how to use anchor strategically for business

How to Use Anchor Strategically for Business

Upload: afton-negrea

Post on 13-Apr-2017




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How to Use Anchor Strategically for Business

We think that radio should be multi-directional, instead of a one-way conversation. - Mike and Nir, Founders



AND SOCIAL MEDIA AnchorTraditional

Podcast Social Media

Anchor blurs the line between traditional podcasts and social media. By allowing both the broadcaster and listener to interact and collaborate, everyone is able to come together to create amazing content that reaches far and wide.

First and foremost, Anchor is a fantastic way to start thought-provoking conversations with anyone you like, including friends, peers, clients and even influencers. The best way to get started with Anchor is by starting a wave or by taking part in an existing wave.


Click the record button from the home screen from within the app. To record, either hold your phone up to your ear as if you're talking on the phone, or press and hold the record button.


To reply to a wave, hit the reply button on the right side of the play button on any wave and record as normal. The user that you replied to will receive a notification of your reply on Anchor and even on Twitter.

WELCOME NEW WAVERS Search for the hashtag #firstwave to view all new

“Wavers”. Welcome them and introduce yourself. It could gain you more followers and a new friend!

Although at first glance Anchor may not seem like a place where you can build a bustling network or community, but it’s actually the perfect place to develop long-lasting, meaningful relationships (that may pay). Why? Because you become a great listener - something that many social media networks lack.


Anchor offers the perfect opportunity to connect with listeners to offer your expertise, either with your own waves, or replying to others. Be sure to make your waves thought-provoking and intriguing, considering what your target demographic wants to hear most.


Just because your conversation started on Anchor, doesn’t mean it needs to stay there. Use your Anchors to forge relationships to grow your business, including affiliates, clients, and peers. Take your conversations to the next level on Twitter, email, or even offline.

TWEET IT OUT! To expand your reach and audience, be sure to

tweet out your waves for anyone to hear. Include trending or relevant hashtags in your wave title.

Anchor waves are perfect for sharing on social media and within your blog posts. Anyone can listen to your anchors by downloading the app or by clicking a wave link anywhere it’s shared online. With all the great content and conversations you're having, you should be sharing them. This is great for expanding your reach, following and views. Examples of cross-pollinating your platforms using Anchor include:

● Sharing your waves to Facebook and Twitter (they play in-stream!)● Asking for people’s opinions and adding them to a blog post● Highlighting an upcoming topic on a podcast or Periscope broadcast● Add a landing page link to your wave description to ask for feedback

Anchor is the perfect place to use as your own focus group, mastermind or forum for feedback. Anchor is an ever-evolving conversation and one that can continuously be added upon. Some ways you can use Anchor for feedback are:

Asking people's personal experiences or thoughts on a topic

Conduct surveys or polls for product, program or service development (you can even put a survey link in your wave title!)

Reply or mention industry experts to gain their advice

Ask what topic people would love to see on your blog

Anchor is a great place to find valuable content to share with your followers, subscribers and blog readers. The ability to freely listen and share waves allows for many opportunities for your content marketing.

Additionally, taking part in wave replies can help establish you as a thought-leader and create even richer content for your audience.

Examples of waves you may want to share to your audience include:

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Trending Content

Opposing Opinions

SPOT TRENDS You may notice recurring or popular topics or trends in your

newsfeed. This is a clear indication that people are looking for answers, and this content can be used to create products,

programs, services and even blog posts.




Although differs from traditional podcasting, the number of audio listeners continues to grow.

Edison Research reported that fully one-third (33%) of all Americans 12 years of age or older now say they have listened to at least one podcast. [source]

One of the best ways to be heard on Anchor is to ride the “wave”. Don’t just sit back - take part in the conversation! If you’ve always wanted to strike up a conversation with someone, now is your chance. You could be apart of trending and influential content.

Similar to Twitter's hashtags, you can discuss trending topics chosen and featured by Anchor. From the search window, view trending topics. To add your own waves, just use the hashtag in the title, or reply to another.

Don’t forget that Anchor makes it simple and fast to tweet out your waves, either when you publish a wave, or when someone shares your waves. This is a great way to expand your reach. Use hashtags to ensure your wave goes even further.

How will you use Anchor strategically for your business?

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