huashan, china

HuaShan, China 7,087 ft - A true story of inspirational endurance. Monday, August 20, 2012 by Bob Levin This story was reported to me through sources in China. This man is one of eight persons performing the job of a human carrier who brings goods to the top of HuaShan. He did not start out to do this job, but his wife died and left him to care for his parents and two small children. Each week except one, he works and sends money back home. The only time that he did not send money home to his parents was after the earthquake when he donated a week's pay for the relief effort. One day a coworker asked him to work a double shift and he agreed. On the way home he had a car accident and lost his arm. Today he can now carry his own weight up the mountain. There is no flat land in HuaShan. He lives for the day when able to rejoin his family and be able to thank his parents for taking care of his children. His reality is on his back and in the people he loves at home; it isn't the luxury of tampering with the addictive cyber poison of synthetic social media environments like facebook, yelp and others that are meant to slowly erode the individual sense of self-identity where one will eventually recognize the self-inflicted harm of the applied four principles comprising the CIA Torture Paradigm.

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HuaShan, China 7,087 ft - A true story of inspirational endurance.


Page 1: HuaShan, China

HuaShan, China 7,087 ft - A true story of inspirational endurance. Monday, August 20, 2012

by Bob Levin

This story was reported to me through sources in China. This man is one of eight persons performing the job of

a human carrier who brings goods to the top of HuaShan. He did not start out to do this job, but his wife died

and left him to care for his parents and two small children. Each week except one, he works and sends money

back home. The only time that he did not send money home to his parents was after the earthquake when he

donated a week's pay for the relief effort. One day a coworker asked him to work a double shift and he agreed.

On the way home he had a car accident and lost his arm. Today he can now carry his own weight up the

mountain. There is no flat land in HuaShan. He lives for the day when able to rejoin his family and be able to

thank his parents for taking care of his children. His reality is on his back and in the people he loves at home; it

isn't the luxury of tampering with the addictive cyber poison of synthetic social media environments like

facebook, yelp and others that are meant to slowly erode the individual sense of self-identity where one will

eventually recognize the self-inflicted harm of the applied four principles comprising the CIA Torture Paradigm.

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