hpc kompass ibm_special_2014

High Performance Computing 2014/15 Technology Compass Special Sciences Risk Analysis Simulation Big Data Analytics CAD High Performance Computing

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Price Modelling

Risk Analysis

High Performance Computing 2014/15

Technology Compass Special














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Technology Compass

Table of Contents and Introduction

IBM Technical Computing ..................................................... 4Accelerate Insights and Results ..................................................................6

IBM Application Ready Solutions .......................................................... 10

Enterprise-Ready Cluster & Workload Management ....................................................... 16IBM Platform HPC .............................................................................................. 18

What’s New in IBM Platform LSF 8 ......................................................... 22

IBM Platform MPI 8.1 ....................................................................................... 32

Scalable, Energy Effi cient HPC Systems ............................................................................... 38IBM NeXtScale System.................................................................................... 40

General Parallel File System (GPFS) .............................. 46Technologies That Enable the Management of Big Data ......... 48

What´s New in GPFS Version 3.5 .............................................................. 64

GPFS Storage Server – a home for Big Data ...................................... 66

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More than 30 years of experience in Scientifi c Computing

1980 marked the beginning of a decade where numerous startups

were created, some of which later transformed into big players in

the IT market. Technical innovations brought dramatic changes to

the nascent computer market. In Tübingen, close to one of Germa-

ny’s prime and oldest universities, transtec was founded.

In the early days, transtec focused on reselling DEC computers and

peripherals, delivering high-performance workstations to univer-

sity institutes and research facilities. In 1987, SUN/Sparc and stor-

age solutions broadened the portfolio, enhanced by IBM/RS6000

products in 1991. These were the typical workstations and server

systems for high performance computing then, used by the major-

ity of researchers worldwide.

In the late 90s, transtec was one of the fi rst companies to offer

highly customized HPC cluster solutions based on standard Intel

architecture servers, some of which entered the TOP500 list of the

world’s fastest computing systems.

Thus, given this background and history, it is fair to say that trans-

tec looks back upon a more than 30 years’ experience in scientifi c

computing; our track record shows nearly 500 HPC installations.

With this experience, we know exactly what customers’ demands

are and how to meet them. High performance and ease of manage-

ment – this is what customers require today. HPC systems are for

sure required to peak-perform, as their name indicates, but that is

not enough: they must also be easy to handle. Unwieldy design and

operational complexity must be avoided or at least hidden from ad-

ministrators and particularly users of HPC computer systems.

transtec HPC solutions deliver ease of management, both in the

Linux and Windows worlds, and even where the customer´s envi-

ronment is of a highly heterogeneous nature. Even the dynamical

provisioning of HPC resources as needed does not constitute any

problem, thus further leading to maximal utilization of the cluster.

transtec HPC solutions use the latest and most innovative technol-

ogy. Their superior performance goes hand in hand with energy ef-

fi ciency, as you would expect from any leading edge IT solution. We

regard these basic characteristics.

In 2010, transtec entered into a strategic partnership with IBM, sure-

ly one of the biggest players in the HPC world with a very strong

brand. The fl exibility and long-year experience of transtec, com-

bined with the power and quality of IBM HPC systems constitute

a perfect symbiosis and provide customers with the most optimal

HPC solution imaginable. IBM NeXtScale systems are highly opti-

mized for HPC workload in datacenter environments, regarding

performance, fl exibility, and energy, space and cooling effi ciency.

Platform HPC and LSF are both enterprise-ready HPC cluster and

workload management solutions and are widespread in all kinds of

industrial HPC environments.

Your decision for a transtec HPC solution means you opt for most

intensive customer care and best service in HPC. Our experts will

be glad to bring in their expertise and support to assist you at any

stage, from HPC design to daily cluster operations, to HPC Cloud


Last but not least, transtec HPC Cloud Services provide customers

with the possibility to have their jobs run on dynamically provided

nodes in a dedicated datacenter, professionally managed and indi-

vidually customizable. Numerous standard applications like ANSYS,

LS-Dyna, OpenFOAM, as well as lots of codes like Gromacs, NAMD,

VMD, and others are pre-installed, integrated into an enterprise-

ready cloud management environment, and ready to run.

Have fun reading the transtec HPC Compass 2014/15 IBM Special!

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IBM Technical Computing














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All companies want more compute power, faster networks, better access to data and applications available everywhere and at all times. But simply deploying a fast computer without considering all the elements involved in planning, deployment, installation, administration and ongoing maintenance and updates can actually hobble an organization, affecting productivity and possibly damaging profitability and brand value.

Today’s technical computing solutions require an end-to-end view of the hardware, operating environment, applications, data management, software and services. It is about the overall system – where purpose-built systems reside next to general purpose solutions to form a compute and systems capability that meets the most demanding requirements. Whether dealing with real-time trading systems, managing the smart grid, optimizing realtime customer relationship management across multiple distribution channels, or running computationally demanding electronic design automation workloads, you need more than one size fits all to tackle your unique challenges.

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Analyzing big data requires more than fast processorsAs technical computing moves towards a data centric model,

the ability to deal with large sets of fast-moving structured

and unstructured data becomes paramount. Whether ana-

lyzing market data to make critical business decisions, or

running data-intensive simulations to better understand

physical phenomena, analytic processes must be carried out

in ever-shorter time spans to be of value to an organization.

Generating insights from the exploding volume, velocity and

variety of data requires optimized systems specifically archi-

tected for that task. To maximize performance, systems opti-

mization must be done at every layer of the technology stack

to exploit unique processor, memory and storage character-

istics. The increasingly sophisticated technical computing

workflows require computing tuned to domain knowledge

and workload characteristics, hardware with multi core ar-

chitectures and advanced threading, and software tuned

from the operating system through the middleware stack.

Meeting the challenges of your particular operationMulti-step, big data analytics also requires optimized workflows

– which means organizations can no longer pick a technical com-

puting solution based on a single benchmark, such as a server’s

maximum processing power or its ability to run a particular

workload faster than a competitor’s solution. Companies need

to examine the various tasks in their big data analytics work-

flows and match the requirements with suitable technical com-

puting solutions.

IBM Technical Computing

Accelerate Insights and Results

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A broad portfolio of superior and innovative products and technologyThe IBM vision for technical computing is to bring together

technology, science, management and innovation to enable

major improvements in business and society – and help build a

smarter planet. IBM provides an extensive selection of technical

computing options from a portfolio of servers, storage, software,

services and financing components backed by access to subject

matter experts and world-class support. IBM solutions can help

you optimize workloads and overcome obstacles to parallelism

and other revolutionary approaches to supercomputing.

The sky’s the limitIBM recognizes that one size does not fit all. That’s why we intro-

duced the IBM Engineering Solutions for Cloud. Based on proven

IBM technology, Engineering Solutions for Cloud let organizations

build a centralized, shared product development center that sup-

ports both interactive and batch design workloads. This solution

enables designers and engineers to access the Technical Computing

cloud environment from a laptop practically anywhere in the world,

using interactive applications with 2D or 3D remote visualization

significantly saving cost and minimizing the amount of data that

must be transferred to and from the cloud.

Helping a broad array of industriesIBM is helping companies and organizations in more than a doz-

en industries. IBM has powerful, innovative solutions to compa-

nies’ most challenging and complex problems, that allow busi-

nesses and researchers to innovate, make critical technical and

business decisions, achieve breakthrough results, and establish

sustainable competitive advantage.

Making sense of dollarsFinancial services firms are rethinking their strategies as they re-

spond to the sweeping changes in the markets and the regulato-

ry environment, and an incessant blizzard of data. In fact, some

financial organizations consume market data at rates exceeding

one million messages per second, twice the peak rates they ex-

perienced only a year ago. With an optimized technical comput-

ing system from IBM, financial services enterprise can process

vast amounts of structured and unstructured data, in real time

which means you won’t be lost in a data whiteout.

Engineering a smarter planet

Meeting the demands of today’s automotive, aerospace, de-

fense and manufacturing engineers requires unprecedented

computing power for structural analysis, noise, vibration, and

harshness tests, crash analytics, and fluid dynamics. IBM offers

computer aided engineering (CAE) optimized solutions that in-

clude systems, storage and software, from leading ISVs to help

you streamline your development environment, reduce design-

cycle times and infrastructure costs, and meet aggressive time-

to-market deadlines.

Searching for black gold

A tectonic shift is underway in upstream petroleum computing.

Reservoir modeling and sensor field data now interact in near

real-time to dramatically improve the fidelity of the analysis, its

accuracy, and reliability. With IBM technical computing systems,

energy companies can reduce the duration and cost of problem

solving in reservoir optimization and seismic imaging, continu-

ing to advance the field of exploration and production.

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Community collaborationComplete technical computing solutions may require

components supplied by specialized vendor such as ap-

plications and tools from ISVs, hardware for intercon-

nection and acceleration of processing nodes, and state-

of-the-art cooling technology for greener operation,

to name a few. IBM maintains technical and business

relationships with all the leading technical computing


IBM also works closely with industry, open standards

consortia, and government agencies around the world

to facilitate technology advancement and deployment,

and collaborates with leading academic institutions

through our shared university research programs and

fellowships. Such collaborations drive value back to the

community and result in improved products.

IBM Technical Computing

Accelerate Insights and Results


Using insight to help support a smarter planetWhether optimizing traffic flow to lowering fuel consumption

and time wasted in traffic jams, or unraveling genetic codes to

develop new medicines and therapies, or increasing the pro-

duction of oil and gas from existing reservoirs, powerful and ef-

ficient technical computing solutions from IBM provide a foun-

dation to handle the associated computational challenges and

extract intelligence from complex systems of instrumented and

interconnected people and devices.

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Accelerate Time to Value for Technical Computing Businesses in nearly every industry are looking for ways to improve

the effi ciency of their technical computing environments. Compa-

nies that design aerospace or automotive products need systems

that can help them meet time-to-market requirements and maxi-

mize profi tability. Organizations helping to fi nd causes and cures for

disease need ways to increase productivity, foster innovation and

compete more effectively. For reservoir engineers, the rising cost of

oil and gas drilling means evermore accurate models are required

to pinpoint potential well sites and extract higher percentages of

oil and gas resources, and communications service providers need

a way to quickly analyze data and act on it.

Keys to overcoming technical computingchallengesMost technical computing tasks involve vast amounts of data and

require thousands of complex calculations. Pressures to “do more

with less” create requirements for greater effi ciency. Increasing ap-

plication performance and workload throughput is important–but

that is only part of the solution. Organizations can also realize dra-

matic effi ciency benefi ts from simplifi ed installation, deployment

and management of an optimized technical computing environ-


Additionally, many companies have limited IT resources to devote to

administering the high-performance systems required for sophisti-

cated design, analytics and research tasks. These companies require

a solution that is affordable and easy to use, and that will help make

the most of their infrastructure investment by ensuring compute re-

sources are fully utilized and prioritized.

IBM Technical Computing

IBM Application Ready Solutions

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IBM has created workload-optimized solutions designed to meet

these challenges. IBM Application Ready Solutions for Technical

Computing are based on IBM Platform Computing software and

powerful IBM systems, integrated and optimized for leading appli-

cations and backed by reference architectures. With IBM Application

Ready Solutions, organizations can spend more time solving scien-

tifi c and engineering problems, instead of administering computing


IBM Application Ready Solutions: Looking under the hood

IBM has created Application Ready Solution reference architec-

tures for target workloads and applications. Each of these refer-

ence architectures includes recommended small, medium and

large confi gurations designed to ensure optimal performance

at entry-level prices. These reference architectures are based on

powerful, predefi ned and tested infrastructure with a choice of

the following systems:

ʎ IBM Flex System provides the ability to combine leading-

edge compute nodes with integrated storage and network-

ing in a highly dense, scalable blade system. The IBM Appli-

cation Ready Solution supports IBM Flex System x240 (x86)

compute nodes.

ʎ IBM System x helps organizations address their most chal-

lenging and complex problems. The Application Ready Solu-

tion supports IBM NeXtScale System, a revolutionary new x86

high-performance system designed for modular fl exibility

and scalability, System x rack-mounted servers and System x

iDataPlex dx360 M4 systems designed to optimize density,

performance and graphics acceleration for remote 3-D visu-


ʎ IBM System Storage Storwize V3700 is an entry-level disk sys-

tem delivering an ideal price/performance ratio and scalabil-

ity – or choose the optional IBM Storwize V7000 Unifi ed for

enterprise-class, midrange storage designed to consolidate

block-and-fi le workloads into a single system.

ʎ IBM Intelligent Cluster is a factory-integrated, fully tested

solution that helps simplify and expedite deployment of x86-

based Application Ready Solutions.

The solutions also include pre-integrated IBM Platform Comput-

ing software designed to address technical computing challeng-


ʎ IBM Platform HPC is a complete technical computing man-

agement solution in a single product, with a range of fea-

tures designed to improve time-to-results and help research-

ers focus on their work rather than on managing workloads.

ʎ IBM Platform LSF provides a comprehensive set of tools for

intelligently scheduling workloads and dynamically allocat-

ing resources to help ensure optimal job throughput.

ʎ IBM Platform Symphony delivers powerful enterpriseclass

management for running big data, analytics and compute-

intensive applications.

ʎ IBM Platform Cluster Manager–Standard Edition provides

easy-to-use yet powerful cluster management for technical

computing clusters that simplifi es the entire process, from

initial deployment through provisioning to ongoing mainte-


ʎ IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS) is a highperformance

enterprise fi le management platform for optimizing data


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Technical computing workloads optimized for Application Ready SolutionsIBM Application Ready Solutions take the guesswork and com-

plexity out of deploying, managing and using high-performance

clusters, grids and clouds in industries such as automotive, aero-

space, life sciences, electronics, telecommunications, chemistry

and petroleum.

IBM Application Ready Solution for Abaqus

Developed in partnership with Dassault Systèmes, the IBM Ap-

plication Ready Solution for Abaqus provides the framework to

consolidate numerous tools into a single, unifi ed modeling and

analysis computing environment. High performance IBM sys-

tems, workload and fi le management, networking and storage

combine to provide a complete integrated environment. Easy

access to Abaqus job-related data and remote job management

provides the means to solve entry-level or extremely large simu-

lation problems with fast turnaround times.

IBM Application Ready Solution for Accelrys

Designed for healthcare and life sciences, the Application Ready

Solution for Accelrys simplifi es and accelerates mapping, variant

calling and annotation for the Accelrys Enterprise Platform (AEP)

NGS Collection. It addresses fi le system performance–the num-

ber-one challenge for NGS workloads on AEP – by integrating

IBM GPFS for scalable I/O performance. IBM systems provide the

computational power and high-performance storage required,

along with simplifi ed cluster management to speed deployment

and provisioning.

IBM Technical Computing

IBM Application Ready Solutions

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IBM Application Ready Solution for ANSYS

ANSYS software helps engineers tackle demanding tasks such as

computational fl uid dynamics (CFD) modeling, structural analysis

and digital wind-tunnel simulation. The IBM Application Ready Solu-

tion for ANSYS speeds deployment and optimizes performance for

the most demanding ANSYS Fluent and ANSYS Mechanical environ-

ments. Engineers can become productive quickly, easily submitting

simulations, sharing fi les with colleagues and enhancing insight

when optional remote 2-D and 3-D visualization is confi gured.

IBM Application Ready Solution for CLC bio

This integrated solution is architected for clients involved in ge-

nomics research in areas ranging from personalized medicine to

plant and food research. Combining CLC bio software with high-

performance IBM systems and GPFS, the solution accelerates high-

throughput sequencing and analysis of next-generation sequencing

data while improving the effi ciency of CLC bio Genomic Server and

CLC Genomics Workbench environments.

IBM Application Ready Solution for Gaussian

Gaussian software is widely used by chemists, chemical engineers,

biochemists, physicists and other scientists performing molecular

electronic structure calculations in a variety of market segments.

The IBM Application Ready Solution is designed to help speed results

by integrating the latest version of the Gaussian series of programs

with powerful IBM Flex System blades and integrated storage. IBM

Platform Computing provides simplifi ed workload and resource


IBM Application Ready Solution for IBM InfoSphere


The Application Ready Solution for IBM InfoSphere BigInsights

provides a powerful big data MapReduce analytics environment

and reference architecture based on IBM PowerLinux servers,

IBM Platform Symphony, IBM GPFS and integrated storage. The

solution delivers balanced performance for data-intensive work-

loads, along with tools and accelerators to simplify and speed

application development. The solution is ideal for solving time-

critical, data-intensive analytics problems in a wide range of in-

dustry sectors.

IBM Application Ready Solution for MSC Software

The IBM Application Ready Solution for MSC Software features

an optimized platform designed to help manufacturers rapidly

deploy a high-performance simulation, modeling and data man-

agement environment, complete with process workfl ow and

other high-demand usability features. The platform features IBM

systems, workload management and parallel fi le system seam-

lessly integrated with MSC Nastran, MSC Patran and MSC Sim-

Manager to provide clients robust and agile engineering clusters

or HPC clouds for accelerated results and lower cost.

IBM Application Ready Solution for Schlumberger

Fine-tuned for accelerating reservoir simulations using Schlum-

berger ECLIPSE and INTERSECT, this Application Ready Solution

provides application templates to reduce setup time and sim-

plify job submission. Architected specifi cally for Schlumberger

applications, the solution enables users to perform signifi cantly

more iterations of their simulations and analysis, ultimately

yielding more accurate results. Easy access to Schlumberger job-

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Time savings with IBM Application Ready Solutions.


IBM Technical Computing

IBM Application Ready Solutions

related data and remote management improves user and admin-

istrator productivity.

Complete, integrated solutions architected to deliver real-world benefi tsIBM Application Ready Solutions help organizations transform

environments to deliver results faster, better and at less expense.

The benefi ts start with pre-integrated and fully supported2 solu-

tions that reduce the complexity of the IT lifecycle and shorten

implementation time. Companies have one support number to

call for all IBM software and hardware components for dedicat-

ed assistance from technical computing industry experts. Exten-

sible IBM Application Ready Solutions also help protect a compa-

ny’s technical computing investment by scaling as requirements

grow. IBM Platform Computing software allows companies to

speed time-to-results and lower costs by simplifying manage-

ment of high-performance clusters and clouds. These products

enable research and development teams to easily access a pool

of shared resources to dramatically accelerate a wide range of

simulations and analytics. Job submission templates reduce

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setup time while minimizing user errors during job submission,

and built-in workload management capabilities such as tracking

application license usage and scheduling jobs based on license

availability improve resource utilization and help ensure fastest

time-to-results. Designed, tested and optimized by experienced

technical computing architects from IBM and leading indepen-

dent software vendors (ISVs), IBM Application Ready Solutions

help deliver optimal application performance and robustness.

IBM high-performance systems, software and storage are de-

signed to accelerate even the most demanding workloads. Fur-

ther performance improvements are provided by the advanced

cluster fi le system, which improves effi ciency and speed by re-

moving data-related bottlenecks.

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Enterprise-ReadyCluster & Workload ManagementHigh performance computing (HPC) is becoming a necessary tool for organizations to speed up product design, scientific research, and business analytics. However, there are few software environments more complex to manage and utilize than modern high performance computing clusters. Therefore, addressing the problem of complexity in cluster management is a key aspect of leveraging HPC to improve time to results and user productivity.







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IntroductionClusters based on the Linux operating system have become

increasingly prevalent at large supercomputing centers and

continue to make significant in-roads in commercial and aca-

demic settings. This is primarily due to their superior price/per-

formance and flexibility, as well as the availability of commercial

applications that are based on the Linux OS.

Ironically, the same factors that make Linux a clear choice for

high performance computing often make the operating system

less accessible to smaller computing centers. These organiza-

tions may have Microsoft Windows administrators on staff, but

have little or no Linux or cluster management experience. The

complexity and cost of cluster management often outweigh the

benefits that make open, commodity clusters so compelling. Not

only can HPC cluster deployments be difficult, but the ongoing

need to deal with heterogeneous hardware and operating sys-

tems, mixed workloads, and rapidly evolving toolsets make de-

ploying and managing an HPC cluster a daunting task.

These issues create a barrier to entry for scientists and research-

ers who require the performance of an HPC cluster, but are lim-

ited to the performance of a workstation. This is why ease of use

is now mandatory for HPC cluster management. This paper re-

views the most complete and easy to use cluster management

solution, Platform HPC, which is now commercially available

from Platform Computing.

The cluster management challengeTo provide a proper HPC application environment, system admin-

istrators need to provide a full set of capabilities to their users,

as shown below. These capabilities include cluster provisioning

and node management, application workload management, and

Enterprise-Ready Cluster &Workload ManagementIBM Platform HPC

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Application-Centric Interface

Unified Management Interface

Provisioning& Node



Parallel JobEnablement


Essential components of an HPC cluster solution


an environment that makes it easy to develop, run and manage

distributed parallel applications.

Modern application environments tend to be heterogeneous;

some workloads require Windows compute hosts while oth-

ers require particular Linux operating systems or versions.

The ability to change a node’s operating system on-the-fly in re-

sponse to changing application needs - referred to as adaptive

scheduling - is important since it allows system administrators

to maximize resource use, and present what appears to be a larg-

er resource pool to cluster users.

Learning how to use a command line interface to power-up, pro-

vision and manage a cluster is extremely time-consuming. Ad-

ministrators therefore need remote, web-based access to their

HPC environment that makes it easier for them to install and

manage an HPC cluster. An easy-to-use application-centric web

interface can have tangible benefits including improved produc-

tivity, reduced training requirements, reduced errors rates, and

secure remote access.

While there are several cluster management tools that address

parts of these requirements, few address them fully, and some

tools are little more than collections of discrete open-source

software components.

Some cluster toolkits focus largely on the problem of cluster pro-

visioning and management. While they clearly simplify cluster

deployment, administrators wanting to make changes to node

configurations or customize their environment will quickly

find themselves hand-editing XML configuration files or writ-

ing their own shell scripts. Third-party workload managers and

various open-source MPI libraries might be included as part of

a distribution. However, these included components are loosely

integrated and often need to be managed separately from the

cluster manager. As a result the cluster administrator needs to

learn how to utilize each additional piece of software in order to

manage the cluster effectively.

Other HPC solutions are designed purely for application work-

load management. While these are all capable workload manag-

ers, most do not address at all the issue of cluster management,

application integration, or adaptive scheduling. If such capabili-

ties exist they usually require the purchase of additional soft-

ware products.

Parallel job management is also critical. One of the primary rea-

sons that customers deploy HPC clusters is to maximize applica-

tion performance. Processing problems in parallel is a common

way to achieve performance gains. The choice of MPI, its scalabil-

ity, and the degree to which it is integrated with various OFED

drivers and high performance interconnects has a direct impact

on delivered application performance. Furthermore, if the work-

load manager does not incorporate specific parallel job manage-

ment features, busy cluster users and administrators can find

themselves manually cleaning up after failed MPI jobs or writing

their own shell scripts to do the same.

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“Platform HPC and Platform LSF have been known

for many years as a highest-quality and enterprise-

ready cluster and workload management solutions,

and we have many customers in academia and in-

dustry relying on them.”

Dr. Oliver Tennert Director Technology Management & HPC Solutions


Enterprise-Ready Cluster &Workload ManagementIBM Platform HPC

Complexity is a real problem. Many small organizations or de-

partments grapple with a new vocabulary full of cryptic com-

mands, configuring and troubleshooting Anaconda kick start

scripts, finding the correct OFED drivers for specialized hard-

ware, and configuring open source monitoring systems like Gan-

glia or Nagios. Without an integrated solution administrators

may need to deal with dozens of distinct software components,

making managing HPC cluster implementations extremely te-

dious and time-consuming.

Re-thinking HPC clustersClearly these challenges demand a fresh approach to HPC clus-

ter management. Platform HPC represents a “re-think” of how

HPC clusters are deployed and managed. Rather than address-

ing only part of the HPC management puzzle, Platform HPC ad-

dresses all facets of cluster management. It provides:

ʎ A complete, easy-to-use cluster management solution

ʎ Integrated application support

ʎ User-friendly, topology-aware workload management

ʎ Robust workload and system monitoring and reporting

ʎ Dynamic operating system multi-boot (adaptive scheduling)

ʎ GPU scheduling

ʎ Robust commercial MPI library (Platform MPI)

ʎ Web-based interface for access anywhere

Most complete HPC cluster management solution

Platform HPC makes it easy to deploy, run and manage HPC clusters

while meeting the most demanding requirements for application

performance and predictable workload management. It is a com-

plete solution that provides a robust set of cluster management ca-

pabilities; from cluster provisioning and management to workload

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management and monitoring. The easy-to -use unified web portal

provides a single point of access into the cluster, making it easy to

manage your jobs and optimize application performance.

Platform HPC is more than just a stack of software; it is a fully in-

tegrated and certified solution designed to ensure ease of use and

simplified troubleshooting.

Integrated application support

High performing, HPC-optimized MPI libraries come integrated

with Platform HPC, making it easy to get parallel applications up

and running. Scripting guidelines and job submission templates for

commonly used commercial applications simplify job submission,

reduce setup time and minimize operation errors. Once the applica-

tions are up and running, Platform HPC improves application per-

formance by intelligently scheduling resources based on workload


Fully certified and supported

Platform HPC unlocks cluster management to provide the easiest

and most complete HPC management capabilities while reducing

overall cluster cost and improving administrator productivity. It is

based on the industry’s most mature and robust workload manag-

er, Platform LSF, making it the most reliable solution on the market.

Other solutions are typically a collection of open-source tools,

which may also include pieces of commercially developed soft-

ware. They lack key HPC functionality and vendor support, relying

on the administrator’s technical ability and time to implement.

Platform HPC is a single product with a single installer and a uni-

fied web-based management interface. With the best support in the

HPC industry, Platform HPC provides the most complete solution

for HPC cluster management.

Complete solutionPlatform HPC provides a complete set of HPC cluster manage-

ment features. In this section we’ll explore some of these unique

capabilities in more detail.

Easy to use, cluster provisioning and management

With Platform HPC, administrators can quickly provision and

manage HPC clusters with unprecedented ease. It ensures maxi-

mum uptime and can transparently synchronize files to cluster

nodes without any downtime or re-installation.

Fast and efficient software Installation – Platform HPC can be

installed on the head node and takes less than one hour using

three different mechanisms:

ʎ Platform HPC DVD

ʎ Platform HPC ISO file

ʎ Platform partner’s factory install bootable USB drive

Installing software on cluster nodes is simply a matter of associ-

ating cluster nodes with flexible provisioning templates through

the web-based interface.

Flexible provisioning – Platform HPC offers multiple options for

provisioning Linux operating environments that include:

ʎ Package-based provisioning

ʎ Image based provisioning

ʎ Diskless node provisioning

Large collections of hosts can be provisioned using the same pro-

visioning template. Platform HPC automatically manages details

such as IP address assignment and node naming conventions that

reflect the position of cluster nodes in data center racks.

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Unlike competing solutions, Platform HPC deploys multiple oper-

ating systems and OS versions to a cluster simultaneously. This in-

cludes Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Scientific Linux, and SUSE

Linux Enterprise Server. This provides administrators with greater

flexibility in how they serve their user communities and means that

HPC clusters can grow and evolve incrementally as requirements


Enterprise-Ready Cluster &Workload ManagementWhat’s New in IBM Platform LSF 8

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What’s New in IBM Platform LSF 8 Written with Platform LSF administrators in mind, this brief pro-

vides a short explanation of signifi cant changes in Platform’s lat-

est release of Platform LSF, with a specifi c emphasis on schedul-

ing and workload management features.

About IBM Platform LSF 8Platform LSF is the most powerful workload manager for de-

manding, distributed high performance computing environ-

ments. It provides a complete set of workload management

capabilities, all designed to work together to reduce cycle times

and maximize productivity in missioncritical environments.

This latest Platform LSF release delivers improvements in perfor-

mance and scalability while introducing new features that sim-

plify administration and boost user productivity. This includes:

ʎ Guaranteed resources – Aligns business SLA’s with infra-

structure confi guration for simplifi ed administration and

confi guration

ʎ Live reconfi guration – Provides simplifi ed administration

and enables agility

ʎ Delegation of administrative rights – Empowers line of busi-

ness owners to take control of their own projects

ʎ Fairshare & pre-emptive scheduling enhancements – Fine

tunes key production policies

Platform LSF 8 FeaturesGuaranteed Resources Ensure Deadlines are Met

In Platform LSF 8, resource-based scheduling has been extended

to guarantee resource availability to groups of jobs. Resources

can be slots, entire hosts or user-defi ned shared resources such

as software licenses. As an example, a business unit might guar-

antee that it has access to specifi c types of resources within ten

minutes of a job being submitted, even while sharing resources

between departments. This facility ensures that lower priority

jobs using the needed resources can be pre-empted in order to

meet the SLAs of higher priority jobs.

Because jobs can be automatically attached to an SLA class via

access controls, administrators can enable these guarantees

without requiring that end-users change their job submission

procedures, making it easy to implement this capability in exist-

ing environments.

Live Cluster Reconfi guration

Platform LSF 8 incorporates a new live reconfi guration capabil-

ity, allowing changes to be made to clusters without the need

to re-start LSF daemons. This is useful to customers who need

to add hosts, adjust sharing policies or re-assign users between

groups “on the fl y”, without impacting cluster availability or run-

ning jobs.

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Changes to the cluster confi guration can be made via the bconf

command line utility, or via new API calls. This functionality can

also be integrated via a web-based interface using Platform Ap-

plication Center. All confi guration modifi cations are logged for

a complete audit history, and changes are propagated almost

instantaneously. The majority of reconfi guration operations are

completed in under half a second.

With Live Reconfi guration, down-time is reduced, and administra-

tors are free to make needed adjustments quickly rather than wait

for scheduled maintenance periods or non-peak hours. In cases

where users are members of multiple groups, controls can be put

in place so that a group administrator can only control jobs as-

sociated with their designated group rather than impacting jobs

related to another group submitted by the same user.

Delegation of Administrative Rights

With Platform LSF 8, the concept of group administrators has been

extended to enable project managers and line of business man-

agers to dynamically modify group membership and fairshare re-

source allocation policies within their group. The ability to make

these changes dynamically to a running cluster is made possible by

the Live Reconfi guration feature.

These capabilities can be delegated selectively depending on the

group and site policy. Different group administrators can manage

jobs, control sharing policies or adjust group membership.

More Flexible Fairshare Scheduling Policies

To enable better resource sharing fl exibility with Platform LSF 8, the

algorithms used to tune dynamically calculated user priorities can

be adjusted at the queue level. These algorithms can vary based on

Enterprise-Ready Cluster &Workload ManagementWhat’s New in IBM Platform LSF 8

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department, application or project team preferences. The Fairshare

parameters ENABLE_HIST_RUN_TIME and HIST_HOURS enable

administrators to control the degree to which LSF considers prior

resource usage when determining user priority. The fl exibility of

Platform LSF 8 has also been improved by allowing a similar “decay

rate” to apply to currently running jobs (RUN_TIME_DECAY), either

system-wide or at the queue level. This is most useful for custom-

ers with long-running jobs, where setting this parameter results in

a more accurate view of real resource use for the fairshare schedul-

ing to consider.

Performance & Scalability Enhancements

Platform LSF has been extended to support an unparalleled

scale of up to 100,000 cores and 1.5 million queued jobs for

very high throughput EDA workloads. Even higher scalability

is possible for more traditional HPC workloads.

Specific areas of improvement include the time required to

start the master-batch daemon (MBD), bjobs query perfor-

mance, job submission and job dispatching as well as impres-

sive performance gains resulting from the new Bulk Job Sub-

mission feature. In addition, on very large clusters with large

numbers of user groups employing fairshare scheduling, the

memory footprint of the master batch scheduler in LSF has

been reduced by approximately 70% and scheduler cycle time

has been reduced by 25%, resulting in better performance and


More Sophisticated Host-based Resource Usage for Parallel Jobs

Platform LSF 8 provides several improvements to how resource

use is tracked and reported with parallel jobs. Accurate tracking

of how parallel jobs use resources such as CPUs, memory and

swap, is important for ease of management, optimal scheduling

and accurate reporting and workload analysis. With Platform

LSF 8 administrators can track resource usage on a per-host

basis and an aggregated basis (across all hosts), ensuring that

resource use is reported accurately. Additional details such as

running PIDs and PGIDs for distributed parallel jobs, manual

cleanup (if necessary) and the development of scripts for manag-

ing parallel jobs are simplifi ed. These improvements in resource

usage reporting are refl ected in LSF commands including bjobs,

bhist and bacct.

Improved Ease of Administration for Mixed Windows and

Linux Clusters

The lspasswd command in Platform LSF enables Windows LSF

users to advise LSF of changes to their Windows level pass-

words. With Platform LSF 8, password synchronization between

environments has become much easier to manage because the

Windows passwords can now be adjusted directly from Linux

hosts using the lspasswd command. This allows Linux users to

conveniently synchronize passwords on Windows hosts without

needing to explicitly login into the host.

Bulk Job Submission

When submitting large numbers of jobs with different resource

requirements or job level settings, Bulk Job Submission allows

for jobs to be submitted in bulk by referencing a single fi le con-

taining job details.

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Simplified configuration changes – Platform HPC simplifies ad-

ministration and increases cluster availability by allowing chang-

es such as new package installations, patch updates, and changes

to configuration files to be propagated to cluster nodes automati-

cally without the need to re-install those nodes. It also provides a

mechanism whereby experienced administrators can quickly per-

form operations in parallel across multiple cluster nodes.

Repository snapshots / trial installations – Upgrading software

can be risky, particularly in complex environments. If a new soft-

ware upgrade introduces problems, administrators often need

to rapidly “rollback” to a known good state. With other cluster

managers this can mean having to re-install the entire cluster.

Platform HPC incorporates repository snapshots, which are “re-

store points” for the entire cluster. Administrators can snapshot a

known good repository, make changes to their environment, and

easily revert to a previous “known good” repository in the event of

an unforeseen problem. This powerful capability takes the risk out

of cluster software upgrades.

New hardware integration – When new hardware is added

to a cluster it may require new or updated device drivers that

are not supported by the OS environment on the installer

node. This means that a newly updated node may not net-

work boot and provision until the head node on the cluster is

updated with a new operating system; a tedious and disrup-

tive process. Platform HPC includes a driver patching utility

that allows updated device drivers to be inserted into exist-

ing repositories, essentially future proofing the cluster, and

providing a simplified means of supporting new hardware

without needing to re-install the environment from scratch.

Enterprise-Ready Cluster &Workload ManagementIBM Platform HPC

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Resource monitoring


Software updates with no re-boot – Some cluster managers al-

ways re-boot nodes when updating software, regardless of how

minor the change. This is a simple way to manage updates. How-

ever, scheduling downtime can be difficult and disruptive. Platform

HPC performs updates intelligently and selectively so that compute

nodes continue to run even as non-intrusive updates are applied.

The repository is automatically updated so that future installations

include the software update. Changes that require the re-installa-

tion of the node (e.g. upgrading an operating system) can be made

in a “pending” state until downtime can be scheduled.

User-friendly, topology aware workload managementPlatform HPC includes a robust workload scheduling capability,

which is based on Platform LSF - the industry’s most powerful,

comprehensive, policy driven workload management solution for

engineering and scientific distributed computing environments.

By scheduling workloads intelligently according to policy,

Platform HPC improves end user productivity with minimal sys-

tem administrative effort. In addition, it allows HPC user teams to

easily access and share all computing resources, while reducing

time between simulation iterations.

GPU scheduling – Platform HPC provides the capability to sched-

ule jobs to GPUs as well as CPUs. This is particularly advantageous

in heterogeneous hardware environments as it means that ad-

ministrators can configure Platform HPC so that only those jobs

that can benefit from running on GPUs are allocated to those re-

sources. This frees up CPU-based resources to run other jobs. Us-

ing the unified management interface, administrators can moni-

tor the GPU performance as well as detect ECC errors.

Unified management interfaceCompeting cluster management tools either do not have a web-

based interface or require multiple interfaces for managing dif-

ferent functional areas. In comparison, Platform HPC includes a

single unified interface through which all administrative tasks

can be performed including node-management, job-manage-

ment, jobs and cluster monitoring and reporting. Using the uni-

fied management interface, even cluster administrators with

very little Linux experience can competently manage a state of

the art HPC cluster.

Job management – While command line savvy users can contin-

ue using the remote terminal capability, the unified web portal

makes it easy to submit, monitor, and manage jobs. As changes

are made to the cluster configuration, Platform HPC automati-

cally re-configures key components, ensuring that jobs are allo-

cated to the appropriate resources.

The web portal is customizable and provides job data manage-

ment, remote visualization and interactive job support.

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Workload/system correlation – Administrators can correlate

workload information with system load, so that they can make

timely decisions and proactively manage compute resources

against business demand. When it’s time for capacity planning,

the management interface can be used to run detailed reports

and analyses which quantify user needs and remove the guess

work from capacity expansion.

Simplified cluster management – The unified management con-

sole is used to administer all aspects of the cluster environment. It

enables administrators to easily install, manage and monitor their

cluster. It also provides an interactive environment to easily pack-

age software as kits for application deployment as well as pre-in-

tegrated commercial application support. One of the key features

of the interface is an operational dashboard that provides com-

prehensive administrative reports. As the image illustrates, Plat-

form HPC enables administrators to monitor and report on key

performance metrics such as cluster capacity, available memory

and CPU utilization. This enables administrators to easily identify

and troubleshoot issues.

The easy to use interface saves the cluster administrator time, and

means that they do not need to become an expert in the adminis-

tration of open-source software components. It also reduces the

possibility of errors and time lost due to incorrect configuration.

Cluster administrators enjoy the best of both worlds – easy ac-

cess to a powerful, web-based cluster manager without the need

to learn and separately administer all the tools that comprise the

HPC cluster environment.

Enterprise-Ready Cluster &Workload ManagementIBM Platform HPC

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Job submission templates


Robust Commercial MPI libraryPlatform MPI – In order to make it easier to get parallel applica-

tions up and running, Platform HPC includes the industry’s most

robust and highest performing MPI implementation, Platform

MPI. Platform MPI provides consistent performance at application

run-time and for application scaling, resulting in top performance

results across a range of third-party benchmarks.

Open Source MPI – Platform HPC also includes various other in-

dustry standard MPI implementations. This includes MPICH1,

MPICH2 and MVAPICH1, which are optimized for cluster hosts con-

nected via InfiniBand, iWARP or other RDMA based interconnects.

Integrated application supportJob submission templates – Platform HPC comes complete with

job submission templates for ANSYS Mechanical, ANSYS Flu-

ent, ANSYS CFX, LS-DYNA, MSC Nastran, Schlumberger ECLIPSE,

Simulia Abaqus, NCBI Blast, NWChem, ClustalW, and HMMER. By

configuring these templates based on the application settings

in your environment, users can start using the cluster without

writing scripts.

Scripting Guidelines – Cluster users that utilize homegrown or

open-source applications, can utilize the Platform HPC scripting

guidelines. These user-friendly interfaces help minimize job sub-

mission errors. They are also self-documenting, enabling users to

create their own job submission templates.

Benchmark tests – Platform HPC also includes standard bench-

mark tests to ensure that your cluster will deliver the best per-

formance without manual tuning.

Flexible OS provisioningPlatform HPC can deploy multiple operating system versions con-

currently on the same cluster and, based on job resource require-

ments, dynamically boot the Linux or Windows operating system

required to run the job. Administrators can also use a web inter-

face to manually switch nodes to the required OS to meet applica-

tion demands, providing them with the flexibility to support spe-

cial requests and accommodate unanticipated changes. Rather

than being an extracost item as it is with other HPC management

suites, this capability is included as a core feature of Platform HPC.

Commercial Service and supportCertified cluster configurations – Platform HPC is tested and

certified on all partner hardware platforms. By qualifying each

platform individually and providing vendor-specific software

with optimized libraries and drivers that take maximum advan-

tage of unique hardware features, Platform Computing has es-

sentially done the integration work in advance.

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As a result, clusters can be deployed quickly and predictably

with minimal effort. As a testament to this, Platform HPC is certi-

fied under the Intel Cluster Ready program.

Enterprise class service and support – Widely regarded as hav-

ing the best HPC support organization in the business, Platform

Computing is uniquely able to support an integrated HPC plat-

form. Because support personnel have direct access to the Plat-

form HPC developers, Platform Computing is able to offer a high-

er level of support and ensure that any problems encountered

are resolved quickly and efficiently.

SummaryPlatform HPC is the ideal solution for deploying and manag-

ing state of the art HPC clusters. It makes cluster management

simple, enabling analysts, engineers and scientists from organi-

zations of any size to easily exploit the power of Linux clusters.

Unlike other HPC solutions that address only parts of the HPC

management challenge, Platform HPC uniquely addresses all as-

pects of cluster and management including:

ʎ Easy-to-use cluster provisioning and management

ʎ User-friendly, topology aware workload management

ʎ Unified management interface

ʎ Robust commercial MPI library

ʎ Integrated application support

ʎ Flexible OS provisioning

ʎ Commercial HPC service and support

Enterprise-Ready Cluster &Workload ManagementIBM Platform HPC

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By providing simplified management over the entire lifecycle of

a cluster, Platform HPC has a direct and positive impact on pro-

ductivity while helping to reduce complexity and cost.

The comprehensive web-based management interface, and fea-

tures like repository snapshots and the ability to update soft-

ware packages on the fly means that state-of-the-art HPC clus-

ters can be provisioned and managed even by administrators

with little or no Linux administration experience.

Capability / Feature Platform HPC

Cluster Provisioning and Management

Initial cluster provisioning

Multiple provisioning methods

Web-based cluster management

Node updates with no re-boot

Repository snapshots

Flexible node templates

Multiple OS and OS versions

Workload Management & Application Integration

Integrated workload management

HPC libraries & toolsets


Web-based job management

Web-based job data management

Multi-boot based on workload

Advanced parallel job management

Commercial application integrations

MPI Libraries

Commercial grade MPI

Workload and system monitoring, reporting and correlation

Workload monitoring

Workload reporting

System monitoring & reporting

Workload and system load correlation

Integration with 3rd party management tools

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IBM Platform MPI 8.1

Benefi ts ʎ Superior application performance

ʎ Reduced development and support costs

ʎ Faster time-to-market

ʎ The industry’s best technical support

Features ʎ Supports the widest range of hardware, networks and oper-

ating systems

ʎ Distributed by over 30 leading commercial software vendors

ʎ Change interconnects or libraries with no need to re-compile

ʎ Seamless compatibility across Windows and Linux environ-


ʎ Ensures a production quality implementation

Ideal for: ʎ Enterprises that develop or deploy parallelized software ap-

plications on HPC clusters

ʎ Commercial software vendors wanting to improve applica-

tions performance over the widest range of computer hard-

ware, interconnects and operating systems

The Standard for Scalable, Parallel ApplicationsPlatform MPI is a high performance, production–quality imple-

mentation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI). It is widely

used in the high performance computing (HPC) industry and is

considered the de facto standard for developing scalable, paral-

lel applications.

Enterprise-Ready Cluster &Workload ManagementIBM Platform MPI 8.1

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Platform MPI maintains full backward compatibility with HP-MPI

and Platform MPI applications and incorporates advanced CPU

affi nity features, dynamic selection of interface libraries, supe-

rior workload manger integrations and improved performance

and scalability.

Platform MPI supports the broadest range of industry standard

platforms, interconnects and operating systems helping ensure

that your parallel applications can run anywhere.

Focus on portabilityPlatform MPI allows developers to build a single executable that

transparently leverages the performance features of any type of

interconnect, thereby providing applications with optimal laten-

cy and bandwidth for each protocol. This reduces development

effort, and enables applications to use the “latest and greatest”

technologies on Linux or Microsoft Windows without the need

to re-compile and re-link applications.

Platform MPI is optimized for both distributed (DMP) and shared

memory (SMP) environments and provides a variety of fl exible

CPU binding strategies for processes and threads, enabling bet-

ter performance on multi–core environments. With this capa-

bility memory and cache confl icts are managed by more intel-

ligently distributing the load among multiple cores.

With support for Windows HPC Server 2008 and the Microsoft job

scheduler, as well as other Microsoft operating environments,

Platform MPI allows developers targeting Windows platforms to

enjoy the benefi ts of a standard portable MPI and avoid propri-

etary lock-in.

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Enterprise-Ready Cluster &Workload ManagementIBM Platform MPI 8.1

Supported Operating Systems ʎ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.6, 5.x and 6.x

ʎ SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and 11

ʎ CentOS 5.3

ʎ Microsoft Windows® XP/Vista, Server 2003/Server 200 8/HPC

Server 2008, Windows 7

Supported Interconnects and Protocols

Myrinet (Linux) GM & MX on X86-64 and Itanium2

Infi niBand (Linux) OFED, PSM, uDAPL on X86-64 and


OFED 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

SDR, DDR, QDR, ConnectX and

ConnextX2 Mellanox FCA

GigE (Linux) RDMA, uDAPL, TCP/IP

Infi niband (Windows) WinOF 2.x, IBAL, WSD, SDR, DDR,

QDR, ConnectX(2)

GigE (Windows) TCP/IP on x86-64

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Features and Benefi ts

Features Benefi ts


ʎ Fully complies with the MPI 2.2 standard, providing dynamic processes, one–sided communications, extended collectives, thread safety, and updated ROMIO

ʎ Complete debugging, diagnostic and profi ling tools ʎ Auto-detection of interconnects and dynamic loading of libraries ʎ No re-link required for debugging and profi ling ʎ Supported by the largest dedicated HPC support organization

ʎ Applications port easily to other platforms ʎ Protects ISV software investment ʎ Reduces time-to-market ʎ Increased robustness and quality of applications ʎ Technical problems resolved quickly and effi ciently

Performance ʎ Improved shared memory performance, incorporating code and meth-ods from Platform MPI 5.6 (Scali MPI)

ʎ 75% reduction in job startup and shutdown at scale ʎ Scalability to 17,000 ranks ʎ RDMA message progression & coalescing enhancements ʎ Flexible CPU binding options maximize cache effectiveness and bal-

ance applications to minimize latency ʎ Automated benchmarking of collective operations

ʎ Takes maximum advantage of available hardware ʎ Reduced latency for better performance ʎ Performance improves without explicit developer action ʎ Better message throughput in streaming applications ʎ Easier to optimize application performance

Compatibility ʎ Common source-code base between Linux and Windows ʎ Binary compatible with applications developed for HP-MPI ʎ MPICH-2 compatibility mode ʎ Linux Standard Bindings ensure full compatibility across all major

Linux distributions ʎ Scheduler agnostic with workload manager integrations for Windows

HPC, Platform LSF, PBS Pro, SLURM and other popular schedulers and resource managers

ʎ Avoid the cost of separate releases for different platforms ʎ Easily used with existing MPI applications ʎ Common mpirun syntax between Linux and Windows ʎ Customers avoid proprietary “lock-in” ʎ Avoid fl oating point issues causing inconsistent results


ʎ Supports the widest variety of networks and interconnects ʎ Select interconnects at run-time with no need to re-compile ʎ Write applications once and deploy across multiple OS and hardware

topologies ʎ CPU binding features well suited to GPU-aware applications

ʎ Develop applications that will run on more platforms ʎ Reduce testing, maintenance and support costs ʎ Enjoy strategic fl exibility

Page 36: Hpc kompass ibm_special_2014

transtec HPC as a ServiceYou will get a range of applications like LS-Dyna, ANSYS,

Gromacs, NAMD etc. from all kinds of areas pre-installed,

integrated into an enterprise-ready cloud and workload

management system, and ready-to run. Do you miss your


Ask us: [email protected]

transtec Platform as a ServiceYou will be provided with dynamically provided compute

nodes for running your individual code. The operating

system will be pre-installed according to your require-

ments. Common Linux distributions like RedHat, CentOS,

or SLES are the standard. Do you need another distribu-


Ask us: [email protected]

transtec Hosting as a ServiceYou will be provided with hosting space inside a profes-

sionally managed and secured datacenter where you

can have your machines hosted, managed, maintained,

according to your requirements. Thus, you can build up

your own private cloud. What range of hosting and main-

tenance services do you need?

Tell us: [email protected]

Services and Customer Care from A to Z

individual Presalesconsulting


site-specificsizing of

HPC solution

burn-in testsof systems

benchmarking of different systems


software& OS







maintenance,support &

managed services

individual Presalesconsulting


site-specificsizing of

HPC solution

burn-in testsof systems

benchmarking of different systems


software& OS







maintenance,support &

managed services


HPC @ transtec: Services and Customer Care from A to Ztranstec AG has over 30 years of experience in scientifi c computing

and is one of the earliest manufacturers of HPC clusters. For nearly a

decade, transtec has delivered highly customized High Performance

clusters based on standard components to academic and industry

customers across Europe with all the high quality standards and the

customer-centric approach that transtec is well known for.

Every transtec HPC solution is more than just a rack full of hardware

– it is a comprehensive solution with everything the HPC user, owner,

and operator need.

In the early stages of any customer’s HPC project, transtec experts

provide extensive and detailed consulting to the customer – they

benefi t from expertise and experience. Consulting is followed by

benchmarking of different systems with either specifi cally crafted

High Performance Computing

Performance Turns Into Productivity

Page 37: Hpc kompass ibm_special_2014


customer code or generally accepted benchmarking routines; this

aids customers in sizing and devising the optimal and detailed HPC

confi guration.

Each and every piece of HPC hardware that leaves our factory under-

goes a burn-in procedure of 24 hours or more if necessary. We make

sure that any hardware shipped meets our and our customers’ qual-

ity requirements. transtec HPC solutions are turnkey solutions. By de-

fault, a transtec HPC cluster has everything installed and confi gured

– from hardware and operating system to important middleware

components like cluster management or developer tools and the

customer’s production applications. Onsite delivery means onsite

integration into the customer’s production environment, be it estab-

lishing network connectivity to the corporate network, or setting up

software and confi guration parts.

transtec HPC clusters are ready-to-run systems – we deliver, you turn

the key, the system delivers high performance. Every HPC project en-

tails transfer to production: IT operation processes and policies apply

to the new HPC system. Effectively, IT personnel is trained hands-on,

introduced to hardware components and software, with all opera-

tional aspects of confi guration management.

transtec services do not stop when the implementation projects

ends. Beyond transfer to production, transtec takes care. transtec of-

fers a variety of support and service options, tailored to the custom-

er’s needs. When you are in need of a new installation, a major recon-

fi guration or an update of your solution – transtec is able to support

your staff and, if you lack the resources for maintaining the cluster

yourself, maintain the HPC solution for you. From Professional Servic-

es to Managed Services for daily operations and required service lev-

els, transtec will be your complete HPC service and solution provider.

transtec’s high standards of performance, reliability and dependabil-

ity assure your productivity and complete satisfaction.

transtec’s offerings of HPC Managed Services offer customers the

possibility of having the complete management and administration

of the HPC cluster managed by transtec service specialists, in an ITIL

compliant way. Moreover, transtec’s HPC on Demand services help

provide access to HPC resources whenever they need them, for exam-

ple, because they do not have the possibility of owning and running

an HPC cluster themselves, due to lacking infrastructure, know-how,

or admin staff.

transtec HPC Cloud ServicesLast but not least transtec’s services portfolio evolves as customers‘

demands change. Starting this year, transtec is able to provide HPC

Cloud Services. transtec uses a dedicated datacenter to provide com-

puting power to customers who are in need of more capacity than

they own, which is why this workfl ow model is sometimes called

computing-on-demand. With these dynamically provided resources,

customers with the possibility to have their jobs run on HPC nodes

in a dedicated datacenter, professionally managed and secured, and

individually customizable. Numerous standard applications like AN-

SYS, LS-Dyna, OpenFOAM, as well as lots of codes like Gromacs, NAMD,

VMD, and others are pre-installed, integrated into an enterprise-ready

cloud and workload management environment, and ready to run.

Alternatively, whenever customers are in need of space for hosting

their own HPC equipment because they do not have the space capac-

ity or cooling and power infrastructure themselves, transtec is also

able to provide Hosting Services to those customers who’d like to

have their equipment professionally hosted, maintained, and man-

aged. Customers can thus build up their own private cloud!

Are you interested in any of transtec’s broad range of HPC related ser-

vices? Write us an email to [email protected]. We’ll be happy to hear

from you!

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Scalable & Energy Efficient HPC Systems

There is no end in sight to growing data and computing requirements – which poses a serious challenge for space-constrained data centers. Also challenging for today’s organizations is the need to perform a larger number and variety of functions – without increasing budgets. IBM NeXtScale System, an economical addition to the IBM System x family, offers an innovative approach to maximum usable density.


h T











ig D

















Page 40: Hpc kompass ibm_special_2014


Optimized to handle a number of workloads, all demanding agil-

ity, NeXtScale System helps drive business velocity by providing

rapid procurement, deployment and flexible options. This sim-

ple, yet powerful, system can handle applications ranging from

technical computing, to grid deployments, to analytics work-

loads, to large-scale cloud and virtualization infrastructures.

Designed with industry-standard, off-the-shelf components, this

generalpurpose platform enables users to create a flexible, mix-

and-match offering with compute, storage, and acceleration via

graphics processing unit (GPU) or Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor.

Customized solutions can be configured to provide application-

appropriate platform with choice of servers, networking switch-

es, adapters, and racks.

This modular system is designed to scale and grow along with

data center needs in order to protect and maximize IT invest-

ments. Since it is optimized for standard racks, users can easily

mix high-density NeXtScale server offerings and non-NeXtScale

components within the same rack. NeXtScale System also pro-

vides tremendous time to value by enabling users to get it up

and running – and to the production phase – faster.

Building upon a strong System x foundationExtending the System x family to a larger range of users, the

customizable, space-saving NeXtScale System comprises pow-

erful compute nodes and an energy-efficient, low-cost 12-bay


IBM NeXtScale nx360 M4 server

This powerful server provides a dense, flexible solution with

a low total cost of ownership. The half-wide, dual-socket

NeXtScale nx360 M4 server is designed for data centers

Scalable, Energy Efficient HPC SystemsIBM NeXtScale System

Page 41: Hpc kompass ibm_special_2014

IBM NeXtScale nx360 M4

IBM NeXtScale n1200 Enclosure


that require high performance but are constrained by floor

space. By taking up less physical space in the data center, the

NeXtScale server significantly enhances density. And it sup-

ports Intel Xeon E5-2600 v2 series up to 130 W and 12-core

processors thus providing more performance per server. The

nx360 M4 compute node contains only essential components

in the base architecture to provide a cost-optimized platform.

IBM NeXtScale n1200 Enclosure

The NeXtScale n1200 Enclosure is an efficient, 6U, 12-bay

chassis with no built-in networking or switching capabilities –

requiring no chassis-level management. Sensibly designed to

provide shared, high-efficiency power and cooling for housed

servers, the n1200 enclosure is designed to scale with your

business needs. Adding compute, storage, or acceleration ca-

pability is as simple as adding specific nodes to the chassis.

Because each node is independent and self-sufficient, there

is no contention for resources among nodes within the enclo-

sure. And while a typical rack holds only 42 1U systems, this

chassis doubles the density up to 84 compute nodes within

the same footprint.

Flexible, IT your wayDeveloped at the solution level, the NeXtScale System archi-

tecture is extremely fl exible – enabling different technologies

to easily fi t into its design, for varied workloads. And since the

system allows compute, storage, and acceleration via GPU or

Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor to share the same chassis and archi-

tecture, it is very easy to deploy and grow. Front-access cabling

– either from the bottom or the top of the rack – and direct-dock

power capabilities enable users to make quick and easy changes

to nodes, cables and networking switches. Plus, NeXtScale Sys-

tem supports multiple networking topologies, including Ether-

net, Infi niBand and Fibre Channel.

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System flexibility even extends to procurement: Organizations

can either receive the system fully configured, pretested, IBM in-

stalled, and ready to power on; or self-configure and install using

existing components to build a custom system.

Simple yet elegantNeXtScale System makes choosing the right architecture for in-

dividual applications, budgets and data centers simple and eco-

nomical. It optimizes shared infrastructure with common fans

and power supplies leaving nodes to be completely indepen-

dent and self-sufficient. The nodes do not share resources such

as disks or memory. To manage costs, only essential components

are included in the base architecture, and nodes can be used for

either storage or GPU/coprocessor acceleration. This enables

NeXtScale for an easy insertion into your infrastructure with

your current tools and best practices. The ability of NeXtScale

System to work with any standard switch, rack or networking

card provides almost unlimited options to space- and budget-

conscious organizations in even the most demanding industries.

Scale for everyoneThe high-performance NeXtScale System enables organizations

of all sizes and budgets to start small and scale rapidly, as need-

ed, into future requirements. Rather than requiring organiza-

tions to purchase large clusters, this system offers a complete

building-block approach in which users can start out with one

chassis and add systems and components as needed. Designed

to be easily run and simply managed at any scale – from a hand-

ful to thousands – NeXtScale System can help organizations

achieve maximum impact per dollar.

Scalable, Energy Efficient HPC SystemsIBM NeXtScale System

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IBM NeXtScale nx360 M4 at a glance

Form factor/height Half-wide 1U

Processor Two Intel Xeon E5-2600 v2 series

CacheLevel 2: 256 KB per coreLevel 3: 4 cores – 15 MB, 6 cores – 15 MB, 8 cores – 20 MB, 10 cores – 25 MB, 12 cores – 30 MB

Memory 8 DDR3/DDR3L LP, 128 GB maximum with 16 GB LP RDIMM

Chassis support NeXtScale n1200 Enclosure

Local StorageOne 3.5-inch, two 2.5-inch SAS/SATA hard disk drives (HDDs) or four 1.8-inch solid state drives, up to 4 TB maximum capacity with one 4 TB 3.5-inch HDD

Storage Native Expansion (NEX) Tray Eight 3.5-inch SAS/SATA HDDs, up to 32 TB maximum capacity

Internal RAID Onboard SATA controller with RAID options

USB ports One internal USB key

Ethernet Two built-in 1 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) ports standard

Input/output Two InfiniBand FDR ports (slotless option), two 10 GbE (slotless option), one PCIe (x16 PCI Express 3.0)

Power management Rack-level power capping and management via IBM Extreme Cloud Administration Toolkit (xCAT)

Systems managementIBM Integrated Management Module 2 (IMM2) with dedicated management port, IPMI 2.0 compliant, Platform LSF and Platform HPC

Operating systems supported Microsoft Windows Server, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi)

Limited warranty 3-year customer replaceable unit and onsite limited warranty, next business day 9x5, service upgrades available

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Scalable, Energy Efficient HPC SystemsIBM NeXtScale System

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IBM NeXtScale n1200 Enclosure at a glance

Form factor 6U NeXtScale, standard rack

Bays 12

Power supply Six hot-swappable, non-redundant, N+N or N+1 redundant 80 PLUS Platinum, high energy efficiency, 900 W

Fans 10 hot-swappable

Controller Fan and power controller

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Big Data, Cloud Storage it doesn’t matter what you call it, there is certainly increasing demand to store larger and larger amounts of unstructured data.

The IBM General Parallel File System (GPFSTM) has always been considered a pioneer of big data storage and continues today to lead in introducing industry leading storage technologies. Since 1998 GPFS has lead the industry with many technologies that make the storage of large quantities of file data possible. The latest version continues in that tradition, GPFS 3.5 represents a significant milestone in the evolution of big data management. GPFS 3.5 introduces some revolutionary new features that clearly demonstrate IBM’s commitment to providing industry leading storage solutions.

General Parallel File System (GPFS)


















ig D











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What is GPFS?GPFS is more than clustered file system software; it is a full

featured set of file management tools. This includes advanced

storage virtualization, integrated high availability, automated

tiered storage management and the performance to effectively

manage very large quantities of file data.

GPFS allows a group of computers concurrent access to a com-

mon set of file data over a common SAN infrastructure, a net-

work or a mix of connection types. The computers can run any

mix of AIX, Linux or Windows Server operating systems. GPFS

provides storage management, information life cycle manage-

ment tools, centralized administration and allows for shared

access to file systems from remote GPFS clusters providing a

global namespace.

A GPFS cluster can be a single node, two nodes providing a high

availability platform supporting a database application, for

example, or thousands of nodes used for applications like the

modeling of weather patterns. The largest existing configura-

tions exceed 5,000 nodes. GPFS has been available on since 1998

and has been field proven for more than 14 years on some of

the world’s most powerful supercomputers2 to provide reliabil-

ity and efficient use of infrastructure bandwidth.

GPFS was designed from the beginning to support high per-

formance parallel workloads and has since been proven very

effective for a variety of applications. Today it is installed in

clusters supporting big data analytics, gene sequencing, digi-

tal media and scalable file serving. These applications are used

across many industries including financial, retail, digital media,

biotechnology, science and government. GPFS continues to

push technology limits by being deployed in very demanding

large environments. You may not need multiple petabytes of

General Parallel File System (GPFS)

Technologies That Enable the Management of Big Data

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data today, but you will, and when you get there you can rest

assured GPFS has already been tested in these enviroments.

This leadership is what makes GPFS a solid solution for any size


Supported operating systems for GPFS Version 3.5 include AIX,

Red Hat, SUSE and Debian Linux distributions and Windows

Server 2008.

The file systemA GPFS file system is built from a collection of arrays that contain

the file system data and metadata. A file system can be built from

a single disk or contain thousands of disks storing petabytes of

data. Each file system can be accessible from all nodes within

the cluster. There is no practical limit on the size of a file system.

The architectural limit is 299 bytes. As an example, current GPFS

customers are using single file systems up to 5.4PB in size and

others have file systems containing billions of files.

Application interfacesApplications access files through standard POSIX file system in-

terfaces. Since all nodes see all of the file data applications can

scale-out easily. Any node in the cluster can concurrently read

or update a common set of files. GPFS maintains the coheren-

cy and consistency of the file system using sophisticated byte

range locking, token (distributed lock) management and journal-

ing. This means that applications using standard POSIX locking

semantics do not need to be modified to run successfully on a

GPFS file system.

In addition to standard interfaces GPFS provides a unique set of

extended interfaces which can be used to provide advanced ap-

plication functionality. Using these extended interfaces an appli-

cation can determine the storage pool placement of a file, create

a file clone and manage quotas. These extended interfaces pro-

vide features in addition to the standard POSIX interface.

Performance and scalabilityGPFS provides unparalleled performance for unstructured data.

GPFS achieves high performance I/O by:

Striping data across multiple disks attached to multiple nodes.

ʎ High performance metadata (inode) scans.

ʎ Supporting a wide range of file system block sizes to match I/O


ʎ Utilizing advanced algorithms to improve read-ahead and wri-

te-behind IO operations.

ʎ Using block level locking based on a very sophisticated scalable

token management system to provide data consistency while

allowing multiple application nodes concurrent access to the


When creating a GPFS file system you provide a list of raw devices

and they are assigned to GPFS as Network Shared Disks (NSD). Once

a NSD is defined all of the nodes in the GPFS cluster can access the

disk, using local disk connection, or using t-he GPFS NSD network

protocol for shipping data over a TCP/IP or InfiniBand connection.

GPFS token (distributed lock) management coordinates access to

NSD’s ensuring the consistency of file system data and metadata

when different nodes access the same file. Token management

responsibility is dynamically allocated among designated nodes

in the cluster. GPFS can assign one or more nodes to act as token

managers for a single file system. This allows greater scalabil-

ity when you have a large number of files with high transaction

workloads. In the event of a node failure the token management

responsibility is moved to another node.

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All data stored in a GPFS file system is striped across all of the disks

within a storage pool, whether the pool contains 2 LUNS or 2,000

LUNS. This wide data striping allows you to get the best performance

for the available storage. When disks are added to or removed from

a storage pool existing file data can be redistributed across the new

storage to improve performance. Data redistribution can be done

automatically or can be scheduled. When redistributing data you

can assign a single node to perform the task to control the impact

on a production workload or have all of the nodes in the cluster par-

ticipate in data movement to complete the operation as quickly as

possible. Online storage configuration is a good example of an en-

terprise class storage management feature included in GPFS.

To achieve the highest possible data access performance GPFS

recognizes typical access patterns including sequential, reverse se-

quential and random optimizing I/O access for these patterns.

Along with distributed token management, GPFS provides scalable

metadata management by allowing all nodes of the cluster access-

ing the file system to perform file metadata operations. This feature

distinguishes GPFS from other cluster file systems which typically

have a centralized metadata server handling fixed regions of the

file namespace. A centralized metadata server can often become

a performance bottleneck for metadata intensive operations, lim-

iting scalability and possibly introducing a single point of failure.

GPFS solves this problem by enabling all nodes to manage meta-


AdministrationGPFS provides an administration model that is easy to use and is

consistent with standard file system administration practices while

providing extensions for the clustering aspects of GPFS. These func-

tions support cluster management and other standard file system

General Parallel File System (GPFS)

Technologies That Enable the Management of Big Data

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administration functions such as user quotas, snapshots and ex-

tended access control lists.

GPFS administration tools simplify cluster-wide tasks. A single GPFS

command can perform a file system function across the entire clus-

ter and most can be issued from any node in the cluster. Option-

ally you can designate a group of administration nodes that can be

used to perform all cluster administration tasks, or only authorize a

single login session to perform admin commands cluster-wide. This

allows for higher security by reducing the scope of node to node

administrative access.

Rolling upgrades allow you to upgrade individual nodes in the clus-

ter while the file system remains online. Rolling upgrades are sup-

ported between two major version levels of GPFS (and service lev-

els within those releases). For example you can mix GPFS 3.4 nodes

with GPFS 3.5 nodes while migrating between releases.

Quotas enable the administrator to manage file system usage by us-

ers and groups across the cluster. GPFS provides commands to gen-

erate quota reports by user, group and on a sub-tree of a file system

called a fileset. Quotas can be set on the number of files (inodes)

and the total size of the files. New in GPFS 3.5 you can now define

user and group per fileset quotas which allows for more options in

quota configuration. In addition to traditional quota management,

the GPFS policy engine can be used query the file system metadata

and generate customized space usage reports.

An SNMP interface allows monitoring by network management

applications. The SNMP agent provides information on the GPFS

cluster and generates traps when events occur in the cluster. For

example, an event is generated when a file system is mounted or if

a node fails. The SNMP agent runs on Linux and AIX. You can moni-

tor a heterogeneous cluster as long as the agent runs on a Linux or

AIX node.

You can customize the response to cluster events using GPFS

callbacks. A callback is an administrator defined script that is ex-

ecuted when an event occurs, for example, when a file system is

un-mounted for or a file system is low on free space. Callbacks can

be used to create custom responses to GPFS events and integrate

these notifications into various cluster monitoring tools.

GPFS provides support for the Data Management API (DMAPI) in-

terface which is IBM’s implementation of the X/Open data storage

management API. This DMAPI interface allows vendors of storage

management applications such as IBM Tivoli® Storage Manager

(TSM) and High Performance Storage System (HPSS) to provide Hi-

erarchical Storage Management (HSM) support for GPFS.

GPFS supports POSIX and NFS V4 access control lists (ACLs). NFS v4

ACLs can be used to serve files using NFSv4, but can also be used in

other deployments, for example, to provide ACL support to nodes

running Windows. To provide concurrent access from multiple op-

erating system types GPFS allows you to run mixed POSIX and NFS

v4 permissions in a single file system and map user and group IDs

between Windows and Linux/UNIX environments.

File systems may be exported to clients outside the cluster

through NFS. GPFS is often used as the base for a scalable NFS

file service infrastructure. The GPFS clustered NFS (cNFS) feature

provides data availability to NFS clients by providing NFS service

continuation if an NFS server fails. This allows a GPFS cluster to

provide scalable file service by providing simultaneous access to a

common set of data from multiple nodes. The clustered NFS tools

include monitoring of file services and IP address fail over. GPFS

cNFS supports NFSv3 only. You can export a GPFS file system using

NFSv4 but not with cNFS.

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Data availabilityGPFS is fault tolerant and can be configured for continued ac-

cess to data even if cluster nodes or storage systems fail. This is

accomplished though robust clustering features and support for

synchronous and asynchronous data replication.

GPFS software includes the infrastructure to handle data consis-

tency and availability. This means that GPFS does not rely on ex-

ternal applications for cluster operations like node failover. The

clustering support goes beyond who owns the data or who has

access to the disks. In a GPFS cluster all nodes see all of the data

and all cluster operations can be done by any node in the clus-

ter with a server license. All nodes are capable of performing all

tasks. What tasks a node can perform is determined by the type

of license and the cluster configuration.

As a part of the built-in availability tools GPFS continuously mon-

itors the health of the file system components. When failures are

detected appropriate recovery action is taken automatically. Ex-

tensive journaling and recovery capabilities are provided which

maintain metadata consistency when a node holding locks or

performing administrative services fails.

Snapshots can be used to protect the file system’s contents

against a user error by preserving a point in time version of the

file system or a sub-tree of a file system called a fileset. GPFS

implements a space efficient snapshot mechanism that gener-

ates a map of the file system or fileset at the time the snaphot

is taken. New data blocks are consumed only when the file sys-

tem data has been deleted or modified after the snapshot was

created. This is done using a redirect-on-write technique (some-

times called copy-on-write). Snapshot data is placed in existing

storage pools simplifying administration and optimizing the use

of existing storage. The snapshot function can be used with a

General Parallel File System (GPFS)

Technologies That Enable the Management of Big Data

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backup program, for example, to run while the file system is in

use and still obtain a consistent copy of the file system as it was

when the snapshot was created. In addition, snapshots provide

an online backup capability that allows files to be recovered eas-

ily from common problems such as accidental file deletion.

Data ReplicationFor an additional level of data availability and protection synchro-

nous data replication is available for file system metadata and

data. GPFS provides a very flexible replication model that allows

you to replicate a file, set of files, or an entire file system. The rep-

lication status of a file can be changed using a command or by us-

ing the policy based management tools. Synchronous replication

allows for continuous operation even if a path to an array, an array

itself or an entire site fails.

Synchronous replication is location aware which allows you to

optimize data access when the replicas are separated across a

WAN. GPFS has knowledge of what copy of the data is “local” so

read-heavy applications can get local data read performance even

when data replicated over a WAN. Synchronous replication works

well for many workloads by replicating data across storage arrays

within a data center, within a campus or across geographical dis-

tances using high quality wide area network connections.

When wide area network connections are not high performance

or are not reliable, an asynchronous approach to data replication

is required. GPFS 3.5 introduces a feature called Active File Man-

agement (AFM). AFM is a distributed disk caching technology de-

veloped at IBM Research that allows the expansion of the GPFS

global namespace across geographical distances. It can be used to

provide high availability between sites or to provide local “copies”

of data distributed to one or more GPFS clusters. For more details

on AFM see the section entitled Sharing data between clusters.

For a higher level of cluster reliability GPFS includes advanced

clustering features to maintain network connections. If a network

connection to a node fails GPFS automatically tries to reestablish

the connection before marking the node unavailable. This can

provide for better uptime in environments communicating across

a WAN or experiencing network issues.

Using these features along with a high availability infrastructure

ensures a reliable enterprise class storage solution.

GPFS Native Raid (GNR)Larger disk drives and larger file systems are creating challenges

for traditional storage controllers. Current RAID 5 and RAID 6

based arrays do not address the challenges of Exabyte scale stor-

age performance, reliability and management. To address these

challenges GPFS Native RAID (GNR) brings storage device man-

agement into GPFS. With GNR GPFS can directly manage thou-

sands of storage devices. These storage devices can be individual

disk drives or any other block device eliminating the need for a

storage controller.

GNR employs a de-clustered approach to RAID. The de-clustered

architecture reduces the impact of drive failures by spreading

data over all of the available storage devices improving appli-

cation IO and recovery performance. GNR provides very high

reliability through an 8+3 Reed Solomon based raid code that

divides each block of a file into 8 parts and associated parity.

This algorithm scales easily starting with as few as 11 storage

devices and growing to over 500 per storage pod. Spreading the

data over many devices helps provide predicable storage perfor-

mance and fast recovery times measured in minutes rather than

hours in the case of a device failure.

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In addition to performance improvements GNR provides ad-

vanced checksum protection to ensure data integrity. Checksum

information is stored on disk and verified all the way to the NSD


Information lifecycle management (ILM) toolsetGPFS can help you to achieve data lifecycle management efficien-

cies through policy-driven automation and tiered storage man-

agement. The use of storage pools, filesets and user-defined poli-

cies provide the ability to better match the cost of your storage to

the value of your data.

Storage pools are used to manage groups of disks within a file sys-

tem. Using storage pools you can create tiers of storage by group-

ing disks based on performance, locality or reliability characteris-

tics. For example, one pool could contain high performance solid

state disk (SSD) disks and another more economical 7,200 RPM disk

storage. These types of storage pools are called internal storage

pools. When data is placed in or moved between internal storage

pools all of the data management is done by GPFS. In addition to

internal storage pools GPFS supports external storage pools. Ex-

ternal storage pools are used to interact with an external storage

management application including IBM Tivoli Storage Manager

(TSM) and High Performance Storage System (HPSS). When moving

data to an external pool GPFS handles all of the metadata process-

ing then hands the data to the external application for storage on

alternate media, tape for example. When using TSM or HPSS data

can be retrieved from the external storage pool on demand, as a

result of an application opening a file or data can be retrieved in a

batch operation using a command or GPFS policy. A fileset is a sub-

tree of the file system namespace and provides a way to partition

the namespace into smaller, more manageable units.

General Parallel File System (GPFS)

Technologies That Enable the Management of Big Data

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Filesets provide an administrative boundary that can be used to

set quotas, take snapshots, define AFM relationships and be used

in user defined policies to control initial data placement or data

migration. Data within a single fileset can reside in one or more

storage pools. Where the file data resides and how it is managed

once it is created is based on a set of rules in a user defined policy.

There are two types of user defined policies in GPFS: file place-

ment and file management. File placement policies determine in

which storage pool file data is initially placed. File placement rules

are defined using attributes of a file known when a file is created

such as file name, fileset or the user who is creating the file. For

example a placement policy may be defined that states ‘place all

files with names that end in .mov onto the near-line SAS based

storage pool and place all files created by the CEO onto the SSD

based storage pool’ or ‘place all files in the fileset ‘development’

onto the SAS based storage pool’.

Once files exist in a file system, file management policies can be

used for file migration, deletion, changing file replication status

or generating reports.

You can use a migration policy to transparently move data from

one storage pool to another without changing the file’s location

in the directory structure. Similarly you can use a policy to change

the replication status of a file or set of files, allowing fine grained

control over the space used for data availability.

You can use migration and replication policies together, for exam-

ple a policy that says: ‘migrate all of the files located in the subdi-

rectory /database/payroll which end in *.dat and are greater than

1 MB in size to storage pool #2 and un-replicate these files’.

File deletion policies allow you to prune the file system, deleting

files as defined by policy rules. Reporting on the contents of a file

system can be done through list policies. List policies allow you to

quickly scan the file system metadata and produce information

listing selected attributes of candidate files.

File management policies can be based on more attributes of a file

than placement policies because once a file exists there is more

known about the file. For example file placement attributes can

utilize attributes such as last access time, size of the file or a mix

of user and file size. This may result in policies like: ‘Delete all files

with a name ending in .temp that have not been accessed in the

last 30 days’, or ‘Migrate all files owned by Sally that are larger

than 4GB to the SATA storage pool’.

Rule processing can be further automated by including attri-

butes related to a storage pool instead of a file using the thresh-

old option. Using thresholds you can create a rule that moves

files out of the high performance pool if it is more than 80%

full, for example. The threshold option comes with the ability to

set high, low and pre-migrate thresholds. Pre-migrated files are

files that exist on disk and are migrated to tape. This method

is typically used to allow disk access to the data while allow-

ing disk space to be freed up quickly when a maximum space

threshold is reached. This means that GPFS begins migrating

data at the high threshold, until the low threshold is reached.

If a pre-migrate threshold is set GPFS begins copying data un-

til the pre-migrate threshold is reached. This allows the data to

continue to be accessed in the original pool until it is quickly

deleted to free up space the next time the high threshold is

reached. Thresholds allow you to fully utilize your highest per-

formance storage and automate the task of making room for

new high priority content.

Policy rule syntax is based on the SQL 92 syntax standard and

supports multiple complex statements in a single rule enabling

powerful policies. Multiple levels of rules can be applied to a

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file system, and rules are evaluated in order for each file when

the policy engine executes allowing a high level of flexibility.

GPFS provides unique functionality through standard interfaces,

an example of this is extended attributes. Extended attributes

are a standard POSIX facility.

GPFS has long supported the use of extended attributes, though

in the past they were not commonly used, in part because of per-

formance concerns. In GPFS 3.4, a comprehensive redesign of the

extended attributes support infrastructure was implemented,

resulting in significant performance improvements. In GPFS 3.5,

extended attributes are accessible by the GPFS policy engine al-

lowing you to write rules that utilize your custom file attributes.

Executing file management operations requires the ability to

efficiently process the file metadata. GPFS includes a high per-

formance metadata scan interface that allows you to efficiently

process the metadata for billions of files. This makes the GPFS

ILM toolset a very scalable tool for automating file management.

This high performance metadata scan engine employs a scale-

out approach. The identification of candidate files and data

movement operations can be performed concurrently by one or

more nodes in the cluster. GPFS can spread rule evaluation and

data movement responsibilities over multiple nodes in the clus-

ter providing a very scalable, high performance rule processing


Cluster configurationsGPFS supports a variety of cluster configurations independent

of which file system features you use. Cluster configuration op-

tions can be characterized into three basic categories:

ʎ Shared disk

ʎ Network block I/O

ʎ Synchronously sharing data between clusters.

ʎ Asynchronously sharing data between clusters.

General Parallel File System (GPFS)

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Figure 1: SAN attached Storage

GPFS Nodes


SAN Storage


Shared disk

A shared disk cluster is the most basic environment. In this con-

fi guration, the storage is directly attached to all machines in the

cluster as shown in Figure 1. The direct connection means that

each shared block device is available concurrently to all of the

nodes in the GPFS cluster. Direct access means that the storage

is accessible using a SCSI or other block level protocol using a

SAN, Infi niband, iSCSI, Virtual IO interface or other block level IO

connection technology.

Figure 1 illustrates a GPFS cluster where all nodes are connect-

ed to a common fi bre channel SAN. This example shows a fi bre

channel SAN though the storage attachment technology could

be Infi niBand, SAS, FCoE or any other. The nodes are connected

to the storage using the SAN and to each other using a LAN. Data

used by applications running on the GPFS nodes fl ows over the

SAN and GPFS control information fl ows among the GPFS in-

stances in the cluster over the LAN.

This confi guration is optimal when all nodes in the cluster need

the highest performance access to the data. For example, this is

a good confi guration for providing etwork fi le service to client

systems using clustered NFS, high-speed data access for digital

media applications or a grid infrastructure for data analytics.

Network-based block IO

As data storage requirements increase and new storage and con-

nection technologies are released a single SAN may not be a suf-

fi cient or appropriate choice of storage connection technology.

In environments where every node in the cluster is not attached

to a single SAN, GPFS makes use of an integrated network block

device capability. GPFS provides a block level interface over

TCP/IP networks called the Network Shared Disk (NSD) protocol.

Whether using the NSD protocol or a direct attachment to the

SAN the mounted fi le system looks the same to the application,

GPFS transparently handles I/O requests.

GPFS clusters can use the NSD protocol to provide high speed

data access to applications running on LAN-attached nodes.

Data is served to these client nodes from one or more NSD serv-

ers. In this confi guration, disks are attached only to the NSD serv-

ers. Each NSD server is attached to all or a portion of the disk

collection. With GPFS you can defi ne up to eight NSD servers per

disk and it is recommended that at least two NSD servers are de-

fi ned for each disk to avoid a single point of failure.

GPFS uses the NSD protocol over any TCP/IP capable network

fabric. On Linux GPFS can use the VERBS RDMA protocol on com-

patible fabrics (such as Infi niBand) to transfer data to NSD cli-

ents. The network fabric does not need to be dedicated to GPFS;

but should provide suffi cient bandwidth to meet your GPFS

performance expectations and for applications which share the

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bandwidth. GPFS has the ability to define a preferred network

subnet topology, for example designate separate IP subnets for

intra-cluster communication and the public network. This pro-

vides for a clearly defined separation of communication traf-

fic and allows you to increase the throughput and possibly the

number of nodes in a GPFS cluster. Allowing access to the same

disk from multiple subnets means that all of the NSD clients

do not have to be on a single physical network. For example

you can place groups of clients onto separate subnets that ac-

cess a common set of disks through different NSD servers so

not all NSD servers need to serve all clients. This can reduce the

networking hardware costs and simplify the topology reducing

support costs, providing greater scalability and greater overall


An example of the NSD server model is shown in Figure 2. In

this configuration, a subset of the total node population is de-

fined as NSDserver nodes. The NSD Server is responsible for the

abstraction of disk datablocks across a TCP/IP or Infiniband

VERBS (Linux only) based network. The factthat the disks are

remote is transparent to the application. Figure 2 shows an

example of a configuration where a set of compute nodes are

connected to a set of NSD servers using a high-speed intercon-

nect or an IP-based network such as Ethernet. In this example,

data to the NSD servers flows over the SAN and both data and

control information to the clients flow across the LAN. Since

the NSD servers are serving data blocks from one or more de-

vices data access is similar to a SAN attached environment in

that data flows from all servers simultaneously to each client.

This parallel data access provides the best possible throughput

to all clients. In addition it provides the ability to scale up the

throughput even to a common data set or even a single file.

General Parallel File System (GPFS)

Technologies That Enable the Management of Big Data

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Figure 2: Network block IO

NSD Clients

I/O Servers



SAN Storage


The choice of how many nodes to confi gure as NSD servers is

based on performance requirements, the network architecture

and the capabilities of the storage subsystems. High bandwidth

LAN connections should be used for clusters requiring signifi -

cant data transfer rates. This can include 1Gbit or 10 Gbit Ether-

net. For additional performance or reliability you can use link ag-

gregation (EtherChannel or bonding), networking technologies

like source based routing or higher performance networks such

as Infi niBand.

The choice between SAN attachment and network block I/O is a

performance and economic one. In general, using a SAN provides

the highest performance; but the cost and management com-

plexity of SANs for large clusters is often prohibitive. In these

cases network block I/O provides an option.

Network block I/O is well suited to grid computing and clusters

with suffi cient network bandwidth between the NSD servers

and the clients. For example, an NSD protocol based grid is effec-

tive for web applications, supply chain management or model-

ing weather patterns.

Mixed ClustersThe last two sections discussed shared disk and network attached

GPFS cluster topologies. You can mix these storage attachment

methods within a GPFS cluster to better matching the IO require-

ments to the connection technology.

A GPFS node always tries to fi nd the most effi cient path to the stor-

age. If a node detects a block device path to the data it is used. If

there is no block device path then the network is used. This capa-

bility can be leveraged to provide additional availability. If a node

is SAN attached to the storage and there is an HBA failure, for ex-

ample, GPFS can fail over to using the network path to the disk. A

mixed cluster topology can provide direct storage access to non-

NSD server nodes for high performance operations including back-

ups or data ingest.

Sharing data between clustersThere are two methods available to share data across GPFS clusters:

GPFS multi-cluster and a new feature called Active File Manage-

ment (AFM).

GPFS Multi-cluster allows you to utilize the native GPFS protocol to

share data across clusters. Using this feature you can allow other

clusters to access one or more of your fi le systems and you can

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Figure 3: Mixed Cluster Atchitecture

NSD Clients



NSD Servers

SAN Storage

Application Nodes


mount fi le systems that belong to other GPFS clusters for which

you have been authorized. A multi-cluster environment allows the

administrator to permit access to specifi c fi le systems from another

GPFS cluster. This feature is intended to allow clusters toshare data

at higher performance levels than fi le sharing technologies like NFS

or CIFS. It is not intended to replace such fi le sharing technologies

which are optimized for desktop access or for access across unre-

General Parallel File System (GPFS)

Technologies That Enable the Management of Big Data

liable network links. Multi-cluster capability is useful for sharing

across multiple clusters within a physical location or across loca-

tions. Clusters are most often attached using a LAN, but in addition

the cluster connection could include a SAN. Figure 3 illustrates a

multi-cluster confi guration with both LAN and mixed LAN and SAN

connections. In Figure 3, Cluster B and Cluster C need to access the

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Figure 4: Multi-cluster


Cluster A

Cluster C

Cluster B



data from Cluster A. Cluster A owns the storage and manages the

fi le system. It may grant access to fi le systems which it manages

to remote clusters such as Cluster B and Cluster C. In this example,

Cluster B and Cluster C do not have any storage but that is not a

requirement. They could own fi le systems which may be accessible

outside their cluster. Commonly in the case where a cluster does

not own storage, the nodes are grouped into clusters for ease of


When the remote clusters need access to the data, they mount the

fi le system by contacting the owning cluster and passing required

security checks. In Figure 3, Cluster B acesses the data through the

NSD protocol. Cluster C accesses data through an extension of the

SAN. For cluster C access to the data is similar to the nodes in the

host cluster. Control and administrative traffi c fl ows through the IP

network shown in Figure 3 and data access is direct over the SAN.

Both types of confi gurations are possible and as in Figure 3 can be

mixed as required.

Multi-cluster environments are well suited to sharing data across

clusters belonging to different organizations for collaborative

computing , grouping sets of clients for administrative purposes or

implementing a global namespace across separate locations.

A multi-cluster confi guration allows you to connect GPFS clusters

within a data center, across campus or across reliable WAN links.

For sharing data between GPFS clusters across less reliable WAN

links or in cases where you want a copy of the data in multiple loca-

tions you can use a new feature introduced in GPFS 3.5 called Active

File Management.

Active File Management (AFM) allows you to create associations

between GPFS clusters. Now the location and fl ow of fi le data be-

tween GPFS clusters can be automated. Relationships between

GPFS clusters using AFM are defi ned at the fi leset level. A fi leset in

a fi le system can be created as a “cache” that provides a view to a

fi le system in another GPFS cluster called the “home.” File data is

moved into a cache fi leset on demand. When a fi le is read the in the

cache fi leset the fi le data is copied from the home into the cache fi -

leset. Data consistency and fi le movement into and out of the cache

is managed automatically by GPFS.

Cache fi lesets can be read-only or writeable. Cached data is local-

ly read or written. On read if the data is not in in the “cache” then

GPFS automatically creates a copy of the data. When data is writ-

ten into the cache the write operation completes locally then GPFS

asynchronously pushes the changes back to the home location.

You can defi ne multiple cache fi lesets for each home data source.

The number of cache relationships for each home is limited only

by the bandwidth available at the home location. Placing a quota

on a cache fi leset causes the data to be cleaned (evicted) out of the

cache automatically based on the space available. If you do not set

a quota a copy of the fi le data remains in the cache until manually

evicted or deleted.

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You can use AFM to create a global namespace within a data center,

across a campus or between data centers located around the world.

AFM is designed to enable efficient data transfers over wide area

network (WAN) connections. When file data is read from home into

cache that transfer can happen in parallel within a node called a

gateway or across multiple gateway nodes.

Using AFM you can now create a truly world-wide global namespace.

Figure 5 is an example of a global namespace built using AFM. In

this example each site owns 1/3 of the namespace, store3 “owns”

/data5 and /data6 for example. The other sites have cache filesets

that point to the home location for the data owned by the other

clusters. In this example store3 /data1-4 cache data owned by the

other two clusters. This provides the same namespace within each

GPFS cluster providing applications one path to a file across the en-

tire organization.

You can achieve this type of global namespace with multi-cluster or

AFM, which method you chose depends on the quality of the WAN

link and the application requirements.

General Parallel File System (GPFS)

Technologies That Enable the Management of Big Data

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Figure 5: Global Namespace using AFM

Cache: /data1

Local: /data1Cache: /data3Cache: /data5

Cache: /data1

Store 1

Store 2

Store 3

Local: /data 3

Cache: /data 3Local: /data 3

Cache: /data5

Client access:








Client access:








Client access:









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What’s new in GPFS Version 3.5For those who are familiar with GPFS 3.4 this section provides a

list of what is new in GPFS Version 3.5.

Active File ManagementWhen GPFS was introduced in 1998 it represented a revolution in

fi le storage. For the fi rst time a group of servers could share high

performance access to a common set of data over a SAN or net-

work. The ability to share high performance access to fi le data

across nodes was the introduction of the global namespace.

Later GPFS introduced the ability to share data across multiple

GPFS clusters. This multi-cluster capability enabled data sharing

between clusters allowing for better access to fi le data. This fur-

ther expanded the reach of the global namespace from within a

cluster to across clusters spanning a data center or a country.

There were still challenges to building a multi-cluster global

namespace. The big challenge is working with unreliable and

high latency network connections between the servers. Active

File Management (AFM) in GPFS addresses the WAN bandwidth is-

sues and enables GPFS to create a world-wide global namespace.

AFM ties the global namespace together asynchronously provid-

ing local read and write performance with automated namespace

management. It allows you to create associations between GPFS

clusters and defi ne the location and fl ow of fi le data.

High Performance Extended AttributesGPFS has long supported the use of extended attributes, though

General Parallel File System (GPFS)

What’s new in GPFS Version 3.5

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in the past they were not commonly used, in part because of per-

formance concerns. In GPFS 3.4, a comprehensive redesign of the

extended attributes support infrastructure was implemented,

resulting in signifi cant performance improvements. In GPFS 3.5,

extended attributes are accessible by the GPFS policy engine al-

lowing you to write rules that utilize your custom fi le attributes.

Now an application can use standard POSIX interfaces t to man-

age extended attributes and the GPFS policy engine can utilize

these attributes.

Independent FilesetsTo effectively manage a fi le system with billions of fi les requires

advanced fi le management technologies. GPFS 3.5 introduces a

new concept called the independent fi leset. An independent fi le-

set has its own inode space. This means that an independent fi le-

set can be managed similar to a separate fi le system but still allow

you to realize the benefi ts of storage consolidation.

An example of an effi ciency introduced with independent fi lesets

is improved policy execution performance. If you use an indepen-

dent fi leset as a predicate in your policy, GPFS only needs to scan

the inode space represented by that fi leset, so if you have 1 billion

fi les in your fi le system and a fi leset has an inode space of 1 million

fi les, the scan only has to look at 1 million inodes. This instantly

makes the policy scan much more effi cient.

Independent fi lesets enable other new fi leset features in GPFS 3.5.

Fileset Level Snapshots

Snapshot granularity is now at the fi leset level in addition to fi le

system level snapshots.

Fileset Level Quotas

User and group quotas can be set per fi leset

File CloningFile clones are space effi cient copies of a fi le where two instanc-

es of a fi le share data they have in common and only changed

blocks require additional storage. File cloning is an effi cient way

to create a copy of a fi le, without the overhead of copying all of

the data blocks.

IPv6 SupportIPv6 support in GPFS means that nodes can be defi ned using

multiple addresses, both IPv4 and IPv6.

GPFS Native RAIDGPFS Native RAID (GNR) brings storage RAID management into

the GPFS NSD server. With GNR GPFS directly manages JBOD

based storage. This feature provides greater availability, fl exibil-

ity and performance for a variety of application workloads.

GNR implements a Reed-Solomon based de-clustered RAID tech-

nology that can provide high availability and keep drive failures

from impacting performance by spreading the recovery tasks

over all of the disks. Unlike standard Network Shared Disk (NSD)

data access GNR is tightly integrated with the storage hardware.

For GPFS 3.5 GNR is available on the IBM Power 775 Supercom-

puter platform.

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General Parallel File System (GPFS)

GPFS Storage Server – a home for Big Data ʎ IBM System x storage solution building block with

ʎ 2 servers with Linux and IBM GPFS – real POSIX fi le system

ʎ today 4 or 6 disk enclosures with 232x/ 348x 2 or 3 TB NL-

SAS Enterprise disks.

ʎ Standard 42U 19 inch Rack

ʎ 10 Gigabit Ethernet or FDR Infi niband interfaces

ʎ Physical installation included

ʎ 3 years warranty included

ʎ Software implementation as service offering

ʎ Value Proposition

ʎ Reliability: most reliable fi le system in all redundant

packaging; frequent failure source “Controller” eliminat-

ed by declustered Software-RAID

ʎ Integrity: only integrated solution with End-to-End

Checksums including versioning for the safest identifi -

cation and correction of silent data corruption/dropped


ʎ Performance: with 10GB/s and 12GB/s per building block

highest performance density, near linear and unlimited

(>1 YobiByte) scalable in one fi le system and name space

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Big Data – hundreds of TeraByte and PetaByte of live data

ʎ Media data in streaming, game development, movie editing

ʎ Connection data for transport, carriers, …

ʎ Connection data, hosting, cloud storage for internet and

communication companies

ʎ Data of digitalization projects, administration data

ʎ Patent data, Tax data and more on the public sector

ʎ User/Home data in Higher Education

Technical Computing – Live data in analytics and simulation

ʎ Health care and biology data like Genomes, Scans, …

ʎ High Performance Computing “Scratch”-storage

ʎ Data for risk analysis, Basel III CVA data and more

ʎ Model data in CAE

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