hrm complete notes

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  • 7/28/2019 HRM Complete Notes



    Human Resources are one of the most vital assets of an

    organization. It is the people who make other resources moving;they perform various activities in different financial areas like

    production, marketing, finance etc. The significance of human

    resources in a modern organization can be seen in the context

    of activation of non human resources means for developing

    competition advantages and source of creative energy. HRM

    handle all physical and financial resources in an organization.

    The quality of human resource is a critical factor in the

    success of any organization, and more so in service organization

    like banking and insurance. In super competitive world, the thing

    that is most unique to every financial institution is the capability

    of its people .It is the organizations employees-its human

    resources-that give a bank or insurance firm its competitive edge.


    Wendell French describes human resource management as the

    philosophy, policies, procedures, and practices related to the

    management of people within the organization.

    In the words of Robbins Human resource management isconcerned with the people dimensions in management. It is a

    process consisting of the acquisition, development, motivation,

    and maintenance of human resources.

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    Human resources management is about managing people. It is a

    process of binding of people and organizations together so that

    the objectives of each are achieved.

    Human resource management is based on four

    fundamental principles:

    1. Human resources are the most important assets an

    organization has and their effective management is the

    key to its success.

    2. Organizational success is most likely to be achieved if

    the personnel policies and procedures are closely linked

    to corporate objectives and strategic plans.

    3. Organizational culture, values and climate significantly

    influence managerial behavior and exert a major influence

    on the achievement of excellence. Hence, continuous

    effort starting from the top is required for themanagement and acceptance of the culture.

    4. Human resource management is concerned with

    integration getting all members of the organization

    involved and working together with a sense of common


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    Human resources are the most precious possessions of any

    organization. It is, therefore, necessary to take utmost care for

    their survival and growth. Human resource management is the

    management of this most important resource. Liberalization and

    globalization has increased the importance of human resource

    management by manifold.

    Effective human resource management is vital for its impact is

    felt from the individual level to the national level. The

    significance of human resource management is at four levels:

    1. Organizational significance: Human resource management

    plays an important role in helping the organization attain

    its goals. It helps in this direction through effective human

    resource planning, recruitment and selection of talented

    employees, training and development of employees,developing sound performance appraisal and compensation

    systems, career planning and so on.

    2. Professional significance: Effective management of human

    resource contributes towards the personal growth and

    development of every employee. It helps to improve the

    quality of work life by providing a healthy working


    3. Social significance: Human resource management is of

    great importance to the society. Sound management of

    human resources helps in satisfying the social and

    psychological needs of employees

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    Through suitable employment. It avoids wastage of human

    resources and helps in the conservation of physical and

    mental health.

    4. National significance: The true wealth of nation is not its

    natural resources but its people. Human resources and

    their management play a vital role in the development of a

    nation. The development of a country depends on the skills,

    attitudes and values of its human resources. Effective

    management of human resources helps to speed up the

    process of economic growth, which in turn leads to higher

    standards of living and fuller employment.



    Every organization has some objectives. In order to attain

    organizational objectives, it is necessary to integrate the

    interests of the employees with that of the employer. Hence theobjectives of human resource management are derived from the

    basic objectives of the organization.

    Integration of goals: HRM seeks to integrate all the

    individuals and groups within the organization by reconciling

    individual/group goals with those of the organization.

    Cost containment: In todays competitive business

    environment, keeping expenses down or cost containment, is

    a critical HRM goal.

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    Goals through able employees: HRM seeks to help the

    organization attain its goals by providing it with competent

    and dedicated employees.

    Optimization of human resources: By employing the

    knowledge and skills of employees efficiently and

    effectively, HRM seeks to optimally utilize the human

    resources of the organization.

    Growth and development of employees: HRM seeks to

    ensure the growth and development of the employees by

    providing opportunities for training and advancement.

    Self-actualization: HRM aims to increase employees job

    satisfaction and set them on the path of self-actualization

    by providing them with opportunities to utilize their

    potential to the fullest.

    Satisfy needs: By providing adequate compensation, HRM

    seeks to ensure that the basic needs of the employees aresatisfied and they are able to live a dignified life.

    Motivation: An important goal of HRM is to motivate the

    human resources through adequate monetary and non-

    monetary incentives so as to stimulate better performance,

    which in turn will enable the organization to accomplish its

    objectives. It also helps to retain talented employees and

    reduce employees turnover.

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    The scope of human resource management is very vast. It is

    connected with all major activities in the working life of a worker.HRM is connected with every other department, as human

    resources are the requirement of all departments in the


    HRM covers the following areas:

    Human resource planning

    Job analysis and design

    Recruitment and selection and induction

    Training and development

    Performance appraisal

    Transfers and promotion



    Human resource management involves a large number offunctions. This number varies according to the size and needs of

    the organization. The functions of HRM affect the organization

    internally. However the external environment affects HRM

    functions. The major functions of human resource management


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    Human resource planning: Human resource planning is

    the process of assessing the organizations human

    resources needs in the light of organizational goals and

    changing conditions and making plans to ensure that a

    competent, motivated work force is employed.

    Human resource planning is very important in these

    modern times where everything is fluid and changes are

    occurring at great speed.

    Organizational and job designing: An important

    activity of HRM is developing an organization which

    caters for all the activities required, groups, themtogether in a way which encourages integration,

    cooperation, and provides for effective communication

    and design making.

    Job design is concerned with deciding on the content

    and accountabilities of jobs in order to motivate employees

    and maximize job satisfaction.

    Staffing: staffing or acquisition of human resource isanother activity of human resource management.

    Staffing activities determine the composition of an

    organizations human resources.

    Staffing activities include: attracting qualified people

    to the organization, selecting from among candidates,

    reassigning employees through transfer, promotion or

    demotion and ultimately managing the employeeseparation through resignation, discharge or


    Training and development: This activity of HRM

    focuses on improving the performance of individuals

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    and groups within the organization. These activities

    aim to help employees learn new skills or refine

    existing skills.

    Human resource managers must decide which skills or

    knowledge areas need development and which methods are

    most effective for helping employees acquire skills and


    Performance appraisal and review: Performance

    appraisal and review is an ongoing evaluation of

    individual and group contributions to the organization

    and the communications of those evaluations to thepersons involved.

    This HRM functions is carried out for a number of


    To provide feedback about performance, to determine the

    need for training, to make decisions about promotions, pay

    increases and so on.

    Compensation and reward: Organization compensatesemployees through wages and salaries, bonuses and

    benefits, such as health insurance, vacation time, and

    pension programs. The presence or absence of rewards

    and recognition is important to employee morale and


    Compensation decisions include determining: ensuring

    fair and equitable pay differences among employees,

    designing a pay packages relative to that of its competitors,forms of compensation and so on.

    Health and safety management: This function of

    HRM includes activities and events that serve to

    protect organization members from illness and

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    physical dangers in the workplace and to assist them

    with their physical and emotional health.

    For many organizations, protecting the health

    and safety of human resources is a prime social

    responsibility. This HRM functions serves to preserve the

    human resources of the organization.

    Employee participation: This is a relatively new

    function of HRM. Employee participation focuses on

    giving employees a voice, sharing information with

    them and consulting them on matters of mutual

    interest.Employee participation is an important step in

    establishing industrial democracy.

    * Definition of Personal Management :

    * Difference between PM & HRMPM HRM

    1. Personnel means personsemployed. Personnelmanagement is themanagement of peopleemployed

    1.HRM is the management ofemployees skills , Knowledge,abilities, talents, aptitudes,creative abilities.

    2. Employee in personnelmanagement is mostly treatedas an economic man as hisservices are exchanged forwage/ salary

    1. Employee in human resourcemanagement is treated notonly as economic man but alsoas social & psychological man.

    Thus, the complete man is

    viewed under this approach.

    3. Employee is viewed ascommodity or tool orequipment which can bepurchased & used

    2. Employee is treated as aresource

    4. Employees are treated as cost 3. Employees are treated as a

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    centre & thereforemanagement controls the costof labor

    profit centre & thereforeinvests capital for humanresource training &development

    5. Employees are used mostly fororganizational benefit

    4. Employees are used for themultiple mutual benefit of theorganization , employees andtheir family members

    6. Personnel function is treatedas only an auxiliary

    5. Human resource managementis a strategic managementfunction.

    * Challenges before HR Manager

    1. Work life balance- As HR personnel has a dual responsibility he hasto get the work done by the employees to attain the goal of theorganization & at the same time he has to handle the grievances ofemployees , employees should not be overloaded with task & goals

    2. Employee Expectations With the changes in the workforcedemographics , globalization , liberalization change in the attitudeof employees has been observed their expectations have changedthey ask for empowerment & expect fair treatment by themanagement.

    3. Ethical HR Practices- HR managers role in building an ethicalclimate is significant because they are the one who actually framethe culture of the organization they should follow ethical practicesfrom recruitment to appraisal till the full & final settlement. It hasbeen observed that they themselves at times carry on withunethical practices like taking discounts from consultancies,caterers transport operators etc.

    4. Talent Retention One of the most challenging problem for HRManagers is to retain the talents because of intense competitionfrom global companies domestic companies are in trouble becausemost of the Indian Companies at present are not offering the perks& benefits what an MNCs offer, so they find it difficult to retain thetalent

    5. Managing different work force - For HR manager this is veryimportant that they keep the environment of the organization freeof conflicts & when there are thousands of people working togethermany conflicts crops up so policy of the Companies should be

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    secular & should not show any biasness all this things has to beconsidered and implemented by the HR manager

    Role of HR Manager notes in class

    Characteristics of the workforce notes in class

    Personnel Philosophy notes in class

    Personnel Manual-notes in class

    HR as a supporting system Most of the organization doesnt

    consider HR to be a part of decision making team they are just

    considered to be a supporting pillar whereas in reality they are

    the one who actually represent the entire organization & if theirviews are not included in the policies of the Company it may

    affect the climate of the organization.



    A human recourse department is becoming an integral part

    of every organization.

    The following diagram illustrates the common structure of the

    human resources department:

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    Human Resource Planning is based on the belief that people

    are an organizations most important strategic resource. It

    attempts to address

    The human resource needs of an organization both in quantitative

    and qualitative terms. Human Resource planning is also concerned

    with how people are employed and develops in order to improve

    organizational effectiveness.




    Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager





    Training &





    & Benefits








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    Wendell French defines human resource planning as the process

    of assessing the organizations human resources needs in the light

    of organizational goals and changing conditions and making plans

    to ensure that a competent, stable work force is employed.


    PLANNINGPLANNINGThe specific objectives of human resources planning may

    vary as per the specific needs of the organization. However, most

    human resource plans have the following objectives:

    Optimal utilization of human resources: The mainobjective of human resource planning is to maintain and

    improve the organizations ability to achieve its goal by

    developing strategies that will result in optimum

    contribution of human resources.

    Meeting personnel requirements: Human resource planning

    is not concerned with merely forecasting future manpower

    requirements of the organization but also with developingappropriate recruitment and selection strategies to meet

    these requirements. Human resource planning seeks to

    recruit and select employees in a manner that will maximize

    return on the investment in human resources.

    Placement of personnel: It is not sufficient the right

    personnel; but it is important to place them on the right job.

    Human resources planning strive to place the right man on

    the right job.

    Prevent disruption of work: The costs of work disruption

    due to unavailability of required human resources can be

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    very high. Human resource planning aims to ensure the

    timely availability of the right number and kind of people

    for the smooth running of the organization.

    Control costs: An important objective of human resource

    planning is to reduce or control labor costs by maintaining a

    proper balance between demand for and supply of human

    resources. Human resource planning seeks to cut and save

    costs on human resources.

    Training and management development: Human resource

    planning aims at developing a well-trained and flexibilityworkforce. This increases the organizations ability to an

    uncertain and changing environment.

    *Process of Human Resource Planning

    It consist of the following steps1. Analysing organizational plans

    2. Demand forecasting: forecasting the overall human resourcerequirements in accordance with the organizational plans

    3. Supply forecasting : obtaining the data & information about thepresent inventory of human resources and forecast the future changesin the human resource inventory

    4. Estimating the net human resource requirements

    5. In case of future surplus , plan for redeployment , retrenchment & layoff

    6. In case of future deficit, forecast the future supply of human resourcesfrom all sources with reference to plans of other Companies.

    7. Plan for recruitment, development & internal mobility if future supply ismore than or equal to net human resource requirements.

    8. Plan to modify or adjust the organizational plan if future supply will beinadequate with reference to future requirements-( ref diagram)


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    Reshuffle of human resources is essential for the smooth

    and efficient management of the organization. It also serves the

    broader interests of the organization. Hence such reshuffles

    popularly known as job transfers hence become very common in

    modern business organizations.

    Job transfers carried out on a routine basis in organization.

    They are designed to prepare managers to take on the additional

    responsibilities by providing them with experience in different

    areas of the firm. Most of the job transfers are considered to be

    lateral promotions; that is the manager is placed in a position that

    carries similar authority and responsibility but in a different partof the firm.


    Yorder and associates have defined job transfer as a lateral

    shift causing movement of individuals from one position to

    another usually without involving any marked change in duties,responsibilities, skills needed or compensation.

    Transfers may be initiated either by the company or the

    employee. A company may initiate transfer to place employees in

    positions where they are likely to be more effective. Similarly,

    employees may initiate transfer to locations where they are likely

    to get greater satisfaction.


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    Every organization should have a just and impartial policy

    concerning the transfers of employees. It is important that every

    employee knows the policy. A transfer policy serves as a guide

    post for managers in affecting transfer policy.

    A good transfer policy should satisfy the following conditions:

    It should states the types of transfers (departmental or

    interdepartmental) and the circumstances under which

    transfers will be made.

    The persons who have the authority to order transfers.

    Usually the person in charge of that department handles

    transfers in each department. The HR department usually,

    has a big say in transfers.

    The effect of transfer on pay and seniority should be

    clearly mentioned.

    The facilities (leave, special, allowance for shifting place)

    available to transferred employee should be clearly stated.

    The transfer policy should state the conditions under which

    personal requests of the employees for transfer will be


    All transfer decisions should be communicated to the

    employee in writing.

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    Employee transfer may be classified in to three types based

    on its purpose:

    Transfers that are affected for the training and

    development of the employees.

    Transfers made for adjustment of varying volumes within

    the organization.

    Transfers designed to correct the problem of poor

    employee placement.

    The common types of transfers are:

    Production transfers: When there is excess manpower in

    one department or branch in the organization, they are

    transferred to other departments or branches in order to

    lay off. The main purpose of such transfer is to prevent lays

    offs and stabilize employment.

    Replacement transfers: these types of transfers are

    applied for the protection of senior or long serving

    employees. Such transfers are made when the operations of

    the organization are declining and hence a long-standing

    employee replaces a junior or new employee.

    Versality transfer: Versality transfers are affected togive the employee a chance to learn various skills involved in

    different jobs. The purpose of such transfers is to develop

    and all round employee with varied experience. He is

    prepared for future positions.

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    Shift Transfers: Shift transfers are routine in industries

    where work is in process for 24 hrs or in three shifts. Such

    transfers are usually effected on rotation basis but they are also

    effected for personal reasons of an employee such as marriage,

    child - care, age parents etc.

    Remedial Transfers: Remedial Transfers are affected to

    correct the wrong placement of the employee or shift an

    inefficient employee who ids not carrying out his job

    satisfactorily. The wrongly placed employee is placed in a

    more suitable job. Such transfers protect the interest ofthe employees.

    Penal Transfers: The management may transfer an

    employee from one position to another as punishment for

    undesirable acts performed by him. In such transfers, the

    employee is shifted to less important position in the



    Promotion refers to advancement of an employee to a higher

    post carrying greater responsibilities, higher status and better

    salary. Promotion puts an employee or executive on a career path,

    which goes upward.

    On being promoted, promoters duties and responsibilitiesincrease, and the higher ones goes in an organization the greater

    is the effect of the employees decision on the working of the


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    Promotion is upward movement of an employee in the

    organizations hierarchy, to another job commanding greater

    authority, higher status and better working conditions. Generally,

    when an employee is assigned a higher-level job with more pay and

    powers, he is said to be promoted.

    DEFINITIONSDEFINITIONSAccording to Scott and Clothier, a promotion is a transfer of an

    employee to a job which pays more money or one that carries

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    some preferred status.












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    Organizations adopt a variety of criteria for promoting employee.

    Promotion can be made on the basis of seniority or merit or acombination of both


    Seniority implies relative length of service in the

    organization. Seniority is described as The principle that an

    employees relative length of service is an organization is a factor

    in determining his employment rights and job opportunities in theorganization.

    Promotional systems that are based on seniority place a

    premium on length of service and job experience. I.e. those

    employees who joined the organization first should be the first

    choice for promotions. Seniority suggests that employees should

    be given preference in various aspects of employment based on

    the length of their service.

    The use of seniority as the basis of promotion is based onthe assumption that the longer a person does a job, the more he

    learn from it. This experience gives him greater knowledge of the

    organization and jobs related to his own, hence he is more

    suitable for promotion.


    This system of promotion takes in to account theknowledge, skills and performance of an employee it stresses on

    the ability of the employee in deciding promotion. Under this

    system the best performing employee is promoted.

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    As both seniority and merit-based systems of promotion

    have plus and minus points, may organization use a promotional

    system based on a combination of seniority and merit.

    Before using this system, it is essential that the management

    clearly state the following details:

    1. The minimum length of service to be eligible for promotion.

    2. The relative weight age assigned to merit and seniority.

    3. The minimum performance and qualifications essential to beeligible for promotion.


    Every organization should develop a sound policy regarding

    promotion of its employees. The promotion policy should formally

    state the organizations broad objectives. Employees are likely to

    be frustrated and restless in the absence of sound promotionpolicy.

    The main characteristics of a good promotion policy are as


    Policy statement: The sound promotion policy has a policy

    statement. It is statement of the ratio of internal

    promotions to external recruitment at each level, the

    method and procedure of selection, and qualifications


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    The policy statement must clearly state whether

    vacancies are to be filled up primarily from within the

    organization or by recruitment from outside.

    Basis of promotion: The basis of promotion must be clearly

    specified. The weight age to seniority and merit must be

    clearly stated. Ideally, an organization should try to strike a

    balance between seniority, merit and future potential of the


    Promotion charts: A promotion charts conveys to the

    employees the avenues of advancement available to them. Ina promotion chart each position is linked to several other

    positions can be made.

    Communication of policy: The organization should

    communicate its promotion policy in writing to the

    employees and the unions. If the organization is secretive

    about its promotion policies, employees will become

    suspicious of the managements intentions.

    Career planning: The promotion policy should be in line with

    employee career planning. This will avoid sudden spurt

    promotion followed by drought (long periods when there are

    no opportunities for promotion.)

    Detailed records: A sound promotion policy ensures that

    detailed records of employee service and performance are


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    Employee training: The organization must prepare the

    employees for promotion through suitable training on the

    job or in professional institutions or through job rotation

    and conferences.

    Consistency: The organization must be consistent in its

    promotion policies. It should be applied uniformly regardless

    of the person concerned.


    Demand & Supply forecasting techniquesFactors affecting HRP-notes in class

    HRIS-notes in class

    VRS-notes in class

    Outsourcing-notes in class

    Pinkslip/retrenchment /downsizing/separation-notes in class

    Contracting & subcontracting- notes in class


    The success of any organization depends on the right man

    on the right job. Matching the man to the job and the job to the

    man is the key to the efficient running of an organization. The

    purpose of job analysis is to provide a detailed information and

    description about the job.

    Job analysis provides information about why job the job is

    done, the way it is done, the equipment or machinery used, the

    skill or training or education needed to perform the job, the

    wages paid, the working conditions and any other special or unique

    characteristics of the job.

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    2.3 DEFINITION2.3 DEFINITIONWendell French defines job analysis as the systematic

    investigation of job content, the physical circumstances in which

    the job is carried out, and the qualifications needed to carry outjob responsibilities.

    Methods of collecting job data

    Merits & Demerits of Job Analysis



    Job description and job specification are the two major outcomes

    of the job analysis process.


    Job description is sometimes called as position description.

    Job description is a recorded statement of the activities of thejobholder. It describes what is done on the job, how it is done

    and why it is done. Job description attempts to accurately

    portray job content, environment and conditions of employment.

    It describes every aspect of the job. It is extremely useful in

    differentiating one job from another. The job description

    document usually contains the following information:

    Job identification: Information regarding the job title,code number of the job, department or division where the

    job is located and so on is provided over here.

    Job summary: It describes the activities or tasks

    performed on the job.

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    Job duties and responsibilities: This is the heart of the

    job description. It describes the duties performed and the

    frequency of each duty. Responsibilities such as supervision,

    custody of money, supervision and training of staff are

    described in this part.

    Working conditions: This includes the physical environment

    of the job, risks in the workplace and possibilities of their

    occurrence and so on.

    Machines, tools and equipment: The name and types of themajor machines and tools used on the job are described


    Social environment: This part describes the size of the

    work group, interpersonal interactions required to perform

    the job.

    Supervision: It states the extent of supervision given orreceived, the number of people supervised along with their


    Relation to other jobs: In this part the jobs immediately

    below and above are mentioned. This provides an idea of the

    relationship between different aspects of the work.

    Job description acts as an important resource for:

    1. Describing the job to potential candidates

    2. Guiding new employees in what they are specifically

    expected to do and

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    3. Comparing the employees actual activities with the

    ones stated in the job description.

    Job description is an important document that helps to identify

    the job and gives a clear idea of what the job is. A good job

    description provides a detailed and clear picture of the whole job.


    Job specification is also referred to as man specification or

    employee specification. Job specification is a statement of the

    minimum qualities required in a candidate for successful

    performance of the job. It describes the personalcharacteristics that an individual must process in order to

    perform the job effectively.

    Based on the information acquired through job analysis, job

    specification identifies the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed

    to do the job effectively. Although the specific items mentioned

    in the job specification may vary, they usually include following


    1. Qualifications and experience2. Physical characteristics (height, weight, physique, eyesight,

    motor coordination)

    3. Psychological characteristics (intelligence, analytical ability,

    concentration, memory, judgment, interests)

    4. Social characteristics (emotional intelligence, interpersonal

    skills, leadership, cooperativeness)

    5. Other characteristics (age, sex, family background)

    Job specification tells what kind of person is required for a

    given job. It is an important tool in the recruitment and selection

    process as it helps the selectors to determine whether a

    candidate has the personal characteristics required to succeed on

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    the job. Job specification tells what kind of a person to recruit

    and for what qualities that person should be tested.


    It is the vital that organizations pay their employees fair

    and competitive salaries in order to attract and retain their

    talented and competent employees. If the salary is poor then the

    employee will leave the organization for another that will pay

    more. However paying more than what an employee deserves will

    prove costly and counterproductive.Job evaluation means to determine the relative worth of

    jobs in an organization. It is the process of determining the value

    of a job in order to fix some salary or wages. Job evaluation is

    done on the basis of information obtained through job analysis.


    Wendell French defines job evaluation as a process ofdetermining the relative worth of the various jobs within the

    organization, so that different wages may be paid to jobs of

    different worth.

    OBJECTIVES OF JOB EVALUATIONOBJECTIVES OF JOB EVALUATIONThere are several objectives of job evaluation:

    To develop a consistent wage policy.

    To determine the rate of pay for each job which is fair and

    equitable in relation to other jobs in the organization or


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    To ensure that like wages are paid to all qualified employees

    for like work.

    To eliminate inconsistencies and inequalities in wages.

    To establish a rational basis for fixing incentives and

    different bonus plans.

    To develop a framework for periodic review and revision of

    wage rates.

    To provide a basis for wage negotiations with trade unions.

    To maximize if not eliminate wage discrimination on the

    basis of age, sex, caste, religion etc.* Process of Job Evaluation:

    The basic procedure of job evaluation is to compare the content of jobsin relation to one another , in terms of their skills or responsibility orsome other requirement. When comparable factors are available jobs

    can be evaluated more systematically. Each job is compared with allthe others using the same factors , sub-factors, and number ofdegrees.

    Following steps should be install to take up a job evaluationprogramme.

    i)Analyze and prepare Job Description : This requires the preparation ofa job description and also an analysis of job requirements forsuccessful performance.

    ii) Select and prepare a Job Evaluation Plan : This means that a jobmust be broken down into its component parts, i.e it should involve theselection of factors, elements needed for the performance of all jobsfor which money is paid, determining their value and preparing writteninstructions for evaluation.

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    iii) Classify Jobs: This requires grouping or arranging jobs in a correctsequence in terms of value to the firm, and relating them to the moneyterms in order to ascertain their relative value.

    iV) Install the Programme: This involves explaining it to employeesputting it to operation.

    V) Maintain the Programme: Jobs cannot continue without updatingnew jobs and job changes in obedience to changing conditions andsituations.

    Methods of Job Evaluation : Notes in class

    RECRUITMENTRECRUITMENTThe acquisition of human resources for the organization

    takes place through the process of recruitment and selection.

    After the human resource needs of the organization are

    identified through human resource planning, the next step is that

    of recruitment and selection. One of the most difficult tasks of

    the human resource manager is that of recruiting and selecting

    the right kind of people for the organization.Recruitment is the first step towards procuring qualified

    manpower for the organization. The process of acquiring human

    resources begins with recruitment, continues with selection and

    ceases with placement.


    DeCenzo and Robbins describes recruitment as the process ofdiscovering potential candidates for actual or anticipated

    organizational vacancies.

    It is a linking activity aimed at bringing together those with

    jobs to fill and those seeking jobs.

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    A number of factors such as the size of the organization,

    the employment conditions in the community, reputation of the

    organization, working conditions and salary and benefits offered

    by the organization affect the recruitment process.

    Ideally the recruitment process should ensure that for

    every position available in the organization, there are sufficient

    numbers of qualified applicants. In very large organization,

    recruitment is a complex and continuing process that demands

    extensive planning and effort.


    The various sources of recruitment may be broadlyclassified in two broad categories: Internal and external sources.

    Some organizations draw their human resources internally i.e.

    from within the organization while others draw externally i.e.

    from outside the organization.


    The internal sources of recruitment focus on finding

    qualified applicants within the organization. The organization

    itself is the best source of applicants for positions above the

    entry level. The internal sources of recruitment may be of the

    following type:

    Promotion: promoting qualified and experienced employees

    may fill vacancies in the organization. Promotion refers toshifting an employee to a higher position carrying higher

    status, responsibilities and pay. Promotion may be based on

    performance or seniority depending upon the organizations

    promotional policies.

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    Transfers: Another common way of filling up vacancies is

    through internal transfers. An existing employee who is

    experienced and capable is transferred from one

    department in the organization to another. In transfers, the

    shifting of the employee occurs without any major change in

    his status and responsibilities.

    Job posting (internal advertisement): A popular method of

    finding applicants is through job postings or internal

    advertisements. Job posting involves announcing job opening

    to all current employees through notices on the bulletinboards or through the company newsletters. Some

    organizations have developed computerized job posting

    systems so that employees can obtain information on their

    on their computer screens.

    Job posting carry information about the nature of the

    position and qualifications needed, and any employees who is

    interested in the job may apply for the same. Job

    announcements ensure that employees are aware ofopportunities to move up in the organization.

    Recall or retired and ex-employees: When an organization is

    not able to find a suitable candidate for a vacancy, former

    employees of the organization who have retired or had quit

    the organization may be recalled.

    Employee referrals: Another way to find applicants withinthe organization is through employee referrals. Informal

    communications among managers may lead to the discovery

    of a good candidate for the job. Employee referrals may be

    for candidates within the organization as well as outside the

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    organization. Some organizations even offer rewards to

    employee whose referrals get selected in the organization.

    Skills Inventories: Many firms have developed computerized

    skills inventories of their employees information on every

    employees skills, educational background, work history, and

    other important factors is stored in the organizations

    database. The skill is used to identify employees with the

    attributes needed for a particular job.

    A new development in this area is the Human Resource

    Information System (HRIS). It is a computerized system thatassists in the processing of HRM information. It provides skill

    inventory information.

    The HRIS is designed to quickly fulfill the personnel

    information needs to the organization. It permits the

    organization to track most information about an employee and

    about jobs and retrieve that when it is needed. HRIS is

    extremely useful for storing employment, training and

    compensation information on each employee.EXTERNAL SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT

    Organizations turn to external sources of recruitment when the

    internal sources of fall short. New organizations rely largely on

    external sources to meet their recruitment needs. However even

    well established organizations turn to external sources when

    candidates with the desired skills, knowledge and qualifications

    are not available in the organizations in order to introduce newblood in the organization.

    There external sources of recruitment are:

    o Campus recruitment: Educational and training institution

    like the IIMs, IITs and other professional colleges are a

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    good source of recruiting qualified and trained personnel.

    Many educational institutions have placement departments

    who forward and names of graduating students to

    interested organizations and invite them to conduct campus


    o Advertisements: Advertisements in journals, newspapers

    and magazines with wide circulation is a very popular source

    of recruitment. However care should be taken in preparing

    the advertising so that only qualified applicants respond.

    The advantage of this method is that a single

    advertisement can reach millions of potential recruits. The

    cost per persons is very low.As more and more people surf the inter net, the Internet as

    a medium of advertising is becoming increasingly popular.

    o Employment agencies: Private consulting firms carry out

    recruiting functions on behalf of organizations. Firms of

    such kinds are also referred to as head hunting firms.

    These firms carry out all the functions of recruitment and

    selection and provide organizations with candidates as per

    their requirements. The employment agencies charge a feefor their services. ABC consultants, personnel search are

    some of the top employment consultants in India.

    o Employee recommendations: A very good external source of

    recruitment is a recommendation from a current employee.

    An employee will rarely recommended someone unless he is

    certain that the individual will perform adequately. This is

    because recommendations reflect on the recommender andhis reputation is at stake.

    o Professional bodies: Professional bodies like the institute

    of chartered accounts, Institute of company secretary

    maintain a record of qualified persons in their specialized

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    fields. Organizations can approach such bodies to meet

    their specific needs.

    o Deputation: In deputation the services of an experienced

    employee of another organization are borrowed for a fixed

    period of time. This source of recruitment is usually for

    senior positions in the organization. The person on

    deputation serves the borrower organization for a period of

    time and then returns to the lender organization.

    o Poaching: Poaching involves attracting talented and

    competent persons from rival organization by offeringbetter terms and conditions of employment with regard to

    salary, designations, working conditions, additional perks and

    benefits. Poaching is considered to be unethical as

    employees often carry with them sensitive information that

    could hurt the interests of their former organization.

    o Unsolicited or casual applications: Often organizations

    receive unsolicited applications for jobs in the form oftelephone calls, letters, and e-mails. Organizations do not

    throw such application but maintain a record of these

    applications as they serve as a prospective source of


    E RecruitingE Recruiting

    Perhaps no method has ever had as revolutionary an effect

    on recruitment practices as the Internet. There are respective

    company websites devoted in some manner to job posting

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    activities. Currently, employees can electronically screen

    candidates, soft attributes, direct potential hires to a special

    website for online skill assessment, conduct background checks

    over the Internet, interview candidates via videoconferencing,

    and mange the entire process with web based software.

    Companies benefit immensely through cost saving, speed

    enhancement and extended worldwide candidate reach which the

    Internet offers. From the job seekers perspective, the Internet

    allows for searchers over a boarder array of geographic and

    company posting than was possible before.

    There are negatives associated with Internet recruiting.

    For example, broader exposure might result in many unqualifiedapplicants applying for jobs. More resumes need to be

    interviewed, more e-mails dealt with and specialized applicant

    tracking software may be needed to handle the large number of

    applicants who lack access to Internet.

    Problems notwithstanding, both job givers as well as job

    seekers find Internet as the most effective source of recruiting

    and its usage in the days to come will be all pervasive.

    Merits & Demerits Notes in class


    Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable

    person /s out of all the applicants. It is the process of choosing

    the required qualifications and skills to perform the job

    successfully. Selection involves screening of candidates.Screening is a process of reducing the number of applicants to a

    few by way of rejecting the candidates who are not found eligible

    as per the qualifications prescribed.

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    Selection of employees is a managerial decision. It is the

    management, which fixes the criteria for selection.


    According to Thomas Stone, selection is the process of

    differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire

    those with a greater likelihood of success on the job.


    Organizations make large investments to get the right kind of

    people; hence, a sound selection procedure is necessary. Theobjective of the selection procedure is to determine whether an

    applicant meets the qualifications for a specific job and to choose

    the applicant who is the most likely to perform well in that job.

    Although organizations differ in terms of which selection method

    to use, most of the follow a fairly standardized set of steps. The

    various steps involved in the selection procedure are as follows:

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    1. Preliminary interview: This is the first step in the selection

    procedure. The objective of this interview is to discard

    those candidates who are totally unqualified for the job.

    Only suitable candidates are retained for further screening.

    Preliminary interview saves time and efforts of both the

    organization and the candidate. It avoids unnecessary

    waiting for candidates who have no chance of being hired.The organization too benefits, as it does not waste time and

    money on further processing unsuitable candidates.

    The preliminary interview is the first contact of an

    individual with the organization. Hence it is vital that the








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    staffs who are involved in this step are extremely

    courteous, receptive and polite with the rejected candidate.

    The candidates who seem suitable are given the application

    blanks to fill.

    2. Application blanks: This is a very popular method of getting

    information from the candidate. The candidates are

    supplied a blank specially prepared application form for

    filling it with information relating to educational

    qualifications, age, experience, training, past experience,

    hobbies, interests etc.

    While some organizations have specially preparedapplication forms, others ask candidates to prepare on their


    The application form has several benefits:

    It helps to eliminate those candidates who are lacking in

    education and experience.

    It helps in formulation questions for the interview.

    Information obtained through application forms can be used

    for future reference.

    3. Selection test: The selection or employment test is

    the next step in the selection procedure. A variety of

    psychological tests are used to obtain information about

    various aspects to an individuals behavior, performance and

    attitudes. Use of such tests is becoming increasingly


    The different tests help in: Identification of differences among individuals.

    Identification of the maximum and minimum

    potential of the candidates.

    Identification of skills, abilities, talents,

    interests in the candidates.

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    4. Employment interview: The interview is a widely used tool

    of selecting prospective candidates for the organization. It

    gives the employer and prospective employee an opportunity

    to meet each other.

    The selection or employment interview serves three


    It is an opportunity to obtain additional information

    about the candidate and determine his suitability for the


    It provides information to the candidate about the

    organization, the specific job for which he has applied andpersonnel policies.

    It helps to establish a friendly relationship with the

    candidate and motivate suitable candidates to join the


    Although the employment interview is very popular,

    doubts have been raised as to its reliability in selection of

    the right candidate.

    5. Medical examination: Applicants who have successfully

    passed the above steps are now sent foe a medical

    examination. Medical examination is for the following


    It helps to determine whether the candidate is mentally and

    physically fit to perform the job.

    It prevents employment of employees suffering from

    contagious diseases. It saves expenditure that the organization may have to

    incur for medical treatment of the candidate.

    6. Reference checks: Applicants are frequently asked to

    provide the names and address of two or three persons who

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    know them well. These persons are commonly referred to as

    referees or references. These persons may be previous

    employers, heads of educational institutions or other public


    The organization contacts the referees through mail

    or by telephone to know more about the candidates

    character, skills, potentialities etc. The feedback and the

    comments of the referees influence the selection of the

    candidate. Candidates who are evaluated positively by

    referees are selected while those who are evaluated

    negatively are rejected.

    7. Final selection: The candidates who have cleared all

    the above obstacles are recommended by the human

    resources department to the concerned department for

    their final approval.

    On the final approval of the concerned department, the

    appointment letter is issued to the candidate. The appointment

    letter contains details regarding the pay scale, the post, the rank,other terms and conditions of employment and the date by which

    the candidate should join the organization. Sometimes a contract

    is signed between the candidate and a representative of the



    When a new employee joins the organization, the first few

    days are ones of great uncertainty. Even the calmest and most

    competent employee feels a little nervous, anxious and insecure.

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    This is because he is unfamiliar with the new surroundings, new

    coworkers and new job procedures. Hence, most organizations

    offer some kind of an induction program to help new employees

    get acquired with the company and make a productive beginning on

    the job. Induction programs are also commonly referred to as

    orientation programs.

    DEFINITIONDEFINITIONMichael Armstrong defines induction as the process of receiving

    and welcoming employees when they first join the company and

    giving them the basic information they need to settle down

    quickly and happily and start work.

    Induction is the process of familiarizing of the new

    employee with the job and the organization. It includes

    introducing the new employee to his or her work unit.

    According to Armstrong, induction has five main aims:

    1. To put new employee at ease.2. To create employee interest in the job and the


    3. To provide basic information about working conditions.

    4. To indicate the standards of performance and

    behavior expected from the employee.

    5. To tell the employee about training arrangements and

    how he or she can progress in the company.

    3.6 Importance of induction3.6 Importance of induction

    Induction is extremely important as a new worker often

    finds himself completely at sea in the workplace. Induction

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    assumes even greater importance when the new employee is new

    to the town / city or in some cases to the country.

    Smooth entry: To make the entry of the new employee in to

    the organization a smooth one as initially everything is

    strange and unfamiliar to him.

    Favorable attitude: To establish a favorable attitude to

    the company in the mind of the new employee so that he will

    stay on in the organization.

    Quick adjustment: To obtain effective output from the newemployee in the shortest possible time.

    Reduce employee turnover: Research has found that

    employees are far more likely to resign during their first

    few months after the joining the organization. Induction

    reduces the likelihood of employees leaving the organization


    Increasing commitment: A proper induction makes the feel

    that the organization is worth working for. This increases

    employee commitment as he identities himself with the

    organization, wants to stay with and is prepared to work

    hard on behalf of the organization.

    Understand organizational norms: Induction programs

    convey to the new employee what the organization expectsfrom him in terms of behavioral norms and the values that

    he should uphold.

    Induction provides an opportunity to inform people of

    the way things are done here. This reduces any doubts or

    misconceptions that the new employee may be holding.

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    Develop relationships: Induction helps to foster a close and

    cordial relationship between the newcomers and the old

    employees and their supervisors.

    Other information: Induction serves as an opportunity to

    provide other necessary information such as the location of

    cafeteria, toilets, rest periods, leave rules.




    To ensure introduction of the new entrant to the

    institution, its culture, tradition, ethos, and work ethics.

    To have a formal interaction between the head of the

    branch / office and the new entrant in order to haveintroduction to the job and colleagues.

    To provide psychological assurance that he will be looked

    after and cared in the new place.

    Help the employee to shed apprehensions, if any, and feel

    free in the environment.

    To initiate the socialization process of the employee in the

    organization on a positive note, so that the process of

    emotional integration is fast and smooth.

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    SYSTEM The branch manager / section In-charge conducts the

    entry interview of the entry interview of the new

    employee on the first first day immediately on his

    joining the Branch / office.

    The interview has to be conducted in a friendly

    atmosphere and the employee is made to feel at ease.

    Through the interview the manager elicits the

    background of the employee family and profession,

    his goals in life, his expectations, his capabilities andpotential.

    The manager volunteers information about the banks

    history, its rich heritage and culture, its mission and

    goals to make the employee aware of the duties

    expected from him. He also gives general information

    about the Branch / office, the people working there

    and also the place.

    The manager finds out the needs of the employee at

    the new place and helps him to settle.

    The manager to introduce the new employee to his


    A handbook step into the family for an enrichingpartnership is given to the employee.


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    A well-trained workforce is the greatest asset of an

    organization. After the employee is selected, the next important

    task for the organization is to see that the employee adjusts as

    quickly as possible on the job and performs his job efficiently. In

    order to do so, it is essential that the employee is properly

    trained and prepared for the tasks that lie ahead.

    An organization cannot function effectively when its employees

    are not trained well. Lack of training is often the cause of: Poor

    productivity, Errors and wastages, Unsafe working practices and

    Dissatisfaction at work.

    Training is basically the management of learning. The

    objective of training and development is to raise the level of

    performance in one or more aspects. This is achieved either by

    providing new knowledge and information relevant to a job or by

    teaching new skills or by imbibing an individual with new attitudes,

    values, motives and other personality characteristics.

    DEFINITIONDEFINITIONAccording to Edwin Flippo, training is the act of increasing the

    knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job.

    Training prepares employees to perform their present job

    even better and more efficiently. It also prepares the employee

    for higher positions with increased responsibilities.


    A variety of methods have been developed for the training of

    managers and senior executives in the organization. The different

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    methods of management development may be classified as on the

    on the On-the-job and Of- the-job training methods.

    On-the-job training

    1) Coaching: In coaching a superior guides and instructs a

    junior manager. He trainees the junior in the knowledge and

    skills required to do the job. This method emphasizes on

    learning by doing.

    In this method, the superior serves as coach who helps

    the training grow and improve his performance on a day-to-

    day basis. The coach sets challenging goals for the training,

    informs him what is to be done and evaluate the trainees

    progress towards the goals.

    2) Job rotation: Job rotation is a popular management training

    technique. It involves movement or transfer of managers

    from one position or job to another on a plant basis. They

    are move from one managerial position to another according


    On-the-job Training

    1) Coaching

    2) Job rotation and


    3) Understudy assignments

    4) Committee assignment

    5) Project assignment

    6) Multiple assignment

    Of-the-job Training

    1) Lecture method

    2) Case studies

    3) Conferences

    4) University training

    5) In-basket method

    6) Wilderness training

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    to a rotation schedule. Job rotation is also called as position

    rotation and cross training.

    The aim of job rotation is to broaden the knowledge,

    skills and outlook of managers. It exposes the managers to

    different jobs and department to acquaint them with all the

    facets of the organization. It thus widens the managers


    Job rotation is frequently used with junior executives

    and fresh college graduates who are just beginning their

    working careers. Through job rotation, trainees gain

    perspective on various aspects of organizatiozational life.

    They have the opportunity to see and be seen by highermanagement, and to learn to direct experience where they

    might best apply their knowledge, abilities and interest.

    3) Understudy assignment: In the understudy method, the

    trainees work directly under individuals whom they are likely

    to replace. The objective of understudy assignments is to

    train an employee to succeed in a specific position. The

    employee may work as an assistant manager to a superiorwho trains him to shoulder his responsibilities in due course.

    4) Committee assignments: Organizations frequently set up

    committees and panels to investigate and study various

    problems confronting the company. For example, grievances

    committee, pay revision committee and so on. Trainees are

    often placed in such committees so that they get a fee and

    developed better understanding of the various issues facingthe organization.

    5) Project assignments: In this method, a number of trainings

    executives are put together to work on project i.e. closely

    related to their work or department. The group called

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    project in or task force studies the problem and find

    appropriate solutions.

    In this method the trainees learned the procedures

    and techniques involved in the particular work and the inter

    relationships between their department and other


    6) Multiple management: This was developed Charles P. in the

    U.S.A. In this method a junior board of young executives is

    constituted. This board is given the authority to discuss any

    problem that the senior board would discuss. They discuss a

    wide variety of subjects and make recommendations to theboard of directors.

    Of-the-job Training Methods

    1) Lecture method: Lecture method is one of the most popular

    methods. It is widely used all over the world in the field of

    education as well as in the field of industrial training.

    A lecture is a prepared presentation of knowledge,information, and viewpoints in order to make the learners

    accept what the lecturer says. The key word is prepared.

    Presentation of the lecture will spell the difference

    between acceptance or rejection, interest or boredom.

    2) Conferences: The conference method is commonly used

    when the number of trainees is small. The conference

    method encourages active participation and leads to greatertwo-way communication. The conference method permits

    the participants to pull their ideas together discuss the

    problem from all points of view express themselves, become

    aware of the opinions of other, ask questions and seek


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    The effectiveness of the conference method is

    strongly influence by the skills and personality of the

    trainer. A good trainer is able to get all the participants

    involved in the discussions. He knows when to lead the group

    and when to allow others to lead the discussions.

    The attitude of trainees, their verbal communications

    skills and eagerness to acquire knowledge and participate in

    the discussion also plays a crucial role in the success of the

    training method. The conference method applies the

    learning principles of motivation and feedback in training


    3) The case study method: The case studies, a trainee come

    face to face with business situations similar to the ones

    they are likely to handle future. Case studies consist of

    problem situations to which the group has to find the best

    possible situation. Case studies are extremely popular in

    executive training programs.

    In a typical case study, a complex problem or case of

    the kind daily faced by the manger and executives ispresented to the trainees prior to a general meeting. The

    trainees are expected to familiarize themselves with the

    information and to find additional relevant information.

    When they meet as a group, each member interprets the

    problem and offers a solution. Then a systematic discussion

    takes place. Different view are exchanged, the trainees

    come to appreciate the different perspectives on a problem

    and consequently different approaches to solving it. Usuallythe cases have no single correct solutions. The group leader

    does not suggest and answer. The group as a whole must

    reach an agreement and resolve the problem.

    Through case studies, the trainees learn to diagnose

    business problems, understand the critical factors in

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    business and to take decisions with regard to its effects on

    the organization as a whole.

    4) Training in universities: Training programs required a great

    deal of planning, tremendous infrastructure and trained

    experts to conduct them. A major constraint is a cost

    factor, which is very high. Hence many organizations depute

    their employees for the different courses conducted by the

    universities and other reputed institutions. Universities

    have recognized the needs of the industrial community and

    have devised several programs to cater to the needs of

    organizations. The programs may be a very brief one-dayaffair or could extend to one year or more. To suit the

    convenience of the working employee, the courses are

    conducted in the evening or on weekends. The courses over

    a wide variety of subjects, such as

    Business policy and strategy

    Human relations

    General management functions

    Communications Accounting

    Industrial relations


    Quantitative approaches

    5) In-basket method: In this method of training, the

    trainee is placed in a simulated situation where he is given

    basketful of items that a manager is likely to encounter onthe job such as letters, reports, memoranda, notes and

    other related materials. The trainee has to respond and

    make decisions on these items. The trainees decisions are

    then evaluated and he is given feedback on the nature of

    actions he takes.

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    6) Sensitivity training: In sensitivity training, trainees

    meet in small groups for a few hours every day. The training

    often takes place at a comfortable retreat, removing

    trainees from the daily pressures and routines of the job

    and family life.

    The trainers assume a passive role. There is no agenda

    or format. In the beginning the discussion is very unclear

    and unstructured and the topic of the discussion does not

    matter. The important thing is that something to bediscussed and someone be involved in the process. In time

    trainees begin to discuss themselves and one another,

    pointing out their likes and dislikes, strengths and

    weaknesses. Thus they examine feelings, experiences,

    expressions, gestures, and behaviors, thoughts, which are

    often taken for, granted in every day life.

    Sensitivity training must be used with care. It has

    proved to be traumatic for some individuals. The franknessand criticism that take place in sensitivity training can be

    more hurting than helping.

    7) Wilderness training: This training method is a recent

    development. In this method executives and other

    employees are involved in outdoor-based programs. The

    objective of such program is to foster individual growth and

    development, increase self-confidence, risk taking and buildleadership, teamwork skills.

    In most wilderness programs, the learnings takes

    place in a wilderness areas involving such activities as river

    rafting, mountain climbing or scaling obstacles. Group

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    discussions and short lectures are also included in such


    There is no ideal or best method of management


    Each organization must design its own particular program

    based on:

    The climate in the organization.

    The organizational level for which training is required.

    The particular characteristics of the personnel to be

    developed. The economic resources that the organization can allot

    for training and development.


    Organizational training programs are very costly. When an

    employee is being trained, not only the organization spending

    money on him but it is also losing in terms of manpower as the

    employee is away from work. However despites his loss, goodorganizations spend a considerable amount of time, effort and

    money to train their employees. They feel that training of

    employees is an investment, which will reap benefits and profits

    for the organization in the future.

    The major benefits of training are:

    Higher productivity and profits: Trainings improves the

    knowledge and skills of employees and hence leads to

    greater efficiency in the work place. The more efficient an

    employee, the higher will be the production, which in turn

    will contribute to greater profits for the organization.

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    Optimal use of resources: well-trained employees are able

    to make optimal use of their resources (manpower,

    materials, machinery and capital.) This helps in reducing

    cost and time wastages.

    Job satisfaction: Employees who have received training and

    know their job well are a confident lot. This increases their

    morale and leads to higher job satisfaction.

    Safety: Training reduces errors and accidents on the job

    by making the employees more competent and able at theirwork. Training helps to improve safety standards at work.

    Reduces stress: An employee who knows his job well is less

    likely to experience stress. Besides training in stress and

    time management enable the employee to cope with

    frustration and tension.

    Career development: Training prepares the employees forhigher positions by developing the necessary skills and

    attitudes. It improves employees prospects for

    advancement and promotion within the organization. Training

    prepares the employee for opportunities that will come

    during his career.


    State Bank of India is Indias largest public sector bank. It

    is the second largest employer of people after the Indian

    Railways. The bank currently over 2.15 lakhs personnel in various

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    cadres. SBI has a separate HRD division, which looks in to the

    training interests of the bank.

    The SBI training philosophy is proactive, planned and

    continuous. It is an integral part of organizational development.

    It seeks to impart knowledge, improve skills and reorient

    attitudes for individual growth and organizational effectiveness.

    The HRD mission of SBI is to enable every individual to

    realize and activate his potential, as to contribute to the

    achievement of the banks goals and derive satisfaction there


    The training wing in SBI consists of nearly 65 training

    centers established at various places in the country. There are

    three colleges one each specialized in agricultural development,

    information and technology and general banking.

    At the apex level, an academy has been established at

    gurgaon near Delhi. This academy provides training to the topmanagement of SBI and also to officials from other banks. Every

    training center is equipped with modern infrastructure facilities

    and has a suitably trained faculty.

    The management of the training system is overseen by the

    Chief General Manager at the central office of the bank in


    At the training center, various programs are conducted

    throughout the year for employees in various cadres. The

    programs are signed in such a manner so as to help develop the

    employees ability to work more efficiently and without mistakes.

    This ultimately benefits the employee as well as the institution.

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    The training programs may classified in to three main divisions

    1. Core Program

    2. Role Related Program

    3. Factitional Program

    These programs are developed for all categories of employees.

    They are so designed to provide full knowledge of each subject

    needed for that category. Each program is designed keeping in

    mind the following details:


    Target group Eligibility



    Once an employee has been selected, trained and placed on

    the job, the next step is that of Performance Appraisal.

    Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating theperformance of the employee in the organization. Performance

    appraisal is the process by which the management finds out how

    well or how badly the employee is performing on the job.

    Performance appraisal is beneficial both to the employee as

    well as to the organization. Performance appraisal is a kind of

    feedback to the employee. It enables him to understand whether

    his work is satisfactory r whether he needs any improvement inhis performance. Performance appraisal reveal to an employee his

    strengths and weaknesses, enhancing his self-confidence in some

    areas and encouraging him to improve his performance in other


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    Performance appraisal provides feedback to the

    management whether an employees is up to the mark and whether

    he is contributing to the attainment of organizational goals.

    Important management decisions such as promotions, transfers,

    demotions, raises in salary, training and so on are

    Made on the basis of the performance appraisal reports.

    4.5 DEFINITION4.5 DEFINITIONAccording to the Indian National Institute of Personnel

    management, performance Appraisal is a technique of assessing,

    as impartially as possible, the attributes, strengths, weaknesses,

    capacity and attitudes of individual employee in relation to his


    C. D. Fisher describes Performance Appraisal as the process by

    which an employees contribution to the organizations during aspecified period of time is assessed.

    Performance appraisal has three basic functions:

    1. Performance appraisal seeks to provide adequate

    feedback to each individual on his or her performance.

    2. Performance appraisal serves as a basis for improving

    or changing behavior towards more effective workinghabits.

    3. Performance appraisal aims to provide data to

    managers with which they may judge future job

    assignments and compensation.

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    Some of the major uses of performance appraisal are:

    o Personnel Training: Performance appraisal provides

    information about the employees strengths and weaknesses.

    Once weaknesses in knowledge, skills, and abilities are

    identified it can be corrected through additional training.

    However appraisal should be only on job related

    characteristics and training should focus on those areas of

    poor performance that attributed to the individual and not

    due to other factors in the work environment.Thus performance appraisal serves as a diagnostic kit for

    identifying employee strength and weaknesses.

    o Wage and Salary Administration: Performance appraisals

    are frequently used to determine the salary raise to be

    given to the employees. Increases in pay are often linked to

    the employees job performance.

    It is suggested that personnel development and salaryadministration should not be combined in the same

    appraisal as employees become defensive. This is because:

    Employees attach greater importance to raises, as

    they are more immediate and real.

    Personnel development loses its importance if

    admitting weaknesses means a lower raise.

    This problem can be overcome by having two appraisals one

    for employee development and another for salary raise. It isalso suggested that the same person should not conduct the

    process of employee development and salary fixation.

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    o Placement: Information through performance appraisal is

    useful in making placement decisions.

    Trainee employees are appraised by exposing them to

    various tasks in the areas of finance, marketing, accounting

    etc. On the basis of their performance the trainees are

    placed in the field that they performed the best.

    Thus performance appraisal is useful in making optional

    use of employee abilities and talents.

    o Promotions: Performance appraisal is helps in identifying

    the better performing employees. It helps us to compare

    the performance of the employees. The performanceappraisal is useful in making promotional decisions.

    However it must be remembered that promotions are not

    determined by performance only. Seniority (job experience)

    plays an important role. Experts suggest that the seniority

    and merit may be used to make promotional decisions.

    o Discharge: Performance appraisal provides evidence of

    inadequate job performance by the employee. Thisinformation can be used to determinate or dismiss


    In order to prevent lawsuits, organizations must maintain

    proper records and documents relating to employees

    performance. The organization should be able to

    demonstrate that the decision to terminate the employee

    was a fair one and used as the last resort.

    o Job satisfaction: A fair performance appraisal maintains

    employee initiative and morale leading to greater job


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    o Feedback: Performance appraisal provides information of an

    employees weaknesses or deficiencies in knowledge, skills

    and abilities that once identified can be corrected through

    additional training. Performance appraisal can also be used

    determine the usefulness of a training program by

    determining whether an employees job performance

    improved after the training period.



    The modern methods of performance appraisal focus more

    on the evaluation of work results and job achievements rather

    than personality traits.

    The new methods of performance appraisal are as follows:

    Management by Objectives: Management Guru Peter Drucker is

    credited for the development of management by objectives,popularly known as MBO.

    MBO involves a mutual agreement between the employee and

    supervisor on goals to be achieved in a given time. MBO focuses

    on results on how well employees accomplish specified goals. The

    emphasis is on what employee does rather than on what

    supervisors think of them or perceive their behaviors to be. MBO

    actively involves employees in their own evaluations. They are not

    simply graded or rated by others.

    MBO consist of two phases: Goal setting and Performance


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    Goal setting: In this place the employees meet their

    supervisors individually to determine the goals to be

    achieved within a specified time and discus ways of

    reaching those specified goals. The goals are set by

    mutual agreement between the supervisor and the

    subordinate. The goals must be realistic, specific and

    as objective as possible.

    Performance review: In this phase the employee and

    the supervisor meet after the specified period of time

    and discuss the extent to which goals were met. Thesupervisor attempts to solve any problems that the

    subordinate faces and new goals are set. The

    supervisors role is that of a listener and guide but

    never that of a critic.

    Assessment Centers: The assessment center in

    an organization is the place where individuals are assessed

    in as systematic and scientific manner as possible. Anassessment center is a place specially designed equipped for

    a specific purpose appraisal.

    The objective of assessment center is to evaluation of

    individuals for future growth and development. The

    evaluations are made not on the job but are based on

    observations of behavior and on the results obtained in

    psychological tests. In an assessment center a through and

    complete evaluation is done of the individual his strengths,weaknesses and personality characteristics.

    Techniques of assessment

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    Organizations use different techniques of assessment

    depending upon their specific needs and requirements. Some

    of the common techniques of assessment are:

    Role-playing: In this, the candidate acts out the role

    of a manager in a simulated situation, showing for an

    example, how he or she would conduct a job interview.

    In basket test: In this form of evaluation, the

    candidate is placed in a simulated situation where he is

    given a basketful of items that a manager is likely to

    encounter on the job such as letters, reports,memoranda, notes and other related materials. The

    candidate has to respond and make decisions on these

    items. The candidate is evaluated on the nature of

    actions he takes.

    A Leadership group discussion co-operative nature:

    In this, members of a group are presented with a

    problem. The individual members of the group areobserved on their contributions towards the solution

    as well as for their interaction with other members of

    the group.

    Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS): Smith

    and Kendall developed the original behaviorally