hrwf sept 2013 redwood alert

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  • 7/30/2019 HRWF SEPT 2013 Redwood Alert


    President: Annette DeModena 442-2788 aslansplace @ Membership: Terry Roberts 599-3255 [email protected] Editor: Rose admin@hr



    Affiliated with NFRW (National Federation of Republican Women)/CFRW (California Federation of Republican Women - Northern Div

    Follow us on TWITTER @hrwf( Find us onFACEBOOK - Humboldt Republican Women


    Humboldt Republican Women Welcome


    Are small businessesprepared for the coming

    tsunami of costs andregulations associated

    with Obamacare?The Oct. 1 opening of ObamaCare exchanges is getting closer. Amidst confusion over how it will be out and how much it will cost, public support is eroding. A majority of Americans now realize that

    Obamacare will increase their medical costs and taxes. FOX reports that, overall, 63% of voters believthe 2010 health care law needs to be changed. That number is up from 58 percent since July 2012.

    Increasing criticism from Labor unions, small business owners and members of Congress have forcemajor delays and revisions. With less than a month to go before millions of Americans will be requi

    enroll in Obamacare, the GOP senators petition to defund Obamacare has a million signatures.

    So, where do we stand? Our speaker this month will talk about all this and more.

    Michelle Orrock is the Communications Director for the National Federation of Independent BusinesCalifornia, the nations largest small business association. Shes responsible for all media and comm

    cations for the California oce including developing written materials, website content and coordininterviews for the state director and other sta. In addition, she also manages outreach for the YouEntrepreneur Foundation awards in California, a program that provides scholarships to high schoolseniors who start their own businesses.

    Prior to coming to NFIB, Michelle was the communications director for the Governor's Oce of the

    Secretary of Education and worked for State Assemblyman Roger Niello. She has more than a deca

    experience working in both the public and private sector.Shes been an elected member of the Board of Directors of the Cosumnes Community Services Distr

    (Cosumnes CSD) since November 2008, has worked closely with the business community and is a

    member of the Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse Statewide Advisory Council. She serves on the Joand Business Growth Committee at the Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce, the second

    largest chamber in California.SEE YOU THERE!.......

    JOIN USfor lunchThursdaySept. 19th


    *To RSVP this month, please


    (707) 839-5538

    Or RSVP by email to:


    [email protected] month were at back at445 Herrick Avenue, Eureka

    11:30 a.m. Lunch/Socializing:

    Mtg 12:00 -1:00 p.m.Your choice:Full Lunch $15.00.

    Beverage (no lunch) $4.00(Tax & tip included)

    Make checks payable to HRWF


  • 7/30/2019 HRWF SEPT 2013 Redwood Alert






    1209 4TH STREET

    EUREKA CA 95501

    PHONE 707 443-1501

    2907 E Street, Eureka 442-2527

    32 Sunnybrae Center, Arcata 822-3750

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    Arcata, CA 95521


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    Barbara RudeneMassage Therapy445- 2999839-4663Since 1981

    Agape Massage

    Ronald & Amanda Sachs

    2010 Heartwood DriveMcKinleyville, CA


    MEET&GREETCRP Chairman

    Jim BrulteAssemblymanTim Donnelly

    CRP Northwest Region Vice-Cha

    Elissa Wadleigh

    Thank You! Your contribution helps us carry our Republican message to every corner of Humboldt County and suppoour solid Republican candidates as they work to put our ideas of lower taxes, limited government, personal responsty, a strong national defense and a secure frontier into action. Tax Information: Contributions to the Humboldt CounRepublican Central Committee are non-tax deductible for Federal or California tax purposes. Individual contributionIndividual contributions will be used in both Federal and California state elections and may be made in any amount.rst $10,000 received per calendar year (husband and wife counted separately) may be used for Federal elections.Contributions used for state and local elections: Individuals, PACs, business entities and corporations may contributeunlimited amounts for California state and local elections and ballot issues, and may be allocated as follows: (a) up to$32,800 for candidate support, (b) amounts in excess of $32,800 per calendar year will be used for permissible, non-dcandidate support purposes. Contributions used for Federal elections: Individuals and unincorporated associations contribute up to $10,000 per contributor per calendar year (husbands and wives are considered separate contributoCorporate Contributions: Corporate contributions will be used in California state elections and may be used for specfederal Levin Account purposes. These contributions may be made in any amount. Federal Levin Account: The sec$10,000 received from an individual, and the rst $10,000 from any corporation, may be placed in the Republican PaLevin account and will be used for federal election activity. Special donor disclosure requirements: Contributors of

    $10,000.00 or more to the Partys state and local elections account and all other state or local candidates, PACs, politparty committees or ballot measures in a calendar year, must le a California Major Donor Report.

    Saturday, September 14tFortuna Veterans Memorial Buildin

    1426 Main Street, Fortuna

    Doors Open: 11:30 AM

    Lunch: 12:15 PM

    $15 Each or $25/Coupl

    RSVP by September 8th

    For Reservations Cal498-3101 Gwen Morris

    442-2788 Annette De Moden

    Jim Brulte

    Elissa Wadleigh

    Tim Donnelly

    Dont miss thisspecial opportunity

    Get YourTicketsNow!

    Tim Donnelly


    H U M B O L D T C O U N T Y R E P U B L I C A N P A R

    311 5th St, (P.O. Box 682)Eureka, CA 95502-0682

    Humboldt Count

    Republican Party

  • 7/30/2019 HRWF SEPT 2013 Redwood Alert


    Well, September is here, school has begun, and most of you are back to a more structured routine.

    hose of us who are retired just smile. As a retired teacher, I run into former students often and nomatter what the dynamic might have been, they truly seem happy to see me and look forward to my

    aditional hug. Whether I remember them or not, they will never know. I have resolved that nomatter who the student, they will be warmly received by me. I want their memories of their timewith me to be honest and rewarding. That is my inheritance to them.

    bviously, that is not how we usually dene inheritance, but recent experiences have led me toeconsider that denition. Extrapolating from the concept of teaching a class to that of mentoring

    ne or several, one brings the concept of Inheritance into the present. Because of our life experienc-s, we are fountains of knowledge capable of pouring this information into others to aid them alongheir way.

    he same is true for organizations. There are those whose service for years has been impeccable andave a wealth of experience and knowledge to share with the newcomers and do. Some (not inRWF) tend to hold on to that knowledge, stay involved, and perhaps do not see the necessity inmpowering others through mentoring. How does an organization grow if we do not replicateurselves? This is the inheritance of any strong organization.

    ur current organizational structure tends to leave the membership out of the loop in decision-mak-ng and the history behind those decisions ; thus, many of our members come to our luncheons, enjoyheir visits, and then go home. Our challenge this year will be to do just that. If we are to continue toe successful as a club, we need to recruit new Board members and nd ways to involve more of you

    n the issues which continue to aect our lives and our futures.With Obamacare on the horizon, the U.N. small arms treaty being signed by our faux president, a

    uper Minority of Republicans in our California Senate, we must do more than wring our hands innguish. We must sacrice, unite, and collaborate to bring a dierent kind of inheritance to our statend to our nation.

    ets share our knowledge and collaborate to bring a fresh perspective to our county and to our state.

    n another note, a huge thank you to those who volunteered to take a session or more at the fair. Allwent well and fun was had by all. Fun is also on the slate for our September 19 meeting at our usual

    aunt on Herrick Avenue. Our speaker is Michelle Orrock, a small business owner, who along withthers, fought Obamacare and won. Come hear this story. Come! Get ready to leave an inheritanceo the next generation of conservatives! Get ready to rumble! The elections are coming!

    Warmest regards,

    Inheritance:The Reward of Experience

    Tuesday, Sept 2ndHGOP MEETING: 6:00 pm

    Sept 8thNational Grandparent's Day

    (First Sunday after Labor Day)

    Saturday, Sept 14thMeet & Greet

    Jim Brulte: CRP ChairmanAssemblyman Tim Donnelly

    Elissa Wadleigh,Vice-Chairwoman, CRP NW RegionFortuna Veteran's Memorial Bldg

    Thursday, Sept 19th

    HRWF General Meetingat 445 Herrick Avenue, Eureka

    Guest Speaker: Michelle Orrock(Sept. 19th is also Talk Like A Pirate Day

    Sept 22nd-28thRemember to Register to Vote Wee

    Monday, Sept 23rdHBHWG Meeting 5:30 to 7:00

    840 E Street, Eureka

    Saturday, Sept 26thCFRW State ConventionSunday, September 29th

    Annual Republican PicniRohner Park, Fortuna

    Fri-Sun, Oct 4th-6thCRP FALL CONVENTION

    In Anaheim

    Friday, Oct 11th


    BLUE LAKE CASINORex Bohn Auctioneer

    For Info: Call Paulette 442-9322

    Tuesday, Oct 11thHGOP MEETING: 6:00 pm

    Thursday, Oct 17thHRWF General Meeting

    Orlean Koehle/Agenda 21 & Common Co



    In remembrance of Marilyn St. John. She passedaway in June, and we will all really miss her. Shewas such an active member in HRWF and alsovolunteered at the Central Committee office.

  • 7/30/2019 HRWF SEPT 2013 Redwood Alert


    Zombie BillAlive in Senate

    Redevelopment, the zombie legislation that willnever die, has been re-engineered by our MarxistDemocrats and will be brought up August 21st inthe Assembly Appropriations Committee. Called

    Sustainable Communities Investment Authorities,SB 1 is authored by Senator Darrell FrankenSteinberg and is Agenda 21 on human growthhormones. Why have General Plans when theState can rewrite our zoning? Make no mistakeSB 1 is very dangerous. has beenwatching out for all the new versions of Redevel-opment because our Democratically-controlledState Legislature believes pesky property ownersare in the way of real progress, which is code forthe progressive, Marxist agenda. CalProperty-Rights states, These new authorities would havethe power to seize homes, small businesses andplaces of worship by eminent domain to createmore walkable communities!

    Call Chesbro and Evans to raise CAIN overthis. Tell them SB 1 or any Redevelopment is aBIG NO! Our property rights depend on thiszombie bill being killed. Both of them are not upfor re-election so they will hopefully stand by

    private property rights.Union Tribune article worth reading:


    The California Alliance to Protect Private PropertyRights letter to Senator Steinberg can be read at:

    Read the bill for yourself at: Chesbro: (916) 319-2002, (707) 445-7014Noreen Evans: (916) 651-4002, (707) 445-6508

    (Rather send a letter? Full contact information ison our website at www.

    Legislative ReportCalifornia

    Legislative Report

    From the California Federation of Republican WomenAB 154 is on the Governors Desk! - Last week the Legislature sent AB 154 (Atki

    D) to Governor Brown. As you will recall, AB 154 would allow nurse practitionemid-wives, and physicians assistants to perform abortions. Why do theDemocrats in the legislature seem to think it is ok to pawn o major surgical procedures for women to mid-level healthcare professionals? This is a huge step backwain womens health rights. AB 154 is on the Governors desk, waiting for his signatur

    The Suspense File - There are several important bills that the CFRW has beenfollowing that are now in the Assembly Appropriations Suspense File. The SuspensFile is like limbo for bills. They are sent there if they have an annual cost of $150,0or more from any fund. The Suspense File was originally a placeholder for scal bill

    before the budget passed so that lawmakers could see how much money they woube able to allocate to the bills. Nowadays the Suspense File can be used to kill billsquietly and without a vote when they miss a deadline. Suspense File bills can alsopassed out of the Suspense File without any testimony from witnesses or the authoThree important bills that the CFRW OPPOSES are currently in the Assembly SuspenFile- SB 1 (Steinberg, D), SB 11 (Pavely, D) and SB 47 (Yee, D). Please stay tuned

    Remember - as a member of HRWF, you are also a member of the California Fedetion of Republican Women (CFRW) AND the National Federation of Republican Wom(NFRW). Both send out regular email updates, and ACTION alerts. If you are NOTreceiving these emails, you may need to sign in and give them your email need help, let us know.

    CALL THE GOVERNOR TODAY AND TELL HIM TO VETO AB 154!!Call the Governor: (916) 445-2841Email the Governor via webmail on his website: to the Governors Twitter @JerryBrownGovSend the Governor an opposition letter:

    Governor Jerry Brownc/o State Capitol, Suite 1173Sacramento, CA 95814

  • 7/30/2019 HRWF SEPT 2013 Redwood Alert


    WAR WITH SYRIA?Sometimes Headlines say it all! LA TIMES CLAIMS 'DEMOCRATS LED


    Breitbart News reports: -In a stunning historicerror, Los Angeles Times reporters Kathleen HennesseyRichard Simon, Alexei Kose reported that "Democratled the passage of civil rights legislation that marcher

    pushed for in 1963."In fact, Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV), a formemember of the Ku Klux Klan, libustered the bill in anattempt to kill the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Republican

    Minority Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) saved thelandmark civil rights law from defeat by galvanizing

    Senate Republicans for a cloture vote to stop theDemocrat-led libuster... (As of August 30th), The Lo

    Angeles Times has yet to correct its error.

    Many people are surprised to learn that it was theRepublicans who passed legislation to free the slaveand to ensure their right to vote, over sometimesunanimous Democrat opposition.

    It was REPUBLICANS who passed the DC EmancipatAct in 1862. This law to free the 3,100 slaves in thenation's capital was written by Senator Henry Wilso(R-MA) and signed by Republican President AbrahaLincoln. Every Democrat in Congress voted against i

    At the suggestion of President Abraham Lincoln,abolishing slavery became part of the Republicanplatform and, in 1864, Congressional Republicans

    passed the 13th Amendment unanimously againsnearly unanimous Democrat opposition and it waratied within the year.

    In 1866, Republicans Passed the 14th Amendment,guaranteeing due process and equal protection of tlaws to all citizens. It enshrines in the Constitutionprovisions of the GOPs 1866 Civil Rights Act. InCongress, all votes in favor of the 14th Amendmentwere from Republicans, and all votes against it werefrom Democrats....

    It was Republicans who outlawed the Ku Klux Klan.Republicans who passed the 15th Amendment....Nely all Democrats in Congress voted against it, and, uintimidation, poll taxes, registration fraud, and litertests, Democrats prevented most African-Americanfrom voting for nearly a century.

    Granted, it was a long time ago, but theres no reasoto let them get away with revising history.

    Were very proud of our history, and with good reasoAnd if you ever need the facts to back you up in anargument - er, discussion - check out our GOP Historlink on the website. Theres lots more.

    PEACE PREZ DECIDES TO STRIKE - FOXPresident Obama said...the United States should take military action against SyrianPresident Bashar al-Assad for using chemical weapons on civilians but also turned toCongress for approval -- dealing a potential setback to America's foreign policy andsetting up what will likely be a hard-fought Washington debate on the issue....

    Obamas Blundering Incompetence - Michael Reagan/Townhall The Audacity of the Haughty - Rush Limbaugh

    Frustrated Obama: I wont be paralyzed on Syria - Oliver Knox/Yahoo News In Syria, U.S. goal not to get mocked - Mark Steyn/Orange County Register Show of Farce - James Taranto/Wall Street Journal Barack Obama is proving an embarrassing amateur on the world stage compared to

    George W. Bush - Nile Gardiner/Telegraph What Is the Point of a Syrian Intervention? - Victor Davis Hanson/National Review The British arent coming! US media mock Camerons failure to deliver on promise to

    back Obama in strikes against Syria - Matt Chorley/Daily Mail[UK] Nancy Pelosi the hawk tells President Obama to act on Syria - Jonathan Allen & Jake


    Sen. Rand Paul: Obama interested in saving face on Syria - Seth McLaughlin/Washington Times (D.C) Why a nervous Hillary Clinton is remarkably silent on Syria - Nile Gardiner/Telegraph Cameron rst to lose war vote in Parliament since 1782! - Reuters 'Embarrassing'... - New York Times U.S. turns on Britain... - New York Times KERRY'S MOMENT... - Jonathan Allen/Politico Experts: Don't bomb chemical weapon sites... -AP Obama 'not made any decisions'... - Reid J. Epstein/Politico Willing to go it alone... - New York Times PENTAGON CAN'T AFFORD WAR; MUST SEEK ADDITIONAL FUNDS - Washington Free Beacon SYRIA MOVES MISSILES, TROOPS... - Reuters OBAMA TURNS TO CONGRESS: Syrian media calls decision 'historic American retreat'...

    Obama to Seek Congressional Vote on Syria Strike; President Says He Is Prepared to OrderMilitary Action, but Wants Support First From Lawmakers - Wall St. Journal

    Will Seek Authorization for Syria Strike -- After Recess... - Daniel Halper/Weekly Standard but says has authority to act alone... - The Hill FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER... - Independent Attack 'eective tomorrow or next week or one month from now'... - NBC Krauthammer: 'Amateur Hour'... - Daily Caller 'UTTER NONSENSE' - Washington Post Syria says US evidence 'entirely fabricated'... - France24 U.S. Had Intel on Chemical Strike Before It Was Launched... - Foreign Policy Obama wants Congress to save him from himself on Syria - Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion 5 Ways Obamas Unseriousness Has Been Exposed by Syria Strike Chatter - PJMedia

    1. Failure to consult Congress.2. Failure to get buy-in from the American people.3. No draft language for the UN to consider.4. No military plan, no clear objective.5. Lack of credible spokes men and women to obtain buy-in from the American people

    Obamas Absurd Pseudo Intelligence on Syria - Larry Johnson/No Quarter FOR IT AND AGAINST IT -Sultan Knish

    NOTE: I listed it this way for two reasons. One is to show how the headlines often tell the story, &he other is to let you know the incredible variety of sources we follow, and bring to you, every dayn our website. Get News and views for Republicans - from Humboldt to DC and beyond - news,

    pinion & analysis from the best reporters, columnists, pundits & bloggers.

  • 7/30/2019 HRWF SEPT 2013 Redwood Alert


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    Sea LifeFrom A New Angle

    For a fun filled, amazing family adventurehead to Ocean World!! Home to an amazing variety ofsea life, we pride ourselves as one of the best privately

    owned small aquariums in the United States.Were located six hours north of San Francisco,

    in beautiful Crescent City, California.

    SENIOR TAX PROBLEMI just received notice of an IRS audit on my 2012 tax return. It really puzzles me!!!

    They are questioning how many dependents I claimed.

    I guess it was because of my response to the question: List all dependents...

    I replied: "12 million illegal immigrants;

    3 million crackheads;

    42 million unemployed people on food stamps,2 million people in over 243 prisons;

    half of Mexico ;

    535 persons in the U.S. House and Senate;

    and 1 useless President."

    Evidently, this was NOT an acceptable


    RANDOM THOUGHTS-George Zimmerman should change his name to Ben Ghazi,

    then Obama and the liberal news media would never mention him again.- Ever notice you never see Conservatives rioting? Yet they're the ones who

    should be!

    -It's really unfortunate that 99% of liberals give the rest a bad name.

    -Being oended doesn't make you right.

    -How come when Muslims blow up a bunch of innocent people and I point it

    out, I'm the intolerant one?

    -Don't let your daughter wear makeup at 10, date at 12, wear sexy clothing

    at 14, and then wonder why she got pregnant at 16!

    -Obama is starting to make Joe Biden look like an awesome alternative.

    -Is it just me or is the Obama administration starting to look a lot like anorganized criminal organization?

    -Am I the only one who wants to post what they think about the IRS, but

    doesn't want to get audited next year?

    OPPORTUNITY DRAWINGS Winners and donors on June 20th at Samoa Cookhouse luncheo

    The New Reagan Revolution won by Margaret StaordReagan Calendars won by Mary Scott

    Sterling Silver Cross pendant, donated by Margaret Staord, won by Vee Sore

    Solar L.E.D. cross won by Nancy Elcock

    DVD on the Constitution, donated by Kay Parris, won by Karen Sheehy

    Golden Chain trees, donated by Laura Bush, won by Mary Scott & Annette DeMo

    Donations for this drawing are needed and greatly appreciated. All funds from this event our Scholarship monies grow.

    For questions or further info, call me -- I can pick up your items for our meetings.

    Kay Parris, 407-0010.

    Ways & Means


  • 7/30/2019 HRWF SEPT 2013 Redwood Alert




    Yes, add my business to the roster:

    Regular Member...............................................................................$30.

    Associate Member (men and any members of other clubs) ... .......$30.

    Republican Angels ............................................................................. +

    TOTAL: $Referred By________________________

    HRWF c/o Terry Roberts4425 Chan Road

    McKinleyville, CA 95519


    My phone # My Address My E-mail - has changed





    Note: Membership Applications are ALSO available online at our website:


    Celebrating 75 years!

    KindHearted Bode Sisters

    Fund-Raise for Mirandas Rescuenimal lovers six-year old Samya and her fourteen-year old sister Kelsea Bode ofcKinleyville were looking for an activity they could do to give back to their new

    ommunity. Recent transplants from Arizona, they heard about Mirandas Rescue.mmediately, they decided to open a lemonade stand for the sanctuary outside theirpartment until the Annual Wine & Cheese Open House on August 4th. The sistersegan in mid-June and worked each and every day selling lemonade from 11 a.m. to 4m. Cost per cup was by donation. When we heard that Rays Food Place had made a

    25 donation, President Annette and I each donated the same amount to the girls

    orthy cause.We polled the board and ocers decided HRWF would also donate $25.When Samya and Kelsea handed over a check for more than $200 to Shannon Miranda

    t the Wine & Cheese Open House, he thanked the girls the best way he knewowwith a new little puppy called Gizmo!

    earn more about Mirandas Rescue at https://www.mirandasrescue.orgn Facebook at

  • 7/30/2019 HRWF SEPT 2013 Redwood Alert








    PERMIT NO 60

    The Redwood AlertHumboldt Republican Women, Federated

    c/o Terry Roberts4425 Chaffin RoadMcKinleyville, CA 95519


    Join us for lunch on Sept. 19th for our General Meetingand THEN, on Sunday, Sept. 29th

    Its time for our AnnualRepublican Picnic In The Park

    at Rohner Park in Fortuna.(Our version of a Humboldt Republican Convention!)

    Bring Friends

    Hot dogs Hamburgers Auction SpeakersIts POTLUCK, so - If your last name begins withA-M, please bring a dessert

    If your last name begins with N-Z, please bring a salad

    Presented by The Humboldt County Republican Partyand Humboldt Republican Women

    For Info, or to Volunteer, CALL the HGOP HQ: 442-2259