how to start modeling & acting

How to start modeling & acting By:Brooke

Upload: harrib1998

Post on 25-Jun-2015



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Page 1: How to start modeling & acting

How to start modeling & acting


Page 2: How to start modeling & acting


Have you ever wanted to model or act? Have you always wanted to be on a cover of a magazine? Or have you always wanted to do this as you career? Well I can tell you how by steps!

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First you sign up for an agency. You can either go online and look for agencies or you can call them. Sometimes you got to watch out for some agencies. Because some agencies scam the people that are signed with them. Don't go to an agency that wants money monthly, that might not give u any jobs. If they want you you don't pay they pay you. A good thing to go to an agency is for the agent to help you find jobs for either modeling and acting or auditioning for commercials for modeling or acting. Kids,adults,and seniors start at an agency.

Step #1. Agency

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• step #2 here are some modeling and acting agenices in michigan


  Production Plus  The talent shop!

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Step #3 Comp cards

 So once you have auditioned for a agency and once they have signed with you. You find a photographer (a good one) and first the photographer for modeling prices range to $250-$400 dollars an hour for a photo shoot. Comp cards you need to have for modeling its one photo on the front of the card and four on the back of the card. Then once you have your photos you send them to as many agencies as you can.

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 Keep searching for opportunities

Keep looking for jobs. Go to all the auditions you can go to. Even if you don't want to audition for that part go for it anyway if you are either to scared,or if you think it doesn't suit you as well you should go for it anyway because the people that are directing the audition might not want you for that part and  but they might want you for another one that means you are putting yourself out there and showing everyone that you want to do this as your career.

Step #4

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Step #5  Resume

 A resume is a paper filled out of what you have done in the business so far like how many jobs you have done in modeling&acting, what agencies you are signed with. Well,if you audition for an agency again you can show them of how experienced you are in the model&talent business. I would try to go to as many jobs as you can because the better and longer the resume is filled out the more chances  you will have to get the commercial or job!

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Step #6 How to dress

How to dress when you start the business and audition for an audition or agency. Here are some good ideas for both boys and girls.•   Don't wear bold colors•   Wear cheerful colors•   Don't over dress or under dress•   Have your hair natural which means dont straighten it

or curl it or any other way to difference your hair. Keep your hair the way it is because that is your natural hair style.

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Step #7 Work shops

Work shops help you get better on your acting and how you project yourvoice,or how to look at a camera.

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 Conclusion: never give up your dream! Now you know what to do!