how to use the t1-83 graphing calculator

How to use the T1-83 Graphing Calculator

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Post on 24-Feb-2016




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How to use the T1-83 Graphing Calculator. How to use the T1-83 Graphing Calculator?. How to Graph Functions?. Ex: How to graph the function : x 3 - 6x 2 - 8x 1. Press 2. Enter the Function: x 3 - 6x 2 - 8x - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: How to use the T1-83 Graphing Calculator

How to use the T1-83 Graphing Calculator

Page 2: How to use the T1-83 Graphing Calculator

Graph functions

Set window

Find max & min


Find Zeros

Do M’ S”

How to use the T1-83 Graphing Calculator?

Page 3: How to use the T1-83 Graphing Calculator

How to Graph Functions? Ex: How to graph the function : x3 - 6x2 - 8x 1. Press 2. Enter the Function: x3 - 6x2 - 8x 3. Press (Press and , If the

window set is not stander set) As you can see, the graph isShown on the screen, but it is notComplete.

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How to set Window? If the calculator cannot shows the graph

completely, we need to reset the window. 1. Press , then you can see the standard setting. To change a setting, position the cursor beside the

setting you wish to change and enter the new Value.

For the function : x3 – 6x2 – 8x, let’s change the Xmin to -5, Xmax to 10,Ymin to -70, and Ymax to 3.

Then, press , and you can see the complete graph.

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How to find maximum and minimum?

For the function x3 - 6x2 – 8x with a appropriate window set, let’s find the relative maximum.

1.Press and , and then choose 4. As you can see, we are prompted to select a left

bound for the relative maximum. This means that we must choose an x-value of the point where the relative maximum occurs.

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Find Maximum Then, we move the cursor to a point to the right of

the relative maximum, and press The screen shows Guess, and press again. Then, you can see the Maximum value is at the

bottom at the screen.

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Find minimum Value Finding minimum is similar with finding

maximum. 1. Press and , then choose 3. 2. Move the cursor to a point to the left of the

relative maximum, and press . 3. Move the cursor to a point to the right of the

relative maximum, and press . 4. When the screen shows “Guess?”, press

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How to find intersections? Let’s use the function 7x+3, and -8x – 1 as an

example. 1. Press , then enter the two functions. 2. Press (For this function, we’d better

reset the window (-3,3, -10,10)) 3. Press , , and choose 5.

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How to find intersections? 4. “ First curve?” appears at the bottom of the

screen, and the blinking cursor is positioned on the graph of y1. Press indicate that this is the first curve involved in the intersection.

5. The screen shows “Second curve?”, and the blinking cursor is positioned on the graph of y2. Press indicate that this is the second curve.

6. The screen shows “Guess?” and press .

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How to find zeros? Let’s use the function x3 – 5x – 2 as an example. 1. Press , and enter the function. 2. Press ` 3. Press ,choose 2.

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How to find Zeros 4.We are prompted to select a left bound for

the zero, which means we must choose an x-value that is to the left of the x-intercept. So move the cursor, and press

5. Move the cursor to a point on the curve to the right of the x-intercept, and press

6. The screen shows “Guess?”, and press

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Converting Between Do M’ S”

AND Decimal Degree Measure 1. Convert Do M’ S” decimal degree. EX. Convert 6o43’30” to decimal degee (1). Press 6 1, 43 2, 30

(2). Press

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2. convert Decimal degree to Do M’ S”

EX. Convert 6.725 to Do M’ S”

(1). Press 6.725 4 (2). Press

Converting Between Do M’ S”

AND Decimal Degree Measure