hull kr talk 8 = protein

Hull KR Nutrition Principles To play great you must hydrate For a longer career eat plenty of veg Start the day like a champion You are paid to eat Managing stress is the key to success Eat the right fats Deserve your carbs Lack of sleep dampens ability to utilize carbs The truth about carb loading

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Post on 07-May-2015



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Page 1: Hull kr talk 8 = protein

Hull KR Nutrition Principles

To play great you must hydrate

For a longer career eat plenty of veg

Start the day like a champion

You are paid to eat

Managing stress is the key to success

Eat the right fats

Deserve your carbs

Lack of sleep dampens ability to utilize carbs The truth about carb loading

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Principle 8- Mean machines need protein

Rich McKeating

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Two schools of thought Anti Protein


People get too much

large animals do not each much protein

Children grow big without a high protein diet

Protein causes cancer


Bodybuilders More protein =more

muscle Protein 2g per lb No matter where it

comes from

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Problems with protein Acidity Wheat Chemicals Hormones Steroids Antibiotics Kidney damage?

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Get this man some f**King eggs!

Real benefits of protein

TEF-30% higher

Prevent muscle breakdown

More protein= more IGF 1

Increase protein turnover- breakdown and rebuild

Increase amino acids= better brain function

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Best sources or proteinMeat/Fish/eggs




Dairy/ eggsGrains/ nutsvegetables

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EggsYolk is good for you


Vitamin E

Eggs are loaded with nutrients



B vitamins



Best protein source

No need for egg white Omelettes

Best Raw!/ boiled/ poached

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BeefGrass fed vs grain fed

Grain fed= 1/3 lower omega 3, 1/3 lower beta carotene,1/3 lower vitamin E

Grass fed produce 2 to 3 times more CLA

Half the fat is mono unsaturated

Great source of Zinc

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LambIs usually grass fed!


All RDI Vit A

Great source B- Vits

55% RDI Zinc

4 OZ Trimmed portion

90% potassium of a banana

30g Protein

9g saturated fat

1/3 RDI B12

25% RDI Zinc

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Wild Game• More omega 3 than

farmed meat

• Leaner cuts

• Great source of B vits, Iron, Potassium, zinc, selenium

• Possible risk of Lead contamination, eat sparingly

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Chicken and Turkey

Excellent lean source of protein

Contains many important vitamins and minerals too

Dark meat contains mostly mono unsaturated fats and has more zinc than light meat

Both contain selenium, low levels are associated with increased risk of cancer

High in the amino acid tryptophan which can be useful for those who struggle getting to sleep ( is higher the more quality the meat)

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Healthy Fish

eating fish twice a week may lesson the effects of Dyslexia, Autism Hepatitis ADHD Coronary heart disease Alzheimer's Stroke Diabetes and all inflammation diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Fry lightly in butter or bake

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Healthy FishLots of convenient tinned snacks or meals, sardines, Mackerel, pilchards etcTry not to get fish in vegetable oil, go for Olive oil, there own fat or tomatoes', mustard sauce etc.Tuna

packed in water takes away Omega 3’s

look for Olive Oil packed tuna steak has more omega 3

but will also be more contaminated

yellow fin contains almost no B12 where as Blue fin has 150% of daily value.

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Healthy FishWild Alaskan salmon, canned, frozen or fresh contains more Omega 3 than its farmed counterpartsFarmed Salmon is high in pro-inflammatory omega 6 due to their grain fed diet, as well as anti-biotic, red Dye and PCB'sWhite fish has less Omega 3 but is still a fantastic food, being low in calories, high in protein and B.Vitamins.

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Other great protein sources• Natural Organic Yoghurt

• Mozzarella, cottage cheese, haloumi

• Nuts, especially almonds

• Quinoa

• Vegetables and legumes are incomplete

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How much?20g at at time?Healthy adult male .6g per kg?

MinAthletes deplete muscle protein continuously, therefore need more!Athlete 2.2g per kg

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Hints and tipsEat Protein first

Consider drastically cutting down sugar

Do not overcook


Denatured sticky proteins

Combine protein sources

Chicken + Cottage cheese

Salmon + Lentils

Steak + Eggs

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Hints and tipsVariety is important to get most out of your protein

Quality is equally important

Burgers/ sausages/ cheap mince

Must balance out with alkaline foods






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• 5 Things you learnt today?

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