huawei dbs3900 lte network commissioning v1.1 enodeb

Clearwire Corporation 4400 Lake Washington Blvd.NE Kirkland, WA 98033 425.216.7600 (phone) 425.216.7900 (fax) Huawei eNodeB Network Commissioning Guide Document Number: Version: 1.1 Oct 01, 2012 CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY Limited Distribution to Authorized Persons Only Copyright © 2004 Clearwire Corporation.

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Comisionamiento DBS3900 LTE


Clearwire Corporation4400 Lake Washington Blvd.NE

Kirkland, WA 98033425.216.7600 (phone)

425.216.7900 (fax)

Huawei eNodeB Network Commissioning Guide

Document Number: Version: 1.1Oct 01, 2012

CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARYLimited Distribution to Authorized Persons Only

Copyright © 2004 Clearwire Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.

1 References...............................................................................................4

2 Revisions..................................................................................................5

3 Overview..................................................................................................6

4 eNodeB Overview......................................................................................84.1 BBU Chassis................................................................................................................84.2 RRUs............................................................................................................................9

5 Commissioning Preparation (Non-Maintenance Window)...........................115.1 Planning Data Preparation........................................................................................11

5.1.1 LTE Summary Data File......................................................................................115.1.2 How to get LTE Summary Data File...................................................................125.1.3 Common Configuration Template......................................................................12

5.2 Access the Huawei eNodeB EMS..............................................................................125.3 Set Auto Acknowledge Rule......................................................................................155.4 Prepare Commercial License....................................................................................185.5 Prepare Commissioning Task...................................................................................19

6 Commissioning Execution (Maintenance Window).....................................266.1 Establish and Check OM Link....................................................................................266.2 Change Initial Board Configuration..........................................................................316.3 Start Commissioning task.........................................................................................356.4 Complete eNodeB Commissioning...........................................................................366.5 Distribute LTE Commercial Licenses........................................................................386.6 Bind WiMAX and LTE.................................................................................................416.7 Set the eNodeB Status..............................................................................................44

7 Acknowledge Alarm Manually..................................................................47

8 Activate Counters...................................................................................52

9 Additional Configuration..........................................................................53

10 Enable RF Transmission.........................................................................56

11 Clear Alarms.........................................................................................58

12 Enable Access Barring (If Required)........................................................61

13 Verifying Operational Status..................................................................62

14 Backup eNodeB Configuration................................................................63

15 Useful eNodeB MML Commands.............................................................65

16 Cell Data Adjustment and Neighboring Configuration..............................66

Appendix A Default Configuration Recovery.............................................................74

1 ReferencesHuawei DBS3900 LTE BBU3900 Upgrade Guide

Huawei DBS3900 LTE Limited ATP Guide

Huawei DBS3900 LTE Full ATP Guide

2 RevisionsDate Revision Description Author

Aug 10, 2012

0.1 Initial release. Huawei

Aug 11 0.1 Internal review and optimization, Clearwire review.


Aug 13 0.2 Miscellaneous modifications according lab equipment operations

Huawei, Jeff Fry

Aug 14 0.3 First review draft for Clearwire

Huawei, Jeff Fry

Aug 15 0.4 Huawei edits. Huawei

Aug 15 0.5 Clearwire edits. Jeff Fry

Aug 28 0.6 Added LBBP before start commissioning

Huawei, Jeff Fry

Aug 29 1.0 Initial release. Added optional Section 12 Enable Access Barring.

Jeff Fry

Sep 16 1.01 Huawei edits and updates according to FOA deployment.

Huawei, Jeff Fry

Sep 19 1.02 Huawei edits and updates according to FOA deployment

Huawei, Jeff Fry

Oct 1 1.03 Add procedure how to manually acknowledge alarms and subscribe performance counters.

Huawei, Jeff Fry

Oct 1 1.1 Add additional configuration for basic troubleshooting and ALD/RET alarm clearance.

Huawei, Jeff Fry

3 OverviewThe purpose of the commissioning process is to add a new eNodeB into the LTE network. The final outcome of this process is a eNodeB that is ready for commercial service. This document covers the network commissioning procedures of the commissioning process. The field operation procedures are covered in the Huawei DBS3900 LTE Operation Procedure (Reference 1) .The complete commissioning process involves the coordination of the field operations team that performs the field test and the commissioning team that performs the network procedures.

Network commissioning is divided into Commissioning Preparation (Pre-load) and Commissioning (E xecution ) phase.

Commissioning preparation loads each eNodeB configuration on EMS and create a commissioning prior to eNodeB connectivity.

Commissioning execution occurs after hardware installation and backhaul connectivity. Ethernet port connectivity triggers DHCP and the commissioning auto deployment task. A health check report is provided when the auto deployment task is finished.

This document explains the network commissioning process and the following sections should be followed in the order they appear.

Figure 1: Network Architecture

4 eNodeB Overview

4.1 BBU Chassis

The section describes the hardware components of the BBU chassis. We will overlay new LTE components on the same WiMAX BBU chassis. Standard commissioning involves a single BBU (Baseband unit) chassis connected to 3 RRUs (Remote Radio Unit).

Figure 2: BBU with 3 RRUs

The BBU chassis has the following cards installed:Card Location Description

LMPT Slot 6 The LMPT is the main processing and transmission board for LTE

BMPT Slot 7 The BMPT is the main processing and transmission board for WiMAX.

LBBPc Slot 0 The LBBPc is the baseband processing and radio interface unit for LTE.

BBBI Slot 2-3 The BBBI is the baseband processing and radio interface unit for WiMAX.

UPEU UPEU0-1 The UPEU is the chassis power supply unit.FAN Fan Slot The fan unit for the chassis.BSBC Backplane The BSBC is the backplane of the chassis and provides power

supply and service channels for each board.

Figure 3: BBU Chassis Slot Locations

The typical new eNodeB will have one LMPT, one LBBPc, and 2 UPEU. The FAN and BSBC modules are standard components.

4.2 RRUsThe remote radio unit (RRU3702) receives RF signals and then transmits the processed signals to the BBU or the antenna system. The RRU are connected to the LBBP card via fiber and to the antenna via coaxial jumpers. The Huawei RRU3702 is a MIMO 4 transmit and 4 receive (4T4R) system that can support multiple carriers which was originally designed for WiMAX. Since overlay LTE on the existing RRU, WiMAX will use 2T2R (A and B) ports of RRU. LTE will use 2T2R (C and D ) ports of RRU.

Since the RRUs are external to the chassis, they are configured as RRU chain. Default is 0, 1, 2. Each RRU chain will bind LBBP and RRU CPRI port. The RRU and cell related configuration will be build on this chain. RRU will be configured as 60, 61 and 62 by default Figure 4 shows the RRU locations as depicted in EMS.

Figure 4: RRU Locations

5 Commissioning Preparation (Non-Maintenance Window)

Configuration data includes golden parameters, RF and IP design data from Clearvision, hardware design data from SAP (Site Action Plan).

Use the auto deployment function in M2000 to prepare the software, commissioning task, cold patch, hot patch, configuration data, DHCP information and eNodeB icon in the topology view.

RET and Environment alarms are configured on the WiMAX.

5.1 Planning Data PreparationIn preparation for LTE eNodeB commissioning, a LTE summary data file and a common configuration template are used to generate eNodeB configuration data. The LTE summary data file that contains hardware, network, and RF configuration must be created for each eNodeB. This is the responsibility of the commission team. Data for these files come from the market IP planning list and Clearvision. These files are used to configure the eNodeB from EMS. The common configuration template contains default parameters and is preloaded in the EMS.

Table 1 : eNodeB Configuration Templates

File Name


LTE Summary Data File

Specify each eNodeB configuration

Common Configuration Template

Specifies default common (Golden) configuration for each eNodeB

Note: If the same parameters are defined in both the summary data file and the template, the value in the summary data file will overwrite the data in the template.

5.1.1 LTE Summary Data File

The LTE summary data file is a Microsoft Excel file that is imported into the Configuration Management Express (CME)

component of the EMS as part commissioning preparation. The summary data file defines which parameters need to provided. Parameter values for multiple eNodeB can be filled out in one summary data file to facilitate bulk commissioning. Yellow background columns need to adjust according to each market/core/M2000. Blue background columns need to adjust according to each eNodeB design data.

5.1.2 How to get LTE Summary Data File

Please contact with Jeff Fry ([email protected]) or Nicole ([email protected]) to get the LTE Summary Data File.

5.1.3 Common Configuration Template

Parameters such as device parameters, radio parameters, and algorithm parameters that are common for eNodeBs are defined in the common configuration template. This template is preloaded in the EMS and is referenced by the LTE Summary Data File.

5.2 Access the Huawei eNodeB EMS

This section describes installation of the Huawei EMS client and general client access. Installation of the client can be performed via the Huawei EMS web interface. Please follow the next steps to install the EMS client.

1. Check with your administrator to setup your EMS login credentials.

2. Go to http://<Huawei EMS Hostname or IP>/cau.

Figure 5: Huawei EMS Installation Page

3. If Java is not already installed on your PC, click on the Download JRE link and follow the wizard steps to install Java.

4. To install the client, click the Setup button. A Java Web Start window show launch showing progress of the installation download. Follow the installation instructions to install the client.

Figure 6: Huawei EMS Client Installation

5. Once the installation is complete, launch the client from your Windows start menu Start->Programs->iManager M2000 Client->M2000 Client.

6. The first time you access the client, you must add the EMS server. Click on the “…” button to add the EMS server.

Figure 7: Add EMS Server

7. Provide your login credentials to access the EMS.

5.3 Set Auto Acknowledge Rule1. Login into EMS.

2. Choose Monitor->Alarm Setting->Options.

Figure 8 Deployment Mode Menu

3. Click Auto Acknowledge, and click Add.

Figure 9 Add NE to Deployment Mode

4. Click

Figure 10 Add Rule

5. Click Alarm Source Tab. Check Custom. Click Add and choose NE Type.

Figure 11 Add NE

6. Click DBS3900LTE and , then click OK.

7. Click OK

8. Choose Timed in Acknowledgement Mode and click OK.

9. Set Execution time as 12:30 and click OK.

5.4 Prepare Commercial License10. Login into EMS.

11. In WiMAX command window, input DSP ELABEL:DEVTYPE=SUBRACK,CN=0,SRN=0; to get BarCode.

The output should be as following,

12. Provide this information to the assigned Huawei engineer to obtain the eNodeB commercial license.

5.5 Prepare Commissioning Task1. Create a planned area.

Choose M2000->CM Express-> Planned Area->Create Planned Area. Enter the Planned Area Name and click OK.

2. Import LTE summary data file.

Choose CM Express->LTE Application->Import Data-> Import eNodeB Summary Data.

Click , select required LTE summary data file, and click Open.

Click Next, the CME will process the eNodeB configuration data from the LTE summary data file and common configuration template. After complete, check eNodeB and click Next.

CME imports eNodeB configuration data.

After importing finishes, click Finish.

eNodeB import will appear in the navigation tree (Planned Area).

3. Check the eNodeB configuration data.

Click , select eNodeB and click OK.

The progress bar is displayed. If the data validation does not succeed, change the configuration data as prompted until the validation succeeds.

4. Export the configuration data and create the commissioning task.

Click , Select Break on Failure for Progressing Mode. Select eNodeB, and click OK. The progress bar is displayed

Click Yes when it prompts “Do you want to go to the eNodeB Auto Deployment”.

Record the .csv file name for future use and click OK.

The commissioning task, DHCP information and eNodeB icon in the topology are created.

The eNodeB icon appears in the subnet in Topology.

The status of commissioning task is Waiting for Start.

5. Commissioning included several sub-tasks. Select a commissioning task, right click and choose Task Setting. Setting steps as following.

6. Click OK.

6 Commissioning Execution (Maintenance Window)

6.1 Establish and Check OM Link

Following operation will establish and check the OM link between the M2000 and the eNodeB.

1. Login into EMS.

2. Check BBU ESN if Field Tech can get BBU ESN from site.

In WiMAX command View, input DSP ELABEL:DEVTYPE=SUBRACK,CN=0,SRN=0; to get BBU ESN (BarCode).

The output should be as following,

3. (Optional)Check BBU ESN if Field Tech cannot get BBU ESN from site.

If field tech can’t get BBU ESN from site, ask for BMPT ESN (BarCode). Use DSP ELABEL:DEVTYPE=BOARD,CN=0,SRN=0,SN=7; get BarCode of BMPT. If BMPT ESN matched with BarCode in command result, use DSP ELABEL:DEVTYPE=SUBRACK,CN=0,SRN=0; to get BBU ESN as step 2.

The output should be as following,



+++    HUAWEI        2012-08-28 23:31:54

O&M    #589


RETCODE = 0  Operation succeeded.

Board electronic label


     Cabinet No.  =  0

     Subrack No.  =  0

        Slot No.  =  7

Electronic Label  =  /$[ArchivesInfo Version]


[Board Properties]




Description=TRAN, WD11BMPT2, WIMAX Main Processing & Transmission Unit C(2*FE/GE RJ-45 or 2*FE/GE SFP) - with RT GPS card






(Number of results = 1)

Board electronic label


     Cabinet No.  =  0

     Subrack No.  =  0

        Slot No.  =  7

        Port No.  =  0

Electronic Label  =  [Port_0]

/$[ArchivesInfo Version]


4. Select the commissioning task from the commissioning task list, and double-click eNodeB ESN cell. Click in the ESN value cell. The Bind ESN dialog box is displayed.

5. Select the ESN, and click OK to return to the commissioning task list. The task status will be Waiting for Start.

6. Right-click commissioning task, and then choose Start from the shortcut menu. The Task Settings dialog box is displayed. Check steps are set as following.

7. Click OK.

8. The Statue will change to Waiting for Manual Operation.

6.2 Change Initial Board Configuration

Check and change configuration in slot 0 to slot 6. After this operation, slot 0 is configured with LBBP and slot 6 is configured with LMPT. No matter slot 7 is initially configured or not, no need to change it.

1. If LMPT is not configured in slot 6 from factory, execute following MML command to eNodeB in MML command view to add LMPT.

After running this command, LMPT board will take about 2 minutes to restart.


2. If there are LBBP board configured in slot 1, slot 2, slot3, slot4, slot 5, need remove them.

For example, there is LBBP in slot 2, execute following MML command query corresponding RRU and RRUChain Number then remove RRU, RRUChain and LBBP.



RMV RRU:CN=0,SRN=[Result from LST RRU],SN=0;

RMV RRUCHAIN:RCN=[RRU Chain No. for this slot from LST RRUCHAIN Result];


3. If LBBP board in slot 0 is not configured, execute following MML command to eNodeB in MML command view.


4. After about 3 minutes, execute following command to query the software loading status. DSP SOFTSTATUS:;

The output should be as following, Idle means software loading finished or no need to loading.



+++    HUAWEI        2012-09-15 09:40:05

O&M    #307

%%/*61772*/DSP SOFTSTATUS:;%%

RETCODE = 0  Operation succeeded.


Result of NE software management status query


Status  Type  Name  Progress


Idle    NULL  NULL  NULL   

(Number of results = 1)



---    END

5. Execute following command to query boards status.


The output should be as following. Confirm state of LBBP in slot 0 and LMPT in slot 6 is Normal.


Display Board Information


Cabinet No.  Subrack No.  Slot No.  Type  Administrative state  Availability Status               Standby Status  Operational State  Alarm Status


0            0            0         LBBP  Unlocked              Normal   NULL                                   Enabled            Normal      

0            0            2         NULL  NULL                  Unconfigured, Communication lost  NULL            Disabled           Normal     

0            0            3         NULL  NULL                  Unconfigured, Communication lost  NULL            Disabled           Normal     

0            0            6         LMPT  NULL                  Normal  Active                                    Enabled            Normal     

0            0            7         NULL  NULL                  Unconfigured, Communication lost  NULL            Disabled           Normal     

0            0            16        FAN   NULL                  Normal                            NULL                                      Enabled            Normal     

0            0            19        UPEU  NULL                  Normal                            NULL                                     Enabled  Normal     

 (Number of results = 7)

6.3 Start Commissioning task

1. On the Deployment List tab page, right-click commissioning task, and then choose Manual Confirm from the shortcut menu.

2. The M2000 starts commissioning and the selected commissioning tasks switch to the Running status.

3. Click . the execution status, description, start time and end time will be displayed on the right pane.

6.4 Complete eNodeB Commissioning

1. Execute following command to query software version.


The output should be as following.



+++ HUAWEI 2012-09-16 18:58:20

O&M #4007

%%/*45007*/DSP BRDVER:;%%

RETCODE = 0 Operation succeeded.

Result of current board software query


Cabinet No. Subrack No. Slot No. Type Software Version Hardware Version BootROM Version Operation Result

0 0 0 LBBP V100R004C00SPC270 45570 Operation succeeded.

0 0 2 NULL NULL NULL NULL The board has not been configured.

0 0 3 NULL NULL NULL NULL The board has not been configured.

0 0 6 LMPT V100R004C00SPC270 41216 Operation succeeded.

0 0 7 NULL NULL NULL NULL The board has not been configured.

0 0 16 FAN 101 FAN.2 NULL Operation succeeded.

0 0 19 UPEU NULL NULL NULL Operation succeeded.

0 60 0 MRRU 1D.094.10.017 MRRU.HWEI.bB3610200 1D.005.10.017 Operation succeeded.

0 61 0 MRRU 1D.094.10.017 MRRU.HWEI.bB3610200 1D.005.10.017 Operation succeeded.

0 62 0 MRRU 1D.094.10.017 MRRU.HWEI.bB3610200 1D.005.10.017 Operation succeeded.

(Number of results = 10)

--- END

2. Go to M2000->Configuration > Auto Deployment > eNodeB Auto Deployment. Right click one commissioning task with status Waiting for Confirmation, choose Confirm Completion to complete eNodeB commissioning.

6.5 Distribute LTE Commercial Licenses

1. Choose M2000->License > NE License Management > Stand-Alone License Management.

2. Close Filter.

3. Select NE License Maintenance from the navigation tree.

4. Click . In the displayed Synchronize NE Information dialog box, select NEs to be synchronized, and click

to accomplish NE synchronization.

5. Click . In the displayed Load License File dialog box, load the license key files saved in your pc.

6. Click Next.

7. Click Select to choose NE.

8. Click Finish.

6.6 Bind WiMAX and LTE

9. Choose Configuration->Multi-Mode Base Station Management->Multi-Mode Relationship Management.

10. Click Relationship Management tab and Choose Bind. The Bind New MeNodeB dialog box is displayed. Select WiMAX and LTE eNodeB and click OK.

11. After binding is complete, it will show as following in Relationship Management.

12. Click Check Correlations tab and select Check->By MBTS.

13. Select MBTS and click OK.

14. Status shows normal.

6.7 Set the eNodeB Status

15. Choose Maintenance->Maintenance Mode.

16. Click , select eNodeB , set NE Mode as Normal, choose Instant. Click OK.

17. Click Yes.

18. Click Close.

19. Click , Query Mode window is displayed. Select the eNodeB. Click OK.

20. Check NE Mode in Maintenance Mode shows NORMAL.

7 Acknowledge Alarm ManuallyFollow the next steps to acknowledge alarm manually if necessary.

1. Select Monitor->Browse Alarm List.

2. In Basic Setting table, click Advanced.

3. Click Special Status, then click Values. Click Testing and Use select it. Click OK.

4. Click OK.

5. In Alarm Source table, check Custom and choose Add->NE Type.

6. Click DBS3900 LTE and use to select it. Click OK.

7. Click OK in Filter.

8. Choose alarms and click Acknowledge.

8 Activate CountersFollow the next steps to activate counters of all eNodeB.

9. Select Performance->Measurement Management.

10. Click Measurement Settings. Check Function Subset. Choose function subset of eNodeB in left navigation tree. Choose all eNodeB. Click 60 minutes table. Right click in counter table and choose Select All. Check All in Object. Check New object auto measue. Click Apply.

9 Additional ConfigurationFollow the next steps to perform additional configuration.

11. Select Maintenance->MML Command.

12. In the NE tree, select the eNodeB to bring up the MML command interface.

13. Execute the following commands.“DSP ETHPORT” for check Ethernet port status and negotiation result with switch port. This also could verify field tech install Ethernet cable to GE/FE0 or GE/FE1.

“DSP SFP” was used for check each eSFP port status of LBBP. You could find transmission rate, power (Tx and Rx), multi mode or single mode. This could be used for CPRI link troubleshooting.

“DSP ARP” was used for check each port next hop configuration. Switch port may be configured wrong next hop and VLAN. This could help us to identify if DHCP function doesn’t work in the field.

14. If additional MML configuration is needed, it can also be added.

10 Enable RF TransmissionDuring the configuration and software upgrade of the eNodeB, the RF transmission was disabled. The sectors must now be enabled in order to perform field validation. Follow the following steps:

1. Select Maintenance->MML Command.

2. In the NE tree, select the eNodeB to bring up the MML command interface.

3. Execute the command ACT CELL for each of the sectors and carriers to enable RF. Sectors and carriers are 0-indexed.

4. Check the sector and carrier status by executing DSP CELL. This will list all the cells and Cell Instance State should appear as Normal.

11 Clear AlarmsDuring the commissioning process some alarms are generated that must be cleared manually:

1)Minor RF Unit ALD Switch Configuration Mismatch

Execute “LST RET” to check if there is no RET device, please use command “MOD RETPORT” to switch off RET port. This alarm will be cleared.

2)Minor RF Unit ALD Current Out of Range

The actual power could be 30mA, however the low threshold was configured as 40 by default. So execute “MOD RETPORT” to change threshold the same as WiMAX with standard configuration. You need to select “USER_SELF_DEFINE”. The recommended standard value are as bellow for WiMAX and LTE dual mode sites:






3)Major ALD Maintenance Link Failure.

Execute “SCN ALD” to clear the alarm in both LTE and WiMAX.

The following steps explain how to clear other alarms.

1. Select Monitor->Current Fault Alarms.

2. In the Filter dialog, uncheck Cleared on the Base Setting tab.

3. On the Alarm Source tab, select Objects selected from the device object tree and click Select… This will launch the Select object dialog.

4. Expand the DBS3900 LTE node and select your eNodeB.

5. Click the > button to select the eNodeB.

6. Select OK on the Select object dialog.

7. Select OK on the Filter dialog. This will display the current active alarms for the eNodeB.

8. Select the alarms above, right-click and select Clear.

9. Confirm the clearing of the alarms.

10. If there is no alarms, you could just skip this step.

12 Enable Access Barring (If Required)During the configuration and software upgrade of the eNodeB, the RF transmission was disabled. The sectors must now be enabled in order to perform field validation. Follow the following steps:

5. Select Maintenance->MML Command.

6. In the NE tree, select the eNodeB to bring up the MML command interface.

7. Execute the following command for each cell and tracking area:


13 Verifying Operational StatusAfter the commissioning is complete, the eNodeB status must be verified before performing drive tests. Refer to Huawei DBS3900 LTE Limited ATP guide and Huawei DBS3900 LTE Full ATP guide.

14 Backup eNodeB ConfigurationAfter hardware and RF configuration is complete, following the next steps to backup the eNodeB configuration.

1. Select Maintenance->Backup Management->NE Backup.

2. Select the eNodeB for backup and click the Backup button.

3. Confirm the backup execution.

4. Select the eNodeB row in the NE backup list and click the Download To OMC Client button. This saves the configuration file to your local client.

15 Useful eNodeB MML CommandsThe following commands may be useful for troubleshooting.

Command Description

DSP CPRIPORT Checks the fiber port.

DSP SWR Reports the system VSWR from the RRU.

DSP BRDVER Displays the bootROM and application software for the individual boards. Also displays the hardware version.

LST ALMAF Lists the active alarms (Same as the Alarm window).

LST SOFTWARE List the main software package on the eNodeB.

LST RRU Lists the number of RRU and their subrack assignments.

LST BRD Lists BBU chassis slot assignments.



Used to enable/disable transmission of a sector or carrier.

PING Used to ping from the eNodeB.

ULK USR If the LMT user is locked out due to too many failed login attempts, this command can be used to unlock the user.

16 Cell Data Adjustment and Neighboring Configuration

If neighboring data is not ready during commissioning, you can add neighboring data after commissioning. You can also use this procedure to adjust cell data if necessary.

1. Create a planned area.

Choose M2000->CM Express-> Planned Area->Create Planned Area.

Fill out Planned Area Name. Click eNodeB and click to choose eNodeB from current area. Click OK.

2. Choose CM Express->LTE Application->Export Data->Export Radio Network Planning Data.

Click eNodeB and click to choose eNodeB from planned area. Click Next.

3. Keep default setting as following and click Next.

4. Check Cell, EutranExternalCell and EutranIntraFreqNCell. Click Next.

5. Click to set File Path. Click Next.

6. Click Finish.

7. Edit file exported.8. Choose CM Express->LTE Application->Export Data-

>Import Radio Network Planning Data.

Click Add to select file edited. Click Next.

9. Check NE and click Next.

10. After importing data is done, click Finished.

11. Check the eNodeB configuration data.Click , select eNodeB and click OK.The progress bar is displayed. If the data validation does not succeed, change the configuration data as prompted until the validation succeeds.

12. Click to export incremental scripts.

13. Click to export incremental scripts.

14. Set Script Executor Operation as following. Click OK.

15. Progress bar shows in Script Executor.

Appendix A Default Configuration RecoveryIf the configuration of the eNodeB becomes corrupt, you can recover the default configuration in order to re-attempt commissioning. The following steps will activate the default configuration, reset the eNodeB, and then start the DHCP process.

1. Select Maintenance->MML Command.

2. In the NE tree, select the eNodeB to bring up the MML command interface.

3. Execute the following command to activate the default configuration and reset the eNodeB.


4. Choose Configuration->Auto Deployment->eNodeB Auto Deployment.

5. Right click commission task in Deployment List, choose Delete.

6. Click Yes.

7. Click Yes.

8. Click Prepare File&Data, click NE Configuration Data.

Select the old configuration file record and click Delete.

9. Click Prepare File&Data, click Deployment List.

Select the old deployment list and click Delete.

10. Choose Topology->Main Topology.

11. Delete eNodeB in topology.

12. Redo 6.7 Prepare Commissioning Task and 7 Commissioning (Execution).