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Inter-AmericanDefense College



18-21 Dec 2018

AGENDA - DEC 18 (Day 1)

0800-0830 - Coffee - Students: Individual Preparation for the Seminar Participants: Registration

0830-0850 - Operational Introduction of Seminar Overview of Agenda and Expectations - Brief Explanation of Group Work/ Assignments - Auditorium - Prof Teal

0850-0900 - Welcome Remarks / Introduction - AuditoriumGeneral Taylor / Prof Teal

0900-1000 - Key Challenges Related to Human Rights (HR) and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in the Americas Dr. Robert Goldman (American University) - Auditorium - Dr. Goldman

1000-1020 - Q&A Session - Auditorium - Prof Teal

1020-1030 - Break

1030-1130 - Evolution of Human Rights in Practice Maria Teresa Belandria, William J. Perry Center - Auditorium

1130-1200 - Q&A Session - Auditorium - Prof Teal

1200-1300 - Lunch & Student Independent Reading and Preparation 1300-1415-Panel#1:CriticalReflectionsonTransitionalJusticeGEN Javier A. Ayala Amaya (Colombian Army)/Dr. Carlos Japiassú (Brazil) - Auditorium

Panelist - 1415-1445 - Q&A Session - Auditorium - Prof. Teal

1445-1500 - Break /Students and Mentors: Transition to Working Group Rooms

1500-1600 - Students: Working Group Session - Break Out Rooms Mentors Participants: Discussion session - Learning Center

AGENDA - DEC 19 (Day 2)

0800-0900 - Students and Participants: Individual Preparation for the Seminar

0900-0930 - Review of Lessons from Day 1; Introduction of Day 2 Auditorium - Prof Teal

0930-1015 - Panel #2: Refugee and Migration Flows in the Americas: Human Rights and Humanitarian Perspectives Mr. Miguel R. Gonzalez (ICRC) / Ms. Melanie Nezer (HIAS) - Auditorium - Panelist1015-1045 - Q&A Session - Auditorium - Prof Teal1045-1100 - Break Students and Mentors: Transition to Working Group Rooms Participants: Transition to Learning CenterBreak Out Rooms

1100-1200 - Students: Working Group Session Participants: Discussion Session - Break Out Rooms

1200-1300 - Lunch & Student Independent Reading and Preparation

1300-1415 - Panel #3: Role of the Armed Forces and “Mano Dura” in Public Security: Human Rights and Humanitarian Perspectives General Juan Guillermo García Serna / Adam Isacson WOLA - Auditorium - Panelist1415-1445 - Q&A Session - Auditorium - Prof Teal1445-1500 - Break - Students and Mentors: Transition to Working Group Rooms - Participants: Transition to Learning Center

1500-1600 - Students: Working Group Session - Break Out Rooms - Mentors Participants: Discussion Session

AGENDA - DEC 20 (Day 3)

0800-0830 - Students and Participants: Individual Preparation for the Seminar

0830-0840 - Taped Message from High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet - UNHCHR - Auditorium

0840-0900 - Review of Lessons from Day 2; Introduction of Day 3 and Human Rights Presentation - Auditorium - Prof Teal

0900-1030 - Panel #4: Non Traditional Security Threats and Human Rights

Dr. Vanda Felbab Brown (Brookings)

Dr. Paulo Abrão, Representative from IACHR - Auditorium

1030-1200 - Students and Mentors: Working Group SessionParticipants: Discussion Session - Break Out Rooms -Mentors1200-1330 - Lunch and Small Group Time

1330-1445 - Panel 5: Operationalizing HR and IHL in the Americas: Critical Reflections and Comparative Cases Analysis/Enabling the End Game: Dr. Jorge C. Szeinfeld (Univ. La Plata) /Dr. Leana Bresnahan (U.S. SOUTHCOM) - Auditorium - Szeinfeld/Bresnahan1445-1500 - Q&A Session - Auditorium

1500-1600 Students: Working Group Session: Critical Engagement of Assigned Theme and Preparation of Presentation - Break Out RoomsMentors

Participants: Takeaways


Dr. Robert Goldman, USA American University Law School

Robert K. Goldman is Louis C. James Scholar; codirector, Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law; faculty director, the War Crimes Research Office; and professor of law. He holds expertise in international and human rights law, U.S. foreign policy, terrorism, and law of armed conflict. From 1996 to 2004 he was a member of the Organization of American States’ Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and its president in 1999.

From July 2004 to July 2005, Goldman was the UN Human Rights Commission’s independent

expert on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism. In October 2005, the International Commission of Jurists named him one of the eight jurists on the Eminent Jurists Panel on Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism, and Human Rights.

Dr. Goldman is author of The Protection of Human Rights: Past, Present and Future (1972); coauthor of Middle East Watch’s book, Needless Deaths in the Gulf War, a 1991 publication that assessed civilian casualties during the 39-day air campaign and assigned responsibility for violations of the laws of war; and coauthor of The International Dimension of Human Rights: A Guide For Application in Domestic Law(2001). He is also the author of scores of reports, papers, and articles on human rights and humanitarian law-related issues


Born in Caracas, Venezuela, she obtained her law degree from the Universidad Santa María in Caracas, and specialized in International Economic Law and Integration at the Central University of Venezuela. Doctoral candidate (Political Science) at the Central University of Venezuela.

Undergraduate and graduate professor at the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, Law School where she teaches the following subjects: Public International Law, International

Economic Relations, International Financial Institutions, and Geopolitics. She is also a member of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, School of Arts, there Teaches Sociology of Art, Political Analysis from the Cinematographic Perspective and Analysis of Socio-Cultural Reality.

She is also a professor at the Metropolitan University of Caracas School of Liberal Studies and School of Law and is the chair of New Trends in International Public Law and International Organizations.

Advisor to the Committee on Foreign Policy and Sovereignty and the Defense Committee of the National Assembly. Member of the Binational Environment Committee of the Venezuelan-Colombian Chamber of Integration, President of the Foreign Trade Committee of Fedecaramas and adviser of Foreign Policy and Defense to former Congresswoman María Corina Machado.She taught for 9 years at the Military Academy of Venezuela (Artillery and Army Infantry). She also reviewed theses written at the Venezuelan Army’s Command Staff School. She was a professor at the Institute of High Diplomatic Studies “Pedro Gual”.

She is a graduate of the Perry Center, and since 2001, has participated as an assistant professor. She is currently at the Perry Center as a visiting Fulbright Fellow to conduct research on her doctoral thesis: “Venezuela and Colombia: Multidimensional Analysis of the Border.”

General Javier Ayala Amaya Colombian Army

Javier Ayala Amaya es actualmente candidato a Doctor en Derecho de la Universidad Sergio Arboleda, y de la Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio de Madrid España, es Abogado de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga distinguido Cum Laude y Tesis Laureada. Se graduó como Oficial del Ejército Nacional con Honores en la Escuela Militar de Cadetes General José María Córdova condecorado con la Medalla al mejor alumno en tres oportunidades, en sus distintos cursos de ascenso se destaco como graduado de honor en la Escuela de Armas y Servicios y graduado

distinguido de la Escuela Superior de Guerra donde su Tesis fue galardonada. Teniente Coronel en reserva activa. En su perfil profesional se destacan dos Máster en instrucción de Derechos Humanos, Especialista en procedimiento penal, constitucional y justicia penal militar, especialista en administración de recursos militares, seguridad y defensa nacional y en Estado mayor.

La revista La Nota Económica lo destaca como uno de los egresados universitarios más destacados a nivel nacional. Culminada su carrera como Abogado fue becado para adelantar estudios en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid España donde se destaca como ponente ante el Doctorado de Derechos fundamentales e incrementa su formación asistiendo a programas de estudio en DDHH Y DIH en las Universidades de Alcalá de Henares e Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid. Fue Jefe de Derechos Humanos en los distintos niveles del Mando Batallón, Brigada, Ejercito Nacional, Ministerio de Defensa Nacional y primer Coordinador de la Escuela de Justicia Penal Militar, DD.HH y D.I.H. Implementando en estos cargos la Capacitación a distancia y Virtual en estas temáticas de trascendental importancia al interior de la Fuerza Pública y con ello masificando su alcance.Su destacada gestión en la Capacitación, promoción y divulgación de los Derechos Humanos rompe las fronteras al ser designado como Instructor invitado en Derechos Humanos al Instituto de Cooperación para la Seguridad Hemisférica ubicado en el Fuerte Benning en Columbus Georgia EE.UU cargo que aprovecho en el 2002 y 2008 para compartir sus experiencias con participantes de más de treinta siete países del Hemisferio Occidental.

Su afán por fortalecer su cultura en los Derechos Humanos lo lleva a participar en distintos centros de entrenamiento destacando el Programa de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Columbia en New York donde fue aceptado como Visiting Scholar, participo adicionalmente como Observador del concurso interamericano de derechos humanos en American University, conferencista en la Universidad de Notre Dame en Chicago y alumno de Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law en New York.Ha sido ponente en la Escuela Legal Internacional del Departamento de Defensa de los Estados Unidos en New Port Rhode Island, en la Universidad George Mason y becario de los cursos en derechos humanos, derecho internacional humanitario y resolución de conflictos del Instituto Raoul Wallenberg en la Universidadde Lund, de la Universidad de Upssala en Suecia y del Instituto internacional humanitario de San Remo Italia. Fue asesor en la Comisión Segunda del Senado y Director del área de D.I.H del Instituto de Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario Universidad Sergio Arboleda y Coordinador de Programas académicos, Director del CEESEDEN en 2013 y Decano en 2014 de la Escuela Superior de Guerra.


Possui graduação em Direito pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (1992), mestrado em Direito pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (1997), doutorado em Direito pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2002) e fez estágio pós-doutoral na University of Warwick (2009).

Atualmente é professor associado da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, professor associado da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e coordenador do Programa

de Pós-Graduação em Direito - Mestrado e Doutorado - da Universidade Estácio de Sá. É professor conferencista do Curso de Master Droit de l’Exécution de Peines et Droit de l’Hommes, organizado pelas Universidades de Bordeaux IV, de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour e École Nationale de Administration Penitentiaire (ENAP), em Agen, na França. É professor convidado da Loyola University, de Nova Orleans, Estado Unidos. É Secretário Geral da Association Internationale de Droit Penal (AIDP), Presidente do Grupo Brasileiro da AIDP, Vice-Presidente do Comitê Internacional de Penalistas Francofônicos e membro do Conselho Diretor do Istituto Superiore Internazionale di Scienze Criminali (ISISC), em Siracusa/ Itália. É membro da Comissão Especial de Estudos do Direito Penal da Seção do Estado do Rio de Janeiro da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil. Foi Conselheiro Titular do Conselho Nacional de Política Criminal e Penitenciária (CNPCP), vinculado ao Ministério da Justiça (2008-2012), e prestou consultoria técnica ao Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI), em matéria de lavagem de dinheiro e financiamento do terrorismo (2006).

Mr. Miguel R. GonzalezInternational Committee of the Red Cross

Es Licenciado en Relaciones Internacionales por la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, tiene un Diplomado en Educación en Derechos Humanos, por la cátedra UNESCO de Derechos Humanos, recibió formación en Estudios Estratégicos y Seguridad Internacional por la Universidad de Granada, España. Es egresado del Centro William J. Perry de Estudios Hemisféricos de la Defensa del curso Implicaciones Estratégicas de Derechos Humanos y Estado de Derecho.

Tiene estudios especializados en Derechos Humanos por el Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos en Costa Rica; de Derecho Internacional Humanitario por el Instituto Internacional de Derecho Humanitario en Sanremo, Italia; por el Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja en el Taller para Oficiales Superiores sobre las Reglas que rigen las Operaciones Militares, en Malasia; y sobre Uso Legítimo de la Fuerza por el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales en México.

Ha impartido conferencias, talleres, cursos y seminarios en diferentes recintos de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional, la Secretaría de Marina y la Policía Federal de México; así como para la Conferencia de las Fuerzas Armadas Centroamericanas (CFAC) en El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua y República Dominicana. Ha sido responsable de las dos ediciones del “Encuentro Internacional de La Habana sobre Derecho Internacional Humanitario y su relevancia en nuestros días”.

Ha sido ponente para la Iniciativa de Derechos Humanos del Comando Sur de los Estados Unidos, y del Seminario de Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario en el Colegio Interamericano de Defensa.

Fue condecorado con la Medalla de Plata de Tercer Grado de la Conferencia de las Fuerzas Armadas Centroamericanas.

Actualmente es el Coordinador Adjunto del Programa del CICR con Fuerzas Armadas y de Seguridad para México, América Central y Cuba.

Ms. Melanie NezerHebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)

Ms. Melanie Nezer is HIAS’ Senior Vice President, Public Affairs, responsible for planning, directing, managing and implementing strategies that successfully represent and connect HIAS externally, and optimize its impact. She oversees the departments of Communications, Community Engagement, Development and Policy and Advocacy.

Melanie also has served as HIAS’ Vice President, Policy and Advocacy and, previously, as Migration Policy Counsel and Director of the Employment Visa Program, representing at-risk Jewish professionals and religious workers seeking to work in the U.S. during times of instability and crisis in their home countries.

Before joining HIAS, Melanie was the Immigration Policy Director for the organization now known as US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI), where—in addition to conducting advocacy on immigration and asylum issues—she was co-editor of Refugee Reports and a writer for the annual World Refugee Survey. Prior to her work in Washington, Melanie was in private practice in Miami, Florida, where she specialized in immigration law and criminal defense.

Melanie obtained her law degree from Boston College Law School and her undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

General Juan Guillermo García SernaFuerza Aérea Colombiana

Nació en la ciudad de Medellín Antioquia ingresó a la escuela Militar de Aviación “Marco Fidel Suárez” (EMAVI), en el año 1979, graduándose como Subteniente el 1 de diciembre de 1981, Casado con dos hijos.

Militar en servicio activo, Oficial de Insignia de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana en el grado de Mayor General, de Profesión Administrador Aeronáutico y Abogado, con conocimiento integral del

Derecho, especializado en Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario, Derecho Penal, Gerencia Logística y Alta Dirección, Magister en Seguridad y Defensa, postulado al Doctorado en Derecho Internacional en la Universidad “Alfonso X El Sabio” de España.

Con alta experiencia en el sector público, durante su trayectoria he desempeñado diferentes cargos de relevancia al interior de la institución castrense; con aptitudes para liderazgo y mando en sus diferentes campos, con principios éticos e idoneidad que busca, indaga, analiza, interpreta y orienta al alto mando en todo lo relacionado con temas inherentes al área del Derecho Operacional, Derechos Humanos Derecho Internacional Humanitario Justicia Transicional y Memoria Histórica.

Ha recibido más de 50 condecoraciones entre las que se destacan: Orden de Boyacá – Gran Oficial, Orden al Mérito Militar “Antonio Nariño” – Gran Oficial, Orden del Mérito Militar “José María Córdova” – Gran Oficial, Orden Cruz de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana, entre otras.

Dentro de su desarrollo profesional ha tenido varios cargos como son: Comandante Escuadrón de Combustible – Escuela Militar de Aviación - Director Combustible de Aviación – Jefatura de Operaciones Logísticas - Jefe Departamento de Contratación – Estado Mayor de Contratación -Director de Agencia de Compras ACOFA - Fort Lauderdale FL - EUA - Comandante Grupo Técnico - Escuela Militar de Aviación- Comandante Grupo de Apoyo - Escuela Militar de Aviación- Jefe Jefatura Jurídica y Derechos Humanos – Fuerza Aérea Colombiana - Subjefe de Estado Mayor Conjunto de Fortalecimiento Jurídico Institucional -Jefe Delegación Militar Permanente ante la OEA – Washington- Vicepresidente JID – Washington.

Adam IsacsonWashington Office on Latin America

Adam Isacson joined the Washington Office on Latin America in 2010 after 14 years working on Latin American and Caribbean security issues with the Center for International Policy. At WOLA, his Regional Security Policy program monitors security trends and U.S. military cooperation with the Western Hemisphere. Since the late 1990s, Mr. Isacson focused especially on Colombia, the principal destination of U.S. aid in the region. His study

of U.S. policy and accompaniment of Colombia’s peace processes has brought him to Colombia about seventy times, including twenty of the country’s thirty-two departments.

Isacson has published and co-written dozens of reports and articles, testified before Congress several times, and led several congressional delegations. He holds an MA in International Relations from Yale University. Before WOLA and CIP, he worked for the Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress in San José, Costa Rica.

Isacson is known for commentary shared online daily through regular contributions to Security Assistance Monitor, WOLA’s Colombia, WOLA’s Border Fact Check, and other blogs. Among Latin America analysts, he has been a leader in cutting-edge use of technology for transparency, instant analysis, and advocacy purposes.

Dr. Vanda Felbab BrownCenter for 21st Century Security and Intelligence

Vanda Felbab-Brown is a senior fellow in the Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence in the Foreign Policy program at Brookings. She is also the director of the Brookings project, “Improving Global Drug Policy: Comparative Perspectives Beyond UNGASS 2016,” and co-director of another Brookings project, “Reconstituting Local Orders.” Felbab-Brown is an expert on international and internal conflicts and nontraditional security threats, including insurgency, organized crime, urban violence, and illicit economies. Her fieldwork

and research have covered, among others, Afghanistan, South Asia, Burma, Indonesia, the Andean region, Mexico, Morocco, Somalia, and eastern Africa.

Felbab-Brown is the author of “The Extinction Market: Wildlife Trafficking and How to Counter It” (Hurst, 2018); “Narco Noir: Mexico’s Cartels, Cops, and Corruption” (The Brookings Institution Press, 2019, forthcoming); “Militants, Criminals, and Warlords: The Challenge of Local Governance in an Age of Disorder” (The Brookings Institution Press, Fall 2017; co-authored with Shadi Hamid and Harold Trinkunas); “Aspiration and Ambivalence: Strategies and Realities of Counterinsurgency and State-Building in Afghanistan” (Brookings Institution Press, 2013); and “Shooting Up: Counterinsurgency and the War on Drugs” (Brookings Institution Press, 2010). She is also the author of numerous policy reports, academic articles, and opinion pieces. A frequent commentator in U.S. and international media, Felbab-Brown regularly provides congressional testimony on these issues. She has also been the recipient of numerous awards in recognition of her scholarly and policy contributions.

Among her recent publications are: “Can Colombia eradicate coca by drones? The illusion of a technological fix,” The Brookings Institution, July 24, 2018; “Death by bad implementation? The Duque administration and Colombia’s peace deal(s),” The Brookings Institution, July 24 2018; “Andrés Manuel López Obrador and a new era of politics in Mexico,” The Brookings Institution, July 3 2018; “The hard, hot, dusty road to accountability, reconciliation, and peace in Somalia,” United Nations University, June 2018; “In Nigeria, we don’t want them back,” United Nations University, June 2018; “How synthetic opioids can radically change global illegal drug markets and foreign policy,” The Brookings Institution, April 30, 2018; “Opioids of the Masses: Stopping an American Epidemic From Going Global,” Foreign Affairs, April 2018; “When Terrorists and Criminals Govern Better Than Governments,” The Atlantic, April 4, 2018; “Nigeria’s Troubling Counterinsurgency

Strategy Against Boko Haram: How the Military and Militias Are Fueling Insecurity,” Foreign Affairs, March 30, 2018; “After the ivory bans, diligent enforcement is needed,” The Brookings Institution, March 2, 2018; and “Bone of contention: Pragmatism versus ideology in countering poaching and wildlife trafficking,” The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, March 1, 2018.

Felbab-Brown received her doctorate in political science from MIT and her bachelor’s in government from Harvard University.

Dr. Paulo AbrãoExecutive Secretary

Paulo Abrão is the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) since August 16, 2016. A Brazilian national, he has a PhD in Law, he was a law professor in Brazil and Spain, he was the Executive Secretary of the Institute for Public Policies on Human Rights of MERCOSUR and Chairman of Brasil’s Amnesty Commission, in charge of the policies on reparations and memory for the victims of the dictatorship.

In the past he was Brazil’s Secretary of Justice, he was Chairman of the National Committee for Refugees and of the National Committee against Human Trafficking.

He has professional experience in the management of public policies, as well as financial and budgetary administration. He has worked in the academic, non-governmental, governmental and international areas, coordinating plural and diverse working teams. He also has experience in fundraising and directing international cooperation projects in partnership with international organizations.

Dr. Jorge C. SzeinfeldUniversidad Nacional de La Plata

Abogado, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP).

Especialista en Ciencia Política, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, UNLP.

Especialista en Defensa y Seguridad, Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, National

Defense University, Washington, United State of America.

Doctorado en Ciencias Jurídicas, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, UNLP. Docente de grado y posgrado, FPyCS y Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, UNLP.

Mrs. Leana BresnahanU.S. SOUTHCOM

Ms. Leana D. Bresnahan serves as Chief of the Human Rights Office of the U.S. Southern Command in Miami, Florida. Ms. Bresnahan has served at U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) since September 1996. She has built the human rights program at USSOUTHCOM, unique in the Department of Defense, from the ground up.

She developed a human rights awareness education program for Command and Department of Defense personnel and military

units deploying into the USSOUTHCOM Area of Responsibility. She serves as Command liaison to the human rights community, planning and executing events to encourage dialogue between USSOUTHCOM leaders and members of the human rights community.

Ms. Bresnahan designed and implemented the Command’s human rights engagement program with military and security forces in the USSOUTHCOM Area of Responsibility, and established and conducted the multi-year Human Rights Initiative involving military officers from throughout the region and representatives of human rights organizations, civil society, and academia. Prior to coming to USSOUTHCOM, Ms. Bresnahan served as an analyst for the International Criminal Investigative and Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) in the Department of Justice in the U.S. Embassy in Panama. In an earlier career, she served as assistant comptroller for a German company, DEGESCH GmbH. She also has extensive experience as a volunteer in non-governmental human rights and religious organizations.

Ms. Bresnahan’s hobbies are jazz music, jogging, yoga and languages. She speaks Spanish, French and German; and has studied Portuguese, Russian and Farsi. She is married to Ken Bresnahan. They have three daughters: Merritt, a doctor in the U.S. Army; Lauren, an environmental engineer working at a natural gas energy plant in California; and Kailyn, who graduated with a B.S. in Psychology from Florida State University and recently began working with an IT recruiting firm in Fort Lauderdale.


Bachelor's Degree with Honor in French with a minor in Political Science, University ofTulsaMaster's in International Management with Distinction, American Graduate School of International Management "Thunderbird"Master of Laws (LL.M.) in lntercultural Human Rights summa cum laude, St. Thomas University School of Law

PROFESSIONAL TRAININGHuman Rights Course, U.S. Army School of the AmericasHuman Rights Course, Action Center for Human RightsInter-Disciplinary Human Rights Course, Inter-American Institute of Human Rights155th Military Course in International Humanitarian Law, International Institute of Humanitarian Law, San Remo, Italy


U.S. Southern Command Certificates of Appreciation (Three)Commander's Awards for Civilian Service (Two)Joint Civilian Service Achievement AwardFederal Employee of the Year for South Florida 2002Medallas Militar ""Ministerio de Defensa Nacional"" Categorfa Unica Servicios Distinguidos (Colombia)/ Ministry of National Defense Military Medal for Distinguished Service, 2004 and 2007Joint Civilian Service Commendation Award

Christopher Teal M.A.IADC Professor

A career member of the Senior Foreign Service with the U.S. State Department, Christopher Teal is currently on a faculty assignment at the Inter-American Defense College at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C. He teaches graduate classes to senior level Latin American officials on diplomacy, human rights, military/civilian relations, and defense/security policy.

He recently completed a sabbatical fellowship at Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication.

He is directing a documentary on the first African-American diplomat, Ebenezer D. Bassett. The film, A Diplomat of Consequence, tells the story of this groundbreaking diplomat and pioneer on international human rights and examines the legacy of racial diversity today, nearly 150 years after his appointment.

Mr. Teal previously served as the Consul General at the U.S. Consulate in Nogales, Mexico. He oversaw programs on bilateral security, economic and trade promotion and cross-border exchanges between the United States and Mexico in the Sonora-Arizona region. His prior diplomatic assignments include: Public Affairs Officer for the U.S. Embassy in Colombo, Sri Lanka; Public Affairs Officer for the U.S. Consulate General in Guadalajara, Mexico; Cultural Affairs Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Lima, Peru and consular and press officer at the U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. In Washington D.C. he also worked at the State Department’s Foreign Press Center in charge of the African portfolio and in the European Bureau overseeing public affairs for Southern Europe and the Caucasus.

Before joining the Foreign Service, Prof. Teal worked with award-winning journalist Juan Williams on their biography Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary about the former U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Published by Times Books/Random House in October 1998, The New York Times listed it among their most notable non-fiction works of the year. His biography about Ebenezer Bassett, entitled Hero of Hispaniola, was published in 2008. He has a B.A. from the University of Arkansas and an M.A. in political science from George Washington University.

“Hemispheric solutions to hemispheric problems”