h.p. blavatsky collected writings - volume xiii (1890-1891)

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  • 8/13/2019 H.P. Blavatsky Collected Writings - VOLUME XIII (1890-1891)


  • 8/13/2019 H.P. Blavatsky Collected Writings - VOLUME XIII (1890-1891)


    H.P. Blavatsky




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    Boris de Zirkoff passed on shortly after this current volume of the CollectedWritings series was handed to the typesetter. He wished to acknowledge thosemembers of the heosophical !ociety" #dyar" who made available micro$film copiesof H.P.B.%s unpublished articles during his &'(( trip to )ndia* in particular +ohn Coats"+oy ,ills and !eetha -eelakantan. # number of manuscripts and fragments appearhere for the first time. )n a few cases these were difficult to decipher. !urmised wordsor phrases are bracketed and the compiler left blank spaces where words were totallyillegible. #dacent to the /abala and Pherecydes articles we have reproduced byoffset the entire documents from micro$film" so that the reader may compare theoriginals. ,r. 0ichard 0obb has redrawn several of the Coptic and 1reek symbols"while Hector ate rendered the geometrical figures in Pistis !ophia according to theway H.P.B. wished them to be corrected in 2ucifer.

    We especially thank ,r. 0obb for his patient care in expanding the unfinishedbibliography. # number of other workers who assisted Boris with 3olume 4))continued their dedicated tasks. 3onda 5rban was able to secure the cuneiforminscriptions of ,r. +ules 6ppert from the 5niversity of Chicago 2ibrary. -icholas

    Weeks assisted in the indexing as well as the proof$reading. We were also fortunate tohave the help of ,rs. +eanne !ims and !helley 3on !trunckel.

    he serendipity which drew librarians Wayne ,ontgomery and 3ern Haddick tolocate several obscure ournal references is gratefully acknowledged. 7ue tocircumstances of the 8ditor%s passing" it was deemed crucial to complete the C.W.series while production could continue in the hands of long$time friend and printer,r. 8verett !tockton" even if a few source materials remained unlocated. 0eaderswho have clues to such 9uotations are welcome to contact the publisher.

    he production of 3olume 4))) has drawn cooperation between individuals of

    all groups. We thank 8rica 2auber in 2ondon" #nita #tkins of -ew :ork and ,elit;aCowling

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    We hope that no one is overlooked in this attempt to thank the many it re9uiresto produce a work of this kind. )f so" such persons will feel amply rewarded by the

    gems from H.P.B.%s pen. here are futuristic articles and creative tales included here.#rchaeological finds and unusual hints appear in small fragments of articles whichwe hope someday will be discovered in their entirety. We hope and trust this work isall that our departed friend and 8ditor wished it to be.

    7#0# 8/25-7

    26! #-1828!" C#2)>60-)#" 5.!.#.

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    Ahe Codex #skewianus in the British ,useum is known as the Pistis !ophia.his Coptic manuscript is complete" except as noted below" in excellent state ofpreservation" and contains material of the 3alentinian or 6phite schools of1nosticism. Pistis !ophia is written in the dialect of 5pper 8gypt" called hebaidic or!ahidic. )t is a translation from the 1reek" as 1reek wordsmostly technical termsand namesabound throughout the manuscript. his is thought to be the result of thetranslator being unable to find suitable terms in the Coptic

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    his manuscript was ac9uired in &(?K by the British ,useum with the purchaseof the library of 7r. #skew. Where 7r. #skew himself obtained the manuscript

    remains a mystery.Ihe earliest reference to the Pistis !ophia manuscript is a statementunverified

    that in &((L" C. 1. Woide published an article in a British heological ,aga;ineon the Pistis !ophia. 1. 0. !. ,ead tried in vain to trace such a maga;ine or anyarticle on the subect near that date. C. 1. Woide was the editor of the -ew estamentaccording to the famous Codex #lexandrinus. He placed the date of the Pistis !ophiamanuscript in the third century. )n &(( and &((? articles by Woide on the Pistis!ophia appeared in ournals published in >rance and 1ermany. )n &((' Woide copiedby hand the whole of the #skew and Bruce manuscripts but no translation was

    published. )n &??$DL the manuscripts were copied by the >rench savant 7ulaurier"but no translation ever came to light.

    I he following notes were made by the present writer on examining the Pistis !ophia manuscriptin the British ,useum.

    he book is bound in brown leather with gold stamping on the covers* the spine is ornamented with

    gold stamping" with the following title in seven lines P)!8 !6PH)# C6P)C8. ,5!. B0).+508 8,P)6-)!. K&&D. he end leaves and fly$leaves are of hand$made laid paper" indicatingthat the volume may have been bound by 7r. #skew. he paper page before the vellum of themanuscript contains 2atin notes by Woide. he vellum varies greatly in thickness" some leavesbeing very thin" almost like onion$skin paper" while others are 9uite heavy and stiff. !ome of thepages are clean" the writing being as sharp and black as when written* in places the ink has fadedinto brown and in a few pages the writing is no longer legible. he scoring lines are plainly visibleon all leaves. !mall holes and imperfections in the vellum were skillfully repaired before written on*in at least one place a small hole was not repaired" and the writing rises above the scored line toavoid the hole. Pages '' v. and &LL r. are badly smeared from top to bottom. )t appears as if this wasdeliberately done with a small wad of dirty rag or inked finger. he sentence F!econd tome of Pistis

    !ophia"G which is mentioned above" is barely visible" having faded to a light tan.

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    )n &?D? ,. 1. !chwart;e copied the Pistis !ophia manuscript and made a 2atintranslation" which was edited after his death by +. H. Petermann" and published in

    &?K& #ll the early 8nglish translations of the Pistis !ophia are translations of!chwart;e%s 2atin version.

    he first partial 8nglish translation published was that of C. W. /ing in thesecond edition rench appeared in ,igne%s 7ictionnaire des #pocryphes" which 1. 0. !. ,ead callsF. . . . a sorry piece of work" more fre9uently a mere paraphrase from !chwart;e%sversion than a translation.GM ,any learned articles appeared between the publicationof the 2atin text and the end of the century. )n &?'K N. #mOlineau published a >rench

    translation from the Coptic. )n &'LK C. !chmidt published what is considered to be avery fine 1erman translation of the Coptic text" and in &'@D an excellent 8nglishtranslation from the Coptic was published by 1eorge Horner. his was the firsttranslation directly from the Coptic into 8nglish. )t is designated as a Fliteraltranslation"G and while this does not always make for as easy and smooth a reading assome of the freer translations" it does preserve" as nearly as possible in 8nglish" theexact wording" and in some cases definite clues to the meaning of the original writers.Horner%s 8nglish translation contains a very fine and thorough )ntroduction by>rancis 2egge.

    )n &?'L$'& 1. 0. !. ,ead published in H. P. Blavatsky%s maga;ine 2ucifer atranslation into 8nglish of the first two Fbooks"G about half of the Pistis !ophia. hiswas again a translation of !chwart;e%s 2atin text. )t was the first 8nglish translation"except for the several pages published in the second edition of /ing%s 1nostics andtheir 0emains. )n 2ucifer" voluminous footnotes and commentaries are appended tothe text of the translation )n &?'E ,ead published a complete translation of this workwith an excellent )ntroduction" but without notes or commentaries on the text.

    I Wi;ards Bookshelf" ,inneapolis" &'( with Bibliographic #dditions" p. DK(.M Pistis !ophia" ed. &'@&" p. lv.

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    )n the )ntroduction ragments of a>aith >orgotten" p. DKE" ,ead writes

    FWhen" in &?'E" ) published a translation of the Pistis !ophia" ) had intended tofollow it up with a commentary" but ) speedily found that in spite of the years of work) had already given to 1nosticism" there were still many years of labour before me"ere ) could satisfy myself that ) was competent to essay the task in any really

    satisfactory fashion* ) have accordingly reserved that task for the future.G#fter ,ead%s death in &'" a careful search through his unpublished

    manuscripts by +ohn ,. Watkins" his literary executor" failed to uncover anythingdealing with the Pistis !ophia.

    # F-ew and Completely 0evisedG edition of the Pistis !ophia was published by,ead in &'@&" also without notes or commentary. his version was thoroughlycompared and checked with !chmidt%s 1erman translationI from the Coptic athers.,r. ,alpas% translation of the Pistis !ophia is apparently a recension of 2atin"1erman and >rench translations.

    I A8d. Petermann$!chwart;e* newly translated by C. !chmidt" /optischgnostische !chriften"

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    #s already pointed out" the translation of the Pistis !ophia published in 2uciferhas been superceded by better translations" including ,ead%s own later edition of

    &'@&. he text which appeared in 2ucifer rench edition. he references given by H.P.B. with regard to Book" Chapter" and!ection do not always correspond to the place where the 9uotations are found in the#merican 8dition. #s far as is known" no 8nglish translation of the Panarion of

    8piphanius is available" and it is very likely those passages from it have beentranslated from ,igne%s original texts.

    Ruotations from he !ecret 7octrine are based on the original edition of &???.

    # helpful definition of the title%s meaning has been supplied by P. #. ,alpas.

    Fitle Pistis$!ophia is a combination of two 1reek substantives" usuallytranslated >aith and Wisdom. But H. P. Blavatsky plainly shows that >aith in themodern sense is 9uite an inade9uate rendering of the term Pistis.

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    irst Precept" to wit" the >our$and$wentieth ,ystery" and below these irst ,ystery" which is before all ,ysteries" the>ather in the likeness of a 7ove

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    -ychthemeron means the space of a day and a night or twenty$four hours. 8ach gradeof initiation had two degrees" in all twenty$four. his explains Fthe >irst ,ystery"

    which is the >our$and$wentiethG of the text. 0eaders of the #bbO Constant%s work"who are ignorant of 1reek" should be warned that the >rench below the 1reek is noteven the vaguest possible paraphrase" but simply 2Ovi%s idea about the text. He is"however" right in saying that Fthese twelve symbolical hours" which may becompared with the signs of the Zodiac and the labours of Hercules" represent thecycle of degrees of )nitiation.G

    irst ,ystery correspondsin 8soteric parlance to the second plane of consciousness from within or above" onwhich plane is Buddhi irst ,ystery"G which is also Fthe last ,ysteryG in the endless cycle ofemanation and reabsorption. )n 8gyptian 8sotericism the Fdove symbolG of the1nostics was represented by the glyph of the winged globe. he dove" that descendson F+esusG at his baptism is typical of the conscious FdescentG of the FHigher !elfG or


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    AP! @J ,oreover" +esus had not told his 7isciples the whole emanation of all the0egions of the 1reat )nvisible and of the hree riple$Powers" and of the >our$and$

    wenty )nvisibles

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    AP! J . . . . . nor the 0egion of the !aviour of the wins" who is the Child of theChild ive rees and !even #mens" which are also the !even 3oices

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    AP! &&J F. . . . . . after ) came forth into the World ) brought with me twelvePowers" as ) told you from the beginning. ) took them from the welve !aviours of

    the reasure of 2ight according to the command of the >irst ,ystery. hese"therefore" when ) came into the world" ) cast into the womb of your mothers" whichare in your body or all men who are in the World" have taken their !oul from the 0ulers of the#eTns athers called to their help their own fire* which is the fire that burns in 8arth.he !pirit of the 8arth called to his help the !olar >ire. hese three produced in their

    oint effects a good 0upa. )t could stand" walk" run" recline" or fly. :et it was still buta ChhSyS" a shadow with no sense.G . . . . . Fhe Breath needed a form* the >athersgave it. he Breath needed a gross body* the 8arth moulded it. he Breath needed the!pirit of 2ife* the !olar 2has breathed it into its form. he Breath needed a ,irror ofits Body* We gave it our own"% said the 7hySnis. he Breath needed a 3ehicle of7esires* )t has it"% said the 7rainer of Waters. But Breath needs a mind to embracethe 5niverse* We cannot give that"% said the >athers. ) never had it"% said the !piritof the 8arth. he form would be consumed were ) to give it mine"% said the 1reat>ire . . . . .G

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    AP! &@J F. . . . . nor did the 0ulers of the #eons know me" but thought that ) wasthe angel 1abriel

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    6ur author was right in comparing the 3alentinian system with those ofPythagoras and Plato" and in declaring that it had a mathematical basis. he 1nTsis at

    all times and in all countries has been based on natural laws" and the differentbranches of mathematical science are simply the methods of expressing these laws.o vindicate these sublime systems of anti9uity" and to prove that they were based onsomething more than Fsuperstitious imagination"G some figures will now be given"and some hints as to their explanation attempted. )t must" however" be rememberedthat as such figures are infinite" and that the permutations and combination of theirproperties" correspondences and 9ualities are e9ually infinite" no more than theroughest possible outline can be given in a short paper. #s however" in the se9uel"reference will often be made to these figures" it is necessary for the reader to be putinto possession of their general scheme at the beginning of our undertaking. )t ishoped that by these figures students will be given the clearest possible proof that" asPlato said" Fthe 7eity geometri;es.G

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    CH#0 6> H8 P280Y,# #CC607)-1 6 3#28-)-5!

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    A186,80)C#2 !:,B62)!,J

    >irst the ather is notreckoned" as it is the 0oot of all. he two small circles within the PlerTma are thesy;ygy Christos$Pneuma inally the plane of the paper" inclosing and penetrating all" is !ige

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    !6,8 18-80#2 H)-! 6W#07!

    #- 84P2#-#)6- 6> H8 >)1508! App. &'$@LJ.

    )n all the figures except >ig. ? the great Hermetic #xiom F#s above" so below"Gis triumphantly shown forth" as also the idea of the sy;ygy" pair or opposite. 2et usbegin with >ig. ?" remembering that the Point produces the 2ine* the 2ine the!uperficies* and the !uperficies the !olid.

    )n this figure we have a symbol of >ire or !pirit. he vertical line" in the centreof the figure" is the subtlest >ire* this gradually falls into the shape of triangles" theirvertical angles growing less and less acute" as their bases expand and at the same timerise to higher planes. !ix planes or bases in all" and six triangles" with the point theseventh. he seventh figure generated from the point is the right$angled triangle" themost perfect. he more acute the angle" the subtler the >ire" until it finally reaches theright angle" the balance or turning point of all angles.

    -ow let us take the central point of the whole figure and oin it with theextremities of the bases of the triangles* we shall then find that with the point againwe have a second series of !even" vi;." the point" two acute$angled" one right$angled"two obtuse$angled triangles" and the hori;ontal diameter of the >igure. hese are the0upa Planes" the first septenary being the seven fiery 2ogoi" the second septenary theseven 1lobes on the four lower planes of the great septenate" etc." etc. -otice again

    the series of 9uadrilaterals formed by the intersection of the bases and sides of thetriangles" @" D" E" ?" and &L" the perfect number. herefore starting from ourperpendicular" or !pirit" we arrive by a series of angles through every variety ofacuteness to the right$angled triangle" and pass from it through every variety ofobtuseness to the hori;ontal diameter" ,atter.

    his great fact may be more plainly seen in >igs. &&$&?" where the same series istraced in rectangular 9uadrilaterals" of which the balance or turning$point is the!9uare. 6f course it must be remembered that only the perfect types are given" theintermediate types being infinite. >or instance" to get from >ig. && to >ig. &@" an

    infinity of points are re9uired* from >ig. &@ to >ig. & an infinity of lines* from >ig.& to >ig. &D an infinity of intermediate figures" etc." seven infinities and seveneternities in all.

    )n these figures also it should be noticed that the 3ertical has expanded andagain decreased into the Hori;ontal" but in so doing has changed its direction" in otherwords the wheel has turned.

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    )n one of the following papers it is hoped to show the generation of the !vastikaand its connection with these figures.

    Having now obtained our most perfect triangle figure" vi;." the right$angledriangle" let us proceed to trace the operations of a pair of these. )n the series offigures &$?" we notice the triangle of !pirit with its apex upward and the triangle of,atter with its apex downward. 2et those who wish to understand the two Circlessurrounding these triangles and gradually involving into one another until finally theybecome one ig. (=" remember the Caduces" and think over what is said in he!ecret 7octrine orty$nine >ires generated.

    #t the fourth stage the primal type of the spindle is repeated" but as a duality* inthe two succeeding figures this duality is repeated but on a smaller and smaller scaleuntil in >ig. ?" it disappears entirely.

    2et us now combine our previous figures and we obtain >ig. '. #ll is generatedfrom the Point irst 2ogos=. hus from it we have six descending triangles and

    six spheres of matter" which together with the point make seven. !o also with thefainter triangles and circles of spirit which ascend. #nd yet the two points ofdeparture are essentially one in nature. he hori;ontal diameter is neither dark norlight" neither spirit nor matter" as is also the greatest circumscribing circle

    >ig. &L is the amplification of >ig. (. )t is the Pyramid unfolded" and the F>our$faced Brahm"G the Ffour ,aharaas"G etc." and all the 9uaternaries* it is also theexpansion of the etraktys. -otice the two series of three !9uares each and the Pointin the centre" seven in all. -otice also that the !9uare of welve >ires is bounded bytriangles of en. he representation of the Pythagorean etraktys was a triangle

    containing ten :ods.6ur figure being a perfect type" if the corners are folded to the central point" the

    >ires" or sy;ygies" coincide" and this process can be repeated until the whole figuredisappears in the Point. But in nature the type is imperfect" and the >ires are atune9ual distances" so that in folding over the four corners" the !olid Pyramid isformed" its spiritual axis and its material basal diameters varying with the proportionof spirit and matter in any manifestation.

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    >ig. ( will give us all our pairs" and initiate us into the mystery of 0eflection.hus we have @ ones" @ twos" @ threes" @ fours" @ fives" @ sixes" but only one seven.

    Here then we have all the mysterious gnostic numbers* from & to (" then ?" or the6gdoad" &L or the 7ecad" and &@ or the 7odecad.

    ,uch more" indeed" might be written* but perhaps" enough has already been saidto direct the attention of students to the mystery of the >orty$nine >ires" and givethem a key to the comprehension of the hitherto hopeless obscurity of the 1nosticwriters in the eyes of the moderns.

    A# later note saysJ With regard to the figures published in the last paper" itshould be clearly understood that there is no up nor down" no top nor bottom" inreality. )t has" however" been suggested that >ig. ? would be preferable if reversed" so

    that the Point should be at the top.A>ollowing H.P.B.%s suggestion >ig. ? has been reversed in this edition.


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    AP! &J F#fter these things" moreover" ) looked down into the World of ,en"and found ,ary who is called my ,other after the body of ,atter ive !upporters* and the last !upporterreceived that portion and infused it into the ,ixture

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    he third" the feminine principle" is also without foreknowledge" two$minded orundecided" bi$corporate or of two bodies" being figured as a virgin above and a viperbelow athers to figure :oni after thecommission of the first sin. he 1nostics" on the contrary" always explain the term inits most spiritual and metaphysical sense" treating of its cosmogonical andtheogonical signification and ignoring its material and physiological explanation.

    )n #dversum Celsum

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    When we collate all this with what is told us in he !ecret 7octrine of the Pitrisand their work in the formation of the lower man" and of the bi$sexual or

    androgynous nature of the early races" we shall understand why the #ngel 1abriel the7aimTn of the ,oon" and the ruler of the sign aurus" appeared to ,ary at herconception* the #nnunciation will resolve itself into far simpler terms than theaccepted solution" and we shall have learnt something of the mysteries of the astralbody.

    ather was manifested to this Fnever$

    aging #eTn in a virginal formG by the emanation of four beings" whose nameexpressed thought and life* and that she" at the sight thereof" conceived and gave birthto three like beings.

    Compare with this

    Fhen the three

    #ccording to )renaeus again" the ascent of souls terminated in the upper 0egionFwhere is BarbelT the ,other of the 2iving

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    !he is twice called the Power

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    Here we should call to mind the red ass of yphon in the 8gyptian ,ysteries*the descent of Bacchus to Hades on an ass in the >rogs of #ristophanes ather shallteach us the /nowledge he strove so vigorously to crush out of existence.

    )n speaking of the )talian school of the 3alentinians" )renaeus writesFheydeclare that the 7emiurge" having fashioned the Cosmos" made the Cho`c leshly Covering from the Hyle* But the!piritual ,an

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    6f these three" they say that the Hylic" which they also call the 2eft" must ofnecessity perish" in as much as it has in it no breath of incorruptibility* but the

    Psychic" which they designate the 0ight" being in the middle of the !piritual andHylic" goes in whatsoever direction it may incline itself* whereas the !piritual

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    able )

    3ide !.7." )" @LL.

    irst ,an

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    186018 0.!. ,8#7&?E$&'

    #t one time private secretary of H.P.B. and outstanding scholar of1nosticism and the origins of Christianity. 8dited for some years

    2ucifer and the heheosophical 0eview. 0eproduced from his own+ournal he Ruest" 3ol. 43))" #pril" &'@E.

    H.P. B2#3#!/:0eproduced from a photograph in the #dyar #rchives.

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    Below it are placed EL other powers" or 7ecans* below them again in the 0egion ofthe #ir and corresponding in number" are EL other #rchTns with K 0ulers again overthem. he lower refuse to believe in the mysteries of 2ight and entice souls to sin.

    his apparent duality is a common characteristic of the 1nTsis. 8verything in natureis bad or good according to the nature and motive of man* at each moment of life"man can choose the 2eft or 0ight.

    hese numbers EL and EK occur in the systems of Bardesanes and Basilidesand in the #eTnology of other schools* sometimes they form part of the contents ofthe PlerTma.

    ,atter" in treating of the 1nostic schools of 8gypt" tells us that the utelar 1eniiof each day were invoked against the nefast power of yphon" the 8gyptian #hriman.

    hese composed the third series of the gods of the 8gyptian Pantheon.Fhese gods"G he says" Fare as little known by name" as the EL intelligences

    which made up the #braxas of Basilides. he ancients classed them under the genericterm of 7aemons. hese 7aemons were grouped in classes round the gods calledCosmic 7eities" as they were called* that is to say" the gods which governed thevisible world* they were its agents

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    Below the 2ast ,ystery in the 5pper World which we are inclined to makecorrespond with the reasure or PlerTma" come the 1reat 2ight of the )mpression ives and combinations of >ive are according to the type of thePentad" as shown in the Chart of the 3alentinian PlerTma. >ive is the number of man*for of the perfect !eptenary" the riad" #tma$Buddhi$,anas" is the average humanitya unity.

    AP! &K continuedJ F0eoice" therefore" in that the time is come that ) should puton my 3esture irst,ystery . . . . .G


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    image our$and$wentieth ,ystery. #nd ) found the ,ystery on my 3esture" written in >ive Words"

    which pertain to the Height. Z#,# Z#,# 6ZZ# 0#CH#,# 6Z#) all into generation" or the !ubstitution of the -atural for the 7ivine Creation" typifiedin the ,yths of !aturn emasculating 5ranus" Zeus" !aturn" and yphon" 6siris.

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    he translation is evidently at fault" for we find in the notes Fcenties ather of the >ather of +esus" and thus )abrSTth and his 0ulers are convertedto the ,ysteries of 2ight. )85" therefore" exalts them to a higher 0egion and bringsthem into a pure #ir" into the 2ight of the !un" amid the 0egion of the ,idst" and ofthe )nvisible 7eity. sebSTth$#damas and his 0ulers" however" will not abstain fromthe ,ystery of )ntercourse* )85" accordingly" confines them in the !phere ateX=in number &?LL

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    he above description is taken from the fourth book or division of the Pistis$!ophia" which 0. #. 2ipsius thinks" Fhas probably got by accident into the place

    where we now read it in the manuscript. )t presents a simpler and older form of the1nostic doctrine" and was the work perhaps of a different author.G However that maybe" and as our effort is to understand the ideas of the Pistis$!ophia" it will besufficient to remark that the above description is given by +esus to his disciples whenhe had brought them" in their )nitiation" Finto the ,iddle 0egion of the #ir" in thePaths of the Way of the ,idst" which is below the !phere"G and that" by analogy" ithelps greatly the understanding of the FConversion of the 0ulers"G which follows.

    # hint to the explanation of the word FyrantG is given on page (E" where itspeaks of F#ll the yrant 7eities" which had not yet given up the purity of their

    2ight.G Compare also pages @K" &(" and &KD" and also P! &D

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    #nd when he had said these things to his disciples" he added FHe that has earsto hear let him hear.G

    -ow when ,ary

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    6rigen also

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    our and hree #ngles" and their 8ight Configurations lesh of the 0ulers.G

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    ather" or ,other" or descent" whose beginning and endwere incomprehensible. !ee also Philaster rom the Pistis$!ophia

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    allG of !ophia" as told in the Philosophumena allG of P)!)!$!6PH)#" and her rescue by her !y;ygy" +8!5!"we see the ever$enacted drama of the suffering and ignorant Personality" which canonly be saved by the immortal )ndividuality" or rather by its own yearning towards ).)n reading this portion of the Pistis$!ophia" the mysterious 7uality of the ,anasshould always be remembered" and this key applied to every line.

    #s Wisdom was the end of the 1nTsis" so the pivot of the whole 1nostic

    teaching was the so$called F!ophia$,ythus.G >or whether we interpret the allegoryfrom the macro$ or from the micro$cosmic stand. point" it is always the evolution of,)-7" that the )nitiates of old have sought to teach us. he emanation and evolutionof ,ahat in cosmogenesis" and of ,anas in anthropogenesis" was ever the study ofthe 6ne !cience. he dwelling of !ophia was in the ,idst" between the 5pper and2ower Worlds" in the 6gdoad. Below was the Hebdomad or !even !pheres" governedby seven Hierarchies of 0ulers. ruly hath FWisdom built for herself a House" andrested it on !even PillarsG

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    )t is not then surprising that we should find !ophia" whether regarded as a unity"or as a duality" or again as

    cosmic mind" possessed of many names. #mong these may be mentioned the,other" or #ll$,other" ,other of the 2iving or !hining ,other* the Power #bove*the Holy !pirit ire" it shall be extinguished" and the ,istshall withdraw.

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    #nd if he shall speak it to the 7aemons and the 0eceivers of the 6uter ,istire !elf"% which is no name" no action" but a !piritual" ever$living Power" highereven than the )nvisible 1od" as this Power is )!82>.

    Compare also he !ecret 7octrine" sub. voce.* 6eaohoo" )" E?" (&" (@" '

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    AP! D(J #nd all the Hylic Proections of the !elf$willed 6ne surrounded her.#nd the 1reat Power of 2ight with the appearance of a 2ion devoured the Powers of

    2ight in !ophia* and ather and1od" and there is none above me.G 6n this" his mother cried out F2ie not" )aldabaTth"for the >ather of #ll" the >irst #nthrTpos

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    !o the six of them made a gigantic man" who lay on the earth and writhed like aworm

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    )n the formulae of prayers for the F7efunct"G the !oul" after having crossed the0ampart of Wickedness ather" bringing to thee the token of2ife ather.G

    AP! EJ F. . . . . Because of the uproar of the fear and power of the !elf$willed6ne" my Power has failed me. ) APistis$!ophiaJ am become like a separated 7aimTn

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    AP! (LJ FHearken" Philip" that ) A+esusJ may speak to thee" in that to thee" andhomas" and ,atthew irst ,ystery the duty of writing all

    things" which ) shall say and do" and which ye shall see. . . . .G]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

    irst ,ystery" the !upreme Wisdom

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    AP! (EJ A#nd ,ary explained what +esus had said by reciting a verse from the eighty$second Psalm" F1od shall sit in the congregation of the gods to udge the gods.GIJ

    AP! ?KJ. . . hylic Proections of the !elf$willed 6ne . . .M. . . he -umber of my ime is in Chaos. . . .

    . . . the >our$and$wenty Proections . . . . . _

    AP! ?'J . . . #nd ,ary came forward and said F,aster" thou didst speak to usformerly about this very thing in a Parable* :e endured trials with me ) will found a/ingdom orty$nine >ires.

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    hus this /ingdom may be attained by individuals now" and by mankind in0aces to come.

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    FHow has the 2ord of the 5niverse changed us without our knowingG

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    AP! &&DJ F. . . . . hy Power prophesied of old through !olomon

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    he school of this famous teacher is said to have distributed the letters among themembers of #nthrTpos" the celestial man ather and

    ruth" so$called because they are ineffable and incapable of being sounded or spoken8ight semi$vowels or half$sounds" pertaining to the 2ogos and 2ife" because they aremidway between the ,utes and 3owels and receive the 8manation from above andthe 0eversion from below* and !even 3owels or !ounds pertaining to ,an and the#ssembly"

    I he signs for the numbers E" 'L" 'LL are not found in the known 1reek alphabet.

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    for the !ound of the 3oice gave all things >orm.I )n which classification thetrichotomy into the arjpa or formless planes" rjpa or planes of form and the

    intermediate division" which is neither rjpa nor arjpa" is plainly discernible.)n order that the reader may not confuse the above nomenclature of the

    #eonology of the ,arcians with that of the 3alentinians" as given in our !ection on3alentinus" we insert the scheme of the primordial dual etractydes of ,arcus" whichis as follows

    >irst etrcyts

    #rrbetos or )neffable containing ( elements

    \ @D!ige or !ilence containing K elements

    Pater or >ather containing K elements

    #letheia or ruth containing ( elements

    !econd etractys

    2ogos or Word containing ( elements

    \ @DZoe or 2ife containing K elements

    #nthrepos or ,an containing K elements

    8kklesia or #ssembly containing ( elements

    Which together with the Christos \ D'

    o return to the letters" the nine mutes are

    and the eight !emi$vowels " so that the three classes of mutes"!emi$vowels and 3owels fall naturally into the type of " D" and (.

    We shall now be able to throw some light on the text" keeping in mind the

    diagram of he !ecret 7octrine already referred to. # # # " " )))" are theunmanifested arjpa planes" aeons or emanations" and also the nine mutes of ,arcus.

    I A!ee Col. Henry !. 6lcott%s article in he heosophist" 3ol. 4)" !eptember" &?'L" entitled F,rs.Watts Hughes% !ound$PicturesG" which deals with geometrical and other forms produced by sound.>ine powder is scattered on the drum of an instrument" and the vibration of the voice causes aminiature storm among the particles" which on subsiding leaves the atoms grouped in regulargeometrical figures" the same note always producing the same configuration. )n this manner" sound

    is shown to be at the root of manifestation" or" in other words" that the FWordG or 2ogos" the first$born" is that by which all things are made.J

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    his triple triplicity" in another aspect" becomes the famous ) # of suchfre9uency on the 1nostic gems" and in its permutation # ) represents !pirit

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    -on$!elf" Being to -on$Being" and then thou canst repose between the wings of the108# B)07.

    I he attvaVjnin is the FknowerG or discriminator of the principles in nature and in man*#tmaVinin is the knower of #,#- or the 5niversal" 6-8 !82>.

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    #ye" sweet is rest between the wings of that which is not born" nor dies" but is the#5,I throughout eternal ages.GM

    )t is evident from the above that the 7ove is a symbol of the FHigher !elfG ofman.

    AP! &D$&KJ F. . . the !tream of 2ight drew them all" and drew them over thetempleG* that is" when the !tream of 2ight had received all the 2ights of P)!)!$!6PH)#" and when it had torn them from the Proections of the !elf$willed 6ne" itinfused them into P)!)!$!6PH)#" and turning 9uitted Chaos and ascended into thePerfection" for thou art the temple.

    AP! &EJ F. . . . . the Proections of the !elf$willed 6ne" which are in Chaos"compressed P)!)!$!6PH)# and gained confidence exceedingly" and pursued her

    again with great terror and disturbance so some of them compressed her one of themchanged itself into the shape of a 1reat !erpent" another into that of a Basilisk withseven heads . . . .

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    and the F1odsG or powers of nature are con9uered by the divine F0ebel"G the #sura"the F7ragon of WisdomG" who fights against the 7evas* i.e." the activity of ,anas

    triumphs over the passivity of pure spirit. /rishna crushes the seven$headed serpent/alinaga. Hercules lops off the heads of the Hydra" the water serpent the 8gyptian6rante treads upon the serpent" while his arms are extended on a crucifix" and Horuspierces the head of the 7ragon yphon or #pophis* the !candinavian hor smashesthe skull of the snake with his cruciform hammer" and #pollo transfixes the Python"etc." etc. #ll this signifies from one aspect the extension of the planes ofconsciousness and the corresponding domination of the planes of matter

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    )t is marked by strong docetic tendencies" and belongs to the +udaeo$coptic school.#fter long silence it was brought into notice by Bishop 0ichard 2aurence in &?&'"

    who published the 8thiopic ,!." the only codex extant" with a 2atin and 8nglishversion. >urther light was thrown on this interesting relic by the work of #. 7illmanather and Fthe 2ord 1od" Christwho is called in the world +esus"G and the angel of the Holy !pirit. here are all the+ustM worshipping the three" while +esus and the Holy 1host worshipped the >ather.2ater on we read of the descent of Christ through the seven heavens and firmament

    prior to his incarnation. or as the &" " K" and (primordial planes have their own sub$stages of emanation" so are the groupings andHierarchies reflected each in the other. herefore each plane is septenary and everypair of planes represents an upper and lower Hebdomad.

    I 8very principle and plane is the vehicle of the next superior one thus the hrone of !atan ootstool of 1od.

    M hat is the FPerfectG or initiated those +Vanis who have either attained final freedom" or can passinto the uriya !tate of !amadhi.

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    )t is also interesting to notice with regard to the hirteenth #eon and P)!)!$!6PH)# standing on the seven$headed Basilisk" that in the ,exican tradition there

    are thirteen serpent 1ods.AP! &D?J . . . . . P)!)!$!6PH)# . . . cried out again" saying F. . . they

    oppressed me and took away my Power from me" and cast me into 6rcus

    other words" the fate of the lower principles after death" we are informed that in6rcus ire"7arkness and smoke* and in the Caligo 8xterna with added Hail" !now" )ce" and cruelCold. his would make these three lokas represent the states of matter correspondingto /ama$0upa

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    5nto #dam also and to his wife did the 2ord 1od make coats of skin" andclothed them%.GI

    AP! &('$&?&J A#nd Philip came forward and explained the Hymn of P)!)!$!6PH)# by reciting the one hundred and seventh Psalm

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    PH)2)P #. ,#2P#!&?(K$&'K?

    H.P.B. in her Bath$chair* Pryse and ,ead standing. >rom the#rchives of he heosophical !ociety" Pasadena" California" 5.!.#.0eproduced by permission.

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    make D'.I hus then she first utters ( 0epentances. #t the Dth of these" the turning$point of a sub$cycle" she prays that the )mage of 2ight may not be turned from her"

    for the time was come when the 0epentance of Fthose who turn in the 2owest0egionsG should be regarded" Fthe mystery which is made the ype of the 0ace.G

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    )t came forth from the >irst ,ystery 2ooking$within ather.GWhen this is accomplished" P)!)!$!6PH)#" the 2ower ,anas" is purified again"and her 2ight$powers are strengthened and filled with 2ight" by their own co$partner

    of 2ight that !y;ygy" without whom P)!)!$!6PH)# in the beginning thought shecould reach the 2ight of 2ights" and so fell into error. !till she is not even yet entirelyfreed from the bonds of ,atter" for the higher she rises" the stronger are the Powers ofProections sent against her" who proceed to change their shapes" so that she now hasto struggle against still greater foes which are emanated and directed by the strongestand subtlest Powers of ,atter. hereupon" P)!)!$!6PH)# is surrounded entirelywith the !tream of 2ight and further supported on either hand by ,ichael and1abriel" the F!unG and F,oon.G he FWingsG of the F1reat BirdG flutter" theFWinged 1lobeG unfolds its pinions" preparatory to its flight. >or is not the )nfinitude

    of !pace Fthe -est of the 8ternal Bird" the flutter of whose wings produces lifeGX

    AP! &?J #nd when ,ary had heard the words which the !aviour said" shereoiced with great oy" and . . . said to +esus

    I !ee 2ight on the Path" pp. &K$&(. &st 8d.

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    F,aster and !aviour" how are the >our$and$twenty )nvisibles $W)2287 6-8" the third great riple Power.

    AP! &'&J Ahe 'th" &Lth" &&th andJ Fthose who receive the twelfth mystery of the>irst ,ystery in the )nheritances of 2ight

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    AP! &'@J F. . . . and the three #mens shall be more excellent than the win!aviours in the /ingdom" and the >ive rees shall be more excellent than the hree

    #mens in the )nheritances of 2ight

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    his table is arranged in parallel columns to show the correspondences" andarrows placed to mark the superiority and inferiority of the 6rders. he win !aviour

    finds its prototype among the ,ysteries" which are mentioned further on ininnumerable classes and divisions" for the win ,ystery is one of the ,ysteries ofthe >irst ,ystery which is said to be either 2ooking$within or 2ooking$without. hisis the ,ystery of the 7ual ,anas. #s every 0egion or Plane has its 1ates and 3eils"so has the reasure its 1ates* in other words its !ub$planes. hese correspond tothe three :oga !tates of +agrat" !vapna and !ushupti" the so$called waking" dreamingand dreamless$sleep states of consciousness. We thus see that the classification of thelower planes as shown in able )" is pushed further back or within on to higher planesof consciousness" as the 7isciples are taught further mysteries.

    AP! &'DJ . . . . . the 0egion of the !ouls of those who receive the first mystery ofthe >irst ,ystery irst !aviour" i.e." of the >irst

    ,ystery of the >irst 3oice of the reasure of 2ight.AP! &'D continuedJ . . . the >ifteen !upporters of the !even 3irgins of 2ight"

    which are in the ,idst

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    #B28 3)


    he 2ittle )#6" the 1ood" called in the #eons the 1reat )#6.

    he 3irgin of 2ight

    ( 3irgins of the 2ight

    &K !upportersI

    &@ ,inisters

    AP! &'D continuedJ . . . the 7issolution of the 5niverse and the total Completionof the -umberingM of the Perfect !ouls of the )nheritance of 2ight.

    AP! &'KJ . . . until they have completed the -umbering of the #ssembly ofPerfect !ouls.

    AP! &'?J F. . . . . when ) shall have led you to the 0egion of the last !upporterive 1reat !upporters" but an aspect of them on a lower plane.

    M !ee he !ecret 7octrine" 3ol. )" p. &(&" first para. #s said in the article on F0oman Catholicismand heosophyG Aby 8. /islingbury" 2ucifer" 3ol. 3))" +anuary" &??&" pp. DL@$LDJ the tradition ofthe Church is that the number of the elect is identical with that of the F>allen #ngels"G whom theyreplace. #gain he !ecret 7octrine" especially 3ol. )) gives exhaustive evidence of the identity ofthe F>allen #ngelsG with the incarnating 8gos of Humanity. 3erb. sap.

    Congregatio sc. 8kklsia

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    ). he 1lory of all the -ames of the ,ysteries and of all the Proections of the6rders of the !paces of the )neffable.

    )). he 1lory of all the -ames of the ,ysteries and of all the Proections of the6rders of the two !paces of >irst ,ystery.

    ))). he 1lory of all the -ames of the ,ystery" the 0evealer" which is called the>irst Precept downwards to them of the >irmament.

    We are also told on page & and elsewhere more elaborately" that the >irst,ystery surrounds or comprehends

    he >irst Precept.

    he K )mpressions irst Precept down to the K !upporters" gives a keyto the numbers K" (" and &@ irstPrecept or >irst ,ystery* and the K !upporters" reflections of the K )mpressions" &@ inall. hese correspond to the K !ubtle and K 1ross 8lements which" together with the @unmanifested elements" make up &@. Perhaps the following 9uotation from Professor,anilal -abhubhai 7vivedi%s ,onism or #dvaitismX will make it clearer

    Fhe #dvaita begins with examining the divisions of Prakriti and clearlydemonstrates" perhaps for the first time in the field of ancient )ndian 0ationalism" thetruth that the five elements#kasa" 3ayu" eas" +ala" Prithiviare but five statesof prakriti derivable from one another. >rom #kasa" whose specific mark is !adbawhich" by the way" we render not by sound but differentiation" proceeds 3ayu

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    hus the five anmatras A0udimentsJ and the five Bhutas A8lementalsJ of the!ankhya are reduced to #kasha" the all$pervading potential form

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    AP! @@DJ F. . . #nd that ,ystery knows itself" why it flays itself so that itemanates from the )neffable" which indeed itself rules over them all" and itself pours

    them forth all according to their 6rders

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    !P#C8 6> H8 )-8>>#B28

    he following is 9uoted from Pt. ))" sec. 4" of ransactions of the Blavatsky2odge" and will perhaps throw some light on this apparently chaotic system

    FR. What is the distinction between these various HierarchiesX

    F#. )n reality these >ires are not separate" any more than are the souls andmonads to him who sees beyond the veil of matter or illusion.

    He who would be an occultist must not separate either himself or anything elsefrom the rest of creation or non$creation. >or" the moment he distinguishes himself

    from even a vessel of dishonour" he will not be able to oin himself to any vessel ofhonour.

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    He must think of himself as an infinitesimal something" not even as anindividual atom" but as a part of the world$atoms as a whole" or become an illusion" a

    nobody" and vanish like a breath leaving no trace behind. #s illusions" we are separatedistinct bodies living in masks furnished by ,aya. Can we claim one single atom inour body as distinctly our ownX 8verything" from spirit to the tiniest particle" is partof the whole" at best a link. Break a single link and all passes into annihilation* butthis is impossible. here is a series of vehicles becoming more and more gross" fromspirit to the densest matter" so that with each step downward and outward we getmore and more the sense of separateness developed in us. :et this is illusory" for ifthere were a real and complete separation between any two human beings" they couldnot communicate with" or understand each other in any way.

    Fhus with these hierarchies. Why should we separate their classes in our mind"except for purposes of distinction in practical 6ccultism" which is but the lowest formof applied ,etaphysicsX But if you seek to separate them on this plane of illusion"then all ) can say is" that there exists between these Hierarchies the same abysses ofdistinction as between the principles% of the 5niverse or those of man" if you like"and the same principles% in a bacillus.GI

    he careful student on comparing the different tables already given" willperceive a certain unity in the multiplicity of the Hierarchies* in other words that theyare built up on an ever recurring type" which has been given in its simplest form in

    the Chart of the 3alentinian Pleroma. 8ach new category transcends the onepreceding it" until the mind totters in the sublimity of this stupendous scheme.

    he recurrence of the number &@ is remarkable and will receive furtherexplanation in that part of our text which deals with the astrological portion of thesystem. >or the present it will be sufficient to add two more facts in nature to whathas been said in P! &'?

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    he moon also is shown to have its share in nourishing all organic matter" and inregulating the ebb and flow of the Prana of nature. With every phase of the moon the

    Prana of man changes its course. hese changes" minutely observed" established thefact that the breath of the human organism changes from right to left" and vice versaevery two hours.I )n these two hours each of the five attwasM . . . obtain theircourse.G

    AP! @L$@&J F. . . #nd in the 7issolution of the world" which is when the5niverse shall have completed its 8volution . . . each and every one who shall havereceived the ,ystery of the )neffable shall be #llied /ings with me" and shall sit atmy right hand and at my left . . . . >or this reason" therefore" ) have not hesitated norfeared to call you my Brethren and my Comrades" for ye shall be #llied /ings with

    me in my /ingdom ather$!oul% and >ather$>ire%. )t is only at the last and supreme initiation"however" that they learn it when placed face to face with the bright )mage%. Howmuch has Bulwer$2ytton known of this mystic fact when describing" in one of hishighest inspirational moods" Zanoni face to face with his #ugoeidesX

    I &@ times a day

    M 3i;." #kasa" 3ayu" etc." as in the note already referred to.

    his has nothing to do with the absurdities of the F!ympneumata$doctrineG as is fully explained inthe text" but is a key to the mystery of the !y;ygies.

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    F. . . ) ascend to my >ather and your >ather% A+ohn xx" &(J . . . meant . . . that thegroup of his disciples and followers attracted to Him belonged to the same 7hyani$Buddha" !tar% or >ather"% again of the same planetary realm and division as He did.

    )t is the knowledge of this occult doctrine that found expression in the review of he)dyll of the White 2otus" when . !ubba 0ow wrote 8very Buddha meets at his lastinitiation all the great adepts who reached Buddhahood during the preceding ages . . .every class of adepts has its own bond of spiritual communion which knits themtogether . . . he only possible and effectual way of entering into any suchbrotherhood . . . is by bringing oneself within the influence of the spiritual lightwhich radiates from one%s own 2ogos. ) may further point out here . . . that suchcommunion is only possible between persons whose souls derive their life andsustenance from the same divine 0#: and that" as seven distinct rays radiate from the

    Central !piritual !un"% all adepts and 7hyani$Chohans are divisible into sevenclasses" each of which is guided" controlled and overshadowed" by one of the sevenforms or manifestations of the divine wisdom% irst ,ystery in the/ingdom of 2ight" and each of these hree has a different ,ode" and the ,ode of theConfiguration of each of them is different" each from each" in their !eries

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    FWhen an adept succeeds in Auniting all his principles% into oneJ he is +ivanmuktaAi.e." one emanciated from rebirthJ he is no more of this earth virtually" and becomes

    a -irvani" who can go into !amadhi Ai.e." attain to spiritual states of consciousnessJ atwill. #depts are generally classed by the number of principles% they have under theirperfect control" for that which we call will has its seat in the higher 816" and thelatter" when it is rid of its sin$laden personality" is divine and pure.G

    AP! @?J F. . . #,8-" ) say unto you" when that man shall have departed out ofthe Body of Hyl" his !oul shall become a great !tream of 2ight" so that it maytraverse all the 0egions" until it shall come into the /ingdom of that ,ystery. Butwhen that man shall not have received the ,ystery" and shall not have been apartaker in the Words of ruth" when accomplishing that ,ystery" he shall have

    spoken it into the Head of a man departing from the Body" he who has not receivedthe ,ystery of 2ight

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    his is not meant" however" to endorse the superstition of a Fdeath$bedrepentance"G for the immutable ustice and harmony of the /armic 2aw can only

    return a fleeting effect for a fleeting cause* and the rest of the /armic debt must bepaid in future earth$lives. F#gree with thine adversary 9uickly" while thou art in theway with him* lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the udge" and the udgedeliver thee to the officer" and thou be cast into prison. #,8- ) say unto thee" thoushalt by no means come out thence till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.G

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    hese are the septenary leaves of the Book of the 0ecording #ngel" 2e 2ivre dela Conscience" whither are instantly transferred the deeds" words and H651H! of

    every minute of our lives" the /armic record of each imprisoned soul. )n the earlyportion of our text" we learned how the )nitiate donned the spotless 3esture of 2ightcontaining the >ive Words of 1lory" and how they were potent to open all the portalsand traverse all the 0egions of the 0ulers. !o also with every man. 8ach has his ownvesture" reflecting his /armic record" and Futtering the wordsG that will ac9uit orcondemn him before the ealous guardians of nature%s inmost realms. :es* each of ushas a vesture woven by his own hands" but few are they who are clad in a FweddinggarmentG and fit to oin in the ,arriage >east" when the /ing%s !on is united to hisHeavenly Bride* in other words" to oin that holy Brotherhood where each" to gainadmittance" must be at one with the Christos within him. He who seeks admission insin$soiled robes must" like the man in the parable

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    or ) have brought her down from the mansions on high" thatthou mayest look on her unclothed" and discover her beauty" yea" and hear her speak"and marvel at her wisdom

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    >or the -ame +esus is that of the !ign Athe !tigma" the sign of the 1reek numeral EJ"for it contains six letters" known by all who are called

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    M Aoday%s students may consult !. 2. Cranston and +. Head%s 0eincarnation" he Phoenix >ire,ystery" -.:." Crown" &'((.J

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    he doctrines of the Pistis$!ophia are in many essentials identical with 8gyptianteachings" especially with regard to the mysteries of life and death and of

    reincarnation. What the learned of the 8gyptians taught on these heads we do not asyet know" for such teaching formed part of the instruction of the ,ysteries. #nd evenexoterically we are dependent to a large extent on what 1reek and 0oman writershave to tell us of the 8gyptians rather than on the 8gyptians themselves. ,oreover"such writers" if they were initiated" had their tongues tied by the oath of secrecy* andif uninitiated" could only re$echo the popular beliefs at best" and in general wove intheir own glosses and misconceptions even of this distorted shadow of the truth.Conse9uently no subect remains in greater obscurity for our scholars.

    Wilkinson or the soul that hasnever perceived the truth cannot pass into the human form.G

    hese two passages throw considerable light on one another" and" with the helpof heosophical teachings" become understandable" in spite of the innumerable blindswhich they contain.

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    he figures refer to certain cycles" based on the root numbers" " (" &L" and have to dowith 0ounds" 0aces" individual births" monadic evolution" etc." etc.

    But the soul is of two kinds" the ,anasic and /amic" and herein is the greatestblind. he former goes to Fa certain celestial placeG" and the latter to Fa subterraneanplaceG. )t is the latter only that goes through the FcycleG which Herodotus speaks of.

    Wilkinson" therefore" is only useful for the two references" the first of which hasbeen retranslated and the second retained verbatim" as it is aylor%s translation. He"however" adds one further item of interest" vi;

    Fhe doctrine of transmigration was also admitted by the Pharisees* their beliefaccording to +osephus"I being that all souls were incorruptible* but that those ofgood men were only removed into other bodies" and that those of the bad weresubect to eternal punishment%.G

    I +oseph. Bell. +ud. ii" ?" &D.

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    A2ucifer" 3ol. 3))" -o. D&" +anuary &?'&" pp. K$ELJ

    F6 ye 2ords of ruth who are cycling in eternity . . . save me from the

    annihilation in this 0egion of the wo ruths.Ghe Book of the 7ead.


    hat the world moves in cycles" and events repeat themselves therein" is an old"yet ever new truism. )t is new to most" firstly" because it belongs to a distinct group ofoccult aphorisms in partibus infidelium" and our present$day 0abbis and Phariseeswill accept nothing coming from that -a;areth* secondly" because those who willswallow a camel of whatever si;e" provided it hails from orthodox or acceptedauthorities" will strain and kick at the smallest gnat" if only its bu;; comes fromtheosophical regions. :et this proposition about the world cycles and ever$recurringevents" is a very correct one. )t is one" moreover" that people could easily verify forthemselves. 6f course" the people meant here are men who do their own thinking* notthose others who are satisfied to remain" from birth till death" pinned" like a thistlefastened to the coat$tail of a country parson" to the beliefs and thoughts of the goody$goody maority.

    We cannot agree with a writer

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    -ine$tenths of the people will reect the most overwhelming evidence" even if itbe brought to them without any trouble to themselves" only because it happens to

    clash with their personal interests or preudices* especially if it comes from unpopular9uarters. We are living in a highly moral atmosphere" high soundingin words. Putto the test of practice" however" the morality of this age in point of genuineness andreality is of the nature of the black skin of the FnegroG minstrel assumed for showand pay" and washed off at the close of every performance. )n sober truth" ouropponents advocates of official science" defenders of orthodox religion" and thetutti 9uanti of the detractors of heosophywho claim to oppose our works ongrounds of scientific Fevidence"G Fpublic good and truth"G strongly resembleadvocates in our courts of law miscalled of ustice. hese in their defence ofrobbers and murderers" forgers and adulterers" deem it to be their duty to browbeat"confuse and bespatter all who bear witness against their clients" and will ignore" or ifpossible" suppress" all evidence which goes to incriminate them. 2et ancient Wisdomstep into the witness$box herself" and prove that the goods found in the possession ofthe prisoner at the bar" were taken from her own strong$box* and she will find herselfaccused of all manner of crimes" fortunate if she escape being branded as a commonfraud" and told that she is no better than she should be.

    What member of our !ociety can wonder then" that in this our age" pre$eminently one of shams and shows" the Ftheosophists%G teachings so

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    F6h" you must have invented all you say yourselfG

    7ear ladies and gentlemen" has it ever occurred to you" how truly grand and

    almost divine would be that man or woman" who" at this time of the life of mankind"could invent anything" or discover that which had not been invented and known agesbeforeX he charge of being such an inventor would only entitle the accused to thechoicest honours. >or show us" if you can" that mortal who in the historical cycle ofour human race has taught the world something entirely new. o the proudpretentions of this age" 6ccultismthe real 8astern 6ccultism" or the so$called8soteric 7octrineanswers through its ablest students )ndeed all your boastedknowledge is but the reflex action of the by$gone Past. #t best" you are but themodern popularisers of very ancient ideas. Consciously and unconsciously you have

    pilfered from old classics and philosophers" who were themselves but the superficialrecorderscautious and incomplete" owing to the terrible penalties for divulging thesecrets of initiation taught during the mysteriesof the prim}val Wisdom. #vantyour modern sciences and speculations are but the rOchauffO dishes of anti9uity* thedead bones

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    7eny" if you can" that the most important of our present sciences were known tothe ancients. )t is not 8astern literature only" and the whole cycle of those esoteric

    teachings which an over$;ealous Christian /abalist" in >rance" has ust dubbed Ftheaccursed sciencesGthat will give you a flat denial" but profane classical literature"as well. he proof is easy.

    #re not physics and natural sciences but an amplified reproduction of the worksof #naxagoras" of 8mpedocles" 7emocritus and othersX #ll that is taught now" wastaught by these philosophers then. >or they maintainedeven in the fragments oftheir works still extantthat the 5niverse is composed of eternal atoms which"moved by a subtle internal >ire" combine in millions of various ways. With them" thisF>ireG was the divine Breath of the 5niversal ,ind" but now" it has become with the

    modern philosophers no better than a blind and senseless >orce. >urthermore theytaught that there was neither 2ife nor 7eath" but only a constant destruction of form"produced by perpetual physical transformations. his has now become by intellectualtransformation" that which is known as the physical correlation of forces"conservation of energy" law of continuity" and what not" in the vocabulary of modern!cience. But Fwhat%s in a name"G or in new$fangled words and compound terms" oncethat the identity of the essential ideas is establishedX

    Was not 7escartes indebted for his original theories to the old ,asters" to2eucippus and 7emocritus" 2ucretius #naxagoras and 8picurusX hese taught that

    the celestial bodies were formed of a multitude of atoms" whose vortical motionexisted from eternity* which met" and" rotating together" the heaviest were drawn tothe centres" the lightest to the circumferences* each of these concretions was carriedaway in a fluidic matter" which" receiving from this rotation an impulse" the strongercommunicated it to the weaker concretions. his seems a tolerably close descriptionof the Cartesian theory of 8lemental 3ortices taken from #naxagoras and someothers* and it does look most suspiciously like the Fvortical atomsG of !ir W.homson

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    8ven !ir )saac -ewton" the greatest among the great" is found constantlymirroring a do;en or so of old philosophers. )n reading his works one sees floating in

    the air the pale images of the same #naxagoras and 7emocritus" of Pythagoras"#ristotle" im}us of 2ocri" 2ucretius" ,acrobius" and even our old friend Plutarch.#ll these have maintained one or the other of these propositions"

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    Wise was !olomon in saying that Fthere is no new thing under the !unG* andthat everything that is Fhath been already of old time" which was before usG A8ccl. i"

    '$&LJsave" perhaps" the theosophical doctrines which the humble writer of thepresent is charged by some with having Finvented.G he prime origin of this

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    he properties of matter are" by the 8astern 6ccultists" summed up in" orbrought down to" attraction and repulsion* by the !cientists" to gravitation and

    affinities. #ccording to this teaching" the properties of complex combinations are butthe necessary results of the composition of elementary properties* the most complexexistences being the physico$chemical automata" called men. ,atter from beingprimarily scattered and inanimate" begets life" sensation" emotions and will" after awhole series of consecutive Fgropings.G he latter non$felicitous expression

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    !cience teaches that the universal process of differentiation begins anew afterevery period of ,aha$pralaya" there is no reason to think that it would slavishly and

    blindly repeat itself. )mmutable laws last only from the incipient to the last stage ofthe universal life" being simply the effects of primordial" intelligent and entirely freeaction. >or heosophists" as also for 7r. Pirogoff" 7elboeuf and many a greatindependent modern thinker" it is the 5niversal ather warned his pupilagainst the heretical doctrine of the earth%s globular form" as the Cambridge and6xford F>ather 7onsG warn their students now" against the pernicious andsuperstitious doctrines of heosophysuch as 5niversal ,ind" 0e$incarnation andso on. here is a resolution tacitly accepted by the members of the .!. for theadoption of a proverb of /ing !olomon" paraphrased for our daily use F# scientist iswiser in his own conceit than seven heosophists that can render a reason.G -o time"therefore" should be lost in arguing with them* but no endeavour" on the other hand"should be neglected to show up their mistakes and blunders. he scientific conceit ofthe 6rientalistsespecially of the youngest branch of thesethe #ssyriologists andthe 8gyptologistsis indeed phenomenal. Hitherto" some credit was given to theancientsto their philosophers and )nitiates" at any rateof knowing a few thingsthat the moderns could not rediscover. But now even the greatest )nitiates arerepresented to the public as fools. Here is an instance.

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    6n pages &K" &E and &(

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    >ew 6rientalists could answer this 9uery. We are more generous" however* andmay show in our next" that into which our modest 6rientalists have never yet been

    initiatedall their alleged FcluesG to the contrary.

    A2ucifer" 3ol. 3))" -o. D@" >ebruary" &?'&" pp. DD&$DKLJ

    1o to" let us go down" and there confound their language" that they may notunderstand one an other%s speech . . .

    1enesis xi" vii.

    ))Having done with modern physical !ciences we next turn to Western

    philosophies and religions. 8very one of these is e9ually based upon" and derives itstheories and doctrines from heathen" and moreover" exoteric thought. his can easilybe traced from !chopenhauer and ,r. Herbert !pencer" down to Hypnotism and so$called F,ental !cience.G he 1erman philosophers moderni;e Buddhism* the8nglish are inspired by 3edantism* while the >rench" borrowing from both" add tothem Plato" in a Phrygian cap" and occasionally" as with #uguste Comte" the weirdsex$worship of ,ariolatry of the old 0oman Catholic ecstatics and visionaries. -ew

    systems" yclept philosophical" new sects and societies" spring up now$a$days in everycorner of our civili;ed lands. But even the highest among them agree on no one point"though each claims supremacy. his" because no science" no philosophybeing atbest" but a fragment broken from the W)!76, 082)1)6-can stand alone" or becomplete in itself. ruth" to be complete" must represent an unbroken continuity. )tmust have no gaps" no missing links. #nd which of our modern religions" sciences orphilosophies" is free from such defectsX ruth is 6ne. 8ven as the palest reflection ofthe #bsolute" it can be no more dual than is absoluteness itself" nor can it have twoaspects.

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    0eproduced from 2es 7eux Champollions" by#.$2. Champollion$>igeac"&??(.

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    But such truth is not for the maorities" in our world of illusionespecially for thoseminds which are devoid of the notic element. hese have to substitute for the highspiritual and 9uasi absolute truth the relative one" which having two sides or aspects"

    both conditioned by appearances" lead our Fbrain$mindsGone to intellectualscientific materialism" the other to materialistic or anthropomorphic religiosity. Buteven that kind of truth" in order to offer a coherent and complete system ofsomething" has" while naturally clashing with its opposite" to offer no gaps andcontradictions" no broken or missing links" in the special system or doctrine itundertakes to represent.

    #nd here a slight digression must come in. We are sure to be told by some" thatthis is precisely the obection taken to theosophical expositions" from )sis 5nveileddown to he !ecret 7octrine. #greed. We are 9uite prepared to confess that the latterwork" especially" surpasses in these defects all the other theosophical works. We are9uite ready to admit the faults charged against it by its criticsthat it is badlyarranged" discursive" over$burdened with digressions into by$ways of mythology" etc."etc. But then it is neither a philosophical system nor the 7octrine" called secret oresoteric" but only a record of a few of its facts and a witness to it. )t has never claimedto be the full exposition of the system

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    actually exists" though hitherto preserved in the greatest secrecy by the present)nitiates* and it points to various corroborations of its existence to this very day" to befound in ancient and modern works. 1iving a few fragments only" it there shows how

    these explain the religious dogmas of the present day" and how they might serveWestern religions" philosophies and science" as sign$posts along the untrodden pathsof discovery. he work is essentially fragmentary" giving statements of sundry factstaught in the esoteric schoolskept" so far" secretby which the ancient symbolismof various nations is interpreted. )t does not even give the keys to it" but merely opensa few of the hitherto secret drawers. -o new philosophy is set up in he !ecret7octrine" only the hidden meaning of some of the religious allegories of anti9uity isgiven" light being thrown on these by the esoteric sciences" and the common source ispointed out" whence all the world$religions and philosophies have sprung. )ts chief

    attempt is to show" that however divergent the respective doctrines and systems of oldmay seem on their external or obective side" the agreement between all becomesperfect" so soon as the esoteric or inner side of these beliefs and their symbology areexamined and a careful comparison made. )t is also maintained that its doctrines andsciences" which form an integral cycle of universal cosmic facts and metaphysicalaxioms and truths" represent a complete and unbroken system* and that he who isbrave and persevering enough" ready to crush the animal in himself" and forgettingthe human self" sacrifices it to his Higher 8go" can always find his way to becomeinitiated into these mysteries. his is all he !ecret 7octrine claims. #re not a few

    facts and self$evident truths" found in these volumesall the literary defects of theexposition notwithstandingtruths already proved practically to some" better thanthe most ingenious FworkingG hypotheses" liable to be upset any day" than theunexplainable mysteries of religious dogmas" or the most seemingly profoundphilosophical speculationsX

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    Can the grandest among these speculations be really profound" when from their#lpha to their 6mega they are limited and conditioned by their author%s brain$mind"

    hence dwarfed and crippled on that Procrustean bed" cut down to fit limited sensuousperceptions which will not allow the intellect to go beyond their enchanted circleX -oFphilosopherG who views the spiritual realm as a mere figment of superstition" andregards man%s mental perceptions as simply the result of the organi;ation of the brain"can ever be worthy of that name.

    -or has a materialist any right to the appellation" since it means a Flover ofWisdom"G and Pythagoras" who was the first to coin the compound term" neverlimited Wisdom to this earth. 6ne who affirms that the 5niverse and ,an are obectsof the senses only" and who fatally chains thought within the region of senseless

    matter" as do the 7arwinian evolutionists" is at best a sophiaphobe when not aphilosophasternever a philosopher.

    herefore is it that in this age of ,aterialism" #gnosticism" 8volutionism" andfalse )dealism" there is not a system" however intellectually expounded" that can standon its own legs" or fail to be critici;ed by an exponent from another school of thoughtas materialistic as itself* even ,r. Herbert !pencer" the greatest of all" is unable toanswer some criticisms. ,any are those who remember the fierce polemics that rageda few years ago in the 8nglish and #merican ournals between the 8volutionists onthe one hand and the Positivists on the other. he subect of the dispute was with

    regard to the attitude and relation that the theory of evolution would bear to religion.,r. >. Harrison" the #postle of Positivism" charged ,r. Herbert !pencer withrestricting religion to the realm of reason" forgetting that feeling and not thecogni;ing faculty" played the most important part in it. he Ferroneousness andinsufficiencyG of the ideas on the F5nknowableGas developed in ,r. !pencer%sworkswere also taken to task by ,r. Harrison. he idea was erroneous" he held"because it was based on the acceptation of the metaphysical absolute.

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    )t was insufficient" he argued" because it brought deity down to an emptyabstraction" void of any meaning.I o this the great 8nglish writer replied" that he

    had never thought of offering his F5nknowableG and )ncogni;able" as a subect forreligious worship. hen stepped into the arena" the respective admirers and defendersof ,essrs. !pencer and Harrison" some defending the material metaphysics of theformer thinker

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    hey affirm that fetishism" or the direct worship of nature" was the primitivereligion of man" a too protracted evolution alone having landed it in

    anthropomorphism heir 7eity is Humanity and the 1od they worship" ,ankind" asfar as we understand them. he only way" therefore" of settling the dispute" is toascertain which of the two FphilosophicalG and FscientificG theories" is the lesspernicious and the more probable. )s it true to say" as d%#lviellaI assures us" that ,r.!pencer%s F5nknowableG contains all the elements necessary to religion* and" as thatremarkable writer is alleged to imply" that Freligious feeling tends to free itself fromevery moral elementG* or" shall we accept the other extremity and agree with theComtists" that gradually" religion will blend itself with" merge into" and disappear inaltruism and its service to HumanityX

    5seless to say that heosophy" while reecting the one$sidedness and thereforethe limitation in both ideas" is alone able to reconcile the two" i.e." the 8volutionistsand the Positivistson both metaphysical and practical lines. How to do this it is nothere the place to say" as every heosophist ac9uainted with the main tenets of the8soteric Philosophy can do it for himself. We believe in an impersonalF5nknowableG and know well that the #B!6258" or #bsoluteness" can havenought to do with worship on anthropomorphic lines* heosophy reects the!pencerian FHeG and substitutes the impersonal ) for the personal pronoun"whenever speaking of the #bsolute and the F5nknowable.G #nd it teaches" asforemost of all virtues" altruism and self$sacrifice" brotherhood and compassion forevery living creature" without" for all that" worshipping ,an or Humanity. )n thePositivist" moreover" who admits of no immortal soul in men" believes in no futurelife or reincarnation" such a FworshipG becomes worse than fetishism it is Zoolatry"the worship of the animals >or that alone which constitutes the real ,an is" in thewords of Carlyle" Fthe essence of our being" the mystery in us that calls itself)%. . . . a breath of Heaven* the Highest Being reveals himself in man.G hisdenied" man is but an animalFthe shame and scandal of the 5niverseG" as Pascalputs it.

    I A)bid. pp. &@'$&K@ .J

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    )t is the old" old story" the struggle of matter and spirit" the Fsurvival of theunfittest"G because of the strongest and the most material. But the period when

    nascent Humanity" following the law of the natural and dual evolution" wasdescending along with spirit into matteris closed. We

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    herefore" lest in disunion they should be Fscattered upon the face of the earth"G andtheir Wisdom$ religion should" in conse9uence" be broken up into a thousandfragments* and lest they" themselves" instead of towering as hitherto" through

    knowledge" heavenward" should" through blind faith begin gravitating earthwardthewise men" who Fourneyed from the 8ast"G devised a plan. )n those days temples weresites of learning" not of superstition* priests taught divine Wisdom" not man$inventeddogmas" and the ultima thule of their religious activity did not centre in thecontribution box" as at present. husF1o to"% they said" let us build us a city and atower" whose top may reach unto heaven* and let us make us a name.% #nd they madeburnt brick and used it for stone" and built therewith a city and a tower.G

    !o far" this is a very old story" known as well to a !unday school ragamuffin asto ,r. 1ladstone. Both believe very sincerely that these descendants of the FaccursedHamG were proud sinners whose obect was like that of the itans" to insult anddethrone Zeus$+ehovah" by reaching Fheaven"G the supposed abode of both. But sincewe find the story told in the revealedI !cripts" it must" like all the rest in them" haveits esoteric interpretation. )n this" 6ccult symbolism will help us.

    I # curious and rather unfortunate word to use" since" as a translation from the 2atin revelare" itsignifies diametrically the opposite of the now accepted meaning in 8nglish. >or the word FtorevealG or FrevealedG is derived from the 2atin revelare" Fto reveilG and not to reveal i.e." from reFagainG or FbackG and velare Fto veilG or to hide something" from the word velum or Fa vailG

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    #ll the expressions that we have italici;ed" when read in the original Hebrewand according to the canons of esoteric symbolism" will yield 9uite a different

    construction. hus&. F#nd the whole earth AmankindJ" was of one lip Ai.e." proclaimed the same

    teachingsJ and of the same wordsGnot of FspeechG as in the authori;ed version.

    -ow the /abalistic meaning of the term FwordsG and FwordG may be found inthe Zohar and also in the almud. FWordsG

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    hus" Fthe bricks are fallen down" but we will build AanewJ with hewn stonesGof )saiah Aix" &LJ becomes clear. >or the true interpretation of the four last verses of

    the genetic allegory about the supposed Fconfusion of tonguesG we may turn to thelegendary version of the :e;idis and read verses K" E" (" and ? in 1enesis" ch. xi"esotericallyF#nd #donai Athe 2ordJ came down and said Behold" the people is one Athe peopleare united in thought and deedJ and they have one lip AdoctrineJ.% #nd now they beginto spread it and nothing will be restrained from them Athey will have full magicpowers and get all they want by such power" /riyasaktiJ" that they have imagined.%G

    #nd now what are the :e;idis and their version and what is #d$onaiX #d is Fthe2ord"G their ancestral god* and the :e;idis are a heretical ,ussulman sect" scattered

    over #rmenia" !yria" and especially ,osul" the very site of Babel

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    hey tell you that #llah" being #ll$good" would not harm the smallest of hiscreatures. 8rgo" has he no need of prayers" or burnt$offerings of the Ffirstlings of theflock and the fat thereof.G But that their #d" or the 7evil" being #ll$bad" cruel"

    ealous" revengeful and proud" they have" in self$preservation" to propi