http session replication with oracle coherence, glassfish, weblogic

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In this talk we will cover the integration of Coherence and Application Servers like Oracle WebLogic and Oracle GlassFish Server, and touch on the native capabilities of each server for HTTP session state management as well. The integration makes it simpler to access Coherence named caches through resource injection. It also provides an optimized integration of Coherence*Web for HTTP session state management. From a management perspective, it offers Coherence cluster configuration support through the WLS administration domain as well as Runtime monitoring support through the WebLogic console.


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In memory session replication with WebLogic, GlassFish and Coherence



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• ActiveCache - Coherence*Web• Deployment Models• Session Models• Locking Modes• Cluster Node Isolation• Session and Session Attribute Sharing• ActiveCache - WebLogic Server 10.3 • ActiveCache - Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1

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What: Distributed HTTP Session Management

Span Applications: Seamlessly share sessions between applications

Span Heterogeneous Environments: Share sessions between WebLogic, OAS, WebSphere, JBoss

Handle Large Sessions: Store more information within the session

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Decouple session management from web container

Handle more users without adding more application servers

Restart/maintain applications/containers without loosing sessions

Handle very large sessions efficiently

Keep session data coherent under heavy load

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Deployment Models

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Deployment Models:In-Process

• Session state maintained within app server process

• Default model for ease of demonstration


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Deployment Models:Out-of-Process

• Two tiers – app server and cache server

• Session data storage is offloaded from the app server tier

• Each tier can be scaled independently

Default recommendation due to flexibility

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Deployment Models:Out-of-Process-Extend

• Similar to the Out-of-Process deployment model

• Communication between tiers is over Coherence*Extend (i.e. TCP/IP)

• Ideal in environments where network does not support UDP

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Session Models

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Session Models: Traditional

• Manages each session in a single Coherence cache entry…

• … But manages each session attribute’s serialization/deserialization separately

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Session Models: Monolithic

• Similar to the Traditional Model…

• … But serializes and deserializes all session attributes together in a single object stream.

• Solves the shared object issue

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Session Models:Split

• Session meta-data and “small” attributes stored in one cache

• “Large” attributes stored in a separate cache

• Easily supports very large session objects

• Leverages near caching for “small” attributes


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Locking Modes

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Locking Mode

Optimistic Locking (default)Allows multiple nodes in a cluster to access an HTTP session

simultaneously. Concurrent updates are detected and rejected using an optimistic approach.

Member LockingDoes not allow more than one node in the cluster to access

an HTTP session.

Thread LockingDoes not allow more than one thread in the cluster to access

an HTTP session.

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Cluster Node Isolation

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Cluster Node Isolation:App Server Scoped

• All deployed applications in each app server instance will be part of one Coherence node.

• Will result in the smallest number of Coherence nodes (one per web container JVM).

• Minimizes resource utilization (only one copy of the Coherence classes loaded per JVM)

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Cluster Node Isolation:EAR Scoped

• All deployed applications within each EAR will be part of one Coherence node.

• Will result in the next smallest number of Coherence nodes (one per deployed EAR that uses Coherence*Web).

• Reduces the deployment effort as no changes to the application server classpath are required.

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Cluster Node Isolation:WAR Scoped

• Each deployed web applications will be its own Coherence node.

• Will result in the largest number of Coherence nodes (one per deployed WAR that uses Coherence*Web).

• Results in the largest resource utilization out of the three options (one copy of the Coherence classes loaded per deployed WAR).

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Session and Session Attribute Scoping

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Session and Session Attribute Scoping

Session Scoping• Coherence*Web allows session data to be shared by

different Web applications deployed in the same or different Web containers.

Session Attribute Scoping• Extension of Session Scoping allowing for scoping of

individual session attributes so that they are either globally visible or scoped to an individual web application.

• Behavior is controllable via the AttributeScopeController interface. Two out of the box implementations:

ApplicationScopeController and GlobalScopeController

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ActiveCache and WebLogic

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ActiveCache and WebLogic

• Integration of Coherence and WebLogic Server– Incremental progress since

launch of 11g

• The whole is greater than sum of its parts!– Coherence*Web SPI Support

for HTTP Sessions– Dependency Injection– Configuration, Lifecycle and

and Monitoring of Coherence Clusters and Servers


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WebLogic Server Installers with Coherence

• PS2 installer includes Coherence 3.5.3p2• $MW_HOME\coherence_3.5

• PS3 installer includes Coherence• $MW_HOME\coherence_3.6

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• Shipped with WebLogic Server distribution• Required for advanced WebLogic Server and Coherence

integration• Manage Coherence configuration with WLS MBeans and WLS

Console• Dependency Injection in JEE modules• Manages Coherence Lifecycle in JEE modules• How to reference from applications:

– EAR scope - Import into the JEE application as a shared library jar in weblogic-application.xml

– WAR scope - Import as an optional package via META-INF/– Server scope – reference this jar from the system classpath

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active-cache-1.0.jar (continued)

Manifest-Version: 1.0Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.1Created-By: R28.0.2-3-133398-1.6.0_20-20100512-1453-windows-ia32 (Orac le Corporation)Specification-Title: active-cacheSpecification-Version: 1.0Implementation-Title: active-cacheImplementation-Version: 1.0Extension-Name: active-cacheClass-Path: @BEA_HOME@/modules/features/weblogic.server.modules.cohere nce.integration_10.3.4.0.jar ../../../modules/features/weblogic.serve r.modules.coherence.integration_10.3.4.0.jar

• META-INF/ file uses relative paths to refer to other WLS libraries, so refer to this jar in the location: $WLS_HOME/common/deployable-libraries

• If you copy it out of that location it will not work

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• Shipped with Coherence distribution in $COHERENCE_HOME/lib

• Contains core Coherence classes• How to reference from applications:

– EAR scoped - reference as a shared library in weblogic-application.xml (recommended) or embed in APP-INF/lib

– WAR scoped - embed in an application in WEB-INF/lib– Server scoped - can be put on the system classpath

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• Shipped with Coherence distribution in $COHERENCE_HOME/lib

• Contains WebLogic Server SPI implementation for HTTP Session storage in Coherence

• Reference as a shared library in web module WEB-INF/weblogic.xml

• Contains default cache configuration for session storage WEB-INF/classes/session-cache-config.xml (can be overridden via classpath)

• Local storage defaults to false by default

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Node Manager and Coherence Servers

• Coherence Servers need classpath to include $MW_HOME/modules/features/weblogic.server.modules.coherence.server_10.3.4.0.jar

• META-INF/ contains relative references to other WebLogic Server libraries, so refer to it in the default location and do not copy it

• If no classpath entries are specified in Startup tab, this jar and coherence.jar are added by default implicitly by Node Manager

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ActiveCache and GlassFish

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ActiveCache and Oracle GlassFish Server

• Integration of Coherence and GlassFish– For commercial

distribution, not open source edition

• Coherence*Web support for HTTP Sessions


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Getting Started

• Configure your session to use Coherence*Web– Edit glassfish-web.xml

<glassfish-web-app error-url=“”>


<session-manager persistence-type=“coherence-web” />



• Advanced configuration options available in glassfish-web.xml– Defaults will handle most web applications– Additional <context-params> elements will override or add

new configuration

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Preparing your GlassFish application(s)

• Configuration changes do require restart of Web App• Extract coherence-web.jar and session-cache-

config.xml from coherence\lib\webInstaller.jar/web-install

• Copy session-cache-config.xml to WEB-INF\classes• If clustered, copy coherence.jar to appropriate location

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Example: preparing your GlassFish Server

• Example: clustered, in-process deployment model• Create/configure domain

– Use asadmin at command line to create and start– Use GF console to add appropriate JVM options

• coherence –D JVM arguments

• Example JVM options• Well known addresses (as opposed to multicast)• If multi-homed system that has multiple IPs, which IP to bind to

• Tell glassfish to use cache servers for storage, not the in the GlassFish JVM, e.g.

•Session.localstorage=false (ensuring use of coherence cache server, not GF)

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Example continued

• Example: clustered, in-process deployment model• Configure load balancer (ex. Apache)

– Configure JVM for cluster or standalone servers to use– Configure / Enable mod_jk.conf load balancer plug-in

• Mount paths defined in– Edit list to accommodate cluster members– Enable mod_jk for GlassFish

• –Djvmroute option for routing to LB• JVM -D option for location of &• In GF console, enable JK network listener for Apache

– for AJP protocol

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Coherence User Guide

Coherence*Web Session Management*Web+Session+Management+Module

Coherence*Web and WebLogic Server*Web+and+WebLogic+Server

Coherence*Web and WebLogic Portal*Web+and+WebLogic+Portal

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