hsla review packet. basic chemistry an atom is a basic chemical building block of matter. an atom...

HSLA Review Packet

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HSLA Review Packet

Basic Chemistry• An atom is a basic chemical building block

of matter. An atom consists of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Particle Charge LocationProton Positive In nucleusNeutron Neutral nucleusElectron negative Orbits the nucleus

• Which particles determine the mass of an atom? The number of protons plus the number of neutrons

• Which particle refers to the atomic number for an element? Protons

4. Identify the atomic number and the atomic mass for this element.

• atomic number _1_

• atomic mass __1.0079_Hydrogen



Measuring Matter

1. How is density calculated? Density = mass/volume

2. What is the density of an object with a volume of 15cm3 and a mass of 45g?

• 3.0 g/cm33. What is the density of an object with a

volume of 30cm3 and a mass of 60 g?• 2.0 g/cm34. What is the density of an object with a

volume of 30 cm3 and a mass of 25g?• 0.83 g/cm3

5. Use the densities to describe the placement of each of these objects in a container of water (the density of water is 1.0 g/cm3). The object with a density of 0.83 g/cm3 will float in water; the other two objects will sink in the container.

Structure of the Interior of Earth

The Earth's interior consists of rock and metal. It is made up of four main

layers. Describe each layer in terms of temperature, composition, and


Layer of the Earth

Temperature Composition Thickness

Inner Core 6600 C Solid Nickel and iron

5200 – 6400 km

Outer Core 5500 C Liquid nickel and iron

2900 – 5200 km

Mantle 1500 – 5000 C Silicon and oxygen

670 – 2900 km

Crust Surface temperatures –

1000 C

Mostly silicon and oxygen

35 km

• The crust and the mantle can be divided into the lithosphere and asthenosphere. Describe each

of these layers.

Layer Description Crust, Mantle, or


Physical State

Lithosphere outermost layer

Crust and mantle


Asthenosphere Layer beneath the


Part of the lower mantle

Soft solid; has



• What is a mineral? a solid with a crystalline structure that is naturally occurring, with a defined chemical composition.

1.Use the table below to describe the properties of minerals.

Property Description Examples

Color Most easily observed, but the least useful

Pink, grey, green, blue

Luster The way light is reflected from a newly exposed


Metallic or nonmetallic(glassy, pearly, waxy)

Streak The color of the mineral in the powder form

Pink, grey, dark colored, no streak

Crystal Structure Pattern of a mineral controlled by the

arrangement of atoms

Hexagonal, cubic,

Hardness The ability of one mineral to scratch another; the

softer mineral gets scratched

Talc – 1.0Feldspar – 6.0

Diamond – 10.0

Cleavage or Fracture

The surface displayed when a mineral breaks

Smooth/flat surfaceRough/irregular surface

Acidity The concentration of acid in a mineral

High acidity = calcite

Magnetism The force exerted by a magnetic field

Strong attraction = high iron content

Class Description Example and Formula

Silicates Most common mineral group; contains silicon and oxygen

Talc - (Mg,Fe)3Si4O10(OH)2

Carbonates Contains a carbonate group (CO3).

Calcite (CaCO3)

Oxides consist of oxygen and another element

(H2O) and magnetite (Fe3O4)

Sulfides Contain sulfur ions Pyrite, FeS2 or “fool’s gold”

Sulfates Contain a sulfate group (SO4) Anhydrite CaSO4

Halides Contain a “salt” ion such as Na, Cl, or F

Halite (NaCl)

Native Elements

Minerals that exist in pure elemental form

gold (Au), silver (Ag), and copper (Cu)

1. Minerals can also be classified according to color. Which minerals are silicates that are low in iron and magnesium and light in color? Felsic

2. Give an example of the type of mineral described in number 4 and write the chemical formula. Quartz (SiO2)

3. Which minerals are silicates that contain higher levels of iron and/or magnesium and are dark-colored? Mafic

4. Give an example of the type of mineral described in number 6 and write the chemical formula.

Olivine ((Fe, Mg)2SiO4)


5. According to the table, which mineral is capable of scratching garnet? Corundum

Rocks• What is a rock? A mixture of minerals,

mineraloids, glass, or organic matter

Rock How it Forms

Igneous Melting, cooling, and solidification of magma

Metamorphic Heat, pressure, and crystallization

Sedimentary Compaction and cementation

Draw a diagram of the rock cycle below. Use the terms in #3 in

your diagram to show the processes that form rocks.

Physical Weathering breakdown of rocks and minerals by

a mechanical process.

Freezing and thawing of water, plant

growth, actions of animals, friction

Chemical Weathering chemical change that results in the decomposition of

rocks and minerals.

Chemical reactions: oxygen, water, carbonic acid

2. Which is an example of chemical weathering?

– Ice wedging– Oxidation– Plant growth

3. What is metamorphism? the changes in the composition and/or texture of a rock that result from increasing pressure and/or temperature.

4. What are two types of metamorphism? Describe each. Contact metamorphism occurs when rocks come in contact with a heat source. Regional metamorphism occurs when a large area of rock undergoes increased temperatures and pressure.

3. What type of metamorphism is described in this example?

Marble is created from limestone that has been subjected to heat from an

igneous intrusion.

4. What are factors that increase the rate of weathering? Higher temperatures, increased water flow, increased surface area

3. Sedimentary rocks form from sediment . Explain how sediments are deposited along the bottom of an ocean floor according to size. The largest sediments are deposited near the shore. Increasingly smaller sediments settle out farther from the shore where the water is calmer.

Rock How it Forms

Igneous Melting, cooling, and solidification of magma

Metamorphic Heat, pressure, and crystallization

Sedimentary Compaction and cementation

2. How does the cooling rate of an igneous rock affect its’ texture? Give and example of a rock with slow cooling rate and fast cooling rate.

Quick cooling = fine grains (pumice)/slow cooling = coarse grains (granite)

2. Describe the texture of a foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rock.

Foliated metamorphic rocks have layers or bands of crystals (gneiss/slate). Nonfoliated metamorphic rocks do not have layers or bands of crystals and are usually more uniform (marble/quartzite)


1. What is weathering? The process that breaks rocks down into smaller particles

Weathering Type Description Causes