human rights education (blended learning course) · evaluation the blended learning will be...

EVALUATION The blended learning will be evaluated via the documentation of learning effectiveness of the blended learning course. For this purpose we have developed test questions which participants will be asked to answer: before the course (a pre-test before the start of the e-learning), after the e-learning (a post-e-learning-test) after the face-to-face course (a post-course-test) and 3 to 6 months after the course (an on the job test). Description of the stakeholders Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI) NANHRI is a regional umbrella body that brings together 44 National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in Africa. The Network works towards the establishment and strengthening of NHRIs in Africa and provides capacity building, facilitates coordination and cooperation amongst NHRIs by linking them with other key human rights actors at the regional and international level in order to achieve our shared vison of a continent with effective NHRIs, contributing to an enhanced human rights culture and justice for every African. Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) GANHRI, formerly known as the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (ICC), promotes and strengthens NHRIs to be in accordance with the Paris Principles and provides leadership in the promotion and protection of human rights. ABOUT THIS PROJECT The project, funded by the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), aims to strengthen the capacities of NHRIs individually and collectively in line with the UN Paris Principles, in order to increase their impact and effectiveness in promoting and protecting human rights, with a specific focus on monitoring and reporting to regional and international human rights bodies and promotion of human rights education into the formal education sector and their activities related to business and human rights, and economic, social and cultural rights. DIHR is the main implementing partner of the project. Three regional networks (NANHRI, NANHRI and APF) and the GANHRI are co-applicants and responsible for coordinating and conducting the activities assigned to them in their respective geographical or other mandates. Find out more on © European Union, 2017. Responsibility for the information and views set out in the course lies entirely with the authors. THIS PROJECT IS FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION (BLENDED LEARNING COURSE) NANHRI E learning: 11 September - 29 September Face-to-face workshop: 16 October - 18 October 2017 Location: Rwanda 123

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Page 1: HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION (BLENDED LEARNING COURSE) · EVALUATION The blended learning will be evaluated via the documentation of learning effectiveness of the blended learning course

EVALUATIONThe blended learning will be evaluated via the documentation of learning effectiveness of the blended learning course. For this purpose we have developed test questions which participants will be asked to answer: • before the course (a pre-test before the start of the e-learning), • after the e-learning (a post-e-learning-test) • after the face-to-face course (a post-course-test) and • 3 to 6 months after the course (an on the job test).

Description of the stakeholders

Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI)NANHRI is a regional umbrella body that brings together 44 National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in Africa. The Network works towards the establishment and strengthening of NHRIs in Africa and provides capacity building, facilitates coordination and cooperation amongst NHRIs by linking them with other key human rights actors at the regional and international level in order to achieve our shared vison of a continent with effective NHRIs, contributing to an enhanced human rights culture and justice for every African.

Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI)GANHRI, formerly known as the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (ICC), promotes and strengthens NHRIs to be in accordance with the Paris Principles and provides leadership in the promotion and protection of human rights.

ABOUT THIS PROJECT The project, funded by the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), aims to strengthen the capacities of NHRIs individually and collectively in line with the UN Paris Principles, in order to increase their impact and effectiveness in promoting and protecting human rights, with a specific focus on monitoring and reporting to regional and international human rights bodies and promotion of human rights education into the formal education sector and their activities related to business and human rights, and economic, social and cultural rights. DIHR is the main implementing partner of the project. Three regional networks (NANHRI, NANHRI and APF) and the GANHRI are co-applicants and responsible for coordinating and conducting the activities assigned to them in their respective geographical or other mandates.

Find out more on

© European Union, 2017. Responsibility for the information and views set out in the course lies entirely with the authors.



NANHRIE learning: 11 September - 29 September Face-to-face workshop: 16 October - 18 October 2017Location: Rwanda


GANHRIGlobal Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions

Page 2: HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION (BLENDED LEARNING COURSE) · EVALUATION The blended learning will be evaluated via the documentation of learning effectiveness of the blended learning course

1) E-learning (on the DIHR learning management system) 2) 3 day face-to-face workshop 3) Possibility to apply for a follow-up grant to implement the learning in the context of a

domestic project

COURSE MANAGEMENT AND FACILITATION The facilitator for this course are Cecilia Decara, Senior Adviser and Programme Manager of the HRE programme at the DIHR and Sigrid Kristiansen, Advisor in HRE programme at the DIHRThe regional Project Coordinator is Margaret Muthee, [email protected], Programmes Manager at NANHRI DIHR will be providing technical assistance for the e-learning platform.

METHODOLOGYThe course combines presentations of thematic areas with interactive learning approaches that provide a comprehensive understanding and hands-on experience of how NHRIs can work with human rights education. Openness and willingness to learn from, and exchange experience with, peers from other countries and cultures, is important. Upon completion of the e-learning component, up to 15 selected participants will participate in a face-to-face workshop to further consolidate the online learning and deepen their understanding.

HOWTo apply for the course, download the application form and fill out the detail on the form. Participants will be selected based on the criteria outlined in the application form. Once you have completed the application form, please email this to NANHRI’s Programmes Manager, Margaret Muthee, [email protected] by no later than 30/08/2017 (NEW).Applications submitted past this date will not be considered for the course. For successful applicants, the project will cover the following costs;• training materials (workshop and expert facilitators); • return economy class airfare to attend the workshop from the nearest international airport

(please note this excludes internal travel to and from the airport)• Associated Visa (if required);• Accommodation package (breakfast included) for the duration of official stay;• Lunch and tea-breaks during the workshop; and• Fixed cash allowance (per diem) for other meals and general living expenses for the

duration of the workshop.

Please be advised that the project does not cover travel and medical insurance for attendance at the workshop. Note that the participants are responsible to arrange their own visa and insurance upon receiving a confirmation of participation email. NANHRI will provide a visa letter, on request, if needed.

WHY THIS COURSE?National human rights institutions (NHRIs) have a key role to play in promoting human rights through human rights education (HRE) in the formal sector, in line with their Paris Principles mandate. A UN resolution from September 2016 reconfirms and supplements state parties’ commitments to national implementation of international standards for human rights education five years after the UN Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training from 2011. Thus, HRE is strongly anchored in international standards and norms, and the international human rights framework provides NHRIs with a broad range of responsibilities to monitor and promote the status of human rights in relation to education. This blended learning programme contributes to building the capacity of NHRIs to exercise their mandate and strengthen a structural approach to human rights education in the formal sector.

WHAT IS THE COURSE ABOUT?The course introduces participants to the field of human rights education in formal education. The aim is to support participants from NHRIs to work structurally with HRE. The learning objectives include strengthening NHRI capacity to impact on domestic structures for HRE by:• documenting the status of HRE through baseline studies in the formal sector • addressing government and parliament on advancing HRE at the policy level • cooperating with educational authorities to enhance HRE for relevant educational levels and

professions in formal education.

At the end of the blended learning course, participants should be able to: 1. Acknowledge NHRIs’ potential with regards to creating sustainable change for HRE by

working towards impacting legislation and policies on education2. Identify international and regional instruments relevant for HRE3. Conduct a baseline study of HRE in the formal education sector4. Plan cooperation with key stakeholders including educational authorities to enhance HRE in

the formal sector

WHO CAN APPLY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE COURSE?This course is for employees of NHRI members of NANHRI. Participants should currently work on activities specifically related to human rights education and be committed to the development of an action plan to implement the knowledge gained in the course and share lessons learned within their institution. Please see the application form for further information on the selection criteria.

WHERE AND WHEN?The e-learning will take place between 11 September-29 September 2017.The 3 day face-to-face workshop will take place on 16 - 18 October 2017 in Rwanda, Kigali. The course is highly collaborative and will use the blended learning approach, which combines three phases: