and expand a person’s job market range; like the US witnessed on 9/11, even travel can be used against a population.