hr-traing & development -ntpc

A PROJECT ON THE ROLE OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AT NTPC (Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Master of Business Administration, Distance Education, Punjab Technical University, Jallandhar) Research Supervisor: Submitted by : MS. RUCHI Priyanka HR, Manager Enrollment No. 9208970235 NTPC, New Delhi MBA IV (HR) Semester

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(Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Master of Business Administration, Distance Education,

Punjab Technical University, Jallandhar)

Research Supervisor: Submitted by:

MS. RUCHI PriyankaHR, Manager Enrollment No. 9208970235NTPC, New Delhi MBA IV (HR) Semester

Session 2009-11

Directorate of Distance EducationPunjab Technical University,

Jallandhar (India)

Page 2: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC


"Acknowledgement is an out, one can write glib stanzas without

meaning a word, on the other hand one can make a simple

expression of gratitude".

Though the knowledge is a poor substitute for the sentiments, yet

there is no way out to recover to it for expressing my profound

gratitude, indebtedness and sincere regards of Centre Delhi Centre

for giving me this platform from where I could work on live project

and research.

I would like to acknowledge Ms. Ruchi (HR-Manager, NTPC, New

Delhi) who helped me a lot in each and every stage while undergoing

my project study and guide me in the whole process.

I would also like to thank all those employees of NTPC who helped me

in my project study.


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Training is an organized activity for increasing the knowledge and

skills of people for a definite purpose. It involves systematic

procedures for transferring technical know-how to the employees so

as to increase their knowledge and skills for doing specific jobs with


Training is important not only from the point of view of the

organization, but also for the employees. Training is valuable to the

employees because it will give them greater job security and an

opportunity for advancement.

In this study the primary data was collected from the employees of

NTPC mainly through questionnaires. Questionnaire is distributed

among the employees of junior level, Middle level and senior level.

Secondary data were collected from the HR manual, organization's

website, etc.

Here the type of sampling was stratified random sampling. In this

study employees are divided in 3 groups’ i.e. junior level, middle

level and senior level. And the sample size is taken as 30. And the

questionnaires are distributed in each group, among 30 employees.

In the junior level there are approximately 380 employees. In the

middle level approximately 160 employees and in senior level

approximately 60 employees are there. While doing the sampling it is

believe that there is homogeneity among employees in each group.

In this section finding and analysis is was done on the basis of the

questionnaire. All the questionnaires are separated in 3 groups i.e.

junior, middle and senior level. And whole the process of training and

development is divided into 3 phase i.e. need assessment phase,

conduction phase and evaluation phase and analysis was done in


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each level on the basis of the 3 different phases of training and


From all the finding and analysis we can say that the role of training

and development at NTPC is very strong, maximum employees are

satisfied from the training process. In the need assessment phase of

training almost employees of all the levels are satisfied from the role

of training and development. According to 33% of employees at

Middle level the needs of training is not efficiently clarified to the

trainees. All the employees mainly need training for up gradation of

abilities, training in allied fields and to develop specific abilities


In the conduction phase of training, some employees have a little

problem with the duration of the training. Almost 33% of employees

at junior level have a little problem with the attitude of the trainees.

20% of junior level employees need same modification or change in

the existing culture of training. Most of employees prefer Job

Instruction Training (JIT) or on the job training than the class room


In the evaluation phase the senior level employees are very much

satisfied from the evaluation process of training. The other

employees are also satisfied. The employees think that the training

reduces the gap between the present and standard performance

level. Training improves the commitment of the employees to the

organization. A sense of belongingness and future retention of

employees is reflected through training.



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Page Nos.

Introduction and Rationale of the topic chosen

Literature Review and Problem Statement

Company Profile

Training and Development at NTPC

Objectives and Research Methodology

Analysis and Interpretation of Data







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Training is an organized activity for increasing the knowledge and

skills of people for a definite purpose. It involves systematic

procedures for transferring technical know-how to the employees so

as to increase their knowledge and skills for doing specific jobs with

proficiency. On other words, the trainees acquire technical

knowledge, skills and problem solving ability by undergoing the

training programme.

“Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an

employee for doing a particular job” Training involves the

development of skills that are usually necessary to perform a

specific job. Its purpose is to achieve a change in the behavior of

those trained and to enable them to do their jobs better. Training

makes newly appointed workers fully productive in the minimum of

time. Training is equally necessary for the old employees whenever

new machines and equipment are introduced and/or there is a

change in the techniques of doing the things. In fact, training is a

continuous process.

The purpose of training is to bring about improvement in the

performance, of workers. It includes the learning of such techniques

as are required for the intelligence performance of definite tasks.


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On the basis of purpose, several types of training programmes are

offered to the employees. It should be noted that these programmes

are not mutually exclusive.

1. Introduction or orientation training 2. Job training.

3. Apprenticeship training 4. Internship training

5. Refresher training or retraining. 6. Training for promotion.

1. Introduction or Orientation Training

Induction is concerned with introducing or orienting a new employee

to the organization and its procedures, rules and regulations. When

a new employee reports for work, he must be helped to get

acquainted with the work environment and fellow employees.

Employee orientation or induction training is nothing but

introduction of the organization to the newly employed person. The

purpose is to give a birds eye view of the organization where he has

to work. It is a very short of involvement in the minds of newly

appointed employees.

2. Job Training

Job training relates to specific job which the worker has to handle. It

gives information about machines process of production,

instructions to be followed, and methods to be used and so on. It

develops skills and confidence among the workers and enables

them to perform the job efficiently.


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3. Apprenticeship Training

Apprenticeship training programme tends more towards education

than merely on the vocational training. Under this, both knowledge

and skills ion doing a job or a series of related jobs are involved.

The trainees receive wages while learning and they acquire valuable

skills which command a high wage in the labor market. In India,

there are so may ‘earn when you learn’ schemes both in the private

as well as public sector undertakings.

4. Internship Training

Under this method, the educational or vocational institute enters

into arrangement with an industrial enterprise for providing practical

knowledge to its students. Internship training is usually meant for

such vocations where advanced theoretical knowledge is to be

backed up by practical experience on the job.

5. Refresher Training or Retraining

As the name implies, the refresher training is meant for the old

employees of the enterprise. The basic purpose of refresher training

is to acquaint the existing workforce with the latest methods of

performing their jobs and improve their efficient further. In the

works of Dale Yoder, “Retraining programmes are designed to avoid

personnel obsolescence.” Thus, refresher training is essential

because of the following factors.

(a) The workers require training to bring them up-to-date with the

knowledge and skills and to relearn what they have forgotten.

(b) Rapid technological changes make even the qualified workers

obsolete in course of time because new technology is associated

with new work-methods and job requirements. The workers need


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to learn new work methods to use new techniques in doing their


(c) Refresher training necessary because many new jobs which are

created due to changes in the demand for goods and services

are to be handled by the existing employees.

6. Training for Promotion

The talented employees may be given adequate training to make

them eligible for promotion to higher jobs in the organization.

promotion of an employee means a significant change in his

responsibilities and duties. Therefore, it is essential that he is

provided sufficient training to learn new skills to perform his new

duties efficiently. The purpose of training for promotion is to

develop the existing employees to make them fit for undertaking

higher job responsibilities. This serves as motivating force to the



The training programme is an integral part of human resource

management. As shown in Fig.1, it consists of the following inter-

related steps:

(i) Identification of training needs.

(ii) Setting training objectives

(iii) Organization of training

(iv) Evaluation of training.

i. Identification of Training Needs


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The technological changes taking place is the main cause

identification of the training needs in an organization. earlier the

people were acquiring training through apprenticeship and

vocational courses, which are not sufficient in the modern era of

industrialization. It is necessary to identify the training needs

because of the following reasons:

a) Adoption of new techniques in an organization an introduction of

modern working methods. For example, computerization of the

office as has been done in Railway bookings or Airlines bookings.

b) Poor performance by the workers as reflected by low output, lack

of initiative, incompetence, bad decision. This requires

systematic training of the work-force.

c) Wide gaps between what workers should be doing and what they

are doing.

d) Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of an organization may

reveal the areas of weaknesses which need to be handled


Training needs can be identified through the following types of


(i) Organizational analysis

(ii) Task analysis

(iii) Manpower or Human Resource Analysis

(i) Organization Analysis: It is systematic study of the

organization in terms of its objectives, its resources, resource

allocation and utilization, growth potential and its

environment. Its purpose is to determine where training

emphasis should be placed in the organization for increasing


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organizational effectiveness. Organizational analysis involves

the following elements.

(a) Analysis of Objectives: The long-term and short-term

objectives and their relative priorities should be properly

analyzed. Specific goals for various departments should

be stated which will serve as means for achieving the

overall organizational objectives. The management would

have to examine what are the specific training inputs that

would contribute towards the achievements of these


(b) Resources Utilization Analysis: The allocation of

human and physical resources and their efficient

utilization in meeting the operational targets should be

analyzed. In order to examine the need for training, the

following questions need to be answered:

Whether adequate number of personnel is available to

ensure the fulfillment of the goals?

Whether the personnel performance is upto the required


(c) Climate Analysis: Organizational climate reflects the

attitudes of organizational members as regards trust,

loyalty, openness, commitment to organizational goals.

Analysis of organizational climate should aim to

determining whether the environment in different

departments is conducive to fulfillment of their goals. This

will help in knowing areas where training is needed to

improve the climate of the organization.


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(ii) Task Analysis. It is systematic analysis of jobs to identify job

contents, knowledge, skills and aptitudes required to perform

the job. Particular attention should be paid to the tasks to be

performed, the methods to be used, the way employees learn

these methods and the performance standards required of

employees. Questionnaires, interviews, personnel records,

observation and other methods can be sued to collect

information about jobs in the organization.

In task analysis, the main focus is on the job or task.

(iii) Manpower Analysis. The quality of manpower required by

the organization has to be carefully analyzed. It has to be

done in the light of both internal and external environment of

the organization. to achieve these quality standards, specific

training needs should be determined on the following lines:

(a)specific areas where individual need training,

(b)the capability of present workforce to learn new skills and behaviors.

(c) The time frame within which training must be imparted, and

(d)Job designing and redesigning, introduction of new work methods and technology.

2. Training Objectives

Once the training needs are identified, the next step is to set

training objectives in concrete terms and to decide the methods to

be adopted to achieve these objectives. The overall aim of any

training programme is to increase organizational effectiveness.

However, each training programme must also have specific

objectives such as increased productivity, improved quality, better

human resource planning, better health and safety prevention of

obsolescence and enhanced personal growth.


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3. Organization of Training Programme

Every training programme includes trainees, trainers, a training

period and training material.

The proper selection of trainees is of major importance if permanent

and gainful results are to be obtained. A trainee should be trained

for the kind of job he likes and is fitted to perform. In this respect,

training is closely related to the selection of personnel. Careful

screening of candidates for training will raise the effectiveness of

the training programme.

While giving training to an employee, the first step is to attempt to

place him at cease.

In case of supervisory training, it is better to include all supervisors

and other employees considered suitable for promotion to such


The instructor or trainer is a key figure in an effective training

programme. He can contribute immeasurably to its success.

Qualified instructor may be obtained from inside or outside the

organization. he must be able to divide the job into logical parts so

that he may take up one party at a time without losing his

perspective of the whole. He must be tolerant and patient. He must

be able to appreciate the value of training job in relation to the

enterprise and an understanding of what the employees would go

through in order to acquire the skills and knowledge as envisaged

by the programme.

The length of the training period depends upon the skills to be

acquired, the trainees learning capacity and the training

methodology used.

Now the question arises whether the training should be given during

working hours or after the working hours. It is beyond doubt that a


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trained employee is an asset for the organization. A big organization

can afford to send their employees for full time training on full pay.

The choice of any method would depend upon the specific

objectives of the training programme.

To increase the effectiveness of training, some written material is

usually desirable as a basis for instructions, review and reference.

The training section may prepare the training material with the help

of line supervisors to be used for different jobs.

4. Evaluation of Training

it is a very costly and time-consuming process. It is essential to

determine its effectiveness in terms of achievement of specific

training objectives. The sooner employees know the results of a quiz

or how well they are can assess their progress. The sooner

employees receive positive feedback from the trainer, the less time

they will waste.

Self-graded tests and programmed learning kits provide the

necessary feedback to a person on his progress on a particular


Evaluation of training would provide useful information about the

effectiveness of training as well as about the design of future

training programmes.


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Robinson (1981) explained that the following two specific types are

important but when put to use both of them have their own

consequences. One is skill training and the other is cross training.

Skill Training - But in contrast to the above view of many

Organisations, there was a recent study done by Gould Williams

suggesting that there are “some Organisations that only pay

attention on investing in skill training rather than any other sort of

training, this was seen in organisations like NTPC, BHEL etc.

Ivenson (1989) revealed that major organisations like NTPC have

come about with certain methods of working on the issue of training

and development. The management of this organisations has come

about with certain features such as having group discussions,

secondly the assigned candidate is given a particular situation to

handle and then play out the entire scenario to the fellow

candidates, the other method is using a case study where a real life

documentary is shown, the individuals have to analyse it and find

solutions to the problem of the documentary. The type of training

done could be called as “On the Job training”. The other type of

training that is also done is called “Off the Job training” which takes

place outside the work environment and even outside from the

place of residence of the employees. It’s a good way of creating self

esteem, and building motivation within the trainee, also that each

and every trainee is provided with special attention while

performing the given task and it also helps the trainer to focus on

specific problematic areas which prove to be an obstacle in

delivering the best performance by the respective candidate.


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Andrews (1999) stated that training is a systematic modification of

behaviour through learning, which occurs as a result of education,

instruction, development and planned experience. Training needs

exists when there is a gap between the present performance of

employee or group of employees and the desired performance. The

existence of this gap can be determined on the basis of skill analysis

involving 5 steps: Analysis and determination of the major

requirements of the specific job, identification of the tasks needed

to be accomplished to meet the job requirements, understanding of

the procedures needed to accomplish each of the job requirements,

analysis of the knowledge and skills needed to accomplish the

procedures and identification of any special problems of the job and

analysis of any practical skill needed to meet the problem. Thus the

most talked about issue of the organisation is that, how it’s so

prominent in maintaining its standards as well as giving side-by-side

significance to manpower planning. Today most of the

organisations have come forth and given a clear indication of using

the practices and policies of the human resource management

efficiently. So now each and every organisation has given way of

including another department so that it looks after the company as

a whole as well as also helps in gaining immense productivity and

performance over the year. This is when the hotel works on a very

effective platform of personnel management; that is, training and


Williams (1999), argued that though these types of training are

good they do not evoke maximum results for the organisation, as in

most of the situations the employees agree to go through these

procedures for their own benefit and to earn extra wages, but on the

other hand it can be an obstacle for those who are not promoted or

given the chance of going through these types of training and

development programmes. Looking briefly from the employee


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point of view training and development is really beneficiary for

those employees whose self-actualization levels are comparatively

low. If done under the guidance of excellent leaders can evoke good

job satisfaction for employees. As well as from time to time

employees will be able to enhance their potential skills and also

keep track of what are their strengths and weaknesses when

rendering their services to the organisation as a whole. Even their

commitment towards their supervisor or the service towards the

manager increases. Again contradictory to this notion of employee

motivation and development, many Organisations don’t have

training programmes, or even for that matter highly skilled staff but

even then are still able to raise their business and reach commercial

marketing standards, this happens more so because the way

management looks after the well being of its employees and

promotes the need of having healthy environments for offering

guest services.

These are from a series of articles which originally appeared in

Tappi Journal in 1995-96, to introduce methods addressing the

development of individuals and organizations through the field of

Human Resource Development. This research was done by the

Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry

Is training the answer to cope with the changes occurring in

our lives, our careers and our organizations? Yes, partly,

sometimes, but certainly not always. There are other answers

too -- the solution may lie with organization development,

career development, or a combination of these or other


To ensure that training is delivered effectively and efficiently,

a process of instructional systems design (ISD) should be

implemented as a planned process for the assessment,


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design, development, implementation and evaluation of

training. ISD starts with an assessment of the needs of the

organization, which may include surveying, identifying and

prioritizing mill training needs, analyzing the causes of

performance problems and opportunities, and identifying

possible solutions. It is imperative to determine if training is

the appropriate solution, and if it will be cost-effective.

Developing training should include analyses of the

characteristics of the learners, the setting in which the work

will be performed, and the tasks and duties which the trainees

will be expected to perform. A complete review of the subject

matter (and subject matter experts) is also necessary. Goals

and performance objectives must be set, and a plan to

evaluate the training should be developed. Instructional

materials and strategies must be acquired, prepared, and pre-


Training can be useful in many ways to help people function more

effectively in team environments, including:

Communication- People must learn how to communicate

effectively in teams and between teams across the entire

organization. Employees must use communication to resolve and

manage conflicts, and to air and resolve grievances and


Team management and functioning - Managing projects, setting

goals, clarifying roles, and solving problems in teams are skills

that must be developed. New organizational skills must be

developed if teams are to operate effectively and efficiently.

Leadership development - Team leaders and upper management

need to learn how to act as role models for team operation, and


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how to promote the active building, leadership and management

of teams.

Personal development- Employees need help in overcoming fears

about the loss of job security and independence, and to learn

how to continue to make individual contributions within team

structures. Interpersonal skills need to be developed, especially

with respect to group problem solving.

Problem statement

Training is an organized activity for increasing the knowledge and

skills of people for a definite purpose. It involves systematic

procedures for transferring technical know-how to the employees so

as to increase their knowledge and skills for doing specific jobs with

proficiency. On other words, the trainees acquire technical

knowledge, skills and problem solving ability by undergoing the

training programme.

In the conduction phase of training, some employees have a little

problem with the duration of the training. Almost 33% of employees

at junior level have a little problem with the attitude of the trainees.

20% of junior level employees need same modification or change in

the existing culture of training. Most of employees prefer Job

Instruction Training (JIT) or on the job training than the class room



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National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC) is the largest

thermal power generating company of India. A public sector

company incorporated in the year 1975 to accelerate power

development in the country as a wholly owned company of the

Government of India. At present, Government of India holds 89.5%

of the total equity shares of the company and the balance 10.5% is

held by FIIs, Domestic Banks, Public and others. Within a span of 30

years, NTPC has emerged as a truly national power company, with

power generating facilities in all the major regions of the country ).

Based on 1998 data, carried out by Data monitor UK, NTPC is the(s

6th largest in terms of thermal power generation and the second

most efficient in terms of capacity utilization amongst the thermal

utilities in the world NTPC's core business is engineering,

construction and operation of power generating plants and also

providing consultancy to power utilities in India and abroad. As on

date the installed capacity of NTPC is 23,749 MW through its 13 coal

based (19,480 MW), 7 gas based (3,955 MW) and 3 Joint Venture

Projects (314 MW). NTPC acquired 50% equity of the SAIL Power

Supply Corporation Ltd. (SPSCL). This JV company operates the

captive power plants of Durgapur (120 MW), Rourkela (120 MW) and

Bhilai (74 MW). NTPC is also managing Badarpur thermal power

station (705 MW) of Government of India.

NTPC’s share on 31 Mar 2010 in the total installed capacity of the

country was 19.4% and it contributed 27.1% of the total power

generation of the country during 2009-10.

NTPC is committed to the environment, generating power at

minimal environmental cost and preserving the ecology in the

vicinity of the plants. NTPC has undertaken massive afforestation in


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the vicinity of its plants. Plantations have increased forest area and

reduced barren land. The massive afforestation by NTPC in and

around its Ramagundam Power station (2100 MW) have contributed

reducing the temperature in the areas by about 3°c. NTPC has also

taken proactive steps for ash utilisation. In 1991, it set up Ash

Utilisation Division to manage efficient use of the ash produced at

its coal stations. This quality of ash produced is ideal for use in

cement, concrete, cellular concrete, building material.

A "Centre for Power Efficiency and Environment Protection

(CENPEEP)" has been established in NTPC with the assistance of

United States Agency for International Development. (USAID).

Cenpeep is efficiency oriented, eco-friendly and eco-nurturing

initiative - a symbol of NTPC's concern towards environmental

protection and continued commitment to sustainable power

development in India.

NTPC has set new benchmarks for the power industry both in the

area of power plant construction and operations. It is providing

power at the cheapest average tariff in the country. With its

experience and expertise in the power sector, NTPC is extending

consultancy services to various organisations in the power business.

NTPC has entered into a joint venture with Alstom, Germany for

renovation and modernization of power plants in India.

As a responsible corporate citizen, NTPC is making constant efforts

to improve the socio-economic status of the people affected by the

its projects. Through it's Rehabilitation and Resettlement

programmes, the company endeavors to improve the overall socio-

economic status of Project Affected Persons.

NTPC was among the first Public Sector Enterprises to enter into a

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Government in


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1987-88. NTPC has been Placed under the 'Excellent category' (the

best category) every year since the MOU system became operative.

NTPC has been rated among the top ten "Best companies to work

for in India" by Mercer HR Consulting-Business Today Survey 2009.

This is the second consecutive year that NTPC has appeared in this

prestigious list. Besides, NTPC is also the only PSU among the top

ten companies. The survey was conducted on the basis of five

attributes such as HR Metrics, HR Processes, Employee Perception,

Stake holder Perception and Attrition on a weighted scale to arrive

at a total score for each company surveyed.


In a span of just 15 years after commissioning of the first 200 MW

units at Singrauli in February 1982, NTPC has grown to become the

largest utility of the country with a commissioned capacity of 16,795

MW as in April 1998, at an average annual commissioning rate of

about 1,000 MW. NTPC has been ranked ninth in thermal generation

among the world’s thermal generating companies as per the bench-

marking data of 200 top utilities of the world (published by Market

line International UK).

The total approved capacity of NTPC at the end of March 1998

stands at 20,515 MW consisting of 12 coal-based stations and 7-

gas/liquid fuel based stations. In addition, NTPC also manage

Badarpur thermal power station and Balco Captive Power Plant on

behalf of the Government of India and Bharat Aluminum Corporation

Limited (BALCO) respectively.

NTPC has also constructed 16,968 ckt. Km. of transmission lines up

to March 1992. These transmission lines were subsequently

transferred to Power Corporation of India Ltd. (earlier incorporated


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as National Power Transmission Corporation Ltd.) in April 1992 with

the ultimate objective of creating a National Grid.


NTPC’s share on 31st March 2010, in the total installed capacity of

the country is 20.4% and it contributed 27.1% of the total power

generation of the country during 2009-10. After adding the capacity

and generation contributed by joint venture companies, NTPC’s

share of installed capacity increases to 27.51% of the total

generation in the country.


Joint ventures with SAIL

Utility Powertech Ltd

NTPC Alstom Power Services Pvt. Ltd.

PTC India Ltd.

NTPC Tamil Nadu Energy Company Ltd.


MOU with Ministry of Railways

MOU with Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.

MOU with Gujarat Power Corporation Ltd.

MOU with Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd.

MOU with Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

MOU with Black & Veatch


The region –wise distribution of NTPC power stations / projects at

the close of March 2010 is shown in the table below:


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No. of stations

Installed capacity

Region Coal Gas Total

Coal Gas Total

Western 2 2 4 4360 1293 5653

Northern 5 4 9 5620 2312 7932

Eastern 4 - 4 5900 - 5900

Southern 2 1 3 3600 350 3950

Total 13 7 20 19480 3955 23435

JV’s 3 - 3 314 - 314

Grand Total 16 7 23 19794 3955 23749




NTPC a front runner in the Indian Power Sector, to be one of the

largest and best power utilities of the world and thereby

contributing to India’s emergence as one of the world’s leading



Make available reliable and quality in increasing large

quantities at appropriate tariffs and ensure timely realization

of revenues.


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Speedily plan and implement power projects, with

cotemporary technologies.

Implement strategic diversification in areas of R&M hydor,

LNG and non-conventional and Eco-friendly fuels and explore

new areas like transmission, information technology etc.

Promote consultancy and make prudent acquisitions.

Continuously develop competent human resource to match

world standards.

Be a responsible corporate citizen with thrust on environment

protection, rehabilitation and ash utilization.


To add generating capacity within prescribed time and cost.

To operate and maintain power stations at high availability

ensuring minimum cost of generation.

To maintain the financial soundness of the company by

managing the financial operations in accordance with good

commercial utility practices.

To develop appropriate commercial policy leading to

remunerative tariffs and minimum receivables.

To function as a responsible corporate citizen and discharge

social responsibility, in respect of environment protection and


The corporation will strive to utilize the ash produced as its

stations to the maximum extent possible through production

of ash bricks building materials, etc.

To adopt appropriate human resources development policy

leading to creation of team of motivated and competent

power professional.


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To introduce, assimilate and attain self-sufficiency in

technology, acquire expertise in utility management practices

and to disseminate knowledge essentially as a contribution to

other constituents of the power sector in the country.

To develop Research & Development for achieving improved

plant reliability.

To expand the consultancy operations and to participate in

ventures abroad.


The values shared by the entire organization are to permeate

through each and every discipline within the company and in all its

initiatives and responses with the rest of the world:

Respect for each other

Everyone a winner

Fairness, Business ethics

- Customer Satisfaction

- Vendor partnership

Efficiency, profitability, Benefit-cost orientation

System Approach And Discipline

Innovation, Creativity, Entrepreneurship

Concern For Ecology, Environment

Internal Customer Satisfaction

Total Quality

Sensitivity To Feedback, Learning And Renewal




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Well thought & monitored programmes are carried.

Training is imparted only after needs are identified.

Training programmes are outlined and are conducted in a;

procedural manner

Methods applies are highly interactive in nature.

The latest techniques & developments are tracked and taught

Best of effort is put in organizing

Response is good among employees.


Employees are not consulted before imparting the programmes.

Individual needs are not kept in mind while assessment of

training needs.

Since, the training programmes are held mainly at the regional

headquarters, outstation employees are not benefited in any


Absenteeism is not Reported


Training programmes increase the promotional aspects of the


Imparting specialized knowledge provides them opportunities to

excel in the field of operations.

Development programmes undertaken by help to enhance the

managerial & work capabilities of the employees.


The training programmes are sometimes taken by the employees

casually, since, there is no compulsion to attend these



Page 28: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

Practical implementation of the knowledge acquired is quite low.

Training for the sake of training can be a threat to the

productivity of the organization.


Page 29: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC



The basic philosophy of the guidelines is to make training an

effective instrument in transforming NTPC into a learning



The objectives of the guidelines are to:

1. Make learning one of the fundamental values of the Company

2. Ensure value addition through to the overall business process

3. Institutionalize learning opportunities that supplement work


4. Integrate organizational and individual developmental needs

5. Enable employees to keep abreast with the latest knowledge and

skills and enable them to undertake current and future

responsibilities in a more effective manner.

6. Provide linkages between the different functionaries of training


7. Provide linkages of training activity with overall Human Resource



The training System shall cover all regular employees of the

Company nominated for training.


Training: Training shall include a training programme, seminar,

convention, workshop, symposium or any other structured learning


Page 30: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

or developmental programme, based on organizational needs and/or

training Need Analysis.

Training Year: Training Year shall mean a period of one year

commencing from 1st April till 31st March of the subsequent year.

In-house Training Programme: A training programme designed,

developed and conducted within the Company, exclusively for the

regular employees of the Company, with or without the assistance

of external agency (cies).

External Training Programme: A training programme designed,

developed and conducted within India, by an outside agency, not

exclusively for the employees of the company, and to which one or

more employees of the Company may be nominated.

Planned Intervention: A grade/level/category-wise in house

training programme, normally based on a template course design,

and conducted to improve competency base of employees as felt

necessary by the organization. The List of current Planned

Interventions is given in Annexure I.

Need-based Programme: A training programme, designed,

developed and conducted on the basis of the developmental needs

felt and identified for the employees concerned in the Training

Needs Form.

Specified Intervention: An external training proramme or an in-

house training programme other than a planned Intervention or a

Need-based Programme, conducted to improve certain specified

competencies, as felt necessary by the organization.


Page 31: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

Classification of Training Needs (for Need-based


1. Essential: Developmental needs which , if not met, may affect job


2. Desirable: Developmental needs which are necessary for

personal development and growth.

3. Short-term: Developmental needs which need to be fulfilled for

immediate job performance.

4. Long-term: Developmental needs which need to be fulfilled for

future job performance, in next two years or so


It shall be the endeavor of the Company to provide seven man days

of training in a training year to every employee.

Employees shall make full use of the Training Systems to support

this endeavor to create a learning organization.


The agencies that shall deal with the training function in the

Company shall include:

Power Management Institute: PMI shall be the apex-training

institute and the nodal agency for Training for the Company. It shall

cater to the advanced training needs of all executives of the

Company. In case of employees of Corporate Centre, it shall cater to

the training needs of both executives and non-executives. It shall

specialize in Management Development and advanced technical

areas including information Technology and shall serve as

knowledge dissemination centre for the Company as a whole. It will

as engage in research and constancy.


Page 32: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

Unit Training Centres: Unit Training Centres shall cater to the

training and development needs of the employees of the respective


Simulator Training Centres: The Simulator training centres at

Korba & Kawas, designed to produce real time behaviour of the

Thermal and gas modules respectively, shall cater to the needs of

the corporation in addition, depending on the availability of

resources, the Simulator training centres would also provide training

to external agencies/organizations, on commercial terms.

Regional HR group: The Regional HR group shall cater to the

training and development needs of the employees of the respective

region. Wherever it is not feasible for the Unit Training Centres to

organize a specific programme, Regional HR group would organize

such a programme for the employees in the entire region. It would

also take an active and proactive part in finalization of the training

calendars of each unit within the region.

Corporate HR group: HR Group shall co-ordinate external training

programmes for allthe employees of Corporate Centre. It would also

co-ordinate-specified interventions for targeted groups.

Departmental Training Co-coordinator: The Head of each

Department shall nominate an executive who shall, besides his

normal functional assignment, co-ordinate the training and related

matters for the employees of the department. It shall be the

responsibility of the Departmental Training Co-coordinator for

conducting Training Need Analysis and so ensuring nomination of

the employees of the department concerned to training

programmes that the Training Target of 7 man days of training for

every employee in a training year is achieved.



Page 33: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

1. The objectives of Training Need Analysis are to

1.1 systematically identify developmental needs of employees

1.2 integrate so-identified individual needs with organizational


1.3 enhance relevance and acceptance of training programmes

2. Employees would identify their training needs once in two years.

this is as per the Training Plan implemented in 1998.

3. Each employee will identify his/her training needs in a maximum

of four areas in consultation with his reporting officer. The

training needs expressed should be related to the employee’s

present responsibilities and his likely areas of future


4. Training Needs would be classified as Essential and desirable

along two time-frames of short-term (for immediate job

performance) and long-term (for future job performance, in next

two years so).

5. The identified needs would be prioritized in the following manner

and would be addressed accordingly.

Priority A Essential Short – term

Priority B Desirable short-term

Priority C Essential long – term

Priority D Desirable long – term

Training needs identification in case of executives would be done

by the executive concerned in consultation with his/her Reporting

Officer in the Training Needs Form enclosed at Annexure II

6. Training needs identification in case of non-executives would be

done by their Reporting Officers in the Training Needs Form

enclosed at Annexure III.


Page 34: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

7. The Departmental Training Co-coordinator shall trigger the TNA

exercise from 1st September, every second year, with the

distribution of training Need forms. He/She would consolidate and

submit the filled up Training Need forms of executives and Non-

Executives, of his/her department concerned to the respective

Training Centre by 30th October.

8. In case of project/stations/units, based on such Training Need

forms, a Department-wise analysis would be done by the training

Centre of the Unit and discussed in Site Management

Committee/Heads of Department for evolving the yearly Training

Calendar for the next two years, by 15th November.

9. With a view to integrate the process of evolving of the Training

Calendar and to utilize Training resources optimally, the

finalization of Training Calendars would be done by Heads of

Training in association with the Head of Personnel of the

respective Regions by 30th November.

10. In case of advanced training needs where it is not possible for

the Training Centres to design and conduct programmes, the

same should be forwarded to PMI for designing and conducting

Company-level programmes and incorporation of the same in its

Training Calendar. For this purpose, the Heads of personnel of

Regions and PMI shall meet before 15th December for sharing

Training Calendars of the Projects/Stations of the respective

Region and for providing inputs to the Training Calendar of PMI.

11. In case of training needs expressed by only a few employes and

its is not viable to design and conduct programmes at the

project/station level, the Heads of Personnel/HR of each Region

would explore the possibility of conducting the programmes at

the Region-level either at the Regional Headquarters or in any of


Page 35: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

the Projects/Stations of the Region, so that the training needs

are not left unfulfilled for want of number of employees.

12. In case of Company-level need-based programmes, the Training

Need Analysis forwarded by individual projects/stations and

corporate centre would be consolidated by PMI and the yearly

training calendar for the next two years would be prepared

accordingly, by end February.

13. In case of Corporate Centre, the Training Need forms and

Department-wise analysis would be consolidated by PMI and the

yearly supplementary training calendar for the next two years

would be prepared accordingly, after discussion with and

acceptance of the Eds/GMs of the respective departments, by

15th December.


A training code directory, listing out codes for various training

courses/programmes shall be evolved, maintained and circulated by

PMI for uniform compilation and classification of training needs

identified and training programmes attended by employees.


1.1 Planned Interventions

The Training Centre/PMI would sent to departmental training co-

ordinators, schedules for the next three programmes of a planned

intervention, who in turn shall seek preferences for nomination from

the employees in the target group and send the list of employees to

the Training Centre/PMI

1.2 On the basis of the preferences received for nomination, the

Training Centre/PMI shall send confirmation.


Page 36: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

2. Need Based

2.1 The training Agency will ensure that employees are normally

nominated to programmes related to training needs identified.

2.2 An employee interested in attending any of the training

programmes included in the training calendar of the training of the

training centre of respective Unit or PMI should forward his/her

request for nomination, through the reporting officer, at least two

weeks before the commencement of the programme.

3 External Training:

3.1 Employees may generally be considered for nomination to

training programmes only in the areas identified in the Training

Needs Analysis and after verifying if a similar programme is being

conducted in house during the year.

3.2 Training centres shall, as far as possible, try to provide training

to employees in house. Employees will normally be nominated for

external programmes only for advanced programmes or where

conducting the programme in house is not feasible.

3.3 The authorities competent to nominate for external training

programmes are as given below

(A) Plants & RHQs

i) For period up to 2 weeks in each

case in respect of employees up to

E6 level


Head of

the Project

(Orders to

be issued

by P&A)

ii) For period up to weeks in respect of

employees up to E6 and up to 2

weeks in respect of E7



Page 37: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(B) Corporate Centre

i) For period up to 2 weeks in each

case in respect of employees up to

E4 level


ii) For period up to 4 weeks in respect

of employees up to E4 and up to 2

weeks in respect of employees in

the level of E5 to E7


(C) Full Powers Functional Director

4. Specified Interventions:

4.1 The authorities competent to approve specified training

programmes are as given below:

A) Plant-level intervention Head of the plant concerned

B) Region-level intervention ED of the Region concerned

C) Company-level intervention Functional Director

5. With a view to achieve the Training Target of average of seven

mandays of training in a training year for each employee, the

Training Centre, along with the Departmental Training

Coordinator will periodically prepare a list of employees who

have not attended any training programme or have not yet

c0ompleted an average of seven man days of training.

Nominations should generally based on this list. The list should

be made available to all employees.


On the basis of duration, training programmes would be categorized


Short duration Up to Three days


Page 38: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

Medium duration Four days to ten training days

Long duration Above ten training days


An employee may be nominated for training programmes within the

limits stipulated herein.

Short-duration Maximum of three in year

Medium duration Maximum of two in a year

Long duration Once in two years


An employee will normally be informed through his Reporting

Officer, by the Training Agency, regarding his/her nomination for the

programme preferably with a notice of

1. 3 days in case of short-duration programmes

2. 7 days in case of medium-duration programmes

3. 2 weeks in case of long duration programmes


1. Non attendance of any training programme for which an

employee has been nominated will be allowed only on the basis of

approval by

i) Head of Department concerned All Non – executives

ii) Head of the Project concerned/GM at CC Upto E4

iii) ED Up to E7


Page 39: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

iv) Functional Director Full Powers

2. Communication regarding inability to attend the programme shall

be intimated to the Training Agency atleast 1 day before the

programme for short-duration programmes, three days for medium-

duration programmes and one week for long-duration programmes

3. Where an employee has been nominated but has absented

himself for withdrew in the midst of the programme or has partially

attended the programme without giving adequate notice and

adequate reasons for the same, the cost of the programme may be

recovered from the monthly salary of the employee in interest-free

equated monthly installments within a year.

4. The training Agency, within two days from the commencement of

the programme, shall take up with the Reporting Officers cases of



1. Training centers should maintain a database of training details of

a all employees of the respective unit, which shall include

1.1 Training Needs identified

1.2 Training programmes nominated/absented

2. The Training Centres should also maintain details of the

programmes conducted, training cost and all other similar


3. PMI would maintain the training database for all executives. For

this, different training agencies should forwarded training details

to Power Management Institute on a monthly basis.


Page 40: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

4. Training details will be periodically updated in the personal files

of the employees, for which the Training Agency would forward

the details of nomination/attendance/absence of employees to

the Head of Personnel concerned.


The objective of training evaluation is to enhance value addition

through training programmes by building on the strengths and by

removing the shortcomings; if any, and measure the impact of

training programmes on job behavior.

Training Evaluation would be done at three levels:

Pre-training Evaluation

Programme Feedback

Impact Assessment

Pre-training Evaluation:

Pre training Evaluation is aimed at detecting shortcomings in the

programme design before the commencement of the programme.

For this, in case of all in house long-duration, programmes, the

Training Centre/PMI/HR Group, as the case may be shall review the

programme design, content etc. in the light of the feedback

obtained from a sample of participants.

Programme Evaluation:

The Training Centre/PMI/HR Group, as the case may be, shall seek

participant feedback at the end of the training programme in the

programme Feedback From as in Annexure IV for making

modifications/improvements in future programmes.


Page 41: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

1. Impact Assessment:

1.1 Involves measuring the change in job behavior of the

employee on account of the learning during the training

programme. The information would be collected through the

Impact Assessment From (IAF) as in Annexure V after

completion of six months of the programme.

1.2 Pre-training Evaluation is required in case of all Long duration

programmes. Impact Assessment is required in case of all

Long-duration programmes and Planned interventions of a

duration of not less than 10 days.

1. Programme Evaluation Report:

1.1 After Impact, Assessment, the Training Centre/PMI/HR Gropup,

as the case may be, would prepare a programme Evaluation

Report in case of all Long-duration programmes and Planned

interventions of a duration of not less than 10 training days in

the proforma given in Annexure VI and circulate it to all the

participants concerned.


1.1 PMI/Corporate HR Group will design templates for training

programmes in areas like Attitudinal Training, Information

Technology, Executive Development Programme etc. for

bringing about uniformity across the Company in important

areas of training.

1.2 Sessions on Yoga/Meditation and Values shall be included in

all in-house training programmes of medium-duration and

long-duration categories.



Page 42: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

1.1 Employees who have attended training programmes shall

normally share their learning with other employees in for a

like Professional Circles, Quality Circles, departmental

meetings etc.

In case of medium and long-duration programmes for executives,

the participant shall submit an action plant to his Reporting Officer,

w2ith a copy marked to the Training Agency, detailing the steps that

would be taken by him/her for implementing the learning in his/her



Page 43: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC



The main objective of the study is to know the role of training

and development at NTPC.

And also to know whether the employees are satisfied from the

training process or not.



In this study the primary data was collected from the employees of

NTPC mainly through questionnaires. Questionnaire are distributed

among the employees of Junior level, Middle level and Senior level.

Secondary data were collected from the HR mannual, organization's

website, etc.

Here the type of sampling was stratified random sampling. In this

study employees are divided in 3 groups i.e. junior level, middle

level and senior level. And the sample size is taken as 30. And the

questionnaires are distributed in each group, among 30 employees.

In the junior level there are approximately 380 employees. In the

middle level approximately 160 employees and in senior level

approximately 60 employees are there. While doing the sampling it

is believe that there is a homogeneity among employees in each



Page 44: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC


As we all know that Training and Development process is a very

useful process in any organisation. This process make the human

resource more efficient and full of skills and also make them upto-

date in this competitive world. This study give us a scope to know

and understand the process of Training and Development of NTPC.

Through this study we can practically know how the process of

training is going in an organisation.


In this study the primary data was collected from the employees of

NTPC mainly thorough questionnaires and also personal interview.

Questionnaires are distributed among the employees of Junior Level,

Middle Level and Senior Level.

Secondary data were collected from the HR Mannual, Organization's

Websites etc.


Sampling Type

Here the type of sampling was stratified random sampling.

Distributions of the questionnaire were done by dividing the

employees into three groups/levels i.e. junior, middle and senior

level. And within each level the questionnaire were distributed

randomly. So it is a stratified random sampling.


Page 45: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

Sampling size

In this study employees are divided in three groups i.e. junior level,

middle level and senior level. And 30 employees from each group

are taken as sample. So the sample size is 30.

Sampling Procedure

In NTPC (Dadri Project) there are approximately 600 employees,

including the executives and non-executives in the corporate

building. All these employees are divided into Junior level, Middle

level and Senior level. And so an employee from each group is taken

as a sample. Among 600 employees (approximately) 60 employees

are come under the Senior level, approximately 160 employees are

comes under the middle level and 380 (approx) comes under the

junior level. In this study the minimum sample size is taken i.e. 30.

While doing the sampling it is believe that there is a homogeneity

among employees in each group. While capturing the sample. I try

to nutralize the minor differences which are present in each group

i.e. parameters like age, gender, etc.


Time constrain

As the sample size taken was very small so the study is not a

concrete study.

Getting appointment with senior official was difficult.

The respondents would not have divulged all the information

needed because of some of it’s company policies.


Page 46: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC


As in the study, all the employees are divided into 3 categories i.e.

Junior level, Middle level and Senior level. So the findings and

analysis is also done according to these 3 categories.

As the whole training process have 3 phases i.e. need assessment

phase, conduction phase and evaluation phase. A so I try to divide

all the questions of the questionnaire in these 3 phase to get a clear

picture of training and development at NTPC. This enables me to

explain the findings and analysis more appropriately.


At the junior level there are approximately 380 employees. This

level includes trainees, assistant, junior engineer, accountant, etc.

Among the 380 employees 30 employees are taken as a sample and

analysis is done on the basis of these 30 employees.

(I) Gender


Among 30 employees 10 are females 20 are males.


Page 47: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(II) Age Group


(III) Work Experience at NTPC


Among 30 employees 22 employees have on work experience of

less than 10 years and 8 employees have an work experience from

10-20 years.


Page 48: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(IV) Need Assessment Phase

In this phase task analysis, human resource analysis, organisational

analysis are done.

(a) Among the 30 employees all employees are aware about the

existing training programme of NTPC.

(b) All the 30 employees are aware of the HR programme which

are related to the training like promotion, performance

appraisal, etc.

(c) 25 employees are agreed that the training needs of the

organization are assessed periodically. Only 5 employees are

not agreed from this.

(d) Among the 30 employees 24 employees are agreed that the

needs of training are efficiently clarified to the trainees but 6

employees are not agreed.

(e) All the 30 employees consider the training as an important

part of their life.



Page 49: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(VI) The Purpose of Training

(a) Among the 30 employees 27 employees think that one of the

purpose of training should be the up gradation of abilities of the


(b) 15 employees think that training can be given for preparing the

employees for promotions.

(c) 10 employees think that training should also be given for

preparing the employees for future assignments.

(d) 20 employees think that there should be training in allied fields.

(e) 5 employees think that there should be training for preparing

the employees for transfers.

(f) 25 employees think that training should be given to develop

specific abilities/competence



Page 50: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(VII) Identification of Training Needs

(a) Among the 30 employees 26 employee think that the

identification of training needs should be done through the

process of performance appraisal.

(b)22 employees think that the identification of training needs

should be done through his discussion with the superiors.

(c) 18 employees think that the process of identification of training

needs should be done by the training department.



Page 51: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(V) Conduction Phase

Conduction phase includes the method of the training, the

content/study material of the training, duration of the training,

where the training is carried out, etc.

(a)Among the 30 employees 24 employees do not need any

modification on change in the existing culture of training for

enhancing the required skills.

(b)20 employees are satisfied with the attitude that trainers show

towards the employees.

(c) 26 employees are satisfied from the study materials which are

provided during the training.

(d)Among the 30 employees 20 employees feel the need of external


(e)Among the 30 employees 25 employees prefer the job instruction

training / on the job training and 5 employees prefer classroom


(f) Among the 30 employees 21 employees are satisfied with the

duration of training that the got from the organization for the




Page 52: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(VI) Evaluation /Feedback Phase

(a) All the employees are agreed that the evaluation of training

program is done indirectly through the feedback mechanism

(b) 24 employees among the 30 employees are agreed that the

outcomes of evaluation are put into use for future


(c) 20 employees among the 30 find same change on development

in their skill, knowledge, enthusiasm, etc. after undergoing


(d) 18 employees think that training improved their commitment to

the organization.

(e) 21 employees support that the sense of belongings and future

retention of employee's is reflected through training.

(f) 22 employees support that the training educes the gap between

the present and standard performance level.



Page 53: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC


At the middle level there are approximately 150 employees. This

level includes manager, deputy manager, executive engineers,

senior accountant, etc. Among the 150 employees 30 employees

are taken as a sample and analysis is done on the basis of these 30


(I) Gender


Among the 30 employees 8 are female and 22 and male.


Page 54: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(II) Age Group


(III) Work Experience at NTPC


Among the 30 employees 12 employees have work experience less

than 10 years, 14 employees have work experience of 10-20 years

and 4 employees have more than 20 years.


Page 55: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(IV) Need Assessment Phase

In the need assessment phase there is task analysis; organizational

analysis in turns of organizational objectives, resource utilization,

etc. human resource analysis, on the basis these points need

assessment is done.

(i) Among the 30 employees all the employees are aware

about the existing training program of NTPC

(ii) All the 30 employees are aware of the HR programmes

which are related to the training the promotion, performance

appraisal, etc.

(iii) 22 employees are agreed that the training needs of the

organization are assessed periodically.

(iv) 20 employees are agreed that the needs of training are

efficiently clarified to the trainees

(v) All the 30 employees of the sample consider the training as

an important part of their life.



Page 56: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(VI) The Purpose of Training

(a) Among the 30 employees 25 employees think that one of the

purpose of training should be the upgradation of abilities.

(b) 10 employees think that training can be given for preparing

the employees for promotion.

(c) 15 employees think that training should also be given for

preparing the employees for future assignments.

(d) 22 employees think that there should be training in allied


(e) Among the 30 employees no one think that there should be

training for preparing the employees for transfers.

(f) 21 employees think that training should be given to develop

specific abilities/competence



Page 57: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(VII) Identification of Training Needs

(a) Among the 30 employees 28 employee think that the

identification of training needs should be done through the

process of performance appraisal.

(b) 25 employees think that also the identification of training

needs should be done through the discussion with superiors.

(c) 15 employees think that the one of the process of

identification of training needs should be done by the training




Page 58: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(V) Conduction Phase

(a) Among the 30 employees 26 employees do not need any

modification on change in the existing culture of training for

enhancing the required skills.

(b) 25 employees among the 30 are satisfied with attitude that

trainers show towards the employees.

(c) 28 employees are satisfied from the study materials which are

provided during the training.

(d) Among the 30 employees 22 employees feel the need of

external trainee/agency.

(e) Among the 30 employees 26 employees prefer the job

instruction training /on the job training and 4 employees

prefer classroom training.

(f) Among the 30 employees 20 employees are satisfied with he

duration of training that they got from the organisation for the




Page 59: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(VI) Evaluation /Feedback Phase

(a) All the employees are agreed that the evaluation of training

program is done through the feedback mechanism

(b) 26 employees among the 30 employees are agreed that the

outcomes of evaluation are put into use for future


(c) 25 employees among the 30 find some change or

development in their skill, knowledge, enthusiasm, etc after

under going training.

(d) 21 employees think that training improved their commitment

to the organization.

(e) 25 employees support that the sense of belongings and future

retention of employee's is reflected through training.

(f) 27 employees support that the training reduces the gap

between the present and standard performance level.



Page 60: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC


At the senior level there are approximately 60 employees. This level

includes General Manager, Assistant General Manager, Senior

Engineers, Senior Managers, etc.

(I) Gender


Among the 30 employees 14 are female and 16 are male.


Page 61: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(II) Age Group


Within the sample 14 employees are in the age group of 35 to 50

and 16 employees are in the age group of 50 and above. In senior

level there is no one of the age group of 20-35.

(III) Work Experience at NTPC


Among the 30 employees 12 employees have work experience of

10-20 years and 18 employees have more than 20 years of



Page 62: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(IV) Need Assessment Phase

(i) Among the 30 employees all the employees are aware about

the existing training program of NTPC

(ii) All the 30 employees are aware of the HR programme

which is related to the training.

(iii) 28 employees are agreed that the training needs of the

organization are assessed periodically.

(iv) 25 employees are agreed that the needs of training are

efficiently clarified to the trainees

(v) All the 30 employees of the sample consider the training as

an important part of their life.



Page 63: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(VI) The Purpose of Training

(g) Among the 30 employees 26 employees think that one of the

purposes of training should be the up gradation of abilities.

(h) 8 employees think that training can be given for preparing the

employees for promotion.

(i) 13 employees think that training should also be given for

preparing the employees for future assignments.

(j) 24 employees think that there should be training in allied


(k) Among the 30 employees no one think that there should be

training for preparing the employees for transfers.

(l) 25 employees think that training should be given to develop

specific abilities/competence



Page 64: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(VII) Identification of Training Needs

(a) Among the 30 employees 27 employees think that the

identification of training needs should be done through the

process of performance appraisal.

(b) 28 employees think that also the identification of training

needs should be done through the discussion with superiors.

(c) 21 employees think that the one of the process of

identification of training needs should be done by the training




Page 65: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(V) Conduction Phase

(a) Among the 30 employees 25 employees do not need any

modification on change in the existing culture of training for

enhancing the required skills.

(b) 27 employees among the 30 are satisfied with attitude that

trainers show towards the employees.

(c) 25 employees are satisfied from the study materials which are

provided during the training.

(d) Among the 30 employees 24 employees feel the need of

external trainee/agency.

(e) Among the 30 employees 27 employees prefer the job

instruction training /on the job training and 4 employees

prefer classroom training.

(f) Among the 30 employees 22 employees are satisfied with he

duration of training that they got from the organization for the




Page 66: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

(VI) Evaluation /Feedback Phase

(a) All the employees are agreed that the evaluation of training

program is done through the feedback mechanism

(b) 28 employees among the 30 employees are agreed that the

outcomes of evaluation are put into use for future


(c) 27 employees among the 30 find some change or

development in their skill, knowledge, enthusiasm, etc after

undergoing training.

(d) 28 employees think that training improved their commitment

to the organization.

(e) All the employees support that the sense of belongings and

future retention of employee's is reflected through training.

(f) All the employees among the 30 employees support that the

training reduces the gap between the present and standard

performance level.



Page 67: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

From all these findings it has been clear that junior, middle and

senior levels in need assessment phase of training almost all the

employees of NTPC are aware of the existing training programme of

NTPC. Maximum employees or we can say almost all employees are

aware of the HR programme like promotion, performance appraisal

etc. And almost all the employees of junior, middle and senior level

consider the training as an important part of their life/career.

Table 1: In the need assessment phase of training

Junior level employees

Middle level employees

Senior level employees

Training needs of the organization assessed periodically

83% 73% 93%

Are the needs of training efficiently clarified to the trainees

30% 67% 83%

Purpose of training

- upgradation of abilities 90% 83% 87%

- Preparing for future assignments

50% 33% 27%

- Preparing for promotion 33% 50% 43%

- Training in allied fields 67% 73% 80%

- Preparing for transfers 17% 0 0

- Develop specific abilities/competence

83% 70% 83%

Identification of training needs should be done through

- Performance Appraisal 87% 93% 90%

- Discussion with superiors 73% 83% 93%

- Training Department 60% 50% 70%

Table 2: In the conduction phase of training


Page 68: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

Junior level employees

Middle level employees

Senior level employees

Need modification or change in the existing culture of training for enhancing the required skill

20% 13% 17%

Satisfied with the attitude that trainers show towards trainees

67% 83% 90%

Satisfied from the study material of training

87% 93% 83%

Need of external trainer/agency 67% 73% 80%

Prefer job instruction training or on the job training

83% 87% 90%

Prefer class room training 17% 13% 10%

Satisfied with the duration of training

70% 67% 73%


All the employees of junior, middle senior level agreed that evaluation of training programme was

done through feedback mechanism.

Junior level employees

Middle level employees

Senior level employees

Outcomes of evaluation put into for future improvements

80% 87% 93%

Find any change or development in your skills, knowledge, enthusiasm, etc. after undergoing training

67% 83% 90%

Training improved your commitment to the organisation

60% 70% 93%

Sense of belongingness and future retention of employees is reflected through training

70% 83% All most all the employees

Training reduces the gap between the present and standard performance level

73% 90% All most all the employees

From all the above tables : I, II & III we can say that among the 3

level i.e. junior, middle and senior, employees of senior level are

more satisfied from the role of training and development.


Page 69: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

As we all know the training and development can be mainly divided

into 3 parts i.e. and assessment phase, conduction phase and the

evaluation phase. From analyzing the questionnaire it is than that,

according to the employees of NTPC the evaluation phase is more

appropriate and strong from the other two phase of training i.e.

need assessment and conduction phase.


Page 70: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC


The role of Training and Development at NTPC is very strong

maximum employees are satisfied form the training process. In the

need assessment phase of training almost employees of all the

levels are satisfied from the role of training and development.

According to the 33% of employees at Middle level the needs of

training is not efficiently clarified to the trainees.

All the employees mainly need training for the up gradation of

abilities, training in allied fields and to develop specific abilities

/competence. And some also need training for promotion i.e. pre

promotion training. Most of the employees want that identification

of training should be done through performance appraisal and

discussion with supervisors. In NTPC the needs are identified

through these processes also.

In the conduction phase of training, some employees have a little

problem with the duration of the training. Almost 33% of employees

at junior level have a little problem with the attitude of the trainers.

In this phase 20% of junior level employees needs some

modification on change in the existing culture of training. Most of

the employees prefer job instruction training (JIT) or on the job

training than the class room training.

In the Evaluation Phase the senior level employees are very much

satisfied from the evaluation process of training. The other

employees are also satisfied. The employees think that the training

reduces the gap between the present and standard performance

level. Training improves the commitment of the employees to the


Page 71: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

organisation. A sense of belongingness and future retention of

employees is reflected through training.

The NTPC have a very strong training and development process.

They know that the manpower is he main pillar of an organization.

They invest in their manpower resources to make them more

efficient, so that they can reach at the top level and can remain

there on the yearly basis NTPC try to improve and develop their

training and development process and try to implement new module

of training, so that employees can remain up to date with the

competitive environment.

This project is a try to know the training and development process

at NTPC.

As the study is done on the basis of a small sample and which is not

completely sufficient to reach to a concrete result.


Page 72: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC


It is very difficult to give any recommendation because most of the

employees are satisfied from the role of training and development.

But some little changes can be done

The needs of training can be explained clearly to the employees.

Why they need the training in which field the employees have to

be improve themselves. On what basis it was determined that a

employee need a training on a particular topic. All these types of

question should be explained to the trainees/employees.

Most of the employees need training for up gradation of abilities

develops specific abilities/competence, training in allied fields.

The company should give more stress on these fields.


Page 73: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC


Mirza S. Saiyadain- Human Resource Management 2 nd

Edition Publishers – Tata McGraw-Hill.

V.K. Dubey – Management of Training and Development and

Motivation Skills.

Virmani, B.R. And Seth Premila(1985) “Evaluating

Management Training And Development” Published By

Vision Book Pvt Ltd

Training and Development - a perspective Harward

Business Review 2009

The Personal Management - C.B. Mamoria

Human Resource Management- T.N. Chhabra

Human Resource Management- Mirza S. Saiyadain

Management of Training and Development and Motivation


V.K. Dubey.


Page 74: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC



I am ______________a student of ___________________This is a questionnaire prepared in reference to the project study on "Role of Training and Development at NTPC". Hence I seek your kind cooperation’s and support.

1. Gender Female Male

2. Age Group

3. Designation Junior Management Middle Management Senior Management

4. Work experience at NTPC Less than 10 yrs 10-20yrs 20 & above yrs


5. Are you aware about the existing training programme Yes No

6. Are you aware of the HR programme which are related to the training like promotion, performance appraisal. Yes No

7. Are the training needs of the organization assessed periodically Yes No

8. Are the needs of training efficiently clarified to the trainees Yes No

9. Is the training program considered as importance on your part? Yes No

Phase rate from 1 to 3 (1 being the maximum and 3 being the minimum)


Page 75: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

10. What should be the purpose of training(i) Up gradation of abilities --------------(ii) Preparing for future assignments

--------------(iii) Preparing for promotion --------------(iv) Training in allied fields

--------------(v) Preparing for transfers

--------------(vi) Develop specific abilities /competence --------------

11. Identification of training needs of employees should be done through

(i) Performance Appraisal --------------(ii) Discussion with superiors --------------(iii) Training Department --------------(iv) Some other process --------------

Conduction Phase

12. Do you need any modification or change in the existing culture of training for enhancing the required skill

Yes No

13. Are you satisfied with the attitude that trainers show towards you Yes No

14. Are you satisfied from your study materials which are provided during the training. Yes No

15. Do you feel the need of external trainers or agency? Yes No

16. What type of training do you prefer? Class room training JIT (Job instruction training)/on the job training

17. Are you satisfied with the duration of training that you got from the organization. Yes No


Page 76: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

Evaluation/Feedback Phase

18. Evaluation of training program is done through feedback mechanism, Yes No

19. Are the outcomes of evaluation put into use for future improvements? Yes No

20. Did you find any change or development in your skills, knowledge, enthusiasm, its after undergoing training?

Yes No

21. Has training improved your commitment to the organization Yes No

22. Sense of belongingness and future retention of employees is reflected through training Yes No

23. Training reduces the gap between the present and standard performance level. Yes No


Page 77: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

Appendix- I


Sl. Level Module Duration At What Level 1 W1-W2 a) Basic Education for these

who can not read and write 3 months

2 W1-W2 a) Company information & Welfare, Measures

4 days On joining ( W1-W2)

b) Tools for Measurement 2 days c) Safety, fire fighting& first aid

1 week 2 yrs. Experience (W1-W2)

3 W3-W6 a) Power Plant Familiarization 1 week On joining (W3-W6)

b) Enhancing personal productivity

1 week For W4 &W5

c) Quality Awareness including service/customer orientation

1 week For W6

d) SQC tools 1 week For W6 4 W7-

W11a) Systematic Problem solving - Tools & techniques (3 days) - Project Work (1week)- Review workshop (3 days) b) New skills (beyond Routine) 1 week W9-w10c) Retirement Planning 1 week W 11

5 SI a) Orientation in General Management

2 weeks

b) Company Information 3 days On promotion/joining

c) Inter –Personal Skills 3 days 2 Yrs. Experience

d) Programmes on Good living 1 week For those joining directly as Supervisors

6 S2-S4 a) Enhancing personal periodicity Quality

2 week S2

b) Improvement through service & customer orientation

1 week S3

c) Retirement planning (For those who are through W-6-W7 level)

1 week S3-S4


Page 78: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC


Sl. Module Level Duration

1 Basic of management (Emphasis on KAIZEN, SQC) Customer – Vendor attitude etc

12 weeks E1

2 Programme on General Management

3 weeks E2 with 2 yrs. Experience

3 Effective Reading & writing 5 days E3

4 Functional Module (covering all functions)

5 days E4

5 Foundation Course in General Management

10 days E5

6 Capsule Course in General Management

11 days E5

7 Enhancing Managerial Competence

3 Weeks E6

8 Managing IT 3 days E6

9 Power Station Management 10 days E6(O&M)

10 Strategic Management 1 week E7/E7A

11 Handing Public Relations 3days E8

12 Managing Creativity and Innovation

5 days E8


Page 79: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

Appendix- II


(For Executives)

Name Employee No:

Designation: Section:

Department: Place of Posting

(Please see overleaf for instructions before filling up the form)








Signature of the employee

Signature of the Reporting Officer

Signature of the Head of Dept.

Name Name Name

Designation Designation Designation


Page 80: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

Head of Training (Thro’ Departmental Training Coordinator)

Instructions: Please fill up the form in consultation with your

Reporting Officer, what in your opinion are the additional

knowledge, skills and attitudes required for enhancing your

performance in the present job, for handling future responsibilities

and for your personal development and growth.

A short explanation of the terms used in the table is given below for

your appreciation;

Essential: Developmental needs which, if not met, will affect job


Desirable: Developmental needs which do are necessary for

personal development and growth

Short Term: Developmental needs which need to be fulfilled for

immediate job performance

Long Term: Developmental need which need to be fulfilled for future

job performance, in next two years or so


Page 81: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

Appendix- III


(for Non-executives)

Section: Department:

Name Emp. No



Training Needs

Developmental Needs


Signature of the Reporting




Head Of Department

Head of Training (Thro’ Departmental Training Coordinator)


Page 82: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

Appendix- IV



Name: Employee No:Designation: Section: Department: Place of positing:

Course Title: Period: From: To: Venue: Programme Objectives:



(Please circle your choice on the scale)




1 1 2 3 4 52 1 2 3 4 53 1 2 3 4 54 1 2 3 4 5


(Please circle your choice on the scale)

S. NO NAME OF THE TOPIC NOT RELEVANTMOST RELEVANT1 1 2 3 4 52 1 2 3 4 53 1 2 3 4 54 1 2 3 4 5


(Please circle your on the scale)


Page 83: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC



1 1 2 3 4 52 1 2 3 4 53 1 2 3 4 54 1 2 3 4 5



COURSE MATERIAL Adequate/inadequate TRAINING METHODOLOGY Satisfactory/not


Signature of the participant


Page 84: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

Appendix- V



Course Title: Period: Venue: Programme objectives:

(To be filled in by the participant)

Name: Employee No:

Designation: Section:

Department: Place of positing:


1. The programme introduced me to new concepts and tools that

helped me to perform my job better

No impact Great Impact

1 2 3 4 5

2. How often do you apply the knowledge/skills during the


Ocasionally Daily

1 2 3 4 5

3. Are there any significant achievements as a result of the

application of your knowledge to you organization?


Page 85: HR-Traing & Development -NTPC

Not Significant Significant 1 2 3 4 5

4. Would you like to elaborate on some/any of the achievements?

5. Was action planning done as part of the programme? If yes, how

far have you been able to implement the action targets set?

6. What barriers have you experienced in trying to apply your new

knowledge and skills?

Not Significant Significant Lack of finances 1 2 3 4 5Lack of team support

1 2 3 4 5

Lack of institutional support

1 2 3 4 5

Change of role Others (please explain)

7. Would you like to explain in detail, any of the above barriers?

Signature of the Participant