how to scale sales predictably using an intelligent outbound approach

Creating Predictable Revenue - Outbound Prospecting the 2016 Way 1 How Today’s High Growth Companies Achieve Predictable Revenue using Outbound Prospecting 2.0

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Page 1: How to Scale Sales Predictably using an Intelligent Outbound Approach


Creating Predictable Revenue - Outbound Prospecting the 2016 Way

How Today’s High Growth Companies Achieve Predictable Revenue using Outbound

Prospecting 2.0

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Owners, Entrepreneurs, Investors & Sales Leaders all asking the same question:

How will we deliver enough revenue-generating conversations, in a predictable way and on our terms, to grow this business?

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Is this your company?

You need to double or even triple new business sales, quickly?

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Is this your company?

Inbound and referrals have been good to you, but you need a more predictable way to grow sales?

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Is this your company?

You have the necessary funding or you need to get more funding, but either way, you need a better sales plan for investors?

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Is this your company?

You have capable sales people, but they need to get into a more consistent business development rhythm?

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Is this your company?

You have a new or innovative product and you need to actively reach out to prospects; you are not at the stage, where they’ll call you.

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B2B Selling needs Outbound Tools & Skills

Inbound selling works for B2B, but’s for many companies it’s an expensive luxury that won’t grow sales predictably or on time.

Many B2B products & services require decent conversations between seller & buyer, so you have to engage in outbound prospecting & selling.

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The New Outbound Selling Revolution (2.0)

Once upon a time, “outbound” meant just making cold calls, until you dropped.

The new Outbound 2.0 System uses tools and processes to empower sales teams to produce predictable revenue, without the personal burnout or the need to hire lone wolf sales heroes.

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There are 3 Parts to an Outbound Selling & Prospecting System 2.0

Light Oversight

Content & Skills

Prospecting Tools

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Oversight: Set A Big Important Outbound Sales Goal

Make the goal specific and time-bound e.g.

Land 6 new customers at not under X Value each in 6 months

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Oversight: Settle on a Visual Language that Creates a Predictable Sales Pipeline

Visual sales language tells you WHERE a lead or prospect SITS in both the selling & buying cycles.

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Oversight: Nominate 1-2 Metrics for Checking Daily / Weekly Activity Progress

There is a daily and weekly set of activities that drive prospecting and business development. Don’t try to measure everything. Set metrics or benchmark numbers for 1-2 activity outcomes e.g.

We need to do 20 outbound emails per day to Sales Qualified Leads. We need to schedule 5 x 40 minute qualification meetings per week.

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Oversight: Regular Review creates a Pace, a Cadence and a Rhythm

Effective sales management is more about checking in, than checking up.

Set a short Weekly team Review (max 30 mins).Use 1:1 reviews to tackle specific prospecting and selling challenges.

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Tools: Visualise the Pipeline for Leads & Opportunities

More Visual Tools are now available

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Tools: Invest in Data Sources to develop an Ideal Target Prospect List Investing in concentrated sources of data for your target markets always pays off. There are many sources, and an example is (the new and much improved) LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

Observation: Many companies underinvest in data sourcing, updating and preparation. They leave the identification of Target Prospects to unstructured Google searches. You’ll move faster with a structured approach to data gathering.

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Tools: Email is still an important prospecting tool. Use it more scientifically

Top Outbound teams invest in Email apps that help increase contact rates and the number of scheduled conversations being secured.

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Tools: Two great (free) Content tools are readily available to you …

One of the most useful, and readily available tools is Slideshare, which is now integrated with LinkedIn. You can distribute key content to your network in one click.

You can also easily record webinars (using the same slides), and distribute through your (free) Youtube channel.

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Content & Skills: There are 4 considerations here

Messaging for Email - Telephone Prospecting -

Sales Dialogues

Skills Training (Email, Telephone,


Supporting Content for Lead Generation

Your People: do you need to have specialist Prospectors as well as “Salespeople”?

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Summary – You can create a Turnkey Outbound 2.0 System for Creating Predictable Revenue in Days …

Light Oversight

Content & Skills

Prospecting Tools

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Implementation of an Outbound Prospecting & Business Development Campaign

Define Ideal Targets

Add Target Accounts

Build Out Contact Data

Launch Outbound Content incl Email

Work Responses by Telephone

Book Qualification Calls

Work Qualified Opportunities

Close Target Deals

Prepare Target

Prospect List

Work Outbound Campaign

Manage the Pipeline & Forecast

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