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  • 8/14/2019 HSK basic Vocabulary List.pdf


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    Hanzi (Simplified) Pinyin English


    a ah

    i short; low

    i love

    irn husband; wife; sweetheart

    njng quiet; peaceful

    npi plan; arrange

    b eight

    b bunch

    b (function word)

    bba pa; dad; father

    ba (modal particle ending a sentence)

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    bi white; blank

    bi hundred

    bi put; put on; sway

    bn class; team

    bn move; carry

    bn half; halfway

    bntin half a day; a long time

    bn do; deal with

    bnf way; means; measure

    bngngsh office

    bngzh help; assis t; aid

    bo be full

    bo hug; embrace

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    bo newspaper; gazette

    bi cup; glass

    bizi cup; glass

    bi north

    bibin north; north side

    bi times; -fold

    bi by

    bn book; root; capital

    bnzi book; notebook

    b emulate; compare; than

    bjio compare; contrast; relatively

    bsi match; competition; game

    b pen; pencil

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    bx must; have to

    bin side

    bin change; become

    bin chng change into; turn into

    binhu change; vary

    bin time

    bio () watch; () table; meter; chart

    biosh show; express; indicate

    bioxin show off; express; display

    bioyn perform; act; play; demonstrate

    bioyng praise; commend

    bi don't

    bide other; another

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    ci just

    ci dish; course; vegetable; greens

    cngun visit; look around

    cnji join; take part in; attend

    cochng playground; sports ground

    co grass; straw

    cng layer; story

    ch tea

    ch examine; investigate; look up

    ch short of; differ from; poor

    chng often; frequently

    chngchng often; frequently

    chng long

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    chng field; scene

    chng sing

    cho toward; face

    ch vehicle

    chzhn station; stop

    chng town; city

    chngsh town; city

    chng accomplish; become

    chngj success; achievement; score

    ch eat; live on; annihilate

    chdo be late

    chu take out; take from; grow; inhale

    ch go out; exceed; issue; vent

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    chf set out; start from

    ch li come out; emerge

    ch q go out; get out

    chxin appear; arise

    chz qch taxi

    chle ywi except; besides

    chun penetrate; go through; put on

    chun boat; ship

    chung window

    chunghu window; casement

    chung bed

    chu blow; brag; fail; break up

    chn spring

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    chntin spring; springtime

    cdi magnetic tape

    c word; expression; poetry

    cdin dictionary

    c time

    cng from; since; through; ever

    cng do from to

    cng q from on

    cngqin before; formerly; in the past

    cu wrong; faulty; mistake; error

    cuw mistake; error; fault

    d beat; hit; smash; play; stir

    dsun plan; intend

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    d big; great; loud

    dgi probably; general; broad outline

    dji everybody; all

    d shng loudly

    dxu university; college

    difu doctor; physician

    di put on; wear; support; respect

    di take; do; lead; have

    dibio represent; representative; deputy

    dnsh but; however; yet, nevertheless

    dng at (a time or place); facing

    dng act as; accept; administer; stop

    dngrn of course; certainly

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    do knife; sword; blade

    do fall; collapse; resell; exchange; rearrange

    do arrive; reach; go to; leave for

    do road; doctrine; speak; say

    dol principle; truth; reason; argument

    d get; obtain; result in

    d do get; obtain; gain; receive

    de particle to form an attribute; of

    de particle to form an adverbial

    de particle to introduce a complement

    dehn very much; quite

    di have to; be sure to

    dng lamp; light; lantern

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    dng wait; when; till

    dng and so on; etc.

    d low; droop; hang down

    d the earth; land; field; ground

    dfang place; space; part; respect

    () d (dy) used to form ordinal numbers

    ddi younger brother

    din dot, point; dot stroke

    din a little; point

    din put a dot; count; select; light

    dinxin pastry; light refreshments

    dinzhng o'clock

    din electricity

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    dinch tram; trolleybus

    dindng electric light; electric lamp

    dinhu telephone; phone; phone call

    dinsh television; TV

    dinyng film; movie

    dio fall; drop; lose; reduce; turn

    di lose; throw; put aside

    dng east

    dngbin east

    dngxi thing; creature

    dng winter

    dngtin winter

    dng understand; know

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    dng move; stir; use

    dngw animal

    du all; both; even; already

    d read; read aloud

    dun short; brief

    dunlin take exercise; physical training

    dun segment; period; paragraph

    du towards; treat; compare; aim at

    du right; correct

    dubuq sorry; excuse me; let down

    dn used for meals or scolding

    du much; many; more

    du how; what

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    du a little or few more than

    dume how; what

    dushao how many; how much

    hungry; starve

    rqi moreover; in addition; but also

    rzi son

    r two

    f send out; discharge; issue; rise

    f sho have a fever; have a temperature

    fshng happen; occur; take place

    fxin discover; find; discovery

    fzhn develop; recruit; development

    () fy(fwn) French; French language

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    fn turn over; rummage; capsize

    fny translate; translation; translator

    fndu oppose; fight; be against

    fn meal; cooked rice or other cereals

    fndin restaurant; hotel

    fngbin convenient; make convenient

    fngf method; way; means

    fngmin respect; aspect; field; side

    fngxing direction; orientation

    fngjin room

    fngwn visit; call on

    fng let go; put; lay; have a vacation

    fng ji have a holiday or vacation

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    fichng very; highly; extraordinary; unusual

    fi fly; flit; hover; flutter

    fij aircraft; airplane; plane

    fn divide; distribute; distinguish

    fn minute; point; mark; a money unit

    fnzh for expression of a fraction number

    fnzhng minute

    fngf rich; abundant; plentiful; enrich

    fng for letters

    fng wind

    frn Lady; Madame; Mrs

    fw serve; service

    fwyun waiter; waitress; attendant

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    fdo coach; teach; tutor

    fx revise; review

    fz complex; complicated

    fqin father

    fz be responsible for; consc ientious

    fjn nearby; neighboring area; vicinity

    gi should; ought to; owe; sb.'s turn

    gi change; transform; rectify; correct

    gibin change; alter; transform

    gnjng clean; neat; tidy

    gndo feel; sense; think

    gnmo common cold

    gnxi thank; be grateful

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    gn dare

    gn do; work

    gnb cadre

    gng just; barely; only just

    gngci a moment ago; just now

    gngb pen

    go tall; high; of a high degree

    goxng glad; cheerful; be happy to

    go do; cause; make; get hold of

    gos tell; let know

    gge elder brother

    g song

    g (a general measure word)

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    g each; every; various; different

    gzhng all kinds of

    gi give; grant

    gn root; foot; base; origin

    gn with; and; follow

    gng more; still more, even more

    gngchng factory; mill; plant; works

    gngrn worker; workman

    gngy industry

    gngzu work; job

    gnggng qch bus (for public transit)

    gngjn kilogram

    gngl kilometer

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    gngyun park

    gu be enough; be up to; reach; quite

    gniang girl; daughter

    gshi story; tale

    gu () scrape; shave; smear with; () blow

    gu hang; call up; ring off

    gun shut; lock up; turn off; close down

    gunx relation; relationship

    gunxn be concerned with; care for

    gun an indoor place for activities

    gungb broadcast; be on the air

    gu expensive; costly; dear

    gu xng your honorable family name

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    gu country; state; nation

    guji country; state; nation

    gu pass; spend time; go through

    guo (indicate an action in the past)

    gu lai come over; come up

    guq the past; former times

    gu qu go over; pass by

    hh ha-ha (the sound of laughing)

    hi still; yet; even more; also; fairly

    hish still; nevertheless; had better; or

    hizi child; children; son or daughter

    hi sea

    hnji winter vacation

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    hn shout; cry out; yell; call sb.

    hny Chinese; the Chinese language

    hnz Chinese character

    ho good; nice; be in good health

    ho so as to; very; quite; so

    hoch delicious; tasty; good to eat

    hochu good; advantage; benefit; gain

    hokn good-looking; nice; pretty

    hoxing seem; look like; be like; as if

    ho number; date

    h drink

    h and; with; to

    hsh appropriate; right; suitable

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    h river

    hi black; dark

    hibn blackboard

    hn very; quite; awfully

    hng red; symbol of success

    hu back; rear; behind

    hubian back; rear; behind; latter

    hrn suddenly; all of a sudden

    h lake

    hxing each other; mutual

    hu flower; blossom; blurred; dim

    hu spend; expend; cost

    hu draw; paint

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    hur drawing; picture; painting

    huxu chemistry

    hu word; talk; speech; remark

    hui bad; go bad; spoil; ruin

    hunyng welcome; greet; favorably receive

    hun give back; return; give sth. in return

    hun exchange; barter; trade; change

    hung yellow; sallow; fall through

    hu return; turn around; answer; reply

    hu (for times of an event or action)

    hud answer; reply; response

    hu li return; come back; be back

    hu q return; go back; be back

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    hu can; be good at; be likely to; meet

    hu meeting; gathering; conference

    huhu conversation; converse with

    hu live

    hu work

    hudng move about; relax; activity; shaky

    huch train

    huzh or; perhaps; maybe

    jbn basic; fundamental; on the whole

    jch foundation; base; basis

    jchng airport; airfield; aerodrome

    jhu chance; opportunity

    jq machine; machinery; apparatus

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    j chicken

    jdn chicken egg

    j le extremely

    jh gather; assemble; muster

    j rapid; impatient; irascible; urgent

    j crowded; cram; jostle; squeeze

    j how many; a few; some

    jsh technology; skil l; technique

    j send; post; mail

    jhu plan; project; program; map out

    j mark; remember; jot down; record

    jx continue; go on; continuation

    () ji (wnxuji) (suffix) -ist; family; home; household

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    jitng family; household

    ji add; plus; increase; put in

    jinch persist in; persevere in; stick to

    jin (measure word for rooms)

    jinch check up; inspect; self-critic ism

    jindn simple; commonplace; casual

    jin meet; see; be exposed to

    jin min meet; see

    jin (measure word for clothes, affairs)

    jinkng health; healthy; sound; wholesome

    jinsh build; construct; construction

    jingli future

    jing river

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    jing tell; speak; explain; discuss; stress

    jio hand over; deliver; assoc iate with

    jio teach; instruct

    jio foot

    jio one tenth of one RMB Yuan

    jiozi dumpling

    jiosh classroom; schoolroom

    jioy education; educate; teach

    jio call; greet; order; name; shout; cry

    jio (used to make a passive sentence)

    ji meet; connect; catch; take over

    jizhe then; afterward; follow

    ji street

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    ji festival; section; length

    jim program; item (on a program)

    jir festival; holiday

    jigu finally; at last; result; outcome

    jish end; finish; conclude; wind up

    jiju resolve; settle; solve

    jijie elder sister

    ji borrow; lend; make use of

    jisho introduce; recommend; let know

    jn half a kilogram

    jnnin this year

    jntin today; present; now

    jn tight; urgent; hard up; tighten

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    jnzhng nervous; tense; in short supply

    jn enter; come or go into; recruit

    jnli come in; get in

    jnqu go in; get in; enter

    jnxng be in progress; go on; carry on

    jn nearby; near; close

    jngci brilliant; splendid; wonderful

    jngshn spirit; mind; gist; essence

    jngchng often; frequently; constantly; usually

    jnggu pass; go through; as a result of

    jngj economy; income; economical

    jngyn experience

    ji for a long time; long

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    ji nine

    ji alcoholic drink; wine; liquor

    ji old; past; bygone; used; worn

    ji with regard to; even if; at once

    () jzi orange; tangerine; mandarin

    j lift; heave; raise; hold up; cite

    j (measure word for sentences)

    jzi sentence

    jude feel; think

    judng decide; resolve; decision; resolution

    kfi coffee

    kch lorry; truck

    ki open; operate; turn on; hold; boil

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    kish begin; start

    ki wnxio joke; crack a joke; make fun of

    ki xu school begins; term starts

    kn see; look at; watch; read; think

    kn bng see a doctor; see a patient

    knjin see; catch sight of

    kosh examine; test; examination

    k (measure word for plants)

    kxu science; scientific

    ksou cough

    knng possible; maybe; possibility; may

    ksh but; nevertheless; yet; indeed

    ky can; may

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    k thirsty

    k gram

    k a quarter of an hour; carve; cut

    kqi polite; act or remark politely

    k lesson; class; subject; course

    kbn textbook

    kwn text

    kngq air

    ku mouth; (measure word for people)

    kuy spoken language

    k cry

    k bitter; miserable

    kui piece; Yuan (the basic RMB unit)

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    kui fast; rapid; sharp; hurry up; soon

    knnn difficult; difficulty; trouble

    l pull; drag; haul; play; draw in; shit

    la (modal particle ending a sentence)

    li come; arrive; crop up; take place

    ln blue

    lnqi basketball

    lodng work; labor

    lo ji excuse me; may I trouble you

    () lo(lo'r) old; aged; tough; of long standing

    losh teacher

    le (modal particle ending a sentence)

    li tired; tire; strain

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    lng cold

    l leave; without; off; away; from

    lki leave; depart from

    l in; inside

    l half a kilometer

    lbian inside; in; within; interior

    lw gift; present

    lsh history; past records

    lyng use; utilize; exploit; make use of

    lr for example; for instance

    lk immediately; at once; right away

    li two people (used in oral Chinese)

    linx integrate; link; contact; connection

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    () lin du (y) even

    lin face

    linx practice; exercise; drill

    lingkuai nice and cool; pleasantly cool

    ling two; a few; some

    ling (measure word for vehicles)

    ling bright; shiny; light; shine; show

    lio finish; end; settle; be able

    lioji understand; know; find out

    lng zero, 0

    lngdo lead; leader; leadership

    li remain; stay; keep; grow; leave

    linin accept or keep as souvenir

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    lixushng foreign student; overseas student

    li flow; stream; drip; shed; trickle

    li six

    lu storied building

    l road; path; way; journey; route

    lyn record sound; sound recording

    lxng travel; journey; tour; trip

    l green

    lun in a mess; indiscriminate; random

    mma mummy; mom; ma; mother

    mfan troublesome; put sb. to trouble

    m horse

    mshng at once; immediately; right away

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    ma (modal particle expressing urging)

    ma (modal particle making a question)

    mi buy; purchase

    mi sell

    mn full; filled; complete; fill; expire

    mny satisfied; pleased

    mn slow

    mng busy; fully occupied

    mo one tenth of one RMB Yuan

    mozi hat; cap

    mi not have; there is not; not

    mi gunxi never mind; it doesn't matter

    mi ysi uninteresting; dull

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    miyu not have; there is not; not

    mi every; each; per; every time

    mimei younger sister

    mn entrance; door; gate

    mnku entrance; doorway

    () men (pngyoumen) (particle forming a plural pronoun)

    () m(gngch) meter (measure word for lengths)

    mfn (cooked) rice

    minbo bread

    mintior noodles

    mnz nation; nationality

    mngnin next year

    mngtin tomorrow

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    mngzi name

    mqn mother (used in written Chinese)

    mqin current time; at present

    n take; hold; seize; capture; with; at

    n/ni which; (used for rhetorical questions)

    () nli(nr) where; wherever

    n that

    n then; in that case

    nge that

    () nli(nr) there

    nme like that; in that way

    nme then; in that case

    nxi those

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    nyng of that kind; like that; so; such

    na (modal particle ending a sentence)

    na (modal particle ending a sentence)

    nn south

    nnbian south

    nn male

    nn difficult

    ne (modal particle ending a question)

    ni inside; inner; within

    nirng content; substance

    nng can; be able to; be capable of

    nnggu can; be able to; be capable of

    ng (interjection express ing what or huh)

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    n you (the singular form)

    nmen you (the plural form)

    nin year; New Year

    ninj grade; year

    ninj age

    ninqng young

    nin read aloud, study, attend school

    nn you (in respectful form)

    ni ox; cow; bull

    nini cow milk

    nngcn rural area; countryside

    nngmn peasant

    nngy agriculture; farming

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    nl try hard; be hard at work or study

    n female

    n'r daughter

    nunhuo warm; nice and warm; warm up

    p crawl; creep; climb

    p fear; be afraid of; perhaps

    pi clap; pat; beat; shoot; send

    piqi volleyball

    pi send; appoint

    pngbin side

    po run; run away; run about doing sth.

    po b run

    pngyou friend

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    png touch; bump; meet; run into

    ppng criticize; criticism

    pji beer

    pin (measure word for articles)

    pinyi cheap; inexpensive; small gains

    pin (measure word for pieces of things)

    pioliang pretty; beautiful; remarkable

    pio ticket; ballot

    pnggu apple

    png (measure word for bottles)

    p broken; damaged; break; destroy

    q seven

    q ride (an animal or bicycle)

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    q remove; pull; appear; rise; raise

    q chung get up

    q li stand up; sit up; rise to one's feet

    qch automobile; motor vehicle; car

    qshu aerated water; soda; soft drink

    qinb pencil

    qin thousand

    qin money; fund; sum

    qin front; forward; before; preceding

    qinbian in front; ahead

    qin shallow; simple; superficial; light

    qing wall

    qio bridge

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    qngnin young person; youth

    qng light; small in number, degree, etc.

    qngchu clear; distinct; be clear about

    qng clear; sunny

    qngkung circumstance; situation, condition

    qng please; request; ask; invite; engage

    qng ji ask for leave

    qng wn Excuse me; May I ask

    qi autumn; fall

    qitin autumn; fall

    qi ball; anything shaped like a ball

    qd gain; acquire; obtain

    q go; leave; send; remove; get rid of

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    qnin last year

    qun complete; whole; entire; full; total

    qunb all; without exception; complete

    qunt all; whole; entire

    qush true; reliable

    rnhu then; afterwards; after that

    rng give way; give ground; invite; let

    r hot; popular; heat up; warm

    rqng warm; fervent; enthusiasm

    rn person; man; people

    rnmen persons; people; the public

    rnmn the people

    rnh any; whichever; whatever

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    rnshi recognize; understand; cognition

    rnwi think; consider

    rnzhn conscientious; earnest; serious

    r sun; day time; a day of the month

    () ry(rwn) Japanese (language)

    rzi days; date; time; life; livelihood

    rngy easy; easily; apt

    ru flesh; meat

    sn three

    sn b take a walk

    shn mountain; hill

    shngdin shop; store

    shng upper; up; upward; preceding

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    shng get on; go up; go to; submit; fill

    shngbian above; over; the higher authorities

    shng k attend class; give a lesson

    shng li come up

    shng qu go up

    shngw forenoon; morning

    shng xu go to school; attend school

    sho few; little; less; lack; lose; reduce

    shhu society

    shnt body; health

    shn deep; difficult; thoroughgoing; dark

    shnme what; whatever; why; something

    shng (measure word for sound); sound

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    shngdio tone; the tone of Chinese character

    shngyn sound; voice

    shngchn produce; manufacture; production

    shngc new word

    shnghu life; livelihood; live; exist

    shngr birthday

    shng province

    shng surplus; remnant; leave (over)

    shngl victory; triumph

    shfu master worker; master; teacher

    sh ten

    shfn very; fully; utterly; extremely

    shhou time; when

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    shjin when

    shtng dining room; canteen; cafeteria

    shjin live up to; carry out; practice

    shxin realize; achieve; bring about

    shyng make use of; use; employ; apply

    shji world

    sh matter; affair; thing; business

    shqing matter; affair; thing; business

    sh be

    sh city; municipality; market

    sh try; test; attempt

    shu put away; collect; harvest; receive

    shushi put in order; tidy; punish; repair

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    shu hand

    shubio wrist watch

    shud capital

    sh transport; convey; lose; be beaten

    shfu comfortable

    sh book

    sh ripe; cooked; done; familiar

    sh count; be reckoned as

    sh tree

    shxu mathematics

    shung pair; twin; dual; double; di-; bi-

    she/shu who

    shu water

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    shugu fruit

    shupng standard; level; horizontal

    shu sleep; go to bed

    shu jio sleep; go to bed

    shu speak; talk; say; scold

    shumng explain; illustrate; show

    sxing thought; thinking; idea; ideology

    s die; pass away; dead; inflexible

    s four

    sng send; give; deliver; carry; escort

    ssh hostel; living quarters; dormitory

    sun sour; sick at heart; tingle; acid

    sun calculate; compute; include; count

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    surn though; although

    su years old (for a person's age)

    suy so; therefore; as a result

    suyu all

    t he

    tmen they; them (for males and females)

    t it

    tmen they; them (for things, animals, etc.)

    t she

    tmen they; them (for females)

    ti lift up; raise; carry

    ti too

    tiyng the sun

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    tidu manner; bearing; attitude

    tn talk; chat; discuss

    tng soup; broth

    tng sugar; candy; sweets

    tng lie; recline

    toln discuss; discussion

    tbi special; particular; especially

    tng ache; pain

    t kick

    t carry; put forward; draw out; raise

    tgo raise; heighten; enhance; increase

    ty physical training; physical culture

    tin sky; heaven; weather

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    tinq weather

    tio strip (measure word for long things)

    tiojin condition; qualification; requirement

    tio jump; leap; spring; beat

    tio w dance

    tng listen; hear; heed; obey

    tngjin hear

    tng shu be told; hear of; hear about

    tngxi dictate; dictation

    tng stop; cease; be parked

    tng straighten up; stick out; very; rather

    tng open up; lead to; understand

    tnggu by way of; through; pass through

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    tngzh notify; give notice; notice; circular

    tngsh at the same time; simultaneously

    tngxu fellow student; schoolmate

    tngy agree; consent; approve

    tngzh comrade

    tngkuai very happy; delighted; forthright

    tu first; leading

    trn sudden; abrupt

    tshgun library

    tunji unite; rally

    tu push; shove; turn a mill; grind

    tu leg

    tu return; give back; withdraw; fade

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    tu take off; cast off; strip

    wzi socks; stockings; hose

    wi outer; outside; external; foreign

    wibian out; outside; exterior

    wigu foreign country

    () wiy(wiwn) foreign language

    wn use up; be over; finish; complete

    wnchng accomplish; complete; fulfill

    wnqun complete; whole; full; at all

    wnr play; have fun; employ; resort to

    wn bowl

    wn late

    wnfn dinner; supper

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    wnhu evening party; social evening

    wnshang evening; night

    wn ten thousand; a very great number

    wng go

    wng to; toward; in the direction of

    wng forget; neglect

    wixin dangerous; perilous; danger

    wi do; act; be; become

    wid great; mighty

    wi hello

    wi (measure word for people of status)

    wi (indicating the cause or purpose)

    wile for; for the sake of; in order to

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    wi shnme why; why (or how) is it that

    wnhu civilization; culture; education

    wnxu literature

    wnxuji literatus; writer

    wny literature and art

    wnzhng essay; article; hidden meaning

    wn ask; inquire

    wn ho send one's regards to

    wnt question; problem; issue; trouble

    w I; me; our; ourselves

    wmen we; us; our

    w shu shake hands; clasp hands

    wzi room

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    w five

    wfn midday meal; lunch

    wl physics

    x west

    xbian west (often used in oral Chinese)

    xwng hope; wish; expect

    xgun be used to; usual practice; habit

    xhuan love; like; be keen to; be fond of

    x wash; bathe; develop

    x zo have a bath; bathe

    x department (in a university)

    x thin; fine; thin and soft; meticulous

    xi descend; fall; issue; go to; put in

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    xi below; down; under; next; second

    xi (measure word for times of an action)

    xibian below; under; lower level; next

    xi k finish class; get out of class

    xi li come down

    xi qu go down; descend

    xiw afternoon

    xi summer

    xitin summer

    xin earlier; before; first; temporarily

    xinsheng teacher; mister; Mr.; sir; gentleman

    xindi modern times; the contemporary age

    xinzi now; at present; today

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    xingxn believe in; have faith in

    xing fragrant; savory; be with relish

    xingjio banana

    xing think; suppose; recall; want to; miss

    xing make a sound; ring; noisy; loud

    xing be like; resemble; picture; such as

    xing towards; to; face; be partial to

    xioxi news; information; message

    () xio small; little; petty; minor; young

    xiohir child

    xiojie young lady; Miss; miss

    xiosh hour

    xio smile (at); laugh (at); ridicule

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    xi (measure word for unspecified amount)

    xi shoe

    xi write; compose; describe

    xixie thank

    xnk hard; toilsome; laborious; tire

    xn new; fresh; up-to-date; newly

    xnnin New Year

    xnwn information; news

    xn the heart; heart; mind; feeling

    xn believe; trust; profess faith in; letter

    xnfng envelope

    xngq week

    () xngqr(xngqtin) Sunday

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    xng all right; O.K.; capable; competent

    xngf happy; happiness

    xng be surnamed; family name

    xixi have a rest; rest

    xyo need; want; require; demand

    xdu many; much; a lot of

    xu study; learn; imitate; mimic

    xusheng student; schoolboy; schoolgirl

    xux study; learn; emulate

    xuxio school; educational institute

    xuyun college; institute; academy

    xu snow

    y ah; oh; creak

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    ya ah

    ynji study; research; consider; discuss

    yns color

    ynjing eye

    ynch perform; put on a show; performance

    ynhu banquet; feast; dinner party

    yng sheep; goat

    yngzi shape; appearance; manner; model

    yoqi demand; require; claim; ask

    yo medicine; drug; remedy

    yo want to; wish to; must; shall; ask for

    yoshi in case; if; suppose

    y also; too; either

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    yx perhaps; probably; maybe

    y page

    y night; evening

    y one; once; as soon as

    ybn general; ordinary; common

    ybin ybin at the same time; simultaneously

    ydinr a bit; a few; a little

    ydng fixed; definite; given; necessarily

    ygng in all; altogether; in total

    yhur a little while; a moment

    y ji as soon as; once

    ykuir the same place; together

    yq the same place; together

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    yqi all; every; everything

    yxi one time; once; a little while

    yxi a number of; certain; a few; a little

    yyng the same; equally; alike; as as

    yy an emphatic sentence structure to describe the smallest unit of the subject

    yzh always; all along; straight

    yshng doctor

    yyun hospital

    yfu clothes; clothing; garment; coat

    yzi chair

    yjing already

    yhu after; afterwards; later

    yqin before; formerly

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    ywi think; consider; believe

    ysh art; skill; craft

    y a hundred million

    yjin opinion; view; objection

    ysi meaning; idea; wish; appreciation

    yy meaning; sense; significance

    ynwi because; on account of; because of

    ynyu music

    yn cloudy; overcast; sinister

    ynhng bank

    () yngy(yngwn) English (language)

    ynggi ought to; should; must

    yng win; beat; gain

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    yngxing influence; affect; effect

    yngyun for good; forever; ever; always

    yng use; employ; apply; by means of

    yuq especially; particularly

    yuj post office

    yupio stamp

    yu yng swim

    yu have; possess; exist; there be

    yude some; some of

    yumng famous; well-known

    yu shhou sometimes

    yuxi some; some of

    yu ysi interesting; enjoyable

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    yunling excuse; forgive; pardon

    yun round; circular; circle

    yun far; remote

    yuny be willing; be ready; wish; like; want

    yu month

    yuliang the moon

    yuqi the moon

    yn cloud

    yndng be in motion; move about; sport

    zi again; not until; then and only then

    zijin good-bye; see you again

    zi exist; be living; at; on; in

    zi (indicating an action in progress)

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    zn we; us; our; I; me; my

    znmen we; us; our

    zng dirty; filthy

    zo early; for a long time; as early as

    () zochen(zoshang) (early) morning

    zofn breakfast

    znme how; why; however

    znmeyng how; (a polite formula)

    znyng how

    zngji increase; raise; add

    zhnln put on display; exhibit; show

    zhn occupy; seize; take; constitute

    zhn stand; be on one's feet; stop; halt

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    zhn station; stop; service center

    zhng piece

    zhng grow; develop; acquire; increase

    zhngw grasp; master; control; have in hand

    zhoj worry; anxious

    zho look for; return the balance of money

    zhog look after; give consideration to

    zho xing take a picture (or photograph)

    zh this; this moment; now

    zhge this one; this

    () zhl(zhr) here

    zhme so; such; this way; like this

    zhxi these

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    zhyng so; such; like this; this way

    zhe (indicating an action in progress)

    zhn true; real; genuine; clearly; really

    zhnzhng genuine; real; true

    zhngq in good order; neat; tidy

    zhng straight; upright; honest; pure; just

    zhngqu correct; right; proper

    zhngzi in process of; in course of

    zhngf government

    zhngzh politics; political affairs; political

    zh (measure word for one of a pair)

    zh (measure word for stick-like things)

    zhdo know; be aware of; realize

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    zhshi knowledge

    zhjin between

    zh point at; point to; point out; refer to

    zh only; merely

    zhho have to; be forced to

    zh paper

    zhng center; middle; in; among; China

    zhngjin center; middle; among; between

    zhngwn Chinese (language)

    zhngw noon; midday

    zhngxu middle school; high school

    zhng bell; clock

    zhngtu hour (mainly used in oral Chinese)

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    zhng kind; type; sort; breed; race; strain

    zhng heavy; important; serious

    zhngyo important; significant; major

    zhu week; round

    zhuwi around; round; about

    zh pig; hog; swine

    zhyo main; major; chief; principal

    zhyi idea; plan; decision

    zh live; reside; stay; stop; cease

    zhy pay attention to; take notice of

    zh express good wishes; wish

    zhung act; pretend; load; assemble; fit

    zhnbi prepare; get ready (for); intend

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    zhuzi table; desk

    zj oneself; closely related; own

    zxngch bike; bicycle

    z word; character

    () zng(sh) put together; general; chief; always

    zu walk; visit; pass; leave; go away

    zqi football game; soccer ball

    zgu motherland; fatherland; homeland

    zzh organize; form; organization

    zu mouth

    zu most

    zuch first; initial

    zuhu last; final; ultimate

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    zujn recently; lately; in the near future

    zutin yesterday

    zu the left; the left side

    zu make; do; cook; be; be used as

    zu do; make; compose; write; act as

    zuy homework; operation; task; work

    zu sit; take a seat; ride; put on a fire

    zu (measure word for cities and so on)