how to prepare for tcs

HOW TO PREPARE FOR TCS Preparation Tips for Campus Placements Generally, the preparation for campus placement should start from the second year itself. Most of the colleges have C, C++, Data Structures subjects in the second year. So prepare for these topics first and these are the basic topics generally asked in the interview. From the third year onwards, you should take it seriously. Aptitude and reasoning preparation takes a lot of time. If you are in fourth-year and you have not started yet, don’t worry, and follow our strategic plans to become successful in campus placement. We have divided the section-wise strategic plan of study. I) Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Tests: II) Technical Subjects Preparation: III) Group Discussion IV) HR Interview Preparation I) Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Tests: You should know the aptitude test and skill assessment exercise covers Quantitative Ability, logical reasoning, English grammatical test, so you should know first that what you are being tested for:- 1. Gather opinions of companies from different interviews: Different companies expect different domain knowledge, like some companies require strong aptitude, some companies require strong communication, and some companies require strong technical so gather enough information before preparation. 2. Practice a lot with time management:- Clearing of aptitude test is not a one day or two-day job. You require constant practice of the aptitude test. You should require one month or one and a half month preparation of

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Preparation Tips for Campus Placements
Generally, the preparation for campus placement should start from the second year itself.
Most of the colleges have C, C++, Data Structures subjects in the second year. So prepare for
these topics first and these are the basic topics generally asked in the interview. From the third
year onwards, you should take it seriously. Aptitude and reasoning preparation takes a lot of
time. If you are in fourth-year and you have not started yet, don’t worry, and follow our
strategic plans to become successful in campus placement.
We have divided the section-wise strategic plan of study.
I) Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Tests:
II) Technical Subjects Preparation:
I) Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Tests:
You should know the aptitude test and skill assessment exercise covers Quantitative
Ability, logical reasoning, English grammatical test, so you should know first that what you
are being tested for:-
Different companies expect different domain knowledge, like some companies require
strong aptitude, some companies require strong communication, and some companies require
strong technical so gather enough information before preparation.
2. Practice a lot with time management:-
Clearing of aptitude test is not a one day or two-day job. You require constant practice of
the aptitude test. You should require one month or one and a half month preparation of
3. Work on core topics which are equally important:
The important quantitative aptitude topics like a problem on trains, time and work, ages,
data-interpretation, numerical abilities should give equal importance. Some companies
concentrate more on verbal and non-verbal reasoning. So accordingly you can give equal
importance to each topic.
4. Take Feedback seriously:-
Appear for tests regularly. If in any subject we are lagging behind, brush up on these
topics. So do more practice and take the feedback in a positive way.
II) Technical Subjects Preparation:
The technical round is a specific assessment to showcase how good you’re in the
programming skill sets and what you would exactly bring to the job at hand. It can be an
interview with the project manager or team leader, it can be an assessment of your core subject.
The best way to prepare for a technical round or technical interview is a sum total of all
the preparation you would do for campus placements.
Here are the key points for preparation:
1. Background research from previous interview experience of candidates:
Start with the areas of domains that the company is working on and the common challenges it
can face in terms of products or services and their execution process. Search on Quora,
Glassdoor, and other sources for interview experiences with the company or its closest
competitors. Always have a look at the company website, their current projects, and challenges
in their products etc.
2. Practice coding challenges or programming tests:
Sometimes the interviewer may ask to code or work on a solution to a technical problem. So
prepare on C, C++, Data Structures, Python, and Java. There are coding challenge question
available, you can daily practice on it. You prepare for the logical questions so work on the
multiple practices. Do practice on below concepts of coding:
Q&A viva Sessions
III) Group Discussion:
Below are shared the Group Discussion Tips to enhance your Group Discussion skills:
1. You should have rich content with good subject knowledge
You should have good subject knowledge and rich content. This is the first and foremost
tip to enter into GD round.
Following are the steps to improve Group discussion skills:
You must prepare on a variety of topics as much as you can
You should have good subject knowledge and be well aware of the latest happenings
around you, not only in India but also around the world as well.
Subject knowledge is a pre-requisite requirement while you are preparing for a GD
because you will then have the power to steer the conversation in whichever direction
you want to. You should prepare some relevant data, it will be an added advantage.
If you read a variety of topics, it will help you in the group discussion round. There
should not be last-minute preparation. Reading not only adds a knowledge database
but enhances vocabulary skills as well.
Always prefer magazines for reading the content because they have rich information
with facts and figures.
2. You should be a leader in GD
You should speak after getting a grasp to become a winner in the GD. it also gives you an
opportunity to take a leading position. So you should be a leader to begin in the GD.
Key tips are:
When the moderator announces the topic, there is silence for a second.
If possible, gather thoughts related to topics in a few seconds and then start GD. This
will create a positive impact and you will be a leader
If it takes time to gather thoughts, lets other students should begin. But, you can enter
into GD by agreeing or disagreeing with the previous speaker's point.
When you begin the GD, it gives an opportunity to make an impact as a leader but if you
don't make your points well, it will create a negative effect.
Therefore it is not mandatory or necessary to speak out first. But it is necessary that
when you speak you should make your points well.
When you start to speak, you can speak out the name of the earlier speaker, it makes
your presence in GD and it creates a good impact.
3. You should be relevant or specific about the topic only
You should speak without any ambiguity of thoughts.
You should express your own ideas.
If you simply follow others, there are chances of elimination. So your thought should be
genuine or original.
You can emphasize your points with some facts and figures. It will show your
knowledge about the topics. So always try to include facts and figures.
4. You should be a good Listener first
To become a winner in GD, first, become a good listener.
Listening skills are an essential part of the GD round. So first listen carefully to others.
Only speaking through the discussion will not make you better.
You should give a chance to others to speak. try to listen to others.
You can acknowledge other speakers by nodding your head and make eye contact with
him. You can show that you are listening to other speakers and you are paying full
attention. It shows you are vigilant and an active participant in the discussion.
If you are not listening well, you will not add a value to your content and communication
Listening gives you an opportunity to summarize the GD on each and every aspect.
5. You must improve your Communication Skills
If you have rich content and if you are not able to communicate well, it’s useless. So you
need to improve your communication skills first. Following are the tips about the improvement
of communication skills
You should be well versed in communication skills.
You should have a good vocabulary and a decent command of the English language
You should rehearse well before the actual GD starts.
You can sit in your friends, choose any topic and indulge in a friendly GD
This will increase your knowledge and you will be a better speaker at the time of GD.
6. Body gestures: Very important tool for GD
your body gesture will be observed by the panelist so the way you sit in the course of
discussion is very important.
Sit straight, avoid leaning back on the chairing.
Avoid knocking the table with a pen or fingers.
Don’t get distracted.
Avoid nervous body movements like folding your hands across chest
Avoid constantly moving, evading eye movements. These are indicators of negative
personality and it should be avoided at any cost
7. You should not show an aggressive Move
You should firm on your ideas and are audible enough to make an impact on the group
members. But your aggressiveness, shouting at others, and not allowing others to speak is
not appreciated. So be careful about it.
8. You should not crisscross on your Ideas
In the GD, you are expected to speak for or against the topic. While speaking doesn’t
forget that you may cross your own lines. It gives a bad impression and you may judge a
person who has no stand for his own thought.
9. You should not be a part of the fish market
During the GD there are many instances where you may find everyone is speaking
about something and no one is going to hear. Being a team player, your ability to lead and
play in a team is the key measurement in the GD.
It is good to be a keep quiet for a time and then after collecting your thoughts, you can
raise your voice and make your own points.
10. You should not give up: Make multiple entries
You should not be content with one round of one minute or half a minute speaking in a
group. You can keep focus on the important points. You keep your own thoughts, form the
ideas and opinion based on the views presented by other speakers to further strengthen
your viewpoint.
1. Background research about the company:-
Before going to HR round prepare about the company, its products, close competitors,
their domain of working areas. Apply your knowledge gained in these areas in the HR round.
This will show your enthusiasm for the company and the current opportunity.
2. Prepare for common HR interview questions:-
There are some common questions asked in HR round like tell me about yourself, your
family background, etc. so prepare these common interview questions first.
3. Keep your things in the order:
A day before the interview, do preparation by putting together your all documents, your
interview attire, going through your notes. , initiate with your positive attitude and cheer, and
step out with your best foot forward. And you’re ready for it all!
What all needs to be done? (From high to low priority):
Programming / Competitive programming.
1. Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by R. S. Aggarwal
2. A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal
3. How To Prepare For Quantitative Aptitude For The CAT by Arun Sharma
4. Quicker Maths by M Tyra
5. Word Power Made Easy By Norman Lewis
6. High School English Grammar and Composition Self-Practice Book by Wren &
It is very important to know for the aspirants who are about to face the recruitment process. One
should prepare himself and knowing the strategy is worth noting, one can prepare for an
interview strategically by undergoing the following preparation methodology:
Preparing yourself a day before the interview (Sharpening the saw):
1. Thorough research of the desired company: Most of the organizations want their
aspirants to know about them, their vision, working culture, motto, etc. so, it is important
for any aspirant to know about the desired company. In simple language do a case study
on the organization you are aspiring for. It will take a few minutes' tours but help you at
the time of the interview.
2. Know the process: Interview NOT Interrogation: The word interview itself denotes
what any aspirant has to do while appearing for an interview most of the aspirants think
of an interview as a process of question and answers this leads to chaos because it is a
merely interrogative session where one person asks a question and other answers here the
interviewee has to put his/ her view about every question and not typical answer. So, one
has to keep in his/ her mind to prepare views and not answers.
Tips to follow before the interview:
1. Do a detailed analysis of your personality, know your personality traits, this will help
you to project your image.
2. Do arrange your portfolio and all testimonials neatly and as per proper hierarchy
3. Do thorough research of the company, be ready with a real-life example of the
Tips to follow during the interview:
1. Be punctual and time conscious attend the interview in stipulated time. Reach the
destination at least 10-20 minutes early of reporting time.
2. Follow grooming etiquettes, be in formal attire.
3. Enter confidently it will create your impression. If are instructed to knock on the door
then knock only twice and ask for permission correctly.
4. Greet your interviewer with polite greetings like Good morning, Good afternoon, etc.
5. Give a handshake appropriately.
6. Ask for a seat and remember to take a seat only when offered.
7. Say ‘Thank you’ after sitting.
8. Be confident, project your positive by showing humility.
9. Effective use of non-verbal communication is one of the keys to success in interviews,
use voice modulation, gestures, facial expressions, etc.
10. Do enter the interview chamber by taking consent from the interviewer.
11. The walk-in brisk manner shows your positive attitude.
12. Use four Cs of effective communication i.e. Conciseness, Clarity, Courtesy, and
13. Be firm about your answers do not give ambiguous and vague answers.
14. Show your kinesthetic approach i.e. demonstrate your answers, give a suitable real-life
15. Don’t make awkward movements like rubbing nose, tilting neck, tilting chair, etc.
16. Do have receptive, accept your faults.
17. Be an emphatic listener, respond to your interviewer by maintaining a positive gaze, do
listen to the question patiently don’t react hastily.
Tips to follow after the interview:
1. Show gratitude towards the interviewers and ask permission for the leaving or
consent for the next procedure.
2. Thank the interviewer for giving me thanking a letter or email.
There are some common resume styles, your resume should have your unique education
and your relevant skills. You may have multiple resume versions tailored to the jobs you are
applying for. Here are some key tips which will help you to organize and design your resume.
1] Look for important keywords in the job postings:
Before writing a resume, carefully read the job posting. As you are applying for
different jobs, you must study each job description. The keywords you are using in the resume
will reflect that you are an ideal candidate for the job posting. So include those keywords or
highlight those keywords first. The relevant keywords show that you are the ideal candidate.
For example, if you are applying for a Software Engineer post, your keywords are the
skills in different programming languages. So if you have any certifications, highlight these
certifications. If you have worked on any project, highlight these projects so that the attention of
the interviewer should go and your resume will create an impression.
2] Review resume examples for your industry
When writing your resume, you first study examples of resumes from your industry for
the best practices.
Make it simple and easily readable.
The interviewer has minimum time so your resume should be simple and
straightforward. So readability is the key point of your resume. Select professional and clean
font like "Times New Roman", "Arial", etc. Do not use the stylish font. Also, highlight or make
bold for the keywords
Make it brief.
Each section of the resume should be short and to the point like your achievements,
your extra-curricular activities, the summary of your experience, etc. The most relevant
information should be gained quickly from your resume by the interviewer. The interviewer can
easily understand your role quickly from your information given in the resume. Each section
should have short and sweet information
Use bullet style for the experience highlighting.
You can use numbers to highlight your percentages, number of experiences, etc. This
will get the attention of the interviewer and it creates an impression on him. When you are
searching for an ideal resume, it should not be just a copy and paste template, but it should be
added your qualities to create an impression on the interviewer.
3] Include only the relevant information and put the important information
You can include the most extensive work or educational experience first. It's important
to keep your resume as brief as possible without leaving key information. The interviewer
doesn't spend a lot of time reading your resume. As per research, the interviewer may spend
approximately 6 to 8 seconds on the resume. If the resume has any old or irrelevant information
or not according to the job description, the interviewer may distract from key information. So
don't include irrelevant information in the resume.
Try to include work experience, skill set most relevant to the job you have applied for.
You can read carefully the job description so that you will find the most relevant attributes
added to the resume. Give the priority to the information you are adding to the resume so that
attention should be drawn to the interviewer.
4] Use active language
Don't use extraneous in your resume. The use of active language or words is preferred.
eg. The words just like "achieved", or "completed" should be used. Your resume should not be
too long or seems too hard to read, use only simpler sentences to build your resume. The use of
ideal, shorter, or concise words is preferred in the resume.
5] Pay attention to important achievements
You can select your topmost achievements in each role you have held. You measure
your success for that particular achievement. You can consider separate achievements or skills
section to highlight your relevant achievements in your education, career, volunteer, etc
6] Add subheadings and sections only if you need it
If you are a readymade resume template, you can find some recommended sections which
you do not need it. So remove those unwanted sections from your resume. E.g. you can either
include resume summary or objective but don't include both. I have just graduated, and you don't
have any professional position, don't include an empty work section there. So instead of the
experience section, you can add relevant coursework, or academic achievement, or other
experiences like an internship, projects, etc.
7] Choose appropriate margins
The standard size maintained in the resume is a one-inch margin on all sides with a single
space between the lines. If you have too many white spaces, you can consider making the lines
spaces of 1.15 or 1.5. You can increase the margins if you have less information in the resume.
Your resume should be filled out properly.
8] Proofread and edit the resume
Your resume should be proofread before sending it. Don’t make any grammatical
errors or spelling mistakes in the resume. So several proofreading should be done before
sending your resume to the interviewer. You should make a clear objective with no grammatical
9] Decide whether you need a unique resume for different jobs
Your resume should be different for different types of job applications. Different jobs
need different requirements of the candidates. So you can highlight the key points and skill
set according to the job description to create an impression. Your resume should highlight
the most important information and carefully review errors. Once your resume is polished, it
should get more calls and offers for the job.