howtodoit explaining functional disorders in the neurology ..._… · explaining functional...

Explaining functional disorders in the neurology clinic: a photo story Alan Carson, 1 Alexander Lehn, 2,3 Lea Ludwig, 1 Jon Stone 1 1 Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK 2 Department of Neurology, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia 3 School of Medicine, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Correspondence to Dr Jon Stone, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK; [email protected] Accepted 14 October 2015 practneurol-2015-001241 To cite: Carson A, Lehn A, Ludwig L, et al. Pract Neurol 2016;16:5661. There is an increasing understanding and interest in functional disorders among neurologists. These are common pro- blems that make up a large proportion of a neurologists workload. 1 Nonetheless many doctors are still apprehensive about this area as they find explanation and treatment challenging. 23 However, a suc- cessful explanation is generally regarded as an essential platform for further treat- ment. 4 There is evidence that a successful consultation can resolve symptoms in some patients 5 6 and is associated with improved patients outcome. 78 Here we explore some issues in explaining the diagnosis of a functional disorder using the unconventional medium of the photo story ( figures 14). We chose this format to make the article accessible and thought provoking, not because it is a light-hearted topic; far from it. There is no one size fits allmethod for every patient, but there are some approaches to the consultation that, we have found, help our practice. Our approach is based as much as possible on how neurologists might explain other conditions in the neurology clinic, such as Parkinsons disease: giving a clear diag- nosis, explaining transparently how that diagnosis has been made and something about howthe problem occurs even if the whycan often be speculative and can be left for later consultations. In an accompanying article, Jon Stone explores the question of whether it is possible to turn a neurological assessment into treat- ment for the patient with a functional disorder. 9 Even neurologists who are keen to help patients with functional disorders some- times find themselves in avoidable situa- tions that can have a negative impact on outcomes. This cartoon highlights some of these common pitfalls: making or explaining the diagnosis because the tests were normal (instead of using positive features); denying the patient a diagnosis (no neurological disease) and focusing prematurely on psychiatric comorbidity when present can create unnecessary mis- understandings. We also illustrate the potential benefits of demonstrating posi- tive physical signs of functional disorders to patients and the importance of provid- ing written information where possible. 10 While we use the term functionalin this article, we dont think the labelchosen is of prime importance. Indeed in a first draft of this article we found our- selves going round in circles discussing the pros and cons of various labels using arguments that have been rehearsed ad nauseam. 11 12 Eventually we realised that the label debatewas obscuring what we really wanted to say. We would argue that it is more import- ant in delivering the diagnosis of a func- tional disorder that the doctor can show that (1) they are taking the problem (and associated disability) seriously, during the history taking and during diagnostic dis- cussion; (2) there actually is a diagnosis that is familiar and has a name; (3) there is some rationale for the diagnosis; (4) there is some explanation of howthe symptom arises (even if whyis more complicated); (5) it is potentially revers- ible and treatment may help; (6) there is written information to help understand the problem; and (7) there is a willing- ness to triage the patient for further treat- ment and follow-up as required. (1) Taking the problem seriously This basic human skill is sometimes the hardest aspect of all. Neurologists often find patients with functional symptoms difficult. 2 13 But it helps to remember that some patients have prior experience of doctors (and sometimes other people in their lives) being dismissive and not taking them seriously; this can lead to an expectation of being treated with con- tempt and a feeling they must have to HOW TO DO IT 56 Carson A, et al. Pract Neurol 2016;16:5661. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2015-001242

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Page 1: HOWTODOIT Explaining functional disorders in the neurology ..._… · Explaining functional disorders in the neurology clinic: a photo story Alan Carson,1 Alexander Lehn,2,3 Lea Ludwig,1

Explaining functional disorders inthe neurology clinic: a photo story

Alan Carson,1 Alexander Lehn,2,3 Lea Ludwig,1 Jon Stone1

1Department of ClinicalNeurosciences, Western GeneralHospital, Edinburgh, UK2Department of Neurology,Princess Alexandra Hospital,Brisbane, Australia3School of Medicine, Universityof Queensland, Brisbane,Australia

Correspondence toDr Jon Stone, Department ofClinical Neurosciences, WesternGeneral Hospital, Edinburgh EH42XU, UK; [email protected]

Accepted 14 October 2015


To cite: Carson A, Lehn A,Ludwig L, et al. Pract Neurol2016;16:56–61.

There is an increasing understanding andinterest in functional disorders amongneurologists. These are common pro-blems that make up a large proportion ofa neurologist’s workload.1 Nonethelessmany doctors are still apprehensive aboutthis area as they find explanation andtreatment challenging.2 3 However, a suc-cessful explanation is generally regardedas an essential platform for further treat-ment.4 There is evidence that a successfulconsultation can resolve symptoms insome patients5 6 and is associated withimproved patient’s outcome.7 8

Here we explore some issues inexplaining the diagnosis of a functionaldisorder using the unconventionalmedium of the photo story (figures 1–4).We chose this format to make the articleaccessible and thought provoking, notbecause it is a light-hearted topic; farfrom it.There is no ‘one size fits all’ method

for every patient, but there are someapproaches to the consultation that, wehave found, help our practice. Ourapproach is based as much as possible onhow neurologists might explain otherconditions in the neurology clinic, suchas Parkinson’s disease: giving a clear diag-nosis, explaining transparently how thatdiagnosis has been made and somethingabout ‘how’ the problem occurs even ifthe ‘why’ can often be speculative andcan be left for later consultations. In anaccompanying article, Jon Stone exploresthe question of whether it is possible toturn a neurological assessment into treat-ment for the patient with a functionaldisorder.9

Even neurologists who are keen to helppatients with functional disorders some-times find themselves in avoidable situa-tions that can have a negative impact onoutcomes. This cartoon highlights someof these common pitfalls: making orexplaining the diagnosis because the testswere normal (instead of using positive

features); denying the patient a diagnosis(‘no neurological disease’) and focusingprematurely on psychiatric comorbiditywhen present can create unnecessary mis-understandings. We also illustrate thepotential benefits of demonstrating posi-tive physical signs of functional disordersto patients and the importance of provid-ing written information where possible.10

While we use the term ‘functional’ inthis article, we don’t think the ‘label’chosen is of prime importance. Indeed ina first draft of this article we found our-selves going round in circles discussingthe pros and cons of various labels usingarguments that have been rehearsed adnauseam.11 12 Eventually we realised thatthe ‘label debate’ was obscuring what wereally wanted to say.We would argue that it is more import-

ant in delivering the diagnosis of a func-tional disorder that the doctor can showthat (1) they are taking the problem (andassociated disability) seriously, during thehistory taking and during diagnostic dis-cussion; (2) there actually is a diagnosisthat is familiar and has a name; (3) thereis some rationale for the diagnosis; (4)there is some explanation of ‘how’ thesymptom arises (even if ‘why’ is morecomplicated); (5) it is potentially revers-ible and treatment may help; (6) there iswritten information to help understandthe problem; and (7) there is a willing-ness to triage the patient for further treat-ment and follow-up as required.

(1) Taking the problem seriouslyThis basic human skill is sometimes thehardest aspect of all. Neurologists oftenfind patients with functional symptoms‘difficult’.2 13 But it helps to rememberthat some patients have prior experienceof doctors (and sometimes other peoplein their lives) being dismissive and nottaking them seriously; this can lead to anexpectation of being treated with con-tempt and a feeling they must have to


56 Carson A, et al. Pract Neurol 2016;16:56–61. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2015-001242

Page 2: HOWTODOIT Explaining functional disorders in the neurology ..._… · Explaining functional disorders in the neurology clinic: a photo story Alan Carson,1 Alexander Lehn,2,3 Lea Ludwig,1

fight to get what they think they need. The simplestway of handling this is to be kind, polite and inter-ested. You could make good eye contact, use languagethat demonstrates understanding, and show empathywith suffering and physical disability. It may help,paradoxically, to use humour where appropriate (eg,during the examination of reflexes) or even to sayexplicitly during the assessment, “This is all familiar,I’ll explain at the end” or, “This is a genuine problem/I believe you” when giving the diagnosis. With thesesimple steps, in our experience, patients becomeaware that they are being taken seriously, and the con-sultation can turn into a collaborative effort that ismore rewarding for both parties.There is a problem here though. Regardless of the

techniques used, the doctor who fundamentallydoesn’t believe that functional disorders are a genuineproblem that is the responsibility of a neurologist, willstruggle. Patients can usually ‘smell a rat’ when thewords are right but the sentiment is not. This is a con-undrum that is worth further thought but which wecannot solve for you.

(2) Making it clear that there is a diagnosisThere comes a moment in the consultation, usually afterthe examination, when the patient, quite reasonably,

expects to be given a diagnosis and some explanation ofwhat that diagnosis means. In our view, it is helpful todo so, although a failure of this most basic step is anoutcome that remains common for several reasons.14

One is a feeling that this is ‘not my problem’ and canbe dealt with by simply saying, ‘There is no neurologicaldisease’. Sometimes this approach arises throughambivalence about the possibility of malingering orexaggeration.15 Conversely, some doctors, particularlynon-neurologists, worry that the diagnosis is not robust.There is good evidence, though, that the diagnosis of afunctional neurological disorder can be made accuratelyby those with an advanced understanding of neuro-logical disease.1 This means that neurologists are bestplaced to give and explain the diagnosis.In the absence of positive evidence of malingering,

we suggest that communicating to the patient onlythat they have ‘no neurological disease,’ when youknow that there is a functional diagnosis, is an abdica-tion of responsibility. The patient with a paralysed legis not likely to simply think ‘that is okay then’ andwander home satisfied, any more than a neurologisttaking their broken down car to the garage is going tobe happy to only be told that the radiator is fine—noproblems there; we want our car to work again andthe patient wants the same for their leg.

Figure 1 Photo story part 1.


Carson A, et al. Pract Neurol 2016;16:56–61. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2015-001242 57

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The other common reason for not providing a diag-nosis may lie in reattribution techniques, which havebeen the backbone of general practice and psychiatryteaching in this field over the last 25 years. This wayof thinking encourages the doctor to help the patientcome to his or her own understanding of the problemusing discussion to ‘broaden the agenda’ and thenhelp the patient ‘make the link’ between their physicalsymptoms and emotional state. Doctors trained in thismodel feel they should approach the problem in thisway but are aware that, especially in secondary care,patients often do not welcome this approach. Thismay lead doctors to abandon all attempts at explan-ation or conversely to ‘formulate’ excessively (asstudies using conversation analysis found).16 There areaspects of this that we would support for the purposesof treatment in some cases but adopting a biopsycho-social model means that you have to be prepared tobe ‘bio’ as well as ‘psycho’ in your world view. Thismay mean accepting that in some patients, psycho-logical or biological factors are more important thanin others. The data for functional disorders do showhigher rates of psychological factors but not in every-one.17 In our experience it is far better to make aclear and positive diagnosis—to focus on a sharedunderstanding as a foundation—before leaping to

conclusions about aetiology. Our experience is backedup by trial evidence that does not support reattribu-tion as an effective technique, despite its popularity.18

At this point we are often asked ‘but what shouldwe actually say?’. In general we favour, as a defaultposition, an explanation along a functional model forreasons we have rehearsed elsewhere,12 but we do notapply this inflexibly. If we agree with a patient whothinks their symptoms relate primarily to an anxietydisorder but who just wants to make sure there is nosinister cause, we will discuss that openly. A diagnosticlabel is essential to signify that the symptoms are nota mystery, to communicate with family, friends andhealth professionals and to signpost further treatment.Ideally that label should concur with the doctor’s ownmodel of what the symptoms are, and should not doharm or obstruct treatment. It should preferably indi-cate what the diagnosis is, and not what it is not. Inthe absence of evidence you should decide for your-self what is best. Ultimately, though, it is probablytrue that ‘it ain’t what you say, it’s the way that yousay it’.

(3) Demonstrating the rationale for the diagnosisMany patients with functional disorders have ageneral feeling that their symptoms are a mystery;19 20

Figure 2 Photo story part 2.


58 Carson A, et al. Pract Neurol 2016;16:56–61. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2015-001242

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not least because a number of previous doctors haveoften failed to give a diagnosis. One of the best waysto overcome this is to explain how the diagnosis hasbeen made, for example by showing the patient theirHoover’s sign, their entrainment test for functionaltremor or by talking them through the positive fea-tures of their dissociative (non-epileptic) attack.Functional disorders should not be a diagnosis ofexclusion and they may coexist with neurologicaldisease. Asking during the consultation if there wereany specific conditions the patient or their familywere wondering or anxious about and then explainingwhy they aren’t the case is often helpful. This can alllead on to discuss that this is a common complaintand you have seen it many times before.

(4) Discussing mechanism rather than causeClinicians often focus and speculate heavily on thecause when giving patients explanations for functionaldisorders in a way that they don’t, for instance, in dis-cussing migraine.21

The reality is that we often have little idea ‘why’patients have the symptoms they have. Sometimesthere are clear associations with physiological or psy-chological factors but formulating the problem in this

way is fraught with error and speculation. It can beacceptable initially to say simply, “I am not sure whythis has happened to you at this point in time”.During the initial consultation we would try to redir-ect questions about ‘why’ in to questions about ‘how’.For example patients with dissociative (non-epileptic)attacks may have an initial event that is syncopal butthen it recurs a bit like a panic attack before becoming‘habit-forming’. Discussions like this don’t reallyexplain why the attack happened again or the under-lying vulnerabilities but provide a more solid basis forunderstanding the nature of the disorder. Speculationabout possible causes is, in our opinion, best left untilyou have established a proper relationship with thepatient and a mutual understanding of the diagnosis.Endlessly seeking evidence of psychological problemsor attempting a psychological formulation may beakin to badgering someone about whether they smokein a TIA clinic. It may be a reasonable question to askbut if they do smoke you won’t base your whole treat-ment of the episode on that fact and if they don’tsmoke, you will let it go and move on.

(5) Conveying the potential for reversibility and thattreatment can help

Figure 3 Photo story part 3.


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Instead of philosophically bereft Cartesian discussionsabout whether the symptoms are neurological or psy-chological, in the brain or in the mind, try to move thediscussion on to whether the symptoms are potentiallyreversible or potentially irreversible. Feelings of irre-versibility can be engendered or misinterpreted by anydiagnostic label including functional (‘something in thebrain I can’t do anything about’) and psychogenic (‘it’sdown to you and your personality, there’s no changingthat’). Regardless of label, getting across the point thatthe symptoms have the potential for improvement, are‘software not hardware’ appears crucial with respect toprognosis and attempts at rehabilitation.

(6) Providing written informationThe contents of most medical encounters are easily for-gotten by patients, especially when conveying complexand new information.22 Experience with sharing lettersand notes with patients is generally favourable, in termsof increasing recall and also improving adherence totreatment recommendations.23 A clinic letter copied tothe patient, which has tailored information combinedwith generic condition-specific information using aleaflet or website (eg, or appears toenhance a good consultation and sometimes rescues anaverage one.24

(7) Triage for further treatmentIdeally the neurological assessment and explanationhas been the start of treatment itself.9 But whathappens next? Arguably for a patient with complexsymptoms who is trying to understand a diagnosisthey have never come across before this shouldinvolve a follow-up visit with the person who madethe diagnosis. A neurologist is also in a good positionto triage patients for psychological and physical treat-ment, when available, and, if they have sufficienttraining, to decide which is most likely to help, andwhen.

CONCLUSIONRegardless of what model or terminology a doctorwishes to use, we would argue that a conventionalformat of explanation for patients with functional dis-orders that mirrors what we already do for conditionssuch as migraine or Parkinson’s disease allows forbetter consultations for patient and doctor.Some of the issues regarding initial neurological

explanation of functional disorders could be subjectto randomised clinical trials (eg, which term? whattype of information? Does it make any difference ifyou use a diagnostic label or not?), but some, liketreating people decently and being transparent aboutthe diagnostic process should probably never be.

Figure 4 Photo story part 4.


60 Carson A, et al. Pract Neurol 2016;16:56–61. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2015-001242

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Key points

▸ Neurologists often find it difficult explaining a diag-nosis of functional disorder.

▸ Follow the normal rules of explanation: tell thepatient what it is, not what it isn’t.

▸ Show the patient the positive rationale for the diag-nosis (eg Hoover’s sign).

▸ As with any neurological condition start by explain-ing the mechanism in preference to aetiology.

▸ Give the patient written information and share theletter you write to their general practitioner.

▸ Take responsibility for follow up and onward triage.

Acknowledgements The authors thank Shelley Connon in DCNphysio and Rona Carson. Additional photo story credits:patient (Alan Carson), neurologist (Alex Lehn), psychologist(Lea Ludwig), receptionist (Jon Stone).

Contributors JS and AC conceived of the article and wrote thefirst draft. AL and LL revised the text. All authors (and nopatients) appear in the photo story.

Competing interests JS started and maintains a free self-helpwebsite for patients, that ismentioned in this article.

Provenance and peer review Commissioned; externally peerreviewed. This paper was reviewed by Mark Edwards, London,UK.

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Carson A, et al. Pract Neurol 2016;16:56–61. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2015-001242 61